mountains and plains landforms shaped lives of europeans geologically older mountains across...


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Page 1: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south
Page 2: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south
Page 3: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Mountains and PlainsLandforms shaped lives of EuropeansGeologically older mountains across northern EuropeYounger, higher mountains in the south (Alps, Pyrenees)

created by recent tectonic activityAlps separate warm, dry climate of Mediterranean from

cooler northern EuropeCarpathian Mountains in Eastern EuropeNorthern European Plain- across northern EuropeFertile soil, good for agricultureLocation of largest cities in EuropeHungarian Plain- eastern Europe, good agricultural areaPlain along Danube River, Long rivers in heartland of Europe- Rhine, Danube,

Rhone, Seine, Po Europeans have altered waterways (canals, dikes) to

connect industrial centersDanube most important river in eastern Europe, Rhine

important to western Europe

Page 4: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south
Page 5: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Physical Geography of EuropeMost people live within 300

miles of ocean/sea, shaped lifestyles

Netherlands mostly below sea level

For over 500 years Dutch built large dikes to hold back North Sea

Polders are reclaimed landProvide land for settlement

and farmingUse windmills to pump out


Page 6: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Land of PeninsulasEurope is a large peninsulaScandinavian Peninsula- Norway, Sweden, FinlandNorway’s coast has many small inlets called fjords-

evidence of glaciationsJutland-DenmarkIberian Peninsula- Spain and Portugal, most of it is a

semiarid plateau, cut off from the rest of Europe by Pyrenees Mts., mts kept region isolated

Apennine Peninsula- Italy, along spine of peninsula Apennines Mts., earthquakes, volcanoes common in region

Balkan Peninsula- southeast Europe, tangle of mountains and valleys, historically kept people isolated

Page 7: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south
Page 8: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Islands Major Islands Iceland, Great Britain,

Ireland located in Atlantic Climate moderated by warm

North Atlantic current Sicily, Crete, Sardinia,

Corsica in Mediterranean Characterized by

earthquakes and volcanoes Mt. Etna Europe’s largest

active volcano located on Sicily

Page 9: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Natural ResourcesAbundant supply of

coal, iron ore helped fuel Industrial Revolution

Many starting to be depleted

Vast oil reserves in the North Sea

Wind, hydroelectric and nuclear power in widespread use

Geothermal energy abundant in Iceland

Page 10: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Climate and VegetationEurope’s relationship to the sea

influence climate and vegetation

Western, Southern Europe benefit from maritime winds

Western Europe- maritime west coast climate (mild winters, cool summers, abundant rainfall)

Gulf Stream, North Atlantic Drift bring warm water from tropical regions, westerly winds carry warm moist air to European landmass, Scandinavian Peninsula and southern Iceland

Arctic, subarctic climate types found across northern Europe

Page 11: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Climate and VegetationSouthern Europe- most is a

Mediterranean climateBalkan Peninsula (subtropical),

Spain (steppe )Alps block moisture from AtlanticLocal winds cause changes in the

normal pattern- Mistral (brings cold air from Alps to southern France), Siroccos (brings hot dry air from North Africa to region)

Eastern Europe humid continental climate, cold winters, hot summers

Does not benefit from ocean influence

Steppe climate in southwestern Europe characterize by drought, poor soils

Influenced development of region

Page 12: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south
Page 13: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south
Page 14: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Northern EuropeUnited Kingdom,

Ireland, Iceland, Sweden, Finland and Denmark

Population patterns shaped by migration and distinct ethnic groups

Over 160 different ethnic groups across Europe

United Kingdom one of the most ethnically diverse and densely populated

Other countries dominated mainly one ethnic group

Page 15: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Northern EuropeUK has been conquered by different

groups for thousands of yearsRecently welcomed immigrants from

across former British EmpireScandinavian countries have less

diversityIreland, UK have temperate climates

and fertile soil that have supported a large population

Internal and external migration has affected the region

Internal migration has brought people to urban areas for opportunity

Major cities and economic centers and capitals - London, England; Stockholm, Sweden; Copenhagen, Denmark

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Northern EuropeMid 1700’s Industrial RevolutionA.Began in England, transformed manufacturing

in Europe and across the worldB.Transportation, communication developedC.Rise of Industrial capitalism (profits used to

expand companies)D.Rise of middle class, rise of material comfortsFactory workers- poor, lived in crowded slumsSocial problems led to ideas of communismIdea based on economic equality, workers

control factories and industrial productionBy end of 1800’s many gov’ts began to pass

laws to improve workers lives

Page 17: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Northern EuropeSince the end of World War II northern

European countries have built stable democracies and strong economies

All northern European countries are members of the European Union

Languages all have Indo-European language

Most countries are Protestant and allow religious freedom

School is mandatory for at least 10 years and literacy rates are around 100%

Countries offer complete social welfare to citizens

Welfare States- tax supported programs for higher education, health care, social security

Large portions of national budget spent to provide services

Because of recent economic pressures governments have had to limit services

Page 18: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Western EuropeFrance, Netherlands,

Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Germany

Germany and Austria historically have been homogeneous

Other countries reflect traditions of many different groups

Countries welcome many different immigrant groups

Germany uses foreign guest workers (workers temporarily allowed into country) to fill industrial jobs because of low population growth and ageing population

Many French immigrants are from former French colonies and are predominantly Muslim

Situations cause ethnic tension in region

Page 19: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Western EuropeSubregion densely populated, good

farmland support large populationsGermany most populous country in

EuropeNetherlands and Belgium have

highest population densitiesMost of region has an aging and

shrinking populationImmigrants and people from rural

areas moving to urban areas for opportunity

Major urban areas Paris, Brussels, Munich, Berlin, Amsterdam

Page 20: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Western Europe Subregion part of Roman, Empire, Holy Roman Empire and place

where Protestant Reformation began France, Prussia (modern Germany and Poland) were once major

European powers Countries suffered heavily during two World Wars End of WW II left Europe divided, ruined Eastern Europe came under Communist control (USSR) Most of Western Europe helped by aid from the US Struggle between non- communist world and communist world –

Cold War Germany at center of tensions After WWII Germany divided for almost 50 years West Germany was democratic, East Germany was communist

(reunited 1991) West Germany prospered at this time by becoming a member of

the EU and a player in the world economy Economic development lags behind in the former East Germany

Page 21: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south
Page 22: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Western EuropeRegion home of artistic and literary movementsRealism, impressionismLanguages of region Indo-European in originPrimarily Christian, tolerant of other religions and with

a growing Muslim populationHigh literacy rate, high standard of livingEconomy based in manufacturing and service industriesGovernments provide social services to citizens

Page 23: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south
Page 24: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Southern EuropeMediterranean home to some

of the oldest civilizations in Europe

Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Vatican City

Italy most populated countryVatican City world’s smallest

independent state, and the seat of the Catholic Church

Population in Spain concentrated near coast

Millions from this region left in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s and came to the US for economic opportunity

Most of the population is urban

Page 25: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Southern EuropeCapitals Rome and Athens ancient cities once centers of

great empiresAthens introduced the world to democracyRome made breakthroughs in law and governmentRenaissance began in Italy in the 1300’s1800’s and 1900’s were a time of nationalism and World

War1990’s political and economic stability across subregion

through democratically elected governments and membership in the European Union

Page 26: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Southern EuropeLiteracy rates are high and the

governments of the Southern European countries provide free, compulsory education

Governments provide healthcare and social services to citizens

2010 economic collapse in Greece and Portugal has led to reduction of social services

Romance languages dominate (languages based in Latin)

Majority of population is Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox, growing Muslim population due to immigration

Greeks and Romans developed the basics of architecture and great works of art have been produced by Italian artists

Page 27: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Eastern EuropeSerbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-

Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus and Russia

Sub region shaped by wars, migration and changing borders

Most people of region are ethnic Slavs

Many religious groups are represented (Catholic, Muslim, Eastern Orthodox)

Minority group found in Bulgaria are Roma people (Gypsies)

Page 28: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Eastern EuropePopulation density affected by

geographic factorsUkraine, Poland have fertile soils and

support large populations (part of Northern European Plain)

Ukraine regions largest nationSlavs settled region thousands of years

ago, Romans conquered region, under the control of the Byzantine Empire, for over 500 years Balkan region controlled by Ottoman Empire

After WWII the region was part of the Soviet Bloc

Political circumstances caused large scale internal immigration and migration

Since the end of the Cold War many countries are experiencing economic growth

Page 29: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Eastern EuropeModern Eastern Europe has suffered

instability because of ethnic division, and power struggles

Balkan peninsula seen most instabilityBalkanization term used to describe the

division of a region into smaller regions that are often hostile toward one another

After WWI Yugoslavia was established that united all countries of Balkan region

Country was under communist control after WWII

After decline of Soviet Union in early 1990’s region fractured along ethnic lines

Some republics declared independence and ethnic and religious tension sparked violence

Serbs accused of ethnic cleansing of Muslim Bosnians

International peacekeeping efforts brought some peace

Page 30: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Eastern EuropeEconomy did improve during

1990’s Countries encouraged free

market reforms and free elections installed democratic leaders

Many countries faced challenges to health care in the transition from communism but most Eastern Europeans have access to government sponsored health care

Literacy rates are not quite as high as they are in Western Europe

Religious diversity has caused conflict across the region

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The Region Today

Page 32: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

The EconomyIndustrial Revolution made Europe

birthplace of modern industryAvailability of raw materials helped

develop industry in parts of EuropeMajor industrial centers of Ruhr

district in Germany, Po Basin in Italy and the Upper Silesia district in the Czech Republic and Poland

Service industry provides a large percentage of the GDP (Gross domestic product, the value of goods and services produced by a country in a year) across Europe

60% of workers in service industryBanking and finance, high tech

industries and tourism, leading service sector industries

Page 33: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

The EconomyEurope has fertile farmlandNumbers involved in farming is droppingCrops vary across EuropeFarmers use advanced techniques to make best use of limited

spaceMixed farming common- several crops and livestock on one

farmFarm cooperatives- farmers share growing and selling

products, reduces costs, increases profitsUnder communism collective farms, government owned farms,

workers received wages and a share of productsOut dated equipment, lack of incentive resulted in low yieldsDebate over new farming methods from genetically modified

foods to organic practicesGovernment subsidies for agriculture are an issueMany think it causes overproduction and artificial price


Page 34: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Transportation and CommunicationOne of the best transportation systems

in the worldMany are government owned, standards

vary from country to countryQuality higher in Western EuropeRail network links continentHigh speed trains more economical than

auto, air travel Well developed highway systemAutobahn one of the best roads in the

world (Germany)Long tradition of seafaring, many major

portsEconomies along Danube and Rhine

River depend on trade Handles over half of the worlds

international shippingRotterdam in the Netherlands , at the

mouth of the Rhine, the largest port in the world

Well developed cell phone network across Europe

Page 35: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

Trade and InterdependenceEuropean Union (EU) unites

Europe into one trading community

Greater volume of trade than any single country in the world

Movement arose from WWII to rebuild ruined economies

1957 first countries joined (Belgium, West Germany, France, Luxembourg, Italy, Netherlands) to integrate economies

1992- Maastricht Treaty, set up EU

Get rid of trade restrictions, have common foreign policy, currency, works to scale down welfare state

Member countries work to boost trade and make economy more efficient and productivity

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Eastern European EconomyDuring Cold War (1940’s-

1991) Eastern Europe run under a command economy, were loyal to the USSR

Government made all economic decisions, workers had a lack of incentive to work

After the fall of communism- too many workers, too little technology, needed to retrain workers, adopt energy conservation measures

Countries needed to modernize to compete

Social benefits have been cut, population dropping since the early 1990’s

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People and Their EnvironmentEuropeans face challenges from the

physical environment and most of Europe has been altered by human use

Physical environment: Earthquakes frequent in southern Europe, Iberian peninsula is an arid region makes agriculture difficult

Human interaction:A.High concentration of industry has had

an impact on land, air and waterB.Soil erosion due to deforestation and

overgrazing is a problem in the arid Mediterranean region

C.Most of Europe’s forests have been removed, especially in Southern and industrial Western Europe to create cities, industry and farms

Delta Project- large scale, 30 year project to prevent flooding in the Netherlands

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Water PollutionAgricultural ,industrial runoff problems across

EuropeIndustrial pollution, raw sewage and agricultural

runoff have harmed river systemsDestroyed fish species, contaminated ecosystemsBiggest concern along MediterraneanRecent times many have moved near the sea,

tourism popular, has caused an increase in environmental problems

Used for transportation, recreation also a dumping ground for waste, sewage, industrial waste

Small tides, weak currents do not disperse pollution

Page 39: Mountains and Plains Landforms shaped lives of Europeans Geologically older mountains across northern Europe Younger, higher mountains in the south

People and Their EnvironmentBlack Triangle (Germany,

Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia) where industrial pollution has had the highest impact

Before 1989 most of Eastern Europe had no laws to control pollution

Communist emphasis on rapid industrial growth affected public health

Western European countries have dumped industrial waste in water and air

Industry contributed to acid rain, drifted across borders and affected other countries

Auto exhaust also contributesMost severe in E. Europe where

they burn more coalAcid rain has damaged many

historic sites in EuropeWorries about global warming

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People and their Environment Many European governments have made an effort to clean up the

environment EU requires environmental protection and cleanup from its members EU members face legal actions for not following environmental

protection laws Countries wishing to join the EU are required to meet environmental

standards Many Western European countries and the US are providing

technology and investment to clean up the environment Financing and cleanup is expensive and difficult because of the

number of countries involved Many European countries are using alternative energy resources