module 2 presentation

Ilhyeon Yeo (Michael) Student Number : 583928 Semester 1/2012 Group 8

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Module Ilhyeon yeo


Page 1: Module 2 Presentation

Ilhyeon Yeo (Michael)

Student Number : 583928 Semester 1/2012 Group 8

Page 2: Module 2 Presentation

Original Model

Divided in to three parts


<- From left to right , tail(diamondish shape), body(roundish), wave(long curvy). For tail, sim-plication is done, since there is limit for design-ing in Rhino, it was impossible to create similar shape as original.

Starting digitalisation


Tail and body was sliced and shape of parts were drawn. This made easy to visualise the digital model in my head, thus easy to draw on Rhino.

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Starting digitalisation

When I digitalise wave, it was hard to create the wavy part. To figure out how to import this wave into Rhino, i tried to draw this wave. -> As result found out that lines close to peak need to have less gap, in height (see example), and further away, they needed more gap to create smooth wave.





Wave is uniform circular based object, so the only thing i need to know was where to place these circles. Therefore instead of slicing method, just draw whole shape and put lines on it.

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First digitalisation

Second digitalisation

Final digitalisation


<- First digitalisation had ideas of focusing waves into each end of body. Waves are cov-ered by the body, which means that it need to me more roundish. This results in mass increase, thus toward to failure of the model. Therefore i gave up on focusing waves into each end of body.

<- Since focusing didn’t work, tried spreading out. This method didn’t have problems with mass increase, but with connecting the body and waves together. In addition, the design of body has changed. The bottom had same pattern through end to end, so when it comes to wearing it, it will just slide down. Therefore i modified each end, so it is like hat.

The final one has extra length to wave and tail, that will be acting as connection with body and wave.

The size of the tail need to be considered as this will increase the mass at the back of body. To balance out whole model, the tail need to be not so big and not so small.

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Paneling - Wave




The model was in three part, so I divided paneling into three parts, wave, body, and tail. Above and below is just simple 2D and 3D paneling that was just to test paneling tool and how the shapes are formed.

Above and below, different pattern is used with first pyramid paneling to create different style. Modifica-tion need to be made as above model wasn’t so complex and didn’t show the mechnism of tornado and below model wasn’t stable enough.

For this part, I was aiming for mechanism of tornado. 1. Power2. Rapid speed3. and yet structured

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Paneling - Wave


Above, tried to combine the two models before hand. Tried to show more mechanism of tornado, but still this model didn’t satisfied the mechanism. Below model was developed from model two with ideas from prec-edent, that now it is more structured and compact.


To increase the effect of mechanism of tornado, modi-fication on number of pyramids on each layer is made. Closer to peak of wave, more pyramids, further away, less pyramids. This not only demostrates mechanisms effectively, but also creates shape of tornado, spiral. Below is just finished paneling of 4 waves. Number of waves had to be modified from 6 to 4 as it collide when i tried 6 waves



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Paneling - Body


2D-paneling + offset face border

For body, i needed as much as light to shine out as waves will block some of light. Therefore I chose to use offset face border. Didn’t use 3D paneling since it will col-lide with waves.

Again, just simple 2D paneling and offset face border to examine how it will look like.

2D-paneling + offset face border

2D-paneling + offset face border

Above and Below, used triangular pattern to show the mechanism of tornado. However this time the mechanism of tornado wasn’t power or speed, but instead it was calmness or settled down looking, as middle of tornado is quite and peaceful.

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Paneling - Body

Above tried to put some more of plain sur-face, but didn’t work as it needed to have lots of light coming out. Below tried to have a large shape as centre and small shapes next to. However this didn’t work as well that it was too massy.

2D-paneling + offset face border

2D-paneling + offset face border

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Than i changed my thinking that i thought oppo-site way as result of precedent. Even though the centre of tornado is very calm, the out layer will be spinning and gone crazy. Therefore, instead of demonstrating the calmness it self, but changed to the view from centre of tornado which it will be chaotic and complex.

Paneling - Body

This is 2D paneling design i used to create the massy looking inside of tornado. This design not only needed to be complex, but needed to be related to tornado that it spirals from centre to out in anti-clock wise.

2D-paneling design

2D-paneling + offset face border

2D-paneling + offset face border

Than this was the outcome for the model (above). However, at this stage I didn’t consider that it is go-ing to be wore on head, so the bottom of model need to be strong. Therefore i replaced with plain surface to increase surface (below).

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Paneling - Tail

The tail required to show the chaos and omni/multi directional mechanism of tornado.

Tried to use 3D custom paneling to create chaos and omni/multi directional features, but with 3D custom it was too rigid to show these features.

3D custom paneling

3D custom paneling

3D custom paneling

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Paneling - Tail

Again from precedents, I changed thinking, so that i’m not just thinking about apprearance, but with lighting as well, since i was going to put a led into the Tail. Therefore i could solve the proble to show the chaos and omni/multi directional with 3D paneling + offset face border.

The face of pyramids is facing at different directions. There-fore when the like is shine, the beam of light will stretch out into omni/multi directional way. Since it will have no signs of pattern with beams of light, it will represents as chaos as well as omni/multi directional mechanic.

3D paneling and offset face border

Top view of an pyramid

Light coming out in different direction

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Paneling - All parts development

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Designed by Wojciech Kakowski, Natalia Paszskowska, Mar-cin Mostafa. The design had a mechanical multiplication of convention-approved set patterns. The structure is to draw on and make reference to tradition, but with it’s contemporary reinterpretation to create extension into the present day. The lighting for this architecture uses multi-coloured light seeping through patterns which makes attractive and eye-catching exterior in both day and night. Also reversely, for inside people, the sund shine through and chisel the patterns with light and shadow in the space under the vault.

I use interested in the complex and yet well structured paneling in this architec-ture. This radically changed my thinking with mechanics of tornado from calm to chaos. When i incorporate this ideas from architecture, lt fit with the design of wave as well as satisfing the mechanism. In addition, I had problem with lighting that i needed large amount of light shining out as waves will block some of lights. This new paneling solved this problem as it increased the size of hole and the number of hole, ie more light can be shine out.

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The Gullwing Twin Wind Towers

The Gullwing Twin Wind Towers

This two towers are designed by the de-signers and architects at the ARXX studio. It is based on tornado that these pyramids protruding spirals like tornado and as seen picture, the building isn’t standing straight up, but curved. This curvy structure is to cre-ate tornado effect. Also this building is self-sustaining meaning it uses wind to generate energy that the spiky design of this architec-ture captures the wind which lead to gener-ate green energy.

This architecture had similar ideas with my wave model that it uses curvy shape and spiky paneling to demonstrate the mechanism of tornado. However this pan-eling wasn’t suitable for my design as each pyramids were too thin and no support, ie my wave model will collapse if i use similar paneling. Therefore i increase the size of the pyramids and to give spiral effect, i de-creased the number of pyramids on each layer.

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Pyramid alkazar trousRound birdcage

These two lantern used classical design of lantern. However these lantern creates explosion like image with chisel of light and shodow.

These images inspired me with paneling of tail that i use only thinking about putting all the mechnisms of tornado just will surfaces. Therefore i couldn’t demostrate the chaos. However, with this precedent, I found out that the lighting can contribute towards to demonstrate the mechanisms.

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<- I had problem with connecting wave and body, so i tried to con-nect with paper, when it had extra length to wave, it worked.

Used A4 paper to -> create this. Since the paper isn’t so stiff, when i made hole, it was too weak. However, for ac-tual model, the material going to be much more stiff and hard than A4, to model body it will be fine.

<- Prototyping the pyramids to see whether it’s going to hold and wheth-er it’s possible. The physical structure seem to be hold-ing well and it was fairly easy to fold this pyramid, if i knew which side meet which.

Prototype - pyramidPrototype - pyramid

Prototype - Body + Wave Prototype - Body pattern

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Tested out the lighting for tail and body. As expected, lighting for tail had omni/muti directional and lighting for body had plenty of light coming through. However only problem was that the size of hole for body pat-tern had to be reduced to increase strength. This will decrease the amount of light.

Prototype - Tail lighting

Prototype - Body lightingPrototype - Body lighting

Prototype - Tail lighting

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Final model

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In this module, I understand how to use Rhino and through it, i could digitalise my model in various different way and able to demonstrate the complex shapes.

Comparing to module 1, module 2 were based on using high technology rather than drawing or designing everything by hands. This use of hight technology, Rhino, had positive impact and negative impact. The positive impact was it’s speed to create a panel and try them on model. If all the paneling had to be done by hand or drawing to do one paneling, it would taken hours, but as to use this technology, even complex paneling takes seconds to make. Another advantage would be it’s accuracy. For a person to draw, there has to be mistake or different sizes of paneling, but since this is a machine that does all the job, it is very accurate and mistakes can be fixed easliy. On the other hand the negative impact were it’s limits towards de-sign. Not only that it can only do certain shapes, but also lots of crashes occurs even when there was no error on the object. These limitation effect me when i panelise my model that whenever i decide important modification, it always crashed and turned off or some part of panel didn’t show up. However dealing with crashes in Rhino I just could redo the part that had crash, rather than doing everything again.

This advanced technology like Rhino, is increasing accuracy and pace for architects and designers and enabled to generate more complex and efficient designs. Which means the developed technology effected in positive way as like this module I was able to demonstrate the mechanic of tornado with in short period and in the way of i wanted.