neurological progress systems biology and its application...

Systems Biology and Its Application to the Understanding of Neurological Diseases Pablo Villoslada, MD, 1 Lawrence Steinman, MD, 2 and Sergio E. Baranzini, PhD 3 Recent advances in molecular biology, neurobiology, genetics, and imaging have demonstrated important insights about the nature of neurological diseases. However, a comprehensive understanding of their pathogenesis is still lacking. Although reduc- tionism has been successful in enumerating and characterizing the components of most living organisms, it has failed to generate knowledge on how these components interact in complex arrangements to allow and sustain two of the most fundamental properties of the organism as a whole: its fitness, also termed its robustness, and its capacity to evolve. Systems biology com- plements the classic reductionist approaches in the biomedical sciences by enabling integration of available molecular, physio- logical, and clinical information in the context of a quantitative framework typically used by engineers. Systems biology employs tools developed in physics and mathematics such as nonlinear dynamics, control theory, and modeling of dynamic systems. The main goal of a systems approach to biology is to solve questions related to the complexity of living systems such as the brain, which cannot be reconciled solely with the currently available tools of molecular biology and genomics. As an example of the utility of this systems biological approach, network-based analyses of genes involved in hereditary ataxias have demonstrated a set of pathways related to RNA splicing, a novel pathogenic mechanism for these diseases. Network-based analysis is also challenging the current nosology of neurological diseases. This new knowledge will contribute to the development of patient-specific ther- apeutic approaches, bringing the paradigm of personalized medicine one step closer to reality. Ann Neurol 2009;65:124 –139 “Information is not knowledge.”—Albert Einstein Systems Biology: Underlying Principles, Approaches, and Applications Although a formal definition of systems biology has not yet been widely accepted, most researchers agree in that it represents an integrative approach that attempts to understand higher-level operating principles of living organisms, including humans. 1,2 In biomedical re- search, not all scientific questions are directly accessible to experimentation. There is a hierarchy of scientific questions whose levels are determined by the generality of the answers sought. The lower levels in this hierar- chy deal with narrowly restricted and specific phenom- ena. These are the kinds of questions that the reduc- tionist experimenter feels more comfortable in addressing. On the other end of the spectrum, higher- order, abstract, and general questions are not usually directly amenable to an experimental test. Reductionist thinking mandates that these questions be broken down into more specific terms that can be translated directly from experimental results. 3 In stark contrast, systems biology strives to understand these higher- order properties whereas examining the complexity of the system under study. Systems biology heavily relies on the construction, utilization, and integration of in- ductive models, a creative process for which a consid- erable degree of abstraction is crucial. In this sense, ab- straction consists of replacing the part of the system under consideration by a model of similar but simpler structure. Traditionally, neuroscientists have coped with the enormous complexity of the brain in a purely reduc- tionist way: by subdividing it into anatomic regions and characterizing each of their cellular compositions and basic functions in isolation. Although that ap- proach has enjoyed remarkable success, the next chal- lenge is to translate such valuable information into a better understanding of how several higher-order prop- erties of the brain, such as memory, learning, and be- havior, emerge from such a complex interplay (see the Table for a glossary of terms). Under the reductionist paradigm, a positive correlation between a single bio- logical parameter and the occurrence of a disease is of- From the 1 Department of Neuroscience, Hospital Clinic–Institut d’Investigacions Biome `diques August Pi i Sunyer, Barcelona, Spain; 2 Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford; and 3 Department of Neurology, University of California, San Francisco, CA. Address correspondence to Dr Villoslada, Department of Neurol- ogy, Hospital Clinic – IDIBAPS, Villaroel 170, 08036 Barcelona, Spain. E-mail: [email protected] Potential conflict of interest: Nothing to report. Received Dec 21, 2007, and in revised form Dec 16, 2008. Ac- cepted for publication Dec 16, 2008. Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/ana.21634 NEUROLOGICAL PROGRESS 124 © 2009 American Neurological Association Published by Wiley-Liss, Inc., through Wiley Subscription Services

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Page 1: NEUROLOGICAL PROGRESS Systems Biology and Its Application · Systems Biology and Its Application to the Understanding of Neurological Diseases

Systems Biology and Its Application to theUnderstanding of Neurological Diseases

Pablo Villoslada, MD,1 Lawrence Steinman, MD,2 and Sergio E. Baranzini, PhD3

Recent advances in molecular biology, neurobiology, genetics, and imaging have demonstrated important insights about thenature of neurological diseases. However, a comprehensive understanding of their pathogenesis is still lacking. Although reduc-tionism has been successful in enumerating and characterizing the components of most living organisms, it has failed to generateknowledge on how these components interact in complex arrangements to allow and sustain two of the most fundamentalproperties of the organism as a whole: its fitness, also termed its robustness, and its capacity to evolve. Systems biology com-plements the classic reductionist approaches in the biomedical sciences by enabling integration of available molecular, physio-logical, and clinical information in the context of a quantitative framework typically used by engineers. Systems biology employstools developed in physics and mathematics such as nonlinear dynamics, control theory, and modeling of dynamic systems. Themain goal of a systems approach to biology is to solve questions related to the complexity of living systems such as the brain,which cannot be reconciled solely with the currently available tools of molecular biology and genomics. As an example of theutility of this systems biological approach, network-based analyses of genes involved in hereditary ataxias have demonstrated a setof pathways related to RNA splicing, a novel pathogenic mechanism for these diseases. Network-based analysis is also challengingthe current nosology of neurological diseases. This new knowledge will contribute to the development of patient-specific ther-apeutic approaches, bringing the paradigm of personalized medicine one step closer to reality.

Ann Neurol 2009;65:124–139

“Information is not knowledge.”—Albert Einstein

Systems Biology: Underlying Principles,Approaches, and ApplicationsAlthough a formal definition of systems biology hasnot yet been widely accepted, most researchers agree inthat it represents an integrative approach that attemptsto understand higher-level operating principles of livingorganisms, including humans.1,2 In biomedical re-search, not all scientific questions are directly accessibleto experimentation. There is a hierarchy of scientificquestions whose levels are determined by the generalityof the answers sought. The lower levels in this hierar-chy deal with narrowly restricted and specific phenom-ena. These are the kinds of questions that the reduc-tionist experimenter feels more comfortable inaddressing. On the other end of the spectrum, higher-order, abstract, and general questions are not usuallydirectly amenable to an experimental test. Reductionistthinking mandates that these questions be brokendown into more specific terms that can be translateddirectly from experimental results.3 In stark contrast,

systems biology strives to understand these higher-order properties whereas examining the complexity ofthe system under study. Systems biology heavily relieson the construction, utilization, and integration of in-ductive models, a creative process for which a consid-erable degree of abstraction is crucial. In this sense, ab-straction consists of replacing the part of the systemunder consideration by a model of similar but simplerstructure.

Traditionally, neuroscientists have coped with theenormous complexity of the brain in a purely reduc-tionist way: by subdividing it into anatomic regionsand characterizing each of their cellular compositionsand basic functions in isolation. Although that ap-proach has enjoyed remarkable success, the next chal-lenge is to translate such valuable information into abetter understanding of how several higher-order prop-erties of the brain, such as memory, learning, and be-havior, emerge from such a complex interplay (see theTable for a glossary of terms). Under the reductionistparadigm, a positive correlation between a single bio-logical parameter and the occurrence of a disease is of-

From the 1Department of Neuroscience, Hospital Clinic–Institutd’Investigacions Biomediques August Pi i Sunyer, Barcelona, Spain;2Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences, StanfordUniversity, Stanford; and 3Department of Neurology, University ofCalifornia, San Francisco, CA.

Address correspondence to Dr Villoslada, Department of Neurol-ogy, Hospital Clinic – IDIBAPS, Villaroel 170, 08036 Barcelona,Spain. E-mail: [email protected]

Potential conflict of interest: Nothing to report.

Received Dec 21, 2007, and in revised form Dec 16, 2008. Ac-cepted for publication Dec 16, 2008.

Published online in Wiley InterScience ( 10.1002/ana.21634


124 © 2009 American Neurological AssociationPublished by Wiley-Liss, Inc., through Wiley Subscription Services

Page 2: NEUROLOGICAL PROGRESS Systems Biology and Its Application · Systems Biology and Its Application to the Understanding of Neurological Diseases

ten considered a major success, even though the com-plete pathogenic mechanism may remain largelyunknown. Notably, this approach has been followed bythe pharmaceutical industry, despite a remarkably lowrate of success (only 11% of new therapeutic targetsreach the market as new drugs).4 Systems biology fo-cuses on understanding not only the components of agiven system, thus complementing the reductionist ap-proach, but also the effect of interactions among themand the interaction of the system with its environment.Like physiology, systems biology is deeply rooted inthe principle that the whole is more than the sum of itsparts.5

Biological systems offer multiple examples of collec-tive properties, those in which the behavior of thewhole cannot be predicted from the detailed study ofindividual components. In systems biology, as in thescience of complexity, those intrinsic properties are re-ferred to as emergent.6 Emergent properties are presentin all physiological systems and include the mainte-nance of blood volume, blood pressure, tissue pH, orbody temperature. Emergent properties in the brain in-clude the processes of learning, memory, and emotionsthat cannot be explained fully even by the detailedstudy of single neurons. Analyses based on single-cellneurobiology or molecular biology are useful for char-acterizing the individual behavior of each component.However, these properties are the result of nonrandominteractions of highly specialized cells assembled inlarge networks, and they can be understood only bynot disrupting these structures. Based on this and otherexamples of systems composed of interconnected ele-ments (eg, acquaintances among people, the Internet,airports), inductive models have been created that dis-play surprisingly generalizable properties.7,8

Although systems biology strives to combine tech-niques obtained from seemingly disparate disciplines, itmainly represents a way of thinking.9 Traditionally, thestudy of body dynamics, as functional systems, hasbeen the focus of physiology. In this sense, systems bi-ology can be regarded as contemporary physiology, onethat uses methods from mathematics, physics, andcomputer sciences to integrate and analyze genetic,molecular, physicochemical, functional, and behavioraldata obtained in the laboratory.10,11 A systems ap-proach to research already has been established in sev-eral fields of biology, such as ecology, enzymology, andcomputational neuroscience. Such an approach is nec-essary by virtue of the large amounts of data generatedby high-throughput methods such as gene chips andproteomics. Moreover, we now realize that the humangenome is more complex and has many more levels ofregulation than previously anticipated,12,13 and systemsbiology is expected to provide a comprehensive inter-pretation of its organization.

Robustness and DiseaseTwo of the most critical emergent properties of all liv-ing systems are robustness and adaptability.8,14 Robust-ness refers to the ability of a system to maintain itsbasic functions even in the presence of perturbations,such gene mutations or environmental fluctua-tions.15–17 However, when robustness alone is unableto cope with such challenges, organisms must be ableto adapt to them and to evolve. Understanding thesehigher-order properties requires the formulation of aseries of inductive analogues or models that capture thecritical aspects of the system and neglect the details,thus shedding some of the initial complexity and mak-ing it amenable to study.

One example of such an approach is systems controltheory, developed and used for decades by engineersand physicists in the construction of advanced techno-logical equipment, ranging from thermostats to the ra-dar and guidance systems on airplanes.9,18 Systemscontrol theory has been successfully adapted to the de-tailed study of the delicate balance between robustnessand adaptability in living systems.19 In thinking likeengineers, biologists have been able to create machine-like analogues that faithfully explain the properties un-der study. Through the use of these metaphors, suchstudies have shown that robustness in life relies on sev-eral fundamental principles. First, fail-safe mechanismssuch as redundancy and diversity (eg, gene duplicationor overlapping pathways) enable the organism to func-tion even if one of its molecules or pathways is affectedto a reasonable degree. Second, positive and negativefeedback and feed-forward mechanisms result in prop-erties such as multistability, oscillations, and signal am-plification, respectively.16,17 These mechanisms bestowan organism with control functions such as ON/OFFswitches and autoregulation (homeostasis). Third, thenetworked architecture of internal components allowtask parallelization, thus containing local damage andpreventing its spreading to the full system. Finally,functional and physical properties, although related,work independently (decoupling). In this way, changesat the physical level (ie, protein misfolding) may nottranslate to the functional level, resulting in pathology.Chaperones are designed to deal with misfolding andwith unstable intermediate states in the final proteinstructure.

By integrating these pieces of our inductive modelinto a “general solution,” diseases can be viewed as abreakdown in the robustness of normal physiologicalsystems. Chronic diseases would represent the estab-lishment of a new, but undesired, robust state.20

Advantages of a Systems Biology Approach toNeurological DiseasesComputational neuroscience, neuroinformatics, neuro-physiology, and other newly developed disciplines are

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Table. Concepts and Examples in Systems Biology

Concept Description and Example

System2,9 A set of connected entities forming an integrated whole. e.g., The cell is a system composed bymolecules (entities) with well-defined properties (division, metabolism, among others); the body isanother system composed by cells

Systems thinking9 Systems thinking is a framework that is based on the belief that the component parts of a systemcan best be understood in the context of relations with each other and with other systems, ratherthan in isolation. e.g., Explaining the physiology using feedback exemplified the attempt tounderstand the influences of some biological process with each other


A discipline of physics studying complex systems by focusing on the generation of emergentproperties in systems; complexity is not equivalent to complicated. e.g., Self-organization refers tothe generation of complex structures with well-defined properties without a master program (ie,generation of liposomes when lipids are mixed with water) (see also Emergent properties andRobustness)


A discipline of physics that studies how systems evolve with time, involving a lack of linearity; anonlinear system is any problem where the variable(s) to be solved for cannot be written as alinear sum of independent components. e.g., The majority of systems in nature are nonlinear(linear analysis is a simplification); electroencephalographic signals are typically nonlinear becausethey are the result of complex interactions between neurons and not just the sum of eachneuron’s activity

Control theory12 A discipline of engineering that deals with the behavior of dynamical systems. e.g., The analysisof molecular networks as a set of positive and negative feedbacks, mimicking the analysis of anelectric circuit


A process whereby some proportion of the output signal of a system is passed (fed back) to theinput. e.g., Cortisol regulation by the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis

Robustness15–17 Maintenance of the properties and function of a system in the presence of perturbations. e.g.,Homeostasis is a classic physiological example: the body maintains pH, glucose, temperature, andso forth in the presence of changes in the environment (feeding, weather, among others)


A positive characteristic of an organism that has been favored by natural selection; sometimes alsocalled fragility in comparison with robustness. e.g., Genetic mutations are rare but present inhuman genome allowing adaptation to the environment (ie, thalassemia mutation protects againstmalaria)


Physical properties of a system arising as an effect of complex causes and not analyzable simplyas the sum of their effects. e.g., Glucose levels stability is the result of many interactingsubsystems in the body (food intake, insulin, glucagons, cortisol, and so on); cognition is anemergent property of the brain

Network7,8 Any interconnected group or system that shares information (ie, Internet, social networks). e.g.,Gene networks are the set of genes that, through their proteins, interact with each other;neuronal networks are the set of neurons connected through synapses participating in commontasks (ie, learning)

Network analysis8 I. Network architecture (topology):

1. Microscale. e.g., Motif: recurring circuits of interactions between nodes (ie, gene interactionloop)

2. Mesoscale. e.g., Module: group of physically or functionally linked molecules (nodes) thatwork together to achieve a distinct function (ie, cell-cycle genes)

3. Macroscale. e.g., Scale free: only a few nodes are highly connected (hubs), and the majorityof the nodes are poorly connected (eg, Internet)

II. Network dynamics:

1. Mathematical modeling with differential equations

2. Synchronization analysis

3. Feedback analysis

126 Annals of Neurology Vol 65 No 2 February 2009

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devoted to the study of emergent properties of thebrain.21,22 Although approaches aimed at decipheringhow the brain operates are gradually migrating fromdeterministic to systems based, the two approaches cur-rently coexist somewhat separately.23 Although effortsfor identifying gene variants associated with intelli-gence, memory, or social skills are currently under way,neuroscientists acknowledge that the information-

processing capabilities and ultimate brain behavior re-sult from the dynamic interplay of complex networksof synapses.

The identification of a gene defect associated with agiven disease is often followed by attempts to developtherapies aimed at correcting its function, with thehope that this may restore homeostasis. For example,our current understanding of familial Alzheimer’s dis-

Table. (Continued)

Concept Description and Example

Network topology8 The architecture of nodes and links in a network that defines how information flows through thenetwork:

Nodes: elements of a network. Node: a gene, protein, or cell

Links: interactions between nodes. Links: regulation of gene expression by transcription factors

Hub: a highly connected node. Hub: p53 protein in cell cycle

Degree or connectivity: number of links per node


Changes in network properties over time. Deletion of a gene, emergence of new motifs ormodules by mutations

Gene regulatorynetworks1,42,43,83

Collection of DNA segments in a cell that interact with each other through their RNA andprotein expression products, thereby governing the rates at which genes in the network aretranscribed into messenger RNA. Interferon regulatory network

Pathway77,83 Metabolic pathway: a sequence of chemical reactions in a cell undergone by a group of moleculesleading to a predicted functional outcome. e.g., Amyloid pathway in Alzheimer’s diseasepathogenesis

Neural pathway: a neural tract connecting one part of the nervous system with another. e.g.,Dopaminergic pathways: neural pathways in the brain that transmit the neurotransmitterdopamine


A module is a self-contained component of a system, which has a well-defined interface to theother components. e.g., Metabolic modules in the cells: cell cycle, glycolysis, energetic function(mitochondria), receptor-signaling system


Study of a biochemical pathway instead of single genes or molecules. e.g., Axon guidancepathway, amyloid pathway, oxidative stress pathway


A disease whose pathogenesis is mainly caused by the appearance of new dynamics of theorganism behavior, independently of the underlying pathogenesis. e.g., Several brain injuries(tumor, trauma, and so forth) may affect neural networks generating seizures; Parkinson’s diseasesymptoms are the results of disturbance of cortical-subcortical neural networks; epilepsy andmovement disorders are dynamic diseases


The neural network that modulates the overall activity of the excitatory (glutamatergic) andinhibitory (GABAergic) networks. e.g., Dopaminergic, cholinergic, neural peptides neuralnetworks

Systems biomarkerdiscovery92

Identification of new biomarkers based in systems properties of the molecules involved. e.g.,Ongoing

Systems drugdiscovery83,84,91

Development of new therapies using systems biology analysis and/or aimed to modifying thesystem properties of the tissue involved (in comparison with target-centric drug discovery). e.g.,Ongoing


Piecing together systems to create grander systems to gain insight into its emergent properties.e.g., Identifying molecules and pathways implicated in the pathogenesis of neurological diseases,providing an integrated model of the pathogenesis


Breaking down a system to gain insight into its compositional subsystems. e.g., Starting from theobservable phenomena (cognition), identifying the domains and neuronal networks involvedthrough electroencephalogram, functional magnetic resonance imaging, or cognitive studies anddeveloping models of it

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ease (AD) has been quite productively focused on theidentification of genetic and molecular perturbations inthe amyloid-� and -� pathways.24 However, the pres-ence of genetic heterogeneity and lack of knowledgeabout the relative contribution of each defect to theoverall phenotype has delayed progress in the develop-ment of therapeutic approaches.25 Recent studies dem-onstrated that the pathways affected in individuals withfamilial and sporadic AD are not the same. Further-more, they also highlighted the contribution of addi-tional processes such as axonal pathology,26,27 myelina-tion,28 neuroinflammation,29 ischemic insult,30 andaging31 to the overall pathogenesis. Intriguingly, it isnot uncommon to observe the opposite phenomenon,in which alterations in the same pathway (amyloid)lead to different disease phenotypes such as AD versusinclusion body myositis. It has recently been shownthat computational models can be used to analyze per-turbations in multiple pathways over long periods thatmay be responsible for the observed neuronal damagein AD.31 Indeed, the strong correlation between thedevelopment of neurodegenerative diseases and agingsuggests that even minor imbalances in these pathwayssustained for several years can finally overpower innaterepair mechanisms and result in the neurodegenerativetrait known as AD.32

Many of the genes and pathways altered in one neu-rological disease are also commonly dysregulated inothers, even if they do not share the same pathophys-iology, age of onset, or outcome. Some disease-activated pathways may represent an attempt by thebrain to restore homeostasis. Examples of this behaviorare the induction of small heat shock proteins with aguardian-like protective role in the brain such as ��-crystallin, the production of restorative secreted factorssuch as neurotrophic factors, and the activation of mi-croglia.33–35 Physiological systems, including the cen-tral nervous system, may possess a limited ability todeal with genetic or environmental perturbations, sothat different insults (eg, trauma, ischemia, metabolicimbalances) trigger the same potentially restorativepathways. Depending on genetic predisposition andenvironmental exposures, a given individual will go onto experience development of one of a diverse array ofconditions, such as Parkinson’s disease (PD), dementia,leukodystrophies, and multiple sclerosis (MS), all ofwhich share common pathological processes.

Indeed, a recent large-scale analysis of brain tran-scripts from neuropathological specimens demonstratedunexpected similarities between MS and the metabolicdiseases hexosaminidases. These include the shared ex-pression of a constellation of inflammatory markerssuch as cytokines, heat shock proteins, and other stressproteins. Some of the most abundant transcripts foundin the affected brains from MS, Tay–Sachs, and Sand-hoff’s disease cases, but not in normal control cases,

include osteopontin, ��-crystallin, major histocompat-ibility class II, prostaglandin D2, calcyclin, apolipopro-tein E, metallothionein, dnaJ, monoamine oxidase B,S-100, and calponin.36–38 Notably, these results werenot seen in sphingolipidoses. These data suggest thatthere is an unexpected inflammatory component inbiochemical disorders of the brain. Interestingly, thesefindings may have therapeutic implications. Whenmice with deletions in the immunoglobulin Fc receptorare bred with mice carrying the Tay–Sachs and Sand-hoff’s mutations, there is amelioration of disease.39 Fcreceptors are present in MS lesions, and deletion of Fcreceptors also ameliorates experimental autoimmuneencephalomyelitis, an animal model of MS.36 Thesedata suggest that two inherited biochemical disordersof neural development can be modulated by regulatingpathways usually considered to be solely inflammatory.This again illustrates that common mechanism or re-sponse to injury can be activated in response to differ-ent insults or pathogenic mechanisms. Moreover, suchcommonalities can be better understood from an inte-grative view of the many brain pathways at work dur-ing central nervous system injury.

Neurological Diseases Can Be Studied in theContext of Complex NetworksAmong other approaches, systems biology usesnetwork-based analyses as a strategy for integration ofdata from genetic, gene expression, proteomic, andneurobiological experiments with the ultimate goal ofidentifying pathways involved in the pathogenesis ofneurological diseases. The representation of real-worldsystems by the network analogy represents another ex-ample of inductive modeling that helps scientists ap-proach the complexity of the problem in question.Networks are systems of interconnected entities. Whennetworks are studied in aggregate, certain propertiesemerge from them that cannot be derived from the in-dividual analysis of each of their components. In graphtheory, networks are defined by nodes (representinggenes, proteins, or cells) and links, representing the in-teraction among nodes. In homeostasis, biological net-works are constantly challenged and subjected to inter-nal or external perturbations (ie, via gene mutations orenvironmental changes) that are normally counterbal-anced by the network’s robustness and adaptability (ie,networks maintain their properties and continue toperform their functions). However, if perturbations af-fect key components of a network or are sustained fora long period, a qualitative change occurs such that thewhole system is pushed toward a different (in this case,pathological) steady state or “disease network.”

There are two main approaches for studying net-works: (1) structural, also referred to as topological anal-ysis, which examines the architecture of the system(network connectivity patterns); and (2) dynamic anal-

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ysis, which examines how networks evolve over time bychanges in the number of nodes and in their connec-tions. Topological analysis is based on the statisticalproperties of the network, such as the degree of con-nectivity, mean path length, or clustering coefficient(see Barabasi and Oltvai’s8 review). Many real networksdisplay the “small-world” property, in which severalnodes are locally connected among each other butloosely connected to others, creating a modular struc-ture. Recent studies have demonstrated that, in small-world networks, it is possible to navigate from one par-ticular region to any other in just a few steps (eg, thewell-known phenomenon of “six degrees of separation”among all people in the world7). In scale-free networks,the majority of nodes are poorly connected with othernodes, but a few nodes (hubs) are highly connected (ie,Google is an example of a hub in the Internet becausemillions of other pages are just one click away). One ofthe most salient properties of scale-free networks is thatthey are robust against random attacks and sensitive toselective targeting (ie, a single directed attack at Yahoowill cause more damage to the Internet than will sev-eral thousand random attacks at home PCs). Theseproperties are good examples of the “general solutions”that can be achieved by deductive analysis of data fromseveral unrelated systems. Although these networkproperties are characteristic of hard-wired networks, bi-ological networks are less fixed. Thus, considerable ef-forts are now under way to characterize the dynamicsof biological networks.

Networks and Systems ControlWhen networks are studied at the local level, other in-teresting topological elements, such as modules andmotifs, emerge. A module is a set of nodes participat-ing in similar functions that cluster together (ie, thereare more connections among themselves than there arewith any of the other molecules in the network).40,41

Examples of modules are abundant in analyzing keybiological functions. Many apoptotic events are cen-tered on caspases, whereas the cell cycle is coordinatedvia cyclins. At the center of many key processes asso-ciated with inflammation, the nuclear factor-�B path-way commands a huge position of importance.Caspases in apoptosis, cyclins in the cell cycle, and nu-clear factor-�B represent some examples of these so-called local structures.

Network motifs are responsible for many basic con-trol mechanisms such as negative or positive feedbackand feed-forward signaling (Fig 1). The study of localmotifs integrates the topological and dynamic featuresof complex networks.42,43 Feedback loops are an effi-cient mechanism applied by cells to ensure precise con-trol over gene and protein expression, even in the pres-ence of noise from other cellular components. Apositive feedback enables the generation of bi(multi)st-

able responses depending on the duration and intensityof the initial stimulus. Bistability is the proposedmechanism behind the storage of information and cel-lular decisions (ie, cell phenotype).42,44 Bistability isthe existence of two stable states, and it is generated byan abrupt transition in the dynamics of a system thatgenerates the new state (ie, activation of a gene expres-sion pattern leading to a permanent cell phenotype). Anegative feedback loop is an efficient mechanism formaintaining product levels in a tightly regulated range,and it is one of the most basic cellular mechanisms forcontrolling homeostasis.45 Oscillatory dynamics iscommon in signaling pathways, such as nuclearfactor-�B pathway. More complicated dynamics canappear with combinations of complex network motifsthat include positive and negative feedback loops. Fi-nally, feed-forward motifs provide a redundant mecha-nism for the transmission of molecular information byextending the duration of the signal and ensuring itsarrival at the intended site. Recent studies have shownthat these and other basic control motifs are present inlarge regulatory networks in yeast, bacteria, and hu-mans, and form the basis for information processingthrough cells.42,43 The abstract representation of com-plex biological relationships using engineering toolsprovides another example of the widespread use of in-ductive models in systems biology. By mainly focusingon certain aspects of the real world, these models canprovide important clues about how these systems work,although it will take time before we know the degree towhich that conceptual representation provides insightinto the actual mechanisms.

Like engineering-based systems-control analysis, thestudy of complex sets of biological entities in the con-text of networks may demonstrate common propertiesrelevant for disease pathogenesis that cannot be pre-dicted by analyzing each entity in isolation. Severalstudies have questioned whether proteins associatedwith diseases share any particular network property,such as higher connectivity, preferential modular archi-tecture, or involvement in more than one biologicalpathway.46–49 Although still in their infancy, these ap-proaches may provide important insights toward un-derstanding the pathogenesis of neurological diseasesand designing new therapeutic strategies. For example,if disease-related proteins interact with several otherproteins (are hubs) within their networks (eg, p53 incancer), any pharmacologically induced modulationwill affect the overall proteome network and may in-duce significant side effects. Moreover, by relatingmechanism of action and side effects through networkanalysis, new applications of existing drugs may be in-ferred.50

A recent study analyzing the protein network in-volved in inherited ataxias exemplifies the power of thisapproach.49 In this study, Lim and colleagues49 exam-

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ined the biological relations between the mutated pro-teins in hereditary ataxias. They hypothesized that ifmutations in different genes lead to death of Purkinjeneurons in all ataxias, they should be part of commonbiological pathways critical for the survival of these cer-ebellar neurons. To answer that question, they per-formed a topological network analysis of the protein–protein interaction network. Starting from the 23proteins previously known to be involved in hereditaryataxias because of the presence of known mutations intheir genes, they identified the contextual network of3,607 proteins in which the ataxia network was in-cluded. The gene ontology analysis showed that pro-teins affected in ataxias are functionally clustered in re-lated pathways (Fig 2A), with overrepresentation ofpathways related to RNA splicing, ubiquitination, andthe cell cycle. This finding suggests that RNA splicingplays a critical role in Purkinje cell degeneration. Byanalyzing the ataxia network, Lim and colleagues49

were able to confirm involvement of the previously de-scribed pathways and the recently discoveredPuratrophin-1 as an ataxia gene51 having strong inter-actions with Ataxin-1 (see Fig 2B), even thoughPuratrophin-1 was not included in the original list ofataxia genes. Overall, the protein network analysis ofhuman ataxias provided an integrated view of these dis-eases as RNA splicing diseases promoting the death ofPurkinje neurons. This aspect of systems biology willopen new avenues for the development of new diag-nostic tests and therapies.

In another study, Miller and coauthors31 applied anetwork analysis to DNA array studies from the CA1region of the hippocampus of patients with AD andnormal aging individuals. Instead of reporting a list ofdifferentially expressed genes between both conditions,an approach with low probability of replication, theyused weighted gene coexpression network analysis togroup results into a nine functionally relevant path-ways. They found that synaptic transmission, extracel-lular transport, immune response, mitochondrial andmetabolic processes, and myelination were associatedwith disease progression. Some of these modules corre-late with the degree of cognitive impairment measuredwith the Mini-Mental test or with the pathologicalburden measured using neurofibrillary tangle quantifi-cation. Moreover, a commonality between AD and ag-ing was found in the involvement of mitochondrialprocesses and synaptic plasticity. In addition, Millerand coauthors31 found new evidence supporting therole of demyelination and oligodendrocyte dysfunctionin AD progression, which was related to thepreselinin-1 pathway. Overall, by providing a pathwayview of AD pathogenesis, these authors provided a newset of mechanistic hypotheses about AD that can betested in future studies. The benefits of these kinds ofapproaches would be exemplified in that they help in

Fig 1. Genetic circuits. (A) In positive feedback loop (left), theexpression of a gene product is stimulated by its own expres-sion, thus enabling the generation of bistable responses (right)depending on the duration and intensity of the initial stimu-lus. (B) Another basic type of control is negative feedbackloops (left). When levels of gene A increase, expression of geneB is induced, which represses expression of gene A (and itsown expression). When levels of A fall below a threshold, itsproduction is stimulated because of the absence of the repressorB. This control mechanism yields oscillations around a meanvalue (right), which, in turn, depends on other parameters ofthe system such as synthesis and degradation rates. (C) Feed-forward loops (FFL) consist of three genes: A, B, and C. GeneA is a regulator of B and C (left). FFL is coherent if the sign(activation or suppression) of the path A-B-C is the same asthe sign of the path A-C. If the signs do not match, the FFLis incoherent. FFL can reject transient inputs and activateonly after persistent stimulation (ie, TrkA and calcium signal-ing, right). (D) The bifan motif (left), composed of two sourcenodes directly cross-regulating two target nodes, is able to actas signal sorter, a synchronizer, or a filter (ie, glycine path-way, right). It also provides temporal regulation of signalpropagation. (E) In the single-input-module motif (SIM),modulator A controls the expression of a group of species (left).This motif can generate an ordered expression program foreach of the components under regulation of A (ie, rtg1-mitochondrial pathway in yeast, right). mRNA � messengerRNA; NMDAR � N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor; PI3K �phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase; PKC � protein kinase C.

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the design of new therapies targeting the pathways in-volved.

In addition to studying ensembles of genes or pro-teins, network analysis offers a potentially useful way toimprove the classification of neurological diseases byclosing the gap between causative factor, pathogenesis,and disease phenotypes.52 Recently, Goh and research-ers47 analyzed data from the Online Mendelian Inher-itance in Man (OMIM) database and characterized thefull set of disease–gene associations in what they calledthe “human diseasome” (Fig 3). In this analysis, twogenes are linked together if they are responsible forcausing the same disease, and two diseases are linkedtogether if they share at least one defective gene. Theauthors found that the products of genes associatedwith phenotypically similar disorders tend to cluster to-gether. Indeed, experiments demonstrated that proteinsaffected by the same disease interact in such networksmore frequently with each other than with those notassociated with the disease. These results support theconcept of disease-specific functional modules. Analysisof the components of networks may show certain com-mon responses to brain pathology and offers a new for-malized conceptual approach to assess disease suscepti-

bility. Thus, network analysis and other systemsapproaches can be helpful for neurologists in the pro-cess of classifying diseases.

We must clarify that the methods identified earlierare used to find patterns in data. Depending on thenature of the data and the method used, the patternfound is mapped formally in a geometric point-to-point manner to an abstract, idealized pathway or net-work. As with any other model, the pathways and net-works described here are inductive concepts, and noquantitative mapping is possible between the concep-tual system and the real system. Nevertheless, biomed-ical research relies heavily on conceptual models, andthe formal introduction of these should come as nosurprise to the reader. An important contribution ofthese models is that they provide the guidelines neededto construct analogue mechanisms (a task that remainsto be done) using the irreplaceable methods of experi-mental biology. The map between those mechanismsand biology can be iterated in a concrete manner.53

Dynamic Analysis of Neurological DiseaseChronic diseases can be distinguished by their onset(acute, subacute, or progressive) and their subsequent

Fig 2. Ataxia network. By performing protein interaction studies, bioinformatics search, and network analysis, Lim and colleagues49

hypothesized the existence of a network, pathway modules, and functions that may relate the genes associated with human hereditaryataxias. (A) Enriched gene ontology (GO) categories of the ataxia network. Pie charts depict the relative number of GO terms en-riched in each of the three branches of the GO structure when using the whole genome and/or the hORFeome as reference distribu-tions. Enriched categories are identified as those significant (p � 0.05) after adjusting for multiple testing. Bar charts depict theenriched GO terms from the common set (whole genome and hORFeome). The number of bars shown is less than the total numberof common enriched categories because bars represent only the terminal GO terms. The length of the bar is the standardized enrich-ment score. (B) Graphic representation of an ataxia subnetwork. Several interactors of ATXN1 appeared to be genetic modifiers aswell. Nodes in yellow represent interacting proteins, hypothesized ataxia-related proteins are in blue, and putative genetic modifiersof SCA1 pathology are in orange. Squares and circles indicate two-hybrid baits or prey, respectively. Edge colors represent the dif-ferent hypothetical interactions: green (from this study) and blue literature curated interactions (LCI). (Reprinted from Lim andcolleagues,49 by permission.)

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Fig 3. Human disease network. By relating diseases with gene mutations available at OMIM, Goh and researchers47 built a net-work in which diseases were grouped based on their genetic commonalities. (A) The human disease network: Each node correspondsto a specific disorder colored by class (22 classes). The size of each node is proportional to the number of genes thought to contributeto the disorder. Edges between disorders in the same disorder class are colored with the same (lighter) color, and edges connectingdifferent disorder classes are colored gray, with the thickness of the edge proportional to the number of genes shared by the disordersconnected by it. (B) The disease gene network: Each node is a single gene, and any two genes are connected if implicated in thesame disorder. In this network map, the size of each node is proportional to the number of specific disorders in which the gene hasbeen implicated. The resulting network challenges current disease classifications based on phenotypes (syndromes), with implicationsfor diagnosis and therapeutics. (Reprinted from Goh and researchers,47 by permission.)

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clinical course (self-limiting, relapsing remitting, cyclic,or chronic progressive). Recognition of the criticalvalue of time and temporal rhythms, combined withthe knowledge that particular temporal rhythms re-spond best to certain treatment strategies, often pro-vides a basis for therapy. Chronic diseases develop overvariable but extended periods until a phenotype mani-fests. This time dependency suggests that the normalphysiological processes are robust but subject to failure,possibly because of a number of mechanisms (eg, re-dundancy, network topology). Only the prolonged ex-posure to pathological insults is capable of shifting thesystem to another alternative robust, but unfortunatelypathological state. Under this scenario, complex dis-eases arise because of abnormalities in the underlyingphysiological control mechanisms, more so than in anyperturbation of one or a limited number of specificmolecular events.10,54–57 Thus, development of thera-peutic strategies aimed at reestablishing the altered dy-namics may be another rational approach toward curesof diseases.58

The concept of dynamic diseases is deeply rooted inneurology.58,59 The first descriptions of dynamic dis-eases came from the phenomenology of seizures, par-oxysmal movement disorders, and psychiatric diseasessuch as bipolar disorders.60–63 A classic example is thedevelopment of seizures, which can be identified bychanges in the normal dynamics of the electroenceph-alogram (EEG). Epileptic foci, which can be generatedby many different kinds of neuronal insults, generate anew rhythm that spreads through brain networks, cre-ating a pathological brain dynamic.60 Movement disor-ders, such as tremor or gait abnormalities in PD orHuntington disease, are also examples of alterations inthe dynamics of physiological systems.61 The motorsymptoms of PD have been associated with increasedactivity of the subthalamic nucleus, resulting in exces-sive inhibitory outflow from the basal ganglia to thethalamus and brainstem.64 High-frequency deep brainstimulation modulates the activity of the subthalamicnucleus and restores normal dynamics of the motor cir-cuit.65 Dopaminergic therapy also suppresses the activ-ity of the subthalamic nucleus, modulating the dynam-ics of the corticosubcortical system.66

The longitudinal analysis of the cellular network inthe basal ganglia in patients with PD using positronemission tomography and analyzing the spatial covari-ance in the data has identified a motor pattern charac-terized by increased pallidothalamic and pontine met-abolic activity. This increased activity is associated withreduction of premotor and posterior parietal corticalregions (Fig 4).67 Disease progression was associatedwith increasing metabolism in the subthalamic nucleus,internal globus pallidus, dorsal pons, and primary mo-tor cortex.68 This analysis demonstrated that cognitiveimpairment in PD patients was associated with a dif-

ferent cellular network, with reduced metabolic activityin the prefrontal and parietal cortices, and relative in-creases in the dentate nuclei and cerebellar hemi-spheres.69 Assessment of the effect of deep brain stim-ulation and dopamine therapy in the dynamics of thebasal ganglia network70 demonstrated that both thera-pies produced metabolic reductions in the precise areasthat are chronically stimulated in PD by the subtha-lamic nucleus. These target areas for the subthalamicnucleus included the putamen-globus pallidus, cerebel-lar vermis, and parietal cortex. Although both ap-proaches showed different effectiveness in individualregions, the overall activity of the network was similar,and both approaches correlated well with clinical im-provement. Thus, such studies highlight the criticalrole of brain dynamics in the development of neuro-logical diseases, which would not be unraveled throughdissection of the different components, and how suchdynamics may be rationally targeted through therapy.

Several methods allow for the monitoring of braindynamics, including EEG, positron emission tomogra-phy, and functional magnetic resonance imaging.These are examples of descriptive models whereby par-ticular aspects of brain function can be measured. Pat-tern recognition methods are then applied to reconcilethe obtained data, and the inductive model investiga-tors then have insight about how that part of the brainworks. Methods such as nonlinear dynamic analysis,computational models, or network analysis can be use-ful for achieving such reconciliation between data andmodel. For example, although slow periodic EEG dis-charges are common in encephalopathies, encephalitis,and tumors, their underlying pathogenesis remains un-known, thus preventing the development of new ther-apies. Frohlich and colleagues71 performed a dynamicanalysis of a computational model of the human cortexto better understand the generation of slow periodicEEG discharges. In particular, they examined the deaf-ferentation caused by neuronal loss. To simulate thedeafferentation process, they used data fromCreutzfeldt–Jacob disease and tested different degreesof deafferentation for modeling different degrees ofneuronal loss and disease severity. They found that dif-ferent degrees of deafferentation influence the neuralnetwork dynamics, with a critical degree (80%) ofdeafferentation after which a new periodic dynamic ofslow waves emerge (Fig 5). This resulted in poor infor-mation transmission through the neuronal network.These unexpected results are a paradoxical effect ofbrain plasticity. Thus, this modeling approach benefitsthe understanding of encephalopathies because it pro-vides information about how much neural networkscan cope with brain damage and why this new slowdynamics emerge. Moreover, such findings may lead tothe development of new therapies for preventing sec-

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ondary damage caused by brain plasticity in neurolog-ical diseases.

It is well known that the brain is organized in dy-namic neuronal networks of excitatory (glutamatergic)and inhibitory (GABAergic) connections. The preciseactivity of neuronal networks is modulated by severalregulatory pathways, such as dopaminergic, cholinergic,serotoninergic, or histaminergic circuits, collectivelyknown as the neuromodulatory system.72–74 Unlike ep-ilepsy, in which excitatory-inhibitory networks are the

main pathways affected, most neurodegenerative diseasesshow disruption of the neuromodulatory system (dopa-minergic system in PD, cholinergic system in AD). Thisprovides another example of emergent network proper-ties. In this case, although the loss of a significant butrandom number of neurons throughout the brain maynot have a tangible clinical impact, when an insult tar-gets a critical part of the network such as the dopami-nergic system in PD, it starts a cascade of failures thatultimately culminates in progressive neurological symp-

Fig 4. Parkinson’s disease (PD)–related spatial covariance pattern. (A) Parkinson’s disease–related spatial covariance pattern(PDRP) identified by network analysis of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomographic scans. This spatial covari-ance pattern was characterized by relative metabolic increases in the putamen, globus pallidus (GP), thalamus, pons, and cerebel-lum, and was associated with decreases in the premotor and posterior parietal areas. The display shows voxels that contribute signif-icantly to the network (voxels with positive region weights [metabolic increases] are color coded from red to yellow; voxels withnegative region weights [metabolic decreases] are color coded from blue to purple). (B) Region weights on PDRPs seen in the reststate. The patterns were characterized by substantial contributions from the putamen or GP, thalamus, and cerebellum (metabolicincreases), and from the lateral premotor and parietal association regions (metabolic decreases). Black line indicates population-averaged regional loadings across centers. (C) Network activity was increased in PD. (D) Mean PDRP activity in patients withearly-stage PD followed up longitudinally at baseline, 24 months, and 48 months. Network activity increased over time. PDRPexpression in the patient group was significantly increased at all three time points relative to values for healthy control subjects.Dashed line is one standard deviation (SD) above the normal mean. Bars show the standard error for the PD patient group ateach time point. Asterisks show the significance of comparisons with control values at each time point. (Reprinted from Eckert andcolleagues,67 by permission.)

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toms. Damage of this neuromodulatory system also il-lustrates the concept of dynamic diseases, because dopa-minergic neuronal loss alters the dynamics of basalganglia cortical circuits as described earlier, ultimatelyleading to clinical symptoms.

Pathway-Centered Analysis of NeurologicalDiseasesPathway analysis is becoming a valuable tool for im-proving our understanding of molecular data generatedfrom human studies. The studies of chemical pathwayscan reconcile many studies, providing valuable data butnot confirming one to the other because pathway anal-ysis is focused in the outcome of the system. By thisway, the study of pathways buffers the heterogeneitybecause individual patients bear mutations or damagein different molecules of the same pathway leading tothe same outcome (ie, protein misfolding in neurode-generative diseases). For example, studies of hereditaryPD have identified six genes involved in its pathogen-esis: SNCA (�-synuclein), PARK2 (parkin), DJ-1,UCHL1, PINK1, and LARK2 (dardarin).75,76 The clin-ical and pathological heterogeneity of individuals withsuch mutations has prompted researchers to redefinePD and its nosology. The functions of genes identifiedin hereditary PD involve lipid and vesicle dynamics (�-synuclein), the ubiquitin-proteasome system (parkinand UCHL1), mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase

kinase (MAPKKK) signaling leucine-rich repeat kinase2 (LRRK2), oxidative stress and mitochondrial func-tion (DJ-1, PINK1, parkin), and microtubule stability.However, the lack of a comprehensive view of howthese pathways interact to cause brain damage hashampered our understanding of the pathogenesis ofPD.76

One strategy involves the use of high-throughput ap-proaches such as large-scale DNA microarrays and pro-teomics in pathological specimens. The confluence ofsuch studies demonstrates the remarkable interplay ofgenes regulating common pathways in a disease, a con-cept now termed genomic convergence.77,78 Using thisapproach, Hauser and investigators77 were able to mapgenes differentially expressed in the substantia nigra ofcontrol subjects and patients suffering from PD to fivegenomic loci, and they identified the mitochondrialpathways as the main candidates for the susceptibilityfor PD. Another example of pathway analysis andgenomic convergence in PD is the integration of ge-netic and gene expression studies to support the in-volvement of the axon-guidance pathways (ephrins, ne-trins, semaphorins, slits and their receptors, andintermediate proteins).79,80 The study of PD and otherdegenerative diseases using pathway analysis can helpto integrate the biological data in functional models(pathways), coping with disease heterogeneity and pro-viding therapeutic targets for treating such disease. Inthe aforementioned example of axon-guidance path-ways, their involvement contributes to improving ourunderstanding of the pathogenesis of PD with anotherbiological function (in addition of dopamine dysfunc-tion and oxidative stress) not previously recognized andbecause it provides new targets for treating PD.

Guiding Drug Discovery and PersonalizedTherapyNeurology is now entering a new therapeutic age. In-stead of symptomatic therapies, neurologists are devel-oping therapies that modify disease pathogenesis. Thiswill impose several challenges because of the criticalimportance of neural dynamics in the generation ofneurological symptoms. For example, full blockade oflymphocyte homing to the central nervous system inMS led to the undesired development of progressivemultifocal encephalopathy in patients treated with na-talizumab.81 Similarly, vaccination of AD patients with� amyloid led to the development of autoimmune en-cephalitis in 10% of the patients in a clinical trial.82

Targeting molecules without a thorough understandingof the integrated mechanisms in which they participateoften leads to unexpected and sometimes catastrophicadverse effects.83

The approach taken by systems biology involves adifferent paradigm based on improved knowledge ofdynamic mechanisms.20,84,85 For example, the in vivo

Fig 5. Computational analysis of periodic slow-wave patternsin neurological diseases. (A) Activity map of pyramidal neu-rons (PYs; top) and interneurons (INs; bottom). Cool and hotcolors indicate hyperpolarization and depolarization, respec-tively. Severe deafferentation (90%) induced consecutive de-cline in network activity (arrowhead). Recovery of target fir-ing rate by homeostatic scaling resulted in prominent periodicnetwork activation. (B) Simulated local field potentials (lfp):Before deafferentation, lfp have high-frequency activity withlow amplitude. After deafferentation (arrowhead), the recoveryof activity level is characterized by slow high-amplitude lfposcillations. (Reprinted from Frohlich and colleagues,71 bypermission.)

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transcriptional response to interferon-� was recentlystudied using a network-based conceptual analysis.86

This study demonstrated that, in addition to reducingT-cell adhesion, interferon-� represses RNA transcrip-tion and protein synthesis, and induces apoptosis inthese cells. These findings suggest that the most widelyused therapy to control exacerbations in MS mayachieve its benefits by simultaneously targeting compo-nents of interacting and intertwined mechanisms.

By targeting key steps in the dynamics of a disease atdifferent time points and targeting different regions ormodules of the molecular or cellular mechanisms gov-erning the pathogenesis of the disease, better regulationof the system under study can be achieved. For exam-ple, a recent analysis of the gene expression networkthat controls T-cell activation in patients with MS al-lowed identification of Jagged-1 as a new therapeutictarget.85 The reductionist approach would have pre-vented such discovery, because levels of Jagged-1 didnot differ between patients and control subjects, butnetwork analysis identified the critical role of this genein the set of interactions regulating T-cell differentia-tion in MS patients. Moreover, in vitro assays and net-work analysis identified a synergistic effect betweenJagged-1 and interferon-�, indicating that systems drugdiscovery may improve our ability to identify new ther-apies for neurological diseases.

Computational modeling can be helpful in the de-sign of the most adequate strategies in this multitargetand multistep process, as well as in the prediction ofsome unexpected side effects.87–89 For example, math-ematical modeling of the multifactorial events in braindamage may allow the identification of optimal thera-peutic strategies, as recently demonstrated in spinalcord injury.90 Indeed, the integrative approach of sys-tems biology may speed up and reduce the costs of thecurrent drug discovery process by testing combinationtherapy, and identifying the best targets and dynamicsto be modified using computational models and vali-dated cell assays.84,91 A crucial concept is that the suit-ability of a given protein as therapeutic target is deter-mined by the nature of its contribution to thenetwork’s control mechanisms (pathway drug target)rather than by its aberrant activity or expression (pro-tein drug target).83

These approaches can also be helpful for the identi-fication of new biomarkers,92 a critical step in the pro-cess of developing stratified and personalized medi-cine.93 For example, network analysis of prostaticcancer identified the androgen receptor as a novelpathway and a genetic mediator of metastasis, suggest-ing that targeting of this pathway may rescue patientsescaping androgen dependence.94 Also, the analysis ofserum proteome from patients with AD demonstratedthe presence of abnormalities in the blood, indicating aderegulation of hematopoiesis, immune responses, ap-

optosis, and neuronal support.95 Proteomic studies ofMS lesions have demonstrated numerous unexpectedpathways in various pathological stages of disease.34

For example, elements of the coagulation cascade, in-cluding tissue factor and the inhibitor of protein C,were shown to be critical in active and chronic activeMS lesions. In models of MS, paralysis could be re-versed with activated protein C, an approved drug fortreatment of septic shock, and with thrombin inhibi-tors used as approved anticoagulants.34 Finally, a re-cent report suggested that transcriptional profiling ofCD4 T cells in clinically isolated syndrome patients ac-curately predicts their conversion to clinically definiteMS.96 Together, these findings suggest that geneticand biochemical abnormalities involved in the patho-genesis of neurological diseases may affect other sys-tems without inducing pathological effects.

Concluding RemarksIt is imperative that any scientific research, especially ifit requires an interdisciplinary approach, be groundedin the philosophy of science and furnished with thelogical tools that permit the translation of empiricaldata into useful knowledge and worthwhile means ofadvancement.97 The knowledge generated in the pastfew decades on the pathogenesis of neurological dis-eases, as well as the development of high-throughputmethods of analysis, biotechnology, and computationalbiology, has provided unprecedented opportunities fordeveloping new disease-modifying therapies. We arguethat the integration of this knowledge into the theoret-ical framework and the tools provided by systems biol-ogy will be an invaluable help in this process. How-ever, therapeutic decisions made by neurologists as wetreat patients will always be based on the expertise ofthe physician and on evidence-based medical practice.The genomic portrait of an individual may allow a pre-dictive and personalized approach to therapy. In thenear future, this process will be aided by powerfulcomputers, with information technologies that willmanage the available information from the patient’stests, the patient’s medical history and genetic history,and ever-evolving scientific databases.21 Although sys-tems biology offers a new framework for the study ofhuman disease, better characterization of biologicalprocesses, quantitative data, and dynamic informationare still required to successfully translate this paradigmfrom the bench/chip to the bedside. However, we findourselves at an exciting turning point in the history ofbiomedical research, where integrated methods for theanalysis of complex diseases allowing the conversion ofinformation into effective knowledge are finally withinour grasp.

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Note Added in ProofAnother recent review regarding neurodegenerative dis-eases was recently released: Deciphering complexmechanisms in neurodegenerative diseases: the adventof systems biology. Noorbakhsh F, Overall CM, PowerC. Trends Neurosci 2009 Jan 8.

This work was supported by the Pathfinder Initiative on Complex-ity for Living Science of the European Union (ComplexDis [NEST-043241], P.V.).

AcknowledgmentWe also thank C. Anthony Hunt for critical reading ofthis manuscript. Pathway examples for each motif wereobtained from Ravy Lyengar Lab Web site at MountSinai ( from Richard Young Lab at Massachusetts Insti-tute of Technology (

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