mountain view market october newsletter (2013)


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The Mountain View Market Cooperative is a member-owned business that offers unique benefits to both members and employees alike. For example, we offer a bicycle commuter benefit for our staff, the first program like it in New Mexico. We bring organic, fresh and local food to you through the work of local farmers, our knowledgeable staff, and dedicated members.


Page 1: Mountain View Market October Newsletter (2013)
Page 2: Mountain View Market October Newsletter (2013)

Mountain View Market Co-op1300 El Paseo Road – Las Cruces, NM 88001

Open everyday from 8 AM – 9 PMPhone: (575) 523-0436 Fax: (575) 541-0814

Email: [email protected]

Mountain View Market Kitchen120 S. Water Street – Las Cruces, NM 88005

Monday – Friday: 8 AM – 5 PM Saturday: 8 AM – 2 PMPhone: (575) 556-9856

Email: [email protected]

Mission Statement“The Organ Mountain Cooperative promotes good food, good company, and good

health for all.”

Staff Mission Statement“We are diverse in our backgrounds, but united in our goal to serve and empower

local and global communities and increase the quality of life for all.”

The Co-operative Principles1. Voluntary and Open Membership

2. Democratic Member Control3. Members’ Economic Participation

4. Autonomy and Independence5. Education, Training, and Information6. Cooperation among Cooperatives

7. Concern for Community

Board of DirectorsShahid Mustafa, General Manager

Paul Heiberger, President Claudia Piper, Vice PresidentCarolyn Gressitt, Secretary

Stella Field, TreasurerKaren George Randy Harris

Caitlin Karrenberg Lori Kae Schwab

Hollis Train


welcome visits from our fellow Members to hear your concerns!

Page 3: Mountain View Market October Newsletter (2013)

By Carolyn Gressitt, Board of Directors Secretary Happy National Co-operative Month! �����7KH�%RDUG�KDV�MXVW�UHWXUQHG�IURP�RXU�DQQXDO�UHWUHDW�ZLWK�RXU�*0��6KDKLG�0XVWDID��DQG�RXU�consultant Thane Joyal. After spending time reviewing our Ends (see below) and assessing our success in working towards them, we return to Las Cruces invigorated by discussions on our part in growing the co-operative food retail movement, as well as with a clear work-plan for the next six months. We have DOVR�WKRURXJKO\�UHYLHZHG�RXU�*RYHUQDQFH�3ROLF\��LGHQWLI\LQJ�VSHFLÀF�SROLFLHV�WKDW�VXSSRUW�RXU�immediate planning for continued success. October is National Co-operative Month – what better time to celebrate our successes! We now have 4,500 active members – people who want to better their lives by belonging to the Co-op and EHQHÀWWLQJ�IURP�DOO�WKH�VHUYLFHV�WKH�&R�RS�SURYLGHV�LQ�VWRUH��DV�ZHOO�DV�DW�WKH�090�)DUP�DQG�WKH�090�Kitchen. Sales continue to show overall growth. As reported at the 2013 Annual Membership Meeting, total sales in 2012 were a little over 13% over the previous year. We are in very good shape, and the Board and Management continue to work actively on the future success of Mountain View Market. Think about the amazing longevity of our Organ Mountain Co-operative: We have been here in Las Cruces since 1975! That’s 38 years!! We have seen supermarkets come and go: Safeway, FedMart, Smiths, Piggly-Wiggly, Jewel-Osco, Skaggs Alpha-Beta, Furrs, etc…and we are still here! �����,Q�OLJKW�RI�WKLV�FOHDU�FRPPXQLW\�VXSSRUW��OHW·V�GR�D�OLWWOH�UHÁHFWLRQ��DV�ZH�FHOHEUDWH�WKH�QDWLRQDO�FR�RSHUDWLYH�PRYHPHQW�WKLV�PRQWK��,�FDOO�RQ�DOO�090�PHPEHUV�WR�IRFXV�RQ�WKH�EHQHÀWV�\RX�GHULYH�IURP�being a member and shopping at Mountain View Market Co-op:�<RX�KDYH�DFFHVV�WR�KHDOWK\�IRRGV��KHDOWK\�SURGXFWV��DQG�WKRURXJK�LQIRUPDWLRQ�DERXW�WKHP�<RXU�LQYHVWPHQW�VKRSSLQJ�GROODUV�VWD\�LQ�\RXU�FRPPXQLW\�<RX�VXSSRUW�ORFDO�10�IDUPHUV�DQG�SURGXFHUV�<RX�YRWH�LQ�DQQXDO�HOHFWLRQV�RI�D�ORFDO�ERDUG�RI�GLUHFWRUV�<RX�JLYH�\RXU�LQSXW�LQ�DQ�DQQXDO�VXUYH\��DV�ZHOO�DV�GXULQJ�0HPEHU�)RUXP�DW�%RDUG�PHHWLQJV�<RX�VXSSRUW�D�IDUP�WKDW�KDV�EHFRPH�D�FHQWHU�RI�HGXFDWLRQ�RQ�WKH�YDOXH�RI�ORFDOO\�JURZQ�IRRG�DQG�VXVWDLQDEOH�DQG�VDIH�RUJDQLF�IDUPLQJ�SUDFWLFHV�<RX�VXSSRUW�ORFDO�FRPPXQLW\�RUJDQL]DWLRQV�HYHQWV�WKURXJK�GRQDWLRQV�PDGH�E\�090�<RX�HQMR\�VHUYLFH�IURP�WKH�IULHQGOLHVW��PRVW�NQRZOHGJHDEOH�VWDII�RI�DQ\�JURFHU\�VWRUH�LQ�/DV�&UXFHV��they are trained to work in any department of the store—they really know the product!

OUR ENDS:��The Mountain View Market Cooperative exists to promote a healthy, conscious, sustainable,

and empowered community.��7KH�FRPPXQLW\�EHQHÀWV�IURP�RXWUHDFK��VXSSRUW��DQG�HGXFDWLRQ���The co-op provides information and access to healthy food and health products.��The co-op models sustainable living.��7KH�FR�RS�UHÁHFWV�LQFOXVLYLW\�DQG�GLYHUVLW\���The co-op is a viable alternative economic model based on cooperative principles and values.��The co-op supports local and regional production and encourages a diverse food system.

Adopted by the MVM Board of Directors September 23, 2009.

BOD! + Sou"

Page 4: Mountain View Market October Newsletter (2013)

New# Fro$ th% Kitche&! By Caitlin Karrenberg, Kitchen Manager

Our expanded menu is in full effect at El Paseo! We start breakfast as soon as the store doors open, VR�FRPH�E\�WKH�&DIp�&RXQWHU�DQG�RUGHU�D�EUHDNIDVW�VDQGZLFK��WRDVWHG�EDJHO��IULWWDWD��IUHVK�MXLFH��smoothie, or espresso drink. We serve breakfast from 8am-10:30am Monday through Saturday at both Kitchen locations. Starting at 10:30am we start serving lunch. Lunch options include sandwiches made-to-order on locally baked bread, salads loaded with fresh veggies grown on our very own farm, soups made from scratch with local ingredients, and all of our dressings and sauces are made in-house from scratch with organic ingredients. Any sandwich or wrap can be made gluten-free, and we have plenty of vegetarian and vegan options!�����'RQ·W�IRUJHW�ZH�KDYH�D�QHZ�(VSUHVVR�%DU��WRR��:H�MXVW�JRW�VRPH�3XPSNLQ�6SLFH�LQ�IRU�WKH�IDOO��6R�order a Pumpkin Spice Latte with organic whole, fat-free, or soy milk. We can do any espresso drink iced or blended! �����:H·UH�DOO�YHU\�H[FLWHG�DERXW�WKH�JURZWK�ZH·YH�VHHQ�LQ�MXVW�WKUHH�VKRUW�\HDUV��:H·YH�TXDGUXSOHG�Kitchen sales, we opened a second location, expanded our offerings and menu, opened an espresso bar at the El Paseo location, and continue to look for ways to serve you, our owners! We know that sometimes transitions aren’t always smooth and with growth comes growing pains. Haven’t seen VRPHWKLQJ�LQ�D�ZKLOH�WKDW�\RX�MXVW�FDQ·W�OLYH�ZLWKRXW"�:LVK�ZH�ZRXOG�VWDUW�PDNLQJ�VRPHWKLQJ�QHZ"�:H�want to hear from you, so please let us know how we’re doing! Fill out a Customer Comment Card at the Courtesy Desk anddrop it off in the Customer Comment box by the front door. Once a month, one winner is randomly drawn to receive a ����090�*LIW�&HUWLÀFDWH�

Mountain View Market Kitchen has two locations!120 S Water St

and1300 El Paseo Ave Suite M


Page 5: Mountain View Market October Newsletter (2013)
Page 6: Mountain View Market October Newsletter (2013)

Dow& o& th% Far$By Victoria & Nicole, MVM Farm Assistants

Mid-September rains were welcomed at the MVM Farm. Our veggie crops were JUDWHIXO�DQG�ÁRXULVKHG�ZLWK�WKH�DGGLWLRQDO�PRLVWXUH�DQG��QXWULHQWV�IURP�WKH�UDLQ��2IÀFLDO�KDUYHVW�VHDVRQ�LV�KHUH��DQG�RXU�PDUNHW�KDUYHVWV�KDYH�LQFOXGHG�UHG�Russian kale, improved Siberian dwarf kale, colorful bunches of swiss chard, SDGG\�SDQ�VTXDVK��WKH�ZKLWH�´Á\LQJ�VDXFHUµ�VKDSHG�VTXDVK���DQG�PXOWLSOH�varieties of summer squash like zucchini. We are looking forward to harvesting acorn squash, arava melon, and watermelons soon. Harvest season also means Fall is near. We have been busy preparing “beds” and planting seeds for beets, VSLQDFK��FDUURWV��DUXJXOD��DQG�OHWWXFH��MXVW�WR�QDPH�D�IHZ�

1RW�RQO\�DUH�ZH�H[SHULHQFLQJ�PRUH�DEXQGDQFH�LQ�WKH�ÀHOGV��EXW�ZH�KDYH�VWDUWHG�SURGXFLQJ�PLFURJUHHQV��VXQÁRZHU�VSURXWV��DQG�ZKHDWJUDVV�LQ�RXU�aquaponics greenhouse. Our second aquaponics greenhouse is currently under construction, and we expect an increase in aquaponically grown produce in the upcoming months. Our aquaponics system not only supports plant life but also SURYLGHV�D� KRPH� IRU� ÀVK��:H·YH� VWDUWHG�ZLWK�JROGÀVK�� DQG� WKH� ÀVK� KDYH�GRQH�JUHDW��1RZ�WKDW�ZH·YH�FUHDWHG�D�YLDEOH�KDELWDW�IRU�RXU�JROGÀVK��ZH�DUH�UHVHDUFKLQJ�RWKHU�W\SHV�RI�ÀVK�WR�DGG�WR�RXU�SRROV��

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As the weather has become cooler and more amenable for the chickens, we are seeing an increase in their egg production. Keep an eye out for our farm fresh eggs at Ardovino’s Desert Crossing Farmer’s Market in Sunland Park on Saturdays from 7:30 AM to 12 PM, as well as the Tractor Supply Market in Las Cruces on Sundays from 10 AM to 3 PM.

The MVM Farm has welcomed three NMSU interns for the Fall 2013 semester. Adam, Rocky, and Taylor have been quick to get their hands (and feet) dirty!! They have been so helpful assisting with weeding, watering, planting, harvesting, composting, and chicken care.

Want to feel more grounded, play in the dirt, learn more about local food V\VWHPV��RU�MXVW�ZDQW�WR�VKRZ�\RXU�VXSSRUW�IRU�WKH�090�)DUP"�&RPH�RQ�RXW�WR�RQH�of our volunteer days!! We welcome volunteers on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8:00 to 11:00 AM to assist with farm tasks. It seems our “to do” list is constantly growing and so are the weeds! We love an extra hand from volunteers who visit the farm, and although there are always weeds to pull, we try and have a variety of tasks and activities for volunteers to engage in. Volunteers can DOVR�HDUQ�SXQFKHV�RQ�WKHLU�MXLFH�VPRRWKLH�FDUGV�UHGHHPDEOH�IRU�D�IUHH�MXLFH�RU�VPRRWKLH�DW�WKH�090�MXLFH�EDU��$V�WKH�ZHDWKHU�FRROV�GRZQ��ZH�KRSH�\RX·OO�FRPH�back out to the farm!

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Page 9: Mountain View Market October Newsletter (2013)

October Event# @ MVM CO+OP Want more information about an event? Want to host an event in the Co-op Com-munity Room? Just contact Jennifer at [email protected] or call (575)523-0436. All events are free and open to the public unless noted otherwise.”

Wednesdays and Saturdays in October – 8 am to 11 amMVM Co+Op Farm Volunteer Days: Interested in organic farming and local food SURGXFWLRQ"�:DQW�WR�ÀQG�RXW�PRUH�DERXW�FRPSRVWLQJ��YHUPLFXOWXUH��DTXDSRQLFV��OD\LQJ�KHQV��DQG�FURS�SODQQLQJ�IRU�RXU�UHJLRQ"�&RPH�DQG�YROXQWHHU�at the Mountain View Market Farm located at 2653 Snow Road in Mesilla. Contact the Co-op for details and directions. [INFO: 575.523.0436 or mvmoutreach AT gmail DOT com] Fridays in October – 12 to 1 pm/XQFKWLPH�<RJD: Calling everyone, beginners or experienced alike, who would like to make the most of their lunch hour with a tailored and exclusive 45 minute yoga class, followed by a lunch order waiting for you at the studio. $12 cash or check for yoga and express lunch from Mountain View Market Kitchen, or $6 MXVW�IRU�WKH�\RJD�FODVV��1R�SUH�UHJLVWUDWLRQ�QHFHVVDU\��-XVW�VKRZ�XS�WR�'RZQWRZQ�'HVHUW�<RJD������6��$ODPHGD�%OYG���ÀOO�RXW�\RXU�OXQFK�RUGHU��DQG�\RXU�OXQFK�ZLOO�EH�ZDLWLQJ�IRU�\RX�DW�WKH�\RJD�VWXGLR�ZKHQ�\RXU�FODVV�HQGV��><2*$�,1)2��575.647.9642 or www DOT downtowndesertyoga DOT com] [MVM KITCHEN INFO: 575.556.9856 or mountainviewmarket DOT coop]

Sundays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays in October – 8 am to 1 pmThe Sidewalk Nursery: On Sunday, October 27th Robledo Vista Nursery will have its annual ½ price (or more off) sale! Robledo Vista Nursery specializes in low water use native and adapted plants, as well as select fruit trees, herbs, and vegetables. Visit for current availability and call ahead if you ZRXOG�OLNH�WR�SXUFKDVH�D�VSHFLÀF�SODQW��3OHDVH�QRWH�WKDW�GD\V�DQG�KRXUV�DUH�VXEMHFW�WR�ZHDWKHU�FRQGLWLRQV��7KH�6LGHZDON�1XUVHU\�LV�ORFDWHG�LQ�IURQW�RI�WKH�MVM Co+op. Call Jimmy for more info. [INFO: 915.203.4385]

Thursday, October 3rd – 2 to 5 pm Spiritual Psychic Tarot Readings will be offered by Linda Marlena Carr. Linda KDV�WKLUW\�ÀYH�\HDUV�H[SHULHQFH�DQG�GLVSOD\V�LQWHJULW\��DFFXUDF\��DQG�compassion. She will help you gain the insight and understanding that you need WR�PDNH�ZLVH�GHFLVLRQV�IRU�WKH�KLJKHVW�JRRG�LQ�\RXU�OLIH��<RX�FDQ�ÀQG�/LQGD�LQ�WKH�Co+op café. There is a fee. [INFO: 575.312.3040]

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October Event# Continue'...Friday, October 4th – 5:30 to 6:30 pm Memorial Ride of Silence��3OHDVH�MRLQ�XV�IRU�D�ELF\FOH�ULGH�RI�VLOHQFH�KRQRULQJ�Michael Ray Vega and other fallen riders in our lives. Riders will meet at the Pioneer Park gazebo (corner of Miranda Street and Las Cruces Avenue) between 5:30 and 5:45 pm and will depart at 6:00 pm on Friday, October 4th. The ride will be an easy 2.4 mile route and will conclude at Mountain View Market Co-op. The purpose of this ride is to raise awareness of the cyclingcommunity in Las Cruces and to honor fallen riders. All riders are welcome! [INFO: Mo Valko at 575.523.0436 or [email protected]]

Saturday, October 5th – 10 am to 12 pm Vermiculture Workshop with MVM Farm Manager Lori Garton: Vermiculture is the process of composting with worms. Learn to recycle kitchen waste and create your own vermicast! In addition, you’ll learn to create a safe, healthy habitat for your worms. The workshop will be held from 10 am to 12 pm at the MVM Farm LQ�0HVLOOD�������6QRZ�5RDG���&RVW�LV�����IRU�PHPEHUV������IRU�QRQ�PHPEHUV�DQG�VSDFH�LV�OLPLWHG��<RX�PXVW�UHJLVWHU�RQOLQH��RYHU�WKH�SKRQH��RU�LQ�VWRUH�EHIRUH�attending the workshop at the farm. [INFO: 575.523.0436, www DOT mountainviewmarket DOT coop, or mvmoutreach AT gmail DOT com]

Thursday, October 17th – 2 to 5 pm Spiritual Psychic Tarot Readings will be offered by Linda Marlena Carr. Linda KDV�WKLUW\�ÀYH�\HDUV�H[SHULHQFH�DQG�GLVSOD\V�LQWHJULW\��DFFXUDF\��DQG�compassion. She will help you gain the insight and understanding that you need WR�PDNH�ZLVH�GHFLVLRQV�IRU�WKH�KLJKHVW�JRRG�LQ�\RXU�OLIH��<RX�FDQ�ÀQG�/LQGD�LQ�WKH�Co+op café. There is a fee. [INFO: 575.312.3040]

Thursday, October 17th – 5 to 6 pmEat Smart Live Well – Wellness Class: Rosario and Trish of our Wellness department will lead a class detailing the ways you can boost your immune system through natural supplements and by eating right. Classes are free for members and $3 for non-members, and will take place in the Co-op Community Room. Sign up in-store, over the phone, or online. Don’t forget about the corresponding Cooking Class the following Thursday. [INFO: 575.523.0436 or]

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Thursday, October 17th – 7 to 8 pmVegan Support Group: This is open to Vegans and those who are curious about the Vegan lifestyle. The discussion will be informal and will focus on information and practical applications shared by those in attendance. Learn about the aspects and advantages of eating vegan, as well as the difference between eating a vegetarian diet and a vegan diet. Bring your questions. Share your story. This meeting will take place in the Co-op Community Room. Meetings take place the third Thursday of each month.

Saturday, October 19th – 10 am to 12 pmDesert Baby-wearers: Learn about safe and comfortable baby-wearing, practice new methods, try different carriers and meet other baby-wearers at this monthly meeting. This monthly event meets every third Saturday in the Co-op Community Room. It is free and is open to the public. [INFO: 575.312.1974 or leslieh1206 AT yahoo DOT com]

Thursday, October 24th – 5 to 6 pmEat Smart Live Well – Cooking Class: Jennifer of our Outreach department and Valarie of our Customer Service team will lead a cooking class featuring easy and delicious ways to boost your immune system, including how to create your RZQ�ÀUH�FLGHU�WLQFWXUH��'RQ·W�IRUJHW�WR�DWWHQG�WKH�FRUUHVSRQGLQJ�:HOOQHVV�&ODVV�the Thursday prior to learn how to boost your brain power through natural supplements and by eating right. Classes are free for members and $3 for non-members, and will take place in the Co-op Community Room. Sign up in-store at the Courtesy Desk, over the phone, or online. [INFO: 575-523-0436 or www DOT mountainviewmarket DOT coop]

Saturday, November 2nd – 10 am to 12 pm Composting Workshop with MVM Farm Manager Lori Garton: This workshop will demonstrate how you can use free or low cost resources to supply your soil with PRUH�QXWULWLRQ��EHQHÀFLDO�PLFURELRORJ\��ZDWHU�KROGLQJ�FDSDFLW\��DQG�RUJDQLF�PDWWHU��<RX·OO�OHDUQ�KRZ�WR�EXLOG�DQG�PDLQWDLQ�D�FRPSRVW�KHDS�WKH�ULJKW�ZD\�WR�UHDS�WKH�PDQ\�EHQHÀWV�RI�RQ�VLWH�FRPSRVWLQJ��7KH�ZRUNVKRS�ZLOO�EH�KHOG�DW�WKH�090�)DUP�LQ�0HVLOOD�������6QRZ�5RDG���&RVW�LV�����IRU�PHPEHUV������IRU�QRQ�PHPEHUV�DQG�VSDFH�LV�OLPLWHG��<RX�PXVW�UHJLVWHU�RQOLQH��RYHU�WKH�SKRQH��RU�in-store before attending the workshop at the farm. [INFO: 575.523.0436, www DOT mountainviewmarket DOT coop, or mvmoutreach AT gmail DOT com]

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W% C(-operat%! These Businesses Offer Special Discounts to CO+OP Members

+Acupuncture Crossroads Community Acupuncture 312-6569 +American Sign Language Sandi Zielinski MA, LPC 202-4076 +Animal Care & Services

Anthony Animal Clinic (915)886-4558 The Agile Animal 649-3193 +Art Galleries The Potteries 524-0538 +Auto Repair German Auto Repair 382-

9705 +Bakery Let them Eat Cake 649-8965 +Chiropractor Chiwawa Chiropractic LLC 520-2318 Hawkins Chiropractic Care 520-6002 +Clothing & Textiles A Perfect Fit Clothing Alterations 523-2565 +DJ’s & Entertainment Hubbard Family DJs (617)733-3466 +Fitness Services Gold Medal Taekwondo 526-4429 Pi Pilates 526-0977 Tai Chi 382-8978 Tranquility Fitness Studio 571-8446 +Gardening & Landscaping Natura LLC 805-6559 Picacho Peak Trees 571-0195 +Health Products/Services Alpha Center for R&R 621-3195

A Next Step 382-8771 Beyond Envisioning LLC 571-1345 From the Ground Up ����������)XOO�&LUFOH�+HDOWK�&HQWHU�����������.DUL�+LQRMRVD��:HLJKW�

Management 525-1384 Ruth Romo, Family Nurse Practitioner 525-3700 Tesoro Integrative Health Center 541-5660 Sound Healing Therapy 520-4477

Transformational Light Designs 233-1108 +Counseling/Hypnotherapy Integrity Counseling 373-1163 Jane Grider 526-5620 Phoenix Transformational Services 382-2078 +Homeopathy Katherine Hannan 647-3744 Wendy Robin Weir 650-7543 +Jewelry Elkin Studio Jewelers 568-6828 Healing Crystal Jewelry 520-4477 Riffraff Jewelry (850)559-3476 +Massage Therapists Let It Go Massage Therapy 640-1591 Marie Mathewson, PhD 915-2155 Patricia Gray, Body Synergy 636-3456 Pecan Valley Massage, Sue Styer 647-4468 Vincent J. Ortega 642-3157 +Midwives All Natural Birth 636-4627 Heather Rische 743-0439 +Solar Power Positive Energy Solar 524-2030 Sunspot Solar Energy Sys-tems 541-3533 +Tarot Reading Linda Marlena Carr 312-3040 +Self Defense Innovative Defense Strategies 405-4917 Las Cruces Self Defense 621-0230


Please visit our website to view the co-op member discounts offered by these participating local businesses:

co·op·er·a·tion - noun1.the process of working together to the same end.