model hats reduced woulds 298 and at radically...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES FRIDAY APRIL 12 1907 0 5 iii i- A m 2 CAPTAIN WEBSTER OLD WelIKipyn Alexandrian Celebrates Birthday With Friends James p Webster who for thlrtyrOVQ years KSS Chief of the Alexandria Po- lice Department today celebrated his eightieth birthday and he has Seen busy receiving the congratulations of his many friends Capt Webster as he is familiarly caned has beep connected with the po lice force since Its organization in 1S66 and he was until a short time ago its thief but the board of police commis slonors came to the conclusion that a- reorganisation of the poUce department was necessary and for several weeks held meetings examined witnesses etc The only result of this reorganization however was that Chief Webster relieved of the duties of ohlaf and plated In the position of oYrk of the Police Court while a younger man Charles 7 Goods was appointed chief Captain Webster was born in Alexan- dria on April 12 1S27 and has with one or two intermissions resided in this city all his life During his service as a member of made many notable arrests and has had some narrow escapee from death Miss Richards to Lecture This evening at 8 oclock Miss Rich ards will give an Illustrated leeture In Christ Church parish hall She will take for her subject Davldspell Mrs Melchoir Buys Ground Mrs Sophie Melchoir has bought from Mrs Loulna Keen her interest in a lot of ground on the weal side of LeEs street between Prince and King streets Exhibits for Jamestown- W Ai Jepklns superintendent of the Virginia educational exhibits at the- Jamestown has written to C R Yates of the school board here tell- ing him to send the exhibits this Ar him to come on the astir Inst Jewish Women Elect Officers The Council of Jewish WOmen have elected the following officers President Mrs N Wolbere vlo president Mrs M Pretzfelder Miss J Blondheim treasurer Mrs R Blu lenfeld New Pastor Arrives Tomorrow The Rev W W Van Arsdale who I EIGHTY YEA S GtON VA APRIL 1 was the foree Captain Webster has Exp 81ton tram Jamestown on the lnat and WASfflN 11U UR11- AL1VtDRIA I to secre- tary ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ was recently appointed pastor of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church will arrive in this city Saturday aad will preach- at all the services at tjtat church next Sunday Sunday School Elects Qfficers The teachers and officers of Meth- odist Protestant scneol have elected tho following officers J H Trlmyer superintendent Robert H Barl tt nd Charles Ken j Miss treasurer i Warner Foltz secretary Charles Jettw assistant Ethel McDonald pianist I Miss Diddle LJndsey assistant Jennie superintendent primary j department New Monotype Machine Directors The stockholders of the Lanston Mon- otype Machine Company hold a the Hotel Flaischmana yeeterday- j rooters J C Maben R Grant Max- well WoodhuU WIHiam M Laftan H O Selxaa AlxRlB H Larkin H 1 C Hellenbeck W H Goadby Joseph Bryan Henry Parsons and J Maury I Dove Judge MarUn F Merrie presided at and Wgfred as secretary Notes and Personals The remain of Mrs Carroll wife of William OBXTON who dtoi in Washing- ton last Wednesday will be brftught to this city for A called oommunlcation of Vernen Arch Chapter will be held at the Tabernacle this evening at 739 oclock two degrees will be conferred WILD Mrs Ellison Resembles Evelyn Thaw Thinks Ponce Ruffians NBW YORK April Mrs Norma Elllaen was arraigned in the Yorkvlllft police court today charged with terrifying Fifth avenue with a jvild automobile dash the spectators thought that Evelyn Nesbit Thaw stood before them Young Mrs Ellison looks very muoh like Thaws wife therefore she Is pretty She wears the same kind of a simple blue dress Evelyn has worn the same kind of a girlish collar and flowing tie and the schoolgirl bow of vlbbon In her back hair I am the divorced wife of Charles R Ellison the racetrack men she said weve been divorced a year or more You know I live in and not familiar with the automobile iws of New York Out there I am con Jldered Quite an expert at tooling a len e wagon In the men all say that no woman can touch me when it omos to handling an automobile When came to New York six reeks ago I had my car sent on here ind In a garage No one told e anything about having to have a 11 tense and that garage tacked number on my machine and- I have been using it ever since I am tuite sure that we were not going more miles an hour when that ruffian policeman arrested me I did lot scare One of the men with her furnshed 2000 ball for her appearance in court COLORED A FUND INCREASED TO 851050 The total amount pledged to Thurs day night at 16 oclock Is 851650 aa a result of the canvass of the colored branch of the Y t C A Thursdays canvass to In the window or the headquarters 12Q4 U 1 is largo f receipt th ss z meeting- at afternoon and elected the fOllowing dl su m t Mt when AUTO DASH BY PRETTY GIRL 12When very OIl Chlo Jo as gas Y ters r assist- ants Goo I dar MUG streets a 4 ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ TEST HUDS KARLSRUHE Germany April Karl Hau the professor of Roman in George Washington University who was extradited from London on the chargo of murdering his motherinlaw Frau Baden Novem- ber i 1906 has been brought here attar tour weeks at the of the Freiburg University during which tests sanity were made SAN ITV- IN HEHMAN COLLEGE 1 law ¬ HUSBAND IS BENEFICIARY- OF MRS KAISERS ESTATE- By the terms of the will of Mrs Chris- tina Kaiser offered for probate today her husband Henry Kaiser is mado the beneficiary her entire estate for life and st his death tho property is to bs distributed among her Rubert H Julius A and Edward T Kaiser and Anne Laura Eckhurdt THE WAY OF IT Papa how did you get acquainted with I married her my son I married her Houston of c mamma T t ¬ Womens Spring Neckwear i Separate Coat Collars made of fine Venice lace The latest tad finishing off the now spring Jackets and 9 c each Tailormado Stock Collars lit the newest With or tabs Trimmed with buttons or bows At Me and Me White Swiss BebettuB some trim- med lace 0ww fl C with medallions Spealal at Silk Bows in all colors A jrS- peolal wlt f 5 at ¬ < Embroidered Swiss and j ends Special at Silk Windsor Ties In i colors plaids and stylish black Embroidered Linen Collars with plain and edges Some r C with colored fluted edges All sizes Plain and Embroidered Linen Coat Sets at 26c 49o and 3c German Val Lace Chem isottefi for wear with the AUU new shirt waists Special at 5 C Mull Ties and 5 C 2 hem- stitched Saturday Morning Sales In Force from 9 am to 1 p m Lowered prices are quoted during the morning hours to relieve the congestion afternoon No mail or phone orders can be filled and dealers cannot be supplied 100 Chambray finished Ginghams in a large assortment of Cjac 14o Blaacfaad Pillow tAS fie size 4x inches lOc yard wide Bleached Cotton 4 3Sln genuine ahowerpreaf Wor- sted abates of brown with OQC stripes Yard 40ln Cream Sicilian re- versible dust proof Regular 7c Sic quality O c all wool week Voile Inches wide Yard Me white Katuml Japanese 1 Ac- Habutai Silk He Lyone black AFC Silk yard WIde 7 Infests long and abort white 9 1C Cambric S pe- Childrens Muslin Drawers 7 VC sizes up to S years Pair at 2 Womens MueHn Drawers with hem and tucks size 1 2 Womens Cambric Corset 1O1C Covers low and high neck luz Short Kimonos of printed fQC Lawn regularly 2 c Batiste and Ventilating Net with garters regularly O 7 Womens washable Gingham yfOC- PfitUcoats Chllrens Mull Caps made in 1 PC French style 28c value 1 J- Womoes Embroidered Linen plain and fancy edges All sizes hje- 25c Stone China Salt Boxes with wooden cover 7 t JaM aft Col- lars 15 C 16 col- ors U4 sa tIoiia1 inc 7 A 7 1 Iic Cor- sets Ac c c ¬ > ¬ >> >> c Brilliant Blue Coffee O with white lining 5 pints J J- WJO Hanney Tea Chwts c or Tol let Paper extra Quality PEe eMs of Liberty Silver plated sots of S- We nickel plated Alarm Cloeka every one fully w j rftcr- nntod Armours select quality Boneless Bacon pound Fancy Pears pecked in heavy 7jc syrup 2 Octagon Laundry Soap for Wb of Armour Shield O brand Lard JJ Pride of tho Nation Toma t C c c three oans for 10j packages of Curtleo Br g extra aiarrowfat Peas regularly lie 1U 25c Imported Herring and Haddock packing JC large can lz 2- 50c pure Linen Lawn sheer quality 35 inches wide for shadow wor embroidery work for lace CSC trimmed waists Linen dept Union Linen Huck Iowel all white at iho i c- onds U2 lOc Russia Linen Crash Toweling alt white suitable for roller 7 re or tea towels 2 4c Wash Cloths the sanitary antiseptic kInd t Ac for i tu Pots I 3 49 n 2 7 Table 14 c lie 1 c I 1 wit3 iron j Fjry 7c toe e o 33 > > Introducing the New Oxfords Price 5 50 L newest and smartest Oxfords for spring and summer wear are made of Gun Metal Calf We show a very large and compre hensive assortment of these fashionable Oxfords comprising Pumps one and two eyelet Sailors Gibson Christie and Blucher Ties also 2 3 and 4button Oxfords Welt and light flexible soles Plain or tippedAll sizes and every width Prices 250 300 and 350 pair Special offering for Saturay of Womens Tan Calf Blucher Welt Solo Oxforda In light and medium Medium Womens PrimaQuaWty Oxfords spring and summer are ready Smarter in design and more desirable ever Choice of fifty styles embracing the newest ideas in shiny leathers dull tan kid and Snappy lasts in pumps f and 3 button Oxfords J and 2 hole Sailor Ties and 4 Gibson and Blucher Ties and the new side lace effects Cuban military and French heals Turns and All sizes aJd every width Always sold at 3 and SJfl pair Wpmens white and colored Canvas in pink blue d Including Pumps Sailor and Ties Welts md turns 5150 to 2 50 pair i v A Childrens Shoes Childrens Shoes and Oxfords consisting of glaze Wd dull calf jylos Spring and low half heels Hand sewed welts Machine sewed j I and turns sjzefe 100 to 250 PairT- he 250 1 hole and tan calf and kid Button lace and V GuriMetJ swing toes with military A B and D To- morrow pair at lbs ahlnv r ¬ > < LI10U TRUST GO PHILADELPHIA Pa April 12OHU daIs o the Linioln Savings and Trust Company which was closed by the State banking commissioner will vigorously combat the instituted in the county aourt by Attorney General Todd 6 have pormenont receiver ap- pointed for the institution The direc- tors there is absolutely no rea OBJECTS TO GLOSING 1 t pro ee4lings a ¬ ¬ son for the banks closing and they will counsel to contst the ap- pointment of a receiver Joseph S the beak examiner who ia temporary receiver of the trust company was unable to complete the work of over the companys assets yesterday but he will He WOODMEN HOLD RECEPTION Washington Camp No 1511 Modem Woodman of America held an mooting last night at Typographical in honor Mrs B D Watts Supreme of the Royal Neighbors- of A number wore made Tho Washington branch has 1J members h not make his rport bUt will send Jt to the banking e OO I ¬ << Op n Until 9 oClock Tomorrow Night S SEVENTH AND K STREETS Z THE DEPENDABLE TOR Trimmed Hats Reduced Former Prices 5 10 and 15 Having splendidly served the purpose for which they as models for our milliners to work the many clever which they are noted Every hat In the collection is perfect in style and quality We are continually new Hats from our workrosms and we keep the perennially fresh and new by pushing out all hats that beyond a days Tomorrow you may from the following lots oLueautlfnl Trimmed Hats at these big savings Hats that were marked 500 now 298 Hats that were 800 and 1000 now 500 Rats that were 1200 and 1500 now 800 Fashionable Sailors 98c to 250 Weve complete stock of the stylish Sailors in black White brown and navy and rough straws Every style favored by fashion superior qualities at less other stores isfc 98c to 250 t Model 298 5 8 were in t nd out creations for gettin and 7 I i c t T 7 A 7in r I mnu Copyright 1907 by Hart Schaffner Marx In this tot are fndwdr SDWa Spring Suits te woreteda dark gray mixtures checks and no eltie They are threebut ton sack style made with medium fitting back broad shoulders Perfectly tailored frost S3 to 428pecial price JiK Young Mens Spring Suits li to 18 The selection la very large and embraces worsteds dark mixtures novelties and StriCtlY allwool Blue Serge Built like young men want their clothes of get- up and soap Pants cut with full top and belt ts broad WOrth tzfv ale price now Mens 1250 Spring Suits 975 tone ov sized 1250 10000 YCUl8g Yens Suits in S from years la- o EI Jerty strap co shouJfiet d F I I 7 Ill c ses Girls School of Washable Gingham Mii ra Percale a d LHs trtmmea in a of styles In Seller Jumper fOr and style Sizes 4 to 14 years at Little Childrens Spring and Hats of mull straw and Trimmed with rib f O C Little Childrens Mull In French and ruche styles Trimmed with tucks and at Little Childrens Spring Reefers of Broadcloth and novelty mixtures neatly trimmed with velvet braid but tons SIZ9S up to f A 600 Cp AV value for Dresses on Sp J sum- mer em- broidery bone and lace Special VMUC at 5 c All H and R g u r 4 shirtlngs thee Specie ¬ < CHARLOTTE HALL ALUMNI TO HOLD REUNION The annual banquet and reunion of the Charlotte Hall School Alumni Asso- ciation will be held in Washington May i Headquarters will be at the Now Willard where the banquet which promises to be the most successful in years will be given Many prominent speakers have announced their Inten- tion to be present And Marylands old eat school win be well represented by and old college mates Alumni are requested to communl cate with B H Roberts 1413 New York avenue for further Information on ¬ ¬ Women Spring Suits soosisttos of Fancy Check Salts smartly trim- med with wood siLk braid tad plain chiffon Panama Salts In pony coat effect All plaited skirts In Rimy checks tan checks brown checks blue and gray chocks plain navr hue sad Mack Regular HSJO d J1698 values for 975 S lijr b V ton U I i L1 I I ¬ glens Spring Suits this lot of suits are Included the very newest fabrics and of the season Such popular materials as novelties blue mixtures black tblbet and check effects are The styles are form and back broad should- ers and snugfitting collars lined with or serge Actual 96 values sizes up to 46 stout sale price K Mens Spring Suits S1200 Represented in this lot are Menej Suits of a high standard The are latest in- fancy and plain worsteds check over novelties and strictly all wool fine twill Blue Serge color guaranteed Never sold under 15 sale price 12 2000 15000I- n ser repre- sented 1590 very ¬ ¬ HARVARD fRESHMAN BOSTON April 12 Patolval Rows ft Harvard freshman was held for grand Jury today charged wl having broken into tho room of a Iartmftte at Hastings Hall and stolen two diamond studs and a meerschaum pipe His father Thomas Bows of VeUUe N Y furnishud 1500 balL HELD FOR BURGLARY the aa Long Gloves Of Silk and Lisle Come straight to Goldenbergs for Long Gloves or ev the scarcity we have large silk fabriC and kid in every length We are constantly receiving ddltiois to stock and you can always count upon just want Silk and Lisle Gloves in 12 and 16button leijgUw with do We tipped n rrs Both black and white Prices 125 and 200 a pair Kaisers 2clasp Lisle Thread Gloves 25c an 3c r Gloves und SL pair 2clasp Silk tind Gloves pair J aars 12 and 16button length Gloves SOs 75c and llflO pair 1 I aup les qur 011 We received 2500 dozen ot the Very scarce Long 150 atr FOwnes SOc 000 and At Radically Reduced Prices While spring lingers in the lap of summer we are bent up the surplus stocks of Womens ReadytoWear Garments to make room for the lighter garb of later Accordingly decisive reductions rule throughout the entire stock of Womens Suits Skirts and other apparel Notable values are offered in Womens Tailored Suits especially which no woman can afford to ignore who has the slightest a new suit this spring or summer Read the following and come tomorrow your selection Woulds Tailored Suits I re- ducing J r zcrV P < ¬ Womens Tailored Suits of chiffon and wool Pan cams in Eton styles handsomely trimmed with wood silk braid dnd self color braids Handsome tailored silk piped styles Also gray and black white and chock Panamas plainly tailor ed and trimmed vest and soutache braid Choke of navy pearl medium ind brawn Regular 2350 for 1375 fect WlU s I an ¬ Mens and Youths Spring Superlative Merit t The keynote of our ability to quote prices considerably less than i any exclusive lies in fad that we depend sotely for on clothing atone stores in one mean a great saving all around and re duce running materially s Goldenbergs prices for Mens Clothing easily discount the exclusive clothiers to a no- w ticeable extent 7 Isnt it a satisfaction to know that whatever you buy here is in- sured thus safeguarding your Intefests In a manner that leaves nothing further to be v- WUh these facts emphasized we ask attention to the special values prepared for Saturday We are fox t io celebrated Hart SchaSnor ft SSarx- C9fchiB the standard of excellence style workmanship and quality X Snits 1800 to 0600 Top Goats and 18 of the t 811tS r 1 Clothing our pd s C fol- lowing d r S r ¬ ¬ < Childrens And Other Wearables at MoneySaving Prices Saturday we provide special values in Childrens Wearables that always prove off interest to mothers Tomorrows list is made up of Girls Spring and Summer Dresses and other wearables all at prices less than regular Dresses r i S i I med in a variety dainty QJJ 2 to H years Prices iK5- S9S lAfe Girls Dresses of White Persian Lawn made deep bertha of em- broidery insertion lace Tucked yoke Finished with embroidery cuffs and collars Sizes Ojg 6 to Iji years Regular OX 38 for f M Dresses of Linon Peter Thompson and Russian styles collar finished with embroidered emblem on collar and shield with red braid and wide rafl tie Full value at Girls fine quality pet1dan Stilt dFsprtt Dresses trim os Girl s 1i mbemsh plaited skIrt Sizes S to 9 8 Regular c Whit Organdie LaWn Net handsomely 4 ye rew ps i < ¬ < Womens Tailored Suits Panama oont voile and taffeta fancy Panama striped ma tennis check Panamas mixtures plaids Jackets are made in this seasons lat- est styles such as pony coats trimmed and tailored Etons semlfttttag styles and skirts are beautifully plaited ta a 1775 chit wins navy blue and worth P5 to It for quality toil novelty Values ¬ Petticoats 5198 New Spring Models Underprice Special offering for Saturday of Pattlceats in black and colors Made with shirred ruffles and extra dust rultlav All lengths Heetherbloom is a material that has the exact appearance of silk and wears better Special value tomorrow at fl98 Spring Corsets Special at siN- ew spring models In Corsets of batiste All od brands including following R G P N American Lady Thompsons- W B C B Ferris Waists In all the latest styles and every size Vfes pride upon variety our line of Dollar Corsets will find In out stock every brand in popular cUrrand In v Mrs and New location 3d floor Main build- ing Alt Corsets at U and over fitted nxperts free of Lrnrgc Music I5c The following popular hits offered tomorrow at 15c a copy Ta Ta Au Bevoir Choo Choo Pm to Oo Lion and Mouse Waltzes new Blossoms twostep Bird on Nellies Hat Bessie and Her Little Brown Capt Baby Bunting of the BOoking Horse Brigade Im Love and the WorM Is Mine Arrah wannah When You Knew Youre by tho Girl You Cant Forget As Days Go By Friend of Told a Friend of Mine Wont You Come Over to Philly Willy Golden Rod vocal and instrumental I 8r the Warn r 8S1I b 1 Sweet Marl S 1Yft hltj M 0 Beer Sorry For- gotten Mine ¬ Boys Suits 389 S500 VALUE Owing fo the late delivery of tliee Suits vd gecured a conces- sion in price from the manufacturer The advantage thus secured be turned over to our custqmers tomorrow The lot consists of fancy twopiece Suits in double breasted belt style with full cut Knickerbocker Pants v Materials are fancy Cheviots and Cassirneres in light and dark colorings of plaids stripes and checks rSizes to 17 years These suits are tailored in exceptional manner and will give greatest amount pf satisfaction in wear Regular five dollar tomorrow at 389 cheeks collars of same material Finished with gilt or born buttons C Q trimmed with silk embroidered emblem on sleeve Regular 5 s- and values for Juvonilo Suits for litUe boys to 8 years of Materials In- clude plain and fancy Coverts Oheviota ds trt Some small Eton collar others with deep sailor s Vtl collar Values worth up tV J400 for Fancy Knickerbocker Suits of pure Worsted and Cheviot cloths ular M and values for Boys and childrens broadbrim Sailor Straw Hats in all sorts of different straws trimmed with white red or blue ribbon stream lTvf T ers Ji side or back Regular 75c and 3c values tot w iI REGULAR will valu tJOys spring weIght Reefers slzes21h to 9 or age IS with velvet e 75 6 from 21J age In spring weight new patterns checks d shoulders and collar are to prtyent ripping cut bloomer pants with and 1t4 5 bottoms Double breasted coat to IT TOO A I I years I Shepherd seine square Line of over plaids saul Celled Seams Full Kptckerbocker strap years 6 I ¬ > < ¬ °

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iii i-

A m



WelIKipyn AlexandrianCelebrates Birthday

With Friends

James p Webster who for thlrtyrOVQ

years KSS Chief of the Alexandria Po-

lice Department today celebrated hiseightieth birthday and he has Seen busyreceiving the congratulations of hismany friends

Capt Webster as he is familiarlycaned has beep connected with the police force since Its organization in 1S66

and he was until a short time ago itsthief but the board of police commisslonors came to the conclusion that a-

reorganisation of the poUce departmentwas necessary and for several weeksheld meetings examined witnesses etcThe only result of this reorganizationhowever was that Chief Websterrelieved of the duties of ohlaf andplated In the position of oYrk of thePolice Court while a younger manCharles 7 Goods was appointed chief

Captain Webster was born in Alexan-dria on April 12 1S27 and has with oneor two intermissions resided in this cityall his life

During his service as a member of

made many notable arrests and has hadsome narrow escapee from death

Miss Richards to LectureThis evening at 8 oclock Miss Rich

ards will give an Illustrated leeture InChrist Church parish hall She willtake for her subject Davldspell

Mrs Melchoir Buys Ground

Mrs Sophie Melchoir has bought fromMrs Loulna Keen her interest in a lotof ground on the weal side of LeEs

street between Prince and King streets

Exhibits for Jamestown-W Ai Jepklns superintendent of the

Virginia educational exhibits at the-Jamestown has written to CR Yates of the school board here tell-ing him to send the exhibits this

Ar him to come on the astir Inst

Jewish Women Elect OfficersThe Council of Jewish WOmen have

elected the following officersPresident Mrs N Wolbere vlo

president Mrs M PretzfelderMiss J Blondheim treasurer Mrs

R Blu lenfeld

New Pastor Arrives TomorrowThe Rev W W Van Arsdale who





the foree Captain Webster has

Exp 81ton

tramJamestown on the lnat and











was recently appointed pastor of TrinityMethodist Episcopal Church will arrivein this city Saturday aad will preach-at all the services at tjtat church nextSunday

Sunday School Elects QfficersThe teachers and officers of Meth-

odist Protestant scneolhave elected tho following officers

J H Trlmyer superintendent RobertH Barl tt nd Charles Ken

j Miss treasureri Warner Foltz secretary Charles Jettw

assistant Ethel McDonald pianistI Miss Diddle LJndsey assistant

Jennie superintendent primaryj department

New Monotype Machine DirectorsThe stockholders of the Lanston Mon-

otype Machine Company hold athe Hotel Flaischmana yeeterday-

j rootersJ C Maben R Grant Max-

well WoodhuU WIHiam M Laftan HO Selxaa AlxRlB H Larkin H

1 C Hellenbeck W H Goadby JosephBryan Henry Parsons and J Maury

I DoveJudge MarUn F Merrie presided at

and Wgfredas secretary

Notes and PersonalsThe remain of Mrs Carroll wife of

William OBXTON who dtoi in Washing-ton last Wednesday will be brftught tothis city for

A called oommunlcation of VernenArch Chapter will be held at the

Tabernacle this evening at 739 oclocktwo degrees will be conferred


Mrs Ellison ResemblesEvelyn Thaw Thinks

Ponce Ruffians

NBW YORK April MrsNorma Elllaen was arraigned in theYorkvlllft police court today chargedwith terrifying Fifth avenue with ajvild automobile dash the spectatorsthought that Evelyn Nesbit Thaw stoodbefore them

Young Mrs Ellison looks very muohlike Thaws wife therefore she Ispretty She wears the same kind ofa simple blue dress Evelyn has wornthe same kind of a girlish collar andflowing tie and the schoolgirl bow ofvlbbon In her back hair

I am the divorced wife of Charles REllison the racetrack men she said

weve been divorced a year ormore You know I live in and

not familiar with the automobileiws of New York Out there I am conJldered Quite an expert at tooling alen e wagon In the men all say

that no woman can touch me when itomos to handling an automobile

When came to New York sixreeks ago I had my car sent on hereind In a garage No one told

e anything about having to have a 11

tense and that garagetacked number on my machine and-I have been using it ever since I amtuite sure that we were not going more

miles an hour when thatruffian policeman arrested me I didlot scare

One of the men with her furnshed2000 ball for her appearance in court


INCREASED TO 851050The total amount pledged to Thurs

day night at 16 oclock Is 851650 aa aresult of the canvass of the coloredbranch of the Y t C A Thursdayscanvass to Inthe window or the headquarters 12Q4 U

1 is largof receipt



z meeting-atafternoon and elected the fOllowing dl

su m








OIlChlo Joas





assist-ants Goo




streets a








KARLSRUHE Germany AprilKarl Hau the professor of Romanin George Washington University whowas extradited from London on thechargo of murdering his motherinlawFrau Baden Novem-ber i 1906 has been brought here attartour weeks at the of the FreiburgUniversity during which testssanity were made







By the terms of the will of Mrs Chris-

tina Kaiser offered for probate todayher husband Henry Kaiser is mado thebeneficiary her entire estate for lifeand st his death tho property is to bsdistributed among herRubert H Julius A and Edward TKaiser and Anne Laura Eckhurdt

THE WAY OF ITPapa how did you get acquainted

withI married her my son I married

her Houston



mamma T



Womens Spring NeckweariSeparate Coat Collars made of

fine Venice lace The latesttad finishing off the now springJackets and 9 c each

Tailormado Stock Collars lit thenewest With ortabs Trimmed with buttons orbows At Me and Me

White Swiss BebettuB some trim-med lace 0ww fl Cwith medallions Spealalat

Silk Bows in all colors A jrS-peolal

wlt f 5




Embroidered Swiss and j

ends Special atSilk Windsor Ties In i

colors plaids and stylishblack

Embroidered Linen Collars withplain and edges Some r Cwith colored fluted edgesAll sizes

Plain and Embroidered Linen CoatSets at 26c 49o and 3c

German Val Lace Chemisottefi for wear with the AUUnew shirt waists Special at

5 CMull Ties and

5 C



Saturday Morning SalesIn Force from 9 a m to 1 p m

Lowered prices are quoted during the morning hours to relievethe congestion afternoon No mail orphone orders can be filled and dealers cannot be supplied

100 Chambray finished Ginghamsin a large assortment of Cjac

14o Blaacfaad Pillow tAS fiesize 4x inches

lOc yard wide BleachedCotton 4

3Sln genuine ahowerpreaf Wor-sted abatesof brown with OQCstripes Yard

40ln Cream Sicilian re-versible dust proof Regular 7cSic quality O

c all wool week VoileInches wide Yard

Me white Katuml Japanese 1 Ac-Habutai Silk

He Lyone black AFCSilk yard WIde 7

Infests long and abort white 9 1CCambric S pe-

Childrens Muslin Drawers 7 VC

sizes up to S years Pair at 2Womens MueHn Drawers

with hem and tucks size 1 2Womens Cambric Corset 1O1C

Covers low and high neck luzShort Kimonos of printed fQC

Lawn regularly 2 c

Batiste and Ventilating Netwith garters

regularly O 7Womens washable Gingham yfOC-

PfitUcoatsChllrens Mull Caps made in 1 PC

French style 28c value 1 J-

Womoes Embroidered Linenplain and fancy edges

All sizes hje-

25c Stone China Salt Boxeswith wooden cover





Col-lars 15 C


col-ors U4

s a


inc7A 7



Cor-sets Ac








c Brilliant Blue Coffee Owith white lining 5 pints J J-

WJO Hanney Tea Chwts

c or Tollet Paper extra Quality

PEe eMs of Liberty Silverplated sots of S-

We nickel plated AlarmCloeka every one fully w j rftcr-nntod

Armours select qualityBoneless Bacon pound

Fancy Pears pecked in heavy 7jcsyrup 2Octagon Laundry

Soap forWb of Armour Shield O

brand Lard JJPride of tho Nation Toma t C cc three oans for

10j packages of Curtleo Br gextra aiarrowfat Peasregularly lie 1U

25c Imported Herring andHaddock packing JClarge can lz 2-

50c pure Linen Lawn sheer quality35 inches wide for shadow worembroidery work for lace CSCtrimmed waists Linen dept

Union Linen Huck Iowel allwhite at iho i c-

onds U2lOc Russia Linen Crash Toweling

alt white suitable for roller 7 reor tea towels 2

4c Wash Cloths thesanitary antiseptic kInd t Acfor i tu


3 49

n 2


14 c






wit3 iron jFjry 7c

toe e




Introducing the New

OxfordsPrice 5 50 L

newest and smartest Oxfords for spring and summer wearare made of Gun Metal Calf We show a very large and compre

hensive assortment of these fashionable Oxfords comprising Pumpsone and two eyelet Sailors Gibson Christie and Blucher Ties also

2 3 and 4button Oxfords Welt and light flexible soles Plain or

tippedAllsizes and every width

Prices 250 300 and 350 pair

Special offering for Saturay of Womens Tan Calf BlucherWelt Solo Oxforda In light and medium Medium

Womens PrimaQuaWty Oxfords spring and summer are readySmarter in design and more desirable ever Choice of fifty stylesembracing the newest ideas in shiny leathers dull tan kidand Snappy lasts in pumps f and 3 button Oxfords J and 2 holeSailor Ties and 4 Gibson and Blucher Ties and the new side laceeffects Cuban military and French heals Turns and All sizes aJdevery width Always sold at 3 and SJfl pair

Wpmens white and colored Canvas in pink blue dIncluding Pumps Sailor and Ties Welts md

turns 5150 to 2 50 pairi v A

Childrens ShoesChildrens Shoes and Oxfords consisting of glaze Wd dull calf

jylos Spring and low half heels Hand sewed welts Machine sewed j

I and turns sjzefe

100 to 250



1 hole

and tan calf and kid Button lace and



swing toes with military A B and D To-morrow pair at


ahlnv r




PHILADELPHIA Pa April 12OHUdaIs o the Linioln Savings and TrustCompany which was closed by the Statebanking commissioner will vigorouslycombat the instituted inthe county aourt by Attorney GeneralTodd 6 have pormenont receiver ap-pointed for the institution The direc-tors there is absolutely no rea


1 t

pro ee4lings


son for the banks closing and theywill counsel to contst the ap-pointment of a receiver

Joseph S the beak examinerwho ia temporary receiver of the trustcompany was unable to complete thework of over the companys assetsyesterday but he will He

WOODMEN HOLD RECEPTIONWashington Camp No 1511 Modem

Woodman of America held anmooting last night at Typographical

in honor Mrs B D WattsSupreme of the Royal Neighbors-of A number woremade Tho Washington branch has 1Jmembers

hnot make his rport bUt will

send Jt to the banking





Op n Until 9 oClock Tomorrow Night





Trimmed Hats Reduced

Former Prices 5 10 and 15

Having splendidly served the purpose for which theyas models for our milliners to work the many clever

which they are notedEvery hat In the collection is perfect in style and qualityWe are continually new Hats from our workrosms and

we keep the perennially fresh and new by pushing outall hats that beyond a days

Tomorrow you may from the following lots oLueautlfnlTrimmed Hats at these big savings

Hats that were marked 500 now 298Hats that were 800 and 1000 now 500Rats that were 1200 and 1500 now 800

Fashionable Sailors 98c to 250Weve complete stock of the stylish Sailors in black White

brown and navy and rough straws Every style favored byfashion superior qualities at less other stores isfc 98c to 250

t Model

298 5 8were in

t nd outcreations for





i ct


7A 7inrI mnu

Copyright 1907 byHart Schaffner Marx

In this tot are fndwdr SDWaSpring Suits te woreteda darkgray mixtures checksand no eltie They are threebutton sack style made with mediumfitting back broad shouldersPerfectly tailored frost S3 to428pecial price JiKYoung Mens

Spring Suits

li to 18 The selection la verylarge and embraces worsteds

dark mixtures noveltiesand StriCtlY allwool Blue SergeBuilt like young men want theirclothes of get-up and soap Pants cut with fulltop and belt ts broad

WOrth tzfv ale pricenow

Mens 1250 SpringSuits975




10000YCUl8g Yens Suits in S from



EI Jertystrap co

shouJfiet d

F II 7

Ill c


Girls School of WashableGingham Mii ra Percale a d LHs

trtmmea in a ofstyles In Seller Jumper fOrand style Sizes 4 to14 years at

Little Childrens Spring andHats of mull straw and

Trimmed with rib f O C

Little Childrens Mull InFrench and ruche stylesTrimmed with tucks and

atLittle Childrens Spring Reefers

of Broadcloth and novelty mixturesneatly

trimmed with velvet braid buttons SIZ9S up to f A

600 Cp AVvalue for



Sp J

sum-mer em-broiderybone and lace Special VMUCat

5 cAll



R g u r


shirtlngs thee Specie





The annual banquet and reunion ofthe Charlotte Hall School Alumni Asso-ciation will be held in WashingtonMay i Headquarters will be at theNow Willard where the banquet whichpromises to be the most successful inyears will be given Many prominentspeakers have announced their Inten-tion to be present And Marylands oldeat school win be well represented by

and old college matesAlumni are requested to communl

cate with B H Roberts 1413 New Yorkavenue for further Information



Women Spring Suitssoosisttos of Fancy Check

Salts smartly trim-

med with wood siLk braidtad plain chiffon PanamaSalts In pony coat effectAll plaited skirts InRimy checks tan checksbrown checks blue andgray chocks plain navrhue sad Mack RegularHSJO d J1698 values for


Slijr b

V tonU


iL1 II


glens SpringSuits

this lot of suits are Included thevery newest fabrics and of theseason Such popular materials as

noveltiesblue mixtures blacktblbet and check effects are

The styles are form andback broad should-

ers and snugfitting collars linedwith or serge Actual96 values sizes up to 46 stout saleprice K

Mens SpringSuitsS1200

Represented in this lot are MenejSuits of a high standard

The are latest in-

fancy and plain worsteds check overnovelties and strictly all

wool fine twill Blue Serge colorguaranteed Never sold under 15sale price 12










BOSTON April 12 Patolval Rows ftHarvard freshman was held forgrand Jury today charged wl havingbroken into tho room of a Iartmftte atHastings Hall and stolen two diamondstuds and a meerschaum pipe

His father Thomas Bows of VeUUeN Y furnishud 1500 balL



Long GlovesOf Silk and Lisle

Come straight to Goldenbergs for Long Gloves or evthe scarcity we have large silk fabriC and kid

in every length We are constantly receiving ddltiois tostock and you can always count upon just want

Silk and Lisle Gloves in 12 and 16button leijgUw with do We tippedn rrs Both black and white

Prices 125 and 200 a pairKaisers 2clasp Lisle Thread Gloves 25c an 3c

r Gloves und SL pair2clasp Silk tind Gloves pair

J aars 12 and 16button length Gloves SOs 75c and llflO pair



aup les qur011

We received 2500 dozen ot the Very scarceLong


FOwnes SOc



At Radically Reduced PricesWhile spring lingers in the lap of summer we are bent up

the surplus stocks of Womens ReadytoWear Garments tomake room for the lighter garb of later

Accordingly decisive reductions rule throughout the entire stockof Womens Suits Skirts and other apparel

Notable values are offered in Womens Tailored Suits especiallywhich no woman can afford to ignore who has the slightest

a new suit this spring or summer Read the following andcome tomorrow your selection

Woulds Tailored SuitsI




< ¬

Womens Tailored Suitsof chiffon and wool Pancams in Eton styleshandsomely trimmed withwood silk braid dnd selfcolor braids Handsometailored silkpiped styles Also grayand blackwhite and chockPanamas plainly tailored and trimmed vestand soutache braidChoke of navy pearlmediumind brawn Regular 2350




WlU sI



Mens and Youths SpringSuperlative Merit

t The keynote of our ability to quote prices considerably less thani any exclusive lies in fad that we depend

sotely for on clothing atonestores in one mean a great saving all around and re

duce running materially s Goldenbergs pricesfor Mens Clothing easily discount the exclusive clothiers to a no-

w ticeable extent7 Isnt it a satisfaction to know that whatever you buy here is in-

sured thus safeguarding your Intefests In a manner that leavesnothing further to be v-

WUh these facts emphasized we ask attention to thespecial values prepared for Saturday

We are fox t io celebrated Hart SchaSnor ft SSarx-C9fchiB the standard of excellence style workmanship and quality

X Snits 1800 to 0600 Top Goats and 18

ofthe t

811tS r1

Clothingour pd





d rS





ChildrensAnd Other Wearables at

MoneySaving Prices

Saturday we provide specialvalues in Childrens Wearables

that always prove off interest tomothers Tomorrows list is madeup of Girls Spring and SummerDresses and other wearables all

at prices less than regular

Dressesr i




med in a varietydainty QJJ2 to H years Prices iK5-S9S lAfe

Girls Dresses of White PersianLawn made deep bertha of em-broidery insertion lace Tuckedyoke Finished with embroiderycuffs and collars Sizes Ojg6 to Iji years Regular OX

38 for f MDresses of Linon

Peter Thompson and Russian stylescollar finished with

embroidered emblem on collar andshield with red braid

and wide rafl tie Full

value at

Girls fine qualitypet1dan StiltdFsprtt Dresses trim




1i mbemsh

plaited skIrt Sizes S to 9 8Regularc

Whit OrgandieLaWn Net


4 ye rew ps





Womens Tailored Suits

Panama oontvoile and taffeta fancyPanama striped matennis check Panamas

mixturesplaids Jackets aremade in this seasons lat-est styles such as ponycoatstrimmed and tailored Etonssemlfttttag styles and

skirts arebeautifully plaited ta a



winsnavy blue and

worth P5to It for





Petticoats 5198New Spring Models Underprice

Special offering for Saturday ofPattlceats

in black and colors Madewith shirred ruffles and extra dustrultlav All lengths

Heetherbloom is a material thathas the exact appearance of silkand wears better

Special value tomorrow at fl98

Spring Corsets Specialat siN-

ew spring models In Corsets ofbatiste Allod brands including followingR G P NAmerican Lady Thompsons-W BC B Ferris Waists

In all the latest styles and everysize Vfes pride upon

variety our lineof Dollar Corsets will find Inout stock every brand in popularcUrrand In v Mrs and

New location 3d floor Main build-ing

Alt Corsets at U and over fittednxperts free of Lrnrgc

Music I5cThe following popular hits offered

tomorrow at 15c a copyTa Ta Au Bevoir Choo Choo

Pm to OoLion and Mouse Waltzes newBlossoms twostep

Bird on Nellies HatBessie and Her Little BrownCapt Baby Bunting of the BOoking

Horse BrigadeImLove and the WorM Is MineArrah wannahWhen You Knew Youre

by tho Girl You Cant ForgetAs Days Go ByFriend of Told a Friend of

MineWont You Come Over to Philly

WillyGolden Rod vocal and instrumental



Warn r



1Sweet Marl S 1Yfthltj








Boys Suits 389S500 VALUE

Owing fo the late delivery of tliee Suits vd gecured a conces-

sion in price from the manufacturer The advantage thus secured

be turned over to our custqmers tomorrow

The lot consists of fancy twopiece Suits in double breasted belt

style with full cut Knickerbocker Pants vMaterials are fancy Cheviots and Cassirneres in light and dark

colorings of plaids stripes and checks rSizes to 17 years

These suits are tailored in exceptional manner and will give

greatest amount pf satisfaction in wear

Regular five dollar tomorrow at 389

cheekscollars of same material Finished with gilt or born buttons C Qtrimmed with silk embroidered emblem on sleeve Regular 5 s-

and values for

Juvonilo Suits for litUe boys to 8 years of Materials In-

clude plain and fancy Coverts Oheviota ds trtSome small Eton collar others with deep sailor s Vtlcollar Values worth up tV J400 for

Fancy Knickerbocker Suits of pure Worsted and Cheviot cloths

ular M and values for

Boys and childrens broadbrim Sailor Straw Hats in all sorts ofdifferent straws trimmed with white red or blue ribbon stream lTvf Ters Ji side or back Regular 75c and 3c values tot w




tJOys spring weIght Reefers slzes21h to 9 or ageIS with velvet e

7 56

from 21J age

In spring weight new patterns checksd shoulders and collar are to prtyent

ripping cut bloomer pants with and 1t4 5bottoms Double breasted coat to ITTOO




years I Shepherdseine


Line of over plaids saulCelled Seams

Full Kptckerbocker strapyears






