new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1857-10-28 [p 3]. · lud badsprin.i./-id rallro_samuelide,...

A TON, H^Jr*^.?ü*övrn rock. c.r. » . v .. i - <.0M»<>1>'R>-; /»f^^^B., ban and Pi oe Rai'- Z2 rs»w.1^^. »xoeata* fro- p>. J****. »,yyik\tr»r»* « ha-f «Vre Ba .--j> /w at t < t .äSu^«" »«*»¦ ? . - . t . J7\a *«.» ei*ti at »'j*> m. ^r^'Wt; fr<« T^k Si :»,", 7£ay. Frc-ar. aybo-ih.g'.u Ti *e, TnurtdA» tad .^'cPi rMOl TH ROCK, f- .in * w y~-k lHj«f4wjr, Than jjja,,: %rorc»y. IVm hu,:.'-gr. -.. M> tmj, «Vedue.d** **4 *iS,C.f*rt p-r»i A Vtr, .ii.; r.1.- i'. Prod tmlrr.'A* f->a u.theF*rv**t MiMTrtl.. : >'n»i«Jn*'" Ba «dewnre ot tbeee. by other rof.e.. nil In impte 'i.* <,r _ far e*rtr m ndn* foee rrttntvt«n| V-rtn ni d Er.t. F».--r.-<rj fWpr*!'*' romalBcu board lb- NMM « » y * a.«ht treei ,r:..-d. »¦ *k ud if tad ..»». Bt »»' .oa B u, . sir,' .tta| »f *r.tU-BM Mb» th* F a. a V'.-a-t,, th* *f**n e,and Data thron,. ^mm\~»m, Berth, etta-tr. BBf^tj M fö* fv««nr7V7\t the F.-el»ht OAV«, Pier No. 9 Noi-- IB*eaVse, Wo. 10 BaMery-pla.e._ Bi d W rat- -U Railroad t" *rBB»-B. Orr.t »»... o nH W. . direct al-o in. « n«vti. u wi'li ('.. U/i.(» » V ». * 1 Alie^wnard ?¦'VtSTrtjf \\ V " Bt«B*Vr#R.« r.«d .-. «¦.«''. v., aB»n-T«;. flirir-hnrf .Im,. Hoi. w'.M. II; K der» De *««'« »J1'»I,,,. y Pill. A KU A N i> K H f N IS, I Btrael im* VV BONEtDlT 0-t 2* m'7 P«...i./.r. f r D.i. /. a\« Nc* i'>r»i .ti»r B"l Jiwfcrl '.".I Wrorultis; ffm P: t S**? r" Ptrer. and coup, et »t Eii/nbirh u Ith :r*i^» o: tb? N.iw Jfl-e1 (£5 f rrV eBt'on Oirat Brr.1, tn,i the \Vrrt, dire, und nil pe'i.t. on tb. D»U»»ie. LvJt»w»nu» tad »»< lt«J ¦on ro.d, wilt !»«*e hp rtBBBIIBBl W .... Bg, fw I No. 2 N "rth rwe«:.*oooBBectloni»itb I..b;.h\ <t ll-f&1 uod Row TnirTl ~ for Allentown IIa*** Cb .k, »nd p*lata on th l.i>v»i rfe*A,,w RoS(:, .ill ieerr Pier N V I re* »t 7:S0 a Bk and 12 Btj Tre'na aa tVaMfl >t Boa* I " n ¦ il t ao».ai au.l ttm.Trala*rreca%ar-iwrki andtothe»;45 «od . p in. T> dal Ua* b c f..-t< y Rw V«w.Tor*. The >:44a. m. Tram (reo E«t..n ooaaaotaat r«. . n tt<-n wi'h tb" De'arraro, f.t.-kiwainii Bad «.--. rn Irilntor BVral tea and the Waat ... . Paiwro-r* for P^»f«.b. Rlridera and Internaadlati | aVee 8on« rrille. will !<»« P rr No. ? 7:*) a at 12 m reid tlRP» >i. tfj ar.ataal of I jurtlatdt .t at 7 Je a. m., 12 m aiid J:ifi p ro. A »o, f i S 'im r»lib* and iutwn li.te p'" aa arlll fn.i.T Pier No 2at7.J0a.rn aid 12ni, and l:S9aaRI p. in ; from loot of «:..u;ti«ndt .t at 7. hi a m IS Ma., j l$t and ftp ui aWaabi rmd Nev. York hv Bteamooat. Leave,.Seth port at 7 At and P a Ul., 1-21» and il.tO p.m. L'-ave Now York at 7:30 ai d 12 m S M and 5p m PaMennra who pur.-ba.e tlielr ti 'k*ti at tli- Co npiny' eRioe. wi 1 have tb« ir puReaie faro ÜTi Baal .e»a thau thoa. pa> rif in the'.an. All ba*»a?e at th rl.k of the owoera ir.til JeHvered into tbe aetnal p .action of the A«ent. of the Com pai j at-1 Ctrrka H'ven th< tofor. tf. B Piri^ht I at New York daily, fron, I II nui.anl forwarder1 by all ÜM boat, ti tTili\l*thpjr. and leave Pli/ ibrlbpotl nrxi i, ornin* by the frellht Trai:- a* 1 a. in for Maw h Chui k, All. ntown, Kaatou and Intermediate p u 'en Preiaht for the Worr. ii, D. lai. .r-, Lachawanaa and Wi -'. Railroad. rer.i-,ed at Pier No. W N rth River .iiily, from 7:'j0 It m. to J p. m. NEW JERSEY" RAiLRWAD.Fop PHIIJa- DELPHIA and the SOCTH ai d WKST, via JKRSBT CITY..Mall and Eapre.. t,fnea: L> ave Neia-York t and D 4 in. and 4 asd * p m.; fare $3: 12 m., C2 SSj a? .npi . at ad «ay ataDoiia. 11 and 4 *o to Kenair gton. Xhronch Tioke'a (pld for CiDoiruiatt IB17 and BIS Hi) and the Writ, and ft* BWanore, Wiahloiton, Norfolk, Ao., a. d taroufh ha*|aft tkeoked to Wa*bU<| .on In I a. m. und 6 b. m. W. WOODRUFF, Aulttent Rnp't. No Baatate arlQ be roeeivod for any train anMa* .lelivefat aAd saee-Aed 1& ntinctee tn advance of th* tian* of leavtnf. IAM» iTnITE-VK\V-Y«)RK to PROVI- J DENrK. Ar.On and eft. r O, t. X. IBS", Train of the PRUViDiNiE, IIARTrORD and PISUKILL RAILROAD will leave Hartford alter the arrival tu«re of the Exprca. TVain of the New Yirk and N. w Mj-.ii, a 3 N> w-UiveU and Ilail- lud Bad Sprin.i ./-id Rallro ide, which lea « New-York at Sam. _SAMUEL NOT r, guptwiaMatdaat KTfiW-TOBl. find WflW-HAVES RAILROAD. 11 1*57. PALL ARRaNOEME ir. ItiL fOM.Hl;XCIMi Ocioreb 1?, IA5I Paaeenpe.-Stuion in Ni w Yo.k. corner STtb-aL BbB dth-BT^ aotranre en RknWt TRAINS LEAVE fjEW-YORK f r Km navea, SiRR p,ja a aa, (a* ) 12 V\ 8:W (ex 1 9:11 tadtrUt-p. m Kor Brlrlx. port Tt$», 8:2ia. *.. (ax.), 12:45 J ai ex.) Mjd4:S0p.BB. ForMilf >rd, H ra ^rl, PalrC«14 8 mtb Bartaad.Weetpert.T:tOa m :12:4'> 3:4*.4.änp m ForNorwalk, fjOvtn. i 12:45. 3:10 (ex. >, S: t\ 4: *<, o: Op m For Darien and Cinuai'b, '.A' a m ; 11:43,3:49, 4:90 5:>jp m. ForS:am- trad,7:20,1:20 12:45,3:10 (ox), 3:45, 4:30,5:35 p.m. F->t Pot". Cheat, r ai.d lotet mediale Statiom, 7:20 a. m.; 6.45,3.15,4 >.t, i.Vi. o:»5 p m. CONNECTING TRAINS. PotRoatot, R 20 a m. (ex.). S: HI ji. ui. (ex.). F r H%rtf<r.I r.od PprlBtSe'il 1 *a. m (ex ), 12: 18 o. m 'J l'i p m (ex). Fir Cennrctirut Hiver Rai roed to Montreal, 8:2oe or (-x 1. ayd 0.W p. an hp} ). to Nor!bamptoii For i ... al IU<lroad, 8:.H a. an (ex land 2:4.' p. rr to Norf.c f. I'-.r lloawtonin RaJload, «:20a ni. Pjc Naicati.-k Raiiroa.1.. 1:9p a in.. 13:49 aadS If p. an For Dank try andNrrwalk Railroad, 7:20 a. m. 3.4f p. n. TRAINS TO Nr.W-YOUK. fiw New Daren, 5:99, 7,1:93 a. m.j 1.3->iei ), 4.10, 8:46 p. at. (ex I Proa. Bildxenort «: 10, 7.40, 10:18 a. m.; 2.07, |ex.) It 14, 9:22 p ta, («X ) From N -nvelk, RR:4i I 1«, »":.'>3 a. m ; ItUfn ), 5:l\ 9:Mp. m. I. x ) From Port Cn.ater, 6;27, 8:43, 1:2«, « 58, ll.J4aa. ui.; 8:27 n at, JAMES n. »IOYT. 8-aeHnteadei.t. Orricr or the Nrw-Yobk anmNi w H.m i \ ji mi koabi 27th at aadttbav..NeM'Yobk, Ort. Ill, ]8A7. 1 OnCE.-aiAiNGE ol TIME of tii* NKV7- YORK m.d BOSTON EXPRESS TRAIN .On ei.d a**u« MONDAY. Ort ih the Evenina Expre«. Trakt, for B.iatcu, via Bew Haven, llartAed and HprlnrSetd. will U ave 27th at aad Ü av. at three ten (3:10) p. m., iuet«a.l of four »»..,.: \ (li2Q) B,tB. JAS. II UOYT, .s. |. -...M.d :.. L0K0 ISLAND RAILROAD -FALL and WTKTFR ARRANGEMENT..(Sunday! wir*pted J. ffw*M .oini In': I>eav* Brooklyn for Oreenport at It a in. aeve Brooklyn for Y'aphank at 1(1 a. m. and d:4S n in.: leave Irocklyn for Syoaaet at 4:30 p. m j Wave Brc^iklyn for Hen p- atead at i0 end 12 a in.. 4:*0 and 5 p in.; leave Brooklyn for Ja- latra at 10 and IS a. m . S 45. 4:30. 5 and Ml p. ra_ WBW.YORR and HARLEM RAILROAD . A* Sun nei atianieuiei.t uoinrrt-nUut .'one 3, 18-57. Tlaii:»le>\e Depot Corin-r ci WJjito and C. Ltrr-ita: 1.30 a ai..Expr... Mail tiatn for Albany, i.oppui{ at all itatkeai north of W illiauubridie. t'14p trt..White Plaint train, atojipiug at all Stall, ni. Leave 28th it Station: 7:45 a in Willlaeiahri lie train, «t ..ppii.f at a". Ste'laat 11 hi ai .Wltlianitliridat- trtiu, at all Sl.t.oi... II JO a. m .White Pl.lut Haiti, ttoppt^i* at all S'atioci. 2:30p m .WilRamtbildge traJi:, .topping at nllStetloet. 4 OB p ai Milleitoo train, itopping at Bii Station«. 5:lwp ni .Ctoton Fall, t ain, .topping Mali bta'iont 6:00 p m .William.bridge liain, atoppiu« at ail Statiom. t OOp. m.-William1.'!,1*!' rralr.. t'.uip ug«t til Statioue _WILLIAM J CAMPB) LL Supertatendar^. JJEW-YORK and ERIE RAILROAD..On kb4 1 art r Monday. June 18, 11'7, and until f.rioor Botloe, Pa*> err ger Train. will .nave pier f'-ot of Dnr. eetr. at follow*, Via.I Dl NKI.'tK FXt'REhB, at 6 a-m., for Dunk.ik. Bl'PrALO EXPRES8, at6aan., bf Budalo. MAIL, at 9am., for Dunkirk and BuFt^o and Interrredtat* ttalloiia. BOCRI.AND PASttENOF R at 3.S0 a m., from foot of Chant bare at, via fur:..out for hufienii and laWm^diate ttatioo*. WAT PA88ENOER at 4 p.m., foi Newtmigh, Madd-etc-wa, and rtiUOT.edlaU- atatloB*. EMIORANT at 5 p m , for D ...kfk and Bnfak> a ,d tuieaaav dtaae .»'.-... THK ABOVE TRAINS RJJN DAILY, (Sl'NDAYR - w . . EXCEPTED). 2l«5I f^^*r,,! »t» 9-ui., for Dmklrk, tvery dap. MIOHT tXPRV S8 at 5 pm. for B-ovVo. ivery dayf Rae*« Kxp eat TralBiroe.,.^t at Ein lr* with tU FflinbT*, tAenandaig'a aid Niagara Pall Railroad, for Nlax*-"* Felli at ¦ loabariiton with the Bjrt' ue* and BlnghajnU)(rRai.r.»d, far Byraejee, et Corxing wl-h BuBalo, Oorr.-i.a and New-York aWfoad, fV>r Roehett.-r; it Oreat Bend with Delaware. Laikaf »aiii>a and W'eatern Railroad, for aVranton: at H -rnetlavBla with the BuSalo and N. w iork t ily Railroad, for Buffalo; at B ii Halo and Du-.ihlrk with the Lake Shore Rallrt ad, for Cleve¬ land, Cincinnati Toledo, Detroit. Chi ratio, be, _HOBjO P.AMSl'KLL, Pveeioent VTEW WIDE-GAVOE ROUTE f>.«n NEW- £% YORR to ROCHESTER -Th* ROCHESTER and SENF.SFK 1 A LLP i RAILROAD It now opon. and, la ooa Baetlea with the Btiffaio, C-oriJi t aad New York, and Near- Beabaad 1 ii. Reiixoedt, forma a direct ro.te froa New fox* to R. i h. >vr. YVe dire n^-.t rf tMaronte, tcaetker with th* mptrlor ewtv BM aPorded by the wide cart, re-iden It by far the molt daenra- M* between :L* abortaiuaiued-cltiea. TV ket. eaa be procured at th* New Y< rk and Erie RaRrued *1ok>t Ottire f.«t of Duawe-tt., and No. 180 Broauway; alt*. ¦ Jeiwy City. B.agate-(, kedthtrngA Freight, will be -' ed between New-Torb and Racbbb tte wtth dbipai. h Auy (oforn atltui detlred In regard rhereee eaa be..h»»ti, j aliipg on the»l Fn lirht Agent of the New torhend Kile Railroad, Erie B;it dingt; er C. B. TAP- FAN, F.xp r,, P-eitot Age-jt. No. 198 Broadway Pie tratna oa the Rnfalo. C-wnir* aid New-Tc.rk Balier*/ aa Baxetaiu_J. A. RKPPtKLP, aupe^iBt^aAeak, PBRNftYLVAWIA RAILROAD.-The GREAT l '.MR>i. Ri'l Ii. rona< ttog tee AtlBOtle ci'ie* «*itk w.>rn Noito waeteia and Seata-w.etat* sutea. bya.-n- taoaooa Railway rf.i*.t TjraRoadatto oona< ¦ at ftttnaraa .ItBra'lv ll^evf »tt»Bier. to a p rr. , n W. .vru Riv-n, .ad at Cltvelandaad Bandutky aith a'.,-41i^r, .. . ,.u ,,. Ike "Jortb w. .tern Lak et.making tbt m...t a,,.. h-ep-tt aad t.Uhior .uI.. b. wh.on FUKIOM f c*B he , .^rdej te ** e fr -n, it ,. (vre*t \\ . t* BATES KP rWR] H PU'LdDELPiriA and TlTl IBURfUI tV\ **!!. -.»"o't. SI ... Hat. BBd Cap.. *. lH^.!,HTl0<,u.. ,,n »oJ track.. J^ift!* I>.u|. IV-. beaea and balea), Fr.tben. Fora. A ... S 100 >». mfS!sj±**ry*1"'*' Sb..rtln*. Shirt.c. and I -..- 7 !.' .".iJrw .,) Hird- ieirev.lfv p-a, r.Ä\?'«'i.». a*r FolBTH CAAta-Cwtjtw, F,.h. Baaa, Be.faodi Flob*.«i g- bbi, Liu,. :.u-üi.'r",. )t,-V^ ..A'*- W <enlt il« th unt'l farther'u-tlee wTtate." ** f 'X' r' **' m k«.. ¦ o "«.'-" toltlot la .iappls/ Oood* 'rom any pilL- et.» .f Pailadelrb a in. * II >*eai.i ...1,,-d lo th'' Ax- r.L. 11 I' ,. H... .. p, , e, p,.,.»,...,,,<. r.i twxrdfdwu' ui ^WptKa faiicur A..isr- -l.'.mi «' -rr. bv i c MeaarbU 1. m al.'* a * "; M-J.."Ii. lad Sprig« .. A B m* a' j taa*'"? l\ ,:r*;i- N W Ural*.., A C V.u ^": Le.,h A -V, N . KU-y B u.; l.r^aa Cr ^-t- . .- N.wYWh....HiJ. IV .. Vet,?, fW' \L '..;..';»:' %v.,'.,. * » M ? l'Jialä, 'i,N '*» "* BValabA Af*Ot, PAwbBi ,Va, a** ,J ^>»*>ABRT,itBe»u-t 0-. : * .. o. Pa ^ i ; tvamtrttaaat -H*r-»:«« "*» *. IVaawarc., Uaft> .eon..d^**. Bat*-* .** JVrthbjb , I' ,Vrl ' ' Ke«r< ' »'C .. --taltirv Jr^fH, graJU* bj »bete -ata* **«» If * f-m. ^.»«tri-»^««* 41 r .ther»> wl'h Hint - tb* ijryt J.--7 "J.T,i<ad, wbieb lixve N#- York fro. 'A* foe*. 0' U*nr!«ijt-*t ** **¦ 3.A> and i p ru. futenrrrt *" the De*-*4-e, Larkawanr.» tr* t-»t»-ri IUI _fj| ;,at**l 7:3ft B.IO. r.i >. For Leblrb Valley Railroad ,tl» m. _JOHN tf. TP r?ns, S,,rerleu, PE S S 8 Y L V A N I A R AILROAÜ. IHK i.REAT CE\m\L ROt' H" Tke P. n*j rtvok lU'lr h l< .!..<*. Bl P tl.b irtb with rail- r»t<it tj m. l If in ft. L uii M >.; Alton, 0*1- ui aad Chicexo, Ill Fienkfort, \a ktlff-.i. end f. ..itevirie, Kv T"-.j lliute, M n. L'-fay.'tle and ladt*! .p die, I., I. i g iynali. Dtyton Bpriaatwdd, H llffniUke, BaoaSua*, Tded«, CI.'th m<f. .?, .' men. ill., .Manuln, ¦ 1 Wooft**. OW ;a!«c, wiUi at. «ii» parfti-t boat* f-oiu to Nr o 0 .-'. -. ?i. L iia, -t and Cincinnati. Theoufk Ti k«-t» fa* the E.»: '»n be had at any of 'he above- a BthH aal pi.r..* in the \\ .'. Pa aaaaaaai u it] .ii.d thi. the . * rt,-.t p.o t . *p* ittlou. aad e< fort ih> 1 .nie Utwe. 11 Ihe r id nQj \\ eat PROM *-K'V-\')RK TO tin« I\NA TJ TN ^ HOI RS. fH"M sfw-YORK TO I 1110AGO I hi BOI AS. FROM new-York TO ST. unrn IN kl iio!'R-i. P ire a. 1 ,tv aa any .the* Route. So ban ( billi In the hotel* of thi- eity. Ii«..«,1 Tirbrt* 01 failhi 1 lafiaaaaliiai. 1 n ba L»da'.tl»e lb< PENNSYLVANIA RVILROAfi, No 2 At-or-Ho-. ., Broadway. J. L ELLIOTT, km v Alcbical. H EL3IB0LD'» EXTRACT of BÜCI11T!!. lIKf.MROI.rvS FitTH tof Brje** rnres Gravel. HELMHOLD'S Ext.a. t ..f Lu .1 re. I)..e»*.a of fha Bladder. HEl.MBOLD'S Batrart of Bi oLn Diaecaea < f BYa Kid- »(.¥. HELbfBOLD'fl Extraet of aTaoka enrjaa Drop**. UEl .MBOLD'.s Eztraot of Burhu foraaaaial W.akr^wi. HELM HOLD'S Extract ot Hnthu for all iine**** ariadna ri. .m Fx. ¦ »«. HELMBOLD'S Extrart of Bu hu f»r all iDocrea tritbn* fr«>m > ffoanre. HEl.MBOLD'S Extra't of Bu b'. fOf all dlteaiea ariatag from linpr ederoe. II ELM HOLD'S Extra ', of BocLu for Beeret and Delicate Dfaea* a. HELMHOLD'S Extrart of B-n-Jm it ttken by rna'e and far ma'e. HEL.MBOLD'S Extract. f 13 ba f r Lou of Memory. HELM HOLD'S Extract of Bn f.j- L m of P wer. ULI MHOLD'S Extract of Bucbn for L'niveraal LaaaHodu of th< Mo», ular S>i.t. 1/1. 11 ELM HOLD'S Extract of BtMAtJ forNi rvo jiatsd Dcbilluted Butlere:. HELM HOLD'S Extra t of B b f r Dimneat of Vlalon. HKLMHOLD S Extract oi Bu. for Dtdicuity of Breath- 'it HELMBOLD'S Extnet of Bucbu for Weak Nerr.t and f' III MBOLD'R Extract of B ichn for Wakef ilnen. lEL.MHOLD'S Extraot of Bi.chn for aU Dktreitlng All- agentt. HELMBOLD'S Ertrar' f Bi h i. r'le« *1 P* r ataottl*, 6V 3t 1 red tu cay eddieaa. Addrett letter*. 11. D HELM BOLD. Chem'tU D. pr.t, No. 38 S'.nth 10t): at., below it, Philadelphia. Bold by Dr>xr>|jti and Dean ra ercrywherr. Beware of cona- terfrita. Curea coaranteed II I (.KMAN, CLARK A Co., Afent., Br<*d«ay, N. Y. RP. R.-DIARRHQ'-A, CFIOLERA MOR- * Iii S, or painful DateaaaTBM from the Bowed, are itoe- .d tn tut. n 01 twenty nAm.tei by R VDV. AY'S READY VLIKF. For Hradaehl t, «r*etbei ir-k </r nerton, Rhemua- tiaui, ParrJyili. Liiriibagc, Gout, Nenralgla, Tootb-Acbc, Swol- lea Joint, and Pali t 11..1 tA'ukceti in tue Ba i, Spee, or KMney: Paint around tho LIv.-r, Pleuiity, Hrarlrmru, and Pall t of all kicdt, RADVYAY'S READY RELIEF will In a f-w morni rrta rbanrre the ni.ert.a you .nBVr to joy. of plnaeoro. B. R, R. No. a..RADWAY'S RENOVATING RK.S >Lr VK.NT, for the Cor- of Chronic Dl.tnaea.turh at Porofulout an«I riypbiiilio Complaii.U, CoiinuuptiTc and other AaWMani of riii- Lnnii ai d Throat, Induration and EuiMaeaieiil of P&rtt, NetiralBta, Eruptive and variont Diaeate. of the Skin, Dyt \K. R. IT. No. 3.-R ADWAY'S REGULATORS are the mo*t txfe and n liable Pill* in ute, and will cere elf-t»rely and quiob .Ccetiveneti, Indlgertb il, Iraflamniatl'-n of tbr Bow. lt, Dy* peptia. Liter Couipiaint. DUeuet cl tho Heart, Klineyt, Pe- maue Coirnlai'it*. kr. When ever the tyfteui I. Dot of order, e doe. of RA3)WAY'S REOl'LAIORS will re.tore it to reg« arity. KADWAY A t o., Mo. Tfi2 Puhf at., up .trära, New-York. SANDS' SARPAPARxXLA.Tbe ORIGINAL and OENI INE ARTICLE .Tbl Ii btated Extreot will KpeedlTy purlip tbe blood, ae,oalJxa tin cli roJattott, Improve the .ppriitf, Impart tou- aadebjor to Ike lyttetvnaad ^rudualiv, hut tan ly. .\tlrpate diteaae. Prepared and tolJ by A. BAD. SaNDS. DrnggKt*, No. 100 Fahos-il N Y. Sold alto by Dtaggiitt (tgaigiaBy. IfHE GREAT LUNG 1 REMEDY. MASTA'S INDIAN PULM0H1C BALSAM, FOR ALL DISEASES of Ü10 THROAT. LUNGS and CHEST. It i.iirita led lu itt.p.edy and certuiu rfticacy. IfOR HOARSENESS ami SORE THROAT, it .it.-- derided relief, und vtl- R u taj Id 1: ire. 170R ( OLDS and COUGHS, it nfl rrda immrdi- ate relief by itt potUive p iw«r to i|,ii-t irritiUou and abate lVveii.b rXolU tin nt throughout the iv»m. F'OR BRONCHITIS, it ie au etfectOB] amlrertain remedy It hat a ta*oifle appHrabllity f-r all tbo.e dit ».ea tbtt have their .1 at in the Throat. FX>K CROUP BHd nOOPING-COUGH, it af¬ ford* immediate relief In ail etae* by It* expi rorrmt and ai tf rpaaaaoea* prop-rtica, and by it! power efb-itoally tj allay lriiutkiti of tie liufnr. membr*".ca of the air-pas.tgri. I70R CONGESTIVE Bod SPASMODIC DI8- EASEfJ < f tli* Ll'NGS. it give* po»itiv« reliel. Htv.rr i-i.rcd nieut rxtiaordmary oatoa, it it tke molt re'iable rem .dy u w before the pjbtii for that df***>*, the A.'.b.u 1. FOR BLEEDING lr..ui the LUNGS, ithatfx Uaotdinaty eBacaey in aiiattla* all eaeee, by klyi k- in« undue arterial i.Jter.noit, aud ti'ndin* rapidly to rrator and rq iali. r 'he r.i.olati l throngbout the tyiti'tn. IjX)R C0NS1M1TI0N, it is the m<«t RELI- ABLE REMEDY. CecUia to arraat lrritatloa aai apt ad I!V relieve a CoufBj it at tho ilmr lime vleldtnu, tttt BBth< and healiux Intlut l-.e, im;ajtiug ttreng'h and vigor to the whole rvitrin. I'pon thtt peculiar bnt rare powerof renovatint the ifMam irtti itt treat for tbe re of all tbe Lrtt «tage, if the Co.vst mmiov. Sold by all Drutgiit* and Apctbe-arlrt, Wbotaaal* an! Retail Dealer* in Medii ine* througtiojt the New Et*^aad Sittel; alao In the Citin of New York. Krooklvn and Jer.M City J. W. WHEELER. Geuertf Ar-af, No. 41 Votey-t*. , up tfeira. L'fgrtl Kotia-9. 1 N Pl'RM'ANC'E of an orikr of tbe Surrtitfite .f ti e Covmtv of New Y"*k BotbN it .-a- > 1 to *B per . >xi htvJnt eJai'mi apaiidt NATHAN HaNoS, Ja Ute of Iba ( ity of New-Yiek, v to pitw.nt the With viurher* lb.roof to tbe eubetatbei, nr htaoefloe, No. a< Wllit^-ji ttreea, tu the CM* .' Ni w-Yurk en «t b*fore the fourth dav of Marrb .M tt-- Drt. d Ni w Y.ek, 'he t.rvt it: %Septviobir 1K9T. FRANCIS N. 'HANO*, Arla.i.iittmtar. «5 lawfiniW IN PURSUANCE of an order of tho Surrogate of tbe C'oiiu'.y ol New York. Bi M B I* Bgtrb*g:wu tiijlper- .oat bavli-M clain.t icainit WILLIAM BTMEB late of tbe Citgr of New-York, dtceaird. to pr.iant the tau.,, tub vog bat* ti er, ol, to the luh.i-rlbtr, et her reiidixea, No 3R7 Third ave¬ nue, in the City of Nov-York, on or before tb* .eetroteen'.h day Apul mat..DatvdNtw-Yo'k the t'lirteeuJ. day of Oclohar, 1KW. EMZABE111 BTMEB, Bid lentuiWid*_Ex* .'tit. NY. SUPREME ( ODET..City and (.Vunty . of New Turk .HORATIO LI E BCRvNTON apaiaat BRANKL1N W FISH .lw the ab*t* BAUBgd Def-u lirt; »r. baeeby »uo otaaed and re««iired to atitwer U*a . "tnpltknt iu tbtt a. ttoB, WBiob v ill be filed tt] the BBBM of t!.' Orik of tho City and Oeont* of New > ork, and t > a< rt. a < py ul your au- twrr to the laid rouipla'ut oa the tuh.. ribi-r *' h i offlcr, Wo. HO Br .adway in tbe City tf New-York, w ifbin tntnly deyt efler tin .ervi. <. hereof, ex 'luMt I of the day of took lervio* and if y 01 fail to anew er tbe itrd eetaatatal aitMa the Rate foreaaiO. thr plein'.ilf u> tbit Brtlaa t.l.l take iaag] Ml aeaiuat y,. u f< r tbi tum . f Fr. . Hundred ai d F.itbtiau D.dlaji aud Slaty three tenta, with (xtrreat frt rr. tbe tec olid day of Rep- :«.¦/.|.. :, one thoi.eand eight hrmdred and fflv >evea, und fl»o, for tbe further tarn of One Hutüred aad Berenty aaiaa Dollari tad Rix ty tu o Conti, witl. iot< M*t Crout lie f Wftaaath day of 8> pttn-l er, one th "...and tdaht bui.d-t d ud fllty 1 \. le.i le theiottt ol tall atlo I .Dtted Nea Y rk, S.p t,n.I*r 17, Ilo7. »\ M. E t I RTlrt, Plaiutiti'. Altrrnry. Tbe eoniplaltt in tbi. »'. b wk filed in tke olfr- '. the I rk the City BI d ('»i»rry i f New York . u the twecty 1*4 oad day af S.itiioUr, 1847. %'M V 1 I KTIS. liilmCwW PlantlB'. Atter-y. VEW-Yi >RK BUPREIIE COURT .ISAAC P- MI LL apt JOHN MORRIS KRRR-aataatMB Bat r».opry der>and n rontre.-t (Com tat »er.) .To the difendtat abeve named Yi u are he r.y innrt, rd a-1 * or-d '.3 an- iwrr tbe i-oaip tint iu tkl. a-irm, wbit b w ill be 1 ,rd in tbe a| Sea < f the flerk t the City t'.J County o New Ytrk, it tbe Ciry IIa Ifl the City »-f New-York, and ta »orte a 1 ipy af your aoawet to tb* aa d luupiut: on the gubinrlber* ti tbeli ef> lea, Ni tt WaR .*rert, ta 'fie Ctty of New Yerk. w.lula twenty after tee icrvlc* el tbi. . .. u. . on yoa, ex elaatva uf the day ef auvb *ertfuei aad tf veu fill t" .- la tie *aiJ «eaaplilnt wlttrtn tbe ttrne atotaalaV, tb* piaka'.ft La tu.« aciioB will take judgn-ei.t i.rainK you ferlbetumof Two lluterrd sod Thirty three Dollarland Fifty tlx ?»*!. with Ii. t.reetfr mtbatwraty tever.'h <<¦ \% ef July, one tB*a***)d ngh' kuadird »i d Ifta itten, btt.d* tb« re.t. of iMtaetkrai Dafad (1 tclrerS lf*7. RCITDER k CARTER r.alutilPi A't--*ave Tbe riagaWaita tb>»*c'ioB wa. dulj öletl iB tie «I,.-.. toe . l*rl ef ta* OK* aad Cenatv of N*» Y nk. oa the twelf.b diy of Oatabet, bVT. PCL'DDER k C ARTER, Pitfi*aAtty* ol4 lfewWcd' ______________ X Y- aVliTRKllE COURT..Hör .er» B. CUf» 11* Ho, »A!,,!^ ii Mill**. Daai«! ff CiB-k lta, Natbaalel F Miüer axd Henry Htoae. ag-ntt De. d Th .mtt aad EdwaN Pei.on BoB>n.,<B. f<r r.»i»i d'iuand on riatract . (Cjin not >*t ,-Tjthe DEFENDaNTs ah.te naniel: Y. a e-* ben-by *vn.r... ..ed txd ieoiili.4 ».,,.., r ,ue c.,y_Tj. j,, thi« BCtl I wblrb will be Oled ia tho «tflre rf Ihe üteia .1 '«* OC.v and Ceonty < 1 Nra Y Ik at the city Ha»; ;a the liity ol New Y .rk. and to m rve. » py ol ,r aaewi r to ihr iald npla'r.i ¦ u> .tbicilbert, et tte-lr . fli e No .11 Broadway. In the Okty mi K.W 101k, wi'bln twem3 da>. after Ine *ai; . >l tliilia- MOBion yej, eicl .the of tb» day f a ehaervi-«; and If yvu fa I te »liiwer the Mrd CMBBBllBt wÜbta ÜMUna M -ctvd, Ue alatattik Vt tau i.tloa »ii! take jul*..., ul ,1 y..^ t r lue . »rn #1 HO », end Inf. r-.t :be;. ,t| .).? 0f Gr il*t, Ifj', be.ide ta. .... ii, , k ,, -li.tul N-^t- 1 Ik. üvtoBeriX I«c7. BARNEY. ¦OMI-REl k Birftü, P alaoai' AMoMeya Tie ' n /.Int'B'e* i\ te BBtttltd*¦ tVa .;. Ibtl a «Rkeaaf Ue CtfiB f th* MEt aad Caaaty afMaar-TaA .; i .aid 1 u tl e t.xtb diy of l) tobe» 'S3!- UIRNRY PH'MPTIREY b RVTLEX e«i. .?.»twt»' 1 akRiRi A'ii a.-.. IN PURSUANCE of an order of the Sarr»*» * ot lb* O'jB'T of fi*mI Yerk. aotir¦« It b -. bt ei*.«, v all -..'....* net KU" .A Kl) L. biro, hate »f the Cl«)-i,l *.. w V. rk, d' e, 4~-J, «c preavottk« »ein« with /.>¦>'ben tin n of la th.- mibaeraVr, at fctr i. nee No 141'J Brual way In to. f it, of Ni w York, .n or h.f.,re the j«b Ja/ at OaUtef. Br-tt -I). ?.v| New-York, tu, m a,, f »r-fl, Fl jawaa-jf*_ANN k>. BIRO, Ad.-witrtlit. jaJEW- YORK Hl'l-ETfk COUR>rCil7l\H 11 Ceaatj f t New Turk -ELUKRT HOOOLAND . i TRANK B, t*I"Teet d L IIOT'OH-To ibedetaaW.: loBtr« at »aa.*aiv.*d lad leeched Bo aaiwer the bbbj. ?. !-.?"< i("fn. wh-ah w_! he Sled ku tke cf a. "I <be crty end CewBty of N««-Toek. tan to eerie * co-re of Tour aniwer to Ike atud ouc.piatut on the > ..¦ »- et alt oaVe, h.>. ]<« u, ic ,5- ta the Cite of New Tork. with* lately dayi aftet the arrive hereof earleetee of the day of -n ,h t rrire, nnd If yen fill to imwtr within the tBM ifureiiid, thr plebttiffi in toll BBttaa wi3 t ,k» rui'»n 1 t,t *|a nt ym for the iura cf Tw,. buadrei ar. ; terjrj, iw dollan and fortyila ».. with Internet from the f_at by of N »'i >r etc tb-'iiend ei.nt bntdredmd bity-alt the sott tf Ikliar Uofl -IHt'd. Re-. T.rk ".Bteraber IB, U'7 Uli E. CURTIS, PleJatfi' A'twaey. Tfce e-mylelrt In 'hit eetion wet ft ,' la IB* asaes of Ike Ceerl if thr City .*.»«.< aiy el few-York, on the twenty ninth any *: Serleab.r, :tS7. WM. E ClRriR, eso lewiww WiBaaBV AHecany. UwiTEUE COURT..CHARE BT" T A Y LO R 0 aaaki*t join; T datii -. : rouert Morrison-. Rawiavae f-r a ¦« M ri»t: » -at . \ a jQ']-f y da»is and BOBKBt MORhlKON-Su-t: Ten are kefai) tn_ea< r ed 'o ««wer tke roinplattt In tka i " n, f w.n».a a eeyoj ii herewith te-reed npim yo-i arid »rrre a ropy ef yoar aaiwt r ijr* ni at ear ofloe. No. 31 tVbD etrert. city of New- T<-rk, wifVa Iwei ty dayi .." .-.£,.».. tawaoCoa aiire if tbe t*»y of la-k nr-iee arid ii yen Sail to aniwer the tin plaint BejyJaMaald tke rittetit' miß takeJedttaeoat acaiaat *aa Arr aba emBt 01 two tkocMBd dulle. witt, ir letMBt t.-~ the lereiith «»y rj I«.v c.r.a ttotiiiau e id- tucdr.,1 r d h.1y eeita heaiuM the toitt e'f Bait e«-t;ee. Dif-d Pervatber 1 !W. 1IAKN A RODMAN, r ..'» , Atleneye lY.eea-eaded .^spattr.t lu »eU.,n w»< _nd In the i/Riee of the Clerk of the Ourly of Now York, Ui the City HaU In ti a (tty ot BMP-York, on lee ixt day 01 Sciareaber. 1-17. if) lewiuwW M. A R SUPREME COURT.COrNTY OF KINfrS.. LOR FUANEEELD at 1,net CaLVIN M NORTHRL'F, WARREN N DERRICK, AM ASA A. fJOOLD TNOMA8 A. (oMiiTOCR, EDWIN B. IVFS and MINERVA B hii wire. aaaanaBM for relief (renn, not ear ).To tba ebore- nemea IVfendanta: Yea are be.-by 1 rncued and we lired te aj:a-a . r tkr roinpliü.t iL'kia antleu, wn.rB w<U he .1.-4 la the efCee et tke Ork rl tke < l acty cf k . the Cby Hall to the City of BrejklyB, ar.d to «#.». a eepy afyetrr anawir to the . aid eonipiaint. oa tiir uba-.ritn at hii odaee, No It] Broad- wny, in the Chy et New Y<rk. within t'-ecty den aft--T the wrrlr* of thu Baaaae ea yon. ettinn** of the day I « .* awriee and If yon tail te aniwer the ia.d complaint within the I'm- Ji re-aid, the plaintia' m thla actioe will apply to the 1 aart ler ti e .tlie.'decnauded in the rowslaiot . Datad Sapt. 7, IfcTT. t> M. VENVILL. P-ain'ifTa Artorray, Nu It*: Reeadwae. New fork Tie w .. ir, the ebuee a r wee Bird In theeHee af the Deik el tbe O :u'y cf f ¦ 11 at the Cily Ha., la the .key of Brooklyn on ttie int day of I apt. infT. aClaw«wW WM. VKNMLL. I a* -T. AHemey. QUPBEME COl RT..( ity mi Coontr of Ne?tf. kj'Ynk.- HARMON K WKLLSa'ad JONATHAN f. OrJIUS- TIEigt JAMES OLF1STE AD and CHARLES PERFECT. Ta the 1 .....i.d defrndrnta and aaeh of them: Yoo hereLy nBir-iened and required to aniwar the eorup.alnt ha tan action, wblrb will be fll'd la the emca of the Clerk Af the City and Conaty ef New-York, at the City Rail in ae'.d Oity. ead to . errecccpy ot Tear anawar to the -aid coinplelet oa bat lub- Mniber el hia cmre. No. 167 Brtadway, In erdd ( Ity. wlthla twea y dayianer the aerriee of ton aBWinena en yoa, eaolnaiTB ofthe car et auch ia:» * and if you fall to eoawer Ike aaid tint- Bleist » '.-.- tbe tfine tforeaald the [. in tkia ectloa wtll tab* jndarnet' aaairtt yon for tbe am. of thirteen hundred and alne dallera ar.d thirty"e!|ht centa, with tLtereit tnereou frota tbe thirlei :ito day of fity'tu.b«r one thouiii d eltht buad.-ea ard Sfly leree. teildee toe eortt of ih't a"--:on Da'«d New Terk, Sept it, 1M7. W WELLS. Pltint.tft' Atturaey. Tbe roB.plt'nl in tblt t-tion wet fled in tke of the Clerk af the City and Caon'y f New York, at w C.ty Hall ta mid City, on day af i>-f t>er. UJ7 o7 lawPwW. *_W. WELLS, PltlutlSy Attetney. CPREJIX COURT .City »nd Counn of Now- Tork .MABTHA HIALY tit MICHAEL' HE ALT . Hnaatnuni rollet (Com. l .t 1er )..To the abjre named de- ftr.dant: You are hertby m.-nu Bed and required to aoewer the r rnpltlr.t In tblt action. »)... h wtt fi!eo lu the olC.t of the Clerk of the City and (Vwjr.ty of New York, at tie Cty Hall, NtW-Yor'a City, on the 9Ui 'ay af Octobee, IMT, t-idtotertea t-py of your aniwer to thr tail r'mplai.toB lb* iuhirrlb-.ii at their oS re, No St7Rroilwty Ic laid City «llhin twe.ity dty* afltr lit leit ice i t ti .1 luir.tuoat ec yoa. ex-luatre of the day of iiirh n-n Ice ind if to-: fa to aniwer tae iitd eorupla'nt within tb> nil.- efortteid. tu pi eraHR ir tail Batata wilt app' to the Coo:; f. r le- rei.ef maiolrd in tb>- romplalnt. Dab New Jork, October 8, 1DJ7. SPENt ER k 8aNFORD, eltlaarfwW' PUinuUt't A-t rr.eyi. SUPREME COURT-WILLIAM W. W'H- TlNCT0Ne«1. R. MOORE DAVIS end - BORRM 'oDipoiiiri the firu *' Bobem i DAelBj of Phtltdoiphia. Buia- moei far money demeud ou -r n-t (Cm. not. ear ) To tke drli-ndanti: You are beiehy lamru-ond aid re oulrrd wn tutwer the rnmpltiot In tblt I'-tion. wbleb wDl riled ia tke r Mce of the Clerk of the City ead Couaty if New- York, at the City ITali in tec cty, end te teree a copy of year antwer to the ie>d er mpiaiut r'i tu» lebx nberi, et '.heir ofloe, No. 89 At 1 rtreet. Jeunrey CoaBt, la laid City, wiibia twxsty deyt liter n . atr»i-t of thia . i-nni'.nt oa y-u eeelaiiee nf tae day of inch eeirice and If yon fail t aatwer the it>d eotmelaiit within ti . lime afortaald. tbe plaintiS la thia aattee will teb* ... laa rn againtl you for thr ir.m of thirteen Hundred -aid alzty- four dcllart aid nineteen real* with latereet from tae twur- teealk die et Aupatt, cae thouteed elfbt hnadrtd tad tf:j eetea, beiidet tbe reeti of ta'i irAlor .Dated Oetuberf, IBi7. BOMMPRR A JOSNSOM, Pltiatiri Atntiatya Tb* rempltikt in ihr aber» actlou wet Med October ti, lt#7, la the < * » of tbe Clerk ef the City and Caanty of New York, elt lewewTT_ROMMERS A JOHNSON SUTREME COURT. COl 'NTT of KINÖS^- THK piopi-r's FIBT. IKMJRANrE COM "ANT af tbe Cilyof New Terk aaalait V/ILLIA.M A FOBTBR aal M ARY FONlXR kie wife. Soruavrst for reRef. (Cera, aotear.). fo the abeee-eaard deftadaata: Tea are Benby tame ted req i»d lo as¦ wer the eomplaiat in thla tvUee, which wiUbettedlB the eiTu e of the Cork ef tA* f>.>aty ef Klaet, at tke City Mall in tke City ef Brooklyn, and to terrt e eepy ef your aaewer to tbe laid eampieiut oa tae labeerfban .t their oflke, Ne. 10S Broadway, la take City of New TarA, wrkhic twrity dart efter tke itmee ef tblt eammeat oa yea, itaclntitr ef tbe day of neb tcrrire; aad hf yea tail te aaewer *e mid rawiplalnl within tbe time aieieeaid." tke aiaUetft in tali aattap w. taply to the Coart fcr tbe redef ataaaaded la the eourpliiat - Dated New-York. July 17, ltfT. CLARK A CORNWALL, Pb..Ufa' Atteraeyt, Ke IBS Briedway. The Comptalat tn tblt ettiea wee liad ia tbe etwee-ef the (A ait at the Caantr ef Ktoct. ea the Itah day of Ana ait, I8S7. CLARK k LORNW'ALL, Pawatale' Attwrae.¦ ¦SB liwtwWad s ¦Km ^OTkUäilj? STribit« f. NEW PUBLICATIONS. MENTAL PHILOSOPHY. Bt Jon» Ha vet'. Uu.?. pp. MO. Omld A Lincoln. Amorj-'the namcrotu textbooks on tber,ubjeotof mental pbilo^opLy. which Lavc appetu> «l withls the ir--t few ye am lint lulling Urea Wayland'n, Prea. Ha- ban s, Urof. Iliekock s, and Prof. Henry a edidon of Conaixi'B ''x*Bjcho'.ogj ), tb« preaont trea'iao ia di»- ti; ,-i.i.-!.. «j for ita aliuplicity aud ita ooiiipiet«ae«a. It comprize*, indeed, a widtir epboro tb&a ito title iodi- ratt'i, trcatior; Dot only of tbe ictelloctual piwen, properly M called, but of tbe two otbor great diriaioat of Liuiian actioo, tbe neuxibilitioa aad tbe will. Tba ei ope of the Yolutne, accordingly, would be more c jr- rectly deeigDated by calüuj? it BO expoiition of parboil p: bat as tbat term baa been, to a great de- grta, jiervtrted from it> legitimate pliJoaophica! sig- 1 ifieame by the pteteisior *of T.tiijut paei; .o-»vi;cces, i' Las b*en, perbape, judieionsly avoided hy tbe r.othor. Under tba intellectual uveidtiee, be (faVturies the pret-cDtative power, tbe reprerrentAtive porer, the n Beetit e jaiwei, and the inttutiYe power. Thia it a tew ditisioa of tbe euhjec*., bnt ia rocjmmendcd by in? logical coD."ecutivoneM, ..d its eibauetive chara> tap. Tiic portion dtroUid to the eengibilitie.» com- ptiect the ahuple emotions, tbe affection*, and tbe dtv tites; wLile the «'iiapters on then 1,1 pre?eat a sne i iict tiew of tie operation of tba active po«<rn, with e bittohc"l tketch of the cuntroreroy reape. jug free¬ dom of will. >A iih the ex.*eption ot' the prof/cud aad admirable ^oiks ol Prof ll.ckock, tie maet regard t Ma Ti Ibbm as tbe moet important contribu'.iou to i.icctal s.ieEce ye«, ftiTuinüod by any Atrrican r 'dr. Tbe plan of the firrt- haamMl aritbor led hi n to & t ri« - of oit'jaieitk'Ba on the primär}' lements and EORtlitkaWlof BRRMMI Ldob). di;e, which be analysed v itb masterly jiorter; wLile I'rol*. RBTaR has ai nod tofra r-pccial'y at a baeid tRptMaaVal of the facul¬ ties, in their a.tual op ration, «hieb ertaaSOaB tbe tl k< fold nature of man. He ht> perf irui^d hi? tvn, i:. i ur opi: ion, with eminent enetaHba Yt'ttbwut r.. |h 11« d tie rtudy of tlie hi^bett au h^ritiee, ha has brought his own ro-onrces, which are evidently of c r t ommon i ru.-r, to the oomprt-heunion and e'u Matioj ti bit lubjoc:. Hit leaxuiigis act only various, bat cotuine, and is bronr^ht forwird aith the simpli< ity that tb'«w« h< is a>Ti*tonied to ita u<«c, and has not tail k 1 it up for ti e Iflfaatliaj Hat i: ie tbe c!dvne«ts rind petetrativE of hie own iu't-1.' t ; wi icii givee i.e tabIt I faUBO to bia trtati-e. Eacu ot prubiomt, aj Inch ait beie |>rr-<enUd, iis> reoetvedan iudepcadrnt folntii n from tbe person! r> rieot,.n. of the aa'L. r, aid tbe rc.-ult ia .-tat'd wirti tue 1 tgi n'. metiud aid Oftwarij aifFOaaaTi Vkiak are the aaal prrott of a DiA-ury i: the siiLjeet fat a aaaava ttraabaajk, i- ) tba caidh'il n erifs of pre. i-nr. acar«ry, and l i- c dity, a I Ba its apttan of il'ae'ra'i .n at d rwL-Mtftt pbih irptaiRRl ieartiog, It to\ardaV} I gtiernl rf t.J< af of n.< M I * lattoa. ILK JUBILEEi Am E*isa»i»a Cocnactios oi httrttc l-OR O'l Im.-O'.lllO'. 1-1 l" 'Bi 1*a t II S.« OIBat Piatani n> wmni H umt*Bin» tu. i .». O:' tie u I .'.?<'! tttt _irai-t*j \i i f w i:'i -uij . variety - ecw before the pubhc, t«t* work .oreof :b a large* and moat c.y.v+*~U* ng near'y a tboRsaed distinct tomp «IbVmn), e( mkxctt it may justly said that roost of* loom f ir .)rjl# ^4*, a or other, are govd and etai'alM T m et ...otufiblc qoeJitiee of the book are IM fo!r.>wio«v There If an obo.'salty larire lumber 0f tuaee sp*cir% ea!ly prepared for coLgr*fcatioraJ vr.I ffltAare iL *t acoorcs well wi'h the tendencies af oinsieal u»w. »ta the osates of the churches. Th*re are many rip.. b'jt«r»H-tive piece* which have a body tuet me r .*-b usage of tbe foBfefa'ioa aih brifiiteo aid ao*. wear rut, (»i JJr. B-aibury> new e.>mp «kinoe tbe cork- d advance has b-:«3 10 ;*« ets)MJ adapted to wirds of teoeer, delicate, and pathetic ohaia-ter la this te would seem to ba»e gone back to the «iu«hri<*« whioe first fa re bim dirtlnction a composer. much to ail credit atd p?nr.»rect repa'ation. The area* Dti&J which have been fnksn to avoid c »mm >s-pVa pars.-« .ader.n ¦«. ard annnnenient« is a!*o a very cntCT.« .a- hit feature of tha book. The, an'hor has ex-releaI great irjt-EUi'y its studying novel aad e»ri!t:«g forme of either expreetion orarrar^i;m-r.t, wi ich will tend'oira- part a fr< eh axd pleasing character to tr.e work, ia tae matu-r of adaptation, be has me* with his a:e;nt->ai»d -1 1Many oi'tbe derive t'jeir pr.o ipal force or sweetens from ilieir very apt and approp-ltt* as'fcinlion wth the hymn* Ic noihing is ti.-re greater scope for refined faste aad g eon xo feel' af; a id we can scarxdy tame tbe compiler that exhibits a noro unrorn-ily happy tact in tois partkr.'ar. Through- « ut the book, moreover, there is infused a sp»ig'itly, Kci.itl, buoyant spirit whichmakes the tanee easy tube sung and pl< a-.1 to bear, aad «11 .v.J to its ateül- ness and attiactk n. Tbe book ;s well printed, ia ua- osual'y large sn I legible type, and has a compact, cVar, and very practical coarse of exercises in tnusi.-a! »eierte. A TRF.ATISK ON BILL! «>K PXriliNUS AND PROM rSSORY NOTEA By l-iav. Edh »to<. tv-. pp. \">. Ooulti, Backt a Co. Tbe public is already in p. ia of several treat i»et on this subject, by IIa; dotty. Story and ctaers; lut aa new decisions are constantly made, there la rcomfoi eisentia! improvements on the treat-aeea!ready published. One peca'iarity of Mr Kdwarie 1 book setmf to be tbe giving gree'er promit-eiee 'ban former treatises to the decisions of Ruierren Court*, woi.'j. on this sibject, aireadyoutnumbertho^e of the Ecglleh reports. bl<1 bavins* referenco to maay p.'ints net touched upon in tbe Erirhsb b>okt. K«.r is it merely to the law as ubiboaaf in the ai- judged ca- f that Mr. Edwards .ii'aea himteit >Vit':i a view to give his book a gteatcr ptwCtUatl utili'y ho has embodied io it the statute proeiei >ns of t'ie ea¬ rn ru S'atts, whirb fr. m tbedifli -u'ty of «e*riog ajaajaj to Rot mplete series of tbe statutes of Mm Sta'ee will prot e a grout coi.Teoience Not only is a OoUttJtj >a of StatoetRtutcs not 'o be 1 >oked for ic aa? private library, there are on'y two or three public libraries ia this courfry which contain anything at aU c ouplet-?. Our New Yoik Law Library b wreti jedly -jode.ant oi this MM rc. The balk to wbtcl that 1rh> on tha mbject of ne{<>- tiahle paper has expanded itso!:' is appa.-eut from ttte ri of ibis woik, which, without at.y uauui prolixity, ».xtitdt itself to fmV eight hundred pta|aä\ Tat last cbap'cr cives that titles of the coaim>*:ciaI : ;dr> of a hi h relates to cxchaige and j»rjmiss try c ita*. THE nrZ WOMAN. By Jt sit T. PacRa Hate. pp. MO. Carlt'>u k Por'.-T. In thia volume, tbe auuot ttae MaaVatld bid idet' of'tmale cbaracttr by a serieu of di laitv pr-jo-ip'r acd familiar ex^mp (s. Hi? standard 13 not tc'tsa Broil tbe prevailing cu>t<>m3 and ophtkMI ot sjc/ety, bur fttrn the highest teachings of Cori-tian otktct. In uis rematks <-. the intel'etual « ttliiva'ioo of w >oiia, he ooLdtc us novel reading ia dejided tenas, r^trar.itog Ir as a ' ciime, morderoue to the heart, tae ict?, aod the body, tvn'i he aa warrrJy reoommecds tae p-- m-al of literary periodicals, and iasists 00 having acces- to at leant one daily or weekly r-evt_ -.. Too work ie writter with Rreat earnedneu a-.d, with an.a-i-ra! exaberaoo of expiessi >n. TBE PRACriCAL HOI SKKKKPEP. Edit I L> Met. P. LET. t>o. pp. SVO. M'.nager t T'.wuteod. Tbe edi'or of thia volume has ai-nel to pre«-mt a complete system of donee-tie economy, adapted to toe habits and wants of Ameriraa housekeepers. It com- piires a ereat variety of practical diri rmhm ia regard to the whole circle of household doti^s,.a copiout collection of receipts for tbe cu.eiue, »ouie of whL'h have beei furnimed by celebrated ctr>.>rers ia this city,.a fanrly medical gaido,.aod a mitcel-' lateous department devoted to tne toilet, per¬ fume ly, and a tkoueaod aad one t .. k i.h '.. .< r .....» ta the uses of daily life. The volume is nvideatly founded on standard foreign authorities, but ujes not ftatc to what extent original matter hat b.'eo coa-jio uted by the editor. BRIE! lon01iand: A Ststcm Of IlOwIBB CaanRAC* rtoaa. By Avnatw j. ffaafttft. Tb.s if the first ¦yetemaiie attempt within oar kcow.edge to abLreeiate the ordinary longhand writing -0 that, to a certain extent, it may serve tba purposea of shortbacd. Tba work hat boon ceruiwliy prepared. Tbe abbreviations are of rich a caar»:ter thai tbay readily tattgeet, with jut the aid of the em- ttxt. tbe word dekLtned tobe represented. Ait meant >f dimiaLsbiog tbe labor of lectarers aod otters who read their discourses from manuscript, it will prove of great advantage, by savin;- time ia preparation. Mr Graham's experieuce ia tha elaboration of «rorks 00 1'itmaa s shorthand, hat furnished bim w.tb many voiuab^ hintafor the piesect system. TI1L NOYLUHKR MA(;AZLVES. THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY. Hfl L B..: n PKii.iir;, M k Co. Theraroeeof tbe bri lianl wits and sobolars who are antoanced at ebariug üi tbe intereet of t aw emw li'erary veutare feate a preposaeesiooinit« favor, aud cbalitDge a kinoly reception at tbe haodi of the pab lie. It puto forward repreecotativet of :be bett lit¬ erature of New-Engl'.nd; Preocott, Lotdfello»7, M <t ley, Ktlton, amoL" tbe men of mirk aud aoc Bent in elegant letters; tbmkcn like Dr Hclg-; rpaikling eseatieta tjjd poets lilt* WüippN, Wendel Ilolm. s, aid l'arsocs; while the and even radii-m1 tcbcol is ab'y - ..t aii' d by Emerf >n, I. )*e'.l, Whittitr. Edmund Ituincy, Trowbridgt. Mrs. Ll^eeber Stowe, aLd Mrs Child. In tbe last r.amei .'la't, ws misa the Dames 01 Theodore I'arker, YVende.i i'Uiiipe, acd Lloyd Gams n, »!:hough we presame taeir el-ctriu aid ptTWOtfal pens will tot fail to be put ia reioji tti 'a. Of tbe familiar names auiorg New-York w ftera w" fir d otly those of llryact and Curtis-not eveu that of Patka (odwin. p. rhajM« the most vigorous BataTMtiiial in tbe oot.try. Tbe remainder of tba co'iH are I Ml! M area, bun tie men, w.'h tbe exception of a girled Lwttefsand a p. puiar to%e!irt fr >m Cjt-ce Bj at, a ciaiit"uirb«d t. xale ar.ter of Maine, and sevo'a El k!>1. coctnbutors, including t*o or thr»* secord- rale 'i'trary nen of London. Tjo coutecti of ibi- ruiilfr do Lot excite aty very sacguice iU'i 'pv ti< r», at.i in few irs'nn-es H«e abtve tue level of da et et c'locrity. We do not, however, rrgtrd tfcU as aa mdica^ion of the fulure rbarac'.er of tbe work, ae tirre is nccesstry to get fairiy ooder way, and uto the at commana to tae bett advaa'aite. Tbe fiiatailiclo it a ooHtt-iot. of pcrsosal raminisoetviet ard aieodotet ti Douglae Jcnold, whiclcomet to> 'ette in the day r^r any freehnoei of lorset, end adr-s lite to the current grws'P BBioat tb^i nit very BV^ciooi p.-r oaage "'Tbe RXtoerat 01 tbe Breakfaet Tal» e aatati rX - .*! lawaJaw potu'e of humor aid »bim, uiviDf the rip*1 ft' «" a moot C^Bitis in his tDoet ootspeakiog mood. " Tao M 'urn- i»g Veil atd .' Alia byMarrag*' are bBRk arel. ariUi sii ri. s, tiiou»o of a wtte*J dicTer. ut t .oa. O" a feu n lUBjIhl chare' tern l1* l*P,,f ou ' Ma- HaJ n rrj »ri i. -p*«ii« wi'h u' '"'^ i.!tr ii flu. r.ce ,:the 8'*ve Powr -3 Ai-en'tc bajltta. tiot, .. tv. bi t tnhld sha^o «vbo-h <Mt>L.U uo i tatrae: hutiraown lu the n"%ear«rt.'n' of gov.romif.t Bad a'M'tt Beyer tiike aewtM Mia. to tH» ccai-'ar It rtm or 11 rtv*-., f »», N r 1 v.z>- -t .> 1 pur ek* * some mrm a<« »f b - Mar», r >>-uI -i-u, x , sew rheiterf .Hrv.i,.». f-,«> ->.*ii.,, »r-.'iuvM» 10 reis iBlTi*).'r frf<*»*f' A fcreat, v»n-',v. « try*, ,nx4% { oi a t.ic of whici ii tie : i.'Ktuig: M WIM«. Fl» - **> ..> . k b* e,»y*. O: i'ic- l«i| lb' k ?;.> lib T'-ylt.oW- I w H IS- .ub'le WBTS 1 K'« p, vd paRa, yid lu*r Iff! . Far oa 'o.git to rro ia n.'ar, *»b»¦"'.» »¦ 1 iea!|gbt see (bt MOM, Tb«' vaMsb-- i rfa t j mo -ipo-ar. Ar ) om lo m? vre sbtiue -..'.i fair.'. Tr-\ » ¦. i I Vi I W*T0 f|M W b mm tl, y My, I em th. w.r;«. I am I- «abtet ami »>- .1 .ub*. A:.<i I ÜM hymn the liribr».', abafljs, 7b- ;>'roT£ |odl p:no :"..r rry \- lo, And pin.' 10 VBU ;b>' i r-dS-vn; H it Ita***, ui-m k lover or" tfcc gv-v.'' F'od ire. and torn th*. ba.'k on Ilraven. Tbe ffiaitar re .!,!«*¦» »¦; \\ the twual edrorial e-i -jTjetr»«, nie nd-rg a paw »r tw.- if *h «t rev <.»*. writ ttn in on admirab e ppizll o: criticism, and nah Mfe] punnet y of expre- .;>. IIARi'CK. The N .e»nd er mmber of fja»p»rcl >*ettbeEf eeoth Vol-jtiio »ith an QavfHRiiailhed of aubtcrib-«.'s, acd tbe ac-n«torred variety of nif»er aud copiousness of eoib"! isbtrcrt. Tbe publishers osiotnne tie mo*' ample preparations tbt? the enenieg volume, wheMt will ci.ntaio tbe new serial novel by laaeeerey, and con¬ tributions fr«>m many d'stinguisned Alter.-au writers. Lb sptte or" the depress*,} MB. Jiiiao of tae book-trade, this nrmber presents a cheerful aspect, and will doubt¬ less be lol owed by a 'eties ia no respect inferior to the it-sues **bi. !i beve given tbe Magazine such a wide rept-tetioD. EMERSON UTD PI TN AM. Tb> r--mbireo monthly also gives out a word of hope- to) premise, announcing a largely increased circulation, srd fie ifet- rmioation cf tbe pnuii'bers to plawB it at tbe head of Au.eri. an magazine*. Th* pr.notpal fea¬ tures i f interest in this number are an account of the 'Strai s of Magellan, a " Visit to kf mtenegio " a a-W(bspteric the " Utt of Washiut»! or," a paper ou "Aaaican CoBofOO,' " Thtures <*f Stall I -f-^ ia the Country, and several pieces of o.igiial poetry, b*> do the editorial Oeparfm''n's wbi oh present a vir;->ty for a'nvr-t every taste. Tae nutnb»r as -sua.', i- libera'ly embellish* r). Till. KHK k ER Ilm KF.r. The " Editot's Table of ibis r umber >. jrameocea with a motUMLg poge on account of the decease of its eel in able psjblisbet, Mr. Samuel lli-t.ii, a man wb se steriiDK iaietplty of character, and and n od-«t macrers, had w in the respect aud «ympathy <>f a la.-.e ir:is of t*i;u*ir,tarces. Mr. HmsAoO was a ..Riveof Scotland, but from Infancy to the ag" of twei.ry ten had ii*«d in M irristown, NewT-Jeroay, From t> at time, be had resided iu Now-Vork, with tbe ei .epfioB of c;n^ or ten year*, whiok he pa.-<ed ar tue S.'utti. The ertiMr reoiarks o: aim, that "he aTRS not merely a publisher; his literary sympathro were wsrtn aid gei ial; his ap;>teciafion oorrocti oh kind- BeMofkeRrt u. vanrd. He di d. as he bad Ured, a cevotrd, pra ..',al Caristiao.' TV K is aorioun't-d, wil conti tue its regular ar.d prmipt publication, " with a .'irculvion that ter^i n. ve, Un;er thai, at I e f reisett BJOOOSat, and wfUJ tkorRry mat jnu tba- was uever n-ore van ms at.I .ntrndaat.' Mrs. B1U-UMS. Tb-* ir .l t'nt!||ab'<? conductor of this Matrazino labors o-Sfi.i l> firths en'ertaiuuiHtt and 'ns'ruci >a of her :ea. ers. Tlc woci U wi*h great typoajtRpOsOa] rl*van.-e, aid its hierary evcutioc fully »ist uns tne »¦potttioa jf t'ae p.ipuiar au!!iore-s rrbjOOOOAVDi b'Sj-i. BLACKWOOP. (Ost Boott R Cc *s Befaall Tho -cie'.,'fi: reader will be at'.rn 'ts«* h) »ho pap ir in this number entitled " Ne«r Sea-*- le Ntedraa." It cortaina some theotetieal ibrcossi-m« »f groar iotaeeai t the .'odent of coiiiparAtive aoatoay, iu a Urion to the usual graphic descriptions of the *er a*. Tb ' arriter bric»s losward sev» :al fat's from t s own pejraOOarJ ob- .-rrva'ioc, vbicfc .-tem to justify ÜM MMolRatoQ that IbersBretaut Bocoseairy to tbo conci.riioo of ierv. .«reo. Tke peevallfctf; tbeory, it la well kn >«u su,t- po^ss every Lervt ns impres.-'.on lo conveyed bra titier !o a OnU aitd by a tiaer j'r.m the nell; but trom the e\p»r>n »'D's .of the wrif»-r, be ooLclades that ner¬ vous impie-Kioiis nreindob'tably trtnamitted where no libefs exial aid where there is an a<'ual eolation of forth.ui'y. The fonoectioa f>f tbis di- :o\ -tj a-ith tnat ot M Brown Sequard ^ce of the most eminent of liv- np pbysMoatsts) ir, regard to tho fraosmissi aj of im- jo. r lor. a:, Tj{ tho rpinal chord, is il!u-traf.sid by a 'ipg'j arly ii tere-tinjr etpoeitinn and c imparis-in A'lkoogb it dees not claim HM a'tenfi.m of the genrral rever. tbis paper is a. u'u'ed to moAe a serta'ioa in the m ient'fic wor'd. LETTER FROM MM, C. C. NO TT, DEC US- is c rin: HOmWrjTtos for sf.v.troH. No SO Wimt, tTvr.ET, N. Y., <).:t ;t, 1«7. Oektlimkn: F<r several areeks I hire faithfally 'nd«tra rd to rdd iu prueurlei eultrd ectioD aruoas th tee of our e't wt . wbo tg-re Iu <le*i-in| to pr»«er»* in th't dry tili rem n»et». f public lutrfrity wbl.rh yet eztit Scebefhrtt hare t-itberto been made, wbi b thoufb ensinated In tie « r -tt no- Sfta, tsMNhi Id fo»tlrj| Ir to oSO- tbe refute of every poetical patty Wiijdfui.f a. is, tbe p.b.i: properly re|a-d wltb «u»- pirlrn errry Blur-merit wbl :b uj*y he »...-. '- wltb ¦iaii'er 'etui's >'or my own pert, 1 bere uot been In far it tt -mion to !_.< uie »po nor aid politiriaiie, but to eleot citizens of futb lie J lutef rlty at must -cuimeud tbr- re*pe:'. af all >~ ... an 1 of all ptrti'a, I bare tbejrf,i;e, a -r -ter :ne < .'.tlar. bat fc«»b uked, aa twei.dtbetl tbonld be e ,-andidate /or 00 BBSBB wba*.r. Thue BSSBBWaeSS were rtede at .Inherit/ :.:*J were behaved by the perton» tc wh irn they were (firen, slI by :h«ni it It my rDty Bt Hand. L'ndi r tl ear c!r:tuut'.au.-etp I hare re^teive-l, ttr .era yoo, thtf lomiietin t "f the Whit; and Ameii -ao putlee f ir Oer itor in tbe IVtb D t'li. t, wbi> tbe Republican » laieatl -i BBVe alt ) !,(, imi"y Je.iiiia'.ed me tt their ca-iiidtte. PBaM set Ml jlqpi Bavr u it ivtu iojf*>t. tad, wbeaer>-.- n. uej : r.» ee< n tt. adi y Seal nei The isaoe, Uj, I* oa* arbtsb tt %lo n.'.-e d.ieiriLt pertoct ttau uiyt'lf -ar-rl) seek, wi'le tae l n iuitii.n. ai u iut tpin'toeo-itly f.-om three t-ieerent pirti ¦«, «« uid Lot but be of itte'f |ret<ftliif to the inortem'neot iitir-jn, södrd la tkes is tae fast taat, sBiaasR eaaspa fat| a aroorJieaat ptrtitan pj.'tien In ano'ber party I here aeec etked hy ym Ut bo ple.'te, premlte or sasaaaaBBi atal or writtm. pibiie or |ri»tte It ao^ld here Neen imp'ttlble f.r yon to here fitted no with ireeter Ibeitlity or mire implicit '-ntlrfcee- Fn-a'ly, tbt fevitb nt In the: bor le of oflV>«-h >'dere acd r lfJEtnt wbi h 'Itlme Bl eeutr 1 tea Denei. rat:« p.ry t-il tbi tv .w--t (Mtimuetioa of tabi.i Demiertte to prefer the woi* 'are oi the itj 11 the om^ttit cf :h«;r i>'.'.\: t! n»at'.-rt, trl-rt.l it this t'tue jneipe-'.ed of iu---»i kVarej rasab at «hyeot, I d<> aet kaow mm\ I seaaf trlve you ttn ut't p ..I my 1 to .-'ttedaett tuen by de-.lioiu^ u until a aa riV.urttrly made. 1l >jci-l"Dt-. 'b- UiOtite, above tlo.leJ »o, I find that oiyprj , rettsattavaaataveatBraraaes it .mpo.tibl . f^r me to a?eapk, I h-»e raref It] waavartad the merer iin.-a tae ominar-^ai Be-e..B'frlfd,BBtlBSJ ic. Ur.0y fuce^ to ih't .i.on Tea wtil tl Bee n j d re .titt tbit to you j -ln-ly, aad wil ,i. n' to tse rouvettloot whi- b yoti re»peetiv-ly reer»aeBt Botaia taeLkt tor ihi ji-d-terv«d -emp .m- x B*taV eaeh lit -ja'.d aa Ail w me sow*vtr, Is hope tint yo i wiJ stsHM apae ictnli- di-e w ,-»rv -.t the e*jt.;.. flncb tn a- on wcl iarolte no ea-ri- fi . -1 Btawrkpaa, Tae paataawa wu <f tte poblie, y% a. th* t . p.-ea aey ti dk* It'11, the Bto*asti -n of '.r.di«idual rieht- tbould be tte frtt aruc'Bari af every aastStoal party. To pr».-r»e jkete, tbe Itw of i»lf yreterva'i m wi'.i one dty fvrea a'l retpe, - _b e niti. i«iu tint Bt| to tti'i. fore Wy tt 01 -ae Ci-y of Sa-i SriBlBBSa. Bf pet.e*L'.y Bt we are H jW euüeewri.l lo ll. Tke bat* pjtit. jB f the Letitlal'ire wti ai or peV.tbl- at* a*lasfsyeaai y»t itn the w.rit of our op-'t'ii D--m.i--.ti- tefaaawer] 1 .dan* fed r**r oa Auer ruem ut i tojip." Tice ti t ia .cr aittrirt BBtaj iti/rnt whs w .uli dct^rr-xlly receive eor t v&driif* if oboten to be oi.e ,f thote r 1 -rt. Baa tie »i.e. I o »uih a ft.oat-re thr ur*» your leetruaeri?*' ly I ht pa to ak!.whe:re-r h- he a *.Vhl|. Am-rec»e. Re| r " O n oit lataplllBlj. Bt . ClURLM '. N-"1 f- Fo Bfe.iri. A. V. BrBlBfila and oth^r», Coaua-tie*; a. M-nri l>. 3. H' inrv and o-Lert, Coarai" .- Pi US'tS iL. -Tt IJ^r.. DaeiHA .yarka-a'-'r. ift'e M i.-t t. ( L i retnmed to bit Www itCeo'w Ovo. itea |rth..,-t Flswa. r* hj Ua driaeaa I «as ptaee w-H. f}.m<-ttr^..^ JC ^^ '^ '<"1I*?J nifBtl roUTlC* tit MTldXD. i o-»f i ¦: *'*tf TfteN T T IKea*. ' M » »i f. M 1^,7 If t>. p tftjgaj pperv io MsryWd a-* bo. teeriklf .'..».¦ |*V» 1*1 v. ;<»~yja r*a*t..f.,rfJ. s to at tli«' .N ¦¦. .ii .,,.»,tag« 'Mi f n nt T4n ?r,K bbBT" h»»« tOf a tug)* ean Jrtaeo et ¦¦.f ilia.|*Jn|] th* people. T»* i- trie, way . "»tter*'aad*. Tetj will rer..!l,v: that en my last ¦e'ter 1 gave yon extra« » from aarrerona llenotwatje joaeneda rriv!» santsnainiy ro <*W **rd> that Kiow-Nofhu-irwrn ar.i K . were eoa an» .ee eatr* lawaf, bl-I iha» a v,. tory raited by r4aawf wotil 1 be a rouire of gratm. vioB to both Now hear >t'e»tb«» rife. 7>, are Saaawl i baajra at Mr. ¦ .K**aaa an,«.,,, rwalww em Be te maey with MrJ « Repvali .».,. pr,, wmt± ... fW. ' p- it.rt iotLIt St*»*. In an Cal Bel J..B» e llruLZ Wa J!!. it af fAv . efo***ev AV, .Mtraa. rreevJrEJTaaa^ f-,tr« .V«../, ,i»xafviit« aa.l Mur.&vea' !**.*, i tfl.ii. R.puklj. tut. jsodutoo it »iu tucly '"0 ie» toat aaaaaa tt.e lower cornier tl e etrorgboldo of tbt «la\. holding urtervv of lUbtiylsr.d thel! all rait a mij »rite at*Totes xgeiuet lav at> a'ied Deav nieB eBBatadates a e.ball her. ft.-r t ira leeea evee to bl*. * Rrpubilret ita:, .> h- re T » ii! pr. p. rlj tntxtaa.'* So ji u s«* tho R ark R.publiiacs are ee-tiaed to -in t («d, willy oilly. Th* ta. I is that R «pub i -aaiaaa t»* brccae a" gnat a bu.ab o asev.r the s,s Treat- ury wa», if tot a grca'er ¦«>. aed both nsdili 0 par- tie* 1 ere art- trying to make t1 the capital they raa oat of it. A 'arge mejiity of tiioee wbo a-e oppoeei ta Kipnblictnlsm hevo never read the pie'form of the Republican party. and have not the faioteet idea of ahnt the principle* are for which they are conUAtaW. Uur aewrpaper «ditora and partisan wtVor* haew Lowltd eo honibly about "the, eectiotial tarty of the North, that their r. vier« aad bearrni Lave at b tgth route to the eta*daaioa it* oaly obtect i* the di'nu mheri'.'ct and overUin>w of the DaMaj There leaii» is of tbe nia**e« ha'.e labored aeriduovaly; 0 en tu-e the i ulil c uni d with tbe idea that tke re- biotb c nud the abolition of Slavery a"e one and the Bane tl :i ., ard that tteee le i «ntireK diatir.ct ieeaet. t cm bit ii c and doviiailm^ th' newlve» into each i lher form the learlit g ai d mo»t prnrainenf fratare ia the Republican crerj. Aed they have been ao sm*- caieM in il>t'urticattng their aod'tore that tnore are Iheuaada of tuen in Maryland layiag caaUD te mood . iat d intriligotK-e who oaaaawaaaaaaäb behera tint if Krrmott bad been elecfed l*retldent every lhive n nth of Maren and l>ixon a ltae woald bavo Lki) turned »i«e irataoter, and all tke Slave States converted iLto a accaa of bk odeked, pillar* aid cottlavratii n. It i* lami'nt»l»!a .o thirk tii»r could ever give thenwrvea up to tuck a delotiroi but the facl« are even ao. The platform of prltcipko, nCopted by th Repub'i. an ptrty at l'hi n. .iphie 1 doo't thu.k van evi.r ptibliabeU ia * pelHteoJ . < r in Mitxl."' d at leatt I never r«tad it in cue. Atd altlouKti tK- organa of 'a brataut DtBiocioiy and au t. R. <.»-Nothing.«tu wara »In»}- innd in their obj:ination* of tbe party wbi«-b CBN se to a«l< pt for it* motto, ' Kree anil for free white) it i-r," «n<* ate eonlinually a< euain^ ea<4> other of being .' liiatk Republican*," th<<y are one and all '.iVaid .J tit it tub. ibry pieier ruiarepreeeiitafi uaoditlumuy to'tu hi. argunient, ard. like I ir ' whoa ct nlletig a to aVfead its mjtM >j, shirk] thom«« lv.-e aim a Wo mil not ei/< r into a aaaBwaaial of tbe "tlji (f* end aim* cl Republicanism." No. ao; thoy dread euch a discus- iou Some of Ikear ri.-adwn uogbt bo bwaeitod by It, anil .>.¦ te'npte.l ti aavar tiielr jirer( nt party a**ocintioi < tud connect ihem- -lve« wi»h the u.uib u;. .-d aaaifjppj ot^ari*ati' n of Free- Siiiert. And the bread aid bu'tei of tome of theee orgai -(iiindera tidgbt tlnrtby 1m very teoeioly diuiiu- uhfo". 11 .< r.r wspapera thronjjhoot th«i S»ate bavo beei eo- lOajfd tearaipeoeIkeMttaewAaaJ OaveaaMI In Bal'i.tiore ir Ciecursirg the h of the« that took p'a«e oa that tciBvion; and, aa usual, «mh ptrty ao oaea tbe ofbtr of lieirg the inciting cause. As tbe I)«oioereta, bowetor, v !.. u tbev MOJO in the aoceiidant In tbe rite soli '-years ago, insuunrafsd the reign of t'-rrjr aad brute ft roe by drivirii; the Whig! from the |rolla, and as they have since procliced the same sy«teni m Ran ras t< wnid Ike Prea-AoDesa, aid have advocated and etconrsged it as carr<>'d oo there they will obtain lit* th- ryn in'bv, even if Ihey should be baateu, a* Utap alii |s lae] have been, and fear they will bo again, bf Ki oB-N'otrirg violscce and fraud. llii ks and Uroome, the (iitbtmatonal caadidatse, arc t-trmpicfr tbe State; but not in company. They have ro relish for a joint discnesion. 11 ire e ia eetue- whtre c'own in tba lower part of the State, telling tbe electors about "'our glorion* Native- American party,'' as h* calls it; wbila Grooooe is on the We*Uta Hbot*\ " dtfinii g his position, and placing himself right be¬ fore (ha people.'' It is now c-mceiM by ail, bort . vrry f<-w infetuuted Deuioorats, that tbe Know-NtXtV inns will < loc» ihrir entire Slate ticket, end (if Haiti- mate|0eo M thesioLS at preeent iudieate she will) cany the State by an overwhel<nirg msjority. THE Rl RAI, DISTRICTS. ITriflkWT COUNTY. Ft'in a Itt'er to The TarBi'mt, date-1 WeUsvilka, Ort 2fi "Allloks not only well hero, but frst rate. Yoa may set AUegany down on y#or slat.- at 3 W)0 maj rrFy Dl i'.rst er titrates, and we will do better thentbetif we i sn. sliI I sm ipjito turn we can. Ourmtjwity hist fall was 000, Tbe poll will not be fud (kit Fall, at d there wi l be less majority -though so far ao f ktiow, thne is no defei tion whatever from oor ranks." £110 OKL YN ITEMS. Socmr ior TU Am. i o.itxi ios or Tua Condi- TliN or mi t Pooa . The t-.r'-.-i th aanlttraarf Pjeet.aa if ibitOie iely Mttbeldou Mraday eveuiaa. »L,.n th* aoDual re¬ port xeat preteotnl. fr'.iu xx htrh tppeart that the dtttrihutlnna luve Ii. ii made rbiefly by tV'ard Atentt, who are reaiuaertled RH tbelr tervlr.-e, hBtti ad af by vUltort wbo formerly save their lervteespatuitenaty. The coutiibutluut havn been afvea prie* cipe'ly to widows with yoaBj ehUJn u famillet la etetn.i, aad to ated peitoiti tod th»T h*M- endeavorwl to Hd the S xi-tp of all peitoni who are able tu help themtelvee, amonn taeaa tre a l*r*e ritt* wbi live In I-1 iu»*t <' whtek are of f.ieltn birth, wlm bed previously Been Iu the htwt of reeetvii^ eteliteaee fi-m Ibe a . t- i. Thla cites have heaa oo«- V-lleil in tt-Mirt tu other meant than the A.*n .«tl)u fa? seile/, b* prli.Hpal ecdearor of the S.«' ely h«« >>-¦<. to provide a -, t. c'v t r .' .: i. f wber. by the really worthy Baty Be r.-lievi-d ti H Impittott itet. eled. A ttetniii «*f Wtr.f A(*aereO P»t 0»< 11 pn rfil. ttve ol f od . *. . t In i tin re.peot, and - Ley atb .: T..--«:i. i, .1 -he i-,.. i.t ',. leWtBBS, tai* '.t.- --t. Their reeelp'e htve been: Prcn. rititort.....0'. MO IT KiomCburch on the H.rhti (Or I!- thui. ti* OT Total.S)t,lit 5 T...-j* bat !.teu dittrlbuted. . BJJ *9 LeavlES e b*knn* of.. wlSi «A Th* ar'lclet dUtrlhoie* were. Oror.rie.i.'.Slt .MlStovet aud iiitnrna.. ft V) I uployineat 8-irkwp let SO r r t :< .. naei. I»4 II Due UOoher lt. UM. »I M .VÄÖÜi 1-0*1. 3,260 v7 lj.l'iti.dWtrdt.' t. 031 (0 Pnr.'b.» tod adverl'g TU't. 8'ati -v ind booh* II V Sheet... . 04 0*. The i.rti ripel trtirlet dlttrlhuted ham Been fiel, bread, lanai, r m m leant, muleteer, - -,«..r and te*. The repurt r.roe.rudtw with ea epryeal to tl * puMle for aid, in «iew of ta* lerpe aoaa- )er ol'ptiMxnt who beve been Ihmxvu out ol ompivytaeut, aod wbo ill praairs astlttanee tbit \V Inter. FsrtPE oi l'ttNOM hs. .Two priv>ners aamei Mttl-w Mmtll ana Kd-trd R si* -.rao-d from th* rel.« of tae Thud Dittrf. t RtttUin Home ou If lJay ex. obi«. hp ptrAhmt the let k tLd prxirs off the outtld* bar* Riss* üad *»*a euat ml'ted in full on tbe charte of »UhWo». aad «mall wa* osalBai l«.r dlaorderly cuduct. Th*y wer* n-t recaptured. Cl 11 CoritT, before Judge Culver and Sir^r^aero f'odw.-.! tod Delaney .The < ter.a of Ihl* « ., .rt *w aoBBBBBBaed ye«t>rJey Suverel ptwoari* wore Brou(bt aa, tut r mm* »ot bein| ready tbe Coart a Jjoorued till Wodaeedaj u.. 11.11 t. DeXOCBATM PBtMAKT MKETiaot..The Dem>- P)la tri« 11 .r SSllutii a andijatea f.-r Inapeetor* of Rleie- ti n tDd f to be v..»ed f r «'the« etarti-iB, t it k*Ad llllBOkaal the diaVieot Ward* 01 the c*y ax« eveuiL'S. Tin I.ividR Dealers- At a nc;ot ¦ etJngoftke K't . . ifcty I.i-i'i- r D .!er«'A-to-'latlon. taev reeoiradtesea. p..itii PasBawNMtBakata las «oteo«ele^tsaa, Bold Robufut.. Ab-iut t{ o'clock la«t -, , - ., railed tl,- heu- of Mr*. '.;».>'. .toe street x-h araalred tor a araa saaaaQ Aaya\ anaa awaa there. He wa. not 1.. ...J l*e * aWjJJ Utm u tat to wtir i,r hi*. «h u )*S.v'lT.i. .< itrverwere, -'th wi,. :.' ''V . ../Ill.'a^ial luat. in the I.oum stve chat*, btttdid uAtaceatl la caaatviM aiae. Ttievi rba«ce *t Fast Ntw-Vorta..A party of avtVeX^a.w-ta N ,. II. on ft. iLltsdjat iri-uaeV >. tae aar*, an« I !tta.SmZt\. wiaVw. - >a hr ten ...I tne Sfgot tba V noTi/e-oieirey by'be f«Be* that wen, threw a kp K'ZrO. «ffi fttLdtp,t « .W,tM.. of : ,. ,,. eiJ»rr ».l»- re an I Edward J. Mickey wot* aneite* BBS taBBSJ lo tae tt. *tt B Hoatc ot tae Kiret rraeiiOt, ..J L. J for eat i.'ue'-en .u.. OH.r:..or- .rniot« A"ir>r.Br it Hrnaoe ."!>ot>.a*rjr'' Nt- n- c was to u c id in a t>all<x>u fron lludeoei, oa Htf- ur.ii.y BfttinBOSJ. bur, aa u-oal, "didn't go up-'' llratwhile, an ut fot»ur-Ate sc-id. r,t orvnrr>»i. 8»«« J) <,r women axd ebaatlwl bad eolat <ed at aa* t- .,:.!..> ti tot of I aTi 'el n avrning, äbivtb gave wey, and pr» cipitavd ih-Ti ftj tbe g-otlrid, irilk aotte ». v'»-. i- inrie*. Amour tbem w - SJn. ttw i sfatshe i. ,!1 I i : .red. kt Meiy Bteka f. »kea. Mit Han t barily armtel. A a n f Mi I Watern an «ll*bilt bruieeA » »aakesi af A Hta.r aitthtit areted - ".te *t»uci -i ..iiJertjete were atio t*AI| au-t. Au. ' i t*-n .«. r. * \ ^r letiisslser, keak I > .red. M.-t. ) ; i .. i. - IV.Wy «.rr»»,

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1857-10-28 [p 3]. · lud BadSprin.i./-id Rallro_SAMUELide, which lea « New-Yorkat Sam. NOTr, guptwiaMatdaat KTfiW-TOBl.find WflW-HAVESRAILROAD

A TON,H^Jr*^.?ü*övrn rock. c.r. » . v .. i -

<.0M»<>1>'R>-; /»f^^^B., ban and Pi oe Rai'-

Z2 rs»w.1^^. »xoeata* fro- p>.

J****. »,yyik\tr»r»* « ha-f «Vre Ba .--j>/w at t < t

.äSu^«" »«*»¦ ? . -.

t . J7\a *«.» ei*ti at »'j*> m.

^r^'Wt; fr<« T^k Si :»,",7£ay. Frc-ar. aybo-ih.g'.u Ti *e, TnurtdA» tad

.^'cPi rMOl TH ROCK, f- .in * w y~-k lHj«f4wjr, Thanjjja,,: %rorc»y. IVm hu,:.'-gr. -.. M> tmj, «Vedue.d** **4

*iS,C.f*rt p-r»i A Vtr, .ii.; r.1.- i'. .» Prod

tmlrr.'A* f->a u.theF*rv**t MiMTrtl.. : >'n»i«Jn*'"Ba «dewnre ot tbeee. by other rof.e.. nil In impte 'i.* <,r


far e*rtr m ndn* foee rrttntvt«n| V-rtn ni d Er.t. F».--r.-<rjfWpr*!'*' romalBcu board lb- NMM « » y * a.«ht treei

,r:..-d. »¦ *k ud if tad ..»». Bt »»'

.oa B u, . sir,' .tta| »f *r.tU-BM Mb» th* F a. a

V'.-a-t,, th* *f**n e,and Data thron,.

^mm\~»m, Berth, etta-tr. BBf^tjM fö*fv««nr7V7\t the F.-el»ht OAV«, Pier No. 9 Noi--

IB*eaVse, Wo. 10 BaMery-pla.e._

Bi d W rat- -U Railroad t" *rBB»-B. Orr.t »»... o nH W. .

direct al-o in. « n«vti. u wi'li ('.. U/i.(» » V ». * 1

Alie^wnard ?¦'VtSTrtjf \\ V "

Bt«B*Vr#R.« r.«d .-. «¦.«''. v., aB»n-T«;.flirir-hnrf .Im,. Hoi. w'.M. II; K der» De *««'« »J1'»I,,,. yPill. A KU A N i> KH f N IS, I Btrael im* VV BONEtDlT

0-t 2* m'7 P«...i./.r. f r D.i. /. a\« Nc* i'>r»i

.ti»r B"l Jiwfcrl '.".I Wrorultis; ffm P: t S**? r"

Ptrer. and coup, et »t Eii/nbirh u Ith :r*i^» o: tb? N.iw Jfl-e1

(£5 f rrV eBt'on Oirat Brr.1, tn,i the \Vrrt, dire,

und nil pe'i.t. on tb. D»U»»ie. LvJt»w»nu» tad »»< lt«J ¦onro.d, wilt !»«*e hp rtBBBIIBBl W .... Bg, fw I No. 2 N "rth

rwe«:.*oooBBectloni»itb I..b;.h\ <t ll-f&1 uod Row

TnirTl ~ for Allentown IIa*** Cb .k, »nd p*lata on th

l.i>v»i rfe*A,,w RoS(:, .ill ieerr Pier N V I re* »t 7:S0a Bk and 12 Btj Tre'na aa tVaMfl V« >t Boa* I " n ¦ il

t ao».ai au.l ttm.Trala*rreca%ar-iwrki andtothe»;45 «od. p in. T> dal Ua* b c f..-t< y Rw V«w.Tor*.The >:44a. m. Tram (reo E«t..n ooaaaotaat r«. . n

tt<-n wi'h tb" De'arraro, f.t.-kiwainii Bad «.--. rn Irilntor

BVral tea and the Waat ....

Paiwro-r* for P^»f«.b. Rlridera and Internaadlati |aVee 8on« rrille. will !<»« P rr No. ? -» 7:*) a at 12 m reidtlRP» >i. tfj ar.ataal of I jurtlatdt .t at 7 Je a. m., 12 maiid J:ifi p ro.

A »o, f i S 'im r»lib* and iutwn li.te p'" aa arlll fn.i.TPier No 2at7.J0a.rn aid 12ni, and l:S9aaRI p. in ; fromloot of «:..u;ti«ndt .t at 7. hi a m IS Ma., j l$t and ftp ui

aWaabi rmd Nev. York hv Bteamooat. Leave,.Sethport at 7 At and P a Ul., 1-21» and il.tO p.m. L'-ave Now Yorkat 7:30 ai d 12 m S M and 5p m

PaMennra who pur.-ba.e tlielr ti 'k*ti at tli- Co npiny'eRioe. wi 1 have tb« ir puReaie faro ÜTi Baal .e»a thau> rif in the'.an. All ba*»a?e at th rl.k of the owoera ir.tilJeHvered into tbe aetnal p .action of the A«ent. of the Compai j at-1 Ctrrka H'ven th< tofor.

tf. B Piri^ht I at New York daily, fron, I IInui.anl forwarder1 by all ÜM boat, ti tTili\l*thpjr. andleave Pli/ ibrlbpotl nrxi i, ornin* by the frellht Trai:- a* 1 a. in

for Maw h Chui k, All. ntown, Kaatou and Intermediate p u 'en

Preiaht for the Worr. ii, D. lai. .r-, Lachawanaa and Wi -'.

Railroad. rer.i-,ed at Pier No. W N rth River .iiily, from 7:'j0It m. to J p. m.


CITY..Mall and Eapre.. t,fnea: L> ave Neia-York t and D4 in. and 4 asd * p m.; fare $3: 12 m., C2 SSj a? .npi . at ad«ay ataDoiia. 11 and 4 *o to Kenair gton. Xhronch Tioke'a(pld for CiDoiruiatt IB17 and BIS Hi) and the Writ, and ft*BWanore, Wiahloiton, Norfolk, Ao., a. d taroufh ha*|afttkeoked to Wa*bU<| .on In I a. m. und 6 b. m.

W. WOODRUFF, Aulttent Rnp't.No Baatate arlQ be roeeivod for any train anMa* .lelivefat

aAd saee-Aed 1& ntinctee tn advance of th* tian* of leavtnf.

IAM» iTnITE-VK\V-Y«)RK to PROVI-J DENrK. Ar.On and eft. r O, t. X. IBS", Train of the

PRUViDiNiE, IIARTrORD and PISUKILL RAILROADwill leave Hartford alter the arrival tu«re of the Exprca. TVainof the New Yirk and N. w Mj-.ii, a 3 N> w-UiveU and Ilail-lud Bad Sprin.i ./-id Rallro ide, which lea « New-York at Sam.

_SAMUEL NOT r, guptwiaMatdaatKTfiW-TOBl. find WflW-HAVES RAILROAD.11 1*57. PALL ARRaNOEME ir. ItiL

fOM.Hl;XCIMi Ocioreb 1?, IA5IPaaeenpe.-Stuion in Ni w Yo.k. corner STtb-aL BbB dth-BT^

aotranre en RknWtTRAINS LEAVE fjEW-YORK

f r Km navea, SiRR p,ja a aa, (a* ) 12 V\ 8:W (ex 1 9:11tadtrUt-p. m Kor Brlrlx. port Tt$», 8:2ia. *.. (ax.), 12:45 A-.inJ ai ex.) Mjd4:S0p.BB. ForMilf >rd, H ra ^rl, PalrC«14 8 mtbBartaad.Weetpert.T:tOa m :12:4'> 3:4*.4.änp m ForNorwalk,fjOvtn. i 12:45. 3:10 (ex. >, S: t\ 4: *<, o: Op m For Darienand Cinuai'b, '.A' a m ; 11:43,3:49, 4:90 5:>jp m. ForS:am-trad,7:20,1:20 >» 12:45,3:10 (ox), 3:45, 4:30,5:35p.m. F->t Pot". Cheat, r ai.d lotet mediale Statiom, 7:20 a. m.;

6.45,3.15,4 >.t, i.Vi. o:»5 p m.CONNECTING TRAINS.

PotRoatot, R 20 a m. (ex.). S: HI ji. ui. (ex.). F r H%rtf<r.I r.odPprlBtSe'il 1 *a. m (ex ), 12: 18 o. m 'J l'i p m (ex). FirCennrctirut Hiver Rai roed to Montreal, 8:2oe or (-x 1. ayd0.W p. an hp} ). to Nor!bamptoii For i ... al IU<lroad, 8:.H a.

an (ex land 2:4.' p. rr to Norf.c f. I'-.r lloawtoninRaJload, «:20a ni. Pjc Naicati.-k Raiiroa.1.. 1:9p a in.. 13:49aadS If p. an For Dank try andNrrwalk Railroad, 7:20 a. m.3.4f p. n. TRAINS TO Nr.W-YOUK.fiw New Daren, 5:99, 7,1:93 a. m.j 1.3->iei ), 4.10, 8:46 p.

at. (ex I Proa. Bildxenort «: 10, 7.40, 10:18 a. m.; 2.07, |ex.)It 14, 9:22 p ta, («X ) From N -nvelk, RR:4i I 1«, »":.'>3 a. m ;

ItUfn ), 5:l\ 9:Mp. m. I. x ) From Port Cn.ater, 6;27, 8:43,1:2«, « 58, ll.J4aa. ui.; 8:27 n at,

JAMES n. »IOYT. 8-aeHnteadei.t.

Orricr or the Nrw-Yobk anmNi w H.m i \ ji mi koabiZ« 27th at aadttbav..NeM'Yobk, Ort. Ill, ]8A7. 1

OnCE.-aiAiNGE ol TIME of tii* NKV7-YORK m.d BOSTON EXPRESS TRAIN .On ei.d a**u«

MONDAY. Ort ih the Evenina Expre«. Trakt, for B.iatcu, viaBew Haven, llartAed and HprlnrSetd. will U ave 27th at aadÜ av. at three ten (3:10) p. m., iuet«a.l of four »»..,.: \ (li2Q)

B,tB.JAS. II UOYT, .s. |. -...M.d :..


ffw*M .oini In': I>eav* Brooklyn for Oreenport at It a in.

aeve Brooklyn for Y'aphank at 1(1 a. m. and d:4S n in.: leave

Irocklyn for Syoaaet at 4:30 p. m j Wave Brc^iklyn for Hen p-atead at i0 end 12 a in.. 4:*0 and 5 p in.; leave Brooklyn for Ja-latra at 10 and IS a. m . S 45. 4:30. 5 and Ml p. ra_WBW.YORR and HARLEM RAILROAD .A* Sun nei atianieuiei.t uoinrrt-nUut .'one 3, 18-57.Tlaii:»le>\e Depot Corin-r ci WJjito and C. Ltrr-ita:

1.30 a ai..Expr... Mail tiatn for Albany, i.oppui{ at all itatkeainorth ofW illiauubridie.

t'14p trt..White Plaint train, atojipiug at all Stall, ni.

Leave 28th it Station:7:45 a in Willlaeiahri lie train, «t ..ppii.f at a". Ste'laat

11 hi ai .Wltlianitliridat- trtiu, at all Sl.t.oi...II JO a. m .White Pl.lut Haiti, ttoppt^i* at all S'atioci.2:30p m .WilRamtbildge traJi:, .topping at nllStetloet.4 OB p ai Milleitoo train, itopping at Bii Station«.5:lwp ni .Ctoton Fall, t ain, .topping Mali bta'iont6:00 p m .William.bridge liain, atoppiu« at ail Statiom.t OOp. m.-William1.'!,1*!' rralr.. t'.uip ug«t til Statioue

_WILLIAM J CAMPB) LL Supertatendar^.

JJEW-YORK and ERIE RAILROAD..On kb41 art r Monday. June 18, 11'7, and until f.rioor Botloe, Pa*>

err ger Train. will .nave pier f'-ot of Dnr. eetr. at follow*, Via.IDl NKI.'tK FXt'REhB, at 6 a-m., for Dunk.ik.Bl'PrALO EXPRES8, at6aan., bf Budalo.MAIL, at 9am., for Dunkirk and BuFt^o and Interrredtat*

ttalloiia.BOCRI.AND PASttENOF R at 3.S0 a m., from foot of Chant

bare at, via fur:..out for hufienii and laWm^diate ttatioo*.WAT PA88ENOER at 4 p.m., foi Newtmigh, Madd-etc-wa,

and rtiUOT.edlaU- atatloB*.EMIORANT at 5 p m , for D ...kfk and Bnfak> a ,d tuieaaav

dtaae .»'.-...

THK ABOVE TRAINS RJJN DAILY, (Sl'NDAYR- w . . EXCEPTED).2l«5I f^^*r,,! »t» 9-ui., for Dmklrk, tvery dap.MIOHT tXPRV S8 at 5 pm. for B-ovVo. ivery dayfRae*« Kxp eat TralBiroe.,.^t at Ein lr* with tU FflinbT*,

tAenandaig'a aid Niagara Pall Railroad, for Nlax*-"* Felli at¦loabariiton with the Bjrt' ue* and BlnghajnU)(rRai.r.»d, farByraejee, et Corxing wl-h BuBalo, Oorr.-i.a and New-YorkaWfoad, fV>r Roehett.-r; it Oreat Bend with Delaware. Laikaf»aiii>a and W'eatern Railroad, for aVranton: at H -rnetlavBlawith the BuSalo and N. w iork t ily Railroad, for Buffalo; atB ii Halo and Du-.ihlrk with the Lake Shore Rallrt ad, for Cleve¬land, Cincinnati Toledo, Detroit. Chi ratio, be,

_HOBjO P.AMSl'KLL, Pveeioent

VTEW WIDE-GAVOE ROUTE f>.«n NEW-£% YORR to ROCHESTER -Th* ROCHESTER andSENF.SFK 1 A LLP i RAILROAD It now opon. and, la ooaBaetlea with the Btiffaio, C-oriJi t aad New York, and Near-Beabaad 1 ii. Reiixoedt, forma a direct ro.te froa New fox*to R. i h. >vr.YVe dire n^-.t rf tMaronte, tcaetker with th* mptrlor ewtv

BM aPorded by the wide cart, re-iden It by far the molt daenra-M* between :L* abortaiuaiued-cltiea.TV ket. eaa be procured at th* New Y< rk and Erie RaRrued

*1ok>t Ottire f.«t of Duawe-tt., and No. 180 Broauway; alt*.¦ Jeiwy City.B.agate-(, kedthtrngA

Freight, will be -' ed between New-Torb and Racbbbtte wtth dbipai. h Auy (oforn atltui detlred In regard rhereeeeaa be..h»»ti, j aliipg on the»l Fn lirht Agent of theNew torhend Kile Railroad, Erie B;it dingt; er C. B. TAP-FAN, F.xp r,, P-eitot Age-jt. No. 198 BroadwayPie tratna oa the Rnfalo. C-wnir* aid New-Tc.rk Balier*/ aa

Baxetaiu_J. A. RKPPtKLP, aupe^iBt^aAeak,

PBRNftYLVAWIA RAILROAD.-The GREATl '.MR>i. Ri'l Ii. rona< ttog tee AtlBOtle ci'ie* «*itk

w.>rn Noito waeteia and Seata-w.etat* sutea. bya.-n-taoaooa Railway rf.i*.t TjraRoadatto oona< ¦ at ftttnaraa.ItBra'lv ll^evf »tt»Bier. to a p rr. , n u« W. .vru Riv-n,.ad at Cltvelandaad Bandutky aith a'.,-41i^r, .. . ,.u ,,.Ike "Jortb w. .tern Laket.making tbt m...t a,,.. h-ep-ttaad t.Uhior .uI.. b. wh.on FUKIOM f c*B he , .^rdej te** e fr -n, it ,. (vre*t \\ . t*BATES KP rWR] H PU'LdDELPiriA and TlTl IBURfUItV\ **!!. -.»"o't. SI ... Hat. BBd Cap..


lH^.!,HTl0<,u.. ,,n »oJ track.. J^ift!*I>.u|. IV-. beaea and balea), Fr.tben. Fora. A ... S 100 >».

mfS!sj±**ry*1"'*' Sb..rtln*. Shirt.c. and I

-..- 7 !.' .".iJrw .,) Hird- ieirev.lfv

p-a, r.Ä\?'«'i.». a*r

FolBTH CAAta-Cwtjtw, F,.h. Baaa, Be.faodi

Flob*.«i g- bbi, Liu,. :.u-üi.'r",. )t,-V^..A'*- W <enlt 4» il« th unt'l farther'u-tlee

wTtate." ** f 'X' r' **' m k«.. ¦ o "«.'-" toltlotla .iappls/ Oood* 'rom any pilL- et.» .f Pailadelrb a in.

* II >*eai.i ...1,,-d lo th'' Ax- r.L. 11 I' ,. H... .. p, ,

e, p,.,.»,...,,,<. r.i twxrdfdwu' ui ^WptKafaiicur A..isr- -l.'.mi «' -rr. bv i c MeaarbU 1. m

al.'* a* '¦ "; M-J.."Ii. lad Sprig« .. A B m* a' j

taa*'"? l\ ,:r*;i- N W Ural*.., A C V.u^": Le.,h A -V, N . 5» KU-y B u.; l.r^aa Cr^-t- . .- N.wYWh....HiJ. IV .. Vet,?,

fW' \L '..;..';»:' %v.,'.,. *»

M ? l'Jialä, 'i,N '*» "* BValabA Af*Ot, PAwbBi ,Va,a** ,J ^>»*>ABRT,itBe»u-t 0-. : * .. o. Pa ^

i ; tvamtrttaaat -H*r-»:«« "*» *. IVaawarc., Uaft>.eon..d^**. Bat*-* .** JVrthbjb

, I' ,Vrl ' ' Ke«r< ' »'C .. --taltirv Jr^fH,graJU* bj »bete -ata* **«» If * f-m.^.»«tri-»^««* 41 r .ther»> wl'h Hint - tb*ijryt J.--7 "J.T,i<ad, wbieb lixve N#- York fro. 'A* foe*. 0'U*nr!«ijt-*t ** **¦ 3.A> and i p ru.

futenrrrt *" the De*-*4-e, Larkawanr.» tr* t-»t»-ri IUI_fj| ;,at**l 7:3ft B.IO. r.i >. For Leblrb Valley Railroad

,tl» m. _JOHN tf. TP r?ns, S,,rerleu,


Tke P. n*j rtvok lU'lr h l< .!..<*. Bl P tl.b irtb with rail-r»t<it tj m. l If in ft. L uii M >.; Alton, 0*1- ui aad Chicexo,Ill Fienkfort, \a ktlff-.i. end f. ..itevirie, Kv T"-.j lliute,M n. L'-fay.'tle and ladt*! .p die, I., I. i g iynali. DtytonBpriaatwdd, H llffniUke, BaoaSua*, Tded«, CI.'th m<f. CÜ

.?, .' men. ill., .Manuln, ¦ 1 Wooft**. OW ;a!«c, wiUiat. «ii» parfti-t boat* f-oiu to Nr o 0 .-'. -. ?i. L iia,-t and Cincinnati.

Theoufk Ti k«-t» fa* the E.»: '»n be had at any of 'he above-a BthH aal pi.r..* in the \\ .'.Pa aaaaaaai u it] .ii.d thi. the . * rt,-.t p.o t . *p* ittlou. aad

e< fort ih> 1 .nie Utwe. 11 Ihe r id nQj \\ eatPROM *-K'V-\')RK TO tin« I\NA TJ TN ^ HOI RS.fH"M sfw-YORK TO I 1110AGO I '» hi BOI AS.FROM new-York TO ST. unrn IN kl iio!'R-i.P ire a. 1 ,tv aa any .the* Route.So ban ( billi In the hotel* of thi- eity.Ii«..«,1 Tirbrt* 01 failhi 1 lafiaaaaliiai. 1 n ba L»da'.tl»e

lb< PENNSYLVANIA RVILROAfi,No 2 At-or-Ho-. ., Broadway.

J. L ELLIOTT, km v


H EL3IB0LD'» EXTRACT of BÜCI11T!!.lIKf.MROI.rvS FitTH tof Brje** rnres Gravel.

HELMHOLD'S Ext.a. t ..f Lu .1 re. I)..e»*.a of fhaBladder.HEl.MBOLD'S Batrart of Bi oLn Diaecaea < f BYa Kid-

»(.¥.HELbfBOLD'fl Extraet of aTaoka enrjaa Drop**.UEl .MBOLD'.s Eztraot of Burhu foraaaaial W.akr^wi.HELM HOLD'S Extract ot Hnthu for all iine**** ariadna

ri. .m Fx. ¦ »«.

HELMBOLD'S Extrart of Bu hu f»r all iDocrea tritbn*fr«>m > ffoanre.HEl.MBOLD'S Extra't of Bu b'. fOf all dlteaiea ariatagfrom linpr ederoe.

II ELM HOLD'S Extra ', of BocLu for Beeret and DelicateDfaea* a.HELMHOLD'S Extrart of B-n-Jm it ttken by rna'e and far

ma'e.HEL.MBOLD'S Extract. f 13 ba f r Lou of Memory.HELM HOLD'S Extract of Bn f.j- L m of P wer.ULI MHOLD'S Extract of Bucbn for L'niveraal LaaaHodu of

th< Mo», ular S>i.t. 1/1.11 ELM HOLD'S Extract of BtMAtJ forNi rvo jiatsd Dcbilluted

Butlere:.HELM HOLD'S Extra t of B b f r Dimneat of Vlalon.HKLMHOLD S Extract oi Bu. for Dtdicuity of Breath-

'itHELMBOLD'S Extnet of Bucbu for Weak Nerr.t and

f'III MBOLD'R Extract of B ichn for Wakef ilnen.lEL.MHOLD'S Extraot of Bi.chn for aU Dktreitlng All-

agentt.HELMBOLD'S Ertrar' f Bi h i. r'le« *1 P* r ataottl*, 6V

3t 1 red tu cay eddieaa. Addrett letter*.11. D HELM BOLD. Chem'tU

D. pr.t, No. 38 S'.nth 10t): at., below it, Philadelphia.Bold by Dr>xr>|jti and Dean ra ercrywherr. Beware of cona-

terfrita. Curea coaranteedII I (.KMAN, CLARK A Co., Afent., Br<*d«ay, N. Y.

RP. R.-DIARRHQ'-A, CFIOLERA MOR-* Iii S, or painful DateaaaTBM from the Bowed, are itoe-

.d tn tut. n 01 twenty nAm.tei by R VDV. AY'S READYVLIKF. For Hradaehl t, «r*etbei ir-k </r nerton, Rhemua-

tiaui, ParrJyili. Liiriibagc, Gout, Nenralgla, Tootb-Acbc, Swol-lea Joint, and Pali t 11..1 tA'ukceti in tue Ba i, Spee, or

KMney: Paint around tho LIv.-r, Pleuiity, Hrarlrmru, andPall t of all kicdt, RADVYAY'S READY RELIEF will In a

f-w morni rrta rbanrre the ni.ert.a you .nBVr to joy. of plnaeoro.B. R, R. No. a..RADWAY'S RENOVATING RK.S >Lr

VK.NT, for the Cor- of Chronic Dl.tnaea.turh at Porofuloutan«I riypbiiilio Complaii.U, CoiinuuptiTc and other AaWMani ofriii- Lnnii ai d Throat, Induration and EuiMaeaieiil of P&rtt,NetiralBta, Eruptive and variont Diaeate. of the Skin, Dyt

\K. R. IT. No. 3.-R ADWAY'S REGULATORS are the mo*ttxfe and n liable Pill* in ute, and will cere elf-t»rely and quiob.Ccetiveneti, Indlgertb il, Iraflamniatl'-n of tbr Bow. lt, Dy*peptia. Liter Couipiaint. DUeuet cl tho Heart, Klineyt, Pe-maue Coirnlai'it*. kr. Whenever the tyfteui I. Dot of order, e

doe. of RA3)WAY'S REOl'LAIORS will re.tore it to reg«arity. KADWAY A t o.,

Mo. Tfi2 Puhf at., up .trära, New-York.


KpeedlTy purlip tbe blood, ae,oalJxa tin cli roJattott, Improve the.ppriitf, Impart tou- aadebjor to Ike lyttetvnaad ^rudualiv,hut tan ly. .\tlrpate diteaae. Prepared and tolJ by A. BAD.SaNDS. DrnggKt*, No. 100 Fahos-il N Y. Sold alto byDtaggiitt (tgaigiaBy.IfHE GREAT LUNG



FOR ALL DISEASES of Ü10 THROAT.LUNGS and CHEST. It 1» i.iirita led lu itt.p.edy and

certuiu rfticacy.

IfOR HOARSENESS ami SORE THROAT, derided relief, und vtl- R u taj Id 1: ire.

170R ( OLDS and COUGHS, it nfl rrda immrdi-ate relief by itt potUive p iw«r to i|,ii-t irritiUou and abate

lVveii.b rXolU tin nt throughout the iv»m.

F'OR BRONCHITIS, it ie au etfectOB] amlrertainremedy It hat a ta*oifle appHrabllity f-r all tbo.e dit

».ea tbtt have their .1 at in the Throat.

FX>K CROUP BHd nOOPING-COUGH, it af¬ford* immediate relief In ail etae* by It* expi rorrmt and

ai tf rpaaaaoea* prop-rtica, and by it! power efb-itoally tj allaylriiutkiti of tie liufnr. membr*".ca of the air-pas.tgri.

I70R CONGESTIVE Bod SPASMODIC DI8-EASEfJ < f tli* Ll'NGS. it give* po»itiv« reliel. Htv.rr

i-i.rcd nieut rxtiaordmary oatoa, it it tke molt re'iable rem .dyu w before the pjbtii for that df***>*, the A.'.b.u 1.

FOR BLEEDING lr..ui the LUNGS, ithatfxUaotdinaty eBacaey in aiiattla* all eaeee, by klyi k-

in« undue arterial i.Jter.noit, aud ti'ndin* rapidly to rratorand rq iali. r 'he r.i.olati l throngbout the tyiti'tn.

IjX)R C0NS1M1TI0N, it is the m<«t RELI-ABLE REMEDY. CecUia to arraat lrritatloa aai aptad

I!V relieve a CoufBj it at tho ilmr lime vleldtnu, tttt BBth< and healiux Intlut l-.e, im;ajtiug ttreng'h and vigor to thewhole rvitrin. I'pon thtt peculiar bnt rare powerof renovatintthe ifMam irtti itt treat for tbe re of all tbe Lrtt«tage, if the Co.vst mmiov.Sold by all Drutgiit* and Apctbe-arlrt, Wbotaaal* an! Retail

Dealer* in Medii ine* througtiojt the New Et*^aad Sittel; alaoIn the Citin of New York. Krooklvn and Jer.M City

J. W. WHEELER. Geuertf Ar-af,No. 41 Votey-t*. , up tfeira.

L'fgrtl Kotia-9.

1 N Pl'RM'ANC'E of an orikr of tbe Surrtitfite.f ti e Covmtv of New Y"*k BotbN it .-a- > 1 to *B per

. >xi htvJnt eJai'mi apaiidt NATHAN HaNoS, Ja Ute of Iba( ity of New-Yiek, v to pitw.nt the With viurher*lb.roof to tbe eubetatbei, nr htaoefloe, No. a< Wllit^-ji ttreea,tu the CM* .' Ni w-Yurk en «t b*fore the fourth dav of Marrb.M tt-- Drt. d Ni w Y.ek, 'he t.rvt it: %Septviobir 1K9T.

FRANCIS N. 'HANO*, Arla.i.iittmtar.«5 lawfiniW

IN PURSUANCE of an order of tho Surrogate oftbe C'oiiu'.y ol New York. Bi M B I* Bgtrb*g:wu tiijlper-

.oat bavli-M clain.t icainit WILLIAM BTMEB late of tbe Citgrof New-York, dtceaird. to pr.iant the tau.,, tub vog bat*ti er, ol, to the luh.i-rlbtr, et her reiidixea, No 3R7 Third ave¬

nue, in the City of Nov-York, on or before tb* .eetroteen'.h dayApul mat..DatvdNtw-Yo'k the t'lirteeuJ. day of Oclohar,

1KW. EMZABE111 BTMEB,Bid lentuiWid*_Ex* .'tit.

NY. SUPREME ( ODET..City and (.Vunty. of New Turk .HORATIO LI E BCRvNTON apaiaat

BRANKL1N W FISH .lw the ab*t* BAUBgd Def-u lirt;»r. baeeby »uo otaaed and re««iired to atitwer U*a . "tnpltknt iutbtt a. ttoB, WBiob v ill be filed tt] the BBBM of t!.' Orik of thoCity and Oeont* of New > ork, and t > a< rt. a < py ul your au-

twrr to the laid rouipla'ut oa the tuh.. ribi-r *' h i offlcr, Wo.HO Br .adway in tbe City tf New-York, w ifbin tntnly deytefler tin .ervi. <. hereof, ex 'luMt I of the day of took lervio*and if y 01 fail to anew er tbe itrd eetaatatal aitMa the RateforeaaiO. thr plein'.ilf u> tbit Brtlaa t.l.l take iaag] Ml aeaiuat

y,. u f< r tbi tum . f Fr. . Hundred ai d F.itbtiau D.dlaji audSlaty three tenta, with (xtrreat frt rr. tbe tec olid day of Rep-:«.¦/.|.. :, one thoi.eand eight hrmdred and fflv >evea, undfl»o, for tbe further tarn of One Hutüred aad Berenty aaiaaDollari tad Rix ty tu o Conti, witl. iot< M*t Crout lie f Wftaaathday of 8> pttn-l er, one th "...and tdaht bui.d-t d ud fllty1 \. le.i le theiottt ol tall atlo I .Dtted Nea Y rk,,n.I*r 17, Ilo7. »\ M. E t I RTlrt,

Plaiutiti'. Altrrnry.Tbe eoniplaltt in tbi. »'. b wk filed in tke olfr- '. the

I rk the City BI d ('»i»rry i f New York . u the twecty 1*4oad day af S.itiioUr, 1847. %'M V 1 I KTIS.

liilmCwW PlantlB'. Atter-y.


r».opry der>and n rontre.-t (Com tat »er.) .To the difendtatabeve named Yi u are he r.y innrt, rd a-1 * or-d '.3 an-

iwrr tbe i-oaip tint iu tkl. a-irm, wbit b w ill be 1 ,rd in tbe a|Sea < f the flerk t the City t'.J County o New Ytrk, it tbeCiry IIa Ifl the City »-f New-York, and ta »orte a 1 ipy af youraoawet to tb* aa d luupiut: on the gubinrlber* ti tbeli ef>lea, Ni tt WaR .*rert, ta 'fie Ctty of New Yerk. w.lulatwenty after tee icrvlc* el tbi. . .. u. . on yoa, ex

elaatva uf the day ef auvb *ertfuei aad tf veu fill t" .- la

tie *aiJ «eaaplilnt wlttrtn tbe ttrne atotaalaV, tb* piaka'.ft Latu.« aciioB will take judgn-ei.t i.rainK you ferlbetumof Twolluterrd sod Thirty three Dollarland Fifty tlx ?»*!. with Ii.t.reetfr mtbatwraty tever.'h <<¦ \% ef July, one tB*a***)d ngh'kuadird »i d Ifta itten, btt.d* tb« re.t. of iMtaetkrai Dafad(1 tclrerS lf*7. RCITDER k CARTER

r.alutilPi A't--*aveTbe riagaWaita tb>»*c'ioB wa. dulj öletl iB tie «I,.-.. toe

. l*rl ef ta* OK* aad Cenatv of N*» Y nk. oa the twelf.b diyof Oatabet, bVT. PCL'DDER k C ARTER, Pitfi*aAtty*

ol4 lfewWcd' ______________

X Y- aVliTRKllE COURT..Hör .er» B. CUf»11* Ho, »A!,,!^ ii Mill**. Daai«! ff CiB-k lta, NatbaalelF Miüer axd Henry Htoae. ag-ntt De. d Th .mtt aad EdwaNPei.on BoB>n.,<B. f<r r.»i»i d'iuand on riatract . (Cjin not>*t ,-Tjthe DEFENDaNTs ah.te naniel: Y. a e-* ben-by*vn.r... ..ed txd ieoiili.4 ».,,.., r ,ue c.,y_Tj. j,, thi« BCtl Iwblrb will be Oled ia tho «tflre rf Ihe üteia .1 '«* OC.v andCeonty < 1 Nra Y Ik at the city Ha»; ;a the liity ol New Y .rk.and to m rve. » py ol 1» ,r aaewi r to ihr iald npla'r.i ¦ u>.tbicilbert, et tte-lr . fli e No .11 Broadway. In the Okty miK.W 101k, wi'bln twem3 da>. after Ine *ai; . >l tliilia-MOBion yej, eicl .the of tb» day f a ehaervi-«; and If yvufa I te »liiwer the Mrd CMBBBllBt wÜbta ÜMUna M -ctvd, Uealatattik Vt tau i.tloa »ii! take jul*..., ul ,1 y..^ t r lue. »rn o» #1 HO », end Inf. r-.t :be;. ,t| .).? 0fGr il*t, Ifj', be.ide ta. .... ii, , k ,, -li.tul N-^t-1 Ik. üvtoBeriX I«c7.

BARNEY. ¦OMI-REl k Birftü,P alaoai' AMoMeya

Tie ' n /.Int'B'e* i\ te BBtttltd*¦ tVa .;. Ibtl a«Rkeaaf Ue CtfiB f th* MEt aad Caaaty afMaar-TaA .; i

.aid 1 u tl e t.xtb diy of l) tobe» 'S3!-UIRNRY PH'MPTIREY b RVTLEX

e«i. .?.»twt»' 1 akRiRi A'ii a.-..

IN PURSUANCE of an order of the Sarr»*» * otlb* O'jB'T of fi*mI Yerk. aotir¦« It b -. bt ei*.«, v all

-..'....* net KU" .A Kl) L. biro, hate »f theCl«)-i,l *.. w V. rk, d' e, 4~-J, «c preavottk« »ein« with /.>¦>'bentin n of la th.- mibaeraVr, at fctr i. nee No 141'J BrualwayIn to. f it, of Ni w York, .n or h.f.,re the j«b Ja/ at OaUtef.Br-tt -I). ?.v| New-York, tu, m a,, f »r-fl,Fl jawaa-jf*_ANN k>. BIRO, Ad.-witrtlit.

jaJEW- YORK Hl'l-ETfk COUR>rCil7l\H11 Ceaatj f t New Turk -ELUKRT HOOOLAND . iTRANK B, t*I"Teet d L IIOT'OH-To ibedetaaW.:loBtr« at »aa.*aiv.*d lad leeched Bo aaiwer the bbbj.

?. !-.?"< i("fn. wh-ah w_! he Sled ku tke cf a.

"I <be crty end CewBty of N««-Toek. tan to eerie * co-reof Tour aniwer to Ike atud ouc.piatut on the > ..¦ »- et altoaVe, h.>. ]<« u, ic ,5- ta the Cite of New Tork. with*lately dayi aftet the arrive hereof earleetee of the dayof -n ,h t rrire, nnd If yen fill to imwtr theaaldrv-.aipki.itwithin the tBM ifureiiid, thr plebttiffi in toll BBttaa wi3 t ,k»rui'»n 1 t,t *|a nt ym for the iura cf Tw,. buadrei ar. ; terjrj,iw dollan and fortyila ».. with Internet from the f_at byof N »'i >r etc tb-'iiend ei.nt bntdredmd bity-altthe sott tf Ikliar Uofl -IHt'd. Re-. T.rk ".Bteraber IB, U'7

Uli E. CURTIS, PleJatfi' A'twaey.Tfce e-mylelrt In 'hit eetion wet ft ,' la IB* asaes of Ike Ceerl

if thr City .*.»«.< aiy el few-York, on the twenty ninth any*: Serleab.r, :tS7. WM. E ClRriR,

esolewiww WiBaaBV AHecany.UwiTEUE COURT..CHAREBT" TA YLOR0 aaaki*t join; T datii -. : rouert Morrison-.Rawiavae f-r a ¦«M ri»t: » -at . \ a jQ']-f yda»is and BOBKBt MORhlKON-Su-t: Ten are kefai)tn_ea< r ed 'o ««wer tke roinplattt In tka i " n, f w.n».a a

eeyoj ii herewith te-reed npim yo-i arid »rrre a ropy ef yoaraaiwt r ijr* ni at ear ofloe. No. 31 tVbD etrert. city of New-T<-rk, wifVa Iwei ty dayi .." .-.£,.».. tawaoCoa aiire iftbe t*»y of la-k nr-iee arid ii yen Sail to aniwer the tin plaintBejyJaMaald tke rittetit' miß takeJedttaeoat acaiaat *aa Arr abaemBt 01 two tkocMBd dulle. witt, ir letMBt t.-~ the lereiith«»y rj I«.v c.r.a ttotiiiau e id- tucdr.,1 r d h.1y eeita heaiuMthe toitt e'f Bait e«-t;ee. Dif-d Pervatber 1 !W.

1IAKN A RODMAN, r ..'» , AtleneyelY.eea-eaded .^spattr.t lu »eU.,n w»< _nd In the

i/Riee of the Clerk of the Ourly of Now York, Ui the City HaUIn ti a (tty ot BMP-York, on lee ixt day 01 Sciareaber. 1-17.

if) lewiuwWM. A R


WARREN N DERRICK, AMASA A. fJOOLD TNOMA8A. (oMiiTOCR, EDWIN B. IVFS and MINERVA B hiiwire.aaaanaBM for relief (renn, not ear ).To tba ebore-nemea IVfendanta: Yea are be.-by 1 rncued and we lired teaj:a-a . r tkr roinpliü.t iL'kia antleu, wn.rB w<U he .1.-4 la theefCee et tke Ork rl tke < l acty cf k . .¦ the Cby Hall to theCity of BrejklyB, ar.d to «#.». a eepy afyetrr anawir to the. aid eonipiaint. oa tiir uba-.ritn at hii odaee, No It] Broad-wny, in the Chy et New Y<rk. within t'-ecty den aft--T thewrrlr* of thu Baaaae 0» ea yon. ettinn** of the day I « .*awriee and If yon tail te aniwer the ia.d complaint within theI'm- Ji re-aid, the plaintia' m thla actioe will apply to the1 aart ler ti e .tlie.'decnauded in the rowslaiot . Datad Sapt. 7,IfcTT. t> M. VENVILL. P-ain'ifTa Artorray,

Nu It*: Reeadwae. New forkTie w .. ir, the ebuee a r wee Bird In theeHee af the

Deik el tbe O :u'y cf f ¦ 11 at the Cily Ha., la the .key ofBrooklyn on ttie int day of Iapt. infT.aClaw«wW WM. VKNMLL. I a* -T. AHemey.

QUPBEME COl RT..( ity mi Coontr of Ne?tf.kj'Ynk.- HARMON K WKLLSa'ad JONATHAN f. OrJIUS-TIEigt JAMES OLF1STE AD and CHARLES PERFECT.Ta the 1 .....i.d defrndrnta and aaeh of them: YoohereLy nBir-iened and required to aniwar the eorup.alnt ha tan

action, wblrb will be fll'd la the emca of the Clerk Af the Cityand Conaty ef New-York, at the City Rail in ae'.d Oity. ead to

.errecccpy ot Tear anawar to the -aid coinplelet oa bat lub-Mniber el hia cmre. No. 167 Brtadway, In erdd ( Ity. wlthlatwea y dayianer the aerriee of ton aBWinena en yoa, eaolnaiTBofthe car et auch ia:» * and ifyou fall to eoawer Ike aaid tint-

Bleist » '.-.- tbe tfine tforeaald the [. in tkia ectloa wtlltab* jndarnet' aaairtt yon for tbe am. of thirteen hundred andalne dallera ar.d thirty"e!|ht centa, with tLtereit tnereou frotatbe thirlei :ito day of fity'tu.b«r one thouiii d eltht buad.-eaard Sfly leree. teildee toe eortt of ih't a"--:on Da'«d NewTerk, Sept it, 1M7. W WELLS. Pltint.tft' Atturaey.Tbe roB.plt'nl in tblt t-tion wet fled in tke of the

Clerk af the City and Caon'y f New York, at w C.ty Hall tamid City, on day af i>-f t>er. UJ7o7 lawPwW. *_W. WELLS, PltlutlSy Attetney.CPREJIX COURT .City »nd Counn of Now-Tork .MABTHA HIALY tit MICHAEL' HE ALT .

Hnaatnuni rollet (Com. l .t 1er )..To the abjre named de-ftr.dant: You are hertby m.-nu Bed and required to aoewer ther rnpltlr.t In tblt action. »)... h wtt fi!eo lu the olC.t of theClerk of the City and (Vwjr.ty of New York, at tie Cty Hall,NtW-Yor'a City, on the 9Ui 'ay af Octobee, IMT, t-idtoterteat-py of your aniwer to thr tail r'mplai.toB lb* iuhirrlb-.iiat their oS re, No St7Rroilwty Ic laid City «llhin twe.itydty* afltr lit leit ice i t ti .1 luir.tuoat ec yoa. ex-luatre of theday of iiirh n-n Ice ind if to-: fa to aniwer tae iitd eorupla'ntwithin tb> nil.- efortteid. tu pieraHR ir tail Batata wilt app'to the Coo:; f. r le- rei.ef maiolrd in tb>- romplalnt. DabNew Jork, October 8, 1DJ7. SPENt ER k 8aNFORD,eltlaarfwW' PUinuUt't A-t rr.eyi.


'oDipoiiiri the firu *' Bobem i DAelBj of Phtltdoiphia. Buia-moei far money demeud ou -r n-t (Cm. not. ear ) To drli-ndanti: You are beiehy lamru-ond aid re

oulrrd wn tutwer the rnmpltiot In tblt I'-tion. wbleb wDl k«riled ia tke r Mce of the Clerk of the City ead Couaty if New-York, at the City ITali in tec cty, end te teree a copy of yearantwer to the ie>d er mpiaiut r'i tu» lebx nberi, et '.heir ofloe,No. 89 At 1 rtreet. Jeunrey CoaBt, la laid City, wiibia twxstydeyt liter n . atr»i-t of thia . i-nni'.nt oa y-u eeelaiiee nf tae

day of inch eeirice and If yon fail t aatwer the it>d eotmelaiitwithin ti . lime afortaald. tbe plaintiS la thia aattee will teb*... laa rn againtl you for thr ir.m of thirteen Hundred -aid alzty-four dcllart aid nineteen real* with latereet from tae twur-teealk die et Aupatt, cae thouteed elfbt hnadrtd tad tf:jeetea, beiidet tbe reeti of ta'i irAlor .Dated Oetuberf, IBi7.

BOMMPRR A JOSNSOM, Pltiatiri AtntiatyaTb* rempltikt in ihr aber» actlou wet Med October ti, lt#7,

la the < * » of tbe Clerk ef the City and Caanty of New York,elt lewewTT_ROMMERS A JOHNSON


Cilyof New Terk aaalait V/ILLIA.M A FOBTBR aal M ARYFONlXR kie wife. Soruavrst for reRef. (Cera, aotear.).fo the abeee-eaard deftadaata: Tea are Benby tameted req i»d lo as¦wer the eomplaiat in thla tvUee, whichwiUbettedlB the eiTu e of the Cork ef tA* f>.>aty ef Klaet,at tke City Mall in tke City ef Brooklyn, and to terrt e

eepy ef your aaewer to tbe laid eampieiut oa tae labeerfban.t their oflke, Ne. 10S Broadway, la take City of New TarA,wrkhic twrity dart efter tke itmee ef tblt eammeat oa yea,itaclntitr ef tbe day of neb tcrrire; aad hf yea tail te aaewer

*e mid rawiplalnl within tbe time aieieeaid." tke aiaUetft intali aattap w. taply to the Coart fcr tbe redef ataaaaded lathe eourpliiat - Dated New-York. July 17, ltfT.

CLARK A CORNWALL, Pb..Ufa' Atteraeyt,Ke IBS Briedway.

The Comptalat tn tblt ettiea wee liad ia tbe etwee-ef the(Aait at the Caantr ef Ktoct. ea the Itah day of Ana ait, I8S7.

CLARK k LORNW'ALL, Pawatale' Attwrae.¦¦SB liwtwWad


¦Km ^OTkUäilj? STribit« f.


MO. Omld A Lincoln.Amorj-'the namcrotu textbooks on tber,ubjeotof

mental pbilo^opLy. which Lavc appetu> «l withls their--t few yeam lint lulling Urea Wayland'n, Prea. Ha-ban s, Urof. Iliekock s, and Prof. Henry a edidon ofConaixi'B ''x*Bjcho'.ogj ), tb« preaont trea'iao ia di»-ti; ,-i.i.-!.. «j for ita aliuplicity aud ita ooiiipiet«ae«a. Itcomprize*, indeed, a widtir epboro tb&a ito title iodi-

ratt'i, trcatior; Dot only of tbe ictelloctual piwen,properly M called, but of tbe two otbor great diriaioatof Liuiian actioo, tbe neuxibilitioa aad tbe will. Tbaei ope of the Yolutne, accordingly, would be more c jr-

rectly deeigDated by calüuj? it BO expoiition of

parboil p: bat as tbat term baa been, to a great de-grta, jiervtrted from it> legitimate pliJoaophica! sig-1 ifieame by the pteteisior *of T.tiijut paei; .o-»vi;cces,i' Las b*en, perbape, judieionsly avoided hy tber.othor. Under tba intellectual uveidtiee, be (faVturiesthe pret-cDtative power, tbe reprerrentAtive porer,the n Beetit e jaiwei, and the inttutiYe power. Thia ita tew ditisioa of tbe euhjec*., bnt ia rocjmmendcd byin? logical coD."ecutivoneM, ..d its eibauetive chara>tap. Tiic portion dtroUid to the eengibilitie.» com-

ptiect the ahuple emotions, tbe affection*, and tbe dtvtites; wLile the «'iiapters on then 1,1 pre?eat a sne

i iict tiew of tie operation of tba active po«<rn, withe bittohc"l tketch of the cuntroreroy reape. jug free¬dom of will. >A iih the ex.*eption ot' the prof/cud aadadmirable ^oiks ol Prof ll.ckock, tie maet regardt Ma Ti Ibbm as tbe moet important contribu'.iou toi.icctal s.ieEce a« ye«, ftiTuinüod by any Atrricanr 'dr. Tbe plan of the firrt- haamMl aritbor led hi n

to & t ri« - of oit'jaieitk'Ba on the primär}' lements andEORtlitkaWlof BRRMMI Ldob). di;e, which be analysedv itb masterly jiorter; wLile I'rol*. RBTaR has ai nodtofra r-pccial'y at a baeid tRptMaaVal of the facul¬ties, in their a.tual op ration, «hieb ertaaSOaB tbetl k< fold nature of man. He ht> perf irui^d hi? tvn,i:. i ur opi: ion, with eminent enetaHba Yt'ttbwut hev.ngr.. |h 11« d tie rtudy of tlie hi^bett au h^ritiee, ha hasbrought his own ro-onrces, which are evidently of c r

t ommon i ru.-r, to the oomprt-heunion and e'u Matiojti bit lubjoc:. Hit leaxuiigis act only various, batcotuine, and is bronr^ht forwird aith the simpli< itythat tb'«w« h< is a>Ti*tonied to ita u<«c, and has nottail k 1 it up for ti e Iflfaatliaj Hat i: ie tbe c!dvne«tsrind petetrativE of hie own iu't-1.' t ; wi icii givee i.etabIt I faUBO to bia trtati-e. Eacu ot prubiomt,aj Inch ait beie |>rr-<enUd, iis> reoetvedan iudepcadrntfolntii n from tbe person! r> rieot,.n. of the aa'L. r,

aid tbe rc.-ult ia .-tat'd wirti tue 1 tgi n'. metiud aidOftwarij aifFOaaaTi Vkiak are the aaal prrott of a

DiA-ury i: the siiLjeet fat a aaaava ttraabaajk, i-) n» tba caidh'il n erifs of pre. i-nr. acar«ry, and l i-

c dity, a I Ba its apttan of il'ae'ra'i .n at d rwL-Mtfttpbih irptaiRRl ieartiog, It to\ardaV} Igtiernl rf t.J< af of n.< M I * lattoa.

ILK JUBILEEi Am E*isa»i»a Cocnactios oi httrttcl-OR O'l Im.-O'.lllO'. 1-1 l" 'Bi 1*a t II S.« OIBat

Piatani n> wmni H umt*Bin» tu. i .».

O:' tie u I .'.?<'! tttt _irai-t*j \i i f w i:'i -uij

. variety - ecw before the pubhc, t«t*work .oreof :b a large* and moat c.y.v+*~U* ngnear'y a tboRsaed distinct tomp «IbVmn), e( mkxctt it

may justly b« said that roost of* loom f ir .)rjl# ^4*, aor other, are govd and etai'alM T m et...otufiblc qoeJitiee of the book are IM fo!r.>wio«vThere If an obo.'salty larire lumber 0f tuaee sp*cir%ea!ly prepared for coLgr*fcatioraJ vr.I ffltAare iL *t

acoorcs well wi'h the tendencies af oinsieal u»w. »tathe osates of the churches. Th*re are many rip..b'jt«r»H-tive piece* which have a body tuet me r .*-busage of tbe foBfefa'ioa aih brifiiteo aid ao*. wear

rut, (»i JJr. B-aibury> new e.>mp «kinoe tbecork- d advance has b-:«3 10 ;*« ets)MJ adapted to wirdsof teoeer, delicate, and pathetic ohaia-ter la this tewould seem to ba»e gone back to the «iu«hri<*« whioe

first fa re bim dirtlnction a« a composer.much to ailcredit atd p?nr.»rect repa'ation. The area* Dti&Jwhich have been fnksn to avoid c »mm >s-pVa pars.-«.ader.n ¦«. ard annnnenient« is a!*o a very cntCT.« .a-

hit feature of tha book. The, an'hor has ex-releaIgreat irjt-EUi'y its studying novel aad e»ri!t:«g forme ofeither expreetion orarrar^i;m-r.t, wi ich will tend'oira-part a fr<eh axd pleasing character to tr.e work, ia tae

matu-r of adaptation, be has me* with his a:e;nt->ai»d-1 1Many oi'tbe derive t'jeir pr.o ipalforce or sweetens from ilieir very apt and approp-ltt*as'fcinlion wth the hymn* Ic noihing is ti.-re

greater scope for refined faste aad g eonxo feel' af; a idwe can scarxdy tame tbe compiler that exhibits a

noro unrorn-ily happy tact in tois partkr.'ar. Through-« ut the book, moreover, there is infused a sp»ig'itly,Kci.itl, buoyant spirit whichmakes the tanee easy tube

sung and pl< a-.1 to bear, aad «11 .v.J to its ateül-ness and attiactk n. Tbe book ;s well printed, ia ua-

osual'y large sn I legible type, and has a compact,cVar, and very practical coarse of exercises in tnusi.-a!»eierte.

A TRF.ATISK ON BILL! «>K PXriliNUS AND PROMrSSORY NOTEA By l-iav. Edh »to<. tv-. pp. \">.Ooulti, Backt a Co.

Tbe public is already in p. ia of several treat i»eton this subject, by IIa; dotty. Story and ctaers;lut aa new decisions are constantly made, there larcomfoi eisentia! improvements on the treat-aeea!readypublished. One peca'iarity of Mr Kdwarie 1 booksetmf to be tbe giving gree'er promit-eiee 'ban formertreatises to the decisions of Ruierren Court*, woi.'j.on this sibject, aireadyoutnumbertho^e of the Ecgllehreports. bl<1 bavins* referenco to maay p.'ints net

touched upon in tbe Erirhsb b>okt.K«.r is it merely to the law as ubiboaaf in the ai-

judged ca- f that Mr. Edwards .ii'aea himteit>Vit':i a view to give his book a gteatcr ptwCtUatl utili'yho has embodied io it the statute proeiei >ns of t'ie ea¬

rn ru S'atts, whirb fr. m tbedifli -u'ty of «e*riog ajaajajto Rot mplete series of tbe statutes of Mm Sta'ee will

prot e a grout coi.Teoience Not only is a OoUttJtj >a

of StatoetRtutcs not 'o be 1 >oked for ic aa? privatelibrary, there are on'y two or three public libraries iathis courfry which contain anything at aU c ouplet-?.Our New Yoik Law Library b wreti jedly -jode.ant oi

this MM rc.

The balk to wbtcl that 1rh> on tha mbject of ne{<>-tiahle paper has expanded itso!:' is appa.-eut from ttteri of ibis woik, which, without at.y uauui prolixity,».xtitdt itself to fmV eight hundred pta|aä\ Tat last

cbap'cr cives that titles of the coaim>*:ciaI : ;dr> of a hi h relates to cxchaige and j»rjmiss try c ita*.

THE nrZ WOMAN. By Jt sit T. PacRa Hate. pp. MO.Carlt'>u k Por'.-T.

In thia volume, tbe auuot ttae MaaVatld bid idet'of'tmale cbaracttr by a serieu of di laitv pr-jo-ip'racd familiar ex^mp (s. Hi? standard 13 not tc'tsa Broiltbe prevailing cu>t<>m3 and ophtkMI ot sjc/ety, burfttrn the highest teachings of Cori-tian otktct. In uisrematks <-. the intel'etual « ttliiva'ioo of w >oiia, heooLdtc us novel reading ia dejided tenas, r^trar.itog Ir

as a ' ciime, morderoue to the heart, tae ict?, aodthe body, tvn'i he aa warrrJy reoommecds tae p--m-al of literary periodicals, and iasists 00 havingacces- to at leant one daily or weekly r-evt_ -.. Toowork ie writter with Rreat earnedneu a-.d,with an.a-i-ra! exaberaoo of expiessi >n.

TBE PRACriCAL HOI SKKKKPEP. Edit I L> Met. P.LET. t>o. pp. SVO. M'.nager t T'.wuteod.

Tbe edi'or of thia volume has ai-nel to pre«-mt a

complete system of donee-tie economy, adapted to toe

habits and wants of Ameriraa housekeepers. It com-

piires a ereat variety of practical diri rmhm ia regardto the whole circle of household doti^s,.a copioutcollection of receipts for tbe cu.eiue, »ouie of whL'hhave beei furnimed by celebrated ctr>.>rers iathis city,.a fanrly medical gaido,.aod a mitcel-'lateous department devoted to tne toilet, per¬fume ly, and a tkoueaod aad one t .. k i.h '.. .< r .....»

ta the uses of daily life. The volume is nvideatlyfounded on standard foreign authorities, but ujes not

ftatc to what extent original matter hat b.'eo coa-jiouted by the editor.

BRIE! lon01iand: A Ststcm Of IlOwIBB CaanRAC*rtoaa. By Avnatw j. ffaafttft.

Tb.s if the first ¦yetemaiie attempt within oar

kcow.edge to abLreeiate the ordinary longhandwriting -0 that, to a certain extent, it may serve tba

purposea of shortbacd. Tba work hat boon ceruiwliyprepared. Tbe abbreviations are of rich a caar»:terthai tbay readily tattgeet, with jut the aid of the em-ttxt. tbe word dekLtned tobe represented. Ait meant

>f dimiaLsbiog tbe labor of lectarers aod otters whoread their discourses from manuscript, it will prove of

great advantage, by savin;- time ia preparation. MrGraham's experieuce ia tha elaboration of «rorks 00

1'itmaa s shorthand, hat furnished bim w.tb manyvoiuab^ hintafor the piesect system.


M k Co.Theraroeeof tbe bri lianl wits and sobolars who

are antoanced at ebariug üi tbe intereet of t aw emw

li'erary veutare feate a preposaeesiooinit« favor, aud

cbalitDge a kinoly reception at tbe haodi of the pablie. It puto forward repreecotativet of :be bett lit¬erature of New-Engl'.nd; Preocott, Lotdfello»7, M <t

ley, Ktlton, amoL" tbe men of mirk aud aoc in elegant letters; tbmkcn like Dr Hclg-;rpaikling eseatieta tjjd poets lilt* WüippN, WendelIlolm. s, aid l'arsocs; while the and even

radii-m1 tcbcol is ab'y - ..t aii' d by Emerf >n, I. )*e'.l,Whittitr. Edmund Ituincy, Trowbridgt. Mrs. Ll^eeberStowe, aLd Mrs Child. In tbe last r.amei .'la't, ws misathe Dames 01 Theodore I'arker, YVende.i i'Uiiipe, acdLloyd Gams n, »!:hough we presame taeir el-ctriuaid ptTWOtfal pens will tot fail to be put ia reioji tti 'a.

Of tbe familiar names auiorg New-York w ftera w"

fir d otly those of llryact and Curtis-not eveu that of

Patka (odwin. p. rhajM« the most vigorous BataTMtiiialin tbe oot.try. Tbe remainder of tba co'iH are I Ml!M area, bun tie men, w.'h tbe exception of a girledLwttefsand a p. puiar to%e!irt fr >m Cjt-ce Bj at, a

ciaiit"uirb«d t. xale ar.ter of Maine, and sevo'a

El k!>1. coctnbutors, including t*o or thr»* secord-rale 'i'trary nen of London. Tjo coutecti of ibi-

ruiilfr do Lot excite aty very sacguice iU'i 'pvti< r», at.i in few irs'nn-es H«e abtve tue level of da

et et c'locrity. We do not, however, rrgtrd tfcU

as aa mdica^ion of the fulure rbarac'.er of tbe work,

ae tirre is nccesstry to get fairiy ooder way, and uto

the at commana to tae bett advaa'aite. Tbe

fiiatailiclo it a ooHtt-iot. of pcrsosal raminisoetviet

ard aieodotet ti Douglae Jcnold, whiclcomet to>

'ette in the day r^r any freehnoei of lorset, end

adr-s lite to the current grws'P BBioat tb^i

nit very BV^ciooi p.-r oaage "'Tbe RXtoerat 01

tbe Breakfaet Tal» e aatati rX - .*! lawaJaw potu'e of

humor aid »bim, uiviDf the rip*1 ft' «" a moot

C^Bitis in his tDoet ootspeakiog mood. " Tao M 'urn-

i»g Veil atd .' Alia byMarrag*' are bBRk arel.

ariUi sii ri. s, tiiou»o of a wtte*J dicTer. ut t .oa. O"

a feu n lUBjIhl chare' tern l1* l*P,,f ou ' Ma-

HaJ n rrj »ri i. -p*«ii« wi'h u' '"'^

i.!tr ii flu. r.ce ,:the 8'*ve Powr -3 Ai-en'tc bajltta.tiot, .. tv. bi t tnhld sha^o «vbo-h <Mt>L.U uo i tatrae:

hutiraown lu the n"%ear«rt.'n' of gov.romif.t Bada'M'tt Beyer tiike aewtM Mia. to tH» ccai-'ar

It rtm or 11 rtv*-., f »», N r 1 v.z>- -t .> 1 pur

ek* * some mrm a<« »f b - Mar», r >>-uI -i-u, x ,sew rheiterf .Hrv.i,.». f-,«> ->.*ii.,, »r-.'iuvM»10 reis iBlTi*).'r frf<*»*f' A fcreat, v»n-',v. « try*, ,nx4% {oi a t.ic of whici ii tie : i.'Ktuig:

M WIM«.Fl» - **> ..> . k b* e,»y*.O: i'ic- l«i| lb' k ?;.> lib

T'-ylt.oW- I w H IS- .ub'le WBTS

1 K'« p, vd paRa, yid lu*r Iff! .

Far oa 'o.git to rro ia n.'ar,*»b»¦"'.» »¦ 1 iea!|gbt see (bt MOM,

Tb«' vaMsb-- i rfa t j mo -ipo-ar.Ar ) om lo m? vre sbtiue -..'.i fair.'.

Tr-\ » ¦. i I Vi IW*T0 f|MW b mm tl, y My, I em th. w.r;«.

I am I- «abtet ami »>- .1 .ub*.A:.<i I ÜM hymn the liribr».', abafljs,

7b- ;>'roT£ |odl p:no :"..r rry \- lo,And pin.' 10 VBU ;b>' i r-dS-vn;

H it Ita***, ui-m k lover or" tfcc gv-v.''F'od ire. and torn th*. ba.'k on Ilraven.

Tbe ffiaitar re .!,!«*¦» »¦; \\ the twual edrorial e-i

-jTjetr»«, nie nd-rg a paw »r tw.- if *h «t rev <.»*. writ

ttn in on admirab e ppizll o: criticism, and nah Mfe]punnet y of expre- .;>.

IIARi'CK.The N .e»nd er mmber of fja»p»rcl >*ettbeEf eeoth

Vol-jtiio »ith an QavfHRiiailhed of aubtcrib-«.'s, acdtbe ac-n«torred variety of nif»er aud copiousnessof eoib"! isbtrcrt. Tbe publishers osiotnne tie mo*'ample preparations tbt? the enenieg volume, wheMt willci.ntaio tbe new serial novel by laaeeerey, and con¬

tributions fr«>m many d'stinguisned Alter.-au writers.Lb sptte or" the depress*,} MB. Jiiiao of tae book-trade,this nrmber presents a cheerful aspect, and will doubt¬less be lol owed by a 'eties ia no respect inferior to theit-sues **bi. !i beve given tbe Magazine such a wide


Tb> r--mbireo monthly also gives out a word of hope-to) premise, announcing a largely increased circulation,srd fie ifet- rmioation cf tbe pnuii'bers to plawB it at

tbe head of Au.eri. an magazine*. Th* pr.notpal fea¬tures i f interest in this number are an account of the'Strai s of Magellan, a " Visit to kf mtenegio " a

a-W(bspteric the " Utt of Washiut»! or," a paper ou

"Aaaican CoBofOO,' " Thtures <*f Stall I -f-^ ia the

Country, and several pieces of o.igiial poetry, b*> dothe editorial Oeparfm''n's wbioh present a vir;->ty fora'nvr-t every taste. Tae nutnb»r as -sua.', i- libera'lyembellish* r).

Till. KHK k ER Ilm KF.r.The " Editot's Table of ibis r umber >. jrameocea

with a motUMLg poge on account of the decease of itseel in able psjblisbet, Mr. Samuel lli-t.ii, a man

wb se steriiDK iaietplty of character, and andn od-«t macrers, had w in the respect aud «ympathy<>f a la.-.e ir:is of t*i;u*ir,tarces. Mr. HmsAoO was a

..Riveof Scotland, but from Infancy to the ag" of

twei.ry ten had ii*«d in M irristown, NewT-Jeroay,From t> at time, be had resided iu Now-Vork, withtbe ei .epfioB of c;n^ or ten year*, whiok he pa.-<ed ar

tue S.'utti. The ertiMr reoiarks o: aim, that "he aTRSnot merely a publisher; his literary sympathro were

wsrtn aid gei ial; his ap;>teciafion oorrocti oh kind-BeMofkeRrt u. vanrd. He di d. as he bad Ured, a

cevotrd, pra ..',al Caristiao.' TV Kis aorioun't-d, wil conti tue its regular ar.d prmiptpublication, " with a .'irculvion that ter^i n. ve, Un;erthai, at I e f reisett BJOOOSat, and wfUJ tkorRry mat jnu

tba- was uever n-ore van ms at.I .ntrndaat.'Mrs. B1U-UMS.

Tb-* ir .l t'nt!||ab'<? conductor of this Matrazino laborso-Sfi.i l> firths en'ertaiuuiHtt and 'ns'ruci >a of her

:ea. ers. Tlc woci U wi*h great typoajtRpOsOa]rl*van.-e, aid its hierary evcutioc fully »istuns tne

»¦potttioa jf t'ae p.ipuiar au!!iore-s rrbjOOOOAVDib'Sj-i.

BLACKWOOP. (Ost Boott R Cc *s BefaallTho -cie'.,'fi: reader will be at'.rn 'ts«* h) »ho pap ir

in this number entitled " Ne«r Sea-*- le Ntedraa." Itcortaina some theotetieal ibrcossi-m« »f groar iotaeeai t

the .'odent of coiiiparAtive aoatoay, iu a Urion to theusual graphic descriptions of the *er a*. Tb ' arriterbric»s losward sev» :al fat's from t s own pejraOOarJ ob-.-rrva'ioc, vbicfc .-tem to justify ÜM MMolRatoQ thatIbersBretaut Bocoseairy to tbo conci.riioo of ierv.

.«reo. Tke peevallfctf; tbeory, it la well kn >«u su,t-po^ss every Lervt ns impres.-'.on lo b« conveyed bratitier !o a OnU aitd by a tiaer j'r.m the nell; but trom

the e\p»r>n »'D's .of the wrif»-r, be ooLclades that ner¬

vous impie-Kioiis nreindob'tably trtnamitted where no

libefs exial aid where there is an a<'ual eolation of

forth.ui'y. The fonoectioa f>f tbis di- :o\ -tj a-ith tnatot M Brown Sequard ^ce of the most eminent of liv-

np pbysMoatsts) ir, regard to tho fraosmissi aj of im-

jo. r lor. a:, Tj{ tho rpinal chord, is il!u-traf.sid by a

'ipg'j arly ii tere-tinjr etpoeitinn and c imparis-inA'lkoogb it dees not claim HM a'tenfi.m of the genrralrever. tbis paper is a. u'u'ed to moAe a serta'ioa inthe m ient'fic wor'd.

LETTER FROM MM, C. C. NOTT, DECUS-is c rin: HOmWrjTtos for sf.v.troH.

No SO Wimt, tTvr.ET, N. Y., <).:t ;t, 1«7.

Oektlimkn: F<r several areeks I hire faithfally'nd«tra rd to rdd iu prueurlei eultrd ectioD aruoas th tee of our

e't wt . wbo tg-re Iu <le*i-in| to pr»«er»* in th't dry tili rem

n»et». f public lutrfrity wbl.rh yet eztit Scebefhrtt hare

t-itberto been made, wbi b thoufb ensinated In tie « r -tt no-

Sfta, tsMNhi Id fo»tlrj| Ir to oSO- .¦ tbe refute of every poeticalpatty Wiijdfui.f a. is, tbe p.b.i: properly re|a-d wltb «u»-

pirlrn errry Blur-merit wbl :b uj*y he »...-. '- wltb ¦iaii'er'etui's >'or my own pert, 1 bere uot been In far it tt -mion to

!_.< uie »po t» nor aid politiriaiie, but to eleot citizens of futb

lie J lutef rlty at must -cuimeud tbr- re*pe:'. af all >~ ... an 1

of all ptrti'a,I bare tbejrf,i;e, a -r -ter :ne < .'.tlar. bat fc«»b uked, aa

twei.dtbetl tbonld be e ,-andidate /or 00 BBSBB wba*.r.

Thue BSSBBWaeSS were rtede at .Inherit/ :.:*J were behaved

by the perton» tc wh irn they were (firen, slI by :h«ni it It my

rDty Bt Hand.L'ndi r tl ear c!r:tuut'.au.-etp I hare re^teive-l, ttr .era yoo, thtf

lomiietin t "f the Whit; and Ameii -ao putlee f ir Oer itor in

tbe IVtb D t'li. t, wbi> tbe Republican » laieatl -i BBVe alt )

!,(, imi"y Je.iiiia'.ed me tt their ca-iiidtte. PBaM set Ml

jlqpi Bavr u it ivtu iojf*>t. tad, wbeaer>-.- n. uej : r.»

ee< n tt. adi y Seal nei The isaoe, Uj, I*oa* arbtsb tt

%lo n.'.-e d.ieiriLt pertoct ttau uiyt'lf -ar-rl) seek, wi'le tae

l n iuitii.n. ai u iut tpin'toeo-itly f.-om three t-ieerent pirti ¦«,

«« uid Lot but be of itte'f |ret<ftliif to the inortem'neot iitir-jn,södrd la tkes is tae fast taat, sBiaasR eaaspa fat| a aroorJieaatptrtitan pj.'tien In ano'ber party I here aeec etked hy ym Ut

bo ple.'te, premlte or sasaaaaBBi atal or writtm. pibiie or

|ri»tte It ao^ld here Neen imp'ttlble f.r yon to here

fitted no with ireeter Ibeitlity or mire implicit '-ntlrfcee-

Fn-a'ly, tbt fevitb nt In the: bor le of oflV>«-h >'dere acd r lfJEtnt

wbi h 'Itlme Bl eeutr 1 tea Denei. rat:« p.ry t-il tbi tv .w--t

(Mtimuetioa of tabi.i Demiertte to prefer the woi*

'are oi the itj 11 the om^ttit cf :h«;r i>'.'.\: t! n»at'.-rt,

trl-rt.l it this t'tue jneipe-'.ed of iu---»i

kVarej rasab at «hyeot, I d<> aet kaow mm\ I seaaf trlve

you ttn ut't p ..I my 1 to .-'ttedaett tuen by de-.lioiu^u until a aa riV.urttrly made.

1l >jci-l"Dt-. 'b- UiOtite, above tlo.leJ »o, I find that oiyprj, rettsattavaaataveatBraraaes it .mpo.tibl . f^r me to a?eapk, I

h-»e raref It] waavartad the merer iin.-a tae ominar-^ai

Be-e..B'frlfd,BBtlBSJ ic. Ur.0y fuce^ to ih't .i.on

Tea wtil tl Bee n j d re .titt tbit to you j -ln-ly, aad wil

,i. n' to tse rouvettloot whi- b yoti re»peetiv-ly reer»aeBtBotaia taeLkt tor ihi ji-d-terv«d -emp .m- x B*taV eaeh

lit -ja'.d aaAil w me sow*vtr, Is hope tint yo i wiJ stsHM apae ictnli-

di-e w ,-»rv -.t the e*jt.;.. flncb tn a- on wcl iarolte no ea-ri-fi . -1 Btawrkpaa, Tae paataawa wu <f tte poblie, y% a. th* t .

p.-ea aey ti dk* It'11, the Bto*asti -n of '.r.di«idual rieht- tbouldbe tte frtt aruc'Bari af every aastStoal party. To pr».-r»e

jkete, tbe Itw of i»lf yreterva'i m wi'.i one dty fvrea a'l retpe, -

_b e niti. i«iu tint Bt| to tti'i. fore Wy tt 01 -ae Ci-y of Sa-i

SriBlBBSa. Bf pet.e*L'.y Bt we are H jW euüeewri.l lo ll.

Tke bat* pjtit. jB f the Letitlal'ire wti ai or peV.tbl- at*

a*lasfsyeaai y»t itn the w.rit of our op-'t'ii D--m.i--.ti-

tefaaawer] 1 .dan* fed r**r oa Auer ruem ut i tojip."Tice ti t ia .cr aittrirt BBtaj iti/rnt whs w .uli dct^rr-xllyreceive eor t v&driif* if oboten to be oi.e ,f thote r 1 -rt. Baa

tie »i.e. I o »uih a ft.oat-re thr ur*» your leetruaeri?*' ly

I ht pa to ak!.whe:re-r h- he a *.Vhl|. Am-rec»e. Re| r "

O n oit lataplllBlj. Bt .ClURLM '. N-"1 f-

Fo Bfe.iri. A. V. BrBlBfila and oth^r», Coaua-tie*; a.

M-nri l>. 3. H' inrv and o-Lert, Coarai" .-

Pi US'tS iL.

-Tt IJ^r.. DaeiHA .yarka-a'-'r. ift'e M i.-t

t. ( L i retnmed to bit Www itCeo'w Ovo. itea

|rth..,-t Flswa. r* hj Ua driaeaa I «as

ptaee w-H. f}.m<-ttr^..^ JC^^ '^ '<"1I*?J


roUTlC* tit MTldXD.i o-»f i ¦: *'*tf TfteN T T IKea*.

' M » »i f. M 1^,7If t>. p tftjgaj pperv io MsryWd a-* bo. teeriklf

.'..».¦ |*V» 1*1 v. ;<»~yja r*a*t..f.,rfJ.s to at tli«' .N ¦¦. .ii .,,.»,tag« a»

'Mi f n nt T4n ?r,K bbBT" h»»« tOf a tug)* eanJrtaeo et¦¦.f ilia.|*Jn|] th* people. T»* i- trie, way

. "»tter*'aad*. Tetj will rer..!l,v: that en my last¦e'ter 1 gave yon extra« » from aarrerona llenotwatjejoaeneda rriv!» santsnainiy ro <*W **rd> thatKiow-Nofhu-irwrn ar.i K . were eoa an».ee eatr* lawaf, bl-I iha» a v,. tory raited by r4aawfwotil 1 be a rouire of gratm. vioB to both Now hear>t'e»tb«» rife. 7>, are Saaawl

i baajra at Mr. ¦ .K**aaa an,«.,,, rwalww em Be te maey

with MrJ « Repvali .».,. pr,, wmt± ... fW.'

p- it.rt iotLIt St*»*. In an Cal Bel J..B» e llruLZWaJ!!. it af fAv . efo***ev AV, .Mtraa. rreevJrEJTaaa^

f-,tr« .V«../, ,i»xafviit« aa.l Mur.&vea' !**.*, itfl.ii. R.puklj. tut.jsodutoo it »iu tucly '"0 ie» toat aaaaaa tt.e lower

cornier tl e etrorgboldo of tbt «la\. holding urtervvof lUbtiylsr.d

thel! all rait a mij »rite at*Totes xgeiuet lav at> a'ied DeavnieB eBBatadates a e.ball her. ft.-r t ira leeea evee

to bl*. * Rrpubilret ita:, .> h- re T » ii! pr. p. rlj tntxtaa.'*So ji u s«* tho R ark R.publiiacs are ee-tiaed to

-in t («d, willy oilly. Th* ta. I is that R «pub i -aaiaaat»* brccae a" gnat a bu.ab o asev.r the s,s Treat-ury wa», if tot a grca'er ¦«>. aed both nsdili 0 par-tie* 1 ere art- trying to make t1 the capital they raa oatof it. A 'arge mejiity of tiioee wbo a-e oppoeei taKipnblictnlsm hevo never read the pie'form of theRepublican party. and have not the faioteet idea ofahnt the principle* are for which they are conUAtaW.Uur aewrpaper «ditora and partisan wtVor* haewLowltd eo honibly about "the, eectiotialtarty of the North, that their r. vier« aad bearrniLave at b tgth route to the eta*daaioa it* oaly obtecti* the di'nu mheri'.'ct and overUin>w of the DaMajThere leaii» is of tbe nia**e« ha'.e labored aeriduovaly;0 en tu-e the i ulil c uni d with tbe idea that tke re-

biotb c nud the abolition of Slavery a"e one and theBane tl :i ., ard that tteee le i «ntireK diatir.ct ieeaet.

t cm bit ii c and doviiailm^ th' newlve» into eachi lher form the learlit g ai d mo»t prnrainenf fratare iathe Republican crerj. Aed they have been ao sm*-caieM in il>t'urticattng their aod'tore that tnore areIheuaada of tuen in Maryland layiag caaUD te mood

. iat d intriligotK-e who oaaaawaaaaaaäb beheratint if Krrmott bad been elecfed l*retldent everylhive n nth of Maren and l>ixon a ltae woaldbavo Lki) turned »i«e irataoter, and all tkeSlave States converted iLto a accaa ofbk odeked, pillar* aid cottlavratii n. It i* lami'nt»l»!a.o thirk tii»r could ever give thenwrvea up to tuck a

delotiroi but the facl« are even ao. The platform of

prltcipko, nCopted by th Repub'i. an ptrty atl'hi n. .iphie 1 doo't thu.k van evi.r ptibliabeU ia *

pelHteoJ . < r in Mitxl."' d at leatt I never r«tad itin cue. Atd altlouKti tK- organa of 'a bratautDtBiocioiy and au t. R. <.»-Nothing.«tu wara

»In»}- innd in their obj:ination* of tbe party wbi«-bCBN se to a«l< pt for it* motto, ' Kree anil for free white)it i-r," «n<* ate eonlinually a< euain^ ea<4> other of being.' liiatk Republican*," th<<y are one and all '.iVaid .Jtit it tub. ibry pieier ruiarepreeeiitafi uaoditlumuyto'tu hi. argunient, ard. like I ir ' whoact nlletig a to aVfead its mjtM >j, shirk] thom«« lv.-eaim a Wo mil not ei/< r into a aaaBwaaial of tbe"tlji (f* end aim* cl Republicanism." No. ao; thoydread euch a discus- iou Some of Ikear ri.-adwn uogbtbo bwaeitod by It, anil .>.¦ te'npte.l ti aavar tiielrjirer( nt party a**ocintioi < tud connect ihem- -lve« wi»hthe u.uib u;. .-d aaaifjppj ot^ari*ati' n of Free-Siiiert. And the bread aid bu'tei of tome of theeeorgai -(iiindera tidgbt tlnrtby 1m very teoeioly diuiiu-uhfo".11 .< r.r wspapera thronjjhoot th«i S»ate bavo beei eo-

lOajfd tearaipeoeIkeMttaewAaaJ OaveaaMI In Bal'i.tioreir Ciecursirg the h of the« that took p'a«e oathat tciBvion; and, aa usual, «mh ptrty ao oaea tbeofbtr of lieirg the inciting cause. As tbe I)«oioereta,bowetor, v !.. u tbev MOJO in the aoceiidant In tbe ritesoli '-years ago, insuunrafsd the reign of t'-rrjr aadbrute ft roe by drivirii; the Whig! from the |rolla, andas they have since procliced the same sy«teni m Ranras t< wnid Ike Prea-AoDesa, aid have advocated andetconrsged it as carr<>'d oo there they will obtain lit*th- ryn in'bv, even if Ihey should be baateu, a* Utapalii |s lae] have been, and fear they will bo again, bfKi oB-N'otrirg violscce and fraud.

llii ks and Uroome, the (iitbtmatonal caadidatse,arc t-trmpicfr tbe State; but not in company. Theyhave ro relish for a joint discnesion. 11 ire e ia eetue-

whtre c'own in tba lower part of the State, telling tbeelectors about "'our glorion* Native- American party,''as h* calls it; wbila Grooooe is on the We*Uta Hbot*\" dtfinii g his position, and placing himself right be¬fore (ha people.'' It is now c-mceiM by ail, bort .vrry f<-w infetuuted Deuioorats, that tbe Know-NtXtVinns will < loc» ihrir entire Slate ticket, end (if Haiti-mate|0eoM thesioLS at preeent iudieate she will)cany the State by an overwhel<nirg msjority.


ITriflkWT COUNTY.Ft'in a Itt'er to The TarBi'mt, date-1 WeUsvilka,

Ort 2fi"Allloks not only well hero, but frst rate. Yoa

may set AUegany down on y#or slat.- at 3 W)0 maj rrFyDl i'.rst er titrates, and we will do better thentbetifwe i sn. sliI I sm ipjito turn we can. Ourmtjwityhist fall was 000, Tbe poll will not be fud (kit Fall,at d there wi l be less majority -though so far ao fktiow, thne is no defei tion whatever from oor ranks."

£110OKL YN ITEMS.Socmr ior TU Am. i o.itxi ios or Tua Condi-

TliN or mi t Pooa . The t-.r'-.-i th aanlttraarf Pjeet.aa ifibitOie iely Mttbeldou Mraday eveuiaa. »L,.n th* aoDual re¬

port xeat preteotnl. fr'.iu xx htrh tppeart that the dtttrihutlnnaluve Ii. ii made rbiefly by tV'ard Atentt, who are reaiuaertledRH tbelr tervlr.-e, hBtti ad af by vUltort wbo formerly save theirlervteespatuitenaty. The coutiibutluut havn been afvea prie*cipe'ly to widows with yoaBj ehUJn u famillet la etetn.i, aadto ated peitoiti tod th»T h*M- endeavorwl to Hd the S xi-tpof all peitoni who are able tu help themtelvee, amonn taeaatre a l*r*e ritt* wbi live In I-1 iu»*t <' whtek are off.ieltn birth, wlm bed previously Been Iu the htwt of reeetvii^eteliteaee fi-m Ibe a . t- i. Thla cites have heaa oo«-

V-lleil in tt-Mirt tu other meant than the A.*n .«tl)u fa? seile/,b* prli.Hpal ecdearor of the S.«' ely h«« >>-¦<. to provide a

-, t. c'v t r .' .: i. f wber. by the really worthy Baty Be

r.-lievi-d ti H Impittott itet. eled. A ttetniii «*f Wtr.f A(*aereOP»t 0»< 11 pn rfil. ttve ol f od . *. . t In i tin re.peot, and - Ley atb.: T..--«:i. i, .1 -he i-,.. i.t ',. leWtBBS, tai* '.t.- --t. Theirreeelp'e htve been:Prcn. rititort.....0'. MO ITKiomCburch on the H.rhti (Or I!- thui. ti* OT

Total.S)t,lit 5T...-j* bat !.teu dittrlbuted. . BJJ *9

LeavlES e b*knn* of.. wlSi «ATh* ar'lclet dUtrlhoie* were.

Oror.rie.i.'.Slt .MlStovet aud iiitnrna.. ft V)I uployineat 8-irkwp let SOr r t :< .. naei. I»4 IIDue UOoher lt. UM. »I M


1-0*1. 3,260 v7lj.l'iti.dWtrdt.' t. 031 (0Pnr.'b.» tod adverl'g TU't.8'ati -v ind booh* II VSheet... . 04 0*.The i.rti ripel trtirlet dlttrlhuted ham Been fiel, bread, lanai,

r m m leant, muleteer, - -,«..r and te*. The repurt r.roe.rudtwwith ea epryeal to tl * puMle for aid, in «iew of ta* lerpe aoaa-

)er ol'ptiMxnt who beve been Ihmxvu out ol ompivytaeut, aodwbo x» ill praairs astlttanee tbit \V Inter.

FsrtPE oi l'ttNOM hs. .Two priv>ners aameiMttl-w Mmtll ana Kd-trd R si* -.rao-d from th* rel.« of tae

Thud Dittrf. t RtttUin Home ou If lJay ex. obi«. hp ptrAhmtthe let k tLd prxirs off the outtld* bar* Riss* üad *»*a euat

ml'ted in full on tbe charte of »UhWo». aad «mall wa* osalBail«.r dlaorderly cuduct. Th*y wer* n-t recaptured.

Cl 11 CoritT, before Judge Culver and Sir^r^aerof'odw.-.! tod Delaney .The < ter.a of Ihl* « ., .rt *w

aoBBBBBBaed ye«t>rJey Suverel ptwoari* wore Brou(bt aa,tut r mm* »ot bein| ready tbe Coart a Jjoorued till Wodaeedaju.. 11.11 t.

DeXOCBATM PBtMAKT MKETiaot..The Dem> P)la tri« 11 .r SSllutii a andijatea f.-r Inapeetor* of Rleie-ti n tDd f to be v..»ed f r «'the« etarti-iB,t it k*Ad llllBOkaal the diaVieot Ward* 01 the c*y ax«


Tin I.ividR Dealers- At a nc;ot ¦ etJngoftkeK't *¦ . . ifcty I.i-i'i- r D .!er«'A-to-'latlon. taev reeoiradtesea.p..itii PasBawNMtBakata las «oteo«ele^tsaa,

Bold Robufut.. Ab-iut t{ o'clock la«t 1»

-, , - ., railed tl,- heu- of Mr*. '.;».>'..toe street x-h araalred tora araa saaaaQ Aaya\ anaa awaa

there. He wa. not 1.. ...J l*e * aWjJJUtm u tat to wtir i,r hi*. «h u )*S.v'lT.i..< itrverwere, -'th wi,. :.' ''V . ../Ill.'a^ial the I.oum stve chat*, btttdid uAtaceatl la caaatviM aiae.

Ttievi rba«ce *t Fast Ntw-Vorta..A party of

avtVeX^a.w-taN ,. II. on ft.iLltsdjat iri-uaeV >. tae aar*, an«

I !tta.SmZt\. wiaVw. - >a hr ten ...I tne Sfgot tbaV noTi/e-oieirey by'be f«Be* that wen, threwa kp

K'ZrO. «ffi fttLdtp,t « .W,tM.. of: ,. ,,. eiJ»rr ».l»- re an I Edward J. Mickey wot*

aneite* BBS taBBSJ lo tae tt. *tt B Hoatc ot tae Kiret rraeiiOt,..J L. J for eat i.'ue'-en .u.. OH.r:..or-

.rniot« A"ir>r.Br it Hrnaoe ."!>ot>.a*rjr'' Nt-n- c was to uc id in a t>all<x>u fron lludeoei, oa Htf-

ur.ii.y BfttinBOSJ. bur, aa u-oal, "didn't go up-''llratwhile, an ut fot»ur-Ate sc-id. r,t orvnrr>»i. 8»««J) <,r women axd ebaatlwl bad eolat <ed at aa*

t- .,:.!..> ti tot of I aTi 'el n avrning, äbivtb gavewey, and pr» cipitavd ih-Ti ftj tbe g-otlrid, irilk aotte

». v'»-. i- inrie*. Amour tbem w -

SJn. ttw i sfatshe i. ,!1 I i : .red.kt Meiy Bteka f. »kea.Mit Han t barily armtel.A a n f Mi I Watern an «ll*bilt bruieeA» »aakesi af A .» Hta.r aitthtit areted- ".te *t»uci -i ..iiJertjete were atio t*AI| au-t.

Au. ' i t*-n .«. r.* \ ^r letiisslser, keak I > .red.M.-t. ) ; i .. i. - IV.Wy «.rr»»,