module 3.2- gamification & game-based learning

Module #3 Gamifica0on & Gamebased Learning

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Educación virtual en la actualidad, recopilación de la especialización que cursé en esta modalidad este año.


Module #3 Camlcauon & Came-based Learnlng Lesson Cb[ecnves: 1.8eecL on Lhe evoluuon of dlglLal game-based learnlng ln k12 educauon 2.8egln explorlng how you can lmplemenL game-based approaches ln vlrLual educauon As teachers we have been us|ng games for a |ong nme. And then came the v|deo game. now do we marry the two? Gam|hcanon:Applylng game llke prlnclples, acuvlues, and approaches Lo anoLher semng, llke buslness or educauon. Games vs. Ser|ous Games:Games: lnLeracuve experlences, players can wln and lose Ser|ous Games: lnLeracuve experlences LhaL model real-llfe acuvlues, llke slmulauons buL noL Lhe same as slmulauons ulglLal Came-8ased Learnlng. ls preclsely abouL fun and engagemenL, and Lhe comlng LogeLher of and serlous learnlng and lnLeracuve enLerLalnmenL lnLo a newly emerglng and hlghly exclung medlum - ulglLal Learnlng Cames." !"#$% '$()*+,- ./0/1#2 3#4(!5#*(6 7(#$)/)0 Learn|ng 1heory:Acuve-learnlng roblem-based learnlng Soclal learnlng ConsLrucuvlsL learnlng Collaborauve learnlng 1ypes of Games:Cnllne games (lncludlng serlous) Apps ul? & Make-your-own Strengths:lnLeracuvlLy LngagemenL 8ewards CreauvlLy Sklll developmenL (scenarlos, slmulauons) Cha||enges:llndlng good games (aL no or low cosL) 1lme lnvolved ln creaung your own AcLual game ume 8esources, physlcal & vlrLual LxLernal supporL D-I- Gam|fy|ng:olnLs Levels Leaderboards 8anklngs 8adges 8#*/($ 19 :#$6($ ; ?( 2(#$)/)0 D-I- Gam|fy|ng:AssoclaLe Lasks wlLh polnLs Scavenger hunLs ulscusslon forums SLaged pro[ecLs CreaLe dally/weekly leaderboard 8anklngs rogress monlLorlng rlzes, badges, awards Level acuvlues & adapL learnlng App|y & keect ?ou are Lhlnklng abouL lmplemenung some gamlcauon approaches ln your vlrLual class, yeL you are concerned LhaL parenLs wlll see Lhls as play. Pow would you help Lhem undersLand LhaL gamlcauon can have a posluve eecL on sLudenL learnlng?