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13 Special Edition No. 30

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Regional Newsletter, Issue No.30


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No. 30

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There is no way to peace, peace is the way. Mahatma Gandhi

“Do as my dependent ...” is the phrase that resonates inside us for life, since we recite our first Scout promise and resonate each once we make a new challenge. This phrase defines many ways our lifestyle, the way we perceive our limits and even in the lives of people around us. This phrase allowed me to overcome my limits. The first time when I was 14 years old, being even Scout; through tropical forest and mountain, carrying a backpack ready for 3 day trial outdoors: hiking, cooking without utensils and compass orientation ... a version of the Scout high adventure!!! Low sun and rain I wondered. How did you get here? “Smile and sing...” and “do all in my depends ... “I got a second, third and fourth air to reach the destination, in addition to fun. So I learned that there are no limits to achieve my goals, whenever it clears what I’m getting and continue

Step by step, one at a time.

A second opportunity to test my limits reached during the national emergency in 2011 Thousands of people affected in El Salvador by the eruption of the volcano Llamatepec and Tropical Storm Stan. Natural question between national leadership who will take action? - No more preambles, Educational Methods to coordinate the operation emergency care. Mobilization with governments, local coordination of Scouts nationwide, calculation and distribution of basic food grains and rising censuses, mapping risk locations, etc.

So I learned that serving people is largely a more important reason than my personal limitations. I also learned that I’ll never be alone, the vast network of Scouts and former Scouts provide support from their position and resources at your fingertips.

The newest challenge ... inspire 40 million Scouts take action in their community through service and it inspire 200 million no scouts to join our effort to create a better world. This includes talking about Peace to youth and adults of different cultures and contexts different languages, unknown to me.

Does it seem extreme, utopian and different educational purpose I express the movement? Yes I do. But nothing more than the Scout reality everyday. Over 100 years ago, Baden Powell imagined men and women twinned above their differences, inspired by the bond created in their youth, to join hands in service to others. B. P. envisioned a global service network transcending cultures, ethnicities and borders, integrating affecting youth and adults in their society. Being Scouts are not aware that a simple walk will allow us to take nearly impossible challenges through life, we get it to grow. In front of the extreme need for others, Scouts don´t take a moment to think in the possibility of not taking action, the impulse to serve put us in front of great challenges. In 2007, 10 million Scouts joined together to give a Gift of Peace through service to their community, in 110 countries. Scouts make peace every day, living the values we have adopted. So universal and inspiring as is the ideal of peace, all good intention must be accompanied by objectives and action. “Not enough to talk about peace. One should believe in it and work for it “as noted by Eleanor Roosevelt. Youth and adults must be aware of our role in building the Peace Culture, understood as “a set of values, attitudes, traditions, behaviors and lifestyles. “

Understand what is a Culture of Peace, applying dimensions and forms of dialogue, do good deeds, participating or lead projects, learn how to plan and manage projects service work in multidisciplinary teams, raise funds; are minimal actions we can take to be witness to our promise. Peace begins with me.

As NSOs, as a region and as part of this global network to promote our role this content in our programs, encourage youth participation, explore and understand the social entrepreneurship as educational tool, incorporating these contents in the training of our adults in Scouting for their performance as leaders and to their personal lives.

Support and recognize the efforts of our service of our youth and volunteers and identify inspiring models in our society, help to expand our local and world network. Peace is a collective effort. Each behooves us to understand and know the needs of my local, regional and global community, creating solutions together, sharing good experiences, imitating and improving based on local experience.

Peace is context-related. As human beings, we have the option of making peace every day, as Scouts we are committed to “do everything on my depends...”

We are Scouts, we are Messengers of Peace Cynthia Marquez Manager, Global Network of Messengers of Peace World Scout Bureau - Office Kuala Lumpur [email protected]


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With little more than a year since its official launch, the Messengers of Peace Programme in Brazil has several new features. Despite the closure of a major alliance with Portugal an increased number of projects has been received. Brazil is also part of the Portuguese-speaking group, offering for next year the creation of joint projects between the participating countries with exclusive materials in Portuguese. In the past year, many projects have been carried out by various Scout Groups across Brazil within their communities. Here are two of the most important projects:

Trot Solidarity

Held in March at the headquarters of the Viçosa Scout Group, Trotting Solidarity was organized by the rover Nathan Barbosa and Forestry student Tamara Braga. The initiative aimed to bring together donors of hair willing to help in making wigs for children undergoing cancer treatment. All the material collected was for the NGO Cabelegria located in San Pablo, which is the national distributor of free hair to persons with cancer. During the day of solidarity not only donors but also friends, supporters and former patients went to the headquarters of the Scout Group and brought very positive messages for the project. With the support of some salons, donors received new make-overs, totally free. At the end of the day all the material received from a total of 151 donations was reoved.

From March to the present, due to the success of the project and the high demand from donors, approximately 450 grants have been made and we continue to deliver hair to the NGO.

Orchard therapy

At the headquarters of Impeesa Scout Group 97 in Rio de Janeiro, a therapeutic garden has been developed for the use and management of the Brazilian Institute for Motor Rehabilitation (IBRM) and the Scout Group. The project sought to implement activities that aroused the interest of scouts and IBRM patients in the care of the environment. The related activities such as soil excavation, planting, pruning and land irrigation, were not only a great therapeutic exercise as a form of healthy, creative learning but provided a contact with nature. To IBRM, the orchard will be an excellent way to stimulate the treatment of patients through the actual use of motirised equipment used in the care of the soil and plants.

Moreover, collection of materials for use in the kitchen to prepare healthy and organic food can be undertaken. Produce which is not used in the kitchen can be donated to the families of patients from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Finally, we would like to encourage everyone to share their projects with us in the page or our email [email protected]. That’s because, no matter how small, all these initiatives have the potential to be inspiring projects that can positively impact the lives of various communities around the world.


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As part of Earth Week on Saturday April 26, 2014 in the provinces of Panama, Colon and Chiriqui different Scout Districts of Panama planted over 600 seedlings of species native to their region under the motto “a Scout, a tree” with the aim of sensitizing the Scouts about the importance of trees, forests and the impact of humans on ecosystems.

PARTICIPANTS: Forming part of the activity in Panama were 724 Scouts from different Sections: Cubs (6-10 years), Scouts (11-14 years), Venturers (15-17 years), Rovers (18-20 years) and Leaders.

Contributors: The joint effort engaged volunteers from the Red Cross, Colon´s Lions Club, ANAM (Environment National Autority) and the National Police with the support received from the Natura Foundation and other sponsors like Odebrecht, Reckitt Designs and UNACHI (University of Chiriqui) totalling about 67 persons. Overall turnout was 756 people planting Trees for the World in Panama 2014.


5,012 Hours of Community Service 756 Participants of the Tree Planting 637 saplings planted nationwide 34 Scout Groups 22 Communities 7 Regions / Scout Districts


• Where the importance of trees for the world is made known, the planting of trees as part of an environmental project in Scouts Districts gets done.• An environmental project was started to track tree planting, water plants and periodic cleaning of the perimeter where the trees were planted. • The activity informs and involves parents, leaders and sponsors of an environmental medium and long term project, as part of the Scout’s commitment to preserve the environment. • Green areas and public parks that were part of the planting of trees in the 22 intervention communities, in the future will have areas of shade, sound insulation and many more trees to help clean the air.


GOOD TURN ACTIVITIES - February 22, 2014

Commemorating the birthday (157) of Lord Baden-Powell, an event celebrated worldwide annually every February 22, Panama Scouts groups were involved in Community Service or by doing a good turn as he said in the Footsteps of our Founder, “The real way to get happiness is making others happy “. Big or small, good turns or community service makes us part of the solution of the problems of our communities and society in which we live. The event was held under the motto “I can change the world, count on me”

GOOD TURN DAY ACTION FIGURES 2858 Hours of Community Service 548 Participants 28 Communities 26 Scout Groups 6 Regions / Scout Districts

On the eve of the celebration of the Centenary of Scouting in Panama, we can show what was inherited as a result of the visit of Baden-Powell in 1912, when he shared with the educator, José Mercedes Villamil, the idea of this worldwide movement of boys, led by boys under the guidance of a responsible adult. Two years later, on November 28, 1914, José managed to lay the groundwork for what is today national Scouting.

Messengers of Peace in Panama meets with great enthusiasm the challenge: Leave this world a little better than we found it. To accomplish this we have all Scout Groups involved in this great World Programme, through local activities that positively impact communities and facilitates constructive roles in society where the Scouts operate, taking into account that young people are the source of great changes to “Create a Better World. “Here are some of the projects undertaken by Messengers of Peace in Panama in recent months:


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ELECTIONS 2014, “A MESSAGE OF PEACE” - May 4, 2014

The Scouts of Panama in a strategic alliance with the Electoral Tribunal executed a Project as Promoters of Safety in the General Elections 2014, in which the Representatives, Mayors, Representatives and the President of the Republic for the next five years were chosen.

The work done by Scouts of Panama, was to assist older adults and people with disabilities to locate their polling stations, minimizing the risk of accidents on stairs or steps within the facilities that provided access to vote.


• Make visible the work of Scouts of Panama to the Government and society. • Reaffirm the credibility and trust of our organization to attract more support and social positioning. • Establish a close relationship with the Government of Panama. • Being Involved in processes of democracy and transparency in our country.


1848 Community Service Hours 168 Participants 18 Voting Centers 16 Scout Groups 7 Regions / Scout Districts

Lechetón - May 31, 2014 Adding to the efforts by the Active 20-30 Club of Panama, Panama´s Scouts supported the annual collection at the different milk collection centers.

The Lechetón is held every year in order to help children and older adults residing in different charities nationwide to supplement their diets with the nutrients that milk provides. The activity consists in collecting milk in Tetra Pak which are available in all supermarkets, and then taking them to some previously identified institution.


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Project 1: Donate your hair. Give HopeCuliacan, SinaloaHair donation campaign by Mariana Monroy Morgan, a cub from scout group 10 Culiacán, Sinaloa. The campaign began with a video invitation to the general public to donate hair. With the support of scouts and non-scouts in Sinaloa and other parts of Mexico, he managed to collect over 100 braids which were donated to the Children’s Hospital of Sinaloa.

The braids will be used for the development and donation of oncology wigs for poor girls and women with cancer. The delivery of the collected braids became symbolic of one of the beneficiaries of this campaign, the facilities in Sinaloa Pediatric Hospital.

Three persons, donating a total of 8.464 hours of service, participated directly in this grand project.

Project 2: Literacy House MAIS AguascalientesAfter performing some service activities in House MAIS, a lack of opportunity for children and teens to pursue their studies in basic education was detected. Therefore, Mariana Vazquez Mora planned a literacy project with the aim of involving adolescents and adults in an educational system where their learning can be recognized so they can obtain their certificate of primary education.

The literacy project would require advisors giving classes so they asked for the support of INEPJA (Institute of Youth and Adult Education) which provided the material and made available all the benefit to their system so participants could take exams. After a number of achievements were approved participants were awarded their Primary and then the Secondary School Certificates. The leader of this project was Mariana Vazquez Mora with a total of 500 hours.

Project 3: Service Scouts of Nayarit, in the floods in Jalisco Xalisco, NayaritOn July 6 a tornado generated a whirlwind for about 40 minutes with heavy rains in the hillside village of Xalisco. The water flowed directly to the village carrying with it trash of fire (logs, ash, soil , etc) which had accumulated previously. Therefore the stream “El Indio” (which is where rainwater is directed) bursed its banks causing the overflow of the river to affect the streets and houses of the settlers.

On Sunday, July 7, knowing the tragedy of the people of Xalisco a “Be Prepared” alert was issued asking scouts groups in the capital of Nayarit for support with food, clothing and cleaning supplies, to support the residents in cleaning their houses.

Scouts and hikers helped the people directly, raking out mud that was inside the houses; handing out food and water and helping with the logistics undertaken by Civil Protection personnel.

In this project 100 scouts participated with a total of 30,000 hours of service.

Project 4: T.E.P.E. Green Querétaro, QuerétaroA Photographic Exhibition was mounted at T.E.P.E., an institution that works with homeless children and or those at risk of child labor and their families, with support from Messengers of Peace Querétaro. In this exhibition were portrayed the innocence of a vulnerable child who is able to maarvel and gaze at images of himself.

T.E.P.E. and Messengers of Peace demonstrated the ability to promote genuine expressions to highlight



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rights and opportunities in order to sow dreams and hopes that can be converted into action and germinate the possibility of change. This project was supported by 10 participants with a total of 600 hours of service.

Project 5: Peace Gathering

Morelia, Michoacán

Last September several natural disasters happened that affected several states in Mexico. One of those states was Michoacán, where 9 municipalities were declared disaster areas. The Rover Crew of the group 7 in Morelia began the “Gathering Peace” project with two goals in two phases:

• Phase One: During the Diasater: Collection centers were established to collect at least 100 hampers to distribute later.

• Phase Two: After: To help at least 10 families to recover and rehabilitate their homes.

Citizens of these 9 municipalities lost their possessions (clothes, furniture, food) in a couple of days, without counting the destruction of the city in which they reside. The government could not keep up and support given to all people was coming in slowly, which is why the rovers tried to implement this project as soon as possible and help reduce the impact that nature had on their communities.

In this project 8 persons participated with a total of 160 hours of service.

Project 6: The largest Fleur-de- Lis in Queretaro Querétaro, México

On Saturday June 8, 2013 “The largest Fleur-de-Lis in Querétaro” was made by the Scouts of Queretaro, in the Cultural Centre Gomez Morin. “ The largest Fleur- de-Lis Querétaro “ is to create a fleur-de- lis with aluminum cans collected and donated by the scouts.

More than 600 Scouts from around Querétaro gathered to work on this activity, where all the cans collected were donated to three charitable institutions: T.E.P.E., Todos Estamos Por Una Esperanza IAP y Casa Hogar Maximiliano María Kolve IAP. In total 56,400 aluminum cans were collected, which meant a new record for activity. In Querétaro we are Messengers of Peace. This activity had a total of 800 participants with a total 36,000 hours.



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This was the name of the project that supported the supreme electoral tribunal in the last presidential election. Some support activities are detailed below:

• The Volunteers of the Scout Association of El Salvador carried out specific support tasks as, assisting all citizens with some form of disability e.g. the elderly, pregnant women, in their jourmeys to the polling stations assigned to them.

• Taking into account the experiences of past elections in departments and municipalities where Scouts Groups had been placed, the scouts worked well at the voting centers, given the constraints of infrastructure and the higher concentration of voters.


a. Based on the assigned activities and the efforts of our young volunteers we were present at 9 of 14 departments of El Salvador which are Santa Ana, Sonsonate, La Libertad, San Salvador, Cuscatlan, La Paz, San Vicente, Usulutan, San Miguel

b. Polling, We assisted persons entitled to vote. With the distribution department, municipalities and taking into account that for the first time in our country Residential voting took place nationally, allowed us provide more beneficiaries for voting.

First Round February 2, 2014

1,554 polling stations covered representing 14.89%

748.188 Voters representing 15.32%

Total Volunteer Scout participants: 2,098.

Second Round March 9, 2014

1,641 polling stations covered representing 15.73%

790.330 Voters representing 16.18%

Total Volunteer Scout participants: 2,077.


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In line with its constitution, the purpose of WOSM, among others, is to foster the Scout Movement throughout the world by facilitating its expansion and development.

One of the initiatives which in recent times has perhaps contributed most to this objective has been the Messengers of Peace initiative, which provides valuable resources to the National Scout Organizations to create the conditions to have quality Scouting at local level.

At the same time and supported by this initiative, is the Global Support System, established at the World Scout Conference in 2011 with its request to the World Scout Committee to implement a consultancy approach to provide National Scout Organizations with a clear support to facilitate their development and growth.

Within this Global Support System framework a tool was was developed, specifically, to be used by both National Scout Organizations and World Scout Bureau: the Global Support Assessment Tool (GSAT).

GSAT assesses overall compliance of a National Scout Organization in terms of best governance practices and, in general terms, all their competencies and skills to have quality Scouting. GSAT was developed in cooperation with SGS (Societe Generale de Surveillance), worldwide certification specialist with a well-proven track record in NGO audits. It is a consolidation of the already existing and used regional assessment tools, combined with best international practices of good governance applied to NGOs

The use of this tool, now established as a standard of quality Scouting, allows assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of National Scout Organizations based on the following ten dimensions:

• NSO - WOSM Institutional Requirements

• Governance Framework (Constitution, General Assembly and National Board)

• Strategic Framework

• Integrity Management

• Communication, Advocacy and Public Image

• Adults In Scouting

• Resources Allocation and Financial Controls

• Youth Programme

• Growth Potential

• Continuous Improvement

This assessment, if successful, delivers certification from a 3rd party (SGS), for NSOs who wish to undertake an external assessment. A successful certification helps to ensure future donors, as well as to the stakeholders, that the NSO is in compliance with good governance practices and meets quality performance.

Furthermore, this tool can also be used for self-assessment. In this way, a National Scout Organization can identify areas for improvement and shortcomings in its development capacities. Based on the outcome, it can prioritize its action plan and identify the required supports through the Global Support Consultancy services and, additionally, apply to the Messengers of Peace Fund for a project to strengthen its capacities in the development of this action plan.

All this is possible thanks to the fact that, in contrast with similar tools, the results of this assessment are not presented in the way of “approval or disapproval”. Rather, the GSAT presents the scores achieved by the NSO according to four levels, which adds value to the whole process. In fact, the aim is to allow both, NSO and stakeholders, to identify the state of their specific concerns or interests in a structured and operational way.

From this perspective, Messengers of Peace is an incredible opportunity and natural complement to the services provided by the Global Support of the Organization of the World Scout Movement to get specific consultancy and technical services for the operational and administrative management of the NSOs, as well as for them to face their challenges to strengthen their skills and capacities in the delivery of a better Scout experience at the local level.


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For the fourth consecutive year, the National Association of Scouts of Honduras in conjunction with Tetra Pak and Sula conducted and increased milk collection nationwide in order to benefit hundreds of children, teens, young and older adults who receive care in different institutions nationwide. Through this campaign we seek to collect from supermarkets, in different quantities, 70 thousand units of milk. This important food is in turn distributed to those most in need over a three-month period. The Lechetón 2014 was held between 31 May and 1 June in major supermarket chains in the country, in the cities of Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, Comayagua and El Paraiso. Over 1,000 volunteers from the Scout Association were involved with the 30 participating supermarkets.

In its fourth year The Lechetón continues to grow and extend its help to more children and older adults who are the centre of focus. This collection is carried out in several countries in Latin America simultaneously to celebrate World Milk Day.

José Luarca, Sales Manager Tetra Pak, said: “For Tetra Pak, this is one of the most important activities of our year. It has become a movement in Latin America, as it’s done in 10 countries. Honduras remains one of the best collector countries.” He added: “We will continue doing this activity thanks to the Scouts and the Honduran people. Every year it’s a resounding success,” concluded the Executive.

Meanwhile Miriam Kafie, Social Responsibility Manager of Sula said: “Lechetón has become one of our flagship social campaigns. For the fourth year we changed the packaging of Sula milk to promote the activity, manage partnerships with major supermarkets throughout the country and join our staff as volunteers “She added: “We do a significant donation of units of milk to homes, so through this campaign we unite private enterprise and consumers in one of the most important collections that the Scout Association of Honduras make in the year,” concluded the Executive.

This year, The Scout Association of Honduras which mobilized over a thousand volunteers, with the aim to serve, said “Be Prepared and always do your best. Help to build a better world and become true MESSENGERS OF PEACE.”


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In November last year I was elected Coordinator Youth Network of my scout province and within the work planned for 2014 we included as a project the mounting of a Local Development Village for Venturers and Rovers in my province. This idea was inspired by the “Global Development Village” (GDV), which is one of the activities that one cannot miss on an International scout camp at a Jamboree or Moot. In the global village youth have the opportunity to establish contact with international organizations working on issues or specific problems that are generally within the categories of environment, peace and development. Fortunately I had the opportunity to participaie in the World Scout Jamboree 2011 and World Scout Moot 2013 attending the GDVs. I realized that there are not only conflicts but there are also people who try to solve them and together we can make a major change.

From these experiences and remembering the phrase “Think globally, act locally” I decided to do a project . The idea was to replicate that activity but in my scout province for scouts in 15-22 years, giving them the oportunity to realize that here there are organizations of civil society working to create a better world in the areas of environment, peace and development. Furthermore, this local village would assist their personal development and get them involved in a programme already established or to make a new project among various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) at local level. These, in turn, would benefit because they would be released and could get volunteers for their activities.

So, I set out to do all of the planning. First, I contacted the Jalisco Institute for Youth to see what we could do on “Facebook” to invite venturers and rovers of my

province. The day came and from very early we prepared the materials so that everything was ready when the activity began. Venturers and rovers began arriving and got registered. Altogether the activity attracted 92 young people. This experience is gained through workshops or a “rally” in which, apart from living with other venturers and rovers of the province, participants could meet through dynamic activities, group work and what issues or options the volunteer organization has.

Participants learned of two local organizations (Techo and Ecovía Project), two scouts projects ( global initiative Messengers of Peace and volunteering Scout Experience Ready for life in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico) and the various programmes that the Jalisco Institute of Youth have. These four hours were great fun for the young and above all, were the inspiration for them to see that all of us can be agents of change if we think globally and act locally.

In conclusion, the Youth Network served as a platform to develop this personal project. I believe strongly that the “Local Development Village” should replicated throughout the Interamerican Region for older branches, as it definitely enhances opportunities for youth about volunteering and meaningful experiences for their direct contribution to the Jalisco Institute of Youth community. Remember the words of our founder: “He who does not live to serve, does for a living.”


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12 - 14

-Reunión de la Red de Desarrollo Institucional, Subregión Cono Sur

-Institutional Development Network meeting, South Cone Sub Region



19 - 21

-Reunión de la Red de Comunicaciones, Subregión Cono Sur

-Communications Network meeting, South Cone Sub-region


25 - 28

-Curso Nivel 2, Subregión Cono Sur

-Level 2 Course, South Cone Sub Region


26 - 28

-Reunión de la Red de Medio Ambiente, Desarrollo y Paz

-Environment, Development and Peace Network meeting

Costa Rica


22 - 25

-Curso Profesional para Scouters (MoP)

-Professional Scouters Course (MoP)

Trinidad &



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You can be part of the Official Newsletter ofInteramerican Region. Send us your stories about anyactivity that has taken placein your National ScoutOrganization so the world will know it.

Tell us at:[email protected]

• Luis Bethancourt• Ramón Guerra• Mauricio Veayra• Ralf Dillmann• José Gabriel Criollo

• Pablo Guzmán• Zucely González• Diana Carrillo Tiburcio Z.• José Ramón Díaz Ordaz

This newsletter was made by the contribution and the effort of: