modeling expressive character motion for …modeling expressive character motion for narrative and...

Modeling Expressive Character Motion for Narrative and Ambient Intelligence Based on Emotion and Personality by Wen-Poh Su MS, MFA, Adv.Grad.Cert.IMD, BA (1 st Hons) A Dissertation Submitted in Fulfill of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy School of Software Engineering and Data Communication Faculty of Information Technology Queensland University of Technology Brisbane, Australia December 2007

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  • Modeling Expressive Character Motion for

    Narrative and Ambient Intelligence

    Based on Emotion and Personality by

    Wen-Poh Su

    MS, MFA, Adv.Grad.Cert.IMD, BA (1st Hons)

    A Dissertation

    Submitted in Fulfill of the Requirements for the Degree of

    Doctor of Philosophy

    School of Software Engineering and Data Communication

    Faculty of Information Technology

    Queensland University of Technology

    Brisbane, Australia

    December 2007

  • Keywords

    Animated agent modeling, narrative intelligence, ambient intelligence, fuzzy logic,

    human behaviour modeling, personality, emotion, animation, cartoon, character


  • Abstract

    Animated agent technology has been rapidly developed to provide ubiquitously

    psychological and functional benefits for fulfilling communicative goals. However,

    the character motions of most character-centered models based on pre-stored

    movement, finite state machine and scripted conditional logic are generally restrictive.

    The major drawback lies in the lack of maturity of integrating the elements between

    personality, emotion and behaviour. To bridge the gap between cognitive and

    behavioural elements, we examine the connections between human personality,

    emotion, movement and cartoon modeling for the agent design. Human personality

    and emotional behaviour are the essences in the recognition of a believable synthetic

    character. Personality and emotion come from the storylines and result in characters’

    motions. Cartoon animations successfully engage the audience and create emotional

    connections with the spectators. However, even a sophisticated animator often faces

    some difficulties while performing a very laborious task to simulate an emotion- and

    personality-rich character.

    This thesis focuses on exploring effective techniques to extract personality and

    emotion features for a high-level control of character movements. A hierarchical

    fuzzy rule-based system was constructed, in which personality and emotion were

    mapped into the body’s movement zones of a character. This facilitates agent

    designers to control the personality and emotion of a dynamic synthetic character.

    The system was then applied to a Narrative Intelligent system and extended to an

    Ambient Intelligent environment. An innovative storyboard-structured storytelling

    method was devised by using story scripts and action descriptions in a form similar to

    the content description of storyboards to predict specific personality and emotion. As

    software or device agents evolve into the Ambient Intelligence, new concepts for

    effective agent presentations and delegating control are necessary to minimise the

    human’s tasks and interventions in the complex and dynamic environment. A novel

    customizable personalised agent framework was developed by utilising the spirit of

  • cartoon animation to match each user’s profile in the form of a cartoon reciprocal

    agent. As a result, users could explicitly modify personality and emotion values to

    change the psychology traits of the agent, which would affect their appearance and

    behaviour through body posture expression.

    An evaluation of the system was conducted to verify the effectiveness and the

    applicability in both Narrative and Ambient intelligent agent frameworks. The

    significance of this research is that applying higher cognitive factors to animated

    characters can lead to a better animation design tool and reduce strenuous animation

    production efforts in agent designs. It will also enable animated characters to

    embody more adaptive, flexible and stylised performance.

  • Associated Publications

    Journal paper

    • Su, W., B. Pham, and A. Wardhani, "Personality and Emotion-based High-

    level Control of Affective Story Characters," IEEE Transactions on Visualization

    and Computer Graphics (IEEE TVCG), March/April, vol. 13 (2), pp. 281-293,


    Two Accepted Conference Papers

    • Su, W., B. Pham, and A. Wardhani. “Generating Believable Personality-Rich

    Story Characters Using Body Language,” In Proceedings of the Fourth

    International Conference on Active Media Technology (AMT06), 7-9, June 2006.

    Y. Li, M. Looi and N. Zhong, Eds. Brisbane, AU: IOS Press, "Advances in

    Intelligent IT: Active Media Technology 2006", pp.132-137.

    • Su, W., B. Pham, and A. Wardhani., ”High-level Control Posture of Story

    Characters Based on Personality and Emotion,” In Proceedings of the Second

    Australian Interactive Entertainment Conference (IE05), 23-25, Nov, 2005, Y.

    Pisan, Eds. Sydney, ACM Digital Library, pp.179-186

  • i

    Table of Contents

    CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION..................................................................... 1

    1.1 Background and Motivation ...................................................................................................2

    1.2 Aims of Research ...................................................................................................................4

    1.3 Research Questions ................................................................................................................5

    1.4 Significance and Potential Applications.................................................................................7

    1.5 Thesis Outline.........................................................................................................................9

    CHAPTER 2 ANIMATED AGENTS........................................................... 11

    2.1 Animated Agent Representation...........................................................................................11 2.1.1 Agent Functionality and Capability ............................................................................12 2.1.2 Agent Modality ............................................................................................................12

    2.2 Agent Design in Narrative Intelligence ................................................................................16 2.2.1 Narrative Intelligence...................................................................................................16 2.2.2 Narrative Agent Design ................................................................................................19

    2.3 Agent Design in Ambient Intelligence .................................................................................24 2.3.1 Ambient Intelligence .....................................................................................................24 2.3.2 Ambient Intelligent Agent Design .................................................................................27

    2.4 Agent Presentation Methods.................................................................................................29

    2.5 Techniques for Motion Control ............................................................................................30 2.5.1 Principles of Animation ................................................................................................31 2.5.2 Character Motion Techniques ......................................................................................35

    2.6 Summary ..............................................................................................................................40


    INTERACTION .................................................................................................. 44

    3.1 Personality ............................................................................................................................45 3.1.1 Psychological Research of Personality .......................................................................45 3.1.2 Personality Models......................................................................................................51

    3.2 Emotion ................................................................................................................................58 3.2.1 Psychological Models of Emotion ...............................................................................59 3.2.2 Emotion Models...........................................................................................................63

  • ii

    3.3 Nonverbal Behaviour............................................................................................................66 3.3.1 Facial Expression and Gesture ...................................................................................67 3.3.2 Posture ........................................................................................................................70 3.3.3 Visual Appearance ......................................................................................................74

    3.4 Summary ..............................................................................................................................81

    CHAPTER 4 FRAMEWORK OF ANIMATED AGENT.......................... 84

    4.1 System Framework...............................................................................................................84

    4.2 Parameters of the P & E Engine ...........................................................................................87 4.2.1 Personality Parameters ................................................................................................87 4.2.2 Personality Description Method...................................................................................90 4.2.3 Behaviour Parameters ................................................................................................100 4.2.4 Emotion Parameters ...................................................................................................101

    4.3 Summary ............................................................................................................................102



    5.1 Personality and Emotion Engine ........................................................................................103 5.1.1 Fuzzy Logic Controller for P & E Engine ..................................................................104 5.1.2 Mapping Postural Zones to Body Movement..............................................................117 5.1.3 Mapping the P & E Engine to the Animation and Graphic Engine............................118

    5.2 P & E Engine for Walk Cycle Control ...............................................................................123 5.2.1 Example 1 ...................................................................................................................123 5.2.2 Example 2 ...................................................................................................................125

    5.3 Summary ............................................................................................................................129


    6.1 Requirements for Acting Believability of Story Characters ...............................................133 6.1.1 Story Character Roles.................................................................................................133 6.1.2 Semantic Action Plan..................................................................................................134 6.1.3 The Driver of Story Characters’ Behaviours: Personality and Emotion....................135 6.1.4 Nonverbal Behaviour: Body Language ......................................................................136

    6.2 P & E Engine for Story Character Control .........................................................................136 6.2.1 Mapping Personality to Story Role.............................................................................137 6.2.2 Story Input Module .....................................................................................................140 6.2.3 The Utilisation of the P & Emotion Engine ................................................................148 6.2.4 Mapping Body Languages to the Animation and Graphic Engine .............................151

  • iii

    6.3 Analysis of Results .............................................................................................................152

    6.4 Summary ............................................................................................................................154


    INTELLIGENT AGENTS ............................................................................... 156

    7.1 Modeling Personalised Agents ...........................................................................................157

    7.2 Preliminary Survey.............................................................................................................161

    7.3 The P & E Engine Used in the Personalised Agent System ...............................................162 7.3.1 User Profile Module ...................................................................................................163 7.3.2 Personalised Agent Module ........................................................................................171 7.3.3 Customisation Function..............................................................................................179 7.3.4 Mapping Personalised Agent Results to the Animation and Graphics Engine...........181

    7.4 Analysis of Results .............................................................................................................184

    7.5 Summary ............................................................................................................................185


    ANIMATED AGENTS..................................................................................... 188

    8.1 Objectives of Evaluation ....................................................................................................188

    8.2 Subjects, Apparatus and Procedures...................................................................................189

    8.3 Evaluation of Autonomous Animated Characters ..............................................................194 8.3.1 Emotion.......................................................................................................................195 8.3.2 Personality..................................................................................................................197

    8.4 Evaluation of the Usefulness of the P & E Engine .............................................................208

    8.5 Evaluation of the Personalised AmI Agent ........................................................................211 8.5.1 User Preference ..........................................................................................................211 8.5.2 Representation of the Personalised AMI Agent Interface...........................................213 8.5.3 Customisation Function of the Personalised Agent Interface.....................................218

    8.6 Preliminary Evaluation for Character Development...........................................................220

    CHAPTER 9 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK ............................ 222

    9.1 Summary of Achievements ................................................................................................222

    9.2 Limitations..........................................................................................................................227

    9.3 Future Work .......................................................................................................................229 9.3.1 Improvements in Current Modules .............................................................................229 9.3.2 Utilising the P & E Engine in Potential Applications.................................................230

  • iv

    APPENDICES…. .............................................................................................. 236

    APPENDIX A. FUZZY LOGIC CONTROL SYSTEM..........................................................236

    APPENDIX B. AB5C MODEL ...............................................................................................265

    APPENDIX C. SIX DEVISED SCENARIOS .........................................................................266

    APPENDIX D. THIRTY-TWO PERSONALITY TYPES ......................................................272

    APPENDIX E. USER STUDIES .............................................................................................289

    REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………..313

  • v

    List of Figures

    Figure 2.1: Body and Mind of Character Capability ............................................ 13

    Figure 2.2: Neuro Baby......................................................................................... 14

    Figure 2.3: REA Project........................................................................................ 15

    Figure 2.4: Virtual Theatre.................................................................................... 21

    Figure 2.5: Virtual Babyz and Pets ....................................................................... 22

    Figure 2.6: Body Chat Project............................................................................... 23

    Figure 2.7: SAM Project ....................................................................................... 24

    Figure 2.8: Squash and Stretch (Blair 1995)......................................................... 33

    Figure 2.9: Follow-Through and Overlapping Action (Blair 1995) ..................... 34

    Figure 2.10: The Process of Motion Capture ........................................................ 41

    Figure 3.1: BEAT Project ..................................................................................... 69

    Figure 3.2: Three Main Zones of Shaping (Lamb & Watson 1979)..................... 73

    Figure 3.3: An Example of a Person’s Inclination................................................ 74

    Figure 3.4: Sheldon’s Somatotypes ...................................................................... 75

    Figure 3.5: Cartoon Character Types (Blair 1995) ............................................... 79

    Figure 3.6: Pugnacious and Cute Characters (Blair 1994).................................... 80

    Figure 3.7: Screwball and Goofy Characters (Blair 1994) ................................... 81

    Figure 4.1: A Schematic Diagram of Our Conceptual Model .............................. 85

    Figure 4.2: The Utilisations of the P & E Engine in the Realms of Narrative

    Intelligence and Ambient Intelligence .................................................................. 87

    Figure 5.1: Overview of System Architecture .................................................... 104

    Figure 5.2: Two Layered Fuzzy Controller of the P & E Engine ...................... 106

    Figure 5.3: Personality Fuzzy Controller of the P & E Engine (Shaded Area) .. 107

    Figure 5.4: OCEAN Membership Function........................................................ 108

    Figure 5.5: Triangular versus Trapezoid Membership Function with Equal Base-

    Widths ................................................................................................................. 108

    Figure 5.6: Membership Functions for the Output BehaviourType .................... 108

    Figure 5.7: Emotion Fuzzy Controller of the P & E Engine (Shaded Area)....... 113

    Figure 5.8: Membership Function of Happy....................................................... 113

  • vi

    Figure 5.9: Curved and Triangular Membership Functions with Equal Base-

    Widths ................................................................................................................. 114

    Figure 5.10: Membership Functions for the Horizontal Output ......................... 115

    Figure 5.11: Basic Configuration of the Hierarchical Fuzzy Logical Control.... 117

    Figure 5.12: The Control Panel of the P & E Engine ......................................... 119

    Figure 5.13: The Devised Model in Maya Interface ........................................... 120

    Figure 5.14: A Snapshot of MEL Expression Editor .......................................... 120

    Figure 5.15: Hierarchical Joint Skeletons ........................................................... 121

    Figure 5.16: A Snapshot of Motion Parameters in Properties Editor ................. 121

    Figure 5.17: Happy Walking of Two Different Personality Characters ............. 124

    Figure 5.18: Walking of Different Emotional States .......................................... 124

    Figure 5.19: Personality Description of Type8: O+, C-, E+, A+, N-.................. 125

    Figure 5.20: Example 2: The Comparison of Different Personality and Emotion

    ............................................................................................................................. 127

    Figure 5.21: Personality Description of Type30: O+C-E+A-N+........................ 128

    Figure 5.22: (a) Neutral walking (b) Angry walking (c) Sad walking (d)

    Fearful walking ................................................................................................... 128

    Figure 6.1: Overview of System Architecture .................................................... 137

    Figure 6.2: Layout of the Story Module ............................................................. 143

    Figure 6.3: A Snapshot of the Story Interface..................................................... 143

    Figure 6.4: Hierarchical Fuzzy Controller of P & E Engine............................... 149

    Figure 6.5: Membership Functions for the Output Character Type.................... 150

    Figure 6.6: Animation and Graphics Engine Architecture.................................. 152

    Figure 6.7: The Comparison of Two Different Scenarios .................................. 154

    Figure 7.1: Overview of the Personalised Agent System ................................... 163

    Figure 7.2: Interface of User Profile ................................................................... 165

    Figure 7.3: Personalised Agent Module.............................................................. 172

    Figure 7.4: The Interface of Personalised Agent ................................................ 174

    Figure 7.5: Membership Function of Cute Type................................................. 177

    Figure 7.6: Membership Function of Head Shape .............................................. 178

    Figure 7.7: Membership Function of Head Size ................................................. 179

    Figure 7.8: Reciprocal Connection between Human and Computer................... 180

    Figure 7.9: The Animation and Graphics Engine ............................................... 182

    Figure 7.10: Original Models.............................................................................. 182

  • vii

    Figure 7.11: Some Examples of Agent Appearances ......................................... 182

    Figure 7.12: Agents’ Appearance Control .......................................................... 183

    Figure 7.13: The Comparison of Two Personalised Agents with Two Different

    Personalities: (a) (O+C-E+A+N-) and (b) (O-C+E-A+N+)................................ 186

    Figure 8.1: User Interface Layout P & E Engine ................................................ 190

    Figure 8.2: Screenshot of User Interface during the Effectiveness Interaction .. 191

    Figure 8.3: Sample Screenshot of User Interface during the Believability

    Interaction of Question 6 to Question 14 ............................................................ 191

    Figure 8.4: The Visualisation Platform during the Demonstration..................... 192

    Figure 8.5: The Age of Participants .................................................................... 192

    Figure 8.6: Academic Levels in Animation Degree of Participants ................... 193

    Figure 8.7: The Most Difficult Process in Animation Production ...................... 193

    Figure 8.8: Happy and Sad.................................................................................. 196

    Figure 8.9: Angry and Fearful............................................................................. 196

    Figure 8.10: Sad and Disgusted .......................................................................... 196

    Figure 8.11: A Snapshot of the Sad Variance..................................................... 199

    Figure 8.12: A Snapshot of the Surprised Variance............................................ 199

    Figure 8.13: A Snapshot of the Disgusted Variance ........................................... 200

    Figure 8.14: A Snapshot of the Angry Variance................................................. 201

    Figure 8.15: A Snapshot of the Happy Variance ................................................ 201

    Figure 8.16: A Snapshot of the Fearful Variance ............................................... 202

    Figure 8.17: Story G............................................................................................ 207

    Figure 8.18: Story H............................................................................................ 207

    Figure 8.19: Clip G and Clip H........................................................................... 208

    Figure 8.20: A Screenshot of the Personality Test Interface .............................. 214

    Figure 8.21: A Screenshot of Personalised Agent Interface ............................... 214

    Figure 8.22: Type 3: O+C+E+A+N-; Cartoon type: Cute-Normal..................... 216

    Figure 8.23: Type 2: O+C+E+A+N+; Cartoon type: Cute ................................. 216

    Figure 8.24: Type 22: O+C-E+A+N+; Cartoon type: Screwball........................ 217

    Figure 8.25: Type 28: O-C-E+A-N-; Cartoon type: Pugnacious ........................ 217

    Figure 8.26: Type 10 O-C+E-A+N+; Cartoon type: Goofy................................ 217

  • viii

    Lists of Tables

    Table 2.1: New Principles of Animation (Kerlow 2004)...................................... 32

    Table 2.2: Principles of Animation and Related Physical Parameters.................. 36

    Table 3.1: NEO-PI Facets (John & Srivastava 1999) ........................................... 48

    Table 3.2: Basic Characteristics of the FFM Model (McCrae &a Costa 1987).... 49

    Table 3.3: A Part of The Abridged Big Five Circumplex Model (De Raad 2000)51

    Table 3.4: The Comparison of Trait Theories....................................................... 52

    Table 3.5: The Level of Personality Descriptors and Corresponding Personality

    Types (Howard and Howard, 1995)...................................................................... 55

    Table 3.6: Dimensions of Personality (Rousseau 1996) ....................................... 57

    Table 3.7: Roseman’s Model ................................................................................ 61

    Table 3.8: Chosen Action in Guye-Vuilleme’s Multi-User Virtual Environment

    Research, Classified by Posture/Gesture and Part of the Body (Guye-Vuilleme et

    al. 1998) ................................................................................................................ 70

    Table 3.9: Sheldon’s Three Main Somatotypes .................................................... 76

    Table 3.10: Self-Description Test (Knapp 1980).................................................. 78

    Table 3.11: Adjectives for Self-Description Test (Knapp 1980) .......................... 79

    Table 3.12: Comparison of Sheldon’s Somatotypes and Cartoon Types ............. 82

    Table 4.1: Parts of the AB5C Model (De Raad 2000) .......................................... 89

    Table 4.2: Our Evaluated Personality Combinations of the Perceiving Process .. 92

    Table 4.3: Our Evaluated Personality Combinations of the Reasoning Process... 93

    Table 4.4: Our Evaluated Personality Combinations of the Learning Process ..... 94

    Table 4.5: Our Evaluated Personality Combinations of the Acting Process......... 95

    Table 4.6: Our Evaluated Personality Combinations of the Deciding Process..... 96

    Table 4.7: Our Evaluated Personality Combinations of the Interacting Process .. 97

    Table 4.8: Our Evaluated Personality Combinations of the Revealing Process ... 98

    Table 4.9: Our Evaluated Personality Combinations of the Feeling Emotions

    Process .................................................................................................................. 99

    Table 4.10: Our Behaviour Parameters............................................................... 101

    Table 5.1: The Result of the 32 Personality Types ............................................. 112

    Table 5.2: Output Variables of Emotion FLC..................................................... 113

  • ix

    Table 5.3: The Relationship of Behaviour and Kinesphere Zones ..................... 115

    Table 5.4: Emotions and Four Main Areas of Body Movement......................... 118

    Table 5.5: Emotions and Physical Parameters .................................................... 118

    Table 5.6: Motion Parameters Related to Three Kinesphere Zones and Timing 123

    Table 6.1: Basic Scenario Structure .................................................................... 141

    Table 6.2: Proposed Scenario 4........................................................................... 142

    Table 6.3: Options of Scene 1 and 3 for Users ................................................... 145

    Table 6.4: Postures, Actions and Movement of Body Parts related to the Meaning

    of Body Language............................................................................................... 147

    Table 6.5: Examples of Gestures ........................................................................ 148

    Table 6.6: Some Examples of Body Language and Four Main Areas of Body

    Movement ........................................................................................................... 151

    Table 6.7: The Comparison of Scene 3............................................................... 153

    Table 7.1: Personality Test (Pervin, Cervone & John 2005) .............................. 164

    Table 7.2: Characteristic Personality Pattern (Howard & Howard 1995) .......... 166

    Table 7.3: The Five Behavioural Styles.............................................................. 167

    Table 7.4: A Descriptive Comparison of Ectomorphic Type (Sheldon 1940) and

    Goofy Type (Blair 1994)..................................................................................... 175

    Table 7.5: Cartoon Appearance Rules ................................................................ 178

    Table 7.6: The Result of Cartoon Appearance.................................................... 184

    Table 8.1: The Emotional Evaluation ................................................................. 195

    Table 8.2: The Emotional Evaluation ................................................................. 198

    Table 8.3: Story G............................................................................................... 204

    Table 8.4: Story H............................................................................................... 205

    Table 8.5: The Personality Evaluation ................................................................ 205

    Table 8.6: The Suitability Evaluation ................................................................. 206

    Table 8.7: Z-score Distribution of Q16 and Q17 ................................................ 206

    Table 8.8: The Usefulness of the P & E Engine ................................................. 209

    Table 8.9: Z-score Distribution of Q 18 to Q25................................................. 210

    Table 8.10: The User Preference Evaluation ...................................................... 212

    Table 8.11: Z-score Distribution of Q26............................................................. 212

    Table 8.12: The User Preference Evaluation ...................................................... 212

    Table 8.13: The Result of Participants’ Personality Test.................................... 215

    Table 8.14: The Results of Subjects’ Personalised Agent .................................. 216

  • x

    Table 8.15: The Effectiveness of the Personalised Agent Framework ............... 218

    Table 8.16: Z-score Distribution of Q31 to Q33................................................. 218

    Table 8.17: The Effectiveness of the Customisation Function ........................... 219

    Table 8.18: Z-score Distribution of Q34 to Q36................................................. 219

    Table 8.19: The Preliminary Evaluation for Future Development ..................... 221

    Table 8.20: Z-score Distribution of Q37 to Q41................................................. 221

  • xi


    2D Two-dimensional

    3D Three-dimensional

    AB5C Abridged Big Five Circumplex

    AI Artificial Intelligence

    AMI Ambient Intelligent

    COG Center of Gravity

    COA Center of Average

    COS Centre of Sums

    ECA Emotion Conversational Agent

    FFM Five-Factor Model

    HCI Human Computer Interaction

    LOM Largest of Maximum

    LMA Laban Movement Analysis

    Mocap Motion Capture

    MOM Mean of Maximum

    NEO-PI NEO Personality Inventory

    NI Narrative Intelligence

    OCEAN Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and


    OCC Ortony, Clore, and Collins

    SRCT Social Reactions to Communication Technology

    SOM Smallest of Maximum

  • xii

    Statement of Original Authorship

    The work contained in this thesis has not been previously submitted for a degree

    or diploma at this or any other higher education institution. To the best of my

    knowledge and belief, the thesis contains no material previously published or

    written by another person except where due reference is made.

    Signed: Date:

  • xiii


    Many wonderful people helped me with the research for this thesis who deserve

    my sincerest appreciation. First thanks go to my principle supervisor, Professor

    Binh Pham, for her enormous insight, extra patience and steady guidance which

    have ensured the completion of this thesis. I also would like to thank my

    associate supervisors, Dr. Aster Wardhani for the first two-year guidance and Dr.

    Dian Tjondronegoro for his support and constructive advice at the last year of my

    PhD journey.

    Thanks to Queensland University of Technology which has provided me nice

    working environment with all the facilities, resource, travel allowances and

    services. Thanks to all the staff who have helped me with many things.

    Thanks to Professor Tao-I Hsu for his support of my system evaluation. Thanks

    to students and colleagues of Department of Digital Multimedia Arts in Shih Hsin

    University who participated the evaluation.

    Thanks to Dr Rose Brown for the constructive criticism as a panel member and

    my friends, Mimi, Darren, Miriam, Sam and Charles for their encouragement,

    advice and sharing their PhD experience. Thanks to my old colleagues, Ming,

    Nicole and Jessica for your belief in me.

    My foremost gratitude goes to my dear husband, Kuang-Yuan who always

    believes in me, and supports us financially that allowed me to concentrate on my

    study. I would also like to thank my loving sister, my lovable son and daughter

    for your love, enthusiasm and inspiration which give meanings to this PhD

    journey. Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my mum and

    dad for your endless love and encouragement.

  • 1


    Animated agent technology has been rapidly developed, and subsequently a trend

    in industry and academic sectors has emerged whereby animated agent technology

    is applied to support users in learning, entertaining, and working. As computer

    infrastructure is getting faster, more compact and more affordable universally, it is

    desirable to utilise an animated agent in the handheld devices via mobile, PDA,

    internet and omnipresent technologies to ubiquitously provide psychological and

    functional benefits to fulfill communicative goals. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has

    focused on multiagent interactions for problem solving to support human tasks.

    Some researchers have devised intelligent text-based agents to improve the

    human-computer relationship. Many AI tools are designed to create intelligent

    behaviour or model human cognition. However, AI has not been traditionally

    concerned with modeling expressive agent motions that can embody distinctive

    personalities and engage in nonverbal communication. Some agent-related

    research focuses on creating a believable agent. However, creating character

    believability involves not only creating intelligence or realism but also providing

    affective connection between human and agents. This research is inspired by the

    artistic nature of modeling animated characters. Believable agents that can

    display personality and emotion-rich nonverbal behaviours and engage in social

    interactions are critical to a sophisticated agent design. In this research, the aim is

    to create a new tool to provide agent designers some artistic freedom.

    In the past decade, the task of creating lively animated characters was labour

    intensive in agent-related research, film and game industries. The design of a

    character involves the visual interpretation of a story and the type of emotion it

    contains. Animators translate the personality of characters into facial animations,

    gestures and motions. To date, even a highly trained animator often faces some

    difficulties to simulate an emotion and personality-rich character. Therefore, the

    tools that have been designed for film or game purposes are not sufficient for the

    agent design. Hence, new tools and methodologies for modeling autonomous

  • 2

    animated agents based on personality and emotion control are needed to support

    agent designers emulating animated agents to enhance the believability of agent


    In this opening chapter, the overall background, motivation, major research

    questions, and aims of the research will be introduced. The significance of the

    chosen approaches and possible applications is identified. The thesis outline is

    summarised at the end of the chapter.

    1.1 Background and Motivation The research motivation regarding modeling expressive agent motions derives

    from four domains of agent research analysis: Narrative Intelligence (NI), Human

    Motion, Animation, and Ambient Intelligence (AmI) research.

    Narrative Intelligence Research

    Narrative Intelligence encompasses areas—such as virtual theatre, interactive

    drama or immersive storytelling—that provide a variety of nonlinear storytelling

    techniques. These interactive storytelling systems allow users to make different

    requests and follow a variety of possible sequences that have multiple beginnings

    and endings. Character expression is the essence of believability in a character-

    centric storytelling system. Personality and emotion trigger the expressiveness

    and behaviours of a character being conveyed on the stage. The temperament of a

    character represents the mind and cognition of the synthetic entity. Researchers

    have endeavoured to enhance the believability of autonomous agents. Some

    emotion-related motion models have been constructed. However, the character

    motions of most character-centred story models based on pre-stored movement,

    finite state machine and scripted conditional logic are generally restrictive. The

    major drawback lies in the lack of maturity in the integration of reasonable

    emotional behaviour and the elements of human personality.

    Human Motion and Psychological Research

    Human personality, emotional behaviour and body language are the essences in

    the recognition of a believable synthetic agent. An intelligent-like agent shall

  • 3

    possess unique characteristics and furthermore adapt to users’ characteristics to

    perform various tasks. With the intent of modeling autonomous animated

    characters, new techniques for supporting agent design including the analysis

    method of psychological factors, character movements, appearances and

    behaviours will be investigated for a suitable conceptual support.

    Animation Research

    Animations tell stories and communicate emotions in screenplays, storyboards,

    and games. Animated characters work well by dramatising and caricaturing

    realistic movements and appearances. Popular animated characters successfully

    engage the audience and create an emotional connection with the spectators.

    However, traditional computer animation is typically not interactive. Additionally,

    to create an animated agent, a sophisticated animator needs to understand the

    story and how a character’s personality fits into the story. An animator must have

    knowledge of the elements of a screenplay. These elements determine the

    personalities, expressions and actions of the characters. It is very difficult for

    people with no technical animation knowledge to produce engaging character

    models or animations. Although research activities in interactive agent design

    have progressed in recent years, procedural animation uses a set of procedures and

    rules to control motion and can create motion faster, but it is not good at stylized

    movement and doesn’t focus on appearance automation. Motion capture

    techniques capture motions live, and the characters are animated in real time. The

    motion of models are realistic, however, in many instances, motion capture

    techniques make the non-realistic character looks too natural, not exaggerated and

    spiritless. It is also expensive and difficult to obtain a specific motion and some

    captured motions are hard to reuse. In particular, it is difficult to cooperate with

    cartoon models. The utilisation of cartoon modeling for animated agents and an

    affective computational method for cartoon character construction has yet to


    Ambient Intelligence Research

    Ambient Intelligence (AmI) denotes a paradigm that focuses on improving human

    quality of life by integrating intelligent electronic devices transparently to the

    presence of people. The vision of AmI is to situate human needs central to

  • 4

    technology development. As software or device agents evolve into the AmI, new

    concepts for agents’ presentation and delegating control are necessary to minimise

    the human’s tasks and interventions in the complex and dynamic environment.

    Most of the current AmI research, however, focuses on how to embed intelligence

    and functionality into the human environment without considering individual

    information needs and diverse preferences. It is important to reduce the repetitive

    and meaningless uniform actions of an agent. A personalised agent design based

    on individual preference that can adapt itself to users’ characteristics and can be

    customised to perform differently for various goals is required to increase the

    affective interpersonal connection as an integral part of the Ambient Intelligent


    1.2 Aims of Research This research focuses on exploring effective techniques for extracting personality

    and emotion features for a high-level control of character movements. To

    examine the applicability of the developed high-level controlling mechanism, new

    techniques for the analysis and support of the conceptual design of controlling

    animated agents that can be applied for the realms of Narrative Intelligence and

    Ambient Intelligence will be investigated.

    The primary aims are to develop and implement:

    (1) A new postural motion control method for animated agents

    • A personality model that integrates psychology and human behaviour theories

    to support agent design

    • A Personality and Emotion (P & E) Engine which utilises a high-level

    control mechanism, allowing designers to express their design intent through

    personality and emotion specification for controlling character motions

    (2) An innovative storyboard-structured storytelling method for controlling animated story agents

    • A story agent that fully utilises the proposed P & E Engine

    • A story analysis method that provides insights into the characteristics of story

  • 5

    characters by analysing story scripts and body language descriptions

    • Techniques for analysing the compositive factors of personality and emotion

    to provide a knowledge base for the motions of story characters

    (3) A novel personalised agent framework for the Ambient Intelligent environment

    • A Personalised Ambient Intelligent Agent that fully utilises the proposed P &

    E Engine

    • An affective computational method for cartoon character construction that

    autonomously controls the cartoon appearance genres of animated agents

    • Methods for categorising meaningful idle activities and utilising customisation

    functions that allow users to configure the personality of their agent

    1.3 Research Questions The following research questions will be investigated:

    (1) Animated Agents in Narrative Intelligence

    To examine the applicability of the developed high-level controlling mechanism, a

    story agent framework for Narrative Intelligent environments is investigated. To

    develop a better controlling mechanism for animated agents in Narrative

    Intelligent environments, foremost, we have considered the question “what makes

    a great character?” A great story character must have self-contradictory

    personalities (Glassner 2004). They have one or more extraordinary admirable

    traits or exaggerated emotional reactions than other personae. Therefore, the

    following questions are derived:

    Is it possible to find relevant parameters to express personality and emotion?

    Can they be categorised?

    How do personality and emotion parameters affect human motion


    Secondly, personality and emotion may vary along the unfolding story plots. The

  • 6

    transition of a persona must be considered while a synthetic character model is

    designed in this study. Addressing the following questions will ensure that the

    extensibility of a story character model is comprehensively considered:

    How can a story character engine provide unpredictable possibilities?

    How can a scalable model of a story character’s motion be constructed?

    In addition, a good story character must be attractive. In Disney animation,

    animated characters are generally appealing. These characters are simply more

    interesting due to their exaggerated motions that urge the strength of emotion. In

    this regard, the following questions provide guidance:

    How can these animated characteristics be modelled to represent an animated

    agent’s motion?

    (2) Animated Agents in Ambient Intelligence

    To examine the applicability of the developed high-level controlling mechanism, a

    personalised agent design framework for Ambient Intelligent environments is

    investigated. To extend the functionalities of the research, we investigate issues

    arising from the functional and social implications of interacting with an agent by

    integrating Narrative Intelligence, psychology and cartoon construction into

    Ambient Intelligent technology. The following questions are deliberated:

    What kinds of agents have a better human-agent affective relationship?

    How can the agent behaviour be devised based on psychological factors?

    How can the main motion features of idle activity be categorised for

    representing agents’ individuality?

    Furthermore, the shapes of characters can be used to accentuate an aspect of the

    character’s personality. To explore the element of shape, the following questions

    will be considered:

  • 7

    What elements does the appearance consist of?

    Is it possible to integrate the cartoon rules for the appearance of animated


    1.4 Significance and Potential Applications This research examines the connections between human personality, emotion,

    character modeling and movement used in a Narrative Intelligent system and an

    Ambient Intelligent environment. The chosen approaches are significant steps

    towards providing a high-level motion control with insights into agents’ cognitive

    states. The approaches are outlined in this section.

    (A) Analysing the compositive factors of personality and emotion to provide a knowledge base for character motions

    By studying the parameters of psychological factors that characterise the body

    language and posture of a real human, the P & E Engine, a hierarchical fuzzy

    inference system for character postures, will be implemented. A number of

    approaches that underlie the techniques, including fuzzy logic and Narrative

    Intelligence, are examined. With psychology-based fuzzy rules, personalities and

    emotions are mapped into the main body zones of an animated character that give

    storytelling players or agent designers the chance to control synthetic characters

    through high-level personality and emotion controlling mechanisms. The

    variations resulting from the differences in the intensity of emotions are also

    successfully displayed.

    (B) Developing a storyboard-based storytelling method

    We construct a story module to facilitate the body language control of a dynamic

    story character by using story scripts and action descriptions in a form similar to

    the content description of storyboards to predict specific personalities and

    emotions of story characters. The story character can consistently perform

    specific postures and gestures based on its personality type. Story designers can

    devise a story context in our story interface that predictably motivates personality

  • 8

    and emotion values to drive the appropriate movements of the story characters.

    (C) Facilitating the process of designing animated agents

    In order to reduce the repetitive and meaningless actions of idle activities, we

    devise an integrated agent summarisation scheme that classifies a character’s body

    languages and behaviour inclinations. This classification provides comprehensive

    behavioural descriptions and detailed analysis of an animated agent. This study

    produces scalable controlling schemes and provides no-repetitive motion

    possibilities for animated agents. This can enhance the presentation of the crowd

    simulation by assigning a different personality to each character.

    (D) Supporting the animation design process

    The P & E Engine can represent the design intents of animators using personality

    descriptive terms as a design guideline for a desirable animated character. This

    can reduce strenuous animation production efforts in emulating animated agents

    on the agents’ motion database of immersive storytelling, virtual theatre,

    interactive computer games or virtual assistants displayed on a range of different

    devices, such as PDAs and smart phones.

    (E) Integrating cartoon construction for character appearance

    To control different appearance genres that represent the characteristics of

    character personalities, a personalized AmI agent that matches the user profile in

    the form of a cartoon reciprocal agent is implemented. The appearance

    parameters of a cartoon reciprocal agent are characterised based on the design

    principles of traditional cartoon animation. The cartoon construction method can

    be used to apply exaggerated characteristics to the character visual presentation

    and provide more dramatic visual effects for agent design. It is expected that this

    method can be utilized to create a character database for web agents or game

    agents which allow users to choose a like-minded agent.

    (F) Creating a tool for training novice animators

    The knowledge of the P & E Engine can be used to support conceptual animated

    character design and to train novice animators in the pre-production process of

    animation production as a character development tool.

  • 9

    1.5 Thesis Outline Having introduced the research motivation and aims, the remainder of this thesis

    is organised as follows.

    Chapter 2 reviews related studies on agent representation, presentation methods

    and character motion techniques. The discussion focuses on comparing agent

    design approaches that are utilised in Narrative Intelligence and Ambient

    Intelligence. This discussion provides a foundation for a promising approach

    towards a high-level control of agent motions. The last part of the chapter

    discusses approaches that aim to bridge the gaps between high-level and low-level

    features of animated agents.

    Chapter 3 summarises the characteristics of personality and emotion

    psychological models, followed by some approaches that analyse human

    movement and psychological methods for non-verbal behaviour analysis. This

    will be developed to acquire the theoretical models applied in the study. As the

    basis for generating personality and emotional behaviour, the challenges in

    modeling the personality schemes are explained.

    Chapter 4 provides an overview of the framework for a high-level control of

    postural of animated agents. The discussion aims to guide readers into the

    subsequent chapters in the thesis. In particular, the system architecture will be

    presented to describe the utilisation of the P & E Engine in Narrative Intelligence

    and Ambient Intelligence domains as outlined in Chapters 5, 6 and 7.

    Chapter 5 discusses the design and implementation of the P & E Engine, which is

    a hierarchical fuzzy logic system devised for an animated character. The

    mappings from high-level psychological factors to the P & E Engine and from this

    engine to the Animation and Graphics Engine are elaborated. An overview of

    fuzzy logic is provided; a fuzzy system design and the personality and emotion

    applications related to fuzzy knowledge are also discussed.

    Chapter 6 describes the applicability of the P & E Engine for story agents in a

  • 10

    Narrative Intelligent system. The requirements of designing a better controlling

    mechanism for story characters are analysed. A storyboard-structured method of

    storytelling is devised with feature extraction of narratives and semantic

    annotation of characters’ body languages. An integrated summarisation scheme to

    form customised semantics for body languages is discussed in detail.

    Chapter 7 introduces a personalised agent scheme which is an extension of the

    functionality of the P & E Engine for an Ambient Intelligent environment. The

    scheme aims to demonstrate the benefits of using personality and emotion-based

    modeling techniques to support the appearance and activity of an agent. An

    integrated agent summarisation scheme can facilitate additional features and

    semantics to enhance the agent performance and acceptability in future work.

    Chapter 8 reports an evaluation of the P & E Engine and the applicability in both

    Narrative Intelligent and Personalized Ambient Intelligent Agent frameworks to

    verify the effectiveness of the developed approaches.

    Chapter 9 summarises the major achievements of this thesis and analyses the

    limitations of these approaches, followed by some directions for future work.

  • 11


    Various agent concepts have been proposed through the years. However, what do

    we need agents for? How do we ease the nuisance of agents and make users feel

    connected? It is anticipated that in the future an agent will be able to recognise

    people, adapt itself to people by learning from people’s behaviours and possibly

    predict people’s needs. The repetitive tasks and learning process of an agent

    should be “behind stage” to minimise the interference. Therefore, in order to

    design a useful agent, we have to comprehend what type of agents is attractive to

    users; further, an agent needs to recognise what kind of person it is interacting


    This chapter reviews previous agent studies and analyses of people’s relationships

    with animated agents. Section 2.1 discusses agent representations as well as

    Artificial Intelligence theories of agent collaboration. Section 2.2 deals with the

    variety of Narrative Intelligent theories and the agent design in Narrative

    Intelligence. Section 2.3 covers both the theoretical and practical aspects of

    Ambient Intelligence, all the development phrases of AmI systems and the issues

    of agent design in Ambient Intelligence. Section 2.4 discusses the presentation

    methods of an agent. Section 2.5 analyses the techniques of motion control by

    articulating classical animation and character motion techniques. Section 2.6

    concludes the chapter by summarising the motivation of this research.

    2.1 Animated Agent Representation Numerous workshops and conferences over the last decade have addressed the

    topics of emotional agent, social agent, anthropomorphic agent and embodied

    conversational agent. In the first part of this research, we devise the Personality

    and Emotion Engine to facilitate a high-level control of agent movements. In

  • 12

    order to have an insight into the requirements of agent design, we examine the

    related research in terms of agent functionality, capability and modality in the

    social relation aspects.

    2.1.1 Agent Functionality and Capability Many agent concepts have already been tested as practical applications in diverse

    areas to facilitate human task. Device agents inhabit in PDA, smart phone, and

    meeting equipments to increase work efficiency, such as mobile agents (Will et al.

    2004) and web agents for content searches in novels, news, receipts and

    information (Kuno & Sahai 2002; Billsus & Pazzani 1999). An agent can

    function as a learning companion (Chan 1996) or a tel-home health carer (Lisetti

    et al. 2003) that fulfills various roles within an electronically mediated learning

    and training environment for young children or elders.

    Aarts et al. (2003) suggested that agents shall embody personalised, adaptive and

    anticipative capabilities with which they can be tailored towards user needs,

    change in response to the user, and anticipate the user’s desires with conscious

    mediation. Therefore, agents shall be designed with different characteristics

    including special identification, gender, role, cast and cognition. In Figure 2.1, the

    body capability of an animated agent is summarised in terms of body and mind.

    The agent’s mind shall embody memory, knowledge, specific personality and

    language capability. The agent’s facial expressions shall embody the capability of

    expressing nonverbal communication of their mental-state, perception and sensing.

    The body of the agent shall display physical traits, embody the physiological

    needs, as well as perform the locomotion and nonverbal communication ability.

    2.1.2 Agent Modality The research on animated humanoid agents embraces various fields: psychology,

    social psychology, Artificial Intelligence, animation principles, entertainment

    industry and Human Computer Interaction (HCI). The nature of agents can be

    classified into three major modalities: social agent, affective agent, and story

    agent, which are largely overlapping in many aspects.

  • 13

    Figure 2.1: Body and Mind of Character Capability

    (1) Social Agents

    Social agents were designed to display social cues or to recognise affective cues

    and to engage people’s social cognition. Researchers in social cognition and

    social computing demonstrated an interest in not only studying social responses in

    human-computer interaction but in building artifacts that provoke these responses.

    In Social Reactions to Communication Technology (SRCT) research, Reeves and

    Nass (1996) demonstrated in a seminal work for “social computing” that people

    responded in social ways to computers (Reeves & Nass 1996; Nass et al. 1995).

    Their studies investigated politeness behaviour, proximity effects, and gender

    effects. Human characteristics are assigned to computers in which human-

    computer and human-human interactions are found similar. People would

    respond to computer personalities in the same way they would respond to similar

    human personality (Nass et al. 1995). The perspective of “Media Equation”

    summed up that “computers are social actors” (Reeves & Nass 1996). This work

    inspired the Microsoft Office assistants and Bickmore’s relational agents

    (Bickmore 2003). Other examples of work in this area include the conveyance of

    personality and impression management through gaze behaviour (Garau et al.

    2003), gesture (Zhao 2001) and the use of social protocols for meeting

    management (Yan & Selker 2000).

    Mind Body

    Intelligence/cognitive modeling Knowledge Goal/desire (motivation) Memory Learning Reasoning (decision

    making) Emotions/Mood and

    Personality Attitude: like/dislike Affiliation needs

    (interpersonal relationship)

    Esteem needs Natural language

    processing Speech recognition and


    Physiological needs: Hunger, thirst, fatigue, safety Physical traits Figure animation Nonverbal communication

    Body language (Conscious / subconscious) Posture Gestures Social behaviour Senses

    Touch Locomotion Path finding

    Nonverbal communication

    Facial, gaze Animation Sense Smell Perception Hearing Taste

  • 14

    (2) Affective Agents

    Affective agents encompass Emotion Agents and Embodied Conversational

    Agents (ECAs), which were designed to display and recognise affects in users or

    to manipulate the user’s affective state. As artifacts will become ubiquitous, the

    capability for them to establish social affiliation with humans will become

    increasingly important (Bickmore & Cassell 2001). Several researchers

    developed technologies for sensing user affects through a variety of physiological,

    nonverbal and verbal channels, including facial expression, postures, galvanic

    skin response, muscle contraction and speech (Cassell et al. 1999). Other

    researchers also developed systems for displaying affective signals using a variety

    of modalities, including speech, facial expression, motion dynamics and natural

    language text (Hovy 1990). For instance, Tosa’s Neuro Baby, the simulation of a

    baby, is an automatic facial expression synthesiser that responds to the

    expressions of feeling in the human voice through recognising emotions and

    feelings (Tosa 1994) (Figure 2.2). Tosa used Neural Networks to model an

    artificial baby that reacted in emotional ways to the sounds made by a user

    looking into its crib.

    (Image adapted from

    Figure 2.2: Neuro Baby

    The lack of affective connection between agents and humans can result in poor

    usage of agent technology. Some research improves this type of problem by

    adding emotion expressions. Several conversational systems were developed that

    attempted to convey emotion. Embodied Conversational Agent (ECA) and Social

    Intelligent Agent communities offered a good overview of issues relating to

    emotional agents in social affiliations. ECA research analysed human discourses

    into task, communication and relationship categories for developing a better

    interpersonal relationship between human and agent (Cassell 2001). Examples

  • 15

    were the pedagogical agent (Lester et al. 2000) , robot soccer commentators

    (Andre et al. 1997) and sport broadcaster (Bui 2004). ECAs used speech, gesture,

    intonation and other nonverbal modalities to emulate human conversation with

    their users. The MIT Media Lab’s autonomous conversational kiosk “MACK”

    was a virtual receptionist that could give directions and talk about the differences

    among various research groups (Cassell et al. 2002). Bickmore’s relational

    agent—“REA”—which played the role of a real estate agent emulated the

    experience of face-to-face conversation (Bickmore 2003) (Figure 2.3).

    (Image adapted from

    Figure 2.3: REA Project

    Other researchers proposed methods that related personality and emotion to the

    modeling of agents’ behaviours. Allbeck and Badler (2002) presented work

    toward representing agent behaviours modified by personality and emotion. Rosis

    et al. (2003) integrated personality to an agent to modify the way it feels and

    shows emotions. Ball and Breese (2000) described a sophisticated system for

    recognising users’ affects and personalities. By using a Bayesian belief network,

    they generated affect and personality (dominance/ submissive) using a variety of

    behavioural cues including vocal cues (average pitch, pitch range, speech speed,

    speech energy), verbal cues (active, positive, strong, terse or formal aspects of

    lexical choice), facial expression, gesture (speed and size) and postural


  • 16

    (3) Narrative Agent/ Story Agent

    Narrative agents involve a range of research fields including natural language

    processing, narrative, cognitive science, and computer games research. Story

    agents as synthetic actors that emerge mostly in character-centric models are

    designed to support story structure, to improvise in an interactive multimedia

    environment or to emulate human storytelling. These applications will be

    elaborated upon in more detail in the following section.

    2.2 Agent Design in Narrative Intelligence In the second part of this research, we apply the Personality and Emotion Engine

    into the realm of Narrative Intelligence for controlling the body languages of a

    story agent. In order to understand the essentials of story agent design, we

    examine the variety of Narrative Intelligent theories and the agent design in

    Narrative Intelligence.

    2.2.1 Narrative Intelligence Story communicates facts, provides answers to questions, and makes its audience

    feel various emotions. Story and narrative have long been of great interest to AI

    researchers. Seminal research at Yale explored the issue of the knowledge

    structures and processes that a human uses to understand the meaning of natural

    language (Schank & Reisbeck 1981; Schank 1990). In a series of programs,

    Shanck and colleagues developed a theory of the knowledge structures to

    understand textual narratives. The story understanding system, known as “SAM”,

    used scripts to capture the notion of stereotyped situations or contexts

    (Cullingford 1981); and the other story understanding system, know as “PAM”,

    incorporated a notion of the goals held by characters in a narrative and the means

    they had to accomplish these goals (Wilensky 1981). Since then, narrative has

    stimulated a general move towards an interdisciplinary engagement with the

    humanities. For example, in human-computer interface design, the research focus

    moved from hardware design to viewing an interface as a computer-human

    dialogue (Mateas & Sengers 2003). A number of AI researchers believed that

    studying the narratives of AI can lead to a better self-understanding for AI, and, in

  • 17

    turn, yield better AI research (Agre 1997; Sengers 1998). Blair and Meyer (1997)

    then called the coalescence of AI research and narrative "Narrative Intelligence".

    Narrative Intelligence encompasses diverse research, such as interactive drama,

    virtual drama, interactive cinema, virtual theatre, immersive storytelling, and

    emergent storytelling. Generally, such nonlinear storytelling research can be

    divided into three major groups (Glassner 2004; Bailey 1999): authoring, story,

    and character-based models. These NI researchers aim to address the problem of

    generating interactive narratives, and different narrative design approaches for

    user experience.

    (1) Authoring Model

    An authoring model describes the process of creating a story from the perspective

    of an author (Crawford 2001), such as story understanding systems which model

    the processes by which a human understands a story. This is also called

    interactive fiction, and involves a text-based system. Characters are very simple

    or non-existent. In the interface of an authoring model, the user inputs commands

    that are provided with text descriptions of the world to make connections between

    the stories, background knowledge and, possibly, models of story event

    importance. For example, Grabson and Braun (2001) allowed for authorial

    control at all levels while generating a large variety of plots. By a morphologic

    approach to interactive storytelling, the higher level guidance was the primary

    concern of their design.

    (2) Story Model

    A story model structures the grammars of stories and tells stories by manipulating

    the structure of plots and grammars. A good story design is based on what kind of

    story the author is trying to tell. Plots appear as puzzle simulations. Solving one

    puzzle allows the user to access to the next puzzle. A story model includes story

    database systems and interactive storytelling systems. Story database systems

    allow users to access databases of stories. For example, Schank (1997) developed

    a model of the interrelationship between stories and memory, to describe how

    stories were understood and how they were recreated from the substance of stories.

    He built a training system that contained a database of stories describing how

  • 18

    people handled commonly occurring problems. The stories were triggered by the

    system when the trainee faced a similar situation. Rumelhart (1975) used a story-

    centric approach by capturing the notion of story as a story grammar. Moreover,

    Hall (2002) built a story model based on a story grammar that represents conflict


    Interactive storytelling systems model the structural properties of stories to tell a

    story, explore the nature of interactivity and the structural possibilities of

    interactive narrative (Murray 1998). Creators of an interactive story model lay out

    all the branching options in flowcharts. The interactivity of a computer system is

    based on the dialogue established between the system and the users. The system

    allows the audience to pick one of the predetermined structures in which the

    characters are few and simple and may not directly interact with the audience

    (Wehyrauch 1996, 1997). The system collects and evaluates information and then

    directs the program to trigger appropriate events, to display an image or to play a

    sequence of images or sounds. For example, Szilas (2002, 2005) presented a

    narrative model for interactive drama to simulate the narrative on a deep level and

    allow the user to interact with it. Sgouros and colleagues (1996) and Sgouros

    (1999) developed a framework for plot control in interactive story systems. Braun

    and Schneider (2001) and Braun (2003) presented the story-engine that focused

    on storytelling in a collaborative augmented reality environment. Young (2000,

    2001) and colleagues (2004) created interactive narrative structures by integrating

    plan-based behaviour generation with interactive game environments.

    Some work has focused on systems that provide a high-level plot guidance to

    believable agents. For example, Loyall and Bates (1997) and Weyhrauch (1997)

    built the agent architecture in the Oz Project, built a dramatic guidance system

    that issued high-level commands to Oz believable agents. Galyean (1995) and

    Galyean and Blumberg (1995) examined the plot on the cameras and transitions to

    express how storyline changed the presentation of the scene. This research

    suggested the concept of plot level and presentation level by exploring the area of

    interactivity as it was influenced by a story. By exploring an alternative approach,

    Elliott (1992) and with colleagues (1998) used a fixed script and told different

    stories by narrating the stories with different emotional emphases. Elliott's

  • 19

    Affective Reasoner—a cognitive appraisal model of emotion—generated the

    emotional behaviour of the narrative agent. The work demonstrated that a

    storytelling system could embody the interpretive capabilities of a human

    observer by understanding motivations and emotions.

    (3) Character-centred Model

    A character-centred model devises the goal and plan of a character, which is also

    called interactive cinema or interactive drama overlapping the scope of interactive

    storytelling systems in the story model. The difference is that the plot generation

    is based on the behaviour of autonomous actors built in a graphical world

    (Crawford 2001; Cavazza 2002; Mateas & Stern 2000). The character-centred

    model allows the audience experiencing a story to be an interactive participant

    through standard input peripherals. These peripherals determine the position,

    orientation, and physical gesture of a person via a mouse, joysticks, and

    keyboards, or specific gloves and bodysuits with ultrasonic and light sensors. As

    the character-centred model devises the aims and intensions of characters,

    storylines result in characters’ actions and interactions along with the unfolding

    story. For example, Reilly and Bates (1992) and Reilly (1996) built the believable

    autonomous agents that exhibited rich personalities and expressed their emotional

    behaviours in interactive dramas. Blumberg and Galyean (1995) and Galyean

    (1995) explored the concept of a director giving commands to autonomous

    characters at multiple levels of abstraction. They built a system that used

    cinematic techniques focusing on tracking the user's progress through a fixed plot,

    using user actions to trigger the next part of the story. Machado (2000) and

    colleagues (2001) presented interactive story-creation activities by using real

    characters in virtual stories. Crawford’s Erasmatron system (2001) was based on

    a sophisticated world model. It sought to balance character-based and plot-based

    approaches by using verbs as the basic components of action. The author created

    a set of verbs that the engine could work with.

    2.2.2 Narrative Agent Design Several researchers have argued that AI systems will be more understandable with

    narrative presentation extending to systems involving intelligent agents (Sengers

    1999). The agents will be more comprehensible if their visible behaviour is

  • 20

    structured into narrative (Lester & Stone 1997). Therefore, most of the work in

    interactive drama has been improved from an autonomous agent perspective. The

    focus has been on building believable agents that can play roles in stories.

    Narrative agent related design could be categorised into three aspects, namely,

    agent using narrative structure, appearance of narrative agent, support human


    (1) Agent using narrative structure

    Synthetic actors embody internal capabilities with which they can use narrative

    structures to improvise as one of the creative roles in an interactive multimedia

    environment. For example, Hayes-Roth and colleagues’ Virtual Theatre project

    (1995, 1996) allowed users to improvise in games played by the agents. The

    project aimed to provide a multimedia environment in which users produced and

    performed stories in an improvisational theatre company. Agents improvised

    activities around a fixed script and collaborated on the creative process. Each

    time the actors performed a given script or followed a given direction, they may

    improvise differently. Thus, users enjoyed the combined pleasures of seeing their

    own work performed and being surprised by the improvisational performances of

    their actors. The roles included producer, playwright, casting director, set

    designer, music director, real-time director, and actor.

    In their master/servant scenarios, they studied how two autonomous agents

    interacted with one another without human intervention (Hayes-Roth et al. 1995).

    The master and the servant each had knowledge about the environment and their

    status within it. These scenarios tested their behaviours under computer-

    controlled stimuli and emotional variations. Figure 2.4 shows the master, Otto,

    with his servant, Gregor. Additionally, Cavazza (2001, 2002) intervened an

    onscreen virtual character in interactive storytelling. By integrating the

    underlying theory of ethology, Blumberg’s virtual dog-Szila (1997), was a full-

    body interaction system that allowed the user to interact with some dog tricks. In

    the World of Oz system, three characters used narrative structure to perform their

    plays. The fourth character can be controlled by the user to join the play. The

    story was then generated from the interaction of the characters (Loyall & Bates

    1991; Loyall 1997).

  • 21

    (Image adapted from

    Figure 2.4: Virtual Theatre

    (2) Appearances of Narrative Agent

    A good narrative agent design mirrors the process of identification and empathy

    involved in the viewing of the story. A good character is generally appealing but

    may not need to be realistic. If it has contrasting shapes and is fun to look at, it

    will hold an audience’s interest. The attractiveness of a character is determined by

    the dynamics of anticipations and outcomes. Narrative agents or animated

    humanoid software agents are usually designed in three kinds of appearance:

    photorealistic virtual human, anthropomorphic agents and non-physical animated

    agent. With the rapid development of computer graphics technology, researchers

    are increasingly paying attention to making the interaction more adaptive, flexible,

    and human-oriented. The photorealistic virtual human research supervised by

    Magnenat-Thalmann and Thalmann (1998) is the pursuit of the photorealism

    appearance. Balder and Webber (1993, 1997) also directed their attention on

    realism such as the overall design of their animated agent ‘Jack’.

    Anthropomorphic agents are designed to have a humanoid physical form which

    can be a caricatured animal or object, such as the virtual dog created by Blumberg

    and Galyean (1995). Blumberg (1997) built a virtual dog and also focused on

    building architectures to support the construction of characters. The World of Oz

    system was called the “Edge of Intention” and contained three ellipsoidal

    creatures called Woggles (Bates et al. 1992; Loyall & Bates 1997). Mateas and

    Stern’s (2002) and Stern and Frank’s (1998) Virtual Babyz and Virtual Pets

    projects described agents that were designed to allow a narrative structure to

    emerge from their behaviour as they acted over time. Behaviour language was

    also devised to support these story-based believable agents (Figure 2.5).

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    (Image adapted from

    Figure 2.5: Virtual Babyz and Pets

    It is worth noting that several studies have been undertaken to determine if the

    presence of a face or body in the interface has a significant impact on user

    attitudes or behaviour. Koda and Maes (1996) and Takeuchi and Natio (1995)

    studied interfaces with static or animated faces and found that users rated them to

    be more engaging and entertaining than functionality equivalent interfaces

    without a face. Kiesler and Sproull (1997) found that users were more likely to be

    cooperative with an interface agent when it had a human face (versus. a dog or

    cartoon dog).

    However, many agent studies related to human and computer interaction were

    done via text, mouse, and keyboard. These non-physical animated agents, such as

    a kiosk agent and interface agent, varied greatly in their linguistic capabilities and

    mouse/text/speech input modalities. Lui et al.’s interface agent (2003) analysed

    affective tones from natural language text. Lester and colleagues’ interface agent

    “Cosmo” (1997) acted as a pedagogical agent that was perceived as helpful,

    believable, and concerned.

    (3) Support Human Storytelling

    A key aspect of animated agents is that they are artifacts designed to support and

    help people to finish their tasks. Since stories are an important part of human life,

    several researchers, most notably in Cassell's Gesture and Narrative Language

    Group at the MIT Media Lab, built systems that supported people in telling stories

    to one another. Cassell and Bickmore’s “Small Talk” (1999) and Cassell and

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    Vilhjalmsson’s “BodyChat” (1998) developed ruled-based generation of

    synchronised speech, intonation, facial expressions, eye gaze and hand gestures

    for multiple conversational agents (Figure 2.6). This research specially focused

    on hand gestures (e.g. hand shape, wrist control, and arm positions) that concurred

    with spoken language (Cassell & Bickmore 1999).

    Moreover, Cassell et al.’s SAM (2000) was a peer embodied conversational

    storyteller who shared a real castle play space and a set of story-evoking toys with

    children (Figure 2.7). Ryokai's and Cassell’s Storymat (1999) recorded and

    played back stories that people had told. Others, like Umaschi (1997) utilised an

    intelligent embodied soft toy to build a personal storytelling environment. Bers

    and Cassell’s SAGE Storytellers (1998) allowed children to use technologies to

    explore language and to create their own interactive storytellers.

    (Image adapted from

    Figure 2.6: Body Chat Project

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    (Image adapted

    Figure 2.7: SAM Project

    This research does not attempt to provide a model of generating story structure in

    depth. Instead, we investigate a character-based interactive narrative approach,

    focusing on providing a high-level control mechanism to direct the movements of

    an affective story character. We aim to automate character motion, focusing on

    body posture by controlling high-level psychology factors.

    2.3 Agent Design in Ambient Intelligence In the third part of this research, we apply the Personality and Emotion Engine in

    the realm of Ambient Intelligence for controlling the motion and appearance of a

    personalised agent. A personalised AmI agent is devised to match user profile in

    the form of a cartoon reciprocal agent. Therefore, we review the theoretical and

    practical aspects of Ambient Intelligence and the issues for agent design in

    Ambient Intelligence as follows.

    2.3.1 Ambient Intelligence Ambient Intelligence emerges from diverse areas such as ubiquitous (Weiser

    1993), mobile (Satoh 2004), persuasive (Weiser 1991), wearable (Trivedi et al.

    2000) and human-centered computing for a seamless communication environment.

    Current AmI research encompasses interdisciplinary research areas such as the

    technological, scientific and artistic fields to create an embedded and distributed

    support (Norman 1999; Aarts et al. 200