neurofeedback: emotive eeg epoch is a research grade device

19 open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Research Use of Emotiv EPOC P300 and Emotiv EPOC: Does Emotiv EPOC capture real EEG? Posted on October 7, 2011 by Hiran Ekanayake (Originally on December 25, 2010) For my earlier article titled “ P300 and Emotiv EPOC: Does Emotiv EPOC capture real EEG?” I received an enormous response from various interested parties. Since I’m continuously using the Emotiv EPOC for my research work with good confidence, I thought of extending the discussion about the good side of it with some convincing results. About two years ago, when I first encounted Emotiv, I discussed about it with some neuroscientists. However, they were very reluctant to believe that such a device can capture real EEG, and they tended to disregard it merely considering it as a toy. However, about two years later, now, I can see a lot of research papers appears in the web that have used the Emotiv EPOC. As a researcher, a person should look into things critically, but with an open mindset. Therefore, I hope this small article will help for some of you to rethink about the Emotiv and its capabilities. Some Details About Emotiv EPOC

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Using the Emotive 14 channel EEG Headset for specifically targeting the auditory cortex, treating the thalamocortical dysrhythmia induced by deafferentation of the cortex from the cochlea as in most tinnitus is precipitated by often sudden hearing loss. Another study specifically evaluates the quality of EEG signals from the Emotive Epoc EEG headset.""Validation of the Emotiv EPOC® EEG gaming system for measuring research quality auditory ERPs"" :


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    Research Use of Emotiv EPOC

    P300 and Emotiv EPOC: Does Emotiv EPOC capture real EEG?

    Posted on October 7, 2011 by Hiran Ekanayake (Originally on December 25, 2010)

    For my earlier article titled P300 and Emotiv EPOC: Does Emotiv EPOC capture realEEG? I received an enormous response from various interested parties. Since Imcontinuously using the Emotiv EPOC for my research work with good confidence, Ithought of extending the discussion about the good side of it with some convincing results.About two years ago, when I first encounted Emotiv, I discussed about it with someneuroscientists. However, they were very reluctant to believe that such a device cancapture real EEG, and they tended to disregard it merely considering it as a toy. However,about two years later, now, I can see a lot of research papers appears in the web that haveused the Emotiv EPOC. As a researcher, a person should look into things critically, butwith an open mindset. Therefore, I hope this small article will help for some of you torethink about the Emotiv and its capabilities.

    Some Details About Emotiv EPOC

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    Table 1 Specification of the Emotiv EPOC

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    Figure 1 Scalp locations covered by Emotiv EPOC

    A Brief Introduction to P300, and How it is Obtained?

    The P300 (or P3) is one of the components in an ERP waveform (Figure 2). It is a positivedeflection in voltage (2-5V) with a latency of about 300-600ms from the stimulus onset.It is typically measured by placing electrodes covering the regions Fz, Cz and Pz (Figure3). Since, the strength of an ERP signal is very low it is usually hidden within noise and notvisible in a typical EEG signal. Therefore, to see the actual ERP waveform we have toaverage segments of single-trial ERP (called epochs) which comes by repeating theexperiment for several times (trials). Before averaging, it would be necessary to bandpassfilter the original EEG signals (typically the pass band within 1-20Hz) and remove artifactsresulting from various sources, such as eye movements. The whole process can be doneusing the EEGLAB toolbox.The most popular experiment for obtaining P300 is called the P300-speller (Figure 4),which is a 6x6 matrix of alphanumeric characters where one of its rows or columns getsflashed at a time, randomly, resulting a sequence of flashes (also called the odd-ball

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    paradigm). During each such sequence, the subject focuses on one of the characters in thematrix and whenever the subject sees a flash occurs in the cell that contains the character,the subject has to advance his/her count of flashes (just a mental activity, not to shout).OpenViBE is an open source tool for setting up P300 experiments and for designingvarious other neurofeedback applications. After the experiment, the averaged EEG epochsignals (meant for each EEG channel) for targets (flashes of focused cells) are comparedagainst averaged EEG epoch signals for non-targets (flashes of non-focused cells). Whatwe would expect is that signals for targets should have ERP characteristics while non-target signals should end up with random noise. However, random artifacts within EEGand latencies of events could significantly distort the resulting ERP waveforms.

    Figure 2 ERP waveform and its components (note the direction of positive signaldownwards; obtained from Wikipedia)

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    Figure 3 The 64-channel electrode montage and the channel sets (obtained fromKrusienski et al., 2008)

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    Figure 4 P300 Speller Visualization component in OpenViBE

    A Brief Description About the Experiment

    All the experiments conducted here are single subject experiments unless specificallystated. For the P300 visual stimulus, I have employed OpenViBE version 0.11.0 and theexperiment design is shown in Figure 5. Both flash duration and non-flash duration havebeen set to 125 milliseconds. The Run Command boxes are linked to a console programwhich sends makers on experiment start, target stimulus and non-target stimulus to theEEG recording application over UDP. I have not employed TestBench, because it canreceive markers only through the serial port and could result longer latencies when loopback solution is used. On the other hand, although OpenViBE can be configured to recordEEG as well, I refrained from that option as well because it did not promise me a reliabledata recording (higher system load for OpenViBE). I have collected data using two Emotiv

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    EPOC headsets, one of which is a bit older one. Other than for P300 visual stimulus, Ihave conducted an auditory stimulus test, in which a beeper emits a beep sound for every5 seconds (non-random duration) and subject was sitting in less than 1 meter to therecording computer with opened eyes. Recorded EEG data has been filtered for a passband of 1-20 Hz and eye movement artifacts and other strange artifacts have beenmanually removed. Almost all data processing has been performed using MATLAB andEEGLAB toolbox.

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    Figure 5 OpenViBE design for the P300 experiment

    Results and Discussion

    Results of the P300 visual stimulus test are depicted below:

    Targets (330 events) Non-targets (1658 events)

    Figure 6 ERP waveforms of all channels fortarget stimulus

    Figure 7 Waveforms of all channels for non-target events

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    Figure 8 ERP waveforms of each channel fortarget stimulus

    Figure 9 Waveforms of each channel fornon-target events

    Figure 10 ERP waveforms of O1 for eachtrial for target stimulus

    Figure 11 Waveforms of O1 for each trial fornon-target events

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    Figure 12 Comparion of ERP waveforms of O1 for target (in blue) and non-target (in red)stimulus

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    Figure 13 Comparion of ERP waveforms of F4 for target (in blue) and non-target (in red)stimulus

    Figure 6 depicts a promising appearance of ERP waveforms in each EEG channel and it isvisible that something has happened about 305 milliseconds after the stimulus. Thewaveform for non-target stimulus in Figure 7 does not show such a tendency. When thepowers of the signals (values in y-axis) are compared, waveforms for non-target events(Figure 7) have lower power than for target events. From Figure 8, it is visible thatchannels 7 and 8 (O1 and O2 scalp positions, respectively) have the highest amplitude ERPwaveforms. Therefore, Figure 10 has been obtained to see how it looks like in each single-trial, which seems to be somewhat linear. Figures 12 and 13 again compares ERPwaveforms for target and non-target events at both O1 and F4 scalp locations to clearlydifferentiate the resulting waveforms.

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    Figures 14 and 15 shows the results obtained using the second Emotiv EPOC headset:

    Figure 14 ERP waveforms of all channels for target stimulus (headset 2)

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    Figure 15 Comparion of ERP waveforms of O1 for target (in red) and non-target (in blue)stimulus (headset 2)

    Figures 14 and 15 again present promising appearance of ERP waveforms. However, nowthe highest peak has been occurred about 266 after the stimulus, which is lower than thevalue obtained for the first Emotiv EPOC headset. This could be due to several reasons:communication latencies between different programs during the two occasions, subjectsmental condition has been changed, two headsets are different in some ways, etc. On theother hand, the highest peak point may be N2 rather than P3. Further, repeating of thisP300 experiment has resulted me different peak points for each Emotiv EPOC headset,but centralized around 300 milliseconds. Therefore, it is not reasonable to believe that

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    P300 response occurs exactly 300 milliseconds after the stimulus. However, hopefullyEmotiv EPOC can capture that response, which I consider as the good side of the EmotivEPOC.

    Figures 16 and 17 shows ERP behavior for auditory stimulus:

    Figure 16 ERP waveforms of all channels for auditory stimulus

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    Figure 17 ERP waveforms of F3 for each trial for auditory stimulus

    From Figures 16 and 17, it is apparent that the brain functions differently for auditorystimulus. However, the time for perception seems to be somewhat closer to that resultedin visual stimulus.

    Repeating the Experiment

    There were several requests asking about how to setup the software framework toreplicate this experiment. Therefore, I thought describing it here. Please feel free tocontact me if the steps are unclear or need more details.

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    Download and install OpenViBE from (my version 0.11.0Aug.2011)Download and unpack the filesOpen the file p300speller2.xml (file is in P300New) using the OpenViBE menuDouble click on the box with the label Target Letter Generation and setup the pathfor the Lua Script to p300-speller-target.lua (file is in P300New)Download and install the com0com null modem emulator from the instructions and create a COM port pair in com0com, e.g. COM1-COM2Modify the windows environment variables path variable by including the folderwhere the PortWrite.exe can be found (file is in P300New)In the TestBench select one of the ports in the created pair, e.g. COM1 (followMarker > Configure Serial Port)Open the command prompt and type PortWriteCOM2 2. If you are successful in setting up the path variable and COM port pair,you will see that TestBench receives the marker value 2Restart the OpenViBE and run the model p300speller2.xml (to run use the startbutton in the OpenViBE designer; Also you will need to click on the window with thetitle keyboard stimulator and press on the 'a' key on the keyboard). Now if you cansee flashing rows and columns in the OpenViBE visualization window as well asmarkers in the TestBench, your first task is complete. Note that marker value 3indicates the start of the experiment, value 1s when targets are displayed and 2swhen non-targets are displayed.Note: I assumed that you have Emotiv EPOC research edition in which theTestBench software is included.

    Analyzing the EEG data using MATLAB (my version 7.6.0 R2008a) and EEGLAB (myversion

    If you use TestBench to record EEG your recorded file will be in EDF format. Toconvert it into CSV format use the EDF to CSV converter tool in TestBench

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    Now, you need to extract the relevant fields from the CSV file in MATLAB, i.e. 14EEG positions and markers. To do that you have to import the CSV file data toMATLAB and remove the column numbers other than column numbers 3:16 and 36.Import the data file in EEGLAB (File > Import data > From ASCII/float file orMatlab array) by specifying the sample rate as 128. Note: EEGLAB can bedownloaded from EEGLAB, prepare the data as follows: specify the event channel as channel 15(File > Import event info > From data channel); channel location file as emotive.ced(Edit > Channel locations Read locations & autodetect; file is in P300New); highpass filter at 1 Hz (Tools > Filter the data > Basic FIR filter Lower edge); and lowpass filter at 20 Hz (Higher edge).Note: You can use the following MATLAB script to import data to MATLAB as wellas for importing and preparing data in EEGLAB described above:% import data from testbench csv filetbdata = importdata('filename.csv');eegdata =;

    % remove unwanted fieldseegdata(:,17:35) = [];eegdata(:,1:2) = [];eegdata = eegdata';

    % Prepare data in EEGLABeeglabEEG = pop_importdata('data',eegdata,'srate',128); % importdata from MATLAB arrayEEG = pop_chanevent(EEG, 15,'edge','leading','edgelen',0);% event channelEEG = pop_chanedit(EEG, 'load',{'emotiv.ced' 'filetype''autodetect'}); % channel locations

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    EEG = pop_eegfilt(EEG, 1, 0, [], [0]); % highpass filteringat 1HzEEG = pop_eegfilt(EEG, 0, 20, [], [0]); % low passfiltering at 20Hzeeglab redraw

    Now do the necessary artifact removals using the tools available in EEGLAB.Next, extract target and non-target epochs (Tools > Extract epochs)Finally, required ERP plots can be obtained using the options available under thePlot menu.

    Bibliography (some more to come)

    Krusienski, D.J., Sellers, E.W., McFarland, D.J., Vaughan, T.M., Wolpaw, J.R. (2008).Toward enhanced P300 speller performance. Journal of NeuroscienceMethods,167:15-21.L.A. Farwell and E. Donchin, "Talking off the top of your head: toward a mentalprosthesis utilizing event-related brain potentials," Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophy.,vol. 70, pp. 510-523, 1988.A. T. Campbell et al., NeuroPhone: Brain-Mobile Phone Interface Using a WirelessEEG Headset, Proc. 2nd ACM SIGCOMM Wksp. Networking, Sys., and Apps. onMobile Handhelds, New Delhi, India, Aug. 30, 2010.

    End note:

    Those who would like to read about my original document titled P300 and Emotiv EPOC:Does Emotiv EPOC capture real EEG? can access the document by clicking here.

    I am doing these things for my own satisfaction in addition to formal research work. Moreformal discussions about my research work and publications can be accessed by clickinghere.

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    I would appreciate if you can leave a comment at my blog place or send me feedback tomy email address.

    Last updated: 08-10-2012 Hiran Ekanayake