my media project

When I was younger my family and I went on vacation to Florida. We all really wanted to go to Disney World but we had a change in plans and decided to go to Universal Studios! When we got there my sister and I stood there in awe it was so big and there was so many people. The first place we went to was the Blue Man Group Entertainers Aquos Theater we saw Shrek in 4-D it was so cool where was a scene in the movie where there was a bunch of spiders and we could actually feel like there was spiders all over us! My aunt and I went on the Jurassic Park ride it was so scary the dinosaurs looked so real I thought they were going to eat me! We also took a picture with one of the dinosaur statues but the picture didn’t come out as well my sister poked my cousin in the eye and most of us weren’t paying attention so we looked crazy but I had a fun time. Universal Studios One of the rides I went o

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Post on 15-Jun-2015




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Page 1: My media project

When I was younger my family and I went on vacation to Florida. We all really wanted to go to Disney World but we had a change in plans and decided to go to Universal Studios! When we got there my sister and I stood there in awe it was so big and there was so many people. The first place we went to was the Blue Man Group Entertainers Aquos Theater we saw Shrek in 4-D it was so cool where was a scene in the movie where there was a bunch of spiders and we could actually feel like there was spiders all over us! My aunt and I went on the Jurassic Park ride it was so scary the dinosaurs looked so real I thought they were going to eat me! We also took a picture with one of the dinosaur statues but the picture didn’t come out as well my sister poked my cousin in the eye and most of us weren’t paying attention so we looked crazy but I had a fun time.

Universal Studios

One of the rides I went on.

Page 2: My media project

My little brother Michael is such a sweetheart . He’s 8 years old. I remember one time there was a boy who was making fun of him, he told my mom and when my mom talked to the boy he pushed my mom and I which made my brother so mad he tackled him to the floor and told him to never touch us again. I thought that was very sweet. He is also very generous I remember one time my mom’s windshield broke and my mom was so devastated and my brother took out all of his money from his piggy bank and offered to help pay for the windshield. My brother is not only a taekwondo master he’s a very nice person.


My little brother and I when we were younger

Page 3: My media project

My best friend is Jane Byun we’ve known each other for 4 years. In 4th grade we met and we've been best friends ever since. I remember when we went to Canobie Lake Park together and we went on he roller coaster Untamed and my sister started crying as we were going up and Jane and I were laughing like crazy. Jane and I know everything about each other like her favorite color is green, her favorite food is spaghetti and her birthday is on May 25th . When its her birthday she takes me to Coco Keys. I remember when she lost her shoe and the whole time there we kept on looking for it, and when her mom won an I pad 2 on an arcade game we were so surprised.

Jane Byun

Page 4: My media project

Almost everyday during the summer my family and I go to this cute little ice cream bar and we have lunch there. I always order the same thing , a foot long hotdog with orange soda and for dessert I get a cookies and crème ice cream cone. We’ve been going there for about 4 years more or maybe even longer! There isn't one time where I didn’t like the food. I remember one time when we went there and my family and I had a contest to see who can eat the most ice cream without getting a brain freeze!

Ice CreamThe ice cream bar my family and I go to.

Page 5: My media project

In my spare time which is basically all day I like to listen to music, go on the internet or just watch TV. Some artists that I listen to are Bruno Mars, Justin Bieber, One Direction, Rihanna, and Macklemore. Some things I do on the internet is I go on Perez Hilton’s website and I go on Buzz Feed and Pintrest . Some shows I like to watch are The Walking Dead, Pretty Little Liars, How I Met Your Mother, Glee, and Criminal Minds. I watch a lot of shows in my spare time and I really enjoy them. There was one time where I really wanted to win concert tickets to see One Direction so I took my moms phone, the house phone, my sisters phone, and my phone and I called and called and called but sadly I lost I was so sad I was crying for two hours but I got over it eventually.


Page 6: My media project

Every year my family and I go to the beach and just spend the whole day there like we’ve escaped the world and went to paradise. I love spending time with my family at the beach because there's nothing distracting us no television, no computer, no cellphones we can just have fun. I remember one time we were at Clearwater Beach in Tampa, Florida and my cousin David decided to take a little nap. Bad Idea we buried him so deep in the sand. When he woke up we were hiding and he was freaking out and all of a sudden we popped out and scared him he actually peed his pants! I love going to the beach.


My mom, sister and I at Clear Water Beach in Florida

Page 7: My media project

My sister Nataly is the best person ever she’s funny, smart ( sort of) and she’s my best friend. She’s always looking out for me and I know that she wants the best for me. She's made mistakes and doesn’t want me to make the same ones, so she always tells me to be careful of what I say or do. I remember one time I had such a bad day at school I came home crying, so I called her and she told me everything's going to be fine and she brought me ice cream. I felt so much better and that’s when l knew that my sister is an amazing person and I love her so much.

Nataly Ramos

Page 8: My media project

My dad is the best parent in my opinion. He always helps me in anyway possible and he makes me laugh so much. On my birthday last year I was so excited to get my present which was a nook tablet so begged my dad to give it to me a week early and being daddy’s little girl he gave it to me a week early. Then on my actual birthday I didn’t really expect much because I was working that day and when I got to my dads house he made me go to the bathroom and locked me in there. When I got out my sister and my nephew were in the living room with balloons and a cake. I was so surprised the he took me out to a nice restaurant. My dad also taught me how to fish. I remember there was one fishing trip where I caught about 7 fish and my dad didn’t even catch any except for a turtle he was so embarrassed and he even accused me of being part fish. My dad is the best person.


Page 9: My media project

My family and I have many traditions for holiday like on Thanksgiving I make the ham, on Christmas we open 1 present, when we celebrated Halloween we would have to close our eyes and pick 5 candies and those were the candies we had to eat first. But on holidays I don’t know why but I never want a present I just want for my family to gather around and play games even though we do that every weekend. I remember last Christmas I was ready for it to be just my mom, dad, sister, brother. But just 3 days before Christmas at 7 in the morning we get a knock on our door and when my mom opens the door she screams and slams the door shut and runs to her room. I follow her asking her what's wrong and she tells me to open the door. When I open the door my aunt whom haven't seen for two years came from Florida. I was so happy I jumped in her arms. That was the best present ever!


Six year old me on Halloween

Page 10: My media project

Something that is Xtra special to me is my Blues Clues pillow. I know it seems silly but when I was younger I used to pretend that it was a real dog and my dads belt was a leach and I would take it everywhere I went even though at the time it was twice my size. When my brother was born he would always try to play with it and I would never let him because I thought she was my dog no one else's MINE! Sadly a couple years ago my mom threw it away because she thought I was too old for it. I was so sad I still miss it today.

Xtra Special

Page 11: My media project

As apart of my entertainment I usually go on YouTube a lot. I like to watch videos from Jacks Gap to Jenna Marbles. I like to go on YouTube because I like to know about other people besides my friends and family's lives. I remember one time where I was watching a video and I didn’t know but the volume was so loud everyone in the house could hear it and I was really embarrassed. Also my cousin has a YouTube channel and I like to watch her videos because she's extremely funny. Also I think that I could learn a lot from You Tube for example there's a video talking about a honey badger and the video is really funny and I learned things about honey badgers.

Jacks Gap

Jenna Marbles

Honey Badger

Page 12: My media project

ihannaOne of my most

favorite artists is Rihanna. I’ve been a fan of hers since 2005. I think she’s an inspiration because I feel like she doesn’t care what other people think she and she’s not afraid of doing something that people would think is crazy. She also founded the Believe Foundation which supplies children with clothes, school supplies, medical care. I remember one time I was watching her in Bring It On I was watching her sing and I was telling my mom that I wanted to be just like her, even though I cannot sing for the life of me.

Page 13: My media project

My birthday is on July 5 and my Zodiac Sign is the Gemini. Gemini’s are unpredictable, joyous, and aspires for motherhood. Gemini’s are also clever, quick, and impatient. I think that Gemini’s are similar to my personality at times I can be very happy and bursting with joy and at other times I can be very irritated and I just want to get things over with. A famous Gemini's is Angelina Jolie and Marilyn Monroe which I think is a coincidence because Angelina Jolie is my favorite celebrity and I love her in Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Sharing a Zodiac Sign with her is pretty cool.

Zodiac Sign

Page 14: My media project

My nephews Adrian is the most amazing nephew a aunt could ask for. Even though he’s only 2 years old. Adrian was born on May 1st 2010 and I remember bringing him home for the first time I HATED IT! He was constantly crying and crying and he would always be hungry. Thank goodness he doesn’t cry as much. Adrian is just a bundle of joy I remember just a few days ago he was over at my dads house and we were playing hide and seek and when I was hiding I turned away for one second just one second and BOO he scared me so badly I peed myself I was really embarrassed. My nephew loves to play with toys like Thomas the train, Super Why, and Cars. He loves Cars, Mater is his favorite character he has like 10 little cars of Mater and a Pillow Pet of Mater. My little Adrian is just the cutest thing I can bet that if you met him you would fall in love with his cuteness.


Page 15: My media project

Lana Del Rey is my second favorite artist. I discovered her not that long ago and her songs has been on replay everyday. Some of my favorite songs are Off To The Races and This Is What Makes Us Girls. I think Lana DelRey is a good role model because before she was famous she would sing anywhere and everywhere she could and when she sang on Saturday Night Live people judged her for being an “amateur “ and she defended herself because she thinks she is a good singer and singing makes her happy. Which I think is inspirational because most of the time I care what people think of me and for her not to care is amazing.

Lana Del Rey

Page 16: My media project

Every year since I could remember for my birthday I have been going to Canobie Lake Park with my family and a friend of my choice. Canobie Lake Park is the place where most of my memories happened like I rode my first roller coaster there, my nephew Adrian saw fireworks for the first time. Every year since I was 7 until I was 11 years old I have brought my best friend Anna. I haven't brought her with me in two years because she’s 16 right now and I don’t want to bring someone whose older than me. I think every year my family and I go to Canobie Lake Park there are more and more memories being made. I remember last year I was so ready to go to Canobie but I started working at my summer job at a camp and on my birthday I was in training so I couldn’t go but a few days later we went and we had a blast! I went on every ride there was with my sister Nataly and even some baby rides with Adrian. But the ride I go on every year multiple times is the Boston Tea Party, that ride is the highlight of my experience there and its just too fun to go on just one time. I remember the first time I went on I was so scared going up the hill and when we dropped I was crying and screaming and laughing all at the same time. When the ride ended my mom go out of the ride and I was refusing to leave until I went again. I can say I went on the Boston Tea Party a total of 7 times non-stop and every time I go on it gets more fun.

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In case you’ve lived in a cage since 2007 How I Met Your Mother has been the funniest show ever in my opinion. I have watched every single episode that’s a total of 184 episodes I have spent a total of 92 hours dedicated to watching this show. Ask me anything and I would answer it in a snap. I remember the first time I watched how I met your mother I was laughing for hours. My favorite characters are Barney Stinson, Robin Scherbatsky, and Marshall and Lily and Ted so ALL the characters. My sister and I are huge fans of the show. I think this is embarrassing I salute when someone says general, private, major and yesterday my teacher was talking about college majors and my classmate Pricilla and I saluted and it was the coolest moment ever. I do that because that’s Ted Mosby's little joke.

Obsessed With

Page 18: My media project

Where I Went To SchoolI went to different schools growing up and I’ve

met a lot of different people. The first school I went to was Priest Street School and I loved that school every time I look at it I get surprised that I’ve grown up so fast I feel like just yesterday I was waiting to go on the purple bus and now I’m going to high school next year! The second school I went to was Johnny Appleseed Elementary School. That was my absolute favorite school all the teachers were so nice and helpful. My favorite teacher was Mrs.Lampbropolous she was the sweetest teacher and she would always call me Ellie Bellie even though I hate the nickname now I loved it in first grade, it made me feel special. Now my little brother Michael goes to Johnny Appleseed and he loves it there he was the same teacher I had in 3rd grade Mrs. Barassi, I think the school put him in their on purpose. The school I currently go to is Sky View Middle School I like this school a lot even though the schedule is confusing but I think I'm getting the hang of it. The teachers here are really nice too my favorite teacher is my English teacher Mrs. Rosselli she's is the funniest teacher ever. I remember the first day of school I thought she was going to be a really mean teacher but turns out she’s a sweet heart. I hope I can say the same about high school.

Priest Street

Johnny Appleseed

Sky View

Page 19: My media project

Since I was born I’ve had a special quilt. It was plush and had baby Loonytoons on it and I loved it so much. Even today I have the blanket in my room on my bed and even though I don’t sleep with it I still like to keep it close. Sometimes my mom tells me its time for me to throw it away I always refuse because that’s like me telling her that she needs to throw her car away. That blanket is the thing that helps me sleep at night. I know its kind of corny but I love it. I remember one time I slept over my dads house and I forgot to bring the blanket and I stayed up all night just tossing and turning.


Page 20: My media project

Vacation To FloridaOne of the most special vacations was in Tampa, Florida. I was about seven when I went there and I can honestly say nothing can top that experience. The day we arrived we walked out the plane and into the airport and we were looking for my aunt everywhere and my mom was telling her where she was and all of a sudden Boo! My aunt scares the living daylight out of us and she greeted all of us but me! Because she haven't seen me in a while she thought I was a stranger until my mom told her that it was me and my aunt was so embarrassed. During the vacation we went to universal studios, the beach, out to dinner it was a blast.

My family and I at Clearwater Beach

Page 21: My media project

Dunkin’ Donuts is my get away. Yes I know a coffee shop is a strange place to clear my head but it does. For example a couple months ago something happened on the bus that was really upsetting to me and I got off the bus crying and my friends Kenson and Gianna both felt bad for me so they brought me to Dunkin’ Donuts and I felt so much better I wasn't mad anymore I was happy go lucky for the rest of the day. I go to Dunkin’ almost everyday just to clear my head I remember a few weeks ago I walk in and the cashier already knew my order one medium Oreo coolatta with extra whipped cream and a dozen munchkins half chocolate and half red velvet. I was so surprised when they knew but a little embarrassed because the employees actually knew my orders

Page 22: My media project

Fireworks are a major part of my family’s summer vacation. Every year on the fourth of July we all go to Canobie Lake Park to watch the fireworks. When ever the fireworks start at 9:30pm my family and I gather in front of Canobie Lake and watch the fireworks. When ever the go off my family looks at each other simultaneously for some reason and smile at each other and all of out problems just disappear and that’s the time my dad hugs my and kisses the top of my head. I remember one time we actually missed going to Canobie so my dad did the coolest thing he recorded the video from last years fireworks and put it on the television and that was our fourth of July.

Page 23: My media project

I have many goals in life before I have kids. For example I really want to go skydiving even though I’m terrified of heights I really want to try something new. I think trying new things is better than doing the same old thing for example when I would go to Canobie Lake Park I would always go on the same rides and the year the Untamed came I tried it for the first time I was terrified of roller coasters and anything that spun around and I rode it and had a blast. Another goal I have is to go on the red carpet even though I am certain that it will never happen I’m hopeful that something amazing like that will happen someday.


Page 24: My media project

I know this looks embarrassing but when I was in third grade I went to the cheetah girls concert with my best friend Anna, my sister, my mom, and my brother. I remember the day when I got the tickets, I was on ticket master and I noticed that the cheetah girls were coming to the DCU Center in Worcester and I begged my mom to get me tickets for days. Finally she brought them and I remember running into my room and crying tears of joy. The day of the concert November 17 at 7:00pm when I was driving there I purposely left my glasses at home because I thought I was going to actually meet them. But I didn’t but at least I saw the Cheetah Girls!

The Time I went to the Cheetah Girls


Page 25: My media project

My mom is the best person on earth she’s so kind and sweet. She always helps me with anything that’s going on. I remember one time I had to do a project and the procrastinator I am I left it until the last minuet. She was mad at first but she helped me either way. We worked on the project all day and when it came time to go to school I presented the project and I got and A and my teacher was really impressed. I told her that my mom helped me and she said that my mom is an amazing woman. I think so too. We always go to many different places like over the summer for about a month we went to the Wachusette Reservoir and we were climbing up and down all these stairs it was exhausting but I had lots of fun. When we reached the top of the stairs we saw the prettiest waterfall ever I even took a picture of it. My mom is the best person on earth.


Page 26: My media project

My cousin Kelly is amazing. When I was younger her and I would play with our Bratz dolls and we would play dress up all day. Kelly and I have lots of memories together she actually taught me how to blow a bubble with gum , she also taught me how to do my hair because I would always put it into the ugliest ponytail and she taught me how to put products in my hair and now I do my hair everyday just like her. Sadly she lives in Florida now and we hardly get to see each other but this summer I’m going down to Florida to visit my aunt. I cant wait to see Kelly!
