mr. e’s monday, march. 9, 2009 louisiana history class

Mr. E’s Monday, March. 9, 2009 Louisiana History Class

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Page 1: Mr. E’s Monday, March. 9, 2009 Louisiana History Class

Mr. E’s Monday, March. 9, 2009

Louisiana History Class

Page 2: Mr. E’s Monday, March. 9, 2009 Louisiana History Class

Past S.S. LEAP Questions

List the three branches of the United States government and the two parts to one of them.







Page 3: Mr. E’s Monday, March. 9, 2009 Louisiana History Class

Fact # 1Vocabulary:

Abraham Lincoln – Elected to the U.S. Presidency in 1860.

Jefferson Davis – Elected to the C.S. Presidency in 1861.

P.G.T. Beauregard – Confederate general who ordered the firing of the first shots of the civil war.

Benjamin Butler – The Union general that would control New Orleans during war.


Page 4: Mr. E’s Monday, March. 9, 2009 Louisiana History Class

Fact # 1

The road to war – After years of struggle the southern states believed in the doctrine

of state’s rights. They felt that they could block or

overturn actions of the federal government and even believed

they could leave the Union.

The war turned out to be more about “state’s rights” than slavery

Page 5: Mr. E’s Monday, March. 9, 2009 Louisiana History Class

Fact # 2

Fact #2

Abraham Lincoln – The election of 1860 and the issue of slavery caused a split of the Democratic party. Southern Democrats were in favor of slavery and Northerners thought “it was wrong and should be restricted”.

The split left the Republicans winners.

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Louisiana seceded – In January 1861, Louisiana voted 113 to 17 to leave the Union. Louisiana called itself a country for about two months before joining the Confederate Sates of America.

It even raised it’s own flag – and became “The Independent Republic of Louisiana”.

Fact #3

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Fact # 4 Jefferson Davis -  Was a West Point graduate, and as a senator he argued against secession but believed each state was sovereign and had an unquestionable right to secede from the Union. He was elected to a six-year term. During his presidency, Davis was not able to find a strategy to defeat the larger, more industrially developed Union.

Fact #4

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Fact # 3

Fact #5

P.G.T. Beauregard - Beauregard's first assignment from the Confederate Government was the command of Charleston, where on April 12, 1861 he opened fire on the Union held Fort Sumpter, regarded as the start of the American Civil War.

He is also credited with creating the Confederate battle flag.

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Fact #6

Short War – The southerners thought the war would be short and that “they’d teach those Yankees a lesson and settle matters in 60 days!” Louisiana sent 5,000 troops to defend the south. Once the war began and turned ugly fewer men wanted to enlist (volunteer) and the state had to start a draft or conscription.

Page 10: Mr. E’s Monday, March. 9, 2009 Louisiana History Class

Civil War Timeline• Using the underlined dates over the next

three days• Create a timeline as we did in the past• Timeline will cover Jan. 1861 to May 1865• Dates over these three days will NOT be

given in order.• Assignment will be due Friday at the

beginning of class.• NEATNESS COUNTS – IN BLACK INK


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Tue (10): Ch. 10, Civil War

Wed (11): Ch. 10, Civil War

Thurs (12): Ch. 10, Civil War

Fri (13): Ch. 11, Post CW

Mon (16): Ch. 11, Post CW

Tue (17): Ch. 11, Post CW

Wed (18): Ch. 12, Populist

Wed (19): Ch. 12, Populist