new york tribune (new york, ny) 1906-08-19 [p...

5 ADELE RITCHIE. In "The Social Whirl." at the Casino. EDWARDS DAVIS. At Keith <&. Proctor's Union Square Theatrts to-morrow. i . NORMA SEYMOUR. In "The Cnckrt," New York Theatre Roof. BELLE WOLD. In "The Ham Tree," SHERIFF MART CODY. In "The Train Robbery," at Luna Park. MARIE PAVEY. In "The Gambler of the West." at the West End Theatre this week. HENRY E. DIXEY. In "Tha Man on the Bex." at the Lyrlo en August 25. W. F. HAWTREY. In "The Two Me WatH- erbys." at the Madi- son Squaw on Au- gust 23. EUGENE COWLES. in -Marrying Mary,- at Daly's on August 27. / 'Amusement*. Amusements. TC-RTHPTT eft» PROCTOR'S COOLEST THEATRES IN TOWN *-Tsnj?X s h ,^^ £ DfForrrM CO ST . Tony ( !<*ucl-. ' *•** gT . *>.-*Tirlor. Hob«T« SQUARE Thatcher * Ern^t. Mat , I)allT N^t-n * iMchotoon. ,, M|l p.,, . H^. :*«««-- £at- J:10f X«:l*^»i^Kr* l^- AW* SEATS AU.BIUTS Continuous gt iW »SiV. 1S « 2o - Zin«art Tronp*. 13.25., B «- option Mat. W-d. 1D26 GRAM. '\u25a0'>(\u25a0 nr " 1016 'HpL Two Concert* In-fUf i;^(> HAR. Two Coomt* To-d»T Pniv to Break Reennl 'it Manhattan Beach This Week. This will be a great week at Manhattan Beach at Pain's Amphitheatre. The benefit of the Knights of St. John of Malta, which Is to-morrow night, will open the ball for a great carnival of fire, to be held Thursday, when Mr. Pain takes hie own benefit. The events will open with daylight fireworks on the west lawn, to be followed by a magnificent illumination of the grounds. In the amphitheatre Mr. Pain promises to beat all records of the great carnivals which have gone before, and he will produce the largest set piece the rings, surrounded by fir*. seventy feat above the ground. "Speedy." the high diver, gives two per- formances each day outside the big arena, MM 125 feet into a shallow tank of water, and there is a bathing house, roller skating rink. Ferari's Ani- mal Show. Professor Lewis's snakes and the Pike. CARNIVALOF FIREWORKS, Bostock has procured for his arena at Coney Island what are advertised as the only twin ele- phants in the world. They are at present on exhl- hibition at the Marseilles Kxposition. at the close of which they will be shipped to this country to ar- rive In time for the Coney Island Mardi Gras. which will be held from September 17 to 22. The twins were sired by Rajah, reputed to be the biggest elephant ever seen in India, the home of elephants. He stands 12 feet 9 Inches in height, which is taller than Barnum's Jumbo or Bostock's Jingo, which .A visit behind the scenes of "The End of the World" at Dreamland is amazing In revelations of the simplicity of the mechanism by means of which great scenic effects are produced. At Steeplechase, the "funny place." a quarter will buy admission to the park and twenty-five amuse- ments. "Foxy Grandpa" rives free toys to all the children on weekdays. fonnanee In New Tork at the Lyric Theatre n«xt Saturday evening. August 25. Under Direction of j^V^Al Bam S. fi L«r Shub^rtClsO. S CASINO] LYRIC * \u25a0 nv s y & »9th St. <2d St.. W. el By. I T«le n 1648 Bryant. ! T' 1646 Bryant. I coo -%5. v. SAT., lug. 25 \u25a0 H me \n.r \A filly /J \u25a0 & " 2 'WEEKS OM.Y B \u25a0 TIIF" Seat Thurs. \u25a0 \u25a0 I Up w a v \u25a0 I SOCIAL i-». i II WHIRL DI XEY I Tie smntner-, the 'MAN M Greatest THE MAN £ Musical Success * «J^. T ™*^ \u25a0 Mat. Bat. Only. BOX. I \-.H\h nmr Aim '' 191 Time* In N. T. [MAJESTIC H Broad-way and sSth St. <Clrcle). H Telethon- SSOO CoJutnbus. —— M __". BEST SEATS 00.- > \u25a0 I SAT. EVG., AUG. 25. 1 \u25a0 PEAT SALE THURSTSAT. \u25a0 B IST N. T. PRODUCTION O? \u25a0 M Tho ilerry Hustcal Coraady M \u25a0THE TOURISTS! m r,y K. 11. BnrasWe and Gustavo Kencer. \u25a0 85 Eplendia cast Includes Richard Coliea. \u25a0 M Julia Sanderson. V»ra lllohelena. Win. \u25a0 J5 I '\u25a0uette. Anna Boyd. Phil K. By]- V "^ \u25a0 -4& ,race La Itu". Fred Frear. and a |^^ SiP* Ilundrod Oth^rg. / MAOISM SO. V WEBER'S V^TmkA Theatre. 2»i.\ st. A B"y. I Jo- M Wub.r J>T * Mc». Mats W V I & S*t. I Mats. :•:««. * Bat AUG. 23 I AUG. 28 ! THE TWO MR. I HILDA SPONB WETHERBYS I in LADY JIM kSEATSTO-UORBOW A SEATS THT-RSIiAT. _j PI/CTT theater ir# 11 HURL II MONDAY. AUG. 27.. 423. Ft- "VTf*t c; Brsa-away. 'Phe-^ +4 Bryant. / tarS«at Sal* To-morrow Morotac •* 9. CUHSQ.V i. HACKSXX r'T \u25a0 > :--.--i.-. ProducMoa THE LITTLE STRANGER V >::« HAFT. M'iRTON -* * "BELA SCO rFu7v ~ v? -^^T? \u25a1 C.LMOUU Etr&. B:ts. Slat. S*t. 2. 2D VKAR IN yFTVr YDRK. DAVID BIXASCO l' BLANCHE BATES ! -sr -"THEGIRLOFTHE -'-•' GOLDEN WEST" a play of *O. hta* in Calttovata, . *'"**\u25a0 By twin BEUS(t). WALLACKS -^ - S:M. s nflbbnlinU natat Wad. an 4 Sat. »:K «' Pap h Priced Mattes* Wedaj-mla-r. 4TH >lO\Tft IN I Inr U/rr^ AT NEW YORK. LflOl ITLt^ M*.H,I fc\CX'?.- r^?^ HIS HONOR of tbo S THE MAYOR fOMrtW OP 1,10 p| vvfr, (Direction William Raymond Sill.) WEST END USthst - ne * rlthaT *- Eres.»:l>. ;, t^l^ at Moa.. W#d. «ad Sat. J:U. «rXOTßL— Prlees. 15c. 85c. 35c. «*>. and 75^ ilon. THE GAMBLER^ WEST VWn> Aus. 27.... T-jC-X-A^S" The Virginian THE ORE AI-l. WESTERN PUATa ACADEMY OF MUSIC : ;V E O. OILMORB * BTGENE TOMPKINS Managers Last Two Weeks. Dusfin Farnum Thompson & Dundv s Greater LUNA PARK Fair of World's Marvels _ Tesiperature 10 ? cooler than th* city's. First. Foremost end Favorite Family Play- ground. OontlßUc FREE •'\u25a0p.-c Air' Circes and Vaudeville. - =: 32 >USVXES BY B R T ip\ P4RR EXPRESS FROM 8H104.K. METET MT. ON THE PIER DREAMLAND SCENE FROM "THE MUSIC MASTER" At the Bijou on September 1. Take Irca SSteamboat.t t. PKICES *•. 60. rv ?I.M Mats. Wed. and Bat.. 8. Eve. 8:15. BIASXSO3I ffi% JT+k o^. t^ Tbi " Snnd °y l^n'S ROOF .KS^cr.,. i.VKPKN \u25a0^*^%^1 For PRICES "MAMZELLE CHAMPAGNE" BEST. HHK.HTT-iT BREEZIEST SHOW IN 1' O\V Brimful of < nineil* and >Iu«l<«. \,!m SOc. K*s. Seats fl. Box Seats $1 Ml 4M lU *\ THEATRE. At 6th AveflC. tft n 7c. 1 A til V* Evenings 8:15. Price- OUC, /DC lIAI-25 «nt MATINEES . 23 and BO cent 3latlnee> Saturdny. A. H. Wood's preat rncla? play. RULED OFF THE TURF ckokc^Vvck. Th« most graphic scene of the track ever attempted on the Bterre. 10-MAMMOTir STAGU ri < r \ kr.* —in X* A vTfl M CONTINUOUS IT i\O 1 \J 1\ 20 and 30 CT3. HEORUIK GARDNER »n«1 JOS. MADDER& Jack Wilson * Co.. B»-Anos. Biff 3 Minstrels. Norcro«s. Morris « LaMar* Norah Kelly. Moses Herbert. HEFFRON THORNTON CO.. Marlon St Pearl. T»Karkana & Pearl. The Burkes. Fred Dunworth. Ned Fltsclbbon*. The Mtrrorerapn. KENO. WALSH & MELROSK. MOTOR CAIS For rh««tr«. Shopptnr. Si«bt-*»eh>K, B^ves «td Suburban Retortv NEW YORK TRANSPORTATfON COL rirlith ATenne »nd 48th strt«t. „_ Teloaboc? nso Co\^.* m "Crsit-rt Anto Uveiy E«ttaK!aftcicat ta t!:* "W«l4** Wrtf gar tllmtrataq booklet, gtrir^ r»'»m. PnFII" ORIP IN " U ' 4X SPEC! At. OROfML tUtrl riNTMAI.'..^PH K»rry H«ip .Ik. Blanche Walsh, in Jacob Goran's I Man C hm to, Krenz-r Sonata." is fillingthe Man- &t«! Theatre. T the Mouse" enters upon the of Its mn at -.he Lyceum Theatre fatty evening, while seats are still announced Rattle Williams and "The Little Cherub %i?. their third week it the Criterion Theatre. •kR they have lad crowded houses since the titßlsht! Nineteen good son««. a small army « pMO» iirta four coni?dlar.s and four comediennes feliw SUn Vnillamß. together with a real story. M*C to make a varied and a«U«tlx-« enter- £ ass; sv^^ ai^fr-.'hTnr "ong bring, many a hearty »ar. Iktnal fortnight of Che season of the New Tork Tmb* rcof will begin 10-morrow night, when a |ftf*at-and-out variety will be given. "Seeing jWrTork" ended Its run last night, with a record d«<*aty-flve perfannancea. Among the novelties timmm we.k's bill will be "The Crickets." a \u25a0ttmhanet V Joseph Hart, with Miss Norma frnour as Its !-adrr. Miss May Yohe willbegin a r»» «nerla'Tv t.. nixed bill, as will nn A co r b .-. * cn*riii<Tv to th*> mixed bill, as will Al i>eecn StiJl^aS^oVlOTg time f«vorlte. In.iWs anmt" exhibition. "That Quartette, wiv ion rp o-.e of the hits of the reason on this roof. AiSn^.mme is anounced for to-night. !»\u25a0 in 'I Paradise Roof Garden will close fenmmer seam next week. The Fays will con- (a their 'fnaumaturgy" exhibition: others In the Urn Arthur Prince, ventriloquist; the Rose D* |M leptet Unset* and dancers; Dziria. the fetor; Rice \u25a0 d Prevost. and Arthur. Col- rj h:s thiitv-five minstrel »"«*«»: Ajl?"^- t^lla *tri» th» Fou- Fords. Bedini and Arthur. L<a»a SrollSe "and i Hart. Willy Zimmerman and Ecitr «nd Gaudier. j!!» Marie CahiH. in her new musical show. TbTTVinic Mary by Edwin Milton Royle. with W!8«i0-j«W !8«i0-j« trimmings by Silvie Hem and Benjamin ggf-<«3 Burt. •will open at Norwich on Tuesday ititaiKJ » ft<>r appearing at New London. New- ri aad Asburv Park, will come to Daly c next £& This production marks the entrance of tSn CourtWh into the^ musical comedy fleld rirtf departure from "Robin Hood" and Stein tip of Eulrene Cowlea, the basso. !• tie tdasco Theatre Miss Blanche Bates is pro* to crowdpd houses "Tlie Girl from the GoawTTest- Beats are being sold five weeks in tJ-AX*. fit last week of •'His Honor the Mayor." with *jfnnyBallet at Hack's, willbegin to-morrow \u2666at, ic«klng its fourteenth week Inthis city. This #wbiit been most successful in Its run here, hav- tjjSyetl to average weekly receipts of HO.OOO. It g'ji cadlv have been continued far Into the fall faeeess. but previous bookings made for Wal- lirk'i compel* His Honor to move to make room frost of Charles Frohman's productions. A great 2-n* o* regret In the ending of the run of the Srwiii be the loss to the city of the Pony Ballet. English girls have danced their way Into the wtt of New York theatre, g.iers. and their loss Th» felt alone Broadway. The cast this week. lim h -hides a special matinee on Wednesday. X "«-.«». with Miss Trixle Fripanza as rr^-ka and Harry Kelly a* Deacon Flood. All "i>'.'*!ct! numbers, which have made made such » kit. have been retained. -. .. jiy, August ZS, is the flat* announced for the JLjgg of the Knickerbocker Theatre box ofllce •it file of «**• for th three weeks' engage- !lTrf Fritz! Bcheff In "JC'He. Modiste." to zS. «n Saturday evening. September 1. Mall Xi received meanwhile will be filed for atten- J£te tlw order of their receipt. 2oof Garden* Closing Regular Theatre Season Beginning. ftcend of the roof garden season Is nearly here. j the ,-<\u25a0-frills r shows are about to open- The the- season begins unusually early, and by Labor ?~t lirge portion of. the show houses Inthe city [qbe *\u25a0»\u25a0 AH th * beach resorts near New »-* «re affected by the feud between the Brook- £e»D:4 Transit and the public. Coney Island. £ Since reports a loss of from 35 per cent to *• Jj^oeat In Its patronage. Partly because amuse- *j£ »eker» were kept more or less at home by Streubl* which It took to get to the Island, all 2iflrf gardens did a good business, even though 2*rf their patronage was drawn away by the Jstrtton* at the regular noises. ,-,i)H.\i; DOWN 10 EARTH world has known. Tbe story it will tell will be "The Destruction of San Francisco," with all the tragic effects, from the earthquake to the burning of the city. This colossal device will represent San Francisco previous to the disaster; the build- ings will seem to totter and sway, some falling. It will require fiO.flOO square feet of space to produce the flaming, crumbling city. There will be over three hundred set pieces, and the aerial display wiil b<> colossal. The lawns will be illuminated ly tens of thousands of lamps and lanterns, and after the performance in the amphi- theatre the ocean will be ablaze and a gunboat will be blown up by a submarine. "FAIR SICKNESS." The medical dictionary Is enriched with the name of a new disease. It is, in fact, a species of sweating sickness, but in the light of recent observations. French puthologists have agreed to call it "fair disease." Rare cases 'id been observed before, but it had not been considered epidemic, and had been named the "soldier's sweat." It has now been observed that the disease broke out clogd upon the holding of fairs, and has shown such epidemic virulence that In the Lower Charente region 3,775 cases have been reported in a month, death sometimes ensuing with great rapidity.— London Globe. "Th, Social Whirl" goes on Its gifldy way -a the fateo. tapMs the appearance of »•»•*"£ * tpecea long before any of the other summer \u25a0•piny now appear nightly. ft £1 7 CD t ki THEATRE. B'way and «th St. CHI I fcnlUM Evrs. at 8:15. Mat. Sat.. 1:15. 'TIT Uill I lll«0 In the New Musical Play. HA iTIE WlLLlfliTib the LITTI.BCHERUB. I unrtlll THIIATKE,45th St.. E. of B'way. 1 1 RFI jM Ev K . 8:15. Mats. Thur* * Sat.. S:ls. L ! U L U ill Auditorium Automatically Cooled. .i^v.TiJlie Lion I The Mouse Amusements, Bearing to-morrow night "Mam selle Cham- *»" »ii! erter upon the Uet fortnight of the •w nccMsfal season the Madison Square Garden >»' 1 -i« km- had Durina- the last week there gwn 'r.nMl^iea^d^ln^lon in thecrow. *»t haw th'nreed tb« Garden each night. Tiu 58fc.l trl-*iitv probaoiy will «o upon the road »!lc«ing the end of lit roof season. &£A%JUATTAU THEATRE. R'y &33d. Ev*. HIS. miAnnH 1 I MM«r. a. bradt. Mst. Mat. sat. 3. MATINEE LABOK DAY. WHERE THE CROWDS aiie going. Waßonhals * Hamper Co. Present . BLANCHE WALSH InJACOB GOUDIX'S Great Drama, the XREUTZER SONATA THE SIN Hji Enthusiastically received. PRESS A drama of vital power. AMERICAN Wins great applause. Seme of terrific strrnsth. SKATS 4 WEEKS IN ADVANCE. * * * * &l C.iC a Institute OF musical art 1. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. % FRANK DAMROSCH, Director. Re-opens October 15th, 1906. Com- prehensive, prescribed courses in all departments of music Cata- logue from The KH.I-Tian. VI Fifth Are, >*pw T«k City. Lloyd's fireworks in ?ho l>ig arena at Brighton Beach Park have proved a strong attraction at *ach of the trl-weekly displays, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Beaidea the firework.*, tfce entertainment has Other features, includ- ing Mile. Meeker, who doea an act <>n the flying At the Free Circus, over th« lagoon, among the equestrian acts are the Sleberts, bareback riders. Marquis's trained cobs are a strong feature. Miss Ratlin's monkeys, Gaudschmidts and their dogs and the comedy acts by tho clowns add variety to the circus bill. Frederic Thompson's latert novelty, "The Mountain Torrent," with it 3 rushing boats, attracts many patrons. "Th<' Or eat Train Robbery,*' with its hold-up of a moving train of passengers, preceded by Wild West sport In a pri-limtnary scene representing a mining camp, is another at- tractive act. The roller sk;tli:ip rink recently in- stalled In Luna Park has had a rushing business. Boetock has made several unsuccessful efforts to get Rajah, but his owner, the Maharajah of Peshawar, has refused every offer for his purchase. Empress, the iwin baby elephants' mother. Is also the'propTty of th? Maharajah of Peshawar, and is his favorite howdah, or carrying elephant. The names of the babies are Firt and Mimi. The mornings at Colonel Percy J. Mundy's trained wild animal building, at 1-una Park, are devoted to training three new tigers, and the progress already made indicates that Colonel Mundy will probably have a new act to add to his programme before the season closes. died at sea four ypar* ago on his way from Liver- pool to Now York. It will be recalled that Jingo was buried at Bea. but Ills burial was not a success, as his body floated for about a week or two and was narrowly- missed by several ocean liners before It disappeared forever. HAM Ml X »'l'l£lX*S. «M St.. B"way and 7th Avenu*. I'.VKAl'lsr. hoof uttnw. .Every Ere.. S:IS. TO.I) VY 'M.VTINKP. In Th?ntr*.!l l'ii|iiilitrAll TOAIIiUT ON TUB KOOF.i Star . v..of hi * - LAST ROOF WEEK. - n-.,kn -.,k THE FAYS. DZIRIA «the r»ar.c«r>. ARTHVR B«lne PRINCE. RICE * I'REVOST. RANIER & To?mor- G\ri>lEß. BEUINI A ARTHUR. COLLINS iZm^ '* HART. LAI.LA SKT BINI. WILLT ZIM- Amusements. rMI: NATIONAL CONSHRVATQRY | OF MUSIC r fw«i t, x OF AMERICA V.*** tS?5^! m "J Inccrporftfea In 1*35 natt ehniterett In I?0I t>? Sp««tol Act ml O««>-v. «7-4» WEST 55TK ST.. SI » YO JC. Mr*. Jmumttt* M. Tharber. JYc't. SVASSIL! SAFOKOFF, Director. Th. ttad acholastkc jr*«r basins Pert-rr^-: Ist. Communications ahoald b. ndJra—id «• the B«erttar3r only. ! AERIAL CITrDENS ! A-Top New Anmterdam Theatre, -)_'d yi. KLAW & ERUANGEH Managers I LAST \VItKK |g. AM H. HAItRIS| I.ANT WEEK j GLfIT. IfTrOHAN ! LAST «KKk | Infill- Burntntr j |..\S'«' M'EKK j THE GOVERNOR'S SON CCpT OUI»—NKW AMSTERDAM TITE.VTKE. JLI i. ** s.iiis Auk. JO. Mall Order* Now. HENRY W. SAVAGE will offer HARRY OULULH PROM now. MANHATTAN BEACH n ..i]>,t \ i >l \ It "• ml PAiN'b «n.VM' riUUWOKKJJ. | Every Eventne. PAIN'S 28 th ANNUALCARNIVAL OF FIRE Thursday, Aug. 23rd, \u25a01. .,,, i,. Juvenile* NisM. Children. Au«. li, •'!>«> Webrr'a AH Star <«., 1 Week. Tl/^T 1 /^ v ! irilT " * VHATTAX BEACH. Mat. 4. I U-i\ IVI Rl i lark Levy. Mar Co.! Ev«. t:3O. OC snows L STEEPLECHASE ,CO cents, f pApfcr nut rvxxx Combination Ticket. J I XT>VCE. RICO HARLEM CASINO 2^. * v . 114 th St. nnd TthA*«. Plays Nightly., Tabl» Hot*. He Sat.. Sua,. $1. BRIGHTON ecACH PARK ri.VCST BATHING UUXCii. *lUt«OKIi.S lit.. XHl'B. * ; BAT. SIGHTS DALY'S THEATRE FRANK MpKEE Manager OPENS MONDAY. AUG. 27 SKAT SALE TUTRSDAY. AUG. S3. DANIEL V. ARTHUR announce* TVT A ,±ri X JfcS OAiiiLTj In ttio N.W Musical Play, M M,'.KMYINCv MARY " by EDWIN MILTON ROYLE. Music, BILVIO I! KIN. Ljrrtca, U. H. BVJRT. Among the Pluy- vi :tr>-: WILLIAM ••(,rii ri .i:i«:n. ki<jknk COWI.ES, HOY ATWEI.I.. CHARL.eS UI«'KSON. MAUK SMITH, 11. lilY \VO()|i\VAHI>, BEN ORINNELU ANNIE O'BRIEN, VIRGINIA BTAtTNTON. and A PRETTY CHORUS, that «»r» really »ln«. AGNES SUPER GEER rro(ci<lonnl Ile«n!»r. Elocutionist. Concert.. P«plls at. espied. Rcild«nc*. fIT -ta A**. S:adio. mFifthAys, HUBERT ZUR NIIDEN. v«x-»>. . pimno and VloUa MBB C. WBISS. studio !•• East Km. Tt—a, iMa 'all ißsmtcttoa. lnoiuaias cortm «? b* n- \u25a0 > ».:<i *MMi AUG. B. D'ANCONA, £%*TI3g%. VI 1- \f£\aU THKATICE. U'way an<> St. .A I II sUI,I\ki,A\V & Kit I AN(iKI« .Mgrs. Bvea 1:15 Mats. Wed and Sat. He»t Seats $1. KUW A. EKIJVNGEn'S Bis Laughing Trust mmm heath S2 THE bam tree IMMENSE! ' Tl PfIETTIEST SINOING NCOMrARAniE! |j AND UANCINO -CHORUS M)l. . Hii-.Mii II IN THE WOULD. N. V. ROOF :'.. TO -NIGHT II'EKIN. Carrto !>• Mar. THAT Quartet. A I I Leech. Ruin-bears, Clifton Crawford, Thr«« I Ko*«tiuil*. Barber - Rlti-hl*-*. Seymour * Hill. I and 70 oth«ni frcm BSRIXG NEW YORK. I \u25a0 --„— -OTHER NKSTITS, B:SQ ' OUT-AND-OUT VARIETY. < «rrlr lie Mar, May Vohe, Four I.ulien*. Slit Baxter. Al l^erh nnd Three Hoi»fhufU, the Ferrarte. Panl LetYolx, It."ii!r« and )>orclto, THAT Qnarict. end «J|^) THE CR.ICKETS Mclntyr* and Heath will begin their last two Ntka in "The Ham Tree" at the Hew York Thea- * J°*niorrow evening, and will be followed by JJ* nosrrj* Brother* in "Thr Rogers Brothers in -^.and" on Monday. September M. Th« OMBCd) "One of Our Girl?," written twenty £-«\u25a0* ago by Bronson Howard for Miss Helen **" v»y. will be revived this week by the stock V it KtlUi * Proctor's One Hundred and '"\u25a0''\u25a0' Tnni !\u25a0!\u25a0.** the newest Bhubert musical com- **? which enojoyed a nearly all summer run In **tea, willopen the coming season at the Majestic 'Vatre next Saturday night. August 25. The j*«s2fr« c, fthis play was originally intended for Member 3, but oa account of the large number * "Per.ingr scheduled Tor that night it was de- *"M to put tin- play forward earner. A cast of i; si**- and excellence will Im «»-.-ii In "Tlie SSwta." Th* principal '-..median is Richard «?<••-«. Miss Julia Sanderson is the leading; woman. "* Vrima. donna is Miss Vera Mlchelena, who \u25a0•*•» b*T New York debut In tills play, Other 25***"* and sMigars in the <-aM are William Pru- SV.5 V . Phli H. Ityl«-y. How: <I hamb'-rf, Fred 'f*ar. »i! FS Anna Boyd. Miss Grace La. Huo and g*aaemßte of on< hundred. "The Tourists" is the "*t work of R. If.Hurnslde and Guetave Kcrkr-r Ctorge M. Cohan and his company, in "The Gov- tmotm 80r.." begin their last week at the New feMter&ua Serial T'lcatre tomorrow night, and *st Saturday v'.y'-' v,m have completed a twelve Mek*' run. The, bus office report has been oa- *cit; - hi tv performance Mr. Cohan will <&*r> in iilK n»n play. ' '**•< r*re Washington, jr., J> Bepteaber 30. In tiie mean time he will rehearse » various companies In his new play. "Popularity "Of-orge Washinston. jr." The linrkett Theatre, formerly Lew Fields >, will begin its fall season on Monday. August 27, with the first American production of the English farce. "The Little Stranger." by Michael Morton with the entire original company. Including l™*" rfl «•£ r*tt. who plays the fading part. " The ' *£»• Stranger" was played last season at the Criterion Theatre, l.on<lcn. Henry E. DU*y. In "The Man on the Box," under the management of Walter N. Lawrence, begins hia second season la that piece* end plays his ttlat per. Walter N. Lawrence will offer as the opening at- traction at the Madison Square Theatre on Thurs- ,lay evening n«i William F. lUwtroy. a brother of Charles Hawtr,y, in St. John Haidrfaa three-uct rlav "The Two Mr. Wctherbya." It apes to America aimoM directly from a successful run n A«Vtr rif» where William lias lons b*en Auitr.illH. wii^r » Mr Lawrence baa surrounded CamVron "Z "'Miss N>IM«- Daube. Miss Beatrice Moreland. just returned from Eu- rope has signed with the Klrke La Shell* Company for the part of Kate Brandon In "The Heir to the Hoorah. Miss Kate Meek, who for fourteen years was with Charles Frohman and for several seasons a member of Miss Maude Adams's company, will be »iih Miss Henrietta Crosmnn In her new play, "Al'-of a-Sudden Peggy." The engagement was made yesterday by Maurice Campbell. The Ninth Regiment Band continues to be the attraction at Terrace Garden. The vocal and in- strumental solos rendered nightly are of the kind that made Terrace Garden famous in the days of Theodore Thomas. The Sunday night concerts, with special soloists and an orchestra of forty pieces, are proving a drawing card. Plans are being made by the Harlem Casino, at 124th street and Seventh avenue, for the celebra- tion Thursday evening of the forty-fifth birthday of Rigo. the Gypsy musician, who. with his Tzigane On-hestra. is playing every evening at the resort M. Bela. the ziballist or the organization, will render a march of his own cniupositlon. dedi- cated to Rigo. on the ztmbalum. and Herr Anger, the "cellist of Rlgo's support, will play a love sour. Philip Mindil. a well known newspaper man. who for several years has conducted the advertising and eeneral publicity of Uf theatrical firms, turn branched o^it for himself and opened a general DreMlLgency in the Knickerbocker Theatre UOM, Broadway and 39th street. "On Dangerous Ground" will be at the New Star next week. The regular season at the West End will begin to-morrow afternoon with A. H. Wood's "The Gambler of the West." Williams and Walker, who opened at the Grand Opera House last night, will remain for a fort- night in Eighth avenue. "Let Tt Alone" and other numbers are sung and danced by George and Ada Overton Walker and the entire Negro company. In the group "Rulers of the World" at the Eden Musee the figures of the Kaiser, the Czar and King Edward, who are just now among the people talked about are attracting attention. The other attrac- tions are the new cinematograph pictures and the Royal Orchestra with its soloists. "The Heir to the Hoorah" will follow "The Vir- ginian' at the Academy of Music, opening Mon- day September 3. Guy Bates Post and others, who were in the comrdy at the Hudson Theatre, will be in the cast. "The Virginian" continues to please well filled houses at the Academy ]?>£ Music. The third week of the engagement begins to-morrow night. E. F. Rice's "The Oirl from Paris," the bent sea- side success in years, win be revived to-morrow for the final fortnight of Out Manhattan Beach The- atre, which ends its season on Labor Day. Miss Laura Guerito. who has made a hit in the title role. Is retained with Miss Josie Sadler and other favor- ites. Carlton Kinar plnys Honeycomb and Sim Sii- man succeeds to the part Of the German innkeeper. Jack Levy gives Sunday- concerts this afternoon and evening, offering a -bill with Miss Trtxte Frl- ganza. Miss Dolly Jardoti. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hlatt, JCrd Nye ami his rollicking girls. Paul Lacroix. Miss Polly and Miss Ethel Hazell. Laveen and Cross, and Ferguson and Mack. Tony Pastor's regular season has now started. TCext week the show v:\\\ include Miss Georgia Gardner and Joseph Maddern, in their sketch. "Too Many Darlings'- ; Keno. WaJsh and Melrose. the comedy acrobats; the Heffron-Thornton company. In Two of a Kind," and Jack Wilson and com- pany, in blackface comedy. Others are the Be- Anos. the Bis Three Minstrels. Xorcross. Blain and La Mar. Miss Norah Kelly. Monsieur Herbert, Marion and Pearl. Texarkartn and Walby the Burkes. Fred W. Dunwnrth, Ned Fitwribhons, the Mirror of Travel .and the American Vitagraph. with life motion pictures. A Broadway favorite. Miss Toby Claude, will be the "topliner" in this week's show at Keith ft Proctors Twenty-third Street Theatre. Miss Claude has a new collection of songs and an array of new gowns. James Neill and Edythe Chapman, who have headed their own company in the West for several years, will enter vaudeville this week in a new comedietta, entitled "The Lady Across the Hall." The Zingari Troupe of twelve singers In gypsy costumes is a spectacular feature. The other specialties are John Hazzard. comedian: An- gela Norton and Paul Nicholson, in their new f ketch. "Ella's AH Right": Moaner. Houghton and Mosher, comedy cyclists: John and Bertha Gleeson dancers, accompanied by Fred Houlihan: Saona; Rhodes and Carter, comedians, and moving pict- ures. The Sunday concerts are at 2:15 and 7:30 p. m.. and include Murray Carson and Bsme Berlnger. Miss Julie RJng and company, Harry Davenport. G L ai S and °»rdner. Rooney and Bent. Clifford and Burke, the Four Everetts. the Durand Trio and others. Twenty-flfth Street Theatre. A special cast in- clud«* MiMEva Taylor in Mias Dauvray's role of Kate Shipley. The Sunday concerts at 3:15 and 7:80 p. m. to-day Include Mr. and Mrs. Gtene Hughes, Klein, Ott Brothers and Nicholson, Quaker City Four, Jack Gardner. W. A. In man and company, the Three Del tons ana many others. The special feature in the continuous programme at Keith & Proctor's Union Square house this week is the entry Into vaudeville of the Rev. Ed- wards Davis, formerly of the Central Christian Church of Oakland, Cal. Mr. Davis will present a^ new one-act play in two scenes, entitled "The Unmasking;," and will be assisted by several ca- pable players. George Thatcher and Charles Er- nest, the veteran minstrel comedians, will be seen lor tne first tim* as a blackface team. Other feat- "sSf *£? Sh*rman and De Forrest, In their travesty The Bombardment of Poor Arthur"; Caron and Farnum. the clown and the acrobat: Nell Moran and Dan Baker, of the "College Widow" com- pany, in a new sketch; the St. Onge Brothers, comedy cyclists; Miss Laura Millard. soprano; J. H Cullen. monologue; Hecirix and Prescott. aong and dance; BillyBroad, the Alpha Trio, the Musi- cal Huehn, the Lyric Trio and the* moving pict- SfEW:rb"RK daily trtbfxr SUNDAY. AUGUST If). iorm. S ililllHlllUll llHfil

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Page 1: New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1906-08-19 [p 5] · In "The Cnckrt," New York Theatre Roof. BELLE WOLD. In "The


ADELE RITCHIE.In "The Social Whirl."

at the Casino.

EDWARDS DAVIS.At Keith <&. Proctor's

Union Square Theatrtsto-morrow.


In "The Cnckrt," NewYork Theatre Roof.

BELLE WOLD.In "The Ham Tree,"

SHERIFF MART CODY.In "The Train Robbery," at Luna Park.

MARIE PAVEY.In "The Gambler of the

West." at the WestEnd Theatre thisweek.

HENRY E. DIXEY.In "Tha Man on the

Bex." at the Lyrlo enAugust 25.

W. F. HAWTREY.In "The Two Me WatH-

erbys." at the Madi-son Squaw on Au-gust 23.

EUGENE -Marrying Mary,- at

Daly's on August 27.




*-Tsnj?Xsh,^^£ DfForrrM CO ST. Tony ( !<*ucl-.

' *•** gT. *>.-*Tirlor.Hob«T«SQUARE Thatcher *

Ern^t. Mat, I)allT N^t-n*iMchotoon. ,,

M|lp.,, . H^. :*«««--£at-J:10f X«:l*^»i^Kr*l^- AW* SEATS AU.BIUTS

Continuous gt iW »SiV. 1S« 2o-

Zin«art Tronp*. 13.25., B«-option Mat. W-d.

1D26 GRAM. '\u25a0'>(\u25a0 nr"

1016 'HpL Two Concert* In-fUf i;^(>HAR. Two Coomt* To-d»T

Pniv to Break Reennl 'it ManhattanBeach This Week.

This will be a great week at Manhattan Beachat Pain's Amphitheatre. The benefit of theKnights of St. John of Malta, which Is to-morrownight, will open the ball for a great carnival offire, to be held Thursday, when Mr.Pain takes hieown benefit. The events will open with daylightfireworks on the west lawn, to be followed by amagnificent illumination of the grounds.In the amphitheatre Mr. Pain promises to beat

all records of the great carnivals which have gonebefore, and he willproduce the largest set piece the

rings, surrounded by fir*. seventy feat above theground. "Speedy." the high diver, gives two per-formances each day outside the big arena, MM125 feet into a shallow tank of water, and there isa bathing house, roller skating rink. Ferari's Ani-mal Show. Professor Lewis's snakes and the Pike.


Bostock has procured for his arena at ConeyIsland what are advertised as the only twin ele-phants in the world. They are at present on exhl-hibition at the Marseilles Kxposition. at the close ofwhich they will be shipped to this country to ar-riveIn time for the Coney Island Mardi Gras. whichwill be held from September 17 to 22. The twinswere sired by Rajah, reputed to be the biggestelephant ever seen in India, the home of elephants.He stands 12 feet 9 Inches in height, which is tallerthan Barnum's Jumbo or Bostock's Jingo, which

.A visit behind the scenes of "The End of theWorld" at Dreamland is amazing In revelations ofthe simplicity of the mechanism by means of whichgreat scenic effects are produced.

At Steeplechase, the "funny place." a quarter willbuy admission to the park and twenty-five amuse-ments. "Foxy Grandpa" rives free toys to all thechildren on weekdays.

fonnanee In New Tork at the Lyric Theatre n«xtSaturday evening. August 25.

Under Direction ofj^V^Al Bam S. fiL«r Shub^rtClsO.


\u25a0 nvsy &»9th St. <2d St.. W. elBy.


1648 Bryant. !T' 1646 Bryant.

Icoo-%5. v.SAT., lug. 25 \u25a0H me \n.r \A filly /J \u25a0&


2 'WEEKS OM.Y B\u25a0 TIIF" Seat Thurs. \u25a0\u25a0 IUp wa v \u25a0


the 'MANM Greatest THE MAN£ Musical Success*

«J^. T

™*^\u25a0 Mat. Bat. Only. BOX.I\-.H\h nmr Aim

''191 Time* In N. T.

[MAJESTICH Broad-way and sSth St. <Clrcle).H Telethon- SSOO CoJutnbus.

——M __". BEST SEATS 00.- > \u25a0

I SAT. EVG., AUG. 25. 1\u25a0 PEAT SALE THURSTSAT. \u25a0B IST N. T. PRODUCTION O? \u25a0M Tho ilerryHustcal Coraady M

\u25a0THE TOURISTS!m r,y K.11. BnrasWe and Gustavo Kencer. \u25a085 Eplendia cast Includes Richard Coliea. \u25a0M Julia Sanderson. V»ra lllohelena. Win. \u25a0J5 I'\u25a0uette. Anna Boyd. Phil K. By]-V "^

\u25a0 -4& ,race La Itu". Fred Frear. and a |^^SiP* Ilundrod Oth^rg.

/ MAOISM SO. V WEBER'S V^TmkATheatre. 2»i.\ st. A B"y. I Jo- M Wub.r J>T *Mc».Mats W VI&S*t. I Mats. :•:««. *Bat

AUG. 23 I AUG. 28 !



PI/CTT theaterir#11 HURLII MONDAY. AUG. 27..

423. Ft- "VTf*tc;Brsa-away. 'Phe-^ +4 Bryant./ tarS«at Sal* To-morrow Morotac •* 9.

CUHSQ.V i.HACKSXX r'T \u25a0 > :--.--i.-. ProducMoa


-* *"BELASCO rFu7v


v?-^^T?\u25a1C.LMOUU Etr&.B:ts. Slat. S*t. 2.2D VKAR IN yFTVr YDRK.DAVID BIXASCO l'


-'-•' GOLDEN WEST"a play of *O. hta* in Calttovata,.*'"**\u25a0 By twin BEUS(t).


snflbbnlinU natat Wad. an4Sat. »:K

«' Pap hPriced Mattes* Wedaj-mla-r.4TH >lO\Tft IN IInr U/rr^ AT

NEW YORK. LflOl ITLt^ M*.H,Ifc\CX'?.-

r^?^ HIS HONORof tbo

S THE MAYORfOMrtW OP 1,10 p| vvfr,

(Direction William Raymond Sill.)


ne*rlthaT*- Eres.»:l>.;, t^l^ at Moa.. W#d. «ad Sat. J:U.«rXOTßL—Prlees. 15c. 85c. 35c. «*>. and 75^ ilon.

THE GAMBLER^ WESTVWn> Aus. 27.... T-jC-X-A^S"

The VirginianTHE ORE AI-l.



Last Two Weeks.

Dusfin FarnumThompson & Dundv s Greater

LUNA PARKFair of World's Marvels_ Tesiperature 10 !»?

—cooler than th* city's.

First. Foremost end Favorite Family Play-ground. OontlßUc FREE •'\u25a0p.-c Air'Circes andVaudeville.





SCENE FROM "THE MUSIC MASTER"At the Bijou on September 1.

Take Irca SSteamboat.t t.

PKICES *•.60. rv ?I.MMats. Wed. and Bat.. 8. Eve. 8:15.

BIASXSO3I ffi% JT+k o^. t^ Tbi" Snnd °y

l^n'S ROOF .KS^cr.,.i.VKPKN \u25a0^*^%^1 For PRICES


SHOW IN 1' O\VBrimful of < nineil* and >Iu«l<«.

\,!m SOc. K*s.Seats fl. Box Seats $1 Ml

4M lU *\ THEATRE. At6th AveflC. tftn 7c.1 A til V*Evenings 8:15. Price- OUC, /DC

lIAI-25«nt MATINEES. 23 and BO cent 3latlnee> Saturdny.

A. H. Wood's preat rncla? play.

RULED OFF THE TURF ckokc^Vvck.Th« most graphic scene of the track ever attempted

on the Bterre.10-MAMMOTir STAGU ri< r \ kr.*—in


Jack Wilson *Co.. B»-Anos.Biff 3 Minstrels. Norcro«s. Morris« LaMar*Norah Kelly. Moses Herbert.

HEFFRON THORNTON CO..Marlon St Pearl. T»Karkana &Pearl.The Burkes. Fred Dunworth.Ned Fltsclbbon*. The Mtrrorerapn.


MOTOR CAISFor rh««tr«. Shopptnr. Si«bt-*»eh>K, B^ves «td

Suburban Retortv

NEW YORK TRANSPORTATfON COLrirlith ATenne »nd 48th strt«t.„_ Teloaboc? nso Co\^.* m

"Crsit-rt Anto Uveiy E«ttaK!aftcicat ta t!:* "W«l4**Wrtf gar tllmtrataq booklet, gtrir^ r»'»m.


U'4X SPEC! At. OROfMLtUtrl riNTMAI.'..^PH K»rry H«ip

.Ik.Blanche Walsh, in Jacob Goran'sI Man


hm to, • Krenz-r Sonata." is fillingthe Man-&t«!Theatre.

T the Mouse" enters upon the

of Its mn at -.he Lyceum Theatre

fatty evening, while seats are still announced

*»Rattle Williams and "The Little Cherub%i?. their third week it the Criterion Theatre.

•kR they have lad crowded houses since the

titßlsht! Nineteen good son««. a small army

« pMO» iirta four coni?dlar.s and four comediennesfeliw SUn Vnillamß. together with a real story.

M*C to make a varied and a«U«tlx-« enter-• £ ass; sv^^

ai^fr-.'hTnr "ong bring, many a hearty


Iktnal fortnight of Che season of the New Tork

Tmb* rcof will begin 10-morrow night, when a|ftf*at-and-out variety will be given. "Seeing

jWrTork" ended Its run last night, with a recordd«<*aty-flve perfannancea. Among the noveltiestimmm we.k's bill willbe "The Crickets." a

\u25a0ttmhanet V Joseph Hart, with Miss Norma

frnour as Its !-adrr. Miss May Yohe willbegin a

r»» «nerla'Tv t.. nixed bill,as willnnA

co rb

.-.* cn*riii<Tv to th*> mixed bill,as willAl i>eecnStiJl^aS^oVlOTg time f«vorlte. In.iWs

anmt" exhibition. "That Quartette, wivionrp o-.e of the hits of the reason on this roof.

AiSn^.mme is anounced for to-night.

!»\u25a0 in 'I Paradise Roof Garden will close

fenmmer seam next week. The Fays willcon-(a their 'fnaumaturgy" exhibition: others In the

Urn Arthur Prince, ventriloquist; the Rose D*

|M leptet Unset* and dancers; Dziria. thefetor; Rice \u25a0 d Prevost. and Arthur. Col-

rjh:s thiitv-five minstrel »"«*«»: Ajl?"^- t^lla*tri» th» Fou- Fords. Bedini and Arthur. L<a»a

SrollSe "andi Hart. Willy Zimmerman and

Ecitr «nd Gaudier.

j!!» Marie CahiH. in her new musical show.

TbTTVinic Mary by Edwin Milton Royle. with

W!8«i0-j«W!8«i0-j« trimmings by Silvie Hem and Benjamin

ggf-<«3 Burt. •will open at Norwich on Tuesday

ititaiKJ »ft<>r appearing at New London. New-

riaad Asburv Park, will come to Daly c next

£& This production marks the entrance of

tSn CourtWh into the^ musical comedy fleld

rirtfdeparture from "Robin Hood" and Steintip of Eulrene Cowlea, the basso.

!• tie tdasco Theatre Miss Blanche Bates is

pro* to crowdpd houses "Tlie Girl from the

GoawTTest- Beats are being sold five weeks intJ-AX*.

fitlast week of •'His Honor the Mayor." with*jfnnyBallet at Hack's, willbegin to-morrow\u2666at, ic«klng its fourteenth week Inthis city. This

#wbiitbeen most successful inIts run here, hav-tjjSyetl to average weekly receipts of HO.OOO. It

g'jicadlv have been continued far Into the fallfaeeess. but previous bookings made for Wal-

lirk'i compel* His Honor to move to make roomfrost of Charles Frohman's productions. Agreat

2-n* o* regret In the ending of the run of theSrwiii be the loss to the city of the Pony Ballet.

English girlshave danced their way Into thewtt of New York theatre, g.iers. and their lossTh» felt alone Broadway. The cast this week.

lim h -hides a special matinee on Wednesday.

X"«-.«». with Miss Trixle Fripanza asrr^-ka and Harry Kellya* Deacon Flood. All

"i>'.'*!ct!numbers, which have made made such

»kit. have been retained.

-... jiy,August ZS, is the flat* announced for theJLjgg of the Knickerbocker Theatre box ofllce

•it file of «**•for th three weeks' engage-!lTrf Fritz! Bcheff In "JC'He. Modiste." to

zS. «n Saturday evening. September 1. MallXireceived meanwhile will be filed for atten-

J£te tlw order of their receipt.

2oof Garden* Closing —Regular

Theatre Season Beginning.ftcend of the roof garden season Is nearly here.jthe ,-<\u25a0-frillsr shows are about to open- The the-

%£ season begins unusually early, and by Labor?~t lirge portion of. the show houses Inthe city

[qbe *\u25a0»\u25a0 AH th* beach resorts near New»-*«re affected by the feud between the Brook-£e»D:4 Transit and the public. Coney Island.£Since reports a loss of from 35 per cent to*•Jj^oeat InItspatronage. Partly because amuse-

*j£»eker» were kept more or less at home by

Streubl* which It took to get to the Island, all2iflrf gardens did a good business, even though2*rf their patronage was drawn away by the

Jstrtton* at the regular noises.

,-,i)H.\i; DOWN 10 EARTH

world has known. Tbe story it will tell will be"The Destruction of San Francisco," with all thetragic effects, from the earthquake to the burningof the city. This colossal device will representSan Francisco previous to the disaster; the build-ings will seem to totter and sway, some falling. Itwill require fiO.flOO square feet of space to producethe flaming, crumbling city.

There will be over three hundred set pieces, andthe aerial display wiil b<> colossal. The lawns willbe illuminated ly tens of thousands of lamps andlanterns, and after the performance in the amphi-theatre the ocean will be ablaze and a gunboatwill be blown up by a submarine.

"FAIR SICKNESS."The medical dictionary Is enriched with the

name of a new disease. It is, in fact, a species

of sweating sickness, but in the light of recentobservations. French puthologists have agreedto call it "fair disease." Rare cases 'id beenobserved before, but it had not been consideredepidemic, and had been named the "soldier'ssweat." It has now been observed that thedisease broke out clogd upon the holding of fairs,and has shown such epidemic virulence that Inthe Lower Charente region 3,775 cases havebeen reported in a month, death sometimesensuing with great rapidity.—London Globe.

"Th,Social Whirl" goes on Its gifldy way-a the

fateo. tapMs the appearance of»•»•*"£* tpecea long before any of the other summer

\u25a0•piny now appear nightly.

ft£17 CD t ki THEATRE. B'way and «th St.CHIIfcnlUM Evrs. at 8:15. Mat. Sat.. 1:15.

'TIT UillIlll«0 In the New Musical Play.


Iunrtlll THIIATKE,45th St.. E. of B'way.

1 1RFI jM EvK. 8:15. Mats. Thur**Sat.. S:ls.L!ULU ill Auditorium Automatically Cooled.

.i^v.TiJlie LionIThe MouseAmusements,Bearing to-morrow night "Mam selle Cham-

*»" »ii! erter upon the Uet fortnight of the

•w nccMsfal season the Madison Square Garden>»' 1-i« km- had Durina- the last week theregwn 'r.nMl^iea^d^ln^lon in thecrow.*»t haw th'nreed tb« Garden each night. Tiu

58fc.l trl-*iitv probaoiy will «o upon the road»!lc«ing the end of litroof season.

&£A%JUATTAU THEATRE. R'y &33d. Ev*. HIS.miAnnH 1 IMM«r. a. bradt. Mst. Mat. sat. 3.


Waßonhals *Hamper Co. Present. BLANCHE WALSHInJACOB GOUDIX'S Great Drama, the


—Enthusiastically received.


A drama of vital power.AMERICAN Wins great applause.—

Seme of terrific strrnsth.SKATS 4 WEEKS IN ADVANCE.

* *** &lC.iCa

Institute OFmusical art1. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. %

FRANK DAMROSCH, Director.Re-opens October 15th, 1906. Com-prehensive, prescribed courses inall departments of music Cata-logue from

The KH.I-Tian. VI Fifth Are,>*pw T«k City.

Lloyd's fireworks in ?ho l>ig arena at BrightonBeach Park have proved a strong attractionat *ach of the trl-weekly displays, on Tuesday,Thursday and Saturday. Beaidea the firework.*,

tfce entertainment has Other features, includ-ing Mile. Meeker, who doea an act <>n the flying

At the Free Circus, over th« lagoon, among theequestrian acts are the Sleberts, bareback riders.Marquis's trained cobs are a strong feature. MissRatlin's monkeys, Gaudschmidts and their dogs andthe comedy acts by tho clowns add variety to thecircus bill. Frederic Thompson's latert novelty,"The Mountain Torrent," with it3 rushing boats,attracts many patrons. "Th<' Oreat Train Robbery,*'with its hold-up of a moving train of passengers,preceded by Wild West sport In a pri-limtnaryscene representing a mining camp, is another at-tractive act. The roller sk;tli:ip rink recently in-stalled In Luna Park has had a rushing business.

Boetock has made several unsuccessful efforts toget Rajah, but his owner, the Maharajah ofPeshawar, has refused every offer for his purchase.Empress, the iwin baby elephants' mother. Is alsothe'propTty of th? Maharajah of Peshawar, and ishis favorite howdah, or carrying elephant. Thenames of the babies are Firt and Mimi.

The mornings at Colonel Percy J. Mundy's trainedwild animal building, at 1-una Park, are devoted totraining three new tigers, and the progress alreadymade indicates that Colonel Mundy will probablyhave a new act to add to his programme before theseason closes.

died at sea four ypar* ago on his way from Liver-pool to Now York. It will be recalled that Jingowas buried at Bea. but Illsburial was not a success,

as his body floated for about a week or two andwas narrowly- missed by several ocean liners beforeIt disappeared forever.

HAMMl X»'l'l£lX*S. «M St.. B"way and 7th Avenu*.

I'.VKAl'lsr. hoof uttnw. .Every Ere.. S:IS.TO.I)VY 'M.VTINKP. In Th?ntr*.!l l'ii|iiilitrAllTOAIIiUT ON TUB KOOF.i Star .v..of hi* -




| OF MUSIC r fw«it, xOF AMERICA V.***tS?5^! m"JInccrporftfea In 1*35 natt ehniterett In I?0I t>?

Sp««tol Act ml O««>-v.«7-4» WEST 55TK ST.. SI » YO JC.

Mr*.Jmumttt* M. Tharber. JYc't.

SVASSIL! SAFOKOFF, Director.Th. ttad acholastkc jr*«r basins Pert-rr^-:

Ist. Communications ahoald b. ndJra—id «•the B«erttar3r only.


AERIAL CITrDENS !A-Top New Anmterdam Theatre, -)_'d yi.


GLfIT. IfTrOHAN!LAST «KKk | Infill-Burntntr j |..\S'«' M'EKK j


s.iiis Auk. JO. Mall Order* Now.HENRY W. SAVAGE will offer


MANHATTANBEACHn ..i]>,t \ i>l \ It "• ml

PAiN'b «n.VM' riUUWOKKJJ. |Every Eventne.



Thursday, Aug. 23rd,\u25a01.

.,,,i,. Juvenile* NisM. Children.

Au«. li,•'!>«> Webrr'a AHStar <«., 1Week.

Tl/^T1/^ v!irilT"* VHATTAX BEACH. Mat. 4.

IU-i\IVIRlilark Levy. Mar Co.!Ev«. t:3O.

OC snows L STEEPLECHASE,CO cents, f pApfcr nut rvxxxCombination Ticket. J I XT>VCE.


* v . 114 th St. nnd TthA*«.Plays Nightly., Tabl» Hot*. He Sat.. Sua,. $1.





DANIEL V. ARTHUR announce*

TVT A,±ri X JfcS OAiiiLTjIn ttio N.W Musical Play,



Among the Pluy- vi :tr>-:


A PRETTY CHORUS, that «»r» really »ln«.

AGNES SUPER GEERrro(ci<lonnl Ile«n!»r. Elocutionist. Concert.. P«plls at.espied. Rcild«nc*. fIT -ta A**. S:adio. mFifthAys,

HUBERT ZUR NIIDEN.v«x-»>.. pimno and VloUa

MBB C. WBISS. studio !•• East Km. Tt—a, iMa'all ißsmtcttoa. lnoiuaias cortm «? b* n- \u25a0 > ».:<i *MMi

AUG. B.D'ANCONA, £%*TI3g%.

VI 1- \f£\aU THKATICE.U'way an<> St..A III sUI,I\ki,A\V & KitIAN(iKI« .Mgrs.

Bvea 1:15 Mats. Wed and Sat. He»t Seats $1.KUW A. EKIJVNGEn'S Bis Laughing Trust

mmm 0» heathS2 THE bam treeIMMENSE!





II'EKIN.Carrto !>• Mar. THAT Quartet. AII

Leech. Ruin-bears, Clifton Crawford, Thr«« IKo*«tiuil*. Barber

-Rlti-hl*-*. Seymour * Hill. I

and 70 oth«ni frcm BSRIXG NEW YORK. I\u25a0--„— -OTHER NKSTITS,B:SQ

'OUT-AND-OUT VARIETY.<«rrlr lie Mar, May Vohe, Four I.ulien*. Slit Baxter.Al l^erh nnd Three Hoi»fhufU, the Ferrarte. PanlLetYolx, It."ii!r« and )>orclto, THAT Qnarict. end«J|^) THE CR.ICKETS

Mclntyr* and Heath will begin their last twoNtka in "The Ham Tree" at the Hew York Thea-*

J°*niorrow evening, and will be followed byJJ* nosrrj* Brother* in "Thr Rogers Brothers in-^.and" on Monday. September M.

Th« OMBCd) "One of Our Girl?," written twenty

£-«\u25a0* ago by Bronson Howard for Miss Helen**"v»y. will be revived this week by the stockV itKtlUi*Proctor's One Hundred and

'"\u25a0''\u25a0' Tnni!\u25a0!\u25a0.** the newest Bhubert musical com-**? which enojoyed a nearly all summer run In**tea, willopen the coming season at the Majestic'Vatre next Saturday night. August 25. Thej*«s2fr« c, fthis play was originally intended forMember 3, but oa account of the large number*

"Per.ingr scheduled Tor that night it was de-*"Mto put tin- play forward earner. A cast of

i;si**-and excellence will Im «»-.-ii In "TlieSSwta." Th* principal '-..median is Richard«?<••-«. Miss Julia Sanderson is the leading; woman."*

Vrima. donna is Miss Vera Mlchelena, who\u25a0•*•» b*T New York debut In tills play, Other25***"*and sMigars in the <-aM are William Pru-

SV.5V. Phli H. Ityl«-y. How: <Ihamb'-rf, Fred'f*ar. »i!FS Anna Boyd. Miss Grace La. Huo andg*aaemßte of on< hundred. "The Tourists" is the"*t work of R. If.Hurnslde and Guetave Kcrkr-r

Ctorge M. Cohan and his company, in "The Gov-

tmotm 80r.." begin their last week at the New

feMter&ua Serial T'lcatre tomorrow night, and*st Saturday v'.y'-' v,m have completed a twelveMek*' run. The, bus office report has been oa-*cit;

-hi tv performance Mr. Cohan will

<&*r> in iilK n»n play. ' '**•<r*re Washington, jr.,

J> Bepteaber 30. In tiie mean time he will rehearse»various companies In his new play. "Popularity"Of-orge Washinston. jr."

The linrkett Theatre, formerly Lew Fields >, will

begin its fall season on Monday. August 27, with the

first American production of the English farce."The Little Stranger." by Michael Morton with the

entire original company. Including l™*"rfl «•£r*tt. who plays the fading part.


'*£»•Stranger" was played last season at the Criterion

Theatre, l.on<lcn.

Henry E. DU*y. In "The Man on the Box," underthe management of Walter N. Lawrence, begins hiasecond season la that piece* end plays his ttlat per.

Walter N. Lawrence willoffer as the opening at-traction at the Madison Square Theatre on Thurs-

,lay evening n«i William F. lUwtroy.a brother of

Charles Hawtr,y, in St. John Haidrfaa three-uctrlav "The Two Mr. Wctherbya." It apes to

America aimoM directly from a successful run nA«Vtrrif» where William lias lons b*enAuitr.illH. wii^r »

Mr Lawrence baa surrounded

CamVron "Z"'Miss N>IM«- Daube.

Miss Beatrice Moreland. just returned from Eu-

rope has signed with the KlrkeLa Shell* Company

for the part of Kate Brandon In "The Heir to the


Miss Kate Meek, who for fourteen years was

with Charles Frohman and for several seasons a

member of Miss Maude Adams's company, will be»iih Miss Henrietta Crosmnn In her new play,

"Al'-of a-Sudden Peggy." The engagement was

made yesterday by Maurice Campbell.

The Ninth Regiment Band continues to be the

attraction at Terrace Garden. The vocal and in-

strumental solos rendered nightly are of the kind

that made Terrace Garden famous in the days of

Theodore Thomas. The Sunday night concerts,

with special soloists and an orchestra of fortypieces, are proving a drawing card.

Plans are being made by the Harlem Casino, at

124th street and Seventh avenue, for the celebra-

tion Thursday evening of the forty-fifth birthday

of Rigo. the Gypsy musician, who. with hisTzigane On-hestra. is playing every evening at theresort M. Bela. the ziballist or the organization,willrender a march of his own cniupositlon. dedi-cated to Rigo. on the ztmbalum. and Herr Anger,the "cellist of Rlgo's support, will play a love sour.

Philip Mindil. a well known newspaper man. who

for several years has conducted the advertising and

eeneral publicity of Uf theatrical firms, turnbranched o^it for himself and opened a generalDreMlLgency in the Knickerbocker Theatre UOM,Broadway and 39th street.

"On Dangerous Ground" willbe at the New Star

next week.

The regular season at the West End will begin

to-morrow afternoon with A. H. Wood's "TheGambler of the West."

Williams and Walker, who opened at the GrandOpera House last night, will remain for a fort-night in Eighth avenue. "Let Tt Alone" and othernumbers are sung and danced by George and AdaOverton Walker and the entire Negro company.

In the group "Rulers of the World" at the Eden

Musee the figures of the Kaiser, the Czar and KingEdward, who are just now among the people talkedabout are attracting attention. The other attrac-tions are the new cinematograph pictures and theRoyal Orchestra with its soloists.

"The Heir to the Hoorah" will follow "The Vir-ginian' at the Academy of Music, opening Mon-day September 3. Guy Bates Post and others, whowere in the comrdy at the Hudson Theatre, will bein the cast.

"The Virginian" continues to please well filledhouses at the Academy ]?>£ Music. The third weekof the engagement begins to-morrow night.

E. F. Rice's "The Oirl from Paris," the bent sea-side success in years, winbe revived to-morrow forthe final fortnight of Out Manhattan Beach The-atre, which ends its season on Labor Day. MissLaura Guerito. who has made a hit in the title role.Is retained with Miss Josie Sadler and other favor-ites. Carlton Kinar plnys Honeycomb and Sim Sii-man succeeds to the part Of the German innkeeper.Jack Levy gives Sunday- concerts this afternoonand evening, offering a -bill with Miss Trtxte Frl-ganza. Miss Dolly Jardoti. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hlatt,

JCrd Nye ami his rollicking girls. Paul Lacroix.Miss Polly and Miss Ethel Hazell. Laveen andCross, and Ferguson and Mack.

Tony Pastor's regular season has now started.TCext week the show v:\\\ include Miss GeorgiaGardner and Joseph Maddern, in their sketch. "TooMany Darlings'-; Keno. WaJsh and Melrose. thecomedy acrobats; the Heffron-Thornton company.In Two of a Kind," and Jack Wilson and com-pany, in blackface comedy. Others are the Be-Anos. the Bis Three Minstrels. Xorcross. Blain andLa Mar. Miss Norah Kelly. Monsieur Herbert,Marion and Pearl. Texarkartn and Walby theBurkes. Fred W. Dunwnrth, Ned Fitwribhons, theMirrorof Travel .and the American Vitagraph. withlife motion pictures.

A Broadway favorite. Miss Toby Claude, will bethe "topliner" in this week's show at Keith ftProctors Twenty-third Street Theatre. MissClaude has a new collection of songs and an arrayof new gowns. James Neill and Edythe Chapman,who have headed their own company in the Westfor several years, will enter vaudeville this weekin a new comedietta, entitled "The Lady Acrossthe Hall." The Zingari Troupe of twelve singersIn gypsy costumes is a spectacular feature. Theother specialties are John Hazzard. comedian: An-gela Norton and Paul Nicholson, in their newfketch. "Ella's AH Right": Moaner. Houghton andMosher, comedy cyclists: John and Bertha Gleesondancers, accompanied by Fred Houlihan: Saona;Rhodes and Carter, comedians, and moving pict-ures.

The Sunday concerts are at 2:15 and 7:30 p. m..and include Murray Carson and Bsme Berlnger.Miss Julie RJng and company, Harry Davenport.GLaiS and °»rdner. Rooney and Bent. Cliffordand Burke, the Four Everetts. the Durand Trioand others.

Twenty-flfth Street Theatre. A special cast in-clud«* MiMEva Taylor in Mias Dauvray's role ofKate Shipley.

The Sunday concerts at 3:15 and 7:80 p. m. to-dayInclude Mr. and Mrs. Gtene Hughes, Klein, OttBrothers and Nicholson, Quaker City Four, JackGardner. W. A. Inman and company, the ThreeDeltons ana many others.

The special feature in the continuous programmeat Keith & Proctor's Union Square house thisweek is the entry Into vaudeville of the Rev. Ed-wards Davis, formerly of the Central ChristianChurch of Oakland, Cal. Mr. Davis will present

a^ new one-act play in two scenes, entitled "TheUnmasking;," and will be assisted by several ca-pable players. George Thatcher and Charles Er-nest, the veteran minstrel comedians, will be seenlor tne first tim* as a blackface team. Other feat-"sSf *£? Sh*rman and De Forrest, In their travesty

The Bombardment of Poor Arthur"; Caron andFarnum. the clown and the acrobat: Nell Moranand Dan Baker, of the "College Widow" com-pany, in a new sketch; the St. Onge Brothers,comedy cyclists; Miss Laura Millard. soprano; J.H Cullen. monologue; Hecirix and Prescott. aongand dance; BillyBroad, the Alpha Trio, the Musi-cal Huehn, the Lyric Trio and the* moving pict-

SfEW:rb"RK daily trtbfxr SUNDAY. AUGUST If). iorm.

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