my journey as a home child were it all began… (eric graves jr high school)

My Journey as a Home Child Were it all began… (Eric Graves Jr High School)

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Page 1: My Journey as a Home Child Were it all began… (Eric Graves Jr High School)

My Journey as a Home Child

Were it all began…(Eric Graves Jr High School)

Page 2: My Journey as a Home Child Were it all began… (Eric Graves Jr High School)

Profile…Name: Shella Pitreson ( Lovlen)Country of Origin: U.K. (London)How Became home child: Parents couldn't afford to feed her or care for her.Age When came to Canada: 11 going on 12Year when they came to Canada: 1863Type of work they did in Canada: Gardening-sowing

Page 3: My Journey as a Home Child Were it all began… (Eric Graves Jr High School)

Entry #1September 9th 1762Hello, my name is Shella. I am 11 and recently got the news that I will be shipped to Canada on the next boat. My birth parents had me only to find out that they couldn’t afford me. They gave me to my loving aunt who I was living very happily with till she got in trouble for taking me in. I was taken away to a orphanage were I am staying here for 3 weeks waiting for my boat. They gave us each one of these diary's because they say it will give us something to do on the boat.

Page 4: My Journey as a Home Child Were it all began… (Eric Graves Jr High School)

Life in the U.K…Lives in London England, Parents could not afford to feed her and gave her to her auntLived with her Aunt for 3 years,Aunt doesn't have legal rightsGreat life while at auntsCant last forever

Page 5: My Journey as a Home Child Were it all began… (Eric Graves Jr High School)

Entry #2So far the orphanage is not too bad. It is much different then my aunts house. There are A LOT more rules and the people who run this orphanage are a lot more strict then my aunt. I used to spend my days walking and playing with my friends, helping my aunt tidy the house and help make dinner and desert, it was a very good life. I guess I didn’t realise how good I hade it till I got to the orphanage. Here we spend all day learning technics of sowing and gardening while are meals are rotated between biscuits and soup.

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My trip on the Ship…

Destination: Halifax, CanadaEstimated time on ship: 2 weeksDocking: Pier 2Daily routine: Up at 6;30 am, Breakfast, practise sowing clothes for each other, lunch, play time, supper, activity to get settled for bed, hot porridge then bed.

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Entry #3It is my 4th night on the ship and wow…..I didn’t think it was going to be even worse then the orphanage, I guess it is worse for me because I just found out I get sea sick! It is not very enjoyable. But on the bright side of things I meet a girls my age, her name is Lila and I share a bunk with her. She is really nice and we get along really well. When ever I get irritated or sad she is always there and makes me feel so much happier. She gave me a coin she got given by her birth mother said to never forget her because we both knew that as soon as the ship docks we will get sent different places and we would never see each other again….

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Early life in Canada

part 1

First home:-The “Muntries”-Newfoundland-3 other home children, in same house-House on huge piece of land (lots of farm work)

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Entry #4I have now arrived at what they called my first house. I will not lie it isn't the best, but I am also not looking at the brightest point of view because I really miss Lila. The house I am staying at has 3 other home children along with 5 birth children. The 5 birth children’s names are Kyra, Joseph, Ella, Rob and Lexis. Rob and Lexis were my age but the other ones were way older. All 5 treated us 4 with a very snooty attitude…as if we wanted to be there! The 3 other home children were very nice and all younger then me, not by much. There names are Lisa, Ian and Sophie. They were all nice and we treated each other like family sense the actual family we were staying with didn't.

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Entry #5Every day gets worst and worst. I didn’t really know my…(well I refuse to call them my parents) so my “people” , I didn’t really know my people in my last diary entry but now I know them better…and they are so mean! They treat Lisa, Ian, Sophie and I all like we are a piece off dirt. Not to mention their kids take on there actions towards us. My “people” gave me the job of sowing all of their kids clothes and bed room quilts. They pay me 15 cents a day. I think that is fair, by the end of the week I usually have enough to buy my self some posted stamps so I can send letters to my aunt. On the bright side the weather is getting colder and I hope that will make my “people” see that it would be smart for my to make my own new quilt.

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Entry #6I had been working so hard every day and my hands are permanently pricked and browsed, it hurt to bend them in certain ways. Plus after every day of none stop sowing if Ian had not finished ,milking each and every cow I was sent out to help. (and there's a lot of cows!)I can never go to sleep at night because I never want to wake up to work. At least I could tell my self school would be starting soon. After I was finished my sloped on leftovers in my corner I was called to the kitchen (were I was never aloud) what could this mean……

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Entry #7You wont even believe were I am right now….A TRAIN!!! Ok, ok I know that doesn't sound to existing when I say it like that but it is. My old received a letter saying this amazing news !(this is what I was called to the kitchen for) The reason I am sooo happy is because I am going to Northern Toronto...were Lila is!!!!!!!!!!! I know because that is were she was scheduled to go . I am so happy, I mean of course I know the chances of me ever seeing her are 1 in million but at least I can sleep at night knowing I have a chance at seeing her again in my life! I just hope these parents will be nicer then my old ones.

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Train Ride

All of the kids on this train are going to there 2nd-4th

different house

Page 14: My Journey as a Home Child Were it all began… (Eric Graves Jr High School)

Early Life in Canada part 2…

So here I am. At my new house in Northern Toronto. It is a lot nicer then my last house!! And my Parents a way nicer as well! When I first arrived (but after they got to know me) the wife gave me a huge story about how they never had kids because she was diagnosed with some disease that was cured) and it made her un able to have a child. She said she wish’s to treat me like her own. I felt my heart warm as she said it.

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Home in Toronto

New home

in Toront


My bed room

Own Bathro


Page 16: My Journey as a Home Child Were it all began… (Eric Graves Jr High School)

Mom is so sweat ,she put a nice board on our front door with your last name because she said she now feels proud to say she has a family. And believe it or not I get to eat at the Table and I am aloud to walk In the kitchen and get what I want when I am hungry!!!! I have my own room and bathroom….in the house!!I can’t believe I'm can`t believe I`m saying this but I'm excited to wake up just so I can see my parents.

Entry #8



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Later life in Canada…

-3 years latter-Still living with the Gakensins -Literally part of the family now-Gets to see Lila every 2nd day


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Entry # 9Today is the official three year mark. 3 years ago I was writing in this diary while I was just getting to know my parents. With these parents you would be surprised at how fast 3 years go’s. Every day I wake up I am proud to call my self a Gakensin. There is a lot to write because I haven't wrote in this diary for a while, but I will keep it concise. Well the most existing thing I would say is that my mom and I were talking one day and she was talking about her “neighbours” that lived 2 blocks down and she was saying how they have a daughter my age named Lila!!! I screamed so loud. So basically now I see Lila every second day, her parents and my parents know each other really well so they let us help with each others chores and we even once a mouth get to have a sleep over 1 a mounth, in fact I am going over to here house write now….

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Entry #10So today I was thinking to my self just how lucky I was to et that letter and move here, I some times forget how bad it was back in Newfoundland and how I left Lisa, Ian and Sophie there. I hope they all had the chance of moving some place else as well. I don’t know what the future holds, but if I were to die tomorrow or in 100 years I will always remember every body who made my experience something I will always remember…

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Thank you for watching