natalia-sir francis drake

Sir Francis Drake By: Natalia O'Toole

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Page 1: Natalia-Sir Francis Drake

Sir Francis Drake

By: Natalia O'Toole

Page 2: Natalia-Sir Francis Drake

Birth and Death

Sir Francis Drake was born in 1540 and died

in 1596. Sir Francis Drake was born in a


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Time Line Part One

1549- Drake was apprenticed to the master

of a ship that said the parts of english

channel, and in mouth of the river Thames.

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Time Line Part Two

1567- In 1567 Drake commanded the Judith

on the second of the expedition organized.

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Time Line Part Three

In 1570 he returned to the Spanish Main to

get revenge, and for 3 years he made him

self a hated person there.

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Timeline Part Four

In December 1577, he set of to the golden

hind and started his adventure around the

world. He had the best equipped

expedition ever launched by England 5

stout well armed men,

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and a crew of 150 men. They reached the

cost In April 1578. On May twenty first they

entered straits of magellan at the southern

tip of south america.

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Exploration Information

Sir Francis Drake and his crew sailed up the

coast of Chile and Peru attacking and

destroying Spanish ships. They continued

north along the coastline, exploring

Vancouver, Canada.

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Exploration Information

Then they sailed across the Pacific Ocean

to the Celebes and Java. They crossed the

equator in July and sailed into Plymouth

Harbor in September of 1580. They

returned with one

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Exploration Information

ship and a half-starved crew of 58 men who

had not set foot on a populated shore for 6

months.The ship carried the richest cargo

ever to reach an English port. There were


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English port. There were spices, precious

metals, jewels, silks, fine porcelains, and

irreplaceable maps

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1.Delpar, H. (2005). Sir Francis Drake.

Chicago: World Book, Inc. 2. Drake.

(2000). Retrieved April 4-11-11, 2011, from



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3. Discovery Education Search. (n.d.).

Retrieved April 4-12-11, 2011, from

Discovery Education: