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Page 1: MOUNT VERNON REOPENING, a private, non-profit 501(c)3 founded in 1853 by Ann Pamela Cunningham. As the most


Updated June 23, 2020

Page 2: MOUNT VERNON REOPENING, a private, non-profit 501(c)3 founded in 1853 by Ann Pamela Cunningham. As the most


June 23, 2020 Mount Vernon Reopening Plan v10


Added Tuesday, June 23 2020

o Donald W. Reynolds Museum & Education Center Occupancies – pg. 8


Reopening Plan Changelog ........................................................................................................................... 1

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3

Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

Three-Level Reopening Outline .................................................................................................................... 4

Mount Vernon Staff Training ........................................................................................................................ 5

Social Distancing ....................................................................................................................................... 5

Face Coverings .......................................................................................................................................... 5

Frequent and Proper Hand Washing ........................................................................................................ 5

Cough and Sneeze Etiquette ..................................................................................................................... 5

Proper Use of Gloves ................................................................................................................................ 5

Protocol for Reporting a Staff Illness ........................................................................................................ 5

Protocol for Ill Guests ............................................................................................................................... 5

Well Checks ............................................................................................................................................... 6

Welcoming Our Guests ............................................................................................................................. 6

Level I: Plan of Action .................................................................................................................................... 7

Staff Mitigation Measures ........................................................................................................................ 7

Operational Mitigation Measures ............................................................................................................. 7

Enhanced Cleaning Protocol ..................................................................................................................... 9

Bag Policy Modifications ......................................................................................................................... 10

Historic Area Modifications .................................................................................................................... 11

Food & Beverage Modifications .............................................................................................................. 11

Retail Modifications ................................................................................................................................ 12

Supervisor Responsibilities & Support ........................................................................................................ 12

Level II: Adjustments & Additions ............................................................................................................... 13

Mitigation Measures ............................................................................................................................... 13

Operational Mitigation Measures ........................................................................................................... 13

Enhanced Cleaning Protocol ................................................................................................................... 14

Mansion Tour Modifications ................................................................................................................... 14

Potential Reopening of Additional Estate Spaces ................................................................................... 15

Food & Beverage Adaptations ................................................................................................................ 15

Retail Modifications ................................................................................................................................ 15

Level III: Finding a New Normal .................................................................................................................. 16

Staff Measures ........................................................................................................................................ 16

Resuming Operations .............................................................................................................................. 16

Bag Policy ................................................................................................................................................ 16

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June 23, 2020 Mount Vernon Reopening Plan v10

Estate Spaces .......................................................................................................................................... 17

Food & Beverage / Retail ........................................................................................................................ 17

Mount Vernon Communications ................................................................................................................ 18

Public Health & Contact Tracing ............................................................................................................. 18

Guests ..................................................................................................................................................... 18

Staff ......................................................................................................................................................... 18

Human Resources ....................................................................................................................................... 19

MVLA Volunteers .................................................................................................................................... 19

Reporting Staff Illness, Exposure & High Risk ......................................................................................... 19

Positive Covid-19 Diagnosis & Contact Tracing ...................................................................................... 20

Staff Temperature Checks ....................................................................................................................... 20

Temporary Telework Policy .................................................................................................................... 20

Expanded Employee Assistance Program ............................................................................................... 21

Appendix A – Three-Level Opening ............................................................................................................. 22

Appendix B – Number of Telework Staff in Level I ..................................................................................... 23

Appendix c – Complete List of Estate Spaces for Enhanced Cleaning ........................................................ 24

Appendix D – Locations & Listing for Hand Sanitizer Stations / Health Signage ....................................... 25

Appendix E – Hand Sanitizer Station Locations .......................................................................................... 31

Page 4: MOUNT VERNON REOPENING, a private, non-profit 501(c)3 founded in 1853 by Ann Pamela Cunningham. As the most


June 23, 2020 Mount Vernon Reopening Plan v10


George Washington’s Mount Vernon is owned and maintained for the public by the Mount Vernon Ladies'

Association, a private, non-profit 501(c)3 founded in 1853 by Ann Pamela Cunningham. As the most visited

historic home in America, the health and safety of Mount Vernon staff and its guests, then and now,

remains our top priority. While the reopening date of the estate is currently unknown1, the MVLA Board

in concert with leadership will conduct a careful decision-making process to determine a date that is legal,

realistic and appropriately safe. We recognize now, more than ever, that leadership requires fortitude and

prudence through the uncertain and challenging times created by COVID-19.


This document presents a multi-level plan for the reopening of George Washington’s Mount Vernon to

ensure that we undertake every effort to safeguard the health and safety of Mount Vernon staff and

guests. Presented are recommendations and modifications made in accordance with guidance from the

Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Governor of Virginia, Virginia Department of Health (VDH), Fairfax

County Health Department (FCHD) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Likewise,

numerous cultural institutions across the country have begun to embrace and adopt many of the

recommendations presented in this plan. As information and data continue to become available, we will

update this document accordingly.

In April of 2020, at the behest of the Board, the President & CEO formed a Reopening Task Force to devise

a blueprint that would outline how the estate will reopen in the midst of a global pandemic, diminished

economy and society that is longing for social and cultural engagement. The task force is comprised of

representation from Historic Preservation & Collections, Education & Guest Services, Operations &

Maintenance, Media & Communications, Washington Library, Security, Food & Beverage, and Retail. We

resolve to ensure proper operational measures are in place to allow the estate to reopen safely and to

develop flexible plans that maintain safety and support our educational mission. Each member of the task

force conducted a review of all departmental work on the estate and presented modified operational

plans to mitigate risk.

Our Media & Communications team conducted a survey of Mount Vernon members and supporters in

late April. Of the 4,981 people that responded, hand sanitizer, constant cleaning, set capacities to limit

crowd sizes and signage for hygiene etiquette were top priorities. We have listened and incorporated

these measures in our plans for the reopening of the estate.

Finally, to ensure we consider all safety options for reopening, we conducted risk assessments for each

department on the estate using the Johns Hopkins Operational Toolkit for Businesses Considering

Reopening or Expanding Operations in COVID-19 as well as OSHA’s Guidance on Preparing Workspaces

for COVID-19. By assessing our operations and adapting our work to follow appropriate mitigation

techniques, we allow our leadership, education, K12 and youth and library programs to emulate the

procedures we have established for guest visitation and provide their custom groups with consistent

uniformity for safety.

George Washington’s Mount Vernon is a large and complex estate with a variety of operational intricacies.

These recommendations and modifications aim to mitigate risk and allow George Washington’s Mount

Vernon to remain open and a place of respite and inspiration.

1 President Doug Bradburn announced on June 15 that George Washington’s Mount Vernon would reopen to the public on Sunday, June 21, 2020.

Page 5: MOUNT VERNON REOPENING, a private, non-profit 501(c)3 founded in 1853 by Ann Pamela Cunningham. As the most


June 23, 2020 Mount Vernon Reopening Plan v10


A three-level plan for the reopening of George Washington’s Mount Vernon allows the estate to reopen

cautiously, taking into account institutional financial considerations, and provide Mount Vernon staff

opportunity to acclimate and make necessary adjustments to operations and programming once put into


Level I presents opening the estate with a focus on the outdoor experience; guests will have the

opportunity to experience the Historic Area, including the east lawn, historic gardens, 18th-century

outbuildings, Tomb, as well as the Pioneer Farm. The Mount Vernon Inn food truck will station on the 12-

acre field to offer food options for guests and the restaurant will continue to offer curbside pickup.

Entry and exit buildings will be open but the Mansion, all theaters, small indoor spaces, the Donald W.

Reynolds Museum & Education Center, the Washington Library, the General’s Store, Lady Washington

Shop, Gristmill Shop and the Mount Vernon Inn Restaurant will be closed. This initial opening period is

important because it will allow MVLA leadership and staff to focus on safe guest entry and exit, observe

guest experiences and refine cleaning protocol to demonstrate to guests our commitment to cleanliness.

Mount Vernon administrative buildings and the Washington Library will remain largely closed with

exceptions made by MVLA leadership on a case-by-case basis.

Level II consists of gradual add-ons to estate operations, and, based on demand, modified tours of the

Mansion, limited visitation of the Museum & Education Center, limited programming at the Washington

Library, and potential increase in food operations and retail. Entry into this level will also signal a review

by MVLA leadership, in conjunction with current guidance by the CDC, the Governor of Virginia and open

the administrative buildings and the Washington Library allowing for shift work and limited staff in


Level III is the final level to reopen all public and administrative spaces and resume regular operations.

Leadership will determine entry into this level by taking into account the following: guidance from the

CDC, the Governor of Virginia, VDH and FCHD, demand and guest attendance, and staffing support. Level

III will most likely still require mitigation protocols but in a less restrictive manner than in Levels I and II.

The timing of each level will be determined in accordance with the FCHD officials and as directed by MVLA

leadership. During and throughout each level, adjustments, modifications and changes can be made as

new information is provided and following approval by MVLA leadership.

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June 23, 2020 Mount Vernon Reopening Plan v10


Protecting the health and well-being of Mount Vernon’s staff is our highest priority. Before reopening the

estate, our staff will receive up-to-date health guidance and training on mitigating risks for themselves,

their colleagues, and our guests. All staff will receive a PowerPoint presentation that they will be required

to review before the estate reopens. This presentation will include the following information (subject to

change as information becomes available):


Safety protocols recommend keeping a distance of at least six feet from the nearest person at all times.

As this is not always possible, we will provide guidance to assist staff in abiding by these standards.


Mount Vernon will provide staff with face coverings upon return to work. Guest-facing staff must wear

face coverings while interacting with guests at all times, and non-guest facing staff will be required to

wear face coverings. Staff may remove face coverings when alone in his or her workspace. Staff whose

health or safety is put at risk by wearing a mask or cloth face covering are not required to do so. If this

applies to you, please contact Human Resources at [email protected]

Staff will be instructed to follow a hygienic protocol for donning face coverings that will include washing

hands, putting on face covering, avoiding touching of face, removing face covering by the straps, and

washing hands and cloth face coverings frequently.


Washing hands is one of the most effective ways to combat the spread of any illness. Staff will be shown

proper hand washing techniques. Staff should wash their hands before and after each shift and break,

after using the restroom, sneezing, blowing their nose, cleaning surfaces, eating, or drinking. When hand

washing is not available, staff should use hand sanitizer to be found in various locations.


Staff should cover their cough or sneeze with a tissue, elbow or shoulder, followed by proper hand



Staff may wear vinyl or nitrile gloves, as they deem necessary, when performing their specific work on

the estate. Staff should never use gloves as substitute for hand washing. The training presentation will

review how to properly remove gloves from hands, and conclude with hand washing.


If a staff member feels ill and presents symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or lives with someone who is

presenting or been diagnosed with COVID-19, they should immediately contact their supervisor or Human

Resources. Additional information on reporting a staff illness can be found here.


If a guest becomes ill, staff should follow normal protocol of contacting a first responder. The first

responder on the scene will be in charge. Staff should review Annex D of the Mount Vernon Emergency

Operations Plan, which can also be found on the Mount Vernon intranet.

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June 23, 2020 Mount Vernon Reopening Plan v10


Regardless if Mount Vernon mandates staff temperature checks at any point upon or after reopening,

staff should be keenly aware of their own health and status, paying attention to any symptoms that may

present, before coming to work each day. Awareness and self-care is vital during this unprecedented and

stressful time.


Mount Vernon staff should put a friendly face on health and safety rules and encourage compliance by

modeling good behavior. We will take the time to answer all staff questions and ensure staff fully

understand our safety procedures so that they in turn can answer all guest questions and project

confidence and poise.

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June 23, 2020 Mount Vernon Reopening Plan v10



Staff will be required to complete the training presentation and practice all health protocols and

procedures as listed above whether they are work in guest-facing public buildings, an

administrative building or the Washington Library. Upon reopening, any staff that can telework

should do so and not return to their workspace on the estate.

Staff who cannot telework by nature of their job but are in the vulnerable populations (as defined

by the CDC) should contact Human Resources for further information.

No in-person meetings will take place in conference rooms on the estate; all meetings take place

via phone or video conference.

The Melody Sawyer Richardson Fitness Center on the lower level of the APC Building will be closed

until further notice. Designated staff for uniform and/or costume changing will use the gym


Supervisors will enforce social distancing in suites/offices, research spaces and staff break

spaces; staff should not congregate together and breaks must be staggered. Closed theaters and

indoor spaces may be used as additional break spaces to allow for social distancing:

o Guest Services will utilize the OC back hall breakroom and picnic tables outside the

Group Sales doors.

o History Interpretation will utilize the Interpreters Lounge, the Interpretive Center and

the APC/Bolton staff breakroom.

o Character Interpretation will utilize the APC/Bolton staff breakroom.

o Historic Trades will utilize the Trades breakroom and additional space in the Carpenter’s


o The Shops will utilize the MVIC breakroom.

All administrative buildings and the Washington Library will remain largely closed to staff, with

exceptions made by the President & CEO on a case-by-case basis.


All Mount Vernon staff will wear face coverings when interacting with guests indoors and moving

from point to point across the estate. Interpretive staff, with the use of rope lines and stanchions,

may present to guests without a face covering as long as a social distance of six or more feet is


Employees who health or safety is put at risk by wearing a mask or cloth face covering are not

required to do so, and should contact Human Resources at [email protected].

All outside contractors and vendors must be accompanied by Mount Vernon staff and adhere to

Mount Vernon staff safety and health protocols.

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June 23, 2020 Mount Vernon Reopening Plan v10

We require that all guests wear face coverings upon arrival at the estate. Adults accompanying

minors should use the adult’s best judgment with respect to placing face coverings on a minor

between the ages of two and nine. Adults accompanying minors between the ages of ten and

eighteen should make reasonable efforts to prompt the minor to wear face coverings. Exceptions

may be made for guests with medical and sensory issues. If guests are maintaining social distance

while exploring the grounds, masks are not required. However, we do require that they be worn

indoors and in spaces where social distancing cannot be maintained.

Purchase of online tickets will be encouraged and promoted by Media & Communications. One

ticket window will be open for walk up purchases; cashiers will encourage use of contactless

payment methods and credit cards. We will ask all ticket purchasers for their email address for

contact tracing purposes.

Guest Services staff will implement paced entry into the estate, beginning outside the Texas Gate,

to promote social distancing and prevent crowding in indoor spaces.

Per the orders of the Governor in Virginia Forward Phase 2 Guidelines2, building occupancy cannot

exceed fifty (50%) percent. For indoor spaces open in Level I and II, the occupancies are as follows:

o Ford Orientation Center: 243 people

o Donald W. Reynolds Museum & Education Center Lobby: 102 people

o Education Center Exit Area: 16 people

o Vaughan Lobby: 100 people

o The Shops – West: 60 people

o The Shops – East: 60 people

o Donald W. Reynolds Education Center – 350 people

o Donald W. Reynolds Museum:

Houdon Gallery – 12 people

Taubman Gallery – 20 people

Mars Gallery – 8 people

Skaggs Gallery – 7 people

Scott Gallery – 32 people

2 Northern Virginia entered Phase 2 of the Governor’s Virginia Forward Plan on Friday, June 12, 2020 and will continue in that phase when George Washington’s Mount Vernon opens on Sunday, June 21, 2020.

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June 23, 2020 Mount Vernon Reopening Plan v10

Gilder Lehrman Gallery – 21 people

Kirby Gallery – 40 people

Operations & Maintenance will strategically place hand sanitizers throughout the estate for staff

and public use.

Where appropriate, we will install shield barriers in transactional spaces.

We will install signage and floor graphics in buildings and spaces on the estate to promote social

distancing and hygiene etiquette. Signage will have strong, clear iconography to accommodate

people with different language skills.

Operations & Maintenance will conduct an enhanced cleaning schedule of public spaces and focus

on high-traffic areas. In addition, staff will take on increased responsibility of keeping their

workspaces and areas of work clean and disinfected.

Water fountains will have signage reminding guests not to touch the tap with their mouth or the

mouth of their water bottle and to sanitize their hands after use.

Operations & Maintenance will replace all HVAC filters on the estate before reopening to ensure

indoor spaces are ventilating at an optimal level.

We will close all indoor theaters. This includes the Robert H. & Clarice Smith Theater, the Eagles

Theater, the Robert H. & Clarice Smith Auditorium, Rev War Theater, Romance Theater, Be

Washington and the historic area Interpretive Center.

We will reduce our shuttle bus service significantly; one bus will operate from the EC turnaround

to the Wharf and Pioneer Farm to transport guests, including those with mobility issues. No more

than eight guests may ride in the shuttle bus at once to allow for social distancing. Shuttle bus

drivers will wear protective gear and disinfect high touch areas on the shuttle bus in-between

transports and throughout the day.

Guest entry and exit will be one-way on the estate. Guests may still enter through the double

glass doors of the MVIC to go to the Shops and Food Court, but two-way traffic will cease in the

serpentine hallway connecting the Mount Vernon Inn Complex to the Donald W Reynolds

Museum & Education Center. That will be an exit-only path.

The Mount Vernon Inn Restaurant, the Food Court Pavilion, the General’s Store, the Lady

Washington Shop, and the Gristmill Shop will be closed.


Focus and intensified cleaning will take place in the following high-traffic areas of the estate and will

adhere to CDC cleaning protocol. A complete list covering all three levels can be referenced here.

Texas Gate

Entrance handrail

Ford Orientation Center

Ticketing offices

Ford Orientation Center restrooms

Ford Orientation Center breakroom and restroom

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June 23, 2020 Mount Vernon Reopening Plan v10

Entrance and exit doors

Brochure rack

Handrails for stairs and ramp

Information desk counter

OC brick pathway handrail (OC exit doors to Crossroads)

OC outside seating area

Ann Pamela Cunningham (APC) Building

Main level doors



Reception desk counter

Copy and Mail Room

Historic Area

Crossroads handrail

North Lane restrooms

Pioneer Farmer restrooms

Piazza chairs

Drinking fountains

Donald W. Reynolds Museum & Education Center

EC brick pathway handrail (Crossroads to EC entrance doors)

Entrance and exit doors


Handrails for stairs

Mount Vernon Inn Complex

Front and side doors

Vaughan Lobby restrooms

Vaughan Lobby benches


In order to promote safety among staff and guests, we recommend a change to our bag policy to adopt

similar measures currently taken in sporting stadiums and other large venues. Guests will receive

advanced communication and see signage in the parking lots notifying them of this requirement. Guest

Services will provide plastic bags to guests who do not have them. Below is a sample of the messaging.

For the safety of all guests, staff, and volunteers, as well as the preservation of this historic property,

please note our bag policy:

Bags must be clear plastic, vinyl or PVC and may not exceed 16" x 16" x 8" OR

One-gallon clear plastic freezer bag (Ziploc bag or similar)

Small clutch bags, 4.5" x 6.5", with or without a handle or strap

Exceptions for medically necessary items as well as items for infants and small children after

inspection by a Mount Vernon staff person upon entry.

When a bag exception is made, the guest will be asked to empty its contents on a bag check table for

inspection by Guest Services staff and then return all items into their bag. Guests will be asked to dispose

any prohibited items. This process will keep Guest Services staff from having to directly touch items. When

the guest has placed all items back into their bag, Guest Services staff will disinfect the tabletop.

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June 23, 2020 Mount Vernon Reopening Plan v10


All staff that work in the historic area will wear face coverings when moving about and practice

social distancing.

History Interpretation will offer outdoor specialty and private tours that remain outside and

allow for social distancing.

Character interpretation will perform in set outdoor spaces with rope lines to allow for social


Historic Trades will staff the Blacksmith Shop (Wednesdays – Sundays only) with entrance

barriers to allow for social distancing. They will also staff Pioneer Farm (Wednesdays – Sundays

only) with minimal staff. When staffed, outdoor Pioneer Farm demonstrations will have set rope

lines to allow for social distancing, and indoor spaces such as the Treading Barn and Slave Cabin,

will be closed.

The Mansion will remain closed during Level I. Outbuildings that do not require guests to step

inside will be open for viewing.

Visiting Washington’s Tomb and the Slave Memorial and Cemetery:

o We will install social distancing signage in the approach to and around Washington’s

Tomb and the Slave Memorial and Cemetery;

o All chain barriers will be down with the gates locked in front;

o Staff will have barriers in place around the guard shack that allows for safe standing at a


o There will be no wreath-laying ceremonies at Washington’s Tomb or the Slave



The Mount Vernon Inn Restaurant and Food Court Pavilion are not open in Level I.

The Mount Vernon food truck, Executive Orders, will station on the 12-acre field for food services.

o There will be two food lines with 20x20 tents to allow for social distancing;

o Social distancing signage will be installed around the ordering area;

o Plexiglass barriers installed at ordering points;

o Mount Vernon Inn staff will wear masks and follow all health code regulations as set by

Fairfax County Health Department;

o Guests will receive food only in closed containers.

o Guest may eat on the 12-acre field; we will provide limited seating. We will install rope

lines around the perimeter and install “No food or beverage beyond this point” signage.

Online ordering will continue to be conducted allowing guests to pick up curbside or eat outside

The Shops.

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June 23, 2020 Mount Vernon Reopening Plan v10


In Level I, The Shops in the Mount Vernon Inn Complex are open and the General’s Store, Lady

Washington Shop and Gristmill Shop are closed.

Retail will set up one-way traffic routes in and out of the East and West Shops in the Mount Vernon

Inn Complex. To direct guests and allow for social distancing, we will install shield barriers at

transaction spaces, signage and floor graphics. There are fifteen registers in The Shops however,

three registers will operate in East Shop and three registers will operate in the West Shops. The

rest will remain closed.

Retail staff will wear face coverings and enforce social distancing inside the Shops; Mount Vernon

Security will monitor traffic flow outside the Shops in the Vaughan Lobby area, and guests will be

required to wear face coverings throughout the Mount Vernon Inn Complex.


We rely on Mount Vernon supervisors help enforce staff health and safety protocols, advocate for staff

and provide assistance in making sure operational mitigation measures remain in place and functioning

throughout each level.

Supervisors should use the following contacts for reporting supply needs or feedback. (Please encourage

staff to notify Supervisors of these needs).

Hand sanitizer stations that may be broken or low/empty of sanitizer or low cleaning supplies:

email [email protected]

Social Distancing signage is damaged or missing, please email

[email protected]

Supervisors should ensure hygiene etiquette and social distancing signage is posted and remains up in

staff break rooms and other staff common areas. If the supervisor notices the signage is not posted,

s/he can access these documents on the intranet for installation.

Supervisors should always encourage staff to make their safety a top priority. In doing so, if a staff

member encounters a guest that will not comply with Mount Vernon’s guest requirements, the staff

person should politely ask the guest to comply. If the guest responds in a belligerent or disruptive

matter, the staff person should walk away from the guest and request a security officer. While waiting

for a security officer to respond, staff should remain away from the disruptive guest and maintain his or

her own safety.

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June 23, 2020 Mount Vernon Reopening Plan v10



Telework will continue. However, once in Level II and at a time approved by the MVLA leadership,

managers/supervisors can devise shift schedules or similar plans to allow staff into workspaces

while enforcing social distancing and remaining in accordance with group gathering limitations as

set by the Governor of Virginia. Managers/supervisors dictate the schedule of staff that telework

and work on the estate.

Disinfectant materials will be provided (to the extent possible) for staff to wipe down door knobs,

tables and other common area spaces and shared equipment after use. Departmental staff should

ensure wipes and other materials are available for use. Operations & Maintenance will perform

enhanced cleaning of high traffic areas in staff administrative buildings and the Washington


• The majority of meetings will be by phone or video conference. Gatherings in large conference

rooms take place only when necessary, adhering to the group gathering limits as set by Governor

of Virginia and allowing for social distancing. FCHD guideline signage will be posted outside each

conference room.

• As staffing in administrative buildings, the Washington Library and other spaces increases as

directed, staff will continue to strictly adhere to the staff-required health protocols and

procedures unless otherwise notified. Managers/supervisors will enforce policies and

communicate any changes in health protocol to staff.

• Staff should take every measure to minimize any in-person meetings with outside vendors,

partner organizations and potential clients. However, this will be unavoidable at times. The Office

of the President must first approve all requests for outside entry into the estate until otherwise

notified. Staff must send requests to the Senior Executive Assistant who will provide Security an

approved list for entry into the estate or Washington Library.


All measures as listed in Level I continue with the following additional adjustments below:

The Wharf will reopen when tour boats begin operating again. As operations for safe guest entry

into the estate are firmly established, Guest Services will transpose those plans and techniques to

allow for social distancing at the Wharf when boarding and de-boarding.

Shuttle bus service may increase if tour boats begin operating again and visiting Mount Vernon’s

Wharf. The shuttle bus will continue with limited seating to allow for social distancing. Shuttle bus

drivers will continue to wear protective gear and disinfect high touch areas on the shuttle bus in-

between transports and throughout the day.

Outside contractors and vendors must be accompanied by Mount Vernon staff and adhere to

Mount Vernon staff safety and health protocols.

Guest Services and Security leadership will conduct a review to determine if one-way guest entry

and exit will continue on the estate.

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June 23, 2020 Mount Vernon Reopening Plan v10


Focus and intensified cleaning will continue to take place in areas listed in Level I with the addition of the


Museum & Education Center

Museum & Education Center galleries (when approved for reopening)

Washington Library

Conference rooms Restrooms Copy and mail rooms Hand railings and doorknobs throughout building


All historic area modifications as listed in Level I will continue. Education & Guest Services

leadership will review all interpretive programming conducted within the operational framework

from Level I and make all determinations for changes and/or additions.

Mansion capacities will be set to ensure social distancing inside the Mansion as well as maintain

maximum group size gatherings as required by the Governor of Virginia.

Only the first floor of the Mansion is open for touring. The upper floors and cellar will remain


These interior accommodations will be made for restricting contact with building elements:

o Place stanchions in central passage to keep visitors from walls except at principal


o Extend tour path in study to move visitors away from fireplace wall.

Doors will remain open in the Mansion (weather permitting) to limit contact with surfaces.

To remain complaint with ADA, guests will exit on the Piazza side of the Mansion. History

Interpretation will open the north and south doors of the Kitchen and keep the east door closed

and locked. This will allow guests to view and self-explore the unstaffed Kitchen.

Piazza chairs may be adjusted in position and setup to decrease touching and provide space for

social distancing.

History Interpreters will be posted on the East Lawn to provide interpretation of the upper floors

during limited access tour period.

Collections Management and Architecture staff will perform enhanced cleaning in the in Mansion

twice a day, each for a one-hour period. They will also perform an enhanced cleaning of the

outbuildings every other day. The following Mansion spaces will be targeted for enhanced


o Interior or exterior doorknobs of all exterior doors;

o Edges of doors to New Room and east central passage doorway;

o Door architraves along visitor path, from knee to head height;

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June 23, 2020 Mount Vernon Reopening Plan v10

o Walls and doors of east and west vestibules;

o Plexiglass stanchions (to be cleaned by interpreter with plexi cleaner)

In addition to social distancing signage in and around the estate, there will be signage near the

Mansion notifying guests of the enhanced Mansion cleaning schedule.


Education & Guest Services, Finance and Historic Preservation & Collections leadership will analyze

attendance as well as staffing capability to determine if the Donald W. Reynolds Museum & Education

Center and George Washington’s Distillery & Gristmill reopen. Entry into Level II is the earliest time these

two spaces may open but pending review, they could reopen later. MVLA leadership will approve all


The Donald W. Reynolds Museum & Education Center will initially require staff to help manage

the flow and limit the number of guests in and out the Museum and the Education Center. Guest

Services staff will help to operate the Museum doors so guests avoid touching the handles and

will frequently disinfect the Museum entrance door handles and the Education Center exit door

handles. When possible, the Education Center exit doors can be propped open.

All interactives in the Education Center will remain off. If Mount Vernon begins to provide styluses

to guests, Education & Guest Services leadership will review and make a recommendation

regarding interactives remaining on or off in the Education Center.

Education & Guest Services leadership will review staffing needs in order to open and allow for

social distancing in Hands-on-History, the Romance Theater, the Rev War Theater and Be

Washington and include in their recommendation.

George Washington’s Distillery & Gristmill will reopen with a focus on outside demonstration and

strictly limiting the number of people to tour the buildings at any given time.


Finance will analyze attendance and consult with the Director of Food & Beverage to determine the

reopening timeline of the Food Court Pavilion. . The Board in concert with MVLA leadership will approve

all recommendations.

Current considerations for modifications upon a reopening include:

All food in closed containers;

Food line setup to allow for social distancing;

Self-checkout kiosks;

Hand sanitizer stations and hygiene etiquette signage.

The Mount Vernon Inn Restaurant will remain closed pending a review by the MVLA leadership, Finance,

the Director of Food & Beverage and guidance from Fairfax County Health Department.


Finance will analyze attendance and consult with the Director of Retail to determine if the General’s Store,

the Lady Washington Shop or the Gristmill Shop will reopen in Level II or Level III. MVLA leadership will

approve all recommendations.

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Upon entering Level III, we will provide all staff an update on current health protocols and

procedures as guided by the CDC, the Governor of Virginia, VDH and FCHD. While we do not know

what health protocols will be in the future, we should remain prepared and ready for Level III to

include some form of social distancing, face coverings, frequent hand washing and hygiene


Telework will end and all staff return to their workspaces on the estate.

In-person meetings on the estate resume and, if required, should allow for relaxed social



Upon review of CDC, the Governor of Virginia, VDH and FCHD guidance, the Board in concert

with MVLA leadership will make a determination as to whether or not staff will continue to wear

face coverings when interacting with guests, as well as if face coverings are optional for guests.

As guest attendance demands, ticket windows will resume regular operations.

Guest Services staff will continue to pace entry and promote social distancing to the extent

directed by the CDC, the Governor of Virginia, VDH and FCHD.

Operations & Maintenance will keep hand sanitizers in place throughout the estate for staff and

public use.

Using current guidance from the CDC, the Governor of Virginia, VDH and FCHD, we will review

shield barriers, signage and floor graphics in buildings and spaces on the estate to determine

whether to de-install them or keep them in place.

Operations & Maintenance will resume regular cleaning operations with a continued emphasis on

door handles, handrails for stairs and ramps, restrooms, and countertops.

We will open all indoor theaters. This includes the Robert H. & Clarice Smith Theater, the Eagles

Theater, the Robert H. & Clarice Smith Auditorium Rev War Theater, Romance Theater, Be

Washington and the Interpretive Center. Limited seating and/or required seating distance may be

enforced pending recommendations from the CDC, the Governor of Virginia, VDH and FCHD.

Guest Services will resume regular shuttle bus operations as attendance demands. Shuttle bus

drivers will continue to disinfect high touch areas on the shuttle bus throughout the day.

Guest entry and exit will resume normal flow and operation.


Education & Guest Services, Security, and Media & Communications leadership will conduct a review of

the bag policy to determine if it should continue or revert to the previous bag policy.

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Education & Guest Services leadership will review current operational modifications

recommended by the CDC, the Governor of Virginia, VDH and FCHD (e.g. direction on social

distancing), and provide direction to History Interpretation, Character Interpretation and Historic

Trades on continuation or discontinuation of modified programming.

Regular tours of the Mansion will resume and will include the upper floor(s) with possible

limitations pending the recommendations of the CDC, the Governor of Virginia, VDH and FCHD.

Visitation to Washington’s Tomb and the Slave Memorial and Cemetery will continue, and

wreath-laying ceremonies will resume.

The Donald W. Reynolds Museum & Education Center will open for guests and staff will not limit

the flow and numbers of guests.

Interactives may be on with possible use by styluses as directed by Education & Guest Services


The Distillery & Gristmill will continue regular tours for guests.


Finance and the Director of Food & Beverage will conduct a review of the food truck on the 12-acre field

and make recommendations of its use throughout Level III.

The Mount Vernon Inn Restaurant will remain closed pending a review by the MVLA leadership, Finance, the Director of Food & Beverage and guidance from Fairfax County Health Department and will reopen when appropriate.

Finance will analyze attendance and consult with the Director of Retail to determine what shops (unless

done in Level II) will reopen in Level III. MVLA leadership will approve all recommendations.

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Mount Vernon’s communication policy is active and in the event a person on the estate, staff or guest,

has a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, all media requests and communications will go through the Office of

the President.

When guests purchase tickets online, their email will be saved and retained for contact tracing purposes.

A disclaimer will be on our website, allowing guests to opt out of the contact tracing notifications.

Ticketing will ask all guests that purchase tickets at the ticketing window for an email address for contact

tracing purposes, and the guest may offer that information.

Upon entry, Mount Vernon members will have their membership cards scanned by Guest Services staff in

the Ford Orientation Center; this will allow us to know what members visited on what day.

Upon receiving notification of a possible exposure to guests on the estate, contact information will be

provided to the Virginia Department of Health for contact tracing purposes.


We will communicate the above recommendations and operational changes to our guests proactively.

We want our guests to feel prepared and comfortable when the visit the estate, so our message regarding

safety must be a balance of positive and practical.

Media & Communications will publish the safety information on our webpage

and send safety information in advance to guests that purchase tickets online. This will include:

Face covering policy;

Modified bag policy;

Social distancing requirements;

An infographic so that guests understand the current level of operation and what that means;

Link to our video highlighting the enhanced cleaning on the estate, placement of hand sanitizers

and “dos and don’ts” when visiting the estate.

When guests purchase tickets online, they will be required to check a box affirming that they have read

and comply with the posted rules.

Emails and push notifications reminding guests of health rules and expectations will be sent to guests

prior to their visit.


In addition to the training presentation all staff must complete before returning to the estate, the staff

intranet will also provide additional information and resources at

Here staff can find this reopening plan, the staff training presentation, the Mount Vernon Emergency

Operations plan, Human Resources information, hygiene etiquette signage to place in staff restrooms and

breakrooms and the ability to print social distancing signage in-house.

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MVLA recognizes and values its dedicated corps of volunteers and their commitment to the estate and

our mission. MVLA’s primary goal is to protect the health and safety of our employees, volunteers and

guests, maintain a healthy environment and business operations and to reduce any transmission among

employees, volunteers and guests.

Beginning in Level II, volunteers may begin to return to the estate in a variety of positions. Volunteers

will be required to view and complete the same training presentation that all staff will complete before

returning to the estate. It is the responsibility of the Manager of Volunteers and Human Resources to

ensure each volunteer has completed this training. No volunteer should return to the estate if s/he has

serious concerns for their health and safety.

Any volunteer who has been on the estate and later presents symptoms of COVID-19 should contact the

Manager of Volunteers or Human Resources immediately.


Any MVLA employee that presents symptoms of COVID-19 or lives with someone who presents symptoms

of COVID-19 should remain home and notify their manager/supervisor or Human Resources.

Once employee contacts a manager/supervisor, that person should immediately report the illness

to Human Resources and await instruction. Human Resources will confidentially contact the


Managers/supervisors are not to share the identity of the employee (except with upper

management and Human Resources).

The employee should seek medical attention and testing for COVID-19. The employee will be

asked to report results to Human Resources; the employee does not need to produce evidence of

a positive report.

Regardless of test or diagnosis, the employee should self-isolate/quarantine (14 days) and stay in

contact with supervisor and Human Resources.

For COVID-19 specific leave options, please refer inquiries to Human Resources.

If an employee lives with someone who presents or is positive for COVID-19, the employee should not

return to work until the CDC criteria to discontinue home isolation are met, in consultation with

healthcare providers and state and local health departments.

Staff who cannot telework by nature of their job and are in the vulnerable population (as defined by the

CDC) should contact Human Resources for further information at [email protected].

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If the employee receives a positive diagnosis for COVID-19, Human Resources will take the following

actions immediately:

Contact the employee directly to gather information including:

o Names of other staff the employee interacted with over the past week;

o What spaces/areas on the estate the employee visited, particular focus on what spaces

in the 48 hours prior to when symptoms presented.

Once Human Resources has obtained this information, they will contact the employee’s manager

and provide an update.

Human Resources will contact Operations & Maintenance to request an immediate disinfection

and deep cleaning of the employee’s workspace, any common areas and other specific areas as

identified by the employee.

Human Resources will then notify any staff identified by the employee as possible exposures and

request that they also stay home and telework (if possible).

Human Resources does not perform technical contract tracing; labs results are reported the local

health departments for contract tracing.

Managers/supervisors should encourage the employee to keep in touch only with them and

Human Resources.

Employees with COVID-19 will be asked to present medical certification proving fitness for duty

before returning to work.

Any additional questions or concerns should be directed to Human Resources.


MVLA’s primary goal is to protect the health and safety of our employees and guests, maintain a healthy

work environment and business operations and to reduce any transmission among employees and guests.

At this time, MVLA does not deem staff temperature checks to be necessary as part of our health and

safety procedures. MVLA will follow guidance from the FCHD for employers regarding health and safety.

If temperature checks become part of MVLA’s procedures, Human Resources will implement and

communicate that process and ensure that MVLA remains in compliance with all applicable federal, state

and local laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act as enforced

by Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and (OSHA).


The COVID-19 Temporary Remote Work Procedure applies to MVLA employees whose job duties may fully

or partially be performed away from the regular work location. Department managers have the discretion

to approve or deny requests for remote work arrangements based on the prioritization and preservation

of MVLA and business unit needs, eligibility of the request, characteristics of the job duties, resources

available to support remote work, and the department manager’s ability to provide adequate supervision

for the remote employee. Department managers should work with the employee to establish an

appropriate schedule. Telecommuting is not designed to be a replacement for appropriate childcare: the

focus of the arrangement is on job performance and meeting business demands.

If eligibility for a temporary remote work arrangement is confirmed, the employee and manager or

department head should complete the COVID-19 temporary remote work agreement form via Paycom or

the Intranet. Human Resources will maintain and track temporary Remote Work Request Forms. Remote

work may begin immediately.

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MVLA offers Employee Assistance Program (EAP) access to all employees in order to offer additional

support during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

All employees have access to:

A dedicated 24/7 toll-free hotline (1-800-366-1192), which can provide immediate emotional

support surrounding;

financial issues, the loss of a loved one, anxiety, etc. (select option 1 on call prompt)

research and referrals, and access to guidance and local resources (select option 2 on call prompt).

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Department # Telework

President's Office 3

Events 1

Finance 6

Information Technology 5

Human Resources 4

Operations & Maintenance 2

HP&C 12

Education 8

Washington Library 13

Media & Communications 7

Development 12

Total 73

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Texas Gate

Entrance handrail

Ford Orientation Center

Ticketing offices

Ford Orientation Center restrooms

Ford Orientation Center breakroom and restroom

Entrance and exit doors

Handrails for stairs and ramp

Information desk counter

OC brick pathway handrail

Ann Pamela Cunningham (APC) Building

Main level doors



Reception desk counter

Copy and Mail Room

Historic Area

Crossroads handrail

North Lane restrooms

Pioneer Farmer restrooms

Piazza chairs

Drinking fountains

Mansion and Outbuildings (by preservation or collections managements unless otherwise noted)

Interior or exterior doorknobs of all exterior doors

Edges of doors to new room and east central passage doorway

Door architraves (frames around the doorway) along visitor path, from knee to head height

Walls and doors of east and west vestibules

Plexiglass stanchions (to be cleaned by history interpreters with plexicleaner)

Donald W. Reynolds Museum & Education Center

Entrance doors


Handrails for stairs

Exit doors

Museum & Education Center galleries (when approved for reopening)

Mount Vernon Inn Complex

Front and side doors

Vaughan Lobby restrooms

Washington Library

Conference rooms Restrooms Copy and mail rooms Hand railings and doorknobs throughout building

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1. Entrance of Ford Orientation Center

2. Entrance of Donald W. Reynolds Museum & Education Center

3. Exit of Donald W. Reynolds Museum & Education Center

4. Vaughan Lobby

5. 12 Acre Field (2 stations)

6. Washington Library (2 stations)

7. Entrance of Ann Pamela Cunningham (APC) Building