new energy technologies issue 14


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1. News from our company 2. Novozhilov's motor, Y. Novozhilov, Russia 3. Self-action in the case of magnetic rotation, S. Gerasimov and others, Russia 4. Capillary motor, I. Elshansky, Russia 5. Gravity-heat energy system, V. Sukhanov, Russia 6. Modern perpetual mobile, Review 7. Free energy and antigravitation, (spin wave lasers), Ines Espinosa, USA 8. Mechanical analogies, Y. Ivanko, Ukraina 9. Cell of fine-plasma electrolyses, Ph. Kanarev, Russia 10. Smith Generator, Review. 11. Strategy of Over-unity Devices Marketing, R. Wood, USA 12. Hutchison effect, Mark Solis, USA 13. Heat energy conversion by means of non-linear dielectric, A Ries and others, Brasil 14. Gates motor, A. Akau, USA 15. "Cold electricity", A.Akau, USA 16. Gravity conversion rotary device 17. Torsion technologies, China 18. News 19. Antigravitation, B.Smith, USA 20. Electric levitation, MacLeod, Canada 21. Perpetual mobile, V. Likhatchev, Russia 22. Interference Generator, A.Francouer, Canada 23. New Paradigma of Time, D. Reed, USA 24. On the rotating permanent magnet system, A.Frolov, Russia 25. Inventor's week, USA 26. Patents on inertial drive topic 27. Bogomolov's experiment with spring drive, Russia 28. History of perpetual mobile 29. Tesla Energy Science Conference, USA 30. Perendev company, Review 31. Internet pages about free energy 32. Matveev's electrical generator, Russia 33. Perpetuum motor with magnets, France 34. The most interesting of 2003 35. Hydrogen power engineering, Review 36. News on hydrogen fuel cells 37. Electric discharge as part of the over-unity device, Review 38. Subscription page

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2 New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

Faraday Lab NewsOne of the most interesting research projects of our companyin the year 2003 has been the research on hydrogen dissociationand recombination processes. It has taken us about half a yearto build a special vacuum tube and in October, 2003 weobtained some experimental results on the heat output andefficiency of the system. The system we designed in ourlaboratory is shown in Fig.1 and also on the cover. The water-cooling system and the heat measurement system make itpossible to measure the heat output within the range of 100 Wto 5 kW with pinpoint accuracy. In the year 2004 we areplanning to go on with our research work.



We have completed the second stage of designing anddeveloping a high-efficiency magnetic generator with theneodymium permanent magnets of 1.25 Tesla. Weconfirmed the possibility of double output increase fromthe usage of two magnetic induction counter fluxesproduced by the two coils wound on the generator core(Fig.2).

Our laboratory continues designing and perfecting apowerful “alternator”-type generator with permanentmagnets and a drum-type rotor. We will give our readersmore detailed information after we are aware of thepatent examining result.

Our research on “The Control of TemporalCharacteristics of Physical Processes by means of EtherEnergy Density Change” is also awaiting the results ofthe patent examining group. This research on time andthe construction of the “time machine” is not a puretheory but it has quite real prospects of being appliedto the aerospace industry as a propulsion method.

It is worthy to note that now the alternative energy prospects in Russia do not entirelydepend on financial factors. The cooperation is important between researchers,investors and organizations interested in the innovative development of Russianindustry rather than in the development of Russia as the world primary naturalresource is also important. Progressive political and public organizations shoulddevelop and introduce alternative energy programmes as well as render support tolocal researchers. The successful innovation of new technologies is impossiblewithout this support and lobbying government. Let us hope that the year 2004 willbring along new opportunities and promising contacts.

Alexander V. FrolovGeneral Director Faraday Laboratory Ltd

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3New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

Yury N. Novozhilov, RussiaBratislavskaya Str., 25-6, 390035, Ryazan,

Tel.: (80912) 72-12-72

An interesting but a very simple motor has been designed. It operates on the basis of heating differencesof its components due to temperature variations of contacting environments or due to variable radiationintensity.

Motor structure

The motor structure (see Fig.1) includes a metal or plastic wheel (1). In the center of the wheel there isan axis (2), on which spoke ends are fixed (3). Other spoke ends come through a hole in the wheel rim.On the spoke end there are weights, for example, in the form of small balls (4).

Fig.1 Motor

The structure peculiarity is preconditioned by a loop-shaped part placed on each spoke (5), which hasa form of a metal strip or core. An arched bimetal component is built in the center of each loop-shapedpart (6). Joints can be fixed at the joining point of loop-shaped parts and spokes to simplify the motormovement (7).

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4 New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

In the motor structure described arched bimetalcomponents become straight when heated. Themotor axis ends are placed in bearings (8).

To initiate the motor movement the loop-shapedparts need to be in mediums (zones) withdifferent temperature. For instance, the lower partof the wheel may be placed into hotwater (9) and the upper part will stay in theair (10).

Motor operation

When the motor is in a medium with identicaltemperature, for example, in the air, thetemperature of all bimetal components will alsobe the same; therefore, they have identical form.In this case all spokes will similarly project overthe wheel rim and all weights have similar distancefrom the wheel axis.

This state makes the whole system balanced andimmovable. But if the motor wheel is partly placedinto water with the temperature exceeding thatof the ambient air the bimetal components inwater will become straight and shift theaxis weights from the wheel axis. Thisphenomenon initiates motor operation.

Let us consider this process in more detail.

On touching water, the bimetal component inthe loop-shaped part becomes straight andshifts a weight from the wheel axis. The wheelbecomes unbalanced, obtains torque and turnsclockwise. This rotation makes the followingbimetal component on the next loop-shapedpart of the following spoke touch water. Thisbimetal component also becomes straight andshifts a weight from the wheel axis, generatingan increased torque that turns the wheelclockwise.

At the same time a bimetal component comesfrom hot water on the left side of the wheel inzone “A”. The component cools and restores itsinitial form, i.e. it curves more and pulls the weighton the spoke to the rotation axis. This leads to adecrease of its counterclockwise torque thataffects the wheel.

The loop-shaped parts on the left side (A) and theright side (B) of the motor wheel will causeasymmetry in the number of weights projected bythe spokes. On the motor left side (A) the weightswill be projected from the wheel axis when thespokes are located in corner “C”. On the right side

(B) the weights on the spoke axes will be shiftedfrom the axis when the spokes are located incorner “D”. Fig.2 shows that corner “D” is farlarger than corner “C”. This means that moreweights will be shifted on the right side of thewheel in zone “B” than on the left side inzone “A”.

Fig.2 shows that the wheel weights generating aclockwise torque are projected on the right side.On the left side in zone “A” only one weight isprojected and it generates a counterclockwisetorque. More weights shifted from the wheel axison the right side will generate a greater clockwisetorque than the weights shifted from the wheelaxis on the left side. This is the cause of the wheelclockwise rotation.

This interesting effect is achieved due to theloop-shaped parts on the wheel spokes withbimetal components placed on them. When thenext wheel spoke reaches corner “D”, thebimetal component connected with it toucheshot water, becomes straight and shifts thecorresponding weight further from the wheelrotation axis. The motor wheel continuesrotation, making the next bimetal componenttouch water. It is also heated, becomes straightand shifts the corresponding weight from thewheel rotation axis. The wheel continuesrotation. Bimetal components are touchingwater in succession. On the left side, in zone “A”,the bimetal components successively come outof hot water, cool in comparatively colder air,return to the initial sharply curved form and pullthe weights on spokes to the wheel rotation axis.This is the reason for the wheel torque todecrease.

Mass movement from the axis in a rotating objectcommonly causes reduction of rotation speed.And, on the contrary, the rotation speed increaseswhen the mass comes close to the axis. In motorzone “A” the weights come close to the rotationaxis after the corresponding bimetalcomponents come out of hot water, and the samenumber of weights move from the center in zone“B”, i.e. these effects on the rotation wheelcompensate each other.

In essence this is a heat machine. The heattransfer from a warmer medium – water – to thecold medium – air – is achieved owing to the heatcapacity of the band-form bimetal component.This is the reason for fast heating and coolingprocesses. Due to the fact that bimetalcomponents are not large, not so much heat isneeded for their heating.

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5New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

The motor will operate when the air temperatureexceeds that of water but in this case it rotatescounterclockwise.

There is another model of this motor when nitanolcomponents are used instead of bimetal ones.Nitanol is a memory metal alloy that changes shapewhen reaching certain temperature.In this instance, the nitanol component is normallycurved but becomes straight when heated (forexample, up to 500 C), and the weight on the spokeend moves from thewheel rotation axis initiating rotation of the wheel.That means similar operation of a nitanol-basedand bimetal-based motor.

The motor structure is very simple and its operationdoes not require power or fuel supply: it is enoughto place its wheel into the water thetemperature of which is different from thatof the air.

The motor structure may be further developed: forexample, a focused sun ray can be used for theheating purposes; the bimetal component can beheated with a common electric lamp on one sideof the wheel, the required heat may come from aheating radiator, stove or burning gas-jet. Suchmotor may be heated when installed on amantelpiece, etc.

This article describes the motor model that can beused as a toy. Being supplied with looking-glassunits it may be applied to get various luminouseffects or may be installed in the shop showcases,or else at exhibitions. This motor is also able tooperate in a gravity force environment, even on theMoon. There direct sun rays may heat bimetalcomponents to 2000 C, and the temperature of thecomponents located in the shadow almost reachesabsolute zero, i.e. the temperature difference in thisinstance is over 4000 С, which enables constantefficient motor operation.

Fig.2The motor in operation

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6 New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

S.A. Gerasimov , V.V. Stashenko, RussiaPhysics Department, Rostov State University, Rostov-on-Don, 344090

Email: [email protected]


The electromagnetic rotation is the motion of a magnetizedbody ina direction perpendicular to both the vector ofmagnetization Jm and the direction of the electric current j ina liquid inside which the magnet is located (Fig. 1).

Editor: Readers can compare this vector composition and thedevice scheme of Godin and Roschin with the Searlexperiments. The similarity is evident. A. V. Frolov

Fig.1 Electromagnetic rotation. A magnet M of magnetization Jm that ispartly or entirely submerged in a conductive liquid L with a directcurrent of density j is moving in the direction of the force Fa+ Fr

The force producing such a motionis sufficiently weak and, normally, thephenomenon is observed at rotation.Although, this is quite a well-exploredphenomenon [1-6], nobody knowswhat makes the magnet rotate [4].There is an opinion [2,3] that themotion of the magnet in theconductive liquid is caused by theforces of attraction Fa and repulsionFr between currents of density jflowing in the liquid and surfacemagnetization currents jm of themagnet, often called the Amperecurrents as shown in Fig. 1.

The external magnetic field of a longcylindrical magnet originating farfrom either pole is zero. Therefore, noforce is exerted on charges moving inthe liquid far from the ends of themagnet. Nevertheless, the magnet stillmoves in the liquid with the directcurrent even if it is only a thinmagnetized needle [5]. Thus, thedeeper the magnet is immersed in theconductive liquid, the more liquidgathers around it. The deeper theimmersion is, the higher the totalforce must be. That should be so.

In reality, it is quite different. Duringintermediate immersions when themagnet is partly submerged in theliquid, the torque N does not dependon the depth of immersion, in theother words, currents flowing roundthe cylindrical magnet do notinfluence the exerting force acting [6].Moreover, during shallowimmersions, the magnet movestogether with the liquid. This isnone other than the self-interaction [7]. The conductiveliquid under the magnet experiencesthe magnetic action. The direction ofthis force coincides with the direction

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7New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

of the magnet motion. Thus, the part of the conductive liquid moving in this direction underthe action of the magnetic field B, affected by the frictional forces in the liquid causes themotion of the magnet in the same direction. The only way to find out the role of the self-interaction in this phenomenon is experimental investigation. It would be appropriate to exclude thecurrents flowing under the magnet. In this case the magnet must rotate in the opposite direction.

Experimental system

A commercially available cylindrical magnet M of magnetization Jm=1,95.105 A/m and a balanced loadP connected by a rocker R are suspended by a thread T as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig.2 The experimental set and its parameters: h=50 mm, r=35 mm, d=25 mm, v=70 mm, the diameter of the central

electrode E is 5 mm, the thickness of the bottom G is 2 mm. (×) and (·) are directions of the force acting oncurrent elements of current density j in the magnetic field of inductance B

The magnet is immersed in the 5% copper sulfate solution (CuSO4) so that the depth z of immersion canvary. A vessel containing the conductive liquid L is large enough for the magnet to be almost entirelyimmersed. The cylindrical surface C of the vessel and the central electrode E of the system are made ofnon-magnetic materials. The bottom of the vessel G is, of course, insulator. The magnet is coated withan insulating moisture-proof varnish. The length of the electrode E equals the height h of the vessel. Adirect current of strength I passing through the cylindrical electrode C, the conductive liquid L, the centralelectrode E and the disk electrode D generate a torque of electromagnetic origin which results to therotation of the magnet. The disk electrode D is intended to provide the system with the symmetricalsupply of the current.

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Experimental results

The size of this experimental device differs from that described previously [6]. As a result we haveobtained the torque N, which is about ten times more intensive than the former one. Butthe main result is that the torque does not change its sign when the magnet is being immersed in theconductive liquid (Fig. 3).

Fig.3 A typical experimental dependencies of the torque N

acting on the magnet depending on the depth of immersion z

When the magnet is almost entirely submerged in the liquid the depth of which equals the height of themagnet, no currents are flowing under and above it. In this case the rotation of the magnet is expectedto be the result of drag action of the rotating liquid located in the intermediate field relative to themagnet. This part of the conductive liquid is rotating in the direction opposite to that of the motion ofthe magnetized body. It seems to be the right way. The magnet pushes the liquid away and, therefore, ismoving in the opposite direction. No, this is wrong. If it was correct, this effect would also occur duringthe shallow immersion. At small z the magnet and the liquid rotate together. So far we still do not knowwhat makes the magnet rotate.

S.A. Gerasimov


1. Faraday M. Experimental Researches on Electricity.// London: Ed. by R. and J.E. Taylor. 1839.2. Ampere A.M. Theorie Mathematique desPhenomenes Electrodynamiques.// Paris: Blanchard. 1958.3. Sigalov R.G., Shapovalova T.I., Karimov H.H.,Samsonov N.I. // Magnetic Fields and Their NewApplications. // Moscow: Nauka. 1976.4. Gerasimov S.A., Ershov A.V. What Makes a MagnetRotate?// Physics Education (Moscow). 2002. V. 22. P. 70-75.5. Grabovsky M.A., Mlodseevsky A.B., Telesnin R.V.,Shaskolskaya M.P., Yakovlev I.A. LectureDemonstrations on Physics. // Moscow: Nauka. 1965.6. Gerasimov S.A., Ershov A.V. Mechanism ofElectromagnetic Rotation. // Problems of AppliedPhysics. 2001. V. 7. P. 34-35.7. Gerasimov S.A. Self-Interaction and Vector Potentialin Magnetostatics. // Physica Scripta. 1997. V. 56. N 3-4.P. 462-464.

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9New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

Iosiph I. Elshansky, RussiaKoshtoyantsa St., 1a - 75, 119454 Moscow

Email: [email protected]

For several decades the author has beenorganizing a contest for young inventors on theradio, television, in mass media and the Internet.There have been accumulated thousands ofengineering solutions that belong toschoolchildren and youth. There are manyoriginal ones, including perpetual mobile.Though unfeasible in principle, they haveinteresting structure and competent engineeringsolutions.

For example, a child's dream to create an obliqueroof over a city or field and direct the rain flow toa turbine to obtain mechanical work is of littleuse. But it's quite another matter if this child takesa pencil, a sheet of paper and tries to make asketch or a drawing of such construction. Even ifthe construction is primitive and unfeasible, thechild will get his first engineering experience andself-reliance.

I can still remember one peculiar case. Once theeditors were instructed (it was in the times ofthe USSR) to assist an honored inventor of newmachines. It was a Stalin Prize laureate, creatorof a special type of lime that was widely appliedin construction (I will not disclose his name).The inventor was given (that was not commonpractice) a large room in a shared apartmentsituated in a prestigious block of apartments inMoscow. It turned out that all room space,except for narrow passages at the walls, wasoccupied by a huge table. On the table up to theceiling there were some pipelines, glass andmetal vessels, retorts and other laboratory ware.The most impressive thing was retorts heatedby gas coming through a hose from the sharedkitchen. All that staff was bubbling, hissing andsteaming. The inventor was creating a perpetualmobile!

I will give one more example of a situationcommon for the editors of the "Inventor andRationalizer". Once we had a respectable-lookingvisitor who made an odd request to get thePresident of the French Academy of Sciences torespond to his letters about a perpetual mobile

plan. The essence of Alexander Rodionov's(Maloyaroslavets, Russia) invention was that "inaccordance with Newton's and Guerin's laws fluidflows up through capillaries and turns a wheelwhen flowing down (see Fig.1).

Fig. 1 Perpetuum-mobile

There are many similar projects in the history ofengineering. Hence, this case may be consideredas typical. We all know that the molecularadhesion forces (moistening) that push the fluidupwards will stick to it and the capillary motorwill never work. But is the idea totally unfeasible?Since false modesty is inappropriate when itcomes to perpetual mobile, I will present my ideason this not so honorable subject for the reader'sjudgment.

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10 New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

It seems that all perpetual mobile inventors startnot with a pencil and a sheet of paper but withexperimenting on magnets, oblique plane, wicks,wheels, springs and other materials at hand. My firstheat (perpetual) motor was also the result of anexperiment.

The "Capillary" idea of Alexander Rodionovhaunted me. I recalled that the great Lomonosovdevoted lots of time to studying molecularadhesion and capillarity. They are present ineveryday life, let alone the nature, especially inplants that would not be able to exist withoutthem. How else would moisture flow up the trunksand stems? But, on the other hand, according toMikhail V. Lomonosov's data, water flows up onlyfor the maximum of several dozens of millimeterseven through the thinnest capillary. But trees mayhave the height of several dozens of meters! If, asit is customarily considered, moisture flows fromone capillary to another of its own accord, whynot suppose that a capillary perpetual mobile isfeasible? Explanations that moisture in plantsflows up due to root pressure do not soundplausible. So where is the truth?

Years have passed since that visit of A. Rodionov.Now, just like I used to sympathize with, as it thenseemed, a rather odd inventor, now my relativessympathize with me. One can not blame them: forweeks and months there have been flowerpots all

around the apartment - on the tables, window-sillsand bookstands. With bottles, tubes and self-madewater manometers to follow.

Once, when I was assembling a device, I could notfind two similar glass tubes and had to put in thetube of thin polyethylene. But no matter how hardI worked the water in the communicating vesselswas at different levels. In the glass tube the waterlevel was always higher. It could not be otherwise,if you come to think of it, but isn't it the right timethe words "made of equally wettable material" wereinserted into the communicating vessels law?

Here is a primitive experiment: make a hole in thebottom of a plastic flowerpot containing soil anda plant, and insert there one end of an elastic tube.The other end is inserted into the bottom of aplastic bottle containing water (see Fig. 3). Inaccordance with the communicating vessels law,the water will flow from the bottle into theflowerpot. When we see that the soil has been madewet, the experiment shall get more complicated:elevate the flowerpot so that its bottom is higherthan the liquid level in the bottle. In some days weshall notice that the soil has not dried up and thewater level in the bottle has lowered. One shouldnot be a Solomon to guess that the soil or the rootsof the plant transfer the water from the lower tothe higher level. Here is a typical natural perpetualmobile!

Fig. 2Motor

It is no use referring to the molecular adhesion forces since they can not be applied at such heightdifferences. What is it then? A molecular collision as in a boiling kettle? But a leaf has neither hightemperature nor much space. Nevertheless, water evaporates both from the soil and leaf surfaces. At thesame time there is rarefaction under the evaporating surface. Can it be the rarefaction that pulls up newportions of water?

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Let us make the experiment still more complicated. Put the leg pipe of a liquid manometer into thebottle cork. (Fig. 3) Almost immediately the water level in the closest leg to the bottle will start rising. Itmeans that there is rarefaction in the bottle. Can it be the rarefaction that "rules" the plants?

Most likely, the essence of the mistake made by Rodionov and other authors of capillary motors consistedin attempts to get the water outflow from the capillary. If it is not flowing out but evaporating, asit is common for the soil or plants, then, probably, vacuum will manifest itself and thecapillary perpetual mobile will start working.

I made my first capillary perpetual mobile many years ago (see Fig. 4). And it worked: though slowly, thewheel was steadily turning. No doubt, it was due to the heat inflow from the air. Therefore, such motorwill work if there is a temperature difference and relative humidity of surrounding airis below 100%.

Fig. 4Capillary Motor

Fig. 3Rarefaction

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The Continuous Rotation Device

The essence of this invention is that in a closedcircle the rotation of the object occurs withoutany outer influence or any power sources(electric energy, oil, diesel oil, etc.), whichresults in the rotation of the rotating part ofthe device. The torque can be easily enhancedby means of transmitting it to the reductionsystem. At that rate, the necessary rotationspeed and rotation power can be acquired.

The device is small, easy to transport, mobile(both, in operation and switch-off), simpleand inexpensive to make and assemble. It iseconomical, ecological and weatherindependent.

The device can be used in any industrial orhousehold appliance field where thecontinuous rotation is required. It is especially

important to note that this device can be usedto generate energy on a large industrial scaleas well as in small laboratories, in mountainsand remote districts, in tunnels, at sea, etc. forit does not require any power lines.

The heat motor operating principle is clear fromthis figure. The disk (many disks on the commonaxis) is divided into isolated sections. Their surfaceis covered with a moisture-proof piece of material(filtered paper, cloth, etc.). The part of each sectionsomewhat gets under the base of the next one.Hence, a small part of the base of one section and apart of the part following the section can get intowater simultaneously. Due to the capillarymoistening the section and the part will start toabsorb water. Since the section is shifted about thecenter of gravity, the turning moment is bound toappear. The section that is out of water starts to dryup, the moment will increase and the wheel willstart turning.

Having determined that, though slowly, the motoris turning, the author applied to a patent authorityfor a patent on the invention of the "Perpetualmobile", meaning it as a joke. I hoped that theexperts (I knew some of them personally) willunderstand this joke. But, unexpectedly, the devicewas considered an invention, though under the

name of the "Heat motor" (certificate of authorshipUSSR # 1455040).

Basically, the motor is similar to the project of A.Rodionov. I would not be surprised if he protested.The same capillaries and the spontaneous rise ofliquid on the moisture-proof material. The onlydifference is that the liquid does not flow out butevaporates from the capillaries.

Almost without any reason - one can not predicthis eccentricities - I have recently made one morecapillary motor (see Fig. 3). Perhaps, it resulted frommy experiments with plants. This motor directlyand spontaneously lifts water to a higher level,which is more convincing. Moreover, water flowsin the form of drops (or a stream) and turns thepropeller! The motor is quite operable and has evenbeen shown on TV. But do not try to verify it onyour own - such work is useless without certainknow-how. The author would not like to disclosethe "secret" yet. I could still make a patentapplication.

Patent Claim Priority:#20030059, April 19th 2003

For more informationcontact

the author of the invention:Eldar Sariyev,

Azerbaydzhan, Baku,Tbilisskiy Prospekt, 75-26;

Tel: + (994 12) 92-47-73, 98-95-02;Email: [email protected]

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13New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

Vladimir N. Sukhanov, RussiaKosmonavtov Str., 35-39, 420061 KazanEmail: [email protected]

Natural hydrologic cycle is a widely recognizedphenomenon. Water evaporates from the groundand water reservoir surfaces, generally, due to theSun heat, then moves to the superstructureatmospheric layers where it is condensed, andprecipitates onto the ground surface, but on higherlevels compared with evaporation surfaces. In thisprocess water is also purified and desalted. Fromthe higher levels water flows to its mainevaporation points, forming streams like brooksand rivers where water power plants could beestablished. Flowing to the lower surface layerswith lower potential energy, water in the Earth'sgravitational field performs work that can beutilized.

Natural hydrologic cycle principle is usedin the gravity-heat power system (USApatent No. 3953971, International class.

F03G7/04 of May 4, 1976).

In this system the temperature difference betweenground surface layers (the mountain foot and itstop) is used to produce electric power and obtainfresh water. The temperature difference does notchange much with change of height, and thesystem effectiveness is quite moderate, which canbe named as its drawback.

The system utilizes free environmental energy. Itsefficiency (converted to the process maintainingenergy) tends to infinity.

The author proposes a new gravity-heat powersystem that can substitute modern heat powerplants. It contains all installation components asper USA patent No. 3953971 except for the heatexchanger on the ground surface whose functionsare performed by a conventional steam boiler.

Gravity energy component G in theproposed system:

G = Xm.T g H ,


♦ Xm – fluid flow,

♦ T – time of operation,

♦ g – acceleration of gravity,

♦ H – tower height between the steamboiler and the freezer (condenser).

This formula does not allow for vapor density ofoperating fluid.

The vapor density is insignificant as compared withthe operating fluid density.

Energy P, required to maintain operation:

P = Xm.T q ,

where q – specific fluid vaporizationenergy

Efficiency К – of the system should notbe lower than 80%

To obtain efficiency that equals 120% thefollowing is required:

H = 2,2q/g

Or H = 25,4 kilometers.

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Construction of such towers is too complicated formodern technology. Therefore, a stratosphericballoon that is linked to the ground surface by aflexible twin-core hose rope may be used. One coreis designed to send down fluid and the other tosend up vapor. Flowing down to the ground surfacethrough the hose, the fluid will generate fluidcolumn pressure. The fluid will cross water-turbinegenerator cascades, after each of which the fluidpressure will decrease and the fluid will continueits way down.

There is an alternative. To make the tower severaltimes lower the evaporation (at the tower foot) andcondensation (at the tower/mountain top) shouldbe phased (in the form of cascade) at variouspressure values and with utilization of the sameheat energy. For this purpose a heat carrier is usedthat will transfer heat from the tower (mountain)top to its foot. This operation will enable the towerheight segmentation into H/n sections where n isthe number of grades in a cascade.

Cascade structure is shown in Fig. 1

Fig. 1Cascade


1 – ground surface,2 – tower component or the smoke-stack ofthe steam boiler,3 – steam boiler,4 – steam pipe,5 – heat exchanger and condenser,6 – pressure pipeline,7 – water-turbine generator,8 – heat exchanger and evaporator,9 – circulation pump,10 – pipeline of the heat carrier circulation.

Cascade (operating fluid, water) with 500 meters

of height can contain several dozens of grades (50and more). In this case the cascade efficiencymay approach 120%.

Decreasing the tower height to 500 meters (forwater) will allow for utilization of conventionalwater-turbine generators and standard equipment.

In the proposed cascade the heat energy is requiredto maintain the cascade working capacity whenEarth's gravitational field energy is utilized. In theauthor's opinion there are still other ways to usegravitation.

The system scale is its main drawback. Therefore,partial utilization of the proposed principle may

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seem more attractive. The proposed engineeringsolution was simple.

In a thermal power station the condenseris installed on the top of the tower(mountain). After the condenser the water liftin the water tower finished at the steam boilerpressure pipe (omitting the pump that was nolonger necessary). Energy required for pressurepipe operation was saved. In other words, thewater tower was utilizing the Earth's gravitationat the conventional juncture of vaporcondensation in the steam plant.

Such proposal was made on June 17, 1982 in thepatent application USSR N3453603/06, (101161)expert code 060701КН. However, the utilizationof free and environmentally friendly gravity energydid not arouse interest even on the part of patentexperts.

The Alternative Energy Potentialin Russia

According to the International Energy Agency(IEA) calculations, total investments into theenergy industry constitute approximately 330billion dollars annually. Almost half of this sum(150 billion annually) is allotted to thedevelopment of the electric power industry.This information only partially reflects thepotential of the alternative energydevelopment and does not include the marketgrowth factor upon the introduction ofautonomous power system technologies. Vastterritories of the planet have not beensufficiently developed yet due to the absenceof local energy resources and power lines.From this point of view, Russia is the countrywith an enormous consumer demandpotential provided that the mass productionof autonomous fuel-less energy systemsguarantees low production prices.

Alexander V. FrolovEditor-in-Chief

Fig. 2System

The author is looking for serious partners.

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Review prepared by correspondent Alla Pashova, Russia.

Based on the Internet pages and other information sources

It is common knowledge that anyexperimental information, which is against aconventional scientific paradigm, isconsidered to be false, extracted from thesociety and finally is turned into somethingclassified and elite.

Politics-oriented science as a whole andnatural science in particular often result inmisrepresentation and falsehood of popularknowledge that turns it into the fightingweapon of socio-political organizations, statesand their groups.

World-outlook and political contradictions ofany society often determine sciencedevelopment strategies. In 1885 Nicola Teslapresented his transformer in action by meansof which he lit carbon lamps in a 25 milescircle without any cords, conductors orswitches using the 5000-HP turbine of theNiagara hydroelectric power station.Afterward, he obtained financial support forone of his energy projects.

On a special testing ground Nicola Tesla builtvacuum-energy systems. However, in 1885 thesystems, as well as the testing ground, weredestroyed as it became evident that if theywent on the mankind would never needorganic fuel again. But the destruction of thesystems and testing ground does not at allmean the destruction of papers anddocuments…Ever since that moment peoplehave been trying to find "free energy".

The experiment of distant lighting of carbonlamps without using any cords was repeatedonly once by the physicist Filippov. Hemanaged to light the lamps in Tsarskoe Seloemploying the electric generating systems inSt. Petersburg. Filippov died in 1914 undermysterious circumstances.

In 1917 the Portuguese American Andresinvented non-convetional fuel for an internal

combustion engine. The essence of hisinvention was in some inexpensive chemicals,which he dissolved in water (some drops ofchemicals per pail of water). A special statecommittee tested the new fuel during theNew York - Washington - New Yorkautomobile races. After the races one of thelargest oil monopolies in the U.S. offeredAndres 2 million dollars in cash for thedocuments and all rights for his invention andlater locked all the information in their safes.Two days later after getting the money Andresdisappeared. (The information was disclosedby V. Vasilevsky, the former chief of thescientific and technical intelligencedepartment of the KGB of the USSR, who hadbeen in charge of the department since 1930).

The above-mentioned examples show thatthere were a lot of attempts to developrevolutionary energy technologies. But whatthen are the grounds for the 'energy crisis'complaints? The answer is simple: the desireof a group of financial and energymultinational corporations for an economic,political and, finally, for a total control of theworld. That is why there is no room for "free-energy" hunters in our science, not even aslaboratory assistants, not to mention somehigher positions.

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Practice often negates scientific dogmas,especially when it comes to the efficiency ofdifferent devices. In general, the traditionalunderstanding of efficiency is quite limitedand should be forgotten. Instead of thetraditional notion "efficiency" we shouldconsider the notion "energy-conversionefficiency" (ECE), which has no limits. In 1974in the USA a six-stroke internal combustionengine was designed which had a double ECE.The fifth stroke of the engine operationincluded water injection; the sixth wascharacterized by the water vaporintroduction. Firstly, the engine had a higherECE than that of the Carnotcycle. Secondly, taking the55 % ECE of the contemporary internalcombustion engine, the ECE of a six-strokeengine exceeds 1.

Before the war there appeared "studebekkers"with the fuel consumption of 5.5 l per 100 km.But the fuel-economy record was set by theJapanese. In 1986 they built up an automobile,which used only 0.055 l of fuel per 100 km(about 44 g). Unfortunately, now we do nothave plants, which could manufactureautomobiles of the kind.

In 1832 Tomson came up with the idea of aheat-pump unit . Stating the unity andinterconvertibility of substance movements,he proved that the mechanical energyconsumption can restore stray heat. At thattime cross-Atlantic ships had low-temperaturesteam engines, which employed exhauststeam and ether vapors. The efficiency of thoseengines was already higher than the Carnotcycle efficiency.

Now with the help of the facts acquired duringthe last century we will prove the scientificinconsistency of the orthodox model of thesecond stage of thermodynamics. In 1941 theEnglish physicists O. Hougen and K. Watsonpublished their work featuring theexperimental fact that the ammonia-saturatedvapor pressure in liquids was higher than thegeneral pressure. For example, with thegeneral pressure of 50 atm and thetemperature of 00 C, such pressure was 17 %higher. This means that having placed asemitransparent partition and a turbinebetween two containers it could have beenpossible to build up a natural-heat vapor-converter. This method was used by vonPlaten, the Nobel prizewinner fromSweden, who constructed a self-rotatingcentrifugal machine, which provided a1000 atm pressure when ammoniainteracted with water. The heat emittedwas enough to compensate frictionlosses . It is also known that the Carnotprinciple cannot be applied to closed cycles.W. Vielstich, 'Combustion Cells', 1968: "If anentropy change of a reaction is negative,it can exceed 1. It means that a certainamount of energy can be obtained from thenatural heat. Such an effect is possible inelectrochemical generators, which employ adirect oxidation process before oxidation anddioxidation".

A demonstrative example of scientificexperiments withdrawn from science isdiscovery # 13 "The knock power-transferregularity" made on December, 18th, 1962,which makes it possible to create a mechanical"perpetual mobile". The experiment showsthat the conventional "knock theory" does notwork in practice: the bouncing energy of abody after it has been knocked can behigher than its energy before it has beenknocked.

Trying to get some recognition,E. Aleksandrov, Doctor of EngineeringScience, made his demonstrativeexperiment in front of many differentcommissions: a chilled-steel ball whenfalling from a 10 m height onto a firmly-fixed chilled-steel plate made a 14-15 m-high bounce . That was the notorious'perpetual mobile' as it is. It went on like thisuntil somebody decided to explain the resultof the experiment by a metal lattice internal

Practice often negates scientificdogmas, especially when itcomes to the efficiency ofdifferent devices.In general, thetraditional understanding ofefficiency is quite limited andshould be forgotten.Instead of the traditionalnotion"efficiency" we shouldconsider the notion "energy-conversion efficiency"...

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energy. At once, everything was clear. Sincethat moment the above-mentioned principlehas been successfully employed in percussion-action machines. This principle can also beused in simple electric-power systems.

Now we can see that electro-technicians hadalready constructed demonstrative 'perpetualmobile' machines 10 years before politiciansand economists started to speak about the'energy crisis'.

In 1921 the mass media wrote about A.Hubbard who invented an electromagneticgenerator without any external energy supply.The Hubbard generator was used as a boatmotor.

In 1928 L. Nidershot invented a 300 W electricgenerator, which did not require any externalenergy supply. The device consisted of a radio-technical oscillation generator (500 kHz) anda coil. After 68 years there appearedpublications about A. Melnichenko whorepeated the experiment.

In 1927 T. Brown (England) obtained a patenton the ways of originating a moving powerand energy using an electric field. Later, in1955 while working in France, he presented asystem with the speed-capability of severalmiles per hour using a 2000 eV field. After thathe had to stop his experiments and was sentto the USA.

In 1943 N. Tesla presented an electric-motorautomobile. The energy was generated by apreviously-unknown generator.

In 1960 Stovbunenko (whose research workresults were subject to a special verdict of theMilitary-Industrial Complex) presented hismotor, which made it possible to move in hisold automobile 'Moskvich' around the city for

the whole day utilizing the power of a standardautomobile battery.

In 1980 there was a qualitative break throughin electro-technical "perpetual mobiles".Baumann's electrostatic machines of the totalcapacity of 750 kW started functioning in thereligious community of Liden (Switzerland),serving all daily needs of the village. (See thephotos below)

The photos are taken we can see thate l e c t r o t e c h n i c i a n s hada l r e a d y c o n s t r u c t e ddemonstrative 'perpetualmobile' machines 10 yearsbefore polit icians andeconomists started to speakabout the 'energy crisis'...

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Thus, in 1980 there appeared a communitywith no energy problems, no need fororganic fuel and no fear for the 'energy crisis'.

In 1881 N. Sluginov discovered an energyimbalance that occurred in the waterelectrolysis process. In his experiments he gotthat the output energy was 30 % higher thanthe input energy. In 1980 American scientistsrecreated this energy imbalance and provedthat while employing the steam turbinerejected heat, the water electrolysis efficiencyreaches 120%.

This information introduces a story about anenergy system invented in 1957 under theguidance of I. Filimonenko. The system didnot simply generate energy in the form of ahigh-pressure vapor and output hydrogenand oxygen but also absorbed radiation. In1960 the USSR Central Committee andCabinet Council gave a special secret ruling,known as “The Three 'K’s'” (Keldysh,Kurchatov, Korolyov) to go on with theresearch in this system . However, afterKurchatov's death the project was"oppressed" and later on after the death ofKorolyov the project was completelycancelled. The special committee of theUSSR Academy of Sciences stated that thesystem was functioning against "the Law ofNature". I. Filimonenko was dismissed andexpelled from the party. Later, in 1980-1991the experiments were partially renewed.Several testing systems were constructed inthe Chelyabinsk region but the constructionwas never finished and the use of a mobilesystem for eliminating the damage causedby the Chernobyl accident was refused. Thisstory is a demonstrative example of thetraditional rejection of promising projectsby science, which could be very beneficialfor Russia.

Theoretical Background of'Perpetual Mobile'

Originally, the term 'entropy' was used onlyin connection with the reasoning aboutlimited or eternal nature of the Universe.Later it came to be used to describe thefunctioning principles of thermal machines.Now there exist more than 600 contradictorydefinitions for 'entropy', which are actuallythe results of a long and unfinished

discussion between the supporters of Dekartand Leibnitz, who defined 'motion' indifferent ways. It is these permanentcontradictions in the theoreticalfundamentals of physics that make itimpossible to explain the existence of a'perpetual mobile'. However, standardphysics has never denied the possibility ofcreating energy technologies allowing theECE higher than 1.

We should remember that the basis of the so-called variational calculation is themathematical apparatus technique of theconventional mechanics. It seems that ifsystem behavior equations directly dependon time, this system cannot fall under anyconservation laws. This is the proof of acomplete failure of the conventionalenergy conservation law!

In time-independent thermodynamics theexistence of 'perpetual mobile' can beexplained by the system internal energyusage. There exist two kinds ofthermodynamic systems. Some of themwhen being heated or affected in some otherway start increasing their internal energywhile other systems show the internal energydecrease. The latter are called negativeabsorption systems. The standard version ofthe first law of thermodynamics does notcover all the processes occurring in suchsystems. The output of a negative absorptionsystem can be higher than its energy. Theadditional output is acquired by the gradualinternal energy loss.

To cap it all, there are more than a hundredexperimental facts that show the limitednature of the Maxwell theory. They wereobtained by scientists from different researchinstitutes and construction bureaus, weretested and registered. Thus, for example, in1973 in the USSR the acousticmagnetoelectricity effect was discovered.The author of the discovery proved the

It is these permanentcontradictions in the theoreticalfundamentals of physics thatmake it impossible to explain theexistence of a 'perpetual mobile'

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Patent # 2131636Vasiliy E. Alekseenko

interaction of electrons with ultrasonic waveswith a 1000-times energy increase. This isagainst the Maxwell theory, which absolutelydenies effects of the kind. But the limitednature of the theory was never accepted.

However, the examples of the machines inaction prove that since 1834 when the firstrefrigerator was invented, when the cross-Atlantic ships were equipped with low-

temperature ether-vapor steam-engines, thecontemporary science had no right tointroduce 'the second holy principle',especially in the orthodox form of 'the Carnotcycle efficiency'. The modern theoreticalphysics cannot provide grounds for thenegation of creating over-unity devices. Thatis why we should rely on the physicists-experimentalists who develop the science ina practical rather than theoretical way.

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Dr. Ines Espinoza, USAemail: [email protected]

Editor: it is worth mentioning that thefirst gravitational-wave physicalmechanism and the mechanism of spin-effect "grazer" (gravitational lasers)designing were described by S. M.Polyakov and O.S. Polyakov in the book"An Introduction to the ExperimentalGravitational Studies", Moscow, 1991.

After a 7-year research study, a seniorstaff aerospace defense engineer,George J. Bugh, concludeseconomically free energy and evenantigravity are possible.

A 7-year study of "free energy" devices,sometimes called "over unity" devices,was done to determine if any of thesedevices generated power bytransferring energy from unknownsources and if so to determine wherethe energy was coming from. Includedin the study is research of relateddevices with claimed antigravityeffects. The study attempted todetermine validity of claims,commonalities of devicecharacteristics and to determine howthese devices could work. The resultsconclude that some devices cangenerate economically freeenergy. This study also concludesthere is a possible link betweengravity and electromagnetismthat can be exploited to generateantigravity or electrogravityeffects.

The majority of the study was to comeup with a theory to explain how thedevices could work. In his research, Mr.Bugh used mostly classicalelectrodynamics rather than quantumelectrodynamics. In Quantum theory,the wave-like characteristics of matterare described using abstract probabilitywaves. However, Bugh proposes thatthe wave characteristics of matter may

also be described as coming from a very real sea of unseenelectromagnetic standing waves among all matter. There is aslide show presentation at the website that explains thedifferences between the Quantum and Classical way ofexplaining particle interactions.

According to classical electrodynamics, all electrically chargedparticles, like quarks of protons and neutrons as well as orbitalelectrons for example, should radiate away energy fromprecessional and precessional plus orbital motion.

Fig.1 Electron motion

If in fact this really happens then all electrically chargedparticles can be radiating away energy all the time. However,all particles can also absorb just as much energy from all otherradiating particles. The absorbed energy applieselectromagnetic forces that naturally move all similar typeparticles into harmonious precessional motions with all otherparticles. This results in a vast sea of electromagnetic standing

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waves among all matter. Even free particles would move into precessional motions that are in sync withthe established sea of standing waves.

Fig. 2Electron precession

There can be a hidden yet strong tendency towards harmony among all matter in the universe due tothese unseen standing waves and spin interactions among all matter. This tendency can overcome to agreat extent the tendency towards chaos and heat death of the universe. This tendency can also beexploited to perform work.

Fig. 3 Spin wave

This is an interaction among all matter that Ernst Mach alluded to as necessary to cause matter'scharacteristic of inertia. Einstein later called this Mach's Principle. Einstein studied Mach's ideas whiledeveloping his theory of General Relativity.

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Bugh describes inertial resistance to acceleration as caused by electromagnetic forces. Changes in positionof a mass will cause phase differences to develop between the precessional motions of the particles ofthat mass relative to the sea of standing waves. This in turn causes electromagnetic force that resists amass from changing its position.

The research papers are published in a book and a CD titled "Spin Wave Technology Initial Release".

Fig. 4.Spin wave technology

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At the end of the book it suggests that it should be possible to create computer simulations of particleinteractions using classical electrodynamics to demonstrate both inertial resistance and gravitationalattraction and it should be possible to simulate devices that manipulate these particle interactions todemonstrate antigravity effects.

Fig. 5Spin wave laser

More information is available about the research results at thewebsite:

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Yury V. Ivanko, UkraineЕ-mail: [email protected]

After publication of the article"Study of possibility of a high-energy hyper-low-frequencyelectric field" in the "New EnergyTechnologies" magazine, Issue#2, 2003 I am often asked why Ihave mentioned the Big Bang inmy hypothesis.

I would like to reassure atheistssince I do not back the Big Banghypothesis. But I had to basemyself on something. At presentthe origin of the Universe as aresult of the Big Bang has priorityand is recognized by theacademic science.

Both theorists and experts havelong noticed a deep analoguebetween vortex motion of aircurrents and electromagnetism. Myvision of the physics of electricityand electromagnetism is fully basedon existence of a vortex capablephysical environment. What isconsidered to be and is measuredas electric voltage, electricc u r r e n t , m a g n e t i c o rgravitational interactions isn o t h i n g b u t s i m i l a r -originating phenomena - ther e s u l t o f v o r t e x f l o wenvironment affecting ourd e t e c t o r s - d i s s i m i l a rformations for these vortexflows.

For instance, let us consider threevectors for the flow along the skin-layer of the line conductor - aerialemitter, together with alternatingvoltage attached to it (Fig.1):

1) longitudinal - showing as electric voltage, the gradient ofpotentials between the emitter feeding point and the emittercold end, U;

2) tangential - showing as amperage - electric current, I;

3) radial - showing as the interacting force of two flows -magnetic field (attraction/repulsion), H (not to be mixed withthe commonly used term of magnetic intensity).

Fig.1Interaction of two left-handed homogeneous parallel flows.

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Let us consider it step by step:

Consider line conductor AB with length L infree space (Fig. 2).

Fig.2 Line conductor in free space.

Let us assume that he is not affected by andfields. Then the gradient of potentials betweenA and B equals zero. Let us apply sinusoidalvoltage from the generator output to point A(Fig. 3).

Fig.3Sinusoidal voltage at the generator output.

Let us consider the initial time point t0. Thegenerator output voltage is U=0. At time pointt1 the generator output voltage has changedand took on value U 1.

It is necessary to note that (See Fig. 2) thepropagation speed is finite: c=300000 km/sec.Point B will "learn" about the voltage alterationonly in time t в= t 1+L/с. Therefore, at time pointt1 between points A and B appears gradient ofpotentials ∆ϕ = U1. So what is the direction ofvector U1? Right, along conductor AB.

What practice says

One should not be a physicist or radiomechanic to notice small electro-shock ofungrounded metal objects close to aerials ofpowerful transmitters. Specialists term themas "electromagnetic inducers". Has an expertever measured the actual characteristic of thefield intensity distribution along a lineconductor? Why should he? Everyone knowsfrom school lessons how alternating voltageis distributed along the conductor, the lengthof which is comparable with the wave length(Fig. 4).

Fig.4 Classical representation of voltage distribution along a

linear vibrator a) for λ, b) for λ/2, c) for λ/4.

Now let us consider what experimentalmeasurements suggest.

An experiment of measuring the field intensitydistribution along the line conductor is shownbelow. A classic field indicator (FI), assembledas per scheme in Fig.5, was used as an intensitymeasuring instrument.

Fig.5Field indicator principle diagram.

FI was located in immediate proximity to thevibrator but had no galvanic contact with it.Experimental frequencies were selected in

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accordance with the standing wave coefficientminimum (SWC) for λ, λ/2, λ/4. Sinusoidalsignal generator was connected to one end ofthe vibrator (Fig. 6a).

Fig.6Measured field intensityalong a linear vibrator.

To better understand diagrams in Fig. 6 curvesare drawn at the upper and lower ends of eachaxis L that corresponds to the vibratorlocation. The curves were run with FIhorizontally located on both sides of thevibrator.

From Fig. 6d it is clear that the diagram isaxisymmetric and looks like a conic funnel.

Meanwhile, the vibrator directional diagrammeasured by the monitor receiver far moredistant than λ, shows the characteristic thatcoincides with the simulated one through theMatlab-6 system (See Fig.7). As you can seefrom this figure, the spatial characteristic ofthe directional diagram is in the form of atoroid.

Fig.7 Matlab-6-simulated directional diagram of the semi-

wave vibrator

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A series of alterations was made to explorevortex ether dynamic processes with variablewave length and frequency in line conductors,solenoidal and flat coils, etc.

For certain purposes the solenoidal coil maybe considered as a shortcut linear vibrator. Onrespective frequencies the field intensitydistribution along the solenoid corresponds tothe linear vibrator. This data may prove usefulto many modern engineers of the Teslatransformers and generators. To increasevoltage on the cold end a toroid capacitor isset in the Tesla transformers. Nuclear physicistsuse the hemisphere capacity for the particleaccelerators. Thus, a voltage of millions of voltsmay be achieved.

Flat coils are best explored in terms of fieldintensity distribution (See Fig. 8)

Fig.8Field intensity distribution for a flat coil in a closed

resonance circuit.

Field intensity distribution on a resonancefrequency is correct.

The practical experiment for the case in fig.6d has shown that the neon lamp that isconnected with the vibrator end will be off.And this is with a 100 W generator! It is aparadox, one would say. The measurementdiagram shows a "splash" of the field intensityat the vibrator end but we feel nothing. Indeed,when the FI is located as shown in Fig.9 for λ/4, the "electrodynamic vacuum" willgenerate. The device showed "0" intensity,which conforms neither with the diagram inFig.6 nor with the diagram in Fig.7.

Fig.9Field indicator shows "0" - "electrodynamic vacuum".

The same "vacuum" in the center of tornadowas observed by people in the epicenter.

Remember what is measured with the fieldindicator (an ampere meter) along the linearvibrator. The Ampere force!

So, both people and their environment are inrotation process. The Earth rotates around itsaxis and around the Sun. The Sun rotatesaround the Galaxy center. The Galaxy rotatesaround the center of the Universe. TheUniverse rotates…

Every space point has an inceptive rotationimpulse (torque). Let us remember theanalogy. Water flowing out of the tub rotatescounterclockwise in the northern hemisphereand clockwise in the southern hemisphere. Ifyou set a right-handed torque in the northernhemisphere, the water will continue to flowcounterclockwise.

The electromagnetism is the same. It has anatural left-handed rotation. Nevertheless,practical radiotechnology is familiar withright-handed fields artificially generated bytransmitters.

The commonly used term of magneticinteractions is easier to understand if weconsider the electromagnetic field as a vortexflow. Two left-handed homogeneous parallelflows are shown in Fig.1. At the point ofinteraction A of vector projection, the speedsof flow propagation on section plane A-A haveopposite direction and compensate eachother. The actual flow density is ρ1< ρ2< ρ3.Reduced pressure occurs at point A. The flowsare attracted. The resulting attraction vectorfor the whole flow is radially directed. Thecounter parallel flows will have composition,i.e. overpressure, and will repel.

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One should note that graphic presentation inFig.1 for vectors H and I for the etherdynamicsystems is possible only in special cases. Indynamic vortex flows the current intensityvector is actually directed towards the flowmovement and coincides with the vectordirection of its propagation speed (V). Theresulting vector H remains a radius-vector onlyfor the considered point of interaction of twoflows. The flow energy parameters are definedby its propagation speed V (Fig.1).

I am convinced of existence of ether vortexflows in the Universe. Modern astronomic andcosmological surveys confirm my hypothesesof aether Hyper-fields existence on a Universalscale.

Even an amateur in aerodynamics and dynamic ofgas vortex may make cosmological conclusions:

♦ vortex initiation implies the initial gradientflow of at least two counter flows;

♦ energy parameters of the emerging vortex flowcan not exceed those of the parent flows

♦ there exist ether flows with energy exceedingthat of our Universe

♦ our Universe has not originated from a pointand is not finite. It is the spiral (vortex) structureof our Universe that testifies against the Big Banghypothesis.


Practical radiotechnology is familiar with thekey difference between the field intensitydistribution diagrams of aerial emitters in nearand far zones. After combining diagrams 6dand 7b (Fig.10) it is possible to draw certainconclusions.

When transverse waves (radio waves) areformed around the aerial vibrator, the doubletransformation of the initial flow geometrystarts:

♦ the first flow is a homogeneous spiralflow on the conductor skin-layer;

♦ the second flow is a non-homogeneous vortex flow of the nearzone;

♦ the third flow is a toroidal flow of thefar zone.

The toroid volume alteration in the farzone (as per the transmitter vibrationfrequency) forms volumetric planartransverse vibrations (spherical waves)that are called electromagnetic or radiowaves. The gradient of potentialsalterations (as per the transmittervibration frequency) provoke changesof the Coulomb plane, which formlongitudinal vibrations with a narrowdirectional diagram.


The commonly usedterm of magnetic

interactionsis easier to

understand if weconsider the

electromagneticfield as a vortex


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The longitudinal flow is assumed to be formedas a chain of toroids (like smoke rings)

Ether-dynamic approach provides grounds formore substantial conclusions andassumptions. A new approach to energy andcommunication systems is made real. Furtherresults of the experiments with transmittersand aerials, assembled on ether-dynamicprinciples, enabled to draw the followingconclusions:

- all reasons, preventing transformation ofthe transmitter power into the power oftransverse radio waves, are evident;

- all reasons for the transverse wave phaselagging with the increase of distance from theemitter, are also evident;

- besides the toroid that forms thetransverse wave, the second flow generates acrucially new radiation that has a very narrowdirectional diagram along its longitudinal axis;

- the aerial ignores wave geometry for thesecond flow and its longitudinal derivative;

- the radiation along the second flow axishas a very high penetrating power;

- the radiation along the second flow axishas no signs of polarization.

In October 2003 the second stage of the research on the “time control” was completed. In thephoto below you can see Chernobrov V. A. and Frolov A. V. in the laboratory, October 31st2003.

The second stage conclusions are quite interesting, however the usage of timers (chronometers)as detectors is proven to be inappropriate for they are subject to magnetization and theirindication variations cannot be reliable in this case.

The next stage will feature the following method of detection of the time rate changes (therate of the matter existence) that is the radiation wave-length measurement. If it is possible toachieve significant results then we will be able to detect the change of the laser ray colour inthe area of the effect and its linear pathdeviations. The experiments will be heldto register the weight changes of thedetector at the expected influence of theproduced effect on the ether density.

Our company looks for cooperationwith corporations, which are interestedin the application aspects of thesetechnologies.

Frolov A. V.General Director, Faraday Lab Ltd


The list of references is not shown in this article due to its size. It can be looked up .

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Table 1

Indices 1 2 3 Avg.

1 mass of the solution, which has passed through the reactor m, kg. 0.470 0.432 0.448 0.450

2 temperature of solution at the input of the reactor t1, degrees 22 22 22 22

3 temperature of the solution at the output of the reactor t2, degrees 66 66 65 65.67

4 temperature difference of the solution ∆t= t2 - t1, degrees 44 44 43 43.67

5 durability of the experiment ∆τ, s 300 300 300 300

6 reading of voltmeter V, V 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50

6’ Reading of oscillograph , U’, V 4.47 4.47 4.47 4.47

7 reading of ammeter I, A 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1

7’ Reading of oscillograph , I’, A 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2

8 electric power consumption according to indices of voltmeter and ammeters, E2= I.V.∆τ, kJ 2.84 2.84 2.84 2.84

9 power the heated solution, E3= 4.19.m.∆τ, kJ 79.64 80.01 80.72 80.46

10 reactor efficiency index K = E3 / E2 28.04 28.17 28.42 28.21

Ph. M. Kanarev, A.I. Tlishev, RussiaE-mail: [email protected]

The main task of the experiment wasto check the hypothesis:"Electrodynamic influence on the watermolecules gives the possibility tosignificantly reduce energy expenses ondestruction of their chemical bonds;further fu-sion of these moleculesconsiderably increases the output ofadditional energy in the form of heat".

In order to solve this task, specialexperiments were carried out as regards the electrodynamic destructionof chemical bonds of water molecules by electric pulses of variousfrequencies.

Supply voltage and current were measured with the help of a voltmeter, an ammeter and anoscillograph (Fig. 1-4)

Photo of the ThinPlasmaelectric Heat


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Process parameter calculation according to theoscillograms (Fig. 1-4) to the check test record(Table 1) gave the following results:

♦ Pulse scale 10.

♦ Average voltage amplitude according to Fig.1and Fig. 2: Uaav = (23+25+28+10+26+29) х 10/6 =235 V.

♦ Average current amplitude according to Fig. 3and Fig. 4: Iаav = (20+6+17+7+10+19+3) х 10/7 =117 A.

♦ Pulse repetition period T = 7.4 ms. Pulseduration tp = 0.28 ms.

♦ Pulse frequency f = 1000/7.4 = 135.1 Hz.Relative pulse duration S = 7.4/0.28 = 26.32.

♦ Space factor Z = 0.5/26.32 = 0.019.

♦ Average pulse voltage Uav = 0.019 х 235 = 4.47 V.

Fig. 1Voltage

Fig. 2Voltage

Fig. 3 Current

Fig. 4 Current

♦ Average current in pulses Iav = 0.019 х 117 =2.22 A.

Thus, it is possible to consider that theexperimental test of energy efficiency of thewater electric heat generator with the help oftwo methods gives practically identical resultsand confirms the above-mentioned hypothesisconcerning the possibility togenerate additional energy in theprocesses under consideration. It should benoted that as during measurements the pointerinstruments of high classof accuracy of 0.2 have been used (relativeconventional gauging error doesnot exceed 0.2%), and oscillographicmeasurement accuracy is much lower(usually, about 5%), thereadings of the voltmeter andthe ammeter should be considered moreaccurate.

Commercial efficiency of the water electric heatgenerator will depend on pulse generatoreconomy. Since effi-ciency of powerful pulse

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generators can be near one unit, energyefficiency in industrial plants that use the con-sidered heat generators should not differ greatlyfrom the data obtained during laboratoryresearch.

Simplicity and one hundred per centreproducibility of the described experimentsopen a prospect for quick commercialization ofthe water electric heat generator.


1. Kanarev Ph.M. The Foundation of Physchemistry ofMicroworld (the second edition). (In Russian) Kanarev Ph.M. The Foundation of Physchemistry ofMicroworld. The second edition. (In English).http://book.physchemistry.innoplaza.net3. Kanarev Ph.M. Water Electric Generator of Heat.


TransWorld Energy,8110 Bent Oak Lane Spring, Texas 77379, USA

Email: [email protected]://

Don Smith is a University degreedprofessional in science & engineering. Servedin three wars; WWII, Korea and Vietnam. Hehas enjoyed a long and successful professionas an executive in the petroleum industry. Hislife long outside interests include electronicsand engineering. A popular walk on substitutefor University Professors in physics,chemistry, biology and computer assisteddrafting. Teaching style similar to RichardFeynman. He enjoys celebrity status in Japanand Saudi Arabia.

About 20 years ago, the book "Inventions,Researches and Writings of Nicola Tesla",resulted in his reconstructing, as a way ofunderstanding the many theories and devicesshown in the book. From this encounter, a verystrong bonding resulted. The object thenbecame putting his thinking inside that ofTesla, such that expanding upon andextrapolating areas not yet reached by Tesla.

Technological advances in materials providesourcing for devices not possible at earlierperiods. For example, magnetic permeabilitywhich is the counter part of negativeresistance is an open field for experimentationtoday.

Don does not sell his inventions, but tradeslicenses for shares in companies which thenincorporate the new technology into theirmarketing systems. As such, he is on the Boardof directors of several well establishedventures located in Japan, Brazil, Mexico andSaudi Arabia.

Successful reproductions of Don's technologyare present in Finland, Saint Petersburg -Russia, Yugoslavia, Romania, Japan, HongKong, and numerous other Countries. Hisbook "Resonance Energy Methods" has acirculation of 40,000 copies in worldwide inmany languages.

Professor Kanarev looks for co-projects with prospective investors.

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33New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

generators can be near one unit, energyefficiency in industrial plants that use the con-sidered heat generators should not differ greatlyfrom the data obtained during laboratoryresearch.

Simplicity and one hundred per centreproducibility of the described experimentsopen a prospect for quick commercialization ofthe water electric heat generator.


1. Kanarev Ph.M. The Foundation of Physchemistry ofMicroworld (the second edition). (In Russian) Kanarev Ph.M. The Foundation of Physchemistry ofMicroworld. The second edition. (In English).http://book.physchemistry.innoplaza.net3. Kanarev Ph.M. Water Electric Generator of Heat.


TransWorld Energy,8110 Bent Oak Lane Spring, Texas 77379, USA

Email: [email protected]://

Don Smith is a University degreedprofessional in science & engineering. Servedin three wars; WWII, Korea and Vietnam. Hehas enjoyed a long and successful professionas an executive in the petroleum industry. Hislife long outside interests include electronicsand engineering. A popular walk on substitutefor University Professors in physics,chemistry, biology and computer assisteddrafting. Teaching style similar to RichardFeynman. He enjoys celebrity status in Japanand Saudi Arabia.

About 20 years ago, the book "Inventions,Researches and Writings of Nicola Tesla",resulted in his reconstructing, as a way ofunderstanding the many theories and devicesshown in the book. From this encounter, a verystrong bonding resulted. The object thenbecame putting his thinking inside that ofTesla, such that expanding upon andextrapolating areas not yet reached by Tesla.

Technological advances in materials providesourcing for devices not possible at earlierperiods. For example, magnetic permeabilitywhich is the counter part of negativeresistance is an open field for experimentationtoday.

Don does not sell his inventions, but tradeslicenses for shares in companies which thenincorporate the new technology into theirmarketing systems. As such, he is on the Boardof directors of several well establishedventures located in Japan, Brazil, Mexico andSaudi Arabia.

Successful reproductions of Don's technologyare present in Finland, Saint Petersburg -Russia, Yugoslavia, Romania, Japan, HongKong, and numerous other Countries. Hisbook "Resonance Energy Methods" has acirculation of 40,000 copies in worldwide inmany languages.

Professor Kanarev looks for co-projects with prospective investors.

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Mr. Don Smith has discovered that Ohm's Law of Resistance does not apply to MagneticResonance that travels unrestricted for great distances. Therefore, multitudes of electrons aredisturbed. The Magnetic moments are translated into usable electric energy. The MagneticDipole provides an unlimited source of electrical current. Mr. Smith's "Dipole Transformer"has been pending since last September.

Fig.1Smith's Energy Receiver

Useful energy occurs as the result ofimbalances of ambient background energyand it is a transient phenomenon. Inconventional circuits, the electrical field is ina closed system that is damped out with heatloss, which severely limits its utility. The flipside of the electron generates magneticwaves, which is an open system, notsubjected to heat loss. These beingunrestricted are the universal source ofenergy. Universally present electronsare flipped to their electrical position,resulting in useful energy. When properlyconstructed an electrical circuit can becomeself sustainable once started. An obviouscorollary would be that the number of radioor television receivers in operation does notdeplete the magnetic wave source providing

the service. The key source of unlimited energyis Magnetic Resonance. To understand thisrequires putting a stake through outdatedphysics. An obvious example is the pianowhere the key impacts the one note giving onesound, which resonates with its two side keysproviding a much higher level. MagneticResonant Energy clearly amplifiesdemonstrating more energy out than in.Excess energy consequent to a reactionis called Free Energy and can be verylarge as is in the case of MagneticResonance. The intentionally ignorantphysicist makes a habit of ignoring this fact.

Useful electricity is obtained from disturbedelectrons, which radiate magnetic fields andwaves. The generator disturbs and collects this

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emitted electron energy. These electrons remain fully intact and undiminished until the end of time. This Energyis free and the cost of accessing it depends on theignorance of the collector. With an appropriate collectorsystem an unending source of environmentally benign,inexpensive, available energy everywhere, is provided.

Fig.2 D. Smith's Energy Receiver

Editor: in September 2003Donald Smith took part in theannual "Inventor's Week-end"Conference where hepresented the report on hisinvention. In this issue you canfind more details on theconference.

It is worth of a note that wehave received a number ofnegative comments on thisinventor's work. However,we thought his articles to bequite interesting and decidedto publish them. We would beglad to get readers' comments,who are familiar with the workand inventions of DonaldSmith.

In our lab we are still working at theoptimization of the alternator design (electro-magnetic generator with the permanentmagnets). We have introduced the drum rotorinstead of the disk rotor into the new designof the alternator. The operation mechanismis the same, namely, the alternation of themagnetic flux near the generator coils occursas a result of the rotating elements operationof the rotor, which "shunt" the magnetic flux.

Frolov A.V.Disk permanent-magnet generator

Faraday Lab Ltd

News from Farady Lab

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Ryan S. Wood, USA14004 Quali Ridge Drive, Broomfield, CO 80020

Problem description: With any singly successfulover-unity energy device comes a host of business,technical and financial problems andopportunities. A public announcementpermanently will lead to a "Pons & Fleishman"effect that at best delays public success and at worstderails the entire technological effort. Carefulattention needs to be applied to the marketinglaunch, replication, patents, legal defense andfinances.

Potential Solution: With a few working devicesthat generate100-500 horsepower it is relativelyeasy to hook these units to the electrical gird andgenerate monthly checks from the utilities. Thelaw states that major utilities must purchaseelectricity from any supplier at "cost avoidance"rate now typically, between 6 and 10 cents perkilowatt-hour. This law, California Public UtilitiesCommission - Rule 21, for example, is designed

to help small hydro-electric producers and solaror wind farms. There is a safety requirement of gridtransfer switches, but they are not terriblycomplicated or expensive. The entire equipmentset-up must be approved by the utility, however,if you start with a diesel electric generator or smallhydro plant it can be approved, operating andstable before the clandestine switch or hybridoperation with an over-unity machine. The law isstrongly supportive of the energy producer anddisconnection for non-safety or maintenancereasons is exceeding rare.

A key benefit of this approach is that you haveestablished repeatability by having multipleworking sites, you have established that it cangenerate money and the technology does real workand you have created several independentlocations where press and scientists can visit tovalidate the over-unity effectiveness in-situ.

Generator Horse Power 100 200 300 400 500

Annual $, 90% uptime @ 6 c/kWh $ 35,100 $ 70,199 $ 105,299 $ 140, 398 $ 175, 498

Monthly payment @ 6 c/kWh $ 2,92 $ 5,850 $ 8,775 $ 11,700 $ 14, 625

Annual $, 90% uptime @ 10 c/kWh $ 58,499 $ 116, 999 $ 175, 498 $ 233,997 $ 292, 496

Monthly payment @ 10 c/kWh $ 4,875 $ 9,750 $14, 625 $ 19,500 $ 24, 375

It will take money without the strings ofinvestors to champion and defend a newbreakthrough technology into the energymarketplace and this strategy offers a quiet wayto prepare for the ultimate launch and resultingscientific and media frenzy that will ensue. It

Typical revenues would be as follows:

will take years for the business to form,products to be built and marketing andacceptance and industry confidence to beestablished. All during those years this strategycan generate cash to support engineering andoperations.

Please call if there are questions at 303-941-9663 (cell),Home: 720-887-8071

Ryan S. Wood

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Mark A. Solis, USA

Email: [email protected]

People often ask, "What exactly is theHutchison Effect?" This brief essay is anattempt to answer that question to thesatisfaction of the majority. First of all, theHutchison Effect is a collection ofphenomena which were discoveredaccidentally by John Hutchison duringattempts to study the longitudinal waves ofTesla back in 1979. In other words, theHutchison Effect is not simply a singulareffect. It is many.

The Hutchison Effect occurs as the result ofradio wave interferences in a zone of spatialvolume encompassed by high voltagesources, usually a Van de Graff generator, andtwo or more Tesla coils.

Editor: We can call this effect "The H.Wells Effect" because he was first todescribe it in his book "The Invisibleman". The main character of thebook used two sources of electro-magnetic vibrations and Wells saidthat they were not Hertz waves butsomething else. "But the essentialphase was to place the transparentobject whose refractive index was tobe lowered between two radiatingcenters of a sort of etherealvibration…"("The Invisible Man",chapter 20).

A. V. Frolov

The effects produced include levitation ofheavy objects, fusion of dissimilar materialssuch as metal and wood, the anomalousheating of metals without burning adjacentmaterial, spontaneous fracturing of metals(which separate by sliding in a sidewaysfashion), and both temporary and permanentchanges in the crystalline structure andphysical properties of metals.

Fig.1 represents the proof of Hutchison Effectbased on metal blocks. Deformation occurredat room temperature as a result of complexinteraction of electromagnetic fields.

The levitation of heavy objects by theHutchison Effect is not - repeat not - the resultof simple electrostatic or electromagneticlevitation. Claims that these forces alone canexplain the phenomenon are patentlyridiculous, and easily disproved by merelytrying to use such methods to duplicate what

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the Hutchison Effect has achieved, which hasbeen well documented both on film andvideotape, and has been witnessed manytimes by numerous credentialed scientistsand engineers. Challengers should note thattheir apparatus must be limited to the use of75 Watts of power from a 120 Volt AC outlet,as that is all that is used by Hutchison'sapparatus to levitate a 60-pound cannon ball.

The fusion of dissimilar materials, which isexceedingly remarkable, indicates clearlythat the Hutchison Effect has a powerfulinfluence on Van der Waals forces. In astriking and baffling contradiction, dissimilarsubstances can simply "come together," yetthe individual substances do not dissociate.A block of wood can simply "sink into" a

metal bar, yet neither the metal bar nor theblock of wood come apart. Also, there is noevidence of displacement, such as wouldoccur if, for example, one were to sink a stoneinto a bowl of water.

The anomalous heating of metal withoutany evidence of burning or scorching of theadjacent materials (usually wood) is a clearindication that possibly the nature of heatmay not be completely understood. Thishas far-reaching implications forthermodynamics, which hinges entirely onthe presumption of such knowledge. Itshould be noted that the entirety ofthermodynamics is represented by theinfrared portion of the electromagneticspectrum, which is insignificant in a


Cold melting of metals

The upper left: steel, The lower left: aluminium with coin prints and with a coin inserted in a partially open split;The lower right: fully torn aluminium bar; The middle upper and right: a section part of the aluminium block,

into which a wood block is fused (brown matter)

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context of 0 Hz to infinite Hz. Theanomalous heating exhibited by theHutchison Effect shows plainly that we havemuch to learn, especially wherethermodynamics and electromagnetismmeet.

The spontaneous fracturing of metals, asoccurs with the Hutchison Effect, is unique fortwo reasons: (1) there is no evidence of an"external force" causing the fracturing, and (2)the method by which the metal separatesinvolves a sliding motion in a sidewaysdirection, horizontally. The metal simplycomes apart.

Doctor John Hutchison

Some temporary changes in the crystallinestructure and physical properties of metals aresomewhat reminiscent of the "spoonbending" of Uri Geller, except that there is noone near the metal samples when the changestake place. One video shows a spoon flappingup and down like a limp rag in a stiff breeze.In the case of permanent changes, a metal barwill be hard at one end, like steel, and soft atthe other end, like powdered lead. Again, thisis evidence of strong influence on Van derWaals forces.

The radio wave interferences involved inproducing these effects are produced from asmany as four and five different radio sources,all operating at low power. However, the zonein which the interferences take place isstressed by hundreds of kilovolts.

It is surmised by some researchers that whatHutchison has done is tap into the Zero Point

Editor: On November 17th 2003 wegot to know that the inventor JohnHutchison can eventually lose hishome laboratory. The property can beconfiscated upon court order due toneighbours' complaints. Apparently,it is dangerous to conductexperiments of the kind at home andeven within a town. We wish himsuccess!

A. V. Frolov

Energy. This energy gets its name from thefact that it is evidenced by oscillations at zerodegrees Kelvin, where supposedly all activityin an atom ceases. The energy is associatedwith the spontaneous emission andannihilation of electrons and positronscoming from what is called "the quantumvacuum." The density of the energycontained in the quantum vacuum isestimated by some at ten to the thirteenthJoules per cubic centimeter, which isreportedly sufficient to boil off the Earth'soceans in a matter of moments.

Given access to such energies, it is smallwonder that the Hutchison Effect producessuch bizarre phenomena. At the present time,the phenomena are difficult to reproducewith any regularity. The focus for the future,then, is first to increase the frequency ofoccurrence of the effects, then to achievesome degree of precision in their control.

The spontaneous fracturingof metals, as occurs with theHutchison Effect, is unique fortwo reasons: there is noevidence of an "externalforce" causing the fracturing,and the method by which themetal separates involves asliding motion in a sidewaysdirection, horizontally. Themetal simply comes apart.

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A. Ries, A. Z. Simoes, M. A. Zaghete, J. A. Varela,Institute of Chemistry, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Rua Prof. Francisco Degni s/n,

14801-970 Araraquara-SP, BrazilEmail: [email protected]

E. Longo,Department of Chemistry, Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos, Rodovia Washington Luis - km 235, 13565-905

Sao Carlos-SP, Brazil


A few years ago, Zaev [1, 2] demonstratedexperimentally the possibility of heat toelectrical energy conversion by means offerroelectrics. A capacitor filled with aferroelectric material was charged anddischarged periodically at a temperature justa little lower than the Curie point. Accordingto Zaev, the capacitor must have a nonlinearcapacitance dC/dV > 0, which means thecapacitance increases with rising voltage.Besides these experimental results, it wasproven by a theoretical calculation that theelectrical energy obtained during dischargingcan reach up to 1.35 of the energy introducedto charge the capacitor. The present paperpresents an inexpensive and simple electric

circuit which can be used to prove heat toelectricity conversion experimentally.Moreover, the physical mechanism of heat toelectricity conversion is explained in the formof a thermodynamic cycle.

Thermodynamic cycle for energyconversion

The following thermodynamic cycle iscomposed of four reversible steps. It worksonly at a temperature just a little lower thanthe Curie point, where the dielectric constantis highly temperature dependent. Fig. 1 showsthe relative dielectric constant of arepresentative ferroelectric ceramic as afunction of temperature.

Fig. 1Relative dielectric constant versus temperature for a barium strontium titanate ceramic (80% Ba, 20% Sr)

prepared by the author. Curie point = 550 C.

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As it can be seen, just below the Curie point inthe range from 50 to 550 C, small changes ofthe temperature cause high changes of thedielectric constant.

Furthermore, to understand the conversionmechanism, it is necessary to understand theelectrocaloric effect. When an electric fieldis applied to a dielectric medium, the latteris polarized. For ferroelectric materials, theparallel domain alignment is the mostimportant part of the total polarization.During the successive alignment of thedomains, some material parameters inparticular entropy, heat capacity andtemperature change. Since the materialpossesses less degrees of freedom in thepolarized state, its entropy and heat capacityare reduced. As a consequence, provided thatno heat exchange with the environment ispossible (adiabatic conditions), thetemperature increases. It is very importantto understand that the energy for warmingof the dielectric is not taken from thepolarizing electric field. The increase intemperature is a result of the decreased heatcapacity only.

From this, it can be derived easily what means"nonlinear capacitance".

When a capacitor is charged adiabaticallywhich means its voltage increases faster thanany heat exchange with the environment ispossible, due to the electrocaloric effect, thetemperature of the dielectric must also increase.As it can be seen from Fig.1, below the Curiepoint, an increasing temperature leads to ahigher dielectric constant. Assuming that bothtemperatures, the one before charging and theother after charging are still below the Curiepoint, one can say that the dielectric constantincreases with an increase in voltage.

Since the capacitance is proportional to thedielectric constant, the capacitor has anonlinear characteristic dC/dV > 0. In thesame way it can be concluded that adiabaticcharging just a little above the Curie pointreveals a nonlinear capacitor characteristicwith dC/dV < 0.

Quantitative experimental measurements onthe electrocaloric effect in some

representative ferroelectric andantiferroelectric materials were published byThacher [3].

STEP 1: Adiabatic chargingof the capacitor

We consider a capacitor filled with aferroelectric medium at an environmentaltemperature a little lower than the Curie point.

An adiabatic charging of a capacitor (no heatexchange) effects an increase in temperatureand capacitance due to the electrocaloriceffect. We assume that this increase intemperature is so small that the temperatureremains below the Curie point. Finally, thecapacitor is completely charged while thedielectric medium has a higher dielectricconstant and therefore a higher capacitancethan it posseses at the environmentaltemperature.

To go further to step 2, the capacitor is holdunder conditions where no discharge ispossible, e.g. it is disconnected from the powersupply.

STEP 2: Thermal equilibration

After a short time, the charged capacitor hascooled down to the environmentaltemperature. While cooling down, thedielectric constant and capacitance decrease.But the charges of the capacitor plates remainconstant. As a consequence, the voltage andthe electrical energy increase. This can bereadily recognized from the general capacitorequation q = C V (q = charge, C = capacitance,V = voltage):

q = constant = C1 V1 = C2 V2

STEP 3: Adiabatic discharging of thecapacitor

While discharging the capacitor thetemperature and capacitance decrease (againheat capacity changes) due to theelectrocaloric effect, leading to a furtherincrease in the available electrical energy. Theferroelectric medium posseses now a finaltemperature below the temperature of theenvironment.

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STEP 4: Thermal equilibration

In order to proceed with step 1, it is necessary to reach the environmental temperature. Aninflow of heat from the environment to the dielectric material is required.

Electric circuit to observe energy conversion

Fig. 2Electric circuit for testing the energy conversion effect. The connections to the square wave generator are labeled

with 0V and +/- 5V, the resistors Rb are to adjust the maximum base current of the transistors.

Assuming the experimenter has a nonlinearcapacitor, the set-up shown schematically inFig. 2 is proposed as a possible conversiondevice. The circuit contains two different typesof transistors (NPN and PNP) which fulfill herethe function of a switch.

The NPN junction transistor consists of twon-type semiconductors (called the emitter andcollector) separated by a thin layer of p-typesemiconductor (called the base). On the otherhand the PNP junction transistor consists of athin layer of n-type semiconductor lyingbetween two p-type semiconductors. The baseis the ON/OFF switch for the transistors. If acurrent flows to the base, there is a path fromthe collector to the emitter, where a currentcan flow (switch is ON). If there is no currentflowing to the base, then no current can flowfrom the collector to the emitter (switch isOFF).

The charging-discharging process iscontrolled by a square wave generator whichproduces an output signal switching from +5Vto -5V. The switching frequency is adjustablefrom 0.1 Hz up to at least 10 kHz. This outputsignal is applied to the bases of bothtransistors.

During the time the square wave generatoroutput signal is +5V, a base current flowsthrough the base-emitter junction of the NPNtransistor which creates a low resistance pathbetween the collector and the emitter. As aconsequence, the capacitor is charged by thebattery. The collector-emitter junction of thePNP transistor has a very high resistance,because here no base current flows.Therefore the capacitor is not discharged atthe same time. When the output signalswitches to -5V, a current flows to the base ofthe PNP transistor and not to the base of the

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NPN transistor. Now the capacitor isdischarged.

In order to understand the function of theinductance in Fig. 2, we analyze thethermodynamics of the charging process.

Fig. 3 Simple circuit for charging a capacitor

If a linear capacitor of capacitance C ischarged to a voltage V through the load Raccording to Fig. 3, the energy W = 0.5 C V2 isstored in the capacitor. During the chargingprocess, a time-dependent current I(t) flows:

I(t) = V/R exp (- t/RC)

This current develops the heat Q in the load:

2Q = R ∫I2(t)dt = 0,5CV2

Here the integration limits are from zero toinfinity. This calculation shows, that theenergy taken from the battery is the energystored in the capacitor after charging plus theheat produced in the load, also 2.C V2. Onecan see that the heat Q is not dependent onthe resistance value R.

The above used equations are only valid incase of a one-step charging process.

If the capacitor is charged stepwise to thefinal voltage V, e.g. using a ramp generator,and each voltage step effects a voltageincrease , the total heat produced in the loadis (N = number of voltage steps):

Q = N 0,5 C (V/N)2 = 0,5 C/N V2

Now the energy taken from the source is:

W = 0,5.(1 + 1/N)1/2 CV2

If the number of steps N tends to infinity, theheat Q tends to zero.

This energy loss in the load dramaticallyinfluences the efficiency of anyconversion device and must be takeninto account, otherwise allexperimental attempts to observeenergy conversion would fail.

A more detailed discussion on charging acapacitor and the unavoidable energy losseswas given by Heinrich [4] and Gupta et al. [5].

The inductance in the circuit (Fig. 2) effects aslower rising of the current during thecharging process (due to self induction) andcan reduce the heat generated in the loaddramatically.


Financial support of this work wasprovided by the Brazilian agencyFAPESP ( and theGerman Academic Exchange Service(DAAD), (


1. N.E. Zaev, Yu.S. Spiridonov, Capacitance as aconverter of heat to electrical energy, Russian ElectricalEngineering, Vol. 69, (2000) pp. 69-722. N.E. Zaev, Research on the Capacitance Converter ofEnvironmental Heat to Electric Power, New EnergyTechnologies, issue 2, (2001)3. P.D. Thacher, Electrocaloric effects in someferroelectric and antiferroelectric Pb(Zr, Ti)O3compounds, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 39,(1963), pp. 1996-20024. F. Heinrich, Entropy change when charging acapacitor: A demonstration experiment, AmericanJournal of Physics, Vol. 54, (1986), pp. 742-7445. V.K. Gupta, G. Shanker, N.K. Sharma, Reversibility andstep processes: An experiment for the undergraduatelaboratory, American Journal of Physics, Vol. 52, (1984),pp. 945-947

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A. Akau, USAEmail: [email protected]

The Gates motor company has produceda motor that does not run on fossil fuelor on electricity. It comes in a 28 HP anda 5,000 HP version. When linked to anelectric generator, the larger motor willproduce 2,200 kW.

My name is Adrian Akau. I am a recentlyretired school teacher, having taughtscience and math in the public schoolsystem, state of Hawaii for the past 36years. One of the classes I taught was onenergy.

Our world should be reaching the half-way mark in easily accessible oil by aboutthe year 2016. Since the rate of oil usageis becoming higher each year, it is unlikelythat the oil supply will last as long as the140 years since the first well was drilledin Pennsylvania. We will become moredependent upon OPEC with all thepolitical pressures and problems thataccompany this type of dependency. Asthe easy oil is consumed, we must look for

ways to extract less accessible oil such asfrom shale. The added expense will bepassed on to the consumer.

The burning of coal is not the answereither because coal cannot supplyconvenient energy as does oil. An oil-based economy cannot transfer overreadily to natural gas; there is notenough natural gas available and it isagain, not a convenient andconcentrated source as is oil. We alsohave serious pollution problems withthe burning of fossil fuels (natural gasbeing the exception) but the burning ofall fossil fuels have contributed to theserious problem of global warming.

It may take all of 50-80 years to transferto a non-fossil fuel economy. Thetransfer must be made slowly so as notto disturb the infrastructure of oureconomy which is presently based uponfossil fuels. We must gradually create anew infrastructure that is non-fossil fueldependent.

The production model of the motor is24 inches high by 48 inches in length.Connected to a generator it will providesufficient power for about eighthundred US homes. It is designed to betough and to last a long time. It uses ahigh grade airplane synthetic engine oil

The motor incorporates aunique spring configuration toprovide rotation

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to prevent friction and the build up ofheat. Only the oil filter needs to bechanged. The motor has special needlebearings and portions of the motor aremade of high quality steel.

The Gates motor is designed to run 24hours/day, 365 days/year withoutincurring any fuel costs. The larger sizemotor would come in pairs; the sparemotor being used as a back-up unitshould the regular motor be turned offfor maintenance such as to change theoil or in case there should be anyproblems with the first motor. Thecompany is willing to enter into acontract for maintaining the motorafter installation.

The Gates motor represents a majorbreakthrough in motor designtechnology and provides practicalsolutions to environmental and fuelconservation concerns. Finally, acompletely mechanical motor hasbeen developed. It can deliver thepower needed in a wide variety of serviceapplications without any waste productsor emissions to adversely affect theenvironment. This revolutionary newmotor utilizes spring power technology.Unlike conventional motors which mustreach a maximum rpm level before thedesired horsepower, the Gates motorprovides maximum horsepowerinstantly by virtue of the torque stored inthe springs.

The basic operating principle of theGates motor involves a series ofsprings configured to provide therequired motor rotation and powerdelivery. Consider, if you will, theoperating principle of a grandfatherclock. Once the clock is wound, itcontinues to operate until it runs downand stops. The springs must then berewound so it will operate again. Supposethe clock is continually being rewound

as it operates. Then the clock would runcontinuously. This condition is what formsthe basis for the operating principle of theGates motor. The motor incorporates aunique spring configuration to providerotation. The springs inside the motor arewound and preset at the factory at the timethe motor is assembled. The amount oftorque wound into the springs at thefactory determines the horsepower of themotor. Inside the motor are a multiple ofsprings positioned horizontally in acircular arrangement. As the motoroperates, the springs are unwound a setnumber of degrees. A double ratchetsystem at one end of the motor rewindsthe degrees used back into the springs. Asthe springs are unwinding, the powergenerated from all the springs reseteach spring (one at a time) duringeach revolution of the motor. It is thisreset action that produces and deliverspower from the springs to the flywheellocated at the opposite end of the motor.The flywheel serves to ensure the smoothoperation of the motor and to convert thesprings into useable horsepower. Thesmaller motor has 50 foot pounds oftorque at a shaft speed of 3000 RPM andwill produce 28 HP. The HP can be alteredby factory adjustment. The speed of theengine is controlled by a hydraulic pumpwhich provides pressure upon the powershaft.

Contacts: Gates Motor Corporation,P.O. Box 715, Hauula, HI, USA 96717

Email:[email protected]

Editor: We tried to get the video of thisdevice operation from Gates MotorCo., but after a long consideration itwas not provided since the authorsare competitor-conscious. Alexander V. Frolov

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Adrian Akau, USAEmail: [email protected]

Dr. Peter Lindemann in his book "The FreeEnergy Secrets of Cold Electricity" presentsthe story of this type of electricity which reallyis not electricity as electricity is normallymeant to be understood. Cold electricitybehaves differently than normal electricity.Regular electricity may be used in the processto generate this cold form but thistransformation is not the type of change involtage and current that occurs in atransformer. Rather, it is the extraction of aform of current from "normal" electricity bya process that uses high voltage.

In discussing the Edwin Gray motor, Dr.Lindemann relates a demonstration by Gray.Gray used a 6 volt car battery with lead wiresrunning to a system he had devised using avoltage booster and a series of capacitorswhich raised the voltage to 3,000 volts. Hethen closed a switch that ran the high voltageinto two electromagnets which caused a loudpopping sound and cause the topelectromagnet weighing a pound and aquarter to be propelled over two feet into theair. Gray claimed that only 1% of the system'senergy was used with 99% going back to thebattery. He said that he had 'split the positive'with his system.

Other evidence of using this fractionatedelectricity was Gray's use of a smallmotorcycle battery (15 amps which wouldnormally produce W=V x A = 6 V x 15 A= 90watts) to run concurrently six 15-wattelectrical light bulbs, a portable 110 volt T.V.set and two radios. A glowing 40 watt lightbulb running off the system was dropped intowater without the glass breaking; the bulbgave off light but not the heat thataccompanied a bulb run by regular electricity.

This would mean that tungsten in thefilament of the light bulb was not resistingthe flow of this fractionated electricity andthat this "cold electricity" was causing theluminous glow by some other means.

According to Gray's Patent #4,595,975, lowvoltage was chopped into pulsating DC bypassing it through a multi-vibrator (buzzerlike a door bell). Then the pulsed DC was sentthrough the low voltage winding (primary)of a transformer which changed it topulsating high voltage DC current at thesecondary side. The pulsating high voltageDC was rectified by a full wave bridge andchanged into high voltage DC.

The high voltage DC was used to repeatedlycharge a capacitor as the current was sentto briefly discharge across a spark gap (ratedat 3000 volts). The discharge of the sparkacross the gap had to be in one directiononly and its duration was controlled by thesize of the capacitor and by the strength ofa magnetic field encompassing the gap. Thismagnetic field had a quenching effectbecause it caused a back EMF each time thedischarge occurred. The current from thedischarge across the gap was then sentthrough a resistor and then to a vacuumtube (the conversion switching elementtube).

Another of Edward Gray's patents "EfficientElectrical Conversion Switching TubeSuitable for Inductive Loads" (April 1987,patent 4,661,747) described the switchingtube. It utilizes a low voltage anode (positiveplate), a low voltage anode (positive plate)and one or more electro-static or chargereceiving grids (located between the positive

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plates and the cathode or negative platesupplying the electrons). This tube's functionwas to 'split the positive'. A normal vacuumtube usually uses only a single anode at aparticular voltage to control the voltage flowwithin the tube. The function of the charge-receiving grids was to collect the "coldelectricity".

The most unusual part of this Power Supplycircuit consisted of devices specificallydesigned to remove excess energy when theSwitching Tube was functioning. A spark-gapprotection device, served to "protect theinductive load and the rectifier elementsfrom unduly large discharge currents". Asstated, the rectifier elements are the twoanodes and the grids in the Switching Tube.In a normal vacuum tube, no protectionwould be necessary because the maximumpower of the tube would be based upon theelectricity provided to heat the tube filamentand to charge the anode (voltage x amps).Therefore, the excess energy comes from theprocess occurring as the spark gap affectedelectrical pulses pass through the SwitchingTube. The process of extracting the "coldelectricity" places danger of overload uponthe system. (Please take note that the"electricity" from the Switching Tube is nolonger the normal type of electricity we havefrom our batteries or from an electrical outletbut rather a completely new form withentirely different characteristics.)

The description continues, "Should thepotentials (voltages) within the circuitexceed the predetermined values fixed bythe mechanical size and spacing of theelements within the switching tube, theenergy is dissipated (bypassed) by theprotective device to the circuit common(electrical ground)" by two strategicallyplaced diodes (devices that permit thepassage of electricity in one direction only).The question now arises "What is the causeof this large amount of excess energy whichmust be dumped to ground through deviceacting like a lightning rod in order to preventthe circuit from burning out?"

To examine the cause of the excess energysource, we must go back over a hundred yearsto1889. Heinrich Hertz had just announced

in 1887 that he had discoveredelectromagnetic waves and Nicola Tesla wasattempting to duplicate Hertz's experiments.Tesla used abrupt and powerful electricdischarges produced with banks ofcapacitors charged to very high potentialsand was able to explode thin wire (copperbus bars). He came to the conclusion thatHertz had mistakenly associated electrostaticinductions (electrified shockwaves in air) fortrue electromagnetic waves.

The explosion of the copper bars by meansof the "disruptive discharges" from thecapacitor bank produced sharpshockwaves which struck Tesla with greatforce across the entire front of his body.Tesla said they felt more like powerfulgunshots rather than electrical sparks. Theyproduced effects similar to lightning or tothose produced by high voltage DCgenerators previously discussed; the simpleclosing of a high voltage DC generatorcaused a stinging shock. AC generators werenot in use in this pre-AC era and it wasshown, later on, that AC generators did notproduce these effects.

This shock was first assumed to be the resultof residual static charging. It stood straightout of highly electrified conductors, seekingground paths which included workmen andswitchboard operators. In long cables, Teslaestimated that this electrostaticconcentration was several orders inmagnitude greater than any voltage the DCgenerator could actually produce. It caused ahedge or crown of bluish needles or spiculesto point at right angles to the cable or straightfrom the electrical cable line into thesurrounding space. The bluish needlesappeared the very instant the switch wasclosed and disappeared a few millisecondslater, after which the system functionednormally. However, anyone through whomthe blue needles passed, especially in largeregional power systems which used highexceptionally high voltages, usually did notsurvive. Generators rated at a few thousandvolts produced hundreds of thousands oreven millions of electrostatic volts during thestart-up pulse. Highly insulated, heavilygrounded relay switches had to be installedto protect workers from certain death.

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Engineers at this time assumed the effect tobe caused by a "bunching" action whichoccurred when a powerful force wasnot able to move charge sufficientlyquickly through a system. (A similar"choking effect" also happened with largesteam engines; if steam was introduced toorapidly, the steam engine could explode.)The metal of which the wire was composedsomehow offered resistance to the chargecarriers before they were able to move awayfrom the generator terminals. It seemed thatthe wire acted as a blocking force to theelectrons or to some unknown part of theelectrons for the first few milliseconds, ratherthan as a conductor. The powerful, deadlybluish spikes sprang from the line until thecurrent charges actually "caught up" with theapplied electrical field. It was as if the spiculeswere a form of relieving pressure on thesystem by converting the voltage impulseinto some other form.

Tesla began wondering why the electrostaticfield moved faster than the actual charges. Hebelieved that this effect could help him findelectric waves better than his capacitorsbecause the line resistance caused theelectrostatic charges to bunch together intoa density much greater that obtainable withhis capacitors.

Tesla understood that ordinary capacitordischarges were oscillating currents or sparkcurrents which "bounced" between eachcapacitor plate until their stored energy wasdissipated. The high surge voltage of the DCgenerator exerted such a high one waypressure on the dense line charges, due to themillisecond resistance of the metal, thatpossible voltage "bounces" were alsooscillations of current as was true with thecapacitors. Tesla used every means possibleto block the "back-rush" (bouncing) of theoscillating current in order to prevent thesupercharge to prematurely decline; hewanted to maintain this powerful "bunching"effect as long as possible in order to study itand to make use of it.

His face and hands experienced a penetratingshockwave; a sharp pressure and an electricalirritation were brought on at the suddenclosing of the switch. His face and hands were

especially sensitive to these shockwaveswhich caused a "stinging" effect at closerange. Tesla believed that he was being struckby material particles approaching the vaporstate as they were thrust from bluish crownedwire.

Later on, he was to discover they were notgas particles. He placed himself behind aglass shield but to his amazement, hestill felt the shockwaves and stingingeffects; the glass shield did not protecthim. These stinging rays could be felt at greatdistances from their sources and, to hisamazement, would penetrate shields of bothglass and copper. Tesla knew that normalelectrostatic charges spread over the surfaceof a metal (copper, for example) shield sothat the stinging effect could not have anelectrostatic origin and therefore was notelectrostatic in nature but was from someother yet unknown source.

Joseph Henry in 1842 had noticed themagnetization of steel needles by thedischarge of a Leyden Jar (type of primitivecondenser made with a glass bottle). TheLeyden Jar was at the top floor of a buildingwhile the needles were in the basement. Dr.Henry, noting the passage of thesemagnetizing rays through brick walls, oakdoors, stone and iron flooring and tin ceilingsbelieved that the spark given off by thedischarge released "light-like rays" thatpassed through the material obstacles withease before magnetizing the needles.

Elihu Thomson, a physics instructor in 1872had been attempting to make sparks from aRuhmkorrf Spark Coil more clearly visible forhis physics students. He attached one pole ofthe coil to a cold water pipe and noted thatthe previously blue spark changed to white.He then attached the other pole to a largemetal table top and produced a silver-whitespark that would be clearly visible to allattending his lecture. He went to the door ofthe room to notify his colleague but receiveda strong shock from the door knob. Turningoff the Ruhmkorrf coil prevented the brassknob on the oak door to stop shocking. Hereturned with his friend, again turned on thecoil and discovered that all metal objects inthe entire building, no matter how distant

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from the coil or insulated from the floor,produced long and continuous white sparksupon the touch of a penknife or screwdriver.

The device Tesla perfected was far superiorto the Ruhmkorrf Spark Coil. The effect ofhis disrupter device was so strong that asingle wire placed in an oil bath producedwhat he had originally but mistakenlythought to be gaseous streams so powerfulthat they visibly depressed the oil into a depthof about two inches. Tesla concluded that"besides the air, another medium is present".

Tesla had been able to perfect his device byplacing a capacitor between the switch andthe D.C. generator thus increasing the powerand protecting the generator windings inmuch the same manner as the diodes EdwinGray's Switching Tube protected Gray'scircuit. Tesla also raised the voltage andquickened the "make-break" rate of theswitch to increase the power level by placinga powerful permanent magnet crosswise tothe discharge path of the high voltage outputof the DC generator wires. The magnetic fieldcaused the discharge arc to automatically"blow out"; the charge passing through thewires in the presence of the magnetic fieldbuilt up reverse emf (electromotive force orvoltage).

Tesla believed he had discovered a new typeof electricity with special characteristics. Thisform of electricity did not consist ofalternating waves. They were longitudinalwaves composed of successive shocking

waves with effects that could be seen and feltat a distance. Vector components of theseshock waves were unidirectional. Theywere able to force charges in thedirection of their propagation. In hispatent #787,412, "Art Of TransmittingElectrical Energy Through The NaturalMediums" (April 18, 1905), Tesla calculated themean velocity of the waves propagated by hisdevice to be 471,240 Km/sec. Knowing thatthe velocity of light is 300,000 Km/sec wouldindicate that the type of transmission to whichTesla is referring is different than standardelectromagnetic radiation; these speciallongitudinal "Radiant Energy" waves movedfaster than the speed of light.

After conducting hundreds of experiments,Tesla found that "Radiant Energy"longitudinal waves could penetrate allmaterials and cause "electronicresponses" in metals such as copper andsilver. Impulses exceeding 0.1 millisecondduration produced effects such as pain,mechanical pressures, explosion of thin wiresand vibration of objects. Impulses of 1.0microseconds caused the sensation ofphysiological heat; at still shorter lengthswhite light would fill the room. Impulses lessthan 100 microseconds were safe to workwith and Tesla planned to use them for hispower broadcast system since they couldpass through all matter.

In 1890, Tesla discovered that placing a longsingle turn copper helix near his magneticdisrupter became covered with an envelopeof white sparks. Effects were strongest whenthe helical coil was placed within thedisrupter wire circle. In this "shockzone", thecoil was surrounded by a blast of long, fluidlike silvery streamers which clung to thesurface of the coil, flowing over the coil atright angles to the windings. Teslahypothesized the electrostatic-like effect wasdue to radiant transformation rules requiringmeasurements of discharge lengths andattributes of the helix used (number of turns,diameter, etc.). (Editor: resonance)

The new induction law he discoveredshowed that radiant shockwaves becamemuch stronger when encounteringsegmented objects. The radiant shockwaves

...he placed himself behind aglass shield but to hisamazement, he still felt theshockwaves and stingingeffects; the glass shield did notprotect him. These stinging rayscould be felt at great distancesfrom their sources and, to hisamazement, would penetrateshields of both glass andcopper...

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"flashed over" the outer skin of the helix fromend to end without passing through thewindings of the coil; shockwaves of 10,000volts introduced to a 24 inch coil rise to240,000 volts. The greater the resistance inthe helix turns, the higher the maximumvoltage. This was completely different frommagneto-induction. Remember that he wasnot working with electricity but with radiantshockwaves.

This transformer he invented used radiantshockwaves to produce pure voltage withoutcurrent. Each transformer had to be "tuned"by adjusting the disrupter to a specificimpulse duration. At that point, voltageimpulses could flow smoothly, flowing overthe copper surface much like a stream ofwater in a pipe. No amperage could bedetected but if the stream was aimed at adistant metal plates, "current" was producedwhich reached several hundred or eventhousands of amperes. Tesla then began towonder what made up this white, currentlessstream.

Tesla determined that normal charge carriers(electrons) could not travel as quickly as theradiant pulse; no current moved the coilbecause the electrons were choked in themetal lattice of the coil. The radiant pulsemoving over the surface of the coil wasnot electronic in nature. He placed thelegs of a heavy U-shaped copper bus bardirectly to the disrupter primary and thenconnected the short-circuited system toseveral incandescent lamps. These lampsglowed with a brilliant cold white light as

with Gray's light bulb, proving that the powerfor the light was not electrical in nature. Teslabelieved that the electrons were blockedfrom flowing through the wire while theradiant pulse was released over the coilsurface as a "gaseous" pulse (splitting thepositive, according to Gray).

Tesla came to believe that voltage couldbe viewed as streams of aether undervarious states of pressure and that histransformers affected the aether as toproduce the luminous effects heobserved. In his patents, he describes his"light-like rays" as tightly constricted aetherstreams propelled from his transformersalong infinitesimal ray lines along which anincompressible movement occurs instantlythrough space on all points along its path.Aether streams were being drawn in throughhis transformer at higher natural pressureand then accelerated in the electricaldischarge. The voltage in his transformercould control the brilliance of light in a roombut this type of light was almost impossibleto register on film. He could heat up a roomor cause cool breezes by controlling thevoltage in impulse duration in histransformer.

Tesla saw electrical current was reallya complex combination of aether andelectrons. Through the application of adisrupter, the electrons were removed fromthe gap by the magnetic field while theaether steams continued to flow throughthe circuit. He considered aether particleshighly mobile with infinitesimally smallmass and cross-section as compared toelectrons. They were incompressible andcould easily pass through space and matterwith a speed much greater than the speedof light. This was pure radiant matter but, atthe same time, pure Radiant Energy. Coldelectricity is one of the forms of this RadiantEnergy.

Edwin Gray, Dr. Nicola Tesla and Dr. ThomasHenry Moray all used radiant energytechnologies. It is important to understandthat the Laws of Thermodynamics andMaxwell's equations do not pertain to"Radiant Energy" technologies.

A e t h e r p a r t i c l e s w e r eincompressible and couldeasily pass through space andmatter with a speed muchgreater than the speed of light.This was pure radiant matterbut, at the same time, pureRadiant Energy. Cold electricityis one of the forms of thisRadiant Energy

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Review is prepared by editor Tatiana Ezhova

Here another fuelless perpetuum mobile is presented.

The system design

The design includes a wheel with spring spokes. Pegs may be fixed inside the wheel to balancemovement of weights on springs. All parts should be homogenized as to dimension and weight.The author used 4 oz. lead balls and the 3/16" springs. The wheel measures 9" in radius asmeasured from hub center to center of each lead ball at outer periphery. This device is actuatedand stopped by the hand. Its speed is self governing, it ramps up to speed quickly and simplystays there.

Note: you can find more detailed information about the device at

Also read in this issue article "Novozhilov's motor" that describes another wheel motor thatdoes not require any fuel for its operation.

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Xing-liu Jiang, Xiong-wei Wen, ChinaScience School,

Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083and

Li-jun Han, ChinaDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering,

Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083


Highly localized nuclear activation inelectrochemical systems and other electricaldischarge processes have been observed bymany laboratories in the world. This report is anattempt to explain such anomalous phenomenaby using torsion field theory and axion model.Anisotopic behaviours of radiation products,burst character, "heat after death" of excessenergy release in electrical discharge systems areconsidered to be interpreted by the torsioncoherence of vortex dynamics with the zero-point energy induced by localized intense fieldemission of micro-protrusion of the cathode,and the dynamic Casimir effect of transientevolution of triple region of gas, liquid solution,and electrode protrusion. Axion model andPrimakoff's effect are proposed for explanationof nuclear transmutation without noticeablegamma radiation.

Nuclear products with high concentration,unidentified tracks with highly collimatedlines of low energy nuclear reactions in theelectrochemical systems were recorded by CR-39 solid detectors and photo-films, andlocalized spots with chemical alterations wereobserved at our laboratory. It is suggested tocarry out intensive study of vortex dynamic forexplaining the anomalous phenomena inwide area of nature and laboratories. Analysisof vortex dynamics with wide range frompitting corrosion of electrochemical system,laboratory plasma, tornado, to quasar spiralmodel with extremely high energy cosmic raysin the center region, leads to a conclusion forthat vortex dynamics creates torsion fieldsresponding to the anomalous effects.


Many laboratories in the world haveobserved nuclear reactions and excess heatin electrochemical systems. The mechanismof such anomalous phenomena is not beingwell understood according to normallyaccepted physics.

Nuclear products with high concentrationand tracks with highly collimated lines of lowenergy nuclear reactions in theelectrochemical systems were recorded byCR-39 solid detectors and films at ourlaboratory [1,2]. These facts suggest thatquasar model with spiral structure andextremely high enrage cosmic rays in thecenter could be used to explain themechanism. It is supposed to use the conceptof torsion field to interpret the observedphenomena, typically, the properties of axionacceleration, memory effect, and thepolarized nuclear reactions with torsioneffect [3].


The vortex and spiral structures are thearchetype that appears at all levels of natureand laboratories, for example, atomstructure, vortex lattice in superconductors,dense plasma focus, lightning, quasar etc.

Recent report of dark matter annihilation atthe galactic center describes that the colddark matter near the galactic center isaccreted by the central black hole into a

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dense spike [4]. Particle dark matterannihilation makes the spike to be acompact source of photons, electrons,positrons, protons, antiprotons andneutrinos. It reminds us for that there is asimilarity among pitting corrosion withelectrochemical noise, laboratory plasmapinching (dense plasma focus, for example),fast laser induced ion beams [5] and quasarspiral model with high-energy cosmic raysin spiral center in spite of large dimensiondifference. Comparing the experimentalresults of electrochemical cells with excessheat and nuclear transmutation toastrophysics phenomena, it is supposed thatthe investigation of vortex dynamics oftorsion coherence with the zero-pointenergy is essential for tapping the zero-point energy.

As it is predicted by quantum mechanicsthat the vacuum is seething with activeenergy, even at temperature of zero pointKelvin. This zero-point energy (ZPE) can bethought as an infinite number of virtualphotons that are popping out of thevacuum and going back in, but should be ameasurable effect en masse. To exam theorigin of ZPE background, the interactionof matter with the ZPE can be treated onthe basis of charged point particlesinteraction with a background ofelectromagnetic zero-point radiation withspectral-energy density.

Based on observation in the experiments, thefollowing features are considered in order tounderstand the experimental results withelectrical discharge systems.


In an electrolytic cell, the electrolysis withhigh conductivity and the electrochemicaldouble layer with large layer-capacitancelead to a typical structure of the cathodepotential distribution similar to the cathodedrop of glow discharge in low gas pressure.For a compact layer the thickness of thedouble layer is equal to one ionic layer, acrosswhich there is a linear fall of potential. Thus,high electric field exists in some regions onthe surface of the cathode.

The local enhancement of the electric fieldon the cathode surface with the doublelayer is related to the protrusions andcracks similar to the tip discharge in air orin a vacuum. The current distributiondepends strongly on the surface roughnessand the work function of the electronemission. A high transient current density(> 108A/cm2) could be expected due toenhanced field.


On the cathode surface, the high persistentelectrical fields (>107V/cm) and largeequivalent capacitance (>25 µF/cm2) lead toa high energy concentration in the doublelayer [6]. The concentrated field on the tipsof the protrusions or cracks after a long-loading period with deuterium on thepalladium cathode surface creates a hightransient electron flux because of the largedistributed capacitance and the negligibleinductance in a localized discharge mini-network. The experimental data show thatthe reactions take place only in somerestricted areas that have specific properties.The idea of micro fusion due to the results ofenergy concentration and the high deuteronflux could be used to explain the nucleartransmutation.


Elementary particles have the moment ofquantity of motion, i.e. spin. If in anysubstance the spins of particle have apreferable direction, then it is interpreted asspin polarization of the substance. Everysubstance creates a torsion-field (or calledspin-field or axial field) in the spacesurrounding it when polarized by spins [7].The superposition of torsion field,generated by the atomic and nuclear spinsof each molecule, determines the intensityof torsion field in the space surroundingeach molecule. Torsion field has strongpenetration ability and does not interactwith the crystal lattice of substances. Thetorsion field created by rotation of some sortof matter is concentrated in two oppositebeams propagating along the rotation axis.The intensity of torsion-field with some

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lower constant value can be retained forseveral weeks after the rotation is stopped.Such property of vortex mater has beenrecently observed in type IIsuperconductors with magnetic flux linelattice [8]. The studies of vortex matter oftype II superconductors have shown anumber of puzzling phenomena associatedwith vortex motion, including: low-frequency noise and slow voltageoscillations; a history-dependent dynamicresponse, and memory of the direction,amplitude duration and frequency of thepreviously applied current.

Some behaviors of the torsion-field effecthave been observed in the experiments ofelectrolysis regarding the so-called coldfusion, such as when the gas bubble chainscome out from the protrusions of thecathode surface a long time afterswitching off the electrolysis potential.The more surprising thing is the heat afterdeath, which has been recorded by manylabs. This phenomenon could beexplained by the persistence effect of thetorsion-field produced by vortexdynamics of tip effect.


CR-39 plastic films possessing with a highdegree of optical clarity and isotope intrack response, and are sensitive toneutron, proton, tritium, alpha, and othercharged particles, were used to detect theproducts of nuclear reactions. The films ofCR-39 were immersed in the NaOHelectrolyte of heavy water and placedadjacent to the tips of the cathode [9].After 110 hours, electrolysis experimentwith the applied voltage 1 V and current 2ma, the solid detector was etched by 6.25N NaOH solution in 700C for 11 hours. Thephotomicrograph shows the cluster oftracks with a cycle crater of 100 µm indiameter and 25 µm in depth. Accordingto the etching condition, the energies ofthe most of the particles, P, T, α areestimated roughly to be in the range of 1-4 MeV. On the backside of same region ofthe CR-39 film detector, one can clearlysee a few of tracks in the circle area or

nearby. Such tracks are believed to becreated by recoil-protons of forwardincident neutrons. High concentration ofthe cluster of nuclear tracks could beexplained by the quasar spiral model andby the crystal channeling effect [Fig.1]. Theexperimental results of the generation oftritium with single crystal metal of Pdshow that none of the generation oftritium has been revealed by using non-single crystal electrodes [10]. Theimportance of the crystal channelingeffect for nuclear reactions in theelectrochemical systems can be inferred.

Fig.1Schematic presentation of a micropinch spiral

by tip effect in the electrolysis cell:a) tip of the electrode; b) spiral structure of

micropinch; c) electron beam; d) crystal channel;e) ion beam

To determine the spatial distribution ofradiation active sites (RAS), Black-white 135films of 27 DIN have been used to image theposition of the RAS. After a 1,5 year ofdeposition in glass tube of finishingelectrolysis experiments with light waterelectrolyte for more than 200 hours running,the patterns of RSA were clearly formed onthe films after exposure of 100 hours [2]. Thebright spots corresponding to the tips ofpalladium cathode edges can be seen due to

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the tip effect. The effect of magnetic field onthe traces of the charged particles has beenobserved while the Pd samples exposing tothe films, which were folding and wrappingup the sample, were inserted between couplemagnets. The tracks stretching along the filmsurfaces confirm that the tracks were createdby charged particles, electrons for example,with low energy about some keVs. Highlyoriented tracks can be observed byautoradiography by using normal filmslocally [Fig.2].

Fig.2 Autoradiography of charged particle tracks of beta

delay isotopes on the surface palladium cathode.Some tracks of beta particles are paralleling the

cathode surface.


Some scientists of Oak Ridge NationalLaboratory in America reported theirarticles of bubbles experiments in Science.Experimental results show that theradiation lights of sonoluminescencepossess three characters: short durationwith picoseconds; wide continualspectrum; highly oriented thin beams.Based on those characters, vortexdynamics with axial acceleration ofbubble collapse could be inferred.Nuclear reaction with abnormal gammaradiation was observed [11]. Dr.ClaudiaEberlein describes her conclusion onsonoluminescence that only the ZPEspectrum matches the light emissionspectrum, which must be a ZPEphenomena [12]. The effect of torsion fieldon nuclear reactions along the axis ofvortex should be taken into consideration

for the low ratio of the nuclear products ofn/T due to spin polarization of reactionparticles.

Axion model and the Primakoff effect areproposed for explanation of nucleartransmutation without noticeable gammaradiation. Many laboratories in the worldhave been engaged in several experiments tosearch for axions, light neutral pseudoscalarparticles yet to be discovered. The axionwould be produced in the solar core throughthe Primakoff effect if its mass is a fewelectronvolts and could be detected in thelaboratory.


Researchers of new energy study of "coldfusion" type should pay great attention to thegeneral processes of electrolysis to find thekey points, which could play a major role inthe transit from the electrochemicalprocesses to processes of torsion and thenuclear processes. From the authors' point ofview, the evolution of double layers is ofimportance to understand the anomalouseffect, typically on the protrusions ofcathode. The change of space-time near thetips due to torsion field generated is expectedto delivery the zero-point energy, anddynamic Casimir effect for the evolution ofgas bubbles on the tips are expected togenerate photons and excess heat [1]. Theyields of transmutation products are relatedto the current distribution on the cathodesurface. The cathodes of thin wire werebenefit to the generation of nuclear reactionsand excess heat for electrochemical systems.Careful examination of the evolution ofelectrochemical double layer will lead to agood understanding of pitting corrosionwith electrochemical noise, and further torecognize the anomalous excess heat andnuclear reactions.

Heat after death was observed at manylaboratories. It is believed that the persistencebehaviors of torsion field can be used toexplain such anomalous phenomena.

The contact between beads coated with athin metallic layer or multilayered film and

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palladium black particles could be regarded aspoint-contact similar to the tip-effect [13].

We may say that it is expected to reveal thepuzzles of the mechanisms of high-Tcsuperconductivity with pinning vortices bythe torsion field theory [14,15].


[1] Xing-liu Jiang, Jin-zhi Lei, Li-jun Han,Dynamic Casimir Effect in anElectrochemical System,J. New Energy, Vol.3, No. 4, 47(1999).[2] Xing-liu Jiang, Chang-ye Chen, Li-jun Han,Tip Effect and Nuclear Active Sites, Proc. of the 7thIntern. Conf. on Cold Fusion, Vancouver, April, 1998,pp.175.[3] Don Read, Excitation and Extraction of VacuumEnergy Via EM-Torsion Field Coupling TheoreticalModel, J. New Energy, Vol. 3, No. 2/3, p.130(1998).[4] P.Gondolo, J.Silk, Dark matter annihilation atgalactic center, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 1719(1999).[5] BPS, Laser light in , stream of protons out, PhysicsToday, Jan.2000,p.9.[6] G.Korluem and J.OM. Bookris, Textbook ofElectrochemistry Vol. II. Elsevier Publishing companyAmstorsan , 1951. P.364

[7] A.E.Akimov, G.I.shipov,Torsion fields and their Experimental Manifestations,Journal of New Energy, 2(2), 67(1999).[8] Y.Paltiel, E.Zeldov Y.N.Myasoedov el. al.Dynamic instabilities and memoryeffects in vortex matter,Nature 403, 398 (2000).[9] X.L.Jiang, L.J.Han and W.Kang. Concentrated energyand Micro Nuclear Fusion, ICCF6, Oct 1996,Japan p.580.[10] R.L.Matlock, F.E.Collins, G.R.Bancher,Anomalous tritium found in the recombinedoff gasses during electrolysisusing crystal cathodes. Elem. Energy(cold fusion), 26,28(1998).[11] Taleyarkhan R P, West C D, Cho J S, Lahey Jr R T,Nigmatulin R I, Block R C. Evidence for NuclearEmissions During Acoustic Cavitation. Science, 2002295: 1850~1862.[12] Claudia Eberlein. Theory of quantum radiationobserved as onoluminescence,Phy.Rev.Lett.53,2772(1996)[13] G.H. Miley, G.Narne, M.J.Williams, J.A.Patterson,J.Nix, D.Cravens, and H. Hora, Quantitative Observationof Transmutation Products Occurring in Thin-FilmCoated Microspheres During Electrolysis, Proceedingsof ICCF-6, OCT. 1996, Japan, p. 629.[14] T. Matsuda, K. Harada, H. Kasai, O. Kamimura and A.Tomomura, Observation of Dynamic Interaction ofVortices with Pinning by Lorentz Microscopy, Science,271, 1393(1996).[15] G.W. Crabtree and D.R. Nelson, Vortex Physics inHigh Temperature Superconductors, Physics Today,April 1997, p.32.

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The Invention of RomanSolomyanny

Our previous issue featured an article aboutRoman Solomyanny who came to ouroffice and told us amazing things. He saidthat during his army years (according to hiswords, he was in the military intelligence)he made a radio technology invention andlater on built a free energy generator. Theinventor claimed that his device had beenworking for a certain period of timewithout any fuel and had been producingpower enough for heating and lighting hiscountryside house. We could not ignoresuch an intriguing piece of information.Moreover, Roman promised to build andpresent his device in 2003. We paid him forthis interesting story to be published in theissue and prepared for the continuation…

Alas, to no avail… His mobile phone wassilent and we started to worry about theinventor's health. Fortunately, we managedto contact his parents on his hometelephone (Roman lives in St. Petersburg)and they told us that the chap was OK. Itseems he's lost his interest in us. But we stillhope that Roman did invent somethingreally exciting and not only polished up histalent for writing science fiction articles.Those people, who want to know thedetails about this invention or discuss itwith the inventor himself, can get in touchwith us for his contact information.Anyway, we will be very pleased to see himagain full of new exciting stories. We havealready introduced the 'Humour' sectioninto the magazine and are planning to startthe 'It Just Can't Be So' section.


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Bruce A. Smith, USAPO Box 1676, Yelm, Washington 98597Email: [email protected]

A Primer on the Role of Electromagnetic, Electrostatic, and Torsion Fieldsin Anti-Gravity and Field-Effect Propulsion

Before visiting a University of Washingtonphysics professor to talk about electrostaticpropulsion, and hopefully anti-gravity, Irealized: Birds defy gravity. So do 747's for thatmatter. They apply the laws of physics and liftoff the ground. That's anti-gravity, isn't it? Yes,that's true, I suppose, in a metaphorical sense.But seagulls, jumbo jets and space craftsmanifest anti-gravitation effects strictlyspeaking. What I want to address here is notthe overcoming of gravity but theneutralizing of it.

Dr. Eugene Podkletnov, one of the foremostresearchers in anti-gravity, and whose workis sought by NASA, Boeing and BritishAerospace (now known as BAE Systems)describes the hunt for anti-gravity thegreatest scientific quest of this century. Hecalls for an international effort, akin to theManhattan Project that developed the atomicbomb, to conquer the secrets of anti-gravity,and usher in a new era of scientificunderstanding whose technologicaldevelopment will be at a scale so vast that thepotential outcomes are merely hinted at byour previous achievements.

Just getting such a project off the ground willrequire unprecedented internationalcooperation, and public disclosure as well; thepotentials are that vast, that scary, and thatdangerous. Dr. Dan Marckus, noted Britishavionics expert, states in The Hunt for ZeroPoint, the seminal work-to-date on anti-gravity written by Jane's Defence Weeklyaviation editor Nick Cook, that the secrets ofanti-gravity in the wrong hands will makethermonuclear weapons look likefirecrackers.

The secrecy surrounding anti-gravityresearch is phenomenal. Boeing refuses topublicly acknowledge any activity in anti-gravity development despite the fact that itscompetitor and sometime sub-contractor,British Aerospace (BAE Systems) is, the latterproviding funds for four university researchefforts as part of its Project Greenglow, oneof which was a Podkletnov replicationexperiment headed by Dr. Clive Woods atthe University of Sheffield,. Further, NickCook publicly, and privately to me in anemail, states quite directly that GeorgeMuellner, former director of Boeing's ultrasecret Phantom Works, claims Boeingsought the services of Dr. Podkletnov tounlock the secretes of his gravity-shieldingresearch. Cook says that Muellner statesBoeing was denied Podkletnov's servicesdue to the objections of Russian officialdom,which the Russian-born Podkletnov mustpay attention to, apparently, despite the factthat he works in Tempere, Finland. Dr.Podkletnov, wisely perhaps, chooses not toclarify these particulars despite our severalemails.

Perhaps Boeing can deny any activity on anti-gravity because NASA is doing its ownresearch, and as a prime contractor to NASA,such as by running the Space ShuttleProgram, Boeing probably knows what NASAknows. NASA spent $600,000 recently in itsBreakthrough Propulsion Physics program(BPP) to purchase Podkletnov replicationequipment. Inexplicably, that equipment sitsin boxes in NASA's Marshall Research Centerin Huntsville, AL, awaiting more funding;according to an email I received from NASApropulsion researcher, Ron Koczor.

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But enough with this business; what do weknow about anti-gravity?

The search for that answer has taken me tosome exciting and obscure places in thisworld, like the Aeronautics and Astrophysicslab at the Seattle campus of the Universityof Washington. I called those folks becauseNick Cook in The Hunt for Zero Point,mentions that UW received a NASA contractto study theories of inertia as part of its BPPprogram. That's a good place to start, Ithought, but it took backtracking to BPPProject Director Marc Millis at NASA's GlennResearch Center in Cleveland to find Dr.John Cramer at the UW PhysicsDepartment. His mission was to confirmwith Dr. James Woodward the latter's 1996preliminary research into the loss ofgravitational mass in a targeted piece ofmetal from oscillating capacitors. AlthoughWoodward's initial data appearedencouraging, NASA's Millis told me that theirfunding dried up before completing theirresearch. Furthermore, the entire BPPbecame unfunded in 2002 and now in 2003has become a hazy, privatized version of itsformer NASA subset self.

However, UW is continuing relatedresearch, such as magnetically confinedfusion energy generators and that, for me,by using electromagnetism to contain aninner field makes it a close cousin of anti-gravity and field-effect propulsion. I spokewith Professor Uri Shumlak who told methat he and other UW staff from theDepartment of Aeronautics andAstronautics, along with a bevy of their gradstudents, are building a prototype of afusion generator called HIT, which standsfor Helicity Injected Torus.

This donut ring-shaped torus encloses aroundish chamber. Within that chamber avacuum is first created, and then a volumeof hydrogen gas is introduced and heated toa few million degrees Celsius, whichseparates the electrons and protons fromtheir atoms turning the whole stew into aquasi-neutral foam of plasma. Then the torusenvelopes the plasma with a magnetic fieldto keep it away from the sides of the chamberenabling the plasma mass to stay hot, and

keep the rest of Seattle cool. (While I wasstanding next to his little eight foot longgizmo, Prof. Shumlak assured me there wasno danger of a couple million degrees of heatescaping. The heat density of the plasma was"too low" for me to, well, break a sweat over.His quote was, "There's no more heat massinside that chamber than what's containedin a cup of coffee." I sure hope you're right,Doc.)

Then, once the plasma field is contained, themagnetic field squeezes the plasma, fusingthe nuclei of one hydrogen atom intoanother. As the hydrogen couples combine,a helium atom is created and a neutron isreleased, along with lots of energy in the formof heat. One day, such a generator will giveus unlimited amounts of electricity, as theheat can produce electric voltage.

Lots of electrical power on the cheap the UWpredicts; and the Department of Energyagrees, once the details of building reliablemagnetic field generators are solved. Whatdoes magnetic fusion have to do with anti-gravity? Two things: first, magnets.Electromagnetism seems to be one of themajor players in anti-gravity, particularly theuse of electromagnetic fields to contain otherfields, such as plasma fields in the HIT, ortorsion fields, but more about that later.Secondly, the HIT works, or is about to. It'sreal and mainstream science embraces it,while anti-gravity is, well, a little more outthere and reliable data is harder to obtain. Sothe technology of HIT lays a base that otherresearch can build upon, such as not onlycontaining other fields, but also building fieldeffect propulsion systems, the mostelementary of which is electrostaticpropulsion, and aspects of that are alreadybeing applied by NASA.

Electrostatic propulsion uses electrical fieldsdifferently than electromagnetism does. InEM a current flows and creates a field, whilein electrostatic systems the current is staticand a charge builds up a field, such as in acapacitor.

These theories are utilized on NASA's DeepSpace I, a probe bound for the outer reachesof our solar system. On Deep Space I, the

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propellant, a tankful of xenon gas, is excitedelectrostatically into positive ions. The enginehas a negative charge at the exit end, so thecharged xenon rushes out the tail pipe witha greater thrust than if it was just usingconventional chemical propellants. In fact,the electrostatic propulsion system on DeepSpace I allows it to fly at 60,000 mph, or10,000 mph faster than it would with aconventional rocket. In addition, only 82 kgof xenon is needed for its entire mission, sowith its smaller mass and weight Deep SpaceI will fly along side its intended target, acomet, and drag race on equal footing whilefilming and conducting studies. Again, notanti-gravity per se, but electrically chargingDeep Space I's fuel-field sets the stage for acloser look at electrostatic propulsion.

Taking that closer look is Tim Ventura and hisfellow researchers at American Antigravity, anorganization based in Kirkland, WA. Venturaand his crew use electrostatic asymmetricalcapacitors to create a field that levitatesobjects, such as their small, kite-like "lifters."These lifters are very light, weighing only afew ounces, and have balsa wood struts thatsupport the capacitors. When two capacitorsof different size receive their share of a 30,000volt charge, the lifter lifts- no motors or wings.

How, no one really knows in my judgment;and the phenomenon is replete withcontroversy and mystery. But as one who hasseen a lifter fly, let me tell you what one lookslike and what I saw when Tim Ventura'stook off.

Tim has been building lifters since he was akid and has perfected a four-foot, by-four-foot, by four foot triangular lifter which hasflown so many missions in his garage that thesilver aluminum foil has turned white. Thethin, chopstick-like balsa wood ribs that holdthe aluminum foil in place are joined everyfew inches by a vertical strut (much like atelephone pole on a HO model railroad set)which sticks up and secures the copper orstainless steel wire of the upper capacitor. Theribs are intersected every ten inches or so bythe strut of an interior triangle, since thewhole lifter is composed of interconnectedisosceles triangles which give the necessarystrength to the balsa wood frame. All told

there is about 30 linear feet of aluminum foiland a similar run of wire.

The lower and larger capacitor is a strip ofaluminum foil stretched between thehorizontal balsa wood struts. The secondcapacitor is a thin strip of 50 gauge wiremounted about one inch above thealuminum foil. As capacitors they storeelectrical charge but don't pass it on in acurrent.


The negative lead goes to the loweraluminum foil and the positive lead isattached to the upper wire. The three cornersof the lifter are tethered to the work table sothat the electrical leads from the powersource are not broken off in flight.

The power source kicks out 15,000 volts at250 watts. Tim uses a voltage generator madeby Information Unlimited, Inc, but before thecurrent reaches the capacitors, the voltage isstepped up to 30,000 volts by Tim'shomemade voltage multiplier stack. At fullthrottle the lifter is straining at the tethers,bending the balsa wood frame near the pointof fracture.

Throw the switch and at around 17,500 voltsthe lifter begins to quiver in take-off. At the fullpower of 30,000 volts the lifter is roaring and anoticeable downward breeze is observed.Many physicists call it "ion wind," and say thatit is how the lifters fly. But what exactly is ionwind, and can it be the cause of flight?

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"Ion wind is the movement of ionized airparticles," according to Ventura, "which flowdownward according to electrical charge."Here's his theory:

The positively charged wire on the top partof the lifter steals elections from thesurrounding air, leaving the effected airmolecules positively charged. Thesepositively charged air molecules, or ions, thenhead downward toward the large source ofnegatively charged electrons generated bythe aluminum foil. These air molecule ionsare bigger and heavier than the electronsseeking them, so there is a net thrustdownward pushing the whole lifter up. That'sthe theory, and frankly all I can do to verifythe theory is to tell you what others tell me.Before I do that, though, let me tell you whatI experienced standing next to a levitatinglifter.

In flight the lifter emits a high whining,hissing buzz, and I could feel a good breezecoming up at me from the work tableunderneath the lifter. Also, standing next tothe lifter but not touching it, the hair on theback of my head started to rise up inelectrostatic-like fashion.


To analyze the air currents Tim blew babypowder at the top of the lifter. The majorityof the particulate cloud was drawn into themiddle area of the lifter and then suckeddownward. A kind of vortex was created at

times, for intermittently I could see a cloudforming into an organized column beneaththe lifter and then spreading out in 360degrees once it hit the work table surface.

Is that ion wind? Well, there certainly was abreeze, and it sure felt like air, but how wouldI know if it was ionized? Something definitelysucked the baby powder down, but was itmore than just regular air blowing past me?Again, I don't know.

Is the movement of wind why lifters fly,regardless of whether it is ionic or not, or isthe wind just a by-product and not thepropulsion? Could the capacitors be creatinga field that neutralizes gravity, allowing thecraft to levitate? Or are they creating somekind of new field that is localized and thesurrounding ambient field pushes this "field-bubble" up, much like a helium balloon ispushed up by the surrounding heavier airtrying to fill the emptier "field" of the lighterhelium?

Ventura thinks at least two phenomena areat work. Ion wind is definitely one he feels,for the breeze is self-evident. However, hethinks a second effect is at work, too, andmany agree with him. Most speculationconcerns what is called the Biefeld-Browneffect, the "Brown" being T. Townsend Brown,whose name is well known in early quantumresearch and whose work is prominentlydiscussed in Nick Cook's The Hunt for ZeroPoint.

The Biefeld-Brown effect, according toVentura, is the theory that high voltage, air-gapped capacitors with different orasymmetrical capacities generate a net

Electrostatic propulsion useselectrical fields differentlythan electromagnetism does.In EM a current flows andcreates a f ie ld, while inelectrostatic systems thecurrent is static and a chargebuilds up a field, such as in acapacitor

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directional force upwards from the largerelement to the smaller element, which on thelifter is from the aluminum foil to the wire. Thisforce then pushes against the ambient energyfield of the surrounding area, perhaps pushingagainst a more rigid energy field of the zeropoint energy field.

Brown apparently made his case for theseelectromagnetic effects, receiving patents inthe 1960's for his research. NASA's Dr.Jonathan Campbell at Marshall ResearchCenter in Huntsville confirmed to me that healso, has received a patent recently for hisresearch into the thrust effects ofasymmetrical capacitors.

Editor: By the way, this patent is meaninglessfrom the point of view of a prime claim. Beforethat there had been many publications on thesubject. A.V. Frolov.


However, prominent physicist Hal Puthoff,whose research is a broad swath across thefields of the 'new physics', featured in both TheField and The Hunt for Zero Point, and whowas also the military's "Top Psychic" as thetwelve-year director of the CIA's remoteviewing squadron, has a different perspective:"I'm quite certain at this point that the so-called 'lifter' phenomena is just an electrostaticion wind phenomena, not 'antigravity.'"

But Dr. John J. Rusek, Adjunct Professor ofAeronautics and Astronautics at both PurdueUniversity and the United States Air ForceAcademy, says that "Initial findings of'classroom' experiments with lifters showionic wind to be way too small a factor, bythree orders of magnitude." Dr. Rusek hasformed a technological company, Swift

Enterprises, to continue this research andbring it to the level that is "presentable to themainstream physics community."

Along these lines, Jean-Louis Naudin shows onhis extensive web site, not only how to build alifter, but also several photos of research intothe ion wind issue. Naudin's team has wrappedtest lifters in plastic yet they still produce anti-gravitational effects.

Others may have a clue to the second or evena third force at work. Researcher Fran DeAquino, professor of physics at Maranhao StateUniversity in Sao Luis, Brazil, is described in theliterature as showing that "bubbles of localizedspace-time" can exist in variance to thesurrounding fields. Anecdotal experiencesuggests that the lifters may be undergoingsuch space-time anomalies.

Editor: At this point we need to interruptthe author as he has already completelyconfused the reader. I would recommendreferring to Thomas T. Brown's patent:USA patent #3,187,206, 1965. Alexander V. Frolov

The Hunt for Zero Point states that NASAsought the services of Dr. EugenePodkletnov, and although their replicationresearch languishes, The Hunt claims thatresearcher Ning Li, of Huntsville, AL ispursuing this line of research as a privatecontractor to NASA.

Another Huntsville operation,Transdimensional Technologies, is exploringthese multi-faceted phenomena as well, andits extensive web site shows it to be a frequentcontractor to NASA, including research into"asymmetrical capacitive propulsion," andcapacitor-based devices to test "ion wind"forces. Jeff Cameron, of Transdimensional, issaid by Ventura to be "the father of the lifter,"having developed them while exploringanomalous torsional effects of high energylasers. The lasers twisted and at the time it wasconsidered a nuisance. But the unknownforces at work later led Cameron to foundTransdimensional, develop lifter technologyto a commercial level, and subsequentlypatent many pieces of related technology.Unfortunately, I have been unable to reach Jeff

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Cameron or anyone at Transdimensional forany kind of confirmation.

Nevertheless, how would gravitons beblocked, or gravity shielded?

Dr. Hal Puthoff says there are two ways oflooking at it. First, one can look at the issuefrom a quantum point of view, that there is aparticle exchange between the gravitons andsomething else, and the net effect is anti-gravity. The how's and why's of that arespeculative, so Puthoff turns to a classicalapproach for answers. He prefers looking at"engineering the vacuum." To do that one mustfirst look at the vacuum.

As I understand it we are all in the vacuum,everything is. The "vacuum" is the matrix thatcontains all matter and all energy. It is theengineering perspective of the zero pointenergy field, or the "Field" as popularized byLynn McTaggart in her masterpiece The Field.Puthoff shared with me statements fromfellow researcher Dr. T. D. Lee that state: "Thevacuum is the seat of energetic particle andfield fluctuations, and … is the seat of space-time structure … that encodes the distributionof matter and energy…. The vacuum isenergetic in its own right."

Thus energy can be drawn from the field; andspacecraft can have "vacuum propulsionsystems, or propellant-less propulsion," inother words, field effect propulsion.

At any rate, more and more physicists arethinking that the vacuum can give them awhole lotta oomph, enough to propelspacecraft; and when they learn how to corralit, a whole bevy of new phenomena may beencountered, including anti-gravity. This newpotpourri of research is being called by manythe "new physics." And although his approachis classical, Dr. Hal Puthoff seems to be sensingwhat's out there waiting to be discovered.

Puthoff's current research as been to explore"the perturbation of atomic or molecularground states, hypothesized to be equilibriumstates involving dynamic radiation/absorption exchange with the vacuumfluctuations. In this model atoms or molecules… are expected to undergo energy shifts that

would alter the spectroscopic signatures ofexcitations involving the ground state."Puthoff says he's had no success so far with thisapproach, but his words remind me of DeAquino's speculation that objects lose mass asthey absorb energy. Pull energy from the fieldaround you and you lose weight. Bingo, lift-off. But how does one pull energy fromthe field?

Editor: Some solve this problem by means of theether density changes, which are performedwith the help of vortex longitudinal-wavetechnologies. A.V. Frolov

Torsion fields might play a role here accordingto many, and the literature on anti-gravity isfilled with the phrase, "torsional effects." Butwhat exactly is a torsion field? "It hassomething to do with spin," Nick Cook toldme on the phone. "You have a torsion fieldwhen you spin something. Add a littleelectromagnetism and you might have anti-gravity." That's the short-hand version of it andhere's a deeper look.

Mike Wright, resident physics expert atBeyondTheOrdinary.Net web stream radio,told me this: "When forces create curvature(such as rotation) in more than two planes, atorsion field results. Not only does the objectgo around, but it goes around and 'down' or'up', and the up/down movement is anadditional acceleration in that dimension. EMand gravitational fields differ by having amagnitude of force and only one direction ofmovement.

"A tornado is a structure of air in air. Awhirlpool is a structure of water in water. So,because more than two planes are involved,objects can be created from 'nothing'; that isto say that objects can be created from themedium of the environment, such as a tornadofrom two air masses of differing temperature."

So spin plus movement is the key. Again, TimVentura is on the hunt. He demonstrated tome that spinning magnets will cancelout their magnetic fields sufficiently sothat two magnets facing each other withlike poles will not push each other awayif one of the magnets is rotating

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perpendicular to the force ofopposition. It's not anti-gravity, but itgets us closer to the heart of the matter.

Further, Russian physicists have beenresearching the torsional effects of both sub-atomic particle spin, and the loss ofgravitational mass in planets from the angularmomentum of their orbits. Spinning makessomething happen, but what? Tornadoes andMother Nature might have a few clues.

Tornadoes spin, in a sense, although no oneis Oklahoma who has spent a night in astorm shelter during an F5 event woulddescribe the tornadoes in the night sky asspinning. Nevertheless, tornadoes haveanomalous effects that are legendary: bladesof grass stuck into mirrors, a piece of strawembedded flawlessly into a tree trunk. How?It seems as if the laws of mass, gravity andinertia are melted as winds swirl at speedsup to 300 mph in an organized vortexpattern. Is this a clue to melting the pull ofgravity?

Getting information to this question has notbeen easy. Many scientists claim not to haveeven heard of torsion fields, including particlephysicists at major US universities. So, again Iturn to Nick Cook and The Hunt for ZeroPoint

Dr. Dan Marckus says that if "you generate atorsion field of sufficient magnitude thetheory says you can bend the four dimensionsof space around the generator. The moretorsion you generate the more space youperturb. When you bend space you also bendtime."

Marckus continues, "If you dipped …one ofthese whirlpools … into the zero pointenergy field, the seething mass of latentenergy that existed on an almostundetectable level all around us [in the fieldwould] … react in an almost magical way bydirecting that energy."

The torsion field, in effect, is "a pump, a'coupling' device that could dip into, and thendirect, energy out of the zero point energyfield." "But," Marckus continues, "the vortexwasn't a three-dimensional phenomena or

even a four-dimensional one. It couldn't be.For a torsion field to be able to interact withgravity and electromagnetism it had to beendowed with attributes that went beyondthe three dimensions of left, right, up anddown, and the fourth-dimensional time fieldthey inhabited; something that the theoristsfor convenience sake labeled a fifthdimension-hyperspace."

Cook concluded that the torsion fields "bindwith gravity … to produce a levitation effect -- an antigravity effect," but "it wasn't doingso in the four dimensions of this world, butsomewhere else." That somewhere else ishyperspace. So how do we activatetorsion fields and enter hyperspace?

Dr. Eugene Podkletnov may have a clue.

Podkletnov, the Russian researcher workingin Finland, has studied the gravity shieldingeffects of superconductors. Again, Nick Cookin The Hunt, relays vital information. Cooksays Podkletnov claims, "If thesuperconductors are rotated considerablyfaster than 5,000 rpm … the disc experiencesso much weight loss that it actually takes off."Thus, torsion field creates levitation. Iemailed Dr. Podkletnov to find out moreabout this issue. He replied: "[A] fast rotatingobject can, under certain conditions, causethe polarization of the volume that itoccupies in space and around it. Thispolarization causes the gravitational effect asit modifies [the] local gravity field. The vortexof the polarized particles will create a verticalthrust with a certain force and spatialmomentum. Some scientists call thesepolarized particles gravitons. The termgraviton is an artificial one and at present weare not sure if it is a wave or a particle andwhat type of particle. Maybe it is a usualtachyon or a superluminal neutrino (a faster-than-light-particle). Polarization of themedia means that the spins of electrons,protons, neutrons and of small subatomicparticles that constitute the fabric of spaceor vacuum would be parallel. Then a kind ofgravity well is formed and the objects tendto fall into this well. We observe this pictureas an object rising to the sky. Polarization ofthe media (of space) causes some glowaround the object as it acquires additional

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Wayne Macleod, USAEmail: [email protected], [email protected]

Gravity is the incremental slowing of time aswe move closer to its source. If we imaginepanes of glass stacked on top each other, onepane slightly denser than the one immediatelyabove, a ray of light coming from above willconstantly refract in a curved beam downwardas it enters the stack. The same is true of a rayof light entering a gravity field. The analogy isnot too far fetched because refraction iscaused by a slowing of light in the densermedium. Of course, gravity affects materialobjects as well as light, but this is explained byevery object traveling on a 'world line' in

spacetime. We can use light as in the glassexample because light is its own world line.

Why the world lines of objects take the pathsthey do can best be understood bycompressing our normal 3 dimensional spaceinto 2 dimensions, length and height only.When we throw a stone into the air it rises andfalls in a parabolic arc in these two spacedimensions. That path in space is a completemystery until we consider another dimension,time, a dimension we can imagine measuredat a right angle to the plane of the 2 space

energy and because of it, the glow aroundsome objects is observed."

What I understand from Dr. Podkletnov isthat gravity is the effect of spin -- the spin ofall subjected particles, from the sub-atomiclevel and up being parallel; thus they are allaligned to fall into the gravity well of earth.And spinning objects, such as hissuperconducting discs, when influencedadditionally by an electromagnetic field, willexperience a shift in the spin of the sub-atomic and atomic elements. They will beturned and not be aligned in parallel. Thus,they are able to levitate.

But how to polarize the media and getthings spinning? Enter Dr. MarcusHollingshed, an enigmatic figure allegedlyfrom Cambridge University. Dr.Hollingshed claims to have built a six-ringed toroidal coil antigravity device,which achieved great effect using rotatingmagnetic fields. In January 2003 heannounced on the Internet that he hasdeveloped a 160kg vehicle able to lift inexcess of 2000kg and that it has bothhorizontal and vertical drive features. His

device cannot only go up and down andsideways, but it can push things away andpull objects to it.

In addition, the field that the devicepurportedly generates is capable of beingbroadened and weakened, or narrowed andamplified in a lensing effect, with the fieldproducing an absolute vacuum of 2.2mspherical diameter. Best of all, when it'scranked up the core of it goes invisible,although the term Dr. Hollingshed uses isthat there is a "loss of reflected light." Thereare no reports of independent confirmation,and Nick Cook says he hasn't been invitedto see it, so, he's skeptical.

Where does this leave us? Perhaps Dr.Podkletnov's words sum up our currentsituation. "Modern theoretical physics cannotgive you the direct answer to your questions(levitation, torsion fields, etc.,) and a scientistwho would agree to give you the answercannot be regarded seriously, softly speaking.If you had asked Dr. Einstein if he were anexpert on gravity, the answer would be NO. Ican repeat his words: No, I am not a magician,yet; I am still learning."

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Wayne Macleod, USAEmail: [email protected], [email protected]

Gravity is the incremental slowing of time aswe move closer to its source. If we imaginepanes of glass stacked on top each other, onepane slightly denser than the one immediatelyabove, a ray of light coming from above willconstantly refract in a curved beam downwardas it enters the stack. The same is true of a rayof light entering a gravity field. The analogy isnot too far fetched because refraction iscaused by a slowing of light in the densermedium. Of course, gravity affects materialobjects as well as light, but this is explained byevery object traveling on a 'world line' in

spacetime. We can use light as in the glassexample because light is its own world line.

Why the world lines of objects take the pathsthey do can best be understood bycompressing our normal 3 dimensional spaceinto 2 dimensions, length and height only.When we throw a stone into the air it rises andfalls in a parabolic arc in these two spacedimensions. That path in space is a completemystery until we consider another dimension,time, a dimension we can imagine measuredat a right angle to the plane of the 2 space

energy and because of it, the glow aroundsome objects is observed."

What I understand from Dr. Podkletnov isthat gravity is the effect of spin -- the spin ofall subjected particles, from the sub-atomiclevel and up being parallel; thus they are allaligned to fall into the gravity well of earth.And spinning objects, such as hissuperconducting discs, when influencedadditionally by an electromagnetic field, willexperience a shift in the spin of the sub-atomic and atomic elements. They will beturned and not be aligned in parallel. Thus,they are able to levitate.

But how to polarize the media and getthings spinning? Enter Dr. MarcusHollingshed, an enigmatic figure allegedlyfrom Cambridge University. Dr.Hollingshed claims to have built a six-ringed toroidal coil antigravity device,which achieved great effect using rotatingmagnetic fields. In January 2003 heannounced on the Internet that he hasdeveloped a 160kg vehicle able to lift inexcess of 2000kg and that it has bothhorizontal and vertical drive features. His

device cannot only go up and down andsideways, but it can push things away andpull objects to it.

In addition, the field that the devicepurportedly generates is capable of beingbroadened and weakened, or narrowed andamplified in a lensing effect, with the fieldproducing an absolute vacuum of 2.2mspherical diameter. Best of all, when it'scranked up the core of it goes invisible,although the term Dr. Hollingshed uses isthat there is a "loss of reflected light." Thereare no reports of independent confirmation,and Nick Cook says he hasn't been invitedto see it, so, he's skeptical.

Where does this leave us? Perhaps Dr.Podkletnov's words sum up our currentsituation. "Modern theoretical physics cannotgive you the direct answer to your questions(levitation, torsion fields, etc.,) and a scientistwho would agree to give you the answercannot be regarded seriously, softly speaking.If you had asked Dr. Einstein if he were anexpert on gravity, the answer would be NO. Ican repeat his words: No, I am not a magician,yet; I am still learning."

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dimensions. By multiplying the time of theobject in flight by the speed of light, we havea three-dimensional coordinate system, notof space but of spacetime. We can then graphthe world line of the object. So why does theobject fall? It is because spacetime nearmassive bodies is curved. A remarkable fact isthat the curved world lines of all objects inthe same gravity field, whether of a thrownball or fired bullet, have the same radius ofcurvature. Hence all objects fall with the sameacceleration.

To neutralize gravity we must somehow'straighten' the world lines of objects travelingin curved spacetime. It would be as if we hadin our stack of glass panes a bubble, aroundwhich the density of glass became less onapproach to the bubble. Then the ray of light,when close to the bubble, would refractopposite to the path it would normally takewhen traveling thought the rest of the glass.Similarly, if we could manufacture a 'timebubble' in a gravity field opposite to the timeslowing known as gravity, we would have anyobject embedded in the time bubble isolatedfrom that gravity field.

The Electrical Levitation theory can best beunderstood by first considering an analogy.Let us imagine a wheel spinning on an armlike a child's propeller toy. The arm alsorotates, in a direction opposite to thespinning wheel. We consider the rate ofspinning of the wheel from the point-of-viewof two observers, one observer stationary onthe ground, the other observer rotating withthe arm. Obviously the two observers will notsee the same rate of spinning on the wheel.Because the arm is rotating opposite the spinof the wheel, its rotation must be subtractedfrom the rate of wheel spin as seen by thestationary ground observer. This is not trueof the observer rotating with the arm, whowill see the spin of the wheel as if there wereno arm rotation.

The concept is easier to envision with linearmotion, such as of a man throwing a ball on amoving train. The velocity of the ball seen bythe pitcher on the train will not be the sameas its velocity seen by a stationary observer onthe ground. As the stationary observer sees it,that velocity will have the train's velocity

subtracted from it if thrown against thetrain's velocity. It is the same with rotarymotion: the velocity of the wheel for thestationary observer is slower because thearm's rotation is subtracted from it.

But suppose the wheel rotation is the same forthe two observers! Something must bedifferent between them, and that is time. Asexplained by Special Relativity for linearmotion, time is not a universal constant; itdiffers between observers depending on theirrelative motion. The property of nature thatis constant, that produces this relative timedifference, is the speed of light. So we mustlook for a similar constant in nature for arelative time difference between observers inour rotary example. We have one in electronangular momentum, known as electron"spin," h/4π = 5.28 x 10-35 kg-m2/sec, where his Planck's constant. Like the speed of light, thisquantity is constant for all observers, whetherthe observer is on a rotating system orstationary on the ground. Here is the tool forproducing our time 'bubble'.

Let us now imagine a series of concentricrings, all rotating in the same plane and inthe same direction. Electric current ispushed through these rings in the samedirection as the ring rotation. (Current hereis considered the flow of electrons, notconventional positive current.) The rotatingrings are sandwiched between twomagnetic plates, the function of which is tomaintain the angular momentum of thecurrent electrons oriented properly withring rotation.

Analogous to the above example, eachelectron takes the place of the spinningwheel and the rotating arm is replaced bythe rings. Thus, because electron angularmomentum is a universal constant, anobserver of the electrons in this rotatingsystem will not have the same time as astationary observer outside it. If eachcurrent electron has its "spin" orientedopposite the rotation of the rings, time onthe rotating system would run faster thanfor a stationary ground observer, the sameas in empty space relative to the Earth. Therotating system would therefore have theworld line of empty space, not that of the

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gravity field. Its spacetime would not becurved. Since gravity is a timephenomenon, such a system in a gravityfield could not have the behavior of anormal object. This conclusion may seemerroneous considering that ring rotationcould never reach relativistically significantvelocities, but we have an analogy withmagnetism that is caused by a Lorentzcontraction of the distance betweenmoving electrons. If we considered thediminutive drift velocity of electrons alonewe would never conclude that magnetismwas possible, but the effect is accumulativeover trillions of electrons. The hypothesishere is that the same is possible with thetrillions of free electrons oriented with aspinning ring, to produce an accumulativetime effect.

We now come to the controversial part of thistheory because the above treats electronangular momentum the same as angularmomentum of a normal physical object,whereas the electron is a quantum particleand quantum particles have their ownrealities with bizarre consequences whenanalogized with our macro universe. Forinstance, the electron has quantum spinnumber 1/2, and such a particle would have720 degrees in one rotation, not 360.Nevertheless, the electron does possess di-pole magnetism. It does behave as a spinningball with negative charge. ElectricalLevitation is therefore an empirical theory.The property of the electron that giveselectron di-pole magnetism cannot be anactual physical rotation, but whatever thatquantum property, if it produces di-polemagnetism there is reason to expect it toproduce other macro physical phenomena asif it were.

The theoretical finding of General Relativitythat time runs slower in a gravitational fieldwas confirmed by the Pound-Rebkaexperiment in 1959. It is not that gravitycauses time slowing, gravity is timeslowing. Since time and energy arereciprocal, more time on our rotating ringsystem would mean less energy seen by anobserver in that frame of reference than seenby a stationary observer on the ground, theopposite of the red shift of a gravity field. This

energy difference must equal the energy ofthe mass in a gravity field that is to belevitated, its energy of weight, and lost.Experimenters should therefore be awarethat their device might radiate. But this is nota free energy machine. The energy oflevitation comes from its magnetic field, andthe electron magnetic moment energy turnsout to be Ve = mc2 divided by the electricalcurrent, m is the mass to be levitated and c isthe speed of light. This is an enormousamount, but becomes practical if enoughelectrical current can be sent through therings. That means the electrical resistance ofthe ring material must be very low. Forcopper it is not. No material currently existswith sufficiently low electrical resistance atroom temperatures, but superconductingmaterials exist that at cryogenictemperatures experience a dramatic loss ofelectrical resistance.

An experimental device can therefore beenvisioned using a superconducting discsubstituting for the electric rings. The discwould serve as a conductor for an electriccurrent and would therefore need to be slicedalong one radius with an insulator placed inthe notch. Both edges of the notch would beconnected to a power source by brushesrotating with the disc. With a counterclockwisedisc rotation as seen from the top, to haveclockwise electron “spin” the magnetic fieldbetween the plates would have to be up. Onlythe moving free electrons of the current willbe available for any time alteration effect. Thesewill also produce a magnetic field, whichit is reasonable to assume would be of thesame time alteration effect as theelectrons, thus producing the requiredalternate time “bubble”.

The resources required for an experimentusing superconducting material at cryogenictemperatures are beyond this writer's meansand an experiment has not been attempted,but an experiment at the Tampere University,Finland, 1992, using a superconducting discsuggests that gravity shielding is possible.Owing to the immense advantagesgravitational shielding would give to thepresent interest in space exploration, efforttoward its development would be logical.This essay may offer clues on how to begin.

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Editor: I find the article by Wane McLeodquite interesting as his approach is verysimilar to the idea I first presented in myreport at the "Space, Time and Gravitation"Conference which took place in St.Petersburg in 1998. The report was includedinto The Proceedings of the Conference,Part I, 1999. Before that the brief version ofthe article was published in English in the'ELECTRIC SPACECRAFT' magazine,Leicester, North Carolina 28748 USA, Issue27, 1997 p.30-31.

I managed to demonstrate that the ideas ofThomas T. Brown, especially his USA patent# 3,187,206 of 1965, are something morethan just the force asymmetry in the electriccapacitor. According to the conceptpresented in my report, by creating a matterproperty gradient (in particular, thedielectric permittivity gradient) we actuallychange the curvature of the electric forceline in space. Normally, the natural spacecurvature accounts for the electric fieldpotential decrease with the distanceincrease from the surface of the chargedobject. By creating the dielectricpermittivity gradient (described by T.T.Brown in his patent of 1965) we change thenatural distance potential gradient law. Wecan both increase and decrease this changeand even reverse it. With the dielectricpermittivity change square function, thenatural space curvature is completelycompensated and with more extent it isreversed and can be turned to negative. Atthat rate, the potential is not decreased butincreased with the increase of the distancefrom the surface of the charged object. Thisis the essence of my concept that has neverbeen considered before by any author. Bycreating the gradient described by thequartic function we get the same distancepotential gradient law as in the naturalconditions only with a different sign!

T.T. Brown, who discovered a force incapacitors with a special dielectric, offeredthe practical application of this concept.

However, he did not find the source of thisforce, which, according to my concept, isconditioned by two factors: thecorresponding dielectric property gradientfunction and the elastic properties of thedielectric material, which is of no lesssignificance. Normally, dielectric particlesare attracted to the charged surface butwhen the reversion of the curvature ofelectric field force lines occurs, they arerepulsed from it and we can use thispropulsion force. Elastic deformations(including those occurring during thepulsating operation of the field) accountfor the reaction forces equivalent to thegenerated propulsion force. Thus, themomentum conservation law is in action,however, the device is still moving.

T.T. Brown also considered other ways ofgenerating a force, such as the materialmagnetic property gradient. Logically, byanalogy with the electric field we canconsider the gravity field, which can be"designed" and "reversed" by means ofcreating a matter with the density gradient.At that rate, the gravity potential mustchange in accordance with a certain lawwhen the distance from the gravity fieldsource being increased.

We should also note that the local spacevolume levitation effect with the acceleratedor decelerated time rate was first describedin my articles "Physical Principles of the TimeMachine", NET #3 (6), May-June 2002 and"Practical Application of the Time RateControl (TRC) Theory", NET #3, November-December 2001.

Our company conducts experimentalresearches on creating new materials thatpossess the properties described. We areinterested in serious business contactswith companies in the aerospace industryto further discuss eventual cooperationprojects in this field, including c o -patenting .

Alexander V. Frolov

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Vladimir I. Likhachev, RussiaKrasnodarskaya str., 38/20-34, Moscow, 109386

In several issues of the "Nature and man.Light" magazine in 1995-97 my colleagueE.Oparin and I wrote on the unscientificcharacter of absolutizing the law ofdegradation of energy, on the important issueof creating the perpetuum mobile of thesecond kind utilizing infinitely availableenvironmental heat energy. We even send aletter to Yury S. Osipov, the Russian Scienceacademy President, but received no reply.Notwithstanding many official discussions,there are no well-reasoned objections to ourarguments or proof on the part of "high"official science, because, in fact, we are right.

I have recently received one moreconfirmation: bright and feasible data on thenegentropy cycle (the cycle withspontaneous reduction of entropy) with achemically active working substance that willbe described later.

After the publication of Victor M.Brodyansky's book "Perpetuum Mobile in thePast and at Present. From Utopia to Scienceand from Science to Utopia", Second Edition,one can not but return to these issues. Moreso because the foreword of V.A. Fabricant,member of the USSR Academy of PedagogicalSciences, claims the law of degradation ofenergy to be the "law of nature" and supportsshamefully the deformation of themonothermists, especially P.K.Oschepkov, byacademicians P.Kapitsa, L.Artsimovich andI.Tamm ("Pravda" of November 22, 1959),followed by E. Velikhov, A.Prokhorov andV.Sagdeyev ("Pravda" of June 22, 1987).

After the publication of Brodyansky’s book Imet the author several times (notably at aspecial seminar in The Moscow EnergyInstitute) and expressed my opinion abouthis book: the book avoids serious discussion

of the monothermists, stresses their failureswhich are quite normal in the initialdevelopment of perpetuum mobiles of thesecond kind.

For example, Brodyansky knew aboutTsiolkovsky's discovery. Guay's book "On theLittle-Known Hypothesis of Tsiolkovsky" islisted among the First Edition references. ButVladimir Brodyansky avoided analyzing thisdiscovery both "in the past" and "at present".The Second Edition references even list the"Physical Thought in Russia" magazine,issue #1 of 1991, that contained for the fistand only time the modern edition of the "Lawof Degrading of Energy" by Tsiolkovsky. "Atpresent" V. Brodyansky knows my analysis ofBoltsman's mistakes but he paid no scientificattention to my analysis either.

In Brodyansky’s book the description level ofchemical reaction cycles is even lower thanthat of Schpilrine. Schpilrine at least tried topresent his arguments but here we seeunsupported statements "justified" by thephrase "the detailed discussion would taketoo much space". Vladimir Brodyansky'sanalysis of anti-Stokes luminescence(pp.216-219) is also superficial. Dissipativeand entropy processes prevail in it. But ifthere is evidence supporting higherfrequency quanta than the frequency ofradiating flux, it is the evidence ofnegative entropy. Vladimir Brodyanskynot only is familiar with it and also shows itby the example of investigating the Sun andthe Earth (p.247).

Vladimir Brodyansky’s analysis of Rank’s tube(pp.235-237) displays the same tendency. Inthe Rank's tube the dissipative processes alsoprevail. Its effectiveness as a refrigerator islower than in the traditional schemes.

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But one can not deny the existence ofnegentropy processes in it. It is theseprocesses that "originate" the cold gas flow.And Brodyansky's "origination" on p.236 "Thevortex tube in fact divides the coming gasinto two fluxes: heated and refrigerated" - istotally false. That can be performed only by"Maxwell's demon" that does not exist insubstance.

The refrigerated flux in the Rank's tube isformed by the "Tsiolkovsky's flux" by way ofheat transfer "from cold to hot", from the tubecenter to its circumference by centrifugalaccelerations. On its basis (to be moreexact, on the basis of Finko's tube) theperpetuum mobile of the second kind can becreated. And we have this engineeringsolution. E.Oparin and I made thecorresponding patent application for aninvention but the Federal Institute ofIndustrial Property again refused to considersuch applications. Here one can see similaritywith the causes of re-edition of VladimirBrodyansky's book. And one need not be abig politician to admit the reality andunderstand the sources.

Environmental and, especially, anti-nuclearmovement is invincibly expanding. Dangerto human life and threat of ecologicalcatastrophe are quite real. The SecondEdition of Brodyansky's book protects

behind scientific arguments those who useRussia as a source of easy money and then flee.

But we like our country - vast and austere. Thisausterity and space form REAL PEOPLE andsupport humanity and materialistic humanismof the energetic and talented, not just the rich.

In modern Russia the powerfully spreadalcoholism, debauchery and drugs are theinstruments of slavery. But the monothermyand development of alternative powerengineering will become basis for Russia'srevival and unprecedented prosperity.

Russians learn slowly, sometimes, very slowly,even disgracefully slowly. But we will learn.And then no one will stop us. The followingtips are meant for those who are ready to risktheir efforts and facilities in order to buildalternative energy knowledge base: dissipativeand negentropy processes are inseparable andvery often their mechanism is the same. In ourenvironment the dissipative processes aremore effective and hide the negentropy ones.No dissipative process combination cangenerate the negentropy cycle. Look forexamples in Brodyansky's book. To create thenegentropy cycle and use the environmentalenergy at least one negentropy process isrequired that has effectiveness andnegentropy exceeding entropy growth at alllevels of the cycle.

William Alek [[email protected]] has updated the latest and greatest ZPOD system drawings:


This is release 5.0

Here is the latest electrical schematic:

Based upon his "preliminary" tests thus far, he estimates the COP is around 2.0. This estimate isinterpreted from the following scope traces:

News from “IntAlek” Company

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Alan L Francoeur, CanadaEmail: [email protected]

This is my writing and development aboutthe Interference disc generator, and thepermanent magnet dynamo machine, andother related inventions. I have always beenintrigued with electricity and magnetism andaetheric energies starting at a young age.Back in 1980 I wanted to do something tohelp get my large vehicles better fueleconomy. With this goal in mind, Iexperimented and designed my first heat

Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3

exchanger vaporizer system to do my part toclean up our cars and trucks, fig. 1, 2, and 3 aretwo earlier vaporizer units under construction.For more information about this fuel system,please refer to my vaporizer fuel system report.The main body of this writing is referring thepermanent magnet dynamo system that hasbeen in the making since 1987, starting afterthe development of the interference discgenerator.

I invented the Interference Disc generatorconcept while I was employed at GiantYellowknife Mines NWT from 1983 to early1986. The idea of using metal blocking platesto shield magnetic fields stirred in my mindwhile working around heavy electrical miningequipment, and 1000hp and other electricmotors with exposed coils that have heavymetal around the outer casing. I did a searchat the time and found John Ecklin's work veryinteresting with his application of theshielding effect. During my off time inYellowknife, I was experimenting with theinteresting effect of producing induction witha stationary coil mounted beside a stationarymagnet with a small air gap maintainedbetween the magnet and the coil. During theconstruction of my first disc machine, I calledit the Interference Shielding effect because of

the interference the blocking disc does tocause induction, thus the Interference DiscGenerator fits the description. The firsttransformer coils I used to test the interferenceshielding effect were used from old radios, andthe magnets were alnico types. Back in 1986in Calgary Alberta, a friend Bud Johnson and Iconstructed the first test disc generator modelusing alnico magnets, fig. 4, and later ceramicmagnets were installed. Months later Idesigned and began construction of anotherlarger Interference Disc machine withhorseshoe shape neodymium 35 grademagnets mounted on the outside, and with theN and S magnetic poles facing toward the coilsin the center portion of the machine. The coilsand magnets in this larger machine aremounted in reverse of the first InterferenceDisc generator, fig. 5, 6.

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Fig. 4

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

General description of the interference discgenerator

The Interference Disc electrical generator is made of astator (114) consisting of an array of even numberparallel mounted bar magnets (112) arranged andsupported (114) in a circular fashion equidistant fromeach other, where the polarity of the magnets (112) arealternating when viewed at either end. Fig. 7

Fig. 7Magnetic bars assembly (rotor)

Also in the stator fig. 8, (102) there are twice the numberof coils (111) as bar magnets (112) wound in pairs onU-shaped cores (110). One half of the coil pairsmounted at one end of the bar magnets (112) in thesame circular fashion, each corresponding to andaligned opposite to a pair of bar magnets (112) andseparated from it by an air gap. On the other end of thispair of bar magnets (112) there are another set of coils(111) aligned likewise.

The rotor is made of two magnetically susceptiblecircular plates (109A or 109B) (such as iron or steel) Fig.9, centrally mounted on an axle (107) fig. 7, which is inrespect to the array of magnets and coils Fig. 9a.

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The interference discs (109A or109B) are separated from eachother so that they can rotate in theair gaps between the magnets (112)and the coils (111). Theinterference discs (109A or 109B)have a number of equidistantopening, either more or less innumber than the number ofthe bar magnets (112).

The arrangement and size of theopenings are such that when thediscs (109A or 109B) are rotated byan outside motive force, they openthe magnetic field betweenadjacent bar magnets (112), and theopposing coils (111) at both endsof the stator (114) simultaneously.Hence inducing an alternatingelectric current in the stationarycoils (111) fig. 10.

By opening and closing themagnetic influx to the core (110) ofthe coils (111), an alternatingcurrent will be generated in the coils

Fig. 8

Fig. 9

Fig. 9aMagnetic bars assembly (stator)

Option II: multable magnetic coil-disk assembly

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(111) in a retro-order to the rotationaldirection of the interference discs (109A or109B). Depending on the number ofmagnet-coil assemblies three phase ACcurrent can be obtained. The regulation andattenuation of these currents can be achievedby known electric engineering methods ( Fig.10).

The efficiency of the unit would vary greatlydepending on the speed of rotation, thewidth of the air gap, the strength of themagnets, and the materials used to constructthe coils. I used nickel base amorphousmetglass in the coils in both the smaller andlarger machines, which as a result, showsgreater efficiency as compared toconventional core laminates. Less energy isneeded to spin the balanced disc rotor whilecausing a larger moving magnetic field tocause induction in the stationary coils. Withthis effect, it is easy to visualize theadvantages this design has over conventionalgenerators and motors. New testing of thecoils will be conducted after the machinegoes through all the upgrades to eliminatethe problems with the warping interferencediscs.

The Interference Discs Generator describedin this document has the potential toproduce more than unity effects by easyturning of a magnetically balanced (non-warping) interference disc. Optimizing thedevice with closer tolerances and correctlyselected materials and incorporating internalmagnetic balancing, will add to the success

Fig. 10

and improved performance of this uniquegenerator design.

Improvements can be made with this designwhile the operating principal remains thesame. Looking at the photographs includedyou will see the 1st proof of conceptgenerator frame is constructed mainly fromaluminum, this metal was used only becauseit was inexpensive material and easy to workwith fig. 11. Non magnetic and non-conductive materials should be used toconstruct the generator frame supports toeliminate the eddy current losses. All of thenuts and bolts used to hold the discgenerators together worked well for makingthe test machines capable to have adjustableair gaps, however, they can all be eliminatedwith design changes that preset the gaps andtolerances to optimize the conditions of theinterference disc effect.

Fig. 11

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Many improvements were adopted inthe next larger #2 version of theInterference Disc generator fig. 12.Phanolic materials (non conductiveand non magnetic) were used in theframe supporting the magnets and thecoils, thus eliminating eddy currentlosses within the frame support. Largealuminum E bars were used to supportthe magnet frame support and the coilframe support with no noticeable eddycurrent losses. The aluminum used ispositioned further away from the coilsand magnets in the larger generator soas not to be affected by the magnets.Larger more powerful neodymiummagnets and I shaped transformercoils were installed and tested in thelarger machine which showed anincrease in output powerover the 1st machine fig. 13. Usingmore powerful neodymium magnetsin this larger disc machine createdsome problems with the interferencediscs. Not only did they warp the discsthey caused them to vibrate andchatter causing the fins to hit themagnets and the coils. I increased theair gap to over half an inch and movedthe disc further away from the magnetsto prevent damage. The effect was areduction of magnetic fluxreaching the coils that reduced thepower output. The discs must beconstructed much stronger and rigidif using neodymium magnetgrade 35 or greater, thenthe air gap can be closed so moremagnetic flux will reachthe coils allowing for a greaterelectrical output.

The wiring of the coils circuit can beconstructed by known engineeringmethods to achieve AC or DC power,and like any conventional transformer,wind the coils with heavy wire formore amps and more turns for morevolts. The coils are stationary in thismachine which makes it easy toharness AC power directly from thecoils without brushes. All coils that arein phase can be wired in series or

Fig. 12

Fig. 13

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parallel, the number of the blocking plates on the interference disc determines the phasing ofthe coils.

The diagram in fig. 14, 14a shows the path of the magnetic flux movement in relation to theposition of the blocking plates of the interference disc. The magnetic field in the core/coil isswitching polarity as the interference disc fins alternately moves in and out of the air gaps oneach side of the coil. As you can see, depending on the position of the disc, positive and negativeinduction takes place for AC output of the coils. John Ecklin has achieved this effect usingrotating blocking plates. I have achieved the same effect using balanced rotating interferencediscs with multiple stacks of isolated coils and poles mounted in a circle equal distance fromeach other.

Fig. 14 Fig.14a

The effect I reproduced with Gary Wesley's permanent magnet motor is related to theInterference Disc generator in the fact that blocking plates are used to shield the magneticfield, only we differ on methods to balance the blocking shields. Gary Wesley used springs tocarefully balance the blocking plate, and I used a different number of interference fins workingwith the magnets to balance the blocking plates. The magnets in my Interference Disc machinebecome the springs.

More photos of both Interference Disc machines are shown in fig.15, 15a and 15b below.

Fig. 15

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Fig. 15a

Fig. 15b

Closing comments on the discgenerator

In closing this discussion of the Interferencedisc generator, I would like to go over andpoint out some of the concepts that Iincorporated into the design of my permanentmagnet dynamo.

As I made further progress and completed thelater stages of the Interference disc generator,it became clear to me to use certain conceptsof the machine and incorporate them into thedesign of my multiphase permanent magnetdynamo. Some of these concepts areexplained here.

I have constructed several interference discsthat have a different number of blocking

shields, some with 10 blocking fins and somewith 11 blocking fins and others with 12blocking fins. They are all interchangeable onthe machine to change the phase relationsbetween all the isolated coils. The 12 finneddisc will produce a single-phase dynamo withall the coils in phase, and the 10 finned discon the machine will produce a three phasedynamo. One phase represents four groups ofisolated coils, and the second phase representthe other four coils, and the four coils left arethe third phase, for a total of twelve coils. Alljust by changing the number of fins on theinterference disc and or adding more layers.Using 12 magnet poles and the 10 or 11interference fins on the disc, the rotor discsbecomes magnetically balanced and easy torotate in spite of the load on the coils. The 12finned disc has a larger holding force because

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of the same number of fins asmagnetic poles. However, it can bereduced to almost nil by addingmore layers of interference disc andbalance them against each other.Many in phase coils can then beadded in series or in parallel to buildyour power levels to any desiredpotential.

Both machines have stationarycoils, and the disc generator has 12magnetic poles (6N and 6S), andthe permanent magnet dynamoalso has 12 magnetic poles (6N and6S). The disc generator uses 10 ormore fins on the interferenceshielding plate per rotor, and thepermanent magnet dynamo has 10or more coils around each rotor.There is the same number ofinterference blocking plates asthere are induction coils on each ofthe two difference machines andthe number of blocking fins and orcoils are interchangeable. The backemf effects are different on bothmachines, the Interference discgenerator demonstrates easyturning of the discs while thestationary coils are loaded, andwhen producing alternatingcurrent the permanent magnetdynamo rotor slows down when aload is placed on the stationarycoils. Both machines produce ACpower out of the coils and theInterference Disc generator has aclosed magnetic circuit through thecoils, and the permanent magnetdynamo has open magnetic circuitthrough the coils.

The Permanent MagnetDynamo

I would like to begin this topic atthis point by describing mypermanent magnet dynamomachine.

I designed this machine to becompletely interchangeable into

many different motor generator combinations. Thesecombinations involve different number of magneticpoles and different number of interchangeable coil polesin the same machine, two versions are possible, one withisolated coils and another with the coils that share acommon core fig. 16.

We can change the magnetically balancing effect(holding force) by changing the number of coil poles or(interference disc fins) in relation to the magnetic poles.This turns the machine into a multipurpose, multiphase,variable output, and variable frequency ac dc permanentmagnet motor generator system. I first designed thisunique multi purpose dynamo in 1987 after I built mythird Interference Disc generator.

Fig. 16

Dynamo description:


It is well known that a bar magnet has its magnetic fieldconcentrated at the N and S pole ends, and the half wayline between the poles of a magnet is the neutral zone,this is the region where the magnetic field is canceled orneutralized. The ferrous keeper ring I designed for thisrotor is mounted near the axle and it has machined flatdecks so the magnets attach flush to the deck of the

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keeper ring. Because of this feature, fluxleakage is reduced at the keeper ring and themagnetic field concentrates at the rotor poles.With the poles of the magnet positioned nearthe axle and attached to the keeper ring in therotor, the magnetic field that was there is nowforced to add magnetic field density to theouter magnetic poles on the rotor rim. Thedensity of the magnetic field at the poles isnow greatly increased which makes a verypowerful small size rotor. The ferrous innerkeeper ring (active iron) that is installed insidethis rotor design, is also the neutral zone of themagnetic field when viewing all the combinedpermanent magnets in the rotor. Shown is acut away view diagram of the rotor, fig. 17.

I utilize rare earth rectangular shapeneodymium grade 35 bar magnets with thedimensions of 3" long and 1"x1" on the endpoles. There are 12 bar magnets mounted 30degrees apart in NSNS configuration, and thebar magnets are attached to a precision

Fig. 17

machined inner keeper ring which makes theactive iron the region of the middle of themagnetic field (the neutral zone). Anotherway to view this is to imagine two 3" long barmagnets attached together, you now have a6" long magnet. Bend this magnet in half andinstall iron at the U and it now becomes ahorseshoe magnet with two 3" long poleends. It's a powerful rotor design in the factthat each of the 3" long bar magnetic poleshas the field strength of a 6" long bar magnet.More poles on the rotor will allow for higherfrequency ac generation at lower rpms,twelve magnetic poles on each rotor is shownin fig. 18, 19.

Fig. 18

Fig. 19

The drawing in fig. 20 and picture in fig. 21,shows twelve magnet poles in each rotor inrelation to the position of the coils. Tenamorphous cores are shown mounted aroundeach of three rotors before they were woundwith magnet wire fig. 21. The machine I haveconstructed houses a total of three rotors side

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by side that are mounted 10 degrees apart in relation totheir magnetic poles, each rotor has twelve magnetsinstalled for a total of 36 magnetic poles shown in fig. 20.This dynamo concept can be constructed to any size withunlimited numbers of rotors and coil combinations tofit any power requirements.

Fig. 20

Fig. 21

It is well known that a magnet exerts a force ofattraction to iron bringing them closer together, afterthey have come together, they are in their staticposition. A force must be exerted to either the magnetor the iron in order to pull the magnet and the ironapart, removing them from their static position.The term static position is used to describe the point

when the magnet and the ironbar are at their nearest point.

As in the Interference DiscGenerator, this PermanentMagnet Dynamo I am describingalso uses an internal magneticbalancing effect which reducesstartup torque on the rotor.

In this system, one set of magnetsis in their static position in relationto the coils, such as the impulsecoils. Another set of magnets onone side of the rotor is not in thestatic position, and there isanother set of magnets that is notin its static position on theopposite side. One side is half into the coils, and the other side ishalf out the coils, allowing therotor to have minimal start uptorque in turning the rotor. Themagnets function in two jobs, thefirst with its velocity is to causeinduction into the transformercoils producing ac power.

The second function, is theopposite pair magnetic fields onthe rotor balancing each magnetout of their static position inrelation to the coil positions at anygiven time, they cancel theirholding force which puts therotor at equilibrium. This reducesthe amount of start up energyrequired to rotate the rotorresulting in higher efficiency. Itallows the rotor and or multiplerotors to turn easily and efficientlydespite the inherent powerfulholding force of the rare earthneodymium magnets. With thethree rotor machineconfiguration, I have connected 6impulse coils in three phase tofunction as the motor impulsecircuits with a hall effect brushlessmotor controller fig. 22.

Star wound three phase motorimpulse coils.

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Fig. 22Star wound

three phase motor impulse coils

Two more pictures of the one rotor dynamo optionare shown with a 1hp dc motor turning the rotorwith an 800 watt load on the coils, six 100 watt AClight bulbs, and two 100 watt 12 volt DC light bulbs,Fig. 25, 25a.

Fig. 25 Fig. 25a

Fig. 23

Fig. 24

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The efficiencies of this dynamo are so far inconclusive with regards to producing an endlessself running machine. Our research is continuing to improve the efficiency by eliminating allconventional type ac and dc motors from this dynamo, and incorporating high voltage dcimpulses of very short time duration's as Ed Gray did with his technology years ago. However,a description of my early self running attempts is included near the end of this dynamo report.These tests have manifested an abundance of heat in the 24 volt dc drive motor.

Another picture of the three-rotor dynamo configuration is shown with 12 regenerating ac todc coils, and with the motor impulse coils removed fig. 26.

Fig. 26 Fig. 26a

Another close up of the regenerating coils andthree phase motor impulse coils is shown onthe dynamo fig. 27.

Fig. 27

Tests to produce an abundance ofheat

I have testing the machine so as the outputcoils are connected to regenerate a 12 voltbattery as the motor is turning the rotors. Iused a bran new conventional permanentmagnet 1/4 hp 24 volt dc motor that isrunning on 12 volts to turn the 110 pound 3balanced rotors, and or the 35 pound 1balanced rotor version.

The regenerating output coils produce AC to DCpower with no noticeable ripple on the scope.The generated direct current from the coils isconnected to go back into the battery, in whichthe motor uses to produce the torque neededto rotate the rotor. As this happens, theregenerated dc power from the coils is againgoing back into the battery first, and then to themotor. The result is that the battery supplies lesspower to the motor when the regenerating DCcurrent is going into the battery. The motortakes on a load from two sources, one is fromfree wheeling the rotor with out loading ordrawing current from the coils, and the other isthe load induced on the motor when the coilsare loaded to produce current.

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The dc permanent magnet motor has shownthat during one of many switch mode tests, itconsumes 15 amps at 12 volts from the batterywhile a chosen number of regenerating coilssupply ? the amount of current going back tothe battery. The battery supplies 50% of theamps and the regenerating coils supply theother 50% amps. This effect can be changeddepending on how many open isolatedregenerating banks of coils are activated andloaded.

This test shows a 15 amp draw the motorwhile it is turning the rotors under load whileregenerating current from the coils. It may bethey balance each other and both battery andcoils supply 7.5 amps each that make the total15 amps draw on the motor. This accountsfor the 15 amps total load that is shown onthe dc drive motor. It produces an excessivelylarge amount of heat in the dc motor that isuseable output energy. On a larger scale theheat generated in a given motor can beenormous. More accurate measurements areneeded to determine the true energy in versesenergy out.

However, this electric heat pump effect canbe altered to produce more or less heatdepending on the size and type of the drivemotor, and the amount of regenerating coilsthat are placed under load. Cooling tubeswound around the motor with water flowingthrough them is a way to pull the heat outfor useful applications. Hot water from thedrive motor and electric power from the coilsat the same time.

After running the machine, the amorphousregenerating coils remain cool to the touchwhere as the conventional dc motor gets veryhot with higher amps going through it. Themachine also has a longer running time whenthe coils are regenerating the battery, ascompared to running an outside equal loadwith the same amp draw, in that case thebattery drains much faster.

This sheds light with the observation of highheat build up in the motor side (less efficientside) of the circuit while being cooler on thegenerator side (amorphous side) of thecircuit. After hours of run time the battery

begins to drain, when this happens, thebattery begins to show tangibletemperature changes from one side of thebattery to the other. The whole negative sideof the battery remains cool to the touch(temperature drop), while the wholepositive side of the battery gets warmer tothe touch (temperature rise). The effect isrepeatable and only happens when theregenerating coils are connected to chargethe battery as it is running. It may beapproximately 20 degrees difference intemperature, depending on how manyregenerating coils are activated sending itscurrent to the battery. There must beexothermic reactions and endothermicreactions going on inside the battery motorgenerator combination that is causing thistemperature difference. The load and heatgenerated can be changed the on the motorfrom the flick of a switch that activates andloads the output coils, which in turn dumpsit's energy back into the battery pack oroutside load. The efficiency ratio of themachine changes depending on how manyand which banks of regenerating coils areactivated, which again also effects thetemperature difference manifesting on eachside of the battery, motor, and amorphouscoils.

Other tests

An Automotion dc brushless 3 phase motorcontroller with hall sensors was used to testthe machine in fig. 26a. Tests have shownthe 1hp dc motor and the three phasebrushless dc motor controller will not bethe answer to closing the loop on thismotor generator machine. The brushlesscontroller has a 50% duty cycle which willnot manifest the electro radiant effect, andit also has a constant draw on the batteryas a regular dc motor does. It is much lessefficient than using very fast and shortunidirectional dc impulses in the motorimpulse coils to kick the rotor around. Thisbrings the subject of Nikola Tesla'smagnifying transmitter and Ed Gray'sradiant energy impulse motors to light, anda possibly answer to closing the loop for areal auto-rotating machine.

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Before I go further with this, I want to pointout the many phase possibilities thisdynamo has. If you look at the coilarrangements in the 10 coil machine, youcan clearly see the coils that are in phasewith each other. When a second and thirdrotor is installed with all the coils attached,one pair of coils on the first rotor is in phasewith another pair of coils on the secondrotor, and another pair of coils is in phaseon the third rotor. With the ten coil totwelve magnet pole rotor assembly, themachine has five phases of isolated banksof coils. If twelve coil mounting bars areattached around the three rotors, and thethree rotors are spiraled off set by 10degrees, you will have a powerful threephase dynamo. If the rotors are not off setby 10 degrees and are lined up in phase witheach other, all the coils on the machine willbe in phase for a powerful single phasedynamo. The volts and or amperage can betailored for an application by the windingof the transformer coils, and the machineproduces 60hz at 600 rpm. This dynamomachine concept is also interchangeableinto many other motor generatorcombinations, and sizes, and any volts oramps requirements, it all depends on theneeds of the end user.

It is possible to have super efficiencies withthis system using unidirectional hv dcimpulses of very short duration's at the makebrake contact at the closure of the switch.

I have acquired two of Ed Gray's radiantenergy impulse motors #4 and #5 to revive analmost lost technology. I am proposing tocombine a special permanent magnetdynamo with less back EMF that is tailored toproduce 5kv dc under 2000rpm. This dynamo

will energize a 5kv dc capacitor bank andreplace Gray's 12 volt to 5kv dc converter.The energized capacitor bank will dischargethrough the conversion tubes in the verysame manner as in Gray's original circuit,only the capacitors will get energized fromthe high voltage dc dynamo instead of froma battery through an inverter. This version ofa high voltage dc dynamo will be connectedto and turned by Ed Gray's EMA motor, astarter motor will disengage after it beginsrunning.

There are three banks of high voltage coilsthat are connected 120 degrees out of phasefrom each other, each bank represents 12 -100 watt coils for a total of 1200 watts perphase. All isolated coils in each phase arewired in series to produce the high voltagedc potential to energize the capacitor bank.The isolated capacitor bank will dischargetheir potential through its conversion tubesin 120 degree increments each time theimpulse coils are at their closes pointtoward each other. One isolated capacitorbank will discharge through the conversiontube with it disconnected from the dcdynamo circuit. The second isolatedcapacitor is at this point beginning toreceive its charge from the dc dynamo,while the third capacitor phase is fullyenergized just before the switching circuitdisconnects it from the dc dynamo for itdischarge phase. This fully aligns all theisolated 3 coil phases in this permanentmagnet dynamo system to the 120 degreethree phase radiant energy impulse systemof Ed Gray's EMA motor #5.

The plan is to eliminate all the batteries andconverter and use a rotating high voltage dcdynamo in its place. Nikola Tesla used highvoltage dc dynamos with capacitors as partof his magnifying transmitter to produceradiant electricity. So it seems logical to dothe same thing, merging Ed Gray's radiantenergy motor and our version of a highvoltage dc permanent magnet dynamo.Could it regenerate a car, or power a home,and or a factory?

Shown below are pictures of Ed Gray'smotors in fig 28, 29.

Cooling tubes wound aroundthe motor with water flowingthrough them is a way to pullthe heat out for usefulapplications. Hot water fromthe drive motor and electricpower from the coils at thesame time.

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Fig. 28

Fig. 29

I would like to acknowledge two friends ofmine who have helped make theInterference Disc machine possible, BudJohnson 1986 shown in fig. 30 and the lateDr. Carl Reich shown 1987 in fig. 31. I wouldalso like to acknowledge Wilbert Griffithand Brian & Rose Langan for theircontribution in helping us make theseprojects possible, and there are others whowish to remain anonymous. Bud Johnsonalso an inventor, was one of the first peoplewho I met after relocating to Alberta fromthe NWT, he made arrangements for us toconstruct the first disc machine in amachine shop.

Fig. 30Bud Johnson

Fig.31Dr. Carl Reich

Dr. Carl Reich was a pioneer in the alternatemedical field and he published a book alongwith Robert R. Barefoot called "The CalciumFactor", copyright 1992. Through Carl'sdedication and hard work with alternatehealth and energy, Dr. Carl Reich contributionshave also helped made the Interference Discmachine and our Permanent Magnet Dynamopossible.

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New Propulsion Letterfrom Paul Toomer <[email protected]>

Please take a look at this new web site on how to challengeNewton's third law of motion at

I also would like to thank my wife JanFrancoeur for being part of making thisresearch possible, she has spent countlesshours to prepare this report and assist inthe reconstruction of these machines.

The test results and hypothesis I have writtenare not complete, and the research anddevelopment of the described magneticenergy machines is on going, and as such, thepotential and performance and trueefficiencies of these machines are still yet tobe determined. This author knows that theaether is real and free energy systems arepossible, and I will continue to work until Ihave completed the integration of Ed Gray's

radiant energy motors with our larger versiondc dynamo machine. When this happens, anew round of testing will begin with ourattempts to run the two machines together inclosed loop regenerating mode.

I hope I explained these energy machines in away that you all can understand, and moreinformation will be released as progress ismade. You may find this informationuseful with your quest to be energyindependent. However, if you profit fromany of my ideas I have described in thiswriting, then in all fairness, pleaseremember to reward the inventor soresearch and development can continue.

T h i s i s m y g i f t t o h u m a n i t y .

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Donald Reed, USA1032 Borden Road, Depew, NY 14043

Email: [email protected]

The author of this articlepresents an experimental approach

to the teleportation problemand time pace control

andspace regularity questions.

of the physical world, each attempting todemonstrate a unified conception of space,time, energy and matter. Notable amongthese, the most successful and formallycanonized in academia, are special andgeneral relativity, and quantum theory, thelatter of which includes quantumelectrodynamics and quantumchromodynamics as recent offshoots.

However, even these fundamental theorieshave fallen short in achieving this covetedgoal, due to many reasons, not the least ofwhich is their failure to account for theanomalous but substantial documentedevidence continually presented over theyears by new energy research and otherrelated empirical evidence consideredoutside mainstream science. In this author'sopinion, these weaknesses in current physicsand its relative ignorance and/or selectiveomission of the findings of non-orthodoxscientific research, stem primarily from an ill-conceived institutionalized conception oftime, as an immutable linear flow againstwhich everything involving change can bemeasured. This "relational" concept of timetreats it as a specific passive property ofphysical systems and changes happening tothem. It is a one-dimensional continuous andhomogeneous entity geometricallydescribing the property of duration. Thisantiquated relational view of time isabstracted from our unique prejudicedviewpoint as sentient beings whoseparticular point of waking conscious focus isthis camouflage physical reality, which isapprehended through the limitationscircumscribed by the physical senses.

Accordingly, modern physics is built on thebasis of this relational conception of time.However, the use of this conception has not

Part I of II


The following essay seeks to establishawareness, through a far-ranging carefulexamination of various empiricallydocumented anomalous research results inthe field of new energy, the long-suspectedevidence provided by associated key legendarysecret government project work in the USAand former USSR, maverick new theoreticalmodels in foundational physics forelementary particles/fundamentalelectromagnetic wave-field structures, as wellas remarkably corroborative relatedinformation from esoteric (psychicallychanneled) sources, of the necessity for thedevelopment of a new paradigm for mass,energy and especially time. After having beenguided through this process, the reader willhopefully be motivated to acknowledge theimportance of this imperative for a newunderstanding of the workings of nature, aswell as gain hints for the associated futuredevelopment of new viable sustainable energysources and related technologies.


When we come to examine the annals ofphysics over the past century, we find themreplete with several competing core theories

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so far resulted in resolving all the problemsassociated with time. Moreover, so far evenan essential definition of time has not beenformulated in physics, there are onlyoperational definitions indicating differentmethods of measuring time intervals.

In contrast, the "substantial" conception oftime, advanced in this paper, implies thattime is an independent phenomenon ofnature existing side by side with matter andphysical fields, whose active essence can anddoes affect objects and processes occurringin the universe. Moreover, the followingdissertation argues, by positing that activesubstantial change is the basic concept andrelational time is its derivative, that thoseobjects and processes can also have a reverseaction on time.

Accordingly, we will attempt to show,through a wide-ranging examination of newenergy research and other information, thenecessity for the establishment of a fluidic,elastic, field nature for true active time whichis malleable; one in which even the localpace of time, and mass and energy contentcan be influenced artificially by intelligenttechnological control, or naturally byconscious intent, or by a combination ofthese two methods. To help motivate thereader's awareness for this imperative, wewill also examine several esoterically-basedsources from key selected psychicallychanneled transcripts. These will be takenfrom the following sources: unpublishedcomments by Jane Roberts on an alteredstate of consciousness[1] (indicated in thismanuscript by J.R.), or published transcriptsfrom The Seth Material and The"Unknown" Reality (indicated in themanuscript by UR)[2], published chroniclesfrom the entity Kryon, channeled by LeeCarroll [3], and concepts from WilbertSmith's legendary discourse:The New Science (NS) [4].For easier reference, all psychicallychanneled transcripts will appear in italics,with my additional explanatory commentsin regular type within parentheses.

Granted, our unique investigative foray,ranging as it does from the concrete arena ofknowledge represented by the cutting edge

of visionary science to the intangible arcanerealms bordering on the spiritual, will ofnecessity lack the exacting logic of scientificrigor.

Nevertheless, we hope to provide, through justsuch a unique eclectic format, the beginningsof a possible fresh understanding of theworkings of nature and perhaps ultimatelyfurnish a conceptual basis for extending thestructure of current physical theory tocompatibly encompass the elements of aunified framework of physics andmetaphysics.

As "unscientific" as this proposed venture mayappear, especially to the contemporaryphysicist or theoretician, we unabashedlypress on, secure in the belief that the currentlyperceived "mutually exclusive" bodies ofknowledge defined through psychic meansand that of orthodox physics are more closelylinked than is currently suspected. Indeed, itwill be demonstrated that that some of thepsychically defined data bears a strikingresemblance to the tenets of present empiricalknowledge.

New Research

Theories Indicate Necessity for Novel TimeConcept

A body of work which postulates a fluid-fieldsubstantial nature for time, is the esoterically-based book written by Wilbert Smith in theearly sixties, The New Science. Here, Smithoutlined a unified theory of all physicalinteraction by positing that an active mass-free field energy he termed the tempic fieldexists, and is the parent field structure out ofwhich our passive relational linear clock timeemerges. To be sure, this book and its specificformat of exposition has its weaknesses, notthe least of which is a writing style whichtaxes one's comprehension to the limit. Allresearchers who have attempted to connectSmith's knowledge with the frontiers ofcurrent scientific knowledge, new energyresearch, etc., have been frustrated by hisintroduction of terms which may or not havethe same meaning as the correspondingterms in mathematical science. This practice

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causes many passages to appear so vague asto cause total bewilderment on the part ofthe reader.

In coming to investigate the source of Smith'stheory 25 years ago, I came into contact withKenneth Killick of Canada. Killick was theindividual who served as the original mentorand for a time a colleague of Smith in the mid-1950's. Smith, whose background was inelectrical engineering, found it very difficultto accept or understand the philosophicalovertones of Killick's thought. Consequently,he resorted to the use of psychic mediums totry to verify the information provided to himby Killick. This is the origin of Smith'sassociation with discarnate entities known tothose familiar with his work as "the boystopside". Thus Smith's subsequent writingspromote such confusion perhaps because heonly obtained a partial understanding ofthese cosmic ideas, and he opted to writingin a kind of code basically to try to hide hisown confusion. Through my own associationwith Ken, I discovered that The New Scienceis able to be put into reference with knownfacts once the spiritual-philosophicalelements of Killick's teachings are dulyintegrated. When this is done, "Wib" Smith'sbook can teach much and can become acornerstone to new energy science.Otherwise, it remains at best, a fragmentaryenigma.

The work by Smith and Killick is pertinentto the theme of the present paper, since theyboth showed through experimentation witha special caduceus-wound coil, that so-

called relativistic parameters of mass andgravity, energy, and time-flow, can be alteredthrough intelligent artificial control.Adequate delving into some of the elementsof these theories will enable us to glean newinsight for transforming the currentparadigm of time. Further details on Ken'sso-called tachion energy theory can befound in this author's earlier expositions onthis subject in issues of Energy Unlimited(1978-1982)[5].

Smith's main error is in postulating afundamental "spin" dynamics based uponconventional continuous rotation. As Killickpoints out, such a concept of spin on themicroscopic level, precludes any possibility oftrue evolutionary change, in the cosmic sense.

Also, as we shall see presently, the continuousspin concept obviates expression by anythingin the universe, of its personal moralresponsibility. However, with tachion energytheory intact and untrammeled, theimpersonal dualistic concept of interactionbetween two polar entities, such as isexpressed not only in ordinary classicalNewtonian physics, but its 20th centurysuccessors, relativity and quantum theory, issupplanted with the omnipresent workingsof a trinity at all levels and manifestationsof reality.

Indeed, the fundamental tachion field (mass-free) energy has three components: twopolar opposite entities (a positive "charge"and a negative "charge"), and the ability forthese two to be in what is called "static-dynamic balance". The static-dynamic balancecompletes the trinity.

A simple physical macroscopic manifestationof static-dynamic balance can be seen in twopeople arm wrestling. As the energy of oneparticipant is brought to bear against that ofthe other, we will see a vibration or oscillationonce a balance of their energies is obtained.As more effort is expended, the vibrations willincrease in frequency and decrease inamplitude. At this point we will see a staticstate relative to the two arms; neither causesloss of arm position of the other. Butsimultaneously we also have a dynamicsituation in the rapid oscillation which

. . . the establishment of afluidic, elastic, field nature fortrue active t ime which ismalleable; one in which eventhe local pace of time, andmass and energy content canbe influenced artificially byintel l igent technologicalcontrol, or naturally byconscious intent...

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maintains, and is in turn sustained by themuscular energy which produces the staticstate of the arms. Both states mutuallysupport each other's existence. The twocomponent entities (the arms) resonatetogether, but without losing their ownidentity.

The implications of this last statement,missing in current physical theory, is uniqueto the system of tachion energy. We will seein the following that the dynamicfunctioning of these sub-atomic tachions issuch that by their inherent ability tomanipulate space and the time-frame ofmatter through static-dynamic balance, theydo not harm anything else in theirenvironment, nor are they affected (forcedto lose their own identity) by the ambientenvironment. Accordingly, inertial mass is notan inherent component of tachion energy,but is a derivative of certain tachion fieldmodes.

We spoke earlier of tachion "charge". We keepthe word in quotes to underscore that this isnot to be equated to electrical charge, butmerely signifies two polar energy states of theprimordial ground-form, out of which allknown physical forces come to be manifest.These tachion energy states can be definedin terms of "rotational" motion. Again"rotation" must also be placed in quotes as it

does not signify the common idea ofcontinuous spinning. Such a concept wassuggested above in connection withevolutionary progress in its cosmicinterpretation.

The tachion-pair could be described asexecuting a "back-and-forth" ratchetingmovement. The tachion-pairs are analogousto the ends of a drum majorette's baton. Butunlike the twirling motion of the baton, thetachion-pairs do not demonstrate the classicmacroscopic continuous spin motion, butoscillate in a 3-component "clocking" action.

In Fig. 1 we have drawn a circle and havedivided it into three 120 degree arcs. The firstmotion in the tachion cycle is an arc from the00 -3600 location, to the 240 degree position.This movement is stated philosophically as thequestion, "Can I go?" In the second phase itswings back from the 240 degree position tothe 120 degree point, and then returns to the240 degree position. This graphicallyrepresents an analysis of the first question, andcan be phrased as the "Let me think"component. Finally, then it proceeds forwardanother 240 degrees taking it past the 360degree point to 120 degrees. This last stage isthe action motivated from the analysis in stagetwo, and is entitled, "Yes I can". In this activityit will be observed that all path lengths are 240degrees.

Fig.1The 3-Component Tachion Movement

However, as representative of true evolutionary progress, the tachion-pair does not remainconfined to the plane in its 3-phase cycle. After each "Let me think" stage, the entire pair unitcould be considered to advance "upward", perpendicular to its plane of "rotation". The

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combined motions can be viewedas an elevation up an inclined ramp,screw-fashion (Fig. 2).

Fig.2Tachion “Ratcheting”

Thus, while they clock themselvesbackwards in the plane, they nevergo back to where they wereoriginally but only seem to do sofrom the point of view of anobserver in the plane. This entireactivity can be visualized as a

diametrically opposed pair "rotating" in a plane, but theremust still be considered an upward ratchetingmovement. They execute the clocking motion simplybecause they adhere to the three principles ofobservation, analysis and motivation. A meaningfulapplication of this idea to the structure of physics wouldeliminate the necessity for a totally impersonal type ofinteraction governed solely by force. Unlike all currenttheories of elementary particles, the tachion-pair, by itsunique activity, thus expresses a personal moralresponsibility. So this elemental energy of the universenever goes where it is not wanted, but only where it willnot disturb its immediate environment.

The topological structure of each tachion in the pair isalso significant in regards to this "ethical" modusoperandi. First, tachions in their primordial state aremassless, toroidal shaped fields which always occur inpairs. Like toroids, tachions will singly exhibit threemotional degrees of freedom, to wit;

1. rotation around its major axis.

2. inner (P), or outer (N) rotation about its cross-sectional (poloidal) axis.

3. expansion and contraction of the field (each toroidpulsates radially about its cross-sectional axis).

As a pair-unit, the combined motions will give rise to thefollowing possible orientations: two identical (N)rotations; (N) rotation - (P) rotation; two identical (P)rotations (Fig. 3).

Fig.3The Three Tachion Modes

The dual (P) or (N) rotations will always lie in the sameplane, whereas in the "mixed" rotation mode, theorientations of the tachions will be mutuallyperpendicular. In the pair unit, the energy will shuttle

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back and forth between the tachions by virtue of their harmonious expansion and contraction.The contraction of one pair partner is immediately compensated for by an equal amount ofexpansion in the other. When one is fully expanded and the other completely contracted,they will reverse roles executing the second portion of the cycle. There will be two points inthe clocking cycle where the tachions will share an equal amount of energy ("field equity")stage. In each cycle of a tachion-pair the field equity stage is passed twice, a fact which issignificant when topology of the field dynamics is considered (see [5]). Now, looking at thefield geometry for the tachion-pair unit at the two field equity stages of the cycle, we observethat the two geometries are not identical but are mirror images of one another via a non-orientable field structure. See Fig. 5, which shows the isomorphism between the dynamics ona Moebius band (a non-orientable topological structure) and the tachion pair clocking cycle.


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This suggests the remarkable idea that the space time points that the pairs generate are not, ascommonly assumed, identical, static, and bereft of intrinsic character, but exhibitenantiomorphic topologies, which by virtue of their mirrored relationship exert upon oneanother a potential for dynamic interaction. For now we present a second diagram to illustratethe three pair energy modes: N-N, N-P, P-P, as well as one sequence of oscillation of the N-Ppair (Fig. 4).


In this figure we note a unique trinity of fieldoperation: two stages of maximum fielddisparity (I and III) connected by theintermediate condition of field equity (II).Upon postulating the additional requirementthat the pair will create a new space-timelocation every time the field equity state isreached, we see that with each cycle the unitwill not return to its original state withrespect to the environment, but will advanceto new evolutionary states with eachpulsation. In accordance with the abovecomments, the tachion-pair unit "ascends"the evolutionary spiral via this unique actionwe have termed "clocking" motion. Inacccordance with the description in Fig. 4A,in Fig. 4B, stage I represents "Can I go?", stage

II represents "Let me think", and stage IIIrepresents "Yes I can".

Now, in this regard, the previous analogy ofthe tachion-pair as likened to the ends of abaton, where the baton rises and falls as itrotates, is quite apt. However, unlike the endsof the baton tachions are not rigidlyconnected but possess much freedom ofmovement outlined above. On the otherhand, much like the baton ends, they aremutually supportive of each other's activityand requirements, never seeking tooverpower, or to be eclipsed by the identityof their partner. In this manner they exhibitpersonal moral responsibility, as we havepreviously stated. By their mutual

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harmonious action tachion-pairs willprogress in a true evolutionary fashion, whilenever harming anything else in the universeby their action.

Now, the above is an inherent characteristicof tachion-pairs as long as they go abouttheir business individually- that is, in theirpre-physical state. Now, when the threefundamental tachion-pair energy modesdescribed above exhibit a slow clockingfrequency, there is opportunity for them tojoin together whereupon we begin to seematter being formed. The element of mass,or inertia is provided by the binding activityof the (N-P) mode, which is a function ofthe slow oscillation of the pair unit. Besidesthe clocking frequency, the factor of inertialmass or density of physical substance is alsodependent upon the amount of separationbetween the two pair components in eachindividual sub-atomic tachion-pair unit. Ingeneral, the denser or more massive anobject is, the slower its microscopictachions will clock, and the farther apartwill be the individual toroid components.This is a classic push-pull situation, i.e.,there is a key inverse static-dynamicbalance relationship between tachion-pairpulsation frequency and their area ofoperation (density of field). The rest massthat any physical substance displays tomacroscopic observation, is thus a directfunction of the amount of energy suppliedby the master field to sustain the oscillationof the pair-unit. Thus, a primary feature oftachion dynamics is the following: if wechange the energy, we must expect toobserve a corresponding change in themanifestation of the mass, and vice versa.

Consequently, in tachion dynamics there isa built-in interchangeability of energy andmass, an idea which concurs with similarconclusions in Einsteinean relativity(notably, E = mc2).

But here is where tachion theory andrelativity part company. We have seen thatour postulated "clocking" pulsation of thepair is the factor, which determines bothspace and time. Both space (area of pairoperation), and time (frequency ofpulsation) are mutually dependent on whatwe shall call the master field ofthought and intention, whichdetermines the clocking frequency.From the dynamic influence of the masterfield arises subsidiary conditions of time andspace which are truly "fluid" qualities oftachion operation. This is indeed consonantwith the assumptions of a proper unifiedfield theory in which all the factors of ourobjective world as apprehended by thephysical senses, are subsumed under therelative state of a guiding master field.Moreover, under the geometrical constructsof such a theory neither space nor timeshould be subservient to the other butshould retain their unique qualities in amutually supportive relationship. This isguaranteed in tachion theory under the fluidgive-and-take of the pair operation.Relativity, on the other hand, despite itslogical consistency, does not meet the aboverequirements. To his great credit Einsteinrecognized the need to integrate time withspace in a synthesis that would retain thedistinctive qualities of both. The result wasa theory, which extended the classicalEuclidean concept of 3-dimensional spaceas a kind of "cosmic container" of matter, toembrace a structure of space, which arisesfrom the laws interrelating its materialcontent. Thus, for instance, in his GeneralRelativity theory gravitation becameinterpreted as a distortion of the spatialfabric by sources of mass-energy in a non-Euclidean framework. Unfortunately, as afoundation of his theory, Einsteinmistakenly assumed a subservient role oftime to space. He tried to "freeze" time downinto spatial-like dimensions utilizing metricequations, which were variants of a basicform. Before a true understanding of

...the dynamic functioning ofthese sub-atomic tachions issuch that by their inherentability to manipulate spaceand the time-frame of matterthrough static-dynamicbalance, they do not harmanything else in theirenvironment...

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gravitation is developed, the rationale forapplying such metrics to this end should beseriously re-appraised. In short, instead offreezing time down into a spatial dimensionin order to make it fit a world ruled bynothing but gravity, we must develop aconception of space sufficiently fluid to lettrue time have its proper place therein.

These and other similar ideas are articulatedby Andrea and Paulo Correa in their recentinsightful essay on the various seriousshortcomings of relativity theory. They write:"Time is not treated by relativity as distinctin nature or in quality from the set oftopological locations or lengths betweenpoints. Whether in the SR (Special Relativity)form of a flat Minkowski spacetime or in theGR (General Relativity) form of a curvedRiemannian spacetime, the essence inrelativity lies in its treatment of time as thefourth length of a 4-dimensional space. Asthe actual metric of a length of time is notfixed, only the intervals being invariant, onecan no longer speak of the reality of timelinesor of synchronicity" [6].

In their second installment, theCorreas even imply the existence of amass-free energy, which is an integralelement of the Killick tachion energytheory: "From a strict physical viewpoint,only an energeticist position can makesense. While space and time may beconsidered to exist outside the function ofmatter, independently from it, they cannotbe conceived outside the function ofenergy…the field remains conceptualizable(in Einsteinean relativity) only by thepseudo-Riemannian manifold, which, on itsown, fails to analytically treat the differencein dimensionality between Space and Time,fails to differentiate between them asdistinct manifolds, and fails to account forthem as the intrinsic properties of energy influx".

The tachion theory is such a model thatdelineates the functions of time and space interms of a basic mass-free energy substratum.Now as we have seen, since tachion dynamicspre-supposes a static-dynamic balance featureconnecting frequency of the pairs(fundamental time elements) with their area

of operation ("fluid" space configurations), itrepresents such a foundation upon which toconstruct such a theory which willharmoniously treat time and space on anequal footing without neutralizing the uniquestructural features of each. Since the decrease/increase in the clocking frequency of thetachion-pairs will result in a correspondingincrease/decrease of area of operation, thelocal pace of time will also decrease/increaseat that space-time location. This is due to thepush-pull relationship between energy andtime. The intrinsic energy of a tachion-pairwill be defined to be its energy of "motion"(energy in the "convergent", pre-physicalstate). Thus we see that an increase/decreasein the clocking frequency also implies that theintrinsic energy of the pair will also follow suit.Consequently, the intrinsic energy availablefor a manifestation will increase/decrease astime pace allotted for this purpose decreases/increases. Moreover, the product of intrinsicenergy and time interval will always beconstant due to the perfect trade-off betweenboth factors in the tachion clocking action.This relationship is remarkably similar to thequantitative statement of the UncertaintyPrinciple in quantum mechanics in the form:E . t = h. This formula states that the productof the energy exchange of a quantummechanical particle and the time intervalrequired for that exchange to take place, isequal to the so-called "quantum of action", orPlanck's constant.

Thus, as a concomitant of tachiondynamics, which is argued could also be thebasis of electron spin geometry amongother things (see [5]), time is mademalleable; no longer continuous, or rigidlyuniform as in Newtonian conceptions, orsubservient to space as in Einsteineanrelativity, time "flow" can go to zero, andcan even reverse under the application ofcertain electrodynamic fieldconfigurations such as provided by thecaduceus coil and other devices [5]. Withtachion dynamics even the laws of causalitywill no longer hold. This is due to the factthat tachions have a much broader field ofoperation than the purely physical realm.Thus, many unusual demonstrated featuresrelative to quantum theory, such as theprinciple of Indeterminacy, quantum non-

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locality (EPR experiment), "entangledparticles" as well as hypothesized qualitiesof an aether of space, can find their sourcein this microscopic non-linearelectrodynamic clocking oscillationattributed to the tachions. In fact, theultimate expression of time as well as spaceto our sensory perception, could be a directfunction of these substratum pulsations.From this consideration there emerges anew dynamic model for fundamentaltime as a "fluid-elastic" field effect arisingfrom the unique ratcheting oscillatorymotion of tachion-pair entities. Ultimately,it will be seen that tachions may even formthe structural essence of consciousnessitself, thus providing the long sought-forunifying link between physics andmetaphysics.

N. Kozyrev

Other Recent Russian Research Implying NewDimensions for Time

Another key researcher who postulated anactive substantial role for time was theRussian astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev [7]. Heargued that the gap between the exact(physical) sciences and the natural scienceswill not vanish until the principle of causalitydifferentiating cause and effect is placed atthe basis of the exact sciences. This impliesthe objective directionality of time or its flow.We encounter numerous manifestations ofthis principle in our life and in naturalscience. Yet this principle is new in bothmechanics and physics as a whole. Thenatural scientist's time is not Minkowski'sgeometrical time, nor is it the time ofmechanics, theoretical physics, etc.

As Kozyrev argued, mechanics has been usingonly the "geometrical" property of time, itsduration size, i.e., the intervals between theevents under study. Timed, these intervalsacquire the same passive properties as theinterval measured between two points inspace. It is only this property of time that theobjective sciences assumed to be existingobjectively, postulating that all other timeproperties are subjective. However, if wewant to differentiate causes and effects, inreality the flow of time must be a physicalquantity, duly expressed mathematically andentering the equations of mechanics. Thephysical meaning and mathematicalexpression of the flow of time can beobtained from the space-time properties ofcausality. Thus, processes in the world occurnot only in time, but also with the aid of time.Time flow is an active property owing towhich time may act on a material system.Consequently, it is in the properties of timethat the source maintaining the vitalprocesses of the world must be sought.

From these arguments, we can also derive afundamental property of time. Let us assumethat we have changed by a certain techniquethe flow of time in a material system. In thisprocess we have perhaps changed thestresses within the system and hence itsenergy.

However, it is impossible to change the totalamount of motion of the system, i.e., toobtain a momentum equivalent to anexternal action. In other words, time maycarry energy but no momentum. Time is anon-momentum material reality. From theabove property of the flow of time, Kozyrevconcluded that it follows directly that therotation of a body may be used as a devicefor changing the flow of time in a system.Time flows into the system in the cause-effectdirection, the rotation increases the flow, andhence the system obtains additional energy.

In attempt to verify his theories, in the 1950s,Kozyrev thus performed experiments withspinning gyroscopes and discovered, inagreement with his predictions, that theweight of the spinning system changesslightly depending upon the magnitude ofthe angular velocity and the direction of

Nikolai Kozyrev argued thatthe gap between the exact(physical) sciences and thenatural sciences will not vanishuntil the principle of causalitydifferentiating cause and effectis placed at the basis of theexact sciences

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rotation. Although the effect detected wasnot large, the nature of the arising forcescould not be explained by existing theories.By applying a vibrating framework to thegyroscope, Kozyrev also found that not onlydoes time deliver an energy, but that near thecause-effect system time density changes.Time is rarefied near the generator andbecomes denser near the receiver. In otherwords, time becomes stretched by cause andcompressed by effect. In addition, thevariation in time intensity is in inverse ratioto the first degree of the distance. This can beseen by the following consideration: Time isexpressed by rotation and hence involvesplanes passing through a pole of the rotatingsystem with any orientation in space. In thecase of lines of force issuing from a pole,their density decreases in inverse ratioto the square of the distance, while thedensity of planes can readily be shownto decrease with the first degree of thedistance.

Kozyrev discovered another property of timewhen investigating irreversible processessuch as crystallization of a substance,condensation, or evaporation. This influencecan be effected by any irreversible processand is registered by a measuring systemwithout any preliminary excitation, i.e., whenthe cause and effect positions are notseparated. In other words, apart from flowand density, time seems to have anotherproperty, causal orientation, resembling in away the polarization of light [8]. This propertyproves to be so variable that even the sign ofthe observed influences may change andhence the reciprocal cause and effectpositions become reversed.

Continuing his studies on the properties oftime, Kozyrev (with V.V. Nasonov) conductedastronomical observations using a receivingsystem of a new type. When the telescope wasdirected at a certain star, the special detectorpositioned within the telescope registeredthe incoming signal even if the main mirrorwas shielded by metal screens. This factimplied that electromagnetic waves (light)had some component that could not beshielded by metal screens. When thetelescope was directed, not at the visible butat the true position of the star, the detector

registered a signal that was much stronger.The registration of the true position ofdifferent stars could only be interpreted asthe detection of star radiation that hadvelocities billions of times the velocity oflight. It was concluded that the radiationfrom stellar bodies hence had a component,which was non-electromagnetic. Kozyrevalso found that the detector measured anincoming signal when the telescope wasdirected at a position symmetrical to thevisible portion of the star relative to its trueposition. This fact was interpreted as adetection of the future positions of stars [9].

From the 1960's onward, additional Russianresearch groups continued and expandedupon the work began by Kozyrev on theunique non-electromagnetic radiation thatwas apparently a concomitant of all rotatingbodies, whether accompanying macroscopicspinning objects of great mass (cosmologicalor terrestrial), or at the quantum levelexhibited by elementary particles possessingrecorded anomalous spin features whichwere not accountable by standard theories.This emanation which was exhibited byrotating bodies was termed torsion radiation[10]. Subsequently it was learned that thisunique radiation was a part of all living orinert substances. This so-called "torsion field"research was carried on mainly in secret inthe former Soviet Union, and only becameknown to the Western nations after the fallof the Iron Curtain. Many effects attributableto alterations in time and gravity have beenreported through this research. For moreinformation on this topic the reader isdirected to this author's review in reference10 and references therein.

Part II of II

Summary of Part I

It is the intention of this multi-partdissertation to motivate an imperative forconsidering the eventual establishment of amore expansive paradigm for thephenomenon of time, one which views timefrom the "substantial" as opposed to theorthodox "relational" standpoint. The

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substantial concept of time implies theexistence of an active essence which canand does affect objects and processesoccurring in the universe. Furthermore,approaching time from such a fundamentalbasis implies that by positing activesubstantial change as the ground formprime mover and relational time ( passive"clock-time", or entropy changes) as itsderivative, that those objects and processescan also have a reverse action on time.

Towards this end in Part I (hereinafterreferred to as I), we considered the keyresearch of the late astrophysicist N.A.Kozyrev who, in carefully controlledexperiments which were subsequentlysuccessfully replicated, recorded phenomenawhich have hitherto been unexplainable bystandard contemporary receivedknowledge- whether from the standpoints ofNewtonian, Relativistic or Quantum physics.Kozyrev pointed out that only by consideringtime as an active essence, could these cited"anomalous" phenomena, which are virtualconundrums from the viewpoints of arelational (passive) concept of time, be dulyformulated on a logical basis. AccordinglyKozyrev's associated "causal mechanics"incorporates an objective directionality oftime flow, implying differentiation between"cause" and "effect". Consequently, byapplying a thermodynamicallyirreversible process to a physicalsystem (example: vibration to aspinning gyroscope), the rotor in thisinstance would be observed to lose (orgain) a small but detectable percentageof its weight, depending upon thedirection of rotation. Moreover, in thisprocess linear momentum (linear speed ofrotation) is not changed, but energy isnevertheless delivered to the system byadditional forces directed along the axiscausing a change in angular momentum,and that near the cause-effect system of theirreversible process, time density is altered- rarefied near the generator andconcentrated in proximity to the receiver.Kozyrev concluded that time is a non-momentum material reality.

Other experiments of an astrophysicalnature showed that registration of the true

position or future position (as opposed tovisual-present-position) of different starsvia the non-electromagnetic component ofstar radiation, demonstrated the existenceof an energy essence, which was apparentlyinstantaneous, or had a propagationvelocity of at least a billion times thevelocity of light. In this regard, Kozyrevopposed the conventional astrophysicalparadigm, which posits energy generated/emitted by stars is a physical consequenceof thermonuclear conversion. Instead hemaintained that via rotation, starsconverted time essence into non-physical(or pre-physical) energy. The latter wasnevertheless detectable on Earth bytransduction through reflecting telescopesshielded by metal screens, of stellarradiation by a Wheatstone bridge. Hencethe "impact" of time was detected byresistor electric conductivity changes (seeI and references therein).

Leaving no stone unturned in ourinvestigation, we also took up a discussionof the related Killick-Smith tachion energymodel for fundamental (pre-physical)reality. Here we coined a new term- atrinitivity of action, which wasunderscored as a key feature of theoperation of tachion-pair entities.Accordingly, we posit the existence of twopolar topologically orthogonal toroidalfields, with the unique ability, by the mutualshuttling back-and-forth of their energies,to exist in a third auto-generated state called"static-dynamic balance". Now, sincetachions are hypothesized to transfer energyinstantaneously, inertial/gravitational massis not a primordial component of tachionoperation (see I). Here we see a strikingsimilarity to the Kozyrev conception of theoperation of time in interaction with aphysical system - where energy changes aremanifested without linear momentumalterations delivered. Likewise, the Smithbook, The New Science (see I) treats thehypothetical tempic field as a scalarquantity, which only has direction inrelation to its distribution (or"density" change). Only throughestablishing what Smith termed atempic field gradient does the tempicfield possess vectorial nature. Similarly,

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Kozyrev viewed time like space aspossessing both geometrical and physicalproperties. The geometric property of timeis duration (its scalar component), whilephysically the course of time is similar tovectorial field propagation and the densityof time to field intensity. Although Smith andKozyrev apparently never were aware ofeach other's research, the following quotefrom Kozyrev reveals that they both madekey profound discoveries about naturewhich indeed bear more than a superficialsimilarity: "Time density is a scalar quantity,just the one observed in the aboveexperiments. Time density decreases withincreasing separation from the processcreating it. Therefore, a vector propertycorresponding to density gradient andtractable as time obtaining, should also beobserved"[7]. However, in I we also enjoinedthe reader to observe caution and selectivitywhen attempting to separate the wheatfrom the chaff in Smith's book.

Accordingly, the previous ideas aresubstantially correct, whereas his concept of"continuous spin" of tempic field energy isbasically flawed. Killick replaces thisoutmoded counter-productive notion witha key ratcheting motion, like theescapement of a watch, which is performedby the tachion entities composing a pair-unit. Through this unique "clocking-motion", a cycle of tachion-pair operationexhibits what could only be described as anethical modus operandi, passing throughthe three stages of observation - reflection -action. By virtue of this 3-stage process,tachion-pairs demonstrate in theirindividual activity and in interaction withtheir environment - personal moralresponsibility.

This is indeed an unprecedented notionwhich implies that a type of consciousthought process can be ascribed to tachionoperation. This can be related to currentnotions from quantum physics, relative toquantum coherence of states - such as wave-function collapse, Indeterminacy, quantumnon-locality (EPR experiment), "entangled"particles, etc. This may be an indication thatin such cases, whenever the Principle of

Causality is breached or at leastcompromised, we may be witnessing theunique effects of the inherent consciousmicroscopic non-linear clocking oscillationof the tachions.

Along these lines, although Kozyrev did notreport observing any effects of time energy,which could be considered as "value-motivated", he did report on an equallymysterious "after-effect" in manyexperiments, which could only be construedas signifying a memory process. Forinstance, it turned out that in experimentswith a vibrating torsion balance (orpendulum), at points of support theemerging additional forces did not disappearwhen the vibration was stopped, butremained in the system for an appreciabletime. Interestingly, their relaxation timeswere found to be independent of themass of a body but were dependent onits density . The largest effects withmaximum preservation times were observedon porous materials like brick or volcano tuff.In enumerating on this unusual preservationaction Kozyrev observed: "…a body placed fora certain time near an (irreversible) processand then brought to a torsion balance,produced the same effect on it as the processitself…aluminum showed no memory. Thelargest memorizing effect for processes ofboth signs has been shown by sugar"[7]. Also,his colleague Danchakov later observed inconjunction with biological experimentsthat water with decreased viscosity due tohaving been subject to the action of aprocess, exerted a distant action on waterthat had not been under such an action,causing its viscosity to decrease as well.

In this second part of the current dissertation,we will examine other important relatedinformation gleaned principally fromesoteric sources, referenced in I. These havebeen obtained from books by Jane Roberts:The Seth Material , The "Unknown"Reality (UR) [2], unpublished transcripts(J.R.)[1], and transcripts from the entityKryon channeled by Lee Carroll [3]. Thisinformation is remarkably corroborativewith that from Kozyrev research and thetachion energy theory. Finally, we will cap off

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our exposition with a brief examination of abold new maverick physical theory of sub-atomic electron structure, featuring variabletime/mass attributes, which could be thecatalyst for bringing the cited elements fromesoteric knowledge and empirical physicsresearch (Kozyrev, etc.) out from theirhitherto relative obscurity, to the forefront inour ongoing mainstream investigations inprobing the cutting edge frontiers of not onlyphysics, but those of the natural sciences aswell.

Other evidence

When one compares the transcripts fromvarious esoteric sources it's remarkablehow similar is their description of nature'sfundamental operations at the pre-physicallevel. For instance, a careful reading of theJane Roberts' channeled transcripts fromthe entity Seth, reveals a remarkable closeconnection with the particles termed EE(electromagnetic energy) units and theabove Killick teachings on tachion pairdynamics. But first a word of caution to thereader. We should resist the tendency to putinto the frame of reference of our sentientphysical experience, structures whoseessence is fundamentally non-physical.The customary physical characteristics ofduality and dichotomy of fields, and therelated yardsticks of mass, length and time,for the most part, may not apply in thissituation.

It would be impossible, however, toformulate a comprehensive model for the EEunit dynamics were none of the factors forgauging physical reality to be able to beapplied to higher dimensional realms.Fortunately, one characteristic does survivethe transition to the non-physicalframework- the element of pulsation. Sethreports in [2] how EE units, much liketachion-pairs are built up and dynamicallypulsate in response to thought patterns. First,depending upon the relative intensity of theemotional energy, they will instantly bedrawn together in clumps or may just asquickly disperse. Furthermore, being of apulsating nature, these units can expand andcontract. Theoretically, there is no limit to

their size or frequency of pulsation. Sethdescribes their operation in the followingmanner: Now, there are electromagneticstructures, so to speak, that arepresently beyond your instruments,units that are the basic carriers ofperception. Their size varies. Severalunits may combine, for example. To putthis as simply as possible, it is not somuch that they move through space, asthat they use space to move through.There is a difference.

On this point, if our conceptions remain"earthbound" we will not perceive anydifference between these actions, but oncewe cast our mental gaze beyond physicalexperience, an important distinctionbecomes apparent. To understand this, weneed only reflect on the similar non-classicallogic that is the basis for the non-orientableMoebius topology that we have seen governsthe dynamics of the tachion-pair unit [5].Tachions, whose translational movement isgoverned by the relative pulsation frequency,apparently enter and leave our level of realityat two times (field equity stages) during eachpulsation cycle. Before leaving our plane, thetachion-pair constitute what we call a space-time point.

Upon returning to our level, due to theMoebius topology of the clocking cycle,their essence creates a new space-timepoint with enantiomorphic (mirror image)characteristics to the first. The resultingprogress of the units in physical reality isthus manifested by a "jerkily discontinuous"movement. Summing up, since the unitsare the point they create, it can now beunderstood that the units use space (or thenature of the space-time points) to movethrough, rather than the case ofmacroscopic matter which movescontinuously (or appears to) throughspace.

Seth continues his description of the EEunit dynamics: Laws of attraction andrepulsion are used and, in a manner ofspeaking, thermal qualities are involved,and this is the only hint that your scientistshave received of them so far. The unitscharge the air through which they pass, and

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draw to them other units. The units are notstationary in the way that, say, a cell isstationary. These units have no "home".They are built up in response to emotionalintensity. They are one form that emotionalenergy takes. They follow their own rules ofattraction and repulsion. As a magnet willattract with its filaments, so these unitsattract their own kind and form patternswhich appear to you as perception. They areelectromagnetic, in your terms, followingtheir own patterns of positive and negativecharge. In this instance, like definitelyattracts like. The units are just beneath therange of matter. None are identical.However, there is a structure to them. Thestructure is beyond the range ofelectromagnetic qualities as your scientiststhink of them. Consciousness actuallyproduces these emanations, and they are thebasis for any kind of perception, bothsensory and extrasensory. Theseemanations can also appear as sounds andyou will be able to translate them into soundslong before your scientists discover theirbasic meaning. One of the reasons they havenot been discovered is precisely because theyare so cleverly camouflaged within allstructures.

Being just beyond the range of matter, havinga structure, but a non-physical one, andbeing of a pulsating nature, they can expandand contract. They combine qualities of aunit and a field, in other words. Since they arebeyond the range of matter, upon whichmatter is formed, they will not follow the lawsof matter, although at times they may mimicthe laws of matter. It is almost impossible todetect an individual unit, for in its dance ofactivity it constantly becomes a part of othersuch units, expanding and contracting,pulsating and changing in intensity, in force,and changing polarity. It would be as if thepositions of your north and south poleschanged constantly while maintaining thesame relative distance from one another, andby their change in polarity upsetting thestablility of the planet- except that becauseof the greater comparative strength at thepoles of the units, a newer stability is almostimmediately achieved after each shifting.Even the altruistic motives of the tachion-

pair as cited by Killick parallels similarbehavior of these EE units.

Again from J.R.: The behavior of these unitschanges in the following manner. When a unitis in the act of combining with another, italigns its components in a characteristic way.When it is separating itself from other units,it will align its components in a different way.The polarities change in each case, within theunits. The unit will alter its polarities withinitself, adapting the polarity-design of the unitto which it is being attracted; and it willchange its polarity away from that design onbreaking contact .

Ken Killick has described the mutual actionof several tachion-pairs bonding, as theorigin of standard sub-atomic particlespossessing features known to modernscience such as mass, charge, spin angularmomentum, magnetic moment, etc. Thus,according to tachion energy theory, theelectron attains its validity, and maintains itsstructural integrity, by virtue of relationsbetween the component pair dynamics [see[5]). Since for the bulk of their independentexistence, tachion pairs are in the pre-physical state, we can speculate that theymay actually be superluminal entities.Remarkably, J.R. echoes this view withsimilar notions: …the electron achieves itsvalidity because of these (possiblysuperluminal) orbital units (tachions?).What we see as an electron is not made of thesame things as the orbital units, however; itis an effect…when you change the structureof the electron, you are changing therelationships between the orbital units. Thischange will require an application of energy.It may be possible to construct a chamber thatwould give the electron more freedom.

Whatever we do now in the handling ofelectrons is not giving them enough freedomand we are structuring the way in which theycan appear. The next observation made bySeth could prove to be essential in clarifyingthe true nature of time: … If electrons weregiven more freedom they would affect ournotion of time in perceiving them. Theway the measurements (on electrons)are made forces the electron to appear

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in a particular way, but actually it'sflitting around, seemingly in manyplaces in rapid succession (pulsing inand out of physical reality). Turning tothe structure of elementary particles in [2],Seth offers a similar observation in which hedescribes the electron as commonlyperceived by scientific measurementapparatus, as merely a shadow or facade ofthe actual electron entity which constitutesa multi-dimensional structure.

In terms of a structural model for theelectron, Seth says it would be moreappropriate to view these units as composedof interrelated fields rather than as the currentconception of a particle or a wave.Correspondingly, both of these criteria arekey elements of the tachion theory, whichposits the electron as composed of two-pairtachion fields. The electron achieves itsstability-integrity from the interaction ofthese free-wheeling units.

Electron Spin and Structure ofFundamental Time

The electron "spin" feature is also claimed tobe integral to the exhibit of "time's arrow" inUR [2]: The electron spin determines time"sequences" from your viewpoint. In thoseterms, then, a reversed spin is a reversed timemotion…electrons, however, spin in manydirections at once, an effect impossible for youto perceive. You can only theorize about it.There are "electromagnetic momentums" thusachieved and maintained- certain stabilitiesthat operate and maintain their own integrity,though these may not be "equal" at all portionsof the spin. There are equalities set up"between" the inequalities…time, in yourterms, then, is spinning newly backward assurely as it is spinning newly into the future.And it is spinning outward and inward(pulsing inward and outward of physicalreality) into all probabilities simultaneously.

It is vital that you understand this inward andoutward "thrust" of time, however, andrealize that from this flows the consecutiveappearance of the moment. The thrustinggives dimension to time that so far you havenot even begun to realize…This inward and

outward thrusting allows for severalimportant conditions that are necessary forthe establishment of " relatively" separate,stable universe systems. Such a system mayseem like a closed one from any viewpointwithin itself. Yet this inward and outwardthrusting condition effectively sets up theboundaries and uniqueness of each universalsystem, while allowing for a constant give-and-take of energy among them. By theirunique operation , the EE-units, which formthe elementary particles such as the electron,serve as the conduit for this energy flow onceit is transduced by elements of thought thatSeth terms "consciousness units"(CUs).Continuing in UR on this subject Sethdescribes how time can be alternatelycreated or "broken down" : Theconsciousness units serve as source points or"holes" (Black holes or White holes?) throughwhich energy falls into your system or isattracted to it- and in so doing, forms it. Theexperience of forward time and theappearance of physical matter in space andtime and all the phenomenal world, results.As CUs leave your system, time is brokendown. Its effects are no longer experienced asconsecutive, and matter becomes more andmore plastic until its mental elements becomeapparent . These observations arecorroborated by Kryon in his dissertations tofollow.

Specifically, in the Kryon channelings,further insight on this electron "freedom" isgiven in the context of change of frequency:…There is something we call the electron hazewhich is around the nucleus of the atom. Thespace between the energy haze and thenucleus (which is great), varies more than youthink in matter. As the space varies, the speed(frequency) of the haze must change. It is inthe physics where the speed of the haze isstrong and fast that you have a different time-frame than your own…you have not yetaccepted that an object can seem to bestationary- yet traveling (vibrating) very fast.Not in a linear time from point A to point B,but in the electron haze of its vibrating parts.

J.R. corroborates these comments in thisdissertation: Einstein considered relationshipsof this sort that hold in the far universe as oneincreases velocity towards the speed of light,

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but there are also "inner" situations (alteredstationary states) that relate thesequantities, and that are much easier to getinto. In regards to atomic structure to allowfor frequency changes, Kryon adds: What is itthat makes the distance between the partschange? This is the puzzle for the scientists. Forthe area between the nucleus and the energyhaze although vast, is not void. It is a patternedsoup of energy (the so-called "vacuum"), andit is within the pattern of this null that changesthe distance, and therefore the speed(frequency) of the haze.

Mass, gravity and time are intimatelyrelated to this frequency change in theatom. Witness the comments from J.R: Timeexists as an invisible drag on matter andthis is interpreted as gravity. Time exertsa definite force like gravity, and this isconnected with the behavior of theelectron. However, since we always look atelectrons in a certain way and gravity in acertain way, we miss the connection. And thisrelated comment as well: There is anotherequation to be discovered that expresses therelation between time, mass and gravity.Kryon reiterates this sentiment, along withrelatively detailed scientific information:Gravity is an absolute product of thecharacteristics of mass and time…one of whichyou may change.

What has been missing so far in your thoughtsis how gravity is related to time, and that theentire issue of gravity, mass and time is non-linear. You have yet to develop the formulaof physics. It is not here yet, and we are goingto give you three attributes of the formula, butwithout the formula. These attributes areunderstood but the way they relate aremisunderstood. Your science is just nowbeginning to see the shadows of them,however. The first attribute of the formula isthe ability to understand the density of mass.Why is the electron haze so far from thenucleus? We have told you that you canchange this distance, and in doing so, thedensity will change in the mass that is definedby the atoms being shifted. The electron hazewill have to vibrate faster (this is possibly the"freedom" referred to earlier by J.R.), thecloser it is to the nucleus; when the electron

haze vibrates faster, its time-frame will shift.Therefore, the second attribute of the formulais a time-shift, and they go together. Also, beaware that you make an erroneousassumption that the actual speed(frequency?) of the electron haze mustalways be the same no matter what thedistance. This is not understood yet either.There is a difference between speed (velocity/translatory rate) and vibratory rate, and ithas to do with the actual physical definitionof the electron haze.

Mass discrimination is the ability to controlthe density of mass. With a density shift willcome a time-shift, and with a time-shift willcome a third attribute…we will call thereality of location, or where the matter is…in which dimensional reality it goes to whenshifted. Here is an axiom: shifts indimensionality when matter ischanged in this fashion create a realitywhere the matter has to be to exist inits new form . It might be inches fromwhere you changed it or miles. That dependson how much it got changed. The difficultthing to explain to you is a concept that hasnot been recognized… that matter has areality index, and that its core attributes arelinked to where it exists in time and space.Therefore, the three attributes that mustwork together are density, time-frameand location.

Electromagnetic FieldManipulation of Cosmic Lattice

and Time-Space-Matter

In regards to tapping this (mass-free) energy-haze-soup, between the atomic nucleus andelectron shells, Kryon speaks thusly: There'ssomething we are going to call APD (atomicphasic displacement). This is a term that isgoing to refer to the ability to tap the (Cosmic)Lattice for unlimited energy. The CosmicLattice is balanced, but it is not quiet. TheLattice has astounding power. It has a flow ofenergy that I cannot explain to you, for thereis no paradigm model for it yet in yourthinking. Therefore, you would not easilyunderstand. The Lattice has vents that we canbest describe as necessary for the flow ofenergy. It balances the slight inequity of the

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polarity. The vents also have to do withtime…you will always find two vents together.One will be prominent, the other will besecondary. You might graphically and clearlysee one, but you will have to look carefully tosee its partner. There are always two. This isan axiom or physical rule of the Lattice energy,and of the universe: This informationremarkably parallels Killick's teachings ontachion energy pairs.

Witness this Kryon pronouncement: Hidingwithin common atomic structure is amarvelous peek at something that will totallyand completely mystify you, for it will seem tobreak all the laws of time and space. The"twins" are a pair of atomic parts that alwaysrelate to each other, and are always found inpairs. You will discover that when stimulatedcorrectly, they will always move together as apair. When you start separating them bydistance to experiment, they will continue tomove exactly together. If one's energy isconverted, then the other will do the same. Thiswill cause you to totally reexamine your ideasof time and space, for this condition will notfollow the "ultimate speed" of transmissionthat you thought was correct…that of the speedof light. You will have discovered somethingthat travels faster than you can ever measure .Compare this statement with the torsionenergy claimed by the Russians to travel at abillion times light speed [10].

In returning to the discussion on how to tapthe Cosmic Lattice for energy, Kryoncontinues: The vents are very necessary for thebalance of your universal energy. The ventsare also energy portals,(drains, to you), andare where the front of each Lattice cell touchesthe back…Like so many other physicalprocesses, however, its going to take atremendous amount of energy in order tounbalance even one cell's null attribute…Onceyou understand how to" prod" the null tounbalance itself, you will be rewarded with asteady flow of energy, far beyond what you putinto it. This is accomplished since you createyour own tiny "vent". An unbalanced cellcreates a situation where the other cellsaround it will try to" feed" energy to the onethat is unbalanced. This creates a tap that willpull upon the Lattice indefinitely, as long as

your work matches the properties the Latticeexpects to see. Kryon further expands on thespecific method to accomplish this…Here'show it works. Two magnetic fields together,postured in the correct way- a way that is verythree-dimensional in your thinking process-will create a "designed magnetic field" that isvery specific.

It's one you have never seen, and does not existnaturally. Start with trying several magneticfields postured against one another- ofunequal force and pattern, and at rightangles. Don't make any assumptions. Thinkfreely. Done in the right fashion, these two fieldswill create a third pattern which is unique andis the product of the original two. This thirdcustom-created pattern is the one that youwant to deal with, and is the one that has thepotential of manipulating the Lattice. Onceyou have created it, you will know of its specialqualities by how dramatically it changes thephysics around it. And this importantadmonishment is given: Here is a caution.Keep this experiment away from your body.Keep the experiment in check with yourscientific methods. Go slowly. Understandwhat you're seeing before you go on to the nextstep. Do not expose yourself to any magneticfields. Remotely conduct all energyexperiments. Remember that magnetics alsoplays an important part within your body(DNA components).

Here is another. Understand that if youunbalance the Lattice too grandly and toogreatly, you will have a time displacement,

. . .your math told you thatthere might be a possibility ofinvisibility and that was yourgoal. This was again becauseyou did not understand thatbecause the distance betweenthe parts change, it doesn'tnecessarily mean that theoverall size will dramaticallychange or that i t mightvanish...

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for the process also involves the property oftime…One of the actual physical players in thecreative process of unbalancing the Lattice isthe manipulation of the time-frame of matter.This is not time travel, but timedisplacement. It is where you are actuallyaddressing tiny parts of matter, and changingthe time-frame they are in. When the inequityof time-frames meet one another (mattermixed up with differing time attributes), theresult is a displacement of distance (reality oflocation). Although there is no horrendousdanger for Earth within this timedisplacement, it can and will affect the localsituation within the experiment. In otherwords, it can create a matter-distorting effect,completely stopping the experiment, andactually dislocating the parts. We are not goingto say any more about this at the moment, butthe more astute scientific minds reading thiswill go to the next obvious step…and theanswer is "yes", the Lattice is also the key toquick travel of large physical objects…even ofvery short distances.

Possible DocumentedDemonstrations of Time-Space


Such fantastic transformations werepossibly evident in the Hutchisonexperiments [11], in which metal sampleswere catastrophically fractured whenexposed to radiation from the uniqueelectromagnetic field effect. It was alsonoticed that many physical objects ofdifferent composition which were separatein space before the electromagnetic fieldwas applied, became inexplicablyembedded in each other once these objectswere radiated by the field effect. Forinstance, pieces of wood containedmetal knives, etc. Other metal sampleswere catastrophically fractured in theirmolecular-atomic crystal arrangement,producing a substance which was uniformand geometrically symmetrical at one endbut appeared to have the resemblance ofcorrugated cardboard at the other.

Also, similar to Kryon's assertion of theinevitability of time-shift with mass altering

phenomena, in Hutchison's workanomalous inertial impulses were recordedon film, sometimes resulting in thecomplete lift/levitation of varioussubstances of different mass. We notice alsoanomalous inertial impulses were a featureof the Zinsser "kinetobaric" effect [12], inwhich due to excitation by sawtoothmicrowave impulses with very fast risetime, a sample attached to a torsionbalance, deflected the balance for days andweeks after the original excitation wasextinguished. Notice the similarity betweenthese results and those of the Kozyrevexperiments, some of which reportedlyfeatured a memorizing preservation effecton a torsion balance, etc.

We also find additional confirmation from thebasically anecdotal evidence from the allegedlegendary Philadelphia Experiment in 1943,which apparently caused either large time- orspace (teleportation) shifts in a Navy ship. Infact, in another piece Kryon himself possiblyspeaks directly about the PhiladelphiaExperiment, providing us with further insightinto important possible new paradigms fortime, mass and energy: In all your questionsregarding magnetics and the masslesscondition, you have never asked about whathappened in your year 1943. You tried tocreate a massless condition with coarseequipment and little understanding of whatyou were doing. In the process you actually didcreate an unstable massless condition for amoment. Its instability created a situationwhere, instead of a true massless condition, youreceived one where the time-frame changedbut the parts within the sphere of the timechange did not have the fine-tunedsynchronicity needed for a massless object. Theresult was an actual distance displacement ofthe object instead of a true massless condition.Indeed, humans were involved on the largeobject and their biology was damaged greatly.Your experiment was done in an atmosphereof desperation, and your goal was flawed. Foryour math told you that there might be apossibility of invisibility and that was your goal.This was again because you did notunderstand that because the distance betweenthe parts change, it doesn't necessarily meanthat the overall size will dramatically change(or that it might vanish).

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Although this may seem like a paradox to you,the internal mechanics of small particlebehavior supports this. The change ismeasurable but very small, much like whathappens with heat and chill…Many of youhave guessed correctly that magnetics andelectricity play a critical role in thedetermination of the real attributes ofmass…and the magnetic variables thatdetermine the mass product, are oftenworking within very small particles to createthe density of an object and also its time-frame. The time frame of a massless object isslightly different than your own, making youto appear slightly slower than the masslessobject. Its reaction to more traditional massmolecules around it is also predictable:because of the very slight time displacement,it tends to change the number of electronswithin the atoms directly in contact with it.This is a clue on how to detect a masslessobject even if you can't see it.

The reason you felt the object (ship) wouldvanish was that you were able to simulate a"vanishing" in the laboratory with smallerobjects. This observation was not consistenthowever, so you again were in desperationto try this experiment on a larger object. The"vanishing" was an illusion and was due toa distance displacement rather than an "inplace" vanishing…does this give you a clue tolong distance travel using magnetics and thevibratory rate of matter?… Only one humanon the planet has ever captured a truemassless condition, and even this was acoarse one and lasted for only for a fewmoments that were uncontrollable in scope.This massless condition was created in theprimitive workshop of a great electricalscientist in your culture on the Americancontinent not too long ago. If you were ableto visit his workshop, you would note the holesin the ceiling and the patched glass-coveredlight port where his massless objects took offand wildly flew everywhere. If he had beenborn 50 years later he would have been ableto control the attributes of the experiment. Asit was, he did not have the precision tools youhave now to direct and control such anexperiment. It was his great passion tounderstand this phenomena, but because itwas so uncontrollable and sporadic, he was

never able to bring others to see it work, forhe could not accurately create it consistently.This depressed him in his later years, for hiswas a great three-dimensional mind…Whenasked the identity of this scientist Kryonreplied: The inventor of your multi-phasecurrent, born in the land you now callYugoslavia.

From the above information, there emergesa remarkably consistent picture suggestingthat atomic structure may not be as rigid orimmutable as formerly thought. Changingthe fundamental frequency of vibration ofatomic structure can perhaps apparentlynot only change the density of matter byaltering the distance of electron shells fromthe nucleus, but in so doing alter the time-frame of that object, its mass and also thereality of location of that substance.Certainly, the implications of the Kozyrevresearch, among others, can possibly formthe basis for the eventual technologicalimplementation of these futuristicprinciples. Perhaps those experimentingwith the relatively detailed data providedby Kryon on APD can actually realize thiscoveted goal.

Maverick New Theories in PhysicsSuggest Fluid Nature for Time,

Space, Energy

The Dirac theory is to be understood as atheory of the electron with electromagneticinteractions. It consists of the Dirac wavefunction and its properties, including theDirac equation and relations to physicalvariables such as energy-momentum, spinand position probability current. In spite ofits indisputable mathematical successes, theDirac theory is still without a completelysatisfactory physical interpretation. Inparticular, the so-called zitterbewegung("jitter motion") is a distinctive feature of theDirac theory which continues to be thesubject of conflicting interpretations in thestandard scientific literature. The concept ofzitterbewegung was introduced bySchrodinger to interpret high frequencyoscillations in free-particle wave packets ofthe Dirac theory. These oscillations withangular frequency 2mc2/h arise from

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interference between positive and negativeenergy components of a wave packet.Schrodinger interpreted the oscillations asfluctuations in position of the electron aboutan average motion. However, this concepthas not been interpreted in the bulk of theliterature as having an objective significance,but has erroneously been viewed by standardtheory as a mathematical artifact of the one-particle Dirac theory which does not appearin a correctly formulated quantum fieldtheory.

However, as noted theoretical physicistDavid Hestenes suggests in the first of hisrecent article series in the journal,Foundations of Physics [13], it is only byinterpreting the zitterbewegung literally andobjectively as point particle motion, that acomplete and coherent interpretation of theDirac theory can be achieved. Moreover, thismodel has implications that have not yetbeen previously considered by establishedphysics that relate directly to some of the keyfeatures of sub-atomic behavior enumeratedin the tachion energy theory and also in themicroscopic dynamics of elementaryparticles revealed by the selected esotericchannelings that we have previouslyconsidered in the present exposition.

In particular, it implies that the electron is theseat of a fluctuating electromagnetic fieldwhich oscillates with the DeBroglie frequencyof the electron (1.6 x 1021cycles/sec).

Thus, it tells us that a kind of electromagneticwave-particle duality is implicit in the Diractheory. Of course, this contradicts theconventional view that wave-particle dualityis a property of matter which is completelyindependent of the nature of its interactions.If the zitterbewegung is an objectivephenomenon, then it originates fromelectron self-interaction, since it persists inthe absence of external fields. In this newtheory which considers the zitterbewegungas an objective physical phenomenon, theelectron mass and spin can be identified withthe energy and angular momentum ofelectromagnetic interaction. It suggests thatthe self-interaction is such that there existcertain stable, non-radiating but acceleratedstates of motion; in particular, for a free

particle, this implies motion in a circle withthe radius of a Compton wavelength- thezitterbewegung. The zitterbewegung impliesthat some of the mass, at least, is kinetic self-energy associated with a spin, and itreconciles the mass with a zero mass of thebare electron. Thus, according to this boldnew theory, the electron spin arises from ahelical world-line in spacetime. To be sure,some researchers have previously postulatedsuch a helical electron dynamics.Unfortunately, such models have failed toexplain why a helical motion for spin shoulddepend on interference between positiveand negative energy states or why thezitterbewegung should depend on the way awave packet is constructed, or even how thezitterbewegung can be the origin for electronspin despite the fact that it vanishes for planewave states that certainly describe a particlewith spin.

The Hestenes model does offer anexplanation for such effects and accounts forthe ubiquitous feature of spin angularmomentum as a function of thezitterbewegung. The essentialunprecedented feature of the Hestenes'zitterbewegung idea is the association of thespin with a local circulatory-helical motioncharacterized by the phase factor of theelectron wave function.

Thus, we reach the conclusion that thecomplex phase factor of the electron wavefunction can be associated directly with anobjective helical motion of the electron,which is, in turn, a derivative of thezitterbewegung. Although the idea of helicalmotion connected with the electron hasbeen considered before, it has not previouslybeen related to electron phase to produce acomplete interpretation of the Dirac theory.

Moreover, in the next installment of hisdissertation [14], Hestenes argues that thezitterbewegung is not only an objectivedynamical phenomenon associated withthe electron, but is a ubiquitousphenomenon, with manifestation in everyarea of quantum mechanics, even in thenon-relativistic domain. For instance, byshowing that spin angular momentum can

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be regarded as angular momentum of thezitterbewegung fluctuations, thezitterbewegung interpretation of the Diractheory begun by Hestenes in reference 13provides an explanation for the electronspin and magnetic moment in the physicalcirculation of momentum and charge. Italso explains the mass as the energy of thiscirculation. Thus, the origin of thezitterbewegung is attributed to self-interaction of the electron with its ownelectromagnetic field. The relations derivedby Hestenes in this article suggests that theinteraction is of magnetic origin, since ithas the form of a Larmor precession energyif spin angular momentum is proportionalto a self-generated magnetic field. The so-called "rest mass" of the electron is thus akinetic energy of self-interaction. It is thisthat gives the electron its inertialproperties, and the flywheel-like nature ofthis inertia may be the ultimate origin ofspin dependence in electron scattering.And the Heisenberg Uncertainty relationscan now be attributed to the"zitterbewegung fact" that an electroncannot be confined to a region smaller thana Compton wavelength. Also, the stationarystates of a bound electron exhibit aresonance of the orbital frequency withharmonics of the zitterbewegungfrequency, which is imposed formally in thestandard theory by requiring single-valuedness of the wave-function. Evidently,such resonances, so prominent in quantummechanics, can be interpreted aszitterbewegung resonances. This leads to anew explanation of penetration of apotential barrier by sub-atomic particles asdue to zitterbewegung fluctuations inmomentum, and the Aharonov-Bohmeffect as a shift in zitterbewegung phase.The zitterbewegung phase factor literallyrepresents a physical rotation. The rotationrates of this phase in time and spacedirections are the source of the electron'senergy, mass and momentum.

In his third paper [15], Hestenes draws a closerrelation of the zitterbewegung dynamics tothe Dirac theory by suggesting that the latteractually describes a statistical ensemble ofpossible electron motions, which are actuallygoverned by the zitterbewegung sub-

structure. Since the energy-momentum of theelectron can now be interpreted in terms of arotation rate in the spin-plane, Hestenes thenderives a corresponding relation whichdefines a variable mass for the electron-another unprecedented idea which is inagreement with the information given byKryon in his dissertations and Ken Killick'stachion theory. The mass m, the scalar radiusof curvature r and the zitterbewegungfrequency all covary with changes in therotation rate in the electron spin-plane.Hestenes obtains a relation demonstratingthat the electron mass is inverselyproportional to the zitterbewegungfrequency. This conforms to the relativisticconcept of mass as a measure of energycontent. But here, mass is concluded to beprimarily a frequency measure. This alsoconforms to DeBroglie's original idea that theelectron contains an internal clock withfrequency determined by its mass, though fora free particle, the zitterbewegung frequencydiffers from the DeBroglie frequency by afactor of 2. Moreover, the new key relationderived by Hestenes: m.r = 1/2h (h, Planck'sconstant), says that this frequency measuresthe radius of curvature of the electron world-line, so it is a thoroughly geometrical quantity.Thus, as mass increases the radius of curvaturedecreases, in concert with the tachiondynamics as well. All this suggests that theelectron mass relates our externally imposedtime scale to a time scale intrinsic to theelectron.

The reader can see that the informationtransmitted by J.R. is also remarkably similarin this connection. It should be evident thatthere is introduced a new concept of masshere, though, to a certain extent, it was alreadyimplicit in the Dirac theory. The formerlyvague concept of mass as some kind ofmaterial stuff is completely gone. Also, nolonger is vanishing mass a distinguishingfeature of particles moving with the speed oflight.

Corroborating Research onOscillatory-Fluid Nature for Time

In his recent thought-provokingdissertation [16], Tom Bearden relates of

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the dynamic influence of time on amaterial system: "But we can alsolegitimately state that 'time is energy' andbe rigorously accurate…Time is extremelycompressed EM spatial energy…Withoutfurther elaboration, we speak of a 'mass'in which a small portion exists as'masstime' rather than mass, as havingbeen 'time-charged' or 'time-excited'.

The t-polarization wave in the timedimension is quite unique: The spatialenergy of the wave is in equilibrium andnot vibrating at all; instead, the photonscomprising the wave are vibrating in theirtime-components… In short, mass m ischanged into masstime mt by photonabsorption… Rigorously, a mass does notreally 'travel through time' continuously,per se, but proceeds with an overall serialchange mechanism, driven by its totalvirtual and observable photoninteractions, as m→ mt→ m→ mt→…Wepropose that this may account for theduality of particle and wave…The particleactually oscillates at a high rate betweenthe m and mt states… Mass 'travels throughtime' by an extremely high oscillationbetween corpuscle-like state and wave-like state". Notice how Bearden'sdescription of the macroscopic operationof time on a physical system closelyparallels Hestenes' proposed model for ofthe zitterbewegung dynamics at the sub-atomic level which provides the electron(and possibly photons, etc.), with a time-substructure (its internal "clock").

We can see many other places in Bearden'streatise where the unique terminologychosen can now be put into directreference with equivalent concepts andunique phraseology employed by many ofthe researchers examined in the currentexposition. This cross-referencingcertainly provides much neededclarification about key ideas for researcherscurrently involved with the developmentof this fledgling discipline that we shallterm causal mechanics, after Kozyrev'sdesignation.

All such efforts will help to place investigativeendeavors currently scoffed at by

establishment science on a firm rationalfoundation, as well as assist in synthesizingseemingly disparate but surprisingly related"anomalous" phenomena. For instance, toimplement the science he has termed"vacuum engineering", Bearden often speaksof the necessity of establishing a "local time-stress of the vacuum potential ". Thisprocess, which as we hope to have shownhere is completely legitimate, is identical towhat Smith calls creating a "tempic fieldgradient", Kozyrev's "alteration of time-density", or Alexander Frolov's "change in thelocal time-rate".

It can clearly be seen that such ideas can onlybe perceived as science fiction fantasy, if weobserve strict adherence to all currentreceived paradigms (even in superstringtheory), which consider space and timepurely from their relational standpoints.These theories must of necessity involvemodels employing scalable metrics for theirproper description. However, once weembrace the novel view posited here thatvacuum energy is primary and both localspace and time are derivatives of this mass-free non-scalable dynamic non-localoscillating substratum, then we can conceiveof space and time properly ascomplementary aspects of non-localconscious reality, neither fixed in a scalablemanner or subservient to the other, but fluidand mutually interdependent features ofenergy in constant flux (see the related ideasvoiced by A. Correa and P. Correa in I).

With this approach we will then come toacknowledge the technological feasibilityof many of the "futuristic" claims made inthe channeled transcripts. For instance, wecan see that it will no longer be necessaryto propel elementary particles torelativistic velocities, or to probeastrophysical systems possessing largegravitational fields, to recognize alterationsin space, time and mass parameters, sincethese phenomena can equally as well beaccomplished in the laboratory bymodifying atomic structure of stationarymatter through electromagnetic means.Once again, peruse the Kryon dissertationson this process, for it may be key to futuretechnology.

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For those who wish to further investigate thesetheoretical possibilities, the papers ofA. A. Nassikas are recommended. Nassikas haspostulated what very few researchers beforehim have theorized: the existence of a ground-form probability density function for energy, asa necessary precursor to the malleable(deformable) characteristics of time and space[18]. One of Nassikas' conclusions is significantin light of ideas articulated in the presentexposition concerning the hypotheticaltachion-pair model for reality (see I). Here werefer to the key push-pull oscillatory("breathing") operation between space andtime, which may be responsible for thestructural integrity of matter as we know it(again re-read the Hestenes zitterbewegungmodel).

Researcher Alexander Frolov has takenNassikas' theory even further to suggest anexplanation for the anomalous over-unity effect that has continually beendemonstrated in low-energy nuclearreactions (LENR) over the past decade [19].In such so-called "cold fusion" cells thePalladium cathode is over-saturated withprotons, producing a local imbalance in thevacuum engine, causing a local alteration inthe time-frame of the experiment tocompensate the local change in energydensity. Subsequently, as Frolov claims,this time-frame change converts non-local time-energy directly into heatenergy, similar to Kozyrev'sdescription of energy production bystars. Perhaps this observation mightprovide the hitherto missing key in ourunderstanding of fusion by electrolyticaction.

Conclusions and Prospects

In the preceding paper it is sincerely hopedthat the author has demonstrated ampleevidence that will spur on researchers of akindred spirit towards the development ofnew paradigms for space, energy, mass andespecially time. All these concepts, as well asthe foundations of current classicalelectromagnetic theory, are in need of adrastic overhaul before we can fullyappreciate and understand the operations of

nature as it interrelates the metaphysical-mental realms with the physical level ofreality.

At any rate, the continual appearance ofresearch results, such as the Kozyrev effect,which up to present apparently resistsexplication in terms of conventionalscientific paradigms, certainly offers clearevidence of the incompleteness of ourknowledge of nature, even in thisenlightened era since the dawn of the newmillennium.

Accordingly, hints as to how the Kozyreveffect arises in association with thepostulated active properties of time, and howthe latter interacts with known physicalforces, can assist us towards the developmentof a more comprehensive paradigm whichembraces a wider spectrum of humanknowledge - one in which the currentconundrums rampant in the foundations oftheoretical physics, and biological sciencedisciplines as well, which have hithertoprevented the establishment of a unifiedmodel of all physical interaction, can findsatisfactory solution. Also, such empiricalevidence which generally flies in the face ofcurrent scientific wisdom, presents thegreatest challenge to our ongoing search fornew sustainable energy sources which will beof absolute necessity in the future.

In this light, if formally integrated intoscientific thought, the tenets of tachionenergy theory, which is based on an altruisticmodus operandi, also may hold profoundimplications for the status of our very social,political and religious structures as well.Indeed, unlike the impersonally motivatedinteractions believed to be the basis for forceinteractions in modern sub-atomic physics,which help sustain our illusory belief in thesupremacy of the ego, the philosophical basisof tachion dynamics is an able reminder ofthe humility of purpose which should be theguiding force whatever our walk of life. Liketachion-pairs, in the ideal social structureindividuals will work side-by-side, yetachieving a common accord. United in thecircle of their activity they will work togetherjoyfully in freedom, each with his own task,yet always conscious of the common bond.

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With the full import of these simple truthsappreciated, tachions may afford a rationaljustification of the formerly "unprovable"mystical doctrine of the omnipresentintelligent plan behind the working of theuniverse at all levels of conscious reality. Wewill come to realize the profound truth ofEinstein's vision of ultimate reality couched inhis heretofore cryptic statement, "God issubtle, never malicious".


1 J. Roberts, unpublished remarks as transcribed byW.H. Kautz.2 J. Roberts, The Seth Material, Prentice-Hall, Inc.1970. Pp. 292-298.The "Unknown" Reality, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1986.3 L. Carroll, Alchemy of the Human Spirit, (KryonBook III), The Kryon Writings, 1995.Letters from Home (Kryon Book VI), The KryonWritings, 1998.Passing the Marker (Kryon Book VIII), The KryonWritings, 2000.4 W. Smith, The New Science , Fern-Graphic Pub.,1964.5 D. Reed & K. Killick, "Tachion Energy Theory"(Parts I-IV), Energy Unlimited, 1978-1983.6 A. Correa & P. Correa, "Consequences of the NullResult of the Michelson-Morley Experiment: TheDemise of the Stationary Aether , the Rise of SpecialRelativity and the Heuristic Concept of the Photon",Infinite Energy, no. 38, July-Aug 2001, pp. 47-64."The Sagnac and Michelson-Gale Experiments",Infinite Energy, no. 39, Sept.-Oct. 2001, pp. 32-49.7 N. Kozyrev, "On the Possibility for the ExperimentalInvestigation of the Properties of Time", Time inScience and Philosophy, Prague, 1971, pp. 111-132."An Unexplored World", Soviet Life, 1965.A.P. Levich (ed), On the Way to Understanding theTime Phenomenon (Part II: The ActiveProperties of Time According to N.A. Kozyrev),World Scientific, Singapore, 1996 (rare Englishlanguage excellent critical review of Kozyrev researchand theories).8 M. Lavrentiev, "Detection of the Reaction of Matter toan External Irreversible Process", Sov. Phys. Dokl., Mar1991, vol. 36, no. 3, p. 243.9 M. Lavrentiev et al., "Remote Effects of Stars on aResistor", Sov. Phys. Dokl., Sept 1990, vol. 35. No. 9,p. 818."Detection of the True Position of the Sun", Sov. Phys.Dokl., Nov 1990, vol. 35, no. 11, p. 957."Scanning the Celestial Sphere with a KozyrevDetector", Sov. Phys. Dokl., Apr. 1992, vol. 37, no. 4, p.163.10 D. Reed, "Torsion Field Research and Implicationsfor New Physics and Energy Technologies" Jour. NewEnergy, vol. 4, no. 2, Fall 1999, pp. 151-164 (andreferences therein).

11 J. Hutchison, "The Hutchison Effect Apparatus",Proc. Of the 1 st Symp on New Energy, Denver, May 1994, p. 199."Inside View of the Hutchison Effect", ExtraordinaryScience , vol. III, issue 4, Oct-Dec 1991, pp. 23-26.12 T. Valone(ed), Mechanical Energy fromGravitational Anisotropy, Integrity ResearchInstitute, Washington, DC, 1996.W. Peshka, "Kinetobaric Effect as Basis for a NewPropulsion Principle", Raumfahrt-Forschung , Feb1974 (in German); trans. By D.Reed, Infinite Energy,vol. 4, issue 22, 1998, pp. 52-56.D. Reed, "Translator's Analysis and Comments on theZinsser-Effect Device", Infinite Energy, vol. 4, issue 22, 1998, pp. 57-59.13 D. Hestenes, "Quantum Mechanics from Self-Interaction", Found. Phys., vol. 15, no. 1, 1985,pp. 63-87.14 D. Hestenes, "The Zitterbewegung Interpretation ofQuantum Mechanics", Found. Phys., vol. 20, no. 10,1990, pp. 1213-1232.15 D. Hestenes, "Zitterbewegung Modeling", Found.Phys., vol. 23, no. 3, 1992, pp. 365-387.16 T. Bearden, Extracting and UsingElectromagnetic Energy From the ActiveVacuum, Association of Distinguished AmericanScientists, Huntsville, Alabama, 2000."Giant Negentropy in the Common Dipole", Proc IC-2000, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2000 (in press).17 A.A. Nassikas, The Hypothesis and the Equationsof the Unified Matter Field , in New Ideas in NaturalSciences (Part I: Physics), St. Petersburg, Russia, 1996.18 A. Frolov, Work Created By Means of thePotential Field , in New Ideas in Natural Sciences(PartI: Physics), St. Petersburg, Russia, 1996.

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112 New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

Alexander V. Frolov, Russia7 Lev Tolstoy Str., St. Petersburg, 197376, Faraday Laboratory Ltd.

In one of our issues we published an article about the results of the experiment conducted by S.M. Godinand V.V. Roschin. They started in 1990 at Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) when a technical physicslaboratory was created in Machine Industry Projects Institute at the "Aeropromservice" Association. Theirresearch work was financed by private investors and was continued in close cooperation with Chair310 of MAI, especially with Prof. PhD. L.K. Kovalev, Prof. PhD. V.V. Rybakov and PhD. K.V. Ilyushin. By1991 "a device for inner energy of matter conversion" had been designed and tested (according to theTechnical Design Assignment). The prototype was finished in the middle of 1993 (Fig.1).


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The experiments resulted in thepossibility of creating a 7 kW outputpower in load after the rotor was spedup to 10 rps, but in the autumn of1993 the laboratory was closed due tothe investors' financial problems.Now their research work iscontinuing in Moscow and we hopethe scientists will obtain n e wexperimental results.

You can email S.M. Godin formore information at:[email protected]

Considering the theoretical basis of thefunctioning of these systems I shouldsuggest a number of interesting detailsfor prospective researchers.

S.M. Godin, V.V. Roschin et. al. (Physicsof Negative Viscosity Phenomena. Prof.Victor P. Starr. Massachusetts Instituteof Technology) spoke of vacuum(quantum medium) as a physicalmedium possessing negativeviscosity. At that rate, it is worthmaking assumptions that can be usefulto the developers of this topic. I thinkthat standard (positive) viscosity ofmatter, from the physical point of viewpresupposes the presence of positivefriction and a "work-to-heat" entropytransformation. Consequently,negative viscosity shouldcorrespond to the negentropy cycle"heat is converted to work". This isexactly the stray heat conversion oncedescribed by Tsyolkovsky in 1914.Apparently, the medium of the kindsupports self-sustained vorticescharacterized by the surroundingmedium heat absorption,which was mentioned yet notexplained by S.M. Godin and V.V.Roschin.

It is possible that all the elements ofmatter are the self-sustainable vortexstructures. To mathematically describethese physical mechanisms, thenotions "heat-work-heat"transformation and "time" or"gravitation" should be interrelated.Russian philosopher Pavel D.Uspenskiy had been making relatedresearch since the year 1910.


From the conventional point of view, this device (Fig.1) createsa circulating energy flux described by the Umov-Pointingvector (toroidal vortex) as the roller magnet field vector isvertical and the electric field is radial.

S.M.Godin (on the left) and A.V.Frolov (on the right), St.Petersburg, June 2001.

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114 New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

Review is prepared by Editor Tatiana Ezhova

This year the annual Inventor's Week-endConference was held on September 19-20 inSeattle, Washington. The conference featuredseveral interesting inventions, including MEG.

Bill Alek demonstrated a device that he believedcould let him detect Vortex-Energy. It was attachedto a meter, and his belief was that if he walked intoa naturally-occurring energy vortex carrying thedevice it would show him changes in gravitationaland other energies. He cited the Vortices in SantaCruz and Oregon as examples that might be goodfor experimentation.

Bill Alek

In his report "Introduction to Parametric MassFluctuation - a breakthrough in Energy andInertialess Field Propulsion" Bill Alek presented theZ-Pod, developed to test a theory of solid-stateparametric mass fluctuation. Here is the URL for agood overview of the device that he publishedonline at


Z-Pod, Bill Alek

Rio Von Sternberg

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Rio Von Sternberg was presented as the originalinventor of the MEG. He apparently has a patenton the device; however, from his presentation Iunderstand that his configuration is somewhatdifferent than the model that J.L.Naudin andT.E.Bearden have been experimenting with.

Alexander Peterson had a very interestingpresentation on optical-mirror magnetic fieldsystems. The crux of his presentation involvedcutting precise notches into magnetic coils toseparate them into identical optical-isomericshapes. Apparently, by cutting a thin line directlydown the center of the transformer-core is believedby Peterson to increase the efficiency of electricmotors by up to 50%.

Alexander Peterson

Mark Plotkin, a well-known Washington DCattorney also took part in the conference. He isinterested in new energy technologies and workswith new technologies in collaboration with MarkWhitford at The photo of Markshows him rotating a steel coil apparatus that waspassed around the conference by Slim Spurling.

Mark Plotkin

Slim Spurling is an inventor from the Southwest,shown holding a helical-wound coil that he claimsprovides health benefits through an interface withzero-point energy. Spurling's belief is that thisspecific circumference of the coils provides a"Casimir-like Effect" that concentrates the energy.

Slim Spurling

Donald Smith

Note: Donald Smith, a well-known inventor, alsotook part in this year's conference. His work isdescribed in more detail in a separate article of thisissue.

Full information on the conference andreports is presented at http://

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116 New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

№ 6,290,622 (7/18/01)Mechanical Force Generator

Murray, Lawrence D.

№ 6,259,177 (7/10/01)Motion Imparting System

Deschamplain, Daviv

№ 5,966,986 (10/19/99)Propulsion System

Laul, Virgil R.

№ 5,890,400 (4/06/99)Apparatus for Generating

a Propulsion ForceOades, Ross A.

№ 6,089,511(7/18/00)Method & Apparatus

for PropulsionRasmussen, James K.

№ 5,937,698 (8/17/99)Centrifugal Propulsi

on SystemKunz, William T.

Information from

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117New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

№ 5,410,198 (4/25/95)Propulsion System

Butka, Kemal

№ 5,860,317 (1/19/99)Gyroscopic Propulsion System

Laithwaite, Eric R. & Dawson, Wm.

№ 5,831,354 (11/03/98) Bootstrap Propulsion

SystemStopplecamp, Timothy J.

№ 5,685,196 (11/11/97) Inertial Propulsion

Plus Device &Engine

Foster, Richard E.

№ 3,492,881 (2/3/70) Prime Mover

Auweele, Albert J. v.

№ 5,673,872 (10/7/97) Apparatus for Energy

Transformation & ConservationShimshi, Ezra.

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118 New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

№ 5,782,134 (7/21/98) Electromagnetically Actuated

Thrust GeneratorBouden, James D.

№ 5,182,958 (2/2/93)Non-Linear Propulsion &

EnergyConversion System

Black, James W.

№ 5,488,877 (2/6/96) Centrifugal

Inertia DriveLieurance, Richard L.

№ 5,156,058Converting Rotary Motion

toLineal Motion

Bristow, Theodore R., Jr.

№ 5,557,988 (9/24/96) Centripetally Impelled

VehicleClaxton, John C.

№ 5,167,163 (12/1/92)Energy Transfer Device

McMahon, John C.

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119New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

№ 5,111,087(5/5/92)Propulsion System

Butka, Kemal.

№ 5,024,112(6/18/91)Gyroscopic Apparatus

Kidd, Alexander D.

№ 4,991,453(2/12/91)Centripedal Device for

ConcentratingCentrifugal Force

Mason, Lyle M.

№ 4,801,111(1/31/89)System for Propulsion &

PositioningRogers, Charles E., et al.

№ 4,784,006(11/15/88)Gyroscopic Propulsion

DeviceKethley, Lancelot I.

№ 5,090,260(2/25/92)Gyrostat Propulsion

SystemDerloy, M.S.& Derloy M.

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120 New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

№ 5,054,331(10/8/91)Controllable

Gyroscopic PropulsionApparatus

Rodgers, A.T.

№ 4,884,456(12/5/99)Centripedal Device for

ConcentratingCentrifugal Force

Zachystal, George J.

№ 4,856,358(8/15/89)Conversion of

Rotational Outputto Linear Force

Montalbano, Paul J.

№ 4,788,882(12/6/88)Flywheel

Fulop, Charles.

№ 4,770,063(9/13/88)Universal Propulsion Powerplant &

Impulse Drive UnitMundo, James D.

№ 5,042,313(8/27/91)Conversion of

Rotational Outputto Linear Force

Montalbano, Paul J.

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121New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

№ 4,744,259(7/17/88)Apparatus for

Producing a DirectionalUnit Force

Peterson, Oscar F.A.

№ 4,409,856(10/18/83)Propulsion System

de Weaver, Fred, III.

№ 4,242,918(1/6/81)Mechanical Propulsion System

Srogi, Ladislaw G.

№ 4,674,583(6/23/87)Impulse Drive

Peppiatt, Alvin C., et al

№ 4,712,439(12/15/87)Apparatus for Producing a Force

North, Henry.

№ 4,579,011(3/1/86)Propulsion Apparatus

Dobos, Elmer M.

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122 New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

№ 4,726,241(2/23/88)Continuous Force & Impact

GeneratorMelnick, Harry S.

№ 4,577,520(3/25/86)Mechanical Propulsion System

Colla, Joseph.

№ 4,238,968(12/16/80)Conversion of Centrifugal Force

to Linear Force &Motion

Cook, Robert L.

№ 4,631,971(12/30/86)Apparatus for

Developing a PropulsiveForce

Thornson, Brandson R.

№ 3,889,453(6/17/75)Propulsion System


№ 4,261,212(4/14/81)Unidirectional

Force GeneratorMelnick, Harry S.

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123New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

№ 3,998,107(12/21/76)Converting Rotary Motion

intoa Unidirectional Linear

MotionCuff, Calviv I.

№ 3,968,700(7/13/76)Converting Rotary Motion

into aUnidirectional Linear Motion

Cuff, Calvin I.

№ 3,979,961(9/14/76)Propelling an Object by an

Unbalanced CentrifugalForce...

Schnur, Nicolas J.

№ 4,398,431(8/16/83)Mechanical Power Transmitting

SystemMelnick, Harry S.

№ 4,347,752(9/7/82)Converting Rotary Motion

toa Rectilinear ForceDehen, Frederick L.

№ 3,555,915(1/19/71)Directional Force Generator

Young, Hersey W., Jr.

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124 New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

№ 3,810,394(5/14/74)Centrifugal

Mechanical DeviceNovak, Leo J.

№ 3,807,244(4/30/74)Device for Transforming Kinetic

EnergyEstrade, Fernand.

№ 3,750,484(8/7/73)Centrifugal

Thrust MotorBenjamin, Paul M.

№ 3,916,704(11/4/75)Vibratory Motion

Gaberson, Howard A.

№ 3,863,510(2/4/75)Inertia Engine

Benson, Everett H.

№ 3,756,086(9/4/73)Propulsion System

McAlister, Roy E., et al.

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125New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

№ 3,683,707(8/15/72)Propulsion

SystemCook, Robert L.

№ 3,653,269(4/4/72)Converting

Rotary Motioninto

Unidirectional MotionFoster, Richard E.

№ 3,584,515(6/15/71)Propulsion Apparatus

Matyas, Laszlo B.

№ 3,266,233(8/16/66)Inertia Propulsion

DeviceFarrall, Arthur W.

№ 3,196,580(7/27/65)Toy Vehicle Having...Self-Contained

Drive MeansRakestraw, Robert G.

№ 3,177,660(4/13/65)PropulsionApparatus

Haller, Paul.

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126 New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

№ 4,095,460(6/20/78)Converting

Rotary Motion intoUnidirectional Motion

Cuff, Calvin I.

№ 4,087,064(5/2/78)Orbital


Knap, George.

№ 3,182,517(5/11/65)Variable

Oscillation SystemDean, Norman L.

№ 3,203,644(8/31/65)Gyroscopic

Inertial Space DriveKellogg, H. Dudley

№ 2,639,777(5/26/53)Method & Device for Imparting

Lateral MovementDull, Marshall L.

№ 2,886,976(5/19/59)System for

Converting Rotary Motion intoUnidirectional Motion

Dean, Norman L.

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127New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

№ 3,404,854(10/8/68)Apparatus for

Imparting Motion to aBody

di Bella, Alfio.

№ 3,238,714(3/8/66)Thrust Motor

Schur, George O.

№ 2,009,780(7/30/35)Centrifugal Variable Thrust

MechanismLaskowitz, Isidor B.

№ 2,088,115(7/27/37)Reaction Motor

Neff, Tom.

№ 2,636,340(4/28/53)Direct Push

Propulsion UnitLlamozas, Juan D. M.

№ 5,150,626(9/29/92)Translational Force

GeneratorNavarro, T. L.

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128 New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

In the previous issue we wrote about the invention ofBogomolov V. I. The device shown in Fig.1 (and also onthe cover) was constructed and tested in our laboratory.

Fig. 1 The Device

The simplified diagram is known as "Maxwell'sPendulum" (Fig.2). This is a disk set onto the horizontalaxis with two attached strings. The upper ends of thestrings are fixed to the crossbar.

Fig. 2

This experiment is conducted by Faraday Lab Ltdin cooperation with V. I. Bogomolov

If we wind the strings about theaxis, the disk will lift (the height h)and store the potential energy ofthe Earth's gravitational fieldE = mgh (m - mass of the flywheel;g - free fall acceleration; h - theheight of the mass fall). If we let thependulum go, we can observeperiodic "up-and-down" dampedoscillations: first, the string spinsand potential energy converts intorotation kinetic energy; uponreaching the lowest point the disk,still rotating, goes up using rotationkinetic energy and then converts itagain into potential energy. Thisdevice is interesting: due to theenergy conservation law we canobserve the usage of rotationkinetic energy of the flywheel,measuring only the h-parameter,the lift height of the flywheel stringsin the second semi-oscillationcompared to the height with whichthe pendulum started falling in thefirst semi-oscillation, the differenceh1 - h2 of the two semi-oscillationsis directly proportional to the lossesof rotation kinetic energy for airresistance work and friction.

We have made "Maxwell'sPendulum" more complicated bysubstituting the flywheel disk forthe Watt centrifugal governor inaccordance with its description inthe article (1). The main differenceof the device from Maxwell'sflywheel is that the flywheel inertiamomentum changes by thecentrifugal force operation at thelever transferring of weights (thetotal weight - 1200 g) from theminimum radius position (40 mm)to the maximum radius position

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(90 mm). At that, the levers compress thestring with the force of about 16 N.

There have been three stages of theexperiments. During the first stage we definethe necessary lift height of 1100 mm atmoment when the string winds around theaxle. When the flywheel falls from this height,the rotation speed and centrifugal force areachieved, which move apart the loads to themaximum radius (90 mm) and whichcompletely compress the string. Duringthe second stage the loads are fixed at theminimum radius position (40 mm), thus thecompress string centrifugal forces are notinvolved any more and we can measure theair resistance and friction losses of kineticenergy. At this stage the flywheel lifts upto 980 mm losing 120 mm. During the thirdfinal stage the load fixing rods are taken awayand centrifugal forces are applied. Justlike during the second stage the Wattgovernor starts spin-falling from the heightof 1100 mm. It compresses the string and liftsup to the height of 1030 mm thusexceeding the second stage heightby 50 mm!

The experiment conclusions of theauthor:

1. At the third stage the flywheel exceeds the"loss height" h=980 mm. This means that thecompression of the string was performed "forfree".

2. At the third stage the flywheel convertedkinetic energy into potential energy and liftedup 50 mm more. This means that inaccordance with the principle of conservationof moment of momentum, the outercompressed string energy force hascaused the moment of momentum change ofthe rotating masses, thus giving the additionalacceleration to the flywheel and increasingits kinetic energy "for free"!

3. For the practical application of theBogomolov generator in order to generate freeenergy it is necessary to achieve a high rotationspeed (more than 10 000 rpm) and involvecentrifugal forces to transfer the rotating massto the less possible inertia radius difference.

The described centrifugal regulator diagram isnot sufficient for larger experiments. For theindustrial generator the author has ahydraulic-principle pneumatic string devicedrawing (know-how).

Editor: Also in this issue: the article on "Glen GatesMotor" by A. Akau. The principle is almost the same.The further implementation of this ideamay soondesign purely mechanical power-generatingsystems, which use inertia and centrifugal forces.


1. Bogomolov V.I. "The Bogomolov Generator", NewEnergy Technologies, Issue # 4, 2003.

Magnetic Power Inc. (MPI) is developing Self-Powered Generators. Together with its subsidiary, RoomTemperature Superconductors Inc., (see the website, MPI has raised a

total of more than $7 million from Angel investors to date.

Due to a pleasant surprise, solid-state electric power generators might be fabricated by modifying off-the-shelf utility hardware. If confirmed in coming weeks, this could result in serial fabrication by this

time next year, since large devices of the type needed for conversion are presently manufacturedworldwide.

Multiple modules may prove able to replace power plants. Smaller units appear practical for poweringhomes. Later, optimized designs might replace engines in every variety of vehicle. These generatorsmay make possible very rapid utilization of fuel and pollution free electric power --a revolutionary,

new, renewable energy alternative.

Accredited Angel investors can help speed the work needed to bridge into major capital, andaccelerate this remarkable alternative. Multi-million dollar funding is on the horizon. Additional

information is available privately. We welcome due diligence by qualified parties.

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130 New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

Web site

Hundreds of people for centuries haveattempted to solve the holy grail of energyproduction - Perpetual Motion Machines.Still to this day Eric Kreig gets weekly emailsfrom people who feel they are about to getone working. Eric is very skeptical about freeenergy. But his collection of information isvery interesting. Eric offered a special prizefor those who will agree to publicly test theirover-unity devices.

♦ Villand de Honnecourt 13th centuryhad a drawing of one.

♦ Leonardo da vinci made a number ofdrawings of things he hoped would makeenergy for free.

♦ Jesuit priest, Johanes Taisneriusworked on a magnetic based perpetualmotion machine.

♦ Mimara in 1518 designed a “self-blowing windmill”.

♦ John Dee of 16th century reportedseeing one - but wasn’t allowed a closer look.

♦ Cornelis Drebbel, 1610, was analchemist and magician supposedly madeone.

♦ Robert Fludd 1630 proposed manymachines -people were trying to patentvariations of Fludd’s device in the 1870’s.

♦ Edward Somerset 1638 demonstratedmany free energy water wheels to the king ofFrance.

♦ 1635 - first of many English perpetualmotion machine patents granted. - By 1903,600 such patents had been granted. Freeenergy claimants love impressing people withpatents.

♦ Ulrich von Carnach in 1664 inGermany designed a perpetual ball-movingmachine.

♦ Scientist Jean Bernoulli (1667 - 1748)proposed a fluid energy machine.

♦ Bockler in 1686 made designs for selfpowered water mills.

♦ In 1712 Johann Bessler akaOrffyreus investigated 300 differentperpetual motion models and claimed hehad the secret of perpetual motion and gotmuch investment money.

♦ Dr Conradus Schiviers in 1790 madea belt driven wheel.

♦ Sir William Congreve in 1827 tried amachine running on capillary action.

♦ Britisher Henry Prince1866 describedthe first partially submerged perpetualmotion machine.

♦ Mark Zimara of Italy had a huge airpowered machine that never worked.

♦ Horace Wickmam of the USA got apatent to a machine with many balls that justrotate around.

♦ Austrian, Alois Drasch patented amachine in the US in 1868.

♦ German, George Andreas Bocklerproposed ‘self operating mills’ using variantsof Archimedes screws.

♦ E. P. Willis of Connecticut made moneyoff a perpetual motion machine in 1870 -people eventually found out a secret sourceof power to it.

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♦ Charles Redheffer in 1812 inPhiladelphia made much money on aperpetual motion machine, tried to restrictscientific evaluation, but was eventuallydebunked.

♦ Scottish shoemaker Spence designed amagnetic based machine, which wasdebunked.

♦ John Worrel Keely of Philadelphia in1872 (he also had a traveling show ofexhibitions). He fooled many scientists witha machine, which appeared to run on water.

♦ John Gamgee in 1881 got considerablesupport for a machine very similar to DennisLee’s, which used liquid ammonia - it gotvaporized from heat readily available, thusexpanding it would drive a piston. Gamgeethought the vapor would condense to liquidto start the cycle over again. The Navyappeared to have been fooled and showed itto president Garfield - it never went anywhereTom Napier agrees that Dennis Lee may haveresurrected Gamgee’s engine.

♦ J. M. Aldrich was arrested for gettinginvestors for his free energy machine in 1899- he some how was able to avoid convictionand conned many investors. One of whom wasfinally able to inspect the machine found ahidden spring.

♦ T.H. Moray in the 20’s demonstrated a“radiant energy device” to many people whowere unable to find a hidden power source.Some how, the secret was said to have beenforgotten.

♦ Lester Hendershot in 1928 got anArmy commandant to endorse his freeenergy machine - but it was later found tohave a hidden power source in the motor.His sons believe Lester lost his notes and thatmaybe they can rediscover how to get it towork.

♦ Viktor Schauberger claimed to havediscovered some special vortex energy inwater. Since he died in 1958, I don’t know ifhis claims have been replicated, but people arestill studying his works.

♦ Mr Papf in 1966 was a conspiracy believeralternative car engine got a few investors butkilled someone during a demo. He tried toblame the problem on an investigating skeptic.He disappeared and became part of urbanlegend of scores of people, which the bigconspiracy has been silencing for generations.

♦ Guido Franch was convicted of fraud in1954 and 1973 of selling rights to distributelittle green pills that would convert water intogas. He hid behind conspiracy theory andsecrecy to avoid fair testing. A number ofpeople have run this scam and many peoplestill believe there are pill repressed by the oilcompanies.

♦ Garabed T.K. Giragossian in 1917claimed to have a free energy machine. Hewas one of the early frauds to hide behindconspiracy theory. Woodrow Wilson signeda resolution offering him protection fromsome kind of conspiracy. After much fanfare,and delaying tactics his machine turned outto be a giant flywheel, which was charged upwith energy slowly and put out a lot ofenergy for just a second. In spite of lack ofproof of anything significant his followersstill bothered the US congress forrecognition.

♦ Otis Carr in 1958 sold stock for acompany to manufacture UFO’s and freeenergy machines from Oklahoma. He claimedinspiration from Tesla.

♦ Edgar Cayce even babbles about “Motor’swith no Fuel”.

♦ McClintock was claimed to use air as afuel and had a patent.

♦ The Evgray machine scammed manyinvestors (who didn’t know how to test‘depleted’ batteries).

♦ Arnold Burke in 1977 collected$800,000 of investor money (again, mostlyfrom bible believing farmers) for a ‘self actingpump’. He tried to hide behind religion. Hecalled his device Jeremiah 33:3' Finally, anopen test was done in 1979 and found ahidden source of electricity. His believers (with

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an infinite supply of denial) still raised$250,000 to get out of a fraud conviction. Hestill went on making lots of claims with noevidence.

♦ Robert Adams in 1977 made all kindsof conspiracy and OU claims in NewZealand. Many still believe in the AdamsMotor. - He had the obligatory battles overpatents, debates over theory, debates overpower measurement and dabbling in otherareas of alt physics. He’s 80 years old and saidto have a scientific education.  He has a lotof theories about Aether. Skepticalinformation.

♦ Robert Stewart in 1978 got over$3,000,000 of investment money (much fromfarmers) for a closed cycle engine using freonrather than water. This ‘engine’ used the samescheme John Gamgee tried to sell the navy in1882. -Eric Krieg thinks this is the sameapproach Dennis Lee’s free energy machineworks on. I think he just faded away (peopleclaim he was silenced).

♦ Rory Johnson of Elgin Illinois, claimedto have invented a cold fusion, laser activated,magnetic motor that produced 525 HP,weighed 475 lbs, and would propel a largetruck or bus 100,000 miles. After signing anumber of dealers, he moved all his equipmentout of his labs, moved to CA and died. (To thisday, folks say he was silenced by OPEC).

♦ RJeseph Maglich was a physicist andclaimed to have a device in 1978, whichharnessed fusion power from seawater. Theysay they put power in and get more power out.I’ve never heard of them since.

♦ Howard Johnson got a patent for adevice that claimed to make free energy froma motor like device. As of 11/02, Stephen wasclaiming he would soon mail out samples ofworking ones. By 12/12/02, Stephen droppedout of contact.

♦ Keith Kenyon had a device claimed toproduce more energy than consumed.Calculations seemed to not take powerfactor (also known as phase angle) intoaccount. It never openly had its output

hooked up to its input. Even Dennis Lee tellshis followers that all the over unity motors(claim to make more electricity thanconsumed) usually just fool people whocan’t measure power factor.

♦ Muller: Bill Muller and Carmen Muller ofGermany raised money on an over unity motorand got a few followers, but never actuallydemonstrated one working.

♦ Dennis Lee Since 1988 has beenpromising to demonstrate free electricity“in a month or two”. He is much likeNewman in his mixture of religion &extremist politics, evasion of qualifiedinvestigators, endless promises, threateningdetractors, etc. He had a Fischer engine, aCRD device and now, and OU motor device.Dennis has invested in Searle and StanleyMeyer and joined Pantone in 2001 in a 50state tour.

♦ Stanley Meyer 1996 claimed to have awater powered car and was also big on mixingChristianity and patriot politics in with fringescience.  Meyer was found guilty of fraud afterhis Water Fuel Cell was tested before an Ohiojudge. It is rare for an inventor to be prosecutedfor an invention that does not work, butMeyer’s problem was that he had been selling“dealerships”, offering investors the “right todo business’’ in Water Fuel Cell technology.Meyer refused to allow anyone else to measurehis device. Dennis Lee invested in him. He diedin early 1998.

♦ Joseph Newman in 1984 claimed tohave a free energy machine based onalternative physics. Like many perpetualmotion inventors, he sued the US patentoffice. Many people wrongly measured thetrue power output of this machine, (theydidn’t realize you must specially calculatepower for non sinusoidal currentconsumption). He now refuses to ship a unitfor testing. Ten years ago, inventor JosephNewman gave an open week-longdemonstration in the Super dome in NewOrleans. Over 9,000 people attended fromacross the country (including Dennis Lee whoreportedly wanted to join his ideas withNewman). Newman is suing some former

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investors he claims are trying to steal hisinvention. I give more information. EvanSoule of Newman’s organization offers arebuttal.

♦ Bruce De Palma had a machine in 1986,which appeared to one Electrical Engineeringprofessor to put out 4 times more power thanconsumed. Turned out it was just ameasurement error. (We could go on and onwith such examples).

♦ Dr. Potapov sold a device that wasclaimed to produce more energy thanconsumed.

Editor: Eric’s skeptical remarks can betolerated but sometimes he writes about thethings he does not know. Potapov and histeam have created a technology, which havebeen replicated and sold by dozens ofcompanies in Russia (see the cover picture ofthe Susorov heat generator). There areseveral devices in St. Petersburg to be tested.The efficiency is 200 % and more. Theoperation principle: electric motor rotates inwater and causes the heating of water. Wehave also received the information aboutanother Russian invention, namely the closecycle vortex generator: “water rotation –vapour – turbine – electric power “ (thepower is from 100 kW).

Alexander V. Frolov

♦ John Bedini claims to have a free energydevice.

♦ Mr. Finsrud is a Norwegian artist whomade a sculpture where a metal ball moves forweeks apparently with no outside influence.

♦  Don Watts of Las Vegas in around 1990had a patented CEACU, which stands forCentrifugal Energy Amplification andConversion Unit - it turned out to be one moreinvestment fraud.

♦ Stephan Marinov claimed to haveproven much alternative physics and to havecontacted a Methernitha that claims to have aFree Energy Machine. He committed suicideon July 15, 1997 but he left behind someintense rants.

♦ Greg Watson sold kits for a rolling balland track that were thought to have over unityin 1997. Attempts of replication I know ofhave failed.

♦ CETI These people have claimed to havea device that puts out anomalous yet smallamounts of heat - maybe cold fusion. Theyraised millions. As of 10/97, they have not beenwilling to have me come over and see formyself. They have said, we want people to thinkit doesn’t work so we won’t have competition.I’ve wondered if the energy may have comefrom not accounting for friction effects fromthe cooling flow through the pellets. (JedRothwell, a rational editor of Infinite EnergyMagazine says “however, tests with CETI cellsat Motorola, SRI and the French Atomic EnergyCommission show no measurable friction”). Milton Rothman has a response: “I openlyadmit that I have not followed all the historyof cold fusion claims and am generallyignorant on the subject”.

♦ In January 1998 Barbara Hickoxallegedly has a patent dating from 1981 for afusion powered free energy system.

♦ Paramahamsa Tewari of India claims tohave a device that is 200% efficient.

♦ RQM is a Swiss company selling FEmachines found at

♦ Ted King is looking for people to buystock for a car he plans to drive across thecountry using just 2 12-volt batteries. You cancontact Ted if you want to buy shares.

♦ Bruce Perreault has claimed to havediscovered a new element, the plasmatron, ionpump, radiant energy device, etc. 

♦ Daniel Pomerleau of Canada claims tohave something that works, but he isn’tinterested in releasing it (as 12/97).

♦ Entropy Systems of Ohio 1999 SanjayAmin got 1.6 million investment dollars for adevice that would violate the 2nd law ofthermodynamics.  I’ve asked them to apply formy prize for proof. - They seem to have folded.See a rational review of Amin’s claims.

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♦ Brian Collin of Australia claimsrevelation from God (like most of these people)to make a free energy device. A Stephen Markclaimed he invented it.

♦ Kawai and Takahashi - both of Japanclaimed in the 90’s to have overunity devices. 

♦ Carl Cella claimed to have one of themany cars said to run on water.

♦ Robert LeBreton in 1999 claimed to bemaking a 600 hp free energy machine.

♦ Renzo Boscolio in 1999 in Italy claimedto have low-energy nuclear reactions butrefused to supply real proof that he promisedto people who came out from Infinite EnergyMagazine.

♦ Doug Konzen of Seattle says he has anoverunity motor in Jan of 2000 that anyonecan see.

♦ Troy Reed of Oklahoma was ready toissue licenses for manufacturing hispermanent magnet motor etc. He’s takinginvestment money for a device he claims putsout more heat energy than input energy. Hesays he’s dumped a few million into his designsover the last 10 years and had little interest inmy prize offer when I contacted him in 2001.

♦ Kipper Motor. In 10/00, Steve Elswickthought it was overunity. But David Sligar whopaid $175 for plans could not get it working.

♦ Ludwig Brits and Victor Christie in2001, claim the Lutec free electricity overunity motor/generator will soon be inAustralia. 

♦ Jasker in 2002, an Irish company hasclaimed to have free electricity. (Some havesaid it is just a joke).

♦ Confidential Technology -WayneCochran died 12/29/02 Crazy Jack Careytook over. They have been promising FE soonfor about 20 years now.

♦ Tom Bearden’s MEG device: manyarticles on the Internet.

♦ Gurbakhsh Singh Mann of Indiaclaims to have invented gravity and buoyancyperpetual motion machines.

♦  Michael J. Marshall in Las Vegas has adevice called QSFG , which stands for quickstart fuel-less generator he says 64 nationshave asked him to build factories.

♦ Carl Tilley and Robert Kibbey in 6/2001 in Tennessee have claimed some overunity device and other stuff. Theirdemonstration failed in 9/02 and as of 11/02,they have been evading properdemonstrations.

♦ Stephen Walker in 9/2002 promised tosend me and several others a free energymachine in mail.

♦ PerEnDev promised to make some kindof free energy by means of magnets.

♦ Bill Muller of Canada in 2003 claimed tohave some kind of OU device. Independenttests found it under unity.

♦ Energie: In 2003 this Greek companypromised a homopolar magnet (De Palmadesign) FE design by June of 2003. Theyactively seek investors.

♦ GWE Genesis World Energy In 2002this group claimed to have 400 people whodeveloped some device that sounds like itseparates water into H2 and O2 using lessenergy than mainstream science says ispossible. As of 2003, they have evadedindependent confirmation. More informationis available.

♦ Steven Greer (Disclosure Project) In02.2003, Steven announced he had discoveredsome real sources of Free energy, which hepromised to make sure get proven to thegeneral public.

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1220 L Street NW, Suite 100-232 Washington DC 20005Tel: 800-295-7674Fax: 301-513-5728

www.IntegrityResearchInstitute.orgEmail: [email protected]

Saturday, November 8, 2003Wireless Electricity Seminar

9:30 AM 10:15 AM

Opening Address: “Space Solar Power” – Dr. Paul Werbos Program Director, National ScienceFoundation

10:15 AM 12:15 PM

Special 2-Hour Presentation: “Nicola Tesla and the development of RF Power Systems” - Dr. JamesCorum, Physics Professor, research Scientist and Inventor and Kenneth Corum, Physicist, teacher,consultant.

2:00 Pm 3:00 PM

“Power Engineering Scalar Field Theory: Faraday vs. Maxwell and Longitudinal Wave Demonstration” –Professor Konstantin Meyl, Engineer, Author, Inventor of the Demo-Set, Professor at the Universityof Berlin

3:15 PM 4:15 PM

“Wireless Energy Through the Earth-lonosphere Cavity” – Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher, Nuclear andAstrophysicist, Inventor of the ELF Earthquake Predictor and Triangulator.

4:15 PM 5:15 PM

“Masters of the lonosphere HAARP Modifies the Polar Electrojet” – BBC Video on Tesla Technology,with Wiliam Terbo, demonstrating ionospheric excitation by radio waves.

6:30 PM 7:15 PM

Masters of the Ionosphere – BBC Video Presentation repeated for the Special Tesla Evening Eventattendees

7:30 PM 8:30 PM

“The Wardenclyffe Dream: Tesla’s Plan for Wireless Worldwide Distribution” – Dr. Marc Seifer Professor,Author of the best-selling book Wizard, The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla, presents an illustrated historicalaccount.

8:30 PM 9:00 PM

High Voltage Tesla Coil Demo – High Voltage Device with Music: The Tesla Tower wind ensemblecomposition by Prof. Holland, Skidmore College

Sunday November 9, 2003Electrotherapeutic and Tesla History Day

9:30 AM – 10:30 AM

“A Family Perspective on the Personality of Nikola Tesla. Review of the Popular Interest in this ScientificIcon” with Q and A Session – William Terbo, Engineer, Closest living relative of Tesla (Grand-nephew).Founder and Director of the Tesla Memorial Society.

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10:30 AM 11:30 AM

“The Search for Free Energy: Genius, Vision and Psychology of Invention” – Keith Tutt, British Writerand Author of the book The Scientist, The Madman, The Thief and their Lightbulb that includes Tesla.

11:30 AM 12:15 PM

“Electrotherapy with Tesla Coil Design: Intorduction to Bioelectromagnetics” – Dr. Thomas ValonePhysicist, Professional Engineer, Author of the new book, Bioeletromagnetic Healing: A rational for itsUse.

12:15 PM 1:00 PM

Exhibitors Presentations – Brief Presentations by exhibitors (5-10 minutes each)

2:00 PM-3:00 PM

“Emerging Opportunity: cancer Electromagnetic Frequency Therapy” – Dr. Mark Neveu President, theNational Foundation for Alternative medicine.

3:00 PM 4:00 PM

“Turn of the Century Electrotherapy Discoveries” – Jefrey Behay Director, The Turn of the CenturyElectrotherapy Museum.

4:00 PM 5:00 PM

“How a Crushed Leg Helped Me Discover High Voltage Electromagnetic Healing Device” – RalphSuddath, Third generation Tesla Electrotheraphy Inventor, radio Host, Entrepreneur.

5:00 PM 5:15 PM

Closing Remarks – Thomas Valone Program Coordinator

The Conference Report Compilation can be purchased from T. Valone,Integrity Research Institute.

“Nornikel” and Alternative Energy

“Norilsky Nikel”, the largest Russian non-ferrous metal producingcompany has announced the beginning of the cooperation with theRussian Academy of Science. Metallurgists are planning to invest intothe development of the hydrogen energy and fuel cell R&D projects

of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Accordingly, last week anagreement was signed. Mikhail Prohorov, the General Director of

“Nornikel” said that they are ready to invest 20-40 million dollarsannually into R&D projects of the Academy in this field.

“Expert” magazine, # 43, November 17-23, 2003

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Shown below is a Magnetic Motor withAlternator (Patent Pending):


This is the "PerEnDev" (Perpetuum EnergyDevices) company latest motor predicted todeliver some 60 kW. Motors can be built up to4 mW.

Background of the Magnetic Motor

The Company started in 1969 with thedevelopment of a magnetic motor to drive analternator to produce electricity. The conceptwas sound but the problem they faced was thatthe magnets that were available at the time(ferrite magnets) were not very powerful. Theunit ran but had very little power and theproject was abandoned.

In 1996 the "Perendev" company started toinvestigate the possibility of reviving the

original idea, magnets had now come a longway and were very powerful (rare earth).

Fig. 2Rare earth magnets

After the engineers successfully designed anew model, the company developed a 3 rotorsystem producing 6 kW, coupling this to analternator through an 11:1 gearbox to produceelectricity in 220volt and 380volt, single or 3phase.


The units will be ideal for the small and largeuser, such as emergency, military, farms, plots,

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138 New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

Jasker Power System

Lutec 1000

Electric Radial Motor

Editor: In 2002 "Faraday Lab" got an offerfrom the company to buy their 6 kWgenerator for testing at the price of about$6,000. However, no contract was signed.The company is currently engaged inredesign of their motors and is lookingfor regional partners but they are not yetready to produce on the line. In our issueswe will try to inform the readers on theiractivities. Alexander V. Frolov

industrial and large users... in factany application requiring power.

Key Benefits Foreseen:

♦ No fuel costs

♦ Constant running

♦ Reliable

♦ Cost Effective

♦ Portable (6kw-120Kw)

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138 New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

Jasker Power System

Lutec 1000

Electric Radial Motor

Editor: In 2002 "Faraday Lab" got an offerfrom the company to buy their 6 kWgenerator for testing at the price of about$6,000. However, no contract was signed.The company is currently engaged inredesign of their motors and is lookingfor regional partners but they are not yetready to produce on the line. In our issueswe will try to inform the readers on theiractivities. Alexander V. Frolov

industrial and large users... in factany application requiring power.

Key Benefits Foreseen:

♦ No fuel costs

♦ Constant running

♦ Reliable

♦ Cost Effective

♦ Portable (6kw-120Kw)

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139New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

200-300 percent over-unity energy SpacePower Generator

18 Meter Perpetual Wheel

KonzenPluse Motor

Minato Wheel, E. Vogel, Sweden Generator from James W. German

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140 New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

Adams Motor, Robert Adams

The RotoVerter Bendini Pulse Motor

Motor based on Flynn Technology Finsrud Device

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141New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

The Muller Unit Alte Olsen Generator

Entirely New Kind Of Generator Invented!

( 1-26-2003 ) TASHKENT, Uzbekistan(UPI) – An Uzbek inventor said he hascreated a type of electrical generator thatdoes not rely on the principle ofelectromagnetic induction – on which allexisting generators are based.

The new generator employs a concept calledmagnetic conductivity modulation andit has potential applications in industry,communications, households and even themilitary, explained Vladimir Matveev, theinventor, a specialist in electronics.

Matveev said he is convinced he has createda fundamentally different machine.

"All electrical machines I know are based onthe principle of interaction between themagnetic fluxes (lines of force) of their rotor(rotating member) and stator (portion thatremains fixed)," he explained.

Such machines, Matveev said, are based onelectromagnetic induction, a property ofenergy discovered by Michael Faraday, anEnglish physicist and chemist, in the 19thcentury. The machines produce electricalcurrent either by moving a conductor acrossa magnetic field or by regulating the flux ofthat field.

"My machine has a principal difference,"Matveev told United Press International. "Themagnetic field of its stator does not interactwith the magnetic field of the rotor (because)its rotor is not a magnet – the rotor onlychanges the magnetic resistance of the stator,"he said.

The stator in Matveev's generator contains amagnetic core with a permanent magnet anda detachable winding. A rotor with changeablemagnetic resistance is placed at a cutoff pointin the core's magnetic field. It is composed ofalternating magnetic and air parts and canoperate in either linear or rotary form.

When the rotor is set in motion, its alternatingcomponents pass through the magnetic core'scutoff point. When the magnetic part passesthrough the cutoff point its magneticresistance decreases. When the air part passesthrough, its resistance increases.

This pulsing of resistance results in changingthe magnetic conductivity of the magneticcore, which in turn produces an alternatingelectrical current in the core's winding. Thefrequency of the winding's current can becontrolled by regulating the rotor's speed orby changing certain qualities of its magneticor air parts. Also, the generator's electrical

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The Muller Unit Alte Olsen Generator

Entirely New Kind Of Generator Invented!

( 1-26-2003 ) TASHKENT, Uzbekistan(UPI) – An Uzbek inventor said he hascreated a type of electrical generator thatdoes not rely on the principle ofelectromagnetic induction – on which allexisting generators are based.

The new generator employs a concept calledmagnetic conductivity modulation andit has potential applications in industry,communications, households and even themilitary, explained Vladimir Matveev, theinventor, a specialist in electronics.

Matveev said he is convinced he has createda fundamentally different machine.

"All electrical machines I know are based onthe principle of interaction between themagnetic fluxes (lines of force) of their rotor(rotating member) and stator (portion thatremains fixed)," he explained.

Such machines, Matveev said, are based onelectromagnetic induction, a property ofenergy discovered by Michael Faraday, anEnglish physicist and chemist, in the 19thcentury. The machines produce electricalcurrent either by moving a conductor acrossa magnetic field or by regulating the flux ofthat field.

"My machine has a principal difference,"Matveev told United Press International. "Themagnetic field of its stator does not interactwith the magnetic field of the rotor (because)its rotor is not a magnet – the rotor onlychanges the magnetic resistance of the stator,"he said.

The stator in Matveev's generator contains amagnetic core with a permanent magnet anda detachable winding. A rotor with changeablemagnetic resistance is placed at a cutoff pointin the core's magnetic field. It is composed ofalternating magnetic and air parts and canoperate in either linear or rotary form.

When the rotor is set in motion, its alternatingcomponents pass through the magnetic core'scutoff point. When the magnetic part passesthrough the cutoff point its magneticresistance decreases. When the air part passesthrough, its resistance increases.

This pulsing of resistance results in changingthe magnetic conductivity of the magneticcore, which in turn produces an alternatingelectrical current in the core's winding. Thefrequency of the winding's current can becontrolled by regulating the rotor's speed orby changing certain qualities of its magneticor air parts. Also, the generator's electrical

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output – its voltage – can be controlled by changing theconfiguration of the rotor's components, Matveevexplained.

Matveev said his generator isdifferent from an invention byHoward Johnson of the UnitedStates. Johnson discovered how tobuild motors that can run withoutinput of electricity or any otherkind of external energy. Heobtained a patent in 1973 fordescribing electrical generationusing only the energy contained inthe atoms of permanent magnets.

Matveev also said some Russianinventors have experimented witha generator similar to his. Theirgenerator changes its magneticconductivity by changingtemperature. However, themachine requires a lot of time to beheated and cooled alternately andresults in a current frequency muchlower than what generally is usedin industry. Moreover, the Russiangenerator requires high steeldensity and greater mass.

Matveev's machine generateselectric energy of industrialfrequency. Furthermore, he said hismachine is simple, reliable andrequires less steel and mass thanconventional generators. It also canbe adapted to flows of low speeds,such as weak water or windstreams. Matveev tested thegenerator in his former householdin Kazakhstan before he patentedit in Uzbekistan.

"I want to pass the invention on toall mankind," he said.

Boris Abdurakhmanov, director ofthe Uzbek Koinot (Cosmos) designoffice and head of the laboratoryof semiconductors andphotoelectricity of the Institute ofElectronics of the Uzbek Academyof Sciences, told UPI: "Matveev hasoffered a fundamentally newapproach to a problem of thecreation of electric powergenerators."

Electrical machine assembly -FEDORO V F 1996.10.10 1996RU-119822

(1998.09.27) G01R 31/34, 31/02


NOVELTY - Device has electrical machine,non-brush field exciter with diode rectifier,two dynamics double-winding transformers,which primary windings are located on rotorand secondary windings on stator. One end ofprimary winding of second transformer isconnected to rotor housing; another end isconnected to common point of conductorwhich is connected between capacitor andcathode of semiconductor diode, which otherterminals are connected to direct currentterminals of diode rectifier. Semiconductordiode is connected to cathode group ofrectifier; capacitor is connected to anodegroup. Secondary windings of transformers areconnected to actuating member throughgenerator of signal, which is proportional toresistance of insulation in excitation windingcircuit.

USE - Electric power production

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Editor: In the previous issue we made a review of Mikhail Smeretchanski's invention"Perpetual motor with magnetic control elements" (# 4, 2003). This invention waspatented; shown below are some pages from the patent itself. You can contact the authorby e-mail: [email protected], or the postal address: 13 av.Rochambeau 3800 GRENOBLE FRANCE

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144 New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

In the year 2003 we have published more than 120articles, mainly on the alternative energy, newpropulsion principles and the development ofether dynamics.

"Cold fusion", low energy nuclear reactions (LENR)and highly-efficient electrolysis were representedby the works of Professor Kanarev, E. Storms, P.Hagelstein, T. Chubb and E. Cartlidge.

Almost every "New Energy" issue features articleson highly-efficient permanent magnet motor orgenerator experiments or patents of the kind. Thearticles by T. Valone, E. Vogel, A. Akau, T. Hardwood,A. Francouer and S. Abramov are of great value forengineers and researchers in this field.

The interesting articles by M. Filo, R. Koontz and V.Bogomolov reveal several principles of designingand building purely mechanical energy generatingsystems. All these systems possess one commonfeature: namely, the fact that a substance (a solidor fluid working mass) is accelerated in thegravitational field or in the centrifugal force field.The design characteristics of the system make itpossible to obtain free energy.

We have published several articles by S. Gerasimovand his colleagues on the reaction-less propulsion

device experiments. We hope that in the future wewill keep in touch with these researchers.

The article by D. Reed on the new physicsdevelopment concepts is worth mentioning too.The article by E. Sorokodum on new energy sourcesand the article by V. Chernobrov on the researchinto the active properties of time are of no lessimportance.

A. Egorov's article on the ball lightning makes itpossible to form a number of experimentalapproaches to the problem of creation multi-purpose stable plasma objects.

Electrogravity questions, water-powered vehicles,longitudinal electromagnetic wave technologies,the Searl effect commercialization, capillaryengines, resonance high-efficiency power-engineering, single-wire power lines, heat pumpsand other similar research works were presentedto our readers in the year 2003. We have minimizedtheoretical articles and we hope that the magazinehas become more interesting and useful for thenew energy practice development.

Alexander FrolovSt. Petersburg, Russia

There is interesting newsgroup of the site:,Stefan Hartmann, email: [email protected]

Stefan Hartmann writes: This is the answer I got from Finsrud; it seems that the film they have done about him willbe shown [on Discovery Channel] in 2004 when [if] I interpret this norwegian text right...

Subject: Documentary FilmReidar Finsrud,

Dear Sir,

The Australian Broadcasting Company together with The Discovery Channel, have funded my companyto make a documentary film entitled 'A Machine To Die For', the story of Perpetual Motion and thesearch for 'Free Energy'.I have read extensively about your Perpetual Motion sculpture and we would be interested in travelingfrom Australia to Norway in order to film this now famous piece of work. At the same time we wouldrequest an interview with yourself.If you are in agreement with this it is our intention to be in Norway on the 10th and 11th of July 2003.This documentary will be released worldwide and should produce considerable interest in your Gallery.

Mark EliotCatherine Jarvis and Mark EliotRomany Mill Studios

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145New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

Hydrogenics Secures $3 Million from Japan AutoMakers

Letter from RemyC [email protected]: investors@

Hydrogenics Secures $3 Million in Test Equipment Orders Japanese Auto Makers SelectGreenlight Power for Fuel Cell Testing Equipment

TORONTO, Sept. 30 – HydrogenicsCorporation (Nasdaq: HYGS; TSX: HYG), adeveloper and manufacturer of fuel cellproducts, announced today that its whollyowned subsidiary, Greenlight PowerTechnologies (Greenlight) has receivedorders totaling US $3 million for fuel cell teststations from two leading Asian automotivecustomers. Both are repeat orders formultiple machines.

Cumulatively, Greenlight is providing sevenFuel Cell Advanced Test Stations (FCATS) totwo major customers. The first order is forthree 3 kW PEM FCATS L-Series test systems.The second is for three 12 kW PEM FCATS H-Series test systems and one 60 kW PEM FCATSHX-Series testing station. The stations areexpected to be delivered over the next twoquarters.

"Our decision to open an office in Tokyo, Japanover three years ago continues to paydividends," said Pierre Rivard, President andCEO of Hydrogenics. "The Japanese market isadvancing quite aggressively towards thecommercialization of fuel cell technology, asevidenced by our growth in test equipmentsales to the region over the past three years.We are delighted to secure these majorcontracts with customers who are clearlysetting the pace in fuel cell development."

Greenlight fuel cell testing systems providehigh precision instrumentation, combinedwith full-featured software. They deliver fuelcell testing results that prove the reliability,

repeatability and versatility required for world-leading fuel cell development programs.

About Hydrogenics Corporation

Hydrogenics Corporation (Nasdaq: HYGS;TSX: HYG) is a leading clean power generationcompany, engaged in the commercializationof fuel cell technology and test stations for fuelcells. The company is building a sustainablebusiness, in a potentially "game changingtechnology" for transportation, stationary andportable power. Hydrogenics, based inMississauga, Ontario, Canada, has operationsin British Columbia, Canada, Japan, the UnitedStates and Germany. For more information,please visit .

About Greenlight PowerTechnologies, Inc.

Greenlight Power Technologies Inc.(, a wholly-owned subsidiary of HydrogenicsCorporation, is a leading global supplier oftesting and diagnostic equipment to the fuelcell industry. It has supplied fuel cell testequipment to the world's premier fuel cellstack manufacturers, componentmanufacturers, system integrators andresearch organizations. Greenlight provides afull suite of test equipment for fuel cell stack,stack component, reformer and system testingfor companies focused on portable, stationary,and transportation fuel cell applications.

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Now our readers can get familiar with some hydrogen fuel cell development photos. It is worthof a note that the prices are high for the majority of people. For example, a hydrogen fuel cellcar costs 100 000 dollars FOB Sacramento, CA. The next picture features a fuel cell van, whichcosts 150 000 dollars.

Anuvu Incorporated3980 Research Drive

Sacramento, CA 95838USA

Tel: (916) 921-7040Fax: (916) 921-7044

Email: [email protected]

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147New Energy Technologies, Issue #5-6 (14-15) September - December 2003

We have received an interesting article from California. Here is the short versionof the article.

Review of the researchby Leonard B. Loeb

Professor of Physics, University of California at Berkeleyand

John M. Meek, Research EngineerStanford University Press, Stanford University, California

Dedicated to Professor J. S. Townsend whosepioneer research and theory laid the whole

foundation for the study of the mechanism ofthe electrical spark discharge.

Although the electric spark has been knownto mankind in its various manifestations fromtime immemorial, its mechanism has to datebeen little understood. The initial clarificationof the mechanisms involved is due to J.S.Townsend as a result of his brilliant researchesin the early nineteen hundreds. On the basisof his theory of ionization by collision byelectrons and positive ions, the fundamentalmechanisms active and especially thecoefficients required in their application weremade available.

In 1936 the present senior author was forcedto describe the mechanism of spark dischargein terms of a modified but distinctlyunsatisfactory Townsend theory. In 1935 thediscovery of photo-ionization in air by coronadischarge indicated a solution was not far off.The turning point of a more successful theorycame in the discovery of streamers in positivepoint to plane corona in 1936. Thequantitative analysis of the self-propagatingpositive streamer in all breakdownphenomena became clearly evident as a resultof the data concerning electron avalanches. Asa result a qualitative mechanism of sparkingby streamer propagation from anode to

cathode functioning by means of photo-ionization in the gas was established.

The Townsend Sparking Criteria

It will not be necessary here to derive thefamous equation of Townsend for the current[i] in a gap between electrodes as a function ofthe photoelectric current [io] from the cathode,the gap length [x] and the coefficients [a] and[B]. For this the reader can go to any standardtext. (Editor: the equation is omitted)

In this equation the first Townsend coefficient [a]represents the number of new electrons createdin the gas by an initial electron in its advance of 1cm along the field axis from the cathode.

The second Townsend coefficient [B] inTownsend's original theory was the number ofnew electrons created by a single positive ion inits advance of 1 cm along the field from the anode.

The quantity [a] has been extensively studiedin various gases. It varies with the ratio of fieldstrength to pressure, X/p, where [X] is in voltsper centimeter and [p] is in millimeters of Hg.

Note: the reason we are going through this isto determine the actual increase in currentprovided by the spark gap, and thus be able todesign the circuit to avoid blowing outsemiconductor components. It also provides a

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sound and already proven scientific theory towork from giving us a good foundation andthe confidence to proceed with technicaldesign work.

The quantity [B] has been evaluated, albeitrather inaccurately, from the variations of [i]with [x] at various higher values of X/p, bymany observers in different gases. Inasmuchas it has now been shown that there arenumerous other mechanisms other thanimpact with positive ions, which can liberatethe secondary electron, needed in discharge.

There has been an inclination to give up themechanism of impact ionizations by positiveions in gas. The discovery of measurablephotoelectric ionization in gas has now madeit possible to explain such cases. The exact wayin which photo-ionization in the gas couldoperate to cause a spark, was not clear untilthe development of the present streamertheory.

The Streamer Theory of SparkDischarge Anode Space-Charge Field

Due to an Avalanche

Assume a spark gap of 1 cm in length. Assumethat in air at atmospheric pressure thepotential across the plates is 31,600 volts,which is the conventionally observed sparkingpotential [Vs].

Let us then calculate what happens in the fieldto one of those electrons. It starts across thegap, quickly acquiring an average randomenergy of some E=1/2mC2= 3.6 electron voltsand a drift velocity [v] in the field direction ofabout 1.5 to 2 times 10 7 centimeters persecond. As it moves it creates new electrons ata rate of [a] per centimeters in the fielddirection so that in a distance [x] it and itsprogeny amount to e(ax) electrons, formingwhat is called an electron avalanche.

Therefore, e(ax) positive ions have been leftbehind by the electron group, virtually wherethey were formed in the 10-7 second ofadvance for the electrons in the distance x=qacross the plates. As the electron avalancheadvances, its tip is spreading laterally by therandom diffusive movement of theelectrons.From these data it is possible to

compute the density of positive-ion spacecharge left behind at any point [x]. The valueof [a] under these conditions is about 17,making e(aq)=e(17). The first ion pair iscreated at 0.0407 cm from the cathode. At 0.5cm from the cathode there are 4914 ions, at0.75 cm there are 3.66 times 105 ions, andwithin 0.0407 cm from the anode there are 1.2times 107 ions. Most electrons will bedrawn to the anode except for some fewthat are bound by the positive ions,making a sort of a conducting dischargeplasma in the avalanche.

Such a distribution of ions does not make aconducting filament of charges across the gap,and hence in itself an avalanche that hascrossed does not constitute a breakdown ofthe gap. Thus one must look further for themechanism of the spark.

If Loeb and Meek are correct then if we assumea spark gap of 3 mm and a voltage of 5,000voltsthere are roughly 2,000 electrons createdby avalanche for every one electron leavingthe cathode. They state that most of these 'freeelectrons' are absorbed by the anode. [Thiswould certainly explain why thesemiconductor components cannot handlethe current gain.]

NOTE: Loeb and Meek make little referenceto initial amperage. There are only two valuesthey refer to 10-5 ampere and 10-12 ampere.

In conclusion: Sparks and Arcs are twodifferent beasts. My initial research into theamperage necessary to form an arc does notapply to spark and the process of avalanchewhere this huge gain mechanism is possible.

Photoelectric Ionization in Gas as aSecondary Mechanism

Accompanying the cumulative ionizationthere is produced by electrons from four to tentimes as many excited atoms and molecules.Some are excited to an energy exceeding theionizing potential of some of the atoms andmolecules present, either by excitation of aninner shell, by ionization and excitation, or ina mixed gas like air by the excitation ofmolecules of higher ionizatingpotential, e.g., N2. These excited atoms ormolecules emit radiations of very short wave

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length in some 10-8 second. This shortultraviolet radiation is highly absorbed inthe gas and leads to ionization of the gas. Infact, the whole gas and the cathode as well aresubjected to a shower of photons of allenergies traveling from the region of denseionization with the velocity of light. Thusnearly instantaneously in the whole gap andfrom the cathode new photoelectrons areliberated which almost at once begin to ionizecumulatively.

The Mechanism of Positive StreamerFormation

The photoelectrons created at points in thegas and at the cathode at any great radialdistance from the avalanche axis will merelycreate other avalanches. Those in the gas willbe short and those coming from the cathoderegion will be long and like that of the initialavalanche. Being smaller and, in any case, laterin creation than the parent avalanche, suchavalanches will be of no interest in breakdown.However, those photoelectrons created nearthe space-charge channel of positive ions, andespecially near the anode, will be in anenhanced field, which exerts a directive actiondrawing them into itself. If the space-chargefield [X1] is in the order of magnitude of theimposed field [X], this action will be veryeffective. In addition the values of [a] will bemuch enhanced.

The electrons from the intensecumulative ionization of suchphotoelectron avalanches in thecombined fields [X] and [X1] which aredrawn into the positive space charge feedinto it, making it a conducting PLASMAwhich starts at the anode. The added fieldswill be most effective along [X] and so will theionization. The positive ions they leave behindwill therefore extend the space charge towardsthe cathode. These electrons also createphotons, which produce electrons to continuethis process. In this fashion the positivespace charge develops toward the cathodefrom the anode as a self-propagatingpositive space-charge streamer.

As the streamer advances towards the cathodeit produces a filamentary region of intensespace-charge distortion along a line parallel to

the field. The conducting streamer of a plasmaconsisting of electrons and ions extending to theanode thus makes a very steep gradient at thecathode end of the streamer tip. As this advancestoward the cathode the photoelectronavalanches produced by radiation at thecathode, especially at the intercept of theextended streamer axis at the cathode, it beginsto produce an intense ionization near thecathode. Hence the positive ions created theremay increase the secondary emission. Thus, asthe space-charge streamer approaches thecathode a cathode spot is forming which maybecome a source of visible light.

When the streamer reaches the cathode thereis a conducting filament bridging the gap. Asthe streamer tip reaches the cathode the highfield produces a rush of electrons towards theend of the streamer. This if followed by acurrent of electrons, gives a high-potentialwave, which passes up the preionizedconducting channel to the anode,multiplying the electrons present by alarge factor. The channel is thus renderedhighly conducting. If the metal can emit acopious supply of electrons because of theformation of an efficient cathode spot, thecurrent of electrons continues the channelmaintaining its high conductivity and everincreasing in it. This current, unless limitedby external resistance, will then develop intoan arc. It is, however, the intense increase inionization by the potential wave, which givesthe highly conducting channel characterizingthe spark.

Conclusion: According to Loeb and Meekthere are three means by which a spark in openair will provide a very large current gain. If thisis true, it should be fairly easy to prove withinexpensive and unsophisticated equipment.Once the actual amount of current gain hasbeen determined for the design parameters ofthe spark gap, then the rest of the circuit canbe designed for the increased current value.

Editor: It is worth of a note that thecurrent gain by means of ionization waspatented by Pavel N. Yablotchkov (thepatent of France # 120684, October 11th1887). Some two years ago one of ourissues featured an article about him. Wethink it is worth being published again.

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Alexander V. FrolovFaraday Lab Ltd,

Lev Tolstoy St., 7 St. Petersburg, 197376 RussiaTel: 7-812-380-3844

Pavel N. Yablotchkov was born in 1847 near Saratov, Russia.He graduated as a Military Engineer in 1866 and spent severalyears in the Russian Army.

In 1872 he came to Moscow and started his activities inelectrotechnical field. Since 1875 he had been working in Pariswith the famous Louis Breget and his first French patent #110479 of November 29th, 1875 was dedicated to anelectromagnetic transformer. Then he developed andpatented a lighting system (the well-known Yablotchkovelectrical candle). In 1876 he patented a new electromagnetictransformer for industrial purposes, France # 115793 ofNovember 30th, 1876.

The most interesting patent claim on over-unity devices byPavel N. Yablotchkov is known as France patent # 120684,October 11th, 1877, "The system of distribution andamplification of electrical currents by means of atmosphereelectricity…" The patent describes special capacitors connectedin series with the load to increase the output current by meansof ionization. Experiments were conducted together with thewell-known physicists such as Dr. Maskar, Dr. Varren-Delaruand others and they confirmed the 200 % efficiency ofthe circuit. Now we will try to explain the method.

Fig.1 features a schematic drawing taken from Yablotchkov'spatent. The Leyden jar is an asymmetrical capacitor, i.e. it is

different in principle from a two-plateflat capacitor. The inner electrode ofthe jar should be connected to a high-voltage source and in this case thechanges of the potential have an effecton the potential changes on theexternal electrode. It does not work inthe opposite case and if you connecta high-voltage source to the externalelectrode no potential changes will bedetected on the inner electrode.Connection to the ground or to aspecial plate (which is covered withmany needles to increase airionization) is necessary to attract themaximum number of electrons to theplate surface or to return themaximum electrons from the platesurface when potential changes on theexternal electrode are produced bymeans of electrical induction in theLeyden jar.

In conclusion I should mention onemore supposition of the secrets of thewell-known Swiss M-L converter(Methernitha). The main elements ofthe design are Leyden jar capacitors,which have the external surface madeof perforated metal.

The other known fact is that greationization of air is observed when theconverter is in operation. So, theelectrostatic machine can producepulses of a very high voltage (potentialdifference) but it cannot be used as asource of a powerful current. In orderto increase the current in the circuitwe should apply a certain method andYablotchkov's technology seems to beappropriate. A large surface of theexternal electrode of the Leyden jarcan be a good solution to the problem.Maximum strong ionization allows usto obtain the output current severaltimes stronger than the weak currentgenerated by the electrostaticmachine.

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