multiple styles, same message

Kaylynn Dewane Multiple Styles, Same Message Advertising Design Spring 2015

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By: Kaylynn Dewane


Page 1: Multiple Styles, Same Message

Kaylynn Dewane

Multiple Styles,Same Message

Advertising Design Spring 2015

Page 2: Multiple Styles, Same Message

Target: Female, 20-27, middle class with average income available, With More than average athletic lifestyle.

Product: Athletic clothing found in common clothing depart-ment store.

Design Explanation:

The whole concept of this design was to give this phrase “Do Not Over Think This” a sense of power and movement.

The sharp edges of this type make your eye constantly move around the page. The type itself looks like its running. When the target market looks at this font they will be drawn to it be-cause it personifies their personal lifestyle. The color choices are fairly simple. I used pink because it is traditionally associ-ated with the female gender and many women are drawn to

this color. With such an intense pink I kept the secondary color black to keep a balance between harsh and comfortable. The placement of the type is centered to simply draw more atten-tion to it and with the centered type in color there is no way to

not look at it.

Page 3: Multiple Styles, Same Message

Target: Female or male, 14-18, limited income due to age, pur-chaser of product.

Product: Top gaming system, Not computer.

Design Explanation:

The inspiration behind this design is something every gamer is familiar with. The ESRB sticker on ever single video game out there. I wanted to do something obvious that only a “gamer” would recognize. I configured the type and fonts to replicate the look of this rating system. The black and white boxs, thick and thin type and of course the very large letter in the center which gives parents the idea of what content the game holds.

Page 4: Multiple Styles, Same Message

Target: Primary Target: Female, 47-57, Secondary Target: Male (husband of female), disposable income available, par-

ents of two grown children no longer at home.

Product: Guided tours to Europe (specifically Greece)

Design Explanation:

The reasoning behind this desing is very simple. I used the colors of the national flag and even replicated the design of the flag on the page. The typeface used is a simple serif font to incorporate the traditional fonts used throughout their history. I also placed traditional Greek letters for the first and last letters to increase the Greek influence of the piece. The placement of the type is intentional. I did not want the words to be just simply placed on the page, I wanted them to apart of the design. This led me to the relief sculputres on the Parthenon. I cut the very bottom of the text off to replicate that type of carving style that is so well known in Greece.

Page 5: Multiple Styles, Same Message

Target: Female or male, 36-42, disposable income available, avid gardener.

Product: Soil premixed for gardening. Can be vegetables or flower specific, but for something that can be harvested. Not

for lawn.

Design Explanation:

The reason why I chose this type of font is for the handwritten type of style. It is a sans serif font with natural rounded edg-es and a curvy-ness throughout that personifies the vines and connecting foliage of a garden. This type of font is a natural way of writting, which is highly suited for the product. I gave the type a rich and earthy texture to relate better to the prod-uct needs. I did not want to have any heavy or dark colors be-cause when you look at a garden you are instantly struck by the bright, rich colors of nature. I stacked the phrase on top of each other to emphasize the “moss” growing off of it and give it a more organic feel.

Page 6: Multiple Styles, Same Message

Target: Primary Target: Male 48-56, upper class level of in-come (=”rich”), retired.

Product: High quality kitchen tool or appliance (knives, grill, pans, etc. - you choose).

Design Explanation:

The idea behind this design specifically targets high quality kitchen knives. I chose a sans serif typeface but what is so intriguing about this typeface is the sharp points throughout it, which relate to the high quality knives. I also kept the type all upper case to give it a slighty rugged nature that the target market will relate to easily. I added a border around the text to give the font a holding area to reside in. Having the type etched into floating metal does not appeal to well, so to give it an area to activate specifically will grab the attention of the target. I added a metal type of texture to not only relate to the product but to add a manly essence to the product. Having the type looked etched into the metal gives it an expensive quality and durable look.

Page 7: Multiple Styles, Same Message

Target: Male, 27-34, disposable income available though not “rich”, college educated, about to propose to first spouse (fe-


Product: Diamond ring from well-known chain of jewelers.

Design Explanation:

Dealing with the product and target market in mind I created this design. I wanted the design to be elegant yet approach-able. I used a sans serif font to keep the type more relaxed and modern. I kept the phrase “do not” in all lower case to em-phasize the simplicity of the design. I did not amke the “do not” overly scripted because of the target market. I added the silver tone to the type to give it more of the wedding ring feel and add a touch of class mixed with elegance. The lower phrase “Over Think This” is in a handwritten type of font that is slightly scripted to give it a feminine undertone without being to harsh to the target market. Capitalizing every first letter gives a nice contrast between the upper and lower phrases. I made the low-er phrase a slightly gold tone to compliment the silver above and give the essence of gold and silver rings. The background is black because it is clean and simple without contrasting with my color choices. Also every wedding ring deserves to be in a little black box. The type in the left hand corner because that is where our eyes (as western readers) are typically drawn to first. Its a placement that is comfortable and easy on the eyes of the viewer.

Page 8: Multiple Styles, Same Message

Target: Male, 18-24, disposable income available, average (stereotyped) amount of responsibility and partying for this

age group and gender.

Product: Las Vegas Tourism.

Design Explanation:

I chose this design because I wanted to capture the bold nature of Vegas. I made my own typeface to create a neon light effect. When you think of Vegas you think of lights and I wanted to capture that very effect. I used the color red specif-ically relating to the all well-known Las Vegas sign. I placed the lights on a dark bricked wall to add to the grungy nature of Las Vegas and appeal to the target markets (stereotyped) appeal to bars and clubs. I designed the lights in perspective so they look like you are actually sitting under them so when the target market see’s this they will instantly see themselves in this place under the lights of Las Vegas.