my dictionary

n WORDS/ TERMS SYNONYMS, MEANING, DEFITIONS WITH CLARITY OF SOME ALLUSIONS ANTONYMS A Borderline personality is an illness where people have frequent mood swings. These people find it difficult to form close relationships. They prefer being alone. They also tend to act impulsively. Holding a job is a problem for many. When these people approach 30, many lose some of these negative traits, but the rest have to contend with them for life. In a few instances, people with borderline personality have periods when they can’t distinguish between reality and what is happening in their imaginations. Such flights from the real world are usually brief. Medicine and counseling can provide a productive life for many borderline personalities. A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing……… (Oscar Wilde) Health is the level of functional and/or metabolic efficiency of an organism at both the micro(cellular) and macro(social) level. In the medical field, health is commonly defined as an organism 's ability to efficiently respond to challenges (stressors) and effectively restore and sustain a "state of balance," known as homeostasis . Another widely accepted definition of health is that of the World Health Organization (WHO), which states that "health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" [1] . In more recent years, this statement has been modified to include the ability to lead a "socially and economically productive life." The WHO definition is not without criticism, as some argue that health cannot be defined as a state at all, but must be seen as a process of continuous adjustment to the changing demands of living and of the changing meanings we give to life. The WHO definition is therefore considered by many as an idealistic goal rather than a realistic proposition. Abase v Lower, degrade, humiliate, demean or subjugate oneself Anna expected to have to curtsy to the king of Siam; when told to cast herself down on the ground before him, however, she refused to abase herself. abasement (noun) belittlement Respect, praise Astound v Dumbfound, flabbergast, overwhelm, astonish, amaze, shock, render speechless Karachiites have an astounding reserve of resilience (elasticity, flexibility, pliability with ant: rigidity) which enables all who live 1

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A Borderline personality is an illness where people have frequent mood swings. These people find it difficult to form close relationships. They prefer being alone. They also tend to act impulsively. Holding a job is a problem for many. When these people approach 30, many lose some of these negative traits, but the rest have to contend with them for life. In a few instances, people with borderline personality have periods when they can’t distinguish between reality and what is happening in their imaginations. Such flights from the real world are usually brief. Medicine and counseling can provide a productive life for many borderline personalities.A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing……… (Oscar Wilde)Health is the level of functional and/or metabolic efficiency of an organism at both the micro(cellular) and macro(social) level. In the medical field, health is commonly defined as an organism's ability to efficiently respond to challenges (stressors) and effectively restore and sustain a "state of balance," known as homeostasis.

Another widely accepted definition of health is that of the World Health Organization (WHO), which states that "health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity"[1]. In more recent years, this statement has been modified to include the ability to lead a "socially and economically productive life." The WHO definition is not without criticism, as some argue that health cannot be defined as a state at all, but must be seen as a process of continuous adjustment to the changing demands of living and of the changing meanings we give to life. The WHO definition is therefore considered by many as an idealistic goal rather than a realistic proposition.Abase v Lower, degrade, humiliate, demean or subjugate oneself

Anna expected to have to curtsy to the king of Siam; when told to cast herself down on the ground before him, however, she refused to abase herself. abasement (noun) belittlement

Respect, praise

Astound v Dumbfound, flabbergast, overwhelm, astonish, amaze, shock, render speechless Karachiites have an astounding reserve of resilience (elasticity, flexibility, pliability with ant: rigidity) which enables all who live and work here to pick up the pieces and bounce back to life.

Abate v Subside or moderate, decrease, fallRather than leaving immediately, they waited for the storm to abate


Hoodlum n Thug, ruffian, hooligan, lout, gangster, vandal, yob, oaf Karachi must not be left at the mercy of hoodlums in future

Expediency n Feasibility, convenience, practicality, usefulness, suitability expediency remains the government’s guiding norm

Aberration n Deviation, abnormality, anomaly, irregularity, oddness Let we start writing a new history, a history free forever of such aberrations as the ‘doctrine of necessity’


Abjure vt Renounce, reject, give up, disown Forensic adj Of or relating money

The reliability of fingerprint evidence has been called into question by a study that tested whether forensic experts make consistent judgments on print matches.

Indulgence n Treat , luxury, extravagance, immoderation, excess “AYYASHI”Slim, an engineer & the world’s 2nd richest person owning Mexico’s dominant phone company- Slim cell phones, wears modest suits and whose main indulgence appears to be expensive cigars. "I don't have apartments abroad. I don't have a house abroad." Our concept is more to accomplish and solve things, rather than giving — that is, not going around like Santa



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Claus," Slim said. "Poverty isn't solved with donations."Abominable adj Detestable, offensive QABIL-I-NAFRAT Abomination n Outrage, dislike, revulsion, detestation, loath

The government will be seen as a passive supporter of all the abominations these elements are indulging in …

Love , affection

Absolute Location: A point on the earth’s surface expressed by a coordinate system such as latitude and longitude.Examples: I need to find that treasure using absolute location, not by some silly written description on the back of this old map!

Abstinence n Self, denial, piousness, self restraint, asceticism Manmohan singh lives with abstinence

Indulgence, luxury, treat

Abysmal adj Terrible, awful, extremely bad, dread full, appalling, The main reason for street violence by the Muslims is the abysmal lack of proper response at the official level.

Superb, excellent, fantastic

Accentuate v Put emphasis on, highlight, heighten, play up Saddam’s hanging will accentuate further the sectarian divide and perhaps make it impossible to keep Iraq united unless the Americans make a much more determined effort than they seem to be willing to do at the moment.

Play down

Acquaintance n Association, familiarity, colleague ness Strangeness Acquisition/acquirement Gaining, attainment, achievement, purchase, getting hold of Loss Acronym n Short form, contraction, ellipsis, abbreviation Acupuncture n Practice of insertion of needles to relieve painAdage n Saying, proverb, maxim, axiom, motto, wise saying Adjudicate vt Rule in, set in judgment, to umpire, arbitrate Admiration deification adoration, veneration, praise, exaltation, elevation ,

eulogize, acclaim, extol, laudDisapproval

Adore v (Adoration n) Love, worship, esteem, admire, , admire, adulate Hate, decry,detest

Afar adj Far a field, far away, far and wide, far off Nearby Affluent adj Rich, wealthy, well off, born with a silver spoon in the mouth Poor Albeit adv Although, though, even if, notwithstanding, even thu Alibi n Explanation, reason, excuse, point for defense All the structures inside the village were made of mud, mud brick and some stone. The alleys were not paved, so the winter rains made for constant mud.Allay (verb) dispel, alleviate, assuage, relieve, put to rest, calmAllergy A damaging immune response by the body to a substance (esp.; a

particular food, pollen, fur or dust) to which it has become hypersensitive. Colloq an antipathy

Alley (n) passage, lane, pathway, alleyway, a narrow path in b/w two houses or behind a house for passage.

Alloy n/v

n. A mixture of two or more chemical elements at least one of which is a metal e.g. brass a mixture of copper & zinc 2. an inferior metal mixed esp. with gold or silver v. Mix metals, debase a pure substance by admixture

Allusion n reference, mention, hint, quotation, citationAlly n Partner, helper, collaborator, friend, supporter Altercation Clash, quarrel, row ,argument, dispute, squabble, Altruism n EESAAR, selflessness, self-sacrifice, unselfishness

Giving priority to other’s benefit over oneself Egoism, ANAA selfishness

Altruistic adj Unselfish, humane, selfless Egoistic, Egotistic

Alzheimer’s A serious disorder of the brain manifesting itself in premature senility (ZARAWA… decay, of old age). Named after A. Alzheimer,


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a German neurologist (d) 1915, who first identified it. There is no medicine that can stop or reverse Alzheimer’s disease; however, there are medicines that can slow its progression.

Ambiance n Setting , mood, environment, quality, tone, character Ameliorate v t (Amelioration n) Improve, restructure, upgrade, remodel

Instead of ameliorating, the socio-economic conditions of the poor are getting worsened further ...


Anachronistic Out of date, old, archaic, antiquated, Anachronistic ideas of some Mullas


Anchor n Newscaster or any other model on the screen Anchor v Fasten, fix, affix, secure, attach ships are anchored in the harbor

or dock. Anecdote n Short story, brief description, tale, yarn ,sketch Antediluvian adj Prehistoric, ancient, very old or primitive.

It is an Antediluvian custom to marry satawata. ModernContemporary

Antic n Adventure, experience, exploit, jaunt, incident Antique n Very old, historic, out fashioned New Apartheid n ACHHOOT , the blacks who r considered as 2nd class citizens in

America Aphorism n A philosophical or scientific saying, maxim, adage, dictum,

cliché You may lead a horse to water but u can not make it drink, is an adage,

Apostate adj Absconder, fugitive, runaway, traitor, renegade, turncoat; A person who leaves Islam for any other religion or philosophy. Apostasy

Appalling adj Horrifying, shocking, atrocious, horrendous, dreadful, terrible, horrible


Apropos of (prep) Regarding, concerning, about, in connection with, in relation to, on the subject of This is in apropos of the column “culminating energy” by Ayaz Amir…

Arable land Of land ploughed , land which is plough able & able of crop production, cultivable

Arcane adj Mysterious/esoteric/secret/hidden/unknowable/enigmatic/abstruse It is broadly speaking insight of the chief justice of Pakistan that he takes sue motto notices of all the arcane matters prevalent in our lovely country


Archipelago An archipelago is a group or chain of islands clustered together in a sea or ocean.

Arterial way Expressway, superhighway, thruway Artifact n Relic, object, work of art, manufactured article Asbestos n

Asbestosis n

A fibrous delicate mineral that is incombustible and used as heat resistant or insulating material. A lung disease resulting from the inhalation of asbestos particles.

Asphyxiate v Suffocate, smother, chokeAsphyxiating traffic on Karachi roads

Assailant adj Attacker, invader Defender Assault n Physical attack, attack, offensive, beating Assent to v/n Agree, agreement

Iraqi law also required that the sentence had to be assented to by the president and the two vice-presidents within 30 days.


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Atmosphere, Biosphere, Hydrosphere, LithosphereThe area near the surface of the earth can be divided up into four inter-connected “geo-spheres:” the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere. Scientists can classify life and material on or near the surface of the earth to be in any of these four spheres.The names of the four spheres are derived from the Greek words for stone (litho), air (atmo), water (hydro), and life (bio). LithosphereThe lithosphere is the solid, rocky crust covering entire planet. This crust is inorganic and is composed of minerals. It covers the entire surface of the earth from the top of Mount Everest to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. HydrosphereThe hydrosphere is composed of all of the water on or near the earth. This includes the oceans, rivers, lakes, and even the moisture in the air. Ninety-seven percent of the earth’s water is in the oceans. The remaining three percent is fresh water; three-quarters of the fresh water is solid and exists in ice sheets. BiosphereThe biosphere is composed of all living organisms. Plants, animals, and one-celled organisms are all part of the biosphere. Most of the planet’s life is found from three meters below the ground to thirty meters above it and in the top 200 meters of the oceans and seas.Atmosphere: The atmosphere is the body of air, which surrounds our planet. Most of our atmosphere is located close to the earth’s surface where it is most dense. The air of our planet is 79% nitrogen and just under 21% oxygen; the small amount remaining is composed of carbon dioxide and other gasses. All four spheres can be and often are present in a single location. For example, a piece of soil will of course have mineral material from the lithosphere. Additionally, there will be elements of the hydrosphere present as moisture within the soil, the biosphere as insects and plants, and even the atmosphere as pockets of air between soil pieces.

Audacious adj Bold, brave , daring, impudent Cowardly Avalanche n Sudden large amount, flood, rush, storm, inundation,

GILGIT, Feb 28: An avalanche killed more than 600 cattle and destroyed 10,000 fruit trees and 11 houses in Miachar and Dadimal villages of tehsil Nagar, 75kms north of here

Baddish/baddie n Bad character, villain, crook, rogue, felon, lawbreaker, robber Baffle confuse, perplexed, befuddle Ballad singer A national, patriotic or folk singer who aims at the change of

situations of his country towards betterment or liberation singer.Beckoning Beckon n

Signal, sign, indication, lamp, However dark the night, there is always a shining city on the hills beckoning from afar and always, however long the journey, a golden road to Samarqand.

Belligerence n Violence, antagonism, hostility, violent behavior Belligerent adj Aggressive, quarrelsome, confrontational

Iraq and Palestine have been in a state of turmoil as a result of American occupation and Israel’s belligerence

Belligerent adj Aggressive, argumentative, quarrelsome,creating belligerent conditions at home and in the neighborhood

Benign adj Kind, benevolent, compassionate, gentle, caring Malignant, cruel

Better off adj Richer, happier, wealthier, The world is better off now that the reality it represented has gone.

Blatant adj Obvious, unconcealed, deliberate, patent, barefaced such a blatant lack of enforcement makes a mockery of the law in the eyes of the people

Furtive, stealthy

Bonafide adj Genuine, authentic, legitimate, true, real, legal, above-board Bogus Boomerang v Rebound, return, come back, bounce back, ricochet

Bugti’s killing & this kind of attitude will only boomerang on the government.


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Bravura n Boldness, bravery, daring, courage, spirit Cowardice Bravura adj Brilliant, exceptional, magnificent, outstanding, Unexceptional Brew v Nurture, nourish, spread, taking place, prepare, infuse, ferment,

concoct. The discontent brewing among the poor masses over sky-high prices of errands may erupt to a volcano of civil disobedience

Brigand n Bandit, thief, robber, thug, felon, criminal In Afghanistan, brigands and drug pushers are also thriving, and the country has become the world’s biggest source of opium supply. Even the best of efforts cannot seal off a porous border that is 2,300 kilometers long.

Cadaver law Law pertaining to dead boy, corpse, or remains Camaraderie Friendship, comradeship, solidarity, companionship

This strong spirit of camaraderie, based on the eBay Community Values, continues to thrive.

Enmity, hateHostility, antagonism

Canal A canal is a man-made waterway used for transportation or irrigation.

Cancer is the scourge of our times, the most feared disease of the 21st century. It appears to come from nowhere and kill at random. The more we know of the causes, the better we will be able to protect ourselves. Now, the best advice we have is generally to live well — to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, drink in moderation, stop smoking and take exercise. But, there are plenty of people who have lived unimpeachably healthy lives and died of cancer. Finding a silent trigger such as a virus that scientists may be able to knock out of the equation with a vaccine is not a reason to panic, but a cause for hopeCannabis We continued to concentrate & regulate his ecstasy problems but

he started to use cannabis again Cannibal adj Cannibalistic adj Cannibalism n Cannibalistically

A person who eats human flesh, an animal that feeds on the flesh of its own species. A Norwegian Muslim has reported to the police a newspaper editor who published the blasphemous cartoons, invoking a law last used in 1933 against a poet who called Christians cannibals....

Catapult v/n hurl, shoot, throw, toss, fling, let fly or noun; GhulailCatapulting Hurling, shooting, throwing, projecting Cathedral Church, Minster, worship place Causes 0f depression As far as causes are concerned, depression has definite etiology which may be chemical, genetic, environmental or emotional. Chemical causes include an imbalance of certain neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and norepinephrine, and it has been found that their low levels can produce the symptoms. It can pass through genes and certain individuals and families are more vulnerable. Some medications of blood pressure, heart and epilepsy etc., can also cause the disorder. Significant stress or changes in one’s life or lifestyle can trigger it too.Causes of blood pressure Hypertension, the kind of blood pressure elevation for which there is not one definite cause. There are, however, things that contribute to its emergence. A diet loaded with salt and relatively poor in potassium, a couch potato lifestyle, obesity and the family genes work together to raise blood pressure. Primitive people who spend most of their waking hours hunting for food and whose diet is low in salt rarely have high blood pressure.Cavort Frolic, prance, gamble, play, dance, parade, swagger, strut, walk

Cavorting with the Constitution of Pakistan.Certitude n Conviction, certainty, sureness, assurance, confidence Uncertainty Cervical adj Because cervical cancer is spread by a virus called HPV, or

human papilloma virusCesspit n Open drain, culvert, septic-tank, gutter, cesspoolChannel A channel is a narrow body of water that connects two larger bodies of water

(like the English Channel). A channel is also a part of a river or harbor that is


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deep enough to let ships sail through.

Charter vt Contract, license, deed, agreement, bond Like chartered institutions, degrees, planes, banks et

Chide vt&i Scold, reprimand, reproach, rebuke, nag, harass Praise Choreography Composition, sequence of step, step design, step arrangement or

maneuvering & planning. The ‘doctrine of necessity’ is not just a millstone round the nation’s neck. It is also a specter haunting the higher judiciary because around its unhallowed altar some truly macabre dances, rarely seen in everyday choreography, have been performed.

Circumcision n KHATNA KARNY KA AMAL Circumspect v Cautious, prudent, vigilant, guarded, careful, judicious…

circumspection n Reckless, careless

Circumvent Avoid, bypass, elude, evade, thwart, dodge, skirt Circumvention n

To face

Clemency n Mercy, leniency, forgiveness, kind ness ACHHA SALOOK Harshness Cloak nCloak v

Cap, wrap, coat, shawl, shield To cover, shield The media take cover under the cloak of free speech to justify

Closet n KHALWAT GAH, private room , cabinet, wardrobe, cupboard, clandestine


Clumsy adj Awkward BHADDACoalition alliance, union, merger Coddle v NAZ NAKHRON SAY PALNA , pamper, insulate, over protect Codling n A kind of apple, codling moth Coercion n Compulsion, force, bullying

These incidents show the scale of threats and coercion the NGO workers have faced

Collision crash, smash, accident Collusion conspiracy, knowledge, approval, consent, agreement Colossal adj Colossus

Huge, massive, immense, gigantic, AZEEMDEEV PAIKER, DEEV HAIKAL


Complementary Balancing, opposite, matchingComplimentary Flattering, admiring, praisingComposite dialogue Multilateral, complex & multifaceted dialogue Simple dialogue

Compunction n Regret, hesitation, qualm, guilt, second thoughts, scruple, remorseHe had no compunction looking the other way…

Concede vt Compromise, grant, give in, yield in, forfeit, surrender Maintain Conceit n Self importance, pride, vanity, arrogance Modesty Concert Performance, gig, showConjecture n , v Guess, speculation, supposition, inference, assumption

Of course these are conjectures born out of my incorrigible sense of the ridiculous

Connive vt Connivance n

Scheme, conspire, plot Involvement, responsibility, participation in connivance with the Nazim the Virus plans to shift all the development schemes to Drug area of the District

Conscience Scruples, sense of right & wrong ZAMEER

Conscious Aware, cognizant , mindful Unconscious Consternation n BE-ARAAMI ,dismay, anxiety, worry, concern, disquiet, Rest, calmness


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UNREST Contagious adj Infectious, catching, communicable, transmittable Contained Contigious adj Adjoining, bordering, neighboring

Contigious areas of the Kashmir valley Distant

Continents The major land masses of the earth. According to tradition most people speak of seven continents on the planet. However, geologically there are six large distinct land masses on the earth so many geographers and scientists refer to six. Those who consider there to be seven continents refer to a separate Europe and Asia (divided at the Ural Mountains in western Russia) while those who prefer six continents refer to the joined land mass (and single tectonic plate) as Eurasia. In some countries, the Americas are combined into one continent. Examples: The six continents include Africa, Antarctica, Australia, Eurasia, North America, and South America. The seven continents include Africa, Antarctica, Australia, Asia, Europe, North America, and South AmericaContrive vt Engineer, manufacture, fix, plan, machinate, plot, scheme, cook up

Liakat Ali khan’s Govt contrived to send a ramshackle (CHAKRA, KHATARA)Ambulance to fetch Quaid-e-Azam from Maripur air field to G.G’ house, Karachi

Conundrum Puzzle, mystery, riddle, enigma, challenge There is, however, a conundrum at play in this sue motto activism

Convalescent adj Recuperative, recovering, restorative ROO BA-SIHHAT

Convergence n Meeting , union, junction There is a clear convergence of interests b/w India and USA on nuclear issues & the agreement on Martin & jet F-16s …,

Divergence, deviation Discrepancy,

Convict ( tion) n Criminal crook, Guilty verdict, sentence Acquittal Conviction n Confidence, belief, certainty , Faith “AZAM” Doubt Cork n Stopper , plug, cap, close, bung Corollary n Consequence, result, outcome, upshot, NATEEJA

Corroborate v Confirm support, agree with, hold up ( Corroborative adj) (corroboration n )

Contradict Contradiction

Corroborate vt Verify, testify, agree with, confirm TASDEEK KARNA Contradict Costume A set of clothes, dress, attire, outfit, gear, uniform Countenance n v

Expression, face, complexion CHEHRA

Tolerance, put up with, stand for Coveted adj Popular, in demand, desirable

US coveted educational institutes are not always open for every category of students


Covetous adj Envious, jealous, desirous, greedy LALICHI Satiable Covey of Quail A hunt bird, in Urdu Bateer Critic adj Doubter, skeptic, cynic, pessimistic

To silence his critics of Pervez Musharraf and dispel the doubts of skepticsFan, supporter

Culminate vt Culmination

Ed, conclude, close, KAMAL-E UROOJ KO PUHANCHANA, PUHANCHNA , peak, height, zenith, climax , MEERAJ

Start Trough, PASTI

Cupid n Angel, cherub, god of love KAAM DEEV

Cupidity n Greed, avarice, materialism, acquisitiveness, covetousness, The objective was to provide relief to the common consumers of sugar and protect them from the hoarders’ cupidity.

Curtail v Shorten, limit, restrain, restrict, reduce, decrease, curb, rein in, inhibit


Cynic adj Disbeliever, doubter, KHUSHK MIZAJ, pessimist, skeptic, critic Optimist Daydreaming adj Insensitivity , inattentiveness, negligence, carelessness Attention


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Defiance n Disobedience Compliance Delta A delta is a low, watery land formed at the mouth of a river. It is formed from

the silt, sand and small rocks that flow downstream in the river and are deposited in the delta. A delta is often (but not always) shaped like a triangle (hence its name, delta, a Greek letter that is shaped like a triangle).

Denigrate vt Disparage, belittle, defame, degrade, malign, slander Praise, rise to Dereliction n In ruin state, dilapidation, deserted situation, negligence, carelessness

It shows that provided the will is there derelict and largely moribund articles of the Constitution can be infused with new life and made relevant to the people


Deride vt Ridicule, scoff, disdain, scorn ,reject, knock out Approve Desperate adj Frantic, worried, distracted, distressed Calm , comfort Despicable adj 9/11 was a despicable act, condemnable , dreadful, Diehard optimist Reactionary, intransigent, foggy, (romantic, idealistic, quixotic Practical person

Different search enginesIt is better to know the working of search engines and their production when the process is initiated. The values each search engine returns depends on the way it works and the way it behaves when some search phrase is given. Following are types of search engines, categorised according to their way of working as well as what they are going to return in our search response.1. Directories: They provide reliable and authentic results and these are managed by human experts. That’s why these are known as reliable sources of knowledge. Directories are categorised according to different subjects or fields such as Yahoo! Looksmart, etc. The general topics will be returned and sponsored and so commercial links will be listed on top.2. Indexing search engines: They search their own database which is generated by surfing the content that is available over the internet. The keyword is used for retrieving information. All web pages which contain that keyword will be returned so different formats can be selected and located where the keyword may have appeared. They include: Google, MSN and AltavistaDiffident adj Shy, hesitant, timid, reticent, slow, patient, self-effacing Brash, hasty, fast

Dimidiation n Don v Put on , get into, pull-on, slip on, dress yourself in Take off Duckworth-Lewis formula

Indeed, but for the application of the Duckworth-Lewis formula in Peshawar, the Indians might have made a clean sweep of it.

Dysphemism :In language, both dysphemism (from the Greek 'dys' δυς = non and 'pheme' φήμη = speech) and cacophemism (in Greek 'cacos' κακός = bad) refer to the usage of an intentionally harsh word or expression instead of a polite one; they are rough opposites of euphemism. "Dysphemism" may be either oA euphemism is an expression intended by the speaker to be less offensive, disturbing, or troubling to the listener than the word or phrase it replaces, or in the case of doublespeak to make it less troublesome for the speakerffensive or merely humorously deprecating, while "cacophemism" is usually deliberately offensive. Examples of dysphemism include dead tree edition for the paper version of an online magazine, or the American military personnel's use of shit on a shingle for their common breakfast of creamed chipped beef on toast.Echelon n Level, stratum, height, rank

This led to strong criticism from the highest echelons of power in France.

Ecstasy n Thrill, happiness, joy, excitement, bliss, elation, pleasure, delight Depression, agony

Edifice n Big Structure, building, house, arcade or shop Antler nTapestry/ tapestary The art of Wall-hangings, drapery, embroidery, cloth, fabric, textile etc

Eerily adv Dissonantly, harshly, disharmoniously , shrilly, inharmoniously Softly, pleasantly amicably,


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Effluent n Waste matter, seepage, sewage , run off ,bilge waterEgalitarianism n Classlessness, social equality Inequality Ellipsis Abbreviation, short way round Elusion avoidance, dodging, fudging, skirting, shirking, Reality Emanate v Originate, spring, derive, start (Emanation noun)Embarrassment Discomfiture, awkwardness, shame, mortification, humiliation

TAZLEELGrace, honor

Empathy n Understanding, sympathy, compassion , Apathy Empty rhetoric Hollow public speaking, speechifying for no result oriented cause

“KHOKHLY NARRY LAGANA, LAFFAZI ”Emulate Imitate, copy , try to be like, followEmulate Imitate, follow, copy, try to be like wise, Endoscopies Enervating Weakening, debilitating, sapping your strength

No matter how long and enervating the journey may be. Entente (legal) A diplomatic understanding , détente (Fr To ease the tense

situationEpidemic adj Widespread, wide ranging, rampant, sweeping, EndemicErrands household tasks, every days jobs, roozmarrah ki zarooriat

Her older children would run errands for me from the bazaar;Errant adj Misbehaving, wayward, sinful, naughty, delinquent

There errant officers who encourage the private people to encroach upon government colonies where poor Govt servants might have been accommodated.

Law abiding

Erstwhile adj Previous, last , former, one-time, other Current Ethnography The scientific description of races & cultures of humankind ,

ethnology, ethnographer Ethos The characteristic spirit or attitudes of a community, people, or

system, or of a literary work etc Etiquette n Manners, decorum, custom, good manners

The present calamitous situation in Lebanon has its etiology in the chicaned Balfour Declaration

Eulogize v Praise, extol, laud, sing the praises of , acclaim, pay tributes to Criticize Evasive adj Slippery, illusive, vague, ambiguous Direct, clear Exoneration n Pardon, clemency, absolution, exculpation, amnesty

Shoib & Asif will soon be exonerated from the doping trialBlame

Expunge vt Delete, whip out, erase, rub out, edit out, remove, cut The Hudood & Qisas laws shall be expunged as proposed by most of the modern era people

Edit in, paste

Exquisite adj Beautiful, fine, lovely, exquisite language Ugly Extol v praise, exalt, commend, eulogize, worship, admire

In addition, whenever the Bush administration extols the virtues of democracy, the mullahs point to the chilling images from Abu- Ghuraib...


Facsimile n True copy, exact copy, reproduction, duplicate Original Fanaticism n Passion, zeal, keenness, dedication, devotion, fervor Indifference Fantasy n Day dreaming, imagination, fancy, whimsy, desire, castle in the sky Reality Far from over id Still existing, not finished

the threat of further political chaos is far from over there in Somalia


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Farcical adj Ridiculous, ludicrous, non-sensual, silly, absurd, incredible Policy of heaping huge monetary rewards for publishing so-called scientific research papers has become a farcical and wasteful exercise.

Sensual, logical

Fascism n Totalitarianism, despotism, dictatorship, repression, oppression , tyranny


Faucet valve, tape, spout, spigot Faultier adj 2nd degree of faulty … faultier, faultiest Feat n Achievement, accomplishment, act, deed

Yousaf’s feats in the test matches against W Indies …Feat n Achievement, accomplishment, deed, act,

Passing the women’s protection bill is a remarkable political featFjord A fjord is a long, narrow sea inlet that is bordered by steep cliffs.Flamboyant adj Showy, colorful, ostentatious, flashy

Many a Kurdish woman wears flamboyant costumes in gay. almost riotous, colors

Modest, quite, reserved

Forensic adj Suitable to debate or courts of law, court related issue This appears to be an out-of-the-way attempt to influence the outcome of the forensic investigation under way at the moment, (stock exchange issue)

Frantic adj Anxious, frenzied, hysterical, uptight, worried The scientists initially diffident (shy, hesitant, timid)& later on frantic, began to forecast the atmospheric changes that would be taking place in the coming decades due to global warming


Fraternity n Organization, alliance, group, society, sorority, union Legal fraternity of the country is now united over the undue removal of Justice

Fraternity n Organization, sorority, union, alliance, company Gassing v Chatting, talking,

The gassings were inhuman and totally unjustifiedGaucherie n Awkwardness, ineptness, gaucheness, ugliness, inelegance

The government has chosen to keep his (CJ Iftikhar Muhammad Chowdhary) status unclear and does not seem to realize the enormous harm being done to its image by its gaucherie.

Elegance, graceStylishness, chicClassiness

Glacier A glacier is a slowly moving river of iceGoad v Provoke, stir, stimulate, incite, entice, prod, spur, drive, annoy.

Leaders should calm the workers rather than goad them into violence.Calm, soothe

Gouge v scratch, score, gash, groove,Saudi master for gouging his eye in a clash pardoned Indian Worker.

Gratuitously: adj Without need, unreasonably, needless, without cause The publication of the gratuitously offensive cartoons against the Prophet of Islam

Great Charles Caleb once said: “We hate some people because we do not know them: and we will not know them because we hate them.”Gullible adj Naïve, susceptible, easy to fool, easy to fleece, inexperienced,

immature, adolescent ,credulousShrewd

Hallucination n Illusion, vision, figment of the imagination, nightmare heel-pricks Small holes or dots in the heel Hefty adj Heavy, bulky, heavily built, robust, sturdy, stocky, strong flimsy, fragile

week, feeble Frail

Hegemony n Domination, supremacy, power, authority, GHALBA Subjugation Hinterland Vicinity, neighborhood, surroundingsHippocampus n

An area of the brain which processes learning, memory and emotion.


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The hippocampus is one of two regions of the brain that continues to develop new nerve cells throughout life, in both rats and humans.

Hitch , hiccup n Hindrance, problem, difficulty, holdup, snag, trouble, glitch Hitch-hike Be given a ride, get a ride, thumb a lift Honk v Beep, yell, cry out, sound the horn Hypoglycemia n A low plasma glucose (blood sugar) level dropping to less than 50mg/dL

or (2.8mmol/L). Symptoms include being quite shaky, breaking out into sweat, heart race, confusion, overwhelmed weariness, unconsciousness or seizures. A rare cause of hypoglycemia is a pancreatic tumor that makes too much insulin. It keeps producing insulin even in the face of a prolonged low blood sugar. The diagnosis is confirmed by checking the blood insulin levels after a person fasts for an extended period of time (one to three days).A more common kind of hypoglycemia is due to the pancreas’ loss of the ability to fine tune its insulin releases. The pancreas releases too much insulin in response to a meal and doesn’t shut its release down quickly. A few hours later, blood sugar drops and people become symptomatic.Both kinds of hypoglycemia are ended by eating something with sugar in it. The tumor requires surgery.

Hyponaetraemia Water poisoning, excessive intake of water leading to fatality Idiosyncrasy n Unconventional behavior, peculiarity, eccentricity, oddity Normality Idiot adj Foolish, unwise, Idiotic (Ad) Wise Ignominy n Humiliation, embarrassment ,disgrace

Mr. Wasi Zafar, the Law Minister, plummeted to new depths of ignominy in an interview with the VOA by scolding the journalist Abbas Ansai….

Illusion delusion, false impression, misapprehension, misunderstanding,fallacy, Fantasy, daydreaming, trick

Incorrigible adj Habitual, inveterate, chronic, diehard, dyed-in-the-wool, long-established, confirmed


Indignation n Righteous anger, resentment, offence, anger, fury, ire Indiscretion lack of discretion, carelessness, transgression, injudiciousness Discretion Indubitable adj Undoubted, unquestionable, certain, clear, concrete Questionable

Dubiety Inferno n blaze, fire, firestorm, conflagration, flames Infrasonic Too slow/meager to be heardInnocent until proved guilty is the fundamental principle of justice. For that reason every “accused” — and it hurts that a Supreme Court Chief Justice should be in that category must be given full opportunities to defend himself.Inter alia adv L Among other things Interesting facts There are seven continents on Earth now.

Asia and Europe are not separate land masses. They are divided by the Ural Mountains. There are no countries in Antarctica. The U.S. and many other countries operate science stations there, but no nation owns the land. There are no deserts in Europe. Australia has only one country, Australia. The continents are slowly moving.

Intimidate vt Threaten, frighten, scare, bully, terrorize Protect Intimidation n Threat, fear, bullying, pressure, terrorizationIntimidation n Threats, pressure, terrorization, coercion, bullying, harassment


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Intransigence n Inflexibility, obduracy, The issue needs to be looked at from two angles: one is the intransigence of some sardars with vested interests.


Intrigue n Intrigue vt

Conspiracy, plot, maneuver, scheme Fascinate, charm, attract, absorb

Intriguing adj Captivating, exciting, interesting, fascinating, absorbing, stimulating

Investment by definition means creation of new capital stock for enhancing production with the latest technology and managementInvoke v Evoke, appeal to, attract, call up, call upon, raise, cite, quote Isthmus An isthmus is a narrow strip of land connecting two larger landmasses.

An isthmus has water on two sides.Isthmus Neck of land, cape ,

Narrow strip of land with water on both sides connecting two larger pieces of land

Jinx n Curse , plague, gremlin, evil-eye, (manhoos)Just & unjust Right & wrong, “Jaiz O Najaiz” legitimate & illegitimate KFC Kentucky Farm Chickens , a company originated from Kentucky , USA

with branches across the world Kleptocracy Rule by the thieves Knack n ability, skill, talent, capacity, aptitude, propensity, gift Kowtowing Back slapping, ingratiating, apple polishing, flattering, obsequious,

One wonders what the government’s reasons are for kowtowing to these elements

Lagoon A lagoon is a shallow body of water that is located alongside a coast and separated from the ocean by a strip of land or a sandbank.

Lamentations weeping, crying, expression of grief, howl, dirge, Celebrations Languish v PARA REH REH KI GAL SAR JANA , to pine, suffer rot, decay,

prisoners languishing in jail Flourish

Laureate Noble prize laureate etc, winner Legacy Inheritance, birthright, heritage, bequest

It is too much to expect that the judiciary would have been left untouched by this legacy.

Leucorrhoea A whitish or yellowish discharge of mucus from the female organs

Leukemia Any of a group of malignant diseases in which the bone marrow and other blood forming organs produce increased number of leucocytes

Libido n Psychic drive or energy, esp. that associated with sexual desire Livable adj Inhabitable Uninhabitable Loathe vt Dislike, hate, detest, despise, abhor Respect ,

esteem, Adore love worship

Look on aghast v Look on with horrifies, stunned, amazement, astounded, Look on delightedly

Loony adj Crazy, mad, loopy, eccentric, odd, unusual Sane, rationale, wise

Ludicrous adj Absurd, nonsensical, ridiculous, farcical, comical, daft Sensible Lunatic adj Outrageous, foolish, crazy, mad, madcap, silly, harebrained Sensible, sane Magnanimous adj Generous, high minded, fair, big, noble, upright Petty, mean, little

Maim v Mutilate, hurt, disfigure, spoil and cut organs of…


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suicidal terrorism kills and maims innocent citizensMaladroit adj Awkward, inept, gawky

Nawaz Sharif’s maladroit attempt to dismiss him in absentia from the post of chief of army staff ….

Malign v Slander, criticize, smear, libel , cause ill-fame to someone World media is maligning Pakistan’s position internationally by portraying its grim & violent picture...


Malignant adj Evil, hatful, spiteful, wicked, cruel, mean Benign Manicure/ pedicure Latin Mani: hand Cure: treatment A practice of medical

technique to shape nails or hand or both mainly for the cause of beatification. Pedicure is the same process of Foot

Map Physical A physical map is a map that shows an area’s natural physical features, like mountains, lakes, and rivers

Map Political A political map is a map that shows cultural features, like the political boundaries of countries, states, provinces, and cities.

Map geological A geologic map is a map that notes the structure and composition of geologic features, like the presence of minerals, rock types, earthquake faults, underground water, and landslide areas

Map Relief A relief map is a topographic map that uses different colors or shades to indicate elevations.

Map Road A road map is a map which shows various links to other roads, towns & cities or a country

Map Topographic A sea is a large body of salty water that is often connected to an ocean. A sea may be partly or completely surrounded by land

Map Weather A weather map is a map that shows weather conditions for a time period. Weather maps show storms, fronts, temperatures, rain, snow, sleet, fog, etc.

Marsh A marsh is a type of freshwater, brackish water or saltwater wetland that is found along rivers, pond, lakes and coasts. Marsh plants grow up out of the water.

Mayhem Chaos, disorder, turmoil, anarchy, pandemonium Order Mendicant adjMendicancy nMendacity n

Begging, living solely on alms Mendicants sitting by doors in darbars, Chillay, Malang

Milieu n Fr; meaning central or middle place. The physical or social setting in which something occurs or develops, Environment The quiet suburban neighborhood was within walking distance of elementary school and provided the perfect milieu for raising a family

Milk thistle It cleanses the liver Mitigate vMitigation

Alleviate, lessen, alley, diminish, assuage, mollify Add to

Mockery n Ridicule, scorn, disdain, derision, contempt TAUHEEN Respect Moribund adj Dying, decline, on the way out , waning,

The committee is the verge of moribund... Thriving

Moribund adj Dying, on its last legs, declining, waning, Thriving Multifarious adj Diverse, mixed, different, varied, miscellaneous, heterogeneous Homogeneous Multitude Huge number, crowd, large number, massMyopia n Nearsightedness, shortsightedness Myopic adj Short sighted, narrow-minded, bigoted, prejudiced Broadminded Myriad n&adj Countless, innumerable, numerous, countless, many

Myriad diseases are there in the remote villages of MKL Few


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Mysticism n Religion, theology, religious studies, holiness, spirituality Mythology n Myths, folklore, legends, traditions Naïve adj Inexperienced, immature, youthful, adolescent, teenager, gullible

a naive search for adventureAmateur, proletarian

Narcissistic adj Self absorbed, egoistic, selfish , arrogant Killing of Nawab Akbar Bugti is the proof of narcissistic attitude of the government.


Nausea n Queasiness, vomiting, sickness, unsettled stomach Noose Loop, rope, lariat, lasso PHANDA Nostradamus The Italian forecaster Michel de Nostradame or Nostradamus

(1503-1566).Notwithstanding (khatir men Na lattey huey) , despite, aside, although Nullification Abolishment, invalidation, cancellation …nullify v Oasis An area within the long desert having water & fertility Obduracy n Obstinacy, stubbornness, inflexibility Flexibility Obfuscate v Confuse, disguise, complicate, conceal Clarify Obscurantist Doctrinaire, pedant, stern, rigid, inflexible

IT IS shocking how obscurantist tribal customs continue to flourish in our society

Dilettante, amateur,

Obsolescence n Out datedness, out fashion ness,But in this endless cycle of acquisition and planned obsolescence, finite mineral and hydrocarbon resources are being rapidly depleted.

Ocean An ocean is a large body of salt water that surrounds a continent. Oceans cover more the two-thirds of the Earth's surface

Ocean The Oceans cover about 70% of the Earth's surface. The oceans contain roughly 97% of the Earth's water supply. The oceans of Earth serve many functions, especially affecting the weather and temperature. They moderate the Earth's temperature by absorbing incoming solar radiation (stored as heat energy). The always-moving ocean currents distribute this heat energy around the globe. This heats the land and air during winter and cools it during summer. The Earth's oceans are all connected to one another. There are five oceans: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, and Arctic.

Oligarchy n A government by a small group of people Abdul Muttalib, who was a member of the oligarchy which ruled Makkah.

One of the Kurds, Salim Salman, produced “Yusif & Zuleyxa” (a classic tale) in 1585Onus n Responsibility, duty, obligation, burden Orchestrate v Arrange, organize, scheme,

The Monica Lewinski scandal was orchestrated directly from white house…

Ostentation n Pretension, display, showiness, brazenness, flamboyance Modesty Ostentatious adj Showy, flamboyant Modest Override v Supersede, take priority over, overlook, dominate, Paling n Fence, barrier, railing JANGLA< BAAR

Palmy n Prosperous IQBAL MANDI

Palpable adjPalpable adj

Blatant, fragrant, conspicuous, clear, obvious, plain Physical, tangible, touchable

Doubtful Intangible

Pandemic adj Virulent disease, virus, plague, deadly disease, epidemic Pandemonium Abode of all demons BHOOTON KA MASKAN


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Panel nPanel n

Team, group, board, jury, council Board, pane, sheet, plate, section

Panorama n View, scene, landscape, seascape, vista, scenery Pant To breath heavily or quickly HANPNA

Pantheon n Justice Iftikhar entered the pantheon of lasting fame by saying no to the latest version of Pakistan’s military saviour

Paradoxical adj Inconsistent, absurd, contradictory, illogical, Logical Paragons Ideal, model, shining example, epitome, archetype, quintessence

(perfect example) Other democracies of the world too do not elect paragons of virtue to public office. All too often, they are fallible individuals but they are subject to laws and institutions

Paranoia n Fear, mistrust, obsession, terror Parcenary n Parcenal


Parlance n Way of speaking, jargon, phrasing, dialect, TAREEQ-E-GUFTAGO what a sweet parlance Wusatullah khan ….

Parole Oral declaration Passable adj Travelable, ok, drivable Passible adj Capable of feeling ASAR PAZEER

Pauper adj Poor, pauperized QALLASH< MUFLIS

Peck vt To pick up with the beak CHUGNA

Pedagogue n School master , MUALLIM< MUDARRIS Pedigree n SHAJRA E NASAB

Penal adj Punitive, punishing, severe, strict Peninsula A peninsula is a body of land that is surrounded by water on three sides.

Penury Poverty, pennilessness GHURBAT

Perforate v Puncture, burst, make a hole in Perjure vt To swear falsely, DAROOGH E HALFI

Persona non grata Unlikable person, (in diplomatic terminology) The Danish Ambassador is a persona non grata to Pakistan

Perspicacious Insightful, wise, sagacious, smart, sharp, astuteHe will have a perspicacious analysis of the trial to reach facts


Pervasive adj Omnipresent, invasive, all encompassing, enveloping, or insidious. It’s amazing how pervasive yet insidious food has become.


Philistinism Hostility or indifference to one’s own culture Across the country illiteracy and philistinism, and greed in no small measure, are on the march

Philology n The art or study of languages ILMULLISANIAT

Phoenix n 1.A mythical bird ,the only one of its kind, that after living for five or six centuries in Arabian desert, burnt itself on the funeral pyre and rose from the ashes with renewed youth to live through another cycle. 2. a unique person or thing

Pictorial adj Illustrated by pictures BATASWEER

Pimp adj Panderer BHARWA< DALLAL

Placate vt Pacify, mollify, conciliate, calm down, appease, soothe, mollification Enragement Placidly adv Placid adj

Mildly, gently, kindly Mild, gentle, kind NARAM MIZAJ

Harshly Austere


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Plagiarism Bootlegging, copying, illegal use, ( adabi chori, adabi surqa )Plagiarism Copyright theft, illegal use, stealing, copying, bootlegging Plethora n Overabundance, excess, glut, surfeit, surplus Shortage Plethora n Overabundance, excess, surfeit, glut, surplus, superfluity Shortage Plummet v Fall, plunge, dive, drop, nose dive, crash down Climb Plummet vt Fall, plunge, drop, tumble,(also stumble as noun meaning drop)

Giving the permits by Pakistani PM to hunt Bustard in Pakistan is alarming when the world’s biodiversity and carrying capacity are plummeting at an unprecedented rate is too high a price to pay for the entertainment or profit of a few dozen sheiks.


Poach v Steal, thieve, pilfer, plunder/ simmer, boil, steam Poignant adj Bitter, sharp to the taste KARWA

Point : The saying “only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches” is a synonym to that one idiom of Pashto, “OOR CHE BAL VEE , HAGHA ZAI PA SWAZEE”Point: “If you can’t fight them, join them” in a letter of The Dawn 15th March,07, captioned as “heads I win, Tails u lose” seems to be in association with the dictum “if rape is in avertable/ inevitable then enjoy it” showing a piece of advice for the succumbing girl.Point: Currently, South Asians are using the equivalent of 465 kilos of oil per capita every year, and consume an average of only 360 kilowatt hours of electricity each. Citizens of the European Union, by contrast, burn up 3,800 kilos of oil each year, while using 6,400 kilowatt hours of electricity. This disparity is reflected in the average incomes in the two regions: the gross national income per capita in South Asia is under $700, while it is $31,000 for Europe. Irfan Hussain writes in the Limits to Growth column of 10th mar, 07.Point: Every cloud has a silver- lining. In case of depression, the positive aspect is that it is the most treatable mental illness for both genders. As Dr Kidwai says: “The first thing is to recognize that depression is a disease and it can be treated with a combination of psychotherapy, antidepressants, professional counseling, exercise, relaxation techniques, supportive family and friends and above all the personal will and determination of a person.”Point: In Pakistan, the judiciary’s validation of the coup which was applied in the State v Dosso case in 1958 was so potent that three African countries in the Commonwealth borrowed it subsequently to validate the abrogation of their constitutions by the military. Later, the Dosso reasoning was replaced by the ‘doctrine of state necessity’Point: It is a real irony, shedding copious light on the low morality of the West, that the ‘father’ of Israel’s secret nuclear arsenal, Shimon Peres, was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize while the same Peres now has the gall to call Ahmedinejad a “lunatic”, for which he is being cheered on by his western fans and admirers. Writes Karamatullah Khan Ghouri dawn encounter 22nd April, 06Point: On the other hand, people with inconsistent eating and sleeping routines inflict themselves with “mini jet lag” symptoms, which drain energies and diminish the capacity to think and concentrate. The cumulative effect of these mini jet lags contributes to insomnia, stress, palpitations, nausea and headachesPoint: Pakistan is not a bad country. It has more than its share of good things. Despite our failings and our consequent knack for self-laceration, we are a hard-working lot and if only we had a better crop of leaders or self-appointed saviors, there is no reason why we should not have been at par with the success stories of East Asia.Point: The famous saying goes: “If you fail to plan, you have planned to failPoint: They (Kurds) came under the sway of Cyrus (over 500 years BC), and then under that of the Macedonians, Parthians, and Sassanids. MesopotamiaPoint: Till now, Oct 2006, in all, just over 2,047 nuclear weapons tests are officially reported to have taken place throughout the world since the first blasts in 1945. Of that total, 1,032 were carried out by the United States, and 715 by the Soviet Union.—Point: When I feed the poor & provide for their shelter, thy call me a saint; when I ask why the people are so poor, they call me a communist. Says a writer Point : While we (Muslims) represent one 5fth of humanity spread over 57 countries across three continents & blessed with rich & bountiful natural resources, we r among the poorest. Seventeen out of 57are among the poorest in the world. We r among the most illiterate. We remain stuck in dire predicament; facing formidable challenges on all fronts: political, economic & intellectual


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Point: Woody Allen once wrote; “God goes about His ways silently, So why can’t mankind shut up?”Poke Jail, prison, punch, throw at, to poke fun at the president Polyandry Obsolete Old custom of women of having more than one

husbands Pomp n Pump v

Display, showiness, TAMTARAQ, NUMAAISH To pump

Possessive adj Jealous, domineering, controlling, selfish , HAASIDPostulate Assume, guess, hypothesis, suggest, put forward,Prairie A prairie is a wide, relatively flat area of land that has grasses and

only a few trees.Prate v Babble, rant, prattle, talk gibberish, jabber


Precursor n Forerunner, predecessor, antecedent PESHWA Successor Predicament n Quandary, jam, mess, pickle, fix, dilemma, quagmire, sticky

situation MAKHMASAH Preempt v Forestall, anticipate, block, prevent, obstruct

The latter’s report in a way preempts the Nanavati-Shah panel whenever it delivers its findings

Preen vt Smarten, groom, clean, trim, prune Premonition n Forewarning, intuition, omen, sign, presentiment, feeling, fear Preposterous adj Laughable, absurd, silly, outlandish LAGHW

Prima Donna n Attention seeker, showoff , boaster, bragger, spoilt bratPrima facie As from the first impression, first feeling, first sight Primacy Dominance, supremacy, authority, power, predominance Weakness Prithee I pray thee, MAIN AAP SE ELTEJA KARTA HOON Prodigal adj Wasteful, extravagant, profligate FAZOOL KHARCH Cautious Prodigy Genius, phenomenon, sensation, Profane adj Infidel , irreligious , MULHID, NAPAK

Proletariat n Waged people, working class, masses, not aristocracy ( GHAIR ASHRAFIA), mediocre These were ordinary people, the lumping proletariat of Lahore, emerging from the less well-heeled parts of the city and swarming on to the Mall. That myth or fantasy called ‘devolution’ was supposed to distribute power at the grassroots. In practice, it has catapulted power up to the treetops.


Propensity n Tendency, predisposition, inclination, partiality Prophylaxis n Preventive measures/treatment against disease by prevention Propinquity n Nearness, relativity, blood relationship QURBAT Remoteness Propound v Put forward, propose, advocate, promulgate, yield, broadcast

Tasleema Nasreen of Bangladesh tried to propound her own family interpretation of the Holy Quran and had to flee for her life or The task of corruption elimination from Pakistan is now being propounded by the NAB

Withheld, delay, dispose

Prorogue To call in, summon The President prorogued the session of the NA Proscribe JALA WATAN KARNA , exclude, banish, disallow Proscribe v Ban, disallow, prohibit, rule out, forbid

In case of women, Societal expectations proscribe their right for self determination

Permit, allow

Prudence Carefulness, forethought, caution ness, carefulness Given this possibility, one would imagine that the dictates of prudence and survival would serve to restrain Iran’s firebrand president. But far too often, politicians like the sound of their own voices too much to



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allow mundane things like reason curb their tongues.Pun n Witticism , clever remark, ZOO MAANAWIYAT

Pygmy n Miniature, small, dummy Yet who looks the giant and who the pygmies ...

Pyre n Heap of combustible material, esp. a funeral pile for burning a corpse (In Hindi called as chitta)

Quail v Draw back, shrink back, recoil, shy away, cringe, wince Quartet A group of four, foursome Quintessence n Essence, ideal, epitome, perfect example, model, living- legend ,

fundamental nature, paragon Rabid adj Extreme, fanatical, narrow minded, militant, bigoted

The organizers of the Lal Masjid apparently seem to be rabid people as the enforce the punitive side of Islam rather ignoring the rewarding aspects of the religion


Rancor/ rancour n Hatred, ill will, ill feeling, resentment , acrimony, bitterness, animosity


Reign in v To stop, control LAGAAM DEENARejoinder Response, answer, reply, retort

In their rejoinder to my letter… Relegate vt Demote, down grade, reduce in importance Relentless Persistent, unyielding, insistent, ruthless, uncompromising, Gentle Reminisce v Recall, talk about, bring to mind, evoke, recollect Reminiscent adj Evocative, suggestive, redolent, problem solving Renege vtRenegade n

To break the promise, betrayal from ones own word, go back on (n) traitor, turn coat, betrayer, deserter, defector As Musharraf reneged on his promise he made with MMA & the common folk on 17th amendment to quit uniform or presidents office by end of 2004

Repentant adj Seeking repent , regretful Reprehension n Blame, culpability, fault, liability, guilty Rescind v Withdraw, annul, cancel, repeal

Many people think that ban imposed on student unions be rescinded while many others think that it serves a useful purpose


Respite n interval, lull, break, relief, let-up, breather, delay, postponement, Adjournment

Rhyme poem, verse, assonanceSAFMA South Asia Free Media Association SAFTA South Asia Free Trade Agreement Savior/ saviour n A person who saves or delivers from danger Savour or savor

Savory adj

Of food having an appetizing taste, flavor or smell. world leadership only gives the impression that it is rather a lucrative industry shuttling round in luxurious jets, savouring all sorts of culinary delights, residing in the opulence of renovated palaces of the czars of Russia

Sawyer n A person who saws timber professionally Scheuermann’s Scheuermann’s is a collapsing of the front part of one of the

vertebrae (backbones), usually in the upper back. Physical therapy can often ease the pain and lessen any back deformity. Braces are sometimes necessary. Scheuermann’s only happens to children and teenagers. Pain almost always stops when growth stops. If pain and deformity are severe and unresponsive, surgery is considered.


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Scourge vScourge n

Plague, curse, afflict, terrorize Bondage, bane , blight, plague, curse scourge of bounded labor

Scuttle vt Scurry, scamper, dash, bustle, hurry, Wreck, foil, mess up, ruin or spoilBush has scuttled the Middle East peace process by going back on the 2005 deadline for a Palestinian state to emerge.

Sea A sea is a large body of salty water that is often connected to an ocean. A sea may be partly or completely surrounded by land. Seas are smaller branches of an ocean); seas are often partly enclosed by land. The largest seas are the South China Sea, the Caribbean Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea.

Self immolation Suicide Self-laceration self-cutting—slashing, grazing, slitting, ripping, tearing,

scratching (Apni pair par kulhari marna)Shenanigans n High jinks, mischief, pranks, monkey shines, tomfoolery,

Shenanigans of opposition in N.A will not lure the knowing class SIM Subscriber’s Identity ModuleSimulate Replicate, reproduce, copy, model, Original Sinicism Pessimism, distrust, doubt, gloom, glumness, negativity Optimism Slam vt Criticize, knock, condemn, pan, blast Praise Slant vt , n TIRCHA , incline, skew, tilt, slope, view point Smashing triumph Shattering, breaking, crashing, crushing, demolishing triumph, n

accident, collision ,crash Smolder smoulder Burn, smoke, glow, OR seethe, fume, rage.Snarl vt Roar, sneer, growl, grimaceSneak v Slip, steal, creep, tip toe , slink, skulk, tread softly Snide remarks Sarcastic, mean, spiteful, unpleasant, nasty, malicious Pleasant Sniffer dogs Spy dogs, (Jassos Kuttey )Sojourn n Halt, rest, stopover, staySolicit Ask for, beg, seek, want for, request for, implore, beseech Grant Somatic Dr.Rubina Kidwai, a practicing psychologist, lists the symptoms: “Most of the patients are simply not aware that they are suffering from depression because apparently the symptoms are somatic (of or relating to body as distinct from the mind) in nature, as overwhelming fatigue, the lack of sleep, high or low blood pressure, headache, etc. Up to 25 per cent of the patients complain of fatigue, which is among the first symptoms.Somatic Cell : Any cell of the living organism except the reproductive cells or simply non-reproductive cells Somersault v&n Tumble, flip over, turn over, flip flop, head-over-heels

The somersault of a bus in Dhaka results in the death of 41 people.The bus somersaulted so deeply that …..

Soporific adj Sleep inducing, monotonous, dull, hypnotic The soporific songs of the classical music compelled the house to sleep.


Spate n Epidemic, wave, rash, craze, increase in , rise in Spatial adj Latin spatium (space) Of or concerning space

The maps enable us to depict spatial phenomena on paperSpontaneously adj Unplanned, suddenly, impulsively, instinctively Sporadic adj Irregular, intermittent, occurring only here & there or

occasionally, scattered , dispersed adv; sporadically Sporophyte The asexual form of a plant. Spurn v Reject, rebuff, repulse, disdain, despise, disparage, look down on,

Iran spurns Russian demand for enrichment freeze Squeamish adj Delicate, easily upset, easily offended, prudish, particular Strong


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Squirm v wriggle, writhe, twist, turn, fidget, struggle orFeel shame, feel guilty, remorse, feel humiliated

Stand off n Confrontation, quarrel, disagreement, altercation Agreement Stipendiary A person taking salary, remuneration as a reward for his services.

Like stipendiary magistrates, officers, workers etc Volunteer

Strait n Passage, channel, canal A narrow water way with land on both sides connecting two large bodies of water.

Straw n Some have served military dictators, straw and tin dictators at that, straw that horses would not touch

Stride n Pace, step, tread, gait morning stride Stupefy v astonish, amaze, stun, bewilder, puzzle, Subsume vt Include, enlist, count, consider Exclude Succinct adj To the point, short, précised, concise Long-windedSuccor/succour nv Help, aid, assistance, v assist, relieve, comfort Succumb to vt Give in, concede Sully vt Smear, discredit , tarnish, pollute, denigrate

Pakistan’s foreign office says, “good CBMs should not have been sullied with the allegations of 7/11 Mumbai train blasts”.

Sumptuousness Luxuriousness, extravagance, lavishness, splendor Paucity, dearth Sweeping remarks Far reaching, comprehensive, all-encompassing, wide Restricted Syntax grammar, language rules, sentence structureTaint vt Spoil, infect, ruin, pollute, adulterate,

tainted laptops in open mkts are always prune to dysfunctional Purify, accurate

Tandem n Bike, cycle, racing bike, mountain bike Who will guard the guardian who work in tandem

Tempestuous adj Emotional, turbulent, violent, stormyTempestuous politics has caused many poor churned by the feudal lords

Relaxed, calm

Temptation n Lure enticement, attraction, appeal, persuasion Yousaf Raza Gilani has refused to accept the temptations offered by the government rather steadfastly bearing illicit imprisonment.

Tenuous adj Week, shaky, fragile, feeble, questionable Strong The Jewish Holocaust of 1930

Annihilation of Jews by the Germans/ Nazis after world war 1st

Timidity n Nervousness, shyness, coyness, diffidence, tentativeness Confidence To bear the brunt To face with.

Cold spell have compelled the earthquake hit areas of NWFP & Kashmir to bear the brunt of harsh weather.

Transience n Humanity, deathTributary A tributary is a stream or river that flows into a larger river. E.g;

Musakhel’s LAHAR is a tributary to the Indus Tributary n Branch, arm, stream, river, offshoot Tsunami They are also called as tidal or ocean waves; usually caused by

underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides. Tumultuous adj Turbulent, chaotic, noisy, riotous, disorderly

Miss USA talks about tumultuous reignPeaceful

Tundra A tundra is a cold, treeless area; it is the coldest biomeTypes of depressionThere are many types of depressions. Some of the important ones are listed below; Major depression


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It is one of the most common of them all. It is characterized by motive immobility evidenced by catalepsy or stupor, loss of pleasure in most or all activities, a failure to respond to pleasurable stimuli, a worsening of symptoms in the morning hours, psychomotor retardation, mood reactivity and psychotic features with hallucination or delusions.DsythymiaIt is a long-term mild depression that lasts for a minimum of two years. However, the symptoms are not as severe as with major depression, patients are vulnerable to its co-occurring episodes.Bipolar disorderIt is an episodic illness in which, moods may fluctuate between manic and depression.Atypical depressionIts symptoms include fatigue, oversleeping, overeating and weight gain. Patients believe that outside events control their mood.Psychotic depressionIts patients begin to hear and see imaginary things — sounds, voices and visuals that do not exist, which are referred to as hallucinations.U.F.O. Unidentified flying object, or flying saucer Ubiquitous adj Ever-present, omnipresent, everywhere ( the attribute of Allah jj)Ulterior adj Secret, unknown, clandestine, concealed, mysterious, hidden,

masked, veiled, obscured, covered (the spy’s ulterior designs were…)


Ultrasonic adj Too high sound to be heard as the frequency is almost above of the upper limit of hearing

Unceremoniously Without any proper ceremony offered. Abruptly, hastily To depart someone unceremoniously, Mir Zafrullah Khan Jamali was made depart from the PM office with single nudge of the president of the IR of Pakistan unceremoniously.


Unequivocal adj Clear, obvious, plain, undeniable Equivocal Unequivocally clearly, plainly, unambiguously, with one voiceUnfaultered To create among them an unfaultered sense of belonging to the

new state. Unsolicited Unwanted, unwelcome, uncalled for Unswerving adj Unwavering, steadfast, resolute, persistent, firm , solid, trustee,

reliable, stanch, unshakeable Unreliable

Up-and-coming adj On the rise, flourishing, on the up, prevailingThe up-and-coming Dr. Attaur rehman

Declining, falling down

Utopia n Utopian adj

An imagined perfect place or state of things , idealism We are looking for a social utopia but in the last couple of months, our attention has wavered.

Vanguard n Forefront, front line, fore runner, advance guard, precursor Demonstrations by other parties have been stopped and they will join the MMA demonstrations but with the vital difference that the MMA will be in the vanguard.

Veteran experienced, expert, old hand (kuhna mashk) Novice, trainee beginner,

Vie v Compete, contend, contest, struggle, strive, fight for Vociferous adj Vocal, loud, determined, noisy, enthusiastic, raucous, strident

While as government officials some time condescend to give Pakistan a pat on the back, the recently-elected congressmen and senators are vociferous in condemning Pakistan and threatening to cut aid for not doing enough.

Quiet, subtle

Vortex Eddy, whirlpool, current, tide Due to politicized & class-ridden educational system in my country Nadia cannot rise and lift herself and her family out of the vortex of abject poverty.

WE shape our cities, they shape our lives.” That man of great perspicacity, Winston Spencer Churchill, once said this,


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long ago. There can be no dispute to this.Weal n Swelling, ridge, wound, mark Wee adj Tiny, little, small, teeny weeny, minuscule, microscopic

A couple was killed in the wee hour on Sunday, in Rawalpindi Enormous

Weld vt Fuse, join, repair, solder, connect, link, bond Well n Spring, fountain, water supply Whack v Thump, hit, strike

The group calls upon Iraq to stand on its own feet, which is wonderful advice. You first break someone’s limbs, fracture his spine and whack his skull and then when he is down and out you snarl at him and say ‘get on your feet’. This essentially is what the US is now expecting of the Iraqi government.

Petulant adj Huffy, snappish, ill-tempered, bad-tempered, JALD BAZZPetulant General Musharraf is exasperated with the Chief Justice of Pakistan and shows him the door

Easy going

Exasperate v Infuriate, madden, drive mad, Whale n A fish, (monster, giant, goliath, elephant) Wheel n Helm, controls, steering wheelWield v Exercise, exert, use, brandish, carry, manipulate, handle Xenophobia n Chauvinism, racism, racial intolerance, dislike of foreigners. ToleranceZion n The hill of Jerusalem on which the city of David was built. The

Jewish people or religion Zionism n A movement for [originally] the re-establishment and [now] the

development of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel.


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