nccet command spanish seminar


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NCCET Commans Spanish Seminar PPT to recruit new members


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Continuing Education? Workforce Development? Contract/Customized Training? Faculty Academic Division

NCCET is your professional association

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Sharing of program ideas Linkages to resources to help you increase

revenue and enrollments Annual conference Cleveland, October 5-7

Networking Dynamic Website Leadership Institutes Austin, TX March 27-29

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Regional Conferences 3rd Annual Midwest Spring Alliance- June 5-6

Program Awards Exemplary Leadership Awards NCCET Publications

Catalyst NCCET News NCCET Abstract White Papers

Corporate Partnerships

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As a member of NCCET, you are entitled to a discount for the 88th Annual Convention of the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), to be held April 5-8, 2008 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The regular base fee is $597. 

The special NCCET fee is $450.

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Annual dues for an Individual Membership are $50.00. Institutional membership, which provides membership for five persons within a single college or university, is $200.00. Anyone who works at an institutional member college may attend the annual NCCET Conference at the member rate.

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Executive Committee President – Dr. Ruth Prather President Elect – Dr. Sally Winship Immediate Past President – Ellen Long VP Administration & Finance – Darcy McGrath VP Marketing & Membership Services – Dr. Chuck Terrell VP Communications – Cynthia Giese

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Regional Directors New England Metro – To be filled Middle Atlantic – Dr. Faith Harland-White South East – Bob Hammonds Great Lakes – Laurie Radke Midwest – Kathy Yeager South Central – Janet Sheppard North West – Dr. Lisa Edwards South West – Nancy Russell

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Functional Directors Community Services Programming – Sandy Gaskin Continuing & Professional Education – Dr. Denise Reading Workforce & Economic Development – Elaine Gaertner Learning & Training Technologies – Vacant At Large Directors –

Dr. Jon Alexiou and Dr. Diana Kelly

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Appointed Positions Corporate Liaison – Dr. Andrew Meyer

Contracted Position Managing Director – Dr. Bill Flynn

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