new w''f -- 1 i'ii evening bulletin - university of hawaiʻi · 2015. 6. 1. · on paw 4) in small...

f rryrr W''f ' ,P7TT1"'TT"'8f-- " T7";- - - -- nflTRpf rj?' - mm 5 ,ll i 1 ' - , - 'm v"i ii mi i'ii ii irji i From San Franoisco: Hllonlan April It Evening Bulletin BUSINESS IS DULL some "For k Sn Francisco: WIEN stop advertising that's Mongolia April 10 what makes their business dull, From Vancouver: JMF" Every Successful Merchant in Y Aorangl Majr 1 Honolulu uses the BULLETIN. For Vancourcr: Marama April 27 3:30 EDITION If you want io find It, buy it, swap it, or sell it, the Bulletin will do it quicker VOL. XI. NO. 4280. S PAOBS. HONOLULU, TEHEITOEY OF HAWAH, THURSDAY, ArKIL 15, 1909. 8 PAGES. PRICE 5 CENTS. HOUSE TO SEARCH FOR LITTLE GRAFT 2 X CITIZEN" FISHERIES BILL IS SEBREE THE MAN ssssssHrVEi&L REAR ADMIRAL SEBREE, U. S. N. WASHINGTON, D. 0., Ajtril 15. Admiral Sebree will succeed Admir- al Swinburne in command of the Pacif- ic-Fleet.. Admiral Berry will suc- ceed Sebree in command of the First Division.., ... ,- - PETROLEUM TO BE FREE WASHINGTON. D. C, April 15. The Payne tariff bill was returned to the House today so as to include the products of petroleum on the free list. i. m " ROOSEVELT AT ADEN ADEN. Arabia. April 15. Colonel Roosevelt's party arrived here today. DIVIDEND DAY Regular Rates Are Paid On Popular Stocks Ono bundled and sixty-tw- o thou- sand dullais in dividends were re- potted on the Stock Kxchunge tills morning ns paid out today. Thcso nre tho regular dividends of tho IStH of' the month, nud include Hawallun Sugar, Oiihu plantation, Oahu Unll- - oad, I'opockeo, mid Wulalun. With tho exception of l'epoekeo all these Mott Dosplto tho repeated announcement Hint Mark Itoblnson will remain pres- ident of tho Hoard of Health, and despite, tliu fact that tho Senate con- firmed his appointment last week, tho rumor that Secretary Molt-Smlt- will soon bo nt tho head of tho Hoard will lint down. Tho Secretary this morning denied any knowledge of any proposed change, though ho declined to hazard any guesses concerning tho probable action of tho Senate on tho Appropri- ation bill, which. In reality, Is tho chief factor In the whole discussion. There Is a party thut would llko to havo tho presidency of tho Hoard of Health tacked onto tho Territorial Secretary's Job, and there was even an effort mudo In tho House to havo Mott-Smlt- mado president of tho Hoard, until It was pointed out that that could not ho done under tho law. With tho general sentiment In favor of retrenchment, and In lino with tho policy of amalgamating as many of the public offices as posslblo, It Is con- sidered not unllkoly, however, that the Selnato may mako such a cut In tho salary of tho prcsldont of tho Hoard of Health, as to make the offico unat- tractive of Itself. Should this bo tho fact, It Is generally conceded, that boots. Krom timo to time thcro has been considerable talk of having the Sec- retary of tho Territory act as presi- dent of tho Hoard of Health, and tho fact that nothing has been done to- ward filling the placo of Dr. Wnyson has lent color to the belief that there Is something In tho air. On April 1, Dr. Wayson's term ex- pired, but, us the law provides that members of tho board shall hold office until their successors are appolntod, (Continued on Page 2) stocks nro widely held and the money will bo yery generally distributed. Tho market continues firm. Wat- - luku took n Jump of $2. GO a share over the last sale. Many feel that ono hundred and fifty per cent, above par Is a good figure at which to sell and get In on Borne of the other stocks, despite the divi- dend. Kwa Is held strong nt twenty-eigh- nnd three-quarter- Oahu drop ped back a fraction, selling on the bourd at thirty-on- e and three-quarter- s. Twenty-fiv- e shares of Hawaii- an Commercial went at $116.25 There Is very little of this stock of- I ferine. All stocks nre strong despite the many projects that have been taken up lately that call for good- - blzed lumps of money. Tho slight jdrop- In the price of sugar has had practically no Influence The law sugar market Is strong and conditions me generally favorable AN assortment of " the nifty ties such as are being worn by fashionable New Yorkers this Spring. The Kash Co., Ltd. CORNER OF PORT and HOTEL STS. SmithlGRAFT MNGSIAPPROPRIATION Robinson? Neckwear Novelties WILL BPUBLIC Investigating Committee' Decides Not to Hold Star Chamber Proceedings; First Meeting Being Held This Afternoon The Investigations of tho "Oratt Committee" nre not to bo proceedings. They aro to tie pub. lie, so far as members of the House and representatives of the press nro concerned, This much was decided upon this morning nt the first meet- ing of the committee, hold In tho Speaker's private office, where the committee Is to make its headquar- ters, so as to be within call whenever any member Is needed In the House. Shingle-declare- It Is his tntcntlou to go to tho very bottom of the mat ter and if there is tiny graft to bring it to light. At tho same time, ho says that' he Is firmly convinced that there Is nothing wrong, nnd expects to bo able to give the House n clean bill of health. The draft Committee will sit ns n court. Deputy Attorney General Whit- ney being present as the attorney for tho commltteo. The reporters were called In this morning nnd n state- ment made by Mr. Whitney for the committee. Mr. Whitney said it had been decided that the newspapers might bo represented, on condition that no comment bo made on the proceedings until after tho report of the committee Is made. Tho com- mittee,, he said, has all the powers of n court to subpoena and examlno wit- nesses, and any fulluro or refusal to obey a subpoena may be treated as contempt of court. The first witness wub called for 2 o'clock this afternoon. There was considerable discussion among the members of tho commit- tee prelous to this statement being mado ns to whether or not the pro- ceedings should be behind closed doors, but it wns finally decided that the public would bo liable to placo more Confidence In the sincerity of "Courtesy and Prompt Attention to Patrons" ii the standing order in our establishment. Please let ui demonstrate. HollisterDrugCo. Established 1879 Value The value of a home ooiuiid in the comfort you are able to derive from it. A d lot, with an unpretentious house upon it, all your own, is the purest start for a home that his real value. Come in and investigate tome of the choice building sites we now have listed. It will be worth your while. REAL ESTATE DEPT. fife KB Hawaiian Trust Co., Ltd., 0t3 FORT 8TREET the Investigation If It wero allowed to know what Is going on. - The matter of the investigation came up In the House this morning when Coney moved that .the Oraft Committee he allowed to bold Its meetings while Dtp House Is In ses- sion. Cohen objected on the ground that mcli action would prevent the other members ,of the llouso who nro inter- ested In the proceedings of the Inves- tigation from being present. I Coney said 'hat the very Idea of his motion wu to enable the com- mittee to get hold of the members when it wanted them. Shingle wild this is a Bcrlous busi- ness and not horse-iita- He wanted I to get down to business nnd go clear to the bottom of tho matter, al- though he did not believe that any members of the House have been Im plicated In graft. Shinglo added that he understood a story of the graft chnrges had been cabled to the mainland by the Asso- ciated Press and others, nnd Is prob- ably known In Washington now. Kalelopu pointed out tho very on Pace 5) WIN OUT IN THE HOUSE To HOUSE 49th Day Session The House did a big day's work this morning, disposing of no less thnn eight mensurca on third read- ing. Of theso all but one passed, nnd ono was tabled. Coclho's fishing hill, which has on Paw 4) in small Quantities tasdtirr sao. teinen. Leave ordeM for dellvenr with n S. KINS. PHONE 15. for may be had this office ana at a alight advance over the regular rice of tiolceU. There will be ao v PHONE 861. BILL MIXED IIP Tangle, Exceeds Committee mntrt its' OX AAA t to ConcrCM 1UI the nnd tt Attorney-Gener- al Already the Senate has managed to chose the 1)111 up Jl 26,000 nbove the estimate submit- ted by the Ways and Means Commit- tee,' and the end is not )et In sight. The readiness with which every for a salary Increase wus gran- ted yesterday afternoon, plnyed hav- oc with economy nnd put things into what looks like a hopeless tnlx-u- The estimates sent down by the Governor in his message were pro- nounced too steop by the Ways and Means Committee of the Senate, nnd cuts wero made right und left. Sit- ting- In Commute of tho Whole, the Senate Jolted the draft of a MIL in every direction, and the bill now shows some $80,000 mora called for than was In the Governor's message. Unless the bill goes to the Execu- tive chamber r.t 4:30 o'clock tomor- row afternoon there Is the that tho pocket veto may upset nil thut has been done and throw mat- ters back Just wtero they wore when the besslon opened, The bill ns It now stands to hopelessly divergent front that passed by the House that it Is difficult to see on what grounds OSTEOPATHS Medical Bill That Has To Allows Them Practise (Continued Machine-Mad- e Poi Island Fruit Co., Seats the Pollard Show disappointment. TBRSCTORIAL MEMEKOER OIVICB. Senate Gets Into and Ways and Means Esti- - LOOK WELL IniHnnnn llltm DiXU,UUU""ilU lllUCdSC Philippines Appropriation committee's Incorporated possibility TO Subsiitute New Law Morning through Do With Registrar's Office An Act which was Introduced In the Legislature, and now has become u law, being Act CD, relating to acknowl- edgment and execution of written In- struments affects some of tho Corpor- ations of this Territory when acknowl- edging documents, as by tho provision of this Act, It Is necessary that tho ofllccrs of the Corporations shall tako oath that they executed the document by authority of tho Bourd of Directors, which authorization has never before been required. This Act also amends other portions of the heretofore existing law and provides additional forms so that tlioro may bo moro uniformity in tho ac- knowledgment of written liiBtruments In this Territory as computed with va rious States and Territories of tho United States. Combination Breakfast, Lnnoh, Dingier A. Y. CAFE Spring Mattresses NEW SHIPMENT OF HIOH GRADE, MPOBTED SPRING MATTRESSES, FOR WOOD Ott IRON BEDS, JUST RECEIVED. i , . ou..?i , V Jv Hopp & Co., 185 ma BT. '' ' i I a conference commltteo could effect .i compromise. This morning tho question of rais- ing the salary of the Attorney Oen- - crai furnished ammunition for a ands fifteen years moi-iiuB- ucrui. ouiiuiur OIllllll in- - trbduced nn amendment mnklng 1 o; salary H00 a month. He said that 1300 was too little to offer n good ' man. He said that there was no pel Bona! significative jn his attitude nnd tltut It was the office and not tho Incumh-- j ent that he was thinking of. He stated that, having held .the post ntraseu tor six years uuring tne, I latter two years of which term he received $5000 a year ho believed that ho was qualified Io talk with some degrco of authority Itoblnson took advantugu of tho completed ami to take a crack at ' Heney opening speech thi Hemenwny. He expressed tho be lief that the salary of the Attorney (leneral should be at least M00 n month, but ho dwelt on the necessity for getting u 1400-mn- n In the offlcc. Chllllngworth said that he believed $Ii00 was not too much to pay the Attorney General and that ho thitoght that Hemenwny was certainly SHALL COUNTIES CONTR0LSCHO0LS? Mnnf Dnlrtt Diicno Mund mum i win l uaioco inuuii Discussion In SENATE 40th Day Mornine Session Whether or not the Counties should have the power to discontinue houses proted a big bono of conten- tion when House Hill No. 88 ramo up for reading this morning. The bill ns It came up provided that tho Counties should have tho power to regulate, maintain, etc., hospitals, school houses, etc. President Smith took the floor nnd nrgued against tho bill, Insisting that, should it pass, it bring about a conflict between tho Couu- - (Continued on Pair 5) t .i ... ... . .. ". ' KILLED TAFT WASHINGTON. D. C. Anril 15 President Tnft sent' a special racs FnnWc today dealing witl tranim(ttinR ConeTcu a bill dcsinicd to aid tht islands in the American market. PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE WASHINGTON, D. C. April 15 Senator Stone unreduced a bill toda; that provides for free trade with tht Philippines and guarantees the til .independence in Senate Jury For v Pallm i Y SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl, April U The Calhoun jury of thirteen mci was today Proiccuta opportunity covert made his worth school third would pitcrroon. ' K'OO a month He, lioweter. object ed to making any change nt thi time, under tho circumstances. Hot h (Julim nud McCaithy. thong) speaking highly of Hemnnwny, an' expressing n belief that $C0O u inontl Is none too much to pny tho Altai noy General, asked that no action I) taken nt this time On request of Senator Chilling worth, Senator Smith wltlultew LI amendment. itin noo t?iU9UUU For Gov's The Senate pasted a resolution th afternoon luttodiued lij Senutor'Ki laina wlildi requests Congress to It crensu thi (SoNcriiot's Salary fi6r $r,uuu to $10,000 a ' SUOAR SAN FRANCISCO. Cnl., April U SUOAR: Beets, 88 analysis, 10. 4J2d. Parity, 4,10 cents, Prcvioo quotation, 10s. 334d. JJy QULLETIN ADS PAY "TKf There are times when economy is the worst form of extravagance. Not so when you buy our Children's Shoes. They are economical at all times because they wear so well and look so good until they are worn out. "Try Them" Manufacturers' Shoe Co. Ltd. 1051 Fort Street Tel. 282

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    rryrr W''f ' ,P7TT1"'TT"'8f-- " T7";- - - --nflTRpf rj?'- mm 5 ,ll i1 ' - , -

    'mv"i ii mi i'ii ii irji i

    From San Franoisco:Hllonlan April It Evening Bulletin BUSINESS IS DULL some"Fork Sn Francisco: WIEN stop advertising that'sMongolia April 10 what makes their business dull,From Vancouver: JMF" Every Successful Merchant in

    Y Aorangl Majr 1 Honolulu uses the BULLETIN.For Vancourcr:Marama April 27 3:30 EDITION If you want io find It, buy it, swap it, or sell it, the Bulletin will do it quicker









    WASHINGTON, D. 0., Ajtril 15.Admiral Sebree will succeed Admir-al Swinburne in command of the Pacif-ic-Fleet.. Admiral Berry will suc-ceed Sebree in command of the FirstDivision.., ... ,- -


    WASHINGTON. D. C, April 15.The Payne tariff bill was returnedto the House today so as to includethe products of petroleum on the freelist.


    ADEN. Arabia. April 15. ColonelRoosevelt's party arrived here today.


    Regular Rates Are PaidOn Popular


    Ono bundled and sixty-tw- o thou-

    sand dullais in dividends were re-potted on the Stock Kxchunge tillsmorning ns paid out today. Thcsonre tho regular dividends of tho IStHof' the month, nud include HawallunSugar, Oiihu plantation, Oahu Unll- -

    oad, I'opockeo, mid Wulalun. Withtho exception of l'epoekeo all these


    Dosplto tho repeated announcementHint Mark Itoblnson will remain pres-ident of tho Hoard of Health, anddespite, tliu fact that tho Senate con-firmed his appointment last week, thorumor that Secretary Molt-Smlt- willsoon bo nt tho head of tho Hoard willlint down.

    Tho Secretary this morning deniedany knowledge of any proposedchange, though ho declined to hazardany guesses concerning tho probableaction of tho Senate on tho Appropri-ation bill, which. In reality, Is thochief factor In the whole discussion.

    There Is a party thut would llko tohavo tho presidency of tho Hoard ofHealth tacked onto tho TerritorialSecretary's Job, and there was evenan effort mudo In tho House to havoMott-Smlt- mado presidentof tho Hoard, until It was pointed outthat that could not ho done under tholaw.

    With tho general sentiment In favorof retrenchment, and In lino with thopolicy of amalgamating as many ofthe public offices as posslblo, It Is con-sidered not unllkoly, however, that theSelnato may mako such a cut In thosalary of tho prcsldont of tho Hoardof Health, as to make the offico unat-tractive of Itself. Should this bo thofact, It Is generally conceded, that

    boots.Krom timo to time thcro has been

    considerable talk of having the Sec-retary of tho Territory act as presi-dent of tho Hoard of Health, and thofact that nothing has been done to-ward filling the placo of Dr. Wnysonhas lent color to the belief that thereIs something In tho air.

    On April 1, Dr. Wayson's term ex-pired, but, us the law provides thatmembers of tho board shall hold officeuntil their successors are appolntod,

    (Continued on Page 2)

    stocks nro widely held and the moneywill bo yery generally distributed.

    Tho market continues firm. Wat- -luku took n Jump of $2. GO a shareover the last sale. Many feel thatono hundred and fifty per cent, abovepar Is a good figure at which to selland get In on Borne of the otherstocks, despite the divi-dend.

    Kwa Is held strong nt twenty-eigh-nnd three-quarter- Oahu drop

    ped back a fraction, selling on thebourd at thirty-on- e and three-quarter- s.

    Twenty-fiv- e shares of Hawaii-an Commercial went at $116.25There Is very little of this stock of-

    I ferine. All stocks nre strong despitethe many projects that have beentaken up lately that call for good- -blzed lumps of money. Tho slight

    jdrop- In the price of sugar has hadpractically no Influence The lawsugar market Is strong and conditionsme generally favorable

    AN assortment of" the nifty tiessuch as are beingworn by fashionableNew Yorkers thisSpring.

    The KashCo., Ltd.CORNER OF PORT and HOTEL STS.



    WILL BPUBLICInvestigating Committee' Decides Not to

    Hold Star Chamber Proceedings;First Meeting Being Held ThisAfternoon

    The Investigations of tho "OrattCommittee" nre not to bo

    proceedings. They aro to tie pub.lie, so far as members of the Houseand representatives of the press nroconcerned, This much was decidedupon this morning nt the first meet-ing of the committee, hold In thoSpeaker's private office, where thecommittee Is to make its headquar-ters, so as to be within call wheneverany member Is needed In the House.

    Shingle-declare- It Is his tntcntlouto go to tho very bottom of the matter and if there is tiny graft to bringit to light. At tho same time, hosays that' he Is firmly convinced thatthere Is nothing wrong, nnd expectsto bo able to give the House n cleanbill of health.

    The draft Committee will sit ns ncourt. Deputy Attorney General Whit-ney being present as the attorney fortho commltteo. The reporters werecalled In this morning nnd n state-ment made by Mr. Whitney for thecommittee. Mr. Whitney said it hadbeen decided that the newspapersmight bo represented, on conditionthat no comment bo made on theproceedings until after tho report ofthe committee Is made. Tho com-mittee,, he said, has all the powers ofn court to subpoena and examlno wit-nesses, and any fulluro or refusal toobey a subpoena may be treated ascontempt of court.

    The first witness wub called for2 o'clock this afternoon.

    There was considerable discussionamong the members of tho commit-tee prelous to this statement beingmado ns to whether or not the pro-ceedings should be behind closeddoors, but it wns finally decided thatthe public would bo liable to placomore Confidence In the sincerity of

    "Courtesy and Prompt

    Attention to Patrons"

    ii the standing order in ourestablishment.

    Please let ui demonstrate.

    HollisterDrugCo.Established 1879


    The value of a home ooiuiidin the comfort you are ableto derive from it.

    A d lot, with anunpretentious house upon it,all your own, is the pureststart for a home that his realvalue.

    Come in and investigatetome of the choice buildingsites we now have listed. Itwill be worth your while.




    HawaiianTrust Co.,

    Ltd.,0t3 FORT 8TREET

    the Investigation If It wero allowedto know what Is going on.- The matter of the investigationcame up In the House this morningwhen Coney moved that .the OraftCommittee he allowed to bold Itsmeetings while Dtp House Is In ses-sion.

    Cohen objected on the ground thatmcli action would prevent the othermembers ,of the llouso who nro inter-ested In the proceedings of the Inves-tigation from being present.

    I Coney said 'hat the very Idea ofhis motion wu to enable the com-mittee to get hold of the memberswhen it wanted them.

    Shingle wild this is a Bcrlous busi-ness and not horse-iita- He wanted

    I to get down to business nnd go clearto the bottom of tho matter, al-

    though he did not believe that anymembers of the House have been Implicated In graft.

    Shinglo added that he understooda story of the graft chnrges had beencabled to the mainland by the Asso-ciated Press and others, nnd Is prob-ably known In Washington now.

    Kalelopu pointed out tho veryon Pace 5)





    49th Day SessionThe House did a big day's work

    this morning, disposing of no lessthnn eight mensurca on third read-ing. Of theso all but one passed,nnd ono was tabled.

    Coclho's fishing hill, which hason Paw 4)

    in small Quantities tasdtirr sao.teinen. Leave ordeM for dellvenrwith

    n S. KINS. PHONE 15.for

    may be had this office anaat a alight advance over the regular

    rice of tiolceU. There will be ao

    v PHONE 861.

    BILL MIXED IIPTangle, Exceeds

    Committeemntrt its' OX AAA t to ConcrCM1UI the nnd ttAttorney-Gener- al

    Already the Senate has managedto chose the 1)111 upJl 26,000 nbove the estimate submit-ted by the Ways and Means Commit-tee,' and the end is not )et In sight.The readiness with which every

    for a salary Increase wus gran-ted yesterday afternoon, plnyed hav-oc with economy nnd put things intowhat looks like a hopeless tnlx-u-

    The estimates sent down by theGovernor in his message were pro-nounced too steop by the Ways andMeans Committee of the Senate, nndcuts wero made right und left. Sit-ting- In Commute of tho Whole, theSenate Jolted the draftof a MIL in every direction, and thebill now shows some $80,000 moracalled for than was Inthe Governor's message.

    Unless the bill goes to the Execu-tive chamber r.t 4:30 o'clock tomor-row afternoon there Is thethat tho pocket veto may upset nilthut has been done and throw mat-ters back Just wtero they wore whenthe besslon opened, The bill ns Itnow stands to hopelessly divergentfront that passed by the House thatit Is difficult to see on what grounds


    Medical Bill That Has To

    Allows Them



    Machine-Mad- e Poi

    Island Fruit Co.,

    Seats thePollard Show



    Senate Gets Into andWays and Means Esti- -


    IniHnnnnllltm DiXU,UUU""ilU lllUCdSC Philippines






    Subsiitute New Law



    Do With Registrar'sOffice

    An Act which was Introduced In theLegislature, and now has become ulaw, being Act CD, relating to acknowl-edgment and execution of written In-struments affects some of tho Corpor-ations of this Territory when acknowl-edging documents, as by tho provisionof this Act, It Is necessary that thoofllccrs of the Corporations shall takooath that they executed the documentby authority of tho Bourd of Directors,which authorization has never beforebeen required.

    This Act also amends other portionsof the heretofore existing law andprovides additional forms so that tlioromay bo moro uniformity in tho ac-knowledgment of written liiBtrumentsIn this Territory as computed with various States and Territories of thoUnited States.



    A. Y. CAFE


    JUST RECEIVED. i , . ou..?i

    , V Jv Hopp & Co.,185 ma BT. ' '

    ' i I

    a conference commltteo could effect .icompromise.

    This morning tho question of rais-ing the salary of the Attorney Oen- -crai furnished ammunition for a ands fifteen yearsmoi-iiuB- ucrui. ouiiuiur OIllllll in- -trbduced nn amendment mnklng 1 o;salary H00 a month. He said that1300 was too little to offer n good

    'man.He said that there was no pel Bona!

    significative jn his attitude nnd tltutIt was the office and not tho Incumh-- jent that he was thinking of. Hestated that, having held .the postntraseu tor six years uuring tne,

    I latter two years of which term hereceived $5000 a year ho believedthat ho was qualified Io talk withsome degrco of authority

    Itoblnson took advantugu of tho completed amito take a crack at ' Heney opening speech thi

    Hemenwny. He expressed tho belief that the salary of the Attorney(leneral should be at least M00 nmonth, but ho dwelt on the necessityfor getting u 1400-mn- n In the offlcc.

    Chllllngworth said that he believed$Ii00 was not too much to pay theAttorney General and that ho thitoghtthat Hemenwny was certainly



    Mnnf Dnlrtt Diicno Mundmum i win l uaioco inuuiiDiscussion In


    40th Day Mornine SessionWhether or not the Counties should

    have the power to discontinuehouses proted a big bono of conten-tion when House Hill No. 88 ramoup for reading this morning.The bill ns It came up provided thattho Counties should have tho powerto regulate, maintain, etc., hospitals,school houses, etc.

    President Smith took the floor nndnrgued against tho bill, Insistingthat, should it pass, it bringabout a conflict between tho Couu- -

    (Continued on Pair 5)t .i ... ... . .. ". '


    WASHINGTON. D. C. Anril 15President Tnft sent' a special racs

    FnnWc today dealing witltranim(ttinR

    ConeTcu a bill dcsinicd to aid thtislands in the American market.


    Senator Stone unreduced a bill toda;that provides for free trade with thtPhilippines and guarantees the til

    .independence in


    Jury Forv

    Pallm iY

    SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl, April UThe Calhoun jury of thirteen mciwas today Proiccuta

    opportunity covert made his






    K'OO a month He, lioweter. objected to making any change nt thitime, under tho circumstances.

    Hot h (Julim nud McCaithy. thong)speaking highly of Hemnnwny, an'expressing n belief that $C0O u inontlIs none too much to pny tho Altainoy General, asked that no action I)taken nt this time

    On request of Senator Chillingworth, Senator Smith wltlultew LIamendment.

    itin noot?iU9UUU

    For Gov's

    The Senate pasted a resolution thafternoon luttodiued lij Senutor'Kilaina wlildi requests Congress to Itcrensu thi (SoNcriiot's Salary fi6r$r,uuu to $10,000 a '


    SAN FRANCISCO. Cnl., April USUOAR: Beets, 88 analysis, 10.4J2d. Parity, 4,10 cents, Prcviooquotation, 10s. 334d.


    There are times when economyis the worst form of extravagance.

    Not so when you buy ourChildren's Shoes.

    They are economical at all timesbecause they wear so well and lookso good until they are worn out.

    "Try Them"

    Manufacturers' Shoe Co. Ltd.1051 Fort Street Tel. 282

  • r'

    it mm raw! WEEKLY CAIEHDAR

    MOMWVPacific Stated.


    .I Ull!"l,

    tf WltllNI'.NIMVHonolulu Chapter Mark Maitei

    lUlHilDAVHonolulu Chapter Rogular,

    5 p. m.

    I'MIOAVI Hawaiian LodQt Third Degree.


    All utltltig members of theOiiicr ait toiUlully Invited touttoi.i uicuilng ot local lodges

    liARAlUf.Y LUUUE, Ho. 3, 1. 0. 0. P.

    Meets uv'rj Sioudtty evening HtT:20 In I. 0. 0 F Hnll, Tort Stresl

    K. 11. HBNDRY, Sicretury.1'. D. icicn, N. O.

    ' Air rliltlLS brothers very cordiallyInTlUI.

    OAHU LODGE, Ho. 1, K. of P.

    MeeU every first anil third Frl-Jt- yiventug at 7:30 In K. of P. Hall,

    turner Fort mid lleretanla. VisitingSlOUiMi- - " i.ii Invited to attendj r II NL'bBKT, C. C.

    It UOSl.t.Na, K. It. 8.


    (Horolulu l)dgc No. cic, u. p. q.Elks, meets In their hall, on KingStrcei, near tort, every 1'rlday even-ts" Llitnij brothers am cordlall)Djvl . to B'.U'.ld

    b. a. cocthitt. b. k.H. C KA8TON. Soc'y.

    7b h .CiNLEY LODGE Ho.8, K.oIP.r 2nd and 4th Saturday

    Ivan I tig ut 7: an o'clock In K. ot 1'.(fall, cor. Foil and Ilerctanla. Vislt-lu- ;

    brtitiier Invited to at-ari.

    P. SI. SlcORBW. C. C.E. A. J.ACOHSEN, 1C. ft. S.

    HONOLULU AEBLE 140, P. 0. B.

    ' Meets on tlm 2nd and 4th WED-NESDAY evening of each month at7: SO o'clock In K. of P. Hull, cornerDarctnnln and Fort streets.,r Vlcltlng Bugle are lnlted to at-tend.

    W. M SUCOY. V Prest.) H. T. JIIOI'E. Secy.

    HAWAIIAN TRIBE Ho. 1, 1. 0. B. H.

    y JlcctB overy first and third Thurs-days of each month at Knights ofPythias Hall. VIsltluu brother! cor-iial-

    Invited tn attend.L GEO. SANDERSON, Sachem.J B. V. TODD, C. ot It.


    The assortment evershown in the city. STYLE3


    I? Leavo your orner fcr n bosjt of Lchnharilt's Candy, Fresh


    only at


    CO., Ltd.

    Corner King and Fort Streets." PHONE 131.



    tnnmf n.ioif,Tr ntOs,Mr '

    7 PAPER""M- All kinds in rolls aud sheets.AMEUtOAN-HAWAIIA- PAPflR ATO SUPPLY CO., LTD.saFoit and Queen &ts.. Unnolnln.U. 410. Oeorce Q. QailQ, Qen. Mjrr.1u



    f Wong Wong,t CONTRACTOR and BUILDER.L PLUMBING and PAINTING.)fifcc: Honolulu Painting Co., 221g; Ifi-n- St.; P. 0. Box 014.feniunk books of nil norts, ledgers,?td, .fmanlifncftirpH by tho BulletinPubllLhInB Company.

    ,i ju- - ,



    v -


    Everybody Should Join In FlrjlitInij the Tests.

    Hats Mto crona very numerous efJste, twinedriven Indoors br the uldweaihtr. and ttU literesulted la attacks on eMldrcn and In tome

    oa arotrn persons.nverjtedr should Jota to destroying these

    dins?roui rests. The best sr to en 'Id officm Is with Strarns' Ulectrlo Rt and lloacaI'atte, which driTra them out ot the kouse lodie, or a Is abscluielr reliable.

    Wbn you ro to the store for an cxtermlnaierfor or co'lcrowiirs, d6 rottsUe anxthlnfbat Stesrns' Klecttlo Pnste. nistboculf onthat Is under a miarontee to refund tinmon-r- tr oot salltfactorr. It Is rradr tor UisMid dors not ba o to be mixed with otber tbloiis,nnd as It Is m rutn lorni. It cannot blow on tbefood ltko the ronders sumctlmss used.

    Stearns' F.lfctrlo ratto In fold ererjwliero, or.rut itprtti rrtrl1 on rccctM of price. 1 os. box

    S.V, IS ot. box SI 00.ettitQi' r.lcctrlc I'sste Co., Chleaso, lit,

    'Oil have notfound betterCakes and

    Pastry than wehave-fre-sh everyday.








    Telephone 33S,

    A Skin o! Beauty is a Joy Forever


    -f.- T-1 VTw-- ttIrorkltL Unth PalhkLU4j, ni Ml

    jrtp and fttrf rtnia--i2 ftzS- -J iJJ3"1 qf W

    iHtii.ihsi. nfcuitf-vlib- t Iftfirr u.mitf it taii'tsjti ft' vrrlf axinMaiI til Mtt--tint, Vt.JZ A(4 Mhf tt il fce- -

    vKi in ttvli.J touritiii f s fill I'ftft liatff CUI t A J IItlni'itu ftilent. "f t r tldnnfitl FrUco Jj iJ.k en w li I ti;t4 eut, Ctii4ik wist JLUroio.

    ftlliT.hO'JMi fci. 37 Ciux Jcbi Siftl, In Til


    riie Finest Bathint; on the Beoeh."Meals At All Hours.

    (VINES, LIttUORC. AND CIQABJ.W. C. 3ER0IN. Proprietor.

    Rainier Beer


    I'or Distilled Water and Assorted.Soda Watei, delivered to oEc ulresidence, BINQ UP S57,

    Arctic Soda Water Works1263 Miller St.


    M. R.

    The Mgnhatt3n CafeMeals and Short Orders at All Timetof Day and Night. We NeverSleep. FORT NEAK HOTEL.

    R. Vm. WARHAM. Prop.--'


    Everything that the Name Implies.

    Office Supply ''o.,Ltde031 FORT ST.


    At WatcbdeaJers.

    Jos, Schwartz,Agent for Hawaiian Islands,

    Cor. FORT and KINO Sts., Honolulu.

    vESf OttrtJlt-- l m Minri!UHVQ'H0lhiim,O.KWj


    rf 00




    DE 8A.



    CURE YOURSELFIUi J'la W for miaasmrtl

    dUclis.1 4,luflitmmatlrrosi,i.t..a .iiMNII MLA41M. Vr .IHISIIVH

    ItkiEvm CriiyicuC40' " 1 c n ' "''M-- --- i

    ffal er H,iiouout,V.I.I far UrunUts.1

    Clreul.r l.nt ua riasit.

    Bulletin Business Office Phona 256.Bulletin Editorial Room Phon lfJS.


    LOCAL Ajjj) OEfjERAL

    OrJen for the Industrial Editionof tlie'IveniiiB BulKtln willb: Utkea by any of the Bullet in'incviibojs, at fifty cenU a copy,

    Rido in Sullivan's hack. Phone 2Q0.Al. Thurluw of thy I loyal Annexrrea the finest meals la town.t'hnrlca JI. Willi wn hhedTour.Upl-lar- s

    this morning at the police stationfor booto,

    If you ar looking for any of yourfriendi go to the "Tiro Jncka" nndjou'll And them. .

    ake your carriage or automobileto Hawaiian Carriage Manfg.Co., fqf

    repalra. '"J. Oswald I,litk'l lias Bold his pretty

    cottnKO In Collcgu Hills. Mr. l.utte.l'Bwife may v.0 to thu malnlnnd.

    Klin llnm Yong, a Korean, was re-manded till 'hiendnj next for trialon n charge of belnt!"a vanrant. ,

    If ou want your bat Cleaned 'rightsend It to the Eipert Hat Cleaners,Port street, opposite Club 8tablcs.

    John Gomez ami Tony Akaim, al-leged to haVu stojen proiicrty" In theirIHtucisloh were lcnlandcd till April:o,

    The cuecs against 0. Sheldqn atnlW. Kannknllllll for assault wero

    until tomorrow at the police sta-tion.

    Coat ysur Iron roof with "Arabic."You will be surprised at It coolingand preMrraUte properties)' CaliforniaFeed Co.. Menu.

    Nluc Chinese gamblers werothis mornlnir lly Judi;

    C. P. ClilllliiKworlli npiienredfor the defendants,

    IMainl, a Jiiinnese Illicit booze sellerwas sentenced to seven months Im-prisonment nnd n fine nf $1000 byJiulk'i' Dole this morning.

    Notice of appeal has' been lodged bytwenty-on- e gamblers who were,

    of gnmbllng at tho DistrictCourt of Koolaupoko on April 3.

    I.lbblo Dlckerson Is suing CharlesLawrence Dlckereon for divorce on thogrounds of desertion. The defendantIs at present located nt EVerett, Wnsh

    Ilelng no longer In her employ Car-rie and Umtly Uorges nro not author-ized to make any purchases In thensm of Mrs. B. M. Taylor, florist.

    A letter from Austin, Minn, Indicates that llev, Charles A, Payne, tholecturer. Is still saying good thingsabout Hawaii and trying to head peoples tins way.

    High Sheriff Henry has been con-fined to bis room by Illness ever slncnhis return from Hawaii last Saturday.He Is suffering from a sevcro nttack oferlstpclas, consequent upon a cold hecaught wmio away.

    Mrs. Kawaaholo Knpaehl died Ibisforenoon nt tho advanced ago of eigh-ty years. Bhu was the mother ofChas. Kanuha. The lunoral takesplace this afternoon frrm tho Cr.nulmresidence nt C o'clock. Durlal atPearl City. 's

    N. O. Peterson has n!od an answerto tho suit of Vf. O. Smith, ns trusteefor Kmma Sharrnt Stoney nnd othersversus K. O. Pfterron and C. P. Pet-erson. N. 0. Peterson denies that hod'.il covenant nnd ngreo with "V. 0.Smith to nrsumo nnd pay balanco of$JO0O dua on a note.

    Dr Oeorgo Hdrbcrt. Mrs. Herbertand their children, Charles and Iloslii,nro booked to e on the Lurllnc for

    I San Pranclco In July. They expertto bo absent for threo months. Duringhis nbsenco the doctor will enjoy a

    - " " ill" Viuuuilliumoutnalns. and will also visit the clin-ics and hospitals abroad.

    Word was received at tho Hnwn IPromotion Committed bv Inst .' that tho spechl ordjr of Ham-mond's largo mat) of tho world onequivalent projections had been shinier irom new lor; 'nils map has. nttho committee's requestfl been over-printed with special data furnished bytho Commlttco making It a most ef-fective advertisement of tho iBlnnds.In this shipment will boa special roll-toa- d

    map of the United States.

    PIlhMM IN TOWNL. B. Plnkhnm Is ono of tho thronch

    passengers on thn Manchuria, hU des-tination being Manila. Mr. Plnkhamwill spend somo tlmn In tho Philip-pines on special business. It was hisfirst plan to stop ovnr In tho city un-til tho net r.teamer but he finds

    His time during his fowhours here was spent in making brlofcalls on' old friends.


    Tn tt.nMni, nf ll. 1H. -- . ., .... ...l.i.ui .,, ulw iuiu jvu-u-r iiuniraiSamuel Prnnklln. IT R M ntthirteen guns was flrod front tho navaliinuery at noon today. AdmiralFranklin was presldont of tho KavnlExamlnlnir Hoard ilnrlni-- Minlan,ii.h.American war.


    At one time both Montneun Mnt.thews and Mnttliew Jlontague wcrtmembers nf tho DrltUh Houso of Commons. Mr. Matthewa wns a big, 'pow-erful glnnt of a man. Mr. MnntmrnnW'as thin and emaciated." Tho speakeriminenuy coniUBeu tlio two.

    "I rnVt understand It," said Mon-tagu-Matthews. "There's as much

    difference between liaT as thoro Is be-tween a horso chestnut and a chestnuthorse." Everybody's Magazine; '

    A Most Excellint Assortment of

    SHPBW. W. ARana Co.,



    young Tfirks Are

    "Once More. i

    CONSTANTINOPLK, Turkey, April 14. Ncxlm PnBlin, Minister ofJustice, has been killed, nnd Kiz Pasha, Minister, of Murine, wounded.The reform party of young Turks lias been' temporarily 'overthrown.Quiet Is restored.

    MARYLAND DISTILLERY CLOSEDHALTIMOItK, Mil., April a&vcrhiiient has ordered tho

    seizure of tho plant of the largest distillery' In Maryland, Including eightthousand barrels of whisky, for violations of th'o luv,; regarding substitu-tions. ,.


    DEMOCRATS FOR INCOME TAXWASHINGTON, D0 April 14. Culberson lin' announced that tlm

    Democrats, In conference, hnvo agreed to Support the tux blll-nn- dto demand a substmitlul decrease of tho tnrff on tlio neceasarluH of

    life. p.i.Si

    ROOSEVXLT ADVANCES ON SMALLPOXMOM11ASA, Africa, Airll 14r Porty deaths from smallpox have oc-

    curred at Nairobi, near n ranch wli're Itootolott Is 'expected to Btaywhile organizing his expedition.


    VKLAUDINA, Moxlco. April 14 - Thirty people were killed (oday Inreligious riots here. Fourteen rlotcrs w.ero silmmarlly executed.


    1 0Mintf tU.ut.fyinit''

    ToohH.;rl"PlHnr--- .k'JlllCTIoS Ofmow'TMt ""lay a cno'.iNOStDltNTS



    A delicious dentifrice. Free fromacid and grit. Just the thing forthose who have an inclination forthe niceties of every-da- y life.Positively beneficial, gives per-fect satisfaction. The test forsixty years. Handy for thetraveler. In patent Sanitary Tins.

    Benson, & Co., Agents



    40c UP TO $10.00.

    Capacity ICO to 800 cards,


    Honolulu Photo

    Supply Co.,"Everythlnc: Photographic", Tort St.



    An d drink or enp of hot coffee, when you'reday and half from ice or fire. Hot or cold drinks at

    nifht without having to get up and got them ready. Sold

    H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd.HARDWARE DEPARTMENT

    ( VyATERt-nONT-- NOTES

    THK CIJVUDING. arriving thismorning from Hllo nnd Maul ports,hrpugbt twenty cabin and flfty-nlii-deck passengers. Her cargo consist-b- a

    or 3D cords woods, 50 bnjja charcoal,iv uuuuin ninua, hi busva ,i,vi,','iuc,60 hogs, 51 packages hides, 48 emptybottles, 121 packages sundries.

    .TUB AMKniCAN-HAWAHA- com-pany's freighter Mexican, which hasjiecn loading sugar nt tho railroadwharf, sailed yesterday afternoon forbland ports.

    TUB STKAMEH Mnuna will ar-rive carly'lbmorrnw morning from thoKnu-Kon- a nnd Maul ports. Sho willbring a full load of general cargo fromKofih ports.

    Thp Irmgard, which finished dis-charging her cargo at tho Channelwharf, movod over to the railroadwharf to load Bugar.

    TUB BRITISH IIAIIK DolbirdanCa'stlo'ls taking In ballast nt tho Hnck-fol-

    wliarf.'propa'fatory to leaving fora Toruvlan poit,

    f,-- TL- - ' "

    aaaaaWJaaafipJaraawaVaNaTffTfc3fr ''Viifl

    Li.rnrtrir.M onOTA' ARRIVED



    -- WjtJ

    aa a


    '' ' !: iI , I im I I I I

    TUB UNITEIj STATES 'Army trans,port Bhoildni which loft' hew elgh'dnyj ago, airlvcd nt San Francisco yes-terday.

    TUn.STBA.MBR W O. HALL, whichnrflVe'tl jeKfei'dny from Kanal, willleavo this alter noon for tho snmo Is-land.

    THE CLAUDINK, which arrived thisinovnltiK from IIIIo aud Muni ports,will sill nt 5 o'clock tomorrow after-upo-

    . .The Kllohniia Art Longue oxhlliltlon

    will bo open this uenlng from lo9: Friday from 9 to 5, nnd Saturdayfroni 9 In tho morning until 9 In thoevening, nt whljch time It will elosonnd moht or tho works sent to tho


    'Soa Wreais, lOO18-fo- Motor Launch with

    Motor.' $175 Complete.'HE CHARLES D. WALKERS, BOAT

    AND MACHINE WORKSKins St opjv-N'-o SouWSt

    ... . w . ,I JThursday. Aorll 15.

    SAN Sailed ;nllJ. II. IJnc for Muliukuiin.

    SAN P;tANCI3Ctj Arrived "pill 14P. M. H. 8. Asia, ti p. in., heiii- -i

    April ?.SAN KItANCISCO Arrlvnl Apill

    S, Hy.uti'S, f I om Kahuliil. ApillH. S. Pleiades, fiom Kn.iniipull,

    April 4.SAN KIlANCIStiO Sailed April 15:

    J S. S. Liirlnc, for Honolulu,




    Get til on tho drUo o! lncu curtainspt Kerrtf. '

    The greatest salo of the century nowgoing on nt Kerr's.

    Ciiitalii gains nt Kcrr'n this week.Two hundred nnd thlrty-ou- jialrs to burold nt cost.

    Pwtiltiy for alc; fluo Iota of differ-ent bieodi, both Imported nnd Island.Tel. K'9 Club Stab'es.

    Pvi'i v rnrt-ili- i nt Iverr'n I4 ItlRt fromthe factory. Nothing old mid hhop--

    (!miHlili'r when von 'aro lifter bargains.

    Whitney h Jlnnli liavo Just re-ceived from Host St Co., 11 snmpfo lineof while dresres nnd petticoat,! for Infnnts ami rlilldien.

    Tho Honolulu Photo Supply Co. I1.u1Just leeched n largo mid hiiuilsumonrsortment of iioHl-cai- d nlhtimn In allsizes, I'rlces nro fiiim 40e. tn Jlii.Jand tho albums hold from Kill to .111cards.

    When you want anything In the hnr-- 'ncss or rnddlery line, you'll find thatours will bit Just right. In our extensive assortment, you are tuuo lo boWell milled. Tliio. II. llavlcs tc Co.,harilwaru ilcpartineiit,

    Heniy May & Co., Ltd.. have Justby tho llllotilau a big shipment

    Of California fiesh fruits mi I egetables In season. Phono your ordertnrly. Port street, phono 22.

    Friends leaving the Islands can nor;bo kept 111 touch with for d:i)H by thowlteless telegraph. Pour days aftersailing, :i message tiny bu sent andlOC'IVed by friends on rtcamera. Katesnro low.

    You may have ti private telephoneInstalled In your homo courier tingliuuri' nnd garage, hlilbie or renrniitHilii'iitnm. et.. nt veiy llllle erpeiueby the Union Klcctilc Co, llanlsonIllock. Fort and Ueretaul.i.

    Automobiles repainted, springs mid reata put In or oldones repaired, all nt wry roisonjlileprices ul W. W.,WrIghl & Co.. Ltd.Klrxt-clns- i work Kuaiailtied. King St.,near Soiilh.

    Order your fuHi frullB nnd egetable 4 from J. JI. Levy & Co A bigshipment Just In fiom the c ust -- nilthe fruits and egetib!eii In ro.i'oii.King St. near llethel, ilionn TR. A! miflhlrurdcHI'B famous cocoa.

    PiirnUhed and unfurnished rottugin Puiiuhoii, College IUIK on Here-taiil-

    Magazine. School Street, nndWilder Ave., from $15 to lid. A bar-gain in K.illhl valley, with ouo iieio ofland, $1500. "Wnleilioiiso Trust"


    Having on board fifty-tw- o cabinpat.sengcrs for Honolulu, most ofwhom ure tourists, tho Puclllo Mallliner Sliinchurln, Captain Dixon, ar-rived this morning from Sun Friin-elw- o,

    docl.lng nt the Hackfeld whiirlshortly nfler tt o'clock,

    Sho Is currying tlilrty-lhre- o cublnpassengers for Yokohnma, twelve forKobe, eloen for Nagasaki, twtnty-liv- e

    for Manila, fmty-sl- x for Hong-Kon- g,and tin co layovers.

    Among the Honolulu passengerswho arrived today wero Mr. nnd Sirs..1. A. Wilder, who hnvo been vlsltlugOriental countries. L. B. Plnkham,former piesldfiit of tho Tefritmlnlllo.nd of Health, Is going to Manila.

    Miss Nina Jones, n popular societyhello of Los Angeles, and her mother,Mrs. Mllo Potter, woio among thop.issungeis,

    Tho liner brought for this poit 144bags of mall and 1G5 tons of generalcargo, Shu will resume her tilp nt5 o'clock this afternoon.


    (Continued from Pace liho is still serving. That ho has notbeen formally lenppolnted, or thatsomo ono has not been named In hisstond, Is considered n significant fact.

    Tho wlso ones nro culling attentionto the fact that tho delay In fillingWnysoii's placo Is caiikcd by n desliolo too who will be president of theHoard. Should Hoblntoii stuy In of-fice, they ixdiit out that miiiio ono maysucceed Wayson, should Mott-Sinll-take over tlio piesldency, then Way-so-

    remains.Tho Governor has not glion any

    Inkling of his Intention, Slott-Smlt-denies nil cognizance of what tho fu-ture may bring forth, and thu othersconuecteed Intimately with the affairnro keeping very quiet. Robinson Baysthat ho will lemalii piesldeut of thoBoard of Health.

    Thursday, April 15.P. 51. S S. Muiiclnirla, rroin San

    Francisco, 8 u, in.Stmr. Clnudliio, tlonuctt, from Hllo

    mid Mnul ports, 5:08 a. in.


    Wednesday, April 14.Stmr. Nooau, Plltz, for Kniiul, 5:10

    p. m.A.-I- S. S. Mexican, Tnpley, for

    5:20 p. m.U. S. A. T. Thomas, Lyiiam, for Ma

    nna, i p. 111.

    'j SAILINQ TODAY t' S. S. Manchuria, Dixon, for Japan,

    5 p. m,

    Y DUE TOMORROW' P. M. 8. S, Mongolia, from tho Or-ient, n. 111. f


    From San Frnnchco. per B. 8. i,April J 8- - For Honolulu: P.

    ,W. S .Ulalichaiil. Mrs. F. W. S. Illanch-Dil- i.Miss II. llindford, O. II. Urngg.

    Mrs. a. 11. llniKU'. Mrs, It. S. Chapman,Henry L. Chiifa, Mrs. Henry L. Chnso,.l. 11. Coryell, Mrs. J. 11. CorelI. 1). S.T..lli. Mu II 13 llnllinv W II1)hvl'jlni. W. II. DavIV, ' Mlss A.Dletzo, Wallaco Bverson, Mrit. Wnl- -s 11.1 nivieoii, lit sis j s.siiii ii u,(llbbons, Mlrs I .yd la 11. fllblHins, J. (Ill-lo- t,

    K. I). Orlerson, Mrs, B. II. Orler-ion- ,Mlsn Nina .loncs, S. 1). Ktlpatrlck,

    Mra. 8, 11. Kllpatrlck, Mrs. C. II. Con-nu- t.uMrs. P. S, Knight, Mrs. J. II.

    Myers", W, I), Newhonse, Mrs.Mrs. A. II. Palmer, Miss T. Par-

    ker. Mrs. Mllo "SI. Potter. Mrs. C. C.uooerisoii, ans, .1. w, iioncon, missALiy Roliton, W, O. Sachs. Mrs. W. .5t.ie1m Jnbn t. Stintm W fl ?lnpl,.hur.Tt, M. F. Strauss, F. - Wnshbiirn,.11 w. 1 . l wnshDiirn. Mrs. wntcrlmry,W. H. While, Mrs. W. H. While, J. A.Wilder. Mrs J. A. Wilder, II. O.

    i:. W. S. WoodB. Mrs. B. W. 8.Woods. s for Honolulu: Mrn.Chai. Roottchcr, Mis Ruth lloettclicr.L. K. Plnkhnm. For Yokohnmii: 8.Aral, C. IJ. Haiti. Sirs. C. II. llaln, (lor-do- n

    Kuok Hell, Mrs. Gordon Knox Dull,Master Q. IC. Hell, Miss I), llrown. MissM. llrown. Miss A. llrown, O. S. Canii- -bell. II. P. Cisn. Hnr. Itenl.imtn rii.--pell. M'rs. Ileiijaiuln Chappell, Sllsniiean unnppeii. 1,. m, Jlrs. I,. M.

    ami main, k h. FollxFllld. M. Cllllllell Mlua Mn,-- !. Clr,.. , .... , .... ... ,,,;,A. T. Ilellyer. .Manuel Uibato, HenryA. Morss, sirs. Henry A. Jlorss, Wll-Ha-

    Mnrrav. Mrs. Wllllnrti Mnri-.i- vN. Tallentlri). Mrs. 8. Wlllliinisoii andnrilil, C. .1 Wllllinihon, Utis. C. .1. Wll- -nntuhon. 11. C. It. WilllauiMin, Mrs. B.Crano Wlhoii. Vr Kolio: 8. IC. HalmA. C. llrjer. Miss Otllllo UrM-r- , C.Walter Cllflnn. Miss Lillian Curd, Mln.Mary Logan. .Mrs. J. I). Ituilimldcr,Miss Lucy Itelfsnliler, Rev. W. C.0 enier, Mrs. W. C. Swearer. 11. Take-da- .

    Mlsi Holru I,. Tellnw. Naga-saki: Mrs. W. II. Ilurke. Master Johnllurke, A. L. Campbell. Alox. Cnnipbell,W. S. Klmr. Mrs A. Atmleliv Kf,,n,.Miss Muiiej Moller, B. Qinckenbiish!Dr. P. II. Whlttiioie. Mis. F. 11. Whit--111010 nnd nirnnt, .Miss Alice L. Whit-Hiir-

    For Slnnlla: Thin p iir,,uii1 nonius r. ""! u, 'vH'"DIyl A.11

    :. Chandlor, Frank T. B fillnsHolil..mils II BvaiiR. I'hnu M

    it. timid, w. I), llurrls, Percy H. Hem-mot- t.Sirs. Percy B. Honlmett. CJ. IC.

    HcrrlclC, I). W. Hey, Dr. Fred J. I.rii.maim. Mrs. J. II. Lee, Dr. W. J I.lnd-ley- ,

    Sirs. W. J. Llndley, II. V. .Miles..Mrs. Win. B. Sturgravo. .Master Win.B, .Musgrave. Win. T. Noltlng, Slrs.'T.F. Schley, 11. A. Seran. O. O. Wngen-sel- l.

    Slis. (1. Williams. For Hongkong:Win, II. Ashhurst, Sirs. Henry Ash-hurs- t,

    S. T. Ilosmau. Sirs. S. T. Ilos-ma- nnnd two servnntB, Slaster Bdward

    Ilosniun, SIlss Victoria llosmnii, MI-j-A, L. Chiles. Sirs. L. IC. Doe, S'.lssAllru Do. .Miss Dorothy Doe, ArthurIC. Doe, Mrs. P. F. Dunne. Slnstnr Ar-thur n. Diiniio, SIlss Slnrlon N. DiinnuSIlss Slarjorln B. Dimno, Arthur Klvln,Slis. Arthur Fliln llliu lr,..,.. 7.,Miss Helen I. Jones, O. W, Keltenburg,'.hiss 1,, 1., iiiuneo, iurs. c. c, i.imiMHs J. I.lnd, Llndsley, Sirs.Ilalatead Llndslev n ri MM,,..i,in..J. W. Odell. Miss Claim Phlnned. W.' s!iicgur. .Mrn. w. S. Hegiir. Sirs. Mary K.lllchey. SIlss S. 8, Scull. Anton Pelde,,MH. I). R. SoXHlnilu Mian .In,,.... ..,,..Fetsluns. Shun Chleh, H. N. SpencerB. F West, Thus. West, Mrs. Tlios."ivesi, v. v. WhuFton, Miss II. Wotiil-smal- l,

    ,1. I,, (Inrdnn, Sirs. J. I,, nordouPer stmr. Claudlno. fiom Hllo mid

    Mini portB,' April 15. J, SIcFadden, 1)SulllMin. II. R. Ilohson, Sirs, J, J. Wn.ker, Miss O. .Inklns, SIlss II. Smith, PL. Waldion, It. Walker, dipt. Wlllott,Mrs. I). Decker. Seo Lcong, Sam Wong.M. S. Jnrilln, SIlss Fornnndez. Chung;Acliow, Keo and rlilldien Allnrlfclil, M. and 59 deck.


    I'Or 8. 8. MnillHllIn fur 9m.chco, Apill 17. Charles F. I)n0 nndwlfo, J. H, Oolt and wlfo. Carter (laltP. C. SchurnstPln and wlfo a JOer-mnli- i

    nnd wife. Mrs. E. (J. Atkins' SirsA. Mackintosh, Miss 0. Mackintosh!MIbh 1, Day, A. F. Knudseii, Sirs.V. ICnudb'en, Sirs. C. U Soylott, W. D.Westenelt, wife and child, B. II.Wodi hmiBO. N, A. (lladdlng, Mr W.11. Charlock. Mm. P. w. CnW. MIsh.liiinltii Ueeklcy. den. J. Hlchnrilriin,wlfo mid Infant Mrs, Louise Diiiiciii,C. Krunutnck. P. 8. Stewart.

    Per S. 8, Sl'inchiirla, for the Orient.Apr. 15, 5 p. m. Rimer Jon-- s. Sirs.Rimer Jones, W. IC. Ilcuton. Prof.'T,A. .lugger nnd wife J. J, icilno, Robt.llowln. T. Tnktihnehl. A. P. Sillier nn.lwlfo, John B Hplskiinip,

    Per. Stmr W (1 Hall, for Kauai.Apr. 15, 5 p, in. C. J. lloiukp. A. 8.Wilcox nnd wife Mm a h n..i'A. II. WiRerhouso. '


    185 editorial rooms 250 busl-nes-cfflee. These are the telephone

    numbers of the Bulletin office. J




  • a


    Heady-To-We- ar



    Si ' ' - . I. r


    SPRING QOWNS lire arrivinc by every steamer dir:ctCLEVER New York. These advance models are only one of a kind.

    how on Monday for the first time LADIES' WHITETWO-PIEC- E SU1T3 made of Trench Rep, Linen, and Pique, and hand-somely trimmed in the very latest stjhs and- - cut, at prices ranging fromJj13.fjO a suit upwards. '

    PRINCESS GOWNS in new modsls, made of the softest materials andtriramed-l- n lace nr.d fine embroidcrici: colors: white, champagne, deli-cate pink, and light blue. Prices, !?G.50 upwards. ,

    PONOEE SILK COATS for afternoon and evening wear, in the latestr.tyle, from $1-1.5- 0 upwards.


    Wc have never before shown araoic beautiful or varied collection.


    NEW BORDER BATISTE in nowflatten: 3 and pretty colorings, stripednr.d figured, nt 1I and JQ2--yard. ?

    DIRECTOIRE FOULARDSmercerized finish in brown, navy, jpujico, invcuucr, uiiu wuue, ai .yyard.

    DRESS LINENS' in solid colors,light blue, pink, cadet, Nile irrecu,and champagne, 35t and X0 yd.

    NEW CROSSBAR DIMITIES of ex-i- nfine quality, in the new 1009 pat-

    terns and perfect colorings, 25i yd.




    Phone 890 P.

    Call and See the New 30.II.P.

    Chalmers-Detro- it



    Kissel Carand 40-- P. CHALMERS.


    at the


    Merchant St. Phone 383.



    Low Friccs- - -- Good Work

    W. W. Wright Go,King Street near South


    CLUB STABLESFort-St- .

    AD8 PAY -- Q


    New Tapestries


    Furniture Coverings

    TAPESTRY. Roman Stripes, in avariety of d&ign3, 50 in. wide, 50ana utp per ya.

    COUCH TAPESTRY, double width,emhoiseil in unlid eolora. and In Tn.

    withlpestry combination, 90t and1.25 yd,FURNITURE TAPESTRY in silk

    mixed, very rrctty designs and col-orings, $2.25 pjr yd. and upw.

    FIGURED TAPIS, green and blue,with black dots, yd. wide, 15 yd.

    NEW BURLAPS, in all colors,yard wide, 20i yd.

    Goods Co., Ltd- -OPP. FIRE STATION.

    DIRT, ORDINARY SOIL, or FINELOAM FOR GARDEN PLOTS. Plior.cmc for estimate.

    M. Pond, Contractor


    BottlesAnd Buyers Of

    Raw Material

    415 Queen St Phone 413.

    fti0'MfS . .,il eli" Aoiriwurtlonoiuiu. TN

    The VictorCALL AND HEAR IT


    P. H. BURNETTSCora'r. of Deeds for California and

    New York; NOTARY PUBLIC;Grant Marriuge Licenses; DrawsMortgages, Deeds, Bills of Sole,Leases, .Wills, Etc. Attorney for thoDistrict Courts. 79 MERCHANT ST.HONOLULU; PHONE 310.


    King Street, Ewa of Fisnmarket.URY GOODS AND FURNISHING



    (or all crops, climatio and soil coa-litions.

    OFFICE Brewer Building, Houo-lulu- ;Tel. 272.

    FACTORY at Iwilei; Tel. 430.

    jy "For Sale" cards at Dullelln.

    n)i,Miwiw;y,i"" '4 "'"Hff y uk) wvm$ifpm!''r afmwv pfvvr ''- !WT

    EVENING nULtETIN, HONOLULU, T. II., THURSDAY, APR. 15, 190!). 5 -- t

    Daguerreotypes OlllTev'sother old pictures reproduced nnd cnlarj-e-and


    IS RAISED TO $700


    Forty-Eight- Day Afternoon Session.In thu Commtltco of thu Whole

    afternoon tho Senate ruined theoiitoii hitloiiH for salaries, mnliite-nanc- e

    of liospllalH, iiromollon work,charity purposes nnd ruveral othermatters. a

    The Quccm's monthly nllownnco araised to $700 from JG23. Tho appro-priation for piomotloii work imssod nti'WIO'nntl other HeniH for innlntenaiiroof hospllnlB mid charity work wore lib-erally passed.

    ItoblnsoM asked ofan appropriation ,, , , nl t,R ihcS 1300 for pay lolls nnd $.200 for lho'nlRlll wIlcn lll0 i;nef()ril ,. t,retltlv,miU.ifetianeo or Mnliilnnt Ilospltnl In, "The American Olrl" lo :i

    Bnillh In scconillnK tho mo- - plcnrcd house. Tho play nccls no des-tlo-said that tho Institution has been .erlptlon or words of praise as tho Ullo-er- yiitefnl on tho Island of Mmil. Tho 'T'l presented It hero two jenrs bro

    i,n thrl':0, '" ll?u",,,' "" l'o Perforin-- ,Item passed, llllti Ilospltnl, on motion nnco jenr Is much suppilor lo thollrown, was rIvuii tin niproprhitlon Jalt (,nRnj.ctlK,)Itof J11.500. Ilartey mood that S72O0, It pecnl() , Bv0 t10 popular Osbornbo appropriated for the Knplolanl Ma- - children a chanco to show that theyternlty Homo. All tho above Items can net as well ns sIiik ami d.inco, nnd

    .;i(t-ed- . they held up their reputation In a maii- -KmidKon. who was 'preahllim. called n" ."'"' H1'r',rl'c'1 ""''r most ardentn,'nill,crs- - 'M!S n" l,ni' ll l""l in Knlrrlilltl to iook nfler tho ,() ,(,r n chmico to R,l()W w,

    Kami hospital, but, unfortunately, ho ,,.,., ,, - .. rml)lltt .,,, ,..,tn kt li nlfc.l liAtinn i nlmntiil Inllniinun iitii, in, tiiiii iiwiiv lit' i''i n laiiuuwas secured for tho Kuual hospital.Supreme Court.

    Tho salary for clerk of SupremoCourt mseil at $1J0 a month. HenrySmith, who hns been clerk of tho .111- -illrlnrv tlminrlinrnl fur iiinnv iwill. It Is aald. bo Klvcn another posl-1'-Hon In thu Klrst Circuit. w"

    Steiiopiapher and clerk pay pissotat B12.1 n month. rleiks,b'lllirrH, llbrnrlaiiH mid mcsscngcitwero given $3fiu0 a year.

    Tho salaries of nil tho Interpretersof the First Circuit, Including tho

    .lap.inexe, Chinese nnd Poitu-guos-wero IKeil nt $12.' n mouth.

    The cleric of the Sccofid Circuit wasnlwn a salary of $12."i, ami n specialnppioprlatlon of $2o00 provided forstenographer's hire.

    Coclho wimtcd tho pxpenru nllow-uiir- oof tho court rnlsed to $10,000

    liom 17500.The salary for tho clerk of (ho

    I'oiinh Clicult wns raised from $12.' to$150 u month. Tho usslstnnt clerkwas given $125 and Hawaiian Inter-preter $100. Tlfo npproprlntlon for urortugticso Interpreter was strickenout.Archives.

    Tho salary of tho Superintendent ofPublic Archives passed nt $125. linkermoved that a salary of. $100 bo appro-priated for n translator of tho archives,tils motion failed, but on motion ofMcCarthy an npproprlntlon of $5000passed. This Item included tho salaryof n translator.Queen's Allowance Raised.

    On motion of linker, which wnsudoptcd. the nllownnco of Queen

    wns rnUcd from $1125 a monthto $700. Clillllngw'orth, In supportingCoclhn'B motion to Incicnsn It to $05,'),-- tilted that sho hud been tho Queen ofthe people am) In order to kcop up thollgulty, though the l living In prlvutolife, It wns iiecossary to glvo her ndecent nllowiiurt. Mrfl-ii-ili- wn

    makliiu n$25. Ho suggested that u decent rnlsobe undo, which passed according tolinker's motion.Promotion Support.

    Chllllngworlh iiuido an eloquentspeech In support of the promotionwork. Ho nsked Hint $(!o0fl u year boiirovhled. Canted. Ilaker toknow If thu amount just appropriatedIncluded tho bringing of Immigrantsinto Territory.

    The CloVernor sent down tho follow-ing meMingo of appointment!1!:

    "I heieby nomiuatu nnd propono,with tho advice nnd cniihcnt of thoSenato, to appoint tho following;

    to Iho following offices:flonrd to Allot of Siep-i- l

    IncomoTnx. (Act 33, Laws of 1009Jiihrpli P. Cooko, Muntton Campbell,I). V. Wilcox.

    and Truck-Kiirmlti-Commission. (Joint rtesoliitlon No. 1,Session of 1900). E. V. Wilcox.

    W. Carter, Theodore !'. LansingHoard of License Commissioner!

    O.ihu: 1 L. Wnldron, Wlllnnl K.llrown. IMwin M. DPsha.

    Department of Public InstructionWilliam Hydo Ulro, Woith O. Aiken,.lohn T. Molr.

    On Motion of Senator Chllllngworlhnetlun on Iho messngo was deferreduntil

    Secretary Mott-Smlt- luformwl (hofh" rnnowWB,iHII?.OVO","r "a"

    llo to I1IU N 51 Act 77 ..ntllle.lAct 1 Iineiitories J?" ....... . . ..." '....." ."r

    Ilotuin nm'No. 170. Act 78. iitltlt.l"All Art 1.1 UrnvMn f,... ll..fHonilvd IndebtodnosB of tho Tonltoryof llnwiill";

    lllll No. 177. Act 79. entitledU. '11- -,

    P. E. R. Strauch..... . v

    ' Fop Sale$1350 House and lot on extension

    of Kukui St, at Kapalama, in rearof St. Elizabeth Home. Lot 50xISO. HoiiiSe 0 rooms.

    For poticulars applyWAITY BlrfQ. 74 S. KLNCt ST.

    An Act It) Amend Edition 2.1 of miAct tnlltli'il 'All Art Incorporation thoCity nnd Comity of Honolulu' holm? Act118 or tho Sosilon Ijiwm of 1807":

    Hotiso Hill No. 19, Act 80, cnlltlcd"An Art to Amend Act 80 of Iho Ses-sions I.uwb of 1003. eiilllled 'An ActI'lovldlriK for tho Construction ofHonda through mill from 1'iMjIIc f.nn1Opened for Settlement'",

    IIoIIkS lltll No, KB, Art St. cnlltlcd"An Act Providing for tho Cnro mulMedical Ticntiui'iit of Pontons afflictedwith Leprosy."

    .i :: :: :t it :::::::: it :t i: :: it t: n jB


    n a tmtttt n m :: n :: tt u a tSPLENDID COMEDY


    fctatnps hero na one of tho "best littlelending ladleH Mr. Klleford overbrought from tho mainland Incomedy parts. Geo, Hernandez nndMnttle l.lojd I.uro kept up their repu-tations ns liuiKh-mitkor- s nnd In fuelocry meuiber of the company seemed

    plcare, and, the uudlence went homonotblnsr but words of 1irHlse. Tim

    American Girl," Is the bill for tunlht.A"'l tomorrow and tSntunlny the binWestern story "liearon Light h" Is thebill. It Is Kensatlorrni In character.Tho nctlon of tliu plav t.ikinir ulnca Inii Western military post Thu Satur-day mntlnoo bill, "Puis", will ulvo theUtile folks a chanco to see n cooil hillthnt was produced tho tlrst of thoweek. Tim Osborn children will haver. new specialty for their little friends,Boats nro now Helling at tho Orphciimbox oulco for all tho lllleford perform-hucch- .


    Tho Pollards will nroduco "Checkers" for tho first tlmo tonight nt theOpera House. In this comedy, one oftho most successful oer written, thooung nctors have parts' that suit them

    perfectly. Alfred doubting will playCheckcis, the outh who falls In lovewith n girl and finds, that her fatherwill not consent to heir engagementunless ho call pioduho flo thousanddollars.


    Tho clover Utile Mclnotto Slstors nrogetting rounds of npphinso ovory evening. They change their songs twlcon week ami ulwiiys havo somethingnow and pretty. Tho weather Is nowKcttled and one can depend on a goodperformance every evening. 'Tho freshutmospheru at this thentro adds muchto tho pleasure of tho.audleuce. . Another film picturing (ho noble traits

    dog will go on tht.screen tonight,



    A special hand colored firm, "BlueIllrd" Is featuio nt Iho programtoday nnd Inmoiniv.'. Mrs. Il.illcy liasJust returned from tho coast andbr'ought with her some new machinesof tho latest models. Tlio managementof iho Ait Is using ovory effort to gottho lit-L-t there Is In tho moving picturelino.


    Tonight now prl.o niimbors will Ii"given out mid fildjiy night Is hlg nmatour night at this popular open air Iho-utr-

    You cm always hear good musichere and Iho pictures thrown onrcrccii are tho largest In thu city.


    This thcatro h getting to bo knownns tho tourist thentro. Yon hoar thobest of Hawaiian music horo, tho filmsnro very clear and new nnd tho nudl-enc-

    a coiunopolltnn one. 'that Is nslo watch as tnd films.


    i Kver,l.(ly wen. nway d. lighted will.""' ,ll,,m MW " tills cosy little'" lllRt '"'" Tho laWorking at its best, mid changing filmsi'rf llmcH i wouls yil.i c.(n always be,' "tu ul uecillg UlIIIllllinB HOW,


    There will bo n public hand concertthin evening nt 7. 30 ill tho KnluiakoMlbslon: "

    PAitT I. 'March HI Cnpltnn SousaOverture Poet nnd Peasant . . . Buppollalhid Alice. Whero Art Thou,, AshorSelection Hello uf llolicmla

    KnglnndorPA11T II.

    Vocal Hawaiian songs.. nr. by DcrgerSelection Kmporm'H Jlovlcw

    EldcnbergWaltz Kl Pnso ...,.,,.,. .uAuthouyFlnalo Moklhium Djjrgor

    Tlio Mlnr apangleil uauner,'Tho hand wlfl play at Tort Shatter

    this uttcruoou.

    ush.imed of snnll riils oflf Hi" humblo











    Special attention




    48th Day Afternoon SessionA committee was appointed yeBtcr- -

    ilny iifternoon by the Speaker to In- -vo.ttlRate Into tho charges of craft lunch today, made n inoit Interest-th- at

    hnc been llylnR back nnd forth Iiik speech before an enthusiasticabout tho Hoiifo of Itepresentatlvrsever since last Saturday. The com- -mlttee. It was nnnounccd, was to be- - kindly nnd fairly. This, ho tultl,Kin Its sittings nt 10 o'clock this, would Induce buyers to tome ngalnmorniiiK In the Speaker's private of- - store3. Ho emphasized the fact thntflee. Shingle, Coney, mid Knwewthl nnd purchase more thlncs from theweic appointed ns the members of business men should not be tclflshtho committee. They loulil not say toward their associates,last night whether or i,ot tho hear- - I With the business which Is grow-lnc- s

    would be imhlle. but It Is i.rnli- - Inir todnv. II wonlil tin well to con- -nble thnt they' will bo on tho Ur-jdu- ct various businesses In mutual-rhnmb- er

    order, thnt being In Speaker Holsteln's general po-I- cy

    ns regards ever thing but matters of mere routine.

    The Judiciary Committee, to whichwas referred the resolution presentedTuesday by Kalclopu for tho appoint-ment of an Investigating commit tee.eported bnck n suhstltuto resolution

    of tho snmo general tenor ns the original mensure, nnd It was In ncconl- -auce with tho provisions of this res-olution thnt tho committee was appointed to nose out graft It there boany graft.

    11 wns noticeable thnt Speakerllolstcln did not appoint on tula committee any of tho Insurgcntt. Ka- -vcwelil Is n Democrat or a Home tini-er- -- he dots not seem to be sur-- jotwhich. Shlnglo tins mndo the state-ment on tho floor of tho Houso thaihe believes In standing by the Speak-er, right or wrong. Coney Is anoth-er member of tho "Cabinet" and gen-erally backs Speaker Hotstciu up Inovorythlng tho latter does unless Itl.e something that Is liable to In Jul oKnual.

    When tho House arose yesterdaytho comment was freely made thattho committee Is to bo a whitewashing committee, and that It will reportback that it could find no evidencesof graft. Several members askedwhy Cohen, Long, or Affonso wasnut made a member of the committeeInstead of appointing thrco men whohavo steadfastly denied that there Isany graft going on and who will, haveto bo convinced ngnlnst their ownprevious convictions.

    Kumanoulu Introduced a resolution which, If It wore to bocomo law.would virtually havo the effect ofhhuttlng llsh out of tho markets ofHonolulu.

    Tho resolution Is as follows:"lie It Hesolved by the House of

    Representatives ot tho Territory ofHawaii, That the Hoard of Healthbo requested to direct its scvoral fishInspectors to prevent tho snlo of nnydeup-sc- a fish or llshes that havo beenkept ollvo In nny storago or for more than twenty-fou- vhours nftcr the sumo hnvo beenrniiclit. unit that snld lnsnvctois begiven authority to prevent tho salejof any such fish or fishes from anyHulling boat or boats remaining away ,from Its mooring in nny harborthroughout this Territory for inorothan twenty-fou- r (24) hours, ut anyono time."

    Tho Agricultural Committee, byIts chairman. Shingle, presented n.concurrent resolution rolatlng to howtlio $ir.O000 natural resources sharoot tho Immigration tax should bospent.

    TheTruthAboutKidney Trouble


    Thre It s. clnss of heartschrs thnturn viy irlsit nml very painful,ttmt lire tn l suspected where tlicronpirfnrs tu lio no causo for thom,

    tn thnsft canes In which theronrt' dfrreimil or scanty eliminations.

    These iiru usually UKly sinrtoms nndinesn that klilncy.1 nre not cllml-imtlii-

    the tuxlns nr polsnns, and thatthe)' are ri'tnlnocl In circulation.

    It Is In piich canes that npoptetlo itymp-tnni- Hor Uruwalneas mid eonvulHlons fol-ln- v.

    inatlon f tho Witney that Una to nn'extent ilnicd the klilney functlona, amiIt la iipiiannt that n rediictlon of thohill.iinui illuti will reopcn the tubulQSwith frrnilual reatoratton.

    At tlin direct effect of rulton'n RenalCompound la to nbnta tnnnmmntlon Intho klil, ley tlssuea, It la aeon why It lathe Jlrst llilrnr to ho effective In thesuCJXHfn nnd why fatluro haa been thorulo under the old tndlrnt treatment.

    rite Fymptoma under the above hend'tni; nre urKent and 4rmlt or no delay,lor iwnoro inn uompounii wan uifcov- -er, d they were nearly nlwaya fatal midgenerally in n few nionttm.

    (In audi caaea hot hatha will nld theHenal Compound, aa aweattntf hcliia torelieve ureumlc condition.)

    Literature malted free.john J. rinroN coHonolulu DruK Co, l'ort Ut., nro our

    aolo local aeeuta. Auk forIlullctlu ot Into recoveries. 76


    J. J. Williams has the. negntivcB ofHonolulu residences made by Mr. 13b- -erts. Dupllcitea may be bad. Order,by street ana number.

    .....,, . ri. .ii, IiiiK.II.

    riven to all orders for

    nil- -







    "Honestv, generosity, nnd goodloannoni oi joji ? 'lo .ii.'U Ji .

    golden rillo for miiccojs."Itcv. Charlca V. Dole, who was fl

    Ruest of the Coiiimcrclnl Club nt

    dlencc of business men. lie said thebusiness men should trent others

    "The success of the Standard OilCompany," he snld, "Is due to nutmutuality In pntrnnt7lng it. Th?services which thnt company gleslo the people are not selfish."

    In conducting uny business It Isnecessary to treat your customersrightly nnd not cheat them.

    The relationship hftwen the em-ployer nnd employe should be thatof friends.

    The speaker wns loudly applaudedwhen he concluded.

    Seated with Oco. W. Smith, whoIntroduced the spenkcr, were JudgeS. II. Dole, Jiis.Dole. and Fred. e.

    Others present were P. Cones. AV. V IlnlJI. Tlobt I.cwcrs. 7.K. Meers, Mr Lowrey, Jns McLean.Mr. von Holt, Geo. P Castle.



    An exhibition of great merit Is nowbeing hold In tho N. (1 11 drill .sheBamplcs of work done by the scho'children of tho whole Territory a,laid out for Inspection, nnd range fromcopy-boo- exercises by tho tots

    most ambitions nnd beautiful ilrsigns of nil sortH executed by theolder ones.

    Somo of tho cushions nnd tnble-c.i-or work Is wonderful, nnd shows thegrentost of pains nnd Industry thntmust havo been taken to carry oh'tho scheme.

    Four long tables nro laden with ovcry variety of fancy work, nnd

    and surrounding shelves .iro itin's of .iiHrnl articles. Pome rthe , !.,' n.p, ehlhltB shnn- - t'- -

    igroitei oi v i in th'ilr mnkn tin nntho mats shells, beads fancy-ein- "etc.. etc., simply astound tho visitor

    All the articles now on exhibitionnre Intention for tho Alnska-Yukon-P-clflc exposition, nnd should cause vsensation when put on show thereThere wero rjulto a number of peoplent tho exhibition this morning, bu'nothing llko Iho crowd thnt should nttend such u splendid display. Tho NO. II. hall will bo open fiom 7 3.1

    p m. this evenlti. and everyoneshould selro tho opportunity of seelncthis wonderful lot of wn-- 1; hefniif liinncd 'o Mi" niMn' U''


    Secretary Wood In Ills report totho Promotion Committee for this af-ternoon makes reference to the mu-nicipal advertising thnt is going on

    At a meeting of tho different bus-iness Interests st Iluffulo, Now York,held February 17th, It was decidedto ralso a fund ot $500,000 for ad-vertising tho city. Missouri Is plan-ning to spend $50,000 annually.South D.ikotu tho sumo. Spokane,Washington, spout $fiO,00 In 180S;St. Paul will spend ns much In 1909.

    Wo make a point of keeping close-ly In touch with tho progressive or-ganizations of these different Statesand Cities nnd endeavor to profit bytheir experience

    WARSHiPo AT H1L0' i

    IIIlo, April Uth, 1909.llnnolulu CbHinher ot Commerce, Ho-

    nolulu.Dear Sirs: Wo huvo arrived hero

    tills nftcnioou, huvlliB a Rood vojagefrom Honolulu.

    t think wo wilt always rememberand look hack upon our merry visitto Ilnlolwa nnd Nuuanu I'all.

    In behalf ot myself and officers andmidshipmen under my command, 1hne tho honor to offer )ou my tin- -

    ii'ore thiiuKs for your kind hospitalityto us.

    With my licit wishes,YourH Blneerely,

    (SIR.) II. I.I1CHI.


    KAI'ABAHI In this city, April in,1909, Mrs, Kawunholo Knpaeahl,nKed SO onrs, mother of CharlesKntiuhu. runornl this atteriUHm nt5 o'clock from Kanuha residence toPeart City comctory.





    q A new down town holil. Steal tndbrick structure. Futnljhed it i cost ot$150,000. Ewj comfort and connnl-onc- e.

    On cir lines Irmtterrlnz to illparts oi city. Omnibus moots ill trtmitnd steamers. ,.

    !; , MIWAKT

    Island Heauquarters. 'Cable Address "TRAWETS." ,ABC Onide. j



    Repairedby ns you will be satisfied in


    J. A. R. Vieira & Co.


    ,r2CVESttOTnrY222ZHS3'f3. FRESH FRUITS and A

    VEGETABLES just in. itJ. M. LEVY & CO.

    ! n n.ii.-- lAiiig i. near icuici. j;XJIUIIS IU


    Bread28 LOAVES FOR $1.00

    VIENNA BAKERY1129 Fort St. Phone 107


    Clias. R. Frazier !Company

    fOUR ADVERTISERSPhone 371. 122 Ktng St.

    Royal .Hawaiian

    GarageGEO. S. WELLS, Met,

    HOTEL ST. PHONE 101.Prires RcisonaMe




    Mrs Kosi-NBrra- i oT,:io hotelGENUINE SWEDISH


    K. SASAIFukuokayo Hotel, Liliha Street,

    Telephone SOS,


    Fresh Fru'tn nnd Vegetables.r ' 'cBsr

    HENRY MAY & CO.,Phone 22

    Received ex Alnmnda a New Shiprcent of Litest Stvles in


    K. UYEJDA,1028 rnnJANTT 8T


    put in nt your home, connectinchouse and RSrape or stable, servants'quarters, etc., at very little expense,



    This is to your advantage. Lookit up. DO IT NOW.HARBISON MUTUAL ASSOCIATION

    Nos, 00-- n Berttania St.. Phow4U.

    "'"Tl.f" ;T'" fnniriif nn ifini.iii mil "

  • ,1





    ISl- "



    S" '." "m ". n.7 r - - i. "- f KiJUSW fJT"" t"ppw'';



    At 120 King Street, Koanlulu, Territory of HawaiirtUy t rtr day except Sunday. Wrcklv issued on Tunday of each week.


    Vollfice 12. Piin-lnuton- , . OdltorBlTBSCniPTIOH KATES PAYAilLI IN ADVANCE.

    UVIIMI.NO UUU.U1IN WUUKuV IIUUI.UTINMonth unrtthttr In I' H . .. .7 I'M Sli Mm,tn S .Bo

    dtamitri unliinnC9 J.,jo !' ti anrwtwre In U 9. ... I.xYt. anvhr m U 8 H.oo , Yrnr, rnwlicrt hi Canada I.Hoi f Vtar, itinl., li.iw Ptr Yaf wjttaij, tottin... . 3.oo


    Tel. I Rooms, - 185I iJusinusa Office, - 256knitted at the Pott office at ttoitolulv

    m nrfoml cla m titer


    Every man, woman, and child able'5 do so should visit the exhibition of.vork from the schools of this Tern'-s: ry now on disnlay in the Nationalraard shooting-gallery- . This exhib-- ?

    is n liberal education in what the!ildrcn of this Territory are doing.

    Jny person who can look over thisiork and then hold that manualnining is useless must be cither d-ecent or

    If Charles Hiistnco wuru mailoi roastirer the (!ocrnor would hnvom Independent mnn in his ulTlrlulfanilly.

    Voung Turkey la making Itself.It, mill till' blood It In shedding Ii mcro drop In the bucket to. t lit

    LlatlRlttor done liy tlic Old Order todolny progress.

    "Don't Consolidate ' rry t lieof the Old Ordir Hint has

    'ought lot a gowrn in ut from tlioflmt. Aud then theso hiocrltc turnurniinU and claim that It M only Inlliu Counties that efforts are nindo toIncrease, tho numlier of Jobs! Tcril-torl- nl

    olltccs should bt consolidatedif It la paislble and It la possible.

    "Tariff agitation Is now losing Ueffect. It la nlieady recognized thattho I'nynn bill Is so full of objection-ubl- e

    features that It will hnvo noI'linnte whntoer In tho Sentitc." Thlifrom Hanker Clews' Intent circularmay bo taken as o'j.suninco Hint WallStreet doesn't expect tho tariff toundergo anything more serious thann' tinkering that will not hurt much.

    The appointment of TrcnsurcrCampbell on the Liquor CommissionIs now recognized us a mlstnl.e. Hehnd enough to nttend to n Treas-urer. Tho same rule applies to oth-er offlccis of the Territory who arcpaid n salary to occupy u post thatshould recoil u undivided attention.Governor I'rear having had one re-cent experience, ought to haveenoiiKh Judgment to pi event fie rep-- ,wtitlon of un error made bj hit pred-ecessor In ofllce.

    Tho dully iiowsp.ipcr la the mostvaluable. uihcrtlslng medium for anybank seeking local business. Therela no better way tci reach a largonumber of persoiiH cheaply and ef-fectively. Tho newspaper Is a partof the dally Ufa of the Amorlcan peo-ple. It Roes etcrywlicro. Kvury-bod- y

    reads It. Kvery day It minesentirely fresh and new. If lie Is wise,tho advertiser In It makes his mes-Mig- o

    fresh and now dally, loo, Thodully ncwhp.ipcr can best give thoconstant lepetltlon thut we.its nwayforgctfulticss and forces attention. Itcnnblcs thu ndvcrsnry to tell his sto-ry quickly. It makes It possible forhim to reach ninny whom ho (ouldroach to advantage In no other way,ns everybody who reads nt all jciuUMimo nowspapor. T. I). MacCrcgor,mnniiKcr HnnkliiK MiiRazltio, In anaddress btforo tho American Initl-tut- c

    of UnnkitiK

    ONE MAN m FORTY POSITIONS.Officials of this Territory nro fre-

    quently attacked with "spells" ofappointing one man to every pos-ition In sight.

    1'ar bo It from this paper to raisenny criticism against uuy man will-ing to accept all tho positions offeredhim aud able to give each tho amount

    i of attention n proper performance of- duty demands. Hut there nro mighty

    few who believe that tho twenty- -.four hours each day allows willadmit of tho dlvlblon netessaiy.Something has to bn slighted.

    Any number of Instances of onoman for foutteen Jobs, moro or less,might be pointed out. They nro thousunl thing In tho history of tho Ter-ritory of Jliiwnll, uml would bo abovecriticism If tho results wore benell-el-

    to general administration nndtho person lnwilvcil.

    Hon. James F. Morgan lias been"rushed" for qulto n period, nntl hav-ing held nearly ovory honorary olflcoin once l gradually beginning topass Into Hie background.

    The immi diuto flguro of promi-nence is Marston Campbell. . ThoGovernor bus now appointed him to

    jiflw.comtulssioit Log

    j iii JS

    APRIL 15, 1000

    l!iitiiie whlih makes the fourth no- -hlilon nf lespunslliiilt), unit possiblyRl"i. that has been shouldered ontoCampbell He Is Superintendent ofl'ubllc Works entitled to 0110 man'sfull time, n member of tho Hoardof AKrlculture, a member of theHoard of ItcKcuts of the College ofHawaii, nnd now on n commission tonpportlon the Income tnx. Some oftheso positions nrc doubtless the

    of holding the post of Superin-tendent or l'ubllc Works, but thisoitRlit not to be. j

    It Is not n matter of mom, ns the ipleasure of beliiR n commissioner tinsno oll'r remuneration thnn Rlorynud any ipianlliy of time Itproperly followed up.

    It Is n puie case of getting onoman and "rusliltiR" him Into everyboard In sight. Now It Is Morgannnd Campbell. Tomorrow It will bosomeone elso. It Is habit rather thnnpersonality.

    The whole scheme Is wrong. Itshows either n lack of public spiritamong the citizens of the town, or nfailure of executive officers to appre-ciate the vnluo of getting ns manymen Into public work nit possible,thus broadening the Interest in public Institutions nnd bringing In newIdeas and obtaining a representationfrom if 11 the elements of the city nmtTerritory.

    This ono man for forty positions Ismighty poor politic in tho first placonnd therefore mighty poor govern-ment.

    The average man usually feels thntthere are enough loynl citizens to dothe work required of public boards,although ho may not be enthusiasticover serving on ono himself. Unlessthere Is a wider representation onthe nubile boards this nverage mangers tho Idei. and sometimes ho Is I

    'correct, thnt ono gang Is trying torun everything nnd tho clique rule IIIworked to the finish. Whether thisman's Idea' Is right or not, If hothinks so another kicker Is createdwho mlsht better bo n supporter.

    Centralization has Its values, huttho surressful administrator Is theman who secures the osslstanco ofthe largest number of citizens In public wink, mid Rets the largest num-- 1tier of community or factional ele-ments ai'lvclj at woik for the com-mon good.

    'Continued from Pace tJbeen hung up in commlttco for nlong time, wns finally led out, Itsneck laid on the block, and tho axoburled in Its quivering tissues.

    Douthltl's medical bill was alsoslaughtered and a biibstltuto bill,which looks ns If It might hnvo bceudrafted by mi osteopath, took Itsplace on tho calcndnr.

    There was no debate.nn tiny of themeasures except Douthltt'B bill toI also tho maximum limit of Impris-onment on conviction of assault andbattery to a year. This bill waskilled, mainly through the efforts ofUlce nnd Castro.Osteopaths Win.

    On rcconimcndittinn of tho Healthand I'ollco Committee House 1111 131,relating to thu prnctlco of medicineand surgery, was tubled and n substi-tute, bill Introduced. The committeeexpressed tho opinion thnt thu passageof tho original bill might tend to en-courage a monopoly la favor of thopresent holders of licenses to practicemedicine, In that tho medical examin-ers, selected fiom their number, wouldbo permitted to Impose such standardsof efficiency ns are obtainable only Intho largest cities of tlio Union, andthus pi event it now man from piactlc-lu-

    hero who might ho equally or moroolllclent than tho examining board butnot In touch with their paitlcularschool of medicine.

    Tho subslltiilo bill lots tho osteo-paths In on tho ground lloor, Insteadof excluding them from prnctlco asdid tho original measure Tho billprovides that licenses to prnctlco oste-opathy may ho grunted to graduatesholding diplomas from any regularBclmol of osteopathy, provided furtherthnt u ccrtlllctilo to pinctlce osteo-pathy bus first been obtnlned from thoState Ilo.ud of Kxnniluers of tho Stateof California of osteopathic examinersuntil such tlmo ns there Is an osteo-pathic Hoard appolntod for Iluwall,Flshlna Dill Dead.' Coolho'H flBlilnh hill, S. H, 10, Intend- -


    A H0MEJ0R SALEIn Manoa Valley, ten minutes'

    walk from car line, a Six-Ac- Ranchwith new live-roo- house. The placehas modern sanitary plumbing, serv-ants' quarters, etc Price $4500.

    Trent Trust Co., Ltd.

    cd to shut tho Orientals out of thefisheries of Hawaii, Is as dead asJulius Caesar's ghost. The Health ami1'ollco Committee nctcrt as executioner,ulcldlng tho nxc on the measure. Thecommlttco reported:

    "Tho object of this bill is to prohibitaliens from fishing within certain limits from tho beach line, confining themto deep-se- n fishing only. Althoughthis bill would allow them to fish be-yond tho reef, It "would still prmentthem from fishing for tho requiredbait, which can only bo obtained with-in tho prohibitory zono and thus Im-pose, upon them an unnecessary hard-ship ami expense.

    "Vour commlttco bollevcs Hint thopassing of such n bill would defeat thoobjects sought, but on tho other handmaterially advance tho prlco of fishto consumers nil over tho Islands, andwhatever fow might bo benefited, thovholo community would bo tho Hiiffer-cr- s

    anil moro particularly tho Hawaii-u-Americans.

    "Vour commlttco, therefore, recom-mends Hint this hill bo tabled."

    Th lepurt whs unanimously adopted.CocIIio'h Semite Hill 3, was nlso

    killed by tho adoption of thu reportof tho Health and I'ollco Commlttco.Tills hill was to authorize tho Hoardof SiiiervIsors of each county to estab-lish and maintain hospitals. Thu billwas tab'lcd because tho House has al-ready passed n bill turning over totho various enmities the establishmentand mulntenancu of Just such hospitalsas nrc referred to In Coclho's hill.

    Sennto Hill r8, Hroun, relating topropV-rt- exempt from taxation, wastubled on recommendation of thoFlnanco Commlttco on tho ground thattho subject mutter has already beencovered by Ho'uso Hill 180, passed bytlio notise.

    House Hill 213, to provide for thoreimbursement of tho Territory fortho cost of tho Kuln plpo lino, wastabled, us being already covered by


    Anupuni St. Cottage of two bed-rooms, completely furnished, pos-session May 1, 1909 $46.00

    COLLEGE HILLSl.anlhull Drive. Furnished cottage,of three bedrooms for rent for fourmonths fiom May 1st $40.00

    BERETANIA STREETFurnished Cottago of two bedroomsfor rent for ono year from May 1st

    $3000magazine street-t- wo

    bedroom cottage, unfurnished$27.60

    wilder avenue-t- wobedroom cottage, unfurnished.


    Cottago Wnlk. Unfurnished col- -tB $15.00


    A Bartrain in Kalihi Vnllev nf nnoacre of land with new five-roo- cottage $1500,00

    Waterhouse Trust,COR. FORT AND MERCHANT STS.




    Scnatn Hill 140.Garnishment Bill,

    Affonso's garnishment bill, 11. H.193, which Is Intended to obWiito thonecessity, In enses where a garnisheeJudgment has been Issued against adebtor, of instituting a new suit Incase tho person garnlsbced shall quithis placo of employment nud obtnlnemployment elsewhere, met with noopposition when It came up for finalreading.Professional Jurors.

    Tho enactment Into law of HouseHill 198, by Douthltt, which wns onthird reading, would probably createn class of professional Jurois whowould haug about tho courts In thohopo of being ablo to turn a pennynow nnd then by sitting on a Jury. Thobill provides thnt when n sufficientnumber of grnnd or trial Jurors cannotbo obtained from tho regular panel, orwhenever tho panel Bhnll for nny ren-so- n

    becomo less than tho maximumnumber allowed by law, tho court mayorder thu Sheriff to summon extraJurymen. "Threo additional grnndjurors nnd threo talesmen for trial Jur-ors may bo summoned from among thobystanders. If ni objection Is inndo byany party Interested." The bill, how-ove- r,

    passed third reading without nnyono pointing out tho obvlotts effect ofMich n law.Animal Quarantine.

    House Hill l'JO, Illco, which Increasestho powers of tho Hoard of Agricultureand Forestry In regard to tho examina-tion, quarantine nnd, whero necessary,of tho destruction of animals, passedIts third reading without opposition.Bill Tabled.

    House 1)111 20G, Douthltt, raising thomaximum limit of Imprisonment uponconviction of assault and battery fromsix months ns nt present to ono year,wns killed on third rending. Sheldonvigorously defended his bill, but Cas-tro and Rico attacked it and shot Itfull of holes. Illco contended that iftho courts wcro given tho power tosend n man to Jail for n year for as-sault mid battery, there would bo dan.

    I ger that prisoners charged with graver'offenses might bo allowed to pleadguilty of assault and battery and thusescape, tho punishment they shouldsuffer.An Old Judgment.

    Senate 1)111 102, to provldo for thopayment of tho Judgment for 13002rendered Janunry 15, 1905, by thuJtidgo of tho Third Circuit Court In fav-or of David K. Ilaker against Alatuit T.Atkinson, A. M. Brown, Lorrln An-drews mid flcorgo I. Knmauoha, wnstaken up en third reading.

    The caso referred to Is tho old tres-pass case of South Koua. Tho sameLIU wns Introduced nt tho 1907 legis-lature, but failed to becomo law. ThoI'll! passed third reading without op-

    position and now goes to tho Gov-ernor for his signature. Long, ns onoof the attorneys In the case, was ex-cused front' voting.Land Commission.

    Tho House, without discussion passedSennto Joint Resolution 2. providingfor tho appointment of a Commissionlo examine into tho matter of nrlvnteholdings of land occupied prior to thu(I rent Mnhclo.

    Senate. Hill lie, supplementary lotho Conservation nnd Immigration Act,nnd providing for thu expenditure, fromtlio general rowinucs of money for theHoard or Agi culture nnd Foiestry,

    Station nnd HydrogrnphleSurvey, until thu ono fourth of, thospecial fun becomes available, passedthird reading.

    Scnato nil! 121. relating to accountsof executors and administrators, passedtinirii reading without debato.

    Shingle Introduced a bill which pro- -

    Six PopularSpring Shades

    IN THE


    the prettiest and smartest silk fabrioon the market this season.

    27 inch, $1.50 Yd.




    Jagger Delivers AddressBefore University


    I'rof. T. A. .laggar, Jr., of' thoMassachusetts Institute of Technol-ogy gate nn Illustrated lecture onvolcanoes Inst night nt tho Unlvei-slt- y

    Club, where n largo number ofscientific men assembled to hear himspeak.

    Speaking from his pctsonnl obser-vation of volcanoes nnd tlio move-ments of tho earth, l'rof. .laggar saidthat Hawaii presented many advan-tages for tho study of terrestrial phe-nomena on account of Its locality Intho middle of a great ocean.

    He said thnt tho Jnpancso hnvotaken n leading part In tills researchnnd that their empire has cstnblfsh-e- d

    seismic observatories. Ho thenproceeded to tell of his own experi-ences In connection with tho variousvolcanic eruptions which have, titkenplaco recently.

    llev. Charles V. Do'o of Hostonalso spoke. Justice S. M. Hallou In-troduced tho speakers.


    Confirming his cablegrams prev-iously published Former VIco Presi-dent Fairbanks has written theChamber of Commerce the followingletter: I most heartily thank youand tho members of tho HonoluluChamber of Conimeico for tho Invi-tation you send to stop over In IIh-wn- ll

    on my trip to tho Orient. 1shall ho very glad to stop as suggest-ed.

    My present plan is to sail from SanFrancisco on the Cblyo Maru onApril 10th and resuino my Journeyfrom Honolulu on tho Mongolia.May 11th.

    It has long been my desire to visitthe Hawaiian Islands, nnd I look for-ward to the fulfillment of my wisheswith tho utmost pleasure.

    Mrs. Fairbanks nnd our daughter,Mrs. John W. Tlmnions, accompanyme. Very respectfully,(Signed) CHAS. V,'. FAHUIANKS.

    RCiinuttsRRiisnsnttundos that any person knowing or hav-

    ing reason lo believe that any animalon his own premises or thosu of anoth-er is nffllcted with .glanders, farcy orother Infectious disease, who shall failto report tho sanio at onco to u Terri-torial veterinarian, shall bo. guilty ofn misdemeanor, punishable by a fluo offrom $5 to $100. The bill further pro-files that tho purchaser of any horse,inulo or ass Hint shall dovolop symptains of glanders or fnrcy wlthjn twoweeks after tho dato of purchase, mayrecover from tho seller tho full o

    price, together with reasonabledamages. .

    BORN.CAUTElt At Hllo, Hawaii, April 13,

    1909, to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Carter, ndaughter.

    LKNNOX At I'aauhau, Apill 10. 1909,to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Innox, adaughter.



    When Honest Competition Hurts aRival, He Squirms.

    Miss Caroline Horges is in ourSho Is trustworthy and Is au-

    thorized to make purchases In ourfirm name. Sho has not mndo andwill not mako purchases In tho namoof n woman whoso employ sho leftvoluntarily.

    Low Prices atVALTOLDI'S

    Masonio Temple, 1113 Alakea Street)


    " New


    IN SOLID 14k. GOLD. ,

    We have many new shapesof this year's creations inlight and dark shell. Ask tosee our Real Shell HAIR

    in Carved and PlainDesign.

    H. F. Wichman & Co.LIMITED




    Nick r.ilms, one of tho allegedsmugglers from the transport Sher-idan, wns fined $i0 and costs byJudge Dole this morning. II wilt bolemembcred Hint two men wctvj wan-ted for smuggling cigars, anil thntono sailed nway on the transport after n vain attempt hnd been mado bythe deputy marshal to nrrcst hltu. Ac-cording to a wireless received, fromtho Sheridan, the suspected mnji hndbeen taken Into custody by tho cap-tain of the transport,

    Tho other man, Nick I'nlimc, wnsarrested before ho bontded tho steam-er, nnd, ns before stntcd, nppenrodbefore Judge Dole. It Is expectedHint the other mnn will bo returnedby thu next transport from thoCoast.


    Entered for Record April 14, 1,909,Fro ml0:3(J a. m. to 4 p. m.

    (Icorgo Andrews by nlty of mtgcoto Hlshnp & Co ForeAffdt

    Oeorgo Andrews by mtgco to JohnI) Dctor .' D'

    Annlo H Spencer by ntty to Lau""Win DEntered for Record April 15, 1909,

    From 0 a, m. to 10:30 a. m.Mnrln Vlelrn to Jono Vlctorlno. . .DSam Kong Wnl to D K Knploho..DMctemclc Keanlnl nnd hsb to

    Young Men's Sav Soc Ltd . . . . Mtg

    V. K. Andrews, wlfo and family, aroleaving on tho Hllontnn for tho Coast.Mrs. Andrews will settla In Tncomnfor n while, but Mr. Andrews goes toNew York, en roulo to Torto Illco,where he has nccopted n lucrative postwith Central Agaluo Sugar CoI I

    Harness andSaddlery

    New Shipment Just inv



    Most tho great fortuneshave built up by menwho began life without capi-tal.

    They SAVED MONEYthey enough to investgood interest.

    can do it, too. Getone our small banks

    begin NOW.


    FORT AND BT8.Capital and


    TAPAS, MATS. ,

    Hotel near Fort.

    Tlio rules crolatlng lo Olymplisgames, which directly concerns Mara-thons to hand today. Tho clnusowhich Interests local runners, I. e.,thnt referring to ntlcndants and out-nld- o

    holy, reads ns follows: "Kachrunner is entitled to bo followed byn person carrying orone commissioned to tender him firstmedical nld during tho cotirso of thorace." This seems to Imply Hint shoulda mnn be attacked by cramps or nnyother plllkln. his attendant will bo

    I able to massage him or him anyfirst medical aid that may bo deemedncccsBiuy.

    I -

    Tho Supremo Court gnvo a decisionmorning in favor of Cathcart, In

    tho llcirlck Carriage case, in whichsuit wns bimight by II. Mtddledltrhns trustee. Mlddledllch askedtho court hold thnt Mrs. Cathcart onlyheld certain real estulo as trustee fortho plaintiff nnd other creditors, ThoCourt holds thnt tho purchase of tho

    estate In question, in tho name ofMrs. Cnthcart, "Is not per so In fraudof subsequent crcdltois." Tho lowercourt Is reversed and tho demurrersustained.

    W II. Mclnorny Is leaving on thoMnnchurla this evening for n, trip tothe Orient, Mr. Mclucrny nlny hoaway somo months.

    Prison for Banker Ky.,April 8. James H. I'atlsli, who waspresident of tho defunct Owensboro,

    savings bank nnd trust company,Iiub been given flvo years I nlho peni-tentiary. .

    Fuel Contract Awarded. Washing-ton, April 8. Tho contract for fuel forusu of the United States appraisers'stores at San Francisco for tho noxtfiscal year was awarded today to A. J.

    Mooro at $3,385.




    & Co.

    W. LCollector Evening Bulletin; Fuutnclal

    Secretary HawaiianOffice Hours; From

    18 1 at Bulletin office.1041 SO. KING T.H.



    FORT near KUKUI

    Bulletin Business' Office Phone S5G.Bulletin Editorisl, Room Phone 185.

    H. Davics &

    ofto Tisit SEATTLE durinff the time of the

    JUNE 1st TO OCTOBER 15th, will findit to their advantage to call at the rooms of the HawaiiPromotion Committee and register in order that assistancemay be rendered them in securing desirable hotel

    tComplete information as to Hotel Rates, Steamship and

    Railway Fares on file.




    tillhad at

    Youof savings



    MERCHANTSurnlus, $1,000,000













    The Regal

    Easter Millinery



    Brown Lyon




    Orpheum Saloon,


    Residents HawaiiEXPOSITION,



    BanK Ltd.,


  • "



    4s. S




    Smart Menra; aV



    Our stock holds want.

    Style And Comfort Du-

    rability essential always

    found HANAN SHOE.


    THERE is nothing for thelarder that we cannot

    supply at a reasonableprice. Ring up 45.

    Metropolitan MarketW. F. HEILBROH, Proprietor.

    Change of Management

    will affect quality of water made here.

    Every good feature will be preserved and we confidently

    expect a continuation, of your valued patronage.

    Consolidated Soda Water Works Co., Ltd.JOHN SCHIEIF, Manager.


    5r xsmssetes.

    MEXT TO YSUNQ BLOO.. 178.10,) KINO S--- -! t . j m




    Agent ARTHUR SEWALX A CO.. fisth, Maiue;

    PARR0TT & Ea& Tranclsco.

    I II III I. UJT'.- -

    '" Office:' FORT STREET opp. Irwin's.

    fV"9' 17 ? " 'ifl'yiW Jf"t- ,& t " in T' .rafr. Vf-- J T W'f1,fr ft1"4


    the shoe you

    combined with

    (ire the


    not the the sod,


    Hawaiian Iron Fence and Monument Works






    Iron Fence

    Joseph Gilman,PHONB JJ7.





    Good Folks TakeNotice

    It's a Good SignIf it's painted by

    Stanley Stephenson,The Paint Shoj. 154 Kinij; St,

    We have the finest coral for build-ing roads, walks, and drives. Ringus up and get an estimate. It isworth while.

    Honolulu Construction and Graying Co., Ltd.H'lCi.

    PHONE 281,(W

    IWm. Williamson,jiuii diiu duuu uiurvtr,


    PHONE 012.


    HONOLULU, April 15.1909

    i .t Jf STOCK

    Brewer ft Co- -5110AR

    Kwa pi ntfttlnu Crt t.ttftwl'ftti ARlir Cn...Maw Com ft Snft Co ..iUwilianSugftf Co..Ilmtomn Pufcftt Co ,..Monnfcas uft"r Co . ..IUIV11 Stiver Cotftitclilcti Sugar Hani.Vntuilru Plantation I'oKckfthA Sim- Co ...Ulpahulc hugAf Co..,.Woloa Sut ar CoMcBrrdpSiinar Co ....OtJiB b'r ir Cownnmri 3 isjar 1,0 ...fWotamr riant Couimi bufcar 1.0 "uPaaliau Sugar PNnt CoKR(incMi;ir,Mii..rata raniation joPflfkn Sueur Co..IMoiwMIIIGjW.U'iia Auric Co....Wtlluku Stia.r Co ,!nsu.r Cn

    W.lmenSuitrMill CoMISCKLLANI'OIN

    Slram N Collaw.liiei KltctilrCn.Hon K T ft 1. Co rr.llion RTk I.CoCnmMuluit Tlepti-i- CoNutilku KLbhtrCn,

    I'.idUn,Kfllilku Rublr Co.Al,O.huKAI.CoII1I0KRC0Hon RAM Co:Iltw.lltn Co.

    HtwTfrii cFlr.CIll.w Tr . pcMow Ter jtf lieIllw Ttr.HuCH.w Ter ill pcH.w Gov't iper.KlsiuiAiKclCo (pvH.ikuSugNrCo6pcllm. I)ll cli Co,

    Upprr Pilch 6w Com A Sun Co 5 c

    .IBM ?uk.i vo n pc,..IllloP KCo Con t, pcHoiukaR Sufti co fipc.Hihi R T A i.Co np cKahuku P.inl Coe pc

    SCo' R ALCoouc ..Q.tiu btigir Co jpc ..Gl.a SugirCoe pc. .I'M-- Suk. Mill Co,l'l "Lnutloii Co ....rionnr MIIICo6pc ..W.l.lua trkCo ypc

    P. 0. BOX 528.





    iAo.ioiNII.UUim.iMill (Ml








    CO 000
































    Sale llctwccn Donrili.: B0 Kwn,$28.73; 5 Ewn, $28.75; SO Hwa. $2S.75,25 Kv.ii, $28.7G; $900 O. 11. & I.. Os,$101.75; $500 O. n. & .. fia. $101.75;15 Kwn. $28.75; 25 Walluku. $232.50;20 Oaliu Sub. Co., $32.25; 10 O. It. AU Co., $125. Session: 5 Haw. Biik.Co.. $10; 10 Pioneer, $170; 70 OaliuSue Co.. $31.73; 25 Oaliu Sur. Co.,$31.75; 25 lluw. C, & S. Co.. $110.25.

    DIvliIcnilH April 15, 1909: Ha-waiian SuRar Co., 1V4 per cent; OaliuSimar Co., 2 per cent; O. It. & U Co.,"1 per cent; Pepcofceo, 1 per cent;Wnlalua, lA per cent.

    Latest sugar quotation 3.92 cents orJ78.-1- 0 per ton.

    Sugar, 3,92 cents

    Beets, ICs 4 l-- 2d

    Henry WalBinouse Trust Co.,Members Honolulu BtocK and Bone)

    Exchange.FORT AND MERCHANT 8T3.

    TELEPHONE 730.



    (Continued from Pnsc Ullr.s mid tlio Hoards of Kducntlon liinlllcaltli. Ho (urtli