new 2008 – israel’s 60 anniversary · 2008. 7. 22. · israel — 2008 and beyond bro. len...

2008 – Israel’s 60 th Anniversary

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Page 1: New 2008 – Israel’s 60 Anniversary · 2008. 7. 22. · Israel — 2008 and Beyond Bro. Len Griehs and Bro. Jim Parkinson General Convention Johnstown, PA — Monday July 21, 2008

2008 – Israel’s 60th Anniversary

Page 2: New 2008 – Israel’s 60 Anniversary · 2008. 7. 22. · Israel — 2008 and Beyond Bro. Len Griehs and Bro. Jim Parkinson General Convention Johnstown, PA — Monday July 21, 2008


— 2008 and Beyond

Bro. Len Griehs and Bro. Jim Parkinson

General Convention Johnstown, PA — Monday July 21, 2008

Page 3: New 2008 – Israel’s 60 Anniversary · 2008. 7. 22. · Israel — 2008 and Beyond Bro. Len Griehs and Bro. Jim Parkinson General Convention Johnstown, PA — Monday July 21, 2008

Thoughts on Israel in the Near Future— Bro. Jim Parkinson

� Eastern Bloc: Great Russians with Armenia and

(Caucasian) Georgia (Gruzia, Kart’velia); Iran→, Black Africa→, North Africa (Libya to Morocco) →, Germanic nations→, and Turkic nations.

� Western Bloc: Arabia, westernmost Europe and their former colonies (Americas, and maybe Australia and New Zealand). Sheba & Dedan at the head: petro$ going their way.

Page 4: New 2008 – Israel’s 60 Anniversary · 2008. 7. 22. · Israel — 2008 and Beyond Bro. Len Griehs and Bro. Jim Parkinson General Convention Johnstown, PA — Monday July 21, 2008

7 Last Plagues Span the Harvest— Bro. Jim Parkinson

Every major world event in the Gospel Age harvest has contributed one major step towards the restoration of Israel

� 4. [1] Call for Jews to leave world for Israel, for church to leave sectarianismto leave sectarianism

� 5. [2] World War I [Balfour Declaration for Jewish homeland in Palestine]

� 6. [3] Depression [world economies no longer attract Jews to stay away]

� 7. [4] World War II [Hitler hunts Jews, many flee Central Europe to Israel]

Page 5: New 2008 – Israel’s 60 Anniversary · 2008. 7. 22. · Israel — 2008 and Beyond Bro. Len Griehs and Bro. Jim Parkinson General Convention Johnstown, PA — Monday July 21, 2008

7 Last Plagues Span the Harvest(Continued) — Bro. Jim Parkinson

Every major world event in the Gospel Age harvest has contributed one major step towards the restoration of Israel

� 8. [5] East vs. West [West struggles back; >1,000,000 Soviet Jews return]Soviet Jews return]

� 9. [6] Depression [Worldwide, but West hit hardest, American Jews return]

� 10. [7] Armageddon [Jews are back, amazingly saved by East-West nuclear war]

Today we appear to be toward the end of #8, or awaiting #9

Page 6: New 2008 – Israel’s 60 Anniversary · 2008. 7. 22. · Israel — 2008 and Beyond Bro. Len Griehs and Bro. Jim Parkinson General Convention Johnstown, PA — Monday July 21, 2008

Psalm 83 – When?— Bro. Jim Parkinson

Tyre (Tiras) from Japheth; Philistines from Ham; 8 from Shem (Genesis 10). All are against Israel.

What does this Psalm prophesy?

� All wars against Israel before ArmageddonResult will be temporary safety (Ezekiel 38:8, 11, 14)� One war between now and ArmageddonResult will be temporary safety (Ezekiel 38:8, 11, 14)

� Armageddon (the Last Plague, Ex 12, Rev. 16:17-21)

Gideon vs. Midian, Deborah vs. Sisera, typify ArmageddonThe temporary safety precedes this final world calamity

Page 7: New 2008 – Israel’s 60 Anniversary · 2008. 7. 22. · Israel — 2008 and Beyond Bro. Len Griehs and Bro. Jim Parkinson General Convention Johnstown, PA — Monday July 21, 2008

Thoughts on Israel in the Near Future— Bro. Len Griehs

� Israel’s position in 2008

� Zech. 12:3

� Exodus 23:31-33

� Jer 6:14; 8:11Jer 6:14; 8:11

� Jer. 23:7 and Israel’s milestone

� Israel vs. Iran today

Page 8: New 2008 – Israel’s 60 Anniversary · 2008. 7. 22. · Israel — 2008 and Beyond Bro. Len Griehs and Bro. Jim Parkinson General Convention Johnstown, PA — Monday July 21, 2008

Known Terrorist Organizations

Name Location Facts




Islamic Jihad

Palestine Liberation


Kuwait Main PLO

Name = “Conquest”West Bank, Gaza Palestinian

Beirut Allied with Syria, Iran

Israel, Jordan, Lebanon Anti-democratic

Iraq Pro PLO; pro Syria;

Pro LibyaFront

Popular Front for the

Liberation of Palestine





IraqPro Libya

Syria, Lebanon, Israel

West BankFounded by Jerusalem


George Habash

Damascus, Syria

Lebanon, Iran

Founded by Ahmed

Jibril, Syrian

Afghanistan, Global Founded by Osama

bin Laden, anti Western

CairoSeeks overthrow

Egyptian govt.

Page 9: New 2008 – Israel’s 60 Anniversary · 2008. 7. 22. · Israel — 2008 and Beyond Bro. Len Griehs and Bro. Jim Parkinson General Convention Johnstown, PA — Monday July 21, 2008

Psalm 83 – A prayer of Israel— Bro. Len Griehs

� Ongoing conflict between Israel and Arabs with clear indication that purpose is to destroy Israel from being nation Began to be fulfilled from 1948 onward, (1950 formation of Arab League):

� Psalm 83:6 mentions nations which territories today occupy Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Syria today occupy Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Syria

� but no indication of length or results of confederacy

� suggestion: continues to point of attack of Micah 5 and Zechariah 10 and a complete victory for Israel over the Arabs

� This is answer to prayer of Psalm 83� Isaiah 11:14; Zephaniah 2:3-10; Zechariah 10:10;

Obadiah 19-20

Page 10: New 2008 – Israel’s 60 Anniversary · 2008. 7. 22. · Israel — 2008 and Beyond Bro. Len Griehs and Bro. Jim Parkinson General Convention Johnstown, PA — Monday July 21, 2008

Two attacks against Israel in future:— Bro. Len Griehs

1. Jeremiah 30: Jacob’s Trouble (end point of discussion)

2. Ezekiel 38: Gog with Persia, Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer, Togarmah descends on Israel to take Gomer, Togarmah descends on Israel to take


Page 11: New 2008 – Israel’s 60 Anniversary · 2008. 7. 22. · Israel — 2008 and Beyond Bro. Len Griehs and Bro. Jim Parkinson General Convention Johnstown, PA — Monday July 21, 2008

Two attacks against Israel in future:

1st attack Jeremiah 30 — Bro. Len Griehs

� Trembling and fear but no peace--vs 5

� Men travailing as woman in travail—vs 6

� Israel is saved out of it—vs 7

� Bonds are burst—vs 8

David their king shall be raised up –vs 9� David their king shall be raised up –vs 9

� God will correct in measure and not leave unpunished—vs 11

� Bruise is incurable and wound is grievous—vs 12

� No healing medicine—vs 13

� All lovers desert after great sin—vs 14

Page 12: New 2008 – Israel’s 60 Anniversary · 2008. 7. 22. · Israel — 2008 and Beyond Bro. Len Griehs and Bro. Jim Parkinson General Convention Johnstown, PA — Monday July 21, 2008

Two attacks against Israel in future:

1st attack Jeremiah 30 (Contd.) — Bro. Len Griehs

� Ancient worthies appear — vs 21 and intervene for divine deliverance (Isaiah 1:25-27; Ezekiel 37-part 2)

� Israel gains land of Zechariah 10:10� Zechariah 10, prior to this corresponds with Jacob’s � Zechariah 10, prior to this corresponds with Jacob’s

Trouble and supplies valuable information about events leading up to this� Vs8-9 show the continuing re-gathering process

which began in 1878 and continues right up until time of battle (Ezekiel 37-part 1)

Page 13: New 2008 – Israel’s 60 Anniversary · 2008. 7. 22. · Israel — 2008 and Beyond Bro. Len Griehs and Bro. Jim Parkinson General Convention Johnstown, PA — Monday July 21, 2008

Two attacks against Israel in future:

1st attack Jeremiah 30 (Contd.) — Bro. Len Griehs

Israel gains land of Zechariah 10:10Zechariah 10, prior to this corresponds with Jacob’s Trouble

and supplies valuable information about events leading up to this

� Vs 10—no place found for them but brought into land of Gilead and Lebanon� Indicates gain of land not now occupied: Jordan

and Lebanon both inhabited by Arabs� Suggests that first attack upon Israel comes from

invasion of hostile neighbors

� Vs 12—during this period religious strength is gained

Page 14: New 2008 – Israel’s 60 Anniversary · 2008. 7. 22. · Israel — 2008 and Beyond Bro. Len Griehs and Bro. Jim Parkinson General Convention Johnstown, PA — Monday July 21, 2008

Two attacks against Israel in future:

1st attack Jeremiah 30 (Contd.) — Bro. Len Griehs

� Israel gains land of Zechariah 10:10

� Zechariah 12 describes attack that results in sorrow and distress but reveals presence of ancient worthies

� Vs 2—who is round about? Reference to Arab nations, as indicated in Zech 10:10, this is the first Vs 2—who is round about? Reference to Arab nations, as indicated in Zech 10:10, this is the first attack in a “siege” against Israel

� Vs 6—second clear reference to return of Ancient Worthies and reason for deliverance from attack. Enemy is devoured on both the right and the left, indicating gain of land. Inhabited in own place is indication of safe dwelling

Page 15: New 2008 – Israel’s 60 Anniversary · 2008. 7. 22. · Israel — 2008 and Beyond Bro. Len Griehs and Bro. Jim Parkinson General Convention Johnstown, PA — Monday July 21, 2008

Two attacks against Israel in future:

1st attack Jeremiah 30 (Contd.) — Bro. Len Griehs

� Peace and prosperity restored, Israel dwelling in safety (unwalled villages)

� Verses 22-24: World becomes more entangled with problems surfacing now: economic, nuclear threats, etc.

� Spoilers are spoiled—vs 16� Turn of events occurs during this period� Turn of events occurs during this period� David their King is visible, but not a reference to

Messiah� Verse 21—nobles and governor come out of midst:

David himself may be raised during this period

Page 16: New 2008 – Israel’s 60 Anniversary · 2008. 7. 22. · Israel — 2008 and Beyond Bro. Len Griehs and Bro. Jim Parkinson General Convention Johnstown, PA — Monday July 21, 2008

Two attacks against Israel in future:

1st attack Jeremiah 30 (Contd.) — Bro. Len Griehs

� Verse 23-24—whirlwind goes out, God’s anger is poured out

� Suggests that there is another attack after Jacob’s trouble during period when Israel is prospering and rest of world is struggling

Page 17: New 2008 – Israel’s 60 Anniversary · 2008. 7. 22. · Israel — 2008 and Beyond Bro. Len Griehs and Bro. Jim Parkinson General Convention Johnstown, PA — Monday July 21, 2008

Two attacks against Israel in future:

2nd attack Ezekiel 38 — Bro. Len Griehs

� Utter defeat of all armies

� Peaceful villages remain intact to begin Kingdom

� Defeat of Gog in Ezekiel 38 is compared to Sennacherib’s army in 2 Kings 19, with no Israelite casualtiescasualties

� Prior to defeat, Sennacherib had incursion against Judah in 2 Kings 18:13-16 and he “came against all the fenced cities of Judah and took them.”

� Zechariah 14:1-3 contains attack of invasion of land causing great sorrow and devastation at which time God steps in after Israel cries out

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Two attacks against Israel in future:

Conclusions — Bro. Len Griehs

� Micah 5:1-3 indicates this occurs while Israel is still being re-gathered—indicates after additional land is gained in Israeli/Arab war

� Verse 5—Assyrian coming to the land and treading in palaces indicates land is invadedtreading in palaces indicates land is invaded

Page 19: New 2008 – Israel’s 60 Anniversary · 2008. 7. 22. · Israel — 2008 and Beyond Bro. Len Griehs and Bro. Jim Parkinson General Convention Johnstown, PA — Monday July 21, 2008

Open questions:

— Bro. Len Griehs

� Is Oil the springboard that brings on Israel/Arab conflict?� If yes, implications are significant

� Are the Assyrian and Gog the same?� Assyria could be Russia or Iraq

New regime in Iraq unlikely to go against � New regime in Iraq unlikely to go against Israel

� Russia’s reclamation of power seems more in line

� Does Gog invade or just come to take spoil?� Do the outside forces of Arab world (Saudi Arabia,

etc.) join in during Ezekiel 38?� Does the attack of Ezekiel 38 occur almost

immediately after Jeremiah 30?

Page 20: New 2008 – Israel’s 60 Anniversary · 2008. 7. 22. · Israel — 2008 and Beyond Bro. Len Griehs and Bro. Jim Parkinson General Convention Johnstown, PA — Monday July 21, 2008

More Questions about Israel— Bro. Jim Parkinson

� Will all surviving Jews return to Israel? Jeremiah 16:14-16 How many Israelites stayed in Egypt at the Exodus?

� What realignment of nations remains before the Northern bloc attacks Israel? Ezekiel 38:1-6 vs.Northern bloc attacks Israel? Ezekiel 38:1-6 vs.

38:13 - Russia, Armenia, Georgia, Iran, Black Africa, North Africa vs. Arabia, Western Europe & former colonies (America, ANZACs?)

� Zechariah 14:2 Half the city shall be cut off (in death or as prisoners?) Isaiah 66:20 When will Israelites be voluntarily returned to Israel? and how?

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If “Unwalled Villages – dwelling in

Peace” follows the Jeremiah 30 war—

What are some ofthe practical andtactical concernsthat will need tobe addressed?

Photos of “Security Wall” Copyright Yalom

be addressed?

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- A Harmony with the Chart of the Ages

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What Should We Do?— Bro. Jim Parkinson

� 1. Change self – from what I am to what I should be

� 2. (a) Get out of debt; (b) Stay out of debt

� 3. Encourage Jewish acquaintances – especially youth – to make Aliyah (to Israel)youth – to make Aliyah (to Israel)

� 4. If public opinion turns against the Jews, have nothing to do with it!

� 5. Recognize that the Lord has given the restoration of Israel as a concrete pledge that He will indeed establish His Kingdom here on Earth

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Closing thoughts

…The closing…The closing

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May the Lord add His Blessing