new club society

New Sports Club / Society Application Form Academic Year 20 _ _ / 20 _ _ Proposed Club / Society name: Fancy creating a new club or society fill in this simple form and become part of the hugely successful sports clubs and societies within the Guild of Students!

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Post on 07-Mar-2016




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application summary


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New Sports Club / Society Application Form

Academic Year 20 _ _ / 20 _ _

Proposed Club / Society name:

Fancy creating a new club or society fill in this simple form and become part of the hugely successful sports clubs and societies within the Guild of Students!

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New Club or Society Guild Affiliation Form

This application form is to be given into the Activities Office of the Guild, with all information filled in. This will then be ratified by the Guild and you will be notified of your affiliation in due course. We as union have tried to make this process as easy as possible and hope that it is straight forward. If you would like any further help with your application please do not hesitate to come in and ask questions!!

PLEASE BEAR IN MIND THAT ALL INFORMATION GIVEN ON THIS SHEET MAY BE QUESTIONED BY THE GUILD, AND THAT IT MUST BE AGREED ON BY ALL MEMBERS AT THE FIRST MEETING OF THE CLUB/SOCIETY. This will in affect become your governing document and if you are found to be in breach of anything stated within this document, the guild hold the right to terminate or suspend your affiliation.

Following this form there will be a risk assessment sheet, where all risks to club/society activity must be filled in. There is also a mandate form for those that will be eligible to access the club/ society bank account held within the guild. All money held by clubs/societies must be held within the Guild. Once the society is set up you will need to receive mandate training by the finance office, the Activities Officer will arrange this for you!

1. Would you like to become a:

Sports Club / Society

(please delete as appropriate)

2. What is the name of your new club/society?

3. Do you have a logo for your club / society?

Yes / No

(please delete as appropriate, if yes, please submit your logo)

4. What is the Membership fee to the club / society?


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5. Please give a small piece that could be placed on the website for prospective members to join. (150 words max)

What is the mission and main policies of your new club/society?

6. What are your future goals and ambitions for your new club/society? Please also state your plans to make this a stabilised club/society for the future? (Please continue on another page if necessary.)

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7. Do you have 20 members with BOS Numbers/Sporty Card Numbers – Please State Below:

(Once set up on the new Student Union website, the numbers within your club/society must correlate on the online membership database within the first two weeks of set up. You will be given one opportunity to rectify this if it does not improve your affiliation will be reviewed)

First Name Surname Email BOS/Sporty

Card No1234567891011121314151617181920(*If you have extra members please add supplement sheet in same format*)

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8. Out of your current members you now must elect a committee:

There must be at least a President, Secretary and Treasurer, you may also add as many committee members you see fit to have effective representation and functionality to your new club/society.

Position Name Email Mobile Phone NoPresidentSecretaryTreasurer

(Blank Spaces or for extra committee positions that you have elected, please fill in roles as well as details. Each club or society must have the positions stated above or the equivalent within their committee to be able to affiliate)

9. Committee Positions

From the above elected positions could you please give brief breakdown of all committee positions roles & responsibilities within the club/society. Please continue onto another sheet if necessary.

9.1 President

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9.2 Treasurer


Other Committee Roles

9.3 (please continue on separate sheet)

Presidents Skills









Presidents Role

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10. Rules and Governing Document of the Clubs &Societies

Will this club or society committee and members abide by the Guild’ Clubs and Societies Behavioural Agreement? And is it understood if you are in breach of this document your affiliation may be suspended or terminated?


(The Guild Agreement may be found on the Guild Website)

11. Complaints Procedure

Could you please outline the procedure in which the club/society will deal with complaints?

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12. Extra Rules

Could you please outline any other unique rules the club/society may wish to enforce?

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13. Elections

All clubs/societies must hold fair and democratic elections, for these the basic rules of any election are held within the Guild constitution will your club/society abide by these rules?

I confirm that the Club/Society will abide by the democratic election process as directed by the Guild’s constitution.

If you do have unique elections rulings could you please notify the guild of these or state them here. (If you have a completely different system please provide document of rules with this form that will require authorisation from the Guild before adoption can be confirmed)

Club/Society Name

Authorisation Name: (please print)