my "feasibility" project

2 Abstract This project was set to improve the current social and economic situation and help alleviate the current conditions in the town of Whitby in areas such as; coastal erosion, flood risk, traffic congestion, parking facilities and the state of the swing Bridge. The notion of feasibility report was explored both as a practice utilized in civil and structural engineering projects and as a component of future proposed structural developments in the area of Whitby. The method utilized was a guided research according to the brief given by the local authority and the Whitby Traffic Management Partnership. The findings identified the lack of current facilities to accommodate major changes/improvements to the social and economic status of Whitby. The primary research was conducted in the actual area of Whitby and the secondary through publications and desk study. Overall, this report suggested improvements to the broader area of Whitby especially regarding the traffic alleviation issue. The proposal recommended the following: Construction of a new bridge at the same location. Development of a Park and Ride scheme within the limits of Whitby. Further development options such as the construction a museum and the conversion of the current bridge to a museum as part the U.K. Civil engineering heritage. And finally the flood barriers protection combined with the new bridge or the brake water piers or temporary solution which is and the most favorable at the current situation. Finally, detailed construction schemes to be utilized in the proposed developments where presented with detailed designs. The composed plans where accompanied by health and safety procedures and environmental considerations.

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Page 1: My "Feasibility" Project



This project was set to improve the current social and economic situation and helpalleviate the current conditions in the town of Whitby in areas such as; coastal erosion,flood risk, traffic congestion, parking facilities and the state of the swing Bridge.

The notion of feasibility report was explored both as a practice utilized in civil andstructural engineering projects and as a component of future proposed structuraldevelopments in the area of Whitby.

The method utilized was a guided research according to the brief given by the localauthority and the Whitby Traffic Management Partnership.

The findings identified the lack of current facilities to accommodate majorchanges/improvements to the social and economic status of Whitby.

The primary research was conducted in the actual area of Whitby and the secondarythrough publications and desk study.

Overall, this report suggested improvements to the broader area of Whitby especiallyregarding the traffic alleviation issue.

The proposal recommended the following:

Construction of a new bridge at the same location. Development of a Park and Ride scheme within the limits of Whitby. Further development options such as the construction a museum and the

conversion of the current bridge to a museum as part the U.K. Civil engineeringheritage.

And finally the flood barriers protection combined with the new bridge or thebrake water piers or temporary solution which is and the most favorable at thecurrent situation.

Finally, detailed construction schemes to be utilized in the proposed developmentswhere presented with detailed designs. The composed plans where accompanied byhealth and safety procedures and environmental considerations.

Page 2: My "Feasibility" Project



INTRODUCTION . .................................................................................................................................... 8

Scope . ................................................................................................................................................................. 9

SITE INVESTIGATION. ....................................................................................................................... 10

Desk Study . ...................................................................................................................................................... 10

Reconnaissance .............................................................................................................................................. 13

Proposed Ideas - Brainstorming ................................................................................................................... 17

Criteria for selection: ...................................................................................................................................... 19

Severe Hazards: . ............................................................................................................................................. 22

ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS ................................................................................................................... 24

Option 1 . ........................................................................................................................................................... 24

Option 2 . ........................................................................................................................................................... 26

Opening Bridge . .............................................................................................................................................. 27

ALTERNATIVE CHOSEN - FINAL PROPOSAL .............................................................................. 28

Method used . ................................................................................................................................................... 28

Final proposal . ................................................................................................................................................ 28

CONSIDERATIONS . ............................................................................................................................. 29

Whitby Traffic observations and traffic Alleviation . .................................................................................. 29

Car park location selection ............................................................................................................................ 29

Materials used on the car park ...................................................................................................................... 30

UK Policy on Sustainable Transport ............................................................................................................ 30

ELEMENTS OF FINAL PROPOSAL ................................................................................................... 34

Park & Ride Scheme in Whitby ..................................................................................................................... 34

Availability of town centre parking ............................................................................................................... 35

Comparative cost............................................................................................................................................. 36

The quality of bus service .............................................................................................................................. 36

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The quality of car park facility ........................................................................................................................ 36

Bus service ........................................................................................................................................................ 36

Construction of a car park .............................................................................................................................. 37

BRIDGE FINAL PROPOSAL ................................................................................................................ 38

Deconstruction of the current bridge ........................................................................................................... 38

Proposed material for the construction of the new bridge ....................................................................... 38

Bridge Deck and Road Surface ...................................................................................................................... 40

Bridge prefabrication and transportation .................................................................................................... 41

Location for pre-fabricating bridge parts ..................................................................................................... 41

Prefabricating the bridge parts ...................................................................................................................... 42

Bridge leaves transportation .......................................................................................................................... 44

Road modification for the new bridge .......................................................................................................... 45

Soil condition .................................................................................................................................................... 45

Choice of sheet piling sections for piling .................................................................................................... 45

Choice of driving system ................................................................................................................................ 46

Sheet piling presses ........................................................................................................................................ 46

Procedure of pile installation ......................................................................................................................... 47

Design of East pier foundation ...................................................................................................................... 48

Construction ...................................................................................................................................................... 51

FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................ 52

Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 52

Temporary flood protection for Whitby ........................................................................................................ 53

Types of defences that can be used ............................................................................................................. 54

Long term expensive protection .................................................................................................................... 57

Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................................... 58

METHOD STATEMENT ....................................................................................................................... 58

The project management team task includes: ............................................................................................ 59

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Construction Work Schedules ....................................................................................................................... 60

Community and Interagency Cooperation ................................................................................................... 60

Existing Bridge Demolition and Staging ...................................................................................................... 60

TEMPORARY WORKS IN SITE ....................................................................................................................... 61

TRAFFIC DETOUR ............................................................................................................................................ 62

MATERIALS STORAGE ................................................................................................................................... 63

Site fencing ........................................................................................................................................................ 64

LOCAL BUSINESS PREPARATION ............................................................................................................... 65

To minimise noise nuisance:.......................................................................................................................... 66

Dust and Air Pollution: .................................................................................................................................... 66

Access and work place for labour ................................................................................................................. 67

Lighting .............................................................................................................................................................. 68

Develop environmental protection measures ............................................................................................. 69

Handling to shop: ............................................................................................................................................. 69

Erection .............................................................................................................................................................. 70

MANAGING HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK ............................................................................. 71

DRESS WITH SAFETY IN MIND ...................................................................................................................... 71

ROOF and LADDERS: ...................................................................................................................................... 72

SCAFFOLDING: ................................................................................................................................................. 72

Load Security .................................................................................................................................................... 73

Bridge structural work safety manner: ......................................................................................................... 74

Bridge structure safety aim: ........................................................................................................................... 74

Clean up ............................................................................................................................................................. 75

Performing Welding and Cutting: .................................................................................................................. 75

Bridge beam erection ....................................................................................................................................... 80

SUSTAINABILITY FRAMEWORK ..................................................................................................... 81

Value of Sustainability Framework ................................................................................................................ 82

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Sustainability Framework Strategy ............................................................................................................... 82

WASTE MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................................................... 84

Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 84

Major Assumptions .......................................................................................................................................... 84

Waste Generation ............................................................................................................................................. 85

Expected Waste Generation ........................................................................................................................... 86

Waste Management Options ........................................................................................................................... 87

Contaminated Excavated Material ................................................................................................................. 89

Potential Waste Management Facilities ........................................................................................................ 90

Conclusions ....................................................................................................................................................... 90

STAKEHOLDER PARTICIPATION STRATEGY.............................................................................. 91

Consultees ......................................................................................................................................................... 91

Integrated Approach ........................................................................................................................................ 93

Types of Activities ............................................................................................................................................ 93

ECONOMIC APPRAISAL ...................................................................................................................... 94

Cost Estimates .................................................................................................................................................. 94

Developing the base estimate ........................................................................................................................ 94

Assessing the Project Risk ............................................................................................................................. 95

Risk Analysis ..................................................................................................................................................... 95

BIBLIOGRAPHY: ................................................................................................................................... 97






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FIGURE 1: SSSI SITE ..................................................................................................................................11 FIGURE 2: THE STRATA ............................................................................................................................13 FIGURE 3: ROOF SHAPE AND PROPERTY HEIGHT ...............................................................................15 FIGURE 4:NARROW STREET ....................................................................................................................15 FIGURE 5: SUBSIDENCE IN WAREHOUSE ..............................................................................................16 FIGURE 6 .....................................................................................................................................................32 FIGURE 7 .....................................................................................................................................................37 FIGURE 8 .....................................................................................................................................................37 FIGURE 9 .....................................................................................................................................................42 FIGURE 10 ...................................................................................................................................................42 FIGURE 11 ...................................................................................................................................................44 FIGURE 12 ...................................................................................................................................................44 FIGURE 13 ............................................................................... ОШИБКА! ЗАКЛАДКА НЕ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНА. FIGURE 14 ...................................................................................................................................................47 FIGURE 15 ...................................................................................................................................................49 FIGURE 16 ............................................................................... ОШИБКА! ЗАКЛАДКА НЕ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНА. FIGURE 17 ...................................................................................................................................................51 FIGURE 18 ............................................................................... ОШИБКА! ЗАКЛАДКА НЕ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНА. FIGURE 19 ...................................................................................................................................................53 FIGURE 20 ...................................................................................................................................................54 FIGURE 21 ...................................................................................................................................................56 FIGURE 22 ............................................................................... ОШИБКА! ЗАКЛАДКА НЕ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНА. FIGURE 23 ...................................................................................................................................................61 FIGURE 24 ...................................................................................................................................................64 FIGURE 25 ...................................................................................................................................................69 FIGURE 26 ...................................................................................................................................................71 FIGURE 27 ...................................................................................................................................................71 FIGURE 28 ...................................................................................................................................................72


TABLE 1 .......................................................................................................................................................35 TABLE 2 .......................................................................................................................................................59 TABLE 3: UNCONTAMINATED EXCAVATED MATERIAL .........................................................................88 TABLE 4: CONTAMINATED EXCAVATED MATERIAL ..............................................................................89 TABLE 5:EXAMPLE OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PROJECT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS AND


Page 7: My "Feasibility" Project



Whitby, formerly Whiteby, originating from the Norse „the white settlement‟, is a town

built around a port, in the north of England on the East coast. The port has developed

from the original whaling port of the 18th century. At around 1759 to around 1766 the

port was used for the purpose of transportation of goods after which the trade reverted

back to whale fishing.

The modern port has been successful because of its proximity to Europe, especially the

Scandinavian countries. It now has a modern port which is capable of handling a wide

range of cargo of both weather critical and all weather types.

The town has a huge tourism industry with many attractions and places to stay. Many

visitors come in search of the fossils (well preserved ammonite fossils) and jet (also

known as black amber, used since the Bronze Age to make beads and jewellery made

famous in the 19th century by Queen Victoria) found in the cliffs. Being very historic as it

was the place where Captain Cook sailed from as the ship endeavour was constructed

there. There are many novels featuring Whitby including Caedmon‟s song by Peter

Robinson, Possession by A.S.Byatt, The hundred and ninety nine steps by Michel Faber

and possibly the most famous Bram Stoker‟s Dracula. More recently the town has

featured in the Yorkshire television drama „Heartbeat‟, it hosted the annual world music

festival musicport, Whitby also enjoyed the bi annual gothic festival and the three day

regatta, an annual event. In 2006 it was voted the best seaside resort by WHICH?


This study is focused on alleviating traffic congestion in the harbour zone without taking

anything away from the towns very varied tourism trade. The types of traffic and the

different areas of the harbour have all been examined so that the many different

proposals could be drawn up and examined and a final solution decided upon. The

harbour zone is the land up to and including (to the west) the western edge of the west

pier and it‟s breakwater; pier road; marine parade; St. Anne‟s Staith; New Quay road up

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to the railway station and the fence on the eastern side of the railway lines as far as the

high level bridge (also known as new bridge), (to the south) the high level bridge and its

junction with Helredale Road (and the entrance to the larpool industrial estate), (to the

east) the eastern side of the road leading towards the from the town centre from the

junction named above onto the eastern side of the east pier and its breakwater, (to the

north) the north sea beyond the ends of the breakwaters of the east and west piers.


The scope of the study is to consider improving or replacing the existing swing bridge,

introducing one or more new river crossings, the provision of improved car parking

facilities and identification of sites for new development while embracing the principles of

sustainable development and taking into account the changes in climate in the future.

Whitby‟s local authority is Scarborough Borough Council. This local authority has joined

together with North Yorkshire County Council, Yorkshire Forward, English Partnership,

and a number of private developers to form the Whitby Traffic Management Partnership

(WTMP). This partnership is commissioning and managing a series of studies to identify

the best solution for the development of the harbour zone.

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Desk Study

As detailed in the introduction the zone in consideration is both the upper and lower

harbour areas of Whitby on the East coast of England. The area has a low laying area

close to the water which is surrounded by cliffs to the East and West. The water is the

River Esk with drains the North Yorkshire Moors and runs to the North Sea.

There are many listed buildings in Whitby, none of which fall within the area of

consideration. There have been reports of Ancient Burial grounds found near to the area

we are looking at therefore the risk of delays due to archaeological excavations could be


There does not seem to be any contaminated land in the area under consideration

therefore the risk of contaminated land being a problem seems to be low.

There are areas of Sites of Special Scientific Interest close to the areas we are

considering therefore considerations must be made during the work to take into account

these area so not to damage anything that exists in this area. The areas are shown


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Figure 1: SSSI site

Looking at the topography of the area there could be problems with approaching the site

by road especially for any heavy good vehicles. There seem to exist good rail links to

Whitby and the station at Whitby is close to the shore. Previous work that has been

pursued in Whitby has used the water as the route of assess as there is the facility for

the movement of large cargo vessels.

The area has suffered flooding and this has caused problems for a few residents but it is

not extreme. The East cliff has had problems with erosion and this seems to be a big

problem but there has been a management plan put in place to monitor the problem and

in the future it is thought that there will be improvements made to the quality of the soil

to reduce the erosion of the cliff. There have been landslides to the west of Whitby but in

Whitby itself the probability of such occurring is low. Subsidence has been a problem

and is still a problem it seems to be cause by the water from rain on the top of the cliff

causing the lower layers in the cliff to become unstable. The problem has been relieved

on the East cliff by the installation of drains at the surface of the cliff face.

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Whitby has had seismic activity in the past as there is a fault line that runs on the

contour of the existing path of the River Esk. The fault has become dormant but the

signs that it was active can be seen in the cliffs to the west of the town.

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The ground stratum in Whitby is very interesting. Due to the fault that runs along the line

of the River Esk the ground on the east side of the town was found to have a difference

in the continuation strata of approximately 12m, the east side of the river being higher

than the west. There is also a slope from north to south of approximately 3°. This

unusual geology has given us the chance to look at the strata more closely as it is

clearly on show further to the east and west of the harbour zone. The photographs

below show the strata and are labeled so that it can be clearly addressed within which

layers we intend to work and the problems that will face us with any recommendations


Figure 2: The strata

Eller Beck Bed Sandstone

Alum Shale

Dogger Sandstone

Glacial Till

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The Alum shale is a mud type rock that is stable when not weathered but when

weathering occurs it is a soft flaky substance, easy to excavate but not stable for

building on. The Dogger Sandstone is the hardest of the sandstone layers that is low in

the makeup of the cliff, it is stable and strong but is very difficult to excavate due to the

high concentration of iron in the makeup. The Eller Beck Bed Sandstone is obviously a

strong stone as it is sandstone but it is not as strong as the Dogger layer. The glacial till

layer is made up of sand, pebbles and boulders, it can be hard to excavate due to the

boulders in the layers but is easier than the Dogger sandstone.

Looking at the existing bridge it has been shown that the pier to the west cliff side is

currently in good condition. The construction of concrete and timber has lasted well but

any steel has corroded to the point where it is not useful. The bridge is currently painted

to reduce the corrosion of the structure but this is causing a problem, as the paint ages it

starts to peel from the surface and land in the river to be carried out to sea but this

causes pollution in the area. The bridge must be painted when this happens so this

means that the painting must take place every ten to fifteen years at a high cost.

Visiting the town it is obvious that there are not many, if any properties that are higher

than four storeys. The properties all seem to have pitched roofs. Much of the town was

built in the 19th century and the style of building has stayed the same in the town to be in

keeping with the existing structures. In the 19th century the style of roads was to have

the properties close together therefore the properties in the town are close together and

the streets are very narrow (figures 3 & 4).

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Figure 3: Roof shape and property height

Figure 4:Narrow Street

The subsidence in the town is very obvious as the picture below shows the floor of the

warehouse has sunk around the columns supporting the roof. This could have severe

consequences for any new structures to be built in this area.

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Figure 5: Subsidence in warehouse

Ground Investigation

There is a possibility that the existing columns that support the bridge may be in bad

condition so that may be unsuitable for reuse, a full structural analysis must be carried

out to establish the condition of the supports if they are to be reused.

A log of the boreholes in the area around Whitby show the layers of the ground to be

what was expected from the reconnaissance but there are no boreholes carried out

close to where we would want to construct any new structure so no exact conclusions

can be drawn.

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Proposed Ideas - Brainstorming The first proposals the group found were founded from a brainstorm of the brief. The

brief was split up into sections of requirements to be fulfilled. Each section of the

solution was then brainstormed. The ideas that arose and the sections which they

appear under are listed below.

Part A – Improve or replace existing bridge Improve – mechanism

Whole bridge- pedestrians

Widen and make paths wider

Vehicle only

Replace- Totally different style

Similar style- Reuse parts

New parts

Position/ Location

Part B – Consider provision of a new river crossing Ski Lift – pedestrian only

Bridge - pedestrian only




Boat - pedestrian only

Car park

Tunnel - pedestrian only


Cable Car- pedestrian only

Monorail - pedestrian only

Part C – Improve car parking in the town Temporary car park – Endeavour wharf

Park and Ride - Tram

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Pedestrians only town centre

Traffic restrictions/ priority passes/ bollards

Part D – Areas for new development Improve breakwaters to calm harbour waters

New marina

Develop on endeavour wharf

Different types of development – Museum

Shopping centre

Conference facilities

Horse racecourse

Music arena

Sports centre

Entertainment centre


As we are looking to the future of the earth than we needed to consider sustainable

ways of working so four criteria were used to think about the different aspects of

sustainability and what aspects came under each criteria. The four criteria were

economic, social, environmental and natural resources. Below are listed the initial

thoughts under each criteria.

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Criteria for selection:

Social Public engagement – Getting the community more involved in the area, public opinion on the

plans for the area

Creating Employment

Young People - Reduce number leaving the town

Health and safety

Disabled access - Make the town a disables friendly town

Reduced crime rates - Making the town light reducing dark shadowed areas where people could hide would make people feel a lot safer. Making areas where the young can meet would reduce graffiti and criminal damage.

Happiness - Bringing the community together.

Harmony - Uniting people from the town

Identity - Stay in keeping with the towns traditional aesthetics to make people feel at home in their community.

Fulfilment - Making them feel like staying safe and obeying the rules will make them better people and therefore make the town better.

Self Respect - Making the community feel like they are contributing to the town.

Self Realisation - Showing the community what they can achieve.

Community - Giving the people a chance to come together and meet to form the bonds of a community.

Enlightenment - Making people better by bringing them together.

Health - Increasing the relationships in a community can increase the ability for people to care for each other.

Wealth - Increasing the income or reducing the outgoings of a person will make them feel more wealthy therefore making them happier and in turn healthier.

Leisure - Increasing the leisure time of people increases there health and happiness.

Knowledge - The more knowledge a person has the more they feel empowered and therefore happier.

Labour - Use of local skills will make the community feel like they are more involved with the project and therefore make and development more likely to succeed.

Tools - The use of locally made tools and traditional ways of working in the area will make the project more in keeping with the area and local people will be happier with the overall end product.

Gender Equality - The use of equal numbers of male and female persons in the design, construction and run of the scheme will encourage more of the community to get involved.

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Life Cost - Although the costs from the design to the termination will be covered by the WTMP they will still expect that the new development will at least make them enough money to cover its own construction and running costs.

Generation of income - Any development has to generate some income to break even.

Financial Risk - Time is money and therefore any time lost due to material supply or delivery and mechanical plant supply or use will cost the project money and therefore all the risks must be known before any work will start.

Existing businesses - Any affect the new development has on existing businesses must be positive or the project will be rejected from the start.

Tools - The use of local tool will decrease the cost of the job as delivery, transportation costs will be low.

Skills - Use of local skills could reduce costs as the work force would live locally which means they would not needed rented accommodation or help with transport costs.


Planning Constraints Sites of special scientific interest, conservation areas and listed buildings at or close to the site will need to be considered as the work in the area could affect these types of sites.

Energy - The use of renewable energy to power any electrical, mechanical systems would only benefit the environment.

Noise - The affect of noise during any construction and running could disturb the existing environment.

Vibration - The affect of vibrations during any construction and running could disturb the existing environment.

Visual - The area is very picturesque and any construction must fit into the surrounding area.

Carbon - All the construction, running and termination carbon footprint must be considered.

Rubbish - All the construction material must be carefully considered and as little as possible should be wasted to landfill or otherwise. Any work should consider the air pollution that will be caused by this and consideration of any ground/river emissions is important. The site must also look at any special waste that may be generated such as contaminated land the disposal of this may need to be considered.

Land use - if possible the percentage of land used for the built environment and the natural environment should stay as close to the existing ratio as is possible.

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Natural Resources

Recycled Material - Where possible recycled material either from the existing site or otherwise should be considered for use.

Recyclable Material - Any material used in the project should have the ability to be recycled in the future.

Local material - The use of local material is more favourable than importing material environmentally.

Ease of Termination - The more easy the project is to terminate.

Renewable Sources- All the material we use should be from renewable sources so that the material is not being depleted.

Energy - Energy from the process of obtaining the material and manufacturing the material should be considered.

Once the ideas were discussed to get to the initial proposals and dismiss the eccentric

ideas we all looked closely at the ideas and made a number of final proposals which we

then marked against a criteria table to gain marks and help us decide the best solution.

A copy of the criteria table is in Appendix E-02.

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Severe Hazards:

Fire Fire may have many causes

No smoking within site boundary.

Clean as you go so that stray material can not cause a fire hazard.

The areas where hot work or work causing sparks e.g. welding should be clear of excess materials.

Explosive/flammable material should be stored as per the instructions in a safe manner and place.

Electrocution Damaged electric supplies

Existing supplies should be located so that damage when excavating is not caused.

New supplies should be only laid by qualified persons.

Hazard Description Measures to reduce risk

Fall From Height Persons may fall from a height above the ground

Safety lines should be used to secure any person up a ladder and the ladder should also be secured.

Scaffold should have the correct handrails at the correct height and safety nets should be installed in high risk areas.


Persons may be caught unaware of the rising water level in the tidal zone

Care should be taken when moving close to water.

Consideration of the tidal levels should be made and work should only be carried out at an acceptably safe tidal level.

Material Above Ground Level

Material falling from a height

The correct procedure for the lifting and moving of material should be used and only persons trained in this should be allowed to secure material for this task.

No person should be below a piece of material as it is moved above ground level

Hot Surfaces Welding and cutting causes hot surfaces

Care should be taken that only persons qualified to use the equipment are in the area.

All safety equipment should be worn when entering the site boundary.

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Gas Damage to Gas Supply

Existing supplies should be located so that damage when excavating is not caused.

New supplies should be only laid by qualified persons.

Vehicle Accidents Vehicle/Vehicle Collisions Vehicle/Pedestrian Collisions

Pathways for pedestrians should be made.

Pavements for vehicles should be made.

Pavements and pathways should be kept clear.

Vehicles and pedestrians should stay in their own areas unless it is essential that they must cross.

Care must be taken by pedestrians when crossing vehicle pavements.

Vision Impaired Caused by fine debris Caused by welding

All fine aggregate must be covered to avoid it causing damage to eyes.

Welding mask/visors must be worn by any person undertaking these types of task.

Injury from tools Injuries such as cuts from working with tools on site

Only trained persons must handle the tools they are trained for.

Safety equipment suitable for that job must be used.

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After close consideration of the above mentioned criteria and hazards the two

prevailing alternatives are as follows:


Option 1 One of the alternative options was to carry full maintenance and repair of the existing

swing bridge to extend its life. In addition, traffic restriction was introduced on current

bridge. Improving current Park and Ride facilities and providing bus route with

designated drop off points in the town centre was proposed for every alternative

solution. Park and Ride facilities is relatively cheap solution which alleviate traffic

congestion in the town centre and also solves current issue with lack of car parking

spaces in Whitby during a tourist peak time. This option was evaluated and

compared against design check-list where all options were compared.

Current bridge abutments and foundations are found in good condition except

revealed series of voids in the stone masonry abutments (see Foundation Chapter).

Therefore no actions are required for existing foundations. The east pier‟s piles are

carrying fairly critical load, but introduced traffic restriction will reduce imposed

loading on foundations.

According to the survey of 2000 and visual inspection during field course, the timber

fender system cannot be relied upon to provide protection against collision. Timber is

in bad condition and could not be repaired. New fender system should be designed

and constructed as a part of this option. Fender system is also used as an access

platform during maintenance of the swing bridge. This aspect should be taken into

account during design of new fender system.

All heavily corroded steel members of the superstructure were replaced during a

major refurbishment in 1985 by bolting on additional steel plates. Sea salt caused a

corrosion of the steel pedestrian parapets. It requires repairing or replacement with

providing efficient corrosion protection. Bridge structure requires repainting. Some of

paint surface layers already de-bonded from the bridge superstructure. Repainting of

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the bridge and improvement of protection against corrosion increases maintenance

cost of the swing bridge.

Fatigue cracks occur in the superstructure steelwork due to repeated motion of traffic

over the bridge leaves. Such cracks could lead to a sudden failure, particularly in low

temperature conditions. Traffic restriction will reduce applied loadings on the bridge

structure and should alleviate propagation of fatigue cracks.

Despite of swing mechanism, electrics and hydraulics of the bridge were overhauled

during last major maintenance work, bridge still experience high operational cost and

technical problems and failures in opening mechanism. Due to this, swing

mechanism should be upgraded and some components totally replaced using

advanced technologies and innovations to reduce operational and further

maintenance cost.

Different options for the traffic restriction were offered by team members. One of

them was pedestrianising existing swing bridge and allowing only emergency

services to use current bridge. It will force drivers to use High Level Bridge, reduces

traffic congestion in the town centre and significantly reduces imposed loading on the

bridge structure. It also provides solution for pedestrian safety crossing the bridge in

favour of this option. Another option could be to introduce pass system only for

locals, surrounding services and business. One-way traffic across bridge could be

introduced as an option too. The cars will not be forced to stop on the traffic light

approaching the bridge. It will create continuous and smooth traffic flow across the

river and prevent possible congestion and traffic queuing.

The swing bridge is a historic landmark of the Whitby town, which attracts tourists.

Proposed solution maintains character of the town and does not destroy it the

architectural and the historical value. This solution is probably the cheapest option

comparing only construction cost of possible solutions, but its maintenance and

operation cost is higher than team‟s selected final proposal. It also is not capable of

extending life of the bridge for another 100 years. After relatively short time it will

need repainting and high cost maintenance again. Future development of the

Harbour area will attract more traffic in the town centre, so introduced traffic

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restriction might cause problems with an access to the proposed development and

make it redundant due to poor infrastructure.

Option 2 The second option considers additional crossing over river Esk. Proposed location for

the new crossing was connection from New Quay Road to the Car park on the

Church street. Other possible locations for the crossing were discarded due to

problems with providing an access to the crossing and required modification of the

existing infrastructure. The opening type steel bridge and tunnel under river Esk

where compared. Tunnel will not cause any alteration to the river traffic, but this

option was scraped due to following reasons. First of all, it is very expensive and time

consuming construction. The access ramps for the tunnel have quite steep slope and

are within the flood risk area of a required by client level of 4.80m. The pilling and

excavating works will cause major distractions in the harbour area, has a negative

environmental impact and therefore is an unsustainable solution.

The bridge design composes of tree span deck supported on two piers with opening

mechanism in the mid-span as shown in App C-01. The main disadvantages of this

project are high cost, problems with navigation and alteration of visual character and

an architectural feature of the site.

As a part of this solution, the existing swing bridge is used for pedestrians only, so it

requires maintenance work as described in previous chapter for alternative Option 1.

This multiplies the cost of the project. The second opening bridge doubles

operational cost.

Two opening bridges allocated close to each other in the marine area with high rate

of river traffic will cause navigation problem. Also bridges should be opened almost in

the same time for boat to pass bridges. This will stop traffic across the river over both

bridges and could cause congestion.

The construction of the bridge requires additional space in the tight marina. Amount

of the berthing spaces in the harbour will be reduced to accommodate new crossing.

It could not be accepted due to existing shortage of berthing spaces in the harbour.

The port facilities of the Endeavour Wharf will be affected by the new crossing

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adjacent to it. Construction works have negative impact on surrounding environment

such as disturbing species habitat.

Visual character of Whitby will be affected by proposal of the new bridge. The

crossing will be slightly higher than surrounding area and the access ramps will be

erected in front of the existing buildings facades. It will create shadow areas in very

lively areas, which will not be attractive to the pedestrians and act as a physical

barrier. Local business will suffer from such negative impact. Vehicles passing

through on relatively high speed increase noise level in the town.

Opening Bridge The preference initially was given to the swing bridge as the main idea was to keep a

new bridge design as close to the existing bridge. The three major types of movable

bridges, swing, bascule and vertical lift, were compared to each other for the final


The bascule bridge is the most common type of opening bridges. The bascule bridge

requires counterweight that balances the span and could be positioned either below

the deck or elevated above. The counterweight below the deck requires space

provided, that makes abutment design more complicated and does not give any

chance to use current abutment. Overhead counterweight will disturb view of the

marina. In open position bridge leaves will stick approximately 15m in the air. It will

be much higher than surrounding buildings. Due to these reasons, bascule bridge

type was not selected for the final design, regardless it was spanning river Esk at the

same location before 1909.

The vertical lift bridge is not a feasible solution due to its height requirement. A 25m

clearance above water level is currently required by the Harbour Authority to allow

passage of the vessels. This is the main disadvantage for this type of bridge.

The disadvantage of swing bridge type is reduced river channel width. Piers

supporting bridge superstructure is a hazard to navigation. This risk can be alleviated

by providing effective fender system. Bridge leaves will be anchored to the abutment,

so it does not require provision of any counterweight. Total weight of the bridge will

be reduced comparing to other moveable bridges.

Page 27: My "Feasibility" Project



Method used

In order to conclude to our single viable solution our team followed the well specified

method of designing and constructing a scoring matrix table. The scoring matrix table

is located at Appendix E 1 . It is composed of about 70 different criteria which were

designed and specified on such a manner so the scoring method is thorough and

detailed in the examination of the different available options to be undertaken. The

process of filling and evaluating the scoring matrix yielded the following final


Final proposal

Our group final proposal is composed from the following four parts:

1. Construction of a new bridge at the same location

2. Development of a Park and Ride scheme within the limits o Whitby

3. Further development options such as the construction a museum and the

conversion of the current bridge to a museum as part the U.K. Civil

engineering heritage.

4. And finally the flood barriers protection combined with the new bridge or the

brake water piers or temporary solution which is and the most favorable at the

current situation.

The reader may refer to the following Appendices A,B in order to have a detailed

view of our proposals.

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Whitby Traffic observations and traffic Alleviation

Prior of choosing a location that is suitable for the Park and ride facilities at Whitby

and in order to alleviate traffic from the town centre traffic assessment was carried

out. The results of the traffic assessment concluded that the major volume of traffic is

coming firstly from the South link of the town (ie Scarbourough), secondly from the

west link to the town (M1)and the third part of the traffic volume is oriented from the

north (Middlesbrough). Additionally, due to its unique nature and geomorphology of

Whitby, the town has also two major road arteries that lead to the centre one on the

west side and one on the east side of the town. The approach to the town from the

west side is through two narrow roundabouts and narrow streets in combination with

a steep inclination. In the contrary the approach to the town from the east side is

through a wider road and a less steep inclination. The fact that the east approach is

less steep and wider makes it suitable for vehicles of higher volume such as busses

or any other form of public transport.

Car park location selection

Once our design team conducted the above mentioned study it become apparent

that the most suitable location for a Park and ride facility in terms of topography and

not only should be as close as possible to the eastbound approach of the town

centre. Further consideration of the unique nature of Whitby and its surroundings was

given particularly in relation to the town of Whitby and its boundaries which are in

close proximity with the national park. Therefore a Park and ride facility shouldn‟t

violate, contradict or implicate the process of the planning permission in a significant

way. When conducting a brief examination to the Scarborough local plan map in

regards with Whitby town become clear that the most suitable location is the one

opposite to the existing Whitby Abbey car park. The Plot of land that our team has

identified and proposing is the one of triangular shape and is within the limits the

heritage coast named as wind hill mill on the local plan and its neighboring limits are:

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to the east the existing caravan park, to the north with Green lane top and to the

southwest with Abbey lane. Based on the same observations the location of the drop

of point is selected at the Church Street (Appendix B -Drawing 2).

Materials used on the car park

The list of materials that can be used for Landscaping maybe found at Appendix 12.

A close look to this table makes clear that the best performers are the concrete

paving specifications (except for high volumes of in situ concrete) and the U.K.

produced Portland stone paving slabs. The brick and granite perform intermediately

due to the nature of the material (its thickness).Asphalt performs worst due to more

intensive industrial processing and the need to replace the material more often. A

significant embodied impact can be attributed to the hardcore base used beneath

landscaping materials. This impact may be reduced if recycled aggregates are used,

by using recycled aggregate for both the hardcore and concrete mix design will

improve the environmental profile of the material and the project overall.

Consequently additional quality controls and performance factors will need to be

taken into account in order to ensure adequate strength and stability of materials.

Based on the previously mentioned facts, the decision was to propose proprietary

grassed concrete paving in combination with concrete paving slabs for the biggest

percentage of the area of the proposed car park, (opposite the existing car park). The

only exception was made to the parking lots dedicated to people with special needs

and to the parking lots dedicated to families with children where wheelchair and baby

trolleys access is needed those areas. These areas will be made layered with either

concrete or asphalt. In regards with the fencing materials that can be used for the car

park, fencing such as pretreated timber or galvanized wired chain-link fence with

steel posts, both options perform equally well in terms of sustainability ratings.

Therefore the choice of the fencing arrangement is left for the future always keeping

in mind the visual impact of such arrangement in combination with cost since the

area of Whitby is one of particular architectural interest.

Environmental considerations:

UK Policy on Sustainable Transport

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A full bus or train clearly consumes less carbon than 50 - 500 separate cars; this in

itself means that using public transport will help to reduce fuel emissions. In the late

year‟s record amounts of investment are being poured into public transport to make it

a safer and a more appealing option for the commuter in general. This is part of wider

government plans to reduce harmful fuel emissions by 20% of their 1990 levels by

the year 2010. It is also worth bearing in mind that electric trains, trams and tube

trains will become considerably more sustainable as a means of transport once more

electricity is supplied from sustainable energy sources. The government is investing

in initiatives to help achieve this.

Steps are also being taken to actually reduce the carbon output of current public

transport systems. The U.K. government has already implemented plans to run

Hydrogen buses on certain bus routes, with 6 hybrid electric buses being on a trial

run between 2005/6 in the city of London.

The EU have proposed measures which will oblige private funded public transport

operatives to invest 25% of their income for new fleet vehicles over 3.5 tonnes into

systems of sustainable transport. Effectively this would entail 25% of all new buses

running on sustainable forms of energy. The EU is planning a major transport

awareness initiative in 2008-09.

With government and EU initiatives in place, there is reason to be positive about

public transports role in helping to reduce fuel emissions further. However, much of

this will be dependent on the behaviour of the individual until all public transport runs

on fully sustainable fuel.

Types of sustainable fueled vehicles:

CNG vehicle:

The use of CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) as an alternative fuel reduces vehicle

emissions substantially. CNG vehicles generate fewer exhaust and greenhouse gas

emissions than their gasoline- or diesel-powered counterparts.

The relative cleanliness of the fuel also means that maintenance can be extended

from 3,500 miles to over 6,000 miles. It generally costs less than petrol.

Hydrogen powered Vehicle:

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A hydrogen powered vehicle in general is using the Ballard fuel cell engine which

assists in the generation of electricity by using the hydrogen stored on the hydrogen

cylinders. The hydrogen fueled vehicles are using advanced technology that may be

the foundation of a future energy solution. We don‟t need to actually write about the

pros that go along with the use of such hybrid vehicle especially for use on a large

scale a public transport. Undoubtedly, Hydrogen is a key element in the future

strategy for road transport. To conclude Hybrid buses are quieter, cleaner and use

less fuel. They use a combination of a conventional engine and an electric motor.

Hybrid Vehicle:

A Hybrid vehicle may be any combination of conventional technology coupled with

any type hybrid technology. For example the buses, manufactured by the Wright

Group, have a 336 volt battery pack which provides power to the wheels via a 120Kw

electric motor. The battery pack is kept at optimum power by a 1.9litre diesel Euro IV

engine. In other words, an engine which would normally be found in a family car

keeps the batteries charged.

Figure 6

When the vehicle brakes, energy which would normally be wasted is recycled and

used to charge the batteries. With continuous charging of the batteries, the vehicle

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can achieve a larger operational range than a conventional diesel bus because it

gets more miles to the gallon.

Environmental benefits

When compared with the conventional diesel buses the hybrids deliver considerable

environmental improvements:

89 per cent reduction in oxides of nitrogen

83 per cent reduction in carbon monoxide

40 per cent reduction in fuel use

38 per cent reduction in carbon dioxide

30 per cent reduction in perceived sound levels (noise reduced from 78dB


The results show that these buses produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions and

harmful local pollutants, as well as having lower noise levels.

Biogas and Biofuel

- Biogas, may be produced by decomposing organic material, and emits far less

carbon dioxide than traditional fossil fuels.

- Bio-fuel may be produced by crops for dedicated for Bio-fuels, but even if all unused

fields in Europe were used for the production of Bio-fuel this amount of production

will only count for 10% of the fuel needs of the European vehicle stock.”

Automotive expert Professor Garel Rhys said:

“Because the basic diesel engine is so adaptable, it works very well on vegetable oil.

It probably is in the bus industry that one will see a lot of these alternative fuels,” said

Prof Rhys, emeritus professor of Cardiff University‟s Centre for Automotive Industry


Proposal for the Whitby Park and Ride Scheme Taking into account all the above stated we came to the conclusion that the most

suitable option for the Whitby Park and Ride Scheme is the one of a hybrid vehicle

(Bus). The process of recharging the batteries by the use of a small size diesel

engine will maybe assisted also by solar panel arrays operating at the non visible

band of light and maybe some small wind generators located at the peripheral area

of the proposed parking location minimizing the CO2 even more.

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Park & Ride Scheme in Whitby

The small coastal town of Whitby is dealing with lot of problems that should be

addressed in order for it to function properly. As a part of the Harbour Zone Traffic

Alleviation Study it is proposed to introduce Park & Ride scheme in the town. Park

and Ride is well established in many towns and cities and number of sites continues

to grow. Scarborough and York is two nearby examples where there is substantial

investment in Park & Ride services. In order for Park and Ride to work in Whitby a

research must be carried out.

Before Park & Ride can be introduced in Whitby there should be extra parking

facilities available. To make sure that Park & Ride scheme works successfully the

research was carried out to see how other cities have dealt with it. It was looked at

City of Oxford that is a very popular attraction for tourists due to it historical

background. Currently, Oxford has 2000 parking spaces available, whereas Whitby

has approximately 1535 parking spaces (Table 1), so it is suggested to build a car

park at Abbey Headland for another 590 spaces.

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Table 1

Users will make choice between parking in the town centre or using Park and Ride

service. For many people parking in the town parking in the town will be preferred

option. They will be persuaded to use Park & Ride facilities by one or more number

of factors:

Lack of parking in the town centre

Comparative cost

Quality of Park and Ride facilities

Priority measures which enable the bus to get into the town centre faster than

cars due to traffic

The quality of bus services

Availability of town centre parking

In Whitby there is a difficulty to find parking space available in the town centre,

especially during busy summer months, bank holidays and weekends. Many people

are persuaded to park further away from the town centre and then walk to it. Lack of

parking spaces makes people to park in inappropriate places like side of narrow

streets or pedestrian paths which cause more traffic.

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Comparative cost

Unlike bus travel, the parking is paid per vehicle rather than per passenger. The

overall cost of using Park and Ride should not exceed car park charges in the town

centre. Indeed, it will generally be lower to reflect the fact that the service is less


The quality of bus service

Whitby will be investing in the quality in the bus service provided and specify the

provision of new buses to the latest standards including disable access. Also bus

service should run frequently, so people could get back to their cars without any


The quality of car park facility

In order to provide higher quality of car park facilities it is proposed to invest in to

building some terminal facilities like baggage lockers, toilets and waiting room.

After looking at all the possible locations for Park & Ride car park we have decided

that the best location would be at Abbey Headland. Appendix B-01 shows all the car

parks in town centre as well as a proposed location for Park & Ride car park.

It is a very convenient location because it will avoid all the traffic coming in the town

centre. There is a car park already, so it will be very convenient to arrange a pick up/

drop off point nearby.

Bus service

There will be a bus service provided for people to get from the Abbey Headland car

parks to the town centre. It is suggested to make bus ride free, but charge for

parking. This way it will attract people to use Park & Ride facilities, especially

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families. Also it is advised to make frequent bus service about every 10 minutes. The

pick up/ drop off point will be situated where the current car park on Church street.

Construction of a car park

A construction of a car park should commence before any bridge work can be carried

out. This will avoid any traffic in the town before any innovation will be done. Each

parking space will be about 3 m width and 6 m long in cause it need to accommodate

a mini bus. Also 5% of all parking spaces will be for disabled parking that is about 30

spaces. Figure 7 show that for disabled parking we will be providing extra space

about 1.2 m to allow easy access to a car.

Figure 7

A vast range of materials in different finishes and colours is available for paving

purposes. The cheapest and sustainable material for car park surface is gravel, but it

is unsuitable for wheelchairs and buggies. So, it is proposed to use textured ready-

mixed concrete (Fig. 8) that has a low cost and good visual appearance if detailed

correctly. The main disadvantage of ready-mixed concrete is that it has to be detailed

carefully otherwise it will have a bad visual appearance.

Figure 8

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In future if more parking spaces are required there is enough space available to

expand proposed car park up to 1000 spaces.

The detailed AutoCAD drawing of the proposed car park is allocated at Appendix B.

Bridge Final proposal

Deconstruction of the current bridge

First of the leaves of the current bridge have to be removed. To do that, the floating

crane will be used to lift each leave and to mount it on a barge(see APP-A-06) . After

that the barge will either take it to the proposed location, where it will be put as a

museum bridge or take the leaves to the Middlesbrough, where they can be easily

unloaded and recycled, as there is a variety of facilities capable of doing that.

As only the location of East pier is going to be changed, pier is going to be

deconstructed and all the construction blocks will be stored. Later, a new pier is

going to be put together in a different location(see APP-A-05), using the same

material. All the deconstruction and future construction of the new pier is preferred to

be done in dry environment. To make it possible, the cofferdam is going to be

constructed around the area where the current East pier is located right now and

where it is going to be located after.

There will be no need to remove the old pile- foundation as the new piled foundation

is going to be put in a slightly new location. (see APP-A-05)

Proposed material for the construction of the new bridge

Steel as a material for the Bridge Steel structure was selected for the swing bridge design. The main advantage of

steel is its high specific strength. High strength to weight ration comparing to the

concrete reduces weight of the structure significantly. It is necessary requirement for

movable bridges to keep structures weight to a minimum. High Strength Polymers

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were taken into consideration, but due to high cost of the material and lower ductility

such option was not applied to Whitby project.

Low weight of structure also reduces cost of foundation design. Timbers piles on east

pier should be replaced during construction of the new swing bridge. Fewer piles and

smaller size could be selected for the foundation using steel superstructure. Typical

reduction in 30-50% could be achieved over concrete decks (Corus Construction

Centre 2002). Mechanical part of the swing mechanism and bearing will experience

lower loads during opening/closing the bridge. It reduces design cost of components

and its maintenance.

Steel leaves of the bridge could be fabricated in the factory with better quality control

and reducing fabrication errors. Delivery and erection of prefabricated steel units for

the bridge saves time of construction and also eliminates risks during erection of the

steel work. Steel does not require formwork for erection and falsework also

eliminated comparing with concrete pouring. The labour needed to construct a steel

bridge can be significantly decreased.

Steel bridges are generally easier to repair than their concrete counterparts. Sections

of steel beams can be replaced. Concrete bridges, however, can require extensive

and time-consuming repairs when impacts of damages, cracking or erosion occur.

Maintenance cost could be predicted more accurately for steel structure. Steel

protection is also cheaper compared to the concrete protection against chloride


Main key feature of the final solution is to keep existing bridge character and

appearance to maintain aesthetic view of historic town Whitby. Steel provides

opportunity to recreate completely same elevation of the bridge.

Steel is recyclable and reusable material. Parts of bridge are easily demountable and

could be recycled or used for another project after life cycle of the bridge. A steel

bridge that is designed with a deck or wearing surface and replaceable components

can remain in service for ages with proper maintenance (Transportation Alert Issue


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Corrosion Protection Hot-dip galvanising is used as a corrosion protection for steel components. Bridge

structure will be painted red to remain its existing character. A „duplex‟ coating

provides extra durability and fulfils decorative requirements. Galvanizing is cheaper

comparing to other commonly specified protective coatings. It requires less

maintenance therefore reduces long-term costs of the structure.

The life expectancy of galvanized coating on typical structural members is far in

excess of 20-25 years in severe costal exposure that is higher than current repainting

cycle of 10 to 15 years. Galvanizing is carried out according British Standards;

minimum-coating thicknesses are applied. Coating life and performance are reliable

and predictable. A galvanized coating has a unique metallurgical structure which

gives outstanding resistance to mechanical damage in transport, erection and

service. Every part of a galvanized component is protected, even sharp corners and

inaccessible areas.

Galvanizing will be carried out on a factory under quality control. As galvanized steel

members are received on site they are ready for erection. Paint layers will be applied

in the factory as well to reduce risk of people working on height and also eliminate

environmental impact during construction. Before applying paint to galvanized steel,

special surface preparation treatments will be used to ensure good adhesion. Light

blast cleaning will be applied to roughen the surface and provide a mechanical


Bridge Deck and Road Surface The orthotropic deck system was selected for the new swing bridge. It is economical

alternative which provides ductility, lower structure weight, shallower sections and

rapid bridge installation. Lower superstructure weight is the primary reason for the

use of orthotropic decks; it has the lowest weight for movable bridges App A-04.

The bridge surfacing has two components, a running surface and a waterproof layer.

The waterproof membrane will be placed between the road surfacing and the bridge

deck to protect the steel below from de-icing salts. The wearing surface provides a

durable and skid resistant surface for vehicular traffic. Design of the surface for the

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orthotropic bridge deck is more complicated than that for the concrete deck. It is

caused by the greater deflection of the steel member under the wheels load

compared to the concrete deck.

The bridge is not used for heavy vehicle traffic, therefore a thin surfacing could be

provided for the bridge deck. Composed surfacing of asphalt binders and aggregate

will be laid on the bridge deck. Polymer resins, as a waterproof layer, also provide

attraction between the road surface and the bridge deck.

The interior of the closed ribs will be hermetically sealed against the ingress of

moisture and air. Galvanized steel is chosen for the deck ribs; and painting coat is

applied as for all the steelwork for the superstructure.

Bridge prefabrication and transportation

There is a variety of advantages offered by prefabrication of the bridge, first of all it

offers opportunities for bridge to significantly reduce construction time. Additionally, it

improves worker safety, lessen environmental impact, and cut costs. Through

prefabrication, most of the work on a bridge can be performed in a controlled

environment unlike to on-site construction, with much lower disruption of traffic.

Weather becomes less of a factor and quality improves. Workers spend less time on-

site, thereby minimizing their risk to traffic and power lines, as well as reducing their

time at elevations and over water. Prefabrication also lessens the time that heavy

equipment must spend on site, reducing adverse effects on the environment. The

erection process from factory to means of transport to final location on site minimises

opportunity for damage and for inferior work to he built in.

Location for pre-fabricating bridge parts

When choosing where the bridge leaves will be pre-fabricated, several factors were


Availability of facilities in the region that are capable of fabricating a bridge

Proximity to the construction site

The distance to the nearest port facilities, as it was concluded that the easiest

way of transporting the bridge parts to the construction site is by water transport,

like barge with mounted crane.

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A research was made about the steel fabrication shops in the region, and the

Middlesbrough appeared to be the most suitable place. Middlesbrough was once

known as a centre of iron and steel making, and still has many links with that industry

as well.

The advantages of Middlesbrough are that it is situated relatively close to Whitby

(approximately 25 miles distance) and that there is a good choice of steel

prefabrication shops, situated right near the port facilities, what makes

Middlesbrough the perfect place for erecting and transporting bridge parts by water

relatively quick and easy. (see Fig.9 and Fig.10 below)

Figure 9

Figure 10

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Prefabricating the bridge parts

Orthotropic decks are often associated with complex design and analysis and are

rarely used, even though they are very cost effective. Specifications permitting the

use of standardized orthotropic decks not requiring making complicated analytical

investigations would encourage their use. The Eurocode provisions for orthotropic

decks, for example, exempt some common bridge types from numerical fatigue

investigations, provided that the decks satisfy certain geometric requirements and

fabrication rules. The Japanese bridge code contains similar provisions. The erection

of the bridge will be completed according to the mentioned standards, what will

significantly reduce all the issues related to the fabrication.

Designing the Standard Panel (see App A-04) shows a proposed design for a

standard orthotropic steel deck panel. Cold pressing of ribs in the fabricator‟s shop is

an expensive process, requiring specialized heavy equipment. Generally, the length

handled by fabrication presses cannot exceed about 12 m. Other disadvantages of

cold pressing are the high residual stresses and strain hardening at the corners of

the ribs, reducing their fatigue resistance. Cold pressing also increases the difficulty

of attaining the prescribed straightness tolerances, essential for correct welding of

the ribs to the deck plate. However, the cold-pressed ribs would have to be used

because the steel mills could produce hot-rolled profiles only if assured of sufficient

tonnage. The cost of fabrication and erection of orthotropic decks depends primarily

on specialized labour, not the cost of the steel plate. The rib intersections with the

cross beams are labour-intensive.

To further reduce the labour cost, it is suggested that the detail at the rib

intersections with the cross beams may be simplified by omitting the free cut-outs at

the rib bottoms, which require laborious “wrapping around” of the welds and costly

grinding smooth the weld ends and around the cut-out. Or another cost reducing

solution is that the ribs with rounded bottoms are fitted tightly in the web cut-outs and

welded continuously all around the rib periphery.(see Figure 11 below for example)

This alternative is possible where the depth of the cross beam is at least twice the rib

depth, and it suits our design. For good fatigue resistance, fabricators must strictly

adhere to required tight dimensional tolerances. They should also choose welding

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methods and sequences to minimize residual stresses. The panels will act as top

flanges of longitudinal girders.

Erectors will weld the edges of the panels to the tops of the girders. These welds will

resist the interaction shears between the steel roadway deck and the girder. (see

App A-04)

Figure 11

Bridge leaves transportation

The prefabricated structure will eventually have to be transported and lifted into place

by heavy-duty equipment. After the bridge girders are pre-fabricated, they are going

to be transported to the construction site by water and mounted on the columns.

A barge crane (see App. A-06) will be used to transport and mount bridge leaves on


We recommend to use barge cranes of a following type and characteristics:


64.600 X 17.700 Capacity 150Te

Newt Marine has a fleet of over 40 deck barges ranging in size from 40‟ x 14‟ x

3‟ (12.2 x 4.3 x 0.9m) to 150‟ x 50‟ x 8‟ (45.7 x 15.2 x 2.4m), 250-ton crane.

Figure 12

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After the bridge leaves are transported to the construction site, they are going to be

mounted on columns (see App. A-06)

Road modification for the new bridge A steel sheet pilling system is proposed in order to widen the West access to the

bridge as shown in drawing App-A-01. This chapter provides a brief introduction to

the methods of installing sheet piling, based upon the Technical European sheet

piling Association (TESPA) manual on the installation of the steel sheet piling.

Soil condition The successful driving of sheet pilings is dependent on a good knowledge of the site

conditions in order to ensure an accurate assessment of the topographical and

geological conditions.

On the West side of the Swing bridge lot of local businesses are located for example

shops and banks. This means that there will be some working restrictions on the

construction site such as noise and vibration. This site is subjected to its own unique

set of restrictions, which vary according to the proximity and nature of neighbouring

buildings and narrow streets. It is recommended to carry out a site investigation of

the soils at that location, coupled with a various field and laboratory tests, which

greatly will aid to achieve the required penetration of the sheet pilings.

Choice of sheet piling sections for piling With all civil engineering projects, there is a primary need to minimize the cost of the

work. It is therefore important that the most effective pile must be selected for the

task. It is suggested to use wide, deep pilings which tend to be more cost-effective

since they provide the same bending strength (at a lower weight per square foot)

comparing with narrow sections. Their increased width means that fewer pilings are

required to cover a given length of wall, so installation costs can therefore be

reduced. The greater the surface area of the piling profile, the greater the driving

force required. It is proposed to use a minimum cross section available on the

market. To avoid unnecessary deformation of the pile head, proper care is needed to

ensure that the pile section chosen be compatible with the prevailing soil conditions.

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The geometry of the pile section may cause plugging of the pilings in most cohesive

soil strata and also in certain dense, granular strata.

Choice of driving system The choice of a suitable driving system is of fundamental importance in order to

ensure a safe and successful pile installation. To insert piles in place it is suggested

to use single-acting drop hammer. This hammer is easily adapted to drive any of the

piling sections for all ground conditions (above and below the water table).

Sheet piling presses It is advised to use sheet piling presses to eliminate of the noise of sheet pile driving,

which had for years been accepted as a nuisance to be tolerated. Originally

developed to install pilings silently, the machines are also widely recognized for their

vibration-free operation.

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Procedure of pile installation

Figure 13: shows steps how sheet piles are placed in the ground

Sheet pilings are installed in a panel, and the machine is set on the panel by means

of a crane (Type 1). The hydraulic cylinders are connected to the pilings and, by

pressurizing two drives while the others are locked, enable the pilings to be pushed

into the ground, two at a time, to the full extent of the drives. When all the drives have

been extended, they are retracted simultaneously, causing the crosshead and power

pack to be lowered. The cycle is then repeated to completion. These presses can

develop forces of up to 330t/300mt.

A movable frame to hold the installed panel and to move from panel to panel, giving

complete independence from a crane. In this system, pre-drilling loosens the soil

during the press operation (Type 2).

A chain pull connected to a fixed point, or to pilings that have already been driven,

can provide supplementary press force.

Page 47: My "Feasibility" Project


Jack one pile after another to the complete depth while walking on the previously set


These machines work completely independently from a crane, and they also use the

reaction force of the pilings already set to operate. If required, these machines can

accommodate limited circular construction (Type 3). Figure 13 shows steps how

sheet piles are placed in the ground.

Once the piles are driven in place the back filling procedure will commence. It is

suggested to use recycled materials for backfilling to make it more sustainable.

Finally, the road surface is placed.

Design of East pier foundation

Introduction to Foundations The current bridge west pier is supported on a caisson founded 5.8m below low

water level on rock. The caisson appeared to be heavy pitching stones had been laid

around pier. According to the Whitby Bridge Survey & Assessment 1970 the masonry

of east pier is founded on a solid mat of timbers supported on 13.7-15.2m timber

piles driven into the river bed.

Further investigation should be undertaken on west pier‟s and caisson foundation‟s

condition and bearing capacity. At this stage is assumed what foundation is suitable

to carry imposed loads and there are no improvements or modification required for

the new swing bridge.

Despite of all timbers of east pier are found in good condition, the pile stresses are

fairly critical. New bridge deck designed to carry two-lane traffic, so imposed load on

foundation would exceed piles capacity. Therefore decision to replace foundation of

east pier was accepted.

The second reason to modify east pier is geometry on new proposal. Due to wider

bridge deck, structure is constrained with control house (listed building) and plans to

use existing west pier. To accommodate these requirements, bridge is offset by an

angle in plan around west pier i.e. east pier is moved slightly towards North. See

Drw. No. 003.

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Construction of East pier foundation

Very important aspect in the bridge design involves determining the appropriate type

of foundation. As the West column will be reused for the new swing bridge, we will

consider only foundation for the East column.

The cost of construction is usually higher if pile foundations are used instead of

shallow foundations. Based on the data given us in the design brief and example of

the foundation of the current East column, the soil is not sufficiently strong for shallow

foundation, so the pile foundation will be used instead.

According to the geology of our interest area and analysis of boreholes, a strong

incompressible layer is positioned below the location of the current bridge. Hence,

the load of the bridge can be transferred to the hard stratum and most suitable type

of piles for that are “end bearing piles”. (see App. A-03)

Figure 14

Material required for piles to efficiently resist loads and marine environment.

The most important parameter when selecting the material is cost. Hence our design

team made a research to select comparatively low cost material, having all the other

parameters necessary for building piled foundation in this specific case.

The research stated that timber is the cheapest and fully acceptable material.

Page 49: My "Feasibility" Project


List of factors, affecting the choice of material

Ability to carry design load

According to our team approximations, each of foundations will have to carry

maximum of 50 tons of dead load in worst case. According to

website information, and “Pile Foundations in Engineering Practice” book, timber

piles are capable to safely support up to 75 tons with a safety factor at least of two.

But loads of more than 30 tons are rarely used on timber piles as a protection

against damage due to high driving.

Ease of use

Very big advantage of timber piling is that it is generally readily available and usually

does not require long lead times for shipment. Timber is also easier to handle and

install comparing to other materials used for piles, it is also easy to drive and cut to


Durability in specific marine environment

Timber used for piled foundation in our design, will be fully protected from the decay

as it is fully submerged but fungi need moisture, air, and favourable temperature to


As Whitby is a coastal city, there is also an effect of the marine environment: timber

structures in a marine environment are subject to attack by a variety of destructive

organisms , such as marine borers. The piles are going to be treated with appropriate

preservatives and it will prevent or significantly retard this type of deterioration.

Based on this information and on the fact that timber piles of the current bridge lasted

for 100 years, timber piles will obviously last till the end of the design life of new



Timber is a very environmentally friendly, naturally renewable resource that can be

replanted after harvesting and it easy to safely dispose all the cut-offs. It makes

timber more sustainable than all the other materials used for piled foundations.

Page 50: My "Feasibility" Project


Conclusion Based on the current information and considering the foundation experience of the

current bridge it is clearly seen that relatively cheap and efficient timber piled

foundation can be created for East column, satisfying all the design needs.


Parameters of piles (length, quantity, ultimate load) For timber piles, a series of tests ( static analysis, etc.) will be preformed to determine

minimum required pile section to provide necessary capacity. Analysis will help to

optimize the cost by defining the perfect number of piles required and showing

ultimate load for each pile. After that, the ultimate load will be multiplied by

Geotechnical Safety Factors.

Construction method For structures that are located over water and especially for timber piles, driving piles

is the most suitable method, as it is the cheapest solution for moderate loadings , and

installation of piles do not cause significant ground heave or vibrations to existing

structures nearby.

Figure 15

First of all, cofferdam will be constructed around the location of the old column and

proposed new column location (see App-A-05 for details). After that, the same crane

that is mounted near the east column on the Bridge Street, that is used to

deconstruct the old column, will be used to drive piles in combination with pile-driving

mechanism. (see Figure 17 above)

Page 51: My "Feasibility" Project


East foundation construction sequence

1. Construction of the cofferdam

2. Driving the test pile and performing a set of pile analyses.

3. While analysis is performed deconstruction of the bridge will be started

4. Driving piles at the proposed location of the new column

5. Concrete slab will be put on piles, this will finish the construction of foundation,

allowing the construction of column to begin.

Flood risk assessment


Whitby is a coastal town, with a flood risk that is mainly caused by sea level rise .The

impacts of flooding can result in costly repairs, loss of business and in some cases

loss of life. The potential prospects for climate change could further increase the risk

of flooding in future years.

In the design brief it is stated that the highest recorded tide at Whitby was 3.0m and

based on the history of flooding in Whitby combined with statistical estimates of

extreme sea levels, the water may rise to the level of 3.85m once in 50 years and

the level of 4.10m once in 200 years.

In the design brief it is recommended to provide protection for the flood level of 4.80


The given ground levels of Whitby were analysed and approximate flooding map was

produced by our team. (see Appendix D-01 for details)

Page 52: My "Feasibility" Project


Figure 16

According to the information based on the past

floods events data and computer modelling of flooding, right now only 24 properties

are at risk of flooding. (see current flood risk area Figure 19 above )

Considering that information, our design team concluded that at the moment, as the

cases of flooding are not so frequent and the chances of high levels are not so big,

the cheaper temporary solution is more feasible at the moment. Team also

proposed more expensive solution that could be implemented only when there will

be first significant signs of climate change especially, growing frequency of floodings,

rising of flood levels etc.

Temporary flood protection for Whitby

First of all, a temporary solution for the flood risk will be discussed.

As not that much properties are currently under risk, this part is mostly focused on

providing flood defence for private properties that are in the risk zone right now and

the ones that will be under risk in nearest future.

Page 53: My "Feasibility" Project


Types of defences that can be used

In considering temporary or demountable protection, a number of factors need to be

taken into account, including:

1. Cost and manpower requirements for deployment, and time taken for deployment,

taking into account that deployment is likely to be in adverse weather conditions,

during winter months and possibly in the dark.

2. Effectiveness and suitability taking into account the type of property, the type of

flood, the site conditions, and resistance to theft, vandalism, or damage.

3. Storage of systems when not in use.

For convenience the various systems are divided into just two categories:

self supporting systems and systems which are attached to the building being

protected as these cover almost all systems.

Self standing systems

While expensive, these systems can be very effective for detached properties where

deep, high velocity, or long duration flooding is expected. Combined with pumps and

generators, the water can be kept well away from the property, so reducing the risk of

foundation damage, water penetration, or structural failure of the walls. (see Figure

20 below)

Figure 17

Page 54: My "Feasibility" Project


The main problems with self-standing systems are:

1. Bulky and heavy, usually requiring at least two fit people and over an hour for

deployment and longer for removal. Deployment can be difficult in the dark, or in

adverse weather, especially windy conditions. This may inhibit people from deploying

the system until it is too late.

2. Space required around the property, so the barrier can be located far enough

away from the walls to allow pumps to be used. If the barrier is close to the property,

preparatory work will be needed to protect the foundations, and prevent water

coming up through the floor.

3. Not usually suitable for semi detached or terraced properties unless shared by all

the residents.

4. Failure or overtopping could be disastrous, with a sudden rush of water hitting the


5. Large storage space needed for some systems while not in use.

6. It may be difficult to access the property while the system is deployed. A high

stepladder may be needed.

Even if a self standing solution is used. it makes sense to also fit an attached system

not only as a backup, but to provide immediate protection while tile self standing

system is being deployed.

Attached systems

These are much cheaper systems, costing as little as £300 per door, which should be

adequate for short duration shallow floods. Attached systems are quick to deploy by

a single person with little or no training. Panels are lightweight and may be able to be

carried by a child depending on the size and type. “Floodgates” do not require any

preparatory work, but others will require permanent frames to be fitted to the

Page 55: My "Feasibility" Project


property. The use of well-sealed, permanent frames should reduce leakage around

the panels. (see Figure 21 below)

Figure 18

An alarm can be provided, which can detect rising water in good time for deployment

and automatically telephone up to four numbers until the call is answered to give a

message that deployment is necessary. If the occupiers are on holiday, there is no

reason why they cannot deploy the system before they go, as the door panels cannot

be removed without opening the door.

The systems are based on the traditional concept of flood boards, which are simple

floorboards or planks fastened over door and wall openings before a flood, and

covered with some waterproofing material. The English Environment Agency have

published useful information on how to make flood boards, and also other tips for

limiting flood damage, such as wrapping a property in plastic sheeting or laying


The main problems with attached systems are:

1. water seepage through floors if the property is built on porous soil and the water

table is high. It should be noted that rising groundwater is excluded from insurance

policies in the UK.

2. Water seepage through walls, especially on brick cavity walls. In some cases

brickwork will need repainting and cracks repaired. A good quality chemical

waterproofing solution or even a fibreglass coating may help to reduce water

Page 56: My "Feasibility" Project


penetration if applied to the outside masonry or brickwork. but this may not be

acceptable on listed buildings. (On the other hand. for many older houses in flood

hazard areas it is traditional to have black bitumen applied to the lower walls.)

Traditional solid stone walls with lime mortar are much more resistant to flood water

penetration and are stronger. Foundations may be at risk of scour if the soil is porous

and in some cases it may be necessary to excavate around the foundations to

strengthen and waterproof them.

3. They are dependent on the structural strength of the walls. Cavity wall or timber

framed construction does not have sufficient strength to withstand high velocity or

deep water floods unless the water is allowed in to equalise the pressure. This

means that the height of the panels should usually be limited to if above floor level for

such walls so as to allow overtopping if the flood becomes deep in order to prevent

structural damage from the flood depth differential.

4. Not suitable for all properties. With most systems the panels are attached to a

frame. which is permanently fixed to the walls, to ensure a waterproof seal. For some

types of property there may be problems to be overcome if the property is a listed

heritage building or if there is not enough room for the frame. For example a doorway

in an inside corner of the building, or an airbrick which is in an inaccessible place.

Long term expensive protection

When there will be signs of significant increase of frequency of floodings and rise of

water level, this solution is going to be implemented.

As the main risk of flooding in Whitby is coming from the sea, we propose to build a

flood gate at the entrance of the harbour, as it is the complex

solution that will fully eliminate the danger coming from the sea.

Harbour area should remain access for water transport and that is the reason why it

is a gate and not just the static barrier.

It will be positioned at the narrowest point at the entrance of the harbour (see App. C-

02 for details) in order to avoid unnecessary expense for material. There is also a

Page 57: My "Feasibility" Project


small area near the East pier, where the level is lower than safe limit and it will be

raised to avoid water leaking through this spot. (see App. C-02 for details)

As soon as there will be a flooding alert, the gate will close down, and protect the

harbour from the danger of high tide coming from the sea.

To make it more sustainable we may combine the gate with tidal turbine generators.

It will produce energy from the tide movement and will be very profitable in long-


Considering a huge scale for this solution and extremely high cost, we advise to

consider it only when the risk and potential damage from the flooding is really high.


Applying the solutions that are proposed by our design team should provide

necessary protection for all possible flooding scenarios. And it also allows to avoid

high-cost solutions that would be rarely used and thus, would be very uneconomical.

Method statement

Method statements are used to communicate the method up and down the

contractual chain, for a variety of purposes throughout the procurement and

construction phases.

In steel bridge building today, the Bridge Contractor‟s method statement has three

essential functions to fulfil in setting out explicitly the plan for carrying out the work.

The Erection Method Statement has to communicate:

1. Clear instructions for site management and responsibilities

2. Engineering instructions to site management for the work necessary to achieve the

technical performance

3. The safe systems of work to undertake the essentially hazardous tasks inherent in

steel erection.

Page 58: My "Feasibility" Project


As it shown on method statement chart below the company management planned to

start with constructing a park and ride system to reduce the traffic flow in centre of

Whitby. During car park construction project the company will provide information

about farther steps and introduce the replacement bridge project to the local public

also information about restriction on traffic around bridge site to avoid any

inconvenience to the tourism travel and business.

Table 2

The project management team task includes: there should be formal arrangements for coordination with all on site

Providing the information about who is in charge of the works.

Providing the information about who is in charge of each crane lift.

A Handover or permit-to-work procedure has to be defined.

Engineering back-up must be provided to deal with unforeseen


the construction logic made clear and sufficient

There are two major objectives during the design stage for rapid bridge replacement.

One objective is to make sure that reconstruction of the bridge can be conducted

quickly based on the design drawings and specifications. Another is to expedite the

design process itself.

The company aim to provide a new bridge which can be assembled off-site (away

from the bridge site) and which will be placed in position with reduce the risk to the

public safety. Also a rapid system for the transporting and replacement of bridges,

thereby permitting the optimal use of labour and equipment as well as to minimize

the risk of delays due to material shortages, strikes, etc.

Method Statement

Page 59: My "Feasibility" Project


Construction Work Schedules

The bridge replacing project will start by off tourism seasons in winter to minimise

public involving and reduce tourism and business disturbing. The use of various

construction work schedules can have a significant impact in the rapid reconstruction

of bridges.

Beyond the standard 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m work schedule, there are three schedules

that warrant discussion; 24-h construction, 12-h construction and night time only

construction. The choice of the appropriate work schedule can be written into the

contract or left to the discretion of the contractor as company develops the cost

estimate and work plan to execute the project within the restraints of the contract

_time, cost, and incentives/disincentives.

Issues that company considered when selecting the appropriate construction work

schedule include:

1. Increases in construction costs typically associated with accelerated construction


2. Decreases in user costs and public inconveniences associated with shorter out-of-

service periods or with limited-peak traffic demand closures;

3. Availability of materials and material deliveries during nonstandard hours; and

Loss of worker productivity, loss of quality control, and increased worker safety

issues typically associated with accelerated or night time construction or extended

work shifts.

Community and Interagency Cooperation

Support from communities has proved to be a critical factor that makes a bridge

replacement project successful.

Existing Bridge Demolition and Staging There are no significant existing structures that need to be demolished during the site

clearing. The existing bridge is proposed to remain open during construction of the

Page 60: My "Feasibility" Project


park and ride. Once all restriction placed and park and ride start servicing and traffic

has been switched over to the High Level Bridge, transporting of the existing bridge

can begin. The contractor could begin by removing the west lift span portion of the

bridge than the east side.

Once the trusses are stripped of non-essential weight, barges could be moved in and

the trusses picked off the piers and shipped to an appropriate site to begin the

process of recycling.


Figure 19

All designers, for permanent works, for temporary works and for construction

engineering, are required to cooperate with regard to health and safety and :

Ensuring contract include conditions requiring the contractor with all relevant

statutory health and safety legislation

Providing training for the contractor, his employer and sub contractors in the

precaution to be taken.

Providing copies of their local safety rules.

Identifying the area where the work is to be carried out and over which the

contractor will have control.

Considering public liability or third party insurance

providing safe access for the vehicles and employer site agreement i.e. hours

of work, services( water ,etc), welfare facilities(toilets, canters, first aid), fire

prevention arrangement , emergency procedure, etc

Informing contractor of procedure for obtaining clearance to excavate and

route of any access changed.

Providing temporary parking

Setup Speed limited

Page 61: My "Feasibility" Project


Communication and points of contract hand over procedure at the end of the


In addition apply following HSE publication available in HSE books.

HSG 33health and safety in roof work

HSG 144 safe use of vehicles in construction sites

HSG 149 backs for the future, safe manual handling in construction

HSG 150 health and safety in construction

HSG 168 fire safety in construction work

HSG 185 health and safety in excavation


The company will published a manual entitled “Traffic Accommodation in Work Zone

Manual” to provide information and guidance to handle accommodation of traffic in a

consistent, safe and effective manner. The Traffic Accommodation Strategy shall

consist of drawings detailing the configuration of temporary construction signs and

other traffic control devices in the work zone(s) and, written confirmation of the

methods or procedures being used by the Contractor to address specific traffic safety

related issues or situations at the work zone.

Establishing temporary traffic detour routes for the travelling public is one of the most

urgent tasks that company must perform before starting replacement of bridge

project. These detour routes need to be available during the entire period of bridge


There are three common ways to establish detour routes:

The first Method is to use High Level Bridge as detour routes for vehicles. As it

shown in Appendix sheet (APP-03, Figure1vehicles detour) which is attach to the

map documents, the detour start from point and to get to other side swing bridge

point the traveller would travel over High Level Bridge(1.6 mi – about 6 mins).

Page 62: My "Feasibility" Project


The second method is to redirect traffic to Existing roads in surrounding areas and

the third method is to install prefabricated temporary bridges for pedestrians.

The more drivers that observe and support the diversions, the more successful they

will prove. For a number of journeys, using the bypass can actually save public

journey time and ease city centre congestion. All diversions will be clearly signed and

leaflets include plans and commentary to help drivers understand the diversions will

be reviewed regularly and published. The County Council must also publish

information in local papers. It is important that these routes, including any intended

changes, are carefully planned, as they should comply with the same basic safety

standards as permanent routes.

In addition to cope with traffic in safety manner:

Procedure and sequence of operation including a detailed schedule that shall comply

with the working hour limitations;

Use one-way systems if it is possible in nearby bridge site construction, they are

much safer and easy to signpost and enforce, as it is shown on Appendix (APP-

03, Figure2 one way, speed limit) the northeast on New Quay Road

point toward Baxter gate point become a one way road already after bridge

road restriction and will Be clearly signposted and marked to show right of way,

also needs to Set sensible speed limits and clearly signpost them.

A signaller (banksman) may be needed to supervise vehicle movements nearby

construction site during tourism visiting or business loading and unloading.

Restrict access to vehicles where dangerous substances (like petrol or hazardous

chemicals) are stored, and where vehicles are refuelled.

Provide screens or other protection for people who are at risk from exhaust

fumes, or to protect people from anything that might fall from a vehicle.


A suitable housekeeping programme will be established and continuously

implemented on each construction site which should include provisions for:

The proper storage of materials and equipment;

Page 63: My "Feasibility" Project


The removal of scrap, waste and debris at appropriate intervals.

Endeavour Wharf proposed for material storage for following reasons:

Safe and suitable open place so the vehicles can be manoeuvred easily,

Allow for the largest possible number of vehicles to be loaded or unloaded at one

time. Also by consider a refuge or bolthole, to prevent people from being struck by

vehicles and a material storage the existing shed is a safe and secure place.

Away from the site boundary for all materials that create dust, including soil.

Site fencing

Figure 20

Figure 24: Constriction Site Fencing

Short term :( crane work and any other heavy machinery work)

When pedestrians are likely to be moving past the work area, plastic mesh fencing is

required to prevent them straying into the work area. Company will completely

surround the work area with plastic high visibility mesh fencing. If works include fuel

generated machinery or high voltage tools, then steel mesh and concrete footing is

preferred. Once works are complete and made safe, all temporary works shall be


Longer term: as it shown on Appendix sheet (APP-04, figure3 Construction Site

Boundaries) the fencing to secure construction site is About 158 ft on west side and

Page 64: My "Feasibility" Project


start from northwest on New Quay Rd toward Baxter gate to Continue on St Ann's

Staithe head road also on east side Bridge St About 164 ft start from northeast on

Bridge St toward Grape Ln and Sand gate Road head for pedestrian fencing will be


Steel mesh fencing of height 2.1m and concrete block footings and high visibility

plastic mesh fencing is required to prevent pedestrians from straying into the work

area. Fencing shall completely surround the work area with plastic high visibility

mesh fencing. If visibility or ambient light is poor, then illumination shall be required to

highlight diversion.

Also except in an emergency, workers, unless duly authorised, should not interfere

with, remove, alter or displace any safety device or other appliance furnished for their

protection or the protection of others, or interfere with any method or process

adopted with a view to avoiding accidents and injury to health, Seventy-two hours

prior to making any penetrations (such as cutting through a fence or bridge

foundation) in a restricted area, contact the site Security Office to make

arrangements for a security guard or other measures required to meet all security

requirements, Signage indicating safety requirement will be displayed at the site

entrance. And site supervisor will monitor compliance during site visits.


We expect that in the interests of superior public relations we should inform and

consult local residents, businesses and others in the community regarding works and

to give them the name of an appointed person on site that will be able to deal with

queries. The main contractor from company is responsible for the activities of all sub

contractors on site.

For any loading and unloading needs to be done from local business nearby site the

company will provide planning schedule and time tables to make sure the safety of

public are provided and time tables shown the safe time to do so.

Page 65: My "Feasibility" Project


To minimise noise nuisance:

All operations on site must be carried out to conform to BS 5228 Parts 1, 2 and 4,

Noise Control on Construction and Open Sites. On all sites at all times the Best

Practicable Means to reduce noise to a minimum should be employed. Also :

1) Wherever possible all sites should be totally surrounded by fencing or hoarding to

the required height and density appropriate to the noise sensitivity of the location to

reduce noise breakout from the site. All site gates should be controlled to give the

minimum amount of time open for passage of vehicles in order to minimise stray

noise to external surrounding areas.

2) Wherever possible fixed items of construction plant should be electrically powered

rather than diesel or petrol driven. Where this is not practicable suitable attenuation

measures should be provided, such as acoustic enclosures.

3) Vehicles and mechanical plant used for the purpose of works should be fitted with

effective exhaust silencers.

4) Machines in intermittent use should be shut down when not in use or throttled

down to a minimum. Noise-emitting equipment which is required to run continuously

may have to be housed in a suitable acoustic enclosure.

5) Where practicable rotary drills and busters which are hydraulic or electrically

powered should be used for excavating hard materials.

6) Care should be taken when loading and unloading vehicles, dismantling

scaffolding or moving materials etc. to reduce noise impact.

7) All deliveries of materials, plant and machinery to the site, and any removals of

waste or other material, must take place within the permitted hours.

8) There must be adequate planning to ensure that lengthy operation e.g. bridge

cutting and transportation, can be completed within the permitted hours.

9) No employees, sub-contractors and persons employed on the site must cause

unnecessary noise from their activities, e.g. excessive „revving‟ of vehicle engines,

music from radios, shouting etc. And general behaviour;

Dust and Air Pollution:

Page 66: My "Feasibility" Project


Contractors on site, have a duty to adopt Best Practicable Means to minimise dust

nuisance arising from the site activity.

The following task is a guide to Best Practicable Means to minimise dust nuisance:

a) In order to prevent dust nuisance to adjoining occupiers, there should be adequate

screening and damping down during all demolition activities, sandblasting, clearance

work, breaking up of existing ground surfaces, bridge foundation and other site

preparation activities.

b) The developer should provide suitable wheel washing equipment at site entrances

and exits. Washing and spraying should be carried out in an area with adequate

drainage to avoid creating large amounts of mud.

c) Delivering soil material as much as possible from river by boot to reduce air

pollution in nearby public pass.

d) Paved roads near to exits should be kept clean, and vehicles transporting dusty

materials onto and off the site should be suitably covered.

e) Rubble chutes and skips should be used where appropriate. There must be an

effective close fitting cover at the point of discharge to the skip to contain all dust and

other debris. In addition, the chutes should be continuous to the point of discharge,

with no gaps, and maintained in good condition.

f) Rubbish and waste materials must not be allowed to accumulate on site. A good

standard of „house keeping‟ must be maintained.

i) Lorries and plant with diesel or petrol engines on or off site, should be should be

well maintained in order to reduce emissions of visible smoke. Engines should not be

left running unnecessarily, and plant and vehicle must not be parked in a position

which could give rise to nuisance from exhaust fumes.

Access and work place for labour

as it shown on Appendix sheet (App-04, Figure4 West Side Access )the northeast on

New Quay Rd point toward Baxter gate to New Quay Rd roundabout

point become a one way road and during heavy transportation and busy traffic can

be use as construction machinery road. , also East Side Access on east side bridge

from northeast on Bridge St toward Grape Lane will be vehicle restriction because

there will be no access to bridge street then it can be use only for construction

access while considering the safe manner, sign and hazard light postage. Also on

Page 67: My "Feasibility" Project


Appendix sheet (APP-04, Figure3 construction Site Boundaries) shows West and

East Construction Sits area accessible just for construction labour and permitted


Company will provide appropriate first aid, training and welfare facilities to workers

and, whenever collective measures are not feasible or are insufficient, provide and

maintain personal protective equipment and clothing.

Adequate and safe means of access to and egress from all workplaces will be

provided, indicated where appropriate and maintained in a safe condition.

In addition company aim to:

Provide separate routes or pavements for labour, to keep them away from

vehicles during construction and using heavy machines in site.

Provide suitable barriers or guard rails around river edge.

There should be separate entrance for vehicles and labour, with vision panels on

all doors.

Safeguards should be fitted to vehicles

Parking areas should be placed in safe and suitable locations.

It is important for employers to make sure that all drivers and pedestrians know

which routes they should use.

Present Roles and signs to do not allowed vehicles to pass close to anything that

is likely to collapse or are left in a dangerous state if it is hit, unless it is well


Provide safe areas for loading and unloading and general welfare facilities:

Toilet (adequate number of toilets, Men and women may use the same toilets

provided that the room is lockable, available adequate supply of toilet paper)

Washing (particular washing or shower facilities should be provided for

particularly dirty work or work exposing workers to hazardous substances)

Changing, personal storage (seating, hook or peg, ensure the privacy)

Drinking water

Smoke room


Page 68: My "Feasibility" Project


The law requires that a workplace must have enough and suitable lighting also for

transport safety, all roads, manoeuvring areas and yards should be sufficiently lit.

Develop environmental protection measures A special effort has to make to prevent any pollution or contamination of water. The

existing bridge is most likely painted with lead-base paint. As such, care will have to

be exercised in its removal to prevent paint debris from entering the river. Plastic

draping will place around and under pile caps to contain any spillage or leakage.

Figure 21Cofferdam

An alternative to the water line foundation

scheme is the construction of a sheet pile

cofferdam. In this scheme, the sheet piling is

placed in a perimeter around the excavation); steel pipe piles or drilled shafts placed;

a tremie seal placed; and the cofferdam dewatered to allow for footing rebar and

concrete placement in the dry. This scheme will need verification by geotechnical

analysis to confirm sheet piles for the cofferdam are feasible. Driven cofferdams are

also assumed for the removal of the existing bridge east side piles.

Handling to shop:

Load, support, and unload primary members in a manner that will not damage,

excessively stress, or permanently deform the steel and not cause repeated stress

reversals and Care should be exercised to avoid coatings damage from slings,

chokers, clamps, etc. Also, limiting the length of members overhanging the rear

Page 69: My "Feasibility" Project


wheels of a trailer may reduce the range of stress reversals and potential damage

from ground strikes.

Store fabricated material on blocking above the ground. Properly drain the ground

and keep Material clean and Store primary members upright and shored or braced

for stability. Support all members to prevent permanent distortion or damage.

The bridge structure would be fabricated off-site, and will be transported by barge to

the project area, and bolted into continuous spans.


Before starting erection, the Inspector should read and study thoroughly all

Specifications, Contract Plans, Shop Drawings and Special Provisions pertaining to

the work. Check matches markings before erection is started, Match markings,

lengths, sizes, and weights of the members should be compared with those shown

on the shop detail drawings. As the erection progresses, the inspector should

compare the diagram of assembled members‟ match markings to verify that the

members have been placed in their correct position.

The Inspector should make a study to determine which surfaces should be painted

before erection. Surfaces which will be difficult to access after erection should be

spot coated and painted with the required field coats before erection. All painting and

sandblasting of contact surfaces should be done in the shop. Painting should be

done according to the Contract requirements.

Page 70: My "Feasibility" Project


Managing Health And Safety At Work

Figure 22

Labour and employer task works

DRESS WITH SAFETY IN MIND: All employees and visitors should:

Figure 23

Wear protective helmets while on site projects unless otherwise indicated in

the site-specific safety plan.

Page 71: My "Feasibility" Project


When handling electrical storage batteries containing acid, face shields and

protective clothing such as rubber gloves and aprons must be worn.

Eyewashes (plumbed or portable) with a 15-minute supply of water should

be available to immediately flush any acid coming into contact with the eyes.

Wear face masks and protective eyewear when sanding drywall or working

with insulation and using a powder-actuated tool.

ROOF and LADDERS: All employees and visitors should:

Use a partner to steady a ladder, Place ladder on a stable surface and take the

time to move a ladder rather than leaning out too far.

Never put anything down on a pitched roof, Be careful with tools and other objects

so that they do not fall off and injure others.

Be aware of people working above, around and below because Falling objects

are a major cause of injury on the work site.

Not tie or fasten ladders together to provide longer sections unless they are

specifically designed for such use.

Maintain ladders free from oil, grease, and other slipping hazards.

Never stand on the top step of a stepladder.

Figure 24


Page 72: My "Feasibility" Project


Prevention from Scaffolding accidents include tools or materials being kicked or

dropped on people below, Also team worker has to make sure the planking is safely

attached and that no tools are laid on the planking.

Load Security

It‟s important to make sure that a load is secure on board a lorry or boat and that it

doesn‟t pose any health and safety risks to either the driver, other workers or

members of the public.

Assessing how a load might move inside the vehicle or boat during transit and how to

prevent that occurring, how strapping and chains should be used to secure a load

and how to ensure that drivers have safe areas in which to load and unload within a

depot and present Girder launcher or trolley details and capacity (if intended for use).

A competent person who is knowledgeable in crane inspection techniques must

perform an annual inspection of the hoisting machinery and provide a copy of the

dates and results of inspections for each hoisting machine and piece of equipment to

the site superintendent.

The edges of loading bays will need to be clearly marked.

Employers should have a well-planned safety programme to ensure that all the lifting

appliances and lifting gear are selected, installed, examined, tested, maintained and


Every lifting appliance including its constituent elements, attachments, anchorages

and supports should be of good design and construction, sound material and

adequate strength for the purpose for which it is used.

Every lifting appliance having a variable safe working load should be fitted with a load

indicator or other effective means to indicate clearly to the driver each maximum safe

working load and the conditions under which it is applicable.

Page 73: My "Feasibility" Project


All lifting appliances should be adequately and securely supported; the weight-

bearing characteristics of the ground on which the lifting appliance is to operate

should be surveyed in advance of use.

Bridge structural work safety manner: The underwater demolition and assembly work environment is hazardous due to poor

visibility; therefore contractor should provide and assemble Cofferdams in bridge site

to produce a dry area as temporary work place.

Bridge structure safety aim:

Cofferdams located close to navigable shipping channels shall be protected from

vessels in transit, where possible.

If overtopping of the cofferdam by high waters is possible, means shall be provided

for controlled flooding of the work area.

Cofferdam walkways, bridges, or ramps with at least two means of rapid exit shall be

provided with guardrails.

Appropriate rescue measures must be prepared.

Safety banks may be needed on some routes to prevent vehicles running over open

edges, or to indicate a safe route. They should be high and wide enough to stop a

vehicle, and to absorb its impact should it run into the barrier.

Barricades for warning workers of hazards must be at least 6 ft (1.8 m) back from the

edge of the hazard and 42 in (106.7 cm) high.

The guardrails may be removed at the working side of the platform, provided workers

are protected by alternate measures of fall protection.

Where transport by water is required, arrangement must be made for safe landing

stages and life jackets.

A skiff or boat for emergency rescue operations, equipped with paddle or oars, a ring

buoy or other life preserver, and a reach extension device. Where water current

exists, the skiff or boat must be motorized or occupied at all times. A safety line may

be connected between the boat and a structural member capable of maintaining the

position of the boat. Under all conditions, the skiff or boat must be located such that

Page 74: My "Feasibility" Project


it is available for immediate use if an emergency arises. It must not be kept locked or

otherwise unavailable.

When boats are used they should be suitable construction under the control of

competent person.

Specific training for boat operatives, resource teams and supervisors.

Warning signals for evacuation of employees in case of emergency shall be

developed and posted.

Workers on floating platforms must wear lifejackets. A lifejacket provides enough

buoyancy to keep the wearer's head above water, face up, without effort by the


Where there is a danger of people falling, loading bays need to be fenced, for

example by secure guardrails (designed so that goods can be passed safely over or

under them). If fencing is not practical, alternative safeguards may be needed.

Safety nets may be necessary when structural design, loading access, worker

mobility, or other factors make guardrails and fall-arrest systems impractical

(Safety nets)

In addition, the positioning and securing of vessels used as work platforms should be

Supervised and undertaken by experienced personnel.

Care should be taken in the assessment of wind loads both during operations and

out of service. Account should also be taken of the effects of high structures on wind

forces in the vicinity of the crane.

The ground on which the tower crane stands should have adequate bearing capacity.

Account should be taken of seasonal variations in ground conditions.

Clean up Once works are complete and made safe, all temporary works shall be removed.

Restore all traffic/parking/security signs and markings, including space numbers,

designations, and lines, to their original form if such signs/markings are defaced or

deleted during construction/repair.

Performing Welding and Cutting: Only qualified welders should be authorized to do welding, heating, or cutting.

Inspect work areas for fire hazards and proper ventilation before welding or cutting.

Page 75: My "Feasibility" Project


Avoid welding or cutting sparks and hot slag. Be alert to hot surfaces and avoid

touching metal surfaces until they have cooled.

Place compressed gas cylinders in an upright position and secure in place to prevent

dropping or falling. Handle with extreme care and do not store near any sources of


Remove any combustibles when welding or cutting must be done.

When working in the vicinity of welding operations, wear approved eyewear and

avoid looking directly at the flash as serious flash burns could result.

When transporting, moving, and storing compressed gas cylinders, always ensure

that the valve protection caps are in place and secured.

Secure compressed gas cylinders in an upright position (vertical) except when

cylinders are actually being hoisted or carried.

Use only manual electrode holders that are specifically designed for arc welding and


All arc welding and cutting cables must be completely insulated, flexible type, and

capable of handling the maximum current requirements of the work in progress.

Never use matches or cigarette lighters to light torches. Use only friction lighters to

light torches.

Aspects of your proposals to ensure the health and safety of the public and

construction personnel (during construction and when undertaking any routine

maintenance or repair) – see risk assessment and method statement, above.

In addition to the temporary work and labour health and safety preparation Red-

Amber-Green lists can help designers identify and eliminate hazards, and control

risks which can affect the safety of public and personnel.


Serious concerns, Hazardous products, processes and procedures to be

eliminated from the project:

Avoid the need to scrabble concrete.

Design piles to enable cropping by a method other than manual breaker.

Avoid processes that create dust.

Avoid spraying harmful substances on site

Page 76: My "Feasibility" Project


The specification of heavy lintels (the use of slim metal or concrete lintels being


The specification of shallow step (i.e. risers) in external paved area

The specification of bridge assemblers.

The specification of sharp-edged steel, block tie, etc

The specification of large and heavy steel beam and columns panels

The specification of solve-based paint and thinners, particularly for use in

confined areas

Powder-actuated tools must never be used in an explosive or flammable


Report to management immediately any fault, damage, defect or malfunction of

any machinery, plant, equipment, tools or guards.

One fire extinguisher should be provided for each 3,000 sq ft (279 m2) of the

protected work area. Travel distance from any point of the protected area to the

nearest fire extinguisher must not exceed 100 ft.

Extinguishers must be selected based on the anticipated fire hazards. To aid in

the proper selection of fire extinguishers, the classes of fires are as follows:

Class A (wood, paper, trash) - use water, dry chemical, or foam extinguisher.

Class B (flammable liquids, gas, oil, paints, grease) - use foam, carbon dioxide, or

dry chemical extinguisher.

Class C (electrical) - use carbon dioxide or dry chemical extinguisher.

Class D (combustible metals) - use dry powder extinguisher only.

The use of bagged product weighting>25 kg

Avoid the processes giving rise to large quantities of dust (dray cutting, blasting,


Use of tools grating high noise levels

Use of Nail guns

Avoid Smoking near incendiary material, prohibited the smoking within and

outside of all site on installations except in designated smoking areas. (The

Contracting Officer will identify designated smoking areas).

Where work must be done near live lines, the movement of all equipment such as

cranes, hoists, derricks, elevators, and other equipment must be guided by an

observer who can observe the clearance of the equipment from energized lines

and give timely warning to equipment operators.

Page 77: My "Feasibility" Project


Avoid using Electric tools in damp or wet locations.

Use of bored piles that do not accommodate mechanical breaking down at the cut

off level

Specification of bridge assembly risk of falls (prefabricated to accommodate

safety nets)

Never use a metal ladder when working on electrical equipment or near electrical

equipment where contact is possible.

Workers should not sleep or rest in dangerous places such as scaffolds,

Platforms and walkways must have anti-skid surfaces.

Workplaces and passageways that are slippery owing to ice, snow, oil or other

causes should be cleaned up or strewn with sand, sawdust, ash or the like.

Accessible areas within the swing radius of cranes, backhoes, and other rotating

machinery need to be barricaded to prevent employees and public from being

struck or crushed by the rotating parts of the machinery or their loads.

Shield all arc welding and cutting operations, whenever feasible, by non

combustible or flameproof screens to protect employees working and public near

the vicinity from the direct rays of the arc.


Products, further work is needed, processes and procedures to be eliminated or

reduced as far as possible and only specified if there is no other option. The

designer will provide information about these risks, and the reason for their


Avoid specifying heavy building blocks (e.g. weighing >20 kg).

Specifying large/heavy steel section, glass panel (car park), unless they can be

installed using mechanical handling methods.

Specifying heavy lintels unless it is possible to transport and install the

components using a mechanical handling solution (car park)

Specifying solvent-based paints and thinners, or isocyanates particularly inside

buildings and basements (car park).

Allowance for the tying of scaffolds to caution bridge or panel system

Stack and block structural steel, poles, pipe, bar stock, and other cylindrical

materials, unless racked, so as to prevent spreading or tilting.

Provision of adequate hard room in paint rooms

Provision of adequate access for maintenance in plant rooms

Page 78: My "Feasibility" Project


The areas around the top and base of ladders must be free of tripping hazards

such as loose materials, trash, and electrical cords. The same holds true for the

bottom of stairways and on stairway platforms.

Location of operation valves, etc, away from hot surface

Provision of safe access on to roof areas (car park), bridge edge

Secure and safe Crane placement

Appointment of a temporary works coordinator

Avoid overhead power lines.

Extension cords or any power tools or equipment must not be used when the

cords are frayed, worn out, or the wires are bare. Defective equipment should be

reported to the supervisor and turned in for repair.

Electric installations that exceed 600 volts and that are open to unqualified

persons must be made with metal-enclosed equipment or enclosed in a vault or

area controlled by a lock. In addition, equipment must be marked with

appropriate caution signs.

Unless identified for use in the operating environment, no conductors or

equipment can be located:

In damp or wet locations.

Where exposed to gases, fumes, vapours, liquids, or other agents having a

deteriorating effect on the conductors or equipment.

Where exposed to excessive temperatures.

Estimate Major hazard potential, i.e. potential for collapse of temporary structure,

bridge cutting

Entrance to rooms and other guarded locations containing exposed live parts

must be marked with conspicuous warning signs forbidding unqualified persons

from entering.

Loose materials which are not required for use should not be placed or allowed to

accumulate on the site so as to obstruct means of access to and egress from

workplaces and passageways.

Out of Order Tags are used to designate equipment that requires repair or

maintenance. Equipment with such a tag may not be used until the tag is


Rated load limits and recommended operating speeds, special hazard warnings,

or instructions must be posted on all equipment.

Page 79: My "Feasibility" Project


workers exposed to a risk of falling into the water from a height of 6 ft (1.8 m) or

more, and not protected by railings or netting, must be protected by approved fall

arrest system (lanyard and harness or belt attached to a life-line or other suitable

tie-off point).

Combustible materials such as packing materials, sawdust, greasy/oily waste and

scrap wood or plastics should not be allowed to accumulate in workplaces but

should be kept in closed metal containers in a safe place.

It is also necessary to provide protection against bad weather (for example strong

winds can be very dangerous during loading).


Products, processes and procedures to be positively encouraged:

Design the layout of bridge so that mechanical lifting aids can be used when

carrying out maintenance and replacing components.

Specify precast concrete products that incorporate integral fixings to avoid drilling.

Treat timber off site if hazardous preservatives need to be used (boron or copper

salts can be used for cut ends on site).

Prefabrication of steelwork, service riser, cladding, assemblies, etc.

Prevision of scaffold ladder stairs

Early instillation of permanent means of access

Access to all available fire fighting equipment must be maintained at all times

Use of partnering agreement

Unload materials close to the point of final use to avoid unnecessary lifting.

Specification of signification hazard on construction drawings.

Move objects to be welded, cut, or heated to a designated safe location. If the

objects cannot be readily moved, then all movable fire hazards in the vicinity must

be taken to a safe place or otherwise protected.

Only persons designated by the site superintendent are authorized to remove

inspection tape. Unauthorized removal or defacing of inspection tape should be

cause for disciplinary action.

Bridge beam erection

Page 80: My "Feasibility" Project


The lifting of bridge beams is a very high risk activity and every step of the

Construction and erection process requires careful safety control.

Recent incidents have highlighted the need to comply with the Construction and

Erection of Bridge Beams Industry Standard and to ensure that lifting equipment is fit

for the intended purpose.

1. Before erection commences the principal contractor and erector must consult

&demonstrate how compliance with the Construction and Erection of Bridge Beams

Industry Standard is being achieved.

2. Ensure that lifting inserts are the type and capacity specified and certified in the

Beam Manufacture‟s Certificate of Compliance.

3. Ensure that tested lifting clutches compatible with lifting inserts are available and


4. Certificates of testing and identification of components used for the sling and

clutch arrangements are to be available on-site as part of the Risk Assessment and

Safe Work Method Statement Documentation.

5. Fittings provided must be rated for the loads produced by the slinging

arrangements, including the lifting clutches. One crane lifts may produce greater

lateral loading compared to two crane lifts and this must be taken into account.

6. Prior to the beginning of the lift all lifting components must be inspected. Lifting

equipment which shows signs of wear or overloading must not be used.

8. The lifting inserts must be cast into the beam as per the manufacturer‟s

Specifications and permit the clutch to move freely without pressure applied onto the

bridge beam.

9. Before erection commences a documented Risk Assessment and Safe Work

Method Statement must be available and agreed by the Principal Contractor, Erector.

10. The Principal Contractor and Erector need to ensure that all personnel are keep

well clear of suspended beams at ALL times. Falling lifting equipment may also

present a hazard.


Page 81: My "Feasibility" Project


Sustainability is a key UK and international issue. The application of

sustainability to development projects involves integrating and balancing economic,

environmental and social criteria. The UK Government describes sustainable

construction as balancing four main elements:

• Effective protection of the environment

• Prudent use of natural resources

• Social progress which recognizes the needs of everyone

• Maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth and employment.

In order to manage the diverse range of issues relating to the replacement of

the existing bridge and enhance the outcome of the proposed project it is

recommended that a sustainability framework is established.

Value of Sustainability Framework

Establishing a sustainability framework would:

•Influence the outcome and add value to the project, ensuring it will be more


• Explore the wider benefits of the new bridge and the new proposed


• Bring together initiatives to ensure they are considered in a holistic manner;

• Establish a management framework for the project to ensure that all aspects

of planning and policy are addressed.

Sustainability Framework Strategy

A Sustainability Framework will establish a live process that aims to continually

improve the sustainability of planning, design, construction and operation throughout

the life of the Project. The exact strategy should be developed following further

consultation with key stakeholders but is likely to include the following stages:

Initial workshop(s): to identify the key sustainability issues and drivers for the

project. This may incorporate key stakeholders and will aim to prioritize issues

for further consideration and develop a vision for the project.

Page 82: My "Feasibility" Project


Baseline/context review: to review existing information on the current social,

environmental and economic situation in and around the area of the canal

including local, regional and national planning and policy implications. This

should be undertaken in conjunction with other work and review existing work

to avoid duplication wherever possible.

Overarching sustainability themes: using information from the initial workshop

and baseline review this stage aims to identify a number of key themes and

sub-themes for the project, which will guide the sustainability framework.

Objectives may also be developed.

Strategies and targets: for each theme or sub-theme a strategy and target

should be developed to identify how the theme will be implemented on the

project and what standard should be achieved. An example is provided below

for the theme of materials.





Reuse existing structures wherever possible

Procure materials from local and regional sources

Use high recycled content materials, renewable materials or environmentally

preferable materials where feasible.

Minimize the use of toxic materials where feasible

Source 20% of the building materials locally (within 250 miles of site)

Ensure the project has 10% recycled content by value

Use materials with low or no volatile organic compounds (VOC)

Monitoring process: sustainability appraisals should be undertaken at key

stages throughout the process. A tool, such as SPeAR could be used to quantify the

performance of the project and monitor progress against key themes or objectives.

This will help ensure that good communication between design team members and

stakeholders is maintained.

Design team support: provide ongoing support to the design team to help

identify solutions to meet the strategies/specifications and targets.

Page 83: My "Feasibility" Project


The design team should monitor how commitments made in the

specification/strategies and targets are being delivered and implemented.

The framework should guide and be integrated with the design process rather

than being separate to it. It should aim to assimilate the impact of all aspects of the

project including structures, the channel and landscaping.



The scope of this part of the feasibility study report is to:

• identify the likely nature of waste produced during the project; and

• identify the potential waste management options for this project.

Major Assumptions

Due to the lack of information at this stage a number of major assumptions have

been made in order to identify the waste management options that may be available

for the project. These assumptions and the proposed waste management options

should be reviewed as more data becomes available.

The major assumptions are listed below:

• The site meets the requirements mentioned in Sections 43A and 43B of

the “The Landfill Tax (Contaminated Land) Order 1996”.

• The site meets the requirements mentioned in paragraph 21 Chipping,

Cutting, Pulverizing of Plant material of the waste licenses and exemptions

regulations (simple exemptions).

• The site meets the requirements mentioned in paragraph 12

Composting of Biodegradable Waste of the waste licenses and exemptions

regulations (simple exemptions).

• If excavated material is suitable for re-use – in terms of engineering

properties, health and environmental considerations – it may be possible to

reuse it within the development.

Page 84: My "Feasibility" Project


• If the excavated material is not suitable for use, it will need to be

removed from site.

• In accordance with the new Landfill Regulations (October 2007) any

material will have to be pre-treated prior to landfilling.

• Areas of land will be available in order to treat contaminated material

and plant material on site (If decided to treat any contaminated material on


• If the excavated soil and dredged spoil are characterised as hazardous

after they have been treated. The developer will have to dispose of the waste

in accordance with the The Hazardous Waste (England and

Wales)Regulations 2005 (Statutory Instrument 2005 No. 894)

Waste Generation

Dredging, Excavation and Construction Waste Generation

Construction of the reinstated canal will consist of three major activities:

• Dredging

• Excavation; and

• Construction

Wastes from these activities will be discussed separately below, owing to the differing

requirements for their management. It is considered that the waste streams will vary

significantly in nature and not all waste streams will qualify for landfill tax exemption

for regeneration of contaminated land.

Dredging Spoil

. Extensive dredging will be required to maintain the stretch of the port where the

bridge is to be replaced to navigable standard. A significant volume of silt will arise

from dredging operations. Where there is significant plant material it may need to be

separated from dredged silt particularly if it to be spread on land.

Excavated Material

It is considered that the most significant volume of waste will be generated by the

excavation stage. Due to the lack of information at this stage of the project it is not

possible to quantify the amount of excavated waste that is going to be produced. It

may be prudent to locate waste management compounds in close proximity to those

sites to minimize the distance material is transported The nature of excavated

Page 85: My "Feasibility" Project


material will be highly dependent on the ground conditions at the site of excavation.

However it is likely to compose natural soils, stone and made ground.

Construction Waste

Waste generated during the construction stage will arise mostly from the raw

materials used for the construction of the Canal and restoration of existing structures.

It will be necessary to use raw materials as efficiently as possible to minimise the

waste arising from this stage and to maximize the re-use and recycling of these

materials. The amount of construction waste generated when handling and using

materials brought onto the site should be kept to a minimum as outlined in

Construction Industry Research and Information Association („CIRIA‟) Guidance.

CIRIA also has a guide to Environmental Good Practice on-site C650 (2005).

Expected Waste Generation


It is assumed that the project will be delivered in one operational phase, however, it

unlikely that all parts of the site will be accessible from one compound. Therefore it

may be necessary to identify a number of potential sites for waste handling and

storage for the route. It may be necessary to identify and secure these sites early in

the project to prevent occupation by a third party.

Waste Management

It is important that waste is managed effectively at the site to ensure that as little

waste as possible is sent to landfill. Options to implement more sustainable waste

management for the project are discussed in detail below.

Waste Management Compound

It is considered that a waste management area will need to be set up for all

options for the segregation and storage of waste prior to re-use, treatment or

disposal. A significant amount of material may simply require segregation to enable

Page 86: My "Feasibility" Project


its reuse. However, it is possible that contaminated material will need to be treated

prior to re-use.

It is likely that at least two waste management areas will be required, on either

side of the river. The optimum locations and number of sites is highly dependent on

the access to the site and the requirement to move from and to the site with as few

as possible lorry movements through the existing residential areas

It is important that this land is secured early in the project to ensure that

sufficient space is available for effective waste management.

In accordance with the Waste Management Licensing Regulations 1994 (as

amended, schedule 3 paragraph 21) (WML Regulations), this area can be exempt

from the WML Regulations as long as the waste does not exceed 1,000 tonnes over

a period of seven days and the waste is treated on site for the purposes of recycling

or reuse.

Waste Management Options Waste management options for the major waste streams generated at the site are

discussed below. Waste management should aim to follow the waste management

hierarchy. Ideally waste production should be avoided. Where this is not possible it

should be re-used on-site. Where there is no use on-site use off-site should be

explored. If it is not possible to reuse waste in its current form it should be recycled

for use on-site or off-site. If recycling is not possible landfill with energy recovery

should be explored and landfill without energy used as a last resort.

Table 3: Uncontaminated Excavated Material

The waste management options described below support this waste hierarchy.

Minimise Waste Production The options for management of uncontaminated excavated material are listed in

Table 4 below with the preferred option at the top and the less favoured at the bottom

of the table.

Page 87: My "Feasibility" Project


Type of waste Treatment Dispose/Reuse Legislation




No Re-use on site Not classed as


No Re-use off site Paragraph 9A

or 19A








2005 (as


No Take it to a


centre. (Kiveton

Park Steel And

Wire Works)




(Duty of Care)





No Take it to inert

Landfill site

The Landfill

(England and




Table 3: Uncontaminated Excavated Material

Page 88: My "Feasibility" Project


Contaminated Excavated Material If excavated material is found to be contaminated the options for its management are

listed in Table 5 below:

Type of waste Treatment Dispose/Reuse Legislation




Pre-treatment Landfill to



The Landfill

(England and








Treat to remove


Landfill to inert





Pre-treatment Landfill to inert/

Non Hazardous


The Landfill

(England and




Treat to remove


Use on


Paragraph 9A

or 19A





2005 (as


Table 4: Contaminated Excavated Material

Page 89: My "Feasibility" Project


Potential Waste Management Facilities

A review of local waste management facilities will have to be undertaken during the

next phase of the project to identify operators and facilities that may be used to assist

with waste management of the project.


It is likely that a significant volume of waste will be generated from the project to

replace the existing bridge and construct the new car park and museum

developments . In order to reduce the impact of waste management on the

environment and the surrounding community measures should be put in place to

manage waste in a more sustainable manner. This part of the report has reviewed

available information and concluded that:

• Waste will be produced from the excavation and construction phases of the

project. It is assumed that substantial amount of waste will be produced from the

excavation stage. It is important that this material is managed in a sustainable

manner to minimize the impacts associated with its transportation and disposal.

• Further investigations will be required in order to determine the quantity of

waste that is going to be produced during each phase and the level of contamination


• At least two waste management areas will be required to segregate and store

waste streams. It is important that land is secured early in the project.

• Access to the waste management areas is a very important issue and it should

be resolved in the early stages of the project.

• Movements of vehicles from and to the site should be minimised as much a

possible as a lot of residential properties and local bussines exist in close proximity to

the proposed project locations.

• The cut & fill balance should be reviewed at the design stage to reduce the

amount of excavation and minimize waste production.

• Waste should be re-used on site wherever possible to reduce movement of

the material off site.

• Where it can‟t be reused on-site material should be re-used off-site to reduce

disposal to landfill.

Page 90: My "Feasibility" Project


• Where material cannot be used in current form it should be treated on-site or

off-site and recycled.

• Only if re-use or recycling are not possible should waste be disposed of to an

appropriately licensed landfill.


Consultees There is a wide diversity of stakeholders involved in this project, and it is

recommended that this is reflected in the identification and participation process – in

particular the range of existing initiatives and services, and the geographic and social

scale and diversity of the area. It is likely that stakeholders will fall within four main


• Statutory stakeholders

• Organizational/Special Interest Stakeholders

• Businesses

• Community (local and wider community which comprises diverse groups)

Key issues and guiding principles

To help encourage meaningful participation and overcome barriers the strategy

should develop and adopt the following guiding principles:

Develop clear objectives: the strategy should be clear about whom and why we are

consulting, and about, what stakeholders can influence when. It will be important to

include stakeholders in developing the consultation process.

An integrated and coordinated approach: participation should be integrated

throughout the regeneration process, scheduled at an appropriate time to optimize

involvement and ensure that the programme allows time for feedback to be


Build on existing consultation and information: the strategy should avoid duplication

which can lead to consultation fatigue and disillusionment.

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Create partnership: a process should be established which is transparent and is

committed to two way dialogue and builds trust and partnership working.

Work with local partners: the team should work with local partners and build on

existing initiatives and community infrastructure to devise and implement participation

processes. This will be more efficient and effective and will provide essential ongoing


Ensure accessibility: a process should be developed which provides the opportunity

for all stakeholders to be involved and takes account of the geographic scale and the

social diversity of the route, using appropriate targeted methods, forms of information

(technically appropriate, plain English and opportunity for translation), and timing

of activities (including accounting for cross cultural issues such as religious festivals).

Implement a representative and inclusive approach: the approach to participation

should be inclusive and steps should be taken to ensure all communities and

groups are represented, working with a range of organisations, members of the

public and community groups to ensure all views are captured.

Enable informed decision making: fair information should be provided to develop the

capacity of stakeholders in order to ensure informed decision making.

Manage expectations: At all stages expectations should be managed, particularly in

relation to distinguishing between ideas and recommendations, and the timescales

they are likely to be realised within.

Innovation and creativity: methods should be developed which are appropriate while

being innovative and creative, and encourage and welcome appropriate participation.

Value participation: the team should ensure that we express our thanks to all

stakeholders for their time and valuable contribution.

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Integrated Approach It is important that the stakeholder participation process is integrated into the design

process. Stakeholder consultation should therefore take place at each stage of the

design process in some form. It should be noted that where possible we will try to fit

in with existing meetings and as a result some aspects of consultation may overlap


Figure 25:Example of the relationship between project development process and the participation process.

Types of Activities

Engagement with stakeholders will comprise a diverse range of activities that should

be appropriate to the stage of the project, the stakeholder group and the reasons for

the consultation. It will be important to integrate initiatives such as the engagement

of community artists.

Examples of the types of activities that ay be involved are presented below;

Design development

and planning

Final Design

Detailed design

Ongoing participation led by

Client and other

Local Partners

Involvement & discussion in a

range of ways

Awareness raising

& focussed


Working with specific






Page 93: My "Feasibility" Project


• Set up a stakeholder steering/management group to assist with the

identificationn of the most appropriate methodology at each stage

• Events on site, including, tours of the proposed route;

• Exhibitions and workshops;

• Focus groups;

• Art activities/educational events;

• School activities;

• Events specifically targeting hard to reach groups eg. Young people, ethnic


• Information dissemination and presentation.


Cost Estimates No budget cost estimates are presented in the Feasibility Study .

Although no budge t preparation was done, when building up a cost estimate for a

scheme such as this there are two key aspects to consider when. These are the:

o Base Estimate, and the,

o Risk allowance

Developing the base estimate This is done by estimating the quantities and the construction operations required to

construct the new bridge and its associated works as well as. Several databases and

tools may be used in preparing the base estimate including the Green Guide to

Specification and Spoon (Costing in construction). These types of calculations

include the work costs, preliminaries and site overheads and the contractors‟

overheads and profits. Allowances also should be made for design fees, site

supervision and accommodation works.

In order to allow a transparent appraisal of the final cost estimate costs allocated to

each of the key components that make up the project such as the bridge the car park

the museum Retaining walls etc may be allocated.

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Assessing the Project Risk

In addition to the base estimate, project risk needs to be identified. In any project

there are a number of factors which may influence the final cost of the project. These

factors are commonly referred to as risks or uncertainty associated with the project, it

is important that this is carefully addressed in the scheme estimates. There are

different ways of dealing with project risk or uncertainty - in days gone by a

contingency of up to 15% was simply added to the base estimate of a scheme. While

this approach provides an allowance to deal with uncertainties which may develop it

is nothing more than guess work. Another approach advocated by HM Treasury for

the assessment of publicly-funded projects is to include an optimism bias allowance,

which reflects the fact that initial costs are often underestimated in order to increase

benefit cost ratios and sponsor interest. For schemes at the feasibility/outline design

stage of a scheme a contingency of up to 60% is recommended.

The preferred technique for assessing and quantifying the level of risk within a

project is by carrying out a strategic risk assessment. This requires a high level of

understanding of the risks associated with a project which ultimately results in a

much more thorough assessment of the uncertainties which may occur on the


An initial appraisal of the project risks has been carried out by our design group,

however ultimately a risk based workshop is recommended with not just the design

team but also the appointed Project Steering Group.

The output from the initial risk appraisal has been a risk register, for the Whitby

project these have been split into Generic and Project Specific. Once the risks have

been established an assessment has to be made with regard to the probability of

them occurring and the financial consequence to the scheme out turn cost should

they occur - with this information available the risk analysis can be carried out.

Risk Analysis

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The proposed method of carrying a successful Risk analysis at this stage is to use an

established software package such as „@Risk‟ and to undertake a Monte Carol risk

simulation which provides confidence limits to the amount of risk within the Project.

The analysis is performed using a statistical random selection technique and

summing the resulting values. The number of iterations required for stable results is

dependent on the complexity of the model, but generally 2000 iterations is sufficient.

From the results of this analysis it is possible to determine:

o Levels of confidence, between the 5% and 95% thresholds;

o Sensitivity rankings to show which items have the most impact on the results.

The risk calculation should be undertaken using the following methodology:

o The base cost plan represents the static scenario for the canal, this figure

does not vary and the identified risks are considered to have a static impact, but vary

in the frequency of their occurrence (dependant upon the agreed probability).

Our group design team is undertaking a feasibility study in order to investigate the

feasibility of several options within the limits of Whitby harbour. The project falls

within administrative boundary of Scarborough Borough Council, at North east


This note examines the regional and local planning policy objectives in relation to

replacement of the existing bridge and the potential for opportunities to add value

through bridge related development, services and facilities. Policy support for the

replacement of the bridge is important to secure commitment and leaver funding at

European, national and regional level. However, economic and planning policy is in a

process of change in England.

The Town and Country Planning Act 2004, sought to abolish county structure plans

and replace local plans and unitary development plans with Local Development

Frameworks. In addition it gave Regional Spatial Strategies (currently prepared by

Regional Assemblies as the Regional Planning Body) statutory weight as part of the

„development plan‟ against which planning applications must be determined.

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Recently, as part of the Sub-national Review of Economic Development and

Regeneration the government proposed that policy and strategic role of Regional

Development Agencies (e.g. Yorkshire Forward and EMDA) will be enhanced, and

Regional Assemblies in their current form will be abolished. RDAs will be responsible

for a new single regional strategy, which will combine the Regional Economic

Strategy with the Regional Spatial Strategy. RDAs will be designated as the Regional

Planning Body, with their strategic roles "different and distinct" to their delivery roles.

It is proposed that there will be a stronger sub-regional dimension to the strategy and

evidence base. It is important therefore that in this context of change the interests of

the Whitby development to continue being promoted.


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