neuropsychological test battery (ntb) ·...

NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL TEST BATTERY (NTB) The scale consists of the following components: 1. Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (WMS-R) - Visual Paired Associates Immediate 2. Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (WMS-R) - Verbal Paired Associates Immediate 3. Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test Immediate 4. Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (WMS-R) - Digit span 5. Controlled Word Association Test 6. Category Fluency Test 7. Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (WMS-R) - Visual Paired Associates Delayed 8. Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (WMS-R) - Verbal Paired Associates Delayed 9. Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test Delayed (Recall & Recognition) Wechsler Memory Scale - Revised. Copyright © 1945, renewed 1974, 1987 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. “Wechsler Memory Scale” and “WMS” are trademarks of Harcourt Assessment, Inc. registered in the United States of America and/or other jurisdictions. Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test. Adapted from Taylor, E.M. (1959). The Appraisal of Children with Cerebral Deficits. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, and Lezak, M.D. (1983) Neuropsychological Assessments (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System. Copyright © 2001 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. “Delis-Kaplan Executive Function Systemand DKEFSare trademarks of Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Training Version 1 07Jul2014

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NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL TEST BATTERY (NTB) The scale consists of the following components:

1. Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (WMS-R) - Visual Paired Associates Immediate 2. Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (WMS-R) - Verbal Paired Associates Immediate 3. Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test Immediate 4. Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (WMS-R) - Digit span 5. Controlled Word Association Test 6. Category Fluency Test 7. Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (WMS-R) - Visual Paired Associates Delayed 8. Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (WMS-R) - Verbal Paired Associates Delayed 9. Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test Delayed (Recall & Recognition)

• Wechsler Memory Scale - Revised. Copyright © 1945, renewed 1974, 1987 by Harcourt Assessment,

Inc. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. “Wechsler Memory Scale” and “WMS” are trademarks of Harcourt Assessment, Inc. registered in the United States of America and/or other jurisdictions.

• Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test. Adapted from Taylor, E.M. (1959). The Appraisal of Children with Cerebral Deficits. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, and Lezak, M.D.

(1983) Neuropsychological Assessments (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press

• Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System. Copyright © 2001 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. “Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System” and “DKEFS” are trademarks of Harcourt Assessment, Inc.



Version 1 07Jul2014


Date assessment completed:



Practice trial (Folder A): “I am going to show you some figures, each one paired with a different color. As you look at the figures, try to remember the color that goes with each figure. After I have shown you the figures with their colors, I will show you the figures alone, and for each figure I will ask you to point to the right color in this folder. Here is an example of what I will ask you to do.” When displaying the learning cards SAY “This figure here (point) goes with this color (point).” When displaying the recall cards SAY “Now look at this figure. It has no color square with it. Try to remember what color goes with it. Look at these colors (Folder A) and point to the one that goes with this figure”.

If correct, say: “Yes” If incorrect, say: “No, (point to the correct color) it was this one.” If no response given in 3 seconds, say: “If you don’t remember, guess.”

Item Key Response Score (1 or 0) Practice A Brown □1 □ 0 Practice B Gray □ 1 □ 0




Version 1 07Jul2014

Test Trials (Folder B): “Now I will show you some new figures paired with different colors. Here are the colors (Folder B). Can you tell them all apart? Do any of them look the same to you?” If the examinee indicates difficulty in distinguishing among the colors, note the details on the Record Form.

“Now I will show you six new figures, each one paired with one of these colors. You will see each pair for just 3 seconds. After presenting all six cards, I will show you the same figures, one at a time, but in a different order and without the colors. Then I will ask you to point to the color in this folder (point to Folder B) that goes with each figure - just as you did in the samples. Are you ready?” Provide further explanation if necessary.

With Folder B closed, expose the first set of six learning cards at the rate of one pair every 3 seconds, SAY each time, “Look at this pair.” Continue flipping the cards until you reach the tabbed divider. Cover the last pair with the divider, then SAY, “Now I will show you the figures without the colors. As you look at each figure, point to the color in this folder (point) that goes with it. If you are not sure, make a guess.”

Open Folder B, expose the first unpaired figure, and SAY, “Show me what color goes with this figure - point to it on this card.”

If correct, SAY: “That's right,” wait 5 seconds, and proceed to the next card. If incorrect or no response in five, point to the correct color and SAY: “This is the right color,” and proceed to the next unpaired figure.

Set I Item Key Response Score (1 or 0) 1 Green □ 1 □ 0

2 Purple □ 1 □ 0

3 Red □ 1 □ 0

4 Yellow □ 1 □ 0

5 Pink □ 1 □ 0

6 Blue □ 1 □ 0

Total= ______________

After exposing the last unpaired figure in the first set, cover it with the tabbed divider, close Folder B, and SAY, “Now let's try it once more. Here are the same figures paired with the same colors, only now in a different order.”



Version 1 07Jul2014

Present the second set of six figures paired with colors in the same manner as before, with a 3-second exposure for each card. When finished with these, open Folder B again and say, “Now I will show you the figures without their colors. Look at each figure and point to the color that goes with it, here in this folder (point).” Present the six unpaired figures, in the same manner as before.

If correct, SAY: “That's right,” wait 5 seconds, and proceed to the next card. If incorrect or no response in five seconds, point to the correct color and SAY:

“This is the right color,” and proceed to the next unpaired figure. Set II

Item Key Response Score (1 or 0) 1 Yellow □ 1 □ 0

2 Red □ 1 □ 0

3 Blue □ 1 □ 0

4 Purple □ 1 □ 0

5 Green □ 1 □ 0

6 Pink □ 1 □ 0

Total = _______________ Proceed to the third presentation and SAY, “Now let's try it another time.” As before, help the examinee by pointing to the correct color if he or she gives an incorrect response.

Set III Item Key Response Score (1 or 0) 1 Blue □ 1 □ 0

2 Green □ 1 □ 0

3 Purple □ 1 □ 0

4 Pink □ 1 □ 0

5 Yellow □ 1 □ 0

6 Red □ 1 □ 0

Total = ________________ Grand Total (Set I-III) =________________ (Maximum score = 18)

If all six responses are correct, discontinue and skip down to REMINDER under Set VI. If they are NOT all correct, proceed to the fourth presentation and SAY, “Now let's try it another time.” As before, help the examinee by pointing to the correct color if he or she gives an incorrect response.



Version 1 07Jul2014

Set IV Item Key Response Score (1 or 0) 1 Green □ 1 □ 0

2 Purple □ 1 □ 0

3 Red □ 1 □ 0

4 Yellow □ 1 □ 0

5 Pink □ 1 □ 0

6 Blue □ 1 □ 0

Total = ________________

If all six responses are correct, discontinue and skip down to REMINDER under Set VI. If they are NOT all correct, proceed to the fifth presentation and SAY, “Now let's try it another time.” As before, help the examinee by pointing to the correct color if he or she gives an incorrect response.

Set V Item Key Response Score (1 or 0) 1 Purple □ 1 □ 0

2 Blue □ 1 □ 0

3 Yellow □ 1 □ 0

4 Pink □ 1 □ 0

5 Red □ 1 □ 0

6 Green □ 1 □ 0

Total = _______________

If all six responses are correct, discontinue and skip down to REMINDER under Set VI. If they are NOT all correct, proceed to the sixth presentation and SAY, “Now let's try it another time.” As before, help the examinee by pointing to the correct color if he or she gives an incorrect response.



Version 1 07Jul2014

Set VI Item Key Response Score (1 or 0) 1 Green □ 1 □ 0

2 Yellow □ 1 □ 0

3 Blue □ 1 □ 0

4 Red □ 1 □ 0

5 Purple □ 1 □ 0

6 Pink □ 1 □ 0

Total = ________________


When the subtest is discontinued, SAY, “That was good. Later on I will ask you again which color goes with each figure, so try to remember them now.” Allow at least 10 seconds to elapse before beginning the next subtest.

Wechsler Memory Scale – Revised (WMS-R). Copyright © 1945, renewed 1974, 1987 NCS Pearson, Inc. Adapted and reproduced with permission of publisher NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.



Version 1 07Jul2014

2. WMS-R VERBAL PAIRED ASSOCIATES SAY: “I am going to read you a list of words, two at a time. Listen carefully because after I am through I will ask you which words go together. For example, if the words were East-West, Gold-Walk, then when I say the word East, you would answer (pause) West and when I say the word Gold, you would answer (pause) Walk. Do you understand?” As soon as the subject indicates he understands, SAY: “Now listen carefully to the list as I read it.” Read Set I at the rate of one pair every 3 seconds; that is, the words are spoken about 1 second apart, with 2 seconds separating the pairs.

After reading Set I, pause for 5 seconds and present the First Recall list. Read the first word of each pair and allow a maximum of 5 seconds for the response.

If correct, SAY, “That's right,” and proceed with the next word in the recall list.

If incorrect or the subject does not respond, SAY, “No, the word is_____________,” and supply the correct association. Then, proceed to the next word.

Set I Recall List Response (Easy) Response (Hard) Metal - Iron Fruit □ 1 □ 0

Baby - Cries Obey □ 1 □ 0

Crush - Dark Rose □ 1 □ 0

School - Grocery Baby □ 1 □ 0

Rose - Flower Cabbage □ 1 □ 0

Obey - Inch Metal □ 1 □ 0

Fruit - Apple School □ 1 □ 0

Cabbage - Pen Crush □ 1 □ 0

Total Easy= ______

Total Hard = _________

After completing the First Recall list, pause for 5 seconds and say, “Now we'll try it again. Listen.”



Version 1 07Jul2014

Read Set II, proceeding as before. Then pause for 5 seconds and present the Second Recall list, giving the first word of each pair and allowing a maximum of 5 seconds for the response.

Set II Recall Response (Easy) Response (Hard) Rose - Flower Cabbage □ 1 □ 0

Cabbage - Pen Baby □ 1 □ 0

Obey - Inch

Metal □ 1 □ 0

Fruit - Apple School □ 1 □ 0

School - Grocery Rose □ 1 □ 0

Metal - Iron Crush □ 1 □ 0

Crush - Dark Fruit □ 1 □ 0

Baby - Cries Obey □ 1 □ 0

Total Easy= ______

Total Hard = _________



Version 1 07Jul2014

After completing the Second Recall list, pause for 5 seconds and say, “Listen again”, and give Set III and Third Recall list. Continue to correct any wrong answers.

Set III Recall Response (Easy) Response (Hard) Baby - Cries Obey □ 1 □ 0

Crush - Dark Fruit □ 1 □ 0

School – Grocery Baby □ 1 □ 0

Rose – Flower Metal □ 1 □ 0

Cabbage – Pen Crush □ 1 □ 0

Fruit – Apple School □ 1 □ 0

Obey – Inch Rose □ 1 □ 0

Metal - Iron Cabbage □ 1 □ 0

Total Easy= ______

Total Hard = _________


Total Easy (Maximum=12)

Total Hard (Maximum=12)

Grand Total (Easy +Hard; Maximum=24)

If all eight responses are correct in Set III, discontinue and skip down to REMINDER under Set VI. If they are NOT all correct, proceed to Set IV and SAY, “Listen again.”



Version 1 07Jul2014

Set IV Recall Response (Easy) Response (Hard) Crush - Dark School □ 1 □ 0

Cabbage - Pen Metal □ 1 □ 0

Fruit - Apple Obey □ 1 □ 0

Obey - Inch Crush □ 1 □ 0

Baby - Cries Fruit □ 1 □ 0

Rose - Flower Baby □ 1 □ 0

Metal - Iron Cabbage □ 1 □ 0

School - Grocery Rose □ 1 □ 0

Total Easy= ______

Total Hard = _________

If all eight responses are correct, discontinue and skip down to REMINDER under Set VI. If they are NOT all correct, proceed to Set V and SAY, “Listen again.”

Set V Recall Response (Easy) Response (Hard) Fruit - Apple Rose □ 1 □ 0

School - Grocery Crush □ 1 □ 0

Rose – Flower Baby □ 1 □ 0

Cabbage – Pen Metal □ 1 □ 0

Metal – Iron Obey □ 1 □ 0

Crush – Dark Cabbage □ 1 □ 0

Baby – Cries School □ 1 □ 0

Obey – Inch Fruit □ 1 □ 0

Total Easy= ______

Total Hard = _________

If all eight responses are correct, discontinue and skip down to REMINDER under Set VI. If they are NOT all correct, proceed to Set VI and SAY, “Listen again.”



Version 1 07Jul2014

Set VI Recall Response (Easy) Response (Hard) Metal - Iron Baby □ 1 □ 0

Rose – Flower Fruit □ 1 □ 0

Crush – Dark Cabbage □ 1 □ 0

Baby - Cries Rose □ 1 □ 0

Obey – Inch School □ 1 □ 0

Fruit – Apple Obey □ 1 □ 0

Cabbage – Pen Crush □ 1 □ 0

School - Grocery Metal □ 1 □ 0

Total Easy= ______

Total Hard = _________


When the subtest is discontinued, SAY, “Good. Later on I will ask you the words again, so try to remember them now.” Allow at least 10 seconds to elapse before beginning the next subtest. Wechsler Memory Scale – Revised (WMS-R). Copyright © 1945, renewed 1974, 1987 NCS Pearson, Inc. Adapted and reproduced with permission of publisher NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.



Version 1 07Jul2014

3. REY AUDITORY VERBAL LEARNING TEST (RAVLT) PART I “I am going to read you a list of words. Listen carefully, for when I stop you are to say back as many words as you can remember. It doesn’t matter in what order you repeat them. Just try to remember as many as you can.” Read the following word list to the subject and tick each item as it is correctly recalled. Record all incorrect responses (i.e., intrusion errors) below.

Drum Curtain Bell

Coffee School Parent

Moon Garden Hat

Farmer Nose Turkey

Color House River


Intrusion errors:

PART 2 “Now I am going to read the same list again, and once again when I stop I want you to tell me as many words as you can remember, including words you said the first time. It doesn’t matter in what order you say them. Just say as many words as you can remember, whether or not you said them before.” Read the following word list to the subject and tick each item as it is correctly recalled. Record all incorrect responses (i.e., intrusion errors) below.

Drum Curtain Bell

Coffee School Parent

Moon Garden Hat

Farmer Nose Turkey

Color House River


Intrusion errors:



Version 1 07Jul2014

PART 3 “Now I am going to read the same list again, and once again when I stop I want you to tell me as many words as you can remember, including words you said the first time. It doesn’t matter in what order you say them. Just say as many words as you can remember, whether or not you said them before.” Read the following word list to the subject and tick each item as it is correctly recalled. Record all incorrect responses (i.e., intrusion errors) below.

Drum Curtain Bell

Coffee School Parent

Moon Garden Hat

Farmer Nose Turkey

Color House River


Intrusion errors:

PART 4 “Now I am going to read the same list again, and once again when I stop I want you to tell me as many words as you can remember, including words you said the first time. It doesn’t matter in what order you say them. Just say as many words as you can remember, whether or not you said them before.” Read the following word list to the subject and tick each item as it is correctly recalled. Record all incorrect responses (i.e., intrusion errors) below.

Drum Curtain Bell

Coffee School Parent

Moon Garden Hat

Farmer Nose Turkey

Color House River


Intrusion errors:



Version 1 07Jul2014

PART 5 “Now I am going to read the same list again, and once again when I stop I want you to tell me as many words as you can remember, including words you said the first time. It doesn’t matter in what order you say them. Just say as many words as you can remember, whether or not you said them before.” Read the following word list to the subject and tick each item as it is correctly recalled. Record all incorrect responses (i.e., intrusion errors) below.

Drum Curtain Bell

Coffee School Parent

Moon Garden Hat

Farmer Nose Turkey

Color House River


Intrusion errors:

PART 6A “Now I am going to read a second list of words. Again, you are to say back as many words of this second list as you can remember. Just as before, the order in which you say the words does not matter. Just try to remember as many as you can.” Read the following word list to the patient and tick each item as it is correctly recalled. Record all incorrect responses (i.e., intrusion errors) below.

Desk Ranger Bird

Shoe Stove Mountain

Glasses Towel Cloud

Boat Lamb Gun

Pencil Church Fish


Intrusion errors:



Version 1 07Jul2014

PART 6B “Now I would like you to tell me as many words as you can remember from the FIRST list of words I read to you. Again, the order in which you say the words does not matter. Just try to remember as many as you can.” Tick each item as the subject correctly recalls it. Record all incorrect responses (i.e., intrusion errors) below.

Drum Curtain Bell

Coffee School Parent

Moon Garden Hat

Farmer Nose Turkey

Color House River

TOTAL RECALLED (0—15) = Intrusion Errors:

REMINDER: NOTE THE TIME OF SUBTEST COMPLETION (24 HR Clock) Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test. Adapted from Taylor, E.M. (1959). The Appraisal of Children with Cerebral Deficits. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, andLezak, M.D. (1983) Neuropsychological Assessments (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press



Version 1 07Jul2014

4. WMS-R DIGIT SPAN PART 1. FORWARD “I am going to say some numbers. Listen carefully, and when I have finished say them right back to me.” Read the following at a rate of 1 digit per second and administer both trials of each item. Discontinue after failure on both trials of any item. Item Trial 1 Pass - Fail Trial 2 Pass - Fail Score (2, 1, or 0)

1 6—2—9 3—7—5 □ 2 □1 □ 0

2 5—4—1—7 8—3—9—6 □ 2 □1 □ 0

3 3—6—9—2—5 6—9—4—7—1 □ 2 □1 □ 0

4 9—1—8—4—2—7 6—3—5—4—8—2 □ 2 □1 □ 0

5 1—2—8—5—3—4—6 2—8—1—4—9—7—5 □ 2 □1 □ 0

6 3—8—2—9—5—1—7—4 5—9—1—8—2—6—4—7 □ 2 □1 □ 0

Total (0-12) =



Version 1 07Jul2014

PART 2. BACKWARD “Now I am going to say some more numbers, but this time when I stop I want you to say them backwards. For example, if I say 2—8—3, what would you say?” If correct say: “That’s right. Now listen to these numbers and remember you are to

say them backwards.” If incorrect, say: “No, I said 2—8—3, so to say them backwards you would need to

say 3—8—2. Now try these numbers. Remember you are to say them backwards. Ready? 1—5—8.”

Give no help on this second example or on any of the items that follow. Whether the subject succeeds or fails with the second example (1-5-8), proceed to Trial 1 of Item 1.

Discontinue the subtest after failure on both trials of any item.

Item Trial 1 Pass - Fail Trial 2 Pass - Fail Score (2, 1, or 0)

1 5—1 3—8 □ 2 □1 □ 0

2 4—9—3 5—2—6 □ 2 □1 □ 0

3 3—8—1—4 1—7—9—5 □ 2 □1 □ 0

4 6—2—9—7—2 4—8—5—2—7 □ 2 □1 □ 0

5 7—1—5—2—8—6 8—3—1—9—6—4 □ 2 □1 □ 0

6 4—7—3—9—1—2—8 8—1—2—9—3—6—5 □ 2 □1 □ 0

Total (0-12) = Wechsler Memory Scale – Revised (WMS-R). Copyright © 1945, renewed 1974, 1987 NCS Pearson, Inc. Adapted and reproduced with permission of publisher NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.



Version 1 07Jul2014

5. CONTROLLED WORD ASSOCIATION TEST (COWAT) PART 1: Letter ‘F’ “I want to see how many words you can say beginning with a certain letter in one minute. Don’t say proper nouns or numbers or the same word with a different ending (e.g., eat, eating, eaten) and try not to repeat yourself. The letter is ‘F’, begin.” Record the patient’s response in the following table. Place a check mark next to all of the acceptable words provided.

Item Response Acceptable? Item Response Acceptable?

1 19

2 20

3 21

4 22 5 23

6 24

7 25

8 26

9 27

10 28 11 29

12 30

13 31

14 32

15 33

16 34

17 35

18 36

Total words generated

Total acceptable words

Check all the subject’s responses and exclude any repetitions. Please see below for further guidance regarding unacceptable responses:

Words with a different ending (e.g. ‘sleep, sleeping, sleeper, etc.) Numbers Proper nouns Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System. Copyright © 2001 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. “Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System” and “DKEFS” are trademarks of Harcourt Assessment, Inc.



Version 1 07Jul2014

PART 2: Letter ‘A’ “Good. This time I want to see how many words you can say beginning with a different letter in one minute. Again, don’t say proper nouns or numbers or the same word with a different ending and try not to repeat yourself. The letter is ‘A’, begin.” Record the patient’s response in the following table. Place a check mark next to all of the acceptable words provided. Item Response Acceptable? Item Response Acceptable?

1 19

2 20

3 21

4 22 5 23

6 24

7 25

8 26

9 27

10 28

11 29

12 30

13 31

14 32

15 33

16 34

17 35

18 36

Total words generated

Total acceptable words

Check all the subject’s responses and exclude any repetitions. Please see below for further guidance regarding unacceptable responses:

Words with a different ending (e.g. ‘sleep, sleeping, sleeper, etc.) Numbers Proper nouns Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System. Copyright © 2001 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. “Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System” and “DKEFS” are trademarks of Harcourt Assessment, Inc.



Version 1 07Jul2014

PART 3: Letter ‘S’ “Good. This time I want to see how many words you can say beginning with a different letter in one minute. Again, don’t say proper nouns or numbers or the same word with a different ending and try not to repeat yourself. The letter is ‘S’, begin.” Record the patient’s response in the following table. Place a check mark next to all of the acceptable words provided. Item Response Acceptable? Item Response Acceptable?

1 19

2 20 3 21

4 22

5 23

6 24

7 25

8 26

9 27

10 28

11 29

12 30

13 31

14 32

15 33

16 34

17 35

18 36 Total words generated

Total acceptable words

Check all the subject’s responses and exclude any repetitions. Please see below for further guidance regarding unacceptable responses:

Words with a different ending (e.g. ‘sleep, sleeping, sleeper, etc.) Numbers Proper nouns Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System. Copyright © 2001 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. “Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System” and “DKEFS” are trademarks of Harcourt Assessment, Inc.



Version 1 07Jul2014

6. CATEGORY NAMING TEST “I want to see how many different types of ANIMALS you can say in one minute. Try not to repeat yourself. Begin.” Record the subject’s response in the following table and place a checkmark next to the acceptable responses.

Check all the participant’s responses and exclude any repetitions. Please note the following guidance regarding acceptable and unacceptable responses:

Mythological animals, cartoon characters and fictitious animals do not score

Superordinate (e.g. ‘Insect’) and subordinate (e.g. ‘ant’, ‘moth’, etc.) items all score

Sex based (e.g. ‘cock’ and ‘hen’) variants all score

Animals with the same stem score only for the first word using that stem (e.g. cock, cocks, cockerel, etc.)

Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System. Copyright © 2001 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. “Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System” and “DKEFS” are trademarks of Harcourt Assessment, Inc.

Response Acceptable? Response Acceptable? Response Acceptable?

1 15 29

2 16 30

3 17 31

4 18 32

5 19 33

6 20 34

7 21 35

8 22 36

9 23 37

10 24 38

11 25 39

12 26 40

13 27 41

14 28 42

Total words generated =

Total acceptable words =



Version 1 07Jul2014


Time administered: 24 hour clock

RETEST: To be administered approximately 30 minutes after initial administration. “A little while ago I showed you some figures, each one paired with a different color.” Place Folder B opened, in front of the examinee and SAY, “These were the colors. Now I am going to show you the figures again and you try to remember which color went with each figure.” Open the booklet to the last divider, labeled ‘subtest 10’, immediately preceding the final set of stimulus cards. Turn over the first card and SAY, “Here is the first figure. Look at these colors (point to Folder B) and point to the one that goes with this figure.” Allow the examinee up to 20 seconds to point. Do not indicate whether the response is correct or incorrect. Record the response on the record form, turn over the second card and SAY, “Which color goes with this figure? Point to it.”

Item Key Response Score (1 or 0) 1 Pink □ 1 □ 0

2 Red □ 1 □ 0

3 Green □ 1 □ 0

4 Blue □ 1 □ 0

5 Yellow □ 1 □ 0

6 Purple □ 1 □ 0

Total = ________________

Wechsler Memory Scale – Revised (WMS-R). Copyright © 1945, renewed 1974, 1987 NCS Pearson, Inc. Adapted and reproduced with permission of publisher NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.



Version 1 07Jul2014


Time administered: 24 hour clock

RETEST: To be administered approximately 30 minutes after initial administration. “A while ago I read you a list of words, two at a time. Then I read you the first word in each pair, and you were to tell me the word that went with it. For example, if the words were East-West, and I said the word East, you would answer (pause) West. Do you remember? (Pause then proceed) Now I want you to see how well you remember the word pairs. I’m going to read you one of the words and you are to tell me the word that goes with it.” Present the recall list in the order shown on the worksheet. Do NOT read the word in the parentheses. These are here for the examiner’s benefit. SAY, “The first word is Rose. What word went with it?” Allow a maximum of 10 seconds for the response, then continue. Do not correct wrong or omitted responses on this delayed recall trial.

Stimulus Word (and correct answers)

Response (Easy) Response (Hard)

Rose – (Flower) □ 1 □ 0

Metal – (Iron) □ 1 □ 0

School – (Grocery) □ 1 □ 0

Cabbage – (Pen) □ 1 □ 0

Baby – (Cries) □ 1 □ 0

Crush – (Dark) □ 1 □ 0

Obey – (Inch) □ 1 □ 0

Fruit – (Apple) □ 1 □ 0

Total Easy= __ (Maximum = 4)____

Total Hard = (Maximum = 4) _________

Wechsler Memory Scale – Revised (WMS-R). Copyright © 1945, renewed 1974, 1987 NCS Pearson, Inc. Adapted and reproduced with permission of publisher NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.



Version 1 07Jul2014


PART 7 24 hour clock RETEST: To be administered approximately 30 minutes after the administration of part 6B.

“A while ago I read you a list of words five times and asked you to remember the words so that you could repeat them back to me. Now I’d like you to tell me as many of those words as you can remember. It doesn’t matter in what order you say them.” Tick each item as it is correctly recalled. Record all incorrect responses (i.e., intrusion errors) below.

Drum Curtain Bell

Coffee School Parent

Moon Garden Hat

Farmer Nose Turkey

Color House River


Intrusion Errors:



Version 1 07Jul2014

PART 8 “A while ago I read you a list of words five times and asked you to remember the words so that you could repeat them back to me. Now I’d like you to look carefully at this list of words and tell me which words you can remember from that first list. It doesn’t matter in what order you say them.” Show the laminated card containing the following word list to the patient and tick each item as the subject recognizes it. Teacher Beet Nose

River Curtain School

Bridge Floor Bell

Farmer Soldier Face

Pen Drum Garden

Forehead Coffee Classroom

Kerchief Road Parent

House Hat Children

Moon Turkey Broomstick

Color Minute Water

TOTAL CORRECTLY RECOGNIZED (BOLD ITEMS TICKED) (0-15) = TOTAL INCORRECTLY RECOGNIZED (NON-BOLD ITEMS TICKED) (0-15) = Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test. Adapted from Taylor, E.M. (1959). The Appraisal of Children with Cerebral Deficits. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, and Lezak, M.D. (1983) Neuropsychological Assessments (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press

Version 2.1. 14 APR 2014

Comment [u1]: Same as above.



Version 1 07Jul2014