my schoolmagazinesurvey

My results shows that mainly students of age 15+ are the main majority that would potentially read and buy the magazine. Therefore, I’d try and aim my magazine to appeal to much older students. I’d do this by perhaps using less busy colours to attention grab as older students would be used to more of a professional look on reading material unlike younger students who’d prefer more complex colours and busy looks. The results show that the stakeholders are quite balanced as there are a similar number of females and males that took the survey. Therefore, I’ll have to aim my magazine towards both groups by using different colours, designs and content which would appeal to both of these gender groups. However, there are a bit more females therefore I might choose to use feminine colours and designs in

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Post on 10-Jan-2017




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Page 1: My schoolmagazinesurvey

My results shows that mainly students of age 15+ are the main majority that would potentially read and buy the magazine. Therefore, I’d try and aim my magazine to appeal to much older students. I’d do this by perhaps using less busy colours to attention grab as older students would be used to more of a professional look on reading material unlike younger students who’d prefer more complex colours and busy looks.

The results show that the stakeholders are quite balanced as there are a similar number of females and males that took the survey. Therefore, I’ll have to aim my magazine towards both groups by using different colours, designs and content which would appeal to both of these gender groups. However, there are a bit more females therefore I might choose to use feminine colours and designs in order to make it prominently femenine.

Page 2: My schoolmagazinesurvey

According to my results, the majority of the people who did the survey said that they enjoy magazines therefore I’m able to go ahead with the design. If there would be a majority disagreement, there would be no point in me making the magazine for a minority that would bring no profit. I’m going to have to add content that this majority want to see in order to keep the amount of people that enjoy magazines, stable.

My results show that a lot of people wouldn’t pay a lot for a magazine which allows me to think about a price around the low price range from £0.00-0.99. I’ll have to make sure that not a lot of colour is used and not a vast amount of pages are printed in order to maximise the profit from this magazine.

Page 3: My schoolmagazinesurvey

My results show that a lot of people would like to see a lot of colour and images. There is a balanced view on whether the design should be complex or simple. However, as I said in the previous slide, due to the fact that this is meant for older students, I’ll have to stick with the simple design or perhaps combine the two.

According to the results of the 6th question, a lot of people/students would like to see content based around school life, future education and extra-curricular information. The least amount of people would like to see content based on sports which allows me to pick out the necessary content for this magazine. I’ll go by the majority vote and include school life, future education and extra-curricular info. Perhaps include sport results/events on the last page.

Page 4: My schoolmagazinesurvey

My results show that a lot of people like school due to the friendly atmosphere and their friends. This brings me to thing that I should base my magazine about student interests, clubs and trips so people can make friends and enjoy making new friends.

My results show that there is a balanced view of favourite subjects therefore, these results tell me that I should include a vast amount of content based around these subjects. However, R.S is prominent in these results therefore I should use a lot of content to do with R.S as it appeals to a lot of people. I could perhaps write content about revision sessions or practice questions.

Page 5: My schoolmagazinesurvey

My results shows that there is a majority of people choosing to be a gamer in the future alongside being a professor, hairstylist and a doctor. The minority is being a mechanic in the future therefore I wont include any tips on being a mechanic. I could perhaps include links, information and advice on the chosen professions.

These results show that there is a higher interest in gaming and reading than any other choice. The interest “Writing” is the 2nd popular choice which informs me that I need to include a lot of writing advice. I should also include advice for gaming and reading alongside with recommended games and books for students.