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My Walk in the Wildwood by Louise Underhill Images © eBook © Louise Underhill / Priestess Tarot 2012 Deck Resources © Eddisson Sadd, London

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My Walk in the Wildwood


Louise Underhill

Images © eBook © Louise Underhill / Priestess Tarot 2012Deck Resources © Eddisson Sadd, London

IntroductionThis is a small eBook of my walk with and in, The Wildwood Tarot that was created and published in 2011 by Mark Ryan, John Matthews and illustrated by Will Worthington. Any copyright of the deck belongs to them and their publishers.

My BlogSome of the posts my blog has featured since The Wildwoods launch in April 2011.

The Interview SpreadThe story of my interview spread with The Wildwood.

The Bow SpreadA delve into the spread created by Mark Ryan and my interpretation of it.

AcknowledgementsAny and all acknowledgements in once place.

Images © eBook © Louise Underhill / Priestess Tarot 2012Deck Resources © Eddisson Sadd, London

IntroductionIn April 2011, The Wildwood Tarot was launched by Eddison Sadd. I had been following the decks creation since John Matthews and Mark Ryan had advertised its launch, but truth be told, I would have found out about it anyway. Years before this deck was even known to me, and before I even knew Mark Ryan was involved in Tarot, I had begun my own walk in The Wildwood, thanks in part, to Mark Ryan himself.

My walk in The Wildwood began in 1984, when HTV in the UK aired a show created by Kip Carpenter. That show, was Robin of Sherwood. The whole mysticism of Herne the Hunter, Robin Hood, Maid Marion and all the merry men began the evening it aired and has not stopped since. It may have wavered a little over the years, but I try and walk the Pagan path every day.

In 1984, I was still very much in depths of the Roman Catholic doctrine. Being Pagan or even the meaning of the word, was not even in my vocabulary. That however, did not stop me investigating what life would have been like living in the times of Robin Hood, of living a simple life and living off the land, taking only what was needed, not raping the land. I'd take bike rides to the local woods and spend hours in there, reliving the series I had fallen in love with. And who could resist the cheeky, silent, dark Saracen? Certainly not I, at least, not that I could or did admit out aloud to anyone. If I had known that one day, I would meet him and find him as gracious in life as his on-screen character, I probably would have swooned.

Images © eBook © Louise Underhill / Priestess Tarot 2012Deck Resources © Eddisson Sadd, London

However, I kept those feelings and thoughts with me for years, hidden away in my head. Even when I bought my first Tarot deck at 15, if I had known then Mark Ryan had created one, I would have bought it: his name was already well known to me. As it was, I was very ignorant of that fact and from the advice of the sales assistant in the shop in question, the Rider Waite Smith became my first deck: only to be put away for some nine or ten years.

Fast forward to my early years of marriage (having spent ages trying to find the right guy!) and I again have the inclination to learn them. With persuasion from the now husband and my greatest supporter, I went a hunting on the Internet and was persuaded to join TABI, the Tarot Association of the British Isles. And so my Tarot journey began and like the winding snakes of Balance, both Pagan and Tarot aspects began to get intertwined.

While with TABI, I learnt that Mark had produced a Tarot deck in the 1990's, roughly when I had bought my Rider Waite. It was called “The Greenwood”. Like a good girl, I went hunting for it, only to find it cost an arm, leg and a pint of blood and possibly a kidney from some people. Over £300 and that was in 2007. It's still the same today, if not more expensive.

Through TABI, though I do not know how (I think Alison Cross was instrumental in that information coming to light) I learnt of new version was being produced in 2009, partly because of the costs of The Greenwood and the fact that the artist for The Greenwood (Chesca Potter) could not be found to get permission to reprint The Greenwood using her images. We know on average that it takes about two years from start to finish to produce a Tarot deck, book and to get them printed, marketed and distributed.

And so, I waited and waited. Finally, the release date was announced and it drew nearer and nearer until, it arrived with the Publishers and then to Will Worthington. TABI had placed an order with Will and with the deck, we also got a signed postcard of Will's favourite, the Queen of Bows, represented in this deck by The Hare. And so, my Wildwood Journey really began.

Images © eBook © Louise Underhill / Priestess Tarot 2012Deck Resources © Eddisson Sadd, London

The first thing anyone usually does when they get a new deck, is open it and look through all 78 cards. I did exactly the same and I spent days looking at each of the images, marvelling in Will's brilliant art work. I could quite easily imagine myself staring straight at The Stoat or watching The Eel swim by, looking up at a hill and seeing The Abbas Giant on the other side. Will's done a fantastic job with the artwork! Now, all I had to do was “get inside” the heads of Mark and John to work out why this deck was going making the hairs on the back of my neck tingle so much.

The Seer is one of my personal favourites, right out of the box. If I had this deck before choosing my Tarot name or badge, I've have chosen her. As it was, she was not in existence or out of my reach, so I chose Priestess Tarot. I love the High Priestess and she's The Seer in this deck.

Images © eBook © Louise Underhill / Priestess Tarot 2012Deck Resources © Eddisson Sadd, London

My Blog

When the Wildwood came out, it was at a time when I was thinking: What could I offer to people that no one else has thus far? Given that the Tarot Community has a lot of people in it, 99% of whom were not known to me, and The Wildwood was about to come out. I wrote to Will Worthington, whom I had contact with thanks in part to TABI, and asked to use images from the deck for the site. He was quite happy to let me, on the basis that he'd met me and knew I wasn't just going to use them commercially. Okay, I'll be posting up some images and offering this deck as a reading deck via the website, but it's for promotion of that deck in a Tarot capacity, not selling images from that deck or trying to recreate it in any way, beyond its intended design and use (such as workbooks etc.) so I was kindly given permission.

By the time the permission had come through, I had about 7 posts up of The Wildwood and two images. I find it interesting that I began posting with The Wildwood on Beltane 2011 (May 1st).

I increased the images to three and posted about three images a week. Then I had a small disaster with Wordpress and had to move the site, which meant that my blog posts from that week were gone, but I was able to re-create it and thanks to the beauty of Wordpress, I could back-date the posts. It was a small pain in the behind, as I did not feel I had gotten to grips with the deck then, even though it had struck a cord within me that I had not felt since I had begun walking this Pagan path: as if totally obeying an instruction from the Divine that I simply could not ignore as it wove itself into the very fibre of my being. However, the posts have been getting better and better, even if I do say so myself.

And so, my Wildwood Card of the Day (or, COTD as it's often shortened to) was born. I post every day and regularly, I have some really synchronisation moments with the deck. I'll share some of the “Oh my goodness!!” moments with you here. As you can see, the style has changed over time as I have learnt and grown. The only way you can do it, is to do it too!

Synchronisation Moment #1:5th May 2011: Card of the Day: The Forest Lovers ( card shows us two people, holding hands around a may pole that is a Silver Birch. This is often interpreted as Robin Hood & Maid Marian, performing their own hand-fasting. It shows the signs of spring in the lilies growing in the foreground and the Birch tree in leaf between the two lovers.

Images © eBook © Louise Underhill / Priestess Tarot 2012Deck Resources © Eddisson Sadd, London

I'll have to post my interpretations later... this one is going to need thinking about, for I am not sure what it is trying to tell me about today.I had to pick the book up on this one and I read the following:

The forest lovers represent both balance in a relationship and the sexual union between two polarised individuals. This in itself encompasses the love of all nature, both human and ecological as well as that of individuals.

And another excerpt from the book:It is an interchange of energy and passion, not the surrender or domination of either but a voluntary exchange of willpower and respect.

So, as the last sentence of this card from the book says (and after experiencing today) it is a reminder to always bring the light of love (for yourself and others) with you; allow it to illuminate the darkest corners of your world and support you through whatever you set out to do.And I wish I had picked up the book and read all this earlier in the day.

Synchronisation Moment #2:Wildwood COTD : 6 of Stones ~ ( shows two people asking for something. They're holding their bowls out, looking up to the Heavens, asking their Gods and Goddesses for intervention. Why are they being treated or exploited in this way? The fields in the background are desolate, lifeless. The beehives are empty and broken.This shows the capacity to exploit things to our own detriment, believing we have a right to do so. We're exploiting things and we have no right. This is our time, yes, but we have children who need to use this planet after us. And our grand-children aren't here yet.To those that died on the M5 today, I pray you are now safe and out of harms way. To the cause of the crash, may you be forgiven. To those left behind, I am sorry for your loss. To those inconvenienced: you live. Others do not.And to Becki: I'M SORRY I FORGOT! :(

Synchronisation Moment #3:Wildwood COTD : 8 of Vessels (

Images © eBook © Louise Underhill / Priestess Tarot 2012Deck Resources © Eddisson Sadd, London

On this New Years / Hogmanay Eve, another brilliant card comes to join us. It is the Eight of Vessels and instead of the mourning and the "walking away" we have in the RWS, we have a far more optimistic and joyful card and keyword. The keyword is "Rebirth" and as you can see from the picture, there's a lot of water flowing towards and past us.

Card of the Day - Eight of Vessels

What has flowed down from those little cups into the bigger vessel? What should you let go of? For me, I should let go of the challenges in 2011 I did not manage to overcome or the tasks I did not do or complete. It was a "5" year for me (The Ancestor in this deck or the Pope / Hierophant in RWS) and this year, I move up a card into my own Birth Card, to a 6, The Lovers.So, whatever 2012 has in store for you, let go of the past, you cannot change it. Embrace the future, for it is what you make it. And as a friend of mine (Anne Marie Kell) has posted to my Facebook wall:_./'\._¸ .•¤**¤•.¸.•¤**¤•..•¤ **¤ •.¸.•¤**•. .•* *Happy new year I hope 2012 is amazing for you x/.•*•.\ ¸ .•¤**¤•.,.•¤**¤•.*.•¤**¤•.¸ .•¤ **¤• I shall leave you to ponder and celebrate the bells while I set to work on a very large, New Year Spread. Best of luck to you all and please, stay safe!! :)

Images © eBook © Louise Underhill / Priestess Tarot 2012Deck Resources © Eddisson Sadd, London

My Interview SpreadWhen I first obtained The Wildwood, I spent some time going through each card. While I made mental notes of my interpretations, I did not write them down. More fool me! However, as with any deck I plan to use for readings, I did an “interview” with it. I had worked out quite quickly that the Rider Waite Smith meanings would not apply here as a straight transparent deck. This one, I would have to learn from scratch, as if this were my first deck. As I held it in my hand, I was tingling with excitement and anticipation. I did not realise it at the time, but my “Spirit Guide” was the voice I hear when read with this deck. These are the cards I drew out.

The reading cloth is produced by the fantastic AniaM ( and the interpretations are all mine. Thanks to TABI for the Interview Spread information.

Images © eBook © Louise Underhill / Priestess Tarot 2012Deck Resources © Eddisson Sadd, London

1/ Tell me about yourself. What is your most important characteristic? Card 3 - The Green Woman.I am complex and subtle but highly dynamic in my interaction with you. For you, I have been waiting.

2/ What are your strengths as a deck? Ten of Arrows (Instruction)I am here to add another arrow of skill to your bow. Learn the knowledge that has gone before from older generations. And listen well!

3/ What are your limits as a deck? Card 2 - The SeerI may not always be clear in my instructions, for riddles and dreams are the way I work. In time, you may understand but it will take time. Employ me daily so we may begin our journey. (This I felt is my first "telling off" folks!)

4/ What do you bring to the table? What are you here to teach me? Four of Arrows (Rest)I am here to teach you to take some time out, to allow you to recharge and to make you connect again to the Otherworld, to renew and rejuvenate your vitality.

5/ How can I best learn from and collaborate with you? Card 19, The Sun of Life.Allow yourself to shine and trust your instincts. In doing so, your inner light will shine and be nourishing to others and yourself.

6/ What is the potential outcome of our working relationship? Three of VesselsIt's time to have fun but not have fun alone. Collaborate, celebrate and enjoy!

My interpretation at the time was this:Now, it may seem strange that I seemed to pick up 3 telling's off. Well, basically, I had become too serious with Tarot, life and family in general. Disconnected, tired almost. I think this deck has picked up on that and has issued me with (in this lifetime anyway) yet another Greenwood type personal challenge. I can't explain the first ones, they're personal but they involved a lot of learning back when I was younger than I am now (much, much younger!) and it certainly took years. This one looks to be just as long as that one. I might have it done by the time I'm fifty! (LOL)

Images © eBook © Louise Underhill / Priestess Tarot 2012Deck Resources © Eddisson Sadd, London

The Bow SpreadMark Ryan created this spread when The Greenwood was released in the 1990's and is very tried and tested. Mark has been working with it for over 20 years. However, I did not know that and picked it up from The Wildwood book and struggled with it. That's why it was included with The Wildwood: To carry on that Greenwood legacy. When I had the chance to meet Mark, a lot of us had the same question: How the devil does this spread work?!

Basically, how the printers laid it out in the book is not how it is used when Mark uses it or how he created it. But because of how the printers chose to lay it out, that was the best way they could put it out on paper. For the benefit of this eBook, I've shown images of both aspects. One straight from the book, the other as Mark himself laid it out. I've used the same cards, so you can see how the visual change is significant.

So, what does this spread do? In Mark's own words, it gets straight to the heart of the matter. It gives you the bow, the passion, the fire and at the same time, it gives you the arrow, where your decision may lead you to. Like anything else, if you don't want to head in the direction the Tarot says you are, you can change things. The power is always with you, the person asking the question.

So, here's my first attempt at The Bow spread. My basic book image first, then my interpretation:

Images © eBook © Louise Underhill / Priestess Tarot 2012Deck Resources © Eddisson Sadd, London

1) The Significator - What is the issue about? Six of Arrows: TransitionYou're on a period of change. There's calm waters on one side, rough waters on the other. There may be an unconscious impulse to travel beyond your present (perhaps static) horizons. Everything points to you navigating these new waters successfully. There may be obstacles that challenge older methods and new dynamic responses required to adapt to a new set of paradigms.

2) The Bow - What is my focus on the issue? Five of Vessels: EcstasyYou are wanting emotionally to feel free to dance, to shine to laugh and to cry! It is about enjoying yourself and re-learning how not to be a stick in the mud. Learn to enjoy yourself and not be swamped emotionally by responsibilities. While the responsibilities may still be there, you are now approaching a time where you can learn to “lighten up”.

3) The Conscious Limb - What do I think about the situation? Ace of Bows: Spark of LifeYou think that this is a good time for now you can shape your direction. You can nurture this process and bring out the empowerment that lies within. It's going to take skill and effort, commitment and persistence but the universe is responding with enlightenment, challenges and opportunities. Be prepared for what is to come and focus and tune your instincts to the challenges at hand.

4) The Unconscious Limb - What do I feel about the situation? Page of Vessels: OtterYou're at home in emotions and out of them in logic and practicalities. You're a dreamer and you can weave a spell that few can resist. Your loyalty, devotion and sense of fair play make you out as an individual whose will is tempered by a profound understanding of the Otherworld. You feel playful, excited, intrigued.

5) The String - What drives the issue? 17 – The Pole StarThe power of Universal Lore and Law is driving you just now. It could either be within the individual or it could be permeating a web of circumstance that will bring profound change and a new spiritual hope. Whenever you are feeling lost in the dark labyrinth of life, remember that the same laws that created our Sun and The Pole Star, also created you. You have hopes and dreams you dare not articulate. There is no need, I understand them as I would my own. I can and will, help you realise them.

6) The Fletchings - What guides the solution? Four of Stones: ProtectionIt is time to find and build an emotional place of safety whilst you and I learn. It will require patience and a stoical dedication to the quest at hand, but if you

Images © eBook © Louise Underhill / Priestess Tarot 2012Deck Resources © Eddisson Sadd, London

have weathered adversity and known loss, the light of love and life will always burn brightly. The law of Karma says that for each act of selfless protection and mercy given to those in need revitalises the spiritual warrior with a sense of peace and divinity rarely found in common practice.

7) The Arrowhead - What is the outcome? Three of Bows: FulfilmentNourishment and fulfilment are the key words with this card. This is your aim: to be fulfilled. At the moment, you're lost but you have a journey ahead of you to get to where I am. I am at one with the bow. I can fully direct its potential energy. With you, I can give your questing and seeking heart the knowledge of how that energy flows through you. I can provide this inner stronghold of strength and peace but it can only be achieved with constant reappraisal, vigilance and commitment to your goals. However, let the act of letting the power flow through you is essential. Trust that your arrows will fly true.

As I said above, I've re-created the spread the way Mark showed us at the UK Tarot Conference. Note that I have removed the white boarders in the mean time between time it took me to meet Mark. I feel the deck works better after it's had a boarder-ectomy.

Personally, I find the way Mark showed me much better to work with. Now all I have to do is keep practising with this spread.

Images © eBook © Louise Underhill / Priestess Tarot 2012Deck Resources © Eddisson Sadd, London

AcknowledgementsI wish to acknowledge the following:

Mark Ryan, John Matthews & Will Worthington for producing this fantastic deck! They totally own the copyright for the images and any excerpts from the Wildwood Book in question, as do Eddisson Sadd, London.

Ania Marczyk for producing the reading cloth and bag upon which the photographs are taken. That really makes the deck!

Amethyst for telling me I can!

LisaFrideborg Lloyd for all the support!

TABI (Tarot Association of the British Isles, for the wonderful training over the years already undertaken and still to come. Thank you everyone!

Images © eBook © Louise Underhill / Priestess Tarot 2012Deck Resources © Eddisson Sadd, London