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Post on 17-Feb-2022




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Studies are monthly in length, and begin the first Monday of each month. Each week has study material for days 1-4. You can do multiple days at once, or follow the layout, as your schedule allows.

KIDSTRONGKidStrong is located at the end of each week’s study. This content ties in with what you are studying and you can use it either directly as scripted, or as a guide for Bible Time with your kids. KidStrong scripture is taken from New Living Translation, unless otherwise noted.

ANSWERSAll answers for the study are pulled from the English Standard Version unless otherwise noted. Anytime we have a fill-in-the-blank or “specific” answer you can’t locate, make sure you’re looking at the ESV. If you’re still stuck, jump on Mom-Strong International Bible Study Facebook Page or the MomStrong International Members Forum and start a conversation with other moms.

SCRIPTURE WRITING CHALLENGE (SWC) MomStrong International provides a free monthly Scripture Writing Challenge with verses for you to write out each day. There is a copywork printable for use with your kids as well—we provide these in English and Spanish (for you), print and cursive (for your kids). You can find those in this month’s Bible Study Article in the Member Hub area at


82 WEEK 5 | DAY 1 / fight to The finish


"If anyone teaches a dif-

ferent doctrine and does not

agree with the sound

words of Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with

godliness, he is puffed up with

conceit and understands


1 TIM. 6:3-4A

DAY ONE | 1 TIMOTHY 6:1-5In the fi rst month of our study, Paul’s Letters to Timothy, we dug into the fi rst fi ve chapters of 1 Timothy. This month we’ll close that fi rst letter and move through Paul’s second one. It’s a great opportunity to be able to study them in such close succession!

In Paul’s closing of his fi rst letter to Timothy, he leaves Timothy with some prac-tical advice. As we walk through this world, we have the opportunity to leave footprints that can lead others to our blessed Savior. These moments present themselves daily, sometimes profoundly and sometimes in what may appear to be the simplest of circumstances. Ladies, let’s not only pray for these oppor-tunities but walk out our witness faithfully.

Father, we pray that You would give us opportunities to be Your feet on the ground. Give us moments that we can share Your good news with those around us, through our words and our actions. We pray that when these oc-casions present themselves, that we would have the love, the courage, the wisdom, and the boldness to witness effectively. Give us Your Spirit, Lord. We know that You have the power to use all of our testimony for good. Please take the seeds that we plant and have them blossom into fruitful trees for Your glory.

Read all one hundred and three verses of 1 Timothy 1-6 in their entirety, even if it takes all of your study time today. (It’s just over half the length of Psalm 119 ~ completely doable!) Often, when we do a study, we lose sight of the overar-ching theme when we go verse by verse over the course of several weeks. This will be a good refresher and an opportunity to see the big picture Paul was conveying.



“Let all who are under a yoke as bondservants regard their own masters as worthy of all honor, so that the name of God and the teaching may not be reviled. Those who have believing masters must not be disre-spectful on the grounds that they are brothers; rather they must serve all the better since those who benefit by their good service are believers and beloved.” 1 Timothy 6:1-2a

Some look upon any scripture regarding bondservants as detestable as they feel it promotes slavery. But to be clear, bondservants in the time of the New Testament were far different than the slavery we are familiar with in the 18th century. Often, 1st century bondservants were better off than day labor-ers, having their daily needs such as food, clothing, and shelter met by their masters. This particu-lar master-slave relationship was quite similar to that of the employer-employee relationship today where the implications of Paul’s instruction also apply.

Why does Paul instruct bondservants to regard their masters as worthy of all honor?

Ladies, even in our work environment we have the opportunity to lead others to Christ. Of this pas-sage, Dr. David Jeremiah states, “It is extremely important that believers act in ways that testify to their faith in Christ and His power in their lives by respecting those who are in authority over them.” 1 As long as those in authority over us are not demanding that we go against God and His Word, our respect speaks volume in a world of discourtesy and insolence.

What are three specific ways in which you can walk out this command in the workplace?

Read 1 Timothy 6:2b-4a.

What words or phrases impact you the most from this passage?

Circle or underline them in your Bible.

Is there a particular doctrine or teaching that you’re currently struggling with? Something that doesn’t quite ring true?

What might be some ways to verify the truth of such teachings?

Write out 2 Timothy 3:16.

1. The Jeremiah Study Bible, page 1711


84 WEEK 5 | DAY 1 / fight to The finish

Have you ever felt so much friction among people? The air is electrified by it. It has escalated expo-nentially over the past ten years to the point that individuals of differing political views, faiths, and/or backgrounds can hardly stand to be in the same room together, much less communicate with one another. The very results of a world that tolerates every lie but despises truth.

Do a quick internet search to define the word “depraved.”

Of what are these individuals deprived?

Ladies, the Bible is the plumb line for truth. Our thor-ough understanding of it is imperative in this era of heresy and false doctrine. Here’s a reality check, Wom-en...we are not expected, nor qualified, to know and fa-miliarize ourselves with every lie that Satan permeates throughout the world. Much like a bank teller detects counterfeit bills, we as Christians can detect deception. There are so many different ways to falsify money, an individual cannot be expected to know them all. To a much greater extent, Satan can permeate deceit and lies throughout our culture and even within the church. We cannot possibly familiarize ourselves with every lie on every street corner. The bank teller detects the false dollar simply by thoroughly knowing the true dollar bill. Anything that differentiates from what they know is true, is false. Pretty simple concept, really. Likewise, the way we spot false doctrine and Satan’s deception is simply by knowing the truth ourselves. Sound teach-ing cannot be verified by any other source, written or spoken. Know your Bible, Ladies. Your knowledge of scripture coupled with discernment from the Holy Spirit

will alert you when something sounds off. In those sit-uations, measure the teaching against His Holy Word.

Paul goes on to provide some unsavory attributes of such teachers stating, “He [the false teacher] has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions, and constant friction among people who are depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain.” 1 Timothy 6:4b-5

Does this sound familiar? A craving for controversy and quarrels about words? Our society thrives on contro-versy, and people are doing theological and scriptural gymnastics in order to twist the words of scripture to fit their narrative and lifestyles. All of the products of this controversy are prevalent today but let’s take a look at the final one listed in the whole of verse 5. Write it below.

That’s it, Ladies. Earlier in our study we discovered what and (more importantly) Who truth is. It is our beloved Savior, our divine Creator, and His unaltered Holy Word. Ultimately, it’s that simple. It’s the very reason that Christianity is so persecuted, the Bible is so targeted, and the world is so depraved. If Satan can deprive the world of its foundational truth, humanity will crumble. Truth is in the crosshairs, but you, Precious Women, were made for such a time as this. Not only are you a daughter of the King, but you are a warrior in heaven’s army. Fight for truth, Ladies. Shout it from the rooftops! Boldly proclaim it with every fiber of your being for it is the very reason for which you were created and it is the only antidote to a world consumed by lies and despair. Truly, what an honor to be a champion for the Almighty. Suit yourself up with the armor of God!







86 WEEK 5 | DAY 2 / fight to The finish

"But godli-ness with content-ment is

great gain."

1 TIM. 6:6

Contentment, Ladies. Whole studies have been created around it. What it means, how to achieve it. It’s a very elusive concept, really. It’s so preached about that peo-ple can sometimes idolize it—making it their end goal—but in doing so, they miss the very essence of it. So let’s start small. Find yourself a quiet place with the Lord, today. Snuggle up on the couch or perhaps sit outside in the warm sunshine on your deck. Grab yourself your favorite drink, and in this moment, be content simply fellowship-ping with Jesus.

Dear Lord, we praise You because You are the Prince of Peace, the Author and Per-fecter of our faith. It is because of You that we can know joy and contentment in our time spent on this earth. Thank You for blessing us with such peace. Help us to set our sights on You, knowing that with an eternal perspective, we can run our race with purpose and confidence, overcoming all things through our beloved Christ who strengthens us.

Read 1 Timothy 6:6-10. Now, let’s look at verses 6-7.

Do an internet search to define the word “content.”

daytwo1 TIMOTHY 6:6-10

Of contentment, Pastor John MacArthur says, “The Greek word means ‘self-sufficiency,’ and was used by the Stoic philosophers to describe a person who was unflappable and unmoved by external circumstances. Christians are to be satisfied and sufficient, and not to seek for more than what God has already given them. He is the source of true contentment.” 2

To be clear, there is nothing wrong with having dreams or with setting healthy goals for ourselves. Without such ambitions, we can find ourselves unproductive and without growth. But do those plans, achievements, and de-sires hold such a place in your heart that their failure to be met results in significant unhappiness? If so, you may be finding yourself in the middle of a mixed-up perspective and/or confused about whose will you are desiring to be done.

Write down some plans, desires, or achievements over which you find yourself despondent if they are not fulfilled. It may be something as simple as having a clean house or dinner on the table at 6:00. It may be something as grand as a job promotion, an unmet desire for pregnancy, or a husband that isn’t meeting your expectations.

2. The MacArthur Study Bible, page 1616-1617



Read Luke 22:42. In this moment before His agonizing death sentence, whose will did Jesus seek? Underline the answer in your Bible.

Even unto His death, Jesus sought His Father’s will. Our world thrives on hedonistic views of self-love, self-indul-gence, and self-satisfaction. Varying phrases of, “do what makes you happy,” “follow your heart,” and “you do you,” plague our society (not to mention our childrens’ entertainment). We have been conditioned to despise the very concept of self-denial, always asking, “What about what I want?” “What about my happiness?” “What about me?” But in this climax of His time here on earth, our beloved Christ was, again, the perfect example. He had an eternal perspective and forsook his own temporal desires for His Father’s righteous will, trusting that His ways are perfect and true. Precious Women, it would be a denial of the truth to say we all do not feel disappoint-ment from time to time or that we don’t long for the greener grass on the other side, occasionally. But in moments like this, I encourage you to step back and consider whose will you are truly seeking and remember that our Fa-ther’s ways are always the best ways.

Let us not overlook the fi rst qualifi cation in verse 6 that is mentioned for great gain. Write it below.

The Greek word used here for “godliness” is eusebeia, which means reverence for God and holiness. The very concept of living a godly or more holy life is to live a life in which we continue to grow more Christ-like. Are you making a conscious effort to become more godly? Are there certain thoughts or deeds of which you have been convicted and that you need to confess or repent? Take this moment to write out some areas you might address in order to become more like Christ.

Read 1 Timothy 6:8-9. Have you ever fallen into the temptation of riches and wealth? If your answer is yes, write down one specifi c temptation that plagues you. How has this affected your daily life as well as your spiritual life?

How might you adjust your desires to better align with God’s will? Hopefully you’ve been enjoying each other’s shared ideas on the MSI Facebook group and forum. So, take a look at our trusty checklist below. How might you adjust your desires to better align with God’s will? Hopefully you’ve been enjoying each other’s

the boxes that you put into practice routinely, and a beside the items you’d like to implement next time you start to fall into discontent. Then, write down some of your own suggestions that you can do in order to recalibrate your perspective. Add them to the MSI Facebook group or forum so that some of the other ladies can implement them next time!

Write down a list of the things for which you are thankful. Many times putting things in writing helps you to recognize and focus your thoughts on your blessings rather than your desires.

Pray to God for a spirit of peace and contentment.

Meditate on Philippians 4:11-13.

Talk to a godly friend, perhaps your husband, a girlfriend, or a family member. Ask them to pray for you and to encourage you when you need a new perspective.




88 WEEK 5 | DAY 2 / fight to The finish

“For the love of

money is the root

of all kinds of evils.

It is through this

craving that some

have wandered

away from the

faith and pierced

themselves with

many pangs.”

1 Timothy 6:10

“Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.” James 4:14

Let’s clarify an often misinterpreted verse. What exactly is the root of all kinds of evil? Underline it in your Bible.

Money itself is not the root of so much sin. Money is simply a tool used to barter. It is the love of money, the need for more of it, the insatiable desire for the things it can procure which has caused so many to stumble and endure futile hardship.

Away from what does the love of money cause some to wander?

Ladies, if left unchecked, the love of money can grow to be an idol in one’s heart. Which of the Ten Commandments does this love break?

That’s right, Commandment Numero Uno. God takes this very seriously. Anytime anything in our lives—whether it be money, vacations, stuff, jobs, politics, spouses, children, and yes even homeschooling—takes the place of our reverence of our Creator, it’s almost always the roadblock that turns us down a path of discontent. Rather than relishing in the glory of our per-fect Creator, our happiness is now determined by a broken something that was created in a fallen world. Rather than prioritizing our eternal purpose of knowing our almighty God and making Him known, we focus on the temporal accomplishments which will pass away like an evening shadow.

How does the above verse coupled with 1 Timothy 6:7 affect your perspective, values, and priorities?

If you find yourself wrestling with the demon of discontent, lay it down, Sweet Sister. The Author and Perfecter of our faith sees you. He knows your heart and your innermost desires, and He created you to be joyous.

Read the following verses. What does God desire for us?

John 10:10

1 Corinthians 2:9



The word often used to express “abundant” in the Greek is perisson meaning, “beyond mea-sure, superfluous, exceedingly, superior, a quantity so abundant as to be considerably more than what one would expect or anticipate.” 3

Before we start dreaming up in-house chefs, perfect homeschooling days, and our own per-sonal laundress, let’s remember what Jesus teaches about this abundant life.

Read 1 Corinthians 1:26-29.

Abundant life is not a life of riches nor a life filled with the things this world adores. “Abundant life is eternal life, a life that begins the moment we come to Christ and receive Him as Savior, and goes on throughout all eternity. The biblical definition of life - specifically eternal life - is provided by Jesus Himself: ‘Now this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent’ (John 17:3). This definition makes no mention of length of days, health, prosperity, family, or occupation. As a matter of fact, the only thing it does mention is knowledge of God, which is key to a truly abundant life.” 4

That’s it, Ladies. Recalibrate your perspective from temporal to eternal, grow in your faith by focusing on knowing and loving your heavenly Father, and prioritize your Creator’s will. He will take care of the rest. As you begin to surrender your life, you will experience a miraculous shift. We are, after all, new creations seeking to walk out our Father’s will. And as such, we gracious-ly experience a change in our hearts as well. A change in our hopes, our dreams, and what brings us joy. We find that it’s a deeper, more purposeful fulfillment. A type of calm satisfaction and happiness that is secure. In Him, we find contentment. Take heart, Precious Women, and be content with the exact blessings that your loving Father has entrusted you with at this pre-cise moment in time. After all, you are the only one who possesses them.



90 WEEK 5 | DAY 3 / fight to The finish

day three1 TIMOTHY 6:11-16

"Fight the good fight of

the faith. Take hold of eternal

life to which you were called…"

1 TIM. 6:12a

As Paul concludes his first letter to Timothy, he does so with a call to action. Like a battle cry, Paul encourages Timothy to not only finish the race, but to finish it with confidence. And it’s an encouragement for us as well. While we are prom-ised trials and temptations on this earth, God’s heart for us is to overcome this world, through Him. Rest in that, Beloved. Knowing that your heavenly Father holds you in the palm of His hand.

Dear Jesus, help us to fight the good fight of faith. Lift us up so that we might not grow weary. In our hardest times, help us to remember that we draw our strength not from the things of this world, but from You. Our Rock of salva-tion, our Anchor of hope. You are the Lord of heaven’s armies, and we surren-der to You!

Read 1 Timothy 6:11-16. In verse 11, Paul encourages Timothy to flee from the evils of this world and to seek certain godly attributes. List them here:

Do you spend most of your time pursuing these attributes or do you find your-self tangled up with the ways of the world?

Write down two ways in which you might redirect your pursuits to better align with Paul’s exhortation.

“Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to

which you were called and about which you made the good confes-

sion in the presence of many witnesses.” 1 Timothy 6:12



As mentioned in today’s introduction, God doesn’t desire you to walk this life beaten down and defeated. You are fighting the good fight of the faith and you are on the winning side! We have power, Women of God! It brings to mind this well-loved church hymn...

Paul doesn’t instruct Timothy to meekly acknowledge his gift of eternal life. Underline Paul’s exact instruction in verse 12.

How does your awareness of the power given to you change your perspective on being a Christian?

Reread 1 Timothy 6:13-16. In this passage, Paul is emboldening Timothy to stand true to the faith, no matter the cost. What did Jesus risk when making His good confession before Pontius Pilate?

Take hold of it, Sister! Own it! As Timothy modeled, we should proclaim our inheritance from the rooftops, making the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. Our Father did not place us in the midst of battle defenseless. We are warriors in heaven’s army, and with this knowledge, we can be bold and courageous. Below, draw a line from each verse to the source of the power we have while waging this timeless battle of good and evil.

2 Timothy 1:7-8

Philippians 2: 9-11

Ephesians 1:7

Romans 10:13

Romans 1:16

Ephesians 3:16

God the Father

The Name of Jesus

The Blood of Christ

The Holy Spirit

Hebrews 9:14

Acts 1:8

Luke 10:17

Psalm 68:35

Isaiah 41:10

Revelation 1:5

“Would you be free from the burden of sin?There's power in the bloodPower in the bloodWould you o'er evil a victory win?There's wonderful power in the bloodThere is power, power, wonder working powerIn the blood of the LambThere is power, power, wonder working powerIn the precious blood of the Lamb” 5

5. Power in the Blood by Lewis E. Jones


92 WEEK 5 | DAY 3 / fight to The finish

This is a common theme throughout scripture, and it tends to be a bit of a crowd shrinker. Our western church has become too familiar with the comforts afforded “free-dom of religion.” But as if overnight, we are watching that freedom stripped away as the western church plunges headlong into the global persecution of Christians. It’s times like this that separate the men from the boys (or women from the girls). Time and again throughout histo-ry during times of prosperity, believers falter in their faith. They become reliant on themselves and the world be-cause, “Hey, everything’s going pretty good. The world’s not so bad. Sit back, God. I got this. I don’t need a Savior.” Like a parent who lovingly disciplines their child in order to lead them back to righteousness, God too disciplines His children in love. Judgment, trials, and persecution pro-vide an opportunity for believers to recognize the need for Almighty God and a divine Savior. And in moments such as this, we see the wheat being separated from the chaff.

Matthew 25:33 speaks of how during His Second Coming, Jesus will separate the goats from the sheep. Today, we are already seeing that sifting commencing within the church. Paul instructs Timothy on what he should do in or-der to make the good confession and fight the good fight of faith, and it’s the call sign of a true Christian.

Write down 1 Timothy 6:14.

As believers, we are charged to preach and guard the entire revealed Word of God. With our discernment kicked into high gear, this is also a differentiating point on which we can distinguish the sheep from the goats. We’ve said

it before and we’ll say it again. Know your Bible, Women of God. In times of such great deceit, we must be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. With whom we fellowship, whom we follow, what we read, and whose flock we be-long; it matters.

For how long did Paul instruct Timothy to keep the commandment unstained and free from reproach?

Not for a few hundred years, not until a new prophet comes along, not until the world decides to render the Word of our Creator antiquated and irrelevant. “Until the appearing of our Lord Jesus.” Take this closing time to con-sider which flock you currently belong: Jesus’ flock of sheep who are secured by the Good Shepherd or to the flock of goats, lost in their own deceit and denial of the entirety of God’s Holy Word. Be honest, and consider ways you can distinguish your belonging to the family of Jesus and your beloved Creator who desires that none should perish. Per-haps it’s a book you’re reading, a television show you’re watching, a lifestyle you’re living, a lie you’re believing, a sin you’re condoning, or even the church you’re attend-ing. Let it go, Beloved. On that glorious day when the King of kings and the Lord of lords makes His awesome ap-pearance in the sky, all these things you’re holding onto so tightly will fade away like the withering grass. On that day, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. On that day, it will matter where you stand. And it matters today. Don’t wait, Sweet Sister. Let go of whatever you are white knuckling in this world and surrender it to your Lord and Savior.

“Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to

which you were called…” 1 Timothy 6:12a



dayfour1 TIMOTHY 6:17-21

"They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous

and ready to share…"

1 TIM. 6:18

As we close out Paul’s first letter to Timothy, let us remember Paul’s purpose in writing it. After training up Timothy in the faith, Paul needed qualified leaders to help carry out the church’s mission. And the need for that remains today. In a world swarming with heretical leaders, empty talkers, and deceivers, we are blessed to be anchored in God’s Word, “no longer tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes.” (Ephesians 4:14) I encourage you to pick up the baton and walk out that Great Commission to which each of us has been called. Dear Heavenly Father, we pray that we may faithfully walk out our mission. In mo-ments when we feel we can no longer endure, help us to remember that we draw our strength from You. You are our Rock, our Fortress, and our Deliverer. Help us to be confident that You who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. In You, we can overcome and contend for the faith. And in You, we shall.

Read 1 Timothy 6:17-19.

Read the following verses. What is the common theme? Matthew 6:19-20 Luke 12:33-34 Matthew 6:24 1 Timothy 6:10

Write down Matthew 6:21.

“As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty,

nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who

richly provides us with everything to enjoy.” 1 Timothy 6:17


94 WEEK 5 | DAY 4 / fight to The finish

Where is your heart, Sweet Sister? Do you find it pining after the things of this earth which will one day pass away? Turn your eyes upon Jesus, the Author and Creator of all things. If we set our gaze upon the Creator rather than the created and align our hearts with His will, our desires will surely follow. He has that ability, you know? Our Father’s glory has a way of outshining even this world’s brightest treasures. Helen H. Lemmel said it well when she wrote the lyrics to this lovely hymn which has the ability to softly speak to one’s heart whenever it is often sung at the closing of a sermon.

I don’t know about you, but I want a little more of that. When it comes down to it really, it’s a relief to let go of the pressure to succumb to worldly desires. To realize that you don’t need to keep up with the Joneses, that you don’t need to purchase that new Xbox for your kids, that you don’t need to buy that dress in order to keep up with the latest fashion trend. Talk about a ball and chain lifted. And when you’re no longer seeking to impress others or satisfy your bottomless bucket with things, then you free yourself up to truly live. When you no longer treasure money and what it can provide, you free your heart to the blessings of Jesus.

Write down Acts 20:35.

In your Bible, underline what Jesus, Himself, said in the verse above.

Reread 1 Timothy 6:18-19. How does this speak to you? Do you feel as if you are walking out this commandment faithfully or does it ring through with conviction?

When following Paul’s instruction, what does Paul say one can attain?

“Turn your eyes upon Jesus Look full in His wonderful faceAnd the things of this earth will grow strangely dimIn the light of His glory and grace.” 6

6. “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”, Helen H Lemmel



You know that feeling you get when you watch your husband open a gift you put hours of thought into? Or that glint of hope you provide a hungry person on the street when you offer them a meal and a conversation? That’s joy, Ladies, and it’s so much richer than the compliment you get from your next-door neighbor on that shiny new car you purchased. And just like that need to fill the aforementioned emp-ty bucket, it’s addicting. When you get a taste of real joy, you want more. In fact, your desire for joy will grow to far outweigh your infatuation with money and what it can temporarily offer you. Don’t believe me? Read Acts 4:32-35. I mean, wow! That’s some intense giving that can only come from a truly regenerated heart that has eternal perspective and has tasted the fruits of truly living. While we are not all called to sell all of our earthly possessions in order to further God’s kingdom, take this mo-ment to consider how you might recalibrate your hopes from the uncertainty of rich-es to your Creator and that which is truly life.

Again, we see Paul emphasizing the importance of knowing the truth and sticking to your guns. We can so easily be ensnared by this groundless conversation that talks in circles. And after this past year-and-a-half of craziness, we can see how quickly those who claim to have “knowledge” can place themselves in stations of authority making inconsistent and illogical claims and decrees. Ladies, in times of confusion, when there’s so much information flying in every direction that you don’t know what to believe, let me encourage you to take a step back and look at the picture as a whole. Simplify the conversation. Ask yourself, does it align with what you know to be true in God’s Word and does it make sense? I am not claiming that our own fountains of information are without fault, but all too quickly we see ourselves throwing out years of personal experience and intelligence simply because someone with a fancy title makes a claim. Satan knows our weaknesses. Do not let yourself be hypnotized by big titles, smooth talkers, and half truths.

About this deposit, Pastor John MacArthur says “The church’s main responsibility is to guard and proclaim the truths of Scripture, so Paul instructs Timothy on how to guard and protect the Word of God...The deposit Timothy was to guard is the truth - the divine revelation of God committed to his care. Every Christian, especially if he is in ministry, has that sacred trust to guard the revelation of God.” 7

Regarding guarding the deposit entrusted to us, how do you feel like the church, as a whole, is doing?

How do you feel your church and leaders are doing?

What is Timothy called to avoid?

“O Timothy, guard the deposit entrusted to you. Avoid the irreverent

babble and contradictions of what is falsely called ‘knowledge,’ for by

professing it some have swerved from the faith.” 1 Timothy 6:20-21

7. The MacArthur Study Bible, page 1618


96 WEEK 5 | DAY 4 / fight to The finish

What does Paul say is the result of such folly? (See verse 21.)

Not only has God blessed you with your own ability to think critically, but you pos-sess the index of truth at your very fingertips. Do not be afraid to use it. This world is corrupted with lies on every corner. “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8) The master deceiver is waging a war on the very foundations of truth, and each of us will be caught in the crossfire.

As we end our study this week, I encourage you to meditate on the whole armor of God found in Ephesians 6:10-20 so as to equip yourself to be a godly leader as described by Paul, emboldened to fulfill our Great Commision. Below, list out all the weapons and defenses which our Father in heaven has provided us so that we may face the adversary with confidence and determination and fight the good fight of the faith!

Write out two instances in which you might be able to apply a certain piece of armor in a particular situation of your life.

“No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Romans 8:37

We made it all the way through 1 Timothy! Let’s take a quick look again at Paul’s closing instruction to Timothy in verses 20-21. We have evaluated the church as a whole as well as our own local churches, but how do you feel you are doing in this exhortation and also in this call of things to avoid?



“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8

JOURNAL: Make time today or tomorrow to look back through 1 Timothy. Which verse or verses had the most impact on you? Write out your fa-vorite passage and hang it somewhere visible!

If your answers to your performance as well as the church’s were mostly positive, great!! If you ended up with some negative responses, what do you feel is the cause and are there any actions you can take to help redi-rect yourself and/or the church?

Women, do not be negligent, for we have been warned. This race we run will not be without its assaults. Arm yourself for battle, Fierce Warrior. Put on the whole armor of God. Be diligent and on the lookout and be prepared to fight to the finish for the glory of God.


98 WEEK 5 | KIDSTRONG / fight to The finish


Read 2 Timothy 1:1-14.

Timothy had been trained by some godly people in his young years. Who in your life trains you in your walk with the Lord? What kinds of things have they helped you learn?

Paul is reminding Timothy of his training and encouraging him to stay faithful and strong!

2 Timothy 1:6 says, “This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you.”

What do you think he means when he says “fan into flames”?

As Christians, each of us is given different spiritual gifts to bless the body and the world with. The Holy Spirit empowers us to do those gifts, but it takes practice and training to learn them well.

Imagine two students with an incredible gift for music. Both decide to learn to play the violin. Their teacher trains them in good form and teaches them how to read music. They spend years practicing and growing in the art.




After graduation, one student con-tinues to practice daily and joins an orchestra. The other student tucks their violin in the closet and only oc-casionally pulls it out to play.

In ten years, who do you think would be the better violinist? Yep! The first becomes an expert, and the second may be in danger of forgetting how to play all together!

Even in things that you’re naturally very good at, if you don’t fan those flames, pick it up and do it, you will fall out of practice and won’t be-come proficient in the task.

Can you think of other gifts that re-quire training and practice?

Spiritual gifts are no different and much more important! The more we exercise our gifts, the more we will grow in confidence in them. And the more we grow in confidence in them, the more we will grow in con-fidence in the Giver of gifts!

Do you like to pray? Pray more! Do you like to memorize verses? Mem-

orize more! Are you a great help-er? Help more! What kinds of ways do you like to serve the Lord? What gifts do you think he may have giv-en you?

Trust God and exercise the gifts He’s given you. Not sure what your gifts are yet? That’s ok! Pray and ask God to show you how He has made you to glorify Him. Trust His plan for your life and don’t stop chasing af-ter Him.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7

If God has asked you to do it, He will equip you for it.

Let’s pray. Dear Lord, thank You for working in our lives. Please show us ways in which You have gifted us to serve You. Help us to grow in those gifts and always say, “yes!” to what You ask us to do. We love You. In Je-sus’ name, amen.