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  • 8/4/2019 Model Business Plan 4


    Feasibility PlanFeasibility Plan Prepared By

    Linda Smith, President

    1234 Main Street

    Anytown, ST 55555

    (999) 999-9999

    Date PreparedNovember 10, 200A

    Target Geographics

  • 8/4/2019 Model Business Plan 4


    Executive Summary 4

    Venture Description 4Product/Service 4

    The Market 4

    Start-Up Costs 5

    Price and Profitability 5

    Product/Service 6

    Purpose of the product/service 6

    Stage of development 7

    Product limitations 7Proprietary rights 7

    Governmental approvals 7

    Product liability 7

    Related services and spin-offs 7

    Production 8

    Marketing Plan 9

    Industry profile: Current market size 9

    Growth potential 9

    Industry trends 10

    Competition profile 10

    Customer profile 11

    Customer benefits 11

    Target markets 12

    Market penetration 12

    Target Geographics Feasibility Plan

    Table of Contents


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    Price and Profitability 13

    Price list 13Sales estimate 14

    Cost of product/service 15

    Gross margin 16

    Three-year operating expenses 17

    Three-year operating statement 21

    Start-up costs 22

    Start-up expenses 23

    Capital expenditures 25

    Plan for Further Action 26

    Strengths 26

    Positives 26

    Needed capital 26

    Entrepreneurs role 26

    Business plan 26

    License potential 27

    Corporate partners 27

    Proprietary rights 27Infrastructure members 27


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    Target Geographics Feasibility Plan

    Executive Summary

    Venture Description

    Target Geographics (TargetG) is a service business that provides mapping solutions tocompanies and organizations that lack in-house resources. These solutions include maps that

    enhance sales presentations, research reports and business proposals by displaying information

    in an attractive, easy-to-interpret format. Target Geographics will give companies the ability to

    apply mapping technology to business problems such as geographic segmentation, site

    selections and trade area analysis. We will also offer customized software and will assist in

    training and on-site technology evaluations. We are currently a start-up business.


    Using desktop mapping and graphic design software, TargetG will create maps anddemographic reports for companies involved with trucking, advertising and marketing,

    nonprofit groups, and health care. More companies are recognizing the need for mapping

    software, but do not have the time to train staff to use software properly.

    The Market

    The market for geographics is growing. As recently as last year, GeoMarketers International

    reported that 49.3% of businesses were performing geographic segmentation, 42.4%

    were performing site selections and 33.5% were running trade area analysis. The CAD/

    CAM/CAE (computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing and computer-aided

    engineering) sector of the computer software market is comprised of four major segments

    including Geographic Information Systems (GIS)/Mapping. Overall this segment is expected to

    experience the fastest growth with levels of 14% annually over the next 3 years.

    Key markets include the trucking industry, advertising and marketing agencies, health care

    companies, and nonprofit organizations. We will penetrate these markets using direct mail

    with timely follow-up to the marketing directors of these organizations. We will pursue one

    industry at a time, but will add others as we grow.

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    Start-Up Costs

    Target Geographics will use approximately $45,000 of start-up capital, broken down asfollows: $28,000 to cover four months operating expenses and $17,000 for start-up expenses.

    Price and Profitability

    High gross margins make Target Geographics an attractive business. In year one, projected net

    income of $67,317 is expected. With the addition of rent, salary increases and added

    marketing efforts in the second and third years, net income is projected to be $42,389 and

    $14,542 respectively. These additional costs will help position TargetG for future aggressive



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    Purpose of the product/service

    Target Geographics believes that a little map goes a long way to help businesses make strategicdecisions.

    Eighty percent of data has some geographic component, according to industry research;

    therefore, it can be displayed on a map. Since "a picture is worth a thousand words," a map

    helps data come to life. From simple location maps to detailed proximity studies, maps hold

    the power to enhance communications and improve overall productivity.

    Maps offer visual solutions to a number of challenges that businesses face today. Some of these

    challenges include

    choosing better retail locations through well-thought-out site selection,

    optimizing sales productivity by targeting profitable territories and regions within

    trade areas,

    looking at different route areas, and

    assessing different options for demographic profiling.

    Using desktop mapping and graphic design software, TargetG will create maps and

    demographic reports for companies involved with trucking, advertising and marketing,

    nonprofit groups, and health care. More companies are recognizing the need for mappingsoftware, but do not have the time to train staff to use software properly.

    Customers may include maps in the following variety of publications:


    Business Plans


    Annual Reports

    Sales/Media Kits



    Web pages


    Target Geographics Feasibility Plan


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    Stage of development

    Target Geographics, a consulting firm, is in the model stage of development. Linda Smith,president, is in daily contact with other mapping professionals in other markets via e-mail and

    telephone and will begin to makes site visits when possible to learn about new technology,

    business opportunities, and changes in the market.

    TargetG is currently working with the XYZ Freight Carriers. XYZ is a leader in the trucking

    industry and this association will assist TargetG in landing future clients.

    Product limitations

    Keeping up with the volume of geographic and demographic information is tedious. Renewing

    data can be costly, so it is important for Target Geographics to seek out suppliers that offer a

    variety of pricing structures and quality data.

    Proprietary rights

    Target Geographics has not obtained any patents, trademarks, or copyrights.

    Governmental approvals

    Target Geographics has registered the company name with the Secretary of State.

    Product liability

    TargetG makes every attempt at accuracy, and it requires clients to sign-off on work; however,

    there is always the chance that a mapping error might occur. Therefore, Target Geographics

    will be covered by professional liability errors and omissions insurance in a business policy.

    Related services and spin-offs

    Target Geographics will begin developing relationships with suppliers such as InfoMap to be a

    software trainer of new geographical analysis packages when they are released. Linda Smith

    will work with customers as a consultant to teach them to use the software they purchase.

    Time spent in training allows TargetG to develop other business and serve current clients while

    providing TargetG a lucrative contracting opportunity.

    Another service considered beneficial to Target Geographics and its clients would be mapping

    solutions for a customer to use in-house. TargetG will form an alliance with mapping

    programmers who will sub-contract with TargetG to provide tailored applications for clients.


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    These applications might be a macro to produce reports automatically for a real estate firm or

    an algorithm to figure the closest delivery terminal for a trucking company.

    Location Based Services is a technology by which consumers can retrieve and view information

    about companies in their vicinity over cell phones or palm pilots. This service enables

    companies to focus on consumers geographically. TargetG is investigating this technology.


    All projects will be performed internally, except overflow. When necessary, the type of work

    will determine the subcontractor. TargetG will use subcontractors with a degree in geography,

    who have extensive software map experience, and who can work independently. Hourly rates

    may vary but will average approximately $35. Initially no other work will be contracted out.


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    Industry profile

    Current market size

    Target Geographics is classified as a software programming business, SIC code 7371.

    According to U.S. Industry and Trade Outlook the market size is well over $23.7 billion.

    Specifically the CAD/CAM/CAE market, which includes Geographic Information Systems

    (GIS)/Mapping, is approximately $2.8 billion.

    According to Business Geographics:

    19.9 percent of respondents to last years survey conducted by GIS World said their

    organizations spent more than $100,000 on business geographics.

    Business geographics previously predictable application use is also changing.

    GeoMarketers Internationalreported that 49.3 percent of businesses were

    performing geographic segmentation, 42.4 percent were performing site selection,

    and 33.5 percent were running trade area analysis. Today, perhaps spurred in part

    from the awareness of digital mapping from the earlier generations of geographic

    information systems (GIS), there seems to be a burgeoning interest in routing,

    nearest-to and direct mail applications areas that would have been previously

    perceived as secondary concerns. (July 200A)

    Growth potential

    According to U.S. Industry and Trade Outlook, the GIS/Mapping Segment of the CAD

    software market continues to expand. The GIS industry has moved well beyond its initial

    niche based on land management and environmental tools. Many functions now supported by

    this type of system were formerly done manually. Increased corporate use of GIS technology to

    improve customer service and cut costs is expected to propel overall market growth in the next

    5 years.

    The GIS/Mapping application sales estimates and forecasted amounts, according to U.S.

    Industry and Trade Outlook are as follows:

    In millions

    200A 587

    200B 672

    200C 769

    200D 881

    200E 1,008


    Target Geographics Feasibility Plan

    Marketing Plan

  • 8/4/2019 Model Business Plan 4


    Industry trends

    Trends, as highlighted by 10 industry leaders (Business Geographics, July 200A), include:

    Increases in Internet applications get the data to the client faster for more timely

    maps (quicker time to market).

    Integration of vehicle tracking and GIS field data collection/update functions

    ("combined" systems) makes it easier to build and maintain GIS databases that can

    support robust GPS-based vehicle tracking applications.

    Access to more sophisticated spatial models and a customized GIS toolbox for the

    business geographer provides faster service to anxious customers.

    This business is all about technology, and it is important to stay on top of the latest software

    releases and hardware developments.

    Competition profile

    Direct competitors, such as, are available over the Internet and are fairly

    easy to find. Unless a company is extremely sophisticated and can handle total online

    communication, however, it may rather utilize someone regionally.

    Direct competition for consulting and software development includes companies trained in

    computers, but not experts in the geographic field, such as Infosearch, Inc.

    Indirect competition will come from other sources that display information in a different

    format at a reduced price, such as DandyMaps. These companies will not be geographic

    experts and will not be able to perform as sophisticated and extensive data analysis as

    TargetG. Other indirect competition includes "do it yourself" software that companies try to

    learn on their own.

    Target Geographics competitive advantage is based on its credentials, service, and business

    knowledge. Highlights of its competitive edge follow:

    TargetG will provide professional maps for clients needs and provide them with

    new information on other uses of maps for specific business objectives. It is the only

    company in the area owned by a professional cartographer.

    TargetG delivers client's maps in a more timely fashion than out-of-town



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    TargetG remains well networked in the geographic and demographic community to

    guarantee the most appropriate solution for the client.

    TargetG will be available to work on site with new users of software to help them

    be more efficient with new programs.

    TargetG is expert in customizing software. It will use a network of other experts in

    business geographicsthose with degrees or with extensive experience in the field.

    TargetG will be able to show patterns and trends in data that businesses provide

    that may otherwise be difficult for them to see.

    TargetG will perform sophisticated and extensive data analysis.

    TargetGs location in Anytown where major firms in its specific niche market are located will

    be extremely beneficial. Trucking, health care, nonprofits, ad agencies all have corporate

    headquarters here.

    New enterprises are currently treated well in the geographics industry. Nationally, geographers

    are close-knit. The more businesses beginning in this area, the more potential customers will

    be educated to the benefits of applying mapping technology to business problems. This

    education will increase sales for all of us.

    Customer profile

    The intended customers for TargetGs products are the marketing and graphics departments

    within the niche market. In addition, operations department managers are key contacts,

    especially in the trucking industry. Advertising and marketing account managers are important

    because they sell their proposals to clients and do not have any expertise in GIS mapping.

    Vice-presidents of large retailers are also key contacts because they are very interested in

    demographic information when choosing new sites.

    Customer benefits

    Maps from Target Geographics help businesses in the following areas:

    Choose better locations through site selection and competitor analysis.

    Improve retail profits by illustrating market research.

    Optimize territories and regions with trade area analysis.


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    Build better sales forces by targeting prospects and defining territories.

    Focus advertising more effectively through distribution studies.

    The additional customer benefits from on-site training will provide companies with in-house

    expertise in using software purchased for mapping solutions. Many times companies will simply

    use an administrative assistant or an information technologist employee and expect them to

    teach themselves the software, which is next to impossible in this highly specialized field.

    Site evaluations benefits to customers are many. The most evident one will be higher sales,

    because of well-thought-out demographic, geographic, and psychographic mapped evaluations.

    Customized software for companies with specific ongoing needs will allow users to save timeand be more efficient in their day-to-day operation and usage of GIS software. This service

    will assist clients with projects they do internally over and over. They will have software that

    will be easy to maintain and use.

    Target markets

    The niche markets for Target Geographics include the trucking industry, advertising and market-

    ing agencies, health care companies and nonprofit entities. We plan to focus on organizations

    like Yellow Freight, BRB Advertising, Hospital Health Care, and Big Brothers and Sisters.

    Market penetration

    1. TargetG will hand deliver to marketing directors, throughout a specified time

    period, a professional direct mail piece, with creative external packaging. The inside

    will display TargetG-generated information and the same information by traditional

    methods (charts, etc.). This comparison will make very evident what format is the

    most inviting. We will also include a promotional item related to the mapping

    industry that clients may use on their desks.

    2. When it is ready, we will send a postcard to announce TargetGs website to about

    60 contacts who have responded to the above marketing kit and existing clients.

    3. Follow up is important, so we will call everyone to whom we sent the above

    marketing kit and ask him or her for an appointment to show some of our work.

    4. TargetG plans to join professional organizations and associations where the target

    market population will be members. We will make fun, innovative presentations on

    the power of mapping.


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    Target Geographics Feasibility Plan

    Price and Profitability

    Price list

    Products/services Price

    High Quality GIS Mapping 100/hr

    Training 75/hr

    Site Evaluation 75/hr

    Customizing Software 125/hr

    Price assumptions:

    Target Geographics has decided to charge hourly for its services. In time, it may change the

    pricing structure to per project. TargetG has also set hourly rates to reflect the demand on

    more deadline-driven projects as in the GIS Mapping. The most expensive per hour fee will be

    for customized software because of the level of expertise required. We have looked at industry

    pricing and feel that we offer our clients a high-perceived value for our services.

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    Sales estimate

    Product/service Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    High-quality GIS Mapping (1) 66,000 72,600 72,600

    One-on-one training (2) 33,000 36,300 36,300

    Site evaluation (3) 6,600 7,260 7,260

    Customized software (4) 55,000 67,760 67,760

    Total sales 166,000 183,920 183,920

    Sales assumptions:

    (1) High-quality GIS Mapping: 15 hours/week, 60 hours/month for 11 months at $100/hour.

    (2) One-on-one training utilizing clients facilities and data: $75/hour, 10 hours/week, 40

    hours/month for 11 months.

    (3) Site evaluations: $75/hour, 2 hours/week, 8 hours/months for 11 months.

    (4) Customized Software: $125/hour, 10 hours/week, 40 hours/month for 11 months.

    The second year reflects a 10% increase in sales. The third year we have not projected anincrease primarily to maintain the pace of the first two years and to work out any operational

    issues. We will be very pleased if we can maintain our high sales numbers for the second and

    third years. We will then start planning more aggressive growth.

    We have calculated to bill 37 hours/week, utilizing a 50-hour work week, and an 11-month

    work year. The remaining hours will be used for administration and marketing.


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    Cost of product/service

    Product/service Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    Product/service item 1

    Product/service item 2

    Product/service item 3

    Product/service item 4

    Product/service item 5

    Total cost of goods sold

    Cost of goods sold assumptions:

    Target Geographics is a service provider and does not have a cost of goods sold.


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    Gross margin

    Product/service Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    High-quality GIS Mapping (1) 66,000 72,600 72,600

    One-on-one training (2) 33,000 36,300 36,300

    Site evaluation (3) 6,600 7,260 7,260

    Customized software (4) 55,000 67,760 67,760

    Total sales 166,000 183,920 183,920

    Gross margin assumptions:

    We have calculated a 100% gross margin because TargetG is a service business with no cost

    of goods.


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    Three-year operating expenses

    Marketing expenses Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    Salaries & wages marketing

    Benefits & taxes marketing

    Commissions, reps & contractors

    Advertising broadcast

    Advertising brochures/posters (1) 4,000 3,500 5,000

    Advertising direct mail (2) 1,600 5,500

    Advertising other (3) 5,000 5,000 6,000

    Marketing print (4) 1,640

    Marketing samples/trade shows (5) 1,500

    Other marketing expenses (6) 12,000 6,000

    Total marketing expenses 13,740 20,500 22,500

    Marketing expense assumptions:

    (1) We plan to produce a four-color brochure with samples of our work. The budget for this

    at startup includes enough for future seminars and sales calls. We have priced printing,

    paper, design and art direction. The piece will be designed so that we can produce various

    inserts to communicate to different markets. We will produce 500 of the main piece at

    approximately $5/each. The remaining $1,500 will be used for the four inserts.

    (2) We plan to buy lists from various organizations and mail out a less expensive direct mail

    piece as a teaser to encourage people to call and find out what TargetG is all about. Wehave priced a unique postcard mailer made of rigid translucent plastic to introduce our

    website. These cards are $2.20/each plus 35 cents for postage. A mailing of 600 will use

    half of the budgeted amount.

    (3) This budget is for promotional products. We will spend $1,250/per quarter on items to

    give to prospective and existing clients. We would also like to purchase a less expensive

    item to distribute at seminars. Keeping our name in front of clients will help build brand


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    identity. We will also buy corporate apparel to wear while working on site with clients.

    Holiday thank you gifts also come from this budget item.(4) We would like to purchase ads in local trade associations newsletters, including the

    chambers of commerce. A quarter-page ad usually costs between $250-400.

    (5) Samples will include larger, more extensive maps for trade shows and seminars. They will

    be laminated and appropriate for large groups. The cost is approximately $190/each.

    (6) TargetG will incur this expense in years two and three. We will commission an outside

    marketing person to plan and execute an extensive marketing plan, estimated at 50/hour

    for 20 hours/month. Once we have a plan in place, we will cut the hours to 10/month in

    year three.


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    Administrative expenses Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    Salaries & wages (1) 40,000 48,000 60,000

    Benefits & taxes (2) 17,600 20,400 24,600

    Meals & entertainment (3) 900 1,000 1,200

    Dues & subscriptions (4) 250 450 600

    Professional fees (5) 500 600 850

    Accounting/bookkeeping (6) 800 800 800

    Travel/automotive (7) 775 960 1120

    Other administrative expenses (8) 11,550 24,700 33,000

    Total administrative expenses 72,375 96,910 122,170

    (1) Salaries and wages are based on one full-time salary.

    (2) Benefits and taxes include a health insurance premium of $300/month and 35% for taxes.

    (3) This figure is low at $75/month and will include lunches with prospective clients, food

    brought to presentations, and any small gifts or tickets bought for clients.

    (4) We plan to subscribe to Business Geographics, Geo Worldand Mapping Awareness.

    We will also join the Society of National Cartographers.

    (5) Legal services are included in this item

    (6) We have decided to outsource all accounting functions and have received a bid of


    (7) This figure is based on .32/per mile with approximately 2,400 miles the first year, 3,000

    miles the second year, and 3,500 miles the third year. Included in this amount are all

    deliveries of materials in addition to the everyday mileage to conduct business.

    (8) This expense is for outside contract labor. The first year is budgeted at 30 hours/month at

    $35/hour. The second year will have 45 hours/month at $50/hour, and the third year will be60 hours/month at $50/hour. We have also decided that we will only pay for 48 weeks of

    contracted help. The increase in hourly wage will reward those contractors that become

    part of our outsource team, and we hope they will give us preferential treatment when

    deadline-driven work arises. Hours increase substantially the third year, even though sales

    dont increase, because the owner plans more administrative work and less hands-on work.

    Second- and third-year administrative expenses will rise, because the owner will take a higher

    salary and will hire more contract labor.


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    General expenses Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    Bank charges (1) 150 165 180

    Credit card fees (2) 664 736 736


    Insurance (3) 4,000 4,000 4,000

    Office supplies (4) 1,000 1,000 1,000

    Other supplies (5) 4000 4400 4840

    Postage (6) 250 250 250

    Telephone (7) 1200 1320 1452


    Rent (8) 12,000 12,000

    Repairs & maintenance (9) 150 150 150

    Taxes & licenses (10) 100 100 100

    Other general expenses (11) 1050

    Total general expenses 12,568 24,121 24,708

    General expense assumptions:

    (1) Minimal bank charges for business checking account

    (2) Credit card fees of 4%; approximately 10% of sales purchased by corporate credit card

    (3) Errors and omissions insurance in addition to basic liability insurance on equipment

    (4) Basic office supplies for day-to-day operations

    (5) Updating software, presentation materials, stenciling supplies, binding materials, copies

    (6) Stamps, packaging

    (7) Two phone lines, internet access, and cell phone

    (8) Rent for second and third year only, including utilities

    (9) Basic maintenance

    (10) Business licenses

    (11) Incidental unplanned expenses including anything that cant be put into a category


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    Three-year operating statement

    Product/service Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    Sales 166,000 183,920 183,920

    Cost of goods sold

    = Gross Margin 166,000 183,920 183,920

    Marketing expenses 13,740 20,500 22,500

    Administrative expenses 72,375 96,910 122,170

    General expenses 12,568 24,121 24,708

    = Gross profit* 67,317 42,389 14,542

    *Before taxes, amortization, and depreciation


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    Start-up costs

    Start-up costs Year 1

    Petty cash

    Register cash

    Opening inventory

    Rent (last month's)

    Security deposit

    Telephone deposit

    Utilities deposit

    Other deposits and start-up costs

    Total start-up costs

    Start-up costs assumptions:

    The first year TargetG will be a home-based business; so typical start-up costs will be low.

    The plan, however, is to have office space the second and third years, so we will incur deposit

    costs then.


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    Start-up expenses

    Start-up expense Year 1

    Fictitious name costs

    Corporation filing fee (1) 250

    Corporate tax prepayment

    Activation fee

    Legal & consulting fees (2) 850

    Accounting fees (3) 600

    Federal tax ID

    Sales tax permit

    Salaries & wages -training/setup

    Benefits & taxes - training/setup

    Office supplies (4) 450

    Business supplies (5) 3,300

    Printing- cards, stationery, brochures (6) 125

    Pre-opening advertising (7) 4500

    Other start-up expenses (8) 800

    Total start-up expenses 10,625

    Start-up expense assumptions:

    (1) State filing fee to register an LLC, $250

    (2) Attorney fees to set up LLC5 hours at $170 per hour

    (3) Accounting fees to set up accounts, etc.10 hours @ $60 per hour

    (4) Basic office supplies (file folders, paper, pens, etc.)


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    (5) Software purchases--Maptitude 4.2, IcoMap, 3.0 and GeoMedia 4.0

    (6) Business cards, stationery, and envelopes(7) Pre-opening advertising will be broken down as follows:

    300 promotional items at $5/per item ($1,500)

    Presentation box at $3/ea ($900). Inside, a promotional item, sample maps, a basic

    brochure outlining our services, and an invitation to an informational breakfast

    Brochures estimated at $4/ea, including printing and paper ($1,200), hand delivered to

    targeted potential customers

    Informational breakfast at $900

    (8) Four-day seminar of extensive training on the new geographic software


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    Capital expenditures

    Capital expenditures Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    Equipment (1) 4,000 1500

    Furniture (2) 1750

    Leasehold improvements




    Total capital expenditures 5750 1500

    Capital expense assumptions:

    (1) Two computers in year one; computer updates in year two

    (2) Desk, chair, file drawers, drawing table and files for disc storage


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    Perceived need for the product. TargetG will have to continually show potentialclients why mapping is a better visual presentation of data than traditional delivery


    Keeping up with work flow. TargetG may have to hire more subcontractors than

    originally intended.

    Recessions impact on business when marketing budgets get cut. TargetG will need

    to network with other departments in a company to maintain a variety of client



    Business with great news value. Mapping is an interesting way to view


    Product is workable and feasible. Software is continually coming out that

    highlights what businesses are looking for.

    High gross margin. At this point, TargetG has no cost of goods.

    Exit potential. As long as TargetG works towards getting a strong network of

    independent contractors, it should be a viable business to sell.

    Needed capital

    This venture will be self-funded.

    Entrepreneur's role

    The entrepreneur will be president, salesperson, cartographer, trainer and office manager

    during the first year of business.

    Business plan

    A business plan should be written to prepare three-year operating budgets and operating

    systems. TargetG would also like to further define its target markets; they might be too broad.


    Target Geographics Feasibility Plan

    Plan for Further Action

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    License potential

    License potential is minimal since much of the work is customized. Should TargetG developsoftware that can be used in several applications and industries, this possibility may be explored.

    Corporate partners

    The only corporate partners that would be viable would perhaps be software retailers.

    Proprietary rights

    TargetG uses commercially available software and purchases demographic data or uses what is

    publicly available. Our clients will own the maps produced. Proprietary rights will be limited

    to software that TargetG may develop in the future.

    Infrastructure members

    At this point the key advisors are, as needed, an attorney and accountant, paid on an hourly

    basis. An advisory board is being considered.

    In addition, a close network of geographers in the country, a continual source of information

    about new technologies and new markets, provide information on how and where to

    outsource different functions at no cost.

    The president of TargetG has taken FastTrac New Venture and Planning and has a network of

    classmates for entrepreneurial support. She plans to use their expertise for her business and in

    return show them the power of maps for their entrepreneurial ventures.