mtc platinum partner proposal - 2015 offer

Email:[email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 844 745 2120 Fax: +44 (0) 844 745 2119 Central Office: Mobile Team Challenge Ltd, Challenge House, P.O. Box 4191, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9NA Registered Office: 3, College Yard, Lower Dagnall Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4PA Company No. Cardiff 4583573 VAT Registration No. 803 2078 65

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Page 1: MTC Platinum Partner Proposal - 2015 Offer

Email:[email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 844 745 2120 Fax: +44 (0) 844 745 2119

Central Office: Mobile Team Challenge Ltd, Challenge House, P.O. Box 4191, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9NA

Registered Office: 3, College Yard, Lower Dagnall Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4PA

Company No. Cardiff 4583573 VAT Registration No. 803 2078 65

Page 2: MTC Platinum Partner Proposal - 2015 Offer

Email:[email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 844 745 2120 Fax: +44 (0) 844 745 2119

Central Office: Mobile Team Challenge Ltd, Challenge House, P.O. Box 4191, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9NA

Registered Office: 3, College Yard, Lower Dagnall Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4PA

Company No. Cardiff 4583573 VAT Registration No. 803 2078 65

Dear Sir or Madam,

Further to your recent enquiry, please find details of our Platinum Partners scheme.

Mobile Team Challenge (MTC) is emerging as a world leader in the provision and supply

of transformational programmes and events, development products and resources that

enable teams, organisations and communities to unleash the potential of their people.

Already active in fourteen countries, on five continents

MTC has attracted clients like NASA, FedEx, Vodafone, Honda, Cumbria and S.

Warwickshire NHS, Sun Microsystems, Siemens, Jaguar, Land Rover, the Royal

Air Force, Royal Navy, Army, Surrey Police, Surrey Satellites Ltd, B&Q, Durham

University, Birmingham University, Southport College, Thames Valley

University, TUC, Ashridge Management College, Mars / Masterfoods, NCP,

Ordnance Survey, Chelsea Building Society, over 200 Local Authorities and over

100 Schools and over 50 HM Prisons, Rehabilitation Centres and Youth and

Community organisations.

Mobile Team Challenge is currently delivering on-going Teambuilding and Leadership

Programmes to 55 RAF bases in the UK, including the Senior Officers’ Training Centre at

RAF Cranwell, The Army, the Royal Navy Leadership College in Portsmouth, as well as

several Tri-Services locations are also using MTC equipment to challenge individuals and

teams to unleash their full potential in leadership and motivational skills.

The above organisations have been empowered by MTC to address problems and

negative influences and transform these into sustained, successful and more positive

ways of working through the development of Peak Performance Teams.

Due to the ever increasing popularity of experiential learning techniques

pioneered by Mobile Team Challenge we are now pleased to offer the

opportunity for you to become a part of the global MTC network of accredited


As an MTC Platinum Partner, you get all of the benefits of trading under the highly

regarded and well known MTC brand and you are trained and can access all of the

tried, tested and unique products and programmes. All of this, combined with one to one

mentoring and on-going support from the MTC team in the UK and USA, gives you an

exclusive opportunity to build your own MTC business and generate a

substantial monthly income, in partnership with a world class support team and tried

and tested systems behind you. It is quoted that 80% of businesses fail in the first five

years but with franchising and systemised businesses models like MTC Platinum

Partners, these figures are reversed.

Page 3: MTC Platinum Partner Proposal - 2015 Offer

Email:[email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 844 745 2120 Fax: +44 (0) 844 745 2119

Central Office: Mobile Team Challenge Ltd, Challenge House, P.O. Box 4191, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9NA

Registered Office: 3, College Yard, Lower Dagnall Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4PA

Company No. Cardiff 4583573 VAT Registration No. 803 2078 65

Build your own business with Mobile Team Challenge

Whether you are looking for a voluntary or enforced career change or looking to create

your own destiny by starting your own business or building an additional revenue stream

– this opportunity is for you.

What you get:

136 MTC experiential activities with the Award Winning Mobile Team

Challenge equipment

5 days training in MTC activities, Appreciative Inquiry facilitation

techniques + 3 Days of on-site mentoring

Business Planning start-up advice and support

Access to the MTC Annual Workshop with latest updates, networking

with other MTC Platinum Partners

Support in creating your own bespoke training programmes

Programme templates and course materials to deliver; Leadership, Team

Building, Change Management, Conflict Management, Customer Service

Excellence etc

10% Commission against all resulting sales of MTC equipment

Your Investment:

All of the above for an investment of £9,750.00 + VAT – payable of 3

equal monthly installments of £3,250 + VAT – INTEREST FREE

This is a proven business model with a quick Return on Investment. A typical

day rate to deliver one of the above programmes ranges from £650 per day

£1000 per day – this means, even at £650 per day rate – your investment has a

pay-back within 15 working days.

Page 4: MTC Platinum Partner Proposal - 2015 Offer

Email:[email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 844 745 2120 Fax: +44 (0) 844 745 2119

Central Office: Mobile Team Challenge Ltd, Challenge House, P.O. Box 4191, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9NA

Registered Office: 3, College Yard, Lower Dagnall Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4PA

Company No. Cardiff 4583573 VAT Registration No. 803 2078 65

MTC Platinum Partners Benefit from:

A proven business model with multiple

income streams that can be used to

generate income from anywhere in the


Mobile Team Challenge Experiential

Learning Equipment Standard Kit -

comprising 53 hardware activities

Mobile Team Challenge “Fire Up

Engaged for Learning” (F.U.E.L.)

Team Leader F.U.E.L. Pack

comprising 83 activities

Mobile Team Challenge Facilitator

Training + MTC Appreciative Inquiry

Training - 5 days

Mobile Team Challenge Programme

Training ranging from Customer

Service, Team Building, Conflict

Management, Change Management etc

Business Start up advice – MTC

Collateral, Marketing Support,

Documentation Templates, Strategic

Planning, Marketing Plans, Pricing

Strategies etc.

Three days of on-site mentoring where

MTC personnel will assist you in

delivering your first programmes

On-going support to assist in

programme design and advanced MTC

Facilitator Training

MTC Platinum Partners Annual

Workshop with news, latest updates,

networking with other MTC Platinum


Page 5: MTC Platinum Partner Proposal - 2015 Offer

Email:[email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 844 745 2120 Fax: +44 (0) 844 745 2119

Central Office: Mobile Team Challenge Ltd, Challenge House, P.O. Box 4191, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9NA

Registered Office: 3, College Yard, Lower Dagnall Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4PA

Company No. Cardiff 4583573 VAT Registration No. 803 2078 65

Page 6: MTC Platinum Partner Proposal - 2015 Offer

Email:[email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 844 745 2120 Fax: +44 (0) 844 745 2119

Central Office: Mobile Team Challenge Ltd, Challenge House, P.O. Box 4191, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9NA

Registered Office: 3, College Yard, Lower Dagnall Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4PA

Company No. Cardiff 4583573 VAT Registration No. 803 2078 65

World Famous Personal, Team and Organisational

Development Events

As an MTC Platinum Partner you will be able to offer a range of unique, highly enjoyable

and effective, activity based learning, development and education products and services

including World Famous Personal, Team, Organisational and Management

Development Programmes.

Imagine...being able to deliver your own

inspirational training using MTC equipment or

delivering exciting and life-changing workshops

utilising the award winning MTC equipment in

Change Management, Leadership, Conflict,

Customer Service, Strategic Planning,

Appreciative Inquiry, Stress Management, Team

Building, NLP, Communication skills,

Management Training modules (covering all

levels of management), Emotional Intelligence,

Innovation, Performance Management, Coaching

and Mentoring, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Profiling and many more topics.

With an already proven track record of success, the use of MTC equipment in your

business differentiates you from your local competitors – helping you to win more bids,

proposals and tenders.

Applications for Mobile Team Challenge Activities:


The versatility of the Mobile Team Challenge equipment means that the same kit can be

used in Youth / Outreach to Executive Management training.

From 10-19 year olds, Mobile Team Challenge activities can be tailored to achieve the

desired outcomes with variable levels of complexities, depending upon the capabilities of

the delegates.

Many Schools and Colleges are applying the MTC

philosophies across all walks of education; from

Prefect/ Head Pupil Training to Cadet Leadership

Training including Social Skills and Enterprise

concepts. The benefits to the pupil are many:

Page 7: MTC Platinum Partner Proposal - 2015 Offer

Email:[email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 844 745 2120 Fax: +44 (0) 844 745 2119

Central Office: Mobile Team Challenge Ltd, Challenge House, P.O. Box 4191, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9NA

Registered Office: 3, College Yard, Lower Dagnall Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4PA

Company No. Cardiff 4583573 VAT Registration No. 803 2078 65

Key Stage 4 and Enrichment are two areas where MTC is making learning FUN

for students.

Seeing amazing results in the increase in self-esteem, self confidence,

self belief, self awareness, respect, motivation, Key Stage 4 Skills, Social


Developing the individual emotional intelligence capacity to develop

self awareness of personality styles, and helping them in their personal

and domestic relationships with conflict management techniques.

Increased decision making, effective problem solving and Team Working


Developing self-worth in job seeking and “back to work” initiatives for


Personalising students’ learning experience – from 10 -19 year olds.

Page 8: MTC Platinum Partner Proposal - 2015 Offer

Email:[email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 844 745 2120 Fax: +44 (0) 844 745 2119

Central Office: Mobile Team Challenge Ltd, Challenge House, P.O. Box 4191, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9NA

Registered Office: 3, College Yard, Lower Dagnall Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4PA

Company No. Cardiff 4583573 VAT Registration No. 803 2078 65

Adult: Corporate, Health Care, Forces,

Prisons etc

If your primary market is the Adult world – again, MTC has a wealth of experience and

credibility in this area for you to capitalise on too.

The RAF use Mobile Team Challenge equipment in over 50 of their stations, as does the

Army and the Royal Navy. Combined Cadet Forces are also finding the MTC equipment

invaluable in the development of leadership, communication, conflict resolution, team

building and decision making skills. Corporate organisations such as Honda, Vodafone,

Jaguar, Land Rover, Mars Foods, 200 Local Authorities and Colleges and Universities etc

The potential opportunity for your use of the MTC concepts and equipment in all market

sectors is virtually limitless.

Page 9: MTC Platinum Partner Proposal - 2015 Offer

Email:[email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 844 745 2120 Fax: +44 (0) 844 745 2119

Central Office: Mobile Team Challenge Ltd, Challenge House, P.O. Box 4191, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9NA

Registered Office: 3, College Yard, Lower Dagnall Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4PA

Company No. Cardiff 4583573 VAT Registration No. 803 2078 65

Why Experiential Learning?

The long term results of Experiential Learning have been researched and studied by

many academics – all of whom agree, that it is the most effective method of learning

and that it guarantees a long term, behavioural, positive change in the performance

of the learner – as the graph below demonstrates.

SOURCE: Scientific Research All

research was performed by Dr. Simon Priest PhD

25 Year Experiential Education Expert. Publisher of over 12 books on the subject and on the Board of Advisors for PLAYTIME Inc

This chart shows that Classroom training provides a small increase in teamwork and increased

efficiency that evaporates within a week.

Experiential Training provided a remarkable 77% boost in the Team and Organisations Development

Index that continues to have residual effects up to 1 year, without follow up.

Page 10: MTC Platinum Partner Proposal - 2015 Offer

Email:[email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 844 745 2120 Fax: +44 (0) 844 745 2119

Central Office: Mobile Team Challenge Ltd, Challenge House, P.O. Box 4191, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9NA

Registered Office: 3, College Yard, Lower Dagnall Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4PA

Company No. Cardiff 4583573 VAT Registration No. 803 2078 65

Accelerated Learning Programmes

Mobile Team Challenge’s accelerated learning programmes also utilise experiential

learning activities thus ensuring that 90% of the learning is retained and transferred into

the workplace after the event.

The activities ensure that participants personally experience the concepts and

understand how they relate to their work context. This means they can apply them

with confidence as soon as they return to the workplace.

Page 11: MTC Platinum Partner Proposal - 2015 Offer

Email:[email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 844 745 2120 Fax: +44 (0) 844 745 2119

Central Office: Mobile Team Challenge Ltd, Challenge House, P.O. Box 4191, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9NA

Registered Office: 3, College Yard, Lower Dagnall Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4PA

Company No. Cardiff 4583573 VAT Registration No. 803 2078 65


Mobile Team Challenge’s unique approach to Accelerated Learning and Development,

through utilisation of MTC techniques, produce outstanding results, highly energised and

motivated attendees and has an extremely high level of credibility - as the comments

below demonstrate:

‘A Life Changing Experience…’ (BUPA)

‘A powerful, effective and common sense approach that produced only positive

outcomes and excellent results’ (Chelsea Building Society)

‘The Experience was guaranteed FUN… but with some SERIOUS learning!’ (Bournemouth College)

‘A very rich and valuable training experience’ (RAF Innsworth)

‘MTC has proved to be exceptional and versatile for improving leadership,

communication, teambuilding, mutual support, self belief, problem solving and

creative thinking within. It’s potential within the workplace is vast whilst also

being great fun’ (Tony Woodcock, Honda UK)

‘An awesome delivery technique which makes learning great fun – it’s changed

my life’. (Moorlands College)

‘A brilliant day – GREAT Team building and Awareness of Leadership’ (Ian Brookes, CEO Lorien)

‘A very professional event which will have a profound effect on my life’ (Wokingham Borough Council)

‘…A new dimension to our leadership and development programmes…’ (Chrys Murphy, Wing Commander, RAF)

“MTC is about building on success, to bring about even more success”

(Brett Nicholls, RAF School of Training)

“An excellent event – made me really think what being a manager was about!” (S. Derbyshire District Council)

Page 12: MTC Platinum Partner Proposal - 2015 Offer

Email:[email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 844 745 2120 Fax: +44 (0) 844 745 2119

Central Office: Mobile Team Challenge Ltd, Challenge House, P.O. Box 4191, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9NA

Registered Office: 3, College Yard, Lower Dagnall Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4PA

Company No. Cardiff 4583573 VAT Registration No. 803 2078 65

“I wanted to write a short note to thank you both for such an excellent MTC

course last week. I thoroughly enjoyed the two days and found the

Appreciative Inquiry. approach fascinating. I think you have tremendous

training medium in the MTC equipment. More importantly, the positive-framing.

approach to facilitation is extremely powerful and when combined with the first

class challenges, lead to a very rich and valuable training experience. Crucially,

you both believe and live. the concept and that message came across loud and

clear. Thank you both once again for your energy and enthusiasm that bought

the whole two days to life. Best wishes and please keep up the great work”.

Squadron Leader Paul Bate, RAF Innsworth

“MTC Training enhances existing leadership and team building activities and

improves other training exercises”.

Pamela Murray, RAF LTPD School of PT

"The most enjoyable and thought provoking course I have ever attended“

David Jordan, Prison Officer

"The MTC approach shows that the glass is "half full" and not "half empty". It

will work within most organisations"

Dennis Griffiths, Prison Officer

"There are many valuable aspects to the MTC approach that develop

communication, flexibility, trust, teamwork, etc. This can all be related and the

lessons learnt transferred to work and life in general"

Stuart Cooper, Prison Education Officer, HMP

"The MTC Training course was very professional, great fun and packed full of

great information"

Simon Folger, Prison Education Officer, HMP

“An excellent course – very professional and well presented. Thank you Barry”.

Chris Belcher, Head of Learning and Development, S.Warwickshire NHS

Page 13: MTC Platinum Partner Proposal - 2015 Offer

Email:[email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 844 745 2120 Fax: +44 (0) 844 745 2119

Central Office: Mobile Team Challenge Ltd, Challenge House, P.O. Box 4191, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9NA

Registered Office: 3, College Yard, Lower Dagnall Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4PA

Company No. Cardiff 4583573 VAT Registration No. 803 2078 65

Measurable Benefits from

Experiential Learning

Leadership and Followership Clear measurement of skill and knowledge transfer Shared Vision Planning Prioritisation Techniques Strategic Planning Methodology Project Planning and Tracking Tools & Charts SMART Objectives Mission Statements and Vision Statements Goals, Objectives, Strategies, tactics Team Dynamics – Planning Change Team Dynamics - Planning Increased Team Working and Camaraderie Increased Awareness of Team Dynamics Visionary and Creative Thinking Relationship Building Management of Diversities Team Creativity Increased Problem Solving Skills Enhanced Trust of each other Increased Personal Confidence The Art of Delegation and Empowerment Team Excellence and Team Spirit Effective Communication Rapport Building Personal Leadership Project Management Mutual Understanding Outstanding Motivation High Performance Teams Maximised Team Member Support FUN!!

Page 14: MTC Platinum Partner Proposal - 2015 Offer

Email:[email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 844 745 2120 Fax: +44 (0) 844 745 2119

Central Office: Mobile Team Challenge Ltd, Challenge House, P.O. Box 4191, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9NA

Registered Office: 3, College Yard, Lower Dagnall Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4PA

Company No. Cardiff 4583573 VAT Registration No. 803 2078 65

The MTC Platinum Partner Equipment

The Fired Up & Engaged in Learning Team Leader pack comes in a highly versatile rolling back

pack and enables almost 90 different experiential learning activities

Page 15: MTC Platinum Partner Proposal - 2015 Offer

Email:[email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 844 745 2120 Fax: +44 (0) 844 745 2119

Central Office: Mobile Team Challenge Ltd, Challenge House, P.O. Box 4191, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9NA

Registered Office: 3, College Yard, Lower Dagnall Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4PA

Company No. Cardiff 4583573 VAT Registration No. 803 2078 65

A further 60 activities are based around the award winning MTC hardware.

This provides the basic building blocks for almost 60 major events accommodating up to 30

participants which are all stored in 7 custom-designed hardware bags.

(4) 7 ft. beams

(14) Big Foot ropes with sliders

(1) Spiderweb stand and web

(1) Great Escape

(2) 12' nylon ropes

(15) blindfolds

(20) rubber nonskid bands

(2) 18"x18" mats and (6) 18"x22" mats

Hardware bag containing:

(4) splice plates, (4) angle brackets, (16) pivot nubs, (1) hinge, (1) 9’ Trust Vee

safety rope, 1 set of tools, extra screws and nuts.

Now with five copies of MTC Facilitator’s Manual and The Appreciative Facilitator


PLUS copies following world leading activity books, Teamwork/Teamplay, Quicksilver, Zircon Gorilla and Executive Marbles all cross reference back to your MTC kit

Page 16: MTC Platinum Partner Proposal - 2015 Offer

Email:[email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 844 745 2120 Fax: +44 (0) 844 745 2119

Central Office: Mobile Team Challenge Ltd, Challenge House, P.O. Box 4191, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9NA

Registered Office: 3, College Yard, Lower Dagnall Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4PA

Company No. Cardiff 4583573 VAT Registration No. 803 2078 65

The MTC Platinum Partner – Activity Matrix

Page 17: MTC Platinum Partner Proposal - 2015 Offer

Email:[email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 844 745 2120 Fax: +44 (0) 844 745 2119

Central Office: Mobile Team Challenge Ltd, Challenge House, P.O. Box 4191, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9NA

Registered Office: 3, College Yard, Lower Dagnall Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4PA

Company No. Cardiff 4583573 VAT Registration No. 803 2078 65

Mobile Team Challenge: Matrix of Activities and


Page 18: MTC Platinum Partner Proposal - 2015 Offer

Email:[email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 844 745 2120 Fax: +44 (0) 844 745 2119

Central Office: Mobile Team Challenge Ltd, Challenge House, P.O. Box 4191, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9NA

Registered Office: 3, College Yard, Lower Dagnall Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4PA

Company No. Cardiff 4583573 VAT Registration No. 803 2078 65

Mobile Team Challenge: Team Leader Activities

Page 19: MTC Platinum Partner Proposal - 2015 Offer

Email:[email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 844 745 2120 Fax: +44 (0) 844 745 2119

Central Office: Mobile Team Challenge Ltd, Challenge House, P.O. Box 4191, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9NA

Registered Office: 3, College Yard, Lower Dagnall Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4PA

Company No. Cardiff 4583573 VAT Registration No. 803 2078 65

Mobile Team Challenge: The Learning Cycle

The internationally renowned experiential learning guru – David Kolb – is also a “Raving

Fan” of Mobile Team Challenge and he has allowed us to adapt his famous “Kolb

Learning Cycle Model” to incorporate the “MTC Experience”.

Another strong supporter of Mobile Team Challenge is the founder of Appreciative

Inquiry – David Cooperrider (who has co-authored some books with MTC) and his

revolutionary approach to Appreciative Inquiry facilitation techniques have been

incorporated into the “Reflection and Transfer / Application” aspect of the activity.

If you require any further information regarding this amazing opportunity, please do not

hesitate to contact us.

Yours sincerely

Barry Bailey


Mobile Team Challenge Ltd

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: +44 (0) 844 745 2120