mother maryam foundation

The Mother Maryam Foundation

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Learn about the Mother Maryam Foundation for International Development and its work helping to improve the health and welfare of Sudanese communities. Visit to get involved.


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The Mother Maryam Foundat ion

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Our foundation works to improve the heal th and wel fare of communi t ies in economical ly di sadvantaged areas in Sudan by helping the people in these communi t ies meet thei r needs for clean water, medical care, nut r i t ious food, educat ional opportuni t ies, and other basic human needs."


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Why We're Di f ferent : We are a 501(c)3 non-profit working alongside Sudanese communities to promote heal th and

educat ion. Our founder, Awad Abdelgadi r , grew up in Al -Zawrat vi l l age of Northern Sudan before

immigrat ing to the U.S. to study Engl i sh and teach Arabic. Our programs are al l communi ty dr iven and carr ied out by the local residents. Whether

communi ty members are digging mi les of di tches to br ing clean water pipel ines to thei r homes or

serving on elected commi t tees to manage the heal th inf rast ructure, every vi l l ager i s i nvolved in the process of improving the heal th and wel fare of

hi s or her communi ty.

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Our Story

2002- Founder Awad Abdelgadi r , son of Mother Maryam, rai ses enough money to instal l a clean water system in hi s former vi l l age1994- Mother Maryam, the

mat r iarch of Al -Zawrat vi l l age, dies f rom dr inking contaminated water

2005- We bui ld a new wing of classrooms for Kolomiseed Elementary school , wi th the help of Aust in, TX elementary student Leah Goetzel

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2006- The Mother Maryam Foundat ion i s formed as a 501(c)3 non-prof i t i n honor of Mother Maryam Saeed and her service to the communi ty

2011- We opened the Kolomiseed Heal th Cl inic which serves as a cornerstone of communi ty heal th for the surrounding vi l l ages

2014-15- We began our ant i -malar ia campaign by spraying target areas wi th mesqui to-k i l l i ng t reatments, providing malar ia medicat ions to the cl i nic, and teaching chi ldren how to stop t ransmission

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Our Accompl i shments

Bui l t a cl i nic that provides over 17,000 people wi th access to medical care

Instal led a clean water system that provides an

ent i re vi l l age wi th clean and safe dr inking water

Opened the f i rst computer lab in a publ ic school i n the

ent i re count ry of Sudan

Working to end malar ia through prevent ion,

t reatment , and awareness

Increasing educat ional opportuni ty by support ing

schools and teachers

Further ing communi ty spi r i t and pr ide through

local ly implemented projects

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Spot l ight : Clinic Project Accessible Healthcare: I n 2011, we opened the Kolomiseed Heal th Cl inic. Now over 17,000 vi l lagers have access to af fordable or f ree t reatment of di sease and injury, management of chronic condi t ions, pregnancy and post -natal care, wel l baby moni tor ing, and prevent ive care, i ncluding vaccinat ions.

Job Creation: The cl i nic employs a resident doctor, a nurse, a midwi fe, an ambulance dr iver, a lab technician, a lab assi stant , a pharmacy assi stant , a clerk, a cleaner, and a secur i ty guard. The staf f member above can be seen di st r ibut ing medicat ion to a pat ient .

Saving Lives: The cl i nic has been saving l i fes since i ts i ncept ion. A chi ld suf fer ing f rom a severe asthma at tack was given l i fe-saving t reatment on the cl i nic's opening day. Wi thout the cl i nic, i t would have taken too long to t ransport him to a di stant faci l i t y.

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Spot l ight : Fight Against MalariaEnding Malaria: In 2014, we launched our Ant i -malar ia Campaign to help improve publ ic heal th for vi l l ages along the Ni le r iver i n Sudan. Malar ia has always been endemic to the region, but i n recent years we have wi tnessed a dramat ic spike in i t s prevalence. Leaders and members of the Al Zawrat communi ty ident i f ied thi s as a part i cular ly pressing i ssue for thei r vi l l age. We ut i l i ze a comprehensive approach to el iminate malar ia that focuses on prevent ion, awareness, and t reatment .

I mpact: Malar ia dimini shes the qual i t y of l i fe of suf ferers and the ent i re communi ty. During bouts of malar ia, farmers and employees cannot work, people cannot take care of business, parents cannot ful ly engage in car ing for thei r fami l ies, and chi ldren cannot study. Many vi l lagers vi si t the heal th cl i nic for malar ia test ing and t reatment . Our goal i s to stop the t ransmission of malar ia, especial ly among infants and schoolchi ldren.

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Help Us Fight Malar ia







Dist r ibute a bed net to a new mother and baby

Help t reat and manage one pat ient 's case of malar ia

Pay the monthly salary of the local project manager and create jobs

Support the communi ty awareness campaign and teach k ids how to prevent malar ia

Provide the cl i nic wi th malar ia medicat ion for one month

Spray an ent i re vi l l age wi th mosqui to k i l l i ng t reatment , stopping malar ia t ransmission

Join us as we expand our ant i -malar ia campaign and help a chi ld grow up malar ia-f ree

Visi t to donate today and learn how you can make an impact .

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(512)-442-6907 Mother Maryam Foundat ionc/ o Steven R. Hake, At torney

8705 Shoal Creek Blvd. Sui te 103Aust in, Texas 78757