music magazine contents page

Genre Conventions: Q Magazine’s contents page is set out with not a lot of text, and is more to do with images in this contents page. Yet, it does feature the Gorillaz on this issue, and they’re known for their cartoon illustrations. We can compare Q to NME magazine, as their main genre to talk about is Indie, but NME is actually a lot more cluttered, with different font style and colours and only one or two images. Audience: Q magazine caters for a wide target audience as it will talk about all sorts of genres of music. It mostly focuses on however, people from ages of 16- 35, Teenagers and young adults. Images: There are many different images on this contents page, like Wayne Rooney in the bottom of the left corner. You could say that these images say more than the boring text that Layout: The layout of this page has two pages making up the contents page. Half of one page is made up of images and the other half is filled with text. This isn’t Q’s usually layout for a contents page, it is Fonts & Colours: Red and white are Q’s house colours and they feature a lot on this page. The white background makes the carton characters and the mages stand out even more.

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Post on 21-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Music magazine contents page

Genre Conventions: Q Magazine’s contents page is set out with not a lot of text, and is more to do with images in this contents page. Yet, it does feature the Gorillaz on this issue, and they’re known for their cartoon illustrations. We can compare Q to NME magazine, as their main genre to talk about is Indie, but NME is actually a lot more cluttered, with different font style and colours and only one or two images.

Audience: Q magazine caters for a wide target audience as it will talk about all sorts of genres of music. It mostly focuses on however, people from ages of 16-35, Teenagers and young adults.Images: There are many different images on this contents page, like Wayne Rooney in the bottom of the left corner. You could say that these images say more than the boring text that they could've used instead.

Layout: The layout of this page has two pages making up the contents page. Half of one page is made up of images and the other half is filled with text. This isn’t Q’s usually layout for a contents page, it is different as there is a big segment in this issue on the Gorillaz.

Fonts & Colours: Red and white are Q’s house colours and they feature a lot on this page. The white background makes the carton characters and the mages stand out even more.

Page 2: Music magazine contents page

Genre conventions: This Mixmag contents page follow the trend of having large images taking up at least half of the page, similar to the first contents page analysis. This magazine does seem more descriptive than the first contents page, it looks as if it gives quite a large piece of text about each page. Notice how like the Q magazine the use a white background to contrast with the text.

Audience: As this is Mixmag, you wouldn’t expect a 70 year old man to buy this magazine. The target audience for this magazine is young adults, like the Q magazine from the ages of 16-35. Then again it could just be Dance music lovers in general, no matter what the age.

Images: The images take up more space than the text, like the Q magazine contents page. This magazine also shows you what page the images on the contents page can be found on. The large image at the top isn’t quite a medium shot nor is it a long shot, but the two bellow are both medium shots.

Layout: This page isn’t cluttered with text or images, it uses a sensible amount of images, and doesn’t use too much text. However, the thing this contents page does best is organise the text and images. With all the text featuring on the left and the images catching the readers eye to the right.

Fonts and colours: All the font used on this contents page are all the same style and only ranging a little bit in size. The colours used all attract the readers eye especially the red image bellow the main image, they attract the reader even more as they stand out from the white.

Page 3: Music magazine contents page

Genre Conventions: Like the other magazines this contents page from DJ magazine has many various images upon it. Even though it looks like a very detailed contents page it keeps the contents page organised like the mixmag contents page. So, it follows the Dance magazine contents page trend.

Audience: The audience of DJ magazine will be lovers of Dance music, however I feel that this magazine is actually more ‘retro’ than the others, so I believe the target market would be people from the ages of 20-50 years old. Maybe people who grew up in the 1980’s would like to relive them years and buy this magazine. Images: The image on the left hand side of this contents page is quite serious, and the colours used on that side of the page are very formal, also he is dressed is in a higher class suit, adding to the seriousness. On the right hand side is the opposite. It is photos of crowds at gigs, and the right side is actually in fact quite crazy, in the sense of the Images.

Layout: This contents page isn’t exactly cluttered, even though it contains a lot of info for a contents page. The way this information is set out keeps it in the same genre convention as the other dance magazines.

Fonts and Colours: There is a white and black colour scheme on the left hand side, and the black background makes the text and image noticeable and readable. Whilst, the left hand side uses many more vibrant colours and it is in juxtaposition with the left hand side. The font used is all of a similar sort, which doesn’t contribute to the oppositeness that these sides have.