new business plan model

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  • 8/10/2019 New Business Plan model


    Report on New Business Plan(Mr. Fast Food )

    Submitted To

    Zahidul IslamFaculty of CBA

    Collage of usiness administrationI!BA"

    Submitted By: ABC

    SI Name ID Program

    # Md:Abu Hasan #$#%$&'& BBA

    ! Soi"ot Hasan #$#%$$%& BBA

    # Nas$id Tarin #$#%$ * BBA

    Date o% Submission: $&th No+em er $%#&

    I&BAT: International !ni+ersity of Business Agriculture and "echnology

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  • 8/10/2019 New Business Plan model


    (etter o% Transmitta)

    $&th No+em er $%#&

    Zahidul IslamFaculty of Collage of Business Administration

    International !ni+ersity of Business Agriculture and "echnology

    &,m a-ment .ri+e Road/

    !ttara /0ector #%/ #$ % .ha-a

    0u 1 0u mission the term paper on 2A new Business plan34

    .ear 0ir/

    "his is a great pleasure for me to su mit this successful Report upon Business P)an. .uringmy wor-ing period/ I went through +arious places4 I ha+e tried my le+el est to prepare thisBusiness P)an on the perspecti+e of 2 Mr. Fast %ood 34 I ha+e gathered a lot of practical-nowledge to prepare this report4 "hrough this purpose I ha+e een a le to -now the actualmar-et scenario4 I thin- this is a great achie+ement for me as a student of BBA4 I would feelreally great if this report is of any use4

    Finally/ I would li-e to than- you for +alua le guidance 5 supporti+e in preparing this report4I would e grateful for any clarification when re6uired and highly o liged if you appro+e thisreport and pro+ide your +alua le 7udgment on it4

    8ours "ruly/A u 9asan

    Id1 ' '* #+#

    International !ni+ersity of Business Agriculture and "echnology

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  • 8/10/2019 New Business Plan model



    :e are +ery glad that in spite of ha+ing many limitations we ha+e completed the usiness plan successfully4 Preparing this usiness plan/ we recei+ed cordial and sincere assistancefrom many concerns4First of all we would li-e to e;press my gratitude and deepest than-s to almighty Allah for whom we ecame a le to prepare this usiness plan successfully4

    :e also would li-e to e;press my sincere gratitude and deepest than-s to our honora lecourse instructor

  • 8/10/2019 New Business Plan model


    Student De )aration

    :e are the students of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)/ at I!BA"=International

    !ni+ersity of Business Agriculture and "echnology and declaring that/ this report on the topic

    A new usiness plan Mr. Fast Food. ha+e not een pre+iously su mitted to any other

    !ni+ersity>Collage>?rgani@ation for any academic 6ualification Certificate> .iploma or any

    other degree4 "he usiness plan contains no material pre+iously pu lished or written y

    anyone e;cept where due reference is made in the te;t of the thesis4 It has een prepared for

    the Fulfillment of ?ur BBA Program4

  • 8/10/2019 New Business Plan model


    Tab)e o% Contents

    Contents Page NumbersIntrodu tion */01e uti2e Summary *3Industry ana)ysis Future o+erloo-s 5 trends

    Analysis of competitors

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    01e uti2e Summary

    :e ha+e made a 2Business Plan3 on the perspecti+e of 2 Mr. Fast Food 34 "he main goal of our shop is to earn profit through pro+iding 6uality ser+ice at a reasona le price4 we

    ha+e tried to adopt new technologies to fulfill the customers demand4Mr. Fast Food is different than others in our country introducing +arious sorts of facilities4

    Mr. Fast Food pro+ide cafe @one/ -id @one/ smo-ing @one/ conference room/ homedeli+ery ser+ice/ accepting order through internet and state of the art facilities4

    Mr. Fast Food offers its customers the supreme all the fast food related items and hot andcold e+erages/ speciali@ing in specialty Barger/ Pi@@a/ 0andwich/ coffees/ lendedteas/ and other custom drin-s4 In addition/ it will offer soft drin-s/ fresh= a-ed

    pastries Mr. Fast Food offers chocolates/ fro@en coffees/ and more4

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    Com4any Des ri4tion

    Introdu tion

    "o prepare this Business Plan of (

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    Mission statement

  • 8/10/2019 New Business Plan model


    Industry ana)ysisIn this section I analysis the o+erall fast food industry analysis through +arious ways4

    Future o2er)oo"s and trends

    "he demand for fast food is increasing day y day4 By analy@ing past Eyears :e reali@e thatthe demand for fast food is increased y #%=#E per cent o+er a year4 9ere we mainlyfocus the students of I!BA" students and Ahasania mission4 :e find that the studentsof I!BA" are increasing +ery 6uic-ly o+er the coming semester4 0o it is good newsfor me the customer of us will e increased +ery 6uic-ly4

    Industry %ore ast

    "he demand for fast food is increasing day y day4 By analy@ing pre+ious E years we foundthe following information

    8ear Consumption ("-4) Increased Percentage of consumption than

    past year

    $%% % million #%

    $%%* &4E million #E

    $%%' *4#& million #$$%#% & 4# million #&

    $%## &'4E million #E

    0o from the following information we can say that the fast food industry is growing industry40o the in+estment in such type of usiness will e more profita le4

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    Mar"et Ana)ysis

    Mar"et segmentation

    "he fast food is popular mainly to the young oys and girl from medium and upper class49ere my main focus is on to the students of I!BA" and Ahasania Commuter: 0omeone tra+eling to > from wor-/ out shopping/deli+ering goods and ser+ices/ or 7ust out for a dri+e4

    T$e Ca4ti2e Consumer? someone who is in a restricted en+ironment that does not allowcon+enient departure and return while searching for refreshments/ or where refreshmentsstands are an integral part of the en+ironment4

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    Mar"eting P)an

    Pri ing Strategy

  • 8/10/2019 New Business Plan model


    Distribution Patterns

    "he cafe e;perience comes from the Italian origins of espresso4 "he customer comes in to a eautifully decorated facility/ surrounded y wondrous aromas and finds himself in+ol+ed ina sensory e;perience that/ more often than not/ mas-s an a+erage product at a premium price4

    72er a)) Mar"eting Strategy

  • 8/10/2019 New Business Plan model


    7rgani8ationa) Stru ture"he organi@ation will e a relati+ely flat one/ since the ma7ority of personnel are in+ol+ed in

    production and there will e a relati+ely low headcount in management4

    "here are three functioning groups within the company1 Production/ 0ales and

  • 8/10/2019 New Business Plan model


    Start?u4 Summary"he start=up e;penses total 7ust "-4 ##/ *%/%%%/ for two years land lease purpose it will cost"-4 */ &%/%%%4 In addition there are some e;penses which are shown in the following ta le4 Inthe same way/ for office e6uipment the amount will e "-= / %%/%%% and its total start upassets amounted in "-4 #*/ %/%%%4 0tarts up re6uirements are stated in the ta le1

    Start?u4 ,@e6uirements- Amount ,T".-

    Start?u4 014enses

    egal #E/%%%and ease ($ 8ears) */&%/%%%

    Administration cost $/%%/%%%

    :e site .e+elopment #/%%/%%%

    Identity> ogos>0tationary #%/%%%

    ?ther #E/%%%

    Tota) Start?u4 014enses ''

  • 8/10/2019 New Business Plan model


    74erations P)an

    Produ tion 4)an

    :e ha+e some production plan y which we can produce product at a 6uality 5 reasona le price4

    Com4any (o ations and Fa i)ities

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    C 4C Camera

    Names o% su44)iers o% ra= materia)s:

    For the purpose of production food 5 sur+i+e food item

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    Im4ortant Assum4tions

    "he financial plan depends on important assumptions/ most of which are shown in thefollowing ta le4 "he -ey underlying assumptions are1

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    Cost o% 4rodu tion statementCost 0tatement is most important of any usiness/ ecause its depends on the company

    profits margin4 0o

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    Brea"?e2en Ana)ysis

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    Pro9e ted In ome StatementCash flow will ha+e to e carefully monitored/ as in any usiness/ ut

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    Pro9e ted Ba)an e S$eet

    :ith the present financial pro7ections/

  • 8/10/2019 New Business Plan model


    Sour es and a44)i ations o% %unds

    0ource and application of fund8ears $%#$("L4)

    Parti u)ar AmountSour e o% %und:

  • 8/10/2019 New Business Plan model


    Con )usion

    As the student of usiness area it is compulsory to wor- in the practical field4 "o wor- in the practical field we ha+e to ac6uire the proper -nowledge a out actual mar-et scenario4"hrough this 2Business Plan3 we ha+e learned a lot of things that are +ery much essential to

    uild up my carrier4 If we can implement this 2Business plan3 in current mar-et then we hopewe can e a le to gain my desira le target4 "his 2Business Plan3 will help me to start a small

    usiness successfully4 ast of all we would li-e to say that this 2Business Plan3 is +ery muchessential 5 effecti+e for me4

    P ! f !