my audience

MY AUDIENCE Age Most of the people that I passed my questionnaire to were of a similar age to me which was 16 – 18 year olds. Gender Altogether, I surveyed 15 girls and 15 boys so the genders were equally surveyed. Ethnicity I looked at a range of ethnicities by surveying white people, black people and most commonly Asian people. Domestic Circumstances Most of the people I surveyed were still living with their parents although a minority were living with roommates on a campus of a university. Disposable Income Most of my target audience only get their income via pocket money or money from asking their parents. Some have a job and most of their income comes from there. Style Just under half of my target audience felt that what you wear gives away a lot about your personality . Current Media Consumption The most common forms of media that my target audience use is television, magazines and the internet. The most common websites they visited are google, and youtube. They also chose pop as their favourite music type and comedy as their favourite film genre. Hobbies and Interests The most commonly chosen hobbies and interests were football, shopping and television . Attitudes My sample feel university fees are the most important social issue affecting them now as they are all students, and feel that racism is a very under- rated topic within media. Most of them also feel that they will not get their aspiring job that they want by the age of 30, due to the help being limited. Location All of my sample lived in London and the most common part of London was East London as that is where I am based and have found most of my sample. Socialising My target audience mostly go out socialising around once a week, and spend between £5-£25 whilst doing this. Their most favourite place to socialise is at a cinema.

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Post on 22-Mar-2016




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My Audience



Age Most of the people that I passed my questionnaire to were of a similar age to me which was 16 – 18 year olds.

Gender Altogether, I surveyed 15 girls and 15 boys so the genders were equally surveyed.

Ethnicity I looked at a range of ethnicities by surveying white people, black people and most commonly Asian people.

Domestic Circumstances Most of the people I surveyed were still living with their parents although a minority were living with roommates on a campus of a university.

Disposable Income Most of my target audience only get their income via pocket money or money from asking their parents. Some have a job and most of their income comes from there.

Style Just under half of my target audience felt that what you wear gives away a lot about your personality .

Current Media Consumption The most common forms of media that my target audience use is television, magazines and the internet. The most common websites they visited are google, and youtube. They also chose pop as their favourite music type and comedy as their favourite film genre.

Hobbies and Interests The most commonly chosen hobbies and interests were football, shopping and television .

Attitudes My sample feel university fees are the most important social issue affecting them now as they are all students, and feel that racism is a very under-rated topic within media. Most of them also feel that they will not get their aspiring job that they want by the age of 30, due to the help being limited.

Location All of my sample lived in London and the most common part of London was East London as that is where I am based and have found most of my sample.

Socialising My target audience mostly go out socialising around once a week, and spend between £5-£25 whilst doing this. Their most favourite place to socialise is at a cinema.

HE IS MY AUDIENCE … • This is Anil Sharma. He is 17 years and 8 months old and lives in East London • He feels that the way he dresses does give away a lot about his personality, and therefore likes to look his best. He enjoys following football from his favourite team Chelsea. He also likes shopping for sports equipment and has now secured himself a part-time job in Sports Direct. He uses this income to socialise with his friends around once a week spending up to £20 usually going to the cinema. • Anil still lives with his parents but is looking to move out after his A-levels when he goes to university. He is extremely disappointed with the tuition fees rise and has therefore obtained his job. Anil feels his aspiring job of starting his own business is going to be hard to achieve before he is 30 due to the recent recession. He feels racism is very underrated within today's society as it still occurs. •Anil loves comedy films with his favourite being Stepbrothers. He is also a huge fan of The Apprentice, which relates to his passion of business. His favourite genre of music is pop with his favourite artist being the late Michael Jackson. Anil uses the internet a lot looking at job updates, and viral videos through youtube and google. Anil absolutely adores Cheryl Cole and has even been to one of her concerts.