new york tribune (new york, ny) 1906-06-10 [p...

ESTIMATED COST OF THEIR OPERATIONS over fiKSSffiw $10,000,000 KOBE THAN LAST YEAR. Sac Home Planned for Silo's Fifth Avenue Art Galleries—Several Big Sales Reported in the Week. JOSEPH P. DAY, Auctioneer, OFFICES, 31 NASS AT STREET N. Y. (ITV AUCTION SALE OF 160 Select Seashore Lots at LONG ISLAND To thie Men of Firve^nce. To the Deep Thinking Business Man, r Rockaway, Far Rockaway, To the People ol f d nemere, H Lawrence, Arverne and Surrounding Locality. To 3111 who wish to live ir\ the Most Refined. Healthy and Restricted Section of Long Island. Also to those who are paying a. rental of from $400 to $1,200 per season. You should be more than interested in the Auction Sa.le of these Magnificent Lots o^t HOMES ON THE PALISADES AT. MODERATE PRICES \M> ITON EASY TERMS \r WQODGLIFF-ON-HUDSON i » Opposite Riverside Drive at 70th Street. Healthful Convenient Picturesque. * •' i ADJOINS A BEAUTIFUL 150-ACRE COUNTY PARK. Where we now offer Choice Suburban Lots and Home sites at LOWEST PRICES. ISM and up. on easy terms, t'nequaled for Investment. Located where val ues are steadily and pei-maner.tly advancing Right' la direct line of all the great Pennsylvania and New Yor k and New Jersey TUNNEL and railroad Improvements. insuring large profits to Immediate purchasers. •, EVERY CITY CONVENIENCE. _ Macadamized streets, stone sidewalks, electric ltg ht. < ity water, finest sewerage system. NO ASSESSMENTS. " r I 0 I NEW HOUSES FOR SALE I ~ ~ $5,200 Small Cash Payments. JO^ UOWII I ! I BALANCE SAME AS RENT. \ ___. i _ , _ LOT S7 FEET FRONT. : . Take «est .-hire, 42d St Ferry or Franklir. Ferry, and Ten Minutes' Trolley Ride. W T\RITE WO* NEW ILLISTRATED BOOKLET. PRICES. I * Woodcliff Land Imp't Co., Po A " a ™r Box 88, Weehawken, N. J OFFICE OX TUB PROPERTY. Long Island Seal Estate for Salt. Long Island Jxcal Estate for Sale. LOG CABIN A tract of several hundred acres m which ar« located some exceptionally beautiful bulldlns sl:ea, " Is cut up into estates ranging trooa five to Cft7 acres, overlooking the Sound. Also a few sites on the water's edge. I^og Cabins. Bungalows* jjj and Colonial sjsas will be erected accordlns; to the owner's ta.«te. Cottages will be rented to thuee who desire to superintend the construe* j^; tion of their own houses. Excellent investment. Rapidly increaslns in valu exclusive. Refer- [ ances r«.iulr«d. Exceptionally located" on ihe north shore of Long Island Sound, tirt miles from N V . com- manding 2<>-mile view of Sound on one side, and a hilly, heavily timbered country on the, other, located on a bluff, grass (Trowing to wa- ter's edge, giving un-isual combination of coun- try and seashore. No low ground or stand- Ing water. I'ure spring water and Ice plan;. Sea foods, vegetables, fruit, eggs. etc.. easily obtained. Clean, sunny beach for bathing. boat- Ing, nshing. tennis, driving, et.v Prtca reason- able. Ideally located tar Sprln* and Kail home parties as well as summer Home. For further particulars and U I HAPfiOOn WAUDENCLIFFE. I. 1., or * terms address or call "• ° "rtrUV/V/Lfi soT BROAUWAV N. Y. TeL. «s«S rrank?t^ THE SHOREHAM INN. LOCATED NEAK THE ABOVE PROPERTY. IS NOW OPEN FOR GCEST3. VJ3 '- ELMHURST MIDDLE. A few reasons why you should buy lots tn Elmhurst Middle: 1. Each lot Is 23x1C0. 2. Our prices are half, comparing with that of other*. 8. Our terms are saBSM than UkBSS of other*. 4. Tou can pay for your lota in small monthly pay- ments. 5. You raceive your deed with a title Insurance policy on payment Oi «0 per cent, of th« purchase price. 6. You can reach Elmhurst Milile direct from Xe<v York within 30 minutes for a 5 cent fare. 7. There is a church, school and several houses on the property. s. The new H. R. station sa the U I. K. R. Iito ba erected on our property. 0. This property \u25a0Till be r«ached within less than minutes iir- -t from New Yorlc on completion of tha Flackwell-s Island [irliin-. 10. For t'urtht-r particulars nri n:.ips, a.i.fress FRANK XREVOBUCK. Sole Agent, 41 I'ARK ROW. NEW TORK. Tel.. 5637 Cort- BELLE HARBOR- SALE TO TAKE PLACE ON THE PREMISES (RAIN OR SHINE) ? 9 1 At 3 o'Clock in. the Afternoon. BELLE HARBOR. LOTS Graded, Sewered, are Have Gas, Electricity and **~-X_ Water. NO EXTRA ASSESSMENTS WILL BE LEVIED FOR THE ABOVE. WILL ALSO OFFER FOR SALE AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE TWO FINISHED AND COMPLETE HOUSES One ten-room Cottage, Italian style architecture. One 12-room Cottage, Dutch Colonial style. BOTH OF THESE COTTAGES COMMAND A BEAUTIFUL VIEW OF THE OCEAN AND BAY. ! BELLE HAR.BOR is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on one side and beaoitiful Jamaica Bay on the other. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE. BELLE HARBOR is situated on the Rockaway coast. with a frontage of 3 miles on the Atlantic Ocean, and a like frontage on the still waters of Jamaica Bay. the beaches on the Ocean and Bay fronts being unexcelled by any In this section of the country. Ar. ideal plac» for Yachting. Fishing, Surf or Still water bathing, as well as all out-door sports. The atmosphere Is so invigorating and cool that no discomfort Is telt in out-door exferclse during the day. and RESTKI/L and REFRKSIIING sleep is assured at. night. The utmost pains have been taken and no expense spared in development of BELLE HARBOR. The SEWERAGE and DRAINAGE SYSTEM is UNSUKPASSKD. The water 1* clear, fresh and HEALTHY. The Kradinj? of the streets and the sidewalks are in perfect condition, and gas and electric lighting has been Installed. SPECIAL NOTE. BELI.K HARBOR Is restricted to private residences to cost not less than $3,000. and only a single cot- tage is stlof \u25a0 to each four lota. How to R_each the Property: Lon« lhlund City or Flatbii«.h Avenue, Brooklyn, by train to Kockawaj- Park, theme a pleasant walk of about 5 minute* or i minute* by trolley will bring you to the property. More than nixty train* dally: present run- ning time 35 mimiu-v When tunnels under nntl bridge!* over the Kast River are completed BELLE HARBOR will In- within twenty minutes of Manhattan. FREE MAIL DELIVERY. Title* are guaranteed by the Title Guarantee & Tru«t Co. of New York free of charge. No aSMSrastatS. For further particular*, etc., JOSEPH P. DAY. Auctioneer, OFFICES, 31 NASSAI' ST.. X. Y. CITY. ______ HEMPSTEAD LOTS at Lowest Prices M VM> OX EASY TERMS. Hempstead Manor la without an equal aa a high) class suburban residence Park. OX EVERY LOT In our property have insrall<»d all City Conveniences. Water. . Gas. Electric Light. Concrete Sidewalks. Macadamized Streeta, Ac. Over $30,000 has been spent on Improvements. N-\v houses, on corner plots. 7 rooms anrl bath. |4.«00. For sals on eaay terms. Small cash payments, balance monthly, same aa rent. WRITG or CALL for FREE RAILROAD TICKETS to visit Hempstead. nuw Illustrated BOOKLET. MAP. *C. 0. L. SCHWENCKE LAND & INV. CO. £77 BROADWAY. . >"EW YOsUa. Intervale aye, n w s, 403.11 ft \u25a0 w of Home st, £0x123.9: Burghard Hank ar.'l another to Will- lam kValnwrlKht; ra rqtage, $4.2.V> 100 41«t st. N 34S W«st. r>; William A Rodgers to Morris Epstein; mortjrage, $23.000 100 Urook aye No 4T;'.. w s, 25x90; Eva Frtedenbers to Gussie I^in^lner and another; mortgage, $18,500 i. ...... ioo 121st st, I s, Strt ft c of Park aye, 25x100.10; Law- rernee r Coleman to Samu'l Orodsinaky 100 Market Bt, Ko NS. 20x51; Mary Bluck to Israel Jaco.:son; mortgage, ( >.(Hti> 100 MarkPt st. No . 7. w f. 20x51; Mary Block to I--:,. I Jacnbson ; mortgage. $4. 000 1 «jth -«t. n s. I^4 ft c of Avenue C, 41x82.3: Rudolph Popper to Harris Felner; mortgage. $55.2<k> 100 A*enu D, w B, 2i> ft nof \u25a0••: st, x ; William Frankei et al to Abraham l*vlnsteln and an- other; mortgage, $44,800 100 Wenue A. c s 21.8 ft n of KSth st. 40x75; Henry Horowitz to K:i.---iOshinsky; mortgage. $2>>.'Xh> 1 Broadway, Nos 704 and 7<>t! East. sux-; Ignatz Uoeko'vltz to Adolph Boskowits; Vi part 200,000 Ridge Et. No 158 to 161, n w s. 100x100; mort- gage. $113,000; Attorney st. No 184, •• s, 24!tx 100; mortgage, $;)3.0<i0; Jacob Baumann to fam- u*l Werner and another l°o Madison st. No 214. c s, 2R 1x100; Joseph Pehles- singer et al to Annie Prxeworaky; mortgage, $37,500 i- ••• lf Elm, kit. n w s. at \u25a0 w \u25a0 Pearl St. 40 .Xi 3.2; reflferson M Levy to Abram M Clonney 100 Ist aye. w r. 25 "ft n cf 118 th st. 25x76; Pascal Imprrator to Israel Überman an<i another; mortgage. $17,000 1"" CHOICE BLOCK FRONT SALE. M. Morgc-nthau, jr.. & Co. have sold for the es> tate of Smanuel Walter the plot eompristng the block front on the- north side of 114th st.. between 7th and St. Nicholas ayes. This parcel has not changed hands for thirty-four years. It was pur- chased in 1872 by Mr. Walter. He received a tempt- ing offer some years ago from Leopold Kahn, wno at that time had purchased a part of the block fronting on the plaza formed by the intersection of 7th and St Nicholas ayes., at 115 th St.. and who erected the Abe-lard and Acadia apartments on the plot he bought. The parcel just - Id by the Walter estate has a frontape of 50.5 feet in 7th aye., 139.8 feet In 114th cr an 59.2% feet in St. Nicholas aye. and a rear line of 108.21- feet. The purchaser intends to erect a nine story and basement elevator apartment house on the premises. FOR GREENE ST. BUILDING, $115,000. Herman Wronkow has sold to John Bollman Nos. 175 and 177 Greene st., a seven story building, un a plot 40x100 feet, for $115,000. » MERCANTILE BANK REPORT UNTRUE. A report was printed yesterday that the Mercan- tile National Bank property, at the southwest, corner of Dey st. and Broadway, comprising two house ', on a lot 17xK>.10 feet, from Kaden. Dauber <c Kaplan. Bchraeidler & Baohrach have bought No. 238 Ea«t «ist •*-• a four rtoiy tenement house on a lot 20x95.9 feet. William H. Hall. jr.. has sold to Charles Alt- achul No. 32 Weat Hth St., a new five story Ameri- can basement dwelling house, on lot 25x102.2 feet. Isaac Hyman has bought No. 152 South St., a four story business building, on lot 25x7i feet. The Lxpert Realty Company lias sold No. 2578 fcth aye.. a five story double flathouse, with stores, on lot 2oxSo feet. C. P. W. Johanning was the broker. Kessler & Bookstaver have sold four lots on the south side, of u>3d St.. 150 fc-et west of Broadway, to a bulld.?r who will «>rect a seven story elevator upartment house on the plot. John Webber has sold No. 304 West 89th St., a lour story dwelling house, on lot 20x1(0.8 feet. Emanuel Ka^elsohn haa bought the southwest corner of Wea| Knd aye. and 6i*th st.. a five story tenement house, on lot ZUxIOO feet, from the Fleischmann lnterborough Real Estate Company. H. Hornstcin has bought from Donald A. Manson the two nvi- story tenement houses. Nos. 205 and 307 West 65th St.. 50x100.5 feet, and has resold No. £05 to Leopold Horowitz. The Krulewltch Realty Company has sold to Bernard Ycatnans the flve story flathouse No. 304 West 121 st at., on lot 27x100.11 feet. Walter J. Dean baa sold to Hoffberg & Book- staver tilt- plot. 75x100.1l feet, on the norih side of 117th st.. 24S feet east of Pleasant aye. Charles Berlin & Co. have sold No. 230 Kast 83d st., a five story tenement house, on lot 25.5x102.2 feet. The estate of L. Korzendorfer has sold No 63 West 102 d St., a live story flathouse, on lot 25.5x102.2 feet. Morris Slfka has bought the six story tenement house. No. 232 East &Oth St.. on lot 26.4x102.5 feet Manheim & Weinstein have sold to Harry M Stoff Nos. 424 and 426 East 70th ft., a six story flathouse. 3Sxloo feet. Bloch Brothers have sold No. 438 East 121 st st , a five story tenement house, on lot 25x100.11 feet. M. J. Berliner has sold to John Steuer No. 116 East 91st st.. a five story flathouse, 20x100.8 feet. Fannie Lilienthal has sold No. 226 East S6th st . a five story Oathouse, 32x100.8 feet. Berkman & Gutterman have sold the two flve- etory tenement houses Nos. IStS and ISS Madison st.. 42x100 feet. Arthur J. SloQuade haa sold No. 530 to r.31 East 13th »t.. old buildings. 60x103.3 feet, to Vanderman Brothers, who will erect a six story tenement house on the site. Van Dernoot & Kiely, as attorneys, report the sale of No. 361 East 10th st.. a flve story flathouse. .->x94.» feet, by Rosa Genzlinger, executrix, to \u25a0fc.manut-1 Van Dernoot. Michael Joaefson has sold to Wolper & Sutzman the five story tenement house No. £31 East 12th St.. 25x103.3 feet. Israel and Abraham Gottlieb have sold to Isaac l^ewis No. 535 East 13th st., a flve story tenement house, 25x103.3 feet. Stoloff & Kronovel hav<- sold No. 321 East 10th St., a flve story tenement house, 25x85 feet. Goldman & Wohlatadter have sold No. 639 East 13th st.. a flve story tenement house, 33x103. feet. Daniel Rosenthal has sold No. 101 Essex st., a five story tenement house. 22,6x43.9 feet. Samuel Cohen has sold Nos. 107 and 109 Christo- pher St., a six story tenement house, on plot 45x92 fei t. J. Clarence Dnvles has sold for the United Real Estate and Trust Company the plot, 50x100 feet, on the east Eide of Jerome aye.. 25 feet north of Burn- side aye. Also sold for J. J. Delehanty the plot, 150 x 100 feet, on the east side of Morris aye., 100 feet north of Tremont aye. William Loeb & Co. have sold for a client two lots on the south side of Longwood aye., 70 feet west of Barry St.. 50x91 feet. Dnvld Dillenhere has sold through FrankenthaW & S-ipinsky and Charles Kaufman, as attorneys;. No. 659 Prospect aye., a three story dwelling hoilse, on \u25a0 lot I&x9f> feet. John A. Stetnmeti has sold for J. Gaffney to B. Ki.-s.- No. 1255 Westchester aye., a two famlly bouse, with store, on a lot 25x65.6x lrr«sular; also sold for Grace Roach to August H. Daum, No. »-7.". Forest aye., near 161st st.. a three family house, with store, on ft lot 21x91 feet. S. E. Brown has sold No. 976 East 135 th st.. a five story flathouse, on a plot 40x100 feet. Van Dernoot & Klely. as attorneys, report the sale of No. 719 Eagle aye., a two family brick dwell- ing house. 18x99 feet, by Fettretch, Silkman & Sey- bel to Charles W. Ryon. , \u0084 ,„„ , . The Clark estate has bought a plot 100x100 feet at the southwest corner of 116th st. and Broadway from the Monaton Realty Company. THE SILO BUILDING. It i<; bei!ie frf-ted on a riot of more than 6.000 square feet at the northwest corner of «th street aVid Fifth avenue by the Thompaon-Starrett Company for Adelaide B. Browing;, as owner, and James P. Silo, as leaaee. Brooke & Georger were the brokers in the transaction. Rentals in the central Sth aye. section have con- siderably increased in the last two y» The up- p».r floors in the Night and Day Bank Building, at the southeast corner of 44th et. and Rh aye. aro being rented at from $2 25 to $4 25 a square foot. and the upper floors in the Knabe Building, at the southeast corner of 33th st. aiid sth aye.. at from Si :;. to JT, 75 a square foot. As the Silo Buildingwill occupy one of the best corners in the section, the lessee will have no trouble.jit Is thought, in get- ur.? a fair return from his new investment. As re-gardp the volume if private pales being transacted, there is a marked decrease in business owing to the warm weather and the fact that SJtay big investors and operators are enjoying .i vacation many miles from this city. Several big transactions in choice improved parcels were b ffature of the trading in the week. One of the lf&duig rrivate deals of the week was the Eale by the McVickar, Galllard Realty Company for K<l- ward H. Landon of the Biltmore and Blenheim, two Ff-ven etory apartment houses. No. 56 to 6- %Vest !£th Ft., covering a plot 100x100.5 feet east of ?th avt.. to the Biltmore-Blenheim Company, a corporation rpp:)!z<-ij for tIM purpose of buying the j-ror'erty. These apartment houses are the only in the block front on the south side of BSth Ft. between l\h and Cth ayes. The same firm of broken also sold for Alonzo Hornby, of Redlands, Cs!.. Xo. 117 West 42d st. and the abutting prop- erty. Nos. 10S. 110. 112, 314 and IM AVest 43d st.: also. for Walter H. Close, No. 118 West 43d St.. and for a c!ient of Robert H. McGusty No. IC6 West 43d *t. Tl.e combined parcels have a frontage of 144 ftet in -Cd st. and of 2". feet in 42d St.. midway be- tween Broadway and t'th tvc. TTe buyer was \u25a0 syn- dicate headed by Edward B. Klnsila. of London, winch will erect on the site a music hall. Douglas Robinson. Charles S. Brown & Co. sold for the American Real Estate Company fly«- blocks bounded by Broadway, the Harlem Ship Canal and Sfeth et. The tract is Just east of the Wonderland parcel arid comprises about three hundred lots. It has a frontage of about MO feet on the ihip fv.naj. T1.6 purchase price was a little more than %'..<•" . A. K. Thomson sold for H. Wronkow to Harry Levey the northeast corner of, 12Cth et. and Madi- *on &v».. 74x129 f<?et, comprising old three story buildings, •which will be torn down and a modern building erected on the -;;• '1 i.:s is th< third larpe parcel purchased by Mr. I^evey in the last month. Charles W. Smith sold for E. V. Loew to Harry Shwit/- No. £74 to H West 125 th st. and No. 25 to 37 Hancock Place, and also th« southeast cor- ner of Morr.ingside aye. and 12>th st-. five story flat- houses, with f>:xteen store 0 The parcel adjoins the TVest End Theatre. G. G. Hallock. jr.'s. Sons sold for Elvina Quest No. 117 Chrystie st., a five story tenement house, 14.11x1t*).2 feet; also >!d for the Rev. W. F. Dougherty Nos. 291 and 293 Madison st.. two two Btory buiidings. on a plot 46x87x100 feet: also twught from Thomas C. O:r for Lillian G." Hutchins No. 1113 Park Place, Brooklyn. Ruland & Whiting told for the George Bruce Bruwn estate to ]>.tniti B. Freedman and Joseph Hamer.-hlag tbi seven story business building at the southeast corner of Gold and Fulton sts., on a Jlot 102.3x94x100.2x76.1 feet James Carlew sold No. 23 Weal Bth st , a five Ftory limt-Ftone American basement dwelling house. en a lot 2vx102.2 U et. Dr. H. B. Cohen bought a plot. 50x100 feet, on the north side of l(£th St.. 70 f. . i west of Madison aye., en which he will erect a six story flat house. Maeuire & Co. leased for Llllie I*Toplitz to the XMrraecj Motor Car Company for occupancy the building in course of construction. No. li»S& Broad- way, between ?7th and O,th sts. A*. Bchfebel and Joseph Toch bought from Luke A- Pi:rko No. W to 92 Lenox aye.. aoutheaat corner <<t UStn st., three five story flathous»s. on a plot fronting 100.11 feet in the enue aiid MB feet in the street. Hazlett & Co. wfre the brokers. The buyers will make extensive alterations to tlie jjremises. M. & L. Hess sold for Hairy Corn the new *-!ght story and basement building:. No. 97 sth aye., northeast corner of 17th et.. 2?.Cx100 feet, to a client or Webster B. liable. a.« an investment. Tne jroperty was held at $350,000. Randolph Gugcenheimer sold to Anton L. OlMn s plot 72xS0 feef on the north aide of Spring fit., with an L 3f»xGo fe<?t. extending to Washington st. A seven ftory warehouse will be erected by Mr. Olsf-n on the site. Mitchell A. C. I> w bought Nos. 13 and 15 West <.nh St.. two Svc story flathouse*. '•• \\ '• feet. The purchase price is said to have been $92,r«i. Shaw & Co. pold to Fred G. Lax for Beniamln tTllsey the lot 25xl' | 0 feet on the north ride of Cro- lona i'.-.rk Kast. 125 feet west of Southern Hiu'.e- vard Mr. Lax intends improving the parcel, to- gether with the lot adjoining, which he recently bought. The OruikEhank Company sold for Annie B. Whelps to Hlakeslee Barnes and Moses Kinzler Ko C 2 t;th avc, a three etory building, on a lot ISx57 feet Frederick Zlttrl told for L. Napoleon Levy No. 25 dth St.. a four story nnd basement brown- dwelling house, o:i a •..\u25a0•\u25a0;•'!, to a client for occupanc-.'. The Charles F. Noycs Company sold for Georg* 31. Roscnfeld to Clayton Rockhill the n\- story r.r.d »<asement business building Nos. 224 and 226 Pearl st.. on a lot 2oxlM feet. The front of the building is of iron. Every floor of the structure is tented. Mr. Roscnfeld bought the premises in1831. 2ie asked SBQ.OOQ for the property. In the laM few Dths many Pearl st. parcels fr.ave changed 1 hands. E!r.c* January 1 to <3«t* the' estimated cost of fjuii<Ji»£? nroject«d for Munhattun Island Is a little jaore than JOC<E3,«3O. as ujralnst $51 054.«52 for the corresponding period O last year. In other words. rJbeut f15.«)0,<X» more than the sum of lh« entire tojt of the buildings plar.n«vi from January 1 to July 10 last year already l-wn B*t aside this rear for buildingconstruction. Building activity in jittihattan will undoubtedly continue widespread throughout the year. if present realty eigns are true harbingers of future conditions. It now seems a certainty that the Manhattan building operations of the pnaaM year will eclipse the best previous jtoord lar such construction work. In the central tth avenue section, the high class shopping and hotel district of the city, many large buildings, raeh rfpresenting an investment of many hundred thousand dollars, are being or will be erected in the ntax future. One of the latest sth avenue projects is the Silo Building, to cover a plot of ovrr &.<KX> square feet, at the northwest cor- jier or 4oth st. and 6th aye.. and including No.-. 1 3 "West 45th Et. Ground for the structure vat broken last week. "The bulMtmr will be ready for occupancy next February. It will be a cix etory and basement gtraetsxe. and it is being erected for Adelaide S. Browning a* owner and % James P. 8110 as lessee. Brooke & Georger a*ara the brokers in the deal. Tbe Ifase obtained by Mr. Silo is for twenty-one years, at a rental for the term of about $1,K».000. "R'hen the building is ready for use Mr. Silo will jnove tfaa Fifth Avenue Art Galleries from 35th Bt, end tth aye. to the premise*, and occupy the entire pround floor. The upper floors will be, divided Into Jofts, offices and studios, a number of which have already baaa rented from the plans. The Thomp- cors-Starreu Company has the contract for the erection of the building. OjLEN COVE, jL. I. QasvUenaa'i country hnme, coastattnsj of large dwell- ing with all modern conveniences; stable, barn, car- riage houses and gardener's cottage; with tln« groiiatis; about it) acres. For particulars ahd terms apply tt» \ MUNNICH & LOOKER. 44 Court St.. Kklyrtl FU.'SHZ?(a, L. I . s miles out: an exclusive suburban 1 r^-si.lenco la the finest section, with barn, containing quarters tor gardener; every modern convenience that gtt*a to make up a charming home; pro(«rty contaliM 14 f-4H city lots; only these interested in a high class proposition nhnuld reply. JONES * iIALUER. lv» Anuty SUMt. Flushing. L. I. ~j TTTUXTINGTOVS CHOICEST ESTATE" FOB SALE.— XI I*> acres, commanding mperb view ot Sound n«i harbor: exceptional opportunity. J. B. ROBERTS. HI Broadwar. PATCHOGUE. LONG ISLAND. Wlilow s estate for sale; 21 rooms; perfect oondltlon; elegantly furnished; lot Io0x2«3: 2 blociu to station, half ml'.e to beach; stable, chicken house, lawn. »a, n:. for only J3.SUO to settle estate. JOSEPH A. TURCOTTE, 130 Nassau St.. Manhattan; Room U-o-J. Furnished Houses to Let Country. EAST SETATJKET, L. 1., Y. To rent for summer. 1O room furnished house: water front: high location; all tarm products on the place. JAS. B. VAX 'iKLNT. ON THE HIH- To let. furalaaed, for the summer, or for .-«al«. beautiful. homelike residence of 13 rooms: city water, filtered ola- tern. open flr--«. bath ar.d stabies; front and rear porches and lawns; abundance of shade and fruit: with- in walking distance of churches, achools and railroad*. New York references. Dr. t>LT 8019. Poughkeepsie. N.Y. F- rooms, modern. Co-^ Ionia!; largo grounds; neajr Erie station; rent reason- able to the (At »ai IS2 Coop«r ay«., t>p«r lloat- clalr. N. J. Tp LET cheap for the season, n*-w furnished eottago _^t Highland Mills. Orange County. N. T. . .>> mllf-rfrom N«-w York: xxceilent tralu sawvice OHASCE, BOT>l4. Tribune ( KUce. _J BOONTON. N. J- Elevation t»o fc-et OBd nnlv one X> h.>u; fr..m C.ty on Lackawanna R. R- Large, cool, furnished house, with, S bedrooms. T> rent for th» sea- son or by th« year. Terms very reasonable. Inquire ELLIOTT. J AFFRAY St CO.. 104-6 Broadway. X. 1&, fi \u25a0V-ANTUCKET— ON NANTVCKET ISLAND. furTsTs?r<><l .\ house. 12 room*, onen flr*f.lace«. hair rr. frsssi piazias. WOODBRIDGE, 43rt Henry t: . Brooklyn. $»J T. rpo LET. Furnished cotta«e. li^ rooms. 2 baths: »aJt X water bathln*. beautifully situated on shore &>nsj Island Sound. RAYMOND BROS.. South Nonvalk. H C»nn. MADISON. X. J.—ComfnrtaMe 12 room fun Mxl house; atahle; three acres garden; fruit; s«e>soa. MOOI HEALTH *OOl> CO. «1 6th STAMFORD. CONN AT STAMFORD. CONN.— I3O-acre farm, on hlg'hest ridge In Stamford; magnificent vtew et Long Island Sound and surrounding countrynln. ex-cry direction: n-'thmsr like it anywhere: house, barn and other outbuildlr.jfs on property; ntw railroad station within a miir, convenient to Stamford station; 4 20 minutes tr> New Canaan •ration: price $13,000. and it's a bargain, too; furnished cottages for th« season on shore or In the country Write for Il3t. PRANK B. GLTR- LEY. City Building. Stamford. Conn. would Insist on a vote an soon an It appeared that no one was prepared to speak on the bill. GASOLENE LAUNCH BURNED AT P^•^. . A 60-foot gasolot..- launch, m«4 by A. A.' Guyjjua. of Newark, waa burned while moored to tne pter. ,>f the Acker Marine Works, at TottenviUe. Sta£«Sr* Island, laat tii»slir Th*' launch had been left at the works for repairs The cause of i.-.r flre U %m- . known. The damage to the launch is about tTf 1 ar.d it bj insured. - WINS J. H. CURTIS PRIZE AT YALE. New Haven. June The John Hubbard Ct^ prize for "tha highest excellence In -lterar»-e»na rhetorical work upon a-«aigneti subjects" In" Via academical department at Vale has been awa,cJo,l to Francis Ilartmaa Markoe. jr.. son of Dr. ftftMta H .mrJt,-> of No. IS East 49th street. New Yort fur ih« original drama, "The Battla of tiaaun^a. * TO HASTEN VOTE ON CANAL TYPE. Washington. June 9.—Senator Klttredge mudo an effort to-day to obtain unanimous consent In the Senate to vote next Wednesday on the bill for a »oa level Isthmian canal, hut Senator Millard made objection. He said thru b..> knew ol four or five speechfi to : .- made on th« bill, Int added that by n.-xt Tuesday he mignt i* prppar«-fi to agree to v d.v*. which, bowever, must be lat.-r than the time suggested by Mr Klttrt-dg.- Th* South I>ik.-t i Senator th<;n stated thut after next Monday he Public Can Discuss Their Officials, Says Justice Gaynor. IBy Tel-graph IS The Tribune. 1 Poughkeepsie. N. V.. June Whether or not it is slanderous or libellous to criticise a public offi- cial when his acts have the appearance of evil, ow- ing to omissions or commissions on his part, is dis- cussed by Supreme Court Justice William J. Gay- nor in an opinion handed clown by him as a mem- ber of the bench of the Appellate DivUion, 3d De- partment. The other Justices concurred. Justice Gaynor writes: The people are not obliged to speak of the con- duct of their officials in whispers or with bated breath in a free jovrrnment. but only in a dcs- DOtism On the contrary, they have a right to sDeak out in open discussion and criticism thereot, the only test being that they make no false state- ment. And this is the great safeguard of free gov- | ernment and of pure government. This is funda- . m< rhat opinions or Inferences are far fetched, high strung or severely moral, or contrary to other opinions or Inferences that seem more reasonable, does not matter, so long as there be a r,asl» for them In the acts or word* of the person who U the subject of such criticism. The majority of public opinion Is not the test of whether such opinions or Inference* be permissible. The prevailing or majority opinion i* oft-?n the wrong one. and for that reason the law fclve* full latitude to the expression of any and all opinions on things of general concern. It does not matter that the opinions or Inferences Mcprexsed are not the most charitable or reasonable ones, or that they are the wrong ones, provi tney be baa« 4 or. the facts, and the fact* *re capable of them. This Is the rule and latitude of discussion and criticism of the conduct of every one who holds a public office, or wxiten \u25a0 book, or dejeja any act by which be Invites public attention and criticism. Justice Gaynor reversed the decision in & r »se where \u25a0 village clerk obtained a judgment against a ritisen for criticising his conduct un- justly, aUhouarn hi* act was open to the coi;struc- tion ot wrongdoing. MAT CRITICISE FREELY. JUDGMENTS. The following judgments were iTletl yesterday, the flrst name being that of the debtor: Billupa. Edw. 'Wllllara H. Butler $1* 31 Bell. Isaac Rosner et al: costs »1 «S> Church. E. Bayard, adm.—Leslie Stevens, costs. •>**"- Cogllostro. Antonio—People, etc ~ 52.' JV Cullen Bernard J.— Patrick J Kenny 123 Ul CantweU. William Clifford L. Blare liljW De Acutis. Agostlno— People, etc 51. SJ-C Davis Geonre Andrew Ackenbrack 2141W Freund. John C—City of New York 35. j.. Karris James (not summoned) Wm. H. Butler. 14 31 Inman. John H.—Frank A O'Donnell et al. costs (*3 Jones. ' Charles L.— William 8. Balnbrldge 21» *l Johnson. O«car E.— Ellis G. Welch et al - J Z Lorge. Julius B.— Charles W. Miller PTV Lcewensteln. Louis— Bertha Loewensteln; costs 51 IC Mautner. Isaac— Benjamin Joncorwriick -5 \u25a0 Mills John Nathan A. Metzger lw>00 Noel ' Edward Muldoon jlu» Nichols Georglana— Mutual Life Insurance. Com- pany of New York 23 3- THE BRONX BUILDING PLANS. 225 th st s * 205 ft w of 4th aye; for a two story frame dwel'.tn? house. 20x57; Laura Ran- stedt. owner; Charles Kreymbors. architect.. $5.3W 137 th st. n s. 7."> ft w of Alexander aye; for a three story r>ri k stable. 23x08.9; Harlem and Morrtsania Transportation Company, owner; Moore & LandMe.-iel. architect VKVW Jefforson st. w s. 235 ft n of Barnett st; for a two story frame dwelling house. 21x43; Georga Devermann, owner; Charles Devermann. arcni- tect * 42004' 200 , - > SATISFIED JUDGMENTS. The flrst name is that of the debtor, the second that of the creditor, and date when judgment was filed: Abrahams. Louis—E. Loeb; May 25. 1906 ....... *C 5 41 Baldwin. Clarence D.— J. C. Hough. Feb. J». j 56? (>iF7en! re Henry D.-"i." Stiefel ; ' May'23."*Mw!Ti . »J °* Dreyfus— Ferdinand— P. Barnard. May 10. l:n»>. . mm Davis. Minor New Amsterdam Gas Company; _^ Hermann. 1 Alfred E.'-^j/ KeileV;"" May " 10. 190 U. . «• 2R Meuschel. Benjamin— Taube: June ll>. 11H*... -I* •*> Robinson. George— H. Alexander: May 22. «*»-« 65 Stelnfeld, Solomon & Ferdinand— L. Sutta; April li* lfHt*^ .... ....».....--•-••••••*•••*•••• **.** ** Was'sweiler." Anaa— S. Dalasmier et al; March _ n 2». liHJrt t**itV " " The Beckman Company— Rawltser et al. Feb. 23, 1904 1..3-SO nie Ptumpf, owner*; Clamone & Mitchell, con- n _ tractors 116 13bth St.. c s.. luO ft. c. of Tlnton aye., 25x100; fnion Woodworking Company agt. Max Stem- berg and William Van Antwerp, owners anf contractors 25000 171>th St.. n. s.. I<JO ft. w. of Amsterdam aye.. 123 xlOO; Balker Brothers agt. Hyman M. Ellender. owner ">jid contractor "00 W> Prospect aye.. w. s., 50 ft. n. of 152 d St., 7,".\ 100; Ely Felnsteln agt. Charles Helbora. own- er and contractor: Louis Welnstein. owner .... 125 00 Ludlow St.. No. 3: Max ZwertHinjr agt. John Doe. owner; S. Kelnstetn. contractor 20000 Prospect Place, w. s.. 60 ft. n. of 132 dSt.. 75 xl0O; Max Felnsteln agt. Charles Helbom and Louis Welnstein. owners: Harris Sacks and Philip Mandel, contractors «10 00 * SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. 26th St.. Nos. 136 and 43S West; Bernard Narotzky agt. Israel Blum et al : May 3. ISM $228 50 155 th St.. s. s.. 250 ft. w. of Courtlandt aye.. 50x—; the Robert Grlffln Company agt. Henry T. Bulman et al.; March 27. 11MAS (by deposit).. 154 51 MANHATTAN BUILDING PLANS. SOth st. s s. 223 ft c of Avenue A: for two six atory brick tenement houses, 37.6x53.3: Ignatz Teorlo Co-Operattve Association, ovrnsr; C M 3traub. architect $35,000 147th st. s s. S5 ft w of J«h aye: for a six story brick tenement house, and store, 40x56.11; Si- mon. Kurzman & Segall. owners; XA Meyers. architect - 35.000 RECORDED MORTGAGES. Herbert Realty Company to Hyman B. Goldberg; lotsth st, s s, 78.« ft of Park aye, SO.lOx Ir- regular; due June 1. 1&07 $3,500 Epstein. Morris, to William A Rodgers; 41st st. No 34S \\.s:; prior mortgage. $23,000; 3 years. B per cent 8,500 Same to August Knatz: same property; prior mortgage, $ii4.SOO; - years, 0 per cent 2.000 Werner. Samuel, and another to Jacob Baumann; Ridge st. No 155 to 101; T years. rt per cent.. 35,00t) Sain-- to same; Attorney st. a b, 225 ft n of Stan- ton st. 24.1«x1U0; .*. \eiirs. >> per cent 19,000 Oppenhelm Realty Co to Thomas G Faulkner, 130th st, s s, 233.0 ft w of Broadway. 54.1rt? 11; a yrs, r. per cent 52,500 came to Mary l Stanpeon, 136th st. s s». 179.8 ft wof Broadway. 54x00.11; 3 years. 0 per cent.. 62,500 Hank. Charlee, and another t> William Waln- wrlght; Southern Boulevard, n s. 5»»» ft w of Avenue St John. 50x115; 3 years, 6 per cent... 15,000 Shafarman, Abraham, and another to Joseph Dla- mond; lot 51, map NeiH estate; prior mcrtgage, *4.5<x); 3 years. 5^ per cent -.400 Plneus Louis, and another to Realty Mortgago Company et al; Rl.-ersldo Drive, c s, ••.11 ft s of 151st st and 300 ft w of Broadway. »'.» llx 03.10; prior mortgage. f4t»,u«jO; due April 4. 1908 4,481 Levin. Hyman. to Annie MNevlns; Madison aye. No 1141; prior mortgage, $it,Ouo; 1 year. 6 per cent I- 500 Larkin Andrew J. to Jacob Rosberg; 227th st. c p. iu> ft \u25a0 of Janaea a\e. 30x100; prior mort- gage, •*\u25a0"•. \u25a0"\u25a0"". 1 a.r. tt per cent 2.08« i Klskpatrlck. Arthur H. to Jar.ies P Muir, trus- tee; Woodycrest aye. s. it s ol 164 th st, " 27x100; 3 years. '<\u25a0? per cent 9.000 Houghton Clarence S. to Bernardlna H Heyman; \v.->t End aye. s •• corner ol 83d st. 26.5xlrreg- ular; 1 year, 8 per cent 2.000 Reiss. Peppy, to Charles Werner; Avenue C. No 21. 5 years. C per cent 20,000 Lltbman. Charles F. to James A Varean; lot 4. block 11. map of Whitehall Realty Company; - ears, 8 per cent 500 Pepe. Arcangelo. to Hudson P Roee; lot 4S. map •f 170 lots of Stems estate; 3 years. 5H per cent. 340 Newell. Mtnnla R. to Hudson P Rose. Company; lots 100 and 10ti. map of "lUS lots of Siems estate; 3 years. 5Vi per cent 1.000 Grodgensky. Sajnue^l. to Lawrence F Ooleman; 121st -t. 80 ft c of Park aye, 25x100.10: 3 years. 5H per cent 9,000 Arone, L'mberts, to Oeqrge Colon; 100 th st. s s. 108.2 ft w of Ist aye. 58.10x100.11; 1 year. <> per cent Vogt, Henry F. to Elizabeth J. Stancliffe; Bronx River Road, lots 213. 213. 217 and 21.». map of partition saile of Valentiners Brody; 3 years, tt per cent 4, C00 Llnck. John M. to Robert E McDonnell; 3d aye. sc corner of 103 dst. 100.8x130.0; 1 year. 5H per cent 20.000 Cohn. Francis, t,, Julius Welnstein; 105 th .-" Nos 217 and 21& East; prior mortgage, $40,000; 5 years, ti per cent 13.000 Elterman. Abraham, to Joseph Levlne; Orchard st, s a corner of Delancey st,; 'i years. 8 per cent 15.000 Berkowitz, Yetta. to Ida B Hyman; 110th st. Nos ,>>2 and <4 East: prior mortgage. $47,000: due July 1, 190 S. <> per cent 4.000 Cooper. Anne N. to Association for the Relief nt Respected Aged and Indigent Females, corpora- tion; Amsterdam aye. No <\u25a0**; 3 years. s">i per cent 10.500 Milano. Angel.* M to Giuseppe Tuoti; lOtith st, No 311 East; due Jun- 20, l>>«i. •"> per cent 650 Cuddebach. Myron W, to Ed'w J Dugan; 177th St. s s. »14.8 ft "c of Arthur avfi, BxlOOtft; prior mortgage, $8,000; 3 years 8 per cent 2.500 EsMg. Dorothea, to Henry H Esslg: Minerva riacr-. n s, 100 ft b of Concourse Boulevard; prior mortgage. $2,500; 1 rear. •; per cent 2,000 Same to same; Concourse Boulevard, w s. 50 ft n of Minerva Placei. 23x100; prior mortgage, $1,000; 1 year. 6 per cent 2.000 Benedict. Julian, to Hufro Itotenstein: Madison aye. w g. (k> ft n of llttth St. 40.11x110; duo December S. 180 A ''• per cent 10.000 Knauf. Loolss K. to Conrad Lalmold: Intervale avr. No 1230; 3 years, &\t i * cent 5.000 Same to Emma -:.:t'. same propsitj; prior mortgage. $8,000; 1 year, •; per cent 300 Laurla. F*h»>, la to Commonwealth Mortgage Company: Belmont aye. w s. 45 ft n of ISSth st, SOxS7.tJ; l year. 8 per cent 16.000 Stern. Ijouls. and another to Oeorga A Llneus; UJTth st. - «. 88 ft w of Brown Place. sox , lih. prior m irtgagi . $42,000; 3 years. 8 per cent fi.500 Lesser. Sadie, to Anita L Bamford; SSth -'.. No 3CS We*t ; Ana July r». 1808 25.000 Minett! I'armln-. to Vincent T Tlmonler; Spring ,t, No 7. due July 1. Moe\ '"\u25a0 per cent 1.500 Slss<Tiiian. P.enjaniii-.. t- Abram Harris and an other- 137th st. ii s, 400 ft c of Lenox aye. 50 cßß.ll demand. «5 per iont 5,000 BUILDING LOAN CONTRACTS. Waaalagl aye.. c. ».. I 1"I 1 " ft. s. ol 12th St.. S>^x . \<n<- the City Mortgage I'orr.par.y loans Abraham Siege! 930,000 lCTilh St., n. s.. whole front between V'alton ay« an.l UnnJ BouUvard and CVncnur*-. 244XXM U>\ irregular; Isaac M >t«.er loom William E. D*!ler 40.600 ll'th St.. No. •*'-'< Ea»t; ItalUn-.ViTi»rtcan Trust C mpany of ''\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 City of New York lour.a Michael lUrroM $30,000 MECHANICS' LIENS. A\rnui> <*, Ni>. £<U : Alb»r»n« St^ine ''ompiay .i-;t Mury Fred et u'... (ihc;ti; Cltimoiie i-Mitchell, eentracton ... . . $00 SI CSUt su, X 0.439 Weat; *a:ne as'- Jacou and Jen- 10O; City Real Estate Comrany to Louis Plneus and another; mortgage. $-7.00<» 100 B6th tt. n b. 275 ft a of Madison aye, 29x100.11; Abram Spanner et al to Meyer Jacobs; mort- gagre, S2S.3SB l°o St Nicholas Place. No 18, c s, 32x100; Emma Reiner to Edith MAdams ICO 105th »t. Noe 217 and 219 East. 40.10x100.11; Julius Welnstein to Francis Cohen: mortsage, $40.000. . 100 1371h st. \u25a0 s. BB ft m of Brown Place. 60x100; Oeorga A Linlous to Louis Stern and another; mortgage. $42,000 100 Avenue C, No 21. w s. 22.10x72.7; Charles Werner to Peppy Reiss . mortgage, $48,U<») 10* 110th st, No.i BS and 84 East. 41x100.11: Ida B Hyman to Yetta Berkowlt»: mortgajr..', $47,« M .. i* 3d aye. s t> corner lti.i ist, 100.8x181X6; Arthur W Kaunders John M I.lnoh; mortgai $.TS.s'»>. - 1(>0 Kinßsbridge Road, n c s. liwft s of KinK^brlrige Terrace, 23x86.2; Julia i: Farley to Catharine Regan; mortgag . |t1,900 ••• v " Same property; Fordham Realty Company to Julia E Farley 1 219 th st. n s. 333 I ft c of 4tU aye. 0.8x114; Joseph 1' Lansevln to Wllllani Jl Rogers * 227 th Bt. ef, 100 ft sOf J in* n ave 50x100; \u25a0\u25a0 Hosbors to \n!r>-\v .1 Larkln; mortgage, 18.800 - «w Same property; Andrew J Larkin to B Dean«i mortgage, »S.18«58 V". ; \u25a0\u25a0 : alH> 112th Pt s s, 00 ft w of Madison aye, **•»«--\u25a0 E3eanor V V Williams et al to Ethel H lTap- hugen; ull title ; -- T Montßomery st. No ni, w «. 2Lex93.4;jJenntt Atkins to Hyman Rubin; mortgage. $35.700 "'« Lot 4, block n niap WAttehall Realty Company. janiMA Varian to Clara F Mrl.mnn •••\u25a0 ' "' l^th st, n \u25a0, ."'Jo ft w cf Avenue C, si>xltl3, I nlon- ...... port; Ilcbert Merten to Edward Fr-in. h ••••••- luu MadiKir. it. N, 310, \u25a0 -. ll».«xllO: Abraham rtaher to ltmel I) Shlachetiki: mortgage, .«:(.; .•>*>.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 lu< > l-Jith st. No 127 Weit, l4x8B.ll: Anthony Jwf®*" nnoo ruff and another, ejecuton, »° zlllah p C £}?.?V 13.000 UYMst. £ s. 132.7 ft i> ..f St NK-holas aye, 40x52 4: Mai Norton ami another to Tranh W Wool- worth \u25a0 10 ° Plot beginnias BH ii ft iof 151* an<l 3CO ft w of Broadway, runolag \u25a0 'M.llxw '•"\u25a0 10x n n>.. ''x c 125; City Real Eatnifi Comi-any to '• ai 1 in- Ir^ i-uji an.l snothcr; ny rtgai MO.OOO •\u25a0••:••\u25a0• iw 112tli \u25a0!. \u25a0 \u25a0, .To ft w of Madlaon ay*: 112 th fJ. Cl.« ft iv of Madison aye; Caroline R Trap hasen ur.d another to LoUis J Janvrea I(J< > Patnw proper! . Conaalyea Traphagcn .in.i another n() . n 14Mh «: o'i 123 ft wof Courtlandt a\e. -'\u25a0"'\u25a0 lo ' Margaret v I rnrlen to Tin 0 F Sullivan; mortgnge. \u2666\u25a0! •''<«' ...... \u25a0 100 Same property; Timothy 1" s>jii'.\an to Bungay \u25a0 ,•..,,,;•.., mortgage. $X. r^Ki .... 100 Lots .\u25a0!>.; and 'J>%. map Beton homestead; Jeffi-rson *:1.. \u25a0,\u25a0;.,.-. X Moler I'" 1 7Mh .-i, No 'SV.t F.ust. 13.10x102.2; Jacob Btmon to Ede tivenmn aiid murtgiixe. S5.'XH> 100 Tlfriot Bt. lot 4\ .na;i 17" lots Slema estate. 29ilOO; HI. Company to Archnnsel" l'cnc 1 B>th st. N.. :.\s West. IMxl'Hi.K; sirah M VaUn- tlno sn'l asiotlitr to rtacite Lesser; mortgage, 116.000 100 1771h et, n a. t!4.<J ft c of Arthur f.vo, 29x100.5; Edward J De#gan to Myron W t.^iJ'leliack: mortKagt, $i' s i»),» ICO tiHUi ft. n s, 1-.. ft \v of 2'l avp. Bxloo.ll Sail l-'rled and nncriu-r to Uurita Wetsb.rg.-r; mort- fraf;.-. $1i.7."J1 100 ll«;:h it, No 3C.'.i V.Vst. 280x100.10; Leo J Krf3- hcret to Mark l. Abraham ian tnother; rnort- K'lKe, NTiI.IUN) . . .. ii«i Plcl lieglna ft s of 151 st -t xUtB ft w of UrooUway, runs s iu.lli m l''<».» n Wlli <-• TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY. PraJsted, Goodman & Hershfk-M have sold for Abraham Simons No. 117 Edpeiorr.b avc, a five fTory double flathouse. on lot 25x£o feet, to a Mr. Bat-r for Investment. Tljf- Charles F. Soyes Company has leased for Abram M. Clonney to the C. A: M. Envelope Com- pany for twenty-one years the five hoi and bate mr-nt building- Noe. MS and 127 Pearl ft. and Nos. 30 and 32 Kirn sts., &Jx7s feet. The total aggre- site rental, including carrying charges, amounts to iilKiut tZS.ifJit. Kxtensive alterations \u25a0. ill imm«-Ui- Jitely bt- made to the building, and the premises occupied at once by the Jt-ssces. William Stonebridge has s-oH for Marguerita KfM-nig to Jos<-phine Runde the lot. on th* west nde or Park aye.. about 'S/J feet south of ls3d St.. for immediate improvement. Duff ft iirown have «oM for the Fenimore Realty Company No*. ESI and IC'i Wemt ISfith Ft., two live •story double flaihouses, on plot 56x100 fc-et. John M. Keld & Co. have Bold to Frederick Vogel No. ZH Kast 31st St.. a four story and base- ment brick tenement bouse, with store, on plot y.ixSfS.9 feet. Mr. Vogv] owns No. 'ill, adjoining, on plot 22.5jc&&.<» feet. The name broken have also so!d to Frederick Vogie] No. 'iZS tlufi 31M .st.. a four fetory ana b.isein»-nt brick tenement house, with etur.-. on plot 2>x&.i> feet. Also sold to William J. McCarthy, for Annie Flynn, the northern! corner cf Delaware and Murray sis.. In»rl<-sid'\ Flushing. Th*j J>?wis 11. Msy Company (Charles F. Noyes Oomjiany, New Ifork <"Ity, agents) has sold for Alma H. Knight a dwelling house- in Btralton aye.. Arv*rne, l^,r.g Island, to MoriU K.inier, who will occupy tin premises after extensive alterations 2.n ve Vk-pii made. J.ckerton &: Davis nnd Pease ,& Elliman j.av<- leased f«>r a oli»-r.t th<- northeast corner •.! CUh «t. nnd \\V*t End :ive.. SSxIM feet, for a t" rrn of Jt-arf, to tw- used uh an automobile repair shop. M. Adler has sold for an ost.ite the six four and three story brick asid frame buildings at the north- »"t o< Third ay* and •i:, «t., fronting 110 ?*et in the avi-nuc and yo feet in the street. Tl.<: iTtmlses are Nos. IS9O and i'i'ji Third aye., uiid Nos. 11l urA IV, Kan ::-th ft. Jinny r, t ,o-:st'in las told the Jive story triple OatBOBM No. M m \Vi«t 13.H1 st.. on a lot Sxwi.n fe-t. to the Rc:ilt> Company. \ajUL £: Uerrtoan w-re ti»- brokers. llyman I. P.;.rn<tt lias h>ught. as attorney fnr 1.. Pollack, No, 6) Kaist 10S»lh *>t.. a fojr story dwelling A WEST SIDE STUDIO PROJECT. The four story and basement dwelling house No. 5 West GSth 5!., by K. S. Wood, is to bS made over into a stu<!i'> building with stores on the flrst floor nd ment. The Improvement* :\rv t<i tt:e cost fIOjOOO, according to t!-.' eattmate of Georsa M. Mc< •• \u25a0 the architect. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. fouthrrn, n p .'jKi ft w <,f Ft John's iivc, .Vtxl!.*.; William S7alawrl«fcl t.. Hurt.-t.ard lianU u:.d aliAlu i , (ncrt£*£C ».">:i,<K)O $100 old five story buildings, on a plot 46.1x100.7 feet, had beon sold for IUOO.OOO, or at the rate of B»a square foot. The Title Insurance Company was said to be th" buvt-r. Frederick B. Scheuck, »Went of the bank, said lasi night that the bank had not even received an offer lor its parcel. NEW OWNER FOR VESEY ST. STRUCTURE Horace B. Ely & Co. sold for the Louisa L Kane estate to a client Xos. 35 and 17 Vesey St. and No. 64 Church St.. two five story buildings, fronting 42.9 feet in V.-s. y st. and 24. 1<> feet in Church st., with depths 58.9 feet and 026 feet, resuectively. The plot forms in "I-."' about the southwest corner ol \ '\u25a0'>\u25a0 and Church sxs. Th'^ property ha« not changed hands before sl:.ce l k iei. c* . REALTY NOTES. Plar.« have been nied for iking over into a laundry th« thn \u25a0• \u25a0-•\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 building No. 21S East 120 th *t.. occupied as a branch of the New York Public Library until the openiiff of i)..- new Carnegi^ hrinch at No* ~< and 236. Trie building is owned hv Rachel Lanxler. and '\u25a0\u25a0• alteration! are to he ri-id" at a nominal coat for B. M. UowenateJn as lessee. John H. Friend la ii,. architect. « TO IMPROVE H. H. ROGERS'S HOUSE. Plans have been filed irltß Buildings Superintend- ent ' Murphy for the partial remodelling of the dwellU , house of H. H. Roger*. No. 3 East Tfcth st. v,..., i, ,y s/lndo* :iro to be built, an elevator and iron stair- ase Installed, the main «taircaae remod- elled and the Interior redecorated.* The Improver mints are to cost $6,009. Charles Prigham. ol Bos- ton, is tii<- hitect. ESTATES. MANHATTAN BUILDERS ACTIVE NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, SUNDAY. JUNE 10. 190G. Auction Sales of Real Estate. Auction Sales of Heal Estate. Country Property to Sell or to Let. Country Property >n Sell or to Let. 13

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Page 1: New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1906-06-10 [p 13] COST OF THEIR OPERATIONS over fiKSSffiw $10,000,000


Sac Home Planned for Silo's Fifth Avenue ArtGalleries—Several BigSales Reported in the Week.


AUCTION SALE OF160 Select Seashore Lots at

LONG ISLANDTo thie Men of Firve^nce.To the Deep Thinking Business Man,

r Rockaway,Far Rockaway,

To the People ol fdnemere,H Lawrence,

Arverne andSurrounding Locality.

To 3111 who wish to live ir\ the Most Refined. Healthy andRestricted Section of Long Island.

Also to those who are paying a. rental of from $400 to$1,200 per season.

You should be more than interested in the Auction Sa.leof these Magnificent Lots o^t


WQODGLIFF-ON-HUDSON i» Opposite Riverside Drive at 70th Street. Healthful


—Picturesque. * •'i

ADJOINS A BEAUTIFUL 150-ACRE COUNTY PARK.Where we now offer Choice Suburban Lots and Home sites at LOWEST PRICES. ISM and up. on easyterms, t'nequaled for Investment. Located where values are steadily and pei-maner.tly advancing Right' ladirect line of all the great Pennsylvania and New York and New Jersey TUNNELand railroad Improvements.insuring large profits to Immediate purchasers.

•, EVERY CITY CONVENIENCE._Macadamized streets, stone sidewalks, electric ltg ht. < ity water, finest sewerage system.




$5,200 Small Cash Payments. JO^ UOWIII ! I BALANCE SAME AS RENT. \ ___.i

— _,


Take «est .-hire, 42d St Ferry or Franklir. Ferry, and Ten Minutes' Trolley Ride. WT\RITE WO* NEW ILLISTRATED BOOKLET. PRICES. I*

Woodcliff Land Imp't Co., PoA

"a ™r Box 88, Weehawken, N. J


Long Island Seal Estate for Salt.Long Island Jxcal Estate for Sale.

LOG CABINA tract of several hundred acres m which ar«

located some exceptionally beautiful bulldlns sl:ea, "

Is cut up into estates ranging trooa five to Cft7acres, overlooking the Sound. Also a few siteson the water's edge. I^og Cabins. Bungalows* jjjand Colonial sjsas willbe erected accordlns; tothe owner's ta.«te. Cottages will be rented tothuee who desire to superintend the construe* j^;tion of their own houses. Excellent investment.Rapidly increaslns in valu exclusive. Refer-[ ances r«.iulr«d.

Exceptionally located" on ihe north shore ofLong Island Sound, tirt miles from N V . com-manding 2<>-mile view of Sound on one side,and a hilly, heavily timbered country on the,other, located on a bluff, grass (Trowing to wa-ter's edge, giving un-isual combination of coun-try and seashore. No low ground or stand-Ing water. I'ure spring water and Ice plan;.Sea foods, vegetables, fruit, eggs. etc.. easilyobtained. Clean, sunny beach for bathing. boat-Ing, nshing. tennis, driving, et.v Prtca reason-able. Ideally located tar Sprln* and Kail homeparties as well as summer Home.

For further particulars and U I HAPfiOOn WAUDENCLIFFE. I.1., or*


ELMHURST MIDDLE.A few reasons why you should buy lots tn Elmhurst

Middle:1. Each lot Is 23x1C0.2. Our prices are half, comparing with that of other*.8. Our terms are saBSM than UkBSS of other*.4. Tou can pay for your lota in small monthly pay-

ments.5. You raceive your deed with a title Insurance policy

on payment Oi «0 per cent, of th« purchase price.6. You can reach Elmhurst Mililedirect from Xe<v

York within 30 minutes for a 5 cent fare.7. There is a church, school and several houses on the

property.s. The new H. R. station sa the U I.K. R. Iito ba

erected on our property.0. This property \u25a0Till be r«ached within less than 2©

minutes iir- -t from New Yorlc on completion of thaFlackwell-s Island [irliin-.

10. For t'urtht-r particulars nri n:.ips, a.i.fress


Tel.. 5637 Cort-



? 9 1At 3 o'Clock in. the Afternoon.


are Have Gas,Electricity and




TWO FINISHED AND COMPLETE HOUSESOne ten-room Cottage, Italian style architecture. One 12-room Cottage, Dutch Colonial style.


BELLE HAR.BOR is bounded by the Atlantic Oceanon one side and beaoitiful Jamaica Bay on the other.

AUCTIONEER'S NOTE.BELLE HARBOR is situated on the Rockaway coast. with a frontage of 3 miles on the Atlantic Ocean,

and a like frontage on the still waters of Jamaica Bay. the beaches on the Ocean and Bay fronts beingunexcelled by any In this section of the country. Ar. ideal plac» for Yachting. Fishing, Surf or Still waterbathing, as well as all out-door sports. The atmosphere Is so invigorating and cool that no discomfort Is teltin out-door exferclse during the day. and RESTKI/L and REFRKSIIING sleep is assured at. night. Theutmost pains have been taken and no expense spared in development of BELLE HARBOR.

The SEWERAGE and DRAINAGE SYSTEM is UNSUKPASSKD. The water 1* clear, fresh andHEALTHY. The Kradinj? of the streets and the sidewalks are in perfect condition, and gas and electriclighting has been Installed.

SPECIAL NOTE.BELI.K HARBOR Is restricted to private residences to cost not less than $3,000. and only a single cot-

tage is stlof \u25a0 to each four lota.

How to R_each the Property:Lon« lhlund City or Flatbii«.h Avenue, Brooklyn, by train to Kockawaj- Park, theme a pleasant walk of about

5 minute* oriminute* by trolley will bring you to the property. More than nixty train* dally: present run-ning time 35 mimiu-v When tunnels under nntl bridge!* over the Kast River are completed BELLE HARBORwillIn- within twenty minutes of Manhattan.

FREE MAIL DELIVERY.Title* are guaranteed by the Title Guarantee & Tru«t Co. of New York free of charge.No aSMSrastatS. For further particular*, etc.,

JOSEPH P. DAY. Auctioneer,OFFICES, 31 NASSAI' ST.. X. Y. CITY. ______

HEMPSTEADLOTS at Lowest Prices M

VM> OX EASY TERMS.Hempstead Manor la without an equal aa a high)

class suburban residence Park. OX EVERY LOT Inour property w« have insrall<»d all City Conveniences.Water. . Gas. Electric Light. Concrete Sidewalks.Macadamized Streeta, Ac. Over $30,000 has been spenton Improvements. N-\v houses, on corner plots. 7 roomsanrl bath. |4.«00. For sals on eaay terms. Small cashpayments, balance monthly, same aa rent.WRITG or CALL for FREE RAILROAD TICKETS tovisit Hempstead. nuw Illustrated BOOKLET. MAP. *C.


Intervale aye, n w s, 403.11 ft \u25a0 w of Home st,£0x123.9: Burghard Hank ar.'l another to Will-lam kValnwrlKht; ra rqtage, $4.2.V> 100

41«t st. N • 34S W«st. r>; William A Rodgersto Morris Epstein; mortjrage, $23.000 100

Urook aye No 4T;'.. w s, 25x90; Eva Frtedenbersto Gussie I^in^lner and another; mortgage,

$18,500 i....... ioo121st st, Is, Strt ft c of Park aye, 25x100.10; Law-

rernee r Coleman to Samu'l Orodsinaky 100Market Bt, Ko NS. 20x51; Mary Bluck to Israel

Jaco.:son; mortgage, (>.(Hti> 100MarkPt st. No . 7. w f. 20x51; Mary Block to

I--:,.IJacnbson ;mortgage. $4.000 1«jth -«t. n s. I^4 ft c of Avenue C, 41x82.3: Rudolph

Popper to Harris Felner; mortgage. $55.2<k> 100A*enu D, w B, 2i> ft nof \u25a0••: st,


—; William

Frankei et al to Abraham l*vlnsteln and an-other; mortgage, $44,800 100

Wenue A. c s 21.8 ft n of KSth st. 40x75; HenryHorowitz to K:i.---iOshinsky; mortgage. $2>>.'Xh> 1

Broadway, Nos 704 and 7<>t! East. sux-; IgnatzUoeko'vltz to Adolph Boskowits; Vi part 200,000

Ridge Et. No 158 to 161, n w s. 100x100; mort-gage. $113,000; Attorney st. No 184, •• s, 24!tx100; mortgage, $;)3.0<i0; Jacob Baumann to fam-u*l Werner and another l°o

Madison st. No 214. c s, 2R 1x100; Joseph Pehles-singer et al to Annie Prxeworaky; mortgage,$37,500 i-

••• lfElm, kit. n w s. at \u25a0 w \u25a0 Pearl St. 40 .Xi3.2;

reflferson MLevy to Abram M Clonney 100

Ist aye. w r. 25 "ft n cf 118 th st. 25x76; PascalImprrator to Israel Überman an<i another;mortgage. $17,000 1""

CHOICE BLOCK FRONT SALE.M. Morgc-nthau, jr.. & Co. have sold for the es>

tate of Smanuel Walter the plot eompristng the

block front on the- north side of 114th st.. between

7th and St. Nicholas ayes. This parcel has not

changed hands for thirty-four years. It was pur-

chased in 1872 by Mr. Walter. He received a tempt-

ing offer some years ago from Leopold Kahn, wnoat that time had purchased a part of the blockfronting on the plaza formed by the intersectionof 7th and St Nicholas ayes., at 115 th St.. and whoerected the Abe-lard and Acadia apartments on theplot he bought.

The parcel just-

Id by the Walter estate has afrontape of 50.5 feet in 7th aye., 139.8 feet In 114thcr an 59.2% feet in St. Nicholas aye. and a rearline of 108.21- feet. The purchaser intends to erecta nine story and basement elevator apartment

house on the premises.


Herman Wronkow has sold to John Bollman Nos.175 and 177 Greene st., a seven story building, una plot 40x100 feet, for $115,000.

»MERCANTILE BANK REPORT UNTRUE.A report was printed yesterday that the Mercan-

tile National Bank property, at the southwest,

corner of Dey st. and Broadway, comprising two

house ',on a lot 17xK>.10 feet, from Kaden. Dauber<c Kaplan.

Bchraeidler & Baohrach have bought No. 238 Ea«t«ist •*-• a four rtoiy tenement house on a lot 20x95.9feet.William H. Hall. jr.. has sold to Charles Alt-

achul No. 32 Weat Hth St., a new five story Ameri-can basement dwellinghouse, on lot 25x102.2 feet.Isaac Hyman has bought No. 152 South St., a fourstory business building, on lot 25x7i feet.The Lxpert Realty Company lias sold No. 2578

fcth aye.. a five story double flathouse, with stores,on lot 2oxSo feet. C. P. W. Johanning was thebroker.

Kessler & Bookstaver have sold four lots on thesouth side, of u>3d St.. 150 fc-et west of Broadway, toa bulld.?r who will «>rect a seven story elevatorupartment house on the plot.

John Webber has sold No. 304 West 89th St., alour story dwellinghouse, on lot 20x1(0.8 feet.

Emanuel Ka^elsohn haa bought the southwestcorner of Wea| Knd aye. and 6i*th st.. a five storytenement house, on lot ZUxIOO feet, from theFleischmann lnterborough Real Estate Company.

H. Hornstcin has bought from Donald A. Mansonthe two nvi- story tenement houses. Nos. 205 and307 West 65th St.. 50x100.5 feet, and has resold No.£05 to Leopold Horowitz.

The Krulewltch Realty Company has sold toBernard Ycatnans the flve story flathouse No. 304West 121st at., on lot 27x100.11 feet.

Walter J. Dean baa sold to Hoffberg & Book-staver tilt- plot. 75x100.1l feet, on the norih side of117th st.. 24S feet east of Pleasant aye.

Charles Berlin & Co. have sold No. 230 Kast 83dst., a five story tenement house, on lot 25.5x102.2feet.

The estate of L. Korzendorfer has sold No 63West 102 dSt., a live story flathouse, on lot 25.5x102.2feet.

Morris Slfka has bought the six story tenementhouse. No. 232 East &Oth St.. on lot 26.4x102.5 feet

Manheim & Weinstein have sold to Harry MStoff Nos. 424 and 426 East 70th ft., a six storyflathouse. 3Sxloo feet.

Bloch Brothers have sold No. 438 East 121st st ,a five story tenement house, on lot 25x100.11 feet.M. J. Berliner has sold to John Steuer No. 116East 91st st.. a five story flathouse, 20x100.8 feet.Fannie Lilienthal has sold No. 226 East S6th st.a

five story Oathouse, 32x100.8 feet.Berkman & Gutterman have sold the two flve-etory tenement houses Nos. IStS and ISS Madison st..42x100 feet.Arthur J. SloQuade haa sold No. 530 to r.31 East

13th »t.. old buildings. 60x103.3 feet, to VandermanBrothers, who will erect a six story tenement houseon the site.Van Dernoot & Kiely, as attorneys, report the

sale of No. 361 East 10th st.. a flve story flathouse..->x94.» feet, by Rosa Genzlinger, executrix, to\u25a0fc.manut-1 Van Dernoot.Michael Joaefson has sold to Wolper & Sutzman

the five story tenement house No. £31 East 12thSt.. 25x103.3 feet.

Israel and Abraham Gottlieb have sold to Isaacl^ewis No. 535 East 13th st., a flve story tenementhouse, 25x103.3 feet.

Stoloff & Kronovel hav<- sold No. 321 East 10th St.,a flve story tenement house, 25x85 feet.

Goldman & Wohlatadter have sold No. 639 East13th st.. a flve story tenement house, 33x103. feet.

Daniel Rosenthal has sold No. 101 Essex st., afive story tenement house. 22,6x43.9 feet.

Samuel Cohen has sold Nos. 107 and 109 Christo-pher St., a six story tenement house, on plot 45x92fei t.

J. Clarence Dnvles has sold for the United RealEstate and Trust Company the plot, 50x100 feet, onthe east Eide of Jerome aye.. 25 feet north of Burn-side aye. Also sold for J. J. Delehanty the plot,150 x100 feet, on the east side of Morris aye., 100 feetnorth of Tremont aye.

William Loeb & Co. have sold for a client twolots on the south side of Longwood aye., 70 feetwest of Barry St.. 50x91 feet.

Dnvld Dillenhere has sold through FrankenthaW& S-ipinsky and Charles Kaufman, as attorneys;.No. 659 Prospect aye., a three story dwelling hoilse,

on \u25a0 lot I&x9f> feet.John A. Stetnmeti has sold for J. Gaffney to B.

Ki.-s.- No. 1255 Westchester aye., a two famllybouse, with store, on a lot 25x65.6x lrr«sular; alsosold for Grace Roach to August H. Daum, No.

»-7.". Forest aye., near 161st st.. a three family house,with store, on ft lot 21x91 feet.

S. E. Brown has sold No. 976 East 135 th st.. afive story flathouse, on a plot 40x100 feet.

Van Dernoot & Klely. as attorneys, report thesale of No. 719 Eagle aye., a two family brick dwell-ing house. 18x99 feet, by Fettretch, Silkman & Sey-bel to Charles W. Ryon. ,

\u0084,„„ ,.

The Clark estate has bought a plot 100x100 feetat the southwest corner of 116th st. and Broadwayfrom the Monaton Realty Company.

THE SILO BUILDING.It i<; bei!ie frf-ted on a riot of more than 6.000 square feet at the northwest corner of «th street

aVid Fifth avenue by the Thompaon-Starrett Company for Adelaide B. Browing;, as owner, andJames P. Silo, as leaaee. Brooke & Georger were the brokers in the transaction.

Rentals in the central Sth aye. section have con-siderably increased in the last two y» The up-p».r floors in the Night and Day Bank Building,at

the southeast corner of 44th et. and Rh aye. arobeing rented at from $2 25 to $4 25 a square foot.and the upper floors in the Knabe Building,at thesoutheast corner of 33th st. aiid sth aye.. at fromSi:;. to JT, 75 a square foot. As the Silo Buildingwilloccupy one of the best corners in the section, thelessee will have no trouble.jit Is thought, in get-ur.? a fair return from his new investment.

As re-gardp the volume if private pales beingtransacted, there is a marked decrease in businessowing to the warm weather and the fact thatSJtay big investors and operators are enjoying .i

vacation many miles from this city. Several bigtransactions in choice improved parcels were bffature of the trading in the week. One of thelf&duig rrivate deals of the week was the Eale bythe McVickar, Galllard Realty Company for K<l-ward H. Landon of the Biltmore and Blenheim,two Ff-ven etory apartment houses. No. 56 to 6-%Vest !£th Ft., covering a plot 100x100.5 feet east of?th avt.. to the Biltmore-Blenheim Company, acorporation rpp:)!z<-ij for tIMpurpose of buying thej-ror'erty. These apartment houses are the in the block front on the south side of BSthFt. between l\h and Cth ayes. The same firm ofbroken also sold for Alonzo Hornby, of Redlands,Cs!.. Xo. 117 West 42d st. and the abutting prop-erty. Nos. 10S. 110. 112, 314 and IM AVest 43d st.: also.for Walter H. Close, No. 118 West 43d St.. and fora c!ient of Robert H. McGusty No. IC6 West 43d*t. Tl.e combined parcels have a frontage of 144ftet in -Cd st. and of 2". feet in 42d St.. midway be-tween Broadway and t'th tvc. TTe buyer was \u25a0 syn-dicate headed by Edward B. Klnsila. of London,winch willerect on the site a music hall.Douglas Robinson. Charles S. Brown & Co. soldfor the American Real Estate Company fly«- blocksbounded by Broadway, the Harlem Ship Canal andSfeth et. The tract is Just east of the Wonderlandparcel arid comprises about three hundred lots. Ithas a frontage of about MO feet on the ihip fv.naj.T1.6 purchase price was a little more than %'..<•" .

A. K. Thomson sold for H. Wronkow to HarryLevey the northeast corner of,12Cth et. and Madi-*on &v».. 74x129 f<?et, comprising old three storybuildings, •which will be torn down and a modernbuildingerected on the -;;• '1 i.:s is th< third larpeparcel purchased by Mr. I^evey in the last month.

Charles W. Smith sold for E. V. Loew to HarryShwit/- No. £74 to H West 125 th st. and No. 25to 37 Hancock Place, and also th« southeast cor-ner of Morr.ingside aye. and 12>th st-. five story flat-houses, with f>:xteen store 0 The parcel adjoins theTVest End Theatre.

G. G. Hallock. jr.'s. Sons sold for Elvina QuestNo. 117 Chrystie st., a five story tenement house,14.11x1t*).2 feet; also >!d for the Rev. W. F.Dougherty Nos. 291 and 293 Madison st.. two twoBtory buiidings. on a plot 46x87x100 feet: also twughtfrom Thomas C. O:r for Lillian G." Hutchins No.

1113 Park Place, Brooklyn.Ruland & Whiting told for the George Bruce

Bruwn estate to ]>.tniti B. Freedman and JosephHamer.-hlag tbi seven story business building atthe southeast corner of Gold and Fulton sts., on aJlot 102.3x94x100.2x76.1 feet

James Carlew sold No. 23 Weal Bth st , a fiveFtory limt-Ftone American basement dwellinghouse.en a lot 2vx102.2 U et.

Dr. H. B. Cohen bought a plot. 50x100 feet, on thenorth side of l(£th St.. 70 f.. iwest of Madison aye.,

en which he will erect a six story flathouse.Maeuire & Co. leased for Llllie I*Toplitz to the

XMrraecj Motor Car Company for occupancy thebuilding in course of construction. No. li»S& Broad-way, between ?7th and O,th sts.

A*. Bchfebel and Joseph Toch bought from LukeA- Pi:rko No. W to 92 Lenox aye.. aoutheaat corner<<t UStn st., three five story flathous»s. on a plotfronting 100.11 feet in the enue aiid MB feet in thestreet. Hazlett & Co. wfre the brokers. Thebuyers will make extensive alterations to tliejjremises.

M. & L. Hess sold for Hairy Corn the new*-!ght story and basement building:. No. 97 sth aye.,northeast corner of 17th et.. 2?.Cx100 feet, to a clientor Webster B. liable. a.« an investment. Tnejroperty was held at $350,000.

Randolph Gugcenheimer sold to Anton L. OlMns plot 72xS0 feef on the north aide of Spring fit.,with an L3f»xGo fe<?t. extending to Washington st.A seven ftory warehouse will be erected by Mr.Olsf-n on the site.

Mitchell A. C. I>w bought Nos. 13 and 15 West<.nh St.. two Svc story flathouse*. '•• \\ '• feet. Thepurchase price is said to have been $92,r«i.

Shaw & Co. pold to Fred G. Lax for BeniamlntTllsey the lot 25xl'|0 feet on the north ride of Cro-lona i'.-.rk Kast. 125 feet west of Southern Hiu'.e-vard Mr. Lax intends improving the parcel, to-gether with the lot adjoining, which he recentlybought.

The OruikEhank Company sold for Annie B.Whelps to Hlakeslee Barnes and Moses Kinzler KoC2t;th avc, a three etory building, on a lot ISx57feet

Frederick Zlttrl told for L. Napoleon Levy No.25 • dth St.. a four story nnd basement dwelling house, o:i a •..\u25a0•\u25a0;•'!, to aclient for occupanc-.'.

The Charles F. Noycs Company sold for Georg*31. Roscnfeld to Clayton Rockhill the n\- storyr.r.d »<asement business building Nos. 224 and 226Pearl st.. on a lot 2oxlM feet. The front of thebuilding is of iron. Every floor of the structure istented. Mr.Roscnfeld bought the premises in1831.2ie asked SBQ.OOQ for the property.

In the laM few Dths many Pearl st. parcelsfr.ave changed 1 hands.

E!r.c* January 1 to <3«t* the' estimated cost offjuii<Ji»£? nroject«d for Munhattun Island Is a littlejaore than JOC<E3,«3O. as ujralnst $51 054.«52 for thecorresponding period O last year. Inother words.rJbeut f15.«)0,<X» more than the sum of lh« entiretojt of the buildings plar.n«vi from January 1 toJuly 10 last year already l-wn B*t aside thisrear for buildingconstruction. Buildingactivity injittihattan will undoubtedly continue widespreadthroughout the year. if present realty eigns aretrue harbingers of future conditions. Itnow seemsa certainty that the Manhattan building operations

of the pnaaM year will eclipse the best previousjtoord lar such construction work. In the centraltth avenue section, the high class shopping andhotel district of the city, many large buildings,raeh rfpresenting an investment of many hundredthousand dollars, are being or will be erected inthe ntax future. One of the latest sth projects is the Silo Building, to cover aplot of ovrr &.<KX> square feet, at the northwest cor-jier or 4oth st. and 6th aye.. and including No.-. 1 3 "West 45th Et.

Ground for the structure vat broken last week."The bulMtmr will be ready for occupancy nextFebruary. It will be a cix etory and basementgtraetsxe. and it is being erected for Adelaide S.Browning a* owner and

%James P. 8110 as lessee.

Brooke & Georger a*ara the brokers in the deal.Tbe Ifase obtained by Mr. Silo is for twenty-oneyears, at a rental for the term of about $1,K».000."R'hen the building is ready for use Mr. Silo willjnove tfaa Fifth Avenue Art Galleries from 35th Bt,

end tth aye. to the premise*, and occupy the entirepround floor. The upper floors will be, divided IntoJofts, offices and studios, a number of which havealready baaa rented from the plans. The Thomp-

cors-Starreu Company has the contract for theerection of the building.

OjLEN COVE, jL.I.QasvUenaa'i country hnme, coastattnsj of large dwell-ing with all modern conveniences; stable, barn, car-riage houses and gardener's cottage; with tln« groiiatis;

about it) acres. For particulars ahd terms apply tt» \MUNNICH & LOOKER. 44 Court St.. Kklyrtl

FU.'SHZ?(a, L. I.—s miles out: an exclusive suburban

1 r^-si.lenco la the finest section, with barn, containingquarters tor gardener; every modern convenience that gtt*ato make up a charming home; pro(«rty contaliM 14 f-4Hcity lots; only these interested in a high class propositionnhnuld reply. JONES * iIALUER. lv» Anuty SUMt.Flushing. L. I. ~jTTTUXTINGTOVS CHOICEST ESTATE" FOB SALE.—XI I*> acres, commanding mperb view ot Sound n«iharbor: exceptional opportunity.

J. B. ROBERTS. HI Broadwar.

PATCHOGUE. LONG ISLAND.Wlilows estate for sale; 21 rooms; perfect oondltlon;

elegantly furnished; lot Io0x2«3: 2 blociu to station, halfml'.e to beach; stable, chicken house, lawn. »a, n:. foronly J3.SUO to settle estate. JOSEPH A. TURCOTTE, 130Nassau St.. Manhattan; Room U-o-J.

Furnished Houses to Let—

Country.EAST SETATJKET, L. 1., Y.

To rent for summer. 1O room furnished house: waterfront: high location; all tarm products on the place.


ON THE HIH-To let. furalaaed, for the summer, or for .-«al«. beautiful.homelike residence of 13 rooms: city water, filtered ola-tern. open flr--«. bath ar.d stabies; front and rearporches and lawns; abundance of shade and fruit:with-in walking distance of churches, achools and railroad*.New York references. Dr. t>LT 8019. Poughkeepsie. N.Y.

F-rooms, modern. Co-^Ionia!; largo grounds; neajr Erie station; rent reason-

able to the (At »ai IS2 Coop«r ay«., t>p«r lloat-clalr. N. J.

Tp LET cheap for the season, n*-w furnished eottago _^tHighland Mills. Orange County. N. T.. .>> mllf-rfrom

N«-w York: xxceilent tralu sawvice OHASCE, BOT>l4.Tribune ( KUce. _J


Elevation t»o fc-et OBd nnlv oneX> h.>u; fr..m C.ty on Lackawanna R. R- Large, cool,furnished house, with, S bedrooms. T> rent for th» sea-son or by th« year. Terms very reasonable. InquireELLIOTT. JAFFRAY St CO.. 104-6 Broadway. X. 1&, fi\u25a0V-ANTUCKET—ON NANTVCKET ISLAND. furTsTs?r<><l.\ house. 12 room*, onen flr*f.lace«. hair rr. frsssipiazias. WOODBRIDGE, 43rt Henry t: . Brooklyn. $»J T.rpo LET.

—Furnished cotta«e. li^ rooms. 2 baths: »aJt

X water bathln*. beautifully situated on shore &>nsjIsland Sound. RAYMOND BROS.. South Nonvalk. HC»nn.

MADISON. X. J.— ComfnrtaMe 12 room funMxlhouse; atahle; three acres garden; fruit; s«e>soa. MOOI

HEALTH *OOl> CO. «1 6th


hlg'hest ridge In Stamford; magnificent vtew etLong Island Sound and surrounding countrynln.ex-cry direction: n-'thmsr like itanywhere: house,barn and other outbuildlr.jfs on property; ntwrailroad station within a miir, convenient toStamford station; 420 minutes tr> New Canaan•ration: price $13,000. and it's a bargain, too;

furnished cottages for th« season on shore or Inthe country Write for Il3t. PRANK B. GLTR-LEY.City Building.Stamford. Conn.

would Insist on a vote an soon an It appeared thatno one was prepared to speak on the bill.

GASOLENE LAUNCH BURNED AT P^•^.. A60-foot gasolot..- launch, m«4 by A. A.' Guyjjua.of Newark, waa burned while moored to tne pter. ,>fthe Acker Marine Works, at TottenviUe. Sta£«Sr*Island, laat tii»slir Th*' launch had been left at theworks for repairs The cause of i.-.r flre U %m-.known. The damage to the launch is about tTf1ar.d it bj insured.


WINS J. H. CURTIS PRIZE AT YALE.New Haven. June The John Hubbard Ct^

prize for "tha highest excellence In -lterar»-e»narhetorical work upon a-«aigneti subjects" In"Viaacademical department at Vale has been awa,cJo,lto Francis Ilartmaa Markoe. jr..son of Dr. ftftMtaH .mrJt,-> of No. IS East 49th street. New Yortfur ih« original drama, "The Battla of tiaaun^a.


TO HASTEN VOTE ON CANAL TYPE.Washington. June 9.—Senator Klttredge mudo an

effort to-day to obtain unanimous consent In theSenate to vote next Wednesday on the bill for a»oa level Isthmian canal, hut Senator Millard madeobjection. He said thru b..> knew ol four or fivespeechfi to :.- made on th« bill, Int added that byn.-xt Tuesday he mignt i*prppar«-fi to agree to vd.v*. which, bowever, must be lat.-r than the timesuggested by Mr Klttrt-dg.- Th* South I>ik.-tiSenator th<;n stated thut after next Monday he

Public Can Discuss Their Officials,Says Justice Gaynor.IBy Tel-graph IS The Tribune. 1

Poughkeepsie. N. V.. June Whether or not it

is slanderous or libellous to criticise a public offi-

cial when his acts have the appearance of evil, ow-

ing to omissions or commissions on his part, is dis-

cussed by Supreme Court Justice William J. Gay-

nor in an opinion handed clown by him as a mem-

ber of the bench of the Appellate DivUion, 3d De-partment. The other Justices concurred. JusticeGaynor writes:

The people are not obliged to speak of the con-duct of their officials in whispers or with batedbreath in a free jovrrnment. but only in a dcs-DOtism On the contrary, they have a right to

sDeak out in open discussion and criticism thereot,the only test being that they make no false state-ment. And this is the great safeguard of free gov- |ernment and of pure government. This is funda-.m<rhat opinions or Inferences are far fetched, highstrung or severely moral, or contrary to otheropinions or Inferences that seem more reasonable,does not matter, so long as there be a r,asl» forthem In the acts or word* of the person who Uthesubject of such criticism. The majority of publicopinion Is not the test of whether such opinions orInference* be permissible.

The prevailing or majority opinion i* oft-?n thewrong one. and for that reason the law fclve* fulllatitude to the expression of any and all opinionson things of general concern. Itdoes not matterthat the opinions or Inferences Mcprexsed are not

the most charitable or reasonable ones, or thatthey are the wrong ones, provi tney be baa« 4or. the facts, and the fact* *re capable of them.

This Is the rule and latitude of discussion andcriticism of the conduct of every one who holdsa public office, or wxiten \u25a0 book, or dejeja any actby which be Invites public attention and criticism.

Justice Gaynor reversed the decision in & r »sewhere \u25a0 village clerk obtained a judgment againsta ritisen for criticising his conduct un-justly, aUhouarn hi* act was open to the coi;struc-

tion ot wrongdoing.


JUDGMENTS.The following judgments were iTletl yesterday, the

flrst name being that of the debtor:Billupa. Edw.

—'Wllllara H. Butler $1*31


Isaac Rosner et al: costs »1 «S>

Church. E. Bayard, adm.— Leslie Stevens, costs. •>**"-Cogllostro. Antonio—People, etc ~ 52.' JVCullen Bernard J.—Patrick J Kenny 123 UlCantweU. William Clifford L. Blare liljWDe Acutis. Agostlno—People, etc 51. SJ-CDavis Geonre

—Andrew Ackenbrack 2141W

Freund. John C—City of New York 35. j..Karris James (not summoned)

—Wm. H. Butler. 14 31

Inman. John H.—Frank A O'Donnell et al. costs 2« (*3

Jones.'Charles L.—William 8. Balnbrldge 21» *l

Johnson. O«car E.—Ellis G. Welch et al-

JZ 3»Lorge. Julius B.—Charles W. Miller PTV

Lcewensteln. Louis—Bertha Loewensteln; costs 51 IC

Mautner. Isaac— Benjamin Joncorwriick -5 \u25a0Mills John Nathan A. Metzger lw>00Noel

'Edward Muldoon jlu»

Nichols Georglana— Mutual Life Insurance. Com-pany of New York • 23 3-


* 205 ft w of 4th aye; for a twostory frame dwel'.tn? house. 20x57; Laura Ran-

stedt. owner; Charles Kreymbors. architect.. $5.3W

137 th st. n s. 7."> ft w of Alexander aye; for athree story r>ri k stable. 23x08.9; Harlem andMorrtsania Transportation Company, owner;Moore & LandMe.-iel. architect VKVW

Jefforson st. w s. 235 ft n of Barnett st; for atwo story frame dwelling house. 21x43; GeorgaDevermann, owner; Charles Devermann. arcni-tect

* 42004'200, - >

SATISFIED JUDGMENTS.The flrst name is that of the debtor, the second

that of the creditor, and date when judgment wasfiled:Abrahams. Louis—E. Loeb; May 25. 1906 ....... *C541Baldwin. Clarence D.—J. C. Hough. Feb. J».


(>iF7en! reHenry D.-"i." Stiefel ;

'May'23."*Mw!Ti. »J

°*Dreyfus— Ferdinand— P. Barnard. May 10. l:n»>. . mmDavis. Minor

—New Amsterdam Gas Company;


Hermann. 1Alfred E.'-^j/ KeileV;""May

"10. 190 U.. «• 2R

Meuschel. Benjamin— Taube: June ll>. 11H*... -I*•*>

Robinson. George— H. Alexander: May 22. «*»-« -» 65Stelnfeld, Solomon & Ferdinand— L. Sutta; April

li* lfHt*^ .... ....».....--•-••••••*•••*•••• **.****Was'sweiler." Anaa— S. Dalasmier et al; March


2». liHJrt t**itV" "

The Beckman Company— Rawltser et al. Feb.23, 1904 1..3-SO

nie Ptumpf, owner*; Clamone & Mitchell, con- n_

tractors 11613bth St.. c s.. luO ft. c. of Tlnton aye., 25x100;

fnion Woodworking Company agt. Max Stem-berg and William Van Antwerp, owners anfcontractors 25000

171>th St.. n. s.. I<JO ft. w. of Amsterdam aye.. 123xlOO; Balker Brothers agt. Hyman M. Ellender.owner ">jid contractor "00 W>

Prospect aye.. w. s., 50 ft. n. of 152 dSt., 7,".\

100; Ely Felnsteln agt. Charles Helbora. own-er and contractor: Louis Welnstein. owner .... 125 00

Ludlow St.. No. 3: Max ZwertHinjr agt. John Doe.owner; S. Kelnstetn. contractor 20000

Prospect Place, w. s.. 60 ft. n. of 132 dSt.. 75xl0O; Max Felnsteln agt. Charles Helbom andLouis Welnstein. owners: Harris Sacks andPhilip Mandel, contractors

—«10 00*

SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS.26th St.. Nos. 136 and 43S West; Bernard Narotzky

agt. Israel Blum et al : May 3. ISM $228 50155 th St.. s. s.. 250 ft. w. of Courtlandt aye..

50x—; the Robert Grlffln Company agt. HenryT. Bulman et al.; March 27. 11MAS (by deposit).. 154 51

MANHATTAN BUILDING PLANS.SOth st. s s. 223 ft c of Avenue A: for two six atory

brick tenement houses, 37.6x53.3: Ignatz TeorloCo-Operattve Association, ovrnsr; C M 3traub.architect $35,000

147th st. s s. S5 ft w of J«h aye: for a six story

brick tenement house, and store, 40x56.11; Si-mon. Kurzman & Segall. owners; X A Meyers.architect


RECORDED MORTGAGES.Herbert Realty Company to Hyman B. Goldberg;

lotsth st, s s, 78.« ft • of Park aye, SO.lOx Ir-regular; due June 1. 1&07 $3,500

Epstein. Morris, to William A Rodgers; 41st st.No 34S \\.s:; prior mortgage. $23,000; 3 years.B per cent 8,500

Same to August Knatz: same property; priormortgage, $ii4.SOO; -

years, 0 per cent 2.000Werner. Samuel, and another to Jacob Baumann;

Ridge st. No 155 to 101; T years. rt per cent.. 35,00t)Sain-- to same; Attorney st. a b, 225 ft n of Stan-

ton st. 24.1«x1U0; .*. \eiirs. >> per cent 19,000Oppenhelm Realty Co to Thomas G Faulkner,

130th st, s s, 233.0 ft w of Broadway. 54.1rt? 11;a yrs, r. per cent 52,500

came to Mary lStanpeon, 136th st. s s». 179.8 ftwof Broadway. 54x00.11; 3 years. 0 per cent.. 62,500

Hank. Charlee, and another t> William Waln-wrlght; Southern Boulevard, n s. 5»»» ft w ofAvenue St John. 50x115; 3 years, 6 per cent... 15,000

Shafarman, Abraham, and another to Joseph Dla-mond; lot 51, map NeiH estate; prior mcrtgage,

*4.5<x); 3 years. 5^ per cent -.400Plneus Louis, and another to Realty Mortgago

Company et al; Rl.-ersldo Drive, c s, ••.11 fts of 151st st and 300 ft w of Broadway. »'.» llx03.10; prior mortgage. f4t»,u«jO; due April 4.1908 4,481

Levin. Hyman. to Annie MNevlns; Madison aye.

No 1141; prior mortgage, $it,Ouo; 1 year. 6 percent I-500

Larkin Andrew J. to Jacob Rosberg; 227th st.c p. iu> ft \u25a0 of Janaea a\e. 30x100; prior mort-gage, •*\u25a0"•. \u25a0"\u25a0"". 1 a.r. tt per cent 2.08« iKlskpatrlck. Arthur H. to Jar.ies P Muir, trus-tee; Woodycrest aye.

•s. 2» it s ol 164 th st," 27x100; 3 years. '<\u25a0? per cent 9.000

Houghton Clarence S. to Bernardlna H Heyman;\v.->t End aye. s •• corner ol 83d st. 26.5xlrreg-ular; 1 year, 8 per cent 2.000

Reiss. Peppy, to Charles Werner; Avenue C. No21. 5 years. C per cent 20,000

Lltbman. Charles F. to James A Varean; lot 4.block 11. map of Whitehall Realty Company;

-ears, 8 per cent 500

Pepe. Arcangelo. to Hudson P Roee; lot 4S. map•f 170 lots of Stems estate; 3 years. 5H per cent. 340

Newell. Mtnnla R. to Hudson P Rose. Company;lots 100 and 10ti. map of "lUS lots of Siems estate;3 years. 5Vi per cent 1.000

Grodgensky. Sajnue^l. to Lawrence F Ooleman;121st -t. 80 ft c of Park aye, 25x100.10: 3 years.5H per cent 9,000

Arone, L'mberts, to Oeqrge Colon; 100 th st. s s.108.2 ft w of Ist aye. 58.10x100.11; 1 year. <>per cent

Vogt, Henry F. to Elizabeth J. Stancliffe; BronxRiver Road, lots 213. 213. 217 and 21.». map ofpartition saile of Valentiners Brody; 3 years, ttper cent 4,C00

Llnck. John M. to Robert E McDonnell; 3d aye.

s c corner of 103 dst. 100.8x130.0; 1 year. 5Hper cent 20.000

Cohn. Francis, t,, Julius Welnstein; 105 th .-" Nos217 and 21& East; prior mortgage, $40,000; 5years, ti per cent 13.000

Elterman. Abraham, to Joseph Levlne; Orchardst, s a corner of Delancey st,; 'iyears.8 per cent 15.000

Berkowitz, Yetta. to Ida B Hyman; 110th st. Nos,>>2 and <4 East: prior mortgage. $47,000: dueJuly 1, 190S. <> per cent 4.000Cooper. Anne N. to Association for the Relief ntRespected Aged and Indigent Females, corpora-tion; Amsterdam aye. No <\u25a0**; 3 years. s">i percent 10.500

Milano. Angel.* M to Giuseppe Tuoti; lOtith st, No311 East; due Jun- 20, l>>«i. •"> per cent 650

Cuddebach. Myron W, to Ed'w J Dugan; 177th St.s s. »14.8 ft "c of Arthur avfi, BxlOOtft; priormortgage, $8,000; 3 years 8 per cent 2.500EsMg. Dorothea, to Henry H Esslg: Minervariacr-. n s, 100 ft b of Concourse Boulevard;prior mortgage. $2,500; 1 rear. •; per cent 2,000

Same to same; Concourse Boulevard, w s. 50 ftn of Minerva Placei. 23x100; prior mortgage,$1,000; 1 year. 6 per cent 2.000

Benedict. Julian, to Hufro Itotenstein: Madisonaye. w g. (k> ft n of llttth St. 40.11x110; duoDecember S. 180 A''• per cent 10.000

Knauf. Loolss K. to Conrad Lalmold: Intervaleavr. No 1230; 3 years, &\t i

* cent 5.000Same to Emma -:.:t'. same propsitj; prior

mortgage. $8,000; 1 year, •; per cent 300Laurla. F*h»>, la to Commonwealth Mortgage

Company: Belmont aye. w s. 45 ft n of ISSthst, SOxS7.tJ; l year. 8 per cent 16.000

Stern. Ijouls. and another to Oeorga A Llneus;UJTth st.

-«. 88 ft w of Brown Place. sox ,

lih. prior m irtgagi. $42,000; 3 years. 8 percent fi.500

Lesser. Sadie, to Anita L Bamford; SSth -'.. No3CS We*t ; Ana July r». 1808 25.000

Minett! I'armln-. to Vincent T Tlmonler; Spring,t, No 7. due July 1. Moe\ '"\u25a0 per cent 1.500

Slss<Tiiian. P.enjaniii-.. t- Abram Harris and another- 137th st. iis, 400 ft c of Lenox aye. 50cßß.ll demand. «5 per iont 5,000

BUILDING LOAN CONTRACTS.Waaalagl aye.. c. ».. I1"I 1

"ft. s. ol 12th St.. S>^x .

\<n<- the City Mortgage I'orr.par.y loans AbrahamSiege! 930,000

lCTilh St., n. s.. whole front between V'alton ay«an.l UnnJ BouUvard and CVncnur*-. 244XXM U>\irregular; Isaac M >t«.er loom William E. D*!ler 40.600

ll'th St.. No. •*'-'< Ea»t; ItalUn-.ViTi»rtcan TrustC mpany of ''\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 City of New York lour.a MichaellUrroM $30,000

MECHANICS' LIENS.A\rnui> <*, Ni>. £<U:Alb»r»n« St^ine ''ompiay .i-;t

Mury Fred et u'... (ihc;ti; Cltimoiie i-Mitchell,eentracton ... .. $00 SI

CSUt su, X0.439 Weat; *a:ne as'- Jacou and Jen-

10O; CityReal Estate Comrany to Louis Plneusand another; mortgage. $-7.00<» 100

B6th tt. n b. 275 ft a of Madison aye, 29x100.11;Abram Spanner et al to Meyer Jacobs; mort-gagre, S2S.3SB l°o

St Nicholas Place. No 18, c s, 32x100; EmmaReiner to Edith MAdams ICO

105th »t. Noe 217 and 219 East. 40.10x100.11; JuliusWelnstein to Francis Cohen: mortsage, $40.000. . 100

1371h st. \u25a0 s. BB ft m of Brown Place. 60x100;Oeorga A Linlous to Louis Stern and another;mortgage. $42,000 100

Avenue C, No 21. w s. 22.10x72.7; Charles Wernerto Peppy, $48,U<») 10*

110th st, No.i BS and 84 East. 41x100.11: Ida B

Hyman to Yetta Berkowlt»: mortgajr..', $47,«M.. i*

3d aye. s t> corner lti.iist, 100.8x181X6; Arthur WKaunders t« John M I.lnoh; mortgai $.TS.s'»>.

- 1(>0

Kinßsbridge Road, n c s. liwft s of KinK^brlrigeTerrace, 23x86.2; Julia i: Farley to CatharineRegan; mortgag . |t1,900 ••• v"

Same property; Fordham Realty Company to JuliaE Farley

• 1219th st. n s. 333 Ift c of 4tU aye. 0.8x114; Joseph

1' Lansevln to Wllllani Jl Rogers • *227 th Bt. ef, 100 ft sOf J in*n ave 50x100; J« \u25a0\u25a0

Hosbors to \n!r>-\v .1 Larkln; mortgage, 18.800- «w

Same property; Andrew J Larkin to B Dean«imortgage, »S.18«58 V".

•;\u25a0\u25a0 : alH>

112th Pt s s, 00 ft w of Madison aye, **•»«--\u25a0E3eanor V V Williams et al to Ethel H lTap-

hugen; ull title ;--T

Montßomery st. No ni, w «. 2Lex93.4;jJennttAtkins to Hyman Rubin; mortgage. $35.700 "'«

Lot 4, block n niap WAttehall Realty Company.janiMA Varian to Clara F Mrl.mnn •••\u25a0

' "'l^th st, n \u25a0, ."'Jo ft w cf Avenue C, si>xltl3,Inlon- ......

port; Ilcbert Merten to Edward Fr-in.h ••••••- luu

MadiKir. it. N, 310, \u25a0 -. ll».«xllO: Abraham rtaherto ltmel I)Shlachetiki: mortgage, .«:(.; .•>*>.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 lu<>

l-Jith st. No 127 Weit, l4x8B.ll: Anthony Jwf®*" nnooruff and another, ejecuton, »° zlllah p C£}?.?V 13.000

UYMst. £ s. 132.7 ft i> ..f St NK-holas aye, 40x52 4:Mai Norton ami another to Tranh W Wool-worth \u25a0


Plot beginnias BH iift iof 151* an<l 3CO ft wof Broadway, runolag \u25a0 'M.llxw '•"\u25a0 10x n n>.. ''xc 125; City Real Eatnifi Comi-any to '• ai 1in-

Ir^i-ujian.l snothcr; ny rtgai MO.OOO •\u25a0••:••\u25a0• iw

112tli \u25a0!. \u25a0 \u25a0, .To ft w of Madlaon ay*: 112 th fJ.

Cl.« ft iv of Madison aye; Caroline R Trap

hasen ur.d another to LoUis J Janvrea •• • I(J<>Patnw proper! . Conaalyea Traphagcn .in.i another

n().n14Mh «: o'i 123 ft wof Courtlandt a\e. -'\u25a0"'\u25a0 lo '

Margaret v Irnrlen to Tin 0 F Sullivan;mortgnge. \u2666\u25a0! •''<«' ...... \u25a0 100

Same property; Timothy 1" s>jii'.\an to Bungay\u25a0 ,•..,,,;•.., mortgage. $X.r^Ki .... 100Lots .\u25a0!>.; and 'J>%. map Beton homestead; Jeffi-rson*:1.. \u25a0,\u25a0;.,.-. X Moler I'"1

7Mh .-i, No 'SV.t F.ust. 13.10x102.2; Jacob Btmonto Ede tivenmn aiid murtgiixe. S5.'XH> 100

Tlfriot Bt. lot 4\ .na;i 17" lots Slema estate.29ilOO; HI. Company to Archnnsel" l'cnc 1

B>th st. N.. :.\s West. IMxl'Hi.K;sirah M VaUn-tlno sn'l asiotlitr to rtacite Lesser; mortgage,

116.000 1001771h et, n a. t!4.<J ft c of Arthur f.vo, 29x100.5;

Edward J De#gan to Myron W t.^iJ'leliack:mortKagt, $i's i»),» ICO

tiHUi ft. n s, 1-.. ft \v of 2'l avp. Bxloo.ll Saill-'rled and nncriu-r to Uurita Wetsb.rg.-r; mort-fraf;.-. $1i.7."J1 100

ll«;:h it, No 3C.'.i V.Vst. 280x100.10; Leo J Krf3-hcret to Mark l. Abraham ian • tnother; rnort-K'lKe, NTiI.IUN) . . .. ii«i

Plcl lieglna ft s of 151st -t xUtB ft w ofUrooUway, runs s iu.lli m l''<».» n Wlli <-•

TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY.PraJsted, Goodman & Hershfk-M have sold for

Abraham Simons No. 117 Edpeiorr.b avc, a fivefTory double flathouse. on lot 25x£o feet, to a Mr.Bat-r for Investment.

Tljf- Charles F. Soyes Company has leased forAbram M. Clonney to the C. A: M. Envelope Com-pany for twenty-one years the five hoi andbate mr-nt building- Noe. MS and 127 Pearl ft. andNos. 30 and 32 Kirn sts., &Jx7s feet. The total aggre-site rental, including carrying charges, amounts toiilKiut tZS.ifJit. Kxtensive alterations \u25a0. ill imm«-Ui-Jitely bt- made to the building, and the premisesoccupied at once by the Jt-ssces.

William Stonebridge has s-oH for MargueritaKfM-nig to Jos<-phine Runde the lot. on th* westnde or Park aye.. about 'S/J feet south of ls3d St..for immediate improvement.

Duff ft iirown have «oM for the Fenimore RealtyCompany No*. ESI and IC'i Wemt ISfith Ft., two live•story double flaihouses, on plot 56x100 fc-et.

John M. Keld & Co. have Bold to FrederickVogel No. ZH Kast 31st St.. a four story and base-ment brick tenement bouse, with store, on ploty.ixSfS.9 feet. Mr. Vogv] owns No. 'ill,adjoining, onplot 22.5jc&&.<» feet. The name broken have also so!dto Frederick Vogie] No. 'iZS tlufi 31M .st.. a fourfetory ana b.isein»-nt brick tenement house, withetur.-. on plot 2>x&.i> feet. Also sold to William J.McCarthy, for Annie Flynn, the northern! cornercf Delaware and Murray sis.. In»rl<-sid'\ Flushing.

Th*j J>?wis 11. Msy Company (Charles F. NoyesOomjiany, New Ifork <"Ity, agents) has sold forAlma H. Knight a dwellinghouse- in Btralton aye..Arv*rne, l^,r.g Island, to MoriU K.inier, who willoccupy tin premises after extensive alterations2.n ve Vk-pii made.

J.ckerton &: Davis nnd Pease ,& Elliman j.av<-leased f«>r a oli»-r.t th<- northeast corner •.! CUh«t. nnd \\V*t End :ive.. SSxIM feet, for a t" rrn ofJt-arf, to tw- used uh an automobile repair shop.

M. Adler has sold for an ost.ite the six four andthree story brick asid frame buildings at the north-»"t o< Third ay* and •i:, «t., fronting 110?*et in the avi-nuc and yo feet in the street. Tl.<:iTtmlses are Nos. IS9O and i'i'jiThirdaye., uiid Nos.11l urA IV,Kan ::-th ft.Jinny r,t,o-:st'in las told the Jive story tripleOatBOBM No. Mm \Vi«t 13.H1 st.. on a lot Sxwi.nfe-t. to the Rc:ilt> Company. \ajUL £:Uerrtoan w-re ti»- brokers.llymanI. P.;.rn<tt lias h>ught. as attorney fnr 1..Pollack, No, 6) Kaist 10S»lh *>t.. a fojr story dwelling


The four story and basement dwelling house No.

5 West GSth 5!., by K. S. Wood, is to bSmade over into a stu<!i'> building with stores onthe flrst floor nd ment. The Improvement*:\rv t<i tt:e cost fIOjOOO, according to t!-.' eattmate ofGeorsa M. Mc< ••

\u25a0 the architect.

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.fouthrrn, n p .'jKift w <,f Ft John's

iivc, .Vtxl!.*.; William S7alawrl«fcl t.. Hurt.-t.ardlianU u:.d aliAlui, (ncrt£*£C ».">:i,<K)O $100

old five story buildings, on a plot 46.1x100.7 feet, had

beon sold for IUOO.OOO, or at the rate of B»a square

foot. The Title Insurance Company was said to beth" buvt-r. Frederick B. Scheuck, »Went of thebank, said lasi night that the bank had not evenreceived an offer lor its parcel.

NEW OWNER FOR VESEY ST. STRUCTUREHorace B. Ely & Co. sold for the Louisa L Kane

estate to a client Xos. 35 and 17 Vesey St. and No.64 Church St.. two five story buildings, fronting 42.9feet in V.-s.y st. and 24.1<> feet in Church st., withdepths 58.9 feet and 026 feet, resuectively. The plot

forms in "I-."'about the southwest corner ol \ '\u25a0'>\u25a0

and Church sxs. Th'^ property ha« not changedhands before sl:.ce lkiei.


Plar.« have been nied for iking over into alaundry th« thn \u25a0• \u25a0-•\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 buildingNo. 21S East 120 th

*t.. occupied as a branch of the New York PublicLibrary until the openiiff of i)..- new Carnegi^hrinch at No* ~< and 236. Trie building is ownedhv Rachel Lanxler. and '\u25a0\u25a0• alteration! are to he

ri-id" at a nominal coat for B. M. UowenateJn aslessee. John H. Friend la ii,. architect.



Plans have been filed irltß Buildings Superintend-


'Murphy for the partial remodelling of the

dwellU, house of H. H. Roger*. No. 3 East Tfcth st.

v,..., i,,y s/lndo* :iro to be built, an elevator andiron stair- ase Installed, the main «taircaae remod-elled and the Interior redecorated.* The Improvermints are to cost $6,009. Charles Prigham. ol Bos-ton, is tii<- hitect.



Auction Sales of Real Estate. Auction Sales of Heal Estate. Country Property to Sell or to Let. Country Property >n Sell or to Let.