n-77/87 2008 pb cuts slashing the submarine force

N-77/87 2008 PB Cuts Slashing the Submarine Force Claudia Peña-Guzman Javier Figueroa Jun Constantino Mark Greene Jeff Finlay

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N-77/87 2008 PB Cuts Slashing the Submarine Force. Claudia Peña -Guzman Javier Figueroa Jun Constantino Mark Greene Jeff Finlay. Agenda. Overview of decision process Overall Impact Proposed cuts and rationale OMN – Javier OPN – Jun RDTEN – Mark WPN – Jeff. Decision Process. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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N-77/87 2008 PB CutsSlashing the Submarine Force

Claudia Peña-GuzmanJavier FigueroaJun Constantino

Mark GreeneJeff Finlay

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• Overview of decision process• Overall Impact• Proposed cuts and rationale

– OMN – Javier– OPN – Jun– RDTEN – Mark– WPN – Jeff

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Decision Process

• Multi-Layered Approach1. SECDEF PBDs: look for the programs that have

already been “marked” for reductions2. Budget analysis: look for questionable and/or

unusual trends3. Look for programs that do not impact readiness

or add value to operations.

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PROPOSED CUTSAll Values Are In $K Unless Specified Otherwise.

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Initial Cut

• Total Cut: $268.535M (3% of original $8,915.872M)

• 0.75% “Salami Slice”– “Shared Pain is Less Pain”– Forces PMs from all programs to examine their

programs more closely and cut out some of the fluff.– $42.484M from programs not otherwise cut.

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Larger Cuts

• Cut from Selected Programs: $226.051M• No individual programs cut for the following

Appropriations:– Procurement of Ammunition, Navy & Marine Corps

(PANMC)– Shipbuilding & Conversion, Navy (SCN)

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Operations and Maintenance, Navy (OMN)

– Last “Combat Support Forces” Line Item is actually from Operations and Maintenance, Navy Reserve (OMNR), not OMN.

• Total Cut: $78.646M

BSO LI Label Initial Value Cut Final Value 19 Fleet Air Training 10,753 3,225.90 7,527.10 24 Ship Operational Support & Training 209,565 10,478.25 199,086.75 24 Ship Depot Operations Support 254,917 38,237.55 216,679.45 24 Space Systems & Surveillance 12,881 644.05 12,236.95 24 Combat Support Forces 7,774 1,166.10 6,607.90 24 Hull, Mechanical & Electrical Support 1,229 368.70 860.30 30 Fleet Ballistic Missile 912,198 13,682.97 898,515.03 39 Space & Electronic Warfare Systems 14,784 2,217.60 12,566.40 41 Space Systems & Surveillance 57,430 2,871.50 54,558.50 60 Space Systems & Surveillance 25,020 1,251.00 23,769.00 60 Combat Support Forces 7,797 1,169.55 6,627.45 70 Combat Support Forces 6,162 924.30 5,237.70 72 Combat Support Forces 155 46.50 108.50

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Operations and Maintenance, Navy (OMN)

• OMN 19; Commander, Naval Air Systems Command; LI 1A2A; Fleet Air Training– Aviation should pay for this, they suck at ASW anyway

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $2013138,333 133,644 131,912 10,753 11,464 11,569 11,689 11,926 12,167

Percent Cut 30.0% Change –3,226 –3,000 –3,000 –3,000 –3,000 –3,000

Final Value 7,527 8,464 8,569 8,689 8,926 9,167

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Operations and Maintenance, Navy (OMN)

• OMN 24; Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command; LI 1B2B; Ship Operational Support and Training– This Line Item includes support for DSRV, which was

also cut

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $2013468,560 475,129 470,379 209,565 203,195 214,268 224,782 229,137 233,687

Percent Cut 5.0%Change –10,478

Final Value 199,087 203,195 214,268 224,782 229,137 233,687

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Operations and Maintenance, Navy (OMN)

• OMN 24; Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command; LI 1B5B; Ship Depot Operations Support– Reduced support for RADIAC Replacement (also cut).

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $2013850,507 774,385 883,329 254,917 251,847 271,219 280,254 277,000 274,965

Percent Cut 15.0%Change –38,238

Final Value 216,679 251,847 271,219 280,254 277,000 274,965

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Operations and Maintenance, Navy (OMN)

• OMN 24; Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command; LI 1C3C; Space Systems & Surveillance– Pull funding from Space Ops.

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $201314,519 11,702 19,052 12,881 13,262 13,727 15,035 15,329 15,628

Percent Cut 5.0%Change –644

Final Value 12,237 13,262 13,727 15,035 15,329 15,628

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Operations and Maintenance, Navy (OMN)

• OMN 24; Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command; LI 1C6C; Combat Support Forces– Spec War/CB (components should foot bill).

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $2013147,207 129,881 203,090 7,774 8,000 8,235 8,331 8,488 8,649

Percent Cut 15.00% Change –1,166

Final Value 6,608 8,000 8,235 8,331 8,488 8,649

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Operations and Maintenance, Navy (OMN)

• OMN 24; Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command; LI 4B5N; Hull, Mechanical & Electrical Support– Sufficient studies to reduce ship maintnence, already

on downward trend; FY08 budget submission already shows 98% cut (from $55.229M to $1.229M).

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $201346,951 49,617 50,766 1,229 1,203 1,136 1,168 1,190 1,212

Percent Cut 30.00%Change –369

Final Value 860 1,203 1,136 1,168 1,190 1,212

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Operations and Maintenance, Navy (OMN)

• OMN 30; Director, Strategic Systems Programs; LI 1D2D; Fleet Ballistic Missile

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $2013803,934 827,302 929,327 912,198 970,588 974,998 996,716 1,016,321 1,035,308

Percent Cut 1.50%Change –13,683

Final Value 898,515 970,588 974,998 996,716 1,016,321 1,035,308

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Operations and Maintenance, Navy (OMN)

• OMN 39; Commander, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command; LI 4B7N; Space & Electronic Warfare Systems– METOC updates not formatted for use by Sub

Targeting Systems; FY08 budget submission shows marked decrease from 75.2M to 14.8M.

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $201356,108 58,966 65,317 14,784 17,224 17,115 17,595 18,020 18,360

Percent Cut 15.00%Change –2,218

Final Value 12,566 17,224 17,115 17,595 18,020 18,360

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Operations and Maintenance, Navy (OMN)

• OMN 41; Director, Navy Systems Management Activity; LI 1C3C; Space Systems & Surveillance– Pull funding from Space Ops.

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $201353,814 55,806 61,450 57,430 59,858 60,355 62,620 61,345 64,939

Percent Cut 5.00%Change –2,872

Final Value 54,559 59,858 60,355 62,620 61,345 64,939

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Operations and Maintenance, Navy (OMN)

• OMN 60; Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command; LI 1C3C; Space Systems & Surveillance– Pull funding from Space Ops.

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $2013101,329 122,623 125,642 25,020 26,045 27,962 28,618 29,110 29,615

Percent Cut 5.00%Change –1,251

Final Value 23,769 26,045 27,962 28,618 29,110 29,615

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Operations and Maintenance, Navy (OMN)

• OMN 60; Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command; LI 1C6C; Combat Support Forces – Spec War/CB (components should foot bill).

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $2013814,463 848,575 898,120 7,797 7,341 8,074 8,279 8,443 8,614

Percent Cut 15.00%Change –1,170

Final Value 6,627 7,341 8,074 8,279 8,443 8,614

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Operations and Maintenance, Navy (OMN)

• OMN 70; Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet; LI 1C6C; Combat Support Forces – Spec War/CB (components should foot bill).

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $2013388,314 528,545 421,595 6,162 6,247 6,277 6,404 6,707 6,830

Percent Cut 15.00%Change –924

Final Value 5,238 6,247 6,277 6,404 6,707 6,830

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Operations and Maintenance, Navy Reserve (OMNR)

• OMNR 72; Commander, Navy Reserve Force; LI 1C6C; Combat Support Forces – Spec War/CB (components should foot bill)…reserve.

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $2013153,344 154,689 72,334 155 157 162 165 168 172

Percent Cut 30.00%Change –47

Final Value 109 157 162 165 168 172

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Other Procurement, Navy (OPN)

• Total Cut: $46.088M

BSO LI Label Initial Value Cut Final Value 24 Sub Periscopes & Imaging Equip 69,753 6,277.77 63,475.23 24 Submarine Support Equipment 31,178 3,117.80 28,060.20 24 Deep Subm Sys Proj (DSSP) Equip 6,159 1,231.80 4,927.20 24 Submarine Life Support System 16,128 1,451.52 14,676.48 24 SURTASS 10,484 2,096.80 8,387.20 24 RADIAC 1,671 250.65 1,420.35 24 Gen Purp Elec Test Equip (GPETE) 1,251 62.55 1,188.45 39 Submarine Communication Equipment 86,551 28,561.83 57,989.17 41 Fixed Surveillance System 60,745 3,037.25 57,707.75

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Other Procurement, Navy (OPN)

• OPN 24; Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command; LI 0831; Sub Periscopes & Imaging Equip– Cut in 2009 PBD.

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $201363,437 64,569 67,347 69,753 72,027 52,813 64,395 76,270 78,467

Percent Cut 9.00%Change –6,278

Final Value 63,475 72,027 52,813 64,395 76,270 78,467

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Other Procurement, Navy (OPN)

• OPN 24; Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command; LI 0941; Submarine Support Equipment– Cut in 2009 PBD.

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $201324,779 2,669 26,077 31,178 26,145 29,882 36,436 26,783 25,190

Percent Cut 10.00%Change –3,118

Final Value 28,060 26,145 29,882 36,436 26,783 25,190

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Other Procurement, Navy (OPN)

• OPN 24; Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command; LI 0955; Deep Subm Sys Proj (DSSP) Equip– Already decreasing, push off to future years.

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $201319,386 12,548 4,706 6,159 3,377 2,368 2,404 2,450 2,497

Percent Cut 20.00%Change –1,232 500 500 232

Final Value 4,927 3,877 2,868 2,636 2,450 2,497

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Other Procurement, Navy (OPN)

• OPN 24; Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command; LI 0990; Submarine Life Support System– Cut in 2009 PBD.

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $201313,844 14,476 14,681 16,128 16,749 18,619 19,085 19,343 18,805

Percent Cut 9.00%Change –1,452

Final Value 14,676 16,749 18,619 19,085 19,343 18,805

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Other Procurement, Navy (OPN)

• OPN 24; Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command; LI 2237; SURTASS– SURTASS is surface sonar array, should be funded by

surface funding.

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $20137,118 -7,225 7,850 10,484 23,753 24,179 1,487 1,513 1,540

Percent Cut 20.00%Change –2,097

Final Value 8,387 23,753 24,179 1,487 1,513 1,540

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Other Procurement, Navy (OPN)

• OPN 24; Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command; LI 2920; RADIAC– The RADIACs in place still work, and the plan to

replace them can be delayed.

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $201312,378 13,008 12,671 1,671 1,694 2,263 2,318 2,362 2,407

Percent Cut 15.00%Change –251

Final Value 1,420 1,694 2,263 2,318 2,362 2,407

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Other Procurement, Navy (OPN)

• OPN 41; Director, Navy Systems Management Activity; LI 2225; Fixed Surveillance System– Cutting 5% from current surveillance systems, but

leaving next gen surveillance development alone.

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $201354,946 64,462 60,438 60,745 73,381 76,102 84,957 111,480 66,085

Percent Cut 5.00%Change –3,037

Final Value 57,708 73,381 76,102 84,957 111,480 66,085

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Research, Development & Test Equipment, Navy (RDTEN)

• Total Cut: $40.627M

BSO LI Label Initial Value Cut Final Value 24 Adv Submarine System Dev 134,882 2,697.64 132,184.36 30 Hardened Target Munitions 126,434 37,930.20 88,503.80

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Research, Development & Test Equipment, Navy (RDTEN)

• RDTEN 24; Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command; LI 0603561N; Adv Submarine System Dev– Cut in 2009 PBD.

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $2013— — — 134,882 143,050 155,335 138,511 127,936 115,084

Percent Cut 2.00%Change –2,698

Final Value 132,184 143,050 155,335 138,511 127,936 115,084

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Research, Development & Test Equipment, Navy (RDTEN)

• RDTEN 30; Director, Strategic Systems Programs; LI 0604327N; Hardened Target Munitions– Re-aligning program to shift contracts to future years…

program dead anyway (being zeroed out).

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $2013— — — 126,434 20,000 — — — —

Percent Cut 30.00%Change –37,930 20,000 10,000 7,930

Final Value 88,504 40,000 10,000 7,930 — —

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Weapons Procurement, Navy (WPN)

• Total Cut: $63.502M

BSO LI Label Initial Value Cut Final Value 24 MK-48 Torpedo ADCAP Mods 64,052 6,405.20 57,646.80 24 Torpedo Support Equipment 30,777 1,538.85 29,238.15 24 Spares and Repair Parts 2,870 717.50 2,152.50 30 TRIDENT II Mods 1,087,801 54,390.05 1,033,410.95

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Weapons Procurement, Navy (WPN)

• WPN 24; Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command; LI 3225; MK-48 Torpedo ADCAP Mods– Current Torpedo Technology is years ahead of other

countries and sufficient to meet current threats, this re-alignment continues procurement at a slower pace.

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $201365,202 67,891 66,523 64,052 62,446 62,317 63,890 65,164 66,463

Percent Cut 10.00%Change –6,405 3,000 2,000 1,405

Final Value 57,647 65,446 64,317 65,295 65,164 66,463

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Weapons Procurement, Navy (WPN)

• WPN 24; Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command; LI 3301; Torpedo Support Equipment

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $201323,667 28,859 26,310 30,777 30,800 31,076 32,663 33,234 33,813

Percent Cut 5.00%Change –1,539

Final Value 29,238 30,800 31,076 32,663 33,234 33,813

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Weapons Procurement, Navy (WPN)

• WPN 24; Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command; LI 6120; Spares and Repair Parts– Push a portion of costs to the much lower funded off-


$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $201354,395 58,758 45,741 2,870 910 3,283 1,035 3,463 3,534

Percent Cut 25.00%Change –718 500 — 218

Final Value 2,153 1,410 3,283 1,253 3,463 3,534

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Weapons Procurement, Navy (WPN)

• WPN 30; Director, Strategic Systems Programs; LI 1250; TRIDENT II Mods– Current TRIDENT II sufficient to fulfill mission

objectives, re-align funding to future years to continue procurement at a slower rate.

$2005 $2006 $2007 $2008 $2009 $2010 $2011 $2012 $2013643,540 904,641 914,443 1,087,801 1,189,948 1,207,847 1,124,884 1,145,931 1,162,443

Percent Cut 5.00%Change –54,390 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 4,390

Final Value 1,033,411 1,204,948 1,222,847 1,134,884 1,155,931 1,166,833

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• $268.535M (3.0%) cut total– 0.75% Salami Slice from all programs– Other Larger cuts as specified.

• Appropriation Category Sub-totals:– OMN: $78.646M– OPN: $46.088M– RDTEN: $40.627M– WPN: $63.502M– “Fair & Balanced”

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