new features - emos 4.2... · new features what’s new – secure release here™ 6 what’s new...

New Features Document Version: BPE42-NewFeatures-1.0 Distribution Date: 4 th May 2010 Pharos Systems International | 80 Linden Oaks, Suite 310 | Rochester, New York 14625 | Phone: 1- 585-360-1010 | US/Canada Toll Free: 888-864-7768 | Pharos Blueprint® Enterprise 4.2

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New Features

Document Version: BPE42-NewFeatures-1.0

Distribution Date: 4th May 2010

Pharos Systems International | 80 Linden Oaks, Suite 310 | Rochester, New York 14625 | Phone: 1- 585-360-1010 | US/Canada Toll Free: 888-864-7768 |

Pharos Blueprint® Enterprise 4.2


© 2010 Pharos Systems International, Inc. Pharos Blueprint Enterprise, Secure Release Here, and Policy Print are trademarks or registered trademarks of Pharos Systems International.

New Features What’s New – Platform Support


Table of Contents

What’s New – Platform Support ............................................................................................ 4

Summary of Changes ................................................................................................................................ 4

Changes to Installation Pre-requisites ...................................................................................................... 5

What’s New – Secure Release Here™ ..................................................................................... 6

Deployment Changes ................................................................................................................................ 6

Configuration Changes .............................................................................................................................. 6

Changes in Concepts and Terminology ................................................................................................. 6

Changes in Administration Workflow ................................................................................................... 9

New Administration Tools................................................................................................................... 10

Blueprint Secure Queue Configuration ........................................................................................... 11

Blueprint Secure Release Here Troubleshooter ............................................................................. 12

Blueprint Event Browser ................................................................................................................. 13

Other ................................................................................................................................................... 13

Robustness Changes ............................................................................................................................... 13

Performance Changes ............................................................................................................................. 14

End User Facing Changes ........................................................................................................................ 14

Blueprint Print Console ....................................................................................................................... 14

Workstation Release ........................................................................................................................... 14

What’s New – Policy Print™ ................................................................................................. 16

Application-based Triggers ..................................................................................................................... 16

Other Changes ..................................................................................................................... 17

Report Name Changes ............................................................................................................................ 17

Scripting Changes .................................................................................................................................... 17

Removed Features and Settings ............................................................................................................. 17

New Features What’s New – Platform Support


What’s New – Platform Support

Summary of Changes Blueprint Enterprise 4.2 adds support for recent Microsoft Windows1 and SQL Server releases. The following table highlights the key changes since Blueprint Enterprise 4.1:

Component Summary of Changes


Added support for Microsoft Windows 2008 R2

Added support for Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 cluster (active/passive mode)

Added support for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (original release)

Added support for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2

Removed support for Microsoft SQL Server 2000


Added support for Microsoft Windows 2008 R2

Added support for Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 cluster (active/passive mode)

Refer to the “Changes to Installation Pre-requisites” section on page 5 for details surrounding Collector support of Microsoft SQL Server.

Administrator Added support for Microsoft Windows 7

Server Tracker

Added support for Microsoft Windows 2008 R2

Added support for Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 cluster (active/passive mode)

Removed support for Microsoft Windows 2000

Workstation Tracker

Added support for Microsoft Windows 7

Added support for 64-bit versions of Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.

Added support for Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 Terminal Services

Removed support for Microsoft Windows 2000

1 Windows and SQL Server are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other


New Features What’s New – Platform Support


For more details on the platforms supported by Blueprint Enterprise 4.2, please refer to the “Blueprint Planning and Installation Guide” in the Documentation folder of the Blueprint Enterprise 4.2 disk image.

Changes to Installation Pre-requisites Blueprint Enterprise 4.2 includes a number of changes aimed to simplify the deployment of Blueprint server components (i.e. Analyst and Collector). Some of these changes include the removal of certain installation pre-requisites. The following prerequisites are no longer required:

FTP service – the Analyst and Collector no longer require an FTP service for file transfers. If you are upgrading to Blueprint 4.2, you can uninstall the FTP service from all servers after completing the full upgrade to Blueprint 4.2. Note: Internet Information Services (IIS) for Windows is still required for both the Analyst and Collector services; this pre-requisite must not be uninstalled. This is particularly important to remember when you are removing the Microsoft FTP Service as it is a part of IIS.

Microsoft SQL Server on Collectors – the Collector no longer requires Microsoft SQL Server. The Collector now manages its data without the need for Microsoft SQL Server. If you are upgrading to Blueprint 4.2, you can uninstall Microsoft SQL Server on all Collectors after completing the full upgrade to Blueprint 4.2. Note: Microsoft SQL Server is still required for the Analyst. This pre-requisite must not be uninstalled.

The removal of these pre-requisites impacts some other Blueprint components. For more information, please refer to the “Removed Features and Settings” section on page 17.

For more details on the pre-requisites needed for a Blueprint Enterprise 4.2 installation, please refer to the “Blueprint Planning and Installation Guide” in the Documentation folder of the Blueprint Enterprise 4.2 disk image.

New Features What’s New – Secure Release Here™


What’s New – Secure Release Here™

Blueprint Enterprise 4.2 includes significant improvements to the Secure Release Here application; areas of improvement include increased performance, enhanced robustness, easier deployment and configuration. All of these have been achieved while keeping the end user experience consistent between Blueprint 4.2 and prior Blueprint versions, allowing for a smooth transition for existing customers.

These changes are covered in more detail in the following sections.

Deployment Changes When deploying Secure Release Here, the Blueprint Collector component is installed on all print servers that will manage secure queues and/or devices. The installation of the Collector is now simplified as it no longer requires an FTP service or Microsoft SQL Server. For more information, please refer to the “Changes to Installation Pre-requisites” section on page 5.

Configuration Changes Blueprint Enterprise 4.2 also simplifies the steps required to configure the Secure Release Here installation. Fewer steps are required to create secured queues and secured devices. In addition, certain configuration and maintenance tasks have been moved from the Analyst to the print server level to streamline the configuration process.

Changes in Concepts and Terminology

To support these changes, some Secure Release Here concepts have changed. The terminology used has also been adjusted for improved clarity.

New Features What’s New – Secure Release Here™


Area of Change Description

Print Groups

Print Groups are used in Blueprint Enterprise to specify what devices a user can collect their print jobs at. For example, the administrator may create a “Color” print group and add only color-capable devices to it. When a user sends a job to the “Color” print group, they will only see that job at those color-capable devices in that group.

Print groups are now mandatory for a Secure Release Here setup. While it was not a recommended or common setup, earlier versions of Blueprint Enterprise allowed a device to be secured without that device being part of a Print Group.

Secure Queues

In earlier versions of Blueprint Enterprise, queues on print servers were secured based on a complex configuration model on the Analyst. The model included concepts such as securable queues, mandatory versus optional secure print, and virtual queues.

All of these concepts have been removed and are now available simply as a Secure Queue. A queue is now secured by pointing it to a print group. All jobs that are sent to that queue (and hence its associated print group) will be available at any device that is part of that print group. If you still want to keep a queue pointed directly at a particular output device, you simply do not secure that queue.

Terminals and Devices

In earlier versions of Blueprint Enterprise, it was necessary to have a Blueprint device record created and correctly configured before you could create a secured device by creating a Blueprint terminal record.

It is now possible to create a secured device by simply creating a terminal record and specifying the network address of that device. This step can be completed whether or not a valid device record exists.

As highlighted in the “Print Group” changes above, once a secured device has been created, you then simply add it to one or more print groups to make it available within the Secure Release Here deployment.

In addition, the LPR queue name is now configurable. When a job release is requested by a user, Secure Release Here uses LPR to deliver the print job to the target device.

Terminal Types

Each different terminal or iMFP solution ships with its own terminal type; this terminal type is used to indicate the type and version of terminal or iMFP that is connecting to the Blueprint system. In addition, the terminal type specifies the settings that are available for that type of terminal.

Blueprint Enterprise 4.2 now ships with only a “Generic” terminal type. This “Generic” terminal type is only used as an initial placeholder; when you actually connect the terminal to the system, it will update

New Features What’s New – Secure Release Here™


the terminal type automatically.

When using Blueprint Enterprise 4.2, please ensure that you are using the latest version of iMFP or terminal software.

Server sending job to printer

Blueprint Enterprise allows users to send print jobs to one print server, but collect those print jobs at an output device managed by a different print server. This is managed transparently to the end user.

In earlier versions of Blueprint Enterprise, when a user released a job stored on a different print server, that print server would send the print job directly to the output device.

This introduced challenges when deploying in different environments. It made it difficult to manage IP restrictions on output devices (e.g. configure the device to only accept print jobs from the print server). It could also make it difficult to manage firewall rules, as each print server would require access to the output device.

Now, when a user releases a job stored on a different print server, that print server will send the job to the print server managing the output device. The managing print server will then send the print job to the output device.

New Features What’s New – Secure Release Here™


Changes in Administration Workflow

With the simplified Secure Release Here concept, the administration workflow has also been simplified. A new set of tools have also been created to support this new workflow.

The following diagrams illustrate how the administration workflow (particularly configuration) has changed:

Virtual Queue(Queue created on Print

Server. Associated with Print Group on Analyst)

Secured Device(Created and configured on

Analyst. Required a Terminal record and existing Device

record. Secured Device associated with Print Group)

Queue(Queue created Print Server.Secured and associated with Print Group on Analyst, but

indirectly through the Device and Terminal records)

Queue associated with Print Group indirectly.

Queue was secured based on settings on Analyst

Print Jobs In

Print Jobs Out

Print Group(Created and configured on


Print Jobs In

Blueprint Enterprise 3.5 – 4.1

With prior versions of Blueprint Enterprise, configuration tasks for single entities (e.g. Virtual Queues) could be split between servers. Also, configuration tasks for one entity might need to be managed indirectly through another entity (e.g. Queues through Terminals or Secured Devices).

Secure Queue(Queue created and

associated with Print Group on Print Server. Existing

queues are associated with Print Group on Print Server)

Secured Device(Created and configured on Analyst. Requires a Terminal

record (Device record automatically created if needed). Secured Device

associated with Print Group)

Print Jobs In

Print Jobs OutPrint Group(Created and configured on


Blueprint Enterprise 4.2

With Blueprint Enterprise 4.2, the configuration tasks have been reorganized to ensure that the configuration tasks for an entity can be completed without the need to switch between servers.

New Features What’s New – Secure Release Here™


The following table summarizes how the common Secure Release Here entities are now configured:

Concept/Entity Description

Print Groups Print groups are managed centrally. Secured devices are added to print groups using the Administrator on the Analyst. At least one print group must be created before queues can be secured.


Windows queues are created and managed as normal on the print server. One or more queue are secured and associated with a print group on the print server using the new Blueprint Secure Queue Configuration tool.

Terminals and Devices

Terminals are added and configured using the Administrator on the Analyst; a terminal now simply requires the network address of the device being secured. Devices are automatically created if needed.

Secure Release Here Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting is performed on the print server experiencing issues using the new Blueprint Secure Release Here Troubleshooter and Blueprint Event Browser tools.

New Administration Tools

Three new tools have been added. These tools are the Blueprint Secure Queue Configuration tool, Blueprint Secure Release Here Troubleshooter tool, and Blueprint Event Browser tool.

These tools are used on the Secure Release Here print servers (which have the Blueprint Collector component installed). The tools can be accessed from the Windows Start menu (Programs > Pharos Blueprint Enterprise > Tools) or by right-clicking on a Windows queue in the Windows Printers control panel.

New Features What’s New – Secure Release Here™


Blueprint Secure Queue Configuration

The Blueprint Secure Queue Configuration tool converts one or more standard Windows queues to Blueprint Secure Release Here secure queues. When the queues are converted, you will be prompted to select the print group with which the queues should be associated. It can also be used to reconfigure secured queues to point to a different print group.

New Features What’s New – Secure Release Here™


Blueprint Secure Release Here Troubleshooter

The Blueprint Secure Release Here Troubleshooter enables print server administrators to manage the Secure Release Here system. The tool allows a print server administrator to:

1. Search for jobs that are currently waiting for release 2. Print a job 3. Delete a job 4. Enable and disable Workstation Release for the current print server 5. Launch the Event Browser

New Features What’s New – Secure Release Here™


Blueprint Event Browser

The Blueprint Event Browser enables a print administrator to view and search the Secure Release Here event logs. The event logs capture key events that occur in the Secure Release Here system, allowing the administrator to diagnose issues such as a user not being able to see his print jobs or a user that released her print job but did not receive it.

The Event Browser allows the print server administrator to:

1. Search for events related to a particular user. 2. Refine the search results to show all events related to a particular print job. 3. Copy events to the clipboard to further analysis. 4. Troubleshoot the printer by performing a ping, opening the device’s web page, and sending it a

test job without the need to leave the Event Browser.


The unit for the setting that controls how long a job is held for a user before it is automatically deleted has been changed from hours to days. For performance reasons, the task that deletes uncollected jobs is now run once per day. These settings can be configured on the Secure Release Here > Settings screen.

Robustness Changes Secure Release Here services now run independently from other Blueprint services, effectively reducing the number of inter-related components. This results in improved performance and reliability. When installing an Analyst or Collector, two new services will be installed. These are:

Pharos Systems Job Service Pharos Systems Event Log Service

New Features What’s New – Secure Release Here™


The Pharos Systems ComTaskMaster and Pharos Systems TaskMaster services are also installed and still a key part of the Blueprint infrastructure.

Other changes include:

Terminals and devices have been disconnected to a greater degree so that background device updates (e.g. due to a device management / SNMP feed) do not cause the settings of a secured device to be unexpectedly changed.

Secure queues are no longer managed automatically by the Collector component. Previously, certain situations could cause the Collector to unexpectedly unsecure a queue. Now, a queue is secured using the Secure Queue Configuration tool and will only change if some manual action is performed by a print server administrator.

Performance Changes With the improved architecture, Blueprint Enterprise 4.2 increases the capacity of a Secure Release Here print server (i.e. a print server with the Blueprint Collector component installed) to 4 times the capacity available in Blueprint Enterprise 4.1.

For more information about capacity and how to determine the number of devices your print servers can manage, please refer to the “Blueprint Planning and Installation Guide” in the Documentation folder of the Blueprint Enterprise 4.2 disk image.

End User Facing Changes

Blueprint Print Console

With the introduction of Policy Print in Blueprint Enterprise 4.1, the Workstation Tracker allowed a user to view his policy information at any time by double-clicking on the Blueprint Console icon shown on his workstation’s system tray.

With Blueprint Enterprise 4.2, this user interface also allows users to view their print jobs that are being held by Secure Release Here. The user has the option to delete selected jobs if he realizes that the jobs are no longer required2. This is particularly useful when your secure devices are accessed using the Pharos Omega PS60 for print release; the lower-cost PS60 has no user interface so a user cannot print a subset of her jobs.

Workstation Release

When deploying Secure Release Here, it is common for customers to reduce the number of queues available. Rather than using a single queue per device, they create print groups and a single queue per

2 If the user does not manually delete or print his jobs, the jobs will still be automatically deleted after a period of

time based on the server configuration.

New Features What’s New – Secure Release Here™


print group. A user can simply print to one of these “print group” queues and collect her job at any device that is part of that print group.

This transition can create its own challenges. In particular, if the customer will no longer offer unsecured printing (e.g. where each device still has its own specific queue), there is no immediate fail-over mechanism should some dependence of Secure Release Here fail.

For example, a print server in a particular building cannot access the authentication infrastructure (e.g. the network is down between sites). This could prevent users from using Secure Release Here to release their print jobs at the device. Printing is unavailable and users are frustrated. Not a situation that an administrator wants to deal with.

With Blueprint Enterprise 4.2, the administrator can simply enable the Workstation Release mode of Secure Release Here. This is enabled with the click of a button on the required print server.

With Workstation Release enabled, a user can print to the secured queue as normal. However, he will now be notified at his workstation that he may not be able to release his print job at the printer. Instead, he is shown a list of his waiting print jobs, right at the workstation. The user can then select a print job and select a target printer. The list of printers is ranked based on the printers that the user typically uses the most. With a job and printer selected, he simply clicks the “Print” button to send it to the device.

If the user is not ready to collect his print job, he can close the Workstation Release window (titled Secure Release Here). When he is ready, he can access the job list again by opening the Workstation Release window from the Blueprint Print Console icon on his workstation’s system tray.

Workstation Release mode requires the Blueprint Tracker to be installed on all workstations. When enabled, Policy Print enforcement is disabled to ensure availability of print. However, print activity is still logged even with Workstation Release mode enabled.

New Features What’s New – Policy Print™


What’s New – Policy Print™

Application-based Triggers Blueprint Enterprise 4.2 introduces application-based triggers to Policy Print. This allows you to create rules within your print policies that are based on the application that submitted the print job.

For example, you want to warn end users when they print in color from Outlook. You simply need to create a rule that uses a trigger with the expression ‘Trigger if the application name matches “outlook.exe”’.

The Policy Print trigger editor has been updated to include “Application Name” in the available conditions list. This new condition is only available for the print function (i.e. if you select copy, fax, or scan, the “Application Name” condition will not be available).

Blueprint will detect the full executable name of the application printing (e.g. outlook.exe, iexplore.exe, winword.exe, firefox.exe). It will not include the path where the application is installed.

Application-based triggers require that the Analyst, Collectors, and Workstations Trackers are using Blueprint Enterprise 4.2. Previous versions of the Workstation Tracker will continue to work with a Blueprint Enterprise 4.2 server. If rules has been created or modified to use an application-based trigger, these rules will be ignored on the older Workstation Trackers.

New Features Other Changes


Other Changes

Report Name Changes The Policy Print report group has been renamed. It is now the Policy Print and Secure Release Here report group.

Under the Policy Print and Secure Release Here report group, the Policy Waste Savings reports have been renamed. They are now the Waste Savings reports. The Waste Savings reports are available by Enterprise, Department and Budget Center.

Scripting Changes Blueprint Enterprise uses scripts to handle authentication requests related to Secure Release Here. These authentication scripts reference a number of Blueprint libraries. Some of these libraries have been renamed. Blueprint Enterprise 4.2 will automatically correct your existing scripts when performing an upgrade or when an old style script is added using the Administrator. However, these adjusted scripts cannot be used on older versions of Blueprint Enterprise.

Removed Features and Settings For modified features, please read the section related to the area of interest. For a list of platforms that are no longer supported, please refer to the What’s New – Platform

Support on page 4. Copy and fax apportionment settings have been removed from the Volume Apportionment tab

on the Periods > Settings screen. Copy volume determined from a device’s meter reads is apportioned based on the copy transactions on that device. If copy transactions are not available for that device, the copy volume is assigned to the “Unknown user” in the device’s default department. This also applies to surplus print/copy volume: when meter-based volume is greater than the corresponding transaction-based volume the surplus is assigned to the “Unknown user” in the device’s default department. Inbound fax volume is always assigned to the “Unknown user” in the device’s default department.

The centralized page count failure logging mechanism has been removed. This mechanism was used in the past by the Pharos support team. As it required FTP services to function, it has been removed. In addition, the Tracker > Suspect Drivers screen in the Administrator has been removed.

A remote Administrator can no longer connect to a Collector. Remote connections required SQL Server. To simplify deployments, the Collector no longer uses SQL Server and hence, remote connections are no longer supported.

Administrator Logons on the Collector have been removed. They were required to secure remote Administrator connections – see above.

The Secure Release Here > Securable Queues and Secure Release Here > Print Troubleshooting screens have been removed from the Administrator. They are replaced by the Blueprint Secure Queue Configuration tool and Blueprint Secure Release Here Troubleshooter tool respectively.

New Features Other Changes


Blueprint Enterprise does not ship with specific terminal types (e.g. Canon iMFP, Omega PS150). Terminal types are added automatically when you connect a new terminal to the Blueprint server.

A secured device can no longer be stand-alone (i.e. jobs sent to a secured queue related to that device are only available at that device). A secured device must be a member of a print group. If you have a scenario where a stand-alone device is required, you can create a print group and make that device the only member of that print group.