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  • 8/13/2019 Neuro Tap Change Protocol


    M STERING YOUR INNER G MEn Owners Manual For Your Mind

    Lesson 8THE NEURO-TAP Change Protocol

  • 8/13/2019 Neuro Tap Change Protocol



    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol




    Dr. Robert Anthony


    In the previous lessons we talked about the preliminary steps we must

    take to remove and replace our negative trances. What we want to do isremove and replace any experience, memory, or self-limiting belief that is

    creating a negative trance state.

    Perhaps in the past you have honestly tried to make positive changes

    through therapy, self-help programs or other methods. You are committed

    to making your relationships work, doing well at your job, being an

    effective parent, and most of all, to enjoy your life. But no matter what you

    do, you keep taking onestep forwardand twosteps back.

    If you have gotten this far I am convinced that you are seriously committed

    to making these changes, but obviously you havent been able to attain

    what you most passionately want for yourself, your family, or your


    You wonder Whats wrong with me? Why can't I consistently achieve

    what I think I am capable of achieving, and what can I do about it?

    Perhaps you wake up feeing depressed.

    You feel out of control.

    You lack motivation.

    You think the world is a mess.

    Your are exhausted at the end of the day.

    All that is about to change. I created the NEURO-TAPChange Protocol

    after years of observing that people couldn't seem to INITIATE and then

    SUSTAIN positive change.

    Many of my clients have spent countless hours and thousands of dollarson various self-improvement programs with little effect. What this says is

    that for most people the problem isnt a lack of commitment to making

    changes, it is the inability to SUSTAIN them. Moreover, even if things

    improve for awhile, their results are short-lived.

    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol is designed to remove virtually any

    dysfunctional emotional behavior pattern.

    It is not just another self-help method. Instead, it is a paradigm-shiftapproach that allows individuals to re-create themselves by eliminating

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    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol




    memories, experiences and self-limiting beliefs that cause them to behave

    in self-defeating, self-destructive ways that limits their ability to change


    The model used in most self-improvement books, audio and videoprograms or seminars is: more information + motivation + action =

    change. This approach makes sense to most people, whether they are

    therapists, parents or individuals.

    If you know WHAT to do and HOW to do it and if you are motivated

    (positively or negatively) and you take ACTION, isn't that all you need?

    Obviously NO, otherwise everyone would be wearing seat belts, which

    they dont. Everyone would keep their New Years resolutions instead of

    giving up in a few days or a few weeks. People who drink alcohol, smokecigarettes or have poor diets would be changing their behavior.

    But the information + motivation + action model isn't enough to change

    behavior patterns because our behaviors are rooted in our EMOTION.

    Also the negative internal representation or patterns have not been

    eliminated.The information + motivation + action model does not deal with

    emotional beliefsor DRIVERS,so permanent change is not possible.

    What is Really Driving You?

    The evidence you offer for not making a change in your life is not usually

    the reason behind it. Your evidence usually consists of recent

    observations that appear to substantiate your self-limiting belief.

    The real source of your self-limiting belief, however, is yourperceptionor

    internal representationof circumstances earlier in life.

    Your perceptionor internal representationshapes your emotions. Your

    emotions shape your beliefs. Your beliefs determine your behavior. For

    example, using the dog analogy again, if you believe dogs are friendly and

    a happy and excited dog jumps up on you, it will produce joy. You will

    probably pet the dog and enjoy the affection he is giving you.

    But if you are like me and were bitten by a dog when you were age 10,

    and you believe dogs can harm you, that same action will produce fear.

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    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol




    However once you change the internal representationand the limiting-

    belief, your emotional reaction to the same circumstances automatically

    changes. This is what I did with this belief and now I love dogs and they

    can sense it when they are around me. So it is the same circumstance

    with a different internal representation.

    Another example is if you have a belief that I deserve success, things

    usually work out the way I want them to and I can do anything I set my

    mind to. you will have an optimistic outlook about life and it will be fairly

    easy to attract whatever you desire.

    On the other hand, if you believe I dont deserve success, I lack

    confidence, I have to work hard to make anything happen. Things dont

    usually work out for me, and it is difficult to get what because of!(you fill

    in the blank), those beliefs will form apessimisticoutlook about life.

    Again, it goes back to our perceptionor internal representation.

    Nothing Has Meaning Until You Finish The Sentence

    We have talked a lot about internal representation and perception

    during this training. However, it is important that you get that nothing

    exists without meaning.

    There is no meaning to anything in life until we give it meaning. These

    meanings are only perceptions which forms our beliefs or opinions. When

    you say things like I am!, or Life is! or People are!, none of them

    have meaninguntil you finish the sentence.

    You are not!, people are not!, and the world is not!anythingunless

    you attaching meaning to it. What this boils down to is if you want to

    change anything, you just need to change the meaning, the perception

    or internal representationand you will AUTOMATICALLY change yourlife without any effort whatsoever! Its that simple!

    When You Create a Belief You Create Your Reality.

    In other words, whatever we say is out there is a distinctionthat exists in

    only in our mind.

    Creation is the act of making distinctions. So nothing is until you

    make it so. But once you do, trust me, it willdrive your behavior!

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    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol




    When you change a memory, experience or a self-limiting belief, you can

    changeyour reality and you can create new possibilities.

    When you hang on to a memory, experience or a self-limiting belief, you

    keep your reality and you eliminate any new possibilities because anybelief other than yours is not the truth.

    What we are doing is changing our inner perceptionwhich changes the

    way we view the world.

    Beliefs Create Survival Strategies

    Lets suppose you have a belief that There is something fundamentally

    wrong with me. or that Life will make it difficult, if not impossible, to


    Any time you have a self-limiting belief like the ones above, it will create

    anxietyor stresswithin your emotional system and your body.

    I have discovered that most people have two basic ways of dealing with

    emotional stress or anxiety. The first is to use DISTRACTIONS such as

    alcohol, food, drugs, watching TV or listening to loud music to cover up the

    feeling, numb themselves and make themselves feel better for awhile.

    The second way is they develop SURVIVAL STRATEGIES that help them

    deal with the emotional stress or anxiety.

    For example, John is an executive in a large corporation and earns over

    $100,000 a year. His core belief is I am not worthwhile. His SURVIVAL

    STRATEGY is What makes me worthwhile is being successful and

    important to others. As a result, he becomes anxious and emotionally

    stressedwhen someone he works with or a colleague gets praise, or he

    hasnt been included in a business meeting, or his boss doesntacknowledge him after he has competed a project.

    Christines SURVIVAL STRATEGY is Being beautiful makes me

    desirable. For most of her life she has lived comfortably with that belief.

    Her beauty has earned her attention, admiration and even love. Now she

    is approaching fifty and she is frightened. Age is beginning to catch up

    with her. She is losing the one thingshe thinks makes her acceptable and


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    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol




    The consequence of being run by a SURVIVAL STRATEGY is that instead

    of living out of choicesandpleasure doing things because you wantto

    do them you havedo them primarily to survive. In other words, the need

    to fulfill the terms of your SURVIVAL STRATEGY determines your life.

    When we a use a SURVIVAL STRATEGY instead of changing our core

    belief, eventually it will catch up with us and take away our power.

    From Victim to Creator

    In any given moment you either experience yourself as a Creatoror as a


    The victim says I cant help it. Things just happens to me. In other words,

    they have no control. When you take on the victim role you are

    permanently stuck. There is no way out because you hold on to the belief

    that you have no control, so you lose control of your life.

    You must see that any belief you hold is simply an interpretation.It does

    not matter if it is true or false. The question you have to ask is, Is this

    belief getting me what I want? Is it moving me towardor awayfrom what

    I want?

    Once you realize that none of your beliefs are "true and that you make upthe truth, you can ditch any belief. In other words, your belief has no

    power over you unless you want tokeepit. It no longer defines you.

    Here is the important part once you see you are not your beliefs, but

    insteadYOU CREATE YOUR BELIEFS, you have a tremendous ability to

    shape the direction of your life.

    Using the NEURO-TAP Change Protocolyou literally re-create yourself

    as a person who is able to eliminate experiences, memories and self-limiting beliefs and invent new possibilities for your life. You are in the

    drivers seat. You are the rider, not the horse.

    So lets follow this line of logic.

    If your life is consistent with your beliefs, and you make up your beliefs,

    what does that make you?

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    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol




    The Creator of Your Life!

    Once you realize you have lived with a belief that you think is the truth

    and you finally realize it not the truth, because you made it up based on

    your past experiences, the belief disappears because you are in chargenow.

    Interpretation Modification

    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol is a process of Interpretation

    Modification.You are modifying your interpretation of past experiences

    that forms your current beliefs.

    You can not only use it withpast beliefs, but with current ones as well. For

    example in sports. Lets say you play a sport with a ball. It can be any

    sport. How many times have you hit, kicked or thrown a ball and it did not

    go where you wanted it to? What did you feel? What did you think?

    Perhaps you thought and felt Im getting worse. Or I have blown it

    again, or Ill never get this right.

    Pause now and get in touch with one of these moments and the

    accompanying feeling or thought. Now understand that when you threw,

    hit or kicked the ball, it was nothing more than oneevent.

    The one eventreally doesnt meananything, but once you say it means

    something, you have formed a belief.And you once you believe you will

    never get it right guess what? You have literally created that belief for

    that day and possibly beyond.

    Get in the habit of watching your thought process when you play sports or

    do any activity and notice themeaningyou place on any one eventand

    how it carries over to the next event, etc.

    This is something I try to get across to every person I work with whether it

    is a business executive, a dancer, an actor or anyone who has to

    perform in front of others. When they start judging their performance and

    attach meaning to one eventand then use that event as an excuse why

    they cannot succeed in the future, it is a self-reinforcing cycle. However,

    once they understand this principle, it makes a huge difference in their

    ability to do better the next time.

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    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol




    In the future, when you interpret, when you judge your performance as

    bad, stop for a moment and realize that you have just reached a

    conclusion based on the interpretation ofoneevent.

    Can you see that what you concluded about your ability is only aninterpretation of that eventor those events and is not the truth? The

    only truth is the meaningyou give it. Change the meaningand you will

    change the future events.

    If you practice this technique you can eventually get to the point where you

    will catch yourself making a judgment and reaching a conclusion at the

    very moment it occurs.Then you begin to realize nothing has meaning.

    Everything that happens to you is only an eventand the meaning you give

    it is merely aninterpretationin your mind.

    Once you fully internalize this and realize nothing has meaningunless you

    give it a meaning, you can eliminate self-limiting beliefs as fast as they are


    Lets use an example. How about a phobia such as Flying on an airplane

    is dangerous.

    Have you ever had an experience and concluded flying on an airplane is

    dangerous? If not, think of another scary situation you have experienced.

    What happened that led to that belief? It could have been a number of

    things A near plane crash, reading about a crash in which many people

    died, etc. However, there areotherinterpretations. One is that plane travel

    is much safer than traveling by automobile. So, is flyingreally dangerous

    or is that your interpretation? Is it really the truth? It is the truth if you

    choose to believe it. But what about the other 200 - 300 people on the

    plane that dont believe it and know plane travel is one of the safest ways

    to travel? Their risk of crashing in a plane is the same, but their trip is

    much more enjoyable because they choose to interpret the facts


    Once you see that your belief is not the truth but your interpretationof

    the truth and that you can change it any time you want,then belief will be

    gone forever!

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    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol




    Training Your Mind To Do What Its Designed To Do

    You have already learned that the Subconscious mind is the emotional

    mindwhere all our experiences, memories, perceptions and self-limiting

    beliefs are stored.

    When we use the NEURO-TAP Change Protocolwe are addressing the

    mind that created the problem. We address the Subconscious mind and

    then we letitmake all the changes. We want 100% resolution

    In order to SUSTAIN change, meaning a belief is changed forever, we

    have to be very clear on how our mind works.

    I know you have heard some of this before, but please read this carefully

    in case you missed anything important.

    There are fundamental differences between the Conscious and

    Subconscious in regard to making changes.

    The Subconscious emotional mind is where all our experiences,

    memories, perceptions and self-limiting beliefs are stored. However, it is

    equivalent to a tape player. It records experiences and then plays them


    So you have the Consciousthinkingmindand the Subconscious tape

    player mind. The main difference between the Conscious and

    Subconscious mind is the Subconscious mind when viewed as a

    processor or as a computer, is a million times more powerful than the

    Conscious mind.

    Here is what is really happening.

    Lets say you want to make some changes in your life. You want toremove perceptions, internal representations of past experiences, or self-

    limiting beliefs that are keeping you from being healthy, building your

    business, having a loving relationship, or losing weight.

    Your start off thinking positive about it. The problem is while you are

    having all these wonderful positive thoughts in your Conscious rational

    mind, your Subconscious emotionalmind is running the show!

    In the Subconscious there is a tape playergoing. The programs on the

    tape are either working foryou or sabotagingyou. These programs, rooted

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    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol




    in our past experiences, memories and internal representations, limit our

    ability and take away our power

    Now the relevance about positive thought is this; Positive thought is a

    creative thinking process that comes from the Conscious rational mind. Soas I sit here and have all these wonderful positive thoughts and visualize

    all these wonderful things in my Conscious mind, my Subconscious mind

    is running the show.

    Now stop and think about the mechanical character of it. I am having

    these thoughts with a tiny little processor the Conscious mind, and I am

    competing with the programs that are recorded in the mega-processor

    Subconscious mind.

    So, I am having these positive thoughts about being healthy, building mybusiness, having a loving relationship, losing weight, etc. However, at the

    same time, I have a tape recordingor program in my Subconscious that

    says It is difficult to overcome your illness, or the economy is bad and

    building business is very difficult, or you are not worthy of a loving

    relationship, or you have failed at every relationship you have been in.

    What is happening is my positive thoughts are competing against my

    Subconscious programs, because they are opposite. Go back to the

    lesson on Conflicting Mind Conflicting Life and make sure youunderstand this.

    My positive thoughts work on a tiny processor and my competing thoughts

    work on a mega-processor that is a million times more powerful. Which

    one do you think is going to win that challenge? Of course, the

    Subconscious is going to win hands down, every time.

    The Conscious mind or positive thought may win through sheer willpower,

    but willpower is always temporary because it takes too much energy to

    SUSTAIN over a long period of time.

    So while I can try to maintain positive thoughts in my daily life, my

    Conscious mind only operates on those thoughts less than 5% of the day.

    95% of the day I am operating from the Subconscious, orthe other belief

    system.Do the math. How powerful are positive thoughts? The answer is

    they are uselessunless the Subconscious has the same program and

    agreementas Conscious mind.

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    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol




    So the Subconscious is equivalent to a tape player. It records

    experiences and thenplaysthem back. Many of these programs, rooted in

    our past memories, experiences and internal representations, limit our

    ability and take away our power to change our circumstances.

    Heres the catch. The nature of the Subconscious mind is it runs

    everything in the backgroundwhile the Conscious mind is busy paying

    attention to whatever is happening in the moment. If the Conscious mind

    is busy andnot paying attention, the Subconscious will run our default


    For example, lets say you know someone named Mary. You know her

    parents and you think Mary and her mother have pretty much the same

    behavior. So one day you say. Mary you are just like your mom. As soon

    as you say that, you had better back away, because she is not going totake that as welcoming news! She is going to say How can you say that?

    To her, she is not like her mom at all.

    Now it is interesting that everybody else can see Mary is like her mom, but

    Mary cant. So the question is why not? The answer is when she is playing

    the past programs she got from mother, she is not paying attention.She

    is playing her default program. So when these programs play she doesnt

    see them and she is surprised when people say that she is like her mom.

    The conclusion of why this dialog is important is we do not consciously

    see when the Subconscious is playing our recorded default

    programs. We think we are thinking, but we are on autopilot.

    Our Subconscious has programs in it that we primarily got from other

    people. The significance about that is when we are operating from these

    default programs and not seeing it, we are also not seeing we are

    playing programs that may not be supporting who we are and what we

    want. Those programs are in theConsciousmind.

    So when we are operating from our default programs, the Conscious

    mind says I want and the Subconscious mind says You cant and you

    know which one will win!

    Also, when life doesnt seem to work, when you dont find that relationship

    you are looking for, or when you dont get the healing youre looking for,

    even though you are thinking positive, you will have a tendency to blame

    something or someone outside of youbecause as far as you know, your

    positive thoughts and intention is for all these wonderful things tohappen.

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    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol




    And when they dont happen or you dont get what you want, it cant be

    your fault because you have all these wonderful positive thoughts and

    intentions. What you dont see is while you are having those positive

    thoughts and intentions using your Conscious mind, your Subconscious

    programing is still running the show.

    Why is this important? Because we all generally cop the attitude that there

    are forces outside of us that control our life. We often feel I am a victim of

    this world, the economy, my relationships, my physical problem, my past

    etc. and I cant do anything about it.And as soon as you buy into that -

    you declare yourself a victim. And nothing will change until you change

    that program because its your internal representation or perception

    that is controlling the outcome of your life.

    We also bought into this idea that there is somebody in the Subconsciouswe can talk to. Meaning if my Conscious mind finds my Subconscious

    mind behaving in some way that is not supporting my conscious intention

    and desires, my Conscious mind can talk to my Subconscious mind and

    say something like, You can do better than that, or Dont do that and

    my Subconscious will respond.

    You think you are having this inner dialog. Then you get upset because

    you keep doing the same thing over and over, or your behavior is out of


    But the question is who are you talking to? The answer is you are

    talking to a tape recorder!!

    The reality is we think we are talking to ourselves and believe this is going

    to fix or change things. But how can this happen if our tape programor

    internal representationis in our Subconscious?

    So when you try to use the Conscious mind to change, what you are really

    doing is talking to a tape player.

    The problem is theres nobody in there!

    Lets try an experiment and you will see what I mean. If you have a mobile

    phone you probably have a voice recorder built in to it. Most Smartphones

    these days have one. I want you to turn it on and record a short message

    that says You are stupid and you will never amount to anything. Repeat

    this two or three times.

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    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol




    Now play backthe message. As the recording is playing, if you dont like

    the message, here is what I would like you to do. Talk to the recorder. Talk

    to it and suggest it change the program. Even tell it what you want it to

    play. Say, No, I want you to say I am intelligent and I can do anything if I

    set my mind to it.

    Once you realize the old program is stillplayingand it hasnt changed

    after you told it to, you will get more frustrated and upset with yourself.

    Why? You used your Conscious mind to ask this program to change and

    its not changing yet.

    If you keep doing this, you will get even more upset at yourself because

    you cant control the tape or the recording.

    Then if that doesnt work, the last step is you have is to bring God into it,because obviously YOU tried to change your life or your recording and it

    didnt work, so God has to come in it and change the recording.

    So let me ask you a question, How much talking to tapeplayerdoes it

    take before tape changes the message? The answer is none! It cant be


    It is not that you cannot change the tape or the recording. However, you

    cannot do that with the Conscious mind. You have to learn how to pushthe recordbutton instead of theplaybutton. And then you can record a

    new program in the Subconscious and that will be the new recording it will

    act on.

    You have to put the Subconscious in therecordmode, not theplay back


    So the issue is if you want to make permanent changes then you have to

    learn how to engage the tape player in the recordmodeand not just talk

    to it while it is playing.

    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol is like pushing the recordbutton in

    the Subconscious mind, meaning we take out the old recording and

    replace the experiences, memories, internal representations and self-

    limiting beliefs so it will pay something else.

    The NEURO-TAPChange Protocolis designed to quickly transform our

    relationship to ourpast, creating shifts in our emotional and physical well-

    being in thepresent.

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    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol




    It is also designed bypasses the Critical Faculty. It breaks the negative

    trances and allows you todehypnotize yourselfby literally TAPPING into

    your Subconscious.

    Here is the protocol we will be using.


    The NEURO-TAPChange Protocolis very easy to do. In fact, you cannot

    do it wrongbecause it is simply a set of signals designed to help both

    your Conscious and your Subconscious to work together.

    The tapping instructions below are for a right-handed person. If you are

    left-handed just reverse it.

    When we tap we will use the three middle fingers of our right hand.

    Unlike EFT and other tapping procedures, we only tap in TWO places.

    TAP BETWEEN THE EYES - The first is a gentle tap on our forehead

    between our eyes. This is similar to EFT, however when we tap on the

    forehead between the eyes it is symbolic of tapping at door of the

    Subconscious mind. When your fingertips touch your forehead it alerts the

    Subconscious that you ready to make a change.

    It puts the Subconscious in the record mode. This is where we tell it

    what tape we want to erase and replace (rerecord).

    TAP THE HEART AREA The second tap in in the heart area. This is on

    the upper part of your chest on or near the heart. This doesnt have to be

    precise, because once again, it is symbolic. You will see why in a


    When we tap on the heart area we are addressing EMOTIONAL aspect of

    the Subconscious where we want the changes to occur.

    The tapping process is also designed to create a new neural pathway in

    the brain. The more you do it, the more your Subconscious associates the

    process with immediate change.

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    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol





    After you tap the heart area simply slide your three fingers on your right

    hand on top of your left hand, between the left wrist and the tips of your

    fingers in a brushing motion.

    This allows you to literally brush off the negative energy around the

    memories, experiences or self-limiting beliefs you want you want to LET

    GO of.

    After you do the brush off, take a DEEP BREATH IN, EXHALE and just

    say the word PEACE. What this signifies is that you have made peace

    with it. Youre okay to let it go. You dont need it anymore.

    Also, when you take a deep breath and exhale your body relaxes, so itnaturally feels good.

    Just a quick review.

    When you tap your forehead area you are sending a message to your

    Subconscious mind that I am ready to make a change.

    When you tap theheartarea you are indicating that you want to change

    your internal representation of this experience, memory or self-limitingbelief and by neutralizing itand removing the emotionattached to it.

    When you do the brush off by sliding your fingers on your right hand from

    the left wrist to the end of your left hand, take a deep breath, exhale and

    and say the word PEACE, you are LETTING GO of any negative

    ENERGY attached to this experience, memory or self-limiting belief. This

    step indicates you have had enough of it and you are getting rid of it for


    Thats all there is to it! Every step is symbolicand designed to build new

    neuropathways. You will see why this works in a minute.

    The problem with a lot of change techniques is they require you to play

    an audio program while doing the process. The NEURO-TAP Change

    Protocol just requires you to close your eyes, tap and brush off the

    negative energy around the memory, experience or self-limiting belief and

    let it go. You can do it anytime, anywhere.

    In fact, anytime you experience any negativeemotions you can use theNEURO-TAP Change Protocol immediately. When you do this you will

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    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol




    get instant reliefand then it goes away permanentlybecause you have

    both a cognitive and emotional shiftthat is permanent.

    How can we be sure we are making progress? Because when we use the

    NEURO-TAP Change Protocol we test our work. When I work with aclient I spend about 40% of the session on fixing the problem and 60%

    testing to make sure the changes have been made.

    Most therapists and hypnotherapist spend 90% of their time on the

    problem and 0-10% actually testing their work to make sure there is a

    congestive shift.

    Meaning, when the client tries to recreate the symptom or the feeling he or

    she cant, or its very difficult. Congestive shifts are when you have a

    change in your thinking or internal representation about a pastsituation, memory or self-limiting belief.

    When a congestive shift occurs, our past experiences, memories and

    self-limiting beliefs will be experienced in a different way.

    Here is why this is process is so important. Past trauma, mental and

    emotional stress along with negative thinking burns out our neural

    circuitry. This circuitry becomes almost useless.

    So when we use the NEURO-TAPChange Protocoland create a new

    neural connectionwe are getting a fresh start so to speak. The eventor

    trauma or past experience still happenedand the thought or belief is still

    there, but ourrepresentationof it is different. (It would be a good idea to

    read this paragraph again.)

    What we are doing is we are collapsing the negative images, thoughts

    memories and self-limiting beliefs. As we do this we reach a positive

    tipping point where we change our internal representation which

    changes our belief, and then things start to go the other way,

    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocolworks for neutralizing resistance or

    any negative emotion you experience. The process of healing your body

    with the NEURO TAPChange Protocol is the sameregardless of the


    When you eliminate, experiences, memories, thoughts and beliefs that are

    limiting you, you create new possibilities for action. This is where you

    benefit the most from this process.

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    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol




    Lets go through the process and it will all come together for you.


    Conventional psychology or insight therapy says if we want to changeour feelings and behavior the first step we need to take is to find out WHY

    our life is the way it is. My mother did this. My father did that. I was

    abused, etc. Now I know WHY I am the way I am.

    The question is, does that change the recording? The answer is NO.

    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocolis about changing the recording.


    The first step is to select a past experience, memory or self-limiting beliefyou want work on.

    One of the easiest ways to discover what you need to work on is to look at

    the things you DONT WANT in your life. Make a note of them, because

    these are the things you want to change.

    You will find that behind everything that you DONT WANT in your life

    there is always a self-limiting belief. This is what is keeping you from

    getting what you DO WANT!

    For example, if you are having money problems take a look at your

    thoughts around money or the economy or your business. Remember it is

    not the economy, your job, lack of job or business that is running you. It is

    your internal representationsaround them.

    Or, perhaps you had an experience in the past that you keep playing over

    and over in your mind. This is affecting your emotional stateand in turn

    will affect your beliefs about yourself and the world. It is time to let this go

    no matter how horrible the experience.

    You will never be able to change what happened, but you can change

    your internal representation, which is the key to changing the direction of

    your life. Said another way, you cannot change what is happingTO you

    or AROUND youuntil you change what is INyou.

    (It would be a good idea to read and internalize the above paragraph


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    When you focus on what you DONT WANT, it will produce a self-limiting

    belief. The belief is based on past experiences.

    Here are some examples of self-limiting beliefs based on past


    I am unlovable.

    I am flawed.

    I am insignificant.

    I want everyone to like me.

    I am hopeless.

    I have no control over what is happening to me.

    I must be in control at all times.

    I cant do this.

    I am a bad person.Something bad will happen.

    The world is a dangerous place.

    People take advantage of me.

    People don't understand me.

    They are out to get me.

    Its is not fair.

    What I have done is unforgiveable.

    What they have done is unforgiveable.

    Something or someone must change for me to be OKAY.I am not good enough.

    I must be prefect to be loved.

    I feel out of control.

    Can you see how any of these beliefs will limit your ability to have a happy

    and successful life? Now, you may be right about them, but the question

    you have to ask yourself is Would I rather be right or be happy? I say,

    lets go for happiness!

    You may also want to eliminate and release a past memory, trauma or

    experience in your life that has impacted you negatively. This could be

    what someone said or did, or something you said or did that you never

    forgave yourself for.

    All you need to do is recognize currently, right now that your internal

    representationof these experiences or the recordingyou are playing is

    not serving you.

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    After you have decided on a past memory, experience or core self-limiting

    belief you want to change, take a deep breath, exhale and close your



    This is a very important step. Without it you will not experience significant

    change. You must create a negative emotion around that experience,

    memory or self-limiting belief.

    If possible, look back on your life and find the sourceof the past memory,

    experience or self-limiting core belief. What past experience to led to this

    conclusion about yourself or other people?

    Go back in time as far as you can and try to remember when you first

    came up with this belief. Perhaps it was a past experience with your

    parents or some other trauma or a personal experience that is causing you

    to feel and act the way you do now.

    If you cannot do that, then really think about how BAD this self-limiting

    belief about yourself makes you FEEL.

    You not only want to remove the self-limiting belief, you also want to

    remove the emotional painor discomfort around it.

    The reason this is so important is that the trauma, experience or self-

    limiting beliefs creates emotionwhich forms the internal representation

    that is drivingyou.

    To INCREASE your emotional statethink about the worst case scenario if

    you dont change or fix this. Think about how miserable you are and how

    miserable you will continue to be if you dont let this go or change it once

    and for all.

    I know this part is not much fun, but you must do it. Other change

    techniques have you pile positive thoughts on negative emotions and they

    do not work.

    You have to build up the negative emotional pain or discomfort this

    trauma, experience or self-limiting belief is causing you before you can

    finally let it go. The good news is once you do this and release it, you willnever have to do it again.It will be gone and you will be free to replace it

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    with a core belief that brings you the freedom, happiness an success you

    desire, so its a small price to pay to get rid of it for good.

    To reinforce what I have just said, let me say it another way. If you dont

    create any emotion or negative feelings about what you want to change,you will only be working with the Conscious mind, which is why you have

    failed to resolve your mental and emotional blocks up until now. It is also

    why all those self-help books and program have not worked for you. So

    you have everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose.

    The reason you are stuck in any area of your life is you may have

    intellectuallylet go, but you have not emotionallylet go of what is holding

    you back. The problem we face is that we are driven by emotion, not

    logic. No matter how logical you THINK you are, you are EMOTIONALLY

    DRIVEN. Even Spock had to learn that lesson!


    While you are in this emotional state you are going to give how you feela

    SUD level. SUD stands for Subconscious Units of Distress. The SUD level

    is how much this memory, trauma, experience or self-limiting belief is a

    problem for you right now.

    I use a SUD level of 0 - 10. So 10 would be I totally believe this self-limiting belief, thought or feeling is true for me. And 0 would be It is not a

    problem, or only a slight problem.

    As you build up this emotion, give it a number from 0 - 10 and make

    mental note of that number.

    By determining your SUD level you can then chart your progress because

    as you work on releasing it, your SUD level will noticeably reduce.

    So, as you are feeling the emotion concerning a past experience, memory

    or self-limiting belief you want to remove, you put a SUD level on it.



    Now we can begin the tapping process. Close you eyes. As you focus on

    the experience, memory or self-limiting belief and feel as much negative

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    emotionas you possibly can, start tapping on the forehead between your

    eyes to open the connection to you Subconscious mind.

    While you are tapping, name the problem or symptom and say,

    This EXPERIENCE of..

    Example When my father (or mother) said or did!.. Losing my job or

    business, When (name) left me. etc. or!.

    This FEELING of..

    Example I am never good enough. I am not attractive enough. Not

    being confident!. Sadness about!.

    This BELIEFthat!

    Example - I have to struggle My finances will never get much better. I

    cannot find a new job. I cannot start a new business. It is difficult to

    find someone to have a relationship with.

    So you are choosing a past EXPERIENCE, a FEEELING or a SELF-


    Then say I Let it go. It no longer serves me.

    If you have built up enough negative emotion you will want to let it go, just

    to get relief.

    So really get the FEELING that you want to let it go because it is severely

    blocking your success and happiness.


    Next tap the heart area and make these three statements:

    TIME to let it go

    SAFE to let it go.

    DONT NEED it anymore.


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    After you tap the heart area and make the above 3 statements slide your

    fingers on topof your left hand, between the left wrist and the tips of your

    fingers in a brushing motion.

    This symbolicallyallows you to brush off the negative energyaround thememories, experiences or self-limiting beliefs you want you want to LET

    GO OF.

    After you do the brush off, take a DEEP BREATH, EXHALE and say

    PEACEand just enjoy the feeling of release.

    Again, I want to emphasize this is purely symbolic, but your brain beings

    to associate this FINAL brushing off step with completely LETTING GO.

    You are making PEACE with it.

    The following is not necessary but after I say PEACE I like to say, This

    feels so good. It just emphasizes the good feeling.


    Now go back to the memory, experience or self-limiting belief and try to

    build up the negative emotion again. Check your SUD level.

    If it is not at or close to 0 or you feel any negative feelings, fears, doubtsor worries, repeat the process again.

    If you are working on a past trauma, experience or memory, go back to it.

    Notice when you think about it or picture it in your mind how you feel now.

    If it is a visual memory look at the faces or the expression on faces of the

    people involved. Notice what expression is. If there is an emotion or an

    expression on someone elses face that made you feel bad, notice how

    you feel.

    For example, lets say your father made you feel bad and called you

    stupid. You picture him doing that and you keep repeating the process

    until he is no longer yelling at you.

    Whatever it is or whatever happened, just keep changing how you choose

    to represent this in the future. Keep in mind that you logically know you

    cannot change what happened, but emotionallyyou can change the way

    you choose torepresentit.

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    In order to help you to completely let it go, please keep running this

    thought through your head.

    Whatever happened in the past was because the other person or yourself

    was running a Subconscious program that caused them or you to do whatthey did.THEY could not have done anything different and YOU could

    have not done anything different. IT WAS NOT POSSIBLE AT THAT

    TIME. < Please read this again!

    That does not mean it was fair or right, but if you understand that there

    was NO OTHER CHOICE AT THAT TIMEbecause of the program they

    were running or you were running, you can finally let it go.

    When you do this you will not longer be a victim of your past. The

    reason you have not been able to let it go and forgive yourself or themup until now is you wish the past was different or wish you could do it over

    again. That is not possible and you are only delayingyour happiness by

    holding on to that internal representation.

    The key is to focus on what is going on inside of you as you are doing the


    What you want to do now picture the past event and decide you are going

    to change the belief or past memory and create a new picture in your mindof the way you would like to represent it because this is what is driving


    Remind yourself that everything that happens to us are just events. Look

    at it and think to yourself, This eventcan either take me down or it can

    show me what I dont wantin my life and allow me to go after what I do

    want. I now choose to use it to my advantage. In other words change the

    way yourepresentit. Change your mindset from a Victimto a Creator.

    If there is still some emotional attachment to the memory, experience or

    self-limiting belief do the NEURO-TAP Change Protocol again.

    At this stage you are making new neural connectionsorpathwaysin your

    brain and that creates the healing effect in you mind, in you body and in

    your life.

    Keep repeating the process a few times until you feel calm and relaxed

    about it. Keep using the SUD level and measure the difference from how

    you felt when you started.

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    If something comes up other than what you are working on, then work on

    that as well, because there may be layers. Your mind may open up and

    give you answers or clues to other issues that need to be removed and

    replaced. Go wherever your mind leads you as long as you keep releasing

    whatever come up.

    So you go to all the memories, experiences or negative self-limiting beliefs

    and NEURO-TAP them to 0 or as close to 0 as possible where you feel


    Usually with a few SERIES of taps most of the negativity will be gone, or

    mostly gone. However it may take several sessions or a few days.

    When people ask me how long will it take my answer is I cant tell you

    that. My rule is to keep doing the NEURO-TAPit until either it is gone, oryou pass out from doing it! !Either way you come out ahead.


    Remember we said we not only want to remove the problem or symptom

    but we want to replaceit. This is an important step as well.

    When your SUD level is as low as it will go, which will be 0 or close to 0 as

    possible, the next step is to fill that space with a good feelings or thoughtsabout how you want to representit in the future.

    After you say PEACE and feel a cognitive shift, and your SUD level is

    reduced, relax and just get a good feeling going.

    If you NEURO-TAPPEDon a past memory or experience, just close your

    eyes and go back to the memory or experience you just released. Do your

    best to replace it with a positive representation. In other words, when you

    think about it in the future you see that it was just an event in your life.

    Nothing could have been different at the time and you are safe now.

    Keep in mind you have many more positive and happy events in your life

    than negative ones. So the question you have to ask yourself is Am I

    going to be defined by this eventor experience or am I going to define

    myself by other positive experiences in my life?

    Forgive yourself and forgive anyone else involved because in reality no

    matter how horrible a situation was, it always boils down to good people

    running bad programs. And while you are doing this, keep remindingyourself, you are doing this for YOU, not for them.

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    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol




    If you NEURO-TAPPED on a feeling or self-limiting belief then choose

    how you want to represent it in the future. Tell yourself This is the way I

    choose to look at it (represent it) NOW.

    The idea is when you let go of something or change something, (a feelingor self-limiting belief) you replace it with positive feeling or belief that

    makes YOU feel good when think about it in the future. This interrupts the


    When you are done, especially if you are working on a past memory or

    experience, say these 6 Test Statementsand FEEL the response inside

    your body:

    It happened.

    Its over.

    It is not happening again.

    I am safe now.

    Holding on to this experience no longer serves me.

    I am ready to move on.

    I am so grateful for this.

    There will be evidence of a change or a cognitive shiftwhen you can

    confidently make these statements. At that point you can be assured the

    problem or symptom is gone forever.

    Cognitive shifts (evidenced by a SUD level of 0 or close to it) are a

    great indication that you are ready to move on.

    The key is to be persistent. It may take a little while to get it exactly the

    way you want it, but you will have a major shift and improvement after you

    do the initial NEURO-TAP Change Protocol.

    The more you do this process of challenging every aspect of your life, the

    more you set yourself free from the old stories and past traumas that are

    keeping you stuck.

    And the reason is this; Memory is not permanent.The truth is you have

    memories inside your mind that you THINK are permanent and you cannot

    get rid of them. Thats because you keep going back and replaying


    As you learned in an earlier lesson, every time you think about a past

    experience and play it over, your Subconscious thinks it is happening

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    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol




    AGAIN! So you never get rid of it and it happens to you again hundreds, if

    not thousands of times instead of once.

    When you take the time to do the NEURO-TAP Change Protocol and

    change you internal representationand your default modeyou will getthe release and the freedom you have always wanted.

    I know I sound like a broken record, but it is important to emphasize that

    you dont need to change the memory, experience or self-limiting belief -

    only the meaning.Its the meaningor the emotionsthat are attached to it

    that are driving your bus. But you have to make PEACE with it and LET IT


    The Subconscious mind, the Decision Maker helps us to focus on what

    we already hold to be true. The only way you are going to get somethingdifferent in your life is you have to change the references or internal

    representations for the Decision Maker. That is the part of your

    Subconscious mind that handles all your automatic responses. If you

    change your internal representation of anything your Decision Maker

    changes your point of focus to what you want instead of what you dont



    You might be thinking, Can I do this process without actually tapping?Of course you can! The tapping is only symbolic.But before you can do it

    mentally, you need to create the neurological pathway using the actual

    physicaltapping. Then when you have it internalized within your system

    you can do the exact same procedure bymentallytapping.

    I have done this for so long now I can just mentally tap and the problem is

    resolved immediately. The negative stuff no longer gets into my

    Subconscious because I have removed and changed the old memories,

    experiences, internal representations and self-limiting beliefs and I work

    on the new one as they come up.

    The true reality is that you will never solve all your problems at once

    because new ones will keep coming up. However, you can use the

    NEURO-TAP Change Protocol anytime, anywhere and can heal your

    self-limiting beliefs by neutralizingthem as they arise.

    For example if a thought of resistancecomes in your mind about anything,

    you tap on the forehead and say This resistance, I let it go. Then the

    heart and say, Safe to let it go. Dont need it. Then brush the top of

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    your left hand between the wrist and the end of your fingers, take a deep

    breath, exhale and and say PEACE.

    If a thought of hatecomes in, you tap and say This feeling of hate, I let it

    go. Then the heart and say Safe to let it go. Dont need it. Then brushthe top of your left hand between the wrist and the end of your fingers,

    take a deep breath, exhale and say PEACE.

    If a thought of anger comes in, you stop and tap and say, This anger, I let

    it go. Then the heart and say Safe to let it go. Dont need it. Then brush

    the top of your left hand between the wrist and the end of your fingers,

    take a deep breath, exhale and say PEACE.

    If you feel anxious you stop and tap and say This feeling of anxiousness, I

    let it go. Then the heart and say Safe to let it go. Then brush the top ofyour left hand between the wrist and the end of your fingers, take a deep

    breath, exhale and say PEACE.

    You simply counter the negativity of the mind byneutralizing it right then

    and there. This is very powerful!

    Here is another way I use the NEURO-TAPthat is very effective. When I

    am learning something new and I get frustrated, I NEURO-TAPright then

    and there. For example, I enjoy dancing. When I am learning a newdancing step and I get frustrated I NEURO-TAP when I start saying

    something like This routine is hard to learn. I change my internal

    representation (This is getting easier.) and therefore change my self-

    limiting belief right on the spot. In other words, the difficulty of learning the

    routine at that moment it is only one event and I can give whatever

    meaningI want to give it.

    Lets say someone frustrates me or disappoints me and I start thinking

    negative thoughts about the person. First I remind myself, my interaction

    with them is just an event. I am the one who gives meaning to every

    eventin my life, so I can change the meaning. Then I NEURO-TAPand

    change the meaning. I say something like, This is just and event. It has

    no meaning to me. I just let it go. Then no meaning is the program I am

    running when I think about this in the future.

    This is SOOOO POWERFUL! If you get nothing else from this lesson,

    take this idea away with you and you will see a noticeable change in your


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    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol




    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol will heal and transform both your

    Conscious and Subconscious programming. Eventually your mind

    becomes your friendworkingforyourather than againstyou.

    Changing Your Point of Attraction

    Now here is even more good news when you use the NEURO-TAP

    Change Protocol.

    As you already know, your thoughts are the most powerful creative energy

    you have at your disposal. Until you learn to control your thoughts and

    emotions you will create your life by default.

    Again, I want you to use some logic here. If your life is consistent with

    your beliefs, andyou make up your beliefs, what does that make you?

    The Creator of Your Life! NOW YOU GOT IT!!!

    Creation is happening all the time. Either consciously or unconsciously.

    We want to be a Deliberate Creator, and we want it to be effortlessand


    Part of why the Deliberate Creation process is so easy is we have

    physiologicalandpsychological hard-wiring within our nervous system that

    makes creation an effortless process.

    Our nervous system is designed so that the more we repeat a pattern,

    the easier it gets. Neuropathways only grow through repetition. With

    consistent repetition your body makes a neuropathway. Once a

    neuropathway is built, repetitive thoughts and even actions happen without

    conscious thought.

    The major benefit, besides not having the problem, is when we remove

    and replace memories, experiences, thoughts and self-limiting beliefs itdramatically alters our point of attractionat the same time. It brings us

    back to our natural, healthy base-line vibrational frequency. This

    ensures that the vibrational energy you are sending out into the Quantum

    Field or the Matrix matches your desires.


    As you begin using the NEURO-TAP Change Protocolwhy not train your

    brain that using this process is an enjoyable experience. Letting go of

    anything we do not want in our life that is holding us back is always

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    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol




    enjoyable. Once again, it is how you represent it internally that will

    determine whether it is an enjoyableprocess of letting go, or you are

    workingon yourself.

    Also, please dont complicate this. If you tend to operate predominatelyfrom the left brain your natural inclination will be to have a lot of

    questions about the process, like what about this and what about that

    etc. Also, you will focus on doing it correctly. Thats the way your brain

    works. I understand that. However, I will let you in on a little secret. You

    dont have to do it correctly. Why? Because I designed it that way!

    Let me explain. What you are going to discover is at least half and

    sometimes allof the change you are looking for is going to happen just by

    consciously changing your default mode. This is actually the secret

    behind the NEURO-TAP Change Protocol.

    So it is not about doing the process correctly. It is about consciously taking

    a few moments to change your default mode. (The one that has been

    running your life up until now.) When you do that, you are taking control of

    your mind and your life.

    And trust me, this is something that most people rarely do. They let their

    mind run them instead of running their mind. They are in their negative

    default mode95% of the time!

    So it is just a matter of doing it. Heres why. In a previous lesson I

    mentioned that when I work with my clients I see my role as a pattern

    interrupter. In other words, my job is to change the clients unconscious

    patterns by interrupting them, even if it means getting in their face

    sometimes. Unless they change their unconscious patternor their default

    mode, their problem or symptom will not go away.

    When you use the NEURO-TAP Change Protocolyou are acting as your

    own pattern interrupter.You literally are taking control and changing

    the default modethat is keeping you stuck where you are. When you do

    that you are VIRTUALLY GUARANTEED to change because you making

    cognitive changes and shifting your energy.

    Remember, each self-limiting belief you have is powered by its own

    energy source. Nothing can operate without an energy source, but the

    only power a belief has is what it receives from the PERSON that created


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    The PERSON has to supply the energy or emotion for the belief to keep

    operating. Although the belief is energy, just as the PERSON is energy,

    when the belief gains more energy than its Creator, it is like a ball of snow

    rolling down a hill. It starts off no bigger than your hand and then as it rolls

    it keeps getting bigger and bigger and will eventually grow so big youcannot move it. In other words, you do not have enough power to

    overcome the inertia. Exactly the same applies to any belief. The more

    you use it and live it, the stronger it becomes. It also becomes your

    default mode.

    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocolis simply a way to train your brain to

    do something different. The tap on the forehead signals your

    Subconscious and tells it you want to remove a self-limiting belief, memory

    or experience from your past.

    Then when you create a negative emotionaround it and tap the heart area

    you release the negative emotion around it. Then you let go of the

    negative emotion around the self-limiting belief by brushing it off and then

    you make PEACE with it by taking a deep breath, exhaling and saying

    PEACE. If you do that a few times, that memory, experience or self-

    limiting belief doesnt stand a change of replaying over and over

    again. Especially if you do it until you feel nothing. It wont come back!

    In other words, just by doing the process you are neutralizing the poweror energy behind the memory, experience or self-limiting belief until

    it is gone. So doing itcorrectly is not the secret. The secret is just DOING


    I use the NEURO-TAP Change Protocolall the time in my personal life

    and in my work. When I designed this my intent was to come up with a

    simple but effective process that people would actually DO - not just read

    about it, listen to it, or have to play a recording.

    When I put this together I was faced the challenge in how to present this in

    such a way that people like yourself could see that there is a new

    possibility in their lives. More importantly to realize that they no longer

    need to be stuck in an old patterns that make certain aspects of their lives

    dysfunctional. I hope I have accomplished that goal.

    Please take the time to read this over until you realize that everything in

    your life is about how you represent it. It is about the meaningyou give

    to EVERYTHING. And if you dont like what you see or experience, then

    all you have to do is change the meaning or your internalrepresentation.

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    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol




    The NEURO-TAP Change Protocol, whether you do it physically or

    mentally, is easy to do. You can do it anytime, anywhere and it will work

    like magic. It shifts your cognitive beliefs, aligns your energy and

    changes your default modeto getting MORE in life of what you WANT

    and LESS in life of what you DONT WANT. How good is that!