narratio presentation speech

A short story we can write down. But a big one – we have to manage. This is the unsolved creative writing problem. The entertainment industry this year is worth a lot (1.93 trillion) and it’s getting bigger. And all of this is dependant on the writer. That invests years on average (10 years) for a solid product. Big studios hire teams of professionals to make this quicker – but they still have communication issues. Even the best ones. I’ve been working in the industry for 9 years. From concept to distribution, throughout many different forms and media. And making stories for 20 years. There is no all-in-one solution for the data-overload or collaboration between co-authors. For a year the project was on hold. I believed that big leagues professionals got everything covered... until I met one (Steve Ince) 2 months ago and he not only shared my findings and expressed the need for such a software, but confirmed my hypothesis on how it can be made and what it could be and contributed with his expertise. He is the first professional author that provides us with invaluable feedback. There are others. All aware and interested. Their concerns are technical. And we are talking about projects that are worth millions and employ hundreds of people. So – we’re making Narratio. An all-in-one software solution for creative writing. It helps the author collect ideas, assemble a narrative, collaborate, delegate and track a project. We don’t expect all authors to use our software. Only the ambitious ones. This is not a one-time software tool that will go away. If done right – this is AutoCAD or Photoshop for an entire industry. An ancient art – solved for tomorrow. Thank you.

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Post on 08-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Narratio Presentation Speech

A short story we can write down. But a big one – we have to manage.

This is the unsolved creative writing problem.

The entertainment industry this year is worth a lot (1.93 trillion) and it’s getting bigger.

And all of this is dependant on the writer. That invests years on average (10 years) for a solid product.

Big studios hire teams of professionals to make this quicker – but they still have communication issues. Even the best ones.

I’ve been working in the industry for 9 years. From concept to distribution, throughout many different forms and media. And making stories for 20 years.

There is no all-in-one solution for the data-overload or collaboration between co-authors.

For a year the project was on hold. I believed that big leagues professionals got everything covered... until I met one (Steve Ince) 2 months ago and he not only shared my findings and expressed the need for such a software, but confirmed my hypothesis on how it can be made and what it could be and contributed with his expertise. He is the first professional author that provides us with invaluable feedback. There are others. All aware and interested. Their concerns are technical.

And we are talking about projects that are worth millions and employ hundreds of people.

So – we’re making Narratio.

An all-in-one software solution for creative writing. It helps the author collect ideas, assemble a narrative, collaborate, delegate and track a project.

We don’t expect all authors to use our software.

Only the ambitious ones.

This is not a one-time software tool that will go away.

If done right – this is AutoCAD or Photoshop for an entire industry.

An ancient art – solved for tomorrow.

Thank you.