mp^^^/3^p $16,000.00 stock of women's garments · 2017. 12. 19. · 8 los angeles herald:...

LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 39, 1905. 8 r . : : : ~ ; ; f^ ( j :: \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 v ;\u25a0.-\u25a0• S f^Fr%C^) $16,000.00 StocK of Women's Garments r^ s^\^f^ r^^ ffijffl- \Mp^^^/3^P Bought at Half Price; on sale at the Same Reduction Suits, SKirts and Coats of Quality and Style ( C 'll^^^M Sale Begins Monday and Continues All Weeh m^^^SW^ *ffi^silm\ I M^^V^M We recently purchased the entire made-up stock of women's garments of- E. Deutsch Co., of New York. ff^p|wllv\ X'fc'Sv^U^^V r}<r % 'S2O?VF I' rf : P/ ii/AV/jr\n\i Bought every made-up garment in their factory. At the regular wholesale prices this stock inventoried llflHßllll\.\V\\ v*\*«'\AA\v^\ \ \ £$£&[>' \ 7 Ah //y2/i I $16,000.00. We purchased it for $8,000.00 and offer to the women of Los Angeles some of the greatest iW^|j|ftvS\\ T.V« I| 'W«V^'*\l If \ M/fll i M^MaIJ values insuits, coats and skirts ever given publicity by any store in the southwest. The styles arc exactly J^^B™Vi|V \ f&WWW ' ! \ m?»fttl\ imK^yfW^M what is being called for every day. Late winter and early spring models in weights -and colors that arc // S^^Mfl \\l\ \ tt* I 1 Ww w^ 1 \ Tms fill'\\^l&^WPx/Ai\ suited to the season. Every garment is cut in thevcry latest fashion and tailored in an admirable manner. /( ' tMjmmf Miv IU WSSJ'Vm'^MSta^ \ l "#* tUHISM&!MW//i / Clean, fresh strictly up-to-date goods at just half their, worth. This sale affords chances to economize which ' Wwlll\\xx\ \ f^Ri rf f wiu be appreciated by. all thrifty women. The selling will be spirited, the crowds great, and 1 the best bar- - W f// flj, V\\\\ A^'«7ff ' •iP'VI'A <$ ' - X : '%mnfZyY/A\ gains snapped up first, so it's to your interests to respond promptly. The following items willserve as a •".'.- ' \A\W^ite/'»^:i7/;W/I.VA:. Ay «J, i\l /^m/MM}, $50.00 Cloth Suits -d;^ C Tailor Made Suits WJAZ Fvrpll^ s«w, d% i /% l:l§t^^ I WWI^MMMk Magnificently tailored M>^ J Splendid values to $35... .4> 1 I z=2 ..Excellent PSuitsJ.lA \u25a0 #4/™!^'^»;#^ |ff JUT My / w/W////wyWVAyiK -Women's high-grade suits.' of fine Venetians, broad- Handsome suits, made from fine all-wool materials Neat, attractive Styles \u25a0%* \u25a0. \u25a0 \u25a0 /''flfi'\\lW* x \ 7/'/^''''!W*'' % V v^\^wVn il/ l Mf/Mfl/iW//,w/A s/WJ/h. cloths and cheviots; handsomely tailored and finished In the most popular M-eaves and most wanted colors; A fine lot of neat attractive tallor-mado suits in t/V''L'iiil/!! l \^ViV'!l U !i l M\\\<\^ x '^ x » \l §/jl//W/'\\///W/JfiCwW///K in the very best Dosslble manner- others of etamlne eton jackets and blouse styles; stylishly cut. perfect both coat and eton jacket styles; Venetian cloths. KJJj***ik,| lj;'A(, ili»VM\\ .»'s&*«, f/l I Mr/Mil/ Y///m, / Aff%yWy//h. I \u0084, P , OS f, ll)lemanner - otners oretamine. hanging skirts of various models; excellent assort- cheviots., broadcloths and neat mixtures; Jackets xiijW'i'.; A\^^A^Li^ 111 \/zff//M\// V/Jym Y)VA / 'K[J//h I'anama cloths and French voiles. Fancy eton jack- ment of sizes; ; suit* that are high grade in t every lined with silk. A splendid collection of, colors with , Xi *«^ /^^ M y//J ft/// MY / ft V//Aw Ai^Cni-y^s6^4>\ eta and natty blouse styles. Most wanted colors. particular. Splendid values to J35.00. Sale prlco, plenty, of blacks: good 120.00 values and som« worth \u25a0 . . Vj Ug|^/V||^ Values up to 150.00. Monday, $25.00. , each, 117.48. \u25a0 $25.00. Sale price. U0.00., , Extra Sales People The Biggest Lot of Women's and Misses* SKirts You Ever Saw In- One Store— Prices ' (/Y ¥» 1X» J ¥ \u25a0 ' \u25a0 "\u25a0 ' \u25a0 ' ' : . ful, painstaking people. But \u25a0 for \u25a0 your own IZ'-^ IX^i^^^m^^ «" \u0084 •• llclll cHIU JLGSS ~~~ —• '\u25a0'\u25a0'' eood, coino early. \u25a0.- i ' Misses Cloth Shirts nc r Women's $5.00 SKirts <tO A 6 Stylish Walhinjl Shirts <fcvl QJ* Better Walking SKirts Good values upto $2.48 / C/C Some Misses' SKirts too ...... r .....ip & •*V%J Many worth $12.48 1J.i.1^ *»• 7,0 At Equal Redurtions A small lot of misses' skirts, made from good materials ln plain Quite an assortment of walking skirts, both women's andj misses' A special assortment of walkingskirts, dozens of pretty styles to Walklne skirts of the better sort mado from nil wool, colors and fancy mixtures; trimmed | with straps and braid; lengths; made from meltons and rough woolen mixtures; excellent choose from; made from.popular all-wool » cloths In wanted col- broadcloth" cheviots i B er»f a^ Clma c^ht hZta hrown!' lengths 36 to 40; values up to $2.48. No 'phone or mall orders. color*; some pleated^ styles, others finished \vith cloth straps . and . ors;. some pleated effects; others trimmed with straps and but- Wues grays and fancy lattlrna and Ss3.n«s. sDlendldw'taUorPd- Monday morning, while they last, each, 75c. bands; values up to $5.00. Sale price, $3.48. : , (, : . tons;; values up to $12.48. Monday,, each. $4.98. priced as folfows- P mixtures, splendidly tailored. Women's $3.98 Shirts $1.48 $3.9S Dress Shirts $1:98 $15.00 Silh Shirts $9.98 $12.50 WaiKing Shirts _.. $6.48 dIr C R n^y- V piuinb- bm rt nVa^^^^ Women ' s Wack' dress skirts, made -good 'grade ladies' cloths A small but extra good lot, of silk skirts,: taffetas and peau da' . $15.00 WalWng SKirts .... ... _....:... r ...58.48 V J3 98 Monday each JIT and Albert cloths; . finished with taffeta bands; : values up to $3.98. soles; some of them pleated;- trimmed with straps and ornaments; Sl7 SO Walking Skirt* «Q QR aionady. each, ?1.48- , Sale price, each, $1.98. . values up to $15.00. ; Sale price,, each/ $9.98. ' i :?I#.5U Waining aifiriS Li^Jfy.yo- Dru^Department ' Monda y' s gSt. SpeClah ' \M&m- the Deutsch Stoch . Linen Bargains MIS 35c POZZONI'S FACE POWDER 27c 25c SHEFFIELD'S TOOTH PASTE. .. .15c |HM / Hsf"2 Barpaim YOUrant afforil to turn iWn 60-Inch pure white table dama«k; half linen; choice patterns- ffO^ 25c LE SEDUISANT POWDER 15c 50c HAY'S HAIR HELP 35c l"®L£i&OgS& Bargains YOU Can t altOrO tO tUrn dOWn worth 65c# Monday, the yard.... ..OoC tigm/LY jtiU 20c GOSSAMER FACE POWDER 15c $1.00 HARRISON'S HAIR RESTORER.7SC fT^SsJfel Sil9^nrintll PnatC «fcA 4R 69c full bleached table damask; all linen; good weight; mtln ftO^ WrMmW< 15c SWANSDOWN POWDER 10c 50c WOODBURY'S SCALP CLEANER 35cu I »j /'T ;^S^N|^| ' «piA«»/U VlUlll V/UalS IpO.flO finish; pretty patterns; worth 90c. Monday, the yard OVC K^Jj ffl&M \Jj 25c ARNICA TOOTH SOAP 15c 25c DICKENSON'S WITCH HAZEI 17c | W.U X \ lM^^ Some MiSSCS* SIZeS newrfloraTdeslgns^wo^th^l.OO 8 f Monday, nen> free from^ dres « I " B: /i * .^ *1 oe UT " 7<?r Hair» fH^^^vi Wu\fr^*\ Women's and misses' coats; medium and three- * * ••-\u25a0••••••• ii t/~~fr^~y "\u25a0- TpX.JLO Wat6r ff?Rgjf «3C nair |r^ \u25a0^YMWlftt / quarter length garments in plain cloths and rough 22-Inch full bleached linen : napkins; 'extra heavy; Scotch make; fl' ! .^\u25a0m»b-^» H \u0084i Ofi*.' *Ijw •' R«>iicVt AQr* ' XL- .Afiilsf / mannish weaves; excellent colors. \u0084A few . tourist choice patterns; worth $3.00. Monday, \u25a0 <fco Ct\ I I l«l •\u25a0 : IfOltieS VOC JpjL pruiaiVO 1^ WttfVMl coats ln the lot - assortment of sizes. Values the dozen ty£»D\J f^A 1 :: Goodyear rubber hot water bot- j:!oEt halr bru shes, fine quality IM^S^Mm^ ° *°'" °' 18-inch all-linen napkins; fair quality; pretty patterns; worth en., \/ I ties; made of red rubber; 4- wire bristles;' ; good. strong . /jHfffiWKfm $10.00 SHh CoatS $4.98 " * 1<10 " Monday ' the dozen •••••• OyC J \ J Z^^T X %xJ^^l If. \u25a0';\u25a0?". Vi,IP backs; regular, price 75c Mon- ; ///f Jj f/KM A small lot \u25a0 of: silk coats and eton Jackets; Somo "^ J>^ed»arfk.ns; soft finish: red borders; worth 85c 75 U JfZ*S each 9Sc HflSt' fl day, each, 49c, : . /r'/9 M I; Wf"JJT*\\ looso back garments with capes. Made from good - \S ' ' ' ll?!«0wi! : »M- : % J 111 II I ifti iU a '' k Peau de S(lip - Hoth lined and unlined .styles. ne T 1 tmi/ nn t> 1 v- .-».»\u25a0/ Comet flannel-covered water f' lM ' \ Pponge bags, made of pure fill II l.;Kn illW Values up to $10.00. Sale price, $4.98. ZSC IOWdS I/JSC 20C IOWdS 15C 15c TOWCIS 12% C Hoffs malt extract: one of the wSfiiSwH'&W "White pine syrup, for coughs Iml Jl|l fl KMI \\v\ Women ' s coats, made from pood black (loth; -tight- 20x40 inches; -worth 25c. 19x47 inches; worth 20c. inches; worth 15c. Sale best known tonics; regular Xa^^frffl^y and colds; worth regularly 25c. Iml Jj II IKAwaJB^ fittine backs; single breasted fronts; lined with Sale price, each, 17».ic. Sale price, each, 15c. price,- each, ?l2%c. price .".."<\u25a0. Monday, 9ff*» U^i Monday, the 1Oi» lirl \v\ 1! wliWEP^' K:ltiu and finished with velvet collars; fair assort- .. c . —, . _..-'., ; *'\u25a0>'\u25a0• tho buttle &.JK, ijf bottle... *\u25a0/*• IJ^W |j.^ llV'^S\ " lont ° f sizes; excellent $5.00 values. Monday, . I? till 31ZC 0A661S *sfl^» I." j*m% Monday s Basement Bargains Women's Coats $2.48 Monday mommT^^fn t**»oL oTslnTo o- c ioek, ™wm offer s o^oZen sheets Mirrors, of American make; size Sx 94 Wire rgg whips," nicely finished; often 1_ \2si%^ \u25a0ffISyLiS~T' r ' Womm ., coat » maflp from moj -^v rlothq . ,„,, madefrom good quality muslin, 2% yards wide and 2% yards long, with seam down the 10: worth 35c. Monday, each sold at sc. Monday, each IC »*LJPS«- -^» ?^° mme ss n t vi eB °^ BomTwllarkSs effects^ medium' weuiht center; torn hand; finished with 3-inch hem; th^e material by the yard;would u cost Shelf paper, with lace edge; all colors; 10 ** Garments^ sultabTe Tfor all season^- values un^oJ4 00 u more mone y \u25a0no \u25a0 telephone or mall orders^wlll. be, filled: not more than^ 4 sheets yards to the package; worth Gc. o_ Cotton clothes line; 40 feet long. On In. ' garm^ents suitable for all seasons, values up to $4.00. to any one customer and . none to dealers. On sale Monday, morning, at, 8; o'clock. Monday *C sale Monday, each..... IUC 1 Monday, each, $2.48. 39c each. V: , Attractive Made Veils Q/r~ 1800 Yards of Colored Silh Velvets QQ-, V^it/l Men's Trousers <i 9 Oft Pt» Worth 49c 1 ;CJ L Widths 18 to 22 Inches. Regular Value 69c to $1.25 Oy C 1 Cli U Worth From $3.50£r« Wll. ><^- xewiy made veils, ivi yards plain and Fancy Velvets upto 22 inches wide; broad-tails, polka dots, stripes and plaids in a splendid :^il r :^mn^l^t'BvMBtrom-vrMch' / 4f/0!\ long; finished with hem; these i ' v t-i r . ••\u25a0 \u25a0.' --\u25a0• . \u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 j . .... .v . 11 -- ,_ i'_ the coats , and vests have been sold. : /O&<\ "'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0 '\u25a0'\u25a0-'. § <oril(? in a varu-ty of patterns; assortment of colors; suitable for trimmings, fancy work, waists and costumes; qualities that sell regular- About 150 pa ir 3 in the iot. ah kinds, Vsrm f^^^pKf of tium in \u0084iain colors; ly at from 69c to $1.25. No mail or telephone orders." First come first served. ThebesttMngswiU-go .f^M^^ V£J f Wo ' lT R ITT earl y in the da y- so be Prompt On sale Monday morning at 39c a yard. . - .. ' S^ jsmS&> ' V^SsgSaaß^'iKt^' "^^ KIDDOnS \u25a0 *' . ••\u25a0 ...'.. Interested. Monday, while they last, Wm^ 15c - $1.39 Blach Silhs $1.09 98c Colored Suit Silhs 49c \u25a0 ZX'iSs Knee Pant, r* ,^^ffl £fl!&9^- ( &T~' rr ' 110 - Vilrils bla.k silk?, SG inches wide; both peau de soies and taf- SOO yards of fancy suit silks; 1!) to 21 inches wide; soft swiss taf- nY Wi« sirie rouia OVC i^ -Hffffim l,«y»^ *&/ High-grade,, double-faced satin ribbons; fetas; heavy quality that Is guaranteed for BervlceH all pure silks, fetas and Louisines; best of colors in overshot effects and narrow r,.-,., \u0084" " Z7ZT'^"T'"t""^:''f; na hl , wUto|II«!M V^W '^V 1V 1 , 1 hpavy body; pure silk; lustrous sold regularly at 51.39. Monday., the yard, $1-09. stripes; values up to 98c. Monftay, the yard, 49c. S' all Xs from Bto 16 v^r«- '\u25a0 Ba/\H. finish; all the popular and most wanted ' . - \u25a0' . \u25a0 , ' seige, ail sizes rroin bto lb yeais. : ! V ' Lr^fi% colors: widths \\\> to 3 inches; worth 35c. «0r Ftaminp 10r Yard (\t\r Snrind Snitino'c 4<?r <1 00 Crpnp Suitinp^ 73c n, y cv . : > flnish< ; d ; seams *MUi«ifTW ;/ «»<_ :*_\3^ .Monday, the yard, 15c. 3VI. liloJIUIM? OyC I aril U3C spring oUlllllg^ 43C «|>I.UU VrepC OUlUllgS 4 U\, and good, strong waist bands; just r/!l iMllMlMaffivill/l' Wnmpn'c Kirf Clnvoc /* /" ' 25 pieces of nil-wool etamines and voiles; 100 pieces of new spring suitings, shower- 50 pieces of new crepe suiting in all- the 5"? h -^'fa v S t T" U n ff" e fiS;! ly pay * 1>25 f// Mmli*^^,/ 1 1 women Sma OlOVes flfir 40 inches wide; sheer, open weave; excel- proof doth, fancy silk finished mohairs; new Bprlng Rhaden; greens, browns and rm - Monday, me pan, da. > i UmMmW I if Well Worth 85c uuv Ma /tA lent assortment of street shades: all pure Scotch wool suitliiKS. -albatross, cashmere blues; also black and cream; air pure wool; BOYS* $1 00 Shirts OC« I// 1 lllimfflSifMMvllinl- Women's gloves, made from imported kid \Vi\W ///k wool; regular r.Oc quality that will and sranlte cloth; widths 30 to 40 inches;, alike on both sides; DO Inches in width; AllGood Stylet £DC {' lllilM^^H 111 IV ' nkins: just the riKlit weight; nicely cut and \W\\ ///// B lve excellent service. Monday, the new and scarce colors; 6iJo values. Sale suitable for plaited and shirred suits; JI.OO _.. \u0084 "" "", 'T"'"", "\,ut,.i a „„!„ I fn/P£i«llfl Ill'l I well finished; various styles of embroidered WWxf'// yard> 39c< price, the yard, 43c. . value. Monday, "the yard, 73c. \u25a0 one or two ol a Uild- fresh llf/w Wm I •' nf^si^e ran^nnf/^nmi 0 ' «L«f.rtmnnf X\VJ*'/ MOHAIR CHEVIOT—SO inches wide; all pure wool; deep, rich WHITE SUITINOS-I0 pieces only, including granite weaves, can- and 'clean; some with separate I'Wlwßl' <-filor«c cloves -L.ti-i llv \u25a0 wmil, V- -ii. i' i \\//jy/ black; Rood weight; only G pieces ln the lot. You can't duplicate vas etamines, lattice clothH, nub voiles and mohair Sicilians; also collars, others with separate IJW flra|--\u25a0'-. to matiT lines soil at Si 00 Mnnrtnv th» ///?/ it elsewhere under $1.00. Monday, rft. shades of cream 48 to 54 inches wide; values from $1.25 to QO-. WT cuffs only; good assortment fl« fijH - pair «"c. Monday, the /*^A the yard DVC $1.48. Monday, the yard.. VOC _^X of sizes; values^ up to $1.00. Jff ' Hi ' I-.T i«^««j r 1I«. o /'' y A,\ FRENCH BROADCLOTH— S4 inches wide; satin chiffon finish; MOHAIR ZIBELINES— S6 Inches wide, ln shades of gray and navy jOf*jt- 1* 10 "^' c^ eh - - 5c - fflffl ||jg 15C 1 rimming OallOOnS ZC / v \ medium weight, for tailored suits and coats; black only; worth blue; good weight for walking skirts and suits; regular price $1.19. \XJrJ? yB J aundered \u25a0walsU. made . yCW |ljj v Trimming galloons in ecru, cream and white; \A\V\ regularly ,, 5 .00. Sale price. $3j93 j 9 Monday while It lasts. !. , . 49C \u25a0f^'SM^r^ni^^^S^n Ul tl# beautiful patterns: various widths; some *?T> t'^J' l " l TT u «*' tho yaid '*• 'Vrrrr collars- plenty of sizes' Itl^'lSS^ S^.^^a B i2 0M; easlly wonh ISc - U>^ 50c Moreens 34c Yard 29c Sateens 18£ c Yard '• « 19c Glass Cloth 12J4c, . |W r^'day! Iy worth d^- Sfe 19C SHKoline SoiiarPS lOr 27-lnch moreen Bklrtlng, all the popular 36-Inch mercerized sateen for linings; soft, 36-inch glass cloth for skirt and waist Hn- > Jj« each ; .....'..•**v _ \u25a0 .„ " :„ "H*»»» CJ w *' colors: much used for drop skirts and satin finish; all the popular colors, as well Ing; silk taffeta finish;. all the new spring #rJji Windsor ties, 38 Inches long; good width; madefrom' Pretty siikoiine squares; beautiful designs and rich colors; suit- coat linings; splendid wearing quality; as black, white and cream: excellent for shades, including black, white and cream; w fine silks, crepe de chines and grenadines; Borne In the able for kimonas and sofa pillows; good sizes; worth 19c. Mon- worth regularly 50c. Sale price, the drop skirts and ruffles; worth 29c. Sale a grade that sells everywhere, at 19c. Mon- lot worth 60c; none worth less than 25c. . 1O« day, in aisle I, each, 10c. yard, 34c. . price, the yard, 18V4c. -, -, \, , \u25a0 ' day only, the yard, J2V4c . Monday, . each.... y ....'A"C' Music Special— A New Folio Q/;^ Monday and gm Women's $3.50 Dress Shoes <fcl (\Q 75c Devotional Boohs 35c Each Containing 27 Popular Favorites. CJlßl^ TiIP«HnV wSSS- J j| * fl»O f\f\ T% > a. C?l_ •TfE.^^C^ Devotional books, handsomely bound; such titles as "Dally Food," "Daily Light . and Publisher* Price 75c *-r^r^* IUCMIdy BK%.™WHj fIPTI S S>«"> (111 KPPPtIt *X*» S Strength," "Imitation of Christ" and others. Profusely illustrated. Covers are white A new f,,1i0 of lnH »r.,mZ l,„, I ,7 , , \u0084, \u2666 \u0084 ip^. ** C " 3 »P 1 VU *\CgCIII%JIIUC3 1 ,th \u0084 with gold. Published to sell at 75c. Monday, each, 35c. A new Tolio of Instrumental music, containing 27 new and popular hits—not an old fiipt^ '' :<^\ ' *•- *' Popular clotl b ilk number ln the lot. .Such compositions as "Blue Bell." "Make a Fuss Over Me," "I've JEW*. Women's full dress shoes; a lot of manu- '.'. . 9^C BOOKS 124* C "Dora Deane," by \u25a0 Mary < J.%lo"rnes; "Cru^ Got a Feeling for You." "Boy Called Tapß." "Come. Play In My Yard" and others that £MM&32? facturer's samples made from bright patent fkt ' «*w*m **- 2*" the Cirave." by .Mrs. Southworth; are just as good. Publisher's price 7Dc. Monday and Tuesday, ln our music' depart- ft^fipSs^SWw \u0084. . F , .. , V.V ' W Gift books, bound In white and colors; "Wormwood." by Corelli: "U'averley ment, Stic. WIHSI&^^Pv a B aCC kld; French » Cuban and JFk gU( . h titles as "The Queen of the Air," by Novels," by Scott; "All Aboard," by Oliver - _ OP"a heels; some with light hand turned Jg|: nuskinj^-Chllde. Harold's. Pilgrimage." by g^^ Stationery Department Specials UT^eBL. soles: othcra with ™™***^<&ti!fflh S-£S^£':2^y>&& :^ u^ c^^^' TWIi'iTA. ' SOles; all new, snappy Btyles and \$» S 7/A\ "Wide, Wide World," by Warner; "Drum- Jonea," by Fielding, and fully 100 other bamples or fancy writing paper; half a Combination memorandum and pocket BB?SBfiS?T3k. „!„,! . : *v i«». iti llw i l/ili mond's Addresßes," and 50 others that are titles; books priced lv moat book stores quire to the package; newest tiuta and books, bound in black oil doth; size 2V4 to Hb£7^w9W nearl y aU 81ZCS ln tne lot > SCtUBI^J /fIS|V4©W eiiually as good. Hooks published to Bell at 25c. Monday, 101/ latest tints; packages worth from 10c to 6 inches; three pockets for bills and re- *T|HffllMla m.J t] 1Q uuliu i Monday the nair /jWE»\W at 25c. Monday, euch, -12*40. / each IL/rZ 2c n . hJOch J0c alucs -. Mon mIL Camera Supplies at Cut Prices Box stationery, containing 24 sheets of good Long day books, with canvas cover; 500 $3.00 REGENT SIIOKS—Por men: of bright patent cpltgkln S^^li Argo developing solution, suitable for Argo, I ) '? l; ?./" t "! lbl "? v ,, t 10"1 0 "' l ! X nn<l , fixl "S I'ath; L'nTcS I!!:,^^ TJ£. Z'r r| "^ ffi ' «"" »»» ™> OoXLI welled s^ |W ™*Jf£ u^d t^T^ - !!l Monduy. the box lOC ea ch 15C both lace and blucher Htylus; the seaaon's newest and most %*&// tau also be uh«l foi dry plates, jol/- regular price 25c. On sale Mon- in,/' . , popular lusts; shoe* suitable for all sorts of weur; dre»B, bualneßS and every NMsir worth 25c. Monday " /JV duy, at *^C All thp Pnniilnr Mnnninac in Out. Rnnll Httnt day. The price J3.00 with the name "Itegent" stamped on the Boles. : «| no \u25a0^ m^ Printing frame* of good 'hard! wood; size BUx4Ji inches;' complete 19IZ«i All IDC rOpUiar fiagaZineS in UUr 0001l liept. Monday, while they last,the pair...... ..JpltyO with. gUB»; regular price 20c. Monday.... ..J/JaC

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Page 1: Mp^^^/3^P $16,000.00 StocK of Women's Garments · 2017. 12. 19. · 8 LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 39, 1905. r .::: ~;; f^ j:: \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 v;\u25a0.-\u25a0•


r . : : : ~ ; ; f (j ::

—\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 v ;\u25a0.-\u25a0•


f^Fr%C^)$16,000.00 StocK of Women's Garments r s^\^f r^^ffijffl-

\Mp^^^/3^P Bought at Half Price; on sale at the Same Reduction

Suits, SKirts and Coats ofQuality and Style( C

'll^^^M Sale Begins Monday and Continues AllWeeh m^^^SW^*ffi^silm\IM^^V^M We recently purchased the entire made-up stock of women's garments of-E. Deutsch Co., of New York. ff^p|wllv\ X'fc'Sv^U^^V r}<r •%'S2O?VF I'rf:P/ ii/AV/jr\n\i Bought every made-up garment in their factory. At the regular wholesale prices this stock inventoried llflHßllll\.\V\\ v*\*«'\AA\v^\ \ \£$£&[>' \ 7 Ah//y2/iI $16,000.00. We purchased it for $8,000.00 and offer to the women of Los Angeles some of the greatest iW^|j|ftvS\\ T.V«I|'W«V^'*\l If \M/flli M^MaIJ values insuits, coats and skirts ever given publicityby any store in the southwest. The styles arc exactly J^^B™Vi|V \ f&WWW '!\

m?»fttl\ imK^yfW^M what is being called for every day. Late winter and early spring models in weights -and colors that arc // S^^Mfl \\l\ \ tt*I1Www^ 1 \Tms fill'\\^l&^WPx/Ai\ suited to the season. Every garment is cut in thevcry latest fashion and tailored in an admirable manner. /(

'tMjmmfMiv IU WSSJ'Vm'^MSta^ \ l

"#* tUHISM&!MW//i/ Clean, fresh strictly up-to-date goods at just half their,worth. This sale affords chances to economize which ' Wwlll\\xx\ \

f^Rirff wiu be appreciated by.all thrifty women. The • selling will be spirited, the crowds great, and 1the best bar--

W f// flj,V\\\\ A^'«7ff'•iP'VI'A<$ ' - •

X : '%mnfZyY/A\ gains snapped up first, so it's to your • interests to respond promptly. The followingitems willserve as a •".'.-'

\A\W^ite/'»^:i7/;W/I.VA:.Ay «J,

i\l /^m/MM}, $50.00 Cloth Suits -d;^ C Tailor Made Suits WJAZ Fvrpll^ s«w, d% i/%l:l§t^^

I WWI^MMMk Magnificently tailored M>^J Splendid values to $35... .4> 1Iz=2 ..Excellent PSuitsJ.lA \u25a0 #4/™!^'^»;#^|ff JUT My/w/W////wyWVAyiK -Women's high-grade suits.' of fine Venetians, broad- Handsome suits, made from fine all-wool materials Neat, attractive Styles

•\u25a0%* \u25a0. \u25a0 \u25a0 /''flfi'\\lW*x\ 7/'/^''''!W*''%Vv^\^wVnil/ l Mf/Mfl/iW//,w/As/WJ/h. cloths and cheviots; handsomely tailored and finished In the most popular M-eaves and most wanted colors; A fine lot of neat attractive tallor-mado suits in t/V''L'iiil/!!l\^ViV'!lU!ilM\\\<\ x'^ x»

\l §/jl//W/'\\///W/JfiCwW///K in the very best Dosslble manner- others of etamlne eton jackets and blouse styles; stylishly cut. perfect both coat and eton jacket styles; Venetian cloths. KJJj***ik,|lj;'A(,ili»VM\\.»'s&*«,f/l IMr/Mil/Y///m, /Aff%yWy//h. I \u0084,P,OSf,ll)lemanner -

otners oretamine. hanging skirts of various models; •excellent assort- cheviots., broadcloths and neat mixtures; Jackets xiijW'i'.;A\^^A^Li^111 \/zff//M\//V/Jym Y)VA/'K[J//h I'anama cloths and French voiles. Fancy eton jack- ment of sizes; ;suit* that are high grade intevery lined with silk. A splendid collection of, colors with , Xi*« /^^

M y//Jft///MY/ft V//Aw Ai^Cni-y^s6^4>\ eta and natty blouse styles. Most wanted colors. particular. Splendid values to J35.00. Sale prlco, plenty,of blacks: good 120.00 values and som« worth • \u25a0 . .VjUg|^/V||^ Values up to 150.00. Monday, $25.00. , each, 117.48. • \u25a0 $25.00. Sale price. U0.00., , Extra Sales People

The Biggest Lot ofWomen's and Misses* SKirts You Ever Saw In- One Store— Prices'

(/Y • ¥» 1X» J ¥ •\u25a0

'\u25a0 "\u25a0 '

\u25a0' • • ' : . ful, painstaking people. But \u25a0 for \u25a0 your •own

IZ'-^IX^i^^^m^^ «"\u0084

•• • llclll cHIU JLGSS ~~~ —• '\u25a0'\u25a0'' eood, coino early. \u25a0.- i • '

Misses Cloth Shirts ncr Women's $5.00 SKirts <tO A 6 Stylish Walhinjl Shirts <fcvl QJ* Better Walking SKirtsGood values upto $2.48 /C/C Some Misses' SKirts too ......r.....ip &•*V%J Many worth$12.48 1J.i.1^ *»•7,0 At Equal Redurtions

A small lot of misses' skirts, made from good materials ln plain Quite an assortment of walking skirts, both women's andj misses' A special assortment of walkingskirts, dozens of pretty styles to Walklne skirts of the better sort mado from nil wool,colors and fancy mixtures; trimmed | with straps and braid; lengths; made from meltons and rough woolen mixtures; excellent choose from; made from.popular all-wool » cloths In wanted col- broadcloth" cheviots i Ber»fa^ Clma c^ht hZta hrown!'lengths 36 to 40; values up to $2.48. No 'phone or mall orders. color*; some pleated^ styles, others finished \vith cloth straps .and . ors;. some pleated effects; others trimmed with straps and but- Wues grays and fancy lattlrna and Ss3.n«s. sDlendldw'taUorPd-Monday morning, while they last, each, 75c. bands; values up to $5.00. Sale price, $3.48. : ,

(,: . tons;; values up to $12.48. Monday,, each. $4.98. priced as folfows- P mixtures, splendidly tailored.

Women's $3.98 Shirts $1.48 $3.9S Dress Shirts $1:98 $15.00 SilhShirts $9.98 $12.50 WaiKing Shirts _.. $6.48dIrC

Rn^y- Vpiuinb- bmrtnVa^^^^ Women

's Wack' dress skirts, made -good 'grade ladies' cloths A small but extra good lot, of silk skirts,: taffetas and peau da' . $15.00 WalWng SKirts....... _....:...

r...58.48 V

J3 98 Monday each JIT and Albert cloths; . finished with taffeta bands; :values up to $3.98. soles; some of them pleated;- trimmed with straps and ornaments; Sl7 SO Walking Skirt* «Q QRaionady. each, ?1.48- , Sale price, each, $1.98. . values up to $15.00. ;Sale price,, each/ $9.98. ' i :?I#.5U Waining aifiriS Li^Jfy.yo-


Monda y's gSt.SpeClah '

• \M&m- the Deutsch Stoch . Linen Bargains MIS35c POZZONI'S FACE POWDER 27c 25c SHEFFIELD'S TOOTH PASTE... .15c |HM/Hsf"2 Barpaim YOUrant afforilto turn iWn 60-Inch pure white table dama«k; half linen; choice patterns- ffO^25c LE SEDUISANT POWDER 15c 50c HAY'S HAIR HELP 35c l"®L£i&OgS& Bargains YOU Can t altOrO tO tUrn dOWn worth 65c# Monday, the yard.... ..OoC tigm/LY jtiU20c GOSSAMER FACE POWDER 15c $1.00 HARRISON'S HAIR RESTORER.7SC fT^SsJfel Sil9^nrintll PnatC «fcA 4R 69c full bleached table damask; all linen; good weight; mtln ftO^ WrMmW<15c SWANSDOWN POWDER 10c 50c WOODBURY'S SCALP CLEANER 35cu I»j /'T;^S^N|^|

'«piA«»/U VlUlllV/UalS IpO.flO finish; pretty patterns; worth 90c. Monday, the yard OVC K^Jj ffl&M\Jj

25c ARNICA TOOTH SOAP 15c 25c DICKENSON'S WITCH HAZEI 17c | W.UX \ lM^^ Some MiSSCS* SIZeS newrfloraTdeslgns^wo^th^l.OO 8 fMonday,

nen> free from^dres«I"B: /i * .^*1oe UT • "

7<?r Hair» fH^^^viWu\fr^*\ Women's and misses' coats; medium and three-* * ••-\u25a0••••••• ii t/~~fr^~y "\u25a0-

TpX.JLO Wat6r ff?Rgjf «3C nair |r^ \u25a0^YMWlftt /quarter length garments in plain cloths and rough 22-Inch full bleached linen :napkins; 'extra heavy; Scotch make; fl'!.^\u25a0m»b-^»

H \u0084i Ofi*.' *Ijw •' R«>iicVt AQr*' XL- .Afiilsf / mannish weaves; excellent colors. \u0084A few. tourist choice patterns; worth $3.00. Monday, \u25a0 <fco Ct\ IIl«l •\u25a0 :

IfOltieS VOC JpjL pruiaiVO 1^ WttfVMl coats ln the lot-

assortment of sizes. Values the dozen ty£»D\J f^A 1 ::Goodyear rubber hot water bot- j:!oEt halr bru shes, fine quality IM^S^Mm^

° *°'" °'18-inch all-linen napkins; fair quality; pretty patterns; worth en., \/ I

ties; made of red rubber; 4- wire bristles;' ;good. strong . /jHfffiWKfm $10.00 SHh CoatS $4.98 " *1<10 " Monday' the dozen • ••••••• OyCJ \ J

Z^^TX%xJ^^l If. \u25a0';\u25a0?". Vi,IP backs; regular, price 75c Mon- ; ///f Jj f/KM A small lot \u25a0 of:silk coats and eton Jackets; Somo" J>^ed»arfk.ns; soft finish: red borders; worth 85c 75 UJfZ*S

each 9Sc HflSt' fl day, each, 49c, : . /r'/9 M I; Wf"JJT*\\ looso back garments with capes. Made from good - • \S' ' '

ll?!«0wi!:»M-:% • J 111 IIIiftiiU ™a ''k Peau de S(lip- Hoth lined and unlined .styles. ne T 1 tmi/

•nn t> 1 v- .-».»\u25a0/Comet flannel-covered water f' lM

'\ Pponge bags, made of pure fill IIl.;Kn illW Values up to $10.00. Sale price, $4.98. ZSC IOWdS I/JSC 20C IOWdS 15C 15c TOWCIS 12% C

Hoffs malt extract: one of the wSfiiSwH'&W "White pine syrup, for coughs Iml Jl|l flKMI\\v\ Women's coats, made from pood black (loth; -tight- 20x40 inches; -worth 25c. 19x47 inches; worth 20c. inches; worth 15c. Sale

best known tonics; regular Xa^^frffl^y and colds; worth regularly 25c. Iml Jj IIIKAwaJB^ fittine backs; • single breasted fronts; lined with Sale price, each, 17».ic. Sale price, each, 15c. price,- each, ?l2%c.price .".."<\u25a0. Monday, 9ff*» U^i Monday, the 1Oi» lirl \v\ 1! wliWEP^' K:ltiu and finished with velvet collars; fair assort- _« .. c. —, . _..-'.,

; *'\u25a0>'\u25a0•tho buttle &.JK, ijf bottle... *\u25a0/*• IJ^W |j.^ llV'^S\

"lont °f sizes; excellent $5.00 values. Monday, . I? till31ZC 0A661S *sfl^» I." j*m%

Monday s Basement Bargains Women's Coats $2.48 Monday mommT^^fn t**»oLoTslnTo o-cioek, ™wm offer so^oZen sheetsMirrors, of American make; size Sx 94 Wire rgg whips," nicely finished; often 1_ \2si%^ \u25a0ffISyLiS~T' r' Womm

.,coat» maflp from moj -^vrlothq. ,„,, madefrom good quality muslin, 2% yards wide and 2% yards long, with seam down the

10: worth 35c. Monday, each sold at sc. Monday, each IC »*LJPS«- -^» ?^°mmessntvieB

° BomTwllarkSs effects^ medium' weuiht center; torn hand; finished with 3-inch hem; th^e material by the yard;wouldu

costShelf paper, with lace edge; all colors; 10

**Garments^ sultabTe Tfor all season^- values un^oJ4 00 y°u more mone y \u25a0no \u25a0 telephone or mall orders^wlll. be, filled: not more • than^ 4 sheets

yards to the package; worth Gc. o_ Cotton clothes line; 40 feet long. On In.' garm^ents suitable for all seasons, values up to $4.00. to any one customer and .none to dealers. On sale Monday, morning, at, 8; o'clock.

Monday *C sale Monday, each..... IUC 1 Monday, each, $2.48.39c each. V: ,

Attractive Made Veils Q/r~ 1800 Yards ofColored Silh Velvets QQ-, V^it/l Men's Trousers <i9Oft Pt»Worth 49c 1 ;CJL Widths 18 to 22 Inches. Regular Value 69c to $1.25 OyC 1CliU Worth From $3.50£r« Wll.

><^- xewiy made veils, ivi yards plain and FancyVelvets upto 22 inches wide; broad-tails, polka dots, stripes and plaids in a splendid :^ilr:^mn^l^t'BvMBtrom-vrMch' /4f/0!\ long; finished with hem; these i

'v t-i

•r • . ••\u25a0 \u25a0.' --\u25a0• . \u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 j . .... .v . 11

--,_ i'_ the coats ,and vests have been sold. : /O&<\"'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0 '\u25a0'\u25a0-'.§ <oril(? in a varu-ty of patterns; assortment of colors; suitable for trimmings, fancy work, waists and costumes; qualities that sell regular- About 150 pair3in the iot. ah kinds, Vsrmf^^^pKf of tium in \u0084iain colors; lyat from 69c to $1.25. No mail or telephone orders." First come first served. ThebesttMngswiU-go .f^M^^ V£Jf Wo' lTR ITT early in the day- so be Prompt On sale Monday morning at 39c a yard. . - .. '

S^ jsmS&> '

V^SsgSaaß^'iKt^' "^^ KIDDOnS •\u25a0

*'. ••\u25a0 ...'.. Interested. Monday, while they last,

Wm^ 15c - $1.39 Blach Silhs $1.09 98c Colored Suit Silhs 49c\u25a0 ZX'iSs Knee Pant, r* ,^^ffl

£fl!&9^-(&T~' rr'110 -Vilrils o£ bla.k silk?, SG inches wide; both peau de soies and taf- SOO yards of fancy suit silks; 1!) to 21 inches wide; soft swiss taf- nY Wi«sirie rouia OVC i -Hffffiml,«y»^ *&/ High-grade,, double-faced satin ribbons; fetas; heavy quality that Is guaranteed for BervlceH all pure silks, fetas and Louisines; best of colors in overshot effects and narrow r,.-,., \u0084"

"Z7ZT'^"T'"t""^:''f;na hl , wUto|II«!M

V^W '^V1V1,1 hpavy body; pure silk; lustrous sold regularly at 51.39. Monday., the yard, $1-09. stripes; values up to 98c. Monftay, the yard, 49c. S' all Xs from Bto 16 v^r«-'\u25a0

Ba/\H. finish; all the popular and most wanted' . -

\u25a0' . \u25a0 , ' seige, ail sizes rroin bto lb yeais. :!V'

Lr^fi% colors: widths \\\> to 3 inches; worth 35c. «0r Ftaminp 10r Yard (\t\r Snrind Snitino'c 4<?r <1 00 Crpnp Suitinp^ 73c n, y cv.: >flnish<;d; seams *MUi«ifTW ;/«»<_ :*_\3^ .Monday, the yard, 15c.

3VI. liloJIUIM? OyC Iaril • U3C spring oUlllllg 43C «|>I.UU VrepC OUlUllgS 4U\, and good, strong waist bands; just r/!l iMllMlMaffivill/l'Wnmpn'c Kirf Clnvoc /* /"

'25 pieces of nil-wooletamines and voiles; 100 pieces of new spring suitings, shower- 50 pieces of new crepe suiting in all- the 5"?h -^'fav


nff"efiS;!ly pay *1>25 f// Mmli*^^,/ 11women Sma OlOVes flfir 40 inches wide; sheer, open weave; excel- proof doth, fancy silk finished mohairs; new Bprlng Rhaden; greens, browns and rm-

Monday, me pan, da. > i UmMmW IifWell Worth 85c uuv Ma /tA lent assortment of street shades: all pure Scotch wool suitliiKS. -albatross, cashmere blues; also black and cream; air pure wool; BOYS* $1 00 Shirts OC« I//1 lllimfflSifMMvllinl-Women's gloves, made from imported kid \Vi\W ///k wool; regular r.Oc quality that will and sranlte cloth; widths 30 to 40 inches;, alike on both sides; DO Inches in width; AllGood Stylet £DC {' lllilM^^H111 IV'

nkins: just the riKlit weight; nicely cut and \W\\ ///// Blve excellent service. Monday, the new and scarce colors; 6iJo values. Sale suitable for plaited and shirred suits; JI.OO _..\u0084

"""",'T"'"","\,ut,.i a „„!„I fn/P£i«llfl Ill'lI

well finished; various styles of embroidered WWxf'// yard> 39c< price, the yard, 43c. . value. Monday, "the yard, 73c. \u25a0

one or two ol a Uild- fresh llf/wWmI•'nf^si^e ran^nnf/^nmi0'

«L«f.rtmnnf X\VJ*'/ MOHAIR CHEVIOT—SO inches wide; all pure wool; deep, rich WHITE SUITINOS-I0 pieces only, including granite weaves, can- and 'clean; some withseparate I'Wlwßl'<-filor«c cloves -L.ti-illv\u25a0 wmil, V- •

-ii.i' i \\//jy/ black; Rood weight; only G pieces ln the lot. You can't duplicate vas etamines, lattice clothH, nub voiles and mohair Sicilians; also V» collars, others with separate IJW flra|--\u25a0' matiT lines soil at Si 00 Mnnrtnv th» ///?/ it elsewhere under $1.00. Monday, rft. shades of cream 48 to 54 inches wide; values from $1.25 to QO-. WT cuffs only; good assortment fl« fijH -pair «"c. Monday, the /*^A the yard DVC $1.48. Monday, the yard.. VOC _^Xof sizes; values^ up to $1.00. Jff 'Hi '

I-.T i«^««j • r 1I«. o /'' yA,\ FRENCH BROADCLOTH—S4 inches wide; satin chiffon finish; MOHAIR ZIBELINES—S6 Inches wide, ln shades of gray and navy jOf*jt-1*10"^' c^eh- -


fflffl ||jg15C 1rimming OallOOnS ZC / v\ medium weight, for tailored suits and coats; black only; worth blue; good weight for walking skirts and suits; regular price $1.19. \XJrJ? yB Jaundered \u25a0walsU. made . yCW |ljj v

Trimming galloons in ecru, cream and white; \A\V\ regularly,,

5.00. Sale price. $3j93 j9 Monday while It lasts. !. , . 49C \u25a0f^'SM^r^ni^^^S^n Ul tl#beautiful patterns: various widths; some *?T> t'^J'l"l TTu«*' tho yaid '*•

'Vrrrr collars- plenty of sizes' Itl^'lSS^S^.^^a Bi20M; easlly wonh ISc

- U>^ 50c Moreens 34c Yard 29c Sateens 18£cYard '•« 19c Glass Cloth 12J4c, . |W r^'day!Iy worth d^- Sfe

19C SHKoline SoiiarPS lOr 27-lnch moreen Bklrtlng, all the popular 36-Inch mercerized sateen for linings; soft, 36-inch glass cloth for skirt and waist Hn- > Jj« each ; .....'..•**v_ \u25a0 .„ „"

:„ "H*»»»CJ•w*'

colors: much used for drop skirts and satin finish; all the popular colors, as well Ing; silk taffeta finish;. all the new spring #rJji Windsor ties, 38 Inches long; good width; madefrom'Pretty siikoiine squares; beautiful designs and rich colors; suit- coat linings; splendid wearing quality; as black, white and cream: excellent for shades, including black, white and cream; w • fine silks, crepe de chines and grenadines; Borne In theable for kimonas and sofa pillows;good sizes; worth 19c. Mon- worth regularly 50c. Sale price, the drop skirts and ruffles; worth 29c. Sale a grade that sells everywhere, at 19c. Mon- lot worth 60c; none worth less than 25c. . 1O«day, in aisle I, each, 10c. yard, 34c. . price, the yard, 18V4c. -, -,\,, \u25a0

'day only,• the yard, J2V4c . Monday, . each.... y ....'A"C'

Music Special— ANew Folio Q/;^ Monday and gm Women's $3.50 Dress Shoes <fcl (\Q 75c Devotional Boohs 35c EachContaining 27 Popular Favorites. CJlßl^ TiIP«HnV wSSS- J j| 1£ * fl»O f\f\ T% > a. C?l_ •TfE.^^C^ Devotional books, handsomely bound; such titles as "Dally Food," "Daily Light . andPublisher* Price 75c *-r^r^* IUCMIdy BK%.™WHj fIPTI S S>«"> (111 KPPPtIt *X*»S Strength," "Imitation of Christ" • and others. Profusely illustrated. Covers are whiteA new f,,1i0 of lnH»r.,mZ

l,„,I ,7, ,

\u0084, \u2666 \u0084ip^.


3 »P1'»VU *\CgCIII%JIIUC3 1 ,th \u0084 with gold. Published to sell at 75c. Monday, each, 35c.A new Tolio of Instrumental music, containing 27 new and popular hits—not an old fiipt '':<^\ ' *•- *' • Popular clotl b ilknumber ln the lot. .Such compositions as "Blue Bell." "Make a Fuss Over Me," "I've JEW*. Women's fulldress shoes; a lot of manu- '.'. . 9^C BOOKS 124* C "Dora Deane," by \u25a0Mary

< J.%lo"rnes; "Cru^Got a Feeling for You." "Boy Called Tapß." "Come. Play In My Yard" and others that £MM&32? facturer's samples made from bright patent fkt' • «*w*m **-2*" a« the Cirave." by .Mrs. Southworth;

are just as good. Publisher's price 7Dc. Monday and Tuesday, ln our music' depart- ft^fipSs^SWw \u0084. . F, .. , V.V

'W Gift books, bound In white and colors; "Wormwood." by Corelli: "U'averley

ment, Stic. WIHSI&^^Pv a B aCC kld; French » Cuban and JFk gU(.h titles as "The Queen of the Air," by Novels," by Scott; "AllAboard," by Oliver- _OP"a heels; some with light hand turned Jg|: nuskinj^-Chllde. Harold's. Pilgrimage." by g^^Stationery Department Specials UT^eBL. soles: othcra with ™™***^<&ti!fflh S-£S^£':2^y>&& : u^ c^^^'TWIi'iTA.

' SOles; all new, snappy Btyles and \$»S7/A\ "Wide, Wide World," by Warner; "Drum- Jonea," by Fielding, and fully 100 otherbamples or fancy writing paper; half a Combination memorandum and pocket BB?SBfiS?T3k. „!„,!. : •*v i«». iti llwil/ili mond's Addresßes," and 50 others that are titles; books priced lv moat book storesquire to the package; newest tiuta and books, bound in black oil doth; size 2V4 to Hb£7^w9W nearl y aU 81ZCS ln tne lot> SCtUBI^J /fIS|V4©W eiiually as good. Hooks published to Bell at 25c. Monday, 101/

latest tints; packages worth from 10c to 6 inches; three pockets for bills and re- *T|HffllMlam.J t] 1Q uuliu i Monday the nair /jWE»\W at 25c. Monday, euch, -12*40. / each IL/rZ2c n.hJOchJ0c

alucs-. Mon ™ mIL Camera Supplies at Cut PricesBox stationery, containing 24 sheets of good Long day books, with canvas cover; 500 $3.00 REGENT SIIOKS—Por men: of bright patent cpltgkln S^^li Argo developing solution, suitable for Argo, I)'? l;?./"t"!lbl"?v ,,t

10"10"'l!X nn<l, fixl"S I'ath;

L'nTcS I!!:,^ TJ£. Z'r r| "^ffi ' «"" »»» ™> OoXLI welled s^ |W ™*Jf£ u^d t^T^ -

!!lMonduy. the box lOC ea ch 15C both lace and blucher Htylus; the seaaon's newest and most %*&// tau also be uh«l foi dry plates, jol/- regular price 25c. On sale Mon- in,/'. , popular lusts; shoe* suitable for all sorts of weur; dre»B, bualneßS and every NMsir worth 25c. Monday

"/JV duy, at *^C

All thp Pnniilnr Mnnninac in Out. Rnnll Httnt day. The price J3.00 with the name "Itegent" stamped on the Boles. :«| no \u25a0^m^ Printing frame* of good 'hard! wood; size BUx4Ji inches;' complete 19IZ«iAllIDC rOpUiar fiagaZineS inUUr 0001lliept. Monday, while they last,the pair...... ..JpltyO with. gUB»; regular price 20c. Monday.... ..J/JaC