new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1866-07-21....mbw.vo_b..» europe. «s»-. detailed accounts of the...

s V.> XXVI.N#* 7,889. NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, JH-Y M, IM6. PRICE FOI R CENTS« . ¦ ¦ i ... ¦ , ., ThTiTEPBIA. '' Vhnat luff »ltd unr*iiin«M of tn.ul kites»« itudy dr.iAii.« ke 41- Mtt.p«". mlv ti ipili'leal 'iqiÇafs, todlb« nae tf iaabtre« rt-as., tad eil er r.reell ., l-l th- »aiari which omsly oeeaiioo tytptpt-* »mi UB priiv .pilly met with ia lha>« who devote «Bulb liuie U> tioiy .i who Isad e.tiier s «e_rntsry B.BBS.»I.B The ti«staM-l tf Ur Sterile i tv« «Ker. pud by toEi-f, whit. upp-'J» dificlsney cf I.* c»Bs»t.i, ... ». T.» ir«.to»« the tent 11 lb« ttemsch, sud eiathle ii te Ihftrw ofl ... U ti. nut» frcilii.: iû«,tcfI«__un|kVBddaVEll«rt-e»»yiip- lau* ycj Can pltce thr utuioit rr_sr.t-f .o HCOFLAWD'S OEKMAN BITTER."» It ii » pi-ptr-ilon rcn-tvtif lieu, oat of the moat «e'e SrsWd pr» rBMnSN M niojeru kiu.r*», sod IM cf tl»s greottit writer» aVrrruin, «Ter prod iced. Ttd« artic!«- ocw prepara i cirt'.ÜJ sod adlfallv »ad (be ruo,-, rsrpe.-teclf ila-rf-r cf MXiety frfily U-ltaiy te iUiupriiat.rc ni -it».Meuab,n-I CoûfTti», Julieta, t*r«yfl-tl. «latí aasrsssui». Io appeud_|c«i»ji9«tt»*-. 1 wend hive li diitln i)y _ia,*r> st*»- (hal '¡.ey we We defy »uy on« to ontrsdi I Ita« fcr«trii'.. sod WILL PAY tl,-©« t«snyeii wto «S>0 ptelon B OBMhtaM BBhlMhOl bj * » ..¦»! tr »el ¦jnaBH BBM-Ml-1 II»! .|.k» i- r ! .- . BMdiC..! prrpuslici. kouliUa.i« i-B Bl B OR Wlil-KY, AM» ( INNOT MVKE DBOHB-BBB S..I li.I tf. at»-»« «t'eopthl'LlIlp tOlie. B IB« Wol l.k. [ uf» 'y »ay. kaatilt ead*. iui> i *i ha «al ihHtan vMh patata «atetf. reai» wini Rtaoani bmb Attjtñ _r_iBMBin RBBMs Ii.» lm> «) Rack. l'»«tii c1 lb* Pi|t.»l CL.i V I ¡». latin B 1 fa. *riy ff fh« N'rib P»n»«( Church PL.) .da phis »t a.«»-iil P.-'mi t.! : .e BflseM lh..|..h, 4 besu la. a . * * . . I hive - "i (fermas Bill»»» favorably f< r t >.«.« y cwo («tuily, (adasnkSflMM i'. ». «lit , a Ila li, ia) k.ii.v ii . ., ,<:, ) ksav tint Hey ksnopsntad iii h«i«l ..'« I ¦. r " -e .. .. « Ir I ti. tf ti.» Met,* .1 a tboie afil.ited w,tb the ¦¦.,.».» ki pi !.. », > I.,.e' w !. ..-I«....:. I «io tide tiatir ^hoerla.T 11 dj.J » H.lter» luteo.led It >a .'I a ..(Ti fe I, and.»' I bl.VI (I BBI ti. dftoniV-F.i ÏI Dil . ¦' lv. I'»i* -Iii.» '. I*k|.-da!....... taaaaisaaa boi.f. rta« t . t-Ot B< ¦«.! h) a prcslfation c1 l!.r Syatt.i. oi.e- »ere MSOV.Bfllfld ! y fiuia'l« «al Mal îef them-e--r 1 t v. uleiil reVf. Yent Hoofu.D.1 . t.errr..n h.t.r- V«re recsDiuirudel by i<er.0Di who U»J UatJ them, ti. . >- B1 «hie BMal 1 t e Ititt.r« ind. r«J tor M try Ih. in 1 ¦ at ISBtaalhB I bid ia i en. ii to Pitr»I Mt lu mt ilrom Ihr ti« anal Sod. . I et, «BOB cr »«Ui Kail.. : ew.ri. ia- | .|.n t»e toB.a.ui uy io .-!y Ila '.! ferr ii to in .1.» ni SB. . «ral llpm Malsín toa youri «r»t rrtty t no n. haB Battehi py lütte It« . Hoi., li« tal) ..pen ti,« «looa- !.. i a lipou Hit re rv I.- «v-t-lii, wa pirn[I BSd I!.!-. .' 1 I**' thal I btre derive.) -ret.» .nd permantrl ben« fit BOB th» Bl » » B tante« v.-j. respeoMriak. j ,-. w. BiBBIOraiBB Ne -MBhotla ¦ta.ttaeBa B.MmIn l_tm«l ..ltan^¦tapln-*-.» H__l rIOla¦tl»e ii..- » 1'ipe 'al'. ¦* . , .,, 'élit I!. Isfcd» (mi. Li- r- «»» .i J t ,«.'!.: »IrV I it».i- tl,r:u to te . focd -»._rdy !. r Id Bato»l riif-ll-a,! loi... lot UM .touatth. I' MLI'.R. »Vroiu t!,r Rrv. Wilti»m ?mith frr . «riy I'sitcr of _M I u - (tea Min. n. in. J.) B.pti.t (hirth«», rhi.^rlpfci«. Ifsviu»- iifeJ I-, ii.v fa lilly . Douter if Poule» of your Hoott«.«!'« BBBflB I «ve to »ty I rrrud thrui »l el- .-»i «..divine ripei'L.°'.r tdipted to raiücve the di-eue tbry «retenu. .a« als.! f r fi.ey urei.zthen md iiiViccrite ile .jalen, whn. .:» kita-d. ti.d irr nu fu'. in diiordrri of th« l.rer. lou of spfetile 1 Imv« alto re eiiti-eiid-d tbriri to .»Tarsi of my f-iendi, who have |ii*ai Ibem li.J foaud them fr-fct y billilli in (he BBBBtaS ti hattah. Your., tr . WILLIAM SMITH ¦te ISA, II,.«, I. I... . .' Fien. nVUa I'- Ititcr c1 Roiboiu.i.h B»| MtaCtaBck Dass Sia I f-«! il due lo yout «BtaBtta prepir»tlon, Ho-B»i.d « ¦termas Hu eri. to Bdd my tritir-ocy to tbadeirrvtd rrputtlion e belli», a. I barr !or year» ti tiBiei, been troubled with (irit di»crdn la say brad aiad uarroa» >y»tem. 1 Wu sdviM-d by s I nonJ to uy a Beitl« of your taeru.iu Bitter». 1 did »o, »ad bar» «ipa»n«t_rd |i*»i as« onttpe ted relief. Day hemb ha» bren very materially b»ii»fu».' p cssfide: ty re-on..i,eiid th« »¡ti .e where I meat with rite« iiraiiir «saiy «wa »ad l»»en ktiurtd by mtoy cf th«!r «ftod tie 'a, R. ip«< 'fully youri, T. WINTKR, Roiborou|h, Pa Vroa. Jubi. B VV'icki-nhain, eta)., Irai ef Wkkenhim It aai». U>t i-rlet.rited Miuuft taren of Fwiry lion Worn, No IM» (Uaalit. 1 sal Iks r«_lpisn' trow you of ob« of lb« |r**teit f»voi« th»* BB be poaterrtd npoo utn ne, tint of bes'ih. for loti.y yssri hive I . r«esd froin «a« of ti.« mott tunoyin« sud flVbilitstti.g i. ornpliii,'« H n "sha koaisB Isa tly cm tíBicted with.chronic dnrrl.ti Durinfthe loo.'..mel ». li lufferui», from thil diwiie, I VB I'-iinl adhj r-fulsr phynciini flviuf me b it'.«mporsry re'let 'I - > ». BflSBBd te kau-titi until I wn luduc I to try Hooflind i (¡eriun. Buten Alter Ma mo a 11 lew botte, of that vii ist. s undi» ita«, ti r tap ana srpesra-d ko br< coop eveiy eradicated, I often l.iwsr.l.r think you for luck a v«Ju«bU ip«cin<. ind wheo .«.f I h»»« an opportunity, cheerfully recooimeud it, »It!» tal ci ti Ari.e* »e in felitVUity. Truly youri, JOIl.*» P. VV!( KXBB-AM. Nsw lean. Foi. 11864. ¦tanda .iMaaio e-'i No. Uti Krotdwty Mirth«*». MM Data --lia 1 tare «re*, p.tniure in U.Hlylug to lb« s.iiio.J.iii» rt_*dial «jiaaUtie. of the tioofiaada Oeiaiaia Butru procured ii you, Mtsbliih.rut A ni»uibsr «f my i«_. r hu been lor muy year« . peile. > i. . i to Uvipep.i« Pilpitition of the Heart, nud other di.trsa»in| oR»piisf» oiatotp'd lirar. '.t.-i. prr.ildrd to try the ibovr le'ebri'el rrinelv arkicbla»f«w weeli re.i.'l»! in u.ikitu l.«r do »e «r SVB VI J») "a new womiafl Ye» «rr »! 1. .-it.. lo li-ik» sr-y uieof tim yo. »eebt or to r. er « . usrwlerer. lo Voir, tr A. MoMABlM II. T. lista»ou?, e-Kj., Vo. UM Biv«dw«). Ne« tori. 4 KBTIIK ATES llM.UKAT NI MBF-BS (»PKN 1DJU fKMt PB1CK, UHO-B b'iTfLK. «I, (»R A HALl- ÜU£_N lu - tau-ld your nav»r«».t «iu«|i.t mot |_», u,, .tu.>. io uo, k>, pal «I «ij» a y «' tl-e taBBBtatal prep»r«tioni that mag oe oBered u. r. p»»<^ '"it .»uJ »" »,- i.d we «.II Aim «rd, Maotely p, k»d. by -f p"t* PBIMIPAIa Or. ICE AND MANL1* ACTDRY, ^o. 6J1 ABCU-ST, PlIILAilLLPIiaA IA. it'.Ntl h EVAN». t-teaaaani urne M tadtanhOa,! rrcprleior». I««» ti* UruttUts »'d Datai»r. is »r.iy lorne i-i Ih« la '»d pMn I1 IIELWBOLDsi I -M (I1EM1CA- VVAJLtuij-, st 591 BROAPWAY wuoL-.-Aa.-': and ri:ta:_ It: N MBW.VO_B. EUROPE. «s»-. Detailed Accounts of the Great Bat¬ tles in Bohemia. THE .BUSHING DEFEAT OF AUSTRIA. TETE rXSZiZXfO 13. VIENNA. Ikirmih of the AgrMntfiit B?.we«?n Austria and Franc«?, T1IK INTENTIONS OF LOUIS «NAP-iLKON. A Vi w Prix .»mntion of iio-uih CorreapcDdcDoo Between _Lo«* stitt» and Bicasoli. W li BPBtlAl IORRFM'IIMiKNCF. ii« «i...I- ,1 It.» Alni» -rriv.-l tMtlSafiOtBigfcfi, We »." ( l » « totas» >tr..rte SB Kio ..*.» ..t » v. BtB «n I a -, - l(l>D()*C. a ». ' i vm. »vi n i Mus- THIX1 ¡m: roaiiaaaf ai-imi »i F\IV14 AMI I 1.1 Si AN VIC-O). ana trvaa a.*stiha.rai opaim «...Hrti»»», of V UNI« HA la» TIIK LI..Í.H PO.» H'i TO ITAL. THKCTiiii vsini.i-uN in..PHi'sii«. rti'i:ci*H mr. I lOfOnS »H»!ISTI'"K. MAI.» FAITH It L W I1KH -inn i'ii'i: ni' Tim in'»-IAN- lamana nu ».. . AU AIii«(T IT.lli»»V TIIK I. LI.M.'Hi. N.» 'i«t'«.ll, A»tl WOW TBI »t TRICKS »\i_k tlAl m n-'ti i»"i in«.'-.tuf r\»m..' ", aiaraTa. abo m raoarana¦ TU MAB! Vi,-, ia PAtOI O' iiiiniii IT THAVlM.A'i s,tn «KI. Hil» ¡IIK lia !. il < «F J I.Y WA- hi.Pi IS ÎIVFKIOIIL AND 1.4'N |.«'N. ITI »IS. | ia »' I s,., ... |. , I I, N .1 ,!v I I«"' A «.' 1 '. .. «a! «<-..., «a.'!, '.-,g- n.ut r ¡«ii ".!.«' la« ¦ti'ii.'i il i liirlyle i«« t til» k r nun, ci .ni i I' thal -¡ni ii m m!, n -t'(l a M ¡li« r (i .. Bl tliali i:i Inn «ii-i;; il »ni p u!. «h tr ITS fill Stat-SI kt m i-, i:, h ! y na b, ia rery day I «« :. \ BrSffc, Hld» 1(1,"! pi« LI..lill lllnl 11 ll.lllk.ll'l»' llll|.«'lt SU« Il p«,!...; i bren paral ti .. i. « werk «al which the lest astea «' .. bai rape ledi s .:.««'. What n r«-.-.i,| At ti.»- «ittt.- < I II,« 1 v « -' "t (! Ki Isiiy if be baps» i.« il '.'. the 'm. !.,".. r ,,:!. un«, i,» »p bay, " l.i'li'ii' g i', A iM 1,1 rae*gii g 11 ber drill, l '.. -- .: .! ii". '..I ,:_i ai.i ,:. :i a! « "'i thrush both II y sod I' sad !.. t « ! !.. "'. ¡ -' li .- .' -.. Biaise .n I) ... l ..»nil t).. '.-g- .i i;.-- ml . ¡ut "i ..;,. .¡i« the (I »I::: '."j ol 'Ip- « loeeal«,« ri- « mi ro baa li -a lilli*« :.' by "n » 1.1".« :. vitbsBl l.iiia!-,' lût b] '!"' I' sei ila ¡.' i:i, »i h. u. t il a sos i eren baal1 » îiioiitb. Ki b1 i ito b1 r «I-. 01 ni i* otet lu DryaedaM and 11815 t:.. «. » «i! dot u- oieiita vhkh parceled oui oaUoBi ¦« «! o«. Ibe will of Un* in» Bad d.u-1 nts of Kurili« .til« M ta ri-i- »i- oltatioa ... lî- sailing m Vienna, plu. lil llul.T, Hllll N.l|»«l»'¦.'. the I lilltl » il li._-;. r «.i tin- litnatioo, harins the ¦!« tt'ained a blähet povrr Ikon ever wus wicliliil lu* bil i/K-nt mi' I«-- alni ail !«« bldÍS| !.!- ami satttai Mi«- sien h n'« the latí liable. Allov bm the |.riefe' -nnun.-ir« »r », ««. aeefal lo thoea >ras ««ntit to nod i n j. (H.v sa. . take la" 'lu' porittoo: Oa ibe -M of Jua» the Prussian« began hoetilitiea ia Riletta. On the .''ii li.n..i K-.-.iiii-k (L.iris entered H.rmia îistn gittao,soddeeeeaded upon 'iuii!..n .<_.i IlOncb» Al«.ut the Mime t, iii»» Ibu (f«.vfli PliOse entêtai tK'lii Glati sa JoeeSSStsdt, Hera they »a n- n t the AsBtriasa, fur «li.m I ti«' il.r.lcsl t...-. »iMinied BBC e««. Kurili« I hil« BO, BSWVTC i. ploled ttiBt lii-uclik bad »«r!. m1 b il.-t.iit the diapstesea r-miiu«.' Lae lie SOT-l .,'. .I..!. » BMSBt-gl It (»ti the -Mil. SBUl Hld .*tv tin- Ai.a-'r si ¦ vera bestes ¡it M m hod, al Mia» kea- grau, st '1 bb_ betveea tLe '.'»ith o. int and ;hc .'«1 .«I Juli tlieir lo-»«- in Bin! wounded vett e-tim» iel al as Is« tkaa lYoaa StyMO lo 10,111 atea lessee! .he rciriui'i.l- «.re »11 but anuiliilated hy the terrililo ii(-»m1I»-_iiii». Mm lin»«um» Maa .toot' eli «taotasa.aate, »hileibe nulli, ly Asstrisst sad asJy »seatslosdeis. About Ike first «it tin |ire«(int inoi.tb, Beaodek t««<>k Bp u soaitloabetwseaKoalgagiftta Bad Joseph-tad! <>u th.« ¡ m, Uva Prsaaieai i*oia«asade4 bjr tka Klag laperaeai, al« tBtkesl Ibe An«tiiHii«. who v nie iBOBBtlBlSd OS tSS righi j bank (.1 ti.». K11,e. At iirst, u. ou forui« t «>c< bmoii«, the Austrian. aafiBMISi It» have Hie baal of the rtTSfigiS; Im! after Hi a. tu., Ihsybfiffifi to .ne «sy 'Ibe battle rages,foi t-i«_riit.som» seeeoata eat t»ci«e bour».and ».U'ied m Hie utt»r rmit ni the Aimtnaii armv. 'ilie lefifil s .'U but li Hill*« wen-fupbtliil. Fourteeii t-otissi.d un wounded Au.tnstipinviiier» wen« taken into tbo Frwsisa headquarter» »t HwtiU. Ben«»«lek attribute» bia lefts! to the »nrtoi's bBTintr sin (»a (led m BtBlalBllIB BBOtlttOB »bu b euiibleil linn to [.our a y lire mtn the Austrian tank hud rtar.a uisneiircí eSmfid Bato cover of ILo »lunke, wbidi vas HSreatad tram nsiiiic by the rain, then foiling ataas-ta. Ptaastissa se eisiyhosy eBewsd tiie «¡« fmt le lie.foi1»»« nil,', too, upon n «erie« ,,f »unilsr (»laiin- j ties- nobody i ai y.-i prepfiiH tor what iaUowei, On the | 'iib, the Kielli li ItaBSnSl orj/HD, the Mun,ten, BUtiotill« «-«I that tiie]«.-tiii ni Asetriavaa wiiiiug loeeeàe Teoetia t.. Kmiice. ami to a . pi the iindüitiiiii ot Napoleon 111. for the utHk mi. ot jr.'.n c setatea iba bsOigsrean. An nii- ineii.h'i- on,in illicit i'.ii waa t oi'tliii.'ly inn.If to the Kiiy- of Ptseeia aui Italy for tile purposi ol piOSSliag an Biuiisti. e. Raglsadami Ituaata,aoeeealag Uattie .'!>'«-<«., B4 mi.' i ailed apta t«> purtli ipHtr in the laei rsssry »rraii».'«- ineii's. And tin. li.oriiii j.'« taetgisata tafarai ihat Pruaais reoorf« the ptoposed trsee, snd thal "ao eeadl l. «li» »:11 be saCOptM whii li do Dot »alisfr In r ilniai», i sud ike i (-rillte« »i« beeBftdotosoetala tl¡«.¡ii. WbUe j Itady lésante tka »».. oiid-liamle- fieesytstiss "I W-netia Ibfioagk Na|'"l«"ii III., ib-i lar«-« s!,e H-.i-ij t hal! mu« li ' hurl ne folks «a« ka lift ISSSOl rsrsm, SOSld r.lLier ti<ht Hiau not, anil hu» way (iftt'iuntiei to bold Wthfkl lo Prat- lia. And»h«ii« b'.«r the [»»wera at'iiid at pSfiOMl Auetrtaie«tillentitled t«« th.- asas. Palsae, tkatafori, lbs Kini'l, Kmperoi tbrovsbli iuii>eriai baton mtotb»- list«, ««. the ie)'eiitati;s ofnld did at tourtianxiit« t « -t«.j, hostilities, tin* tide ol I'iiik'IhD lictory Hilly rt'.ll i«. 1 I.I.- vant, SB- iwseo) sp to lae valto of Vi.¡u.a. Beaedekit puverieee to retrieve Ins li.«««'«. Slid the bravest »'«Idler« ¡:: the «(.ral i-HJi do imiliine; with tka BtfiVflMlkieOSd iiitiüzlc« lotiilei B«r:iin»i the i.'-i'!!" goa. \v .i.e. ibi «.y ¡ipi«!¡ty ut ike AaetriaaQeasral he« not been Imaieniel' orereaH_*ted lekereelVsi lebt (ii»io»iT(s:. t«..! be«, -'.in« lo ii«>ii!.i that Ibe overaboloi« n'ai. i.ei.n ¦».: ««i ki. defosta ataialj uttributalile to the i) ,.--ti-.ii. Ai ordiagly, a* before ibtliosted ». u !.'.,«. ni it tseni ii [li-btaen «lui d4 p'nte.1 rosssls arter the ti-'hi between Ike Memuisc hud Monitor tit! II.«'i.]»t«>ii BOBS«, Virtual.«. Our «ml wsr Lu« len Ani'-m ant ':"t tu'.« t.. Issra sboo! kreeoh«*osdlag SBull .¡na«. t.. t lean ol Ike aewapeper cliiqu.- '. -.-r«.. ¡t inggeeted that oar vaapeai .i » ,]4i,..t ti, tat Pnufiisa ; i«d nail '.¦¦ »tit u Hat i«. tba iiiii/./le-lou-er».til»* Ceabiaat patent just imported bsrt ead Ike Bpeaoei teren-ibiotsi i- ia. IIj mentioned. But, aa a matter ol cariosity, you will like'le kaOS VkSl thi» BBBtt-B iCUn Is, ««'.li li !..<- tii-i'l" »tich exeecdlaglj sa» rt ¡«.I »harp vort ««i ti.«- |km,i merl- ni iel Prancii Joespb la the bel.i» of Bohemia um!*« i .. -«ta Baapta la the atedio i "f «jj artist ir.«iid. here u tay rwer! li u .. hfill I tba »./. nui tartainly not n third of tka ueisli! I i-11 iii- li ia- 1 tilt or u«> »ti»»!, a small .¦t..! i««re and altogether, looks aometbiag like .»u «ii- gua. It» rieouliit.t m a-«« it« l»ree»'_-l»»ii«luiK iipparslu« aeesle« Iii»-1 I'tri'ln" s am priuied in the atskifig i and trf t'gUtiy to ibe ebsiaber ead ti«c* iieejis explode. j sitbosta peri i.»-¡'an CfiB. As ii BtSSCh4SSSSr ii Issdl j rapidly as a nssdls anali BlMBaa laiildly, end a* a ' shset mg'irêef pi.¡c sad »luipi.*, it i¡»»ht euoaii!. to be kaadlad like a toy bl theholdier. Tbtir» tietsr wa» n »harper r* t.i. :.. -I..,* »'ipniity iLioUfitiout Kurt»;.) t_aa the lH(Un« asea Baa ol »hi» w.««pon, which has been fur toora kaavo totbetsmitoatsaly lo ks isejertoèéptiaol 11*/ jeetoetassl ' 1.7 air«' in Be^fiad, PiaacajV-ui II. A'«tim '.....»L-p'rtahad it, 1 bon»-'» ti»«« iin»;ht I lean Daspst,ia 0m B< itatrens-HS« stein »« bob Ibe) axptatetheirobtaee_teaatatbeloeaof ... -in .i- .f i',ci 1 amy The »-a mt .A the larentloo lie li,. ., -i. ey in Other inaUer», n relum lo ".' I'f. iciples isnii.r¡ia(r «f til rotepbeatioa, vbieSeostaasaly grin Out of gea -1 « «¦ «I , |, .... ,,1 ¡,v Biresalo ndsrbesdi all Iks «¡«rld orer. ita.«t*!_aa.aa ti. Baron Muli« 1.ii. l who abosi M ii-at.' km k »I ._ )'J..'i-_i »I Ii-» r.'l'aiv.r-, «ae DOOtUt l^»'1« gun rhouW J>- a gun, «ml notUnp el.«-, ad«) did not esk ja i-, »i«, ur.yttajig but «-lia«»!, .itk«i «ur.ajt ,,,/. Basahqetne .'big-wijrjti_yjul«-'l it lo »erve a club or a pike,CBTying lleitl a nUP II« » nt it t'.r III« tile' «,| u bayonet f..r ti.«sonÇtgnoring theobvien Mel wImi it gamed la one ice*-«! it L-l m Hi*' other. It never «»of itrre.l to theni that, If the n<*edle-gim «err. m t,,,,, li)'! » id »o mp d u '" ki'l oil' anal of the eenj B 'he begi-nina f ;i ia,,til«-, then vv'ii!'! !>c neserenity foi " bayonet at»«J inn ursekica» ihndthia vee lost vaal oeoarred la the l«t») Bohewlea bentea. <_eesnng '" Baasdak'i ord.-i», Ihe Aus'nuiis Uri .I .'ixl «bnrped, but, wh' n they p"t within III vsnle «1 th.* l"rii»*isnfl, they BBOVBtena ni»h ii ghu-rly nturu volley as to slreiih Iheii» M vi» rows upriii the ground, libe »heut afer the ¦ of the naptai mechine. The I riii'ian-:, «'«inti- ili ii! 'I'thi ir w ra poa, stood li t'ir> I ralik«, th" tir't knee!. iii", taking sun, und tin ir ti ve or six «h-.t« a minute . aone ny eight.until nothing hunaa fotiij et., ml te tot » it. 'Ihe poor Auttrient, sta| idly br.ive, a», vkea IBiprtoed by 11.«i rifle«! i aaaOB ni Soil« rino, bud lo sucet.u,h, tiptitii p i.'-'l dj irp mth ii heroism worthy «.f a r esnee than tteu ur.l'ir-ky Ksisrr .. who luis, howen-r, one's lynip»-« thin ia (hia peri <-f Ihe faarnl, .ipRinst tully Bismark Md PrBBB.k Vitintly, to di«niiss tin» BOedle-fBa for ihe iiuiebetagtBriliah officially is cr-iath nosed ti iii«««1 awtai aneenla i it, and io* ordert d -O'oOO <.f th«* fonnnla- kla hrtnh leaden tit the Bas-teh erny, The* an nee «ia ii\ir.-ii "shortly," and will pnhahtyha tartheoniB| m kitten It ahaB be fljnoiortd that ve kan nanthlaa better I ,»n ,,«« ir" you thnt Ihe p-.cnt (»ilk "I the li',. !.!>!! [.« i'l«i la .x !¦:...'ti. obten about our na- ' .»!i, a i, un.I »U 11>- belonging«.new *-.» than Btael Am. ri« oin« wi.-ilil ttiii.l» pnail le To K'ipli«li ii,»' I.« - proper, iiiiil ln»t lo I,ti.«. Pat the ten i d..v» the " i uti j bse tiri tally |aea .1 (¡"Vii u in.-;,t, m «I got on »« veil At »itii film, like Ihfl t"t lain in.m vhb ii tt.< ii. ,, ti «wpent, La VaiWaat-neafee sat the batane, vhea M seal ea nttag flahbegfl le ne vi",.".. apparently eipertaeciag i'i.y SaesaseBnen I i. nu ml. r that Mi. I'-it"!*, Hi" I." t'rap'i- r, bald I < or.on« theory -.i.i.i a n."<i'i nswflpapn oaght te llspesn tk ».«lila.r...i», si.«I, « n u »mular principle, nona I ilogieal t.,!:.. i ib »¡'i. .la! .1 KanrnakaUy, vbetbrrot t.i t I rtitil' III W.". ,, .a Mill of li.iliOii«! ¦» I«t- lue. A-i it .|ii.ry ol' it, s i.ali,te IsVstVBB so BB h "il* ola i .-' «k. pu. i- ni ¦- Monhodoi divines Inn enrythieg thai i.«*- their .¡f.,'1-...«bj eenana mae thta people ought tu ii ¦i h Un ma»the knavtedge thai anintetry ol «ian tori Li- at ten bren temed. Ibougb Uko the bbbm «I tbidry.itte krerylktl.* Bren ia «i.t tunis ,, lu. 1 v...-1 i»t ..»li »lit!. .».'in!. la.rl l-rl.y |,r I--.» to nie l.i ).!..:.i «..nil i»- prose '.i -II- gsterty veakj ki IBM I la htth beth Ibaa » l-nr- :. -, yu,« m 'Ibu I,, ,..« Vii .li m i.» woat risa eoui]. -.-. 'U.u .lv<» y «"in . -t «>., with l!. Vi ; "" » ¦'' ¦! lil ¡' ' ti»', ii for th« " ely «the I ¦¦. Mrdi M if»«lr,.p ' h, cn to. lil .¦!. Au .c Mini t-1 « I, ,1 i. i) i i it.« i ¡or« m- ii,' nt :'...- ', ,| st -. 'I 1.1 .1. hal Ibaa_i I'- .'. . 1 li. rlij I».a...! M .ii, tn « m ... .- .i« t ;...»; brea fal Hi« a, vv ti,.- hil« '. ia in« ii j we i,n to horn ni « io .'.g1 " tri ii in- Sa r.ill.' 1 ! '.*/¦. T ten II l.,u,eDg tO I'OlagJ .1.111 ii, I.I ,1 I .C1Sith ¦" ..'- 'h' I" » .'I"-' ti, onto! -i I i.. .:..; v. :.. i lia iniiilotioB Ihe "I I ona, It I«, is tari l :. M n.eiry vlnMi KoglkT.d I.« I know -, tw i. .1 ii .. ii v '¦H-:«!. It es1 i-. ni'.«... «1 vHh ...¦»'. I'.."i ..-..I «red « : ' ,i -i it ¦ f ;t» «' nu" bli le1'- -. I by tw« ... ..i:.. ». ,..|,l UJ-.I. tin io: ..' . MHB "t rty 1 « i-: ,.. .nu -..¦.. t:. i., " Dation Itl *.¦ ... !. .¦ri, i 1 do no1 Iri(' Mr. I lathe ae Haiti i :¦¦ i* um r i..- la », Bl !'.. e a i, t: .- ..-¦ wi... w v. III ro in« I .»i»* li t.. . | I all «if -|f« I lilli...ititi al.- ... v .m . :,i..r. .«I i..... of lae I .. To próvida I "a .- t.| -i .. «i be .i .. -, v, ii i w 1.<. ii ti.« - . .i "«taii-a. ii . led Kef li Bat it ' \.-i. : ii i etc. Men . : the pa . I lu te .v. laing. vv a' 'I, Is]H i u i. ¦:¦! vi., . lilt" rli '. ! l.«< ke.| di.« I. Iii .1 Ililli! p- eianilllt". 'I beta- «1 .1» ifl-IISa* r. W.| na "lie N, . \ '. ug down U> Charity Croa aelajdlla mu pofll ii.1« ii|.i- d. I I.a- u rd al !V ..11.. , at ...IS«I It 'ti,er», »if lind lil li,,- I,. |. IilOOO to 13,001 I'en.u',- aboBl IN |" r rsal might i«- nil. is aad di iii to ny then m not a tligtl ipriakliag m blackgtardi voaM ka t" i ovd vu otterlj tiaùjne.unlike ..i,y .,t!et thal isa bled io Loadoa or elnvhen. li.« balk of ih.- mrogt ii.t.'. I.'.w. v. r, tel., dit. dlj oaetetod f i ¦.. I vciy i.,r.-e |i..;..i'."U ,( tl.i-ni bad lak'i. IBB Iroullie IO ''li'"» li.'li., lot Ile »a,.,-lui,. ,n |!r»ir Koaday da*hea, u II lo ahavthe vv. m Kal lana Ir..ii!tie La«1 wer«' Bol Ihfl « itlialis uiu! nragoi d' b. i I c I li» tas««''»! 7'a'.f Vf ...r. sad Ciili'o. l..r his " drtiiiki-t- Den', ni.'l, tlnr*- »in -1 f, J. 1V in»! lilli»» of It k.Lil. l). t.i. Lu., ii'« ii.iin Um nberw nna aurel nip m, I.«-..«led by theil «»»ii baadi «hill««l woikiui.. ni"»t ni 11.« in -«'i,mt.' «is troin Mladlej'l Uki .'(.-*( pi. ut in. .iii.l ..!¦ rlOfl, lie :. !" IIB know n te I»' far more teail« «s snd uni« peiuli al la theil »eiitiiii.'iii» i..r uions in- lelltp. ntl» kstfllBfllod la de i».Iiiic« ot ib»-dar thnn msnv und ii,ic » .,! the iii-»a « w h»< eeaeert thenaelrn eben then. Puni ol the »iBiiiliers ns.-d r.ith. r «troup snd lill r ,-e but ten sa-» than that of thu lion. It. ti Lowe. do ngalda the hekstin "f the eatin Beanbtegi -, k1 <"» tr.ietid ». rv brorably siththst of th« Tori oppotilten «iiimi/ Um ttm «nt nanoa. M »n aftetediaa« r aahatei ih«-re were tower !io«l», !*wer firin-y ard iii.iliilioi,«, ami a pnt deni lum «obriolv. tfatat. tluniphtfi.l, ileleriiiined eir- aeelaan wee the dtanaderteUe n the neettacn very plainly neogaisahle that only thoa« enid tail to dieerrn it who «i re » ililli,ly !»li:..| to its BBtBleBBB That the r.'W'l ii.i'lit .-j»ily li.ive lu en lid into miscliifi is true, kal only by ouo thing.the willful and iiiiu.-. c».r> inter ferciiie "f the foina Waon gotag to orgaain aeaahn mass ii.cetinp-au aawnoua one, to laclado doputatlosa from the |.r«v iiici-s-t" le held.lf | neUoohb IB II..*!.- i'ark. On July I tie- ¿th, (/ueen Vu t"n« s third iBghloi Pim« cess llul.'nt, wa» itisrri.'l a! Witulsor !>> I'ni.ce ( !.a»tiiii. who >lin. Id be .ulled 'link from kia lally BBBlBfl IBBaeil ina. It is the brit tun«* thal liieiiinv Im» bean wnike«l st by the ¡.i«-i»ei.t Royal K.iinii. of England As I h»ve writ- ten kenna BO is " tni.ip.tiialic.illy mnii'-l alniiilv, and has a liitliili. Ihe ebb st I Mill, within live uni« ,,f tile Bpe "I iii« pnaaat wile. Moreover he lilepitnnate, lu» h,..ti,ii Lnvinp keen "noeanatleaBi manted t.. lus lather. Tbc match am i-ntirclv «>i las Qarsa'a aahhig, snd fiirimi-ly unpopular here. Clm-Uuri is n-p.irded us an al leal em. the Qseen proaaaB ti n».«!, u.e vhala bo- um-« "bj..,i. lie «iii probably beHnMajoaty'i pet ROI. ila-iaW. Wt kept L'nelo Nan»'» lath birthday rutliei .|iue'.]y lu tiii« («peal tins year. Liverpool eeUpi t.. aa, ii ¦.«» um» kotiere Un aspen lhere, nut anlythi doierMaa ship» ii. port difpuyed iii«- Naii"nul kaattag, k»m si.'« ike Mahn* enbelongiagto Hie Caaard, the laataa,the Ail_i, ami ib.- Betioael Binn Karinriea Ceneeatee, ins.le n gallant ahov ea the vatenol the city, every brick of whirl,, m «.i.lim: le drnakee (¡."ri:. Pnderlek Cooke. " nneaied M lae bl..'id of .1 iK>-r... Al»» th> ollie.. of Mr. Dauer, lha ànork-ae Coeaul, va« ooupii una foi I ii» array "t Delea .lana.« aad Mar» «ad >trii«s, shite «ii the laaniag Atuoi ii aa t," um kal Ihi Colnnbiaa emblems fl..u!in;r from tfcslrlagiieff«. Ib Ikssrssiag, Me,alerge iiiiii'N-r of «¡iin-ririiii« rlelmted lha nnniversiirv by a bon qoet at the Wnbiagtor Hotel. /f.",l kara aa deabl linn vhat Yaakeecnft Ikenmightki ÍBthedlag] Noie. tin- Ilia:!,.-« dab eipoeed t!.- uodtomefl flag Ihfl - si i».-- ,,i. to Isa p s i .«my-, chilly, flaw j day, aad Jierhsp Mi. Bom cul.v. ned lin* bniy ».< ii.«,ori o! |)un- aim ( "i m w uti the nae« haaser- bal ¦ i bad aa liana M st .i.:iic»» li..!!, i .. glorittcstion, Bad, happily, m tuatOun. it.' Mi-- .V'liiie« iened «arj» to 1 un At Bone ,.f upwitr.l ta Bl ganta, Amencui.« nie! Ki.L'lis!..a rompantiral} prints fostitity, exced« rnjored by thon vbo bed the fi-A fortinmi lo be .'. ÁuioiiL' the T.iitutar were youl orreepondeai aid lu» w t.- mill ka ««! like very inn« h M d" jurtiee ti, lha oeeetaoa, ealy that uofortaaan edieetir« be in lata pn ti- ,11., .. tctiiv iti daten hin. Ha ran, lbenfcn,oBly say thal Ihe eatertaisaiast ksrolved i!.«» aaseishlege ol many .|<-1:l"I,!i ... opts, Bush ind » la« enltetloB, ¦ ,d ni brilHaal :n.rl ueueeeaafhl m eoeld be de- r. .1. âteo that the indi, - I cea Bajvei foi oar of them.apeeand | h.i'll-i d I'V (!.«' kiüln.'e« u!.! Brhaail) '.' .>''" I Ukevtes ve amy reatan to print th« nsnn "i tho i-w oetebritinprsnat. vbo,eiaaeb,enpaali« aroMrig *,\i. 9. O. C. I'urlt-i. the tirai t-l Aiaieiii.ui ar'i-l', Mr. Sion, the nnltaor, >lr. li. Pnndsnoa, Um piaoist, Mr. .). É II,Mev, I s Mi -', ' I', '.ml, Mr. M. C. Trie", tin« «lever l.c'iirer, sir .*«. w. Weean, editor el TAt Angle i ra, BBthorol la liyl'," -' bia channing wife, vbo ha» al-., dahl led in p.-llit-t's Va'., Dr Loi le- ,,* Ph-Bdslp-is, J. Hearj, brothn to Ih»- Kei_l agent, I. ii'r li « antinoxles, A. Baldwin Iii.* .ipressmau. Mr». A. B. iirani siiil 1er litan Mdll«. Bcnli,, Brnusil. vho pieyed !»«[,« t roi) ea ihi Biaae»fc_ta snd rial n ead did it milli!!..lily There tesa Bacliabana g"inp Ib« Halted M loa» ir.l the i.i mu n."nt!, v. k <i.rrn a,i ideoni - Lsuael), lleinj Vim er.t. ti.«- Intunr.ahnoal M l'.,i ¡,» ti in Hil« (", ti I 1 Ml | I tal ni I "-::ti:rv, ii- a l'r"pre«-i.,;.:«i', ead the Oeram « votdd »«..t, « "».irb! l.etter .ener.'llv. rron tin-!" fiuiiiiit.» .¦! ..iir « ml »ur li« took th« »ide ..t'lbi Y iib Bed ti.«- um.u: , i.ti MB k lo it eg Bkghl af-.-r Bight, Ibrnsghoui th« esafltrl I 'ij'p' ".- (rum ..".'.- e. «'.i-,],. Ii'aii l"V( ..; Iil.rlv and ih it*_?w{tM|Cta_«_ff t%n ¡¿ii 1.1 b|td<aj thsn-cur own in that lonp four year»' agony, which waa to dubifias, and *cems eo much a matt»«r of course s.»s. I nerer hessd hmi »peak, or «saw the in_n to my knowbiw.*, biit.lia-r». r. a«l uianv of his 1>< ttn««s and «visbed him God -..'«-I. will fro nut of ahaalf-vituitad moral atuto.pbere irito4_iilbaip, eutirelt wbole-omt' «ne, lor the tirttt Uni«) in hit nar iror_ n country « re we art " «tri-rli-*! »_»__f[»- ui.dcallj" i.,, to the assertion of our nstoral nebt* loto (tni, w_*ire tbey an» like the sir aitmb we b-rvath*»« w»thoi:t tliinaiDi; ..I it, and n lo talk Mron-cer d<TrjtKraey NOB he loprtibably are of. At least 1 mp| .-». -o. .> '. ¦ -_B»- TBa C«-U4>«4 OF V-BETIA TO »Al.OLBOB-fit'Bra^B "_..~D DFJ.I«iHT »IF TH- PRt.N»'!!.OPUnOrlr) OF Tilt WiTTfLAI.«*.ITALY ITIH" [FROM APtiTaiA}.DIF-i. hticT VA. WAB-TOi LID isITTATIOS OF AFFAIR* ."VyTHB «HIA-EH OF IT1K H A LA.*«» H OF rOWKB OCT tV, fyi'ILIBBlCM.FROflPEC"T-*l FOR A _Cl.cili-.AN '- (ftjSOHKSf*".TnB FOI RTH OF JULY F>"1 H ia PABI« * »VTI1B PRINCB IMFhRIAL AN INVITKD GUIM*. ' MM9, BBACIl-i; tUD.TUB OORn» Lri»iI»LATlF. 1 laarOur «Hf«r« _l i orr.ti _idfi._ Pari«, Ja'» A MM, " Bsr'Dft .»ted the luiiior of hie BIB», iu lui» lb« Fiiup. r. r of Au»tri», sscisptlai 'le ni«h« rspreeecd bv th>« lamp« r««r Napohpun m bia kt'er of Jaue 11, « -.».I l«>h>« Minister of I Brolga Allan*, o-ede» Veii.-!n the of the r*r«00h, «»«I Serept» hi» mediation t<> bnu» strvbt peK-e bttwetn tke lotMutferei ti, li,»' M'npi-i.n t.-.a hasten» «J to retraotnl tai tlai» appeal, sod ttoistitinteiy- afidreeeed alawail to the Knitiui Frutsut ami Italy lo hi mr »i«,ut an hi«».' Tar nl'Qve m«-st ut., i peeled unnounrerionl unifia»*»**! »n afaaygfilaty in«,rim g_ Monittur, totbfi f,reat jütonaibment Tal «I tight ol the Ki«m h world. It was iiiiii».«itit. I) ii.- pi» led to uiea.i Ttun. The thrto p. r »¦ it f ». v>nt up ita* ,i nike' lulu I'.-' .in to ii', al.«I « -nal n.m. n a*» a stieb at (.1.30. Raga (i.p(..«l oit of windows ni rn tf»té _sv,ai.i.' iiii;!ii UMiawsa h faite pastal vt>iunt»«ir ii- !nminsti..:i. I*»-... r. no war loci, no nav t-iies, the 11 iihan (;ui.«ti'.n fiatlli d, gyt. ¦. m i -»,..n t», French glory ..¡,«t, Id ls hope, teint, ii k'h.Lewaid- ni.«I y.-t i,0 waet«« Of Fr, iii ii blood I linly lil.« rat.-.I by I-*i«u,- e, France tho admitted irMfiet of lur.'j'.*1 ii..- |a,iry al "«aafissfitte a«Bti__ty, all the policy laid sa m O.» 1«*»: t.-r of June n, tit.iii.i. Oy appruttd bj tueeeasl II »« N..p»il<oi»> .. ni« ¦: triumph, la tasir eeateuUaeat al tbia «seating ii.: r. ka l..r« ut« u»*d with dieta« ..i, i.i ..'...» relief in-ill ii..« searing saatet* of thal eos» Hsotly «i .' In their freak eatha- «::.'« l i'Btrl ti pride mai '.i-.lily, the pes» bfidj ol I*».¡i.' m'- aritla» it pi .m t" ut*) ii., h ni diiini -ti rob¬ ita«, ai.ij i ¡ii«' ..."lia i.t toery,übsaiasasilk ii"' \.,; «.!, Diets, I',!« I ¦. '. I >r Ikil in« alie ,, ,.' i .,./.-. ' I . / ' tad ' : Pia* I /'«,,,' Libérala, koaeter, «,i«'i pstsisl m i«--p»i.»c their b.-sdi i< « I m i . ¦¦. r -i» II i.i : . iiiii., ia.'.'t kata t, > .i- i', '.'... .. « rsssnt» / »l.iril al« k kal n.i t w » ii. t il m, aad th.i' lue aesjssts esaae of Pi '. :t\ :n .y li. >ii-,«bund bj ti ii içreat iriuui'-ii «'i i:.«' Hiop ror. li his M .»> tj re to rep« at lo¬ di) tilt« «|ii. ilion be ulta On Ki »i ft '»i le in Wal «».li j. ¡i t, ni" for y-'ir .1». ¦-. ¦: ¦¦> and risjalitiitlss main, V,.«., i..,' i ., « . .;.i «.mi aye;. n...n« iii.ui. 0_. .'Hi III..! 1*1 a a \\ kal M "ii I" tis i" 'I ii, m II.i'""h «atioi. if tr.n. ia«i.". "iuna .i A.n.'» pusishatsst t.» h»-r »,¡« n d»be ii* I Vesei lisMB bail »he kept .nil "t partuerthtp witl I'raaaiai the vtaked waros Ueamart ...I «he » ».. n alj lakes ! ia im! m eil'. .-- eral ni i of the U »nan I onf« di ratio K.."l -1 '.« ti',, mis 'i r ,i «-tai- | . (. ,| ,«.. ¡I I 'a i I ikS li »I IIIO- k. .. ¦!. i 'a ii"* ..!. at n.i'i' d ii N ',(*.... . I e*(. I tal I »I ¦ V ii 'b' I ab BJ I, UM*! ««TO lirjt< *1 dpos kei by his diplomat di bum into eses r -.BBBSl ' nftbe ratheriek . i ¦! hal '. :«.'.' ¦' 11 '«* Iba i;.. » ni _j ««! a.. ¡" i"i lie mu li '1 .¡el > « i.- '¦¦ t : li ...i- i J«Ha h. . |i» lake, :. b -t «a. I lip, is I ... i i '. i ItlBBtnsI « ii!) Atti ti ' mu -.:».:. i"! for tks last few bas held i'. 'i.-i'. rnt ett nar bslw «-('«er. d t_w « « aid ... li.« r ...lui.»"-. 'Iii" Im'tli» >>1 t'n-t../1 a, last '. i their pride t«. «.. Id ; tho t »». P ..-»..ia ¡«Ai v .1 an ia ti.«- fsal r obatii ,, i i«. ti..,! .,.:.. IusmiB; the . ». ii dova Th«' «i ¦."! !.,'¦ lal li-..- na, ni til.' order ».is -».nt ti« -in \ :,. I... t«> li. .. «. »I« it. iiiic'i at k'ar.a t.le V, pet ia and i»k IHasoleoa'a iatertratioa. ladas' Italj la lr.. Li Ai.-T ..| I,..i«. tIta- Alps to Hie S. !..«.« bas - pi'lcun'iite.t Hiilfeihio, ai,i| ia» lab i'.,. ol ile i- ««» Prseeiaa gen- baa till»'d out Nap.'l. »«n « pr> grama «¦ al II Ifltal ¡n red her indopaimteii»««« «li her- Lastf, H tasesMSfolt tcikssw tksl 'be i.I BO! ii:.«I her [debt of »in.tad. tin« nu» in li«-n« h obligation .' ski«. »!.>. ka* larg» ly paid In ."!.. ia» i her «l« ht t<» l'ru_»i«. Por, tors» ¡Mi ,-:.' .i ike preceding iap.«l -n« «.t 1 *r. - -1 .i. the i...til«- ..' s,.«bma. a bleb ». » leiribh lint t ,* .ml but won. iiiif/lit well have had another l-susli II« kredeki ltd ¦'». l.iid ii llo.'f in. i KXI.lSSlol th.- (ta-f/tj»» Italy ferrad Isstria to keep ii Italy, Ind s«ith»ibis_ ItSa. »ail t'.al AUStriS l"»t th«' Un ««I» llut.-i *l lu l-ilifiniB. ¦n ii mai i" itali said thal »he -' ñadosa in v.u.' ,. Aadeo Bhakespeart .«..- right after ..!l. sod Bohemia Iori touch «do lb» Idristl» Baa, « loag ago ia thai M uiiti« lab Uta .Ink psseagi "t -i««-e dirsciios. ¦.» ia" ht« in d Sp tod -i "Ii etileil nil.mell tat ioli BJ Ikifi .Sun.- iii.-r » »nu. Prom lbs Hi-Hi-1 ». Iba -peetfiele.bieisg Pieask («¡I »liitie solidar Ameriraa. ifiyle the 'i'-ut tin». iSMBingtythe lfth,ttagli iel idtasvardrasaa, we .ire re« eil lig i«ri loliiliniioiis 1,1 lil the .«'lilli" an iii'.ti. n papen. Hut iba Bagllah sarimieepuadi ntl ««¡««¦-.til« foe t'.« kennan «nie ara tullir, Btort «o« Brate and. «<» mi a- theil Bsbliak» .1 leila rsarsoas» erasd, tvetra kairi fiesfSI Ni« »"ih t!ii»u th« ir I reiiili nial», 1 m.n »pall- rSS i| li'M at i"li» of di«« IiplKH.a aftha g1' al battle. I Hill«.t kelp "in mr[, hi«, »el. that the eSBMSfiga, bnef ..» koa asea, I m alt. foraiahed materias1 f"r fcsHal.» iiia| let b4 srsi ksntats. kemiss sf prftste ksssaa, kate b- ery of ritUSBS, tuttltr«» Bl of prisoner«, etc. .a« tiou.'li it bud been i srried on iu the »ila- of un« it'lir..'.! Am.ri. n. But I is liol li««In ». Ihi -.- Iittl. . lair... teristl. » of .ill wurtsre aataaej < kriattao ¡ni lesa itinsl aaaiii that dtaret .«I .iil'-iilit.ii and ijusntity ni lady ¡mliguaut i "iiiuii-ut in tim (i..»i n inent |«r»-s» here that «ras rsOfihfiSfod iii .»» «eii- ».rou« « ni».«*ure to our pet-«-.ulill<K'H in like kind a y. ur or t»(»h,i/(.. The Ptaaataa ead ItalisaiesposeeslsMsse)lsiia*i me«li»- laty pntpuaitiot-i tie ao4 kn..« n lo the palme ji the tim»* I am »ritni)«-. It ruiuop d ibat linstiij, m tha flu-h of« n t««ry. aL'l lil UM leal "t ., letreallliB, d'pr« not ti.-. My «SOS at Um id' a "t an arm i »ii. e. I rniy. uolhintr l> -.. mitiiral she should toils t«> evtei.d, it hut for a «tay or two. lins lui I y parted of «. unit eh inc.«, und bind np, »>. mm li m peesthM, mid »t are of the gtent hum -t ..,, tfiki o it, she hu. reefed K ao la lbs «äst i « i*v« iit «it vi aba Bat Ihfil Ifapoltoe sill bring «u« h atat Sun to beal Sill »picillll beal! «11 I'll ltlsiliaik s balline « la liurill. 'l'.'ibtiil. a\inl lionel.r HTSSjBSSS tun»* sluil note the di Lui» o| the com li.»ion« st » huh i uncut opin¬ ion lia« arm e.l lien- in u tu mu It of r mot nui». I iii i.t think that in lbs «Beta thai slllpraea taksestthat« dress aedsel '<»«»(«., rai treat loora ti u-".», winch mean«.I «till trau« late tor tin- llplotfifittegtBtlStMB in -til BOBtt mi«! vhite ehoken «¡li take the place of geaarah absal -. ,. l..iiz- orered labt», . li« h «ill tak.* t!.«- pla» «« of lmtih - held.. The tragic act of the sUxeddnuaall eloeed| th.- (uitaiii is is rise sa aa act or aariei t»l,aeeaefial Mriosi "Un.I«. W ti it Uta iletn IHlli'lit llkel« ti I" It «lillie nine saeagh Is ipesolfitfi si next veek. The *. UlaslbiB kaSf the in«.-I laii.'l« ti ile-.-i '.(io:: «ti'.l tia.- diplomatic so- lutiotiot which ii'-|!in. in itTi tnoie thin even HsdSrt*. iiraiiiiitiiipic nii;c:.niiy tli n «nu iseUaea, vHk the oaimua «i :,-« i...-- of folly, look tor it troin eomttoB sseeethis lime- flinn th« ' hi-ioi.i «l drift, (.««in .. ii, . ./...,.. otbetvue eeHed "logáV "t ereats," Prortdenee. i i «ay X. Romehoe or other Napoleon tr.ui-f.*is vaaelis, Based to kita bat a__ck Ita caaasl mit ivi»li i. I.«.I«l, t" ii« owner sod _>Sg destlfl «I |,«.4s,.a.,r. It al«. F"r whick Itali «ill bave t». pay i,n,,,n..: prsasta will hate tbt Klb* duil.u-., «'k1 «. v.n rt-msiderfihle aut Dentation of ita potrer oat cri th« t»onqn«r»«t. ithatmsa. within lae lata ita ««-'-k«. Bal Aaatria eaa'tb, pai mttted to I"' » tithe.I out, Bl <! Fra lie. be psid. Bovl wini, the BfikeveifkU srt lo be found, Itob shorn i ilacn hui little pevert ead priBoipsliiiea ire toi" go up. Mlovad tu I«, no iii« mu ksiorstl «..mi,..le.lal«-.11not aaaii al, bel apti »«al. » si the Bslsoce of I'ou-ei n huitrpc ess ka «"t taetjellibrinin . These ur.« i|_estioai foi Ttms lo answer. Napoleon'» foionii' iilci "t a I.iii"p"'»ii Congrm realizeil bein| Itapfi, t" Hi rsspc bli a ad bow to leen these -iemnitiei sitl .._...: pool lost on Hie Prussian N'»,'"le'»n who bavin« pi... t. .11« .I«-- «I'd li,. Km«'"! "»mon«, lbs Duke ol MM «a,,; -_, tkeDuksol Bsas-Wsimsr, tai Dukeot 8ssr»Altenbnrg, kaa hud (inferred pot kimi»! a Parii va¡ lb« bia! t th- it ( .unit It'-i,. »ile de hsxifoge. I' it l-"iii-t!i .t .1 I' ..' ni hin I in beck ti li to the tltsmi I Ihi bl ¦"! 'i .' ¦. talk about, rot Au.tri.i teal Mi bet ii .* ''': .*'' :- ceil \ ne -,. i.-t tin- ihsakUiaof íiam-e, to Italj on tkfi4ibiast.j io Hutt H oeii.'iie« | - .rt t»f hitthil..» H ItpHfiO «- l eil.I ___0ti ' i!, li, te;.. udoOC"* V. »*11 nara, tWtwifiaal a^ortoom, ral prettily celeh«mted ky Aaiericaai ia these pam st Hie I'/ t ¦¦,>..,!.,,. The »la'l.eili tindo;.!; bad beau lh-tltt_S| «Mît Ultlli'*. itothreatavilbvaleria in,- aatb kean A day, Uadli tlesrC'll bp »nd iel Ut thiel »!ai BS_M BfSSBC, 1". (la..t BO» .a- aiea »»til«-, »moi tin dey. el and aftai loeloek. What a chiirmmglr It plac-. for hnrib.u, ».i this klad, tha If Vaiala ii a Bille getdea ___»_ efeesje eeise ooolei the Bru. Br»u!(»|/!ii'- BstaT ot Tar. Tptiit-sKs rtssen know , rigtr, fisd Iba u--t sen told v»h«*ii ! n 'It'« !t M Biota« Itif-.-'t, r oCur.-tl t, loo lilli iiu'Mist I cur. The »If,ti n,,. «« pul ii*, ni.«; ¡i imita!.i« n. aged by a tam «,f the ftmariraa mr'« ionia, ..ii. i ». el pi-fvi mea reeUeal ia Peril 1 ka lid.-, in, Brina forntaked no ead ol bssutifal .swan rima iba imm» ase " n0« ipal , .rd.n ibat sappi e* Parla park« and garden >»*teAi*ee wilk fkeli flWai ir«iui,!ri.¦ i, i-i '¡r'lii **;«i; k!«.'1 '-^cvd 1 raeniiou the rest of i!« nan.«-- which some of us of loto veirs hare rome to n*pi»r_ .a the symbol of a really United .States I't.on and fr+e country.dis|»!aye.! itselt ni varioue macs and pleasant pn-funon. »:*d beanti- fullv harruonuing « «mtrust against the haOBgTWBlid of French puen ir«''« a:.«l sward, and bine sky and white «hiudis. There *..« a larpe Nut wier« ...Sett tiatmoemi played heavenly cbniies. And violins did i.<idie there,' preftv yoting gentlemen, .«joking i.« prettily .is thev cniild, Iveûtii.p time io the sanie with quick pulsating !««-t iwln.-h, 1,-t meiay, 1 think an inipnien.ei.t on the .'light fnntsstie to»-".a pood .pintalmn, thet. seeing us lcnplh and »«verity of new«put cr «ervn «*, has a ngh! to retire in tension). Ont from tin«-1« u' were lo another tuit, into which, at «lue nungi" f! o « lotk, foil« were let. whi-re there ««a "A n ate le. It« t t:ef. re Hiern sat WLere I..»hm» of good drink there wm ti' of whnh lust limned grateful ri-freJihniiu! 1 Ohonvei C" «me piirtak»*- in undue quantity. Then.tor are we not .nerkaa«, with gift of the teagno and ears grt-sviy el neechteiaortiti trAit.Ina reiy jolly, informal w»y, line or four divine« and many Uymeu got themeervèi on ¡i cbair for.. platfonu, and «Miven-d themadmof thfl l.ntl) that was in tin m. li« «Hy hall a d»/. ti good little Speeche«.they wer« eo rhort'.tb»t ot the Ker. Monod, son of the Frederick and nephew of ll.e Monod, being tin« shortest and best of tin« «-acred, a:.el tbat of SB-QMS. two ni M.irylar.d being itio most stn nunns, even to the bend- ii.p ol I.,« ki.« «..-, nLil cai-ieit h'-iird, i-f »he profane «peci- men« oi oratory. Tbo li>v. Mr. ThOMpOOB "f your city, Sir. Jgj, fiT-irdi-on vi Iii« Jay bert among the spt'.iki'rs. 1 ti««ni«nully ov-rhearil the pi vat«- Nh.B.nea a neath, euppwnod by etreantaaane la whnh theanr* i- nag orator nid h«> waited five atina« ¦ le lenlef these two points- (la.mpHtn. nt. Franc« i,n her "l«l and shady fiis inUhip for til«» tJuili-d tuiiit« s, and (¡overemeut «ni the fact tua', then ven no kpoeketa te ran«, i cob. luded t'.at the gi ntl« maa bad on '," Pam m ib«- way of_oad__ Theo the dancing begee again. 'I'"!¡en there IfBVOrkA 'I'la n then IU B tuart) tblM times lane fbr lae United .tatoe Amy ..:.<! then the company as ut homo to bid "in inousurel. »s eOBteat, Among the liiriti I gin el« tt.«- fe,ne, latftrial. ." ..illnr pretty nuil i a.natty w. ll-ta fond little ganurtuan, vhe tsM.U part ia eat flaaee, looked ea lera vhils, ead weat avay. He eeeae then en na Meamal in*Mettann Dr. E am,«me sf theMaaegtBgConnttne, gina <>n eeeeeioa oi the Doctors BpeakiBg with the Kanorn «v tew ian beean . bool iii« i r..¡ *.« ii American «« hratioa. Hsi ing Beard lately a nob mob, vhe hw ."I li at all no1 kerj o ¦«* rae in one du« l.« u .uni thal < "Ti it' r lo UM BIB t I hi» grt ith . élargi « a Ihe nal I ry ta An erk aaiia the ai Iik rihe .nil n y..l K n*.¡.i an «in.-« t.« ii, I .in jr v. ...1 lo is) ilait l>r. Ki .ii,- s i rofenisnaJ sad k eisl n li ii«»Bi vitb ihè Km;., roi bi i biala ii« Um y t* asd kin al tis ki i ¦« a- tan, | ¦. in «i.« ia '.".' and ¦. lb« ¦¦. (I '¦. «eel« «rii«|i, |.ii..*tie Aii cr um min..of win. rj ia 'y 1 ui.v .i. ii. !,e ti., "iv. :i lath« r «(lal | .-. n my i-r*"'-, .«it.« ng others, Otbi-r gucati v< re the lain and «. rnl <.! tia ,i¦;, .,1 the Mi.iii-.i. oui.ili, iii i. .-¦ [ . Mia s r..->, ( n tary Vox, Mi. Vat hi I a loi vitb .tia I m the {.r... it- kg day, no! y -i yat of Il s J sty'« peeking, bat "-kind & brough! lim t,1 n roth n.i.-rvieii« ¦¦ ii*-re 'r,tti parti« » an gniti rf I i third |,..riy. Batonlly in tbii can th« ntei edi ryp'ari vn quite othei thee the obi II at I tonghi <;¦ i pir.1 !.. i.ri.h. That interriev, you mai perhaps can t«> k ¡os n I bow o«, las», vn a : asked i«.i kj lb« Koipe- n.i, ae .i peteaenh M Been Pene papan «i the BS-1 «!iv VMM minuete. (!»:. li« a I i'.i d vi-ie K_ «.iv. «i a* a ritters of Ike now I I Btsta und la bis « ,.:-v.» vn «ci »it.!.* eaoogb to ( r- r-'-nt»».f oatt, is that quality, di «variag teqaestioBi »,i.tibs a r, replied by statement« of tatte u to militar] prrtoriTtancn Mad the aetiial nkstrrial ronditl i of ibe South II;« po- Li.. .1 i,.iii.i!,-, v.Mem they «y bo, I li ;. be bad BS OCCSSiOB to . ¦:.!.,rp«" U| oil. I I...! Iik4 l':ij I"I,1U ae- pt i ug the interriev, rasneted thal it slioubl be kater pred-d, nock ken Intended ri n n extn»»,liptoflntic -, ,i »!i|,|». -I- OB reflection, and that I bare special nanea for i. ,. v .:. !.. be Btirely uni oi te« f i i to i.iiiii to the p.« rthofJnli Mi Bo lou,I oi'.¡.11,-eio: »«I Ageai of Bev»Yei*b and -. to lbs great BxhibHian m I»- ',. \ » M *: outtksl .-. of all otu» te to «i|«i"i ¡..« 11 ¡. i.i Bad ¦. brand c .it.«I the noatbi uf una) gvaat», «rai te Inking t! f ii-.d -t:tg i hit li..Y, ;. ». v .j the ringing 11 bi« ti¦..¦«. » bli b mi m the i: lab« ». li le, II I ». d iti li rlgl Hy, i .....,.;. il.avv, IB.M of I I I |l "li: n.i««i'.n boaiusra winch then te no ms ¡hu !¡n. ii.. ova to ii'!v.-rti«a* »riu'i-, lind «.. 1 «. ;. t isy saiithn void ubu'it til...» «¦¦ iii|.ariiii. i.ts.but. i. isal e-;a.".,iit agaa« «-rsl in) lligosn burt au and i,< ¡piul agaaag i«»r all Aii.ri. n evtnl.ita.r» al the sell nar'» Bforid't i Ur. Norton bu made, and atkr«, and pvipean te keep on making it t.-i». br, sines», ii»:. !.. tniwer iatelli» gentlj end tate.iglbly any «¡u 11I01.1 thal lh< -cv|y«_r< I.', AH.1 li' "I. laallUf «liai! Pl.t IM lill. lil r«'»p--( 1 "t .OU Kvliiiiiiiou ktnMi aaseadly, t«. asdtrlBba to panana ate, ta pnaral ta the paslie, to prnaata aira of all au«!every leactieg,potaiTieelfkiajntiag, or nharvtae la gvuionsiy taanUedeteen rnpi:.«-. «ow ailher, <>r other .ai.i.-iviibio gfmerseb ith which ne aampa Ubi native ai«.itid m..y iU«i!i't" radow thi B&enligliteaed Kur«- ¡,. ..-i public -.«t a proflt, Iha "ni' "Hier ti-lcbr.ition of ladee« dem « Hai ttiut « am, iiiidiT my ol seiv.itioii, unit iLi nae ': .1! lickfad nu- I ..»t. wa» fot Bp, Ul.d gOiag oli (Bet, Hi ill Oj.eli io, |.I, 1 pirie, vienta »«1 Ina feQydookiBg danri« aae, of «bom ( ti,.-etunicnily joiliest and Am.rii'ik! est lookinir, willi In» j feet rui»«-d « ..n» above the ¦.ninian l'un« eleration above the tra, wa» wai in. lo and fn> an Alilli- «n Mag »s ! m e bendeena baa'krrcber. Be eaioyed li .11 i the ....!.. n. vi lui ln«tilietivilv lett thal «,lc!l i. Lal: l!lli.»t give Lilli .1 p.-l.i mus font hm ¦. c1,i led It; f,,!ks i.lnip the »ire.-t, i.i.i kn.iwitik.' »bat .t lu. mi-, «lili eiij.y. .1 1: bl i"r. >. «¦i .«vmp.itiiv. thehsnoaoonod toBw to te nenehesrfaj tbaanota i..i«k kanni the eitien madea-heem evi- deatly 11 foyed it. »ad so «lil y«. 1 inrapoadent. A«) touch now |i«»»i .». ri|itur.illv on a piavnv un.l be lone. It inn" o it « few il:» s ago thal nt ii ,l. . v nag derina tot Bean eoafltdersble political "nfoin«, which will t.ike part or leit*«t .in the turuiul., of ,1 Smelter, Cn,.mt. There is nut enough ¦!. ki."wn as t.. the nature ol'these proposed ehsagn ta make it »otth tin- »lule to sp.ak al length <>t Utanto-der. The naveta le leÑtted te he a vithdnval of the npnt gnnteda few year« »»»<>. to th« i_..ip» lagtelatif tee_»> ci«» the to tin- aniinak Ihisae Speech.the »>uli ..p- lor ft-.*« speech on grt-ai political annben bsd. Oareraantal conceive« thai the lib- «ral mit.ority have .ibu«e.l this opiwrtunity. Bo saold Von, Madam, if j ou wen- (lorersuicut, «c«inp ilnir Karre« and 1 iiierx and tlic rest iiitinsing luur fonigB uii«! do- Untlaa dump«, ilav in and dar out b'.r week» topitL- r. snd v..u obliged to publish cicri tiiitip (almost) tiley miv to ¡ill vour people. Asa «ct ni) to ibis arion re»in.ti<»u of tbfl poor right« of th«) laegiilatif deaanbly, liie right« of iiiueiidiiip the killis of laws seul lu flinn tin Cn, ni ii ot »»tate, und sf mt' 1 i. «.., ut addneiiagdoñeada of i-X|.liiiu.tiou t. 1»overiiuii*nt with sotiu « Imni-e of pettinp »ouie sort ot an answer), are to be r.«p. -. tivclv eularped .ii.i! prautetl.but with innrtit'v nip eonditlOU. S.iu«- otbci len inpertaat tihaagw aia reported le he a pari ti tbc''reform» under considcraiion. Tlie sl»o]iiiou of tin* riphl sf debate on the aildrcs«. a u.o«t »«'lions en» eroiK-liinent on tbo sditit meseiire of political ltln-rtr hub orto bemttted. Whethnthe elaar*'nnnae' iuei mdi- ii.ted will prueliciilly uuike pood l!ic l«»se chu be ln-ftcr Judged of winn ve know the " Btedidntioni thai «re lo accompany 'be eoanntea «»f ti.*. v\.nilli think that in tins nliuiuatiiip |»oiut of liiuuipli the Emperor had be«! take the opportiiuilv Of loliiMunly cnlarpiiig the border ol lieidoin. »li!, iii las tang ran, na anrdsv.if th.--. ibid] v.-i be m the w.iv -und overw helm the Nsiaoli-Oliic dikes. Hut lhereiohaidry Biiyihinp he aoali n«.w annan ni or igsiBK real n'forin ibst would not be BOcepted witt uc- 1: inetlOB by Frunce. Tout pit > gg Tn ,1 M eu ' PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. Avalria Acrrdr« la m > .«|.olean.c Idea 1 be >aie ia 1 lie rlotii eui Impoirair mt Italy. ot. -*ii. tiru el' ile '..ii.iit.i, 1 m r- l'viii-, 1 ridaj .1 ..I» «. -; ». ui. I'be pr. Bt event «>t the duv 1«. ae yan »aiU readily telieie Hie nula iii Hie ./,,,, .leur ai, M IB-11, g 'li it Ibe Kmpeio'r of Austria .ecediinr to the liles« of tin- .apOTOf Kapoteofl «tanOflOd m lil« I' llei of tin» lilli ol linne I. bl« M.ti.iei or 1 .nenin Attain t-dc« Vciietiii t.. the Kni|»eri»r at tb» I rSBOa, and accept« hu fltsdiatioa for ¡tem c Vi» nu the Pel liperenl« and that Hie KtU|>or<ir NupoHvti l.j« flddrtatod li.111 »elf nibo King« ol Prussia and lui.» w.thuview !.» »11 arniif tier ll.e " nie;» in the Impailal teller i<> tin» ed'ei 1 VV e .a Bir.-.l «o fst is we siecon. eit.t-il foi lb« «>ionil»r.v S-«tesol tie 1 ut.fe.lrr.vtion a closer union, a BanpoVflrtal «»rpiin/i.ta.ti. utiil a iiiore nu|oitniit p.irt for PrSMiS, ulm,.eulo.,»ne«» nuil BISBgn in Hie until, lu: Aa-iri,. the aaiataesan ot bn|tnl potlttea ia llrransy, vv. deeind nenflter, that tar ae ooeBebla impeainlea Aastrii MeeM ..,..* V'enetii to Its.j !. r ii la eui.ei! will. PrttMB) and ,t r.-irir.l !.. Hie treaty of ittt, »he limit' VU 00 Mer. Bark ob bokalf of OerBoa antesslily. It appearal te ne Jnl ii. .t ihr flheekl rocogsiao ta Ilslsita tam principle by toa- pi. til a llM it.depeudeuce ol the I'ei .-. ree weeks it,'.» I BBBM ¡e'd thal I 1 imp-TOI K«pulBBS Bad ben tefortaed that dntria vocld i. i iaoi t, r*-de Ve'di» ii ,til her unnj had fcntn Iho IteJMB»! kal th« Bl Ibe »mue t.uie .appeared (onfalenl ol doln»; t^e M.ue the Pmrian asd snata wre.tin« m!, »¡.. tr,,:u tasa. Oteesf (I,,- nindllion..the deleit oi II.« IteU-B -'.e ! luldllei: latbeetbei ike kn on bein n míasete. It bob reaainto M ». whetti»r I'ruiiis. ftuehed mi i>'ie w 1H1 km kard-vso rictsrii i wii; m. t.. arnageanBt« atateb vaaad leen her I enemi I) ¦. "prout poiilioQ' he ha» lirld in (.cru.any in .'set. wiftkertki« idea of th» lai-.'orial Icf.'.-r will be sessni ber. 'ihe li »liant st «II events h*rsnoV «u«t they want and «ii psrbasfl, re«t and be thankful For a tflOOSd time i!,»» tre m lieht ed to PrSBse. forth« Kui, »tor will, of conn», hind oi er Ve nelia, he did BBmbardy. totbetn Ia PortetbflBotoflfthe Jfs- Int r produced the tnoit interne pleasure.not at the victory M Pmate (or the I'rutut.tareas lillie liked ever nor so much for I'm gain to Italy bal becrnic tie wai is now be lierai to Irr virtually st an end withou! "solive in:er»en'ii>n' en the patt of France. This istiif8«.!lon ii pariiculsrlv asm felled at.-i »nu Ihe tradinp |>opola!ion. In half sn hour after Hie newt l*»came known the tradesmei, of Hie Ktle Mb'.'n', »ree. from th« Hill., in H,e Hooltrard«. began to bang out tlsgt in ilga Of tájetelas »ml tnsnyol the hsiisas in the otter priuci 1 ii rireet» ai, J auroiiprifures «ihlbil i-^i.s of lee. 1 f to ii !^te hi iirnii VVeilnefdav -her« sea no de- .i:««er from Vienna lo the propon! .»u of ths-tiiii.eror N..|«. i..«i, ti..i»|i. ti« iihyii'i U had -veo vvu.pMmil) st werk be tween P.r.l and the Anttrian Capita!. Tb« .Wpîrur »l ami required s categun. al sn.wer. »»» or iu. sad at ni ur 11 u'ekiek limes Mettermcb hurried to th« I uilene« wltb a telegr»-.. intinf bim full authority to accept ile proposition. It »a- pas' midnight when tue note, winch was writu-u by tbe kin.»»' mrs own baud, was sent to tbe Mcnutur. La Prtm .lose, its article on this gi-tot. event witb tkete word«: " There is another eoBtidetatlon ai n h it ii ii.poaaii.le I*, »eut. This »bint war tis» prored tbe i-ipoteuoo of Italian lie'i'o. racy. Af-t regiment«of the jr»rin<>n ot Verona «it hoed t. diite into the Minno tbe revolutionary snny »lu.-i- » st to conquer not only Venic. but l.tti-. the Tjrol sad Dulm.ti«. Had Auitrla wished, her troots ml» tit st this moment be in _4il»n. It is to Franc»*, tad to massasfif, iI.hi ltalr « iii ows Venetia. Hut if r-raBoa flirt V .¦!.!. e I.« Hely.vbtaS could not ooB«,n«r it.»be bas ,,n>¿ia<-»tioi.»i«.y ik« rig ht to stn. h a condition to this _uignili.«-t pi* . ni and this oniiitioa con «nit be the darnum» and absoluf» rer...i..i_ l.un i.t Home. 1wa mdeoeodeaoa and sa l»t y of the I I'd» ¦*.*< once »'cured, as the coas*»qasnce of the eetsion of Venetia to Italy, is the last, bat not tha least cause of the i. «nu satis faction wbicb the great etent announced by th* .V**,»<»r iu- .piree os »iib.'' ltegstistisss Brtwrea Aaalria ail tia«,* - FrtBih luterlerrsrr III tJeiauwaT. From The Dall. Nrwt. July I. There is reiteon to believe that the »our-jf to I»» tohoa In « ireumitanee. like the prêtent was settled s «Wtnight ago b) »rreeu,»nt between the Kmperurs Í Fisnt-e *b<1 Au.lru. If tbefact ¡«so. ned tbo KiniTof Prnsaia ii essttsssd al ia eten poulb!» that the ottered nedlinon vt France may Im« déclin*«!, and it will tben be seeo wbtthet the Ktnpen.r <f Auitrla, io lately at the head of Oerrriinv, has done niaelv lu Inviting-s foreign power to taterlero m a wai between Bama Hu »ot i.eertSiinly calculated tnprmluce th« pan <*««e in which »II (»eruiny wonld onite ander FriMiin, and it well t«, remember for a national and liefernd»* war, I'ruMit could command tb»'«cnice. of twice aa manv id. n »t those with which »he has defeated Austria. There is a waut of frankneas about the conduct of the Austrinn Oovermnent tilted to exa.pnriit» Prussia. So doubt a reluial»,! I .-«Bill uiediatiun would he a very .«rio event, hut muons suddenly nnvle conscious of the r-jstet-iun of air- ti power do venture upon bold louise«, and it «toni 1 not b- i»t" lo conclude ti«. abrnptly that the powerful word of -a .1 :.-'tully ie»» pence m >. aspa Tbc Isieslisse sf tbe Frrarb Kr_.-rr.ror. The Mortana Pott |_iv_- promit.«'in¦«. to the 1 «How- bigcamiuiuiiiiHi nu finiit a eartotsasss» t » twelve da«« a,«>. f re these bit« a wer» f.-.ejbt and th,, n.-1.1. n pea.- heil Maa a. ni»-«ed. I «v. » iu l'an» a al frotn .liners,im.i - «« ta shish I waa then beared by foeeo mir*i nltle to ¡«I «i« disliii .r ¡nterpreltttion ui»iu il » Fini« m, « hitar which the K.i'.ac has taken hi» baa.s fa ¡..: «tivu -I am iihiu ta au»»« i bssm af thoseissestioss which ererj hour I icarpu'. i «v.-i», mid that Frases '«as astsratbisd thai Its) ihsaldhats Yeset ka .. ai « peace «iilnait that i.«ut ««...¡i only 1 «.1 n .-n «'iiupl.aui a «« ead 'l.'i'iihaiice. I vas in;«iii««l that Frasee drwit-d aa« isitatl f the Q itioe, aad that "la' Bitbtdta asPra »» i.u»".ii)jte.i ed, a. kaatrtaeestpeasatedand .iieu.d. If this conld be broBfbl «host. Prase al i...i a,i* i.-, berseif. I aasi would ii lout bu is ha t-ir toil m I en-it ..f one or ni.« rul l_* great »«ruu,n a au overwh-iu, a_ pr.'pnridera-ae ss »«mid «leiii.'i ttpowwr, _k*S moy now i***«J» tor a t'otgrsss to i añasga the terms si pt* S lia'.« i.«! ..I.t that at thi« Congre«», wb I* France Sall «r.aiir BtS IT.-».. ! ..n adrsatSMS »»liich «redusto ker, I i ). i. psrorviBde Ma etssseltopreaerts and »tren Tin u fal , Austrian I'm lie ti Lu. li mi» of tin' nu!» «if Karup» l)riiinaik »ill reposer antea sf Iha tat- rlteri as aaJaiUj iskeafnsa her It I sill o-taia Vcostia, I aid,'ii'' .i I | « t "»»i tea'», r, w.i', in « f. » seeks for tbe brit time in kiatory, lad bei wíhmI.» lerrlt'sry htos* ; e \lp- M Bisily, ami inna »>. sea m » a.« i brefi ait!:, praeasea sf a forotgs eokll «I may rsstsrs, frem wbst I ksre krerd t.. pi» »im tastths I.,'.!.»- Sid i"! -.! nat'' »itnout a p. .«ni .un »he Frosch o..T-r:.m« i.« :. i tasser»] .krbtv am. al i.**l-iauoe i BelhlSg sill he asked. a-MfiiaiB may .!¦ r.u q« Tbe Empöret waa the first te isaoaeis» bei hin--. assT the firsasss j ol the li ii:i« "ti-, i ;n lbs ni. Igtastk :.- ..." the Stitt ians sf I 11 ii "i " «.ir.». 1 Ino», un ti.» at uni nany. Obst. SpeskiBg ol BSC r, nan«. Count ion II. «in li hil.."if -iel tia» las »hoi»..: » mi »ni vsald rias ta a i ia to del -dthsltkias BgaiBBl Kian e la u- kssB BSV tbettfi» i .- . n! i ir «re faat raaiaklBg. Italy ia te be c«»:i j I r. |. Ilhetslad* ead M ka itli |y m «-, wita lii.reiic" far ker .'. l'eirreborsasd liarme 1 i,:!..- M .». ttw I.-t trust t.«at G : IBS] v ¡M .-..:.. asl from theCoosret* wltb ber s.plratlon. of unit» »I»», lllleil ».I.!» l'a i,. OnlC Sr'.t-.t.i Pi 't- . »I i a. ali. » . 1 t i "lil.-:. The «rir. i 1 u !rr«liiia<lio_ tilinten l'raaif »mil Austria. Wi un*, l'rum I', le ob T-Biaday, a " WfilHafcnaaa." eerrrte» adaai al Tit f." Mt» Oat a «ayi Toa bsesalissfiy n -i iii'- sstrsel ti,, .'a» la Iba I/ ¦¦ r, li I,j Keen based » -i- r.l.« Ihi eg Ustio, .«l b^jtin Maa s hat vsat look staas ta aasseesisg betwsaa tala p«r«'r:iud Pulí« Mettemisk waa ».pt m Matst. that at I.i.i : ». hil«: ». shara the curliest BOWS ehest AastHSB »ttair» is i-a lit ebtSlBSd nothing waa knunn .-t t. em al Batistas!. i.. t.- Mettaielohblois Ifaald aat a »««rd Masssss. isa «til n in««ni be i my katta! >>f la»t UsMtaJ sees, ka » fish lan »munal 1 that negotiation» were guiiii. on bctwetn i ISSSfi ind I a . a 1 i.ese repc»..(mut rrtolteil ila a .'. BSdaiaMSdisg k1 to «I.«* ws. to be done io new of certain etsiitaaHtiee, and «hut has non happened i. the fruit Itarl BSMslalaa liag. It ¡»'iu te a iiii.t e e i" su'iuose that Ai-tru h-» [.¡¦«(.».I b.-rtetf hi,the merer ot iia-ic». You aay r'.t aafaisd ''i-iwheo BMtktog her aresocfll to cede Veaetia. »he koew helorMbana « hat »he ws» t.< get ii» compeniitioii. The i Jirue isneuass of tbe mm near on thi» jaunt ii to be expl.ii.i- by tbe dcttr« oi I run e t.) hine her band. free, both with to I'riaaia audit l«. A- for tks ar.riataas» they ara satrssssty eseaeat st "üi« irtw prioof of the moral power of Frssss. Ih* sir»»!» «re t-ru»ue«i with sr.imated and Jeyfol irriup.. and »ii be l liimiruted in the evenln?. tlon.p.rtum foi the m.,i_ieul initneii.ilj' ib ib» atsasdasap. » li»» I »en. h Prca» oat Hie < ríalas sf t .-.»a-tia. Tbe -beril MTfit "One of the era ».»¦»! »|ii» »ttoim »lal BgtlStad Bátese Bl r.ow »ettl-d.that of Venet.a. The unity of Itily here« forth asiU'sd. Ih».«^ »run» Hin" dreioied of the rettoration of the Archdale«« an«: Ike K »g of the Two Sicilies »ee io i.« pin« d'¡[«»ii the eomrl'tion ( f the work U'irun in liV). Verne» io keg< eattaeed, m 1 mr fallen irom tt» t»M t\ lesdar, li tn-ed fu.ui the yoke that weiche upon h«r; »he is about to peM from a reguiie ot rompresMon, tlolenoe. p*rs»Tution, aasétat, and . poiiatioi:. to coustitutional ln»titotioni,[ietT»len<-« sod l:t.rn fia /."»..»aajrai " repurd« Italy, the .vieation le __et> tiiu.'i ne«: the <.«-!'.n of Venetia, but it other»i»» in j »rennar.T. where we mun erpect to see Pru»sia makin» «I» mand» iu accordance with the new «Ituatiou whmh her Billi. tary tac. ee« has brourbt about. mutt not, therel»»!., tat» \ It fur grant»- that peace will fallow from the «tep which Au» trts bs« sd.»pt«d. aod to thu we moit fur the present «-.nfln» our obiertsttoni " The 4ir..i> SatiimaA. whilehopint that th*ce»»ion of Veaetu» arid satisft Italy, say. On the other »ide of P.-uitis tbe «ttoa tioi inoie serion» and may lead to grate conn 1 stum Wi'l King William stop in bl. rictorioa. career Will he sc- cepi the ai mm ice' II he does, on whit condition»« Wet kn,i«'the tutractable amhitior. of Cu'irt lb-mark. Eso lied by tictory. will cot be and Ktnr William siase demsnds wbicb our (roreri.meut wtl' reirsrd as iccompst.ble with the interest of France and fi ree them to sl.ndon t!ie " attentiee a«u j trality* which they bste hitherto ohterted ' 11«»»* »re »ora« of the rrsve «]ue«tions sriung oui of the uofi-rtaeen reeolutuiu of the Erancror of Aostria. There was s constant interchange of t»i* ¡rrimv '»'). ¿<i Vra-oe) between theTnilenes snd Vlenns the whole of ..»ter | day. hi. Drouyn de Lhur« was sent far several time» to the luli'r.e- where he nisT fw. aanl to hate »petit* the Jay. At *. ] iu the eveninj. M. de Metteroioh went to the fu I "ne*, wbere he met »he French Minister for Foreiirn Alfil.». Afi»r the re«'ill «T this interview the nott whisb sppesred in fester» ¡ day'» Moniteur wa« sent for put 1 cation. THE W.-R IN ITALY. 4 arrr.paaSeurr He» arrea B-SSSStb ti. H,*aa»li. The liillcnAing cirn-ipoudence battraaa K«»s«iiitb ancl Biron I!i. a», li l. puhiabed in the liol,a of July li "Sha* k PiAhox The war which has Ju-t cemmenoed fritas rea.oii lo lio|>e thst the Uunrarisn I.»rion will he *oon cs'l.-d on tn ti.ii h toward tue objet-t for uhirh ills« been iii.tit-lied. Th» legión liums with tiie desire of promt; oa the ri Ki al battle its »i at to Italy and its devotion to the tonnlry r ir c,,in-tan -»s heil,'»: ft» IM aila to the intreaei- of th s I »ti'.u. 1 hope the li. ternment will he of opiatootbst the time hs< com*} | for ii« teorafatiiatation with a ttew of ruins* it a »i«l»r (.*».- 1: »ni I' should be the intention of the Ooternment, I («eel it to len.« .lui« to declárelo your Excellency I -i« al.I he happy to pi ne whatever influence I mat t«..»-- ,.« eatress my fellow BOSSliyea. «nd »I! my knowledge of thin«*» »nd set». «an« at the diipoia! of the OoTernmeot. Ko-n iii / tats «rsssai Ifififi io thi» BsiSS Ri.aioli replied MB i iliiii.lrT ,,f Wai hatiu-decid-d on tbe r».,i^»ni- /jfion of the aniiliarr iiiingarisn Legion on s more »ii»u«i.-«i bans, « a1;.!» the o-Vr of your ru-iriratios, and 1 ouuut a|»ou roar -ul.iniiiinir to the Miimiiy »«I :he sagireitioii« y-.i'i ibink i.t-eliii both «ith re-tard to the'pt*»»»sr! of this iir_-»iii*,t.».u Bad the application af the principles on whi« h it tin.ulai be iniitidc!. 1 ara per«nidi««l ibu, thank» to the metmres tabeo by li* »...vei liment ol the h jr. 'he aunlisry 11 ngari m Ij> Si-'ii sill sttinu iu a ¦ate dei'ided manner, ander »iieiiuf Bil i luittHiiic» iii« national character of it» g orioua fit» Fasssii, osas s. MM BtCatesti l-ra« ral I eral». GOO. ('»«rale bal bis riffht knee nml leg ,r.«tur»-tl. He («I year» of aire, and there are tfrcat fear» that hi» i«ju ne» may prove niortct. When wounded be f*!l from hu kana he »i then placed ni a cart and taken «a fa» from tbe fi. bl b4 l.alile |k nible Du tbe war some rather lira:» fruir ..enta of i .jet tile* were extracted fror hi« BBSJ li Near Dea»! «an. met with the hrst reiriment cf l.aribaldisn». many <>f MM Tou'iif men «ipre«»,-.l their condoli'oee. but be replies. !'»..-- no nie of pitying m»-1 rstb*r »renge BBS." THE WAH IX GERMANY. The Oawnfall »C Asairls. I r"u. Th* London T ne J ¡j '. It ti.*ftls no _ifi of prophecy to diaooro a new ,»r»i, r .: ('.. n.-« uiifoldlng itself «nit f the baltle-uiuads tliat al:U I«.» er «Her t!ie»'.»iia*biei-i:e.«li o! Uohemia. or to foreaa* tbat a new policy mutt retadju»! tke sntiquatsd l-sUoc- af p..»rr Little indeed, roaiaia. of the territorial settlemeot of 1 irgi..'.-n i l>». < «t Bl lae I'sace of Vi «nu», and the mat.aàou» triiMupl,» of I'riaii.» bste e_f.ioe.l alunit I h* Isst of the Lue« trated tb»r» hy monarch, snd diplomatist* ou tbs map of Iair»ipe. Ona of lue pruworibed Imperial fauulr bad baa SMSStas the throne if li uiu», and had en at «red her aJotl-O barden by aunaxlng »ii,.; .na! V.¦*; llelg.jTi hod lang «ince betn Kivtreii fr.mi Be .ai: «fapleaaadaieily Lad mor.« reesatly betaarailrd fr» ¡u tie Ibjuiiajii» to be u; it«--! «iib Lombardy, Tascssy and t.e l.egaiion» niai sn lia.isn K.ngJori. wholly u-ii-e the »lort lived huípil..m of ltalr; and other re_,«j»al» «.' SB- ci.-ait Landmarks »¦ re in coLteuiiilitlos, when the aluau«» t«« twwa. limn mA .*'** .»*>'* Ü ».¦ .*-" fo W-t tviiti:«**

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1866-07-21....MBW.VO_B..» EUROPE. «s»-. Detailed Accounts of the GreatBat¬ tles in Bohemia. THE.BUSHING DEFEAT OF AUSTRIA. TETE rXSZiZXfO 13. VIENNA



. ¦ ¦ i ... ¦ , .,

ThTiTEPBIA.'' Vhnat luff »ltd unr*iiin«M of tn.ul kites»« itudy dr.iAii.« ke 41-

Mtt.p«". mlv ti ipili'leal 'iqiÇafs, todlb« nae tf iaabtre« rt-as.,

tad eil er r.reell ., l-l th- »aiari which omsly oeeaiioo tytptpt-*

»mi UB priiv .pilly met with ia lha>« who devote «Bulb liuie U> tioiy

.i who Isad e.tiier s «e_rntsry B.BBS.»I.B The ti«staM-l tf Ur

Sterile i« i tv« «Ker. pud by toEi-f, whit. upp-'J» dificlsney cf I.*

c»Bs»t.i, ... ». T.» ir«.to»« the tent 11 lb« ttemsch, sud eiathle ii te

Ihftrw ofl ...U ti.nut» frcilii.: iû«,tcfI«__un|kVBddaVEll«rt-e»»yiip-lau* ycj Can pltce thr utuioit rr_sr.t-f .o HCOFLAWD'S OEKMAN

BITTER."» It ii » pi-ptr-ilon rcn-tvtif lieu, oat of the moat «e'e

SrsWd pr» rBMnSN M niojeru kiu.r*», sod IM cf tl»s greottit writer»

aVrrruin, «Ter prod iced. Ttd« artic!«- i» ocw prepara i cirt'.ÜJ sod

adlfallv »ad (be ruo,-, rsrpe.-teclf ila-rf-r cf MXiety frfily U-ltaiy te

iUiupriiat.rc ni -it».Meuab,n-I CoûfTti», Julieta, t*r«yfl-tl. «latí

aasrsssui». Io appeud_|c«i»ji9«tt»*-. 1 wend hive li diitln i)y _ia,*r>

st*»- (hal '¡.ey we

We defy »uy on« to ontrsdi I Ita« fcr«trii'.. sod

WILL PAY tl,-©«t«snyeii wto «S>0 ptelon B OBMhtaM BBhlMhOl bj * » ..¦»! tr »el


II»! .|.k» i- !» r ! .- . BMdiC..! prrpuslici. kouliUa.i« i-B


S..I a» li.I tf. at»-»« «t'eopthl'LlIlp tOlie. B IB« Wol l.k. [ uf» 'y »ay. kaatilt

ead*. iui> i *i ha «al ihHtan vMh patata «atetf.reai» wini Rtaoani bmb Attjtñ _r_iBMBin

RBBMs Ii.» lm> «) Rack. l'»«tii c1 lb* Pi|t.»l CL.i V I ¡».

latin B 1 fa. *riy ff fh« N'rib P»n»«( Church PL.) .da phis »t

a.«»-iil P.-'mi t.! : .e BflseM lh..|..h, 4 besu la.

a . * * . .

I hive - "i (fermas Bill»»» favorably f< r t

>.«.« y cwo («tuily, (adasnkSflMM i'. ».

«lit ,a Ila li, ia)

k.ii.v ii . ., ,<:, ) ksav tint Hey ksnopsntad iii

h«i«l ..'« I ¦. r " -e .... « Ir I ti. tf ti.»

Met,* .1 a tboie afil.ited w,tb the ¦¦.,.».» ki

pi !.. »,>

I.,.e' w !. ..-I«....:. I «io tide tiatir

^hoerla.T i» 11 dj.J » H.lter» i« luteo.led It >a .'I a ..(Ti fe I,

and.»' I bl.VI (I BBI ti.

dftoniV-F.i ÏI Dil . ¦' lv. I'»i* -Iii.» '.

I*k|.-da!.......taaaaisaaa boi.f. rta« t .

t-Ot B< ¦«.! h) a prcslfation c1 l!.r

Syatt.i. oi.e- »ere MSOV.Bfllfld ! y fiuia'l« «al Malîef them-e--r 1 t v. uleiil reVf. Yent Hoofu.D.1 . t.errr..n h.t.r-

V«re recsDiuirudel by i<er.0Di who U»J UatJ them, ti. . >- B1

«hie BMal 1 t e Ititt.r« ind. r«J tor M try Ih. in 1 ¦ at

ISBtaalhB I bid ia ien. ii to Pitr»I Mt lu mt ilrom Ihr ti« analSod. . I et, «BOB cr »«Ui Kail.. :

ew.ri. ia- | .|.n t»e toB.a.ui uy io .-!y

Ila '.! ferr ii to in .1.» ni SB. .

«ral llpm Malsín toa youri «r»t rrtty t no n.

haBBattehi py lütte It« . Hoi., li« tal) ..pen ti,« «looa- !.. i a

lipou Hit re rv I.- «v-t-lii, wa pirn[I BSd I!.!-. .' 1 I**' thal I

btre derive.) -ret.» .nd permantrl ben« fit BOB th» Bl » » B

tante« v.-j. respeoMriak. j ,-.w. BiBBIOraiBB Ne -MBhotla

¦ta.ttaeBa B.MmIn l_tm«l ..ltan^¦tapln-*-.»H__l

rIOla¦tl»e ii..- » 1'ipe 'al'. ¦* . , .,, 'élit I!.

Isfcd» (mi. Li- r- «»» .i J t ,«.'!.: »IrV I

it».i- tl,r:u to te . focd -»._rdy !. r Id

Bato»l riif-ll-a,! loi... lot UM .touatth. I' MLI'.R.

»Vroiu t!,r Rrv. Wilti»m ?mith frr . «riy I'sitcr of _M I u -

(tea Min. n. in. J.) B.pti.t (hirth«», rhi.^rlpfci«.Ifsviu»- iifeJ I-, ii.v fa lilly . Douter if Poule» of your Hoott«.«!'« BBBflB I «ve to »ty I rrrud thrui i» »l el- .-»i

«..divine ripei'L.°'.r tdipted to raiücve the di-eue tbry «retenu.

.a« als.! f r fi.ey urei.zthen md iiiViccrite ile .jalen, whn. .:»

kita-d. ti.d irr nu fu'. in diiordrri of th« l.rer. lou of spfetile 1

Imv« alto re eiiti-eiid-d tbriri to .»Tarsi of my f-iendi, who have

|ii*ai Ibem li.J foaud them fr-fct y billilli in (he BBBBtaS ti

hattah. Your., tr . WILLIAM SMITH

¦te ISA, II,.«, I. I... . .'

Fien.nVUa I» I'- Ititcr c1 Roiboiu.i.h B»|MtaCtaBckDass Sia I f-«! il due lo yout «BtaBtta prepir»tlon, Ho-B»i.d «

¦termas Hu eri. to Bdd my tritir-ocy to tbadeirrvtd rrputtlion e .»

belli», a. I barr !or year» ti tiBiei, been troubled with (irit di»crdn

la say brad aiad uarroa» >y»tem. 1 Wu sdviM-d by s I nonJ to uy a

Beitl« of your taeru.iu Bitter». 1 did »o, »ad bar» «ipa»n«t_rd |i*»i

as« onttpe ted relief. Day hemb ha» bren very materially b»ii»fu».'

p cssfide: ty re-on..i,eiid th« »¡ti .e where I meat with rite« iiraiiir

«saiy «wa »ad l»»en ktiurtd by mtoy cf th«!r «ftod tie 'a,

R. ip«< 'fully youri, T. WINTKR,Roiborou|h, Pa

Vroa. Jubi. B VV'icki-nhain, eta)., Irai ef Wkkenhim It

aai». U>t i-rlet.rited Miuuft taren of Fwiry lion Worn, No IM»

(Uaalit.1 sal Iks r«_lpisn' trow you of ob« of lb« |r**teit f»voi« th»* BB be

poaterrtd npoo utn ne, tint of bes'ih. for loti.y yssri hive I .

r«esd froin «a« of ti.« mott tunoyin« sud flVbilitstti.g i. ornpliii,'« H n

"sha koaisB Isa tly cm h» tíBicted with.chronic dnrrl.ti

Durinfthe loo.'..mel ». li lufferui», from thil diwiie, I VB I'-iinl

adhj r-fulsr phynciini flviuf me b it'.«mporsry re'let 'I - > ».

BflSBBd te kau-titi until I wn luduc I to try Hooflind i (¡eriun. Buten

Alter Ma mo a 11 lew botte, of that vii ist. s undi» ita«, ti r tap ana

srpesra-d ko br< coop eveiy eradicated,I often l.iwsr.l.r think you for luck a v«Ju«bU ip«cin<. ind wheo

.«.f I h»»« an opportunity, cheerfully recooimeud it, »It!» tal ci ti

Ari.e* »e in felitVUity. Truly youri,JOIl.*» P. VV!( KXBB-AM.

Nsw lean. Foi. 11864.

¦tanda .iMaaio e-'i No. Uti Krotdwty Mirth«*». MMData --lia 1 tare «re*, p.tniure in U.Hlylug to lb« s.iiio.J.iii»

rt_*dial «jiaaUtie. of the tioofiaada Oeiaiaia Butru procured ii you,

Mtsbliih.rutA ni»uibsr «fmy i«_. r hu been lor muy year« . peile. > i. . i

to Uvipep.i« Pilpitition of the Heart, nud other di.trsa»in| oR»piisf»oiatotp'd lirar. '.t.-i. prr.ildrd to try the ibovr le'ebri'el rrinelv

arkicbla»f«w weeli re.i.'l»! in u.ikitu l.«r do »e «r SVB VI J»)

"a new womiafl

Ye» «rr »! 1. .-it.. lo li-ik» sr-y uieof tim yo. »eebt or to r. er « .

usrwlerer. lo Voir, tr I» A. MoMABlMII. T. lista»ou?, e-Kj., Vo. UM Biv«dw«). Ne« tori.



UHO-B b'iTfLK. «I, (»R A HALl- ÜU£_N lu -

tau-ld your nav»r«».t «iu«|i.t mot |_», u,, .tu.>. io uo, k>, pal «I«ij» a y «' tl-e taBBBtatal prep»r«tioni that mag oe oBered u. r.

p»»<^ '"it .»uJ »" »,- i.d we «.II Aim «rd, Maotely p, k»d. by -f


^o. 6J1 ABCU-ST,


it'.Ntl h EVAN».

t-teaaaani urne M tadtanhOa,!rrcprleior».

I««» ti* UruttUts »'d Datai»r. is »r.iy lorne i-i Ih« la '»d


I -M '» (I1EM1CA- VVAJLtuij-, st


wuoL-.-Aa.-': and ri:ta:_ It:N



Detailed Accounts of the Great Bat¬tles in Bohemia.



Ikirmih of the AgrMntfiit B?.we«?nAustria and Franc«?,


A Vi w Prix .»mntion of iio-uih

CorreapcDdcDoo Between _Lo«* stitt» and



ii« «i...I- ,1 It.» Alni» -rriv.-l tMtlSafiOtBigfcfi, We

»." ( l » « totas» >tr..rte SB Kio ..*.» ..t » v. BtB «n I a '¦ -, -


a ». ' i vm. »vi n i Mus- THIX1 ¡m: roaiiaaafai-imi »i F\IV14 AMI I 1.1 Si AN VIC-O).

ana trvaa a.*stiha.rai opaim «...Hrti»»», ofV UNI« HA la» TIIK LI..Í.H PO.» H'i TO ITAL.

THKCTiiii vsini.i-uN in..PHi'sii«. rti'i:ci*H mr.


-inn i'ii'i: ni' Tim in'»-IAN- lamana ».. . AU AIii«(T IT.lli»»V TIIK

I. LI.M.'Hi. N.» 'i«t'«.ll, A»tl WOW TBI »t TRICKS

»\i_k tlAl <¦ m n-'ti i»"i in«.'-.tuf

r\»m..' ", aiaraTa. abo m raoarana¦TU MAB! Vi,-, ia PAtOI O' iiiiniii ITTHAVlM.A'i s,tn «KI. Hil» ¡IIK lia !. il < «F J I.Y


| ia »' I s,., ... |. ,

I I, N .1 ,!v I I«"'

A «.' 1 '. .. «a! «<-..., «a.'!, '.-,g- n.ut I» r ¡«ii ".!.«' la«¦ti'ii.'i il i liirlyle i«« y» t til» k r nun, ci .ni

i I' thal-¡ni ii m m!, n -t'(l a M ¡li« r (i .. Bl

tliali i:i Inn a« «ii-i;; il »ni p u!. «h tr ITS fill Stat-SIkt m i-, i:, h ! y na b, ia rery day I «« :. \

BrSffc, Hld» 1(1,"! pi« LI..lill lllnl 11 ll.lllk.ll'l»' llll|.«'lt SU« Il

p«,!...; i bren paral ti ..

i. «

werk «al which the lest astea «' .. bai rape ledi s.:.««'. What n r«-.-.i,| At ti.»- «ittt.- < I II,« 1

'¦ v « -' "t (! Ki Isiiy if be baps» i.« il

'.'. the 'm. !.,".. r ,,:!. un«,

i,» »p bay, " l.i'li'ii' g i', A iM 1,1 rae*gii g 11 ber drill,l '.. -- .: .! ii". '..I ,:_i ai.i ,:.

:i a! h» « "'i thrush both II y sod I' sad!.. t « ! !.. "'. ¡ -' li .-

.' -..

Biaise .n I) ... l ..»nil t).. '.-g- .i i;.-- ml .

¡ut "i ..;,. .¡i« the (I »I::: '."j ol 'Ip- ««,« ri- « mi ro baa li -a lilli*« :.' by "n

» 1.1".« :. vitbsBl l.iiia!-,' lût b] '!"' I'sei ila ¡.' i:i, »i i« h. u. t il a sos i eren baal1 »

îiioiitb. Ki b1 i ito b1 r «I-. 01 ni i* otet lu DryaedaM and11815 t:.. «. » «i! dot u-

oieiita vhkh parceled oui oaUoBi ¦« «! o«. Ibewill of Un* in» Bad d.u-1 nts of Kurili« .til« M >» ta ri-i- »i-

oltatioa ... lî- sailing m Vienna, plu.lil llul.T, Hllll N.l|»«l»'¦.'. the I lilltl » il li._-;. r «.i tin-

litnatioo, harins the ¦!« tt'ained a blähet povrr Ikonever wus wicliliil lu* bil i/K-nt mi' I«-- alni ail !«« bldÍS| !.! ami satttai Mi«- sien h n'« the latí liable. Allov bmthe |.riefe' -nnun.-ir« »r .¦ », ««. aeefal lo thoea >ras ««ntit

tonod i n j. (H.v sa. . take la" 'lu' porittoo: Oa ibe -MofJua» the Prussian« began hoetilitiea ia Riletta. On the.''ii li.n..i K-.-.iiii-k (L.iris entered H.rmia îistngittao,soddeeeeaded upon 'iuii!..n .<_.i IlOncb»Al«.ut the Mime t, iii»» Ibu (f«.vfli PliOse entêtaitK'lii Glati sa JoeeSSStsdt, Hera they »a n- n t

b» the AsBtriasa, fur «li.m I ti«' il.r.lcsl t...-.

»iMinied i» BBC e««. Kurili« I hil« I« BO, BSWVTC i. ploled ttiBtlii-uclik bad »«r!. m1 b il.-t.iit the diapstesea r-miiu«.'Lae lie SOT-l .,'. .I..!. » BMSBt-gl It (»ti the -Mil. SBUl Hld.*tv tin- Ai.a-'r si ¦ vera bestes ¡it M m hod, al Mia» kea-grau, st '1 bb_ betveea tLe '.'»ith o. int and ;hc.'«1 .«I Juli tlieir lo-»«- in Bin! wounded vett e-tim»

iel al as Is« tkaa lYoaa StyMO lo 10,111 atea lessee!.he rciriui'i.l- «.re »11 but anuiliilated hy the terrililoii(-»m1I»-_iiii». Mm lin»«um» Maa .toot' eli «taotasa.aate,»hileibe nulli, ly Asstrisst sad asJy »seatslosdeis.About Ike first «it tin |ire«(int inoi.tb, Beaodek t««<>k Bp u

soaitloabetwseaKoalgagiftta Bad Joseph-tad! <>u th.«

¡ m, Uva Prsaaieai i*oia«asade4 bjr tka Klag laperaeai, al«tBtkesl Ibe An«tiiHii«. who v nie iBOBBtlBlSd OS tSS righi

j bank (.1 ti.». K11,e. At iirst, u. ou forui« t «>c< bmoii«, theAustrian. aafiBMISi It» have Hie baal of the rtTSfigiS;Im! after Hi a. tu., Ihsybfiffifi to .ne «sy 'Ibe battle

rages,foi t-i«_riit.som» seeeoata eat t»ci«e bour».and».U'ied m Hie utt»r rmit ni the Aimtnaii armv. 'ilie lefifil s

.'U but li Hill*« wen-fupbtliil. Fourteeii t-otissi.d un

wounded Au.tnstipinviiier» wen« taken into tbo Frwsisaheadquarter» »t HwtiU. Ben«»«lek attribute» bia lefts!to the »nrtoi's bBTintr sin (»a (led m BtBlalBllIB BBOtlttOB»bu b euiibleil linn to [.our a y lire mtn the Austriantank hud rtar.a uisneiircí eSmfid Bato cover of ILo»lunke, wbidi vas HSreatad tram nsiiiic by the rain, thenfoiling ataas-ta. Ptaastissa se eisiyhosy eBewsd tiie «¡«fmt le lie.foi1»»« nil,', too, upon n «erie« ,,f »unilsr (»laiin-

j ties- nobody i ai y.-i prepfiiH tor what iaUowei, On the| 'iib, the Kielli li ItaBSnSl orj/HD, the Mun,ten, BUtiotill« «-«Ithat tiie]«.-tiii ni Asetriavaa wiiiiug loeeeàe Teoetiat.. Kmiice. ami to a . pi the iindüitiiiii ot Napoleon 111.for the utHk mi. ot jr.'.n c setatea iba bsOigsrean. An nii-

ineii.h'i- on,in illicit i'.ii waa u« t oi'tliii.'ly inn.If to theKiiy- of Ptseeia aui Italy for tile purposi ol piOSSliag an

Biuiisti. e. Raglsadami Ituaata,aoeeealag Uattie .'!>'«-<«.,B4 mi.' i ailed apta t«> purtli ipHtr in the laei rsssry »rraii».'«-ineii's. And tin. li.oriiii j.'« taetgisata tafarai u» ihatPruaais reoorf« the ptoposed trsee, snd thal "ao eeadll. «li» »:11 be saCOptM whii li do Dot »alisfr In r ilniai»,

i sud ike i (-rillte« »i« beeBftdotosoetala tl¡«.¡ii. WbUej Itady lésante tka »».. oiid-liamle- fieesytstiss "I W-netiaIbfioagk Na|'"l«"ii III., ib-i lar«-« s!,e H-.i-ij t hal! a» mu« li

' hurl ne folks «a« ka lift ISSSOl rsrsm, SOSld r.lLier ti<htHiau not, anil hu» way (iftt'iuntiei to bold Wthfkl lo Prat-lia. And»h«ii« b'.«r the [»»wera at'iiid at pSfiOMlAuetrtaie«tillentitled t«« th.- asas. Palsae, tkatafori,lbs Kini'l, Kmperoi tbrovsbli iuii>eriai baton mtotb»-list«, ««. the ie)'eiitati;s ofnld did at tourtianxiit« t « -t«.j,hostilities, tin* tide ol I'iiik'IhD lictory Hilly rt'.ll i«. 1 I.I.-

vant, SB- iwseo) sp to lae valto of Vi.¡u.a. Beaedekitpuverieee to retrieve Ins li.«««'«. Slid the bravest »'«Idler« ¡::

the «(.ral i-HJi do imiliine; with tka BtfiVflMlkieOSd iiitiüzlc«lotiilei B«r:iin»i the i.'-i'!!" goa.

\v .i.e. ibi «.y ¡ipi«!¡ty ut ike AaetriaaQeasralhe« not been Imaieniel' orereaH_*ted lekereelVsi lebt(ii»io»iT(s:. t«..! be«, -'.in« lo ii«>ii!.i that Ibe overaboloi«n'ai. i.ei.n ¦».: ««i ki. defosta i« ataialj uttributalile to the

i) ,.--ti-.ii. Ai ordiagly, a* before ibtliosted». u !.'.,«. ni it tseni ii [li-btaen «lui d4

p'nte.1 rosssls arter the ti-'hi between Ike Memuischud Monitor tit! II.«'i.]»t«>ii BOBS«, Virtual.«. Our «ml wsr

Lu« len Ani'-m ant ':"t tu'.« i« t.. Issra sboo! kreeoh«*osdlagSBull .¡na«. t.. t lean ol Ike aewapeper cliiqu.-

'. -.-r«.. ¡t i« inggeeted that oar vaapeai.i » ,]4i,..t ti, tat Pnufiisa ; i«d nail '.¦¦ »tit u i«

Hat i«. tba iiiii/./le-lou-er».til»* Ceabiaat patent justimported bsrt ead Ike Bpeaoei teren-ibiotsi i- ia.

IIj mentioned. But, aa a matter ol cariosity, youwill like'le kaOS VkSl thi» BBBtt-B iCUn Is, ««'.li li !..<- tii-i'l"»tich exeecdlaglj sa» rt ¡«.I »harp vort ««i ti.«- |km,i merl- ni

i« iel Prancii Joespb la the bel.i» of Bohemia um!*«i ..-«ta Baapta la the atedio

i "f «jj artist ir.«iid. here u tay rwer! li i« u .. hfillI tba »./. nui tartainly not n third of tka ueisli!

I i-11 iii- li ia- 1 tilt or u«> »ti»»!, a small.¦t..! i««re and altogether, looks aometbiag like .»u «ii-gua. It» rieouliit.t m a-«« it« l»ree»'_-l»»ii«luiK iipparslu«

aeesle« Iii»-1 I'tri'ln" s am priuied in the atskifigi and trf t'gUtiy to ibe ebsiaber ead ti«c* iieejis explode.j sitbosta peri i.»-¡'an CfiB. As ii BtSSCh4SSSSr ii Issdlj rapidly as a nssdls anali BlMBaa laiildly, end a* a

' shsetmg'irêef pi.¡c sad »luipi.*, it i« i¡»»ht euoaii!. to be kaadladlike a toy bl theholdier. Tbtir» tietsr wa» n »harper r*t.i. :.. -I..,* »'ipniity iLioUfitiout Kurt»;.) t_aa thelH(Un« M« aseaBaa ol »hi» w.««pon, which has been furtoora kaavo totbetsmitoatsaly lo ks isejertoèéptiaol

11*/ jeetoetassl ' 1.7 air«' in Be^fiad, PiaacajV-uiII. A'«tim '.....»L-p'rtahad it, 1 bon»-'» ti»«« iin»;ht

I lean Daspst,ia 0m B< itatrens-HS«stein »« bob Ibe) axptatetheirobtaee_teaatatbeloeaof... -in .i- .f i',ci 1 amy The »-a mt .A the larentloo 1«

lie li,. ., -i. ey in Other inaUer», n relum lo I« ".' I'f. iciplesisnii.r¡ia(r «f til rotepbeatioa, vbieSeostaasaly

grin Out of gea -1 « «¦ «I , |, .... ,,1 ¡,v Biresalondsrbesdi all Iks «¡«rld orer. ita.«t*!_aa.aa

ti. Baron Muli« 1.ii. l who abosi M ii-at.' km k»I ._ )'J..'i-_i »I Ii-» r.'l'aiv.r-, «ae DOOtUt l^»'1«

gun rhouW J>- a gun, «ml notUnp el.«-, ad«) did not esk jai-, »i«, ur.yttajig but «-lia«»!, .itk«i «ur.ajt ,,,/. Basahqetne.'big-wijrjti_yjul«-'l it lo »erve u« a club or a pike,CBTyinglleitl a nUP II« » nt it t'.r III« tile' «,| u bayonet f..rti.«sonÇtgnoring theobvien Mel wImi it gamedla one ice*-«! it L-l m Hi*' other. It never «»of itrre.l totheni that, If the n<*edle-gim «err. m t,,,,, m» li)'! » id»o mp d u '" ki'l oil' anal of the eenj B 'he begi-ninaf ;i ia,,til«-, then vv'ii!'! !>c neserenity foi " bayonet at»«Jinn ursekica» ihndthia vee lost vaal oeoarred la thel«t») Bohewlea bentea. <_eesnng '" Baasdak'i ord.-i»,Ihe Aus'nuiis Uri .I .'ixl «bnrped, but, wh' n they p"twithin III vsnle «1 th.* l"rii»*isnfl, they BBOVBtena ni»hii ghu-rly nturu volley as to slreiih Iheii» M vi»rows upriii the ground, libe »heut afer the

¦ of the naptai mechine. The I riii'ian-:, «'«inti-ili ii! 'I'thi ir w ra poa, stood li t'ir> I ralik«, th" tir't knee!.iii", taking sun, und tin ir ti ve or six «h-.t« a minute. aone ny eight.until nothing hunaa fotiij et., ml te tot »

it. 'Ihe poor Auttrient, sta| idly br.ive, a», vkea IBiprtoedby 11.«i rifle«! i aaaOB ni Soil« rino, bud lo sucet.u,h, tiptitii pi.'-'l dj irp mth ii heroism worthy «.f a r esnee thantteu ur.l'ir-ky Ksisrr ..who luis, howen-r, one's lynip»-«thin ia (hia peri <-f Ihe faarnl, .ipRinst tully BismarkMd PrBBB.k Vitintly, to di«niiss tin» BOedle-fBa for iheiiuiebetagtBriliah officially is cr-iath nosed ti iii«««1awtai aneenla i it,and io* ordert d -O'oOO <.f th«* fonnnla-kla hrtnh leaden tit the Bas-teh erny, The* an nee«ia ii\ir.-ii "shortly," and will pnhahtyha tartheoniB|m kitten It ahaB be fljnoiortd that ve kan nanthlaa better I ,»n ,,«« ir" you thnt Ihe p-.cnt (»ilk "I

the li',. !.!>!! [.« i'l«i la .x !¦:...'ti. obten about our na-

' .»!i, a i, un.I »U 11>- belonging«.new *-.» than BtaelAm. ri« oin« wi.-ilil ttiii.l» pnail leTo K'ipli«li ii,»' I.« - proper, iiiiil ln»t lo I« I,ti.«. Pat

the ten i :» d..v» the " i uti j bse tiri tally |aea .1

(¡"Vii u in.-;,t, m «I got on »« veil At »itii film, like Ihfl t"tlain in.m vhb ii tt.< ii. ,, ti «wpent, La VaiWaat-neafeesat the batane, vhea M seal ea nttag flahbegfl le nevi",.".. apparently eipertaeciag i'i.y SaesaseBnen Ii. nu ml. r that Mi. I'-it"!*, Hi" I." t'rap'i- r, bald I < or.on«

theory -.i.i.i a n."<i'i nswflpapn oaght te llspesn tk».«lila.r...i», si.«I, « n u »mular principle, p» nona I ilogiealt.,!:.. i ib .¦ »¡'i. .la! .1 KanrnakaUy, vbetbrrott.i t I rtitil' III W.". ,, .a Mill of li.iliOii«! ¦» I«t- lue.

A-i it .|ii.ry ol' it, s i.ali,te IsVstVBB so BB h "il* ola i .-'

«k. pu. i- ni ¦- Monhodoi divines Inn enrythieg thaii.«*- their .¡f.,'1-...«bj eenana mae thta people oughttu ii ¦ i h Un ma»the knavtedge thai anintetry ol «iantori Li- at ten bren temed. Ibougb Uko the bbbm « tbidry.itte krerylktl.* Bren ia «i.t tunis

,, lu. 1 v...-1 i»t ..»li »lit!. .».'in!. la.rl l-rl.y |,rI--.» to nie l.i ).!..:.i «..nil i»- prose '.i -II-

gsterty veakj ki IBM I la htth beth Ibaa » l-nr-:. -, yu,« m 'Ibu I,, ,..« Vii .li m i.»

woat risa eoui]. -.-. 'U.u .lv<» y «"in . -t «>., withl!. Vi ; "" » !¦ ¦'' ¦! lil ¡' '

ti»', ii for th« " ely «the I ¦¦. Mrdi M if»«lr,.p'h, cn to. lil .¦!. Au .c

Mini t-1 « I, ,1 .» i. i) i i it.« i ¡or« m-ii,' nt :'...- ', ,| st -. 'I 1.1 .1. hal Ibaa_i I'- .'. . 1li. rlij I».a...! M .ii, tn « m ... .- v« .i«

t ;...»; brea fal Hi« a,vv i» ti,.- hil« '. ia in«ii j we i,n to horn ni « ;¦

io .'.g1 " tri ii in-

Sa r.ill.' 1 ! '.*/¦. Tten II l.,u,eDg tO I'OlagJ .«

.1.111 ii, I.I ,1 I .C1Sith ¦" ..'- 'h' I" » .'I"-' ti,onto! i» -i I i.. .:..; v. :.. i lia iniiilotioB Ihe "I I ona,It I«, is tari l :. M n.eiry vlnMi KoglkT.d I.«

I know -, tw i. .1 ii .. ii I» v

'¦H-:«!. It es1 .» i-. ni'.«... «1 vHh ...¦»'. I'.."i ..-..I«red « : ' ,i -i it ¦ f ;t» «' nu" bli le1'- -.

Iby tw« ...

..i:.. ». ,..|,l UJ-.I. tin io: ..' . I« MHB "t

rty 1 « i-: ,.. .nu -..¦..

t:. i., " Dation Itl *.¦ ... !.

.¦ri, i 1 do no1 Iri('Mr. Ilathe ae Haiti i :¦¦ i* um r i..- la


Bl !'..e a

i, t: .- ..-¦ wi... w v. :«

III ro .¦ in« I .»i»* li t..

. | I all «if-|f« I

lilli...ititi al.- ...

v .m . :,i..r. .«I i..... of lae I .. To próvidaI "a r« .- t.|

-¦ -i .. «i be .i ..

-, v, ii i w 1.<. ii ti.« - . .i"«taii-a.ii. led Kef li Bat it


\.-i. : ii ietc. Men . : the pa .

I lu te.v. laing.

vv a' 'I,

Is]H i u i. ¦:¦! vi.,

lilt" rli '. ! l.«< ke.| di.« I. Iii .1 Ililli! p-eianilllt". 'I beta- «1 .1» ifl-IISa* r. W.| na "lie N, .


'. ug down U> Charity Croa aelajdllamu pofll ii.1« ii|.i- d. I I.a- u rd al!V ..11.. , at ...IS«I It 'ti,er», »if lind lil li,,- I,. |.

IilOOO to 13,001 I'en.u',- aboBl IN |" r rsal might i«-nil. is aad di iii to ny thenm not a tligtlipriakliag m blackgtardi voaM ka t" .i--.iti ovd vu otterlj tiaùjne.unlike ..i,y .,t!et thalisa bled io Loadoa or elnvhen. li.« balk of ih.- mrogtii.t.'. I.'.w. v. r, tel., dit. dlj oaetetod f '¦ i ¦..

I vciy i.,r.-e |i..;..i'."U ,( tl.i-ni bad lak'i. IBBIroullie IO ''li'"» li.'li., lot Ile »a,.,-lui,. ,n |!r»ir

Koaday da*hea, u II lo ahavthe vv. m Kal lanaIr..ii!tie La«1 wer«' Bol Ihfl « itlialis uiu! nragoi d' b. i I c Ili» tas««''»! 7'a'.f Vf ...r. sad Ciili'o. A« l..r his " drtiiiki-t-Den', ni.'l, tlnr*- »in -1 f, J. 1V in»! lilli»» of Itk.Lil. l). t.i. Lu., ii'« ii.iin Um nberw nna aurelnip m, I.«-..«led by theil «»»ii baadi «hill««l"»t ni 11.« in -«'i,mt.' «is troin Mladlej'l Uki .'(.-*(

pi. ut in. .iii.l ..!¦ rlOfl, lie :. v» !" IIB know n te I»' far more

teail« «s snd uni« peiuli al la theil »eiitiiii.'iii» i..r uions in-

lelltp. ntl» kstfllBfllod la de i».Iiiic« ot ib»-dar thnn msnv

und ii,ic » .,! the iii-»a « w h»< eeaeert thenaelrn ebenthen. Puni ol the »iBiiiliers ns.-d r.ith. r «troup snd lill r

,-e but ten sa-» than that of thu lion. It. ti ngalda the hekstin "f the eatin Beanbtegi -, k1 <"»

tr.ietid ». rv brorably siththst of th« Tori oppotilten«iiimi/ Um ttm «nt nanoa. M »n aftetediaa« r aahatei ih«-rewere tower !io«l», !*wer firin-y ard iii.iliilioi,«, ami a pntdeni lum «obriolv. tfatat. tluniphtfi.l, ileleriiiined eir-

aeelaan wee the dtanaderteUen the neettacn veryplainly neogaisahle that only thoa« enid tail to dieerrnit who «i re » ililli,ly !»li:..| to its BBtBleBBB That ther.'W'l ii.i'lit .-j»ily li.ive lu en lid into miscliifi is true,

kal only by ouo thing.the willful and iiiiu.-. c».r> interferciiie "f the foina Waon gotag to orgaain aeaahnmass ii.cetinp-au aawnoua one, to laclado doputatlosafrom the |.r«v iiici-s-t" le held.lf | neUoohb IB II..*!.-i'ark.On July I tie- ¿th, (/ueen Vu t"n« s third iBghloi Pim«

cess llul.'nt, wa» itisrri.'l a! Witulsor !>> I'ni.ce ( !.a»tiiii.who >lin. Id be .ulled 'link from kia lallyBBBlBfl IBBaeilina. It is the brit tun«* thal liieiiinv Im» bean wnike«l st

by the ¡.i«-i»ei.t Royal K.iinii. of England As I h»ve writ-

ten kenna BO is " tni.ip.tiialic.illy mnii'-l alniiilv, andhas a liitliili. Ihe ebb st I Mill, within live uni« ,,f tile Bpe"I iii« pnaaat wile. Moreover he i« lilepitnnate, lu»h,..ti,ii Lnvinp keen "noeanatleaBi manted t.. luslather. Tbc match am i-ntirclv «>i las Qarsa'a aahhig,snd i« fiirimi-ly unpopular here. Clm-Uuri is n-p.irded us

an al lealem. the Qseen proaaaB ti n».«!, u.e vhala bo-um-« "bj..,i. lie «iii probably beHnMajoaty'ipet ROI. ila-iaW.Wt kept L'nelo Nan»'» lath birthday rutliei .|iue'.]y lu

tiii« («peal tins year. Liverpool eeUpi t.. aa, ii ¦.«» um»

kotiere Un aspen lhere, nut anlythi doierMaa ship»ii. port difpuyed iii«- Naii"nul kaattag, k»m si.'« ike Mahn*enbelongiagto Hie Caaard, the laataa,the Ail_i, amiib.- Betioael Binn Karinriea Ceneeatee, ins.le n

gallant ahov ea the vatenol the city, every brick ofwhirl,, m «.i.lim: le drnakee (¡."ri:. Pnderlek Cooke." i» nneaied M lae bl..'id of .1 iK>-r... Al»» th> ollie.. ofMr. Dauer, lha ànork-ae Coeaul, va« ooupii una foi

I ii» array "t Delea .lana.« aad Mar» «ad >trii«s, shite «iithe laaniag Atuoi ii aa t," um kal Ihi Colnnbiaa emblemsfl..u!in;r from tfcslrlagiieff«. Ib Ikssrssiag, Me,alergeiiiiii'N-r of «¡iin-ririiii« rlelmted lha nnniversiirv by a bonqoet at the Wnbiagtor Hotel. /f.",l kara aa deabllinn vhat Yaakeecnft Ikenmightki ÍBthedlag] Noie.tin- Ilia:!,.-« dab eipoeed t!.- uodtomefl flag Ihfl -

si i».-- ,,i. to Isa p s i .«my-, chilly, flaw j day, aadJierhsp Mi. Bom cul.v. ned lin* bniy ».< ii.«,ori o! |)un-aim ( "i m w uti the nae« haaser- bal ¦ i bad aa liana Mst .i.:iic»» li..!!, i .. glorittcstion, Bad, happily,m tuatOun. it.' Mi-- .V'liiie« iened «arj» to

1un At Bone ,.f upwitr.l ta Bl ganta, Amencui.«nie! Ki.L'lis!..a rompantiral} prints fostitity, exced«

rnjored by thon vbo bed the fi-A fortinmi lo be.'. ÁuioiiL' the T.iitutar were youl orreepondeai aid

lu» w t.- mill ka ««! like very inn« h M d" jurtiee ti, lhaoeeetaoa, ealy that uofortaaan edieetir« be in lata pnti- ,11., .. tctiiv iti daten hin. Ha ran, lbenfcn,oBlysay thal Ihe eatertaisaiast ksrolved i!.«» aaseishlege olmany .|<-1:l"I,!i ... opts, Bush ind » la« enltetloB, ¦ ,dni a« brilHaal :n.rl ueueeeaafhl m eoeld be de- r. .1. âteothat the indi, - I cea Bajvei foi oar of them.apeeand

| h.i'll-i d I'V (!.«' kiüln.'e« u!.! Brhaail) '.' .>''" IUkevtes ve amy reatan to print th« nsnn "i tho i-w

oetebritinprsnat. vbo,eiaaeb,enpaali« aroMrig *,\i.9. O. C. I'urlt-i. the tirai t-l Aiaieiii.ui ar'i-l', Mr. Sion,the nnltaor, >lr. li. Pnndsnoa, Um piaoist, Mr. .). ÉII,Mev, I s Mi -', ' I', '.ml, Mr. M. C. Trie", tin««lever l.c'iirer, sir .*«. w. Weean, editor el TAt Anglei ra, BBthorol la liyl'," -' bia channingwife, vbo ha» al-., dahl led in p.-llit-t's Va'., Dr Loi le- ,,*

Ph-Bdslp-is, J. M« Hearj, brothn to Ih»- Kei_l agent, I.'r li « antinoxles, A. Baldwin Iii.* .ipressmau. Mr».A. B. iirani siiil 1er litan Mdll«. Bcnli,, Brnusil. vhopieyed !»«[,« t roi) ea ihi Biaae»fc_ta snd rial n ead didit milli!!..lilyThere tesa Bacliabana g"inp i« Ib« Halted M

loa» ir.l the i.i mu n."nt!, v. k <i.rrn a,i ideoni -

Lsuael), lleinj Vim er.t. ti.«- Intunr.ahnoal M l'.,i ¡,» tiin Hil« (", ti I 1 Ml | I tal ni I "-::ti:rv, ii- al'r"pre«-i.,;.:«i', ead a« the Oeram « votdd »«..t, « "».irb!l.etter .ener.'llv. rron tin-!" fiuiiiiit.» .¦! ..iir « ml »ur li«took th« »ide ..t'lbi Y iib Bed ti.«- um.u: , i.ti MB k lo it

eg Bkghl af-.-r Bight, Ibrnsghoui th« esafltrl I

'ij'p' ".- (rum ..".'.- e. «'.i-,],. Ii'aii l"V( ..; Iil.rlv and ih

it*_?w{tM|Cta_«_ff t%n ¡¿ii 1.1 b|td<aj

thsn-cur own in that lonp four year»' agony, which waa to

dubifias, and *cems eo much a matt»«r of course s.»s. Inerer hessd hmi »peak, or «saw the in_n to my knowbiw.*,biit.lia-r». r. a«l uianv of his 1>< ttn««s and «visbed him God-..'«-I. H« will fro nut of ahaalf-vituitad moral atuto.pbereirito4_iilbaip, eutirelt wbole-omt' «ne, lor the tirttt Uni«) in

hit nar iror_ n country « !» re we art " «tri-rli-*! »_»__f[»-ui.dcallj" i.,, to the assertion of our nstoral nebt* loto

(tni, w_*ire tbey an» like the sir aitmb we b-rvath*»« w»thoi:ttliinaiDi; ..I it, and n lo talk Mron-cer d<TrjtKraey NOBhe loprtibably a» are of. At least 1 mp| .-». -o.

.> '. ¦-_B»-

TBa C«-U4>«4 OF V-BETIA TO »Al.OLBOB-fit'Bra^B"_..~D DFJ.I«iHT »IF TH- PRt.N»'!!.OPUnOrlr) OF Tilt




1 laarOur «Hf«r« _l i orr.ti _idfi._Pari«, Ja'» A MM,

" Bsr'Dft .»ted the luiiior of hie BIB», iu lui» lb« Fiiup. r. r

of Au»tri», sscisptlai 'le ni«h« rspreeecd bv th>« lamp« r««r

Napohpun m bia kt'er of Jaue 11, « -.».I l«>h>« Minister ofI Brolga Allan*, o-ede» Veii.-!n I« the of the r*r«00h,«»«I Serept» hi» mediation t<> bnu» strvbt peK-e bttwetn tkelotMutferei ti,

li,»' M'npi-i.n t.-.a hasten» «J to retraotnl tai tlai» appeal, sodttoistitinteiy- afidreeeed alawail to the Knitiui Frutsut ami

Italy lo hi mr »i«,ut an hi«».'

Tar nl'Qve m«-st ut., ipeeled unnounrerionl unifia»*»**! »n

afaaygfilaty in«,rim g_ Monittur, totbfi f,reat jütonaibmentTal «I tight ol the Ki«m h world. It was iiiiii».«itit. I) ii.-

i« pi» led to uiea.i Ttun. The thrto p. r »¦ it f ». v>nt upita* ,i nike' lulu I'.-' .in to ii', al.«I « -nal n.m. n a*» a stieb at

(.1.30. Raga (i.p(..«l oit of windows ni rn tf»té

_sv,ai.i.' iiii;!ii UMiawsa h faite pastal vt>iunt»«ir ii-

!nminsti..:i. I*»-... r. no war loci, no nav t-iies, the11 iihan (;ui.«ti'.n fiatlli d, gyt. ¦. m i -»,..n t», French glory..¡,«t, Id ls hope, teint, ii k'h.Lewaid- ni.«I y.-t i,0 waet««

Of Fr, iii ii blood I linly lil.« rat.-.I by I-*i«u,- e, France tho

admitted irMfiet of lur.'j'.*1 ii..- |a,iry al "«aafissfittea«Bti__ty, all the policy laid d» sa m O.» 1«*»: t.-r of Junen, tit.iii.i. Oy appruttd bj tueeeasl II »« N..p»il<oi»>

.. ni« ¦: triumph, la tasir eeateuUaeat al tbia «seatingii.: r. ka l..r« ut« u»*d with dieta«

..i, i.i ..'...» relief in-ill ii..« searing saatet* ofthal eos»

Hsotly «i .' In their freak eatha-«::.'« l i'Btrl ti pride mai '.i-.lily, the pes» bfidj ol

I*».¡i.' m'- aritla» it pi .m t" ut*) ii., h ni diiini -ti rob¬ita«, ai.ij i ¡ii«' ..."lia i.t toery,übsaiasasilk ii"'

\.,; «.!, Diets, I',!« I ¦. '. I >r Ikil in« alie

,, ,.' i .,./.-. ' I . / ' tad ' .¦ : Pia* I/'«,,,' Libérala, koaeter, «,i«'i pstsisl m i«--p»i.»c theirb.-sdi i< « I m i . ¦¦. r -i» II i.i : . iiiii., ia.'.'t kata t, >

.i- i', '.'... .. « rsssnt» / »l.iril al« k kaln.i t w » ii. t il m, aad th.i' lue aesjssts esaae of

Pi '. :t\ :n .y li. >ii-,«bund bj ti ii içreatiriuui'-ii «'i i:.«' Hiop ror. li his M .»> tj v» re to rep« at lo¬

di) tilt« «|ii. ilion be ulta On Ki »i ft '»i le in Wal «».li

j. ¡i t, v« ni" for y-'ir .1». ¦-. ¦: ¦¦> and risjalitiitlss main,V,.«., i..,' i ., « . .;.i «.mi aye;. n...n« iii.ui.

0_. .'Hi III..! 1*1 a a

\\ kal i» m« M "ii I" tis i" 'I ii, m II.i'""h «atioi. iftr.n. ia«i.". "iuna .i A.n.'» pusishatsst t.» h»-r

»,¡« n d»be ii* I Vesei lisMB bail »he kept .nil "t

partuerthtp witl I'raaaiai the vtaked waros Ueamart...I «he » ».. n alj lakes ! ia im! m eil'. .--

eral ni i of the U »nan I onf« di ratio K.."l-1 '.« ti',, mis 'i r ,i «-tai-

| . (. ,| ,«.. ¡I I 'a i I ikS li »I IIIO-

k. .. ¦!. i 'a ii"* ..!. at n.i'i' d ii

N ',(*.... . I e*(. I tal I »I ¦ V ii 'b' I ab BJ I, UM*! ««TO lirjt< *1

dpos kei by his diplomat di bum into eses r

-.BBBSl i«

' nftbe ratheriek. i ¦! hal '. -¦ :«.'.' ¦' '¦ 11 '«*

Iba i;.. »ni_j ««! a.. ¡" i"i lie mu li'1 b» .¡el > « i.- '¦¦ t : li ...i- i .¦ J«Hah.

. |i» lake, :. .¦ b -t k» «a. I lip, is I... i i '. i ItlBBtnsI « ii!) Atti ti '

mu -.:».:. i"! for tks last few bas heldi'. 'i.-i'. rnt ett nar bslw «-('«er. dt_w « « aid ... li.« r ...lui.»"-. 'Iii" Im'tli» >>1 t'n-t../1 a,

last '. i their pride t«.

«.. Id ; tho t »». P ..-»..ia ¡«Ai v .1 an ia

ti.«- fsal r obatii ,, i i«. ti..,! .,.:.. IusmiB; the. :« ». ii dova Th«' «i ¦."!

!.,'¦ .« a» lal li-..- na, ni til.' order ».is

-».nt ti« -in \ :,. I... t«> li. .. «. »I« it. iiiic'i at k'ar.a t.leV, petia and i»k IHasoleoa'a iatertratioa. ladas' Italjla lr.. Li Ai.-T ..| I,..i«. tIta- Alps to Hie

S. !..«.« bas - pi'lcun'iite.t Hiilfeihio,ai,i| ia» lab i'.,. ol ile i- ««» Prseeiaa gen-

baa till»'d out Nap.'l. »«n « pr> grama «¦ alII Ifltal ¡n red her indopaimteii»««« «li her-

Lastf, H tasesMSfolt tcikssw tksl 'be i.I BO! ii:.«I her[debt of »in.tad. tin« nu» in li«-n« h obligation .'ski«. »!.>. ka* larg» ly paid In ."!.. ia» i her «l« ht t<» l'ru_»i«.Por, tors» ¡Mi ,-:.' .i ike preceding iap.«l -n« «.t

1 *r. - -1 .i. the i...til«- ..' s,.«bma. ableb ». » leiribh lintt ,* .ml but won. iiiif/lit well have had another l-susliII« kredeki ltd ¦'». l.iid ii llo.'f in. i KXI.lSSlol th.- (ta-f/tj»»Italy ferrad Isstria to keep ii Italy, Ind s«ith»ibis_ItSa. »ail t'.al AUStriS l"»t th«' Un ««I» llut.-i *l lu l-ilifiniB.¦n ii mai i" itali said thal »he 1» -' ñadosa in v.u.' ,.

Aadeo Bhakespeart .«..- right after ..!l. sod Bohemia Ioritouch «do lb» Idristl» Baa, a« « loag ago ia thaiM uiiti« lab Uta .Ink psseagi "t -i««-e dirsciios. ¦.»

ia" ht« in d Sp tod -i "Ii etileil nil.mell tat ioli BJ Ikifi .Sun.-iii.-r » »nu.Prom lbs Hi-Hi-1 ». Iba -peetfiele.bieisg Pieask

(«¡I »liitie solidar Ameriraa. ifiyle the 'i'-ut tin».

iSMBingtythe lfth,ttagli iel idtasvardrasaa, we .ire

re« eil lig i«ri loliiliniioiis 1,1 w» lil the .«'lilli" an

iii'.ti. n papen. Hut a« iba Bagllah sarimieepuadi ntl««¡««¦-.til« foe t'.« kennan «nie ara tullir, Btort «o« Brateand. «<» mi a- theil Bsbliak» .1 leila rsarsoas» erasd, tvetrakairi fiesfSI Ni« »"ih t!ii»u th« ir I reiiili nial», 1 m.n

»pall- rSS i| li'M at i"li» of di«« IiplKH.a aftha g1' al battle. IHill«.t kelp "in mr[, hi«, »el. that the eSBMSfiga, bnef ..»

i» koa asea, I m alt. foraiahed materias1 f"r u« fcsHal.»iiia| let b4 srsi ksntats. kemiss sf prftste ksssaa, kate b-ery of ritUSBS, tuttltr«» Bl of prisoner«, etc. .a« tiou.'liit bud been i srried on iu the »ila- of un« it'lir..'.! Am.ri. n.

But I is liol li««In ». Ihi -.- Iittl. . lair... teristl. » of .illwurtsre aataaej < kriattao ¡ni lesa itinsl aaaiii that dtaret.«I .iil'-iilit.ii and ijusntity ni lady ¡mliguaut i "iiiuii-ut intim (i..»i n inent |«r»-s» here that «ras rsOfihfiSfod iii .»» «eii-».rou« « ni».«*ure to our pet-«-.ulill<K'H in like kind a y. ur or

t»(»h,i/(..The Ptaaataa ead ItalisaiesposeeslsMsse)lsiia*i me«li»-

laty pntpuaitiot-i tie ao4 kn..« n lo the palme ji the tim»* Iam »ritni)«-. It i« ruiuop d ibat linstiij, m tha flu-h of« n

t««ry. aL'l lil UM leal "t ., letreallliB, d'pr« notti.-. My «SOS at Um id' a "t an arm i »ii. e. I rniy. uolhintrl> -.. mitiiral a« she should toils t«> evtei.d, it hut fora «tay or two. lins lui Iy parted of «. unit eh inc.«, und bind

np, »>. mm li m peesthM, mid »t are of the gtent hum -t ..,,

tfiki o it, she hu. reefed K ao la lbs «äst i «

i*v« iit «it vi aba Bat Ihfil Ifapoltoe sill bring «u« h atatSun to beal I« Sill »picillll beal! « 11 I'll ltlsiliaik s balline «

la liurill. 'l'.'ibtiil. a\inl lionel.r HTSSjBSSS tun»* sluilnote the di Lui» o| the com li.»ion« st » huh i uncut opin¬ion lia« arm e.l lien- in u tumu It of rmot nui». I iii i.t thinkthat in lbs«Beta thai slllpraea taksestthat« dress aedsel'<»«»(«., rai treat loora ti u-".», winch mean«.I «till trau«late tor tin- llplotfifittegtBtlStMB in -til BOBttmi«! vhite ehoken «¡li take the place of geaarah absal -.

,. l..iiz- orered labt», . li« h «ill tak.* t!.«- pla» «« of lmtih -

held.. The tragic act of the sUxeddnuaall eloeed| th.-(uitaiii is is rise sa aa act or aariei t»l,aeeaefial Mriosi"Un.I«. W ti it Uta iletn IHlli'lit I« llkel« ti I" It «lillienine saeagh Is ipesolfitfi si next veek. The *. UlaslbiBkaSf the in«.-I laii.'l« ti ile-.-i '.(io:: «ti'.l tia.- diplomatic so-

lutiotiot which ii'-|!in. in itTi tnoie thin even HsdSrt*.iiraiiiiitiiipic nii;c:.niiy tli n «nu iseUaea, vHk the oaimua«i :,-« i...-- of folly, look tor it troin eomttoB sseeethislime- flinn th« ' hi-ioi.i «l drift, (.««in /« .. ii, . ./...,..otbetvue eeHed "logáV "t ereats," Prortdenee. i« i i

«ay X. Romehoe or other Napoleon tr.ui-f.*is vaaelis,Based to kita bat a__ck Ita caaasl mit ivi»li i.

I.«.I«l, t" ii« owner sod _>Sg destlfl «I |,«.4s,.a.,r. It al«. F"rwhick Itali «ill bave t». pay i,n,,,n..: prsasta willhate tbt Klb* duil.u-., «'k1 «. v.n rt-msiderfihle aut

Dentation of ita potrer oat cri th« t»onqn«r»«t. ithatmsa.within lae lata ita ««-'-k«. Bal Aaatria eaa'tb, paimttted to I"' » tithe.I out, Bl <! Fra lie. be psid. Bovlwini, the BfikeveifkU srt lo be found, Itob shorni ilacn \» hui little pevert ead priBoipsliiiea ire toi" goup. Mlovad tu I«, no iii« mu ksiorstl«..mi,..le.lal«-.11not aaaii al, bel apti »«al. » si the Bslsoceof I'ou-ei n huitrpc ess ka «"t taetjellibrinin .

These ur.« i|_estioai foi Ttms lo answer. Napoleon'»foionii' iilci "t a I.iii"p"'»ii Congrm realizeil bein|Itapfi, t" I» Hi rsspc blit» aad bow to leen these -iemnitiei sitl .._...: poollost on Hie Prussian N'»,'"le'»n who bavin« pi... t. .11« .I«--

«I'd li,. Km«'"! "»mon«, lbs Duke ol MM «a,,; -_,tkeDuksol Bsas-Wsimsr, tai Dukeot 8ssr»Altenbnrg,kaa hud (inferred pot kimi»! a Parii va¡ lb« bia!t th- it ( .unit It'-i,. »ile de hsxifoge.

I' it l-"iii-t!i .t .1 I' ..' ni hin I in beck ti li to thetltsmi I Ihi bl ¦"! 'i .' ¦. talk about, rotAu.tri.i teal Mi bet ii .* ''': .*'' :- ceil \ ne -,. i.-t tin-ihsakUiaof íiam-e, to Italj on tkfi4ibiast.j io Hutt Hoeii.'iie« | - .rt t»f hitthil..» H ItpHfiO «- l eil.I ___0ti' i!, li, te;.. udoOC"*

V. »*11 nara, tWtwifiaal a^ortoom, ral prettily celeh«mtedky Aaiericaai ia these pam st Hie I'/ t ¦¦,>..,!.,,. The»la'l.eili tindo;.!; bad beau lh-tltt_S| «Mît Ultlli'*.itothreatavilbvaleria in,- aatb kean A day, UadlitlesrC'll bp »nd iel Ut thiel »!ai BS_M BfSSBC, 1". (la..t BO» .a-

aiea »»til«-, »moi tin dey. el and aftai loeloek. Whata chiirmmglr It plac-. for hnrib.u, ».i this klad, tha IfVaiala ii a Bille getdea ___»_ efeesje eeise oooleithe Bru. Br»u!(»|/!ii'- BstaT ot Tar. Tptiit-sKs rtssenknow , rigtr, fisd Iba u--t sen told v»h«*ii! n 'It'« !t M Biota« Itif-.-'t, r oCur.-tl t,

loo lilli iiu'Mist I cur. The »If,ti n,,. ««

pul ii*, ni.«; ¡i imita!.i« n. aged by a tam «,f the ftmariraamr'« ionia, ..ii. i ». el pi-fvi mea reeUeal ia Peril1 ka lid.-, in, Brina forntaked no ead ol bssutifal.swan rima iba imm» ase " n0« ipal , .rd.n ibat sappi e*

Parla park« and garden >»*teAi*ee wilk fkeliflWai ir«iui,!ri.¦ i, i-i '¡r'lii **;«i; k!«.'1 '-^cvd 1

raeniiou the rest of i!« nan.«-- which some of us of lotoveirs hare rome to n*pi»r_ .a the symbol of a really United.States I't.on and fr+e country.dis|»!aye.! itselt ni

varioue macs and pleasant pn-funon. »:*d beanti-fullv harruonuing « «mtrust against the haOBgTWBlidof French puen ir«''« a:.«l sward, and bine skyand white «hiudis. There *..« a larpe Nut wier«

...Sett tiatmoemi played heavenly cbniies.And violins did i.<idie there,'

preftv yoting gentlemen, .«joking i.« prettily .is

thev cniild, Iveûtii.p time io the sanie with quick pulsating!««-t iwln.-h, 1,-t meiay, 1 think an inipnien.ei.t on the

.'light fnntsstie to»-".a pood .pintalmn, thet. seeing us

lcnplh and »«verity of new«put cr «ervn «*, has a ngh! to

retire in tension). Ont from tin«-1« u' were another tuit, into which, at «lue nungi" f! o « lotk, foil«were let. whi-re there ««a

"A n ate le. It« t t:ef. re Hiern satWLere I..»hm» of good drink there wm ti'

of whnh lust limned grateful ri-freJihniiu! 1 Ohonvei C"

«me piirtak»*- in undue quantity. Then.tor are we not.nerkaa«, with gift of the teagno and ears grt-sviy elneechteiaortiti trAit.Ina reiy jolly, informal w»y,line or four divine« and a« many Uymeu got themeervèion ¡i cbair for.. platfonu, and «Miven-d themadmof thfll.ntl) that was in tin m. li« «Hy hall a d»/. ti good littleSpeeche«.they wer« eo rhort'.tb»t ot the Ker. Monod,son of the Frederick and nephew of ll.e Monod, being tin«shortest and best of tin« «-acred, a:.el tbat of SB-QMS. twoni M.irylar.d being itio most stn nunns, even to the bend-ii.p ol I.,« ki.« «..-, nLil cai-ieit h'-iird, i-f »he profane «peci-men« oi oratory. Tbo li>v. Mr. ThOMpOOB "f yourcity, Sir. Jgj, fiT-irdi-on vi Iii« Jay bert among thespt'.iki'rs. 1 ti««ni«nully ov-rhearil the pi vat«- Nh.B.neaa neath, euppwnod by etreantaaane la whnh theanr*i- nag orator nid h«> waited five atina« ¦ le lenlef thesetwo points- (la.mpHtn. nt. Franc« i,n her "l«l and shadyfiis inUhip for til«» tJuili-d tuiiit« s, and (¡overemeut «ni

the fact tua', then ven no y» kpoeketa te ran«, i cob.

luded t'.at the gi ntl« maa bad on '," Pam m ib«- wayof_oad__ Theo the dancing begee again. 'I'"!¡en IfBVOrkA 'I'la n then IU B tuart) tblM times

lane fbr lae United .tatoe Amy ..:.<! then the companyas ut homo to bid "in inousurel. »s eOBteat, Among theliiriti I gin el« tt.«- fe,ne, latftrial. ." ..illnr prettynuil i a.natty w. ll-ta fond little ganurtuan, vhe tsM.Upart ia eat flaaee, looked ea lera vhils, ead weatavay.He eeeae thenen na Meamal in*Mettann Dr. E am,«mesf theMaaegtBgConnttne, gina <>n eeeeeioa oi theDoctors BpeakiBg with the Kanorn «v tew ian beean. bool iii« i r..¡ *.« ii American «« i« hratioa. Hsi ing Beardlately a nob mob, vhe hw ."I li at all no1 kerj o ¦«* raein one du« l.« u .uni thal < "Ti it' r lo UM BIB t I hi»grt ith . élargi « a Ihe nal I ry ta An erk aaiia the aiIik rihe .nil n y..l K n*.¡.i an «in.-« t.« ii, I .in jr v. ...1 lo

is) ilait l>r. Ki .ii,- s i rofenisnaJ sad k eisl n li ii«»Bi vitbihè Km;., roi bi i biala ii« Um y t* asd kin al tis ki i ¦« a-

tan, | ¦. in «i.« ia '.".' and ¦. lb« ¦¦. (I '¦. «eel««rii«|i, |.ii..*tie Aii cr um min..of win. rj ia 'y 1 ui.v

.i. ii. !,e ti., "iv. :i lath« r «(lal | .-. n my i-r*"'-, .«it.« ngothers, Otbi-r gucati v< re the lain and «. rnl <.! tia,i¦;, i» .,1 the Mi.iii-.i. oui.ili, iii i. .-¦ [ . Mias r..->, ( n tary Vox,Mi. Vat hi I a loi vitb .tia I m the

{.r... it- kg day, no! y -i yat ofh» IlsJ sty'« peeking, bat "-kind & brough! lim t,1 nroth n.i.-rvieii« ¦¦ ii*-re 'r,tti parti« » an gniti rf I i third|,..riy. Batonlly in tbii can th« ntei edi ryp'ari vn

quite othei thee the obi II at I tonghi <;¦ i pir.1 !..

i.ri.h. That interriev, you mai perhaps can t«>

k ¡os n I bow o«, las», vn a : asked i«.i kj lb« Koipe-n.i, ae .i peteaenh M Been Pene papan «i theBS-1 «!iv VMM minuete. (!»:. li« a I i'.i d vi-ie K_«.iv. «i a* a ritters of Ike now I I Btsta und la bis« ,.:-v.» vn «ci »it.!.* eaoogb to ( r- r-'-nt»».f oatt,is that quality, di «variag teqaestioBi »,i.tibs a r,

replied by statement« of tatte u to militar] prrtoriTtancnMad the aetiial nkstrrial ronditl i of ibe South II;« po-Li.. .1 i,.iii.i!,-, v.Mem they «y bo, I li ;. be badBS OCCSSiOB to . ¦:.!.,rp«" U| oil. I I...! Iik4 l':ij I"I,1U ae-

i« pt i ug the interriev, rasneted thal it slioubl be katerpred-d, nock ken Intended ri n n extn»»,liptoflntic

-,i«,i »!i|,|». .¦-I- OBreflection, and that I bare special nanea for

i. ,. v .:. !.. be Btirely uni oi I« te« f

i i to i.iiiii to the p.« K« rthofJnli Mi Bolou,I oi'.¡.11,-eio: »«I Ageai of Bev»Yei*b and -.

to lbs great BxhibHian m I»- ',. \ » M *: outtksl.-. of all otu» te to «i|«i"i ¡..« 11 ¡. i.i Bad ¦. brand

c .it.«I the noatbi uf una) gvaat», «rai te

Inking t! r« f ii-.d -t:tg i hit li..Y, ;. ». v .jthe ringing 11 bi« ti ¦..¦«. » bli b mi

m the i: lab« ». li le, II I ». d iti li rlgl Hy, i

.....,.;. il.avv, IB.M of I I I |l "li:

n.i««i'.n boaiusra winch then te no ms ¡hu !¡n. ii..

ova to ii'!v.-rti«a* »riu'i-, lind «.. 1 «. ;. t isy saiithn voidubu'it til...» «¦¦ iii|.ariiii. i.ts.but. i. isal e-;a.".,iit agaa««-rsl in) lligosn burt au and i,< ¡piul agaaag i«»r allAii.ri. n evtnl.ita.r» al the sell nar'» Bforid'ti Ur. Norton bu made, and atkr«, and pvipean te

keep on making it t.-i». br,sines», ii»:. !.. tniwer iatelli»gentlj end tate.iglbly any «¡u 11I01.1 thal lh< -cv|y«_r<

I.', AH.1 li' "I. laallUf «liai! Pl.t IM lill. lil r«'»p--( 1 "t .OUKvliiiiiiiou ktnMi aaseadly, t«. asdtrlBba to panana

ate, ta pnaral ta the paslie, to prnaata aira of allau«!every leactieg,potaiTieelfkiajntiag, or nharvtae lagvuionsiy taanUedeteen rnpi:.«-. «ow ailher, <>r gfmerseb v« ith which ne aampa Ubi nativeai«.itid m..y iU«i!i't" radow thi B&enligliteaed Kur«-¡,. ..-i public -.«t a proflt,Iha "ni' "Hier ti-lcbr.ition of ladee« dem « Hai ttiut

« am, iiiidiT my ol seiv.itioii, unit iLi nae ': .1! lickfad nu-

I ..»t. wa» fot Bp, Ul.d gOiag oli (Bet, Hi ill Oj.eli io, |.I,1 pirie, vienta »«1 Ina feQydookiBg danri« aae, of «bom( ti,.-etunicnily joiliest and Am.rii'ik! est lookinir, willi In»j feet rui»«-d « ..n» above the ¦.ninian l'un« elerationabove the tra, wa» wai in. lo and fn> an Alilli- «n Mag »s

! m e bendeena baa'krrcber. Be eaioyed li .11 i the....!.. n. vi lui ln«tilietivilv lett thal «,lc!l i. Lal: l!lli.»t giveLilli .1 p.-l.i mus font hm ¦. c1,i led It; f,,!ks i.lnip the»ire.-t, i.i.i kn.iwitik.' »bat .t lu. mi-, «lili eiij.y. .1 1: bl i"r. >.

«¦i .«vmp.itiiv. thehsnoaoonod toBw to te nenehesrfajtbaanota i..i«k kanni the eitien madea-heem evi-

deatly 11 foyed it. »ad so «lil y«. 1 inrapoadent.A«) touch now |i«»»i .». ri|itur.illv on a piavnv un.l be

lone. It inn" o it « few il:» s ago thal nt ii ,l. .

v nag derina totBean eoafltdersble political "nfoin«,which will t.ike part or leit*«t .in the turuiul., of,1 Smelter, Cn,.mt. There is nut enough ¦!.ki."wn as t.. the nature ol'these proposed ehsagn ta makeit »otth tin- »lule to sp.ak al length <>t Utanto-der.The naveta le leÑtted tehe a vithdnval of the npntgnnteda few year« »»»<>. to th« i_..ip» lagtelatif tee_»>ci«» the to tin- aniinak Ihisae Speech.the »>uli lor ft-.*« speech on grt-ai political ili.itannben bsd. Oareraantal conceive« thai the lib-«ral mit.ority have .ibu«e.l this opiwrtunity. Bo saoldVon, Madam, if j ou wen- (lorersuicut, «c«inp ilnir Karre«and 1 iiierx and tlic rest iiitinsing luur fonigB uii«! do-Untlaa dump«, ilav in and dar out b'.r week» topitL- r. sndv..u obliged to publish cicri tiiitip (almost) tiley miv to ¡illvour people. Asa «ct ni) to ibis arion re»in.ti<»u of tbflpoor right« of th«) laegiilatif deaanbly, liie right« ofiiiueiidiiip the killis of laws seul lu flinn tin Cn, ni ii ot»»tate, und sf mt' 1 i. «.., ut addneiiagdoñeadaof i-X|.liiiu.tiou t. 1»overiiuii*nt with sotiu « Imni-e of pettinp»ouie sort ot an answer), are to be r.«p. -. tivclv eularped.ii.i! prautetl.but with innrtit'v nip eonditlOU. S.iu«-otbci len inpertaat tihaagw aia reported le he a pari titbc''reform» under considcraiion. Tlie sl»o]iiiou oftin* riphl sf debate on the aildrcs«. I» a u.o«t »«'lions en»

eroiK-liinent on tbo sditit meseiire of political ltln-rtr huborto bemttted. Whethnthe elaar*'nnnae' iuei mdi-ii.ted will prueliciilly uuike pood l!ic l«»se chu be ln-ftcrJudged of winn ve know the " Btedidntioni thai «re lo

accompany 'be eoanntea «»f ti.* v\.nilli think that in tins nliuiuatiiip |»oiut of

liiuuipli the Emperor had be«! take the opportiiuilvOf loliiMunly cnlarpiiig the border ol lieidoin. »li!, iiilas tang ran,na anrdsv.if th.--. ibid] v.-i be m thew.iv -und overw helm the Nsiaoli-Oliic dikes. Hutlhereiohaidry Biiyihinp he aoali n«.w annan ni origsiBK real n'forin ibst would not be BOcepted witt uc-1: inetlOB by Frunce. Tout pit > gg Tn ,1 M eu '

PEACE NEGOTIATIONS.Avalria Acrrdr« la m > .«|.olean.c Idea 1 be >aie

ia 1 lie rlotii eui Impoirair mt Italy.ot. -*ii. tiru el' ile '..ii.iit.i, 1 m r-

l'viii-, 1 ridaj .1 ..I» «. -; ». ui.

I'be pr. Bt event «>t the duv 1«. ae yan »aiU readilytelieie Hie nula iii Hie ./,,,, .leur ai,M IB-11, g 'li it Ibe Kmpeio'rof Austria .ecediinr to the liles« of tin- .apOTOf Kapoteofls« «tanOflOd m lil« I' llei of tin» lilli ol linne I. bl« M.ti.iei or1 .nenin Attain t-dc« Vciietiii t.. the Kni|»eri»r at tb»I rSBOa, and accept« hu fltsdiatioa for ¡tem c Vi» nu the Pelliperenl« and that Hie KtU|>or<ir NupoHvti l.j« flddrtatod li.111»elf nibo King« ol Prussia and lui.» w.thuview !.» »11 arniiftier ll.e " nie;» in the Impailal teller i« i<> tin» ed'ei 1

VV e .a Bir.-.l «o fst is we siecon. eit.t-il foi lb« «>ionil»r.vS-«tesol tie 1 ut.fe.lrr.vtion a closer union, a BanpoVflrtal«»rpiin/i.ta.ti. utiil a iiiore nu|oitniit p.irt for PrSMiS,

ulm,.eulo.,»ne«» nuil BISBgn in Hie until, lu: Aa-iri,. theaaiataesan ot bn|tnl potlttea ia llrransy, vv. deeindnenflter, that tar ae ooeBebla impeainlea Aastrii MeeM..,..* V'enetii to Its.j !. r ii la eui.ei! will. PrttMB) and

,t r.-irir.l !.. Hie treaty of ittt, »he limit' VU 00 Mer.Bark ob bokalf ofOerBoa antesslily. It appearal te ne Jnlii. .t ihr flheekl rocogsiao ta Ilslsita tam principle by toa-pi. til a llM it.depeudeuce ol the I'ei

.-. ree weeks it,'.» I BBBM ¡e'd thal I 1 imp-TOI K«pulBBSBad ben tefortaed that dntria vocld i. i iaoi t, r*-deVe'di» ii ,til her unnj had fcntn Iho IteJMB»! kal th« BlIbe »mue t.uie.appeared (onfalenl ol doln»; t^e M.ue b» thePmrian asd snata wre.tin« m!, »¡.. tr,,:u tasa. Oteesf(I,,- nindllion..the deleit oi II.« IteU-B -'.e ! .» luldllei:latbeetbei ike kn on beinn míasete. It bob reaaintoM ». whetti»r I'ruiiis. ftuehed mi i>'ie i« w 1H1 km kard-vsorictsrii i wii; m. d« t.. arnageanBt« atateb vaaad leen her Ienemi I) ¦. "prout poiilioQ' he ha» lirld in (.cru.any in .'set.wiftkertki« idea of th» lai-.'orial Icf.'.-r will be sessni b»ber.'ihe li »liant st «II events h*rsnoV «u«t they want and «ii

psrbasfl, re«t and be thankful For a tflOOSd time i!,»» tre m

lieht ed to PrSBse. forth« Kui, »tor will, of conn», hind oi er Venelia, a» he did BBmbardy. totbetn IaPortetbflBotoflfthe Jfs-Int r produced the tnoit interne pleasure.not at the victoryMPmate (or the I'rutut.tareas lillie liked s« ever nor so

much for I'm gain to Italy bal becrnic tie wai is now belierai to Irr virtually st an end withou! "solive in:er»en'ii>n'en the patt of France. This istiif8«.!lon ii pariiculsrlv asmfelled at.-i »nu Ihe tradinp |>opola!ion. In half sn hour afterHie newt l*»came known the tradesmei, of Hie Ktle Mb'.'n', »ree.

from th« Hill., in H,e Hooltrard«. began to bang out tlsgt inilga Of tájetelas »ml tnsnyol the hsiisas in the otter priuci1 ii rireet» ai, J auroiiprifures «ihlbil i-^i.s of lee.

1 f to ii !^te hi iirnii VVeilnefdav -her« sea no de-.i:««er from Vienna lo the propon! .»u of ths-tiiii.eror N..|«.i..«i, ti..i»|i. ti« iihyii'i U had -veo vvu.pMmil) st werk be

tween P.r.l and the Anttrian Capita!. Tb« .Wpîrur »l amirequired s categun. al sn.wer. »»» or iu. sad at ni ur 11 u'ekieklimes Mettermcb hurried to th« I uilene« wltb a telegr»-..intinf bim full authority to accept ile proposition. It »a-

pas' midnight when tue note, winch was writu-u by tbe kin.»»'mrs own baud, was sent to tbe Mcnutur.La Prtm .lose, its article on this gi-tot. event witb tkete

word«:" There is another eoBtidetatlon ai n h it ii ii.poaaii.le I*,

»eut. This »bint war tis» prored tbe i-ipoteuoo of Italianlie'i'o. racy. Af-t regiment«of the jr»rin<>n ot Verona «ithoed t. diite into the Minno tbe revolutionary snny »lu.-i-» st to conquer not only Venic. but l.tti-. the Tjrol sadDulm.ti«. Had Auitrla wished, her troots ml» tit st thismoment be in _4il»n. It is to Franc»*, tad to massasfif,iI.hi ltalr « iii ows Venetia. Hut if r-raBoa flirt V .¦!.!. e I.«

Hely.vbtaS could not ooB«,n«r it.»be bas ,,n>¿ia<-»tioi.»i«.y ik«rig ht to stn. h a condition to this _uignili.«-t pi*. ni andthis oniiitioa con «nit be the darnum» and absoluf» rer...i..i_

l.un i.t Home. 1wa mdeoeodeaoa and sa l»t y of the I I'd» ¦*.*<once »'cured, as the coas*»qasnce of the eetsion of Venetia toItaly, is the last, bat not tha least cause of the i. «nu satisfaction wbicb the great etent announced by th* .V**,»<»r iu-.piree os »iib.''

ltegstistisss Brtwrea Aaalria ail tia«,* -

FrtBih luterlerrsrr III tJeiauwaT.From The Dall. Nrwt. July I.

There is reiteon to believe that the »our-jf to I»» tohoaIn « ireumitanee. like the prêtent was settled s «Wtnight agob) »rreeu,»nt between the Kmperurs Í Fisnt-e *b<1 Au.lru.If tbefact ¡«so. ned tbo KiniTof Prnsaia ii essttsssd al lt.itia eten poulb!» that the ottered nedlinon vt France may Im«déclin*«!, and it will tben be seeo wbtthet the Ktnpen.r <fAuitrla, io lately at the head of Oerrriinv, has done niaelv lu

Inviting-s foreign power to taterlero m a wai between

BamaHu »ot i.eertSiinly calculated tnprmluce th« pan <*««e in

which »II (»eruiny wonld onite ander FriMiin, and it i« wellt«, remember for a national and liefernd»* war, I'ruMitcould command tb»'«cnice. of twice aa manv id. n »t thosewith which »he has defeated Austria. There is a waut of

frankneas about the conduct of the Austrinn Oovermnenttilted to exa.pnriit» Prussia. So doubt a reluial»,! I .-«Billuiediatiun would he a very .«rio i« event, hut muons suddenlynnvle conscious of the r-jstet-iun of air- ti power do venture

upon bold louise«, and it «toni 1 not b- i»t" lo conclude ti«.

abrnptly that the powerful word of -a .1 :.-'tullyie»» pence m >. aspa

Tbc Isieslisse sf tbe Frrarb Kr_.-rr.ror.

The Mortana Pott |_iv_- promit.«'in¦«. to the 1 «How-bigcamiuiuiiiiHi nu finiit a eartotsasss» t

» twelve da«« a,«>. b« f re these bit« a wer» f.-.ejbt andth,, n.-1.1. n pea.- heil Maa a. ni»-«ed. I «v. » iu l'an» a al frotn.liners,im.i - «« ta shish I waa then beared by foeeo mir*i

nltle to ¡«I «i« disliii .r ¡nterpreltttion ui»iu il » Fini«m, « hitarwhich the K.i'.ac has taken a» hi» baa.s fa n« ¡..: «tivu -I

am iihiu ta au»»« i bssm af thoseissestioss which ererj hour I

icarpu'. i «v.-i», mid that Frases '«as astsratbisd thaiIts) ihsaldhats Yeset ka .. ai « peace «iilnait thati.«ut ««...¡i only 1 «.1 n .-n «'iiupl.aui a «« ead 'l.'i'iihaiice.

I vas in;«iii««l that Frasee drwit-d aa« isitatlf the Q itioe, aad that "la' Bitbtdta asPra »»

i.u»".ii)jte.i ed, a. kaatrtaeestpeasatedand.iieu.d. If this conld be broBfbl «host. Prase al

i...i a,i* i.-, berseif. I aasi would ii lout bu is hat-ir toil m I en-it ..f one or ni.« rul l_* great »«ruu,n

a au overwh-iu, a_ pr.'pnridera-ae ss

»«mid «leiii.'i ttpowwr, _k*S moy now i***«J» tor a

t'otgrsss to b» i añasga the terms sipt* S lia'.« i.«! ..I.t that at thi« Congre«», wb I* FranceSall «r.aiir BtS IT.-».. ! ..n adrsatSMS »»liich «redustoker, I i ). i. psrorviBde Ma etssseltopreaerts and»tren Tin u fal , Austrian I'm lie ti Lu. li i» mi» of tin'

nu!» «if Karup» l)riiinaik »ill reposer antea sf Iha tat-rlteri as aaJaiUj iskeafnsa her It I sill o-taia Vcostia,

I aid,'ii'' .i I | « t "»»i tea'», r, w.i',in « f. » seeks for tbe brit time in kiatory, lad bei wíhmI.»lerrlt'sry htos* ; e \lp- M Bisily, ami inna »>. sea m » a.« ibrefi ait!:, praeasea sf a forotgs eokll«I may rsstsrs, frem wbst I ksre krerd t.. pi» »im tastthsI.,'.!.»- Sid i"! -.! nat'' »itnout a p. .«ni .un »heFrosch o..T-r:.m« i.« :. i tasser»] .krbtv i.**l-iauoe

i BelhlSg sill he asked. a-MfiiaiB may .!¦ ,« r.u q« TbeEmpöret waa the first te isaoaeis» bei hin--. assT the firsasss

j ol the li ii:i« "ti-, i ;n lbs ni. Igtastk :.- ..." the Stitt ians sfI 11 ii "i " «.ir.». 1 Ino», un ti.» I» at uni nany. Obst.SpeskiBg ol BSC r, nan«. Count ion II. «in li hil.."if -iel tia»las »hoi»..: » j»mi »ni vsald rias ta a i ia to del -dthsltkiasBgaiBBl Kian e la u- kssB BSV tbettfi» i .- . n! i ir «refaat raaiaklBg. Italy ia te be c«»:i j I r. |. Ilhetslad*eadM ka

itli |y m «-, wita lii.reiic" far ker .'. l'eirreborsasd liarme1 i,:!..- M .». ttw I.-t n» trust t.«at G : IBS] v ¡M .-..:.. aslfrom theCoosret* wltb ber s.plratlon. of unit» »I»», lllleil».I.!» l'a i,. OnlC Sr'.t-.t.i Pi 't-

. »I i a. ali. » . 1 t i "lil.-:.

The «rir. i 1 u !rr«liiia<lio_ tilinten l'raaif

»mil Austria.

Wi un*, l'rum I', le ob T-Biaday, a " WfilHafcnaaa."eerrrte» adaai al Tit f." Mt» Oat a «ayiToa bsesalissfiy n -i iii'- sstrsel ti,, .'a» la Iba I/ ¦¦ r,

li I,j Keen based » -i- r.l.« Ihi eg Ustio, .«l b^jtinMaa s hat vsat look staas ta aasseesisg betwsaa talap«r«'r:iud Pulí« Mettemisk waa ».pt m Matst. that atI.i.i : ». hil«: ». shara the curliest BOWS ehest AastHSB »ttair» is

i-a lit ebtSlBSd nothing waa knunn .-t t. em al Batistas!.i.. t.- Mettaielohblois Ifaald aat a »««rd Masssss. isa«til n in««ni be i my katta! >>f la»t UsMtaJ sees, ka » fish lan»munal 1 that negotiation» were guiiii. on bctwetn i ISSSfi ind

I a . a

1 i.ese repc»..(mut rrtolteil ila a .'. BSdaiaMSdisg k1 to«I.«* ws. to be done io new of certain etsiitaaHtiee, and«hut has non happened i. the fruit B» Itarl BSMslalaa liag. It¡»'iu te a iiii.t e e i" su'iuose that Ai-tru h-» [.¡¦«(.».I b.-rtetfhi,the merer ot iia-ic». You aay r'.t aafaisd ''i-iwheoBMtktog her aresocfll to cede Veaetia. »he koew helorMbana« hat »he ws» t.< get ii» compeniitioii. The i Jirue isneuass of

tbe mm near on thi» jaunt ii to be expl.ii.i- by tbe dcttr« oi

I run e t.) hine her band. free, both with to I'riaaiaaudit l«. A- for tks ar.riataas» they ara satrssssty eseaeatst "üi« irtw prioof of the moral power of Frssss. Ih* sir»»!»

«re t-ru»ue«i with sr.imated and Jeyfol irriup.. and »ii be

l liimiruted in the evenln?. tlon.p.rtum i« foi the m.,i_ieul

initneii.ilj' ib ib» atsasdasap. »

li»» I »en. h Prca» oat Hie < ríalas sf t .-.»a-tia.

Tbe -beril MTfit "One of the era ».»¦»! »|ii» »ttoim»lal BgtlStad Bátese Bl r.ow »ettl-d.that of Venet.a. The

unity of Itily i« here« forth asiU'sd. Ih».«^ »run»

Hin" dreioied of the rettoration of the Archdale««an«: Ike K »g of the Two Sicilies »ee io i.«

pin« d'¡[«»ii the eomrl'tion ( f the work U'irun in liV). Verne»iokeg< eattaeed, m 1 mr fallen irom tt» t»M t\ lesdar, li tn-edfu.ui the yoke that weiche upon h«r; »he is about to peM froma reguiie ot rompresMon, tlolenoe. p*rs»Tution, aasétat, and. poiiatioi:. to coustitutional ln»titotioni,[ietT»len<-« sodl:t.rn

fia /."»..»aajrai " A« repurd« Italy, the .vieation le __et>tiiu.'i ne«: b« the <.«-!'.n of Venetia, but it i» other»i»» in

j »rennar.T. where we mun erpect to see Pru»sia makin» «I»

mand» iu accordance with the new «Ituatiou whmh her Billi.tary tac. ee« has brourbt about. W» mutt not, therel»»!., tat»

\ It fur grant»- that peace will fallow from the «tep which Au»trts bs« sd.»pt«d. aod to thu we moit fur the present «-.nfln»our obiertsttoni "

The 4ir..i> SatiimaA. whilehopint that th*ce»»ion of Veaetu»arid satisft Italy, say. On the other »ide of P.-uitis tbe «ttoatioi i« inoie serion» and may lead to grate conn 1 stumWi'l King William stop in bl. rictorioa. career Will he sc-

cepi the aimmice' II he does, on whit condition»« Wetkn,i«'the tutractable amhitior. of Cu'irt lb-mark. Eso lied bytictory. will cot be and Ktnr William siase demsnds wbicbour (roreri.meut wtl' reirsrd as iccompst.ble with the interestof France and fi ree them to sl.ndon t!ie " attentiee a«u

j trality* which they bste hitherto ohterted ' 11«»»* »re »ora«

of the rrsve «]ue«tions sriung oui of the uofi-rtaeen reeolutuiuof the Erancror of Aostria.There was s constant interchange of t»i* ¡rrimv '»'). ¿<i

Vra-oe) between theTnilenes snd Vlenns the whole of ..»ter

| day. hi. Drouyn de Lhur« was sent far several time» to theluli'r.e- where he nisT fw. aanl to hate »petit* the Jay. At *.

] iu the eveninj. M. de Metteroioh went to the fu I "ne*, wberehe met »he French Minister for Foreiirn Alfil.». Afi»r there«'ill «T this interview the nott whisb sppesred in fester»

¡ day'» Moniteur wa« sent for put 1 cation.

THE W.-R IN ITALY.4 arrr.paaSeurr He» arrea B-SSSStb ti. H,*aa»li.

The liillcnAing cirn-ipoudence battraaa K«»s«iiitb anclBiron I!i. a», li l. puhiabed in the liol,a of July li"Sha* k PiAhox The war which has Ju-t cemmenoed fritas

rea.oii lo lio|>e thst the Uunrarisn I.»rion will he *oon cs'l.-d ontn ti.ii h toward tue objet-t for uhirh ills« been iii.tit-lied. Th»legión liums with tiie desire of promt; oa the ri Ki albattle its »i at to Italy and its devotion to the tonnlry r irc,,in-tan -»s heil,'»: ft» IM aila to the intreaei- of th s I »ti'.u. 1hope the li. ternment will he of opiatootbst the time hs< com*}

| for ii« teorafatiiatation with a ttew of ruins* it a »i«l»r (.*».-

1: »ni I' should be the intention of the Ooternment, I («eel it to

len.« .lui« to declárelo your Excellency I -i« al.I he

happy to pi ne whatever influence I mat t«..»-- ,.« eatress myfellow BOSSliyea. «nd »I! my knowledge of thin«*» »nd set».«an« at the diipoia! of the OoTernmeot. Ko-n iii

/ tats «rsssai Ifififiio thi» BsiSS Ri.aioli repliedMB i h» iliiii.lrT ,,f Wai hatiu-decid-d on tbe r».,i^»ni-

/jfion of the aniiliarr iiiingarisn Legion on s more »ii»u«i.-«ibans, « a1;.!» the o-Vr of your ru-iriratios, and 1 ouuut a|»ouroar -ul.iniiiinir to the Miimiiy »«I :he sagireitioii« y-.i'i ibinki.t-eliii both «ith re-tard to the'pt*»»»sr! of this iir_-»iii*,t.».uBad the application af the principles on whi« h it tin.ulai beiniitidc!. 1 ara per«nidi««l ibu, thank» to the metmres tabeoby li* »...vei liment ol the h jr. 'he aunlisry 11 ngari m Ij>Si-'ii sill sttinu iu a ¦ate dei'ided manner, ander »iieiiuf Bili luittHiiic» iii« national character of it» g orioua fit»

Fasssii, osas s. MM BtCatesti

l-ra« ral I eral».

GOO. ('»«rale bal bis riffht knee nml leg ,r.«tur»-tl.He .« («I year» of aire, and there are tfrcat fear» that hi» i«june» may prove niortct. When wounded be f*!l from hu kanahe »i a» then placed ni a cart and taken «a fa» from tbe fi. bl b4l.alile a» |k nible Du tbe war some rather lira:» fruir ..enta

of i .jet tile* were extracted fror hi« BBSJ li Near Dea»! «an.

h« met with the hrst reiriment cf l.aribaldisn». many <>f MMTou'iif men «ipre«»,-.l their condoli'oee. but be replies. !'»..--i» no nie of pitying m»-1 rstb*r »renge BBS."

THE WAH IX GERMANY.The Oawnfall »C Asairls.

I r"u. Th* London T ne J ¡j '.

It ti.*ftls no _ifi of prophecy to diaooro a new ,»r»i, r

.: ('.. n.-« uiifoldlng itself «nit f the baltle-uiuads tliat al:U I«.» er

«Her t!ie»'.»iia*biei-i:e.«li o! Uohemia. or to foreaa* tbat a new

policy mutt retadju»! tke sntiquatsd l-sUoc- af p..»rr Littleindeed, roaiaia. of the territorial settlemeot of 1 irgi..'.-n il>». < «t Bl lae I'sace of Vi «nu», and the mat.aàou» triiMupl,» ofI'riaii.» bste e_f.ioe.l alunit I h* Isst of the Lue« trated tb»r»hy monarch, snd diplomatist* ou tbs map of Iair»ipe. Ona oflue pruworibed Imperial fauulr bad baa SMSStas the throneif li uiu», and had en at «red her aJotl-O barden by aunaxlng»ii,.; .na! V.¦*; llelg.jTi hod lang «ince betn Kivtreii fr.miBe .ai: «fapleaaadaieily Lad mor.« reesatly betaarailrdfr» ¡u tie Ibjuiiajii» to be u; it«--! «iib Lombardy, Tascssy andt.e l.egaiion» niai sn lia.isn K.ngJori. wholly u-ii-e the»lort lived huípil..m of ltalr; and other re_,«j»al» «.' SB-ci.-ait Landmarks »¦ re in coLteuiiilitlos, when the aluau«» t««

twwa. limn mA .*'** .»*>'* Ü ».¦ .*-" fo W-t tviiti:«**