my orginal image evidence


Upload: caponemily

Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Page 1: My orginal image evidence



Page 2: My orginal image evidence


Before I took my images I created a set including lights, tripod and a back drop. I tested the lighting with a model in front of a green screen realising the green screen wasn’t the best option for my images I wanted to create, Instead I used fabric upon a pole stand to create the light and elegant effect. The shadows upon the back drop from my model created the mood and feel I wanted to connotate and recreate upon the images I have chosen to mirror as well as the ones I took myself to show the genre in more depth. The lighting was more balanced with the fabric as it was more permeable for the light instead of the green screen which created reflections and was more dark. I set up the backdrop taking notice of natural light, as the windows were aside of the backdrop so it wouldn’t effect the lighting I was using.

Page 3: My orginal image evidence


While taking my images I took in consideration of the lighting upon my models face and skin tone therefore positioning the model so there is no shadows upon her face, I altered the light in relation to the flash on the camera some images needed more light than others for example the images of the model on the floor would be darker than those of her standing due to natural light

Page 4: My orginal image evidence


Page 5: My orginal image evidence

I like these images as they are from an alternative angle, prior to my shoot I researched indie based image moreover I came across certain shots that had different angles representing a different type of music genre. Her dress sense clearly indicates my genre with the dark dull colour tones. Consequently as these images are landscape medium and close up shots I would not be able to use these images as they do not signify music.

Page 6: My orginal image evidence

I like these images, as the model is positioned so the lighting doesn’t eff ect her face causing too much exposure. However this image does not portray music in any shape or form therefore I would possibly not use this image upon my work although they are strong photos due to the composition being full and central. The model clearly connotates my target audience due to her youth, hair style and clothing. I will use the top image upon my double page spread.

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I took this image to create a recordingStudio mise en scene, this is really important in making a music magazine I really like how she’s holding the microphone like she is singing and concentrating upon her music, even though you are unable to see her face it adds to image as I wanted it to connotate that she is hardworking, however I will not be using this image as her covers the majority of her face and has dark shadows upon the image.

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I Like this image as the composure and brightness is strong. I also like how the positon of the model looks like she is focused upon her singing but also is concentrating upon the camera for her fans. I like how the mise en scene has a recording studio look as that is how I wanted my image, furthermore I also like how she is holding the microphone as its Important my images connotate music. I have used mainly medium shots upon my double page spread as it was appropriate to carry out this style of shot after looking at research of other double page spreads

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I will use this image upon my double page spread, underneath text by decreasing the opacity. I like this image as its from an unique alternative angle, I also like how the focus us further up the image.

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I’m going to edit this image by using the spotlight tools to make it look like she’s performing and decreasing the brightness, I will crop out the backdrop of the image, to add a black and purple background to make it look like there’s stage lights.

Finished edit

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I have taken an image of my model, I then incorporated her face upon another image stood next to Ed Sheeran at a music awards I did this by using the blur tool on the orginal image and using the magic wand tool around my models head. I then locked the layers together to edit the brightness and contrast of the whole image.

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Page 13: My orginal image evidence

I do not like this image as the model face is covered by her hair, moreover I do not like the positioning of the models arms. I will not use this image in my media product because of this. However after taking this image I clearly saw that the composition and lighting was incorrect as the model was slighting off centre, I then altered this to produce a better image.

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This is the image I’m going to use upon my cover, its extremely stronger than the previous image. After taking the previous image I altered the lighting so it wasn't as bright and corrected the models position so her face is clearly more visible to the audience. The model gives the representation that she is dancing and her dress sense gives the connotation of the ‘indie’ feel and vibe and is more music related than the other images so it quickly is noticeable to the audience what genre of magazine this is, I will edit this photo by increasing the exposure and altering the dimension of the colour tone. I have chosen this shot as the main image is either a medium head shot or full length body shot in this case I chose full length/long shot to show variation in my images.

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I went to Leeds festival and took various images of bands and artists within the Indie genre this image is best image I took within quality and also includes the audience as well as the stage, I will be using this image upon my contents page as I really like the composition and fi ts in within my genre of music.

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These images will be used upon my front cover and contents page as a smaller side story image. I like that the model is directly looking towards the camera so is relatable to the audience, furthermore the model is a similar age to my target audience and looks similar to what they would look like so I have clearly approached my target audience by this image. While researching contents pages I found the images were medium close up’s therefore this is why I recreated that style of image.


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I l ike these images as it attracts not just females but males to my magazine. These images are music related and connotates my music genre type due to the guitar within the images. I carefully chose clothing for the model from the inspiration of my target audience and what would appeal to them. The composition of the medium shot is full and has no sparse areas, however I would crop down themedium long shot imageso the background doesn’t take up a large Proportion.


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I do not like this image due to the angle, the model and guitar is at a slant, the audience is drawn to the model rather than both the model and guitar, this is needed as it’s a music magazine approaching those who have an interest in music. I incorporated images including instruments and microphones so the magazine doesn’t become a fashion or lifestyle genre rather than music. The models expression on his face is incorrect as it doesn’t give a dramatic vibe.

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In these images I set up the green screen in order to have refl ective light from the backdrop to create shadows and central l ight. I l ike these images as the model is positioned In a particular warming manner so the audience is appealed to my magazine. The cover shot is a close up/headshot of my model as it ’s a side story image whereas the contents image Is a medium shot I will edit both of these images following the conventions of a cover and contents page.