ms connection - spring 2011

Walk MS Rallying Around the Ones You Love Spring 2011

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Spring 2011 issue of the Wisconsin Chapter of the National MS Society's publication MS Connection. March 2011


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Walk MSRallying Around

the Ones You Love

Spring 2011

Page 2: MS Connection - Spring 2011

Recently I received a call from a lovely young lady who called to ask if she could still walk in Walk MS if she did not contribute any money. This young lady, who was recently diagnosed with MS, is still a college student. My answer – YES, of course, we need everybody there – moms, dads, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, friends, and neighbors. Walk MS is the rallying point for the MS movement. It is our way to ensure that future generations, our kids and grandkids, never have to hear, “you have MS.” It is the rallying point that ensures people with MS and their families receive support to address some of the challenges of MS. Yes, Walk MS is one of the Society’s most important fundraising events and every dollar counts. But more important, every person counts – those who have the disease and those who love them. Walk MS is our way to show the world what MS = in our life. Whether:

•MS=findingtheloveoffamily,thecommitment of a spouse, or helping hand of a neighbor. •MS=inspirationfromthosewhohaveMSand those who love them. •MS=strength,courage,commitmentandsacrifice. •MS=rallyingaroundthoseyoulove.

So, I invite everyone to join us for Walk MS to show the world what MS = in your life.

See you at the walk!


Colleen G. KaltPresident & CEO

If you or someone you know has MS: Studies show that early and ongoing treatment with an FDA-approved therapy can reduce future disease activity and improve quality of life for many people with multiple sclerosis. Talk to your health care professional or contact the National MS Society at or 1-800-344-4867 to learn about ways to help manage multiple sclerosis and about current research that may one day reveal a cure. The National MS Society does not endorse products, services or manufacturers. Such names appear here solely because they are considered valuable information. The National MS Society assumes no liability for the use of contents of any product or service mentioned. Information provided by the Society is based upon professional advice, published, experience and expert opinion. Information provided in response to questions does not constitute therapeutic recommendations or prescriptions. The National MS Society recommends that all questions and information be discussed with a personal physician. The National MS Society is committed to seeing a world free of MS.

©2011 National Multiple Sclerosis Society-Wisconsin Chapter


Kenneth Minor, ChairSonic Foundry, Inc.

Michael Lutze, Vice ChairErnst & Young David Rodgers, Vice ChairBriggs & Stratton Corporation

Alyson Zierdt, Past ChairAttorney, Retired

James Rose, TreasurerBaker Tilly Virchow Krause LLP

Robert Sowinski, SecretaryDiversified Insurance Services, Inc.

Colleen Kalt, President & CEONational MS Society - Wisconsin Chapter

Robert Buhler Open Pantry Food Marts of Wisconsin, Inc

Dennis ChristiansenCommunity Advocate Albert C. Elser IICommunity Advocate

Robert EngelRetired, M&I Bank

Tom GoldenM3 Insurance Solutions for Business

Martin McLaughlinReinhart Boerner Van Deuren, S.C. Bruce OlsonThe Marcus Corporation Shelley Peterman SchwarzMeeting Life’s Challenges

David RaysichPlunkett Raysich Architects

Patricia RaysichCommunity Advocate

Jeffrey SterenSteren Management/McDonald’s

Robyn TurtenwaldCommunity Advocate

Molly WalshOffice of Governor Jim Doyle

Wisconsin Board of Trustees What Does MS = in Your Life?

Colleen G. Kalt

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Dr. Coetzee Leads World’s Largest Nonprofit MS Research ProgramSociety’s Chief Research Office to Speak at MS Luncheons

Dr. Timothy Coetzee is the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s new chief research officer – and in June he’ll be the featured speaker at the Wisconsin Chapter’s “On the Move” luncheons. The annual fundraising luncheons will take place in Milwaukee on Tuesday, June 14 and in Madison on Thursday, June 16.

In his role as the Chief Research Officer, Dr. Coetzee has responsibility for the Society’s research program, which funds more than 375 projects around the world – including six in Wisconsin. “It’s an honor to lead the Society’s research efforts at this exciting time as we move ever closer to ending MS forever,” advises Dr. Coetzee. “To speed that goal, I look forwardtoengagingthebestscientificminds,topursuingthe most innovative research and business approaches, and to spurring world-wide collaborative efforts.”

Career Devoted to MS Research Dr. Coetzee has devoted his entire career to researching MS. Most recently, he was instrumental in founding Fast Forward, the research subsidiary of the National MS Society that focuses on speeding new treatments to market. He served as Fast Forward’s president from 2006 to 2010, and he continues to oversee the initiative. Dr. Coetzee received his PhD in microbiology and immunology from Albany Medical College, New York, in 1993; and in 1995, he received the Society’s Advanced Postdoctoral Fellowship to support his research on the structure and function of myelin. He joined the Society’s Research Department in 2000, where, among other accomplishments, he helped establish the Translational Research Partnerships in Nervous System Repair and ProtectioninMS,afive-yearcommitmenttofundfourlarge collaborative research teams focused on developing tools and strategies to promote nervous system repair and protection in MS.

In January, Dr. Coetzee moderated a panel of experts who updated progress of the Society-funded Nervous System Repair and Protection Initiative. The global team of researchers includes Wisconsin’s Dr. Ian Duncan. A webinar of the discussion can be viewed at the Society’s website: About the initiative’s progress, Dr. Coetzee remarked, “It’s remarkable. We launched this initiative to set the stage forclinicaltrialsofneuroprotectioninMS,andfiveyears later, we are seeing these studies come to life.”

Purchase Tickets Today Tickets for the Milwaukee and Madison “On the Move” luncheons can be purchased by calling 800-242-3358 or 262-369-4400 and are $100 each or $1,000 for a table of 10. Companies interested in sponsoring the luncheons should call Laurie Schill at 262-369-7168 or e-mail [email protected].

It’s an honor to lead the Society’s research efforts at this exciting time as we move ever closer to ending MS forever. - Dr. Timothy Coetzee Dr. Timothy Coetzee has devoted

his entire career to researching MS.

Fast Forward Designed toSpeed MS ResearchDr. Timothy Coetzee founded Fast Forward in 2007. The nonprofit organization is focused on speeding promising research discoveries into commercial drug development, and is an integral part of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s comprehensive approach to MS research and treatment. Fast Forward acts as a catalyst; connecting people, ideas and vital resources to accelerate the development of new treatments for people with MS. Fast Forward intends to raise and deploy $60 million by 2012.

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Pin Ups Work for All Events Bike MS Rider Shares Secrets of a Successful Pin Up Sale

If you’re looking for a way to raise funds for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society or meet a pledge goal, Hubie Sydow has two words for you: Pin Ups.

Pin Ups are usually sold for a $1 donation and displayed in high-traffic retail locations, but sales can be conducted anywhere and several have been held at schools. A company-wide commitment coupled with employee dedication has made Open Pantry’s annual Pin Up programs Wisconsin’s largest. Last year Open

Pantry employees sold a record $50,000

in MS Pin Ups. Sydow is

an eight-year veteran of Bike MS: Best Dam Bike Ride and a

member of the Spokebusters

Team, which includes his

son Max. He has conducted Pin Up sales

each of the past seven years and estimates overall he has generated between $4,000 and $4,500.

“Contributing $1 here and $5 there for a Pin Up makes people feel good because they’re supporting a great cause,” said Sydow. He recommends setting up Pin Up programs at places that have direct point-of-sale with consumers. His favorites are restaurants and taverns, but grocery stores are also popular locations for Pin Up sales. “I know some hairdressers who participate in the Best Dam Bike Ride, and they sell Pin Ups at their salons and display them on mirrors,” said Sydow. “Other friends sell Pin Ups at their offices and display them in the coffee machine area.” Sydow added that while he maintains several “old reliable” places where he holds Pin Up campaigns every year, he also tries to add a few new locations to test the waters.

“Keep hitting more and more places,” said Sydow. “One day you will hit a place that is really inspired to help the cause and they’ll sell 500 or 1,000 Pin Ups.”Sydow added, “It never hurts to ask people if they will help and most times they will. In general, people really like to help and a lot of times someone in their family, neighborhood or church has MS.” Sydow shared that it’s also important to tell everyone you know where you are selling Pin Ups and encourage them to help out by patronizing that establishment. “Give it a shot. Selling Pin Ups is a great way to get more people involved in our cause. The more visuals we can put out in the community, the better.” You can bet Sydow will be raising funds with another Pin Up sale this year. He added, “This is why we ride!” To secure Pin Ups for your own sale, contact Jamie Baker at the Wisconsin Chapter by calling 262-369-4435, 800-242-3358 or by e-mailing [email protected].

Hubie Sydow, right, with his son Max, has made selling Pin Ups part of his Bike MS fundraising plan for seven years.

Contributing $1 here and $5 there for an MS Pin Up makes people feel good because they’re supporting a great cause. - Hubie Sydow

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100% of Donations Support Wisconsin FamiliesMS Tax Check-Off Program Provides Financial Assistance

Beforeyousubmityourincometaxes,besuretomakeamarkforMS.Specifically,checkthedonationboxonyour2010 Wisconsin state income tax form and make a contribution to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society-Wisconsin Chapter.YouranonymousdonationwillprovidefinancialassistanceforWisconsinfamiliesaffectedbyMS. Unfortunately at a time when families needed it most, last year contributions to the MS Tax Check-off program decreased substantially. After three years of increases – and an overall growth rate of nearly nine percent – donations to the MS Tax Check-Off program for the 2009 tax year dropped 14 percent to a program low of $79,690 (see accompanying graph). The good news: it doesn’t take much to make a big difference. In fact, the average donation to the Tax Check-Off program is around $11 – an amount you can deduct from your refund or add to your tax payment. As you can imagine, those small contributions add up and can have a life-changing impact on families struggling with the emotional, physicalandfinancialchallengesofMS. BecauseMSisacomplexdisease,thefinancialchallengescanbesteep. Data released by the National MS Society shows the average annual per-person cost of MS (due to medical expenses, lost wages and other expenses), is $69,000. In other words, over a 20-year period the cost for a Wisconsin resident living with MS could reach $1.4 million. Youcanprovidehelp,hopeandinspirationforWisconsinfamiliesstrugglingwiththefinancialimpactofMS.Allittakes is making a small mark on your income tax form. For more information about the MS Tax Check-Off program, talk to your tax preparer. For more information







2006 2007 2008 2009





Tax Check-Off Donations

Tax Year

Although it has only been available four years, Wisconsin’s MS Tax Check-Off program has generated $345,819. One hundred percent of the dollars donated support Wisconsin residents diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. A volunteer financial assistance committee meets monthly to review applications. For more information about the financial assistance application process, contact Jeremy Otte at [email protected] or call 800-242-3358.

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Dr. Khatri a Keynote SpeakerMS Summit Features New Format, Same Great Water Park

The Seventh Annual MS Summit and Getaway will be held Friday through Sunday, May 20-22, at the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells. This popular event provides an opportunity for individuals and families affected by MS to socialize in a supportive environment and participate in educational programs. This year’s Summit features many new elements. Instead of break-out sessions, Saturday’s program will feature two keynote speakers plus a presentation about healthcare reform. Also this year, free children’s

activities will be available so that parents or guardians of individuals registered for the Summit can attend Saturday’s educational presentations. More information will be available at check-in. Dr. Bhupendra Khatri and author Tom Holtackers are the MS Summit’s keynote speakers. Dr. Khatri will speak about emerging MS therapies. He has 25 years experience treating neurological disorders and is the Director for The

Center for Neurological Disorders at Aurora St. Luke’s Hospital in Milwaukee, which includes the Regional Multiple Sclerosis Center. Serving more than 4,000 patients, it is one of the largest MS centers in the U.S.

and also one of the Wisconsin Chapter’s Affiliated Centers for Comprehensive Care. Dr. Khatri is also a member of the Chapter’s Clinical Advisory Committee. Tom Holtackers’ 37-year career as a physical therapist gives him a unique perspective on living, working and thriving with MS. He has volunteered with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society more than 30 years – including 20 years as a member of the Minnesota Chapter’s board of trustees.

Holtackers is also a 25-year Walk MS veteran and is currently training for his ninth Challenge Walk MS. His 2007 memoir is titled, “It Takes Courage: Coping with a Chronic Illness.” MS Summit and Getaway registration information is available online at or by calling 800-242-3358, option one. The Chapter has secured a limited number of rooms at the Kalahari Resort and special discounted pricing will be available until April 20 or all rooms are reserved. Details about securing your room can be found at For more information about the MS Summit and Getaway, please contact Bonnie Debroux at 262-369-4425 or e-mail [email protected].

The Wisconsin Chapter extends its sincere gratitude to the following organizations for grants awarded October 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010. For information or to suggest a grant opportunity, contact Mary Hartwig at 262-369-4414 or e-mail [email protected].

• $25,000 from an Anonymous donor for general operations• $25,000 from an Anonymous donor for the Scholarship program• $250 from the Belonger Corporation for Financial Assistance• $2,000 from the Johanna B. Dobner Family Trust for research

• $3,500 from Diversified Insurance for the Holiday Giving program• $10,000 from EMD Serono for Walk MS• $2,000 from the Greater Milwaukee Foundation- John and Melita Lane Family Fund for research• $5,000 from the Puelicher Foundation for research• $4,927 from the Annabel Taylor Trust for research• $500 from Walmart for the Holiday Giving program

Do You Have a Foundation Connection?Grant Awards Provide Support for Society Initiatives

Tom Holtackers received the Society’s 2010 Volunteer of the Year Award.

Dr. Bhupendra Khatri will address MS Summit attendees on Saturday.


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Patient Care KeyDr. Stanya Smith Leads Waukesha Memorial Hospital’s MS Clinic

A close relationship between a physician and patient is fundamental for care, according to Dr. Stanya Smith, the Medical Director at the Multiple Sclerosis Clinic at Waukesha Memorial Hospital and Oconomowoc Physician Center and a member of the Wisconsin Chapter’s Clinical Advisory Committee. “It’s particularly fundamental in patients with MS who require compassion,” Dr. Smith said. “Sometimes all it takes is just to sit and listen. If you know about the patient’s work dynamics; if you know about the relationship with their spouse and the children; then you are able to help that patient so much more.” Dr. Smith said it’s crucial for patients to be certain that when they call the clinic, someone will call them back that same day. “For me as a physician, the most important thing is to communicate with patients, spend enough time with them and not rush them and provide them with the care they really need,” she said.

Clinic’s Comprehensive Care “Comprehensive care is also important for the management of MS,” she said. The Multiple Sclerosis Clinic at Waukesha Memorial Hospital is one of six National Multiple Sclerosis Society Affiliated Centers for Comprehensive and Coordinated care in Wisconsin. TheclinichasaMS-certifiednurse,MS-specializedphysical therapist and occupational therapist, psychologists, research coordinator and neuroradiology service. Additionally, complimentary medicine is available, including acupuncture, yoga and reiki (a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation).

What makes this clinic stand out, according to Dr. Smith, are the educational opportunities offered to patients. The clinic has monthly meetings for patients that cover a wide range of topics, such as fatigue, cognition, bowel and bladder problems, spasticity and nutrition. The clinic also holds a dinner for patients. She explained: “At the dinners, I walk around and ask questions to open up conversation with attendees. Patients may be afraid to stand up in front of a group and discuss their problem, but if you approach them and ask them questions, then you develop this wonderful relationship.”

Poland to Wisconsin Dr. Smith had an unusual path to treating patients in Wisconsin. She decided to specialize in neurology during her firstyearofmedicalschoolinPoland,wheresheisfromoriginally. After medical school, she continued her studies in Poland with a residency and fellowship, but moved to the U.S. in 1991. “After I came to America, I had to do my residency and fellowship all over again,” she said. Dr. Smith completed her residency program at Loyola University Medical Center and was a neurophysiology fellow at Rush University, both in Chicago.

Dr. Stanya Smith directs the MS Clinic at Waukesha Memorial Hospital and Oconomowoc Physician Center.

Society Adds Oconomowoc to Monthly Clinic Site Visits

Monthly visits are now scheduled at both ProHealth Care MS Clinic locations. New this March, Chapter representatives will be available to meet with patients at the ProHealth Care Oconomowoc Physician Center on the third Friday of every month. The monthly visits to ProHealth Care Neuroscience Center Waukesha Memorial Hospital will continue on the fourth Tuesday of every month.

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“I was pretty much educated twice,” she said. “I actuallybenefittedalotfromthatexperience.Medicinehad developed so much. Then I had an opportunity to come to Wisconsin and open a clinic at Waukesha Memorial Hospital. I connected with my MS patients from the beginning, so when the opportunity to head the clinic came along, I took it right away.” Despite being the Medical Director of the Multiple Sclerosis Clinic at Waukesha Memorial Hospital, Dr. Smith continues her education. She emphasized, “Physicians should be educating themselves.” Dr. Smith and a former MS-certifiednursetookpartinaclassataclinic in Dallas, Texas, which she called a “wonderful educational experience.” Their attendance was supported by the National MS Society. The clinic’s relationship with the National MS Society is “crucial,” according to Dr. Smith. She explained, “We can be updated on what the Society is doing, we can participate in many programs and try to help raise money. Society representatives come to talk to patients and share information about programs and services.”

Research Role, Too Dr. Smith is also involved in research. She is the investigator on a study about progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) and the JC virus for patients on Tysabri. There is a 1.06 per 1,000 risk for developing PML in those taking Tysabri and it is associated with

infection by the JC virus, a common virus. As of January 7, 2011, 19 out of 85 patients have died of PML after taking Tysabri. “The study, called STRATIFY-2, allows us to test the patients’ blood samples and see if they have antibodies against the JC virus,” she explained. “That, in the future, will hopefully help us to decide which patients we could continue on treatment.”

Unique Imaging Equipment Waukesha is also one of two national test sites for a clinical study on using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to evaluate the neurologic and cognitive changes in people with MS before and after they start Rebif. FMRI measures change in blood flow in the brain or spinal cord. Blood flows to areas that are active. “We do the fMRI on patients before they start treatment with Rebif and six months into the treatment,” Dr. Smith explained. “It’s a fascinating study because fMRI is still not available in many centers in America. We are very fortunate to have this equipment.” Using the expertise of a neuropsychologist, someone who studies the brain and its functions, they will evaluate if Rebif has an impact on cognitive function and to what extent, according to Dr. Smith. “It’sveryexcitingtobeinthefieldofMSrightnow,”Dr. Smith said.

Dr. Smith and MS Program Coordinator and nurse Jamie Wolf treat patients at the MS Clinic at Waukesha Memorial Hospital.

Wisconsin CCSVI Study UpdateThe National Multiple Sclerosis Society-Wisconsin Chapter would like to clarify an announcement that appeared in the Summer 2010 MS Connection pertaining to Dr. Aaron Field’s research grant to study Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI) and its possible connection to MS. This study is not yet approved by the Institutional Review Board and will not begin enrolling participants until it is approved. An announcement will be made when enrollment opens. If you previously contacted Dr. Field’s team about this study, you may wish to do so again once enrollment is open.

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Walkis the rallying point of the MS Movement.

A community coming together to raise funds and celebrate hope for the future.

Page 10: MS Connection - Spring 2011

Walk MS is a time to come together to support research and help those with MS move their lives forward. Join the movement by

participating, volunteering or recruiting others.

Walk to create a worldfree of MS

saturday APRIL 16

Fond du LacGrafton NEW!

La Crosse -Seven Rivers

sunday APRIL 17

Brown CountyKenosha-Racine

saturday APRIL 30

Eau Claire -Chippewa ValleyManitowoc-Two Rivers

Menomonee FallsWausau

sunday MAY 1

Fox CitiesJanesville - Rock River

Madison Milwaukee

Platteville NEW!SheboyganWaukesha

Page 11: MS Connection - Spring 2011 • [email protected]

242-369-4400 • 800-242-3358

Register Today for Walk MS 2011

Registration: 9 a.m. for all locations

Raise $100Get an orange T-shirt

Can’t make it to this year’s Walk MS? Fundraise as a “virtual” walker or contribute to a friend’s team.

Page 12: MS Connection - Spring 2011


141 Community Events Held in 2010Speeding Research Drives Creativity of Individual Fundraisers

From dances and fashion shows to poker tournaments and scavenger hunts, Wisconsin fundraisers do it all to raise money to support the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s mission to drive research for a cure and to address the challenges of everyone affected by MS. Among last year’s 141 Community Events, there were 11 Mission Drivers that contributed $10,000 or more to move toward a world free of MS. For information about holding your own Community Event, contact the Wisconsin Chapter at 262-369-4400 or toll-free in Wisconsin at 800-242-3358 or email [email protected].

January1.8.105th Annual Help-Find-a-Cure for MS Benefit Dance, Event Organizer: Rick Romenesko

1.26.10White Elephant Auction, Event Organizer: Steven Smith, Raised: $2,050

February2.6.10Mission Driver - 8th Annual Bell Family Rabbit Hunt, Event Organizer: Don, Eileen, Greg and Deana Bell, Raised: $22,000

2.14.10Heart of Harmony, Event Organizer: Jack Ryback, Raised: $177

2.20.107th Annual Snowmobile Auction/Poker Run for MS, Event Organizer: Barb Lenz

2.20.10Wine Tasting/Casino Night, Event Organizer: Mary Topp

2.20.10MS Saturday Spin, Event Organizer: David Hornung, Raised: $4,400

2.20.10Cycling Club at UWM is Freezing for a Cause, Event Organizer: Jake Jendusa, Raised: $1,240

2.21.102nd Annual Music Can Beat MS, Event Organizer: Steve and Jane Schmieding, Raised: $2,900

March3.6.10Kappa Beta Gamma Multiple Sclerosis Benefit, Event Organizer: Megan King and Kappa Beta Gamma, Raised: $2,875

3.7.10Pig Roast to Benefit MS, Event Organizer: Joni


3.8.10 - 3.31.10You were born healthy-MS Awareness promo, Event Organizer: Kate McCann, Raised: $450

3.8.10Badgerette Pom Pon “Move It” 2010, Event

Organizer: Anne Caskey, Raised: $736

3.13.10Scavenger Hunt, Event Organizer: Donna Mayer

3.19.10Molly Cools Tent Party, Event Organizer: Katie Hies, Raised: $214

3.20.10Mission Driver - 8th Annual Blarney Bash, Event Organizer: Mary Topp and Team Wendy,Raised: $28,476

3.21.10Mission Driver - Texas Hold ‘em to Benefit MS, Event Organizer: Shawn Corbett and Connie Plier,Raised: $11,290

3.25.10 - 4.18.10MS Raffle, Event Organizer: Jacqui Enegbos

April4.1.10Craft Sale and Dress Down Day, Event Organizer: Associated Bank Green Bay Service Center, Raised: $483

4.1.10Beloit College MS Club-Concert, Event Organizer: Canberk Dayan, Raised: $347

Attendees at the ISM golf outing included (from left): Jennie Macaluso, Chris Coakley, Jody Nelson and Cheryl Smith.

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4.6.10Noodles -Wausau, Raised: $134

4.6.10Orange Banner Bash,Event Organizer: Angel Barber

4.10.10Tri-ing to Find A Cure Event, Event Organizer: Jennifer Thorpe, Raised: $641

4.11.10North Shore Congregational Church-Music Recital, Event Organizer: Laurie Shawger, Raised: $698

4.11.10NEWD Clothing Trunk Show, Event Organizer: Robert Kessler and NEWD Clothing, Raised: $185

4.13.10TGIF, Event Organizer: John Hartnell, Raised: $120

4.15.10Dine for a Cure, Event Organizer: Sarah Robertson and Johnny Vs, Raised: $3,100

4.15.10 - 4.30.10Office Olympics, Event Organizer: Kevin Seubert, Raised: $650

4.16.10Hoops for Hope, Event Organizer: Jenna Wolfsohn and Becky Hall, Raised: $2,800

4.17.10Mississippi Valley Mayhem-Roller Derby, Event Organizer: Angela Carlson

4.17.103rd Annual We’re Egan to Cure MS, Event Organizer: Jennifer Egan

4.17.10 - 4.18.10Rummage and Bake Sale, Event Organizer: Jill Bradley

4.21.10FIS-Dress Down and Raffle, Event Organizer: Dawn Klenke and FIS, Raised: $1,128

4.24.10Bowl to Strike Out Multiple Sclerosis, Event Organizer: Kate Frese

4.24.10Walk with Strength, Event Organizer: Zachariah Mielke, Raised: $5,002

4.30.10Rock to Challenge MS,Event Organizer: Emily Koss

May5.8.10Mission Driver - Hopp-Dakota MS Triathlon, Event Organizer: Mary Hopp, Raised: $17,217

5.8.10Independence Walk, Event Organizer: Jennifer Steinke, Raised: $480

5.8.10MS Fundraiser, Event Organizer: Hooties Hikers & Judy Casarez

5.10.10Associate Advisory Committee MS Event, Event Organizer: Maria Brandenburg, Raised: $483

5.11.10Eat to Erase MS, Event Organizer: Erica Bryce & Texas Roadhouse

5.16.10Fox Valley Road & Track Classic, Event Organizer: Roy Fine, Raised: $2,473

5.16.10Strike Out MS, Event Organizer: Barbie Maldonado

5.18.10Knutz Crew

9 Pin Tap Bowling Tournament, Event Organizer: Knutz Crew

5.21.10 - 5.22.10Arrowhead Girls Soccer “Kicking MS” Quad, Event Organizer: Judy Zwirlein, Raised: $8,250

5.22.10Open House Fundraiser, Event Organizer: Karen Minor

5.23.10Golf Outing - Germantown, Event Organizer: Jeff Sheahan, Raised: $330

5.29.10Senior Music Recital, Event Organizer: Jessica Hoof, Raised: $377

The Bell Family Rabbit Hunt is one of the Chapter’s most unique fundraisers – and one of its most successful.

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June6.6.10Brew at the Barn, Event Organizer: Christin Harding

6.12.10Hoerth’s Fundraising BBQ, Event Organizer: Tom and Karol Hoerth

6.12.10Rookies Bar (Pat Haak) Golf Outing, Event Organizer: Steve and Collen Carrow

6.12.10Brat Sale, Event Organizer: Amy Zumach

6.13.10Neipert Golf Outing, Event Organizer: Alan Neipert, Raised: $2,595

6.15.10Energy Control & Design, Inc., Golf Outing, Event Organizer: Randy Vanevenhoven

6.15.10M&M Gymnastics Flip-A-Thon, Event Organizer: Mara Memmel, Raised: $387

6.18.10St. Cloud Duck Race,Event Organizer: Pat Winkler

6.18.10Hope in Your Heart-Benefit Concert, Event Organizer: Nate Plummer, Raised: $262

6.19.10‘80s Prom/Dance, Event Organizer: Carrie Dainty, Raised: $800

6.19.10 MS Motorcycle Ride, Event Organizer: Carrie Bristoll-Groll

6.23.10 For One Night…It’s All About You, Event Organizer: Trish Beine

6.26.10Bikers Against MS (BAMS RIDE), Event Organizer: Ron Sweeney

6.26.10 Cocktails for a Cure, Event Organizer: Heather Rice

6.26.10 MS Concert for a Cure, Event Organizer: Travis Kleuwer

6.26.10 Mission Driver - Damn Yankee’s Watering Hole 5th Annual MS Benefit, Event Organizer: Ron Scherwinski, Raised: $10,236

6.27.10 Fishing Circuit, Event Organizer: Randy Eddie

July7.2.10Rock for a Ride, Event Organizer: Stephanie Sweeney, Raised: $2,000 7.9.10 MS Erasers at the Bottle,Event Organizer: Erica Bryce

7.9.10 Mission Driver - Birdy’s Scramble for a Cure, Event Organizer: Patrick Haak, Raised: $39,533

7.9.10 Finish the Fight against MS Video Game Competition, Event Organizer: Ken Minor

7.9.10 MS Benefit at The Gig, Event Organizer: Janet Pehowski

7.10.10Marie’s Miles for MS, Event Organizer: Marie Sarnowski, Raised: $300

7.16.10 Mission Driver - 21st Croal Open for MS, Event Organizer: Dan, Michael and Tim Croal,Raised: $7,000

More than 140 students participated in the 2nd Annual Power of Positive Athletes Charity Challenge and raised $245 for the Society.

Kassie McManus celebrates the completion of the Waikki Roughwater Swim with her son, Sam (left) and event volunteer Dick Bowen.

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7.17.10 - 7.18.10 Rummage and Bake Sale, Event Organizer: Amy Zumach

7.17.10 Keeping up with Curtis, Event Organizer: Curtis Momsen, Raised: $4,151

7.18.10 Pedalers Inn Lawn Concert, Event Organizer: Dee Nierwicki

7.18.10 POPA Charity Event, Event Organizer: Dale Schultz, Raised: $245

7.19.10 4th Annual Fighting MS Golf Scramble, Event Organizer: Don and Karen Pagel, Raised: $9,250

7.20.10 Bake Sale, Event Organizer: Meghan Marks

7.21.10 Jon Lancaster Toyota Raffle, Event Organizer: Joni Lancaster

7.24.10 2nd Annual Benefit for MS with Wasabi Mike & Fresh Ground Pepper, Event Organizer: Mike Vandercamp

August8.4.10 Pat’s Par-Tee 10th Annual Ladies Scramble, Event Organizer: Pat Klotz, Raised: $2,100

8.6.10Generation Optimistic Silent Auction and Raffle, Event Organizer: Kim Muszynski Raised: $2,069

8.6.10 - 8.7.105th Annual Madison Area Antique & Classic Boat Show, Event Organizer: Andy McCormick and Mark Walters

8.7.10 8th Annual Drive for MS-Bogey Bare/MS Scramble, Event Organizer: Ken and Sharon Bare, Raised: $7,170

8.7.10 Poker Run, Event Organizer: Mary Lynn Green, Raised: $573

8.7.10MS Pool Party, Event Organizer: Kim Bertram

8.7.10 Walworth County Annual Poker Run & Car Show, Event Organizer: Jeff Green, Raised: $1,079

8.8.10Mission Driver - Driving Towards a Cure, Event Organizer: Mellisa Johnson, Raised: $10,373

8.104th Annual Choch Ka Bob Fundraiser, Event Organizer: Nate Lange, Raised: $1,060

8.10.10Y-Not II Tavern and Y-Not 3 Tavern, Event Organizer: Y-Not Tavern, Raised: $700

8.10.10 DORO Inc., Event Organizer: Janelle Krause

8.10.10Brat Fry-Hancock, Event Organizer: Yvonne Clark, Raised: $87

8.13.10 - 8.20.10Bonneville Land Speed Racing Team, Event Organizer: Dennis Krause, Raised: $3,500

8.14.10JMO: A Drive for MS, Event Organizer: Heidi Erdmann, Raised: $3,015

8.15.10MS Raffle, Event Organizer: Janet Reeves

8.16.10ISM Golf Outing, Event Organizer: Peg Siewart

8.16.10 Lapham-Hickey Steel (Oshkosh Division) Golf Outing, Event Organizer: Rick Kaminski, Raised: $3,290

8.20.10 Brat Fry-Stevens Point, Event Organizer: Melvyn Rousseau

8.25.10Dayton Freight Dunk Tank, Event Organizer: Mark Frankel, Raised: $140

Jenna Wolfsohn and Becky Hall coordinated a Hoops for Hope basketball tournament to raise funds for the Society.

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8.28.10 Auto Paint & Supply Car Show for MS, Event Organizer: John Scherwinski

8.28.10 Mission Driver - Apple Holler’s MS Charity Orchard Walk, Event Organizer: Dave Flannery and Apple Holler, Raised: $12,429

8.28.10 The Cellar Golf Outing,Event Organizer: Shirley Miksa, Raised: $1,925

8.29.10Booyah Cook Off, Event Organizer: Tim Mickelson

September9.6.1041st Annual Waikiki Rough Water Swim,Event Organizer: Kassie McManus, Raised: $4,525

9.7.10Mission Driver - Golf for a Cure, Event Organizer: June & Martin Hillert, Jr., Raised: $20,882

9.10Gilles Frozen Custard, Raised: $230

9.11.10Brodhead High School Walk, Event Organizer: Kendra Moore, Raised: $1,626

9.12.10Ken Fest 5, Event Organizer: Gina Felton, Raised: $3,150

9.12.10Ironman Wisconsin Triathlon, Event Organizer: Karl Norris, Raised: $2,415

9.17.10Tee’d Off at MS Golf Outing, Event Organizer: Dave Blavat, Raised: $5,000

9.18.10Knutz Krew MS Golf Outing, Event Organizer: Toni Knutson & Knutz Krew, Raised: $7,000

9.18.10Jack Murphy Memorial Golf Outing, Event Organizer: Meta Hartman, Raised: $2,470

9.18.10 The Rhode Sisters Folk Cabaret, Event Organizer: Shelley Staeger, Raised: $3,526.50

9.18.10Fond du Lac Shrimp Boil, Event Organizer: Cindy Koffman

9.23.10 Impersonation Show,Event Organizer: Todd Paprocki, Raised: $869

9.24.10Sister Bay Bowl Concert, Event Organizer: Tonda Gagliardo, Raised: $1,800

9.24.10 Fun Run/Walk, Event Organizer: Jessica Reed

October10.9.10Carney, MI Horse Show,Event Organizer: Becky Perron, Raised: $1,377

10.10.10Northwestern Bank Jeans Day, Event Organizer: Michele Koch,Raised: $117

10.10.10Chippewa County Department of Public Health Jeans Day,Event Organizer: Jean Durch, Raised: $17

10.10.10Presto Products Denim Day, Event Organizer: Melinda Betz, Raised: $157

10.10.10Fight MS!-Online,Event Organizer: Cathy Hannes, Raised: $335

Broadhead High student Kendra Moore, left, presents Chapter President and CEO Colleen Kalt with proceeds from her school walk.

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10.10.10Fox Credit Union Dress Down Day, Event Organizer: Lynn Hopfensberger

10.14.10 - 10.17.10Spilda Jewelry Sale,Event Organizer: Mary Karsten

10.16.10Spaghetti Supper, Event Organizer: Cindy Koffman

10.23.10Craft Fair, Event Organizer: Women of the St. Mark’s Lutheran Church-ELCA, Raised: $100

10.29.10 - 10.30.10Lynn Ann’s Holy Scary Spook Walk, Event Organizer: Wayne NewbyRaised: $500

10.30.10Annual Halloween Party for MS, Event Organizer: Debra Forbes and Cynthia Miller, Raised: $1,650

November11.4.10Athletes Get NEWD for MS Fashion Show, Event Organizer: Bert Kessler, Raised: $3,000

11.6.10Sheepshead Tournament & MS Tricycle Ride,Event Organizer: Erin Rank-Oetjen

11.6.10Hunting for a Cure,Event Organizer: Jesse Juedes, Raised: $1,925

11.7.10My Sister’s Closet,Event Organizer: Molly Walsh, Raised: $2,030

11.10.10Tupperware Sales,Event Organizer: Amy Monroe

11.10.10Recipe for MS Cure-Cook Book, Event Organizer: Sharon McNeiley, Raised: $75

11.11.10-5.1.11Sheboygan Perkins 10% Back, Event Organizer: Sarah Laetsch

11.20.10Mission Driver - Soiree for Success: A Fundraiser to Fight MS,Event Organizer: Shayla Rosen & Katie Walsh,Raised: $24,080

11.30.10Nitty Gritty Dinner Event, Event Organizer: Becky Hall

December12.3.10 Volleyball Tournament,Event Organizer: Scott and Linda Wittmann, Raised: $1,000

12.9.10Unos Chicago Grill Dough Raiser,Event Organizer: Holly Jacobson, Raised: $225

12.10.10Cookie Sale, Event Organizer: Kelly Malucha

12.23.10Wine Tasting in the NEWD, Event Organizer: Bert Kessler

The Community Events included on this list represent those held in 2010 and registered with the Wisconsin Chapter. If you currently host a fundraiser that is not included on this list – or if you plan to organize an event in 2011 – please contact the Chapter at 262-369-4400 or toll-free in Wisconsin at 800-242-3358 or email [email protected].

Connie Plier (left) and Shawn Corbett created the Texas Hold ‘em to Benefit MS event and raised $11,290.

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AN UNFORGETTABLE RIdE. AN UNBEATABLE dESTINATION. A WORLd FREE OF MS.Bike MS: Best dam Bike Ride is a unique opportunity to challenge yourself on one of the nation’s premier rides. Select from 100, 75 and 62.5 mile routes each day of this two-day, fully-supported event. It’s a great way to fulfill your own personal cycling challenge. And in the end, the best reward is making a difference in the lives of people living with multiple sclerosis.

August 6 - 7, 2011

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Three Day, 50-Mile Walk Set for SeptemberChallenge Walk MS Moving to New Egg Harbor Location

The Fourth Annual Challenge Walk MS is set for September 23-25, 2011 in beautiful Door County. This year’s event will be headquartered at a new location: Alpine Resort. Located on the Lake Michigan shoreline in Egg Harbor, Alpine Resort features a 36-hole golf course. Additional amenities include a heated pool, bikes, boats, game room, playground and wireless internet. “We feel honored to be part of Challenge Walk MS,” said Alpine Resort co-manager Emily Pitchford. “We’ve seen the walkers in Door County in the past and it will be tremendous to have everyone staying at our facility.” Pitchford shared that she and her sister, Cindy Livingston, are fourth-generation owners of Alpine Resort. “You couldn’t have a more perfect location for Challenge Walk MS,” said Pitchford. Challenge Walk MS is a three-day, 50 mile fully-supported fundraising walk – meaning your meals, route assistance and lodging are included. Participants pay a $125 registration fee and pledge to raise $1,500. There is a two-day, 30-mile option available; or you can limit your walking as much as you like by joining the Super Crew.

As a member of the Super Crew you’ll still fundraise; but you may also decide to lead some aspects of Challenge Walk – such as organizing Friday evening’s program or overseeing the rest stops. When it comes to fundraising, the Society has plenty of tips to help participants reach their goal –

including an application that allows you to secure pledges from your Facebook page. Last year’s top Challenge Walk MS fundraiser, Jennifer Egan, secured $8,090 in donations. Most Challenge Walk MS participants consider the event to be a life-changing experience. A third-year participant last year, Jane Schaefer commented,

“I meet wonderful, inspiring people living with MS. They remind me that while we can’t do everything, we can all do something. And so I keep walking.” For more information or to register for Challenge Walk MS 2011, visit or call 800-242-3358 or e-mail [email protected].

Meet Wisconsin’s Researchers and Neurologists‘MS Research NOW’ Coming to Five Communities A new speaker series titled, “MS Research NOW,” will provide attendees with an opportunity to hear directly from Wisconsin’spremierMSneurologistsandresearchers.ThefirsteventintheserieswilltakeplaceSaturday,March19at Serb Hall in Milwaukee. Dr. Ian Duncan from the University of Wisconsin-Madison will discuss, “What are the Frontiers in MS Research?” The program is free with advance registration. You can register online at or by calling 800-242-3358 or 262-369-4400. For more information, e-mail [email protected]. Future “MS Research NOW” presentations are planned for the following cities: La Crosse, April 9; Appleton, June 25; Eau Claire, September 10; and Wausau, October 8.

Members of the Celebration Club, those who raise $2,500 or more in pledges, show their enthusiasm for Challenge Walk MS.

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MS Connection is a publication of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society-Wisconsin Chapter. For information or to share story ideas, please call 262-369-4431. Editor: Cindy Yomantas, Art Director: Amy Malo, Copywriter: Amanda Gasper

SSA Puts Burden on YouProving You Cannot Do ‘Past Relevant Work’ May Not Be EasyBy Attorney Thomas E. Bush

If your impairment does not meet or equal an impairment found in the Social Security Listing of Impairments,tobefoundeligiblefordisabilitybenefitsfrom the Social Security Administration (SSA), you must prove that you cannot still do your “past relevant work.” This is called the claimant’s burden because you have the burden of proof. You must prove that you are incapable of doing any work that you have performed in the last 15 years (or in the 15 years before your disability insured status requirement was last met, if that date is earlier), if that work was done at the “substantial gainful activity” level and lasted long enough for you to learn how to do it. Thus, you have to identify your easiest job and then figureoutwhyyoucannotstilldothatkindofwork.If you had an easy job in the past 15 years that you can still do, then you will be found not disabled (unless your impairments meet or medically equal one of the impairments in the Listing of Impairments).

Sometimes even though your actual past job required greater exertion and you are unable to do that particular job, SSA may conclude that you retain the capacity to do your job as it is “ordinarily done.” In other words, if most others who do your job in the economy do it at a lighter exertional level, you can be found not disabled if you retain the capacity to do the job the way these other people do it. The “job as it is ordinarilydone”rulewillnotbeappliedtoyourbenefit,however. If your own past work was easier than the way the job is ordinarily done, SSA will examine the actual

job requirements as you performed them in determining whether you can perform past relevant work. This rule applies even if the past job was done only part-time, as long as it was substantial gainful activity. (Substantial gainful activity in 2010 and 2011 is $1,000 per month, but it was less in prior years.) Determining whether you can do past relevant work is accomplished by comparing your current capacity for working with the physical and mental demands of your past relevant work. SSA won’t listen to arguments that you would not be hired for a past job because of your medical impairments. It only cares if you could physically and mentally perform the job if you were hired. SSA won’t listen to arguments that the company closed or moved away. It will not even listen to arguments that the job no longer exists. A case involving a claimant who used to work as an elevator operator went to the United States Supreme Court a few years ago. The Court decided that the claimant had to prove that she could not do the elevator operator job. It did not matter that few elevator operator jobs remain in the economy.

Tom Bush is the preeminent expert on SSDI in Southeastern Wisconsin. A Wisconsin Chapter volunteer for 20 years, in 2008 Tom was inducted into the National MS Society’s Volunteer Hall of Fame. Tom’s web site is

Wisconsin’s Tom Bush shares SSDI expertise gleaned over 20 years.

SSA won’t listen to arguments that you would not be hired for a past job because of your medical impairments. - Tom Bush

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Picture Postcard Perfect Weather for 28th Annual EventMS Snowmobile Tour on Course to Generate $6 Million

More than 100 snowmobile enthusiasts and their families and friends gathered January 27-30 at the Potawatomi Carter Casino Hotel in Wabeno, Wisconsin for the 28th Annual MS Snowmobile Tour. Presenting sponsor of the fundraising event is the Forest County Potawatomi Foundation. The MS Snowmobile Tour raises funds to support the National Multiple Sclerosis Society-Wisconsin Chapter’s mission of driving research for a cure and supporting individuals living with MS. Participants in this year’s MS Snowmobile Tour are hoping pledges raised will put the event’s 28-year fundraising total at $6 million – a remarkable accomplishment for a program started with just 29 participants.

Forest County Potawatomi Tribal Administrator Eugene Schawano attended the MS Snowmobile Tour’s celebration dinner on Saturday. Schawano shared that he had “joined the movement” by participating in 2010’s Bike MS: Best Dam Bike Ride. MS Snowmobile Tour Committee Chair, Mark Schmidt, and Trail Master, Marty Iverson, helped present the event’s recognition awards to Gary Billington (Fox Award) and Jack Murray (Garland Award). Next year’s MS Snowmobile Tour will be held January 25-29. For information or to register please call 800-242-3358, e-mail [email protected] or visit

Thank you sponsors


Association of WisconsinSnowmobile Clubs

1. Forest County Potawatomi Tribal Administrator, Eugene Schawano, spoke at Saturday’s celebration dinner.2. Brian Stanke’s sons, Alex (left) and Ben drove their own snowmobiles in the Tour.3. Rookie rider Joann Leick (left) met the AWSC’s Miss Snowflake, Brittany Thompson, at Friday’s welcome reception.4. Rookie rider Hanna Meronk enjoyed Saturday evening’s silent auction and raffle.5. Mike Krisch, sporting the Tour’s “Let it Snow” cap, rides with the Tour’s Black Group.


4. 5.

2. 3.

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Registration is Open! You can register online for all of the Chapter’s fundraising events – Walk MS, Bike MS, Challenge Walk MS, Mud Run and the MS SnowmobileTour.VisitwisMS.orgtofindthelinksorcall 800-242-3358.

Informative MS Videos Available Online. More than 50 videos are now available at the Society’s MS Learn Online website, and new productions are added monthly. There are Spanish Learn Online videos, too. Visit to view the MS Learn Online videos – and sign up for e-mail alerts so you’ll know when a new feature is available for screening.

Milwaukee Bike Expo. Information about Bike MS: Best Dam Bike Ride will be on display at Wheel & Sprocket’s Bike Expo and Sale in Milwaukee, April 8-11.

Find us on Facebook. You can sign-up to become a fan of the National MS Society-Wisconsin Chapter on Facebook.

Wisconsin Chapter Calendar of Clinic Visits. Representatives of the Wisconsin Chapter regularly visit several of the organization’s official clinics. During these visits,Chapterstaffisavailabletomeetconfidentiallyand answer questions plus share informative literature. The current schedule of clinic visits is as follows: • Aurora Baycare MS Clinic, Green Bay: 4th Friday of every month • Marshfield Clinic MS Center, Marshfield: 3rd Tuesday of every month • ProHealth Care Oconomowoc Physician Center, Oconomowoc: 3rd Friday of every month. • Regional Multiple Sclerosis Center, St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee: 1st Monday, 2nd Thursday, 3rd Wednesday, 4th Tuesday of each month. • ProHealth Care Neuroscience Center, Waukesha Memorial Hospital, Waukesha: 4th Tuesday of each month. • UW Hospital and Clinics Neurology/MS Clinic, Madison: 4th Wednesday of each month

Call an MS Navigator Today. MS Navigator is here to help you navigate the challenges of MS. Professional advisors are available during standard business hours: Monday-Friday. Please call 800-344-4867 for personalized service, up-to-date information and practical resources and referrals.

Support Groups. There are nearly 50 MS support groups in Wisconsin and new groups sprout up regularly. For a complete listing including meeting dates, please visit or call 800-242-3358.

New Fundraising Tool for Your Facebook Page. If you’re participating in Walk MS, Bike MS or Challenge Walk MS, be sure to activate the Facebook connection-it allows you to promote your fundraising activities to all your Facebook friends.. If you have questions about the tool, please e-mail [email protected].

Sign up for Action Alerts and Read the Blog. Sign up today to receive Action Alert e-mails. These informative updates will keep you connected to the issues that matter most to individuals with MS. E-mail [email protected] for details or call 800-242-3358. You can also read the MS Activist blog to keep up with news on federal-level issues at

Wisconsin Chapter News and NotesThis is How We Move It



Management and General



The Wisconsin Chapter meets all Better Business Bureau 20 Standards for Charity Accountability. Fiscal year 2010.

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Relationship Matters PewaukeeMarch 26

Make a Mark for MSCommittee MeetingMarch 28

MS Research NOWSpeaker SeriesLa CrosseApril 9

Walk MS Fond du Lac, Grafton,La Crosse-Seven Rivers April 16

Walk MS Brown County, Kenosha-RacineApril 17

Make a Mark for MSCommittee MeetingApril 25

Walk MS Eau Claire-Chippewa Valley, Manitowoc-Two Rivers, Menomonee Falls, WausauApril 30

Walk MS Fox Cities, Janesville-Rock River, Madison, Milwaukee, Platteville, Sheboygan,WaukeshaMay 1

MS SummitWisconsin DellsMay 20-22

Make a Mark for MSCommittee MeetingMay 23

MS World DayMay 25

On the Move MS Luncheon MilwaukeeJune 14

On the MoveMS LuncheonMadisonJune 16

MS Research NOWSpeaker SeriesAppletonJune 25

Make a Mark for MSCommittee MeetingJune 27

Wisconsin ChapterBoard of Trustees MeetingJune 28

Bike MSBest Dam Bike RideAugust 6-7

Make a Mark for MSCommittee MeetingAugust 22

Cognitive Meltdown: How You, Your Family & Your Friends Face MS TogetherSeptember 10

Mud RunSeptember 10

MS Research NOWSpeaker SeriesEau ClaireSeptember 10

MS DayMilwaukee County ZooSeptember 17

Challenge Walk MSDoor CountySeptember 23-25

Make a Mark for MSCommittee MeetingSeptember 26

Wisconsin Chapter Board of Trustees MeetingSeptember 27

MS Research NOWSpeaker SeriesWausauOctober 8

Please visit the Calendar of Events for the latest listing of Chapter activities and Community Events.

Wisconsin Chapter Calendar of Events

New Summer Camp Scholarship Program

Call 800-242-3358 or e-mail [email protected] for details

MS Camp for Kids

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ON YOUR TAx RETURN … Make a Mark to Help Create a World Free of MS

While doing your 2010 Wisconsin income taxes, please check the box under the “Donations” heading to make a charitable contribution to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Importantly, 100 percent of your contribution will support the more than 10,000 Wisconsin residents diagnosed with MS. Your small mark

will make a big difference in the movement to create a world free of MS.

Contact the National MS Society-Wisconsin Chapter or your tax preparer for information.

262.369.4400 | 800.242.3358 | 1120 James dr. Suite A, Hartland, WI 53029 | [email protected] |

Early and ongoing treatment with an FdA-approved therapy can make a difference for people with multiple sclerosis. Learn about your options by talking to your health care professional and contacting the National MS Society at nationalMSsoci or 1-800-FIGHT-MS (344-4867).