neuronal anatomy and communication

Neuronal Anatomy and Communication

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Post on 12-Jan-2016




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Neuronal Anatomy and Communication. Cells of the Nervous System: Neurons. Three types of neurons: Sensory neurons Motor neurons Interneurons. Neuronal structure. Soma Dendrites Axon Terminal buttons Synaptic cleft. Neuronal classifications. Multipolar neuron. Bipolar neuron (a) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Neuronal Anatomy and Communication

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Cells of the Nervous System: Neurons

Three types of neurons:Sensory neuronsMotor neurons Interneurons

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Neuronal structure

Soma Dendrites Axon Terminal

buttons Synaptic cleft

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Neuronal classifications

Bipolar neuron (a)

Unipolar neuron (b)

Multipolar neuron

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Internal structure Cell membrane Cytoplasm Mitochondria Nucleus



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Cells of the Nervous System: Glia

Glial cells support neural function

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Glial Cells Astrocytes

Arms wrap around blood vessels

and neuronal structures Isolate the synaptic cleftMaintain chemical


of extracellular spaceClean up following cell


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Glial cells

Oligodendrocytes (CNS) & Schwann cells (PNS)Provide support and insulation

in the form of the myelin sheath

Myelin Nodes of Ranvier

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Glial cells

MicrogliaSmallest glial cellsBrain’s immune cells

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Blood-Brain Barrier

Composed of tightly-packed cells of the cerebral blood vessels.

Regulates chemicals in the CNS Protects the brain from toxins Semipermeable

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The withdrawal reflex: an example of neuronal communication

1. Sensory neuron detects

2. Message is sent

3. Neurotransmitter is released

4. Interneuron

5. Motor neuron sends a message

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Communication within a neuron

Based on changes in the membrane potential of the neuron.

Neurons have two basic potentials

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Resting membrane potential

The inside of a neuron is negatively charged relative to the outside

Due to concentrations of positively and negatively charged ions in the brainOutside the cell Inside the cell

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Resting membrane potential A concentration gradient pulls the sodium,

potassium and chloride ions toward the membrane; electrostatic forces prevent them from crossing it.

The balance between potassium and sodium ions in and out of the neuron is maintained

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Membrane potential

The membrane potential can change: Depolarization Hyperpolarization








Resting Membrane Potential

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Action potential

A hyperpolarization _________ communication within a cell.

A depolarization _________ the cell, and _________ the chances of communication within the cell.

Threshold of excitation

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Action potential

A massive, momentary reversal of the membrane potential.

Carried down the axon from the cell body to the terminal buttons.

Results in the release of a chemical message into the synapse.

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Action potential

Chemical messages from other neurons affect the neuron’s charge.

Excitatory Post-Synaptic Potentials (EPSPs) Inhibitory Post-Synaptic Potentials (IPSPs)

When the cell is depolarized to -65mV, an action potential begins.

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Steps of the action potential1. Ion channels in the

membrane rapidly open and Na+ enters the cell (-65mV +40mV)

2. As Na+ rushes in, K+ is forced out of the cell.

3. As the action potential peaks, Na+ channels close, and no more Na+ enters the cell.

4. K+ is forced out of the cell, which decreases the charge inside the cell and K+ channels close.

5. K+ ions trapped outside of the cell result in a temporary hyperpolarized membrane potential.

6. Ion channels reset and the Na+/K+ pump returns the ions to the normal gradients.

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All-or-None law

An action potential either occurs or it doesn’t.Magnitude is the same.Does not diminish in strength.

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Rate law The strength of a response depends on the

firing rate of the cell. More action potentials/second = strong

response, fewer = weak response.

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Action potential conduction Action potentials depend on sodium influx

from the extracellular fluid.Nodes of Ranvier.

Saltatory conduction

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Communication between neurons Within-neuron communication: electrical

signal Between-neuron communication: chemical

signal Synaptic transmission

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Synaptic structure Presynaptic membrane

Terminal buttonVesiclesTransporter molecules

Synaptic cleft Postsynaptic membrane

On the dendrite, soma or axonReceptors

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Neurotransmitter binding Binding sites Ligands

Molecule that fits into a specific binding site Endogenous ligands Exogenous ligands

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Synaptic firing

1. Initiated by an action potential in the cell

2. Neurotransmitter (NT) binds to the receptor

Prompting specific ion channels to open

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Types of receptors Ionotropic receptor




Ion Channel

GateJoins the

ion channel

Second messenger

Metabotropic receptor

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Synaptic firing3. Postsynaptic potentials are produced by the

flow of ions in and out of the cell. Each NT produces a specific postsynaptic

potential Excitatory NTs Inhibitory NTs

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Synaptic firing

4. Neural integration is the summation of all postsynaptic potentials.

Determines the response to PSPs.

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Synaptic firing Remember – Each neuron has synaptic

connections with hundreds of other neurons, and must summate all incoming PSPs thousands of times each second!

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Synaptic firing

5. Removal of NT from the synapse terminates PSPs

Reuptake Enzymatic deactivation

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Found on the presynaptic membrane

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Types of synapses Axodendritic Axosomatic Axoaxonic