modern indian history part 3 आधुनिक भारतीय इनतहास भाग 3

MODERN INDIAN HISTORY PART_3 आधुनिक भारतीय इनतहास भाग_3

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MODERN INDIAN HISTORY PART_3आधुनिक भारतीय इनतहास भाग_3

Indian National Congress (1885 A.D)

Founder – A.O.HumeViceroy of India - Lord Dufferin

First Conference of Congress (28 Dec.1885 A.D)

Venue - Gokul Das Tej Pal Sanskrit College of BombayPresident – W.C.BanerjeeØ 72 delegates were participate in this Congress.

Second Conference of Congress (1886 A.D)

Venue - Calcutta President - Dada Bhai Naoroji

Third Conference of Congress (1887 A.D)

Venue – MadrasPresident - Badruddin TyabjiØ First Muslim President of Congress.

Forth Conference of Congress (1888 A.D)Venue – AllahabadPresident – George YuleØ First English President of Congress.Partition of Bengal (1905 A.D)Ø On 19th July 1905 A.D, “Lord Curzon” declared that coming “16th October

1905 A.D”, Bengal would be divided in two parts -

(A) East Bengal – Dacca (B)West Bengal – Calcutta

Boycott And Swadeshi Movement (1905 A.D)Ø This movement was started with the partition of Bengal.Ø In 7th August 1905 A.D, a meeting was organized in leadership of

“S.N.Banerjee” at “Town Hall”(Calcutta) with some other leaders.Ø 16th October 1905 A.D, celebrate as “Raksha Bandhan Day”.

All India Muslim League (1906 A.D)

Ø This political party was founded by Aga Khan, Nawab Salimullah Khan, Waqar – ul – Mulk and Mosin – ul – Mulk in 30th Dec. 1906 A.D.

Surat Session and Split in Congress (1907 A.D)

President - Dr. Ras Bihari GhoshØ Congress was divided in two parts –(A)Moderate – This group was led by Gopal Krishna Gokhle.(B)Extremist - This group was led by Lal, Bal, Pal.

Home Rule League Movement (1916 A.D)Ø This was a national political organization founded in 1916

A.D, to lead the national demand for self - government to obtain the status of a dominion with in the British Empire.

Ø In India there were two major parties as – (A) Indian Home Rule League (B) All India Home Rule League

Indian Home Rule League

Ø In “28th April 1916 A.D”, this was founded by “Bal Gangadhar Tilak”, in “Pune”.All India Home Rule League

Ø In “3rdSep. 1916 A.D”, this was founded by “Annie Besant” in “Adyar” (Madras).

Lucknow Pact (1916 A.D)

President - Dr. Ambika Charan MazumdarØ “Congress” and “Muslim League” met at a common

platform for the “first time” since their birth.Ø Both Moderates and Extremists also met in this pact.

Gandhian EraØ In 9th Jan. 1915 A.D, Gandhi ji came in India and established

“Sabarmati Ashram”.Ø Initial Important MovementØ Champaran Movement (1917 A.D)Ø Farmer in Champaran had revolted against the conditions of “Indigo

Cultivation”.Ø “Raj Kumar Shukla” persuaded Gandhi ji to visit Champaran and the

“Champaran Satyagraha” began.

Ahmedabad Mill Movement (1918 A.D)

Khera/ Kheda Movement (1917 -1918 A.D)

Rowlatt Act and Satyagraha (18th March 1919 A.D)

Ø This act was passed by the “Imperial Legislative Council” in “London”.Ø The Rowlatt Act came into effect in March 1919 A.D.

Rowlatt Act and Satyagraha (18th March 1919 A.D)Ø In Punjab the protest movement was very strong and the protest was held in

“Jallianwala Bagh”.Ø This was famous as a “Black Act”.

Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy (13th April 1919 A.D)

Ø April 13, General Dyer arrived with armored cars and troops and fired on peaceful crowd.

Ø On this occasion “Rabindranath Tagore” renounced his “Knighthood (Sir)” in protest.

Khilafat Movement (1919 A.D)

Ø This movement was started as a mark of protest against the move to abolish the title of Khalifa in Turkey.

Ø This movement was led by named Mohammed Ali and Shouket Ali.Ø Both were famous as “Ali Brothers”.

Non – Cooperation Movement (1920)Ø At that time the Viceroy of India was Lord Chelmsford.

Ø Started with the aim of the annulment of the Rowlatt Act, and correcting the ‘Punjab Wrong’, changing the ‘Khilafat Wrong’ i.e. the British should adopt a lenient attitude towards Turkey, one of the defeated countries in the First World War, was as well as moving towards the cherished goal of Swaraj.

Ø The Congress at a special session in September 1920 at Calcutta agreed to start the “Non – Cooperation Movement”. This decision was further endorsed at its Nagpur session held in December 1920.

Ø This was first mas movement which was launched by Gandhi ji on August 1,1920.

Ø On August 1, 1920 Bal Gangadhar Tilak was also passed away on this day.

Ø Gandhi ji gave up title of Kaiser-i-Hind.

Ø Maulana Mohammad Ali was the first Muslim leader to be arrested during the movement.

Ø Charkha and Khadi became symbol of Indian Nationalism.

Ø Development of Hindu – Muslim unity.

Chauri – Chaura Case (5 Feb. 1922)

Ø A mob of 2000 people gathered to picket a liquor shop at Chauri-Chaura, a town near Gorakhpur (U.P). The police fired and killed 3 people.

Ø The result was that outrageous mob set the police station on fire and all 23 police men got burnt alive.

Ø On 12 February 1922, when the Congress leaders met at Bardoli, Gandhi ji decided to withdraw the Non-Cooperation movement.

Ø Gandhi ji was arrested on 10 March 1922.

Swaraj Party (1923)Ø The Swaraj Party, established as the “Congress – Khilafat Swaraj

Party”, was a political party formed in 1923.

Ø C.R.Das as its “President” and Moti Lal Nehru as “Secretary”.

Ø Another leaders of this party were – N.C.Kelkar, Vithalbhai Patel, Subhash Chandra Bose, S.Satyamurty, S.Srinivasa Iyengar, M.R.Jayakar.

Ø The elections to the legislature were held in November 1923. The Swarajists did valuable work in the Central and Provincial Legislatures.

Ø The Swarajists finally walked out of the Legislature in 1930. By early 1930 the Swarajist sun had set.