neuropathic paintx


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Managing Neuropathic Pain

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Neuropathic pain Prevalence of 2-40% (Harden 2015)

3.75 million with chronic NP in the US (IASP 1997)

The most common studied NP syndromes are: DMPN PHN

Other causes:○ SCI○ Phantom Pain○ CRPS○ Post CVA○ Nerve Injury

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Neuropathic pain 33% of pain patients seen in tertiary

facilities have anxiety disorders (Von Korff, et al 1996)

40-60% meet the criteria for depressive disorder (Banks, 1996)

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FDA Approved Med’s for NP Carbamazepine Lidocaine patches Gabapentin Pregabalin (PHN, DMPN) Capsaicin Duloxetine (DMPN) Tapentadol ER (DMPN)

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Off label Med’s for NP Anti-depressants Anti-epileptics Anti-arrythmic

Evidence for their safety and efficacy is lacking

Benbow 1999, Kost 1996, Karlsten 1997, Carter 1997

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Central Sensitization Excitatory neurotransmitters (e.g. glutamate,

substance P, neurokinin A or CGRP) stimulate the dorsal horn neurons

Repeated pain stimuli activate the NMDA receptors (“wind-up”), which induce prolonged postsynaptic action potentials

 Activation of the NMDA receptors raises intracellular Ca++

Expression of c-fos and c-jun genes leading to increased protein synthesis

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Peripheral Sensitization

1° afferent nerve terminals (A-delta, C Fibers) hyperexcitability

Bradykinin, histamine, PG’s, cytokines, and substance P lower their action potential threshold

Mediators increase the gain of the inflammatory milieu

Spine 1997N. Harden 2015

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Hyperalgesia Increased pain from a stimulus that

normally provokes pain (IASP 2012)

Treatment:Topical lidocaine 2.5% / prilocaine 2.5%Gabapentin (Pain 2002)

IV Lidocaine (Neurology 2000)

Capsaicin (Scholten 2015)

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Allodynia Pain due to a stimulus that does not

normally provoke pain (IASP 2012) Treatment

Gabapentin (Eur Neurol 1998)

Pregabalin (J Pain 2008 )

Ketamine (Pain 1994)

IV Lidocaine (J Pain Symp Mgt 1999)

IV Morphine (Neurology 1991)Tramadol (Pain 1999)

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Shooting pain Pain that seems to travel like lightning from

 one place to another Treatment:

Amitriptyline (Neurology 1987)

Carbamazepine (Campbell et al. 1966)

Gabapentin (Eur Neurol 1998)

Imipramine (Neurology 2003)

Lamotrigine (Pain 1997)

IV Phenytoin (Anesth Analg 1999)

Venlafaxine (Neurology 2003)

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TCA’s and Other Psych Med’s in NP

Help in NP due to Na+ channel blocking Risk of sedation and anticholinergic


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Capsaicin Selective stimulator of C-fibers Cause Substance P release Depletes Substance P Apply 3-4 times/day for 4-8 weeks Capsaicin 8% relief may last 12 weeks Start with tramadol or lidocaine cream

(Pain Ther 2014)

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GABA, Pregabalin and NP

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Pregabalin Side Effects

Infection peripheral edema, Fatigue constipation, weight gain blurred vision ataxia, dizziness headache diplopia

Drowsiness tremor visual field loss xerostomia accidental injury

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Gabapentin and Opioids

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Gabapentin Increases the concentration of GABA in

the Brain Modifies Ca2+ currents Excreted 95% unchanged in the urine Good for NP No direct anti-nociceptive effect

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Gabapentin Side Effects

Sedation Fever Fatigue Ataxia Nystagmus Dizziness Drowsiness Weight gain due to increased apetite

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Amantadine and Dextromethorphan are effective for DMPN (Pain 1998, Neurology 1997)

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Herbal supplements Cannabis Plant Extract (AAPM&R 2015)

FMS NP RA Spasticity related pain

Side effects Dizziness Drowsiness Fatigue Legal issues

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Herbal supplements Alpha Lipoic Acid 600mg daily L-carnitine 1000mg daily Vitamin B complex Vitamin D once a week CoQ10---FMS—150-300mg daily (PMR Journal 2015)

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Non pharmacologic Tx PT OT Pain psychology Cognitive behavioral therapy Ergonomic evaluation Aqua therapy Work conditioning/hardening

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Interventional Pain Management Spinal Cord Stimulators Intercostal nerve blocks Peripheral nerve blocks Caudal Epidural injections Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks Radiofrequency Neurotomy Stellate Ganglion Blocks

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Conclusion The best management option is:

• Multimodal Therapy

Consider the patient’s comorbidities Listen to your patient complaints

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