mr belloe low11des - home | msu librariesopsis rex chandos, ace racer. meets and falls madly in...

SY. 'OPSIS Rex Chandos, ace racer. meets a nd falls madly in 10\'e with Dalia Seaton, the mostheaulifuJ ;iirl he »ver has seen, Delia, self-cen t er-ed, is the ,\'ife of Jim Seaton. world, f"mous crtcketar. Under the spell of the masterful Rcx Chandos. Delia leads a double life, Her hus ha nd r ecelvcs an injury which ne- ccssita tes the amputation of a lee;. Her oncc-wca lth v father. racm e dis, zrace, commits suicidc. lea ving nothing hilt debts. The Sea tons' Income is l'enlleen to s lig h t lv over three uo unrlsa wor-k. Cha ndos, to ;.:et money furDelia. accepts dis, honest ",'ark. lie ;.;ets a count rv home with renl free for Delia and .Ilm, with a secre t cottage n en I' hy [or himself a nd Delia. Dr.Harry II'entworlh becomes interesled in t he Sea tuns. His wlf'c. ,Juliet, in, her-ired a fo rt une ann the mansion in whrc h they live. HiR rnot h e i and bl~ cousiu .. Jane Gu lt , w ho ador-es him, live next (lour Delia :':'I\'PR .Iim an ove rdus- of a slccplnr; drug ,,111ch Dr, \\'entworth had left. Dr. II'ellt\\orth be lie v cs ,Jim took his own life, There is no inquest, Delia, after a fortl1i;:;ht asguest of the \\'entworths, is 10 go into Iodz- ings at Mrs. Deal's. Dr. Wenl wor-t h t r-Ils hr-r Chandos is under RIlSI"elOn (or robbery. I:\STA Ud Er-:'] XIII. D i::UA II aitcd till Juliet had taken thl,0TIle\\ bat nau- ,eouo urau;;hl. Tben, with a \\',1, cof the baue!. she hastened out 'JI lhe 1'00111 Iler dres"ng ,ase harl been1)'1l Uhtll, the 111,,101. It held what .iu't Ilow had I,ecollle excceditlgl o pr\'1i"lh (0 her. A feIA l11illute, later, when in front of ~lrs ])eal', little l1tJuse, sh~saw with a li;,:htlniug of th\' heart Janc (;,,11 \\ aitillg for her on the doorslep. "I've, otlle to a,k -"Oll to ha,,(, dinncr \\ith me J\l) ;1l1l1t has a raid and will ha' cat ra o t1pst:1.irs r thought it would he r;lIher mis- erab/I> for ,'ou her, (hi, lir>! c\ e llIng, \\'e call gO ha, k in Jt1lict's car ~fter 1\ e h\'lp, d )'Oll Ilnpack." Tears actuallo came into Delia's eye.. It \I'asa great comfort to lwr just nOlI to be lI·ith Jane, They oath \\ ent lip to thc sl11all, wid hedroolll and there Ihe kind girl did all the Ilnpacking and pnt el nything neatly away, They had a cozy little lI1eal,and, as was always the case when the} welP ;done. though .lane was un· COIl"'iolls of the fart, their talk driftnl to thc m;'11 who mealll <0 IlltlCl' 10 "''''h of them. I <UppO,1 '011 \'e "ell the de"th of 1)1' Lit er ill th.' papers) " salft lane Delia "ho')k her hl·,ld. "Tf anI) IUhcl I\lluld C"'l,"nt to let hi1l1 h~l~ t' ;1 l'oll,ultitl''':rO()!l) ill tfn·\ n. lwlit-·\ l' 1)1\ f OU,Ql {ntJid gl" the ,\ h,d" \1 Ih;11 111;1I1's1'1'''1'' 1 it p. HIl1 (It l'Ollr"t she \\ 01JI(l!1t he;J] Ilf ·1.1) . I ~lll'P()l,{' ';;lin I)clirl 1111hlllq~ 1', "th"t IIhat Ite lI'ould hke tn do would he 10 Itve tn London I m~'ln. of course, il LJarle o street." " Of ('ours<he'd likc it' Thi~ is "11 'lPP;I1I;llh hack\\;]lcr for a pro, fc~siollal Inilll BUI the Olrl .\Ianor is Juliet, and .Iull<'t IS the Old 11anor." 1 lIES D('It, ,\,ked " quc-tion. "IsSill' rc~.IJo \ ery rich? " And, as the othel hesitated. " It wa' ani, th"t "Ih .\Irs Rob) who said so." , \\'h~Jt .\11', I\.oh,said II itS true" "She 10e'Il'1 '~CI mit' h fUll out of hel 1110nn does she?" Jane ,mded ruefully, "0, yes, she does, for she lo,es saving, I sometimes thlilk it must make Harr} ratllf'r SIck to think of all that moue, alway, rolling Up and eafl1mg morc and more money, Huge sumsarc badl) neeued for medical rescarch, and if Juliet would gi\ e onlyoneyear's income to one or two of the funds spent on tindinl' lI'ays of dealing with or stamping nut disease. il would make poor Harr} so happy! But of course such an idea would nel'er occur to her" Jane's friend sa iu to herself: "One year's income? That \\ould he all awful Int to gi\'e away," And then IIith aslight jJallgshe told hersell thatHarry woulu prob- ably want togi,'e some of his late \\ ife's moue} a\\'ay -if. thatis,he el er became awido\\ er •.•. t'l1Jl"ut half lJ'lstnine of Rood luck befell Delia, she took it to he. Jallf' exclaimed. "I wi'h I could II a 11-, had, \' ith you, uut I car't. I'm expectiug some impor- tant telepllPue calls. But we'll meet tOlllorrO\\" As Dplia II alked a\\ ay she told herself that she e ,1 u1 d e",il~ slip thrc.ugh the garden of the Thatched house to lht ,nt I;"~e "nd get back comfort"hl, t" \(rs, Dears 10dgilH.,' " little alter ten, a piece Or so f'lricagn ,c;;,ltl1c1ayT'ibllnf' Evcrv thin;:( wr n t a< .hr h"d hoped it would "nd ",<he wa lkr d across the lawr: sur rounrl inc the ernptv house <he wa s c.l"d It \\.", adark ,0 11" one !,o"in;! the ;::ate could see he: run ninc up the grass s t cp s, t ipt oe inr; ar ros « t hc gravel path and <0 up to the cot- tag>, Turning the tillo I.ey in Ih~ m;- nut c lorl, of the window Ir.unc. ,he Iound herself st a nding in the hviru; room. \\'ith " ca ndlc in her hand shr- \\ ent through into the <ernnd room. ~he now drew asithe curtain \\ hirhmasked the ,u,ir'il,e that appare n t ly led now herc a nd walked up the step" which. tholl~h Iew weresteep The flickering light of the """die- in her hand show cd t ha t I hcrc \\ as :1. door at the top of the <hnrt Alght ofsteps hut it \I';IS a door without il handle a nd \\ it hout a lock. \\'hal could that mean) 510\\'1)she rnove d the r a ndle up anr] down all 0\'(,1 tlwsurface of the door, and at last ,he I!hnllhed a tiny round hole ex"ctl) sim i la r to the one lI'hid! conccaled the lock in the windO\\ frame. Ql1lckly she e"tr;1cted the minnte kel from herbag <11111pu,hed it into the roul1u aperture alld at once thp door S\l ungopen, ont- \' rlrd '1'\\ 0 Inore high oll'c' ,ide and shl' ceili'lg'ed "arret. Cn·uchin., down she lifted up her ';d1ule, a nd then she gall' a ga'l). for Ihe unnell floor W;'s ,tn"VI' with small Jewcl case, and paller parcels. Then it \\=-1s here lhalL'h;1l1dos I.enl his boot) tIllhc had enoughto nlal, e oUC of 111' tnps to J-'I'" n,c' Leal'illg cle;'\tiltng c,-,"'tl.l as ,he lound il ,Ill'Ieil thl lotlag(' In haslc al1(1 a, she ha,(cncd bacl, to .\Irs 1Jr-"J', 10el:';JI'/,(s, "no 1?,ll'l as ,hc la.1\\ id, awake In the cold. h1ll1p, hed ,he lold herself ago" ill '\nd a,r:: a in that she indecd hi,,;a mir2culous stcps on the IIas I Il a 10\\- J 1: ~ Thefore se, en o'rlorl- 111 the e\'elling fnllO\\'ing the d,,-, Dcli" Se"lon h"rI go ne to ]dr, DeaJ' s lodgi ng' ;, collisiou bel ween t \\'0 11lotor C? r'" took place \,'here the road rnnnin;..' hel \\ een the ()l,: .\la nor rind oJ( IIIr s, \\ e nI wort h' s h 0 n, , dehondll'd "n to the COlt1l11nn I'he n'Ji,e "f Ih' sl11:(,h I)"n"/.:ht Jan£> rllllnill1-1 (lUI flj r!1l111"". anel she found th"l ;t \I "111'\11 had heen seriously Inillreel Sf', aftel Ie,\, ing- one of hel0\\nma"ls in charge, shr h"stencd 10 h"1 cnusin's honse and I' cnl tn thc slud o to find Ilim. He was 110t ther< and <he told hersel; that he might In III his \\'if~'s sitting 1'00111 Snw Jane hild ItO I' i'h to scc JuliLI for sh, kl1c\\ Ihal if she did adetailed aI, Ol1llt nf the a, cident wOllld he expected of her. So <he turned thl h"ndl, of the dnnr Iloi,elessly hopll1~, \\ ere he III the room, to atlrarl 11;\rr} 's atlen t\Oll Her cousin \\,,,,,not there, and onb the balk of .Juliet's hcad \\a, visible for she \\'as rechning, as usual. on h'T cOlll[ortabl" couch. Just behind thai larefull,v "'a\ed. tal' colored hea., of hall stood J uhet's ,i,ilor. .'\lId in Ihe re\\ se,:nnds which [0110\\ cd sOlllcthln,g occurred o[ \\ hich .I ane eltd nol take as m\l1 h note as she mighl ha"e done at an~olher tune. Delia Seaton held a minute lan(') fla~k in her ri;;ht hal1e!. and just ", .I ane Galt opened the door with a quick mo, ement sheemptied the contents of that tiny Aask into Ihe iSla<S ofslightl) salted w ate I' whICh happC'lledto he yOllng .\Irs, \\'entworth', lale'- he"lth fad. \\'ith her 1l11l1d fill. of the ;lCCI dent and ofthe urgenq ,11' tindlll~ the doctor Jane left the d,)or 01 thc sitting room aj"r. (lltllkl o shl sped over thc 1111('1,carp' Ito\\ aI''' th,' rail door ,11IItill,~ of{lit, sen'ants' quarter, \, ,he dlrl '(I theold p"rlor maid c"nll' "'Hlrlllll\.: through it. .. There'. the rornl I tor--" heen a bild ac, iden( ;'1 and I \\;lnl the cll'1 "0. 11i" Gall. I alll 'nrr o '. lie said I ,,,as te phllllc ilnd (ell yOll be', !!Ol1e O\Tr t, ~I rs J illd,;" He <'it hne "t " qllarter pil't iiI (' and rna) n't he h'II), til dilliler " .. Th n I 11111<1;::fl thrn\":h til a)wther doctOJ' at once!" J;,n~ ra n hilC), iut o t l» <1,,(1<-. '1'1",,, ,It,· t ried frnit1""h t\lO rlll"- tnr~ ,,!In liver! ia ir lv n('~lr hy 'lilr! ,II a,1 ::nt th rouc h t o Ill', Pun oc II< I' "< l ulict'« pi" <iria n and" c:ood ir icud of them all. ,. _\1, ,·:1.r's at t dOllr: I \""'l't be a minute," he c xrla imcd l ..... IIJ~ follow irn, h,,1f hour \\," 1'1111 0 oe,(,lIpiu1 h o her in C"IT.'- in" «ut Dr r'1I1'1'es' in st rurr ions. j,'ir,t - he t cle phonc c' {or all "1111t1l- la nre t hcn for" nurse. then tn a u ur stn-;home .\11 that took ,nl11c lillie. "1111 it ",a" rlosr nil e ic ht \\ h"ll ,ht \\'asable to <it dO"·11. filii "ltlln-t at once the t clcphouc 1){'111'''ll~ "That you, Jane:" .. \ e-. IlaHI" .. \\'dl 'nil phone to'Ihe Old .\["llPl ,,1111 '''0 I'm "fr"irl I(,,,"'1 he IFI<k to dmncr ! ,\11". Llt)(";'o is (i'·ln". and th,',\ ,,11 \\ ,,"1 me to ,tal I)n I can't d0 allo thing, hilt dlln't [eel [ ran Ieavc Ih"I11. The'\ '\ e been awfllll} good friend, to\I1P cvr r s iure I came to Melt- lia rn.' \( I,,,t she was ahle to go lIP- s t a ir s. anrl site feltso tired that shl Aung herself on herbed just J"• t ~< J ~ n, "r-n-d th~ d "l' woth ,qu'e\ n~ I"m~"t D~lil'l mr11~:l the enn, lenis, to gelt~1I minules' re<l. . nd as she die <0 she ,udr!l'nl o remC\l1- here,1 1111' Ivld thun ,It" it"d St'Pll I), II:' '-;":llnn dn I'ell1"p' no( ,0 \(T~\ ('dr!. ;h .\Otlllg ~lr" \\'cnt- \\f1!-lil \\a ...• r{lllr! (l tr\ in'..!. Ile\\ rli ('le1](' ;11111Clell 1](\\ dIll'': I',peri· llH'llt~. IIrirr, Innl t 111;llJ I Ill( (' h?d { 'C!;I'llH'd III hi" / ()lI .... in·') l""c .. ellr(': "\\'ltn,", Ihc <,::,,,'d ,oj h~'n,<.:: l\lar- rice l to" do,l"r .111(! Ilt,n 1,""l'llIc. III r~l1;'l("":- It'", 11"11" \\ f' don', kl1n\,- 111'1' h hill \\ (--' I lln\\ 111nrt> than the \If'Oldt, \I'll <..:eCl\~ to hr Ii,'C in. '1\\ rI,,,,'" I ]IIi, thad gi\ t'n (lIlt' (li ht I ...'lrill 1,,'1,_1, ... '111(1 dCII;'r"d t"'1t 1t"1 it, "lilt lad, did llo!l(l(I.' r-tll: 11;\1'111, Y r .\(;\'1--1_Y 110'\ til;,t 11](· \\ ",I h"d , (\1111.: \1 rs 1;;11(' rC'11<'11lIH'n'd Ih, I"(e't 1';](1 "' "I' lHCI1 ~ug~t"'lf'd J(l \\cI,I""rtiJ hI 'Ill \lIlt 'f:-111 Irld' \(! llrdill'..!. tn thi"" l;jI h '1 ~ 1 ~l"s () I \\ ;11 tT L;. k C 11 \\ i I h M 1'1111'11 ,d <..:~lf ill it lour t;I1I(," ;l d;,.\' lint "I,ll ,k;:II,"d lite hn'h bill ;!C' t 11;1II \ III •.. ( llll! t I (" lJrlll1'.:..lll 1)..-1 (.J... ~ lp,d, II! \(111111 .\11 c!1I1J:,j (1l1p' tll}! " e 1l;·rJ f 11'111 \\ it h ,,( nl, 1111 11,l(l tit' I "Ie ;':"'1]1 II "I tl'h 1111)1 ( 1)'1... ( rI ('11 In I h 11 ·ltOlj llll'lf \';11t'h 1< 1\' i~ h'tO l( f 11(Ill lllll,"!,l :' "k 01 illl 'Illlt Clllr;tti ll1 011 tIl'"' 'rll ( "( 11 j\\ hCl II' prnt!lt-. TIt,II e\' 11111,<: 1,,11(' "n-I 1t"1 iI'lIlt 1\('111 1'1 c;lrh II 1,(',1. !'tll I""l di'l llnt t111rlr'·\;';' ... ;.J.l Oll!'r. ~l1(' ft H r('... t'.~•.• o::. ;.lI1'1 eXlll('r! \\ il11Ptll 1.1111\\ 11l\~ "h' \1,0 ,h' It, d i"11 t'le lJ.-hl 1111 pcel 011 rllI\\ 11 t;1 jr-., 1,,1' 1\ I'll. 1[J;11 11'-1' \ 11'1 Itl 'II ,I,III lora Ill'..", Ul t..'f [o'ld hl1or~ ~ni1!,':. 1/1\1 .•. I~",·I.\ ill hi, 111'11'1 i"d life rill el"h- "I" ir '1111"'1' h"rI ill\\'lI' he cn 1"1-1 III 11f' dlllllig 1'0('111 01 t he ()Id ,\I,lIlol "h"n h ch"d to Ill' "lit la t e. F:tI' II ca ve " gnn(1(1<'al nt t ro uhlc "11'1 "a, ,,1\\'''\' (;;1 more t han he w nn t ed. ~o at l",t he ha d cx- pl"1'1\'d IIt"t lu- \\ "111d I en 1111lch ra t hr r tal,e ,omrth'n'" "I 111<mot h- ('r'..: hrUCie, 12111 'ilt dn\\11 \\·iilt" hon1-:. hill pre<l'llll\ dIP t elcuhouc 1''1lie. "lid shr hrard the \'011" oI ,\11'" xl ac- S"h. Juliet', de- v 0 ted prrsonal ''''':lid. ".\10 y o un a i<-dd' doeS]1' t q'\,111 wr Il, .\1ixs (;:111. :'h,' has [JrCIl I"klllg a gl"" of water I~tr" ilt eleven . ~ 0'(1<,\,1";)lId 1\hr'lI nOli to ~:i, e It tu 'I<'),e her." " Did,he la),e all,' tl,ill'~ 10 make Itcr sll',,!': I 111"an a II.' nett 'lcep- in'~ ([J, \t'.:!lt?" "\nt Ih;It ] kll01\ "f. But ,hc rlnn'llil", 111\ ;,,1,'11' h. I' " thing Ii"!' (h"t IH'C;('I'I ,11(' kn,,\'s the rlpet"l d"I,,"'t Iii,,' Itel laking an,v- thill'~ I""ld\'s, ,It~', h\,('11 ha' in,g th:J1 nlil":'\:" 1.lIch ;11,,1ii' h"li,ed hel t, ,1, I I' I rllll"\ hel"'\e she tonk ;111\ thl11~ t0I1;;..:,11t ., I"n, fell '1'0" 111"<1 .\11" ,\1,1' \al' \\;lIller! hl'1 I) 1\' IllIll!, I'd [Jet IeI' IJr \\, 111'\I,r:h, llIi,,?,. "\ IIII'd "ctln n' I r!>l Iltat. .\11',. Lind ;1., j... (1\ ill~. ;\IHI 1'111 "nrc he 1\l'n'l I\'I'h 10 III dl,ltlrlll'r!" I 11<'1''',';\1'1( " 1'\,,";(11111 rep I., to 1":'1. ..I Ih;l11< h, "11'~"t III I'nille, ~Il" 1,;,11 \11,' .1111"'1I' the dn1.'1' , II lit. "ill'l ',II. Iii, Iii ,I dn<llo " 10 hcr. ' I"IW "c~",'d. "\\llul'l '''\1 1'1." n~ In l (\Illt' (nOel'.' I \I cnt in just her 1 couldn't \\ ;1 s it to do? ,elld for I niter stilpl'l'C 1u1"l. II, "I'd!>, \\('111(1 (Oil1\..' 1l11""l II,,' n'ai'l 'aid ::1'II, Illi 11 \ e IiI i" I till' ea, rer.ll., rln rt l tln1Tll~ \\ Old(! he ;1 (01111(11 I ttl llr •\l'r~ \\(' I J I'll (0'11' ii' 11J' p. \\'e"ril} ,1illl<' nJ" IIld h· I' h"d rl\llll1 d()nr \' ..hi e1Fl I' h"r .:-I'lnt callil (l111 01 he r 1-011111. " \\ h'll i' II 111-' "(' 'I', ,hlll'( hr:r Jl\nne at tl( dIIOr.·· " I,d" 1'11"1 \\·1 '111'1~Ir' . .\Ial' ~,lh \\ants lIH II l:' ()\.t'r there." .. I \ I ;,r 110\1 (I "11:11'd th •. clrl.: 1,-1(1' Illllt.1 1~ llelUi11111g H 11 il1l 1lnab1c ~' j'" th:>1 the 0 "1l11(Cer \\01":1I1 Ill'HIe no all"" f'l thlltl~b 111 h er he;lr1 ,"c oj! 'ro'r] l"Il, i;II11111 'r! "I a n old ielt h a t, \I r;,pped a hin cn"l .uouud lir r. .i n« ., J1 "Tn', tIll' road tn the Old \];'""1' ::;he Iouun ,111lie!'s maid an "\(111 ,1" wa inn-, for herIn the ha II. ,j 0, J111<';S, ;:lIn eJafl \ ouvr COllie ~ l'm :~et I il1g rnorr- ;IIHI more frigl'!encd. I Ihll1~ '''11'11 ac r cc we oug-htto se nd fnrDr. PIl1'\ es." " "Th;lt', Ilotabad idea," said Jane bl'iefl), telling herself the \\'hile she \I as afoolnotto have thollght nf t hat solution herself, "\\'ill ye come up and hal'e a look at her 1\1iss Galt: 1 mcan befnre \\'e "honc to Ilr. I'ul"\'es." ..Certainl) I will" ,111liet \\'entlVorth \\'a~ l,dng on her hack, apparelltly asleep, She \\ "s clad in "11 old fashioned \\ hite la\\ 11elll broidered nightgo,l'll, rind her thill ,'eined hands rest ed on a bluc \\,at ered silk eiderdo\\ n "I can't see anything \\-rong wit I-- her,"she whispered, "Ye just try and wake her, n1i~s." She first said to her g-entl', "\\ alce up, Juliet." Then, more loudly and insistently: ".1uliet 1 ,111liet! '\"ake up--" But the \\oman lying before hcr uid not e\,cll stir. A T L '\ST J anc Calt took Up 1hc s!cejJer's right hand and felt herpulse QUIckly then she turned to thcelder I)' maid. .. You "re right, there is some- IItin,~ \\ rang \\·ith ltCI', III rs. Mac- ~ab. \\'ill oOU ,~I do\\n andphone In D,. Pun es h011lthe study? \'k him toCOntI' around at Olll e." "\\'ould Ie min" phonillg VallI' ,cl[ miss? Dr, Punes \\011'1 \'ome fnrme. Ye sec, we\',- sent for hi!'l '0 often II hen there was 1101h- IU'~ I1lueh the matter, 1'\ot latel). IJnn't 111ean .'tIy dear lad, has bccil muchbetter latel} and not so f" 111iflll about herself." nd tl'en the maid \\ ent on, half to herself, "0, I II ish Dr, \\ ent- \\ ortll was here!" laue r"n dOllllstairs feeling be- \\'ildered and a little frightened at .1uhet's extraordinar) state of- was it coma? "Dr Pun es i, not in." allSl1 ered a cro,s ,oice-drs. Punes' \oice, CJ3y Belloe LOW11des Mr If 1'111 c;:nrr) to .. ;:t., he \";:10:; -c nt fOJ abnlll an hour "~,, a nrl insrst er! on ~ntll~ 011t \\ ho I" it \' <1 lit . him? " .. 1'111 J anc (,a It .\1 rs Purves" "0, it's \ ou 111.\ dear! hope .' ('I1Ij" ;:111111 isu': ill: .. "It', l ulict [larry', wife, who i,n t ,\'e I!." Till '"01('(' (l.~rlin hel';ll11(' sha rp n nr] uup lca san t : 'Is vounz Mrs. \\'cnl\\"rth 1'(;<11,ill:" "11 isu't Ih:11 I would send for Dr Pun l'S If j didn't think it I1CC:C<':~rt.ri, it? ,- ., II ynll rra llv tl ink herba d,of cour «- J c"n g~t ;II him. \\'hal\ the ma tt er w it hher? Pa lpit a- tion? " .. \\ c ,imp!> call'l I' a l.c her." ,. ( a nt 1\ake hei ? \\'hat "U ex- t ra orrn na rj thing IJ'II ',;'et through 10 til<doctor ill oncc, unless he's on hi, 11'1.\ home.' Dr Pun e s was ou his way home, so ,omPlhilig like three quarters of a n hour went b\ b e Iore he ar- rived ill th, Old II]"nor, and then Ite net [1,,1'1'1' \\'clltllorth on (he doors! r p. "\\'hy PunT' ? here? " \\ h a t 's \\'ho's tho been matt e1', taken ill n"telo th'Tc It il' not have to be an 'nque,l. ]will <end da, 01two. can meet. Aff ertionat elv J aile Galt. Delia spent a iong lime O\'e1' her lcttl r of condolence to luliet's wid- owr-r The fi nn l 'OP\ ran: De"r Dr \\'ent\\orth: ]han- iust heard from .I an- G"II of vour bcr caverncnr, and ][eel I must tellyou how shn~"ed and grl(,\ erl I was to hc sr of the passing of poor, prell,' Juliet She was '0 ex- c"euingly kind to me that f, el I shall nev-i forgel her, Please accept m} C!cf'l,e,t s:, rnpa t hy in you: sorrow. Yourssiucerc ly. Delia Seaton. I'OU a line ina saying when we The postscript almost wrote it- self : I am leaving Mc ltha m next Thursday, for a friend has lent me a tiny house. The address is 118 Rauclag h row, I hope you will find time to come and see me some day, You have been so good to me tha t I feel )'on my only real friend in the world, Three days went by before there arrn'ed an old-fashioned looking bla ('k-bordered envel"pe addressed in the firm handwritinji she knew to be that of Dr Wentw'cril~ She opened the envelope an<f felt a pang of disappointment. fa. it consisted of four short lines: Dear Mrs Seaton: I thank you for your sym- pathy. Yours truly. Henry \\'ent\\ol·th, 1'\ot a word as to his being her old friend, and not an allusion to the fact that she \\'''S leal'ing the neighborhood. (Copyright: 1934: By 1\[rs. Belloe La" nd",) (To be continued,) TOP GETTING UP Nights- Sacka he I Makes You Forget You Have I AL T J. I \'0 longer doe' an)' wrarrr "ffal'I' trrlh 1'1"'('11 In b~' annO)f'rl (Ii" !t,tl Jll <\t C;l"\'. r.\~Tl':I·/riJ. ,I 11('\\ jUlIlllned pondrl, ~pnll:"JFd 011 YOllr platts \\111 hold lh('!fl nrm "nd l'omfortahlr. ~(l gumm). ~ooey tac;te or feeling. (;1I1ll,\ and mouth ,,,ill Ilr>t ~('t "'1)1'(', .:\"oirl rmharr<1s<';l11ent. (,('t F.'\~- TF.FTH from \y.d~Te('n·s or any other goo,1 c1rtl~~j~t. Drastic Drugs .. I'nl afr"id it's your wife," 1'1" I \\ a doctor, \\ent quickly up to Juliet's hedroom .IPI1P "'h st"ndilli..: I" the her!. all the health.l ('0101' drailled from her fa( ('. "['Ill ;drilid," site hcgall, "1'111 afr"ld \lld then the tears beg'l IIrolling dOlt 11hpr face, for ponr, sill)" selhsh Illliet was dead, , , \\'e C;lllnot m •.etloda.\·,for ;) drcadfl1l thill" h'"happel1ed, Poor Juliet diec1 la<t Itighl in !tel' slecp She had, it 'eems. a .Iig-hth ddccti,'e \'ahe 111her heart. and Dr. Pun es ,aid her sudden death did not really take him by surprise, so fortu- Don't Take You ha\'e 9 million till, tuhes of fIlters in I'our ki(lneys, "hieh are at work night and day cleaning alit Acid" and poisonous wasles "nd pur- ifying your ble-od. \\'hich ,~ireulates throu,!!h 'OUt kidnc), 200 times an hour. So it's no wonder that poorly functioning Kidneys ma\' he the real cause of feeling t;red. run-down, nen-ous, Getting Up Kights, Rheumatic Pains and othertroubles. Kearly e\'er~OI,e is likely to suffer fronl poorly functiollin~ E.idneys at times because modern foods and urin),s, \I cather changes, e"posure, colds, nen'ous ,lr:1.J!1 worryand oyer-work often place an extra hea,'y load on the I(idneo s But \\ hen :'-Otlr l,itln('yc; lleed help. tlon't lal ..e chance" with urastic or itritating- drugs. He careful. 1f pOOl I\' functioning Kidntv~ nl HladdeT ma~~ you !'iuf{er fro111 lJettlt1g L'p r";ig-ht" PaIn" ~('n'otlSl1ess. StJt)nf'<;<;, Burnin~, Smarting, Itching, Acidity, Rh(,l1t11~tic Pain.... I.umha:w, Loss of \ itality. Dark Circles under the eves. or Di7.7:im <:'!', don't \\:1.<:.1(' a minute. Tty the Doctor's prf'sr',-jpti"'m Cystex (ptononl1ccrl 'si ... s l('xL See for yourself the ama.-:ing ql1icklH'!'<:' with \\ hich 11 ~rothes. tOl1e,~ and cleans l"aw. sore, in-taled tTlcmbrant's. c) <;tex isa rern:llkahly sI1CCe~<:,flll prescription rOT poorly ftll1ctiol1lng Kio· I1t'VS and Bladder It is helping milliolls of sllfferers. <:IJU many <:,av that In jus:t a day or ~n II hclpt'U them ..I"ell like a hah.', hrnllQht tlt'\\' "tretlg-th <lull ('Iler,l:n, ra,£'c! rheumatic paln<; ;Jtld Sllffl~es"'- 1 made' th"lll fe< 1 veal' •. ,oung-el" {'X , starts ein'l1J"t'ng lhlO1lch the SVStt'll1 i,n I:} m;nlltr's helping the Kidn(>}~ In 11wlr \\flrk nf rlf:aning nllt th£' hlonn ,Iud re "10\ ing Dnl~Ollnu~ (\cir\" rlnll \\a ... lp..: ill lhf' <;\·<;trm. It doe'S iiI;; \\ork fJlllCkh ~nd po<;iri\el) hut rI()~S 11('lt ('ontain ~nv dnfH's. nrtrcotics or h<thit·formine- ,lrllgs Tllt' iormula i" in f:'\"cry p;lrkage Beral1se of its .,m:l,ing ;.'Int! alp10"'1 worlrl·widc ~l1CCt'SS, tht" ))ncl()r'~ Pre .•.... ription knrn\ n as C\ ~tf'X (prnnoLlnn"o Siss-tf'x) is offered to sufferf'rs of ponr Kidnev ann Bladder functions unclel the fa¥ir.pla) Ruar,antet" to fix you up to Your complete' ~;l tl<;ftJC fion or mnney hack on return of C'mpty pack ;lg'e. It'c: nnlv 3c a dose. A c: 1 ,. 0 t1 , drl1~oZ'ist for Cystex t 0 day and 1"if'e for \ ourself how mllch ;oullg't:r. <:,trong-er and h e t 1 f' r YOll can fecI hy c:imply clraning nut your ll,ltle ••.. c;. C'· tex mu I do the \\ork or cost City Health Doctor Praises Cystex IJj}('tor~ anddruggi!lts elerywhere UIHlft\t ttl thf' pre::.criptlon CYlilex becl\u!.e ue it" <:nlt'ndicl illgredient~ and lIu1rl( action, For in,tallC'E'. Dr \\' It nellrgc, gradtlHte i\.It'd il al f)t>pt. {}ni\f'r~Jt,' 1,1 IlldUUltl formur !I( ,ll1h ('(JItIIIlI~:'olorH'r Hf Itlfll,lnlllOJi'l 811(1 ~Jf'(l· i!':il DiH'rfOl for in'lllf- ,ItH P I UllllH11J\ 10 "rars, 11'1 f'ntl\ \\ tlJ[(> thp (0)· Itt\\ In'! letler: "TI1f"l·t> j" little (fueg- tlnn lillt '\ hat Dillprrly fllllt'!ll,fll n~ h ldney and L:laddt'f or;.;all" are' Ital til tilt' Iwalth Ill~Um· ('IPnl KltlllC) f':'if'retlOns ,lit Ill!' f au~(' of murh lit "' •. ,,.. utff'fin~ ",Jth 1'1l11l1l' t)af°k, \\eakneli!!. ),II' Clll ltlintll 1\1H...1rhptJ· '''alll Illlin., Ilf'adll('he~ f]lH\II, f"xl1au~ted hod\'. 'Ihis cundition 11.0 In"Ifplf'~ \\flll f1urllwl tf""t 2t ni .... ht h\ "IlU· in~ Iltt' SUn'prf'1 to ri~(' frequently ror ft"ltef and r•...u!ts In painful Hrretion, itching "martini{ Rnd hurnlng I am ()( lltf' flpinlOn that C" tex tlf'tinitel" rorrt"rtg (requent ('a\ltt" (no')r - kHlnrY funrt Ions) of ~tlf'h r(Jndithlr.~ ami I ha\'fl actual Iv prt<;crJbt>d in un own pr:H , !t'f' for mllny nar .. oa~t thf' "amp in· gr~dil r(<: rnntalnt>d in 'OUt fnrnlllla (>; tex Ilot I nlv f'!('rb a ~pleO(.Iid Int1Ul'nlf' :on tlu"h· in~ 1}()l~On~ from lhf' urinary Itl!(,t, hut al"o h~~ It" Ilnt I,t'j)1 If' If'tion "nd In'" b'3 in fr~e· Int: thl" ltlnud Ilr l(·tatnf'd toxinli Bel1nlr.~ a" I do jll;.. f' III tltoriou .. a produ t de 'fill" tilf' ('n(Jllr-.pmf't11 of the l\lf>dicaJ Pro fr .1Il1 I ~1I1 hallPv inrlped to lend II}' namf' find n 1 nln.... rnnh Int 'our 11 l" in 8'1' t'rtl:llin,z C~ f x "'l""H'rj, \\ n (~por::e. l\l 0 Slllldfl)', Arril

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SY. 'OPSISRex Chandos, ace racer. meets

a nd falls madly in 10\'e with DaliaSeaton, the most heaulifuJ ;iirl he»ver has seen, Delia, self-cen t er-ed,is the ,\'ife of Jim Seaton. world,f"mous crtcketar. Under the spellof the masterful Rcx Chandos.Delia leads a double life, Her husha nd r ecelvcs an injury which ne-ccssita tes the amputation of a lee;.Her oncc-wca lth v father. racm e dis,zrace, commits su icidc. lea vi ngnothing hilt debts. The Sea tons'Income is l'enlleen to s lig h t lv overthree uo unrls a wor-k. Cha ndos, to;.:et money fur Delia. accepts dis,honest ",'ark. lie ;.;ets a count rvhome with renl free for Delia and.Ilm, with a secre t cottage n en I' hy[or himself a nd Delia. Dr. HarryII'entworlh becomes interesled int he Sea tuns. His wlf'c. ,Juliet, in,her-ired a fo rt une ann the mansionin whrc h they live. HiR rnot h e i andbl~ cousiu .. Jane Gu lt , w ho ador-eshim, live next (lour Delia :':'I\'PR.Iim an o ve rdus- of a slccplnr; drug,,111ch Dr, \\'entworth had left. Dr.II'ellt\\orth be lie v cs ,Jim took hisown life, There is no inquest,Delia, after a fortl1i;:;ht as guest ofthe \\'entworths, is 10 go into Iod z-ings at Mrs. Deal's. Dr. Wenl wor-t ht r-Ils hr-r Chandos is under RIlSI"elOn(or robbery.

I:\STA Ud Er-:'] XIII.

D i::UA II aitcd till Juliet hadtaken thl ,0TIle\\ bat nau-,eouo urau;;hl. Tben, with

a \\',1, c of the baue!. she hastenedout 'JI lhe 1'00111 Iler dres"ng ,aseharl been 1)'1l Uhtll, the 111,,101. Itheld what .iu't Ilow had I,ecollleexcceditlglo pr\'1 i"lh (0 her.A feIA l11illute, later, when in

front of ~lrs ])eal', little l1tJuse,sh~ saw with a li;,:htlniug of th\'heart Janc (;,,11 \\ aitillg for heron the doorslep."I've, otlle to a,k -"Oll to ha,,(,

dinncr \\ith me J\l) ;1l1l1t has araid a nd will ha' cat rao t1pst:1.irsr thought it would he r;lIher mis-erab/I> for ,'ou her, (hi, lir>! c\ ellIng, \\'e call gO ha, k in Jt1lict'scar ~fter 1\ e h\'lp, d )'Oll Ilnpack."Tears actuallo came into Delia's

eye.. It \I'as a great comfort tolwr just nOlI to be lI·ith Jane,They oath \\ ent lip to thc sl11all,

wid hedroolll and there Ihe kindgirl did all the Ilnpacking and pntel nything neatly away,They had a cozy little lI1eal, and,

as was always the case when the}welP ;done. though .lane was un·COIl"'iolls of the fart, their talkdriftnl to thc m;'11 who mealll <0IlltlCl' 10 "''''h of them.

I <UppO,1 '011 \'e "ell thede"th of 1)1' Lit er ill th.' papers) "salft laneDelia "ho')k her hl·,ld."Tf anI) IUhcl I\lluld C"'l,"nt to

let hi1l1 h~l~t' ;1 l'oll,ultitl''': rO()!l) ill

tfn·\ n. lwlit-·\ l' 1)1\ f OU,Ql {ntJidgl" the ,\ h,d" \1 Ih;11 111;1I1's1'1'''1''1 it p. HIl1 (It l'Ollr"t she \\ 01JI(l!1the;J] Ilf ·1.1)

. I ~lll'P()l,{' ';;lin I)clirl 1111hlllq~

1', "th"t IIhat Ite lI'ould hke tn dowould he 10 Itve tn London Im~'ln. of course, il LJarleo street."" Of ('ours< he'd likc it' Thi~ is

"11 'lPP;I1I;llh hack\\;]lcr for a pro,fc~siollal Inilll BUI the Olrl .\Ianoris Juliet, and .Iull<'t IS the Old11anor."

1lIES D('It, ,\,ked " quc-tion." Is Sill' rc~.IJo \ ery rich? "

And, as the othel hesitated. " Itwa' ani, th"t "Ih .\Irs Rob) whosaid so."

, \\'h~Jt .\11', I\.oh, said II itS true""She 10e'Il'1 '~CI mit' h fUll out

of hel 1110nn does she? "Jane ,mded ruefully, "0, yes,

she does, for she lo,es saving, Isometimes thlilk it must makeHarr} ratllf'r SIck to think of allthat moue, alway, rolling Up andeafl1mg morc and more money,Huge sums arc badl) neeued formedical rescarch, and if Julietwould gi\ e only one year's incometo one or two of the funds spenton tindinl' lI'ays of dealing withor stamping nut disease. il wouldmake poor Harr} so happy! Butof course such an idea would nel'eroccur to her"Jane's friend sa iu to herself:

"One year's income? That \\ouldhe all awful Int to gi\'e away,"And then II it h a slight jJallg she

told hersell that Harry woulu prob-ably want to gi,'e some of his late\\ ife's moue} a\\'ay -if. that is, heel er became a wido\\ er••.•.t 'l1Jl"ut half lJ'lst nine

of Rood luck befell Delia,she took it to he.Jallf' exclaimed. "I wi'h I

could II a 11-, had, \' ith you, uut Icar't. I'm expectiug some impor-tant telepllPue calls. But we'llmeet tOlllorrO\\ "As Dplia II alked a\\ ay she told

herself that she e ,1 u 1d e",il~slip thrc.ugh the garden of theThatched house to lht ,nt I;"~e "ndget back comfort"hl, t" \(rs,Dears 10dgilH.,' " little alter ten,

a pieceOr so

f'lricagn ,c;;,ltl1c1ayT'ibllnf'

Evcrv thin;:( wr n t a< .hr h"dhoped it would "nd ", <he wa lk r dacross the la wr: sur r ounrl inc theernptv house <he wa s c.l"d It \\.",a dark ,0 11" one !,o"in;! the;::ate could see he: r un ninc up thegrass s t cp s, t ipt oe inr; ar ros « t hcgravel path and <0 up to the cot-tag>,Turning the tillo I.ey in Ih~ m;-

nut c lorl, of the window Ir.unc. ,heIound herself st a nding in the h vi ru;room.\\'ith " ca ndlc in her hand shr-

\\ ent through into the <ernndroom. ~he now drew asid» thecurtain \\ hir h masked the ,u,ir'il,ethat a ppare n t ly led now herc a n dwalked up the step" which. tholl~hIe w were steepThe flickering light of the """die-

in her hand show cd t ha t Ihcrc \\ as:1. door at the top of the <hnrtAlght of steps hut it \I';IS a doorwithout il handle a nd \\ it hout alock. \\'hal could that mean)510\\'1) she rnove d the r a ndle upa nr] down all 0\'(,1 tlw surface ofthe door, and at last ,he I!hnllheda tiny round hole ex"ctl) sim ila rto the one lI'hid! conccaled thelock in the windO\\ frame.Ql1lckly she e"tr;1cted the minnte

kel from her bag <11111pu,hed itinto the roul1u aperture alld atonce thp door S\l ung open, ont-\' rlrd'1'\\ 0 Inore high

oll'c' ,ide and shl'ceili'lg'ed "arret.Cn·uchin., down she lifted up

her ';d1ule, a nd then she gall' aga'l). for Ihe unnell floor W;'s,tn"VI' with small Jewcl case, andpaller parcels.Then it \\=-1s here lhal L'h;1l1dos

I.enl his boot) tIll hc had enough tonlal, e oUC of 111' t nps to J-'I'" n, c 'Leal'illg cle;'\tiltng c,-,"'tl.l as

,he lound il ,Ill' Ieil thl lotlag('In haslc al1(1 a, she ha,(cncd bacl,to .\Irs 1Jr-"J', 10el:';JI'/,(s, "no 1?,ll'las ,hc la.1 \\ id, awake In thecold. h1ll1p, hed ,he lold herselfago"ill '\nd a ,r::a in that sheindecd hi,,; a mir2culous

stcps on theII as IIl a 10\\-

J 1:~ T heforese, en o'rlorl-

111 the e\'ellingfnllO\\'ing the d,,-,Dcli" Se"lon h"rIgo n e to ]dr,Dea J's lodg ing' ;,collisiou bel weent \\'0 11lotor C? r'"

took place \,'herethe road rnnnin;..'hel \\ een the ()l,:.\la nor rind oJ(III r s , \\ e n Iwort h' s h 0 n , ,dehondll'd "n tothe COlt1l11nn

I'he n'Ji,e "f Ih' sl11:(,h I)"n"/.:htJan£> rllllnill1-1 (lUI flj r!1l111"". anel shefound th"l ;t \I "111'\11 had he enseriously Inillreel Sf', aftel Ie,\, ing-one of hel 0\\ n ma"ls in charge,shr h"stencd 10 h"1 cnusin's honseand I' cnl tn thc sludo to find Ilim.He was 110t ther< and <he toldhersel; that he might In III his\\'if~'s sitting 1'00111Snw Jane hild ItO I' i'h to scc

JuliLI for sh, kl1c\\ Ihal if she dida detailed aI, Ol1llt nf the a, cidentwOllld he expected of her. So <heturned thl h"ndl, of the dnnrIloi,elessly hopll1~, \\ ere he III theroom, to atlrarl 11;\rr} 's atlent\OllHer cousin \\,,,,, not there, and

onb the balk of .Juliet's hcad \\a,visible for she \\'as rechning, asusual. on h'T cOlll[ortabl" couch.Just behind thai larefull,v "'a\ed.tal' colored hea., of hall stoodJ uhet's ,i,ilor. .'\lId in I he re\\se,:nnds which [0110\\ cd sOlllcthln,goccurred o[ \\ hich .Iane eltd noltake as m\l1 h note as she mighlha"e done at an~ olher tune.Delia Seaton held a minute lan(')

fla~k in her ri;;ht hal1e!. and just ",.Iane Galt opened the door with aquick mo, ement she emptied thecontents of that tiny Aask into IheiSla<S of slightl) salted w ate I'whICh happC'lled to he yOllng .\Irs,\\'entworth', lale'- he"lth fad.\\'ith her 1l11l1d fill. of the ;lCCI

dent and of the urgenq ,11' tindlll~the doctor Jane left the d,)or 01thc sitting room aj"r. (lltllklo shlsped over thc 1111('1,carp' I to\\ aI'''th,' rail door ,11IItill,~ of{ lit,sen'ants' quarter, \, ,he dlrl '(I

the old p"rlor maid c"nll' "'Hlrlllll\.:through it... There'.

the rornl Itor--"

heen a bild ac, iden( ;'1and I \\;lnl the cll'1

"0. 11i" Gall. I alll 'nrro'. liesaid I ,,,as te phllllc ilnd (ell yOllbe', !!Ol1e O\Tr t, ~I rs J illd,;"He <'it hne "t " qllarter pil't iiI ('and rna) n't he h'II), til dilliler ".. Th n I 11111<1;::fl thrn\":h til

a)wther doctOJ' at once!"

J;,n~ ra n hilC), iut o t l» <1,,(1<-.'1'1",,, ,It,· t ried frnit1""h t\lO rlll"-tnr~ ,,!In liver! ia ir lv n('~lr hy 'lilr!

,II a,1 ::nt th rouc h t o Ill', Pun o c

II< I' "< l ulict'« pi" <iria n and"c:ood ir icud of them all.,. _\1, ,·:1.r's at t h« dOllr: I \""'l't

be a minute," he c xrla imcd

l.....IIJ~ follow irn, h,,1f hour \\,"1'11110oe,(,lIpiu1 ho her in C"IT.'-

in" «ut Dr r'1I1'1'es' in st rurr ions.j,'ir,t - he t c le phonc c' {or all "1111t1l-la nre t hcn for" nurse. then tn au ur stn-; home .\11 that took ,nl11clillie. "1111 it ",a" rlosr nil e ic ht\\ h"ll ,ht \\'as able to <it dO"·11.filii "ltlln-t at once the t clcphouc1){'111'''ll~ "That you, Jane:".. \ e-. IlaHI".. \\'dl 'nil phone to 'Ihe Old

.\["llPl ,,1111 '''0 I'm "fr"irl I (,,,"'1he IFI<k to dmncr ! ,\11". Llt)(";'ois (i'·ln". and th,',\ ,,11 \\ ,,"1 me to,tal I)n I can't d0 allo thing, hilt

dlln't [eel [ ran Ieavc Ih"I11.The'\ '\ e been awfllll} good friend,to \I1P cvr r s iure I came to Melt-lia rn.'

\( I,,,t she wa s ahle to go lIP-

s t a ir s. anrl site felt so tired thatshl Aung herself on her bed just

J " • t ~< J ~ n ,"r-n-d th~ d "l'woth ,qu'e\n~I"m~"t D~lil'lmr11~:l the enn,


to gel t~1I minules' re<l. . nd asshe die <0 she ,udr!l'nlo remC\l1-here,1 1111' Ivld thun ,It" it"d St'PllI), II:' '-;":llnn dn I'ell1"p' no( ,0

\(T~\ ('dr!. ;h .\Otlllg ~lr" \\'cnt-\\f1!-lil \\a ...• r{lllr! (l tr\ in'..!. Ile\\ rli('le1](' ;11111Clell 1](\\ dIll'': I',peri·llH'llt~. IIrirr, Innl t 111;llJ I Ill( (' h?d{ 'C!;I'llH'd III hi" / ()lI·') l""c ..ellr(':"\\'ltn,", Ihc <,::,,,'d ,oj h~'n,<.:: l\lar-ricel to" do,l"r .111(!Ilt,n 1,""l'llIc.III r~l1;'l("":- It'", 11"11" \\ f' don',kl1n\,- 111'1' h hill \\ (--' I lln\\ 111nrt>

than the \If'Oldt, \I'll <..:eCl\~ to hrIi, 'C in. '1\\ rI,,,,'" I ]IIi, thadgi\ t'n (lIlt' (li ht I ...•'lrill 1,,'1,_1, ... '111(1

dCII;'r"d t"'1t 1t"1 it, "lilt lad, didllo!l(l(I.' r-tll: 11;\1'111,

Yr .\(;\'1--1_ Y110'\ til;,t

11](· \\ ",I h"d, (\1111.: \1 rs

1;;11(' rC'11<'11lIH'n'd

Ih, I" (e't 1';](1 "' "I'

lHCI1 ~ug~t"'lf'd J(l

\\cI,I""rtiJ hI 'Ill\lIlt 'f:-111 Irld' \(! llrdill'..!. tn thi""l;jI h '1 ~ 1 ~l"s () I \\ ;11 tT L;. k C 11 \\ i I h M

1'1111'11 ,d <..:~lf ill it lour t;I1I(," ;l d;,.\'lint "I,ll ,k;:II,"d lite hn'h bill ;!C'

t 11;1 II \ III •.•.( llll! t I (" lJrlll1'.:..lll 1)..-1 (.J...~ lp,d, II! \(111111 .\11 c!1I1J:,j (1l1p'

tll}! " e 1l;·rJ f 11'111 \\ it h ,,( nl, 1111

11,l(ltit' I "Ie ;':"'1]1 II "I tl'h 1111)1(1)'1... ( rI ('11 In I h 11 ·ltOlj llll'lf


1< 1\' i~h'tO l( f 11 (Ill lllll,"!,l :' "k 01

illl 'Illlt Clllr;tti ll1 011 tIl'"'

'rll ( "( 11 j\\ hCl II' prnt!lt-.

TIt,II e\' 11111,<:1,,11(' "n-I 1t"1 iI'lIlt1\ ('111 1'1 c;lrh II 1,(',1. !'tll I""ldi'l llnt t111rlr'·\;';' ... ;.J.l Oll!'r. ~l1(' ft Hr(' ...t'.~ •.•o::. ;.lI1'1 eXlll('r! \\ il11Ptll 1.1111\\

11l\~ "h' \1,0 ,h' It, d i"11 t'lelJ.-hl 1111 pcel 011 rllI\\ 11 t;1 jr-., 1,,1' 1 \

I'll. 1[J;11 11'-1' \ 11'1 Itl 'II ,I, III lor aIll' ..", Ul t..'f [o'ld hl1or~ ~ni1!,':.

1/1\1 •.•.

I~",·I.\ ill hi, 111'11'1i"d life rill el"h-"I" ir '1111"'1' h"rI ill\\'lI' he cn 1"1-1III 11f' dlllllig 1'0('111 01 t he ()Id,\I,lIlol "h"n h c h"d to Ill' "lit la t e.F:tI' II ca ve " gnn(1 (1<'al nt t ro uhlc"11'1 "a, ,,1\\'''\' (;;1 more t han hew nn t ed. ~o at l",t he ha d c x-pl"1'1\'d IIt"t lu- \\ "111d I en 1111lchra t hr r tal,e ,omrth'n'" "I 111<mot h-('r'..: hrUCie,

12111 'ilt dn\\11 \\·iilt" hon1-:. hillpre<l'llll\ dIP t e lcuhouc 1''1lie. "lidshr hr a rd the \'011" o I ,\11'" xl ac-S"h. Juliet', de-v 0 ted prrsona l''''':lid.".\10 y o u n a

i<-dd' doe S]1' tq'\,111 wr Il, .\1ixs(;:111. :'h,' has[JrCIl I"klllg agl"" of waterI~tr" ilt eleven

•.~0'(1<,\,1" ;)lId 1\ hr'lInOli to ~:i,e It tu'I<'),e her."" Did ,he la),e all,' tl,ill'~ 10 make

Itcr sll',,!': I 111"an a II.' nett 'lcep-in'~ ([J, \t'.:!lt? ""\nt Ih;It ] kll01\ "f. But ,hc

rlnn'l lil", 111\ ;,,1,'11' h. I' " thingIi"!' (h"t IH'C;('I'I ,11(' kn,,\'s therlpet"l d"I,,"'t Iii,,' Itel laking an,v-thill'~ I""ld\'s, ,It~', h\,('11 ha' in,gth:J1 nlil":'\:" 1.lIch ;11,,1 ii' h"li,edhel t, ,1, I I' I rllll"\ hel"'\e shetonk ;111\ thl11~ t0I1;;..:,11t .,

I"n, fell '1'0" 111"<1.\11" ,\1,1' \al' \\;lIller! hl'1

I) 1\' IllIll!, I'd [Jet IeI'IJr \\, 111'\I,r:h, llIi,,? ,."\ IIII'd "ctln n' I r!>l Iltat. .\11',.

Lind ;1., j ... (1\ ill~. ;\IHI 1'111 "nrc he1\l'n'l I\'I'h 10 III dl,ltlrlll'r!"

I 11<'1''' ,';\1'1( " 1'\,,";(11111 rep I., to1":'1. .. I Ih;l11< h, "11'~"t III I'nille,~Il" 1,;,11 \11,' .1111"'1 I' the dnc·1.'1' , II lit. "ill'l ',II. Iii, Iii ,I dn<llo" 10 hcr. '

I"IW "c~",'d. "\\ llul'l '''\1 1'1."n ~ In l (\Illt' (nOel'. '

I \I cnt in justher 1 couldn't

\\ ;1 s itto do?,elld for

I niter s til pl'l'C1u1"l. II, "I'd!>,\\('111(1 (Oil1\..' 1l11""l

II,,' n'ai'l 'aid::1' II, Illi 11 \ e

Ii I i" I till'ea, rer.ll., rln rt l tln1Tll~

\\ Old(! he ;1 (01111(11 I ttl llr

• \ l'r~ \\ ('I J I'll (0'11' ii' 11J' p.

\\'e"ril} ,1illl<' nJ" IIld h· I' h"drl\llll1 d()nr \' ..hi e1Fl I' h"r .:-I'lnt

callil (l111 01 he r 1-011111.

" \\ h'll i' II 111-' "(' 'I', ,hlll'(hr:r Jl\nne at tl( dIIOr.··

" I,d" 1'11"1 \\·1 '111'1 ~Ir' . .\Ial'~,lh \\ants lIH II l:' ()\.t'r there.".. I \ I ;, r 110\1 (I "11:11'd th •.

clrl.: 1,-1(1' Illllt.1 1~ llelUi11111g

H 11 il1l 1lnab1c ~'

j'" th:>1 the 0 "1l11(Cer \\01":1I1Ill'HIe n o all"" f'l thlltl~b 111 herhe;lr1 ,"c oj! 'ro' r]

l"Il, i;II11111'r! "I a n old ielt h a t ,\I r;,pped a hin cn"l .uouud lir« ., J1 "Tn', tIll' road tn the Old\];'""1' ::;he Iouun ,111lie!'s maidan "\(111,1" wa inn-, for her In theha II.

,j 0, J111<';S, ;:lIn eJafl \ ouvrCOllie ~ l'm :~et Iil1g rnorr- ;IIHI morefrigl'!encd. I Ihll1~ '''11'11 ac r ccwe oug-ht to s e nd fnr Dr. PIl1'\ e s."


"Th;lt', Ilot a bad idea," saidJane bl'iefl), telling herself the\\'hile she \I as a fool not to havethollght nf t hat solution herself,"\\'ill ye come up and hal'e a

look at her 1\1iss Galt: 1 mcanbefnre \\'e "honc to Ilr. I'ul"\'es.".. Certainl) I will",111liet \\'entlVorth \\'a~ l,dng on

her hack, apparelltly asleep, She\\ "s clad in "11 old fashioned \\ hitela\\ 11 elll broidered nightgo,l'll, rindher thill ,'eined hands rest ed ona bluc \\,at ered silk eiderdo\\ n"I can't see anything \\-rong

wit I-- her," she whispered,"Ye just try and wake her,

n1i~s."She first said to her g-entl',

"\\ alce up, Juliet." Then, moreloudly and insistently: ".1 uliet 1,111liet! '\"ake up--" But the\\oman lying before hcr uid note\,cll stir.

AT L '\ST J anc Calt took Up1hc s!cejJer's right hand and

felt her pulse QUIckly then sheturned to t hc elder I)' maid... You "re right, there is some-

I Itin,~ \\ rang \\·ith ltCI', III rs. Mac-~ab. \\'ill oOU ,~I do\\ n and phoneIn D,. Pun es h011l the study?\'k him to COntI' around at Olll e.""\\'ould Ie min" phonillg VallI'

,cl[ miss? Dr, Punes \\011'1 \'omefnr me. Ye sec, we\',- sent forhi!'l '0 often II hen there was 1101h-IU'~ I1lueh the matter, 1'\ot latel).I Jnn't 111ean .'tIy dear lad, hasbccil much better latel} and not sof" 111iflll about herself."

nd tl'en the maid \\ ent on, halfto herself, "0, I II ish Dr, \ \ ent-\\ ortll was here!"

laue r"n dOllllstairs feeling be-\\'ildered and a little frightened at.1uhet's extraordinar) state of- wasit coma?"Dr Pun es i, not in." allSl1 ered

a cro,s ,oice-drs. Punes' \oice,

CJ3yBelloe LOW11desMr

If 1'111 c;:nrr) to ..;:t., he \";:10:; -c nt fOJ

abnlll an hour "~,, anrl insrst er! on~ntll~ 011t \\ ho I" it \' <1 lit •. him? ".. 1'111 J anc (,a It .\1 r s Purves""0, it's \ ou 111.\ dear! hope

.' ('I1Ij" ;:111111 isu': ill: .."It', l ulict [larry', wife, who

i,n t ,\'e I!."Till '"01('(' (l.~rlin hel';ll11(' sha rp

n nr] uup lca san t : 'Is vounz Mrs.\\'cnl\\"rth 1'(;<11, ill:""11 isu't 11I.1·ly Ih:11 I would send

for Dr Pun l'S If j didn't think itI1CC:C<':~rt.r\· i, it? ,-., II ynll rr a llv tl ink her ba d, of

cour «- J c"n g~t ;II him. \\'hal\the ma tt er w it h her? Pa lpit a-tion? ".. \\ c ,imp!> call'l I' a l.c her.",. ( a n t 1\a k e hei ? \\'hat "U ex-

t ra orrn na rj thing I J'II ',;'et through10 til< doctor ill oncc, unless he'son hi, 11'1.\ home.'Dr Pun e s was ou his way home,

so ,omPlhilig like three quartersof a n hour went b\ b e Iore he ar-rived ill th, Old II]"nor, and thenIte net [1,,1'1'1' \\'clltllorth on (hedoors! r p." \ \'hy

PunT' ?here? "

\\ ha t 's\\'ho's


matt e 1',taken ill

n"telo th'Tc It il' not have tobe an 'nque,l.] will <end

da , 01 two.can meet.Aff ertionat e lv J aile Galt.

Delia spent a iong lime O\'e1' herlc ttl r of condolence to luliet's wid-owr-r The fi nn l 'OP\ ran:De"r Dr \\'ent\\orth:] han- iust heard from .Ian-

G"II of vour bcr caverncnr, and] [eel I must tell you howshn~"ed and grl(,\ erl I wa s tohc s r of the passing of poor,prell,' Juliet She was '0 ex-c"euingly kind to me thatf, el I shall nev-i forgel her,

Please accept m} C!cf'l,e,ts:, rnpa t hy in you: sorrow.

Yours siucerc ly.

Delia Seaton.

I'OU a line in asaying when we

The postscript almost wrote it-self :I am leaving Mc ltha m next

Thursday, for a friend has lentme a tiny house. The addressis 118 Rauclag h row, I hopeyou will find time to come andsee me some day, You havebeen so good to me tha t I feel)'on my only real friend in theworld,

Three days went by before therearrn'ed an old-fashioned lookingbla (' k-bordered envel"pe addressedin the firm handwritinji she knewto be that of Dr Wentw'cril~She opened the envelope an<f felt

a pang of disappointment. fa. itconsisted of four short lines:

Dear Mrs Seaton:I thank you for your sym-

pathy.Yours truly.

Henry \\'ent\\ol·th,

1'\ot a word as to his being herold friend, and not a n allusion tothe fact that she \\'''S leal'ing theneighborhood.

(Copyright: 1934:By 1\[rs. Belloe La" nd",)

(To be continued,)

TOP GETTING UPNights- Sacka he

IMakes You ForgetYou Have

I AL T J.I \'0 longer doe' an)' wrarrr "f fal'I' trrlh1'1"'('11 In b~' annO)f'rl (Ii" !t,tl Jll <\t C;l"\'.r.\~Tl':I·/riJ. ,I 11('\\ jUlIlllned pondrl,

~pnll:"JFd 011 YOllr platts \\111 hold lh('!flnrm "nd l'omfortahlr. ~(l gumm). ~ooeytac;te or feeling. (;1I1ll,\ and mouth ,,,ill Ilr>t~('t "'1)1'(', .:\"oirl rmharr<1s<';l11ent. (,('t F.'\~-TF.FTH from \y.d~Te('n·s or any other goo,1c1rtl~~j~t.

Drastic Drugs

.. I'nl afr"id it's your wife,"1'1" I \\ a doctor, \\ ent quickly up

to Juliet's hedroom.IPI1P "'h st"ndilli..: I" the her!. all

the health.l ('0101' drailled from herfa( ('."['Ill ;drilid," site hcgall, "1'111

afr"ld\lld then the tears

beg'l II rolling dOlt 11hprface, for ponr, sill)"selhsh Illliet was dead,


\\'e C;lllnot m •.et loda.\·, for;) drcadfl1l thill" h'" happel1ed,Poor Juliet diec1 la<t Itighl in!tel' slecp She had, it 'eems. a.Iig-hth ddccti,'e \'ahe 111 herheart. and Dr. Pun es ,aid hersudden death did not reallytake him by surprise, so fortu-

Don't TakeYou ha\'e 9 million till, tuhes of fIlters in I'our ki(lneys, "hieh are

at work night and day cleaning alit Acid" and poisonous wasles "nd pur-ifying your ble-od. \\'hich ,~ireulates throu,!!h 'OUt kidnc), 200 times anhour. So it's no wonder that poorly functioning Kidneys ma\' he the realcause of feeling t;red. run-down, nen-ous, Getting Up Kights, RheumaticPains and other troubles.

Kearly e\'er~OI,e is likely to suffer fronl poorly functiollin~ E.idney sat times because modern foods and urin),s, \I cather changes, e"posure,colds, nen'ous ,lr:1.J!1 worry and oyer-work often place an extra hea,'y loadon the I(idneo s

But \\ hen :'-Otlr l,itln('yc; lleed help. tlon't lal ..e chance" with urastic or itritating-drugs. He careful. 1f pOOl I\' functioning Kidnt v~ nl HladdeT ma~~ you !'iuf{er fro111lJettlt1g L'p r";ig-ht" PaIn" ~('n'otlSl1ess. StJt)nf'<;<;, Burnin~, Smarting, Itching,Acidity, Rh(,l1t11~tic Pain.... I.umha:w, Loss of \ itality. Dark Circles under theeves. or Di7.7:im <:'!', don't \\:1.<:.1(' a minute.Tty the Doctor's prf'sr',-jpti"'m Cystex(ptononl1ccrl 'si ...s l('xL See for yourselfthe ama.-:ing ql1icklH'!'<:' with \\ hich 11~rothes. tOl1e,~ and cleans l"aw. sore, in-i·taled tTlcmbrant's.

c) <;tex is a rern:llkahly sI1CCe~<:,flllprescription rOT poorly ftll1ctiol1lng Kio·I1t'VS and Bladder It is helping milliollsof sllfferers. <:IJU many <:,av that In jus:ta day or ~n II hclpt'U them ..I"ell like ahah.', hrnllQht tlt'\\' "tretlg-th <lull ('Iler,l:n,

ra,£'c! rheumatic paln<; ;Jtld Sllffl~es"'-1 made' th"lll fe< 1 veal' ••. ,oung-el" {'X, starts ein'l1J"t'ng lhlO1lch the SVStt'll1 i,nI:} m;nlltr's helping the Kidn(>} ~ In 11wlr\\flrk nf rlf:aning nllt th£' hlonn ,Iud re"10\ ing Dnl~Ollnu~ (\cir\" rlnll \\a ...lp..: ill lhf'<;\·<;trm. It doe'S iiI;; \\ork fJlllCkh ~ndpo<;iri\el) hut rI()~S 11('lt ('ontain ~nv dnfH's.nrtrcotics or h<thit·formine- ,lrllgs Tllt'iormula i" in f:'\"cry p;lrkage

Beral1se of its .,m:l,ing ;.'Int! alp10"'1worlrl·widc ~l1CCt'SS, tht" ))ncl()r'~ Pre.•....ription knrn\ n as C \ ~tf'X (prnnoLlnn"oSiss-tf'x) is offered to sufferf'rs of ponrKidnev ann Bladder functions unclelthe fa¥ir.pla) Ruar,antet" to fix you up toYour complete' ~;l tl<;ftJCfion or mnney hack onreturn of C'mpty pack;lg'e. It'c: nnlv 3c adose. A c: 1 ,. 0 t1 ,

drl1~oZ'ist for Cystext 0 day and 1"if'e for\ ourself how mllch;oullg't:r. <:,trong-erand h e t 1 f' r YOllcan fecI hyc:imply clraningnut your ll,ltle ••..c;.

C'· tex mu I dothe \\ork or cost

City Health DoctorPraises Cystex

IJj}('tor~ and druggi!lts elerywhere UIHlft\tttl thf' pre::.criptlon CYlilex becl\u!.e ue it"<:nlt'ndicl illgredient~ and lIu1rl( action, Forin,tallC'E'. Dr \\' It nellrgc, gradtlHte i\.It'dil al f)t>pt. {}ni\f'r~Jt,'1,1 IlldUUltl formur

!I( ,ll1h ('(JItIIIlI~:'olorH'r HfItlfll,lnlllOJi'l 811(1 ~Jf'(l·i!':il DiH'rfOl for in'lllf-,ItH P I UllllH11J\ 10 "rars,11'1 f'ntl\ \\ tlJ[(> thp (0)·Itt\\ In'! letler:

"TI1f"l·t> j" little (fueg-tlnn lillt '\ hat Dillprrlyfllllt'!ll,fll n~ h ldney andL:laddt'f or;.;all" are' Italtil tilt' Iwalth Ill~Um·('IPnl KltlllC) f':'if'retlOns,lit Ill!' f au~(' of murhlit "' •. ,,.. utff'fin~ ",Jth1'1l11l1l' t)af°k, \\eakneli!!.),II' Clll ltlintll 1\1H...1rhptJ·'''alll Illlin., Ilf'adll('he~f]lH\II, f"xl1au~ted hod\'. 'Ihis cundition 11.0In"Ifplf'~ \\flll f1urllwl tf""t 2t ni h\ "IlU·in~ Iltt' SUn'prf'1 to ri~(' frequently ror ft"ltefand r•...u!ts In painful Hrretion, itching"martini{ Rnd hurnlng I am ()( lltf' flpinlOnthat C" tex tlf'tinitel" rorrt"rtg (requent ('a\ltt"(no')r - kHlnrY funrt Ions) of ~tlf'h r(Jndithlr.~ami I ha\'fl actual Iv prt<;crJbt>d in un ownpr:H , !t'f' for mllny nar .. oa~t thf' "amp in·gr~dil r(<: rnntalnt>d in 'OUt fnrnlllla (>; texIlot I nlv f'!('rb a ~pleO(.Iid Int1Ul'nlf' :on tlu"h·in~ 1}()l~On~ from lhf' urinary Itl!(,t, hut al"oh~~ It" Ilnt I ,t'j)1 If' If'tion "nd In'" b'3 in fr~e·Int: thl" ltlnud Ilr l(·tatnf'd toxinli Bel1nlr.~a" I do jll;.. f' III tltoriou .. a produ t de'fill" tilf' ('n(Jllr-.pmf't11 of the l\lf>dicaJ Profr .1Il1 I ~1I1 hallPv inrlped to lend II}' namf'

find n1nln....rnnh Int 'our 11l" in 8'1' t'rtl:llin,zC~ f x "'l""H'rj, \\ n (~por::e. l\l 0

Slllldfl)', Arril