need to do this for m2 click this next time you go to do packet tracer

Step 1 drag a computer out of end devices then double click on it then turn the computer by pressing the red button. Step 2 once that is done you must get rid of the port and replace it with a wireless NIC port

Upload: lukecisco1

Post on 01-Sep-2014




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Page 1: Need to do this for m2 click this next time you go to do packet tracer

Step 1 drag a computer out of end devices then double click on it then turn the computer by pressing the red button.

Step 2 once that is done you must get rid of the port and replace it with a wireless NIC


Wireless NIC Also must have a linkeys you get that from wireless devices

Page 2: Need to do this for m2 click this next time you go to do packet tracer

Step 4 go to PC wireless and click on the tab connect then a default network will show click it.

Step 5 Go back to the desktop go to command prompt then type in ipconfig then this will show up.

Step 6 go off that then go to web browser and type the following on the when done it will ask you for a username and password the username and password are both admin then once typed in this will appear

Then go off that then go back to PC wireless and then go to connect tab and then click the SSID then connect to it

Page 3: Need to do this for m2 click this next time you go to do packet tracer

You must go to the wireless page and change the name to SSID then scroll down to the bottom and click save settings then you get a timeout page after

Go back onto web browser go on wireless security and then on security mode select WEP then type in key 1 1234567890 then save settings.

After you have done that you will get a request timeout as shown

Page 4: Need to do this for m2 click this next time you go to do packet tracer

Now go back to PC wireless and click the connect tab and click the connect tab click SSID then connect to it

You will get this screen and it will have to type in the WEP key 1 1234567890 then click connect then go off of that then click link information just to see if the connection was successful

Go back to web browser and go on the administration section then change the router password to cisco then go on the re-enter to confirm then go down and click save settings.

This screen will pop up and then click continue

Page 5: Need to do this for m2 click this next time you go to do packet tracer

Once that is done you must add a second PC it will be called PC2 you must remove the port and replace with a wireless NIC as you have done before in step 2.

You now need to go on to PC wireless and click the connect tab and then type in on the web key 1234567890 then click connect then you have finished.

At the end this what it should look like.