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7 Super Nutrients You Need to Know About

MODULE #12 - Lesson 3

2Super Nutrition Academy – MODULE 12 - Lesson 3

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Indole-3-CarbinolModule 12 - Lesson 3

Indole-3-carbinol is most commonly found in cruciferous vegetables: kale, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts. It’s known for its anti-cancer benefits by stopping the first phase of human reproductive cancer-cell growth. Specifically, it’s been found to be very helpful in reproductive cells, so ovaries, prostate, breasts, those types of cancers indole-3 carbinol has been very helpful in preventing and treating.

There’s also considerable evidence that indole-3 carbinol has a positive effect on recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, which is tumors in the lungs, mouth, and vocal cords in both children and adults. It has been found to be a formidable agent in breast cancer, as I just mentioned, and ovarian prevention and the treatment, as it disrupts the proliferation of cancer cells.


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Super Nutrition Academy – MODULE 12 - Lesson 3

It’s also been shown to play a large role in the inhibition of prostate cancer cells in mice. It’s also an effective part of treating fibromyalgia. It helps in systemic lupus. It tends to be very effective in autoimmune disorders.

It benefits liver detoxification, which also helps estrogen metabolism. This is important for lupus because lupus is estrogen dependent. It’s also been shown to ameliorate hot flashes, night sweats, and other manifestations of menopause.

It’s effective in reversing the process of liver fibrosis, which is essentially inflammation and damage of the liver in rats. As you’re going to see with all these super nutrients is that they have far-reaching effects. Not just one but many benefits to the body.

The easiest ways to get more indole-3 carbinol is to eat more cruciferous vegetables. You don’t need to supplement with this you’ll get plenty of it if you’re eating broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, all that stuff on a regular basis. You now know how powerful that compound is, and you now know how easy it is to get it in your diet.


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Super Nutrition Academy – MODULE 12 - Lesson 3


Next, we’re going to talk about lycopene which is most commonly known in tomatoes. Lycopene is the pigment that helps gives fruits and vegetables their red color. A lot of these nutrients are pigments or flavonols or little special compounds that in many cases give the plant its specific color. It’s also a major player in free radical reduction.

What you’re going to see is that a lot of these antioxidants, whether they’re carotenoids or phenols or flavonoids they’re all different compounds that are found in plants. They protect the plant from environmental damage.

Plants produce these compounds to protect the plant and its fruit. When we ingest these foods, we incur those same benefits. That’s why eating more fruits and vegetables are so important for preventing disease: because they


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Super Nutrition Academy – MODULE 12 - Lesson 3

contain all these different phytonutrients that keep the plant healthy and they keep us healthy too.

Lycopene is insoluble in water; therefore, it is most potent when tomatoes are cooked and eaten along with something fatty, such as olive oil. A lot of studies have shown that if you eat, for instance, tomato sauce with olive oil you get better absorption of the lycopene because it’s fat-soluble. If you just eat tomatoes by themselves, then you don’t get the full benefit. I’m making a tomato salad, for instance, with some olive oil on the dressing will be helpful, and that’s something really important to consider when eating tomatoes.

Lycopene in Food

Here are some examples of lycopene in food. You’ll see that at the top, we have raw tomatoes, which I wouldn’t say a tremendous source. The highest source is in cooked tomato sauce. Something happens in the heating of tomatoes. This is actually one of the rare cases where a phytonutrient is actually enhanced through cooking.

If you throw in some olive oil, that would make it even that much more potent. Also notice that watermelon and pink grapefruit are up there as well because they have that reddish color. Anything that’s red will generally have lycopene in it.


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Super Nutrition Academy – MODULE 12 - Lesson 3

Cancer Prevention/TreatmentThere was a meta-analysis done of 72 studies, and 57 of them reported an inverse relationship or inverse association between tomato intake or blood lycopene levels and the risk of cancer. So 75% or so of these studies show that higher tomato intake or higher the blood lycopene levels lower the risk of cancer. This applies to stomach, bladder, prostate, breast, lung, pancreatic, and most other cancers.

Stomach CancerLycopene has been proven effective in preventing and treating stomach cancer. A study in Japan that examined plasma levels of various nutrients in samples of populations in various regions found that regions that had the highest amounts of plasma lycopene of individuals living in those regions had the lowest stomach cancer rates. Individuals living in areas who had low lycopene in their blood had the highest rates of stomach cancer.

While other fruits and vegetables have been inversely associated with gastric cancer, inverse associations with tomatoes have been among the most consistent and strongest. We know that eating more fruits and vegetables reduces your risk of cancer buy the strongest relationship in that category, is among tomatoes and stomach cancer.

Prostate CancerIn a cohort of 14,000 Seventh-Day Adventist men, only tomato intake and intake of beans, lentils, and peas were significantly related to lower prostate cancer risk. I should also mention this community is one of the Blue Zones in the world. They live to be very old. Generally, older men will develop some degree of prostate cancer, so eating more tomatoes has been helpful for that.

In a larger, more comprehensive dietary study, intake of carotenoids, beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lutein, and beta-cryptoxanthin was not associated with risk of prostate cancer, but high lycopene intake was related to a significant 21% reduction risk. We’re going to look at lutein in a little bit, but even those


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specific carotenoids often found in, for instance, carrots, really had no impact on prostate risk, but it was the lycopene in and of itself that was the most impactful.

In this specific case, high intake of tomato and tomato products, which count for 82% lycopene, reduced the risk of total prostate cancer by 35% and aggressive prostate cancer by 53%. I keep thinking that if you’re a man, especially as you’re getting older, tomatoes are going to be very helpful specifically toward prostate cancer.


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Sun Protection

Some studies have shown that regular lycopene consumption has been shown to boost levels of sun protection. It protects tomatoes from sun damage. Can it protect our skin?

A 2008 study shows that subject who consumed about 55 grams of tomato paste with 10 grams of olive oil daily for 12 weeks had 33% more protection against sunburn. If you consume tomato sauce on a regular basis, that can help you prevent sun damage.

Other BenefitsIt’s been shown to be helpful in preventing osteoporosis and atherosclerosis. May be helpful in the prevention of asthma that’s caused by exercise. Dental research has shown that lycopene can play a major role in the treatment and prevention of gingivitis; it’s also been shown to reduce bleeding gums and plaque presence. Daily doses of lycopene can reduce levels present of LDL cholesterol in the body by as much as 10%. Lycopene is also effective in male infertility; again, going back to prostate health. It’s shown that 66% of patients showed an increase in sperm production within participating in lycopene therapy. Chronic kidney disease has been shown to be directly associated with low lycopene level and intake. Lycopene has also been associated with a decreased risk of macular degeneration, cataracts, and overall eye health.

Tomatoes, a tremendous food to add in your diet, specifically with respect to lycopene. You want to cook them and you want to take them with some kind of fat, like olive oil.


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Super Nutrition Academy – MODULE 12 - Lesson 3


ResveratrolResveratrol is one of the more common ones in respect to red wine. It’s a plant phenol produced naturally by several plants when under attack by pathogens such as bacteria or fungi. It’s a defense mechanism and we incur the benefits when we eat these foods.

It’s most predominantly found in the skin of red grapes and other fruit and red wine, which we think of as containing the highest amounts. It contains actually very little of it in terms of what we would need to have health benefits. Depending on the type of wine it contains about .1 to 14.3 mg of resveratrol per liter of red wine.

Studies show the therapeutic effects of resveratrol only kick in at 3 to 5 grams of resveratrol; that’s 2,000 times greater than that which is found in food. This is one of the rare cases where a compound has been suggested to be taken supplementally, just because it’s almost impossible for most people to get the levels required to produce any significant benefit. I’m not going to suggest you go out and buy resveratrol supplements.

Does it Increase Lifespan?It’s been known in mice and fish and potentially in humans to increase lifespan. Cancer prevention, cardio protection, and has antidiabetic benefits. Does resveratrol increase lifespan? Let’s recap how this happens.

Remember when we talked about caloric restrictions? One-day fasts, intermittent fasts, eating less. In most species studied, caloric restriction increases lifespan by 20% to 50%. Caloric restriction, CR, increases the expression of important sirtuins. Remember those, those little proteins, for instance, SIRT1, SIRT3, and SIRT6, which have been implicated in life extension? By eating less, these proteins tend to activate, they tend to express themselves more. Sirtuins play an important role in life extension.


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Super Nutrition Academy – MODULE 12 - Lesson 3

In short-lived fish resveratrol not only extended average lifespan by up to 56% it also improved motor function and delayed neurodegenerative processes in these animals. In obese mice, resveratrol increased lifespan of obese but not normal-weight mice. This has been shown consistently across mice research, which is interesting. Only obese mice benefit from resveratrol supplementation; healthy mice do not.

Resveratrol also appears to have a greater impact, again, in animal studies when administered early in life. Like caloric restriction, resveratrol appears to increase the expression of SIRT1, the sirtuin. It appears that it does the exact same thing as caloric restriction with regard to life extension. Instead of going to the health-food store and buying a supplement just reduce your caloric intake and you get the same benefits.

Cancer PreventionIn mice topical resveratrol prevented skin cancer developments in the mice treated with a carcinogen. It was also shown to induce apoptosis, which is programmed cell death, in platelets and smooth muscle. Mice that were given red wine had eight times the reduction of prostate cancer developments.

Many studies show the cancer prevention and protection while others do not. So, it’s really split in the literature. A lot of studies show that resveratrol helps to prevent it and treat it or protect from it, and then others show no benefit at all. Resveratrol is one of those nutrients that has been given a lot of press and a lot, a lot of press and a lot of media coverage, but the science is minimal and split.

The “French Paradox”Part of, I think, a lot of the media exposure of resveratrol came about because of the French paradox, which basically means studies suggesting that resveratrol and red wine play an important role in cardiovascular health. The French paradox is basically the fact that the French eat a lot of saturated fat, like butter and cheese, but have low incidence of heart disease.


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Super Nutrition Academy – MODULE 12 - Lesson 3

People think that it’s because they drink wine. The reality is that it’s probably not because they drink wine. They eat a lot more fruits and vegetables; they get outside more often and walk more. When I lived in France I lived in a city of one million people but it felt like New York City because there were so many people out walking.

I would argue that it’s not so much the wine, although the wine is cardio protective. There may be some benefits from red wine, but let’s not blow this out of proportion.

How does resveratrol do its stuff? It inhibits vascular adhesion, which is basically preventing stuff sticking to the blood vessel walls, which is how cholesterol then builds up upon that afterward and atherosclerosis develops; that’s a good thing. It inhibits vascular smooth muscle proliferation. It inhibits the smooth muscles, for instance, in your arteries, from growing in size and out of control, which would reduce the size of the blood vessels, and that could lead to an occlusion.

It stimulates endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity. That’s an enzyme which increases nitric oxide, which opens up the blood vessels. That’s a good thing from a cardiovascular perspective. It inhibits platelet aggregation; so, platelets, which are important clotting factors, they don’t stick together as much with resveratrol. And it inhibits, very importantly, LDL peroxidation. When LDL sits around in the blood too long it can become damaged which is very problematic when that happens?

Resveratrol is very helpful but we’re not too sure in human studies how helpful it. One glass of red wine a day seems to be cardio protective, however, more than one glass becomes a risk factor. Don’t drink a bottle; have a glass, six ounces is more than plenty. Remember, you’re also getting resveratrol from eating red grapes, blueberries, stuff like that, but the levels that we’re going to need for real benefits, we’re not necessarily going to get through eating whole foods but caloric restriction is probably just as effective.


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Super Nutrition Academy – MODULE 12 - Lesson 3

Anti-Diabetic EffectsAnti-diabetic effects. Studies have shown that resveratrol possesses hypoglycemic and hpyolipidemic effects in diabetic-induced rats, so it benefits blood cholesterol and blood sugar. It ameliorates common diabetes symptoms such as polyphagia, polydipsia, and weight loss; so, excessive hunger, excessive thirst. It works against all that stuff, which is great.

Resveratrol is definitely a super nutrient as far as I’m concerned. I wouldn’t recommend supplementation though since you can simply reduce your caloric intake and get very similar benefits. That’s a pretty cool thing.


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Super Nutrition Academy – MODULE 12 - Lesson 3


You’ve probably have heard of these flavonoids but you’ve probably heard of bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids are very common in citrus fruit. These guys are found in plants that have numerous benefits. Found in high concentrations in grape seeds, specifically grape seed extract; cacao, which is the highest source; apples; peanuts; almonds; cranberries; blueberries; and in the bark of pines.

There’s a product, it’s a registered trademark product called Pycnogenol that is known to be very effective in terms of its anti-inflammatory capabilities. I’m kind of experimenting on myself with this right now. It’s very safe even at very high levels. Another cool benefit of Pycnogenol is that it has abilities to restore moisture and elasticity back to your skin, so it has antiaging effects.

It’s not cheap. I just bought a bottle, which might last me for three weeks, for about $40. I wouldn’t recommend running out to the store and grabbing it, but Pycnogenol is something that’s got tremendous benefits across cardiovascular health, exercise endurance, eye health, and a lot of other things. For the most part it comes from the bark of pine trees in France. That’s where it originates from.

Their big benefit is that they’re very potent antioxidants that play an important role in all levels of health, such as in the stabilization, as I’ve just mentioned, of collagen and the maintenance of elastin, which are two critical proteins in connective tissue that support the joints, organs, muscle, and blood vessels, but also your skin. As we age, we lose a lot of that resilience and hydration in our skin. Pycnogenol allows that to be restored.


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Super Nutrition Academy – MODULE 12 - Lesson 3

They also reduce inflammation throughout the body. They have a blood-thinning effect that can regulate blood flow and improve cardiovascular health. Specifically from grapes, are effective in preventing the development of cataracts. Grape seed extract is different from grape fruit seed extract; I just want to make that distinction. If you’re looking for a very potent source, I’ll mention some sources in a second, but I just wanted to make that distinction.

In one study, the proanthocyanidins reduced colon cancer by 31% among almost two thousand people with colorectal cancer and reduced the risk of colorectal cancer among almost more than 4,000 people without colorectal cancer. Any kind of high anti-inflammatory compound is good for the body; any kind of high antioxidant is also going to be helpful for the body.

The one thing we want to be careful of with antioxidants is that we don’t want to go crazy because at very high levels they become oxidants. If we eat too much they can start to create damage in our body. That’s not an issue if you’re eating a whole-foods diet; even if you’re supplementing with some of this stuff, it’s not an issue. Antioxidants can be used in very high levels, for instance, vitamin C and cancer treatment, and a lot of these clinics use very high doses where the vitamin C becomes an oxidant to kill off some of the cancer. It’s really interesting.

How to Get ThemAnything that’s purple and red will have levels of those cyanidins. The highest, best sources from kind of everyday foods would be apples, specifically red delicious apples, blueberries, blackberries, red and purple grapes, especially the seeds, cranberries, plums, black currants, and bilberries. The highest levels are found in cacao, which is, again, a very dark, purply-red, almost brown color; green and black tea, cinnamon, hazelnuts, pistachios, pecans, and almonds a lot of those nuts have very high levels of this and red and kidney beans.


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Super Nutrition Academy – MODULE 12 - Lesson 3

Supplementally, you can also use two options pycnogenol has extensive health and antiaging benefits. You can also supplement with grape seed extract, which is different from grape fruit seed extract. Grapefruit seed extract is a very powerful antifungal agent that’s commonly used for Candida type of issues. Grape seed extract is very different; it’s a very high antioxidant compound which is mainly used for this kind of stuff.


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Super Nutrition Academy – MODULE 12 - Lesson 3


It is my personal feeling that curcumin is the most powerful anti-inflammatory, health-giving component of any kind of food in the world. This is up for argument, considering all these different super nutrients have so many amazing properties.

Curcumin is the main component of turmeric which is a member of the ginger family. They’re natural phenols that are responsible for the yellow color of turmeric. Potentially one of the most powerful spices on the planet. They have anti-dementia effects, cardio protection, anti-inflammation, and more. The antiinflammatory and the antidementia go together.

Human and animal studies have shown curcumin’s antitumor, antioxidant, antiarthritic, antiamyloid, antiischemic, and antiinflammatory properties. It’s very good for health.

Pain ReliefOne study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine showed that a daily dose of two grams of curcumin extract was found to provide pain relief equivalent to ibuprofen in osteoarthritis of the knee. You can take Advil, which is going to have detrimental effects on your stomach and gut lining, or you can take two grams of curcumin either in real powder form or supplementally.


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Super Nutrition Academy – MODULE 12 - Lesson 3

Alzheimer’s and DementiaHere’s the real power though on Alzheimer’s and dementia. Curcumin has been shown to dramatically reduce and prevent amyloid beta plaque buildups.

The Journal of Neuroscience Research, a 2001 study demonstrated that both low and high doses of curcumin reduced beta amyloid plaque buildup. Low doses led to 32% reduction in insoluble plaque buildup that was treated with the spice and a 43% reduction in soluble plaque. That’s very important because higher curcumin consumption is associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer’s.

As an interesting note, Alzheimer’s is almost nonexistent in India, the birthplace of curry. Turmeric is a big component of curry, and curcumin is the main component of turmeric. They eat a lot of curcumin and that’s probably one of the biggest reasons why dementia and Alzheimer’s are rare in India.


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Super Nutrition Academy – MODULE 12 - Lesson 3


Lutein is a xanthophyll it’s yellow in color and 1 of 600 known carotenoids. It’s another flavonols, flavonoids and carotenoids, and lutein is just one of those. It’s synthesized only by plants, and it’s found in high quantities in green, leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale and in egg yolks and animal fats. It’s yellow in color but it’s found predominantly in green, leafy vegetables.

It accumulates in the human eye and has been shown by numerous studies to reduce the risk of macular degeneration in cataracts. It protects our retina from the damaging effects of free radicals produced by blue light.

I want to give you a personal anecdote here. When I was 11 or 12, I went for an eye exam, and the eye doctor told me that I had red-green color blindness because I couldn’t decipher these inkblot pictures. He basically said that I could never become a fighter pilot or a pilot, I believe. He kind of shot my dreams of becoming Maverick from Top Gun, because I love flying.

I am currently pursuing my pilot’s license, and after having done several hours’ worth of training, I was able to schedule a medical, for four months when I finally got my medical done a big component is this eye exam. There was significantly more eye-based stuff that I had to do this time versus when I was 12.

I was kind of scared because I was like, “If I don’t pass this medical, I will have just wasted thousands of dollars on flight training, and I won’t be able to fly a plane anymore.” Everything else in my physical was fine; no other issues. We got to the eye exam, and the doctor starts to introduce those different red-green color blind tests again. What was amazing was that this time, I could actually see the numbers.

Then we did a vision test for distance. In university I had to wear glasses for distance vision in some of our bigger classrooms. I was thinking, Okay, I’m not going to be able to see very far. My distance vision’s going to be an issue. We did the cover the left eye; cover the right eye, read out the letters. Again, no problem; pretty much 20/20 vision.


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Super Nutrition Academy – MODULE 12 - Lesson 3

Then we did all sorts of other interesting tests with a laser and kind of some other weird stuff, and I passed with flying colors. At 12 the doctor told me my life was done; I could never see properly.

Anyways, it was really encouraging, and I think a big part of this improvement is due to the fact that my diet has been so much cleaner over the past ten years and because I’ve eaten a ton more green vegetables. On a daily basis I have at least one green salad, one green juice, or one green smoothie at the minimum. Right there I’m getting a huge amount of greens in, and when you consider that greens are the highest source of lutein and what lutein’s doing for the human eye, I think there’s something to it.

Best food sources of lutein. At the very top we have the most amount of lutein; at the very bottom we have the least amount of lutein, but this is still within the category of best lutein foods. Raw kale and cooked kale are the two highest sources of lutein. At the very bottom we have eggs, which are still a decent source of lutein, but in comparison to these other ones are minimal in terms of what they provide.


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Super Nutrition Academy – MODULE 12 - Lesson 3

We’ve got kale, kale, turnip greens, spinach, Swiss chard, collard greens, watercress, and romaine lettuce. What do they all have in common? They’re all green. What this means is that green vegetables are the way to go for lutein.

Salicylic AcidThis is a very exciting nutrient because it has some really cool properties. It functions naturally as a plant hormone and allows a plant to grow and develop, as well as arming itself against pathogens.

Here we see another phytonutrient that’s beneficial to human health because it helps protect the plant from danger. It’s the active component in aspirin, but its best known for its anti-acne properties. It’s one of the active ingredients in Proactiv. One of the reasons Proactiv works is because it incorporates salicylic acid in many of its formulations.

Skin Problems and FeversWith respect to skin problems, fevers, pains, and aches, salicylic acid is known for its ability to ease aches and pains and reduce fevers. These medicinal properties, particularly fever relief, have been known since ancient times and it is used as an anti-inflammatory in many over-the-counter drugs like aspirin.

In calluses it works by causing the cells of the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin, to shed more readily, opening clogged pores and neutralizing bacteria preventing pores from clogging up again by constricting pore diameter allowing room for new cell growth. It’s also used in several shampoos to treat dandruff. For instance, Head & Shoulders incorporates salicylic acid into its ingredient list.

Other BenefitsIt’s very effective in treating a variety of warts, including planter warts and facial flat warts and may even be used topically to relieve sunburns. Pretty much anything to do with the skin, salicylic acid is going to be very helpful for.


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Super Nutrition Academy – MODULE 12 - Lesson 3

It’s also been shown to be of an effective treatment in colitis, which is the inflammation of the colon, due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It helps prevent blood clots by inhibiting platelet aggregation within the blood vessels. This is something we’ve seen now amongst a lot of these different nutrients.

If you spend a lot of time in the sun, you get sun spots and age spots. Well, salicylic acid can reduce those and may also protect the skin against UV rays. Salicylic acid effectively promotes apoptosis, which is the programmed cell death in colon cancer cells, which is great. When apoptosis doesn’t work and cancer cells grow out of control; that’s when you develop tumors.

New research shows promise in using salicylic acid in spinal-nerve regeneration treatments in other new biomedical applications. This stuff is far-reaching.

Mechanisms of ActionHow does it work? Well, there are a lot of different mechanisms, and I’ll try to make this as easy as possible for you to understand. I’m only going to mention two of the mechanisms here. It produces its anti-inflammatory effects by indirectly suppressing the activity of cyclooxygenase, or COX. You’ll often see medications labeled as a COX inhibitor.

The keyword here is that it indirectly suppresses COX through an enzyme pathway. For instance, as I mentioned here, an enzyme which is responsible for the production of proinflammatory mediators such as prostaglandins. It indirectly suppresses this enzyme, but what’s important here is that a lot of NSAIDs, or nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, what they do is they are COX inhibitors as well COX-2 inhibitors but they directly inhibit that. They work a bit differently and a bit more problematically than salicylic acid.

It also activates adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase, AMPK, which may play a role in its anti-cancer effects. This also has a role at the cellular level in terms of regulating the amount of cellular energy that’s used between ATP and ADP and that whole energy-production cycle.


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Super Nutrition Academy – MODULE 12 - Lesson 3

Best Food SourcesThe best food sources are blackberries, blueberries, cantaloupes, dates, raisins, kiwi fruits, guavas, apricots, green peppers, Granny Smith apples, olives, tomatoes, radishes, and mushrooms. Again common everyday foods. It’s amazing when we understand that blueberries are powerful for us but why? When you start to see blueberries pop up and they contain a number of these super nutrients, you start to realize, “Blueberries are really beneficial to me, I should eat more them.”

My goal with this lesson was to give you some very, very encouraging words about the power of everyday foods that are probably in your fridge or on your countertop right now and these amazing nutrients that they contain and what these nutrients are doing to your body to protect you against disease. Again, consider yourself a plant. If you wanted to fend off bacteria and viruses and UV radiation and all that stuff, you need to develop defenses, and that’s what these nutrients are doing for you. It’s really, really amazing stuff.


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Super Nutrition Academy – MODULE 12 - Lesson 3

Coming in Lesson 4I hope you’ve enjoyed this lesson. It’s cool to understand these nutrients. There are a ton of other nutrients, but I think these are seven of the most important ones that we can find in everyday foods for the most part, that you can incorporate into your lifestyle.

Coming up in Lesson 4 we’re going to be looking at natural remedies for nine common conditions. I’m going to keep it as a surprise. We’ll investigate some new and cool things that you can do with everyday foods and everyday applications that are all-natural and very safe and effective for you.

That’s coming up in Lesson 4. Until then, I hope you’ve enjoyed this lesson.