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Post on 30-Nov-2014



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  • In terms of income and finance the socio-economic group I aimed my magazine at is between C2-E on the social demographic scale which ranges from skilled manual workers like plumbers, electricians, taxi drivers to the unemployed, I chose this audience because they have the characteristics associated with the genre of rock because the mass media representation of rock is low incomes, not well educated which are also the characteristics for those particular jobs. On the psycho demographic scale rockers are normally associated with the rebel group who dont conform to society and can be anarchic and antiestablishment in their outlook. I chose a specific music tribe within the genre of rock for my target audience, this sub music tribe was emos.

SOCIAL DEMOGRAPHIC SCALEA:corporate CEOs, bankers, politicians and heads of state B:lower managerial positions, executives and layers C1:teachers, doctors, social workers C2:skilled manual workers[plumbers, electricians] D:semi skilled manual workers [taxi drivers, bus drivers] E:unemployed, retired and disabled 3. WHO WOULD YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE BE AND WHY?

  • The target audience for my magazine are rockers and emos, I chose them as the target audience because when I did my music tribe research, I found that many of my survey group knew a lot more about those particular genres than other kinds such as pop and heavy metal, hence they identified for me, a market. To target my readers I used the types of articles that would appeal to them, for example interviews with bands of the same music tribe, so in my magazine I have a review of the emo band my chemical romances new album, as you can see on my contents page. I also created my own band, though they look like a heavy metal band, they are actually an emo band, another way of broadening the appeal to encompass my target audiences. I based my magazine style and mode of address on kerrang magazine, although kerrangs target audience is a lot wider covering most of the sub genres of rock, they also use the same types of articles to get their audiences attracted to their magazine.


  • Through my media institution research I found that the company that would produce and distribute my magazine could either be emap who own publications such as kerrang, they would be a great choice because they could use cross publicity from kerrang by marketing it as a niche brand. Similar but specifically different to the central indie/rock genre of kerrang. The other choice would be Timely Warner. They would be one of the best companies to produce my magazine because they have a world wide influence in the media industry.
  • Time Warner - Wikipedia, the freeencyclopedia

For more information on time Warner click the hyper-links, the first will take you to the Wikipedia file on the company and the 2 ndwill take you to there official website. 5.

  • The Warner group would be great because with marketing, The company covers most of the sub genres of media the magazine could be carried to a TV show, a Radio show and even CDs as well as adverts for the actual magazine, although emap could have done this, kerrang is an example it has the original magazine but now also has a tv network which is like MTV in content as well as a Midlands based radio station but you would have to be very big and earn loads of profits, with Time Warner because it is an American company, there's a bigger chance of covering the different genres to a global market.

Click video picture to hyperlink to a YouTube video of the Warner brothers intro. 6. HOW DID YOU ATTRACT AND ADDRESS YOUR AUDIENCE?

  • The colour scheme was one of the most important ways off attracting the target audience, I created a a poll to see which colour schemes were popular, as you can see opposite the most popular choice was purple, black and white, these colours as well as appealing to the target audiences they are colours associated with the genre of rock and roll so instantly the audience identifies with the magazine. I chose a very basic audience in terms of age- from their teens, to young adults and I used the mode of address most recognizable by thesocio-economic groups because my target was working and middleclass youths there fore the language would not be as sophisticated as it would be in other magazines. I also had the rebellious, anarchic tone to consider as well.

I tried to not use elaborate words and keep the language short and precise, I did this to try and get the text to resemble kerrang, which I tried to model my magazine on, because I wanted the samefeel /mode of address that it has, as you can see from looking at the two of them side by side. Also my free gift would draw the audience as it is FREE! It also acts as a band promotion. As the institution may well be behind the band promotion it is an example of cross pollination of advertising and promotion. 7.

  • The main font style I used to achieve the overall effect was Charlemagne std, I used this because it looked very gothic, was the intended look I wanted to achieve, as it is associated with rock and emos.

The choice of main article was an interview with a band of the same music tribe as the target audience, I did this so the audience would be attracted to the magazine because they would identify with the article as its about the type of music they like. I chose the writing to be white against the purple boxes because it was easy to read and so the text stood out to the readers, making them more likely to read it as well as well as it standing out against other magazines when it is stacked in a shop, it also perpetuated the gothic atmosphere of the product. For the contents The contents page was based on the layout of Metal Hammer, with the text and title on one side with the main image next to it. I chose another rock magazine to look at so I could see what other magazines within the rock genre looked like and there mode of address. As you can see I usedthe layout as a basic guide but added my own personality. 8. I chose to have my mast head within a box, both to try and get the same effect as Kerrang and so the shadow would stand out from the dark back ground. I also chose to have my side article on the left third because this is a great place to put things you want people to see as when the magazines are stacked thats all that is showing LEFT THIRD LEFT THIRD I wanted the text to match the style of Kerrang, so I used a short mast head and added statement as the sub text. I wanted also to have a free gift on my magazine because it helps sell a magazine, I placed it like Kerrang in the left third so that readers see a free gift first and therefore are more likely to buy it. Lastly I placed a bottom strip like Kerrang only I used my one as a competition were as Kerrang used it as a menu. 9. I wanted to repeat the mast head 0n the contents to keep the house style flowing over from the front cover and to keep the structure of the Metal Hammer magazine.I also added a main image to my contents page, I kept the structure and placementof Metal Hammer but instead of using lots of images I used one single main image. For the text the position was the same as Metal Hammer as well as using 2 different font sizes and styles, but with mine instead of having 2 columns of information I only had 1 and added three icons at the bottom of the text box. 10. WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED ABOUT TECHNOLOGIES FROM THE PROCESS OF CONTRUCTING THIS MUSIC MAGAZINE?

  • Well,from creating the music magazine I learned a lot about InDesign which is used in the real publishing industry to make magazines look professional, how to change the margin widths and lengths and I got to learn how to add effects to boxs and to pieces of text, which made my magazine look more realistic and 3D. The soft ware was useful in showing the different layers used to construct my magazine. I also learned a lot more about Photoshop than when I did the school magazine, I found out how to use the magic eraser and back ground eraser tool, this came in handy to make the pictures edges look more real and not as if it had been cut out, this made the back ground look as if it really was behind the modals. I also understand how all the tiny elements combine to create a final, unified product that must be fit for audience and purpose to attract its audience and be a major success commercially.


  • Well as the product went on I learned the codes and conventions in great detail and how they make magazines look realistic, for example exclusives, these are interviews with people or coverage of an event that no other magazine has, they make more people want to buy the magazine,though I dont have front page exclusives in my magazine I do have a lot of the codes and conventions. I chose to give away a free gift as my exclusive instead. I have a mast head which is the title of the magazine, a headline this is the title of the main article, a strap-line which is the sub heading for the main article, and I have a splash which is my main article it usually is accompanied by the largest font on the page. On the main article I have a by-line which refers to the author of the article and on the contents I have a menu of the listed features so the readers no what's inside. Learning about the house style has been crucial for the success of my magazine, I only had a limited knowledge about what went into it, from the whole project I learned that it did not just consist of the colour scheme, but also the styles of font and photography. I also learned that the house style does not just cover one issue but all issues to make the magazine look more professional and make the readers want to buy the magazine and ultimately make the publisher and institution behind the finished product a profit.


  • When I first had an idea for the magazine I wanted to create a type of kerrang magazine but as the project went on the magazine took on its own identity, still incorporating some of kerrangs designsbut also using very different styles for the final product. From using different pieces of software I learned that photo shop is the best to edit photos and can give a basic look for a magazine but if you want a professional standard InDesign will give a more realistic look, both pieces of software were good for their jobs but both give different options for the final look. From the research tasks I learned how to get a better standard in my planning that when I did not give the research as much preparation and that the planning was just as important as the actual product. An example of this is the music tribe research, before I did the research I didnt know how many sub genres and different types of music there were, from this research task I got to know more about the target audience for my magazine, so I could shape the magazine more around them.